HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Parable of Flight Line Overtime THE. feeed3Le OF FLIGHT LINE =INTIM And so it was that in the thirteenth hour of the sun in the land of the burning concrete, that the heavy laden lay down their wrenches. and lifted their voices in prayer toward the center cubicle free which all things begin. And as the benders of the wrenshee assemble in prayer, this ariseth great clamor, weeping, and lamentation; for they are heavy of eye, sore of foot, and weary of limb, for their toils have been indeed great. .urely now the Paster will give them rest. Then there is a great hush, for the hallowed portal of the center cubicle opens and the Master and eie desciples come forth from their sanctuary and don their dark glee*** and sun helmats; for 10, the an is even painful to them. And a deseiple steps forth and speakete unto them of the MRX effort on the morrow teed calleth on the benders of the wrenches to give freely and cheerfully of their labours; for the max effort sureasseth all earthly things. And another desciple cometh forte and speaketh in riddles of reports and analysis and of man houra, and of the glories of the system. Then there is a great hush, for the heater Himself cometn forth to speak, sad Me 6ay2th unto them, "turn ye to your labours, and if the max effort be a great success, surely in the second eunday of next week ye shall have an hour of respite." And one of the braver of the benders of the - wrenches arisetb and maketh great harangue, and speaketh to the Meeter seyine, "Surely Thou hest not so soon forgotten Thy promise that on this night Thou wouldst give us rest?" And the easter became exceedingly wroth and speaketh in a thunderous voice, and the benders of tee wrenches whimper and quake,for their fear is great. - Fee the haeter ar$ flee thou accursed, for thine ingratitude is -- e And the benders of the wrenches weep and murmer, "Yee, verily are of the accursed." enu the Ater speaketh yet aeein, "Hear My judgement, for ye are of the unfortunate. Ye shall henceforth Maintain twice as many aircraft, but me shall give you no cotter pins, and ye sheLitlerege through the land for new parts. And 1 shall send Ay inspectors to work mischief among thy people, and to harems and spy upon thee. end great shell be the plagues that I shall visit upon thee. Yea, verily, thou shall come to know the torments of tee overtime casd." And the benders of the wrenches renteth thier clothing and sitteth in rites and pleed for mercy, but the dieter is ever unforgiving. Then the taster and his disciples turn away froe teeir pleas and go thence into the dark places under which rivers of Leer flow, aed abide therin during the darker eours. And the benders of the wrenches return to their tasks and revile the flapped winged moneters and one sayeth, "Yea, verily, hell is our heritage and we mmet abide therin." ee