HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/21/1990 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation Committee HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMI'TIEE REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1990, 7:00 PM CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Halter, Chairman; Lois Beach; Joan Lampkin. STAFF PRESENT: Charles Szabuniewicz, Special Facilities Superintendent; Virginia LeBlanc, Staff Assistant; Emily Baker, Secretary/Receptionist; Lillian Robinson, Lincoln Center Supervisor; Rosemary Johnson, Community Center Administrative Secretary; and Robert Marraro, PIO Intern. I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Gary Halter at 7:08 pm. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chairman Halter asked for approval of the minutes, Lois Beach motioned that they be approved, Joan Lampkin seconded the motion, motion passed. III. UPDATE OF COLLEGE STATION HISTORIC HOMES MARKER PROGRAM: Ginny LeBlanc presented another bid on the Historic Homes Marker. Southwell, Inc. of San Antonio offered a bid on the markers but requested 1/3 less detailed artwork. She said Mr. Gaston is working on a less detailed version of the train station. The marker will be round, aluminum, 1/4' thick raised letters, 1/8" wide borders with a flat face. Southwell's one time pattern charge is $170 with each marker only $65 apiece. Gary asked to approve Southwell's bid. Joan motioned to approve; Lois seconded the motion; motion passed. They also mentioned that the City pay for the original casting and bill the homeowners the $65. Gary stated the need to establish criteria for qualifying homes and businesses as an historical site. He stated one factor should be that the sites are at least 50 years old. He also said the the committee should consider not just homes but also buildings. Ginny stated that Southwell offered the "Historic Building" markers for the same $65 with no additional costing fee. He appointed a committee to change the criteria for homes and buildings and appointed Lois as chairman. Other suggestions for the committee were Bill Lancaster, Dan McGilvey and Joan Rabins, an historic architect. IV.DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF LINCOLN CENTER HISTORIC MARKER NARRATIVE: Robert Marraro presented the Lincoln School Black Education in College Station background to the Board. He interviewed Gilbert Inman who was Fire Chief, They Myrtle Owens, Lincoln School teacher, Taylor Riedel, the superintendent at that time, Audrey Steen Williamson, a former graduate, and a joint interview with Jerome and Ethel Steen Delley, former head football coach and elementary school teacher. He presented the actual reports for the Board. Back then Lincoln High School served as the social hub and as the center of what that community was really like. The Board was impressed with the interviews and how everyone all pulled together and were so close knit at Lincoln School. The parents, teachers and church ministers all worked together to keep the kids busy and out of trouble. The interesting aspect was that Lincoln School had no discipline problems because of this. Everyone commended Robert on the narrative. Gary suggested an introductory paragraph such as "The history of black education of Brazos County in the 19th century shows there are no records and the earliest known records of blacks was a private affair in the homes and the first known schools for educationing blacks was in the churches ", and then lead into the narrative. Gary said it needed to be amended before we send it to the County Commission meeting on Monday, March 26th for approval. Lois moved the Board approve as amended and Joan seconded the motion. Motion carried. Gary suggested Robert attend the meeting on Monday and that the tapes Robert recorded be sent to the A &M archives for safe keeping. V. OTHER BUSINESSBOARD CONCERNS: Charlie brought up the budget for the Historical Preservation Committee and that we needed to have a project to raise money for this ,(i.e. Gay 90's Ball, Historical Homes Bond). We already have the money for the historical markers but for projects in the future, we need some kind of input. Gary brought up the fact that we have two historical committees and we could just combine them into one. The other one was specifically a subcommittee to get things going. He suggested expanding this committee and organizing it much like the Parks Board and also to have more projects going. VI. ADJOURN: Gary adjourned the meeting at 8:00 pm.