HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/13/1989 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation Committee HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMI'I"I'EE REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1989 CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Halter, Chairman; Lois Beach; Joan Lamkin; and Les Hawkins MEMBERS ABSENT: Norma Teets, Maggie McGraw, and Larry Ringer, Council Liaison STAFF PRESENT: Steve Beachy, Virginia LeBlanc, Charlie Szabuniewicz, and Lillian Robinson VISITORS: Brad Lancaster and Bill Lancaster I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Halter at 7:07 PM. II. HEAR VISITORS: Brad Lancaster, representing the Community Center Advisory Council, introduced himself and stated that they had an idea to share with the committee. His idea was to ask either the Junior High Historical Group or the High School Historical Group to investigate the names of the streets and determine who College Station streets were named for. Brad felt this would be very interesting for the citizens of College Station. Gary agreed with Brad and said that he thought it was a wonderful idea. Brad suggested that a contest could be organized for inspiration. Les added that the College Station Parks are named after interesting people too. Gary suggested that Brad and Bill proceed in their plans and later the Historic Preservation Committee would help with publicity. Lois suggested a brochure showing why streets were named and who they were named after. Lois stated that the students should do actual interviews with the street's namesake if possible. Les agreed and stated that should be done first. III. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES : Les moved to approved the minutes and Lois seconded motion. Motion passed. IV. A &M CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT MARKER REPORT: Gary stated that the County Historical Commission approved the proposed historical marker application. They asked for additional information (i.e., picture and map of the proposed site) which Steve has forwarded to them. The next step will be when the State sends the Committee the proposed narrative for the marker for the Committee's approval. Upon the Committee's approval, the narrative along with the money for casting goes back to the State. Historic Preservation Committee Meeting Wednesday, December 13, 1989 Page 2 V. DISCUSSION OF PRIORITY FOR FUTURE MARKERS RESEARCH : Gary asked the Committee to prioritize the future markers. Gary stated that the Committee needs volunteers to undertake the historic research for the markers. Lillian stated that she has people to work on the project and that she needs to know what questions must be answered. Gary stated that Steve has all the necessary forms. Lois suggested that Lillian look at the narrative written by Lucy and Margaret for the A &M Consolidated School Marker. That would help her volunteers research and compose their narrative. Lois suggested that the Lincoln Center Marker be the Committee's first priority. Gary reminded the Committee that each marker will cost around $800 and goals should be set to complete two each year. Les asked if the $800 included the site landscaping and preparation. Gary answered that all together the project could cost $1200. Joan stated that the research work and narrative work could be done before the actual application is done. Everyone agreed. Lillian stated that she knows a person willing to donate money for the historic marker for Lincoln Center. The Committee agreed that sponsors that are willing and should be sought. Joan asked if Gary thought the railroad station would be fairly easy. He said yes. She stated that the Committee might consider doing the easy ones first. Gary stated that the documentation of the railroad station is easy. Dr. Halter volunteered to work on the railroad station marker. Gary asked the Committee's thoughts about Shiloh Community /Cemetery Marker. Charlie stated that Alfred Miller would know about this project. Tony stated that Alfred Miller has recently retired and undergone surgery and is convalescing at home. Gary asked about the Easterwood Airport. Bill Lancaster stated that the airport was developed in the late 1930's. Gary suggested Guy Davis be contacted about volunteering to do the research on this marker. Bill Lancaster stated that the airport's original hanger was at the North end of the field. The Committee thought it ironic that the new terminal is being constructed at the original site. Charlie stated that he would contact Guy Davis. Gary asked about Rock Prairie School. The site that was originally the school is now where the church is. Gary said that Eleanor Nance could be contacted to work on this marker. She claims to be a relative of the person that donated the land where the school was built. Gary stated that she once tried to donate the land to the City stating that the church had violated the deed. Gary added that the Arnolds were also involved in the land and might contribute to the research. Gary asked about the First A &M Consolidated Off - Campus Site. He stated that Pat Boughton might be willing to work on this project. Tony stated that Pat would be involved with the CIP Committee until the Fall. Further discussion brought up the fact that the Community Center was not the first building but rather that the whole block was the site of the first off - campus school. After discussion, Gary asked the Committee to prioritize the marker projects. The Committee decided on the following: 1. Lincoln School - Lillian Robinson 2. Shiloh Community /Cemetery - Alfred Miller 2. Rock Prairie School - Eleanor Nance, James Bond, & Willis Richy 3. Railroad Station - Gary Halter 4. First A &M Consolidated Off - Campus Site - Pat Boughton 5. Easterwood Airport - Guy Davis 6. City Manager Government in College Station Historic Preservation Committee Meeting Wednesday, December 13, 1989 Page 3 VI. DISCUSSION OF COLLEGE STATION HOMES MARKER PROGRAM: The Committee was asked for suggestions regarding placing markers on Historic Homes. This could be done independently of the Texas Historic Marker Program. Gary stated that a privately owned home could not be made to buy a marker for their home. Les said the Committee could encourage participation. Steve stated that a brochure could be published to point out each home with a marker. Gary stated that the cost of the marker is the responsibility of the owner but the City would have to have the markers available. Steve suggested in order to keep the price low a standard marker should be used. Lois added that the brochure could state something about each individual house. Brad added that each plaque be the same except for a number insert to identify each home. Gary added that the Committee begin with the campus houses. Steve said that he would provide the Committee with cost estimates for the plaques before the next meeting. Gary stated that the next meeting discussion of the policies and procedures will be discussed. Gary mentioned that there may be a downside to this project, a citizen thinking that he has a historic home that really does not qualify for a marker. VII. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSAL TO DEVELOP A RESTORED CAMPUS HOMES PARK AREA: Gary stated that the CIP Committee gave a favorable reaction to this proposed project. Additional research is being done for future presentations to the CIP Committee. Joan suggested that we could solicit volunteers to help operate the future site. Steve stated that if this is accepted and is included in the bond program, this project could be a reality in a year or so. Lois stated that she is looking for photographs of inside shots of homes in that time period. Steve said that the cost estimate was on the assumption of the houses being donated. Lois stated that publicity would be needed for donations to help with the expenses. Steve explained that the Lincoln Center/Wayne Smith improvements may include purchasing some of the surrounding property and homes. He added that the site should be acquired first, decision of the style of home, and then the acquisition of the homes. Steve stated that members should try to attend the CIP Committee meetings involving this issue. VIII. OTHER BUSINESS /BOARD CONCERNS : Charlie reminded the Committee of the City's Annual Ball which is a fund raiser for historical projects. Les updated the Committee on the progress on the play. He received favorable comments. Steve presented the Committee with a Parks and Recreation coffee mug. VI. ADJOURN: Dr. Halter adjourned the meeting at 8:42 PM. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION i 1E1 - " r , - l't trr.: E - 0. E. E . a E .= • • -7m -"=" C HISTORIC HOME 19 • 0/ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Post Office Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 -0960 (409) 764 - 3773 November 27, 1989 TO: Members of C.I.P. Committee FROM: Members of Historic Preservation Committee ATTN: Parks Committee SUBJECT: HISTORIC VILLAGE The members of the Historic Preservation Committee recommends that a park of historic local homes and other buildings be established adjacent to the Wolf Pen Creek Park. We envision that five (5) or ten (10) acres would be adequate. The purpose of the park would be to preserve some of the original homes built in College Station, to educate and enrich the lives of the local citizens of the history of this unique community, and serve as a tourist attraction. The roots of the City of College Station began on the campus of Texas A &M University where many of the original dwellings were located. As College Station developed, these dwellings were sold to individuals and moved to areas adjacent to the south side of the campus. In as much as this area is deteriorating and developers are beginning to secure a number of them, these homes will soon be in such a condition that they no longer will be useful as residences and will be destroyed to make room for apartments or businesses. In many of these areas where the houses are located, the land is more valuable than they. It is suggested that some of these homes could be obtained at a nominal price or owners encouraged to donate them to the City. The houses could be moved to a central area such as Wolf Pen Creek Park, restored and furnished in the period in which they were built. Some of these could be used to house interesting collections or artifacts of the period. Others could be utilized for small businesses, studios and craft shops to encourage and promote local artists and craftsmen, and also provide a tourist attraction for the community. Committee Members: Gary Halter, Chairman Lois Beach Joan Lamkin Les Hawkins Maggie McGraw Norma Teets Larry Ringer, Council Liaison "Rehabilitation means the process of returning a property to a state of utility, through repair or alteration, which makes possible an efficient contemporary use while preserving those portions and features of the property which are significant to its historic, architectural, and cultural values." The following "Standards for Rehabilitation" shall be used by the. Secretary of the Interior when determining if a rehabilitation project qualifies as "certified rehabilitation" pursuant to the Tax Reform Act of 1976 and the Revenue Act of 1978. These standards are a section of the Secretary's "Standards for Historic Preservation Projects" and appear in Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1208 (for- merly 36 CFR Part 67). 1. Every reasonable effort shall be made to provide a compatible use for a property which requires minimal alteration of the building, structure, or site and its environment, or to use a property for its originally intended purpose. 2. The distinguishing original qualities or character of a building, structure, or site and its environment shall not be destroyed. The removal or alteration of any historic material or distinctive architectural features should be avoided when possible. 3. All buildings, structures, and sites shall be recognized as products of their own time. Alterations that have no historical basis and which seek to create an earlier appearance shall be discouraged. 4. Changes which may have taken place in the course of time are evidence of the history and development of a building, structure, or site and its environment. These changes may have acquired significance in their own right, and this significance shall be recognized and respected. 5. Distinctive stylistic features or examples of skilled craftsmanship which characterize a building, structure, or site shall be treated with sensitivity. 6. Deteriorated architectural features shall be repaired rather than replaced, wherever possible. In the event replacement is necessary, the new material should match the material being replaced in composition, design, color, texture, and other visual qualities. Repair or replacement of missing architectural features should be based on accurate duplications of features, substantiated by historic, physical, or pictorial evidence rather than on conjectural designs or the availability of different architectural elements from other buildings or structures. • ` CITY OF COLLEGE STATION E? O. BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77842-0960 (409)764 -3500 November 28, 1989 Dr. Ray Chancellor Superintendent, CSISD 1812 Welsh College Station, TX 77840 Dear Ray: The Brazos County Historical Commission approved the proposed historical marker application concerning the creation of A &M Consolidated School District during their meeting last night. I have enclosed a copy of the narrative that was submitted with the application for your records. The research was conducted by Ms. Lucy M. Garcia and Mrs. Margaret R. Donaldson. The application will now be forwarded to the Texas Historical Commission for their consideration. If approved, their staff will prepare a draft narrative for the actual marker. This draft will be returned for our approval prior to casting the actual marker. The process can take six to twelve months to complete. The Brazos County Historical Commission agreed with the College Station Historic Preservation Committee's recommendation to locate the marker near the new athletic complex on Welsh Street. If approved, we will be happy to provide assistance in designing and landscaping the actual site. I will keep you informed of the status of the project and I appreciate your assistance. Sincere Stephen C. Beachy Director Parks and Recreation SCB:gl Enclosures cc: Historic Preservation Committee Ron Ragland, City Manager John Woody, Assistant City Manager Peggy Calliham, Public Information Officer Home of Texas A & M University CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Post Office Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 -0960 (409) 764 -3773 December 11, 1989 MEMORANDUM TO: , i istoric Preservation Committee FROM: II ' Steve Beachy, Director of Parks & Recreation SUBJECT: December Meeting I have enclosed the agenda for the December meeting along with several letters of interest to the committee. The meeting will be Wednesday, December 13th at 7 PM in the Central Park office. The historical marker application for A &M Consolidated School District was submitted last month to the Texas Historical Commission. We have been asked to provide a photograph of the actual proposed site along with the size marker requested. These will be forwarded to the Commission this week. The approval process and casting of the marker is anticipated to take approximately twelve months. The item on our agenda this week is the prioritization of research work on future historic marker projects. This will allow staff members and volunteers time to , concentrate on one subject at a time. Several topics have been proposed including: 0'" .c �. * Lincoln High School L,\v , ,.;`N`e`' o`' -e- 1 Shiloh Community/Cemetery \ �e � � �`' Railroad Station :.,,- t ` e'''.."- �a�ea + � City Manager Government in College Station �� C* Easterwood Airport G A 0`L'" s "� a* Rock Prairie School (:. , ' ` - /11t- V e' * First A &M Consolidated [{g ool Ca.,—.9 v,s �, A e_ ?° 'f6 O r iii Also, we will discuss other potential committee projects including a historic homes tour map, a historic musical production about College Station, and a future historic ' village site. Should you be unable to attend the meeting or require additional information please call either Ginny LeBlanc or myself at 764 -3773. SB:eb cc: Ron Ragland, City Manager John Woody, Assistant City Manager Tom Brymer, Assistant City Manager Peggy Calliham, Public Information Officer