HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrazos County History Brochure and Newman Invoice Statement of Barbara Althaus re: Brazos County History Brochure and Newman Invoice January 16, 2010 Newman Printing Bill for Brochure Summary: Motion was made by Heritage Tourism chair Barbara Althaus to print two brochures on Brazos County history at $842 each, for a total of $1684, in May, 2009. But it received opposition. So Dan Castillo reworded it into a motion which passed. Financial report Henry gave was $3,816. The Minutes of the May meeting were not sent out after the meeting but three months later for the September meeting. The wording of Barbara’s and Dan’s motions had been changed in the Minutes. During that time the eleven members of the Heritage Tourism Committee, comprising more than half of the BCHC membership, were involved in some capacity in the design and writing of the brochure. Not one member questioned whether the funding had been approved. Then after the brochure was printed, Henry denied it had received approval. He and BCHC secretary Nancy Tiner said the May Motion only meant to “write” a brochure and not to “print.” That play‐on‐words did not come up during the meeting. Henry gave Barbara a financial report showing $908 after the brochures were printed. Had Barbara known that funds were limited, she could simply have reduced the number of copies. Henry then reduced the financial report by $7.82 for postage for which he intended to submitted a bill. As to Newman Invoice for $1,073, the County paid only $901 probably because Henry did not ask the Commissioner’s Court for an allowance for the budget overrun as Candy said they usually do. Barbara personally paid the balance of $171.30. Timeline: December 2008. Barbara began to seek estimates for printing a brochure on Brazos County history. March 2009. She submitted the estimates and proposal to Ray George, Chair of the Finance Committee, and thought he would submit them for consideration. But he had resigned the chairmanship and did not bring up the subject at the April meeting. May 11, 2009. Barbara had the printing request put on the Agenda. Agenda item for New Business read: Design and Printing of new history brochures. Barbara made a “Motion for approval to print 10,000 brochures @$842 for the public on Brazos County history. Also for approval to print 10,000 brochures @$842 on Bryan /TAMU. For a total of $1684. “ But it received opposition. Lengthy discussion followed. Then Dan Castillo reworded Barbara’s motion and said: Move for “Approval to print brochures relating to Brazos County history.” No date. No money. Then it passed. A vote was never taken on the first motion. BCHC fund balance: $3,816. [Recess of meetings during Summer. Minutes or financial balance were not distributed. Next meeting: September] June and July 11 Heritage Tourism members, more than half of BCHC, were involved in some capacity in the design and writing of the Brazos County history brochure. Not one member questioned whether the funding had been approved. [a later report showed June funds: $2,613.53.] July 31 Brochure went to Newman for printing. [BCHC fund balance: $2,206 as shown on a later report] Aug 20. Barbara received Newman invoice dated August 17 for $1,073 for 10,000 brochures. Forwarded it to Henry, plus sent an email to him. Newman is a county vendor and could be paid directly. That same day, Anne saw Henry and told him the brochures were printed. August 21. Mayo denied the history brochure received permission and said he refused to pay the invoice for it, although the May Minutes state otherwise, or so Barbara and Anne and the others on the Heritage Tourism committee thought at that time and throughout the summer. Aug 21. Henry sent out May Minutes and new financial balances showing $901 left in the account. Both Barbara’s and Dan Castillo’s motions in the May Minutes had been changed. August 25. Henry urged Anne Boykin in an email to order more nametags from the remaining funds; ignoring the outstanding Newman Invoice of $1,073.00. August 26. Anne Boykin told Henry she disagreed with him about the payment and approval of the Newman invoice. And that she was proud that we came in at almost half the original cost. Sep 14 meeting. Henry and Tiner said the Motion only meant to “write” a brochure and not to “print.” This play‐on‐words had not been made with bookmarks and surprised Barbara. Her committee members did not notice the distinction either. Henry also had changed the previous financial report to show a subtraction of $7.92 for stamps – placing that in priority by inserting it above the Newman Invoice. Sep 22 Mike Newman telephoned Barbara to say the invoice had not been paid. She apologized and gave him Henry’s phone number and again asked Henry to go before the Commission’s Court and request full payment as Candy Gallego suggested in cases of a budget overrun. Instead Henry secretly went before the Commissioner’s court regarding Newman invoice but only asked for payment of the balance left in account. This was done without notifying BCHC members or Barbara Althaus. Henry also asked Commissioners to reduce BCHC Budget from $5,000 to $500, without a vote or notifying committee chairs. Sep 30 Henry secretly signed the Budget agreement with the County. [Sent it to members Nov 9.] Oct 5. Henry sent Barbara Althaus a letter via Certified Mail, Return Receipt, demanding her resignation; saying he would not accept “no”. Henry charged $5.54 to BCHC account for reimbursement for postage of this unapproved action. Oct 6 Henry notified Barbara by a P.S. on the Certified Letter that she should pay the $171.30 remaining on the Newman invoice. Oct 13: Barbara hand‐carried her personal check for $171.30 to Newman Printing and apologized for the delay in paying his bill.