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Borden year absence, Daniel Hernandez has re- 'll ' ~ ~ ~ ~ j~~~~ the attendants took the woman to the turned to B funeral home to prepaze her body for oithe EaglestaH cyan ready tc make his embalming and detected signs of life In When Daniel Hernandez was a child, visions a reality. what they thought was a corpse. picking cotton in the blazing sun of West Hernandez came. home n February The woman was taken to the emer- Texas, he had a vision of a better life for from Georgetown University nWashing- gency room at Flushing Hospital and himselfandhisfamlly. ton, D.C., taking a position In February later returned to the Brid a View Nurs- as an attorney with Crowley, Waltman g When he was a student and adminis- and Fugler in Bryan. He is t member of ~ ir►g Home in Queens, trator at Texas A&M University, Hernan- the Bryan Forward I commi_tee, and he ` ~4 ' dez had a vision of greater opportunities and his wife are getting i►volved in a ''1 ~ ~ " Look out for that chicken leg for Hispanic and black students coming numberof civic and school eforts. to his school. Hernandez' belief in t re future is ~ ~ SHREVEPORT, La. - A tractor- When he was a oun ci councilman, Y g ty grounded in the past, (n the hope and the ~ trailer rig carrying hundreds of Hernandez had a vision of the citizens of drive instilled in him by his ,arents. " pounds of chicken parts spilled some Bryan-College Station working in concert The couple .moved to 3ryan in the " ~r of its smelly load in downtown Shreve- with one another. 1930s. His father was frcn Hondo; his A. port when the driver came to a Hernandez's vision, and his life, are mother moved to Texas f om Mexico in w Eag~ephoto by Dave'McDermand screeching halt to avoid an accident, shaped by his belief in community, edu- Attorney Daniel Hernandez returned to Bryan from Georgetown University in police said. cation and hard work And after aseven- Plr,ase sec Hernandez, 4A February to turn his visions of a better life into a reality. The legs, feathers, blood and un- processed meat were being hauled from Natchitoches, La., to Mount Jury fines Pleasant, Texas, police said. Pilgrim's Pride driver Dana Scott said about 600 pounds of chicken slu- Hunt brothers dge washed onto the road, the side- ` _ ~ I walk and some unlucky cazs. ~ I Pedestrians stepped carefully " ~ ~~~I~ a e around the putrid mess on the side- , , m ~ a walk, and one police officer cracked, ~ ~ ~ l~~~o nlllllon "Looks like we got us parts, parts and ~ f ' The Associated Press more parts," parodying a popular tele- ~ ~ r°" vision commercial. ;r , NEW YORK - A federal jury assessed the flamboyant Hunt brothers more than k~ Last of the kindht'arted cops ~ s~ ~ $130 rNlllon~in damages Saturday after n k II n uw~ic Nd- ~~I ~r the world sIlver market in the late 1970x. trolrnan who wrote more than 1,000 ' j J ~ The jury said the three Hunt brothers bogus tickets and gave some motorists I, and two other defendants had ruined the a break wW remain with the police de- ~ e - investments of the Peruvian govern- partment, his supedorshave decided. k ~ ment's mineral marketing company, "IWe lost 15 pounds over this. It's a ~ ' ~ ~ ,f ~ , ~o; Mlnpeco S.A, by sending the price of sll- hard way to diet," said patrolman Mi- ' ~ ` ~ ~ ° , . ~ ver to artificial heights. chael Christ, a 17-yeaz veteran of the ~ t ~ ~ ~ All of the Hunts but one -Lamar, 56, Louisville Police Department. ~ ~ ~ owner of the National Football League s He was given a 25-day suspension ~ ` t , - ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ Kansas City Chiefs -also were found to last month after the deception Sur- ~ ~ ' " t p ~ have engaged (n a pattern of racketeering faced, and officials decided this week ~ a ° ~ s activity to monopolize the silver market. to keep him on the force. ~ - ~ Since the case is a civil one, there would "Ijust could not bring myself to write ~ ~ be no criminal penalties attached to the tickets. I had a conscience. 1 had a ~ }finding, x heart, I started seeing the human be- ~ , ~ , , ~ ~ ~ ~ The verdict was a victory for Mlnpeco, logs behind the wheel," the 36-yeaz- _ ~ ~ ~x" ' ~ ~v~ ~ ~,,r which lost millions in the volatile sliver old otl)cer explained in an interview ~ ~ market, and a setback for the three sons Thursday. s"'' ` of the late Texas oilman H.L. Hunt. The Jury found that international Now that's what I call a clue! ~ Metals Investment Co, and Mahmoud ~ Fustok had participated In the conspir- CLEARWATER Fla, - Luck ran out ~ ± o' y~~fP acy with the three Hunt brothers. for a busy gang of little burglars when II ~ Fustok Is a prominent race horse- ,f three of the youngsters toyed with a ! " owner and brother-in-law of the Saudi at " Arabian Brown prince. Polaroid camera, and left photographs i , None of the Hunts would comment, of themselves at a crime scene, police t !-n' said. i but a lawyer representing them, Paul J. 'They were good pictures," said ~ ~ I r' ` Curran, said, "I'm disappointed and we uT Dennis Henegar, owner of Douglas ' ' j ~ disagree with the jury," Asked if the de- Manufacturing, aClearwater awning, ~ ` fix.,, . ~ ~ Pendants would appeal, he replied that fi screen and window company that was ~ ~ ' ' ~ ~ the Jury's verdict "Is just the first step !n 3 t` Z burglarized. the process." Henegaz said his son found the pho- ` ' ~ ~ " - ° A lawyer for Mlnpeco, Mazk Cymrot, tographs after he opened the shop for said the jury rewarded the company's , business on Aug, l 1. ~ M * ~ perseverance and "faith in the U.S. r._ _ s ste "He noticed the window was open, ,r . y m." saw that the cash box was empty, and "Mlnpeco is very happy," Cymrot said. Another lawyer for Mlnpeco, Shaun found the three pictures there they ~ were, grinning from eaz to ear," he "~'~y.. ~ Corette, said he doubted the verdict had said. Besides $20 or $30, the camera _ ~ opened the door for criminal chazges was also stolen. EaglephotobyDavaPAcf)armand against the Hunts, since the statute of Henegaz, in an interview in Satur- ! ■ ate h I n g yo u r step limitations would have run out. day's editions of The Tampa Tribune, The Mdings came on the jury's sixth sold he believes the boys left the plc- 82-year-okt E.C. Potter of North Zulch watches the d loci beo~s of the team perform. The Belles participated and won day of deliberations, and only after it ap- tures, which take a few minutes to de- routine of A&M Consolidated High School Bengal Belle , dril the "Chaer Ofi," a cheerleading and drill team competition geared that there might be no verdict at velop, because they mistakenly team member Shona Fuschak, 17, as she and other stem- held at Post Oak Mall Saturday. all. The jury of three men and three thought the fllm was bad. women sent a note to Judge Morris E. _ Lasker earlier Saturday, saying: "Very `Texas Playboy' (Iles First day of BoQ~k ortra s LB a sorry to say we have been unable to J s a reach a unanimous decision." p Y When Lasker asked them to read the TULSA, Okla. -Leon McAuliffe, one Ilndings they had reached, the jury fore- of the early members of Bob WIDysb'~; Iran-Iraq peace ► ~ woman answered "Yes" to everything ex- pular swing band the Texas Pla ar anold fearful leader cept the racketeering charge against La- dled Saturday at a local hospital fol- p ~ maz Hunt. She answered "No° to that. lowing a lengthy tuness, He was 71. The judge ordered the jury to continue McAuliffe played steel guitar with passes calmly deliberations after it failed to determine the Texas Playboys from 1935 to 1942, The Associated Press ■Dukakls visits LBJ Ranch, 4A then formed his own band after World damages in the case. About two hours Waz II. In recent years, he and other The Assceiated Press BOST)N - A four. r top aide to Lyn- later, the jury decided price increase the don B. ~ ohnson portrays the late press- eign service officials as "those damn Hunts had engineered cost Mlnpeco $63 members of Wills' band occasionally BAGHDAD, Iraq -Iraqis crowded Into dent as a fearful man ~ hose 'world star- Kennedy ambassadors trying to get me million in short sliver futures contracts. played dance halls in the Southwest, stores, honked horns and waved flags fed sllp~ing from his c~r.ttrol in 1965" be- and discredit me," and accusing liberals The jury also determined that the reprising the songs that made them Saturday on the first day of a cease-fire cause of the pressures if political oppo- and top newspaper columnists of being Hunts cost Mlnpeco $24.5 million in in- famous. in the eight-yeaz war with hart. U.N. ob- sition and the Vietnam ~faz. communists. terest on loans to pay for its losses and Among McAulltfe's contributions to servers reported no violations on the In a book titled "Remembering Amer- An advance chapter of the book, pro- $12.2 million in future trades. However, the Texas Playboys' repertoire was front. lca: f, Voice from the otxt►es," former vided to The Associated Press by an agent the jury also said the damages should be "Steel Guitaz Rag," an instrumental In the Strait of Hormuz, however, Iraq Johrson senior speechwriter Richard for the author, focuses onJohnson's be- offset by $33.4 million that Mlnpeco eaz- that remained a favortte for years. He said an Iranian helicopter gunship and a Goalwln describes him al a president in- havior In 1965, the yeaz when he was at ned in profits on silver it held during the also co-wrote the classic "San AntoNo 'tear vessel" shadowed an Iraqi merchant tenrRly fearful of his poltical rivals and the height of his political power, Johnson same period. ~e•" ship, one of three sent Into the gulf wo tt to lapse Into irratiinal ramblings was planning the tlrst full-scale com- Because of the racketeering charge, For the past several yeazs, McAuliffe waters to test the truce. al?~ut them. mitment of troops to Vietnam, while in some of the figures are trebled. Cymrot served as a part-time faculty member "The situation is good, progressing. The book, soon to be published by Congress he was pushing landmark leg- estimated the damages at $134 million, at Rogers State College in Claremore, little-Brown, quotes Jo}ttson referring but Curran said he calculated them to be -compiled from win repotls Please see Cease-fire, 4A . to blacks aS "niggers," deslribing top for- Please see LBJ, 4A $132,6 million. OUT OF CONTROL: P!hg with the heci~§ yuppie -lifestyle. Please see 1 C.