HomeMy WebLinkAboutSt. Mary's Timeline 091103Short Jfistory of St. Mary's Catholic Center Cortege Station, Teas 1904 Father J.B. G(eissnerofSt. Joseph's Church, Bryan, Texas notwedsv young men assisting at gslass on Sundays. The uniform indicated they were students of A aZ 91. They informed him they walked the six miles to attend Mass. 1905 Bishop Gallagher, of Galveston Diocese, granted pennission to offer Wass as often as possible at eZ 31 in a classroom. Ile also gave him the vestments, chalice etc. A school deskserved as an after in the old Civil Building. 1917 After Work fWar I, a student body of Catholics increased and the need fora Chapel' became a necessity. No money was on hand, and the income from students was meager. Father Gleissner with full trust, prayer, and pleading at Knights of Columbus State Conventions begged for their fefp. 1924 State Deputy J.J.Driscoll notified Father Gleissner that the Knights would buy the land and build a Chapel a basement for meeting and recreational purposes. 1926 St. Mary's Chapel dedicated by Bishop C.E. Byre. The cost was approximately $27,000. From this time on, Christ began and remains Ifis real Presence to the Tabernacle for all Catholic students and at the request of the Bishop, the workwas placed under the protection and guidance of the Blessed Mother of God (A precious stone was added to the crown of good wort r of the Knights of Columbus. 1926 to 1935 The Catholic student body increased every year The little Chapel with seating capacity of 200 was fast becoming inadequate, even with two masses on Sundays. More and more students had to stand outside to hear Wass. The basement of the Chapel became unusable because of water seepage. 1936 The Chapel was repaired and the basement resealed —again through the help of the Knights of Columbus. 1940 Father Tim and a layman constructed a balcony in the Chapel to seat 80 more people. 1944 The student body reached over 800 plus Armed Force trainees made facilities very inadequate, even with three 31asses on each Sunday. Bishop (Byre instructed 31onsignor J.B. Gl eissnerand" Father Tim that provisions must be made to build larger and 6etterfacifities. Problem Since St. Mary's is not a parish, but serves students and Catholic Staff, no steady income was available to provide the facilities. The bank balance showed 44 cents. No records of past students, no land...only a small" Chapel begun from scratch. Letters began to 6e sent to alfformerAggies, parents, etc. Monsignor Gleissner and Father Tim pleaded at eery Convention of Catnolu Organizations. 1950 Two blocks of land were purchased at a cost of $24,500. 1952 Funds increased though the generosity of past students, parents, and friends. Flans were made to build the St. Mary's Student Center. In May of the same year, the State Council of the Knights of Columbus passed a resolution and pledged themselves to donate $60,000 to be paid in ten years toward the Student Center. (God bless the Knights) 1953 A loan was acquired from the 1 7. Z.T. (Catholic Czech Women of Teas) for $60,000 plus donations from X.7.Z.T. and2CJ.T. Construction began on St. Wary'sStuudent Center. 1954 Bishop G.J. Richer dedicated the new Student Center. Cost $92,000. 1955 It became an absolute necessity to build a new St. Mary's Chapel. More efforts were made by pleading letters to everyone whose name appeared on file. 1957 Construction on new St. Mary's Chapel began. An additional loan of $150,000 was made by the XJ.Z.T. 1958 October 19, 1958, the new St. Mary's was dedcated by Bishop Richer and the St. Mary's Chapel stands now as a memorial to the devoted and hard worljng Chaplain of the Aggies, Monsignor. B. gleissner. 9fe died on February 28, 1958. ((fe served his belovedAggies for 49 years.) Cost of the Chapel $302, 000. 1959 With the help of the focal Catholic carpenters, the old St. Mary's Chapel remodeled into a rectory for the two priests assigned to this work Cost of Material was $3,250. 1962 St. Mary's Student Center was air - conditioned for $5,500. 1965 In May, the old St. Mary's Chapel and the one lot of land was sold to the ShefOil Company for $45,000. November of the same year -- construction of the new rectory was begun. 1982 Addition of the e.�,isting office spaces were constructed to the Student Center. 1985 A balcony was constructed in the Church. It allowedfor250 more people. 1994 In November, the Capital Campaign was begun in order to raise over $4 mi[wn in order to build a new stzulent center.