HomeMy WebLinkAboutEl Club Social El Club Social Presents Check E T' a A _ Mr. John T. Ayers, Director of the Bryan Boys ` Club accepts a $110 check from E1 Club Social presented by Mrs. Jose Grimaldo and Mrs, Sam Bernal, the money is to be used for the Club's Arts and Crafts classes. gavel from Ex-President Mrs. J. L. Vivero as El Club Social changes command. EL . CLUB SOCIAL' r f El Club Social helc ! I' it's annual officer instal- lation banquet at Wehr- man's Restaurant on Feb.+ 5. Guests for the occa- sion were Dr, and Mrs, . Wesley Summers and Mr. i. and Mrs. Pete Rodriquez. Dr. Summers, Director i' of Instruction for the Bryan Public School Sys- tem, addressed the club` on Education and the fu- " ture of education. After Dr. Summer's ad- w dress, the newly elected " officers of the club were 1 1 installed. As each new of- r a, ficer was installed, the duties and responsibili- ties of the office were y: explained and each of- b ficer received a lighted candle which is the sym- r f bol that the duties and t Pictured above are the new officers of El Club responsibilities of that t Social for the year 1969. From left to right are: office had been passed to Mrs. Phillip Cornejo, reporter; Mrs. Martin Munoz, I her. Vice President; Mrs. Jose Grim aldo,President; Mrs. Joe Moerno Jr., Secretary; . Mrs. J. L. Vivero, Treasurer; and Mrs. Sammy Bernal, Historian. The new slate of officers were installed at the club's installation banquet held at Wehrman's Restaurant on February 5.