HomeMy WebLinkAboutMatilda Navarro-War Ration Book r,~[ UNITED SATES OF AMERICA 11 OFFICE OF PRICE ADPv1INISTRATION \ i WAR HATIO ' BOOK TWO IDENTIFICATION OF r ICE (Name of person io whom boo is issued) i IV A i r+ i (Street number or .rsal route) \ / / v - - - - (City or post office) (State) (Age) (Sex) - ISSUED BY LOCAL BOARD NO. (County) (State) - ti -ri}--------------------------f---{~--- (Street address of local;boapld) (City) - - w Ignaturc of issuing officer) SIGNATURE ________________________________`I_ To be signed b the person to whom this book is issued. If such ( by person is unable to sign because of age or incapacity, soother may sign in his behalf) WARNING ]I This book is the property of the United States Government. It is unlawful to sell or give it to nor other person, or to use it, or permit anyone else to use it, except to obtain rationed goods for the person to whoru it was issued. 2 This book must be returned to the War Prise and Rationing Board which issued it, if the person to whom it was issued is inducted into the armed services of the United Slates, or leaved the country for more than 30 days, or di The address of the Board appears above. '^e 3 A person who finds a lost War Ration Book must return it to the War Price and Rationing Board which isened iL j I P6aao145 WHO VIOLATE RAYAU NttvG REGULATIONS Aa6 JUSJECT TO $10,000 FINE UR IMPRISONMENT OR BOTE, ' 0PA Form N'n. R-121 16-30853-1 zF =P _Q =R its -kp E AL 5~ 1 5 U2JL 2 -2 2 -p - r 1 ~ 1 1 ~ 1 P ~ fR tS~ .P N5: 12 12 M Tfl P :Q= 'R= 'Sc 1 =my A y 18 Mill R2 121 L t _x -w l 1 - 1 1