HomeMy WebLinkAboutARFC/RACES Operations Manual 1963 ~S7-k fWl jT/! c ART,C/RACu'S OPrRATION 16 Arril.,, ~ w This plan was prepared for the purpose of informin,, Jcl ~Y ~a amateur in the Bryan area of the responsibilities imposed upon hi-in the event of a local emergency, or national disaster. '•Tithin t'e-; next few pages of this manual' we will attempt to provide an acc-ur-ate alert plan in and for the county of nrazos Ln the event of a national disaster, -11 communications in and oi;t of the county will he carried on through the County R1 MS officer (Charles-- urris). His reports, in turn' will be passed on to state officials through the District Radio Officer or his alternate. All county RACES radio officers and alternates will be subject to call at an.y time by Civil Defense Offici.al.s<, Brazos County, as {;veil as other cola Lies in nistrict 62:, has, a county RAGS Liaison Station, This station is required to participate iii any District net activities. He (or she) will be responsible directly to the District RAG'S radio officer for proper operatic, his station. His job may v`iry from running phone-patches from t court house to recording changes in temperature, etc,.,,"Fill coo, will be made with other similar networks in this and adjacent ares as to provide efficent sharing of freque to avoid or eliminate interference,. This civil defense raven will resolve all frequency sharing; problems within its own area of opera"ons, Thiv orvanization will resolve, with civil defense ovpAt in states and Legion 5, 00), ~?nv- T u-tll l freaux no« s' .ari.nr present or future." All county and local nets will operate under- separate pian levelr,ped by the government entity concerne3. These county and plans must be in accordance with FCC, OM and State Regulations, Operation of county and local nets will be under the direction of civil defense authorities. Net control of the County RAGS officer Charles Burris,K577B. Frequencies for operations of this type of nit will be assigned by the state RACr'S radio officer (Frank Cox,K5 in accordance with OCD NP-15-1, Proceedures used will lie those in accordance with the Rn C?S OWUNICA i IORS PLAIT APP) OP91RA i MIS MANUAL Until future notice, 3.870mes. and 2%875mes. (alternate) 3.885mes „ will be used, 7,aeh operator is charged with the resp onsi?blity of monitoring the net frequency at any time severe weather or other is predicted for his area, or for the state as a whold. The loca-. radar will be used nxter 'r^~ 1,"3(,` LM r vex up-to late CCM - A1irC W1 at 1_or c on a ri5 n C RAC',Sa r S- ale_t Plan for the A ` a emergenr`'. p4,: that, ill be used as an a t' r C my , of a in used extensivelyi but in 1,°c~ icaticns go into effect and contro ALFR'r PLAN rrT7 RT~ cy coon p roe l,yij!a Pridgen$r5 -rI lots Davis Stree vkl -14322 John AeckhE 70 F Ch,.t I.ST Aes A'~T rt Burr~iss~~'.P~, 1015 James r~~}:;~aY SSISTANT A old Hwy,6 V16-5290 Jim Hunt,K57M 70i 1911) 7chols VTt~ ,-6560 rlilsor TA2-319h 208 Jin; Rluth9 , b Srutn Linton JoT?S-- SKAK 701 highland vT6 -5538 1617 Wood-land vIE •-6353 TA3-5365 A .f4j~ Buster Lour Ne'' 1 Yage9K LZ 602 Churc h-t'1 t t,y!alter 'Reave5,-K5r-TV' 71(l Inwood TA2-5939 515 Pease VI( r-6193 TA 2505 A F, I Cl:ab 6t- nrn ►g T)"sont1~`.~KXl7 College Stat" Saridv Neave8$'4'5JBU Cordon y5C -t;xtension 2~tt S, 415 Pease TA-e. :-3hIB yE~C-T ' TA3®2505 O.L. Pate, Mor •»is stone,K'.>QrV Harvey Comm, nryee Brittoni,IPMJC 70, ' aryem TA2-0508 103 Ss ;~.nnis !40 le TA3s>337~ Cecil StallWorf!-',,, 1x7 Lee piraino'l,'5C Pr 2021 ruche IS Joe nonifazipKS H 200 Acae!nY TA2-l~Sl-! gurten TA2.'SCr a.2- TA2-3o96 Jack ur aite''4511' 910 '-Ts, 26th2~~~r TA2-6271 3 ha i.sa+~ter, the above of all amateur radio In the ez'c:nt of a Wationa = ;T W hc_ In charCe~ ~ ,r,,TOT whc serv° or . is K5" 'it7t1'1' 1 n t E made : Cha;Les oxc:E r"two ~ountyr With the for T17..azos State RAG"'•.i neto io Osf .c jqad pistrict RAGSF!°.:: i. .r . Corn .7 i In the event of local disasters Civil Defense or the sheriff a member of his staff, will call the ^C or RAC,,S radio officers 7C in turn will contact the three Assistant 7C's. ever I-)e called by phone or via local communication channel. hTF RACY-------- Phan Tear, WHAT TO 00--, In at-i emergency in the `?cyan area, it will he the mission of amateur radio to provide: to emergency communications to outside areas: 2. Tmergency local command the unications between thecrthvanddsareas across the r-tiers; of the city, z,HA NOT i0 5.0`.. During an emergency the se reles must be fo7loared to the letter: 1. Do not call local or state Police unless you,have information of importance. 2, '?o not call Radar Room under any condition. 3. T)o not call Civil Defense Director, or Civil Defense Headquarters. THr . -,ROT"4CY C^.;TTTI For planning purposes, the home of K5EP5 h~. the emer,c;?ncy center. (Until at such time the City is able to pro-v.. a better location) Fmergency power has been provided for by a= 10K; 'MI 110/220 motor driven venerator in the most extreme emergency The shelter has the ?:quipment : 1O / Transmitter-TIO-5-T) wf~~t-1L7 1/e {"``V r~~'~IG >r`~G~L JV F c-2, 2, 2-R399/URR Collins receivers.(.550-31mcs,' 3. Dual diversity RTTY converter. 4. 2-Rlienschmidt page printers.(Capa'~le c 5. 1-T'lienschmidt perforator and re-perf:. 6E, 1-10 meter tranceiver (5 watts.) The following equipment may be made avai?.` 10 1'`FVR motor driven AC generators . 2e 7 50 Vm tt 3, 'emergency van (29 passenger-19r following equipment: S- e n- rt rave for 1~ . J:, SX-99 receiver I RC-569 tranceiver (AI;, ' 1 10 meter trance3ivere 1 BC-603®.11" S and Police l Twin-city special TU. BC-221A Vrequency metez' I ,.,ork-hench for field Plotting board and desk. Rescue equipment for several persons Provisions for sleeping; 2 people,. In he re v of local emergencys, F5JOT will be in c 4a;. gran; while le K571n, will set up the emergency cammuni-ations shelter Other members will he distributed to either bus or shelter or will. be placed in operation or stand-by operation with their cvn mob37. units, (Or at their home QTH,) This item is notice,, The emergency center will maintain liaison wDth bile f'ol cwin- and contact these activities as earljr as rossi',le in event of emex°~ Civil Defense, Polict;,, State Hiway Radio, Railroads, CAA, Airport Cor,., district RACES officer, iced Crossk '.Western Union„ Telephone Ccmpany, Power Company, t R -Sc' m i?--_r!-t nec- ._s importande9, K5PPE will be :i'o_ l0ameter local ARIC net with g:5ZXL as alternate t?ctside traffic will be routed via the Central `17i; A O.P70mcs,), NatLonal RACES frequencies, and PARS a.ssi~ned frequiy ; ",ach amateur is asked to monitor 28.875 and or 1.87_:mcso b tie is also asked to provide hinself with timer-ency equipment for either 75 or 10 meter phone or hoth, and he prepared to operate from his home or mobile (if he -cd b v t 1h,. C or C: c a t RAMS Radio Of "'icon, Distritlution: All local amateur an y. Of a~, '.•c; Proposed net frequencies are: 11 meters-2%875mc, (phone) 75 meters-3870mc, (phone) alternate-3.FMScs, (phon. 80 maters--3,737mcs, CW. 80 meters-3,5 cs, (RT ~ Approved //DisapprovedO~~.P.~ Chas ux^ris,~t 7,,.^.r RACES Radio Offic- ~/Approved //Oisarproved Jinn F1uth,K5FPII District RADIO Cf proved //Disapproved , r,.,,.z.~~ s_Lrnn Y'ridgen,KSJC' ~:Cy-nrazos County; Assist, 'listrict ~r