HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdvisory Bulletin 1959 9"x"4ue Office 4 die Pw".,d OFFICE OF CIVIL AND DEFENSE MOBILIZATION CD ADVISORY BULLETIN No. 122 August 12, 1952 Revised October 1, 1959 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION RULES FOR RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE I. PURPOSE This Advisory Bulletin transmits Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules for Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) and an FCC/OCDM checklist of RACES plan requirements. II. AMENDMENT OF FCC RULES FCC regulations, Part 12, SUBPART B, have been amended, as follows: Section 12. 227, "Term of station authorization, " under the heading "Station Authorizations, " effective August 26, 1959. Section 12. 231, "Frequencies available, " under the heading "Technical Requirements, " effective July 1, 1959. Sections 12. 243, "Availability of station authorization and operator licenses, and 12. 244, "Radio station log, " under the heading "Operating Requirements, " effective August 26, 1959. Attachment A has been revised in accordance with these amenctments. III. RESCISSION The original issuance of Advisory Bulletin No. 122, dated August 12, 1952, and the revision of April 16, 1957, are hereby rescinded and superseded. a Leo A. Hoegh Director Attachments: 2 Advisory Bulletin No. 122 Attachment A August 12, 1952 Revised October 1, 1959 INDEX TO PART 12, AMATEUR RADIO SERVICE SUBPART A - AMATEUR RADIO STATIONS AND OPERATORS (All existing provisions of this Part through Section 12. 162) SUBPART B - RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE GENERAL 12.200 Temporary nature of this service 12.201 Definitions 12.202 Applicability of Rules Governing Amateur Radio Stations and Operators ORGANIZATION 12.211 Organization of networks 12.212 Approval of civil defense commu.,iications plans 12.213 Certification of Civil Defense Radio Officer 13.214 Qualifications of Civil Defense Radio Officer 12.215 Duties of Civil Defense Radio Officer STATION AUTHORIZATIONS 12.221 Station authorization required 12.222 Eligibility for station authorization 12.223 Filing of application 12.224 Additional data required 12.225 Single application for all equipment under one amateur station license 12.226 Issuance of station authorization 12.227 Term of station authorization 12.228 Cancellation of station authorization f f • t TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 12.231 Frequencies available 12.232 Classification of emissions 12. 233 Transmitter power 12.234 Equipment requirements 12.235 Alleviation of harmful interference OPERATING REQUIREMENTS 12.241 Operator requirements 12.242 Operation at other than licensed location 12.243 Availability of station authorization and operator license 12.244 Radio station log 12.245 Station identification 12.246 Tactical call signs USE OF STATIONS 12.251 Limitations on use of station 12.252 Hours of operation 12.253 Points of communication 12.254 Permissible communications 12. 255 Use of codes and ciphers 12.256 Priority of communications 12« 257 Operating procedure 2. SUBPART B - RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE GENERAL 12.200 Temporary nature of this service. (a) The Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service provides a temporary phase of amateur operation for Civil Defense communications purposes only, and the rules are limited in their force and effect to the period of the present national emergency, including any emergency which may necessitate invoking of the President's War Emergency Powers under the provisions of section 606 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. (b) Pursuant to the provisions of section 4 (j) of th@ Com- munications Act of 1934, as amended, records relating to the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service shall not be open to general public inspection. 12.201 Definitions. For the purposes of this subpart, the following definitions are applicable: (a) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service. A temporary radio-communication service carried on by licensed amateur radio stations while operating on specifically designated segments of the regularly allocated amateur frequency bands under the direction of authorized local, regional, or federal civil defense officials pursuant to an approved civil defense communications plan. (b) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Station. An amateur radio station which is authorized to operate in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service for the purpose of transmitting and receiving civil defense communications. (c) Civil defense communications. Communications or signals essential to the conduct of civil defense activities of duly authorized civil defense organizations, including communications directly concerning safety of life, preservation of property, mainte- nance of law and order, alleviation of human suffering and need and dissemination of warnings of enemy attack to the civilian population in case of actual or impending armed attack or in any disaster or other 3. i~lu~~ L t;i1u liLrin tiie public weifare. Jacil cuinniunications may a include transmissions necessary to establishment and maintenance Of the radio system and communications essential to the trainir defense pe of Civil Defense, or his authorized alternate or representative, for the particular geographical area (city, county, etc. ) which a proposed radi station is intended to serve, and who is responsible to local governmental authority for protection and aid to the civilian population in the event of armed attack or of any disaster or other incident endangering public safety. (e) Civil Defense Communications Officer. The official of any duly constituted civil defense organization having direct responsi- bility under the Director of that organization for the provision, organiza- tion, maintenance, readiness, and utilization of all means of communi- cation to be used by such civil defense organization in the performance of its' lawful functions. (f) Civil Defense Radio Officer. The duly designated offi- cial of a legally constituted civil defense organization who is directly responsible either to the Communications Officer or to the Director of such civil defense organization for the provision, organization, main- F tenance, readiness, and utilization of radio communications facilities for civil defense use. (g) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Network. All radio amateur civil emergency stations intended to be included in the civil defense communications plan of the area concerned and which operate, or are to operate, in conjunction with a single control station. Such network may be made up of several separately authorized radio amateur civil emergency stations or units of such stations, or may be made up of several units of the same station operated at different locations. In addition, the same radio amateur civil emergency station or any unit of such station may be a part of more than one network; e. g. , the con- trol station of one network may also be the control station or a member station of another network operated in conjunction therewith. (h) Control station. The term "control station" or "net control station" means any authorized Radio Amateur Civil Emergency 4. Station unit designated by the civil defense radio officer, with the approval of the Director of Civil Defense or the Civil Defense Communications Officer, to direct the use and operation of other station units of the same Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Network. (i) Civil defense communications plan. A civil defense communications plan is the plan under which communications facilities are provided to all branches and phases of the civil defense organization in the area concerned and for all of its activities. Such plan may be drawn up in accordance with the needs of the particular area affected and the facilities, including licensed radio operators and stations, available in that particular area. Plans need not be uniform, but to be acceptable to the Commission they must comply with the following : (1) The plan must be clearly described in writing, and it may include diagrams and sketches. It must include a general description of the facilities and personnel available to provide communications for civil defense purposes and the expected usage to be made thereof. I I (2) The plan must have been approved by the state or territorial and federal civil defense authorities having jurisdiction of the area affected. 1 I (3) The plan must include the name, address, official title, and a statement of the qualifications of the Civil Defense Radio Officer ( and of any and all alternate Radio Officers) responsible for the organization, training, and utilization of the radio amateur civil emergency station networks under that plan, and the name, address, and official title of the civil defense official responsible for the coordination of all civil defense activities of the area concerned. (4) The plan must include a general description of each radio amateur civil emergency station network under the jurisdiction of each respective Civil Defense Radio Officer, showing loca- tion of fixed installations, purpose, area of activity to be served, an estimate of the number of radio amateur stations and inde- pendent operating units of such stations intended to be used in the network, and a description, including the location and call sign, of its control station and any alternate control station or stations. 5. (5) The plan must include a general statement as to the frequency bands to be used by the radio amateur civil emer gency station networks and the approximate number of stations, or units of such stations, to be operated in each such band, together with a description of the method which has been ado;)tc! for liaison and coordination of frequency usage with other similar networks in the same and adjacent areas. (6) The plan must include a statement setting forth tl,,, facilities available to the area and the procedures to be foll:)`v in determining the loyalty and general reliability of all civil defense Radio Officers, amateur radio station licensees and radio operators intended to be utilized in the implements- tion of that plan. (See secs. 12. 214 (b), 12. 215 (c) and 12. 24' (a). ) 12. 202 Applicability of rules governing amateur radio stations and operators. In all cases not specifically covered by the regulations con- tained in this subpart, licensed amateur stations authorized to be operated in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service shall be governed by the provisions of the rules governing amateur radio stations and operators (Subpart A of this part) which are not in conflict herewith. In any case of conflict, the rules governing the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service shall govern in respect to any station operated in that service. ORGANIZATION 12. 211 Organization of networks. To supplement or extend other means of communication available to the civil defense organization or to provide necessary communications for which no other means exist, local radio amateur civil emergency station networks shall be organized by the civil defense authority of the area concerned and under the immediate direc- tion of the Civil Defense Radio Officer. Such networks shall include all licensed amateur radio stations which are intended to be included ir, the civil defense communications plan of the area concerned. In any particular area there may be several such networks and each network . , 'rf )t" r11C,<'r.;C'1 o+ ~.1), F:- 1.1-)L'.7"'(' a.- Jnore tfl<irl one 6. network in the same area, all such networks must share, under a single civil defense communications plan, the available frequencies in an efficient and orderly manner. The various networks in adjacent areas shall establish proper liaison and a description of the arrange- ments made shall become a part of their respective civil defense commu- nications plans. Such arrangements shall provide for the efficient sharing of frequencies, plans for operating procedure designed to avoid mutual interference, and the exchange of communications facilities upon an iiit-er-area `t)asis wi,erc ne(:d for such exchange may arise. 12. 21 ' 1~_rsrc~al of c,iva defense communications plans. (a) All civil defense communications plans which provide for the utilization of radio amateur civil emergency stations for civil defense purposes must be submitted to and approved by the responsible state (or territorial) and federal civil defense authorities beforo the licensed amateur stations intended to be used will' be authorized to operate in the radio amateur civil emergency service. (b) Material changes or modifications in such civil defense communications plans which alter the basic information required shall be submitted for,approval in the same manner as the original plans. (c) Written certification of approval by the competent state or territorial) and federal civil defense authorities of each civil defense communications plan, or of any changes or modifications thereof, shall accompany the copies of such plans, changes, or modifications, which are submitted to the Commission in accordance with the provi- sions of this part. 12. 213 Certification of Civil Defense Radio Officer. (a) Certification of the Civil Defense Radio Officer shall be made on FCC Form 482. Such form shall be executed by the civil defense authority responsible for the coordination of all civil defense activities of the area concerned and show: (1) The name, address, and area of responsibility of such civil defense radio officer, (2) statement by him that he has accepted such appointment and agrees to perform faithfully the duties of that office, including those prescribed by this subpart, (3) a certification by the responsible civil defense authority that. 7. f i qualified in accordance with the provisions of section 12. 214 , and (4) ? effective date of the appointment of the civil defense radio officer ancl name of ar\, Previ.olzs defense r, (Oir) officer v-hnse :=tT-)T)ointrrent terminated (b) U G(-, r orm Ivo. -±o-, wnen compieted in accorcance section, shall be forwarded to the Commission via the responsible sl (or territorial) and federal civil defense officials w... disapproval) shall be clearly indicated on the form, 12. 214 Qualifications of Civil Defense Radio Officer. No person; h.all considered qualified as a civil defense radio officer until he been found to satisfy the following minimum requirements: (a) He shall hold either (1) a valid commercial radio operator license of either first or second class (radiotelegraph or radiotelephone) issued by the Commission, or (2) a valid amateur operator licer by the G United States and his general reliability, in accordance with the proced provided in the approved civil defense communications plan of the area concerned. (c) It shall have been determined that his technical and adminis . ~ -..Yxfi t-<Lt 1.C~P1 ="c' c~L't_d~4 rl>L d. t1}'. ~'L'a.>~3 E_'-r Zee L°IO' ~";<u, f]('f: (af d- , FFL r_1hs~~ Defense Radio Officer shall include among such other duties as may be assigned or as may be required in accordance with the provisions of this subpart. (a) The direction and supervision of all radio stations forming the radio amateur civil emergency networks in accordance with the approved civil defense communications plan for the area involved. (b) Provision for adequate monitoring of all transmissions of the stations under his supervision to assure compliance with the rules and regulations of the Commission, and to guard against improper use of the radio stations and intentional or inadvertent transmissions which might jeopardize the defense or security of the United States. 8. (c) The recommendation to the Commission for the granting of authorizations to individual amateurs for operation in this service, and certification to the Commission as to the loyalty to the United States and reliability of such individuals and the certification required in accordance with section 12. 223. (d) The recommendation to the Commission for cancellation of any authorization previously recommended or certified whenever subsequent investigation or circumstances indicate that the original recommendation or certification should not have heeii nia(le, ` TA":LION AL"='HORIZATIONS 12. 221 Station authorization required. No radio station may be operated in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service except pursuant to an authorization for such operation issued by the Federal Communications Commission. 12. 222 ,Eligibility for station authorization. An authorization to operate a station in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service will be issued only to a person who holds an amateur radio operator license, other than Technician or Novice Class, and an appropriate amateur radio station license. 12. 223 Filing of application. Each application for a station authorization or, for renewal thereof shall be submitted on FCC Form 481- 1, signed under oath or affirmation by the applicant and countersigned by the appropriate civil defense radio officer, who shall certify to the following: (a) That the applicant has satisfied all requirements (both local and federal) for participation in the civil defense organization and is actually enrolled as a member of the local organization which serves the area where the station will operate. (b) That the amateur station licensed in the name of the applicant has been approved for and, when authorized by the Commission, will actually constitute a unit of a civil defense communications network in accordance with an approved civil defense communications plan or amendment thereof. 12. 224 Additional data required. Each application for a station authorization in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service shall be accompanied by the following data unless such material has already been submitted to the Commission, in which case the application shall clearly identify the material previously submitted: 9 I this part) for the civil defense communications network in which the stab will operate, together wif', modification of that plan. (b) The offi, as provided in this sul, 12. 225 Single appl.ica 1 L license. Only one application need be filed for any one amateur statio! including all transmitting equipment under the control of the licensee { that station, even though individual units of such station are capable of being operated. and are intended to be operated independently at differ( locations, or as portable or mobile stations with no fixed locations. i~. distinction need be made between those units which are personally owne(l by the amateur station licensee and those units which are otherwise undo his technical control for 12. 226; Issuance of stat this service, will be issued in the discretion of the Commission upo: satisfactory completion of all requirements of this subpart and prof:,, certification that the requirements of the civil defense organization fo, which the station will be used have been or are being complied with. 7 station authorization (Form 481-2) will be forwarded to the Civil Defense Radio Officer for delivery to the applicant. Such authorization will be accompanied by a stub (Form 481-3) which may be retained by the civil defense radio officer for his records. 12. 227 Term of station authorization. (a) Authorization to operate an amateur station in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service will be issued for a term running concurrently with the term of the amateur radio station license. Application for renewal of such authorization shall be filed concurrently with application for renewal of the basic amateur radio station license. (b) Whenever, under rules contained in Subpart A of this part, modification of the basic amateur station license becornes necessary, if such modification affects the information submitted with the original application for authorization in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Servi application for modification of the Radio Amateur Civil Emeroc- ,t2tir>r' ,+itthori~~,tir~n shall. r;' ~i:brnittecJ r:~~ri~ itrrr~;?1~., ?~~r'rf'~x,~it} (c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to alter or amend the temporary nature of a station authorization in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service and the Commission's authority to cancel or amend it i accordance with the applicant's agreement as indicated on the initial 6,pl'4- . tion for station authorization. 12. 228 Cancellation of station authorization. (a) Each authorization for operation in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service shall be issued with the express provision that such authorization is subject to revocation or cancellation without hearing whenever, in the opinion of the Commission, the security of the United States or the proper functioning of the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service would be served thereby, or termination` of the national emergency makes it unnecessary to continue the operation of stations in this service. (b) The station authorization shall be submitted to the Commission (via the Civil Defense Radio Officer) for cancellation under the following circumstances (1) The station for which the authorization was issued becomes inactive for a period of three months or it is not planned to use the station in the radio amateur civil emergency network for a period of at least three months. (2) The basic amateur radio station license of the station has expired and has not been renewed. (3) In cases where the amateur radio station license; and the radio amateur civil emergency station authorization have both been modified, the orig- inal authorization of the latter shall be submitted to the Commission immediately upon receipt by the licensee of a new or modified authorization. 11. '1'1 C;1;` `J(' %i' }ZF;c~Y?IIZI r~r:?`;.1'; x:31 1 e clurs:,cie uvualuf~le.a (a) The following tab,_i.<<_~tton _itdlc'lt(-ti t~.~~ i c~a11~t ~a~.. u1,(t ~_'eduency bands, within the regularly allocated amateur frequency bands, which are available for use by stations in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service. These frequencies and frequency bands may be used, on a non-exclusive basis (stations authorized in the Amateur Radio Service may also, pursuant to the provisions of section 12. 111, use these frequencies or frequency bands until such time as national conditions require discontinuance of regular amateur operations), by the classes of radio amateur civil emergency stations or units of such stations indicated, and only with the types of emission shown in the right-hand column. (1) For use only by authorized stations or units of such stations which are operated under the direct supervision of duly designated and responsible offici ds of the civil defense organization Frequency band: Authorized emission 1800-1825 kc 1/ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 0, 1A1, 1. 1F1, 6A3 1975-2000 kc 1/ . , . . . , . . , , , , , . , 0. 1A1, 1. 1F1, 6A3 '3500-3510 kc , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , 0, lAl, 1, 1F1 3990-4000 kc , , , , , , , , , , , , , < , 0, lAl, 1. 1F1, 6A3, 6F3 1/ Use of frequencies in the band 1800-2000 kc is subject to the priority of the Loran system of radionavigation in this band and to the geo- graphical, frequency, emission, and power limitations contained in sec. 12. 111 of the rules governing amateur radio stations and operators (Subpart A of this part). The use of these frequencies by Stations authorized to be operated in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service shall not be a bar to expansion of the radionavigation (Loran) service, and such use shall be considered tem- porary in the sense that it shall remain subject to cancellation or to revision, in whole or in part, without hearing, whenever the Commission shall deem such cancellation or revision to be necessary or desirable in the light of the priority within this band of the Loran system of radionavigation. 12. (2) For use by all authorized stations in the continental United States only : (Not available in Alaska, Hawaii, the territories or possessions of the United States.) Frequency band: Authorized emission 3510-3516 kc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. lAl, 1. 1F1 3516-3550 kc 1/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, lAl, 1. 1F1 3984-3990 kc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 1Al, 1. 1F1, 6A3, 6F3 7097-7103 kc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. lAl, 1. 1F1 7103-7125 kc 1/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. lAl, 1. 1F1 7245-7255 kc 1/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. lAl, 1. 1F1, 6A3, 6F3 14047-14053 kc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. lAl, 1. 1F1 14220-14230 kc 1/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 1 Al, 1. 1F1, 6A3, 6F3 21047-21053 kc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. lAl, 1. 1F1 I/ The availability of the frequency bands 3516-3550 kc, 7103- 7125 kc, 7245-7247 kc, 7253-7255 kc, 14220-14222 kc and 14228-14230 kc for use during periods of actual civil defense emergency is limited to the initial 30 days of such emergency, unless otherwise ordered by the Commission. (3) For use by all authorized stations: Frequency or frequency bands: Authorized emission: 3997 kc I/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 1A1, 6A3. 28.55-29-.75 Mc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 111, 6A3, 6F3, 6A4. 29.45-29.65 Mc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 1A1, 1. 1F1, 6A3, 6A4, 40F3. 50.35-50. 75 Mc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. lAl, 6A2, 6F2, 6A3, 6F3, 6A4. 53. 30 Mc 1 / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40F3. 53. 35-53. 75 Mc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,1Al, 1. 1F1, 6A2, 6F2, 6 1.3 6A4, 40F3. 145. 17-145.71 Mc . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 1Al, 1. IF 1, 6A2, 6F2, 6A3, 6A4, 40F3- 146. 79- 147. 33 Mc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1Al, 1. 1F1, 6A2, 6F2, 6A3, 6A4, 40F3. 220-225 Mc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. lAl, 1. 1F1, 6A2, 6F2, 6A3, 6A4, 40F3. I/ For use in emergency areas when required to make initial contact with military units; also, for communication with military stations on matters -requiring coordination. 13. (b) The selection and use of specific frequencies within the author ized frequency bands by stations in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Sere.: shall be in accordance with a coordinated local area and adjacent area civil defense communications plan and applicable rules of this part. (c) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, at such time as any or all of these frequency bands are withdrawn from availability t stations operating in the Amateur Radio Service, such bands shall be jointI, available to stations in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service and to stations in the military services for training and tactical operations. At t1_t time, in areas where interference might occur, local mutual arrangements shall be made regarding times of operation such as to preclude or satisfactoril}, alleviate interference. In time of actual civil defense emergency, stations in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service shall have absolute priority. (d) In the band 220 to 225 Mc, stations operating -in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service shall not at any time .cause harmful interference to the government radiopositioning service. 12. 232 Classification of emissions. (a) . For the purposes of this subpart, the authorized emissions, as contained in the table of section 12. 231, are defined as follows: 0. lAl - Continuous wave telegraphy. 1 . 1 F 1 - Frequency shift telegraphy. 6A2 - Telegraphy amplitude modulated at audio frequen< 6F2 - Telegraphy frequency modulated at audio frequent 6A3 - Commercial quality amplitude modulated telephone, 6F3 - Narrow band frequency or phase modulated teleph 40F3 - Wide band frequency or phase 6A4 - Amplitude modulated facsimil_ (b) On frequencies where wide band frequency or phasc modulated telephony (40F3) is authorized, narrow band frequency or phase modulated telephony (6F3) may also be employed; similarly, where commercial quality amplitude modulated telephony (6A3) is authorized, single or double side- band amplitude modulated tele[.~,,, ~ I I a, z,,_ carrier, may also be employe(::, 12. 233 Transmitter power. The transmitting equipment of a radio station in this ser-,r .ce shall be adjusted in such manner as to produce the minimum radiation necessary to carry out the communications desired. No station operating in this service shall use a direct current plate power input to the vacuum tube or tubes supplying energy to the antenna in excess of that 14. permitted to be used by a licensed amateur radio station when operated on the same frequencies or in the same frequency bands in accordance with the provisions of the rules governing amateur radio stations and operators (Sub- part A of this part). 12.234 Equipment requirements (a) Except under the conditions specified in paragraph (b) of this section, all stations authorized to be operated in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service shall be capable of receiving on the same frequencies or frequency bands utilized for transmissi011. (b) When a, station in this service is operated only on a single frequency or frequency band for cross-band operation in communication with a station or stations operating on another frequency or in another frequency band, or in other services, such station shall be capable of receiving the station with which it is communicating. (c),. The direct modulation of an oscillator with a frequency stability less than that obtainable with crystal control, or the radiation of a signal having simultaneous amplitude and frequency or phase modulation, is prohibited on frequencies below 220 Mc. 12.235 Alleviation of harmful interference. (a) When emissions of stations in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service, other than those necessary to carry on the desired communications, cause harmful interference to stations in this or any other service, the Commission may, in its discretion, require appropriate technical, changes in the equipment to alleviate the interference. (b) When the emissions of stations in the Radio Amateur Civil. Emergency Service that are necessary to carry on the desired communications cause harmful interference to stations in other radio services, appropriate action shall be taken to alleviate such interference including, if necessary, the suspension (except during times of an actual state of civil emergency) of such emissions as cause the interference, 15. 12. 241 Operator requirements. ` (a) No person shall operate a station in the Radio Amateur C Emergency Service unless (1) that person holds a valid radio operator license of the proper grade, as described in this section, and (2) that perso holds a valid written certification by the chief of the local, regional, or state Civil Defense organization of the area in which he serves that he satisfied all federal, state, and local requirements for enrollment in tf Civil Defense organization as a radio operator and is actually enrolled i.:. Such certification shall clearly indicate that a determination has been ma('. to his loyalty to the United States and general reliability in accordance wig the procedures described in the approved civil defense comrr,~ i(.,41 n for the area concerned. (See sections 12. 201 (i) and 12. 212) (b) The person manipulating the key''of a manually operate,' radiotelegraph transmitter of a station authorized to operate in this sez°E shall hold either (1) any class of amateur operator license issued by the Commission, other than the Technician or Novice Class, or (2) any class u, commercial radiotelegraph operator license issued by the Commission other than the Temporary Limited Radiotelegraph Second Class Operator License, together with the certification required in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section. l (c) Except as specifically provided in paragraphs (a) and (b) :;i this section, any station in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service may be operated by the holder of any class of amateur or commercial radio operator license issued by the Commission other than a Temporary Limited Radiotelegraph Second Class Operator License or an Aircraft Radiotelephone Operator Authorization: Provided, That, when, such operation is performed by the holder of a Novice Class amateur operator license or by the holder of a commercial radiotelephone or radiotelegraph third class operator license or restricted operator permit; (1) such operator shall be prohibited from making any adjustments that may result in improper transmitter operation, (2) the equipment shall be so designed and installed that none of the operations necessary to be performed during the course of the normal rendition of the service of the station may cause off-frequency operation or result in any unauthorized radiation, and (3) any needed adjustments of the transmitter that may affect the proper operation of the station shall be regularly made by or under the immediate supervision and responsibility of 16. ) the holder of either an amateur operator license other than the Novice Class or a commercial radiotelephone or radiotelegraph first or second class operator license. (d) All adjustments or tests during or coincident with the installation, servicing or maintenance of the transmitting equipment of a station in this service shall be made only by or under the immediate super- vision and responsibility of the holder of either (1) an amateur operator license other than the Novice Class or (2) a commercial radiotelephone or radiotelegraph first or second class operator license issued by the Commission, who in addition holds the certification required in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section. 12. 242 Operation at other than licensed location. A station in this service, or any unit thereof, may be operated at any location in accordance with the approved civil defense communications plan for the area concerned, in the discretion of and as directed by the Civil Defense Radio Officer, without notice to the Commission and without limitation of the length of time within which such operation takes place: Provided, That nothing in this section shall be construed to waive the necessity for modification of the authorization of a station in this service when the address of the licensee or the basic location of the station is changed, or for any other reason where, because of a change of the communications plan or other reason, the information heretofore furnished the Commission with the original application may be materially altered or changed. 12. 243 Availability of station authorizations and operator licenses. (a) The original station authorization permitting operation of the licensed amateur station in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service, or a photocopy thereof, shall be permanently attached to each transmitter of such station, including each transmitter which is• capable of being operated and intended to be operated independently at different locations, if the transmitter is readily accessible, or, if the control position is located at a place other than the transmitter location, it may be posted at the control position: Provided, That, whenever a photocopy of the station authorization is utilized in compliance with the requirement of this paragraph, the original station authorization shall be made available for inspection upon reasc request from any authorized representative of the Federal Goverrrne, 1 i. (b) The c t°ibuiaa ra<iiu upe i y lice ~s : tr .a s _rct (FCC Form 758-F) in the case of the holder of a commercial radio operat, : T~ license of the diploma type, of the operator controlling the emissions of a station authorized to be operated in this service together with the certific- required by section 12. 241(a), shall be carried on ka.is person or kept immediately available at the place where he is operating the station or any independent unit of a station: Provided, That, whenever a verification card (FCC Form 758-F) is utilized in compliance with the requirement of this paragraph, the original operator license shall be made available for inspection upon reasonable request from any authorized representative of the Federal Government. (c) When a licensed amateur station, or an independent unit; of such station, is operated at a location other than that shown in its license in compliance with the provisions of this subpart, the basic amateur station license required by Subpart A of this part need not be readily available at the station or unit location, but shall be made available for inspection upon reasonable request from any authorized representative cf the Federal Govern- ment. 12.244 Radio station log. (a) Except as otherwise expressly provided in this subpart, there shall be maintained at each radio amateur civil emergency station, or unit of such station, an accurate log of all operations. The following information shall be recorded in such station log: (1) The name and address of the station licensee, the regularly assigned call sign of the station and unit number if any, the name of the radio amateur civil emergency network or networks in which the station is normally operated, and the d. c. plate power input to the vacuum tube or tubes supplying energy to the transmitting antenna system. This information need be entered only once in the log unless there is a change in any of the items specified this subparagraph, but the original entry and each change shall show the date on which the enti ; i (2) The date and time of beginning _,n d ci:c~ , ;I (pci ind during which the station was operated, the purpose of suc i operation, and the frequencies or bands of frequencies or; which the operation tool:. place. 18. (3) The call signs or other identification of all stations or units of such stations with which communications are established or attempted during such period of operation. (4) The signature of the licensed operator on duty and in charge of the operation of the station or unit of such station during each period of operation, and the signature of each licensed operator who manipulated the key of any manually operated radiotelegraph transmitter of such station or unit. The signature of the operator shall be entered with the date and time at the beginning and end of each period during which he performed the foregoing duties, and at least once on each page additional to the first page, covering the period for which he was the responsible operator. The signatures of any additional operators who operate the transmitter(s) during the regular watch of another operator and details to indicate the periods during which they operated Lie transmitter(s) shall be entered in the proper form. (5) Upon completion of each period of operation for any purpose , there shall be entered in the log a summary of such operation describing the nature thereof and, if message traffic or other record communications were exchanged with other stations, an estimate of the amount of such traffic handled together with a report on any unusual delays which were experienced in the delivery of such messages. (6) There shall be no erasure, obliteration, or destruction of any part of the log of any station or station unit. Correc- tions shall be made by striking out the erroneous portion and initialing and dating the corrections. (b) Mobile radio amateur civil emergency stations or station units, and portable radio amateur civil emergency stations or station units, where not being operated at pre-determined fixed locations, shall be exempt from the requirements of maintaining a log to the extent that the entries required under the preceding paragraph of this section are substantially contained in the log of another station or stations operat- ing in the same radio amateur civil emergency networks. All stations or station units operating in accordance with the provisions of this sub- part shall be exempt from the requirements concerning station logs contained in Subpart A of this part whenever it is shown that compliance with these requirements would interfere with the expeditious handling of civil defense communications or communication drills. 19. tion of the operating or control position of the station or unit. Ott ` portions of the log shall be retained by the licensee for a period o; one year, at a place determined by the civil defense Radio Officer be appropriate and advisable: Provided, That the logs of a station i3 this service shall be made available for inspection upon reasonable request by any authorized representative of the Federal Government And provided further, That those portions of any log covering opera - tion of a station in this service in connection with any actual co: c jeopardizing the public safety or affecting the national defense c security shall not be destroyed unless prior appro\ al `c tion shall have been recei,,,-,] I-c-r tl:e 12.245 Station identifica 4 i; n r (a) Stations operating in the Radio Amateur Civil,Emer- gency Service shall identify themselves in the swine manner and under the rules governing Amateur Radio Stations a.nd Operators (Subpart A of this part), except that: ( 1) Additional designators to indicate portable or mobile operation, or to indicate operation at a location other than that specified in the station license, shall not be used. (2) When engaged in network operation, after a station or unit has been fully identified at least once, further identifi- cation by that station or unit may be accomplished by the use of abbreviated call signs or other distinctive signals prescribed by the civil defense Radio Officer in lieu of the call signs otherwise required to be transmitted by that station or unit. A record of such abbreviated call signs or other distinctive signals shall be maintained by the Radio Officer and shall be made available for inspection upon reasonable request by any authorized representative of the Federal Government. (b) When two or more separate units of a station, which is authorized to be operated in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergent, c , I~ separately identify itself by the addition of a unit number at the end of its call sign. When transmitting by telegraphy such additional identification shall immediately follow the basic call sign and to avoid confusion with portable or mobile indicators, shall not be separated therefrom by the use of the "slant" or fraction bar, or other punc- tuation mark or symbol. 12. 246 Tactical call signs. Stations operating in this service, and independent units of such stations, may be assigned tactical or secret call signs by the Commission or by competent civil defense authority, and may utilize such tactical call signs in lieu of the call signs appear- ing on the station licenses when such use is directed by competent civil defense authority: Provided, That a list of all such tactical call signs assigned stations under his direction shall be maintained by the civil defense Radio Officer and shall be made available for inspection upon reasonable request by any authorized representative of the Federal Government: And provided further, that when such tactical call signs are intended to be used at times other than during communications in connection with actual or impending conditions which appear to jeopardize the defense or security of the United States, a list of such tactical call signs and the stations or units to which assigned shall be furnished the Commission prior to such use. USE OF STATIONS 12.'251 Limitations on use of stations. (a) No station authorized to be operated in this service, other than a control station as defined in this subpart, shall be operated for the purpose of transmitting any signal, message, or other communi- cations except with the permission and under the operational control of the control station of the network in which it is operating: Provided, That nothing in the foregoing shall be construed to prohibit the transmission by any station or unit of a station of such signals as may be necessary for the purpose of alerting or making contact with the control station of the network, or for the purpose of transmitting actual emergency civil defense communications if the control station is disabled or is otherwise inoperative. 21. y ( ) 1Vuliilll In iii1S SeCLiUli Sill lii UC cUiiStruE:U to t), el"t s the operation of a station which is authorized to be operated in this service for the purpose of brief tests or adjustments during or coincident with the installation, servicing, or maintenance of s _(Ji station: Provided, That the transmissions of that station during such tests or adjustments shall not cause harmful interference to the conduct of communications by any other station. (c) No station in this service shall be used to transmit or to receive messages for hire, nor to transmit communications for material compensation, direct or indirect, paid or promised. 12. 252 Hours of operation. Stations in this service may be operated at such times and under such conditions as may be prescribed by the Communications Officer or other responsible official of the civil defense organization having jurisdiction over the area which the station will serve: Provided, That the communications of such stations shall at all times be in accordance with the permissible communications authorized in this subpart. 12. 253 Points of communication. Stations in this service may com- municate with each other, with stations in the Disaster Communica- tions Service, and with stations of the United States Government which are authorized to exchange communications with stations in this serv- r ice by the particular agency having control. In addition, stations in this service may communicate, for the purpose of exchanging civil defense communications, with any other station in any service pro- vided by the Commission's rules, whenever such station is authorized to communicate with stations in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service by the provisions of the Commission's rules governing the class of station concerned or in accordance with the provisions of section 2. 405 of this chapter, 12. 254 Permissible communications. Stations in this service ir(. authorized to transmit only the following types of civil defense c c~ir r>>.urlic ~~.toY:r of necessary drills and tests to insure establishment and maintenance of orderly and efficient operation of the- radix) amateur civil emergency networks and such other radio st itioi)s and networks as may be associated therewith for the conduct of civil defense communications, including communications directly concerned with the conduct of practice alerts, practice blackouts, practice mobilization, and other comparable situations as may be ordered or initiated by competent civil defense authority or by the United States governmental or military authority charged with the defense of the area concerned. All messages which are transmitted in connection with such drills, exercises and tests shall be clearly identified as such by use of any one of the words "Drill" or "Exercise" or "Test" in the body of such messages. (b) Communications when there is an impending or actual condition jeopardizing the public safety or affecting the national defense or security: (1) Communications directly concerning the activation of the radio amateur civil emergency station networks or such other radio stations and networks as may be associated with the networks for the conduct of civil defense communications. (2) Communications directly concerning the conduct of service.by the radio amateur civil emergency networks and such other radio stations and networks as may be associated therewith. (3) Communications directly concerning safety of life, preservation of property, maintenance of law and order, alleviation of human suffering and need, and combating of armed attack or sabotage. (4) Communications directly concerning the accumulation and dissemination of public information or instructions to the civilian population essential to the activities of the civil defense organization or that of other authorized governmental or relief agencies. (5) Communications directly concerning the transaction of business essential to public welfare. 23. I i2. LJJ Use of codes allu C: plicrb. Tiny Station 111 11115 service is authorized to transmit messages in codes and ciphers and to utilize. any method of secret or coded authentication of its transmissions when such method of concealing the contents of messages or such authentication procedure is prescribed by the competent civil defens(. authority of the area served by the station and is approved by the cognizant federal civil defense authorities. 12.256 Priority of communications. The order of priority of com- munications by stations in this service, when there is an impending or actual condition jeopardizing the public safety or affecting the defense or security of an area, shall be determined by the cognizant civil defense authority of the area concerned or his authorized representative. 12. 257 Operating procedure. The operating procedure, and'the method of circuit control by the control station of each network, shall be determined by the responsible civil defense authority of the area concerned and shall, in general, conform as nearly as possible to the operating procedure normally followed in other services in the expeditious handling of message traffic by the method of transmission in use. 24. Advisory Bulletin No. 122 Attachment B August 12, 1952 Revised October 1, 1959 RACES COMMUNICATIONS PLAN CHECKLIST To satisfy the minimum requirements of the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization (OCDM) and the Federal Communications Commission's rules governing the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) sufficient information to cover every item listed below must be included in a RACES communications plan. If information concerning any of the following items is not presently available, the plan should so indicate and provisions be made for future amendments to cover or add to such items. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION REQUIREMENTS (Reference should be made to Part 12, Rules Governing Amateur Radio Service) : l.' Name or describe the area for which civil defense commu- nications are to be provided. 2. Show the name, address, and official title of the person responsible for coordination of all civil defense activities ` for the area. The RACES plan, and all amendments, should bear his signature of approval. 'a 3. Name each civil defense radio officer and any alternates. Show the address, official title, and qualifications of each. If alternates are responsibile for various zones of operation within the area, identify the zone or network for which each is responsible. 4. Describe the facilities available to the area and the procedures to be followed in determining the loyalty and general reliability of all persons connected with the RACE,,, organization. All radio operators must hold written cer- tification, signed by the local civil defense director, that they have been investigated and meet the necessary loyalty and reliability standards, before operation in the RACES is permitted. 5. Give the number of networks planned for the area. 6. Show the area to be served by each network and give the purpose of each (i. e. ; command, first aid, radiological, etc. 7. List all frequency bands to be used by each network. 8. Show the call sign to be used by each net control station and each alternate net control station. Give the address from which each will be operated. 9. Show the address of all proposed fixed stations Indicate the network(s) in which each will be operated. (A fixed station may be operated at any location in a given area, provided each such location is shown in the RACES plan. ) 10. Give the estimated number of portable and mobile stations expected to be used in each network. 11. Describe the method and authority which will be provided for liaison and coordination of frequency usage with other similar networks in the same and adjacent areas to provide efficient sharing of frequencies and avoid, or eliminate, interference. This description must clearly state that your civil defense organization will resolve all RACES frequency- sharing problems within its own area of operation and resolve, with civil defense organizations in other areas, any mutual RACES frequency-sharing problems, present: or future. 12. If any change is made in a RACES organization which would alter the information submitted in the original plan, the plan should be amended to show the change. All RACES 2. 1 12. (continued) communications plans and any later amendments must be submitted to the Federal Communications Commis- sion via the proper State and OCDM authorities for their approval. a. Certification of each civil defense radio officer must be made on a properly completed, and approved, FCC Form 482. i b. Applications for all RACES station authorizations and renewals should be filed on FCC Form 481. Form 481 should not be filed before submission of a communications plan. NOT E : Refer to Sections 12. 225, 12. 242, and 12. 245 (b) for use of ama- teur station call signs in identification of transmitters in RACES operations. Separate amateur station licenses will not be issued to civil defense or RACES organizations. Bona fide amateur clubs desiring station licenses primarily for regular amateur activities may use their stations for RACES operations. ` OFFICE OF CIVIL AND DEFENSE MOBILIZATION 1. Describe how facilities will be organized for command and operational purposes. (Block diagram may be used) a. From local to area or State control. b. From local to lower echelons. C. Coordination with police, fire, engineering, medical, rescue, and other services. 3. d. List frequencies to be used by the various services, and for what purpose (point-tc base, mobile, and portable). e. Describe how this plan is coordinated wi existing adjacent area requirements. Ir whether or not mutual aid and mobile su hac. 2. Name specific,,.1y r> to be included in a county or an area RACES plan, Com- munities must be included in a RACES plan as a prereauisitx. to eligibility for matching funds in the OC'DN Contrib!_ tions Program to purchase equipment for RACES use.. 3. Describe briefly the communications equipment Indicate whether emergency ;power is avai.lable. L' 4. Indicate which of the stations, networks, and operators will, be immediately available, and which are planned for the future. 5. Show the method to be used in assigning call signs to fixed stations (i, e. , will the same call sign, with numbers appended, be used for all stations, or will each operate under a separate call sign?). a. Show the method of assigning call signs to portable and mobile stations. b. Give tactical call signs, if any, that will be uses' C. Describe types of codes F,nd cinller s'k.Tstems. ;i arv, th,t wi.l.l be used,