HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc. Documents c. 1965 - !I ~o - III - I, r 1 i I i 3Z z0 li _ ~ a BP~i-' ZOS AREA Cl--IZEN E_~T : :C CLU;J ALERT PLAN J. R. YOUNGBLOOD f 9W 0430 H. TA2-4081 _ ~'A2 -2 81,E , GROUP _ GROUP I _ tt GROUP III ;JERRY 120SLEY ALVIN GINZEL H. L. 4EDEL i I 9U 2430 KED 0030 9Q 1312 1H. TA2-3874 1 H. TA3-4915 j H. TA2-8267 B• B. TA3-3865 i B. TA -11~ HENRY GEDEL J. D. DAVIDSONJ DAVE SiUQTH -4 KED 2367 KED 1956 i KED 2032 'H. v16-5602 e H. V16-8641 H. TA2-6573 E B. TA3-1159 B. v16-5832 j B.Same - j 164 . i. POHORELSKY OLIVER FIELDS DANIEL GINZEL (uuillie Mae) ! 9Q 0868: 9W 1983 KED 2477 TA3-3342 H. TA2-2760 R H. TA3-4915 i • 1 B. I B. TA3-33865 jL. J. POLK JR. BILL THORNAL ; ED POHORELSKY KED 0027 j KEE 0429 9Q 0868 JH. H. TA3-5202 H. TA3-3342 B. B. B. ;LYNDON DONNELL ED THIELMAN I WALTER PLAGEN KED 0422 9Q 0228 KED 0857 j H. H. v16-8165 H. TA3-4152 1B'----_ . B. TA2-1589 ~ B. jLARRY LOCKE ~ ~MBURT FIELDS A-. Vd. DOMIN19 9EE'.0638 9Fd 2154:- ! 9Q 1301 1H. H. v16-4486 ! H. TA2-6028 iB'--- B. --TL?=567A-- ,CHESTER O'DONNELL i~ BILLY F. LEADS ELTON D. SIVQTH' 941 1210 KEE 0373 KEE 0235 IH. v16-4254 H. vi6-6483 H. TA2-6061 B. Same BILL SARGENT CARL 4ATS6N DONALD HADLEY KED 0262 9W 1945 KED 1607 H. H. H. TA2-7681 B. B. B UNRD E. WHITTLE JOHN MILLER WARREN SHOEME i KEE, 0592 9UV 1322 KED 2694 'H. TA3-5341 H. H. TA2-6404 rr ~s O Z C c~ ~ r 1 ~ . v ti 1- PAC f ;f Al -rO IV A) i - I- P b be .C- P, J . OA11- 4C VIA 41 i" - - - - C, _-~_►'~-~~.s - ~4-D 1 ~ - - ~ t'om` ~ ~ tz - _~n_~ ~ x' ~ G! s ~ p _ ( (s'@ u► N 1ss mT' f -cam e - . e JA) AS_M,4~1 ,_4AA1. CAM V t WO-P tee 7A - o_?--_~o_►? - . ~F Co.v~ tGT,- . AA-D1 0 1 _r 0.9_ 4 ~_r~ 5 d° RAP" ~y AJ ~wxmlio t ► -ago - C`rAO7-1dAkJ f 1-45 - - I I CIVIL DEFENSE CALL OUT RASTER KSP 7415 Ray, Gary L. 823-0531 KEE 3105 Russo, Sammy 822-4691 KOT 3149 Dobbins, Claude 846-3592 or 822-9089 KEE 3777 Co:)b, Ralph, Jr. 589-7259 KKT 4029 Conley, Jassa L. 822-6970 KKT 3962 Davis, William 822-3518 or 822-1490 KKT 39UO Ferguson, T. M. 846-4861 KOT 3147 Page, Chuck KKT 3640 Goodwin, W. G. 846.4862 KEE O~35 Monk, Marvin M. 822-6454 KEE 1503 j Sustaita, Andy 823-5240 or 822-1271 KOT 0824 Newberry, George 8467811 KKT.1296 Wade, Bill 823-0245 KKT 4117 Walston, Louie 822»3505 KNIT 2509 Lsinwebor, C. L. 846-8340 or 846-8791 KKT 3680 Winder L. E. 846-6296 or 822-3793 KOT 2853 Wrdal, W. 822-8267 or 823-1159 KEE 3028 Wiggins, Roy Jr. 822-4958 KKT 2335 Youngblood, J. R. 822-4061 or 822.2819 KMT 3371 Goodwin, Wally 846-4862 KBU 2824 McCarty, Jack 822-4758 KOS 5538 Bmll, M-lton 822-3217 KMT 1330 Strength, George 822-6241 KMT 2245 Pyle, (Chubby) (Channel 10) #!1]': 4140 Greene, John 846-4540 KOT 4128 Ely, Dennis (Ham Operator) 822-0560 K13T 0653 Poterfinid, Howard 537-5511 KUT 3108 Stubblef i"l d, Frank 822-0047 Price, Chester,R. 822-8957 ~r M 1 f .J - J x ,a i 1TION CA►.L ADD 4 Typr", 131011 POWER K 1 '0 -Il NAME Chester 0-Mm4nell Al ,,U ; SB 300 Watts Caste=:sresial g5KIG Collage Sts., Texas Cos . Squip PLP Charles B. Burris A1,A3, SSB too Watts Ca a3°ei~:S KBSPB College Stay, Texas Cc ?quip, . Cbil0 PEP Jean W, Burris (Uses sa•~o squipmot P-2 MHO ASS T ullego Sta., Tax. ti Leo L. r'irsino Br•;wa 4ft4'son Travis 100 Watts I~KVA Oanwo Texas Generator Jwae3s R. Kluth Al, A5-Art 13 300 Wa'-,ts Cowwrical K5WF ( C ) Coll i'C 610 300 Watts 7.5 ICva Gas- Stationo Ts?Cas Generator mm 5. Bookhm A1,0..C'wmerioal 100 fttta Cmwrioal K8WI& olle .e :3t&., Tom-as !janger Aorris B. Stone AS,A3-Co-~ ysriew~tl 60 Watts Comerical M't,EV College sta., Texas Ileathkit Jimy Lyr.oh A1,A3•wComserioal 200 Watts Commorica: As- 4YIQ Bryan, Torras iiaathkit, `46bile 80 Watts 1 :VA Generator B.D. David,, G, Al,A3-►CJowari;al 150 Watts Liwar.orical .5ff 3J Brya°, Te:- as € i,ls 60 Watts 1.KVA Etas- Getieratar B- C; c x n° ~c~al 100 Latta C omorloal La~~.,ard F. `,i_ dwnrth Z; s3r;,ran,Te reps S-bk 0 Cecil Sta,lowrorth Al,A3-of ; z. a riaal 1C)0 tuts ~nA ice]. K5GCr tryat., Tora = =obile 2,3 watts 1 ''.VA 048- 6aeavratDr Joe Ii. Bonifasi Vurte- , 1-3ra~ s , A. A1,A3 TS-12 i-a :di7r 151.1 "atts C:ocawriaai This is a 1967 revised list of the Brazos County Civil Defense personnel.to be notified in case of a National Emergency or Local Disaster. NAME BUSINESS PHONE HOME PHONE Judge W.C. Davis 822-5515 346-4352 Mayor J.D. Conlee 822-1341 822-1716 Mayor D.A. Anderson 846-4771 846-4241 Jake Canglose 846-4791 823-0524 Edward E. Burns 846-7015 846-4130 Fred Sandlin 823-8175 846-5308 John W. Hill 846-8773 846-4531 Ran Boswell 846-7761 846-7034 Bennie Zinn 846-5423 846-5394 J,W. Hamilton (Sheriff) 822-8775 822-4808 Chief Joe Ellsior 822-1596 322-8300 Chief Melvin H. Luedke 846-7761 346-3622 Chief Ed E. Powell 846-8737 846-5024 Dr. Nance Moyer 846-4791 846-5130 Guy Davis 322-3734 822-3047 All Elkins 822-3011 822-6255 Dr. T.O. Walton.Jr. 846-4613 846-4034 Johnny Bausch 846-4918 822-4312 Chief Keith Langford 322-7985 846-7358 Chief E.F. Sevison 846-8716 846-8969 Howard Badgett 846-4200 346-4238 Emett Trant 846-5028 822-0769 Cap1't. William H. Aldred 846-5767 546-5395 Dr. George Huebner 846-4791 846-5745 David C. Jones,Jr. 822-1240 823-1133 James Berry 822-0136 346-5306 D. Brooks Cofer 822-2069 846-4840 John Lawrence,Ill 322-3548 946-8441 John Sandstedt $46-8776 3*6-7628 Henry L. Alsmeyer, Sr. 922-0777 846-6598 H.L. Wedel 823-1159 822-8269 J.R. Youngblood 823-8010 822-4081 Col. Walter Parsons 846-8716 846-3161 tat Sgt. James R. Kluth 322-1600 846-6653 Warren Brawn 823-5421 823-0534 f~,,,e--: ~`~"'h~ ~-'P'.~ ~nx ~ nos s~= fi i•+~ : Z7 29, Amm 1 00 ~ vl r r "y~ h ~ ti C O '~J ~ ~ Z CS ~ y~ U W I s 06, eA.) o 0 P4 ~ ~ ~ Z o ~ W o h W ~ o IX2 on U Ir d •C2 ~ o V y Ln O V h Ln Lon ~ Q C ~ U J.PJ W N A ~ o ~ c 4 y w V E =Y>~ r~ ~ ~ ~ Z i - 3 U C~ - U a a e o T~ i w J elf. S U A 4 i KD W x . tl h ;o h ~ TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY WILSON E. SPEIR Division of Defense and Disaster Relief CD-12 Director C. O. L AYN E State Coordinator Date September 25, 1968 TO: Civil Defense Director Addressed FROM: J. R. Messenger,. Technical Operations Officer SUBJECT: RACES Bulletin Mailing List We are currently updating our RACES Bulletin mailing list. We find that many changea/have been made in local plans; but our files do not reflect same of these changes. Please advise us of the names, calls and mailing addresses of your RACES Radio Officers and any alternates. I. D. Number BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE REGISTRATION FORM Civil Defense Appointment Name Home Address Phone Business Address Phone City Color Sex Race Age Weight Height Hair Eyes Blood Type Occupat ioiC Education Special Skills or Training related to Civil Defense Work - (first aid, rescue, etc.) In case of emergency notify OATH do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Texas, against all enemies; foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. And I do further swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate, nor am I a member or an affiliate of any political party or organization, group or combination of persons that advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of this State by force or violence; and that during such time as I am a member of the County Civil Defense and Diaster Relief Committee of the County of Brazos I will not advocate nor become a member or an affiliate of any organization, group, or combination of persons or of any political party that advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of this State by force or violence." Approved by: Signature Applicant Office of Civil Defense State Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Confidential Personal Data Form Name Residence Address Residence Phone Business Address Dusiness Phone Position Title (if any) Mailing Address Zip Code Marital Status Number of Children Wife Employed? Full or Part time? Driver's License Number and Type State Issued By Date of Birth Place of Birth Station Information Transmitters Receivers Linear Amplifiers List DC input and whether or not homebrew Emergency Power Generator Can You Operate Portable Mobile Fixed I Can Operate the Following Bands I Hold Amateur Call(s) Type of License Expires I Hereby Accept Appointment As In the State Races Program and Will Serve to the Best of Yq Ability as Requested by Duly Constituted Authority. Signed Date Approved DRO Date Approved RRO Date Approved SRO Date Unit Number Assigned Credentials Issued Added to Mailing Date List Date 61-32 DEPAR'T'MENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CD-2 OFFICE OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF Date April 13, 1964 TO: All Civil Defense Directors FROM: George W. Busby, Director SUBJECT: Operational Use of RACES It appears that some confusion exists about when the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service can be used by Civil Defense. The Federal Communications Commission Rules specify that this is a supplementary Civil Defense communications system and can be used at any time the Civil Defense Director concerned authorizes it. Further, any communications pertaining to the safety and welfare of people and property can be transmitted at any time. Natural disasters in other parts of the world furnish an ideal training situation for RACES operators because such activities generate record traffic which must be handled under emotional and technical stress. In case there is any doubt concerning permissible communications on a RACES network, please refer to Part 97.254 (formerly 12.254) of the FCC Rules. These are contained in OCD Advisory Bulletin No. 122. DXPUTMW OF OCEANOGRAPHY AND METEOROLOGY is April 1%3 KOK)UNM To: Mr. Jake Cangeloss From: William H. Clayton Subject: Usage of Signal Corps GRC-26 Radio Transmitter-Raceiver Unit I have been rouble to gat formal approval for the Civil Defense Group that you head to utilise a GRC-26 unit assigned to Contract Uk 36-039 SC-84942 (sponsored by U. S. Army Signal Research and Development Laboratory, Fort Mon- mouth), and as the basis of unofficial conversation between myself and the cost- tract monitor no such formal approval can ever be extended. Jiowever, in view of the fact that your usage of this unit results in service to the contract, as out- lined below, I an taking the responsibility upon myself to authorise your usage of ono AN-GRC 26 subject to the following conditions which must be followed and for which you are charged responsible. as The said AN-MC-26 and associated power supply mat not be used in any manner that violates FCC or Army regulations concerning such usage nor in a manner detrimental to the best interests of Contract DA 36-039 SC-84942 and the Civil Defense unit. b. You will not be permitted to cannibalise under any circumstances parts from other GRC-26 units assigned to the Contract. co No expenses incurred through use of this unit by your group can be charged to said Contract. d. All equipment pertaining to this unit and parts thereof must be main- tained in workable order and in a secure location sufficient to permit complete inventory check at such times as may be considered necessary by the Contracting Officer or his designated representatives. e. The three military frequencies assigned to this Contract may sot be used by your unit except in the execution of Contract business which it is recog- nized will occur from tiaras-to-time with camomicatiou between College Station and Dallas and College Station and Hawaii (after September 1963). f. No persons not specifically authorised by you or myself will be per- mitted use of the radio-transmitter unit or any facilities thereof, and non-official usage of the unit cannot be permitted. Specifically, it must not be used for "harm" purposes except where specifically authorized by you or myself as official require- ments of the Contract or of your organisation. g. In return for the usage of the GRC-26 as outlined above, it is expressly understood that you will maintain in good working order two other GRC-26 and two GRC-19 radio-transmitter units also assigned to the Uontract. It is specifically understood, however, that costs exclusive of labor on the fear radios still assigned to the Contract can be chargeable to the Contract subject to authorisation at the time such costs should become necessary. cc: Mrs. Judy Davis FCC Form 482 Form Approved INSTRUCTIONS United States of America Budget Bureau No. 52-R142 This form should be completed by the civil defense official for the area concerned. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (See Section 12.213 of the Commission's Rules) CERTIFICATION OF CIVIL DEFENSE RADIO OFFICER Forward one copy to the Federal Communications Commission, Washington 25, D. C. via the state (or territorial) and federal civil defense headquarters for approval by the 1. Name of radio officer proper officials. Submit a separate form for each radio officer or alternate radio officer. 5. I hereby certify that I have accepted the appointment of radio officer for this organf- Mailing address (number, street, city, state) zation and have agreed to perform faithfully the duties of my office, including those pre- cribed by the Commission's Rules. Signature of Radio Officer I hereby certify that the above-named radio officer has been investigated and certi- 2. Name of civil defense organization fied by the controlling local governmental authorities as to his loyalty to the United Stales and his recognized integrity, and that his technical and administrative qualifications are adequate for the proper performance of his duties. 3. Give location of the headquarters and area served by that organization (Signature of local civil defense official) 4(a). List below the class of commercial and/or amateur operator licenses held by the (Title) radio officer and any other pertinent information relative to his qualifications. (Use space on reverse side of this form if necessary). Approved by: (Signature of state or territorial civil defense official) b)• Have the loyalty and general reliability of the radio officer been determined according to the communications plan? C] Yes F-1 No (Title) (c). Effective date of the appointment of the radio officer. (d). Name of previous radio bYficer (if any) whose appointment is terminated Approved by: (Signature of federal civil defense official) FCC Form 481-1 Julv 1962 Form Approved SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW United States of America Budget Bureau No. 52-R141.3 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION APPLICA'VON FOR AUTHORITY TO OPERATE. A STATION IN THE RADIO I recognize the temporary nature of the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service and AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE agree to abide by any and all orders and directives of the Federal Communications Com- mission as they apply to that service and that any authorization issued in accordance with . Name o applicant (Print) this application shall be issued with the express understanding that it is subject to re- vocation or cancellation by the Commission at any time if in the opinion of the Commission such action is deemed necessary. I hereby waive any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the ether as Mailing address (number, street, city, state) against the regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and request an authorization in accordance with this application. I certify that the statements in this application are true, complete, and correct to 2. I now hold amateur the best of try knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. operator license, Privileges class. and amateur station license, call sign which expires on (date)__ Signature of applicant (Must agree with Item 1) Date Application for: (Check one) New station Modification Renewal WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS FORM ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT. U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001 4. Will applicant have control over all the equipment and control points covered by this application both as Yes F No[] to physical operation and service conducted? 5. Name of the Civil Defense Organization TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CIVIL DEFENSE RADIO OFFICER 6, Give location (Street, Citv, State) of the headquarters and area served by thai I hereby certify that the applicant is a member of the above-named civil defense ;rganization organization and has satisfied all requirements (both local and federal) for participation in the radio communications network for the area served by that organization. I further certify that the amateur station licensed in the name of the applicant has been approved and, when authorized by the Commission, will actually constitute a unit of 7. Cive the area intended to be served by the network in which this station will operate. a civil defense communications network in accordance with the civil defense communi- cations plan identified herein or an approved amendment thereof. 8. Identify the communications plan for the civil defense communications network in which this station will operate and describe the manner in which you will operate under Signature of Radio Officer Thal plan. FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Term of authorization: Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - FCC Form 481-2 July 1962 FCC Form 481-3 United States of America Y RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE July 1962 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Name and address of licensee AUTHORIZATION TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE • Name of licensee Call Sign ` Normal area of operation Call sign Name and location of headquarters of civil defense organization Name and address of civil defense radio officer FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Term of authorization: Term of authorization: FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Effective date Expiration date (3 a. m. E.S.T.) Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) Special conditions: ' Special conditions: By direction of the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Secretary ®rWRi FCC Form 481-4 RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS July 1962 FCC RECORD COPY 1. Applications for authority to operate in the Radio Amateur Name and address of licensee Civil Emergency Service will not be considered unless there is on file with the Commission, or submitted with the appli- cation, a copy of the approved civil defense plan for the net- work in which the station will operate and the official certi- fication of the civil defense radio officer. 2. Applicants are to complete all pertinent parts of these f9rms Call sign except where otherwise instructed. Name and location of headquarters of civil defense organization 3. Novice or Technician Class licensees are not eligible for a RACES station authorization. 4. Each application must be countersigned by the appropriate civil defense radio officer in the space provided on the appli- cation form. 5. Submit one copy of this form, and all inquiries concerning the application, to the Federal Communications Commission, Washington 25, D. C. FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Term of authorization: Effective date GPO 992056 Expiration date (3 a. m. E.S.T.) i i I A. This authorization does not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor any right in the-use of any frequency or band of frequencies beyond the term hereof. B. Neither this authorization nor the right granted hereunder shall be assigned or other- wise transferred in violation of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. C. This authorization is subject to the right of use or control by the United States conferred by Section 606 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. D. This authorization is subject to revocation or cancellation by the Commission at any time without hearing whenever, in the opinion of the Commission, the security of the United States or the proper functioning of the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service would be served thereby. E. This authorization is issued on the licensee's representation that the statements con- tained in licensee's application are true and that the undertakings therein contained, so far as they are consistent herewith,. will be carried out in good faith. The licensee shall, during the term of this license, render such service as will serve public interest, convenience, or necessity to the full extent of the privileges herein conferred. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY L~~ qty' 1 WILSON E. SYF.ln Division of Defense and Disaster Relief CD-12 Director C. O. L AYN E State Coordinator Date 10-30-72 TO: Jake Canglose, Director, Brazos County Civil Defense FROM: Stephen F. King, Technical Operations Officer SUBJECT: Moaification of Current RACES Plan. Presently your approved RACES Plan is valid until January 1, 1973. Operations may continue on your assigned frequencies until that date unless your RACES Plan is modified. If your plan is modified., it must conform to your newly assigned quadrant(s) and frequency(s). If your RACES Plan does not reflect your new quadrant and frequ---cy assignment(s) before January 1, 1973, it will be sub,iect to cancellation by DCPA. Below are your new assignments for revising your plan: Brazos County: New Quadrant: B Frequency Assignments: Channel 5 10 Meters - 28.73 MHZ 6 Meters - 50.615 MHZ 2 Meters - 145.455 MHZ 14 Meters - 220.540 MHZ Thank you very much. lo, Stephen F. King , ~v ?~.s co March 19, 1974 TO I Mr. Norm Walker State Races Radio Officer Division of Disaster Emergency Services Texas Dept. of Publio Safety Box 4087, North Austin Station Austin, Texas 78756 FROMs M. Linton Jones Bravos Gouaty Races Radio Officer Bryan, Texas 778G. SUB.TF:CTs Ghange of Races 2 Meter Frequenoies. In line with our ph=o conversation of March 18, 1974 this cu mty respectifully requests a change in alloted frequency from 145.455 to 146.820 Megahertz. This change will allow Brazos County Races operators to use our local 2 meter repemter and also will allow use of all 2 meter radio equipment without purchase of additional crystals and modification of our radios since all of us have capabilities of simplex operation on 146.82. Thank you for your consideration., M. Linton Jones CONMMICAT10116 DIVI610N GCT.1,jg65 e0U►ATY Cl fl" 116?s~NS6 DlHzCi0H COUNTY COMc.U.,ICATIO.+a OFYIC;~fi (t3,, Vo HUGO"A r) ((nester 09Dona,ilEeUTY Co.,,ria 01?e1czK NIIx OM. Ear SHr.LThK CQhli, PUB AC 6 hLd lC~ AaCc5 CC hri-KICA~ f3.. RICHUiDSON d'. JON ~S f3 o W :1) C o O~u,V~1::L, , uvtrial 1, Hates 2, Business i, Telepnaae 1. ray 10 Tole. 1oPolice 2;, ate ear . 20 Radio 2, ?Ire 2F Teletyn.-, 30 Local O®e, 4, ?ublic Utilitit-$ OHOANOLA i I ONaL CAAA'A Communications DITIs Lon COU14TI CO?,r.WGC_ATIONa OPr'1C,7_i: Tile County Communicatiosa officer is responalble to the coaanty : civil defense office for all civil defens cce- UVnlcations, yr_,'UTL CO,,,rA. OE+'N'ICr A-, Resooncible for assiaatink county comm. officer in civil defense communicaatl3n plaaanink and acts as nis alteranteo Also directlj responsible for all radio communication p,Lannir~ o ti YXaD Ge : OF?1Cc!'R: rtespovalble for all fixed lime commercial systeas- and local alartint plan util'izift telepnoae communications. desponsibie for installing additional taAlepnone lines in HOC as precspecif led. OkPe1Cr fi : 1tz62OIS18,.:. FOA CJOhOIidA'1iNG r3S 0: LKATIOAO in Brazos county,,,uAdx planning and operation of ._,k3.:;1 linec in HOC and maintainint a functional roa+a station in Braaos county, ,jr8qelter Comm. OFt1C.:R: Responalble for communications and control between public snelters and z;OC utilizing telepnone and two-way radio Comm, as direated in local plannnig for civil defense, aab~l3e Ser~rice Comma off-leer: desponsible for overall plannir% coordinatin,k, imolementaation and operation. of radio lines between control centers and such agencies a '8,, pol-lce D Tire local goverment frogs,, and public utllitit;s operations A/W local civil dtfenne planning, iTiAMW 60V V n l L CIVIL. 1)z.1? -I COru%UAIC.&T IONS JI VDi 'ON L~~O RACra OFkICr,tt: Mesponsiole for impiemeatatioaD planning and operation of an. adequate iLAC-.S program in Brazos county fir e purpose of providing civil defense com iiunicatian links between pre-deslgnated po1ats of operation and a reserve mooile k.roua waien will be assigned to lacationg not antieapdated in commualeation pre-planning. desPdnslble for plannink, coordinatitV and supervision Nof ail amateur resources gar utilisation in a local or national emergency Civil planning for races operations Include day to day operation gointe suen as ; radar control rooms Texas Miq aoamo cangkr, key officals, and tie -in links with otner emergency agencies a M services. COru-jr:jiCIAU. Coim. OFPICEtt: Responibl- for planning, coordinatl% and supervision of operations in a emcrgency of all industral and eomaer; cal radio radio networks in Drazos country e BBAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFEn6E BASE PLAN ANNEX III COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE (RACES) AND AMATEUR RADIO DIVISION AUGiUST, 1965 REFERENCES: BRAZOS COUNTY BASE PLLN FCC REGULATIONS PART B. SECTION 12.211 STATE OF TEXAS, DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND WISASTER RELIEF RACES COMMUNICATIONS PLAN AND OPERATIONAL MANUAL BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE BASE PLAN (DRAFT) AP- 6 ANNEX III COMMUNICATION SERVICE RACES DIVISION ( TO INCLUDE ALL AMATEUR OPERATIONS) A. THE RACES COMMUNICATION BIVISION ORGANIZED UNDER APPLICABLE STATE, FEDERAL, FEDERAL COM UNICATIONS COMMISSION AND AS SET FORTH IN THIS BASE ELAN; SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR s A. 1. MAINTAINING COMMUNICATIONS READINESS IN THE COUNTY-CONTROL CENTER ON ALL RACES FREQUENCIES ASSIGNED. 2. ESTABLISHING A COMPREHENSIVE INTERMNAL ALERTING AND O"ERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR RACES AND AMATEUR COMMUNICATION. 3. RECO"NDING,M APPROVING, AND SUBMITTING FOR FINAL APPROVAL ALLL RACES STATION APPOINTMENTS AND ASSIGNMENTS. B. MISSION THE MISSION FOR` THE BRAZOS COUNTY RACES DIVISION SHALL BE TO PROVIDE: 1. COMMUNICATION FACILITIES FOR BACK-UP OF ESTABLISHED STATE N RADIO NETWORKS; AS OPFRATED UNDER THE DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY; BETWEEN THE COUNTY CONTROL CENTER AND THE STATF CONT ROL CENTER. (THE EQUIPMENT FOR THIS CAPABILITY IS ALrEADY INSTALLED IN THE COUN TY C -)URTHOUSE . 2. PROVIDE BACK-UP C~ATgXRTS?~Xffi~ AND/OR AUGNMENT EXISTING COMMNNICATIONS IN BRAZOS COUNTY WHEN ACTIVATED BY PROPER AUTHORITY. THE OFFICIAL FREQUENCY FOR BRAZOS COUNTY IS 28.720 MC AM AND ALL DULY APPOINTED RACES STATIONS WILL BE REQUESTED TO OPERATE ON THIS F' EQUENCY FOR COUNTY COMMUNICATIONS. THIS FREQUENCY WILL BE CONSIDERED AS THE OFFICIAL BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE FREQUENCY FOR CIVIL DEFENSE INTERCOMM. 3. MAINTAIN A READINESS PROGRAM SO THAT UNITS CAN BE PLACED INOPERATION AND GIVEN ASSIGNMENTS ON SHORT NOTICE. C. OPERATING UNDER AND REPORTING TO THE COUNTY COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER ; THE RACES DIVISION OFFICERS WILL BE AS FOLLOWS; 1. THE BRAZOS COUNTY RACEZS OFFICER IS; z THE DEPUTY RACES OFFICER IS; THE DEPUTY RACES OFFICER IS; _ _ Amy 2. THE OFFICER IN CHArGE OF AMATUER COMMUNICAT: EONS WILL BE DEPUTY vBRAZOS COUNTY BASE PLAN ANNEX III RACES ANT' AMATEUR DIVISION D. ALL DULY APPOINTED PACES PERSONNEL SHALL BE SWORN Ii,l AS PROVIDED BY LAW AND UNDER THE PROVISIONS SET FORTH IN THIS BASF PT,hN BE PROVIDED WITH PROPER S"ATION LICENSE,IDENTIFICATI )N CARDS AND INSIGNAS. E. PFOPFRTY OF THE CITY OF 3RYAN, COLLEGE STATION AND BRAZOS COUNTY ISSUED TO RACES PERSONNEL.SHALL BE SO ISSUED WITH THE UN? ERSTANDING THAT SUCH PROPERTY WILL SIGNED FOR AD UTILIZED WHEN REQUESTE D FOR CIVIL DEFENSE OPERATIONS. aD/OR TRAINING PURPOSES. r F. THE RACES DIVISION OFFICER WILL BREPARE IN ADDITION TO AN ORGANIZATIONAL AND OPERATION PLAN A COMPLETE SURVEYED LIST OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. LIST OF STATIONS GIVING NAME AND LOCATION OF ALL PERSONS HAVING 28.720MC CAPABILITY. ' 2. A LIST SHOWING BY NAME AND LOCATION PERSONS WHTXH COULD HAVE THIS CAPABILITY AND WHAT THEIR RESPECTIVE REQUIREMENTS ARE. AA SURVEY LIST SHOWING ALL AMATEUR RADIO STATION IN BRAZOS COUNTY GIVING NAME 1LOCATION' TYPE OF STATION 7 AND WHETHER OR NOT AUXILARY POWER IS AVAILABLE. G. NATIONALEMERGENCY WARNINING 1. SPECIFIC AQSIGNMENT; THE COUNTY RACES OFFICER WHEN ALERTED BY THE COUNTY COMMUNICATION OFFICER SHALL REPORT IMMEDIATELY TO THE COUNTY COURTHOUSE WITH ONE DEPUTY RACES OFFICER TO MAN RACES COMMUHICATIONS BRAZOS COUNTY BASE PLAN; ANNEX. III RACES DIVISION LOCATE? IN THE COUNTY CONTROL CENTER. ALL OTHER RACES XKTTkTT0NSXWT- AND AMATEUR STATIONS WILL BE ALERTED BY THE COUNTY RACFS OFFICER AND WILL GO ON EMMEDIATE STANDBY UNLESS SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENTS HAVE BEEN ISSUED BY PROPER AUTHORITY. H. IN ADDITION TO COUN7Y COMMUNICATION COMMI#TMENTS BRAZOS COUNTY Iq ALSO PESPONSIBLE FOR DISTRICT RACES COMMUNICATIONS IN THE FOLLOWIr COUNTIES COUNTY A SUITABLE STATION IS AVAILABLE IN THE CONTROL CENTER AND THE DISTRICT RACES OFFICER OR HIS DESIGNATED OFFICER SHALL REPORT TO THE CONTROL CENTER AND ,`ESTABLISH DISTRICT COMMUNICATIONS. BFAZOS COUNTY BASE PLAN APPENDIX - tvmrmntcsttt®n COMMUNICATION SERVICE FOR BRAZOS COUNTY RACES DIVISION ORGANIZATION CHART COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR COUNTY COMMUNICATION OFFICER DEPUTY COUNTY C MMUN ICATION OFFICER COUNTY RACER OFFICER ZFP_UTY---RACES__OFFICER- DEPUTY RACES OFFICER RACES SERVICE AMATEUR RADIO SERVICE BFAZOS COUNTY BASE PLAN ANNEX III COMMUNICATION SERVICE ANNEX APPROVED AS SUBMITTED: SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL BY ; COUNTY COMMUN ICATION OFFICER DATE APPROVED: DIRECTBB FOR CIVIL DEFENSE CITY OF BRYAN DATE APPROVED: -DXTE DIRECTBB FOR CIVIL DEFENSE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION APPROVED AND ENTERED AS PART OF THE BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE BASE PLAN 9 THIS` DAY OF 19 J 15IRECTOR FOR CIVIL BRAZ OS COUNTY, TEXAS ~ D C~~- r ! _ AT'~'OR CIVIL E4 ,ERGENCY FOR Bz~P.-,-JS CU'vT'iY TES= 26 duly i; Pursuant to authority contained in Federal Coywirunications Commissi Rules, Part 12, All existing provisions of sub-part Ai "Rules Gove: Amatuer. Radio Stations and Operators", through section 12.162, and sub-part B, t'Rules Governing Radio Amatuer Emergency Ser ecxeas , • submitted herewith is the RACES Plan for Brazos County, Th--~ cover the area within the boundaries of this county, including towns and communities, except as specified by civil defenese authorities, Ie GENERAL A. DESCRIPTION: The Radio Amatuer Civil Emergency Services (RACES) is a phase of Amatuer Operations for Civil defense communications purpose only. Primaidly, it is designed as backup communications for telephone and telepype landline communication systems applicanle to Civil Defense. Races communications will be utilized for the purpose of communications at points of disaster, and whereever needed, at the discretion of Civil Defense authoritieso Its purpose is to releive overloaded circuits and to replace circuits temporarily out of operation, as well as to furnish communications from areas where communications-are not 8ormally available. B. DEFINITIONS: 1. A Radio Amatuer Civil Emergency Station is an Amatuer Radio Station authorized to operate in the Radio Amatuer Civil Emergency Service for Civil Defense Communications. 2. Civil Defense Communications are those Communications or Signals essential to the conduct of Civil Defense activities of duly authorized civil defense organizations, including communications directly concerning safety of life, preservation of property, maintenance of law and order, alleviation of human suffering and need, and dissemination of warnings of enemy attack to the civilian population in case of actual or impending attack, or in any disaster or other incident endangering the public welfare. Such communications may also include transmissions necessary for the establishment and maintenance of Radio system and communications essential to the Training of Civil Defense personnel. C. RESPONSIBILITY 1. Civil Defense Director a. The legally appointed Director of Civil Defense for this county is responsibile to local govermental authorities for protection and aid to the civilian population in the event of armed attack, or of any disaster or other incident endangering public safety. b. This RACES Plan and all future ammer_dments will bear the signature of the Civil Defense Director. SUBJECT: RACES PLAN Brazos County rage 2 c. The Civil Defense Director for This Counter is: TIAME: Jake Cangelose ADDRESS: 102 Mitchell, Bryan, Texas 2. Civil Defense Communications Officer a. The Civil Defense Communications Officer has the direct responsbility under the Civil Defense Director for the provision, organization.. Maintenance readness, and utilization of Communications to be used by this Civil Defense Organ- ization in the performance of its lawful functions* b. The Civil Defense Communication Officer for This County is: NAME: Chester A. O'Donnel ADDRESS: 315 Lee St, College Station, Texas 3. Civil Defense-Radio Officer a. The Civil Defense Radio Officer is Directly responsible to the Communications Officer for the provisions, organization, Maintenance, readness,and utilization of Radio Communications facilities for Civil Defense use. He is also responsible for Training of Operators in the Standard Operating Procedures. b. The Civil Defense Radio Officer for this County is: NAMEi James Richard Kluth ADDRESS: 70 Highlands College Station, Texas QUALIFICATIONS: Amatuer Radio _ Opr KSEPH, Cleared For Secret. 4. Alternate Radio Officers and Net Control Officers are: Name: Charles E. Burris Position: Alternate Civil Defense Radio Opr Address: 705 Old Hiway 6,College Station,Tex (Amatuer Radio Opr KSEPE) f NAME: Edgar D. Davidson Position: Alternate Civil Defense Radio Opr j Address: 206 Gordon St, Bryan, Texas (Amatuer Radio Opr KSHXD) r Namet Lee L. Piraino Position: Alternate Civil Defense Radio r Address: 200 Academy St, Bryan, Texas (Amatuer Radio Opr WSDPP) Name: John B. Beckham Jr Position:. Net Control Officer for Brazos County address: 200 Academy, Bryan, Texas (Amatuer Radio Opr K5WIIC ) NAME: Leonard F. Woodworth Position: Asst Net Control Officer for Brazos Co Address: 403 N Haswell Dr, Bryan, Texas (Amatuer Radio Opr WSAZH) 5. RACES OPERATORS: a. Each RACES Operator is responsible to the Radio Officer or Alternate Radio Officer, through his Net Control Officer, for the operation of his assigned radio station, This will include sending and receiving of authorized traffic, using proper procedures, knowing and adjusting his assigned equipment where applicable, keeeping logs and records of Transmissions, receiptions and traffic. son SUBJECT: RACES PLAN FOR BRAZOS COUNTY Page be Races Operators to be utilized in this plan are to be properly investigated as per paragraph I.9e,of this plan, and a certificate issued to each operator in accordance with FCC Rules, Part 12, Sub Part ?r -paragraph 12.241 i' D.-Applicability of Rules Governing Radio Amatuer Stations"and Operators In all cases not specifically covered by regulations corAdined in FCC Rules, Part 12, Sub-Part B.. Licensed Amatuer Stations authorized for operation in the Radio Amatuer Radio Civil Emergency (RACES) shall be governed by the provisions of I FCC Rules, Part 12, Sub Part A,ttRules Governing Radio Stations and Operators and advisory Bulletin # 122 (Revised October 1, 1959), which are not in conflict herewith. In case of conflict, the rules governing Radio Amatuer Civil Emergency Services. (RACES) shall govern in respect to any station operated in that service. E. Loyalty and Reliability Investions: 4-1,•.Facilities Availible for Investigation completions: 4. Federal Bureau of Investigation be Texas Hiway Patrol coBrazos County SherifIs Department do Bryan$ Texas City Police Department so College Station, Texas City Police Department f. Co-Worksrs g. Friends he Neighbors io Employeers 3o Former Employees Ee All operators will be investigated by placing calls to the local law enforcement agencies concerning law violations. Operators must complete a prepared fora listing names of friends, former employeeras neighbors, etc. All references will be checked and upon satisfactory completion of investigation, completed forms will be filed by the Radio Officero IN Certification and Authorization: 1. A completed Federal Communication (FCC) Form 482 for the Radio Officer is submitted with this plan. to A Completed FCC Form 481-3 for the Radio Officer and His alternates is submitted with this plan. 3. A certificate fulfilling the requirements of FCC Rule Part 12, Sub Part B, Par 12.241, will beissued'to each operator-Station under this plane Go Liaison and Coordination: Full cooperation will be made with similiar networks in this and adjacent areas so as to provide efficeint sharing of frequiencies to avoid or eliminate interference. This Civil Defense Organization will resolve all RACES Fregquency sharing problems within its own area of operations. This organization will resolve with Civil Defense Organizations in other areas, any mutual RACES Frequency-sharing problems, present or futureo SUBJECT: RACES PLAN FOR BRAZOS COUNTY Page 4 I. ORGANIZATION: A. RACES NETWORKS: a. The Network Name is: Brazos County Civil Defense Net ` be The Area to be covered this Net Jos Brazos County and Cities listed (therein. A map of Brazos County, exas is attached to this plane " co The Purpose of this net is to provide Radio Communications for Civil JDefense Communications Purposes only. d. List of Frequiencies to be used in the Operation of this Net Are: 1. Training: 28.72 2e Operation on Call of the Civil Defense Director is: 28.72 MC, • 0.68, .68MC 220.660 MC, 222.60 MC e. Call Signs of the Net Control Station is : K 5 WIC ' " NCSt John B. Beckham K5WIC I 1015 James Parkway, College Station, Texas L ALTERNATE NCS: Leonard F. Woodworth W5AZH 103 N Haswell St, Bryan, Texas f. Call Signs will be assigned by the radio Officer or his alternate in such a manner that there will be minimum possibility of confusions Call Signs will be The Unit Type, WIC 6 B 1, WIC 6B 2 etc, go The Tactical. Call Sign for Brazos County is: Aggie Zero One. he No Codes or ciphers will be used. io Types of equipment, emmision.. Power source, power output, location i and other other pertinent information will be kept on file with the Brazos County Radio Officer for use when needed. 3. List of all Fixed stations and other possible places of operation will be kept on File with the Brazos County Radio Officer for any possible use. Brazos County Civil,Defense Radio Station (Main) will be established in the Brazos County Court Housee k. Estimated No of Portable & Mobile Stations expected to be used: Nine(9) Be LANG HAUL COMMUNICATIONS: Long Haul Communication will be through the facilities of State Races Nete III* OPERATIONAL TRAINING It is,the responsibility of each RACES Operator to qualify himself to operate in accordance with the US-Civil Defense Amatuer Radio Alliance (USCDARA) Standard Operating -Procedures Manual. The Radio Officer will delegate to the Net Control Officer the responsibility for organizing training networks for the purposes of training RACES Operators. SUBJECT: IV: Any changes in this plan pertaining to the operations or personnel will be submitted for approval as as amendments to this plan. w' Comity Radio aC"cfs c County Communications Officer APPROVED: County Civil e nse Director APPROVED: State Radio Operator APPROVED: State Civil Defense Director APPROVED: Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Attachments: 1- Brazos County Map I + ~ I I 'UU Ar: i CF..: - U V lI, L' ,j. B~~ Cd}u~..~lY BRA ?U.` Date SUBMTs Brasm County Civil. Defense TACES Alert P30A TOs The Brazos Counir C1v31 Defense Uireotor Wr Jake Ow"l se :tee • Bros Counly Court Koeee BYyan* : Tars The followix4g is an alert diagram for the alert of t0 UM Dpi tors ara Officers of the ftesos CounIF RACkS Plans L' CD nUCT P BRANZ OmIa -ell _ J Brasoa COuaia COM Officer Chester r, 5 X T G Edgar D "On Jams B.~ Tlu#h Charles Le Burris Lee L ~o Jae B : Morrie Stow 8tR John B Beckhm Jr John Bdeett o~az~. 1 I AAAM IU. (KCi) ivaw i Brice BritUm o, L. Fats L F lioodworth mink Cicel dtilluarth Ban Dale Jim NasIII 1 1 gar, 4 I Boy Burnheart Jams Lppch li% w 25th at.,. T 0 Walton Sr Keinefes il. r a a 3 John Bdrnett Ange3.U 3carmardo Nell of -sdresses and business addy ws with home and business phones atcchod to this letter* 4.3 JAM R. nUTH Radio Officer w.: ,os Cosh PACES jp-rmaeie _ $ :7C A to Brazoz Yount Civil Defense RACES Alert Plan. Page 1 NAME ADDRffiS (Hoagie and Work) Phone (Business & Home) Jake Cangelose 402 Mitchell, Brun, Texas TA 346L221 Dept 0osanogapby AKC VI 6-4791 Cheater ODonnon MG 315 Lee St, College Station, Texas VI 644256 Bryan Police Dept TA 2-1205 Edgar D. Davidson KqW 206 S Gordon St, Bryan, Texas 2A TA z 4 18 2-1b00 National Guard Amory Bryan,Tft James Ro Kluth 15EPH 701 Highland, College Station, Tex VI 6-6353 National Gusrd AMory.Bryan,Teuss U 2-2600 W-1600 Charles E Burris K5EP8 705 Old Hivay 6,ColleLe St tion,Texas VI 6-6560 Ert 58,60 Dept of Meterology► TexAMC Joe M BonifAii K5CBH Kurten, Texas TA 2-3096 Self EMlcyeed-Farmer Ranchw Dorris B Stone 95QN 702 MWM $to College Station,Tex TZ-7871 Or VI6-6520 John B Beckham Jr K5fIC 1015 James Parkway,College Station,Tex VI 6-5290 Student A&M Consolidated High VI 644813 Part Work-A&M Golf Course VI 6-5110 Brice Brittion W5UJC 103 s Ennis St, Bryan, Texas TA 3-3378 Barron Brittion Inc 1213 S College,Brtan TA 2-1305 O.L. Pate KSrHarvey Road, Bryan, Texas TA 2-0508 Fire Station,Bryan AFB,ID Bryan,Tex TA 2-3681 Lee Piraino WSD~"P/K5WFC 200 AeadeaW, Bryan, Texas TA 2-4053 Lee Radio,405 W 25th. St,Bryan, Texas TA 2- I-A L. F. Woodworth W5&ZH 403 N Hamtell,Bryan, Texas TA 2-6040 Dept of OceanograpbWWterology TearJ11'iC VI 6-4791#Lxts 60 or 58 Cecil Stallworth K5CCE 2021 Neuches Lane, Bryan, Tom TA 2-4531 Greisser Elect, Bryan, Texas TA 2-1423 Doan Dale M(DK 1008 Winding Rd,College Station,Tex VI 6-5935 1313 Texas Ave, Bryan, Texas TA 2-3732 Roy Burnheart W5UL Allen Mil Acad,Bryan, Texas TA 24128 Marmon Scarmardo K5UC 800 N Parker St , Bryan, Texas TA 2-4515 Scarmado Grocery Store TA 2-8539 Angel.ia Searmardo K5= 800 N Parker St, Bryan, Tema TA 2-4515 Scarwardo Grocery Store TA 2-8539 e'"t1$;.I2G3S }+Of;t::/ 0 Henry Menefee W5RAS 263.4 Maloney Sts Bryan# Texas TA3-6577 2 Way Radio Service U2-3733 Jean Burris 15WJJ 705 Old hiway 6iCollege StationsTex V16-65,Sq- John Badgett K94VI 208 Pershing StgCol.lege StationpTex VI 6.4238 Student L&M Consolidated High School vi 6-5110 Dr T 0 Walton Sr Munson Drs College Stationq Texas VI 6-4031 903 Himy 6 'vi 6-4613 WILL, OPERATE W AC Texas A&M C1ud Radio Station John Barnett,' E5= Room 9 Mitchell Hall-Gala. Housing Office V16-5713 Part Time Work KBTX TV VI 6-7777 Can Call MSC Ext 25 V16-8721 Jim Nash K5FDC' Room 78ol4ggitt Ha11-Call Housing Office V16-57'i.3 Cnn Cai1 Ysc Ert 25 VI6-8721 ° I - eL o r /600 4 6 1 , 4- 90-..-o-r e' A0-5417/417 /to, e frarrf k-v-red 2 e — / 5 7 6 A 9-17 /5 3, L7a/-/1/2 be h a 0 , 7 C41,0 larP"Vg, 5.2r_ - 7n - 6 5" /28 8 40$4,11116W