HomeMy WebLinkAboutPleasant Grove Baptist Church Application Pending College Station Wistoric Tarker,4ppfication Revised December 2008 APPLICANTS NAME: ADDRESS: 31 3 ~Ci ~ma CITY, STATE, ZIP: C o l e-g e, S+V iQr1 -rX a t D PHONE: IQCI(O - E-MAIL: L THIS MARKER NOMINATION IS FOR A: A. I# STRUCTURE MARKER Structure is a chwzy) (Home/ uilding) If a home, was it formerly located on campus? (Yes/No) Address of structure: leclsa ~ (r(-C)ye - &Pt st C il k-k 'rLLA - I D-I to -De nt- LUI (-;5t~ SkiC~~'1 -ry I_J Owner's Name, Current Mailing Address, Phone Number & Email address: ` c S&r (lame, -Pct ~ lam( /4 .C oc c-L (aq 3 - T-1~y ( 979 ) B. ❑ SUBJECT MARKER This nomination is for: (Event/Topic/Person/Object) The title of this subject is: Is the proposed marker to be placed on public or private property? Address where marker will be placed: Historic Marker Application, Historic Preseroation Committee, City of College Station, Texas -1- II. Describe the significance of this nomination with as much detail as possible: See u.i-tz kLSAej d You may attach additional pages for your narrative, if needed. Be sure to attach supporting documentation to this form. Historic Marker Application, Historic Preservation Committee, City of College Station, Texas -2- S6 Ba tist Church P 1216 Detroit College Station, Texas 100th Church Anniversary N d I M1 r w 5 S M. ju 1896- 1996 July 21, 1996 4:00 p.m. Rev. A. C. Clark III, Pastor APO "We've Come ye y~ This far Blq - i3 The Old Church Building A Brief History of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church College Station, Texas 1896-1996 The men and women who preceded us in this church left for us, their spiritual and natural descendants, a heritage of true Christian living. This history was written to honor their work, devotion, and sacrifice in order that their lives, faith, and efforts will be appreciated and remembered by generations yet to come. A church cannot exist without a firm foundation of love, loyal devotion, faith, and hard work. Pleasent Grove endures because its foundation is secured in the Lord by the faith of its members, past and present. In 1896, a small group of believers met in the home of Brother Henry Young to organize a Baptist church. Some of the members attending the meeting were Sam Monroe, Dave Collins, Berry Hampton, Scott Jones, Emaline Chims, Mrs. Louis Whiteside, and Mrs. Walter Peterson. Like many other rural churches across the South in that time, the congregation held services for a time in a brush arbor. Some of the first officers of the church were Brother Walter Peterson, superintendent of the church school, West Foster, church secretary, and Victoria Foster, mission president. As the congregation grew in numbers, a school building on Hope Creek Road near the Brazos River became the meeting place. Many members were added to the Church, including Mr. and Mrs. H. Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Eliza Whiteside, Ike McWilliams, Palmer Banks, Bob Young, Joe Gerrell, Hawkin Wiggins, John Wiese, Ike Watson, Joe McCrary, Charlie Foster, Charlie Blackshire, and Silva Lister. Among the ministers who answered the call to pastor the congregation were the Reverends C. C. Collins, S. Smiley, W. Larry, Henry Sterling, L. I. Williams, and Ed Steptoe. This congregation gave the church the name it bears today, Pleasant Grove. The pastor at that time was the Reverend J.T. Smiley. In 1910, the Church called Rev. G. W. Williams from Benchley, Texas as pastor. Looking forward to future growth and progress for the church, Pastor Williams suggested that the Church be moved to Wellborn. Over the next several years, the congregation built three different Church buildings to serve the needs of the congregation and community as the Church membership continued to grow. Pastor Williams was ably assisted by several young deacons including Brothers Charles Banks, Oscar Peterson, Johnnie - - Wilborn, and the youngest, Alandrus Peterson. In later years, as Reverend = Williams' health began to decline and people began to move away from Wellborn, it was T s decided that the Church should relocate in or _ near College Station. Two plots of land were = considered as potential sites. One plot of land had been given to the church, which was located in Wellborn near Salem Baptist r Church. The other was on Southland Street in College Station, and had been purchased earlier by a group of members of the church. Rev. G. W. Williams However, no moves toward construction were undertaken yet. During Reverend Williams' later years, many ministers were called to conduct worship services: including the Reverends M. L. Ford, K. K. Wells, L. R. Bullocks, W. W. Mark, H. Holt, M. D. Morgan, L. E. Hightower, and T. C. Canto. On September 26, 1971, Reverend Williams was called from labor to rest. Reverend T. C. Canto was called to the church as pastor to succeed Reverend Williams. Although the church faced many crises and lost many members over the years, it continued to serve its members and its community. New land was purchased on = -i.. Detroit Street in College Station and construction was begun. The dream of a new - Mill; church building became a reality for the = faithfi►1 church members under the leadership of Reverend Canto. -14 Under the leadership of Reverend Canto, five members were ordained as deacons: A. C. Clark, Jr., Lockie B. Hicks, f Tolhe N. Thompson, Travis Williams, and 4 Jose h H., Williams. Brother Williams - P represented a special blessing from God 1.. f- REV. T. C. CANTO, PASTOR since he served as an architect, builder, and a carpenter. At the same time as its physical facilities were growing and improving, the church experienced a time of extensive spiritual renewal and growth in membership. Every department of the church was strengthened, and it was common for the believers to bow around the altar in prayer. The people truly worshipped God in spirit and truth. In March 1976, God called Reverend Canto home, and the Pleasant Grove family was without an earthly shepherd. On the fourth Sunday in May 1976, o~ Reverend O. L. Taylor was called to serve the congregation, feeding the hungry and comforting those who mourned. Under Reverend Taylor's leadership, two deacons were added: Ray Terrell, Sr. and Oliver E. Smith. Plans were made to pay the remaining debt on the church building. Reverend Taylor stepped down from the pastorship on August 24, 1980. Reverend O. L. Taylor 1 Reverend C. Vincent Berry, known as `a voice crying in the wilderness,' was called to the pastorship on October 7, 1980 and served until November 1982. Under his, leadership, the mortgage was paid and the r: A official mortgage burning was held on April_ 12, 1981. { Reverend C. Vincent.Berry I~ Reverend Roy Elton Braclins succeeded Reverend Berry on Easter Sunday, April 11, 1982 and served until May 1983. Under his leadership more new members were added to the church and the choir stand was enlarged. A new piano was also purchased, eiuiching the worship for everyone. REVEREND ROY ELTON BRACKINS The Reverend J. H. Chapman Joined Pleasant Grove as pastor on November 16, 1983 and lead the people until August 19, 1984. In accordance with the Lord's commands in Scripture and praver, Pastor Chapman established a humane service Reverend J. H. Chapman find to help those who were less fortunate. He was know by all as a person who loved to bring sunshine into the lives of others. The church was beautified by the addition of flower stands during his pastorate. Following Pastor Chapman was the Reverend Calvin Arnold on October 14, 1984. Through him, the Lord provided a ministry of preaching, teaching, and spiritual revelations. He abided ui the Word of God and exhorted believers to realize that they "can do all things through Christ who strengthens us." God blessed the church spiritually and financially and added many new workers. Brother Jack Cook was called to the ministry and preached his first sermon in July 1985. He now labors as an associate minister in Anchorage, Alaska. Brothers Andrew Chambers, Jr., Curtis Thompson and Sam Hill III were ordained as deacons m December 1986. Brother Sam Hill III was called into the ministry and preached his first sermon in December 1989. He served as the Youth Minister until he was called to become the pastor of Roans Chapel Missionary Baptist Church of Roans Prairie, Texas in July of 1994. Brother Chambers has since moved to Arlington, Texas and is serving as a deacon. Brother Anderson Jones was added as a deacon in January 1990. Reverend Albert Nicholson was added to the ministerial staff in 19921, To provide for future expansion, property was purchased adjacent to the present building in 1989. Extensive building improvements were made including the addition of ceiling fans, a new air conditioning system, new entrance doors, and V painting of the outside trim. The roof was repaired and strengthened with - new shingles, the pews were refurbished, and new lighting fixtures were installed. Plans were drawn up r = < : for the construction of a cafeteria on the adjacent property. No date for - - the start of construction has been set as of this writing. On May 28, 1995, Reverend Arnold resigned as pastor of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church and became the pastor of Galilee Baptist Church In Caldwell, Texas. Reverend Calvin Arnold Pleasant Grove then called one of its own, Reverend A. C. Clark III, to be pastor of the Church on July 18, 1995. Reverend Clark has shown himself to be a faithful son of God and leader for the people. - - 'Avg r R. t L lark III The Lord continues to pour out His blessings on the People of Pleasant Grove Baptist. It is impossible to name all of the persons and recount all of their deeds in making Pleasant Grove what it is today. The spirit of unity, caring, and service built on the strong foundation laid by those men and women who went before-, and w111 continue into the fiiture for Pleasant Grove--perhaps for another 100 years! Death Toll 1973 through Calvin Banks National Brown Bill Brown Rcv. T. C. Canto Rosctta Chccks A. C. Clark, Jr. Margarct hicks L. B. hicks Joc McGill E itta Pctcrson Ned Pctcrson Mclvin RIfrcd Preston, Jr. XJcc etta Rhonc Lillian )can dark Robinson Mattic Roy Ophclia 15attcrficld Richard '3attcrficld e1mcr Thompson L,onnic Thompson Tommy Townsend Johnnic W ilborn eirvin A Williams, Jr. Viola W ilborn Joscph Williams 100th Church Anniversary Pleasant Grove Baptist Church 1216 Detroit Street College Station, Texas 77840 July 21, 1996 4:00 p. m. Processional "We've Come This Far By Faith" Devotion Deacons Song Pleasant Grove Choir Welcome Sis. Delois Simpson Response Guest Church Song Pleasant Grove Choir Church History (soft music, read silently) "From Whence We Came" Sis. Mozelle Williams Recognition of Former Members Sis. Robbie Clark Memorial Tribute (soft music) Lighting of Candles Sis. Novella Jones and Sis. Mabelene Robinson Song Pleasant Grove Choir Offering Deacons Presentation of Speaker Pastor A. C. Clark III Special Music Guest Choir Anniversary Message Rev. Hayward Wiggins, Pastor Gethesemane Missionary Baptist Church Houston, Texas Invitation to Christian Discipleship Minister Special Presentations Remarks Announcements Benediction Rev. A. C. Clark III - Pastor Bro. Travis L. Williams, Sr. - Master of Ceremonies (Dinner served at the Lincoln Center) i 100 YEARS !LOOK HOW FAR WE'VE COME WITH THE LORD! "By ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord " I Corinthians 15.58 Pleasant Grove, you are appreciated for the many ways you show that you care 'Twas grace that brought us safe thus far. Thank you for reflecting God's loving kindness in the things you do for others and for showing the character of Christ in all of you. Through hard trials, tribulations, persecution, hidden snares; still Look how jar we've come with the Lord! Pleasant Grove, keep on working for the Lord, the pay may not seem much, but the retirement plan is out of this world Again I say, thank you Pleasant Grove, and thank you God FROM THE DESK OF REV A. C. CLARK III r CHURCH ANNIVERSARY JULY 2t 1996 PIP-asant- Grove Baptist Church 1216 Dee rort Street College Station, Texas 77840 W€' ve come, Thi;? kov. C Clark ill, Pastor ~¢v~¢h, W (~rs. c. ~ar~ F f f lA • << 1 A5t a►~~ ~•ese~t A, QU, r Rev. Leroy Clark ii Rev. & Mrs. J. P. Robinson Rev. & Mrs. Jack Cook Associate Ministers Not Pictured Rev. Samuel Hill Rev. Albert Nicholson Rev. Oscar Dove Rev. Melvin Cooper kexoiis 1•a e1• oo ~•us ~~s ASS u (Shown left to right) Ned Peterson, Alton Williams, Travis Williams, Ervin Williams, A. C. Clark, Sr. (2nd row)Tollie Thompson, Pastor Canto, Charlie Banks, Joseph Williams, A. C. Clark, Jr. and L. B. Hicks. a ` w~ (Front row) Ray Terrell, Sr., Charlie Banks, Rev Calvin Arnold, Rev. J. P. Robinson, Curtis Thompson, Johnnie Wilborn, (Back row) Bill Brown, Oliver Smith kcAco~s Ai rot er oo Alton B. Williams, Jr. Travis Williams, Sr. i. i Fron left to right:,, Front row: r James Thompson s Ray Terrell, Sr. Back row: Rev. A. C. Clark f - _ Anderson Jones Elbert Clark Rev. J. P. Robinson Ast a►~~ ~•ese~t tr„m the ytlr „t..,n,lA v~. f~iu~cv..swtcmmeer-tt~~~ 'tom' - t , ur h, i, ur u to .,ur cd,rt~i., ~ ~ the k tq - pad i t"6 -'I t Ln-rin ~ - _ SFr Helen Hicks, Bertha Steen and Mozelle Williams Back row: Ruby Wallace and Roi: Clark. Front row: Viola Wi Mozelle Williams. Left to Right Front row: Mabelene Robinson Mozelle Williams Edna Thompson Brenda Dove Robbie ClarkT I! - Back row: _ j Rev. A. C. Clarkt Betty Clark 'rte Jeri Hanks Delois Simpson s Helen Hicks Novella Jones Rev. J.P. Robinson II Not pictured: - - J. Tyna Watson Fair Emma Redd = 1, Congratulations Pleasant Grove Baptist Church on ioo Years Of Dedicated Christian a)ervicc "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the 13on, and of the holy Ghost". Matthew 28:19 Pleasant Grove Mission 17[ Auxiliary Myrtle Barnes Tommy Chambers Ollie M. Cooper, Treasurer JoHnn McCain, Teacher Jean Preston, Secretary Eunice Williams, president helm Williams, Vice President f f . s = Eunice illiams a:id Jean Freston k- E. ' Left to Right: Rev. A. C. Clark, Mary L. Williams, Edna Thompson and Helen Williams ~ a~• ~ss~a~ r~ ASS' ~a~ ~ 'ICY .a ~ 3. ~ ' e S,, id ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; t a ~ e. #9~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~4 ~ _ r c - W. v..,.. F y~ Left to Right: Rev. A. C. Clark, r., Terry McMurry, Mabelene Robinson, Linda Shepard and Brenda Dove JUNIOR MISSION Past and Present Presidents: Advisors: Members Continue: Charlene Brackins Mabelene Canto Robinson Kim Forman Selma Cook Djuana Hill LaShelle Foster Michele Preston Andrew Chambers Shelia Ware Sallie Canto Littleton Novella Jones Sherry Johnson Marla Richardson Carolyn Johnson Wanda Allen Cynthia Williams Edna Thompson Andrew Chambers Sheila Hughes Vice Presidents: Ministerial Advisors: JoAnn Washington Reverend Samuel Hill Ruby McLean Reverend Jack Cook Brenda Dove Shelly Jenkins Jackie Thornton Secretaries: Members: Linda Preston Debra Chapman Pamela Simpson Stephanie Evans Gwen Wells Mary Grays Linda Gladhill Angela Campbell Pamela Williams Tanya Fuller Tanya Canto Assistant Secretaries: Cleo Kennard Earnestine Mayfield Colette Thompson Tyna Watson Valerie Tasker Linda Barnes Treasurers: Lisa Washington Nellie Barton Cecilia Browder Claudette Arnold Toni Browder Linda Shepard Sharron Wilson Brenda Dove Susie Williams Shoronda Smith Bible Teachers: Gail Columbus Reverend Samuel Hill Marcia Phillips Lillian Robinson Tammie Grays Linda Edwards Reyenette Dove Roanald Lewis Vanessa Kimbrough Mabelene Canto Robinson Kenna Washington Corine Smith Lois Terrell Linda Shepard Terrie Terrell Musicians Claudcttc Arnold Wanda Bakcr Webster Carr pcborah Chapman I h. Chapman Cccil X}avcnport pouglas Franklin C5ylvia hood Bctty hudspcth Mattic Malone Chris McWilliams Carolyn Nobles Mel Roy Colby Shorter Claudc Wade Ora L. Waldon Eayc White Cussic Wilborn Cynthia Williams eastcrlinc Williams ]Cola Wilson Mac XDcll Wilson ~ .o.s~ k~~_ VP# ` g Y I I~, k Top Row - left to right) Pastor Canto, Tollie Thompson, Robbie Clark, Viola Wilborn, Beverley Clark, Bertha Steen, (2nd row) Ora L. Thompson, Charlie Banks, A. C. Clark, (3rd row) Mabelene Canto, Cecil Davenport, Jean Preston, Margaret Hicks and Elmer Thompson. f 1973 Jr. Choir e ~ F a ~ Vie; S - (shown left to right) Alton Williams Jr., Mary Williams, Pamela Williams, Nicky Canto, Craig Williams, Tyre Canto, Melvin Preston, Linda Preston, Alton Williams, Sallie Canto, Cynthia Thompson, Jackie Thompson, Tollie Thompson, Jr., Verdis Wilborn, Richard Clark, Travis Williams, Cecil Davenport and Pastor Canto. 1 1980 Dnspirational Choir Officers ?resident Xinda ?reston `Ike ?resident 'Cathryn Drowder Secretary Cecila Trowder LAsistant Secretary Michelle `errell `Treasurer 2amela gMliams LAsistant `Treasurer Marlon Cram (VIliams Sergeant LA LArms Melvin ?reston assistant Sergeant LA LArms `Tyre Canto Choir SRoster Trowder, Cecila `Taylor, Evonne i~ Trowder,'Cathryn `Taylor, Xoretta Canto, ZVicky `Terrell, L Michelk i Canto Sally `Townsend, ,peon Canto, 'Tyre Wborn, ` Urdis Clark, SRichard Whams, 5eorge Cooper, L,~in gOlliams,'Cenneth ?reston Chula. Williams, MMarlon C. ?reston, cltelvin (VIliams, ?amela. 74ylor, Evette Douglas ranklin - L Musician 3. "2yna" (IfWson -'Youth Director i f • f 0 ASS" PLEASANT GROYE ~ ~ BAPTIST CHURCH - 6 ZFY ~y1 a u -z Left to Right: Mabelene Canto, Mary L. Wiiiiams, Linda Preston, Colette Thompson, Sharon Wilson, Claudette Arnold, Jean Preston, Edna Thompson, Sally Canto, Pamela Simpson Selma Cook and Rev. Calvin Arnold i I p rational New ns ira Choir N Carolyn Nobles, Music. Director Carolyn Johnson, President) BettyClary Elbert Clary Brenda Dove Jenkins r Shelley Cleo Kennard Ron Lewis Michele Preston Marla Richardson Linda Shepard Clarence Stepney Ray Terrell Edna Thompson Cynthia Williams { V r } r Ail Left to Right: Front Row: Kendrick Webb and Tyre Canto III Back Row: Rev. A. C. Clark, Helen Williams, Elaine Banks, Brenda Dove and Novella Jones I~ log log I IN you Ast a►~~ ~•ese~t ~ N sib x n ~ f 8 va LCC1~S fit } V- Left to Right: Back Row: Rev. A. C. Clark, Elbert Clark, Ray Terrell, Sr. James Thompson, Anderson Jones Middle Row:Brenda Dove, Candilyn McLain, Marla Richardson Betty Clark, Novella Jones Front Row: Mozelle Williams, Helen Hicks, Mabelene Robinson and Robbie Clark Not pictured: Travis L. Williams, Sr. and Jean Preston o4vovr as e r y E! "Where there is unity, there is strength." The Souvenir Booklet Committee thank you for your support and prayers in this effort. Pictured: (Front Row) Rev. A. C. Clark III, Mabelene Robinson, Robbie Clark, Marla Richardson. (Back Row) Delois Simpson, Brenda Dove and Novella Jones. (Not Pictured) J. "Tyna Watson and Jean Preston. GAP £x ressioNs r of ~ • ~ Coligratulatio»s ~ too I ~i STATE OF TEXAS OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR GEORGE W. BUSH GOVERNOR July 21, 1996 Greetings to: Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Laura and / are pleased to congratulate you on your 100th Anniversary. Throughout history, faith has been a cornerstone in the lives of millions of people. Churches such as yours contribute to the spiritual foundation of Texas. / applaud the strength of conviction which brought you to this very special occasion and thank you for your outstanding ministry to your community. We join your congregation in celebrating this anniversary. Sincerely, y w 4GEGIE W. BUSH CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Post Office Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue Cc c c station, Texas 77642-9960 (409) 764-3500 June 24, 1996 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church 1216 Detroit College Station, Texas 77840 To the Members of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church: It is with great pride that I am able to speak on behalf of the City of College Station in celebration of your church's 100th Year Anniversary. Your century of leadership and dedication to this community cannot be praised enough. Our families and our nation's communities are under Beige from many outside evil forces. Without the strong leadership of churches such as Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, we will not be able to win the war against those forces. The church is the backbone of this nation because it is the place where the community can come together in fellowship, praise, prayer, and support to make the quality of life more meaningful for us all. We have been fortunate in College Station to have been spared some of the evil that has descended upon other communities. But we cannot become complacent and our community needs your continued support and prayers so that we may come together in peace and harmony as we know that Our Maker has intended. We wish you much joy and honor during this special time and pray that your church will continue to be one of the strong "rocks" of the community for another 100 years. Sincerely, Lynn McIlhaney Mayor of College Station Home of Texas A&M University F,GE S?, T' College Station Independent School District 1 r{ V E;U ! nee In Education.- ft Investment In The Future yo a o~ N? SCH~ July 16, 1996 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church 1216 Detroit College Station, TX 77840 To the Members of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church: It is with great pleasure that I write this letter on behalf of the College Station Independent School District in celebration of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church's 100th Year Anniversary. Throughout the past century your contributions to this community have been appreciated by the citizens of College Station ISD. Your church with your continued effort to promote family values is very important in these changing times. Our students need to feel the warmth and security that caring churches like the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church bring to the community. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of joy Y and celebration. We wish you continued success in all your hopes and endeavors for this community. Again, we congratulate you on your 1001li )'car ;Anniversary. Sincerely, Jinn Scales Superintendent 1812 Welsh Street College Station, TX 77840 JIM SCALES, Ph.D. 409-764-5455 FAX 409-764-5492 Superintendent of Schools u lei Abs i~ Of ~ C~~grattilatio~s ~ 1N MEMORY Of Melvi» Alfreb rresto", Jr. lR Sertember 21, 19$6 - M~~ 31, 1996 4 Oh how we thank God for the life of Bro. JR Even though we only had him in our lives 9 years, JR Had an impact on may lives. JR touched all of us in one way or another. JR Had an enormous amount of inner { strength, an abundance amount of courage, and the faith to never give up. We thank you Lord for letting our paths come together with such a wonderful child of yours. 'SWEET MEMORIES' Your Mom, Dad, Monquie, Granny, Aunt Linda, Jamy & Jony Con ratul ations and 3est -Wishes Pleasant Grove On Your 100th Church .anniversary In Nemorv of The Gate X ev. T. C. Canto Gone But Not forgotten Precious Memories )Yow They Linger. -WIfe: Sister Nabelene Canto Xobinson Children: Tyre Canto Jr. Nickv Canto Beverley Clark Walker Sallie Canto Littleton Grandchildren: Trey Clark Troy Clark Trevor Clark Tyre Canto 111 Xavier Canto Daughters In a - - ,Marsha Canto Tanya Canto Son In Caro Sedrick -Walker Andrew Littleton 6reat Grandchild -Victoria Xelli Clark 7 IN AkUkoRl)~ or A. G. GLARIK IR. HUIBAND AND F'ATHIER F'RO~ MRf. ROBBIE CLARK ELBERT CLARK ALBERT CLARK FLOYD CLARK ROBERT EARL CLARK LILLIAN JEAN CLARK ROBINf ON (DECEAfED) rv REV. LEROr CLARK REV. A. C. CLARK. JR. ELDER MARION CLARK RICHARD CLARK Y t } In Remembrance Of My Mother Daughter, Sister, Nephews, Niece, and Granddaughter We Love You ~F Lillian Jean Clark Robinson From Edward Robinson, Son Granddaughter Robbie Clark, Mother Nephews Elbert Clark Kendrick Albert Clark Trey Floyd Clark Troy Robert Earl Clark Trevor Rev. Leroy Clark Todd Rev. A. C. Clark Marcus Elder Otis Clark Eric Richard Clark Clenton Jarmine Timothy Floyd Jr. (Deceased) Nieces Sheila Phylis Chandra f Sister Bertha Steen R "WILL YOU STILL REMEMBER ME?" Will you still remember me, when the work that was started many years ago has grown to a mighty tree? Will you remember that I was part of the seed sown on S stony ground? L ; • • Yet, nurtured by the Spirit of God took root, ,,ti, • and pushed upward and out of the ~ a , W. • V. .art' h ~a • ground. - ~ Will you even remember that I was there, when this work was AL still very small...' When folks would say in a 1.~• ('t quiet way... "This won't last N = , - ti t very long at all." I~,; f Will you remember to tell the new branches about the parts of the tree they can't see... ; ' ; • About the roots that have held ~r L 4 A.• through the storm and rain, • M and still feed us spiritually? And when you tell of the 'to love, and the prayers, and the faith, and the sacrifices that had to be. Will you even remember to mention my name? Will you still remember me? --SMH III In Loving Memory of Mr. Locke B. & Mrs. Margaret 5TCks €a - A ~ w r a n 4v ua memories reminds us of Big Daddy & Big Mama. Our precious Their Legacy lives on in our hearts. We thank God for the memories that we will cherish forever. We know they are in a great mansion where the angels have welcomed them with opened arms. Thank You Big Mama and Big Daddy , t J=: We Love you ~ ~ J_ J , Cherished Memories of Mr. Joseph .Henry Williams Husband Father Grandfather and Mr. Gary Williams Son Brother Uncle In God's Wiff Is Our Peace f~ We give our loved ones back, to Cjod, And just as He firstgave them to us And did not lose them in the giving, So we have not lost them in returning them to 7lim. For Life is eternal Love is immortal Death is only a horizon... And a horizon is nothing But the limit of our earthly sight. -Helen Steiner Rice Your Family, Eunice R Williams Yoe M, Yocelyn Gail, and yessica N Pierce Alk E' ; y . Z f In Loving Memory Of N Our Parents N Brother Abner Leroy N White t: and Ikirk Sister Armella White y The White Family All the Children Euridell, Lula Bell, Mary, Abner, Jaxvv;;, "ty Robert, Joseph, Fay, Lovie and Ruth ■ M,Nll Gob cofifiliuc To Bless Our cjiurcji A LET YOUR ~ snse~r MOTTRYMY SEE YM MW MOKSAAV SWIFY Y&WFAnERNBFAVBV. m,,..m ■ Tjie fAmlaq of ■ ■ In Loving Memory, Our Parents Brother Johnnie Wilborn aICllQ]L Sister Viola Clark Wilborn The lVhite FdR]]CCff]Lllllg' F&7e,=. Jake, Yolanda 0 a]CILQIL Al-vin } ' t. :t4}} t } f.4.4U{yy~~ <rr• r ON 0A 1 ~2Y fro»i Louis A. Hubspeth, Sr. Atib 13ett i Joe Hubspetll r. Gra»~c>1il~re»: Natasha t-~~speth a»~ Louis Hubspeth, Jr. . z; fix:. ~vy 2 yx In Loving Memory of Johnnie and Viola D. Wilborn From The Wilborn Family ~ Lorenzo (Son) ~ Lana J. (Daughter-In-Law) / Lorenzo Jr. (Grandson) Eastlyn Y. (Granddaughter) Shannon R. (Granddaughter) ~ Shawn M. (Grandson) ~ t . IN MEMORY T WALTER A. PETERSON, SR. ANNIE B. PETERSON Cora Peterson Washington Oscar Rosetta Peterson Cheeks Dan Paralee Peterson Castle Orthur Bertha Peterson Steen Heyward Gussie Peterson Wilborn Daisy Peterson Stewart y E H 4 lk, w . CONGRATULATIONS! In Memory Of Our Parents "LEST WE FORGET" Na' ~ MR -1 Daisy Stewart May 15, 1907 - Dec. 20, 1994 TWEE James Stewart Sept. 19, 1902 - May 28, 1977 The children of Daisy and James Stewart commend you. Edward G. & Lerlene (Stewart) Carter Kansas City, KS *Marsalis Stewart College Station, TX Eva M. (Stewart) Christopher Topeka, KS Billie J. (Stewart) Smedley College Station, TX Bobby A. & Ruby Stewart Kansas City, KS James & Claude Stewart Houston, TX Charles & Patricia Stewart Little Rock, AR *Deceased 7 T! 9 k ~s ...ana upon this cock 1 will bola my chauch; Matthew 16:18 C pngratulatipns~ plaJant grove Raptiit C4-,-,4 1216 Alroil Stme-f Coll9w Station, Jx 77840 C. C&L pailo, Willowridge Baptist Church 2803 South Main St. Stafford, Texas 77477 (713) 499-8003 Rev. R. L. Davis -Pastor w C0~ r ~~►~°hs w ga On ~ Your 100 Year ~ Church Anniversary ~ From ~ Mte Zion Baptist Church ~ Benchley, Texas ~ James R. Evans, Pastor ~ Russell Polk Deacon ~ •y •r. 1 r• Ell f• ~Y tea • - ~ - .i.~. "~~~.rr•;.~~ ter:%, L•~•. - 1. TS. • (409) 690-2260 FAX 409-690-2270 CURRY PLUMBING COMPANY, INC. MASTER PLUMBING LIC. M4517 2101 ROCK PRAIRIE RD. FREDDIE LEE CURRY P. 0. BOX 9334 PRESIDENT COLLEGE STATION, TX 77845 A 4 r. f FA- -I FH TUN t Vs q~"py~ !i p 'aneSypk eric MARKETING ♦ BANK BRYAN- *AM 0"Wk, 1I I.1 fYkv~re=±✓ fr-. 264:wcl toxvrNKNa CS*TiR: 1W,1 i o, rb'St iN. 2&)-4300 - DQ1Y~tTOWN C#TLlh i91 TV.bs -w, 260d.350 - MUM 414000° t""VXU fTV CINTM ',11 U-4ratty Lk 2604333 SOU" COLUM STATWN MM: : ' I.' tCSUS #Y6. S. 4~'7 L 0 C A L L V `O W1ta D LOC ALLY STBOi10 LO CA L L V V It 01111 i~~MA~ fBiQ BEST WISHES On Your 100th Year of Services I can do all things through Christ Jesu which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13 May God Bless Your Clayton Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. Thomas Williams CLy~ (73ywdew -0. C4. Oxxe l C 9;acey za gamma . In Loving Memory 01• g f'oliriie c : 1:1111a I11olupson k From James & Edna Thompson Girls & Grandchildren LAND CLEARING TANK AND LAW 8UILDING A F N BULLDOZER SERVICE 8768 VINCENT ROAD COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77845 PNONE: 409-946-2007 ` its 15 th day Lord has made, f,& Us rej o.ice a d be glad i« 44 Psalzu!:118.24 ANDERSON 6 NOVELLA JONES r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ rJZ M Bc New Zion Missionary Baptist Church 1505 21st Street, Bryan, Texas 77803 (409) 823-7766 "By the grace of God may you continue to grow in love. We love you!" SHARE THE VISION WITH PASTOR FREDERICK GENE FORD M. ED NEW ZION MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1504 E. 21st Street Tel (409) 823-7766 , Bryan, Texas 77803 (409) 693-7775 May God Bless You On Your 100th Year Anniversary n Daniel & Son Funeral Home f 401 W. 18th Bryan, Texas 822-2841 HeLen ana Tuavis Williams The WiLLiams Family Tuavis WiLLiams Sa. Tuavis Williams Ju. Afton B. WiLLiams 111 MauLon C. WRI.farns PameLa W f. arcs Many WiLLiams Ouu Daughteu-in Lary ana GuanachiLauen Ouu puayeu is that we Live a Chuistian Lfl:e, that we honors Goa i lit a ; • r Ocdicarcd -CO OUR VA-ChCR O(iVCR E. SMi-Ch r r r r 0dVCR )R. CA-Cry, CDARydi-ch C. OUR VAMKiCS r r Compliments 1:uom r The Williams Family Mozelle Alton Ju.,Enu n Su. MiLauea r In alt thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shaLL aiuect the paths. Puoveubs 3:6 r Happy 100th Birthday m% Pleasant Grove Baptist Church 4994& And Congratulations During Your Centennial Celebration For one hundred years God's grace has enabled the "Church to stand in a contemporary world." I hear Jesus saying unto us today, "That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." -Matthew 16:18 One hundred years Pleasant Grove Baptist Church has stood--All because of God's grace. The Richardsons Alfred, Marla, Amber, and Ashley Gone, but not forgotten. In L®viing Memory of Viola and JohnnIle Wilbo n From Therma Lee Mosley and Family and Doris WilhoIC n _ Gongrafulafions on your 100fh Year Anniversary The Jones Family Audrey Johnnie Byron Anfhony Kevin Bobby Ray Congratulations Pleasant Grove. ■ Continue to keep your hand in God's hand. Senior Mission I Auxiliary Pleasant Grove Baptist Church 1216 Detroit Street College Station, TX 77840 President Mabelene Robinson Vice President Mozelle Williams Secretary Robbie Clark Assistant Secretary Delois Simpson Treasurer Helen Hicks Teachers Novella Jones Jerri Hanks Members Betty Jean Wilson Edna Thompson J. "Tyna" Watson "The Lord path done great things for us; whereof we are glad" Psalms 126:3 CONGRATULATIONS Pleasant Grove Baptist Church On Your 100th Church Anniversary May God Bless You. Shilo Primitive Baptist Church Elder Timothy Giddings (Serving Pastor) Bro. James L. Carter Secy. Calvert, Texas 77837 t a Vleasant grobe ®n dour 100th (Lburclj Zinnibergarp 'Opon tbig Aocb 3 Will builb 01p (Cburclj anb Tbr gates of dell AM not prebail against it. § it. Matt 16:18 34b. ,Tack anb Mister belma (took Load is my cighr and my satvAZion; whom Che IN HONOR OF OUR PARENTS shat( 1 rc6R? Che LoRd is the srRenyzh or my JERROLD C. VERGE, SR. GFe; of whom shat(1 be azaid. ESSIE H. VERGE psalms 27:1 J AND MRS. LILLIE WATSON Comptimenzs pteasanz C,ROVe rROm ENNIS AND J. "TYNA" WATSON CDRS. been bichs In Loving Memory Congratulations Of Our Pleasant Grove Father and Mother on your Church Birthday Mr. & Mrs. Vick Roland Sr. From From The Children Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carter L. G. Mabelene Vick Jr. Earlene W. C. Ira Lee "gut be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, May God Bless You deceiving your own selves James r. mes 1:22 • F 1» MemorH Of char 13eloveb Sm a»b Drotlier £rvi» MAurice Wilb Nms Jr. 1 0"Oth Vic WilliAms f NmiIM The Preston Family £rvi» Sr., Milbreb a»S Deborall Happy 100th AnniversaryHappy Anniversary Peoples Mortuary 501 East 20th Bryan, Texas 77803 (409) 822-1948 7 Carey Cauley, Owner Jones-Washington Mortuary 508 East Martin Luther King l~ Bryan, Texas 77803 J. W. Washington Jr. Funeral Director/Mortician Conguatulatfons Pleasant Guove Chuuch Famfly yM " b on youu 100th Yeau Chuuch Anniveusauy Hola The Light fou Jesus "Rejoice and be exceedingly p glad Again I say rejoice" 15215 Royder Road Church • r Co--. (K , "1/11 P. O. Box 168 Rt. 3, Box 66 Wellborn, Texas 77881 Caldwell, Texas 77836 (409) 690-9550 (409) 272-8748 If you lose everything "But God," you have enough to start over again. Church Secy. - Louise Preston Rev. & Sis. J. P. Robinson Best Wishes The Vc6 Geranium Pleasant Grove Baptist Church w on your 100th Church Anniversary May God's blessings be yours 11123in .btreet Calvert, Tcuo 77837 (409) 364-2132 %miques, furniture ,,it t ftvi, Glassware, ,YewelrV Bethel Grove Baptist Church Owner; Calvert, Texas 77837 Rev. Harry Green, Pastor dames anbCarlene darter Sis. Earlene Carter, Secretary ,mL I Congratulation U /8//,VX and Best Wishes on your 5we"..NITURE 100th Year Anniversary & APPLIANCE Phone: (409) 823-2720 Jerutia Hanks 218 S Main Bryan, TX 77803 l Compliments On Your I00th Birthday r =sz~u sx^v, , May God Richly Bless You ~s From Forest Malone Best Wishes and Children Ruby Wallace Happp 100th BirthdaLp Happy Birthday Pleasant Grove The Preston artd shepand Families m McIvill Sp. Jean Michele bluda Jean Monique Jamy JonV ' - ' Dell and Ella Thompson Newlywed 1996 r------------------------------------------------- i Con ratulations Mr. and Mrs. James E. Steen On Your 100th Year Porsche and A family that prays Gerald Peterson together stays together May God Bless! Cynthia, Adrian, EaTasha ; The Williams Family "In all thy ways aclmowledye him, "The gift of God is and he shall direct thy paths." eternal life" Proverbs 3:6 Romans 6:23 IVOA~m P7 1z Congratulations 100th Year Church Anniversary In Loving Memory of - Rev. G. W. Williams, Moderator Bro. and Sister Johnnie Wilborn of Central District Association and pastor of Members of Pleasant Grove Church Pleasant Grove over and served 50 years God here all their lives. The Herman Williams Family Anahuac, Texas - In Loving Memory Brother & Sister Herman & Esther Richard Williams Sr. Jacqueline Kaye Bryan, Texas Given & Lloyd Sharon & Joseph Herman Jr. & Tammy Shareese Temeka eo` Best Wishes ~Lc on t ( as ryocvi 100td ryean Your 100th Anniversary 9* .C~oui~c y i/LC~tL4Zl~ wt"4"acadI fc~ass~C Donis Sa~Ldle a.~Ld e~ Mr. & Mrs. James Hendricks ~x y WN "lilt E, ew, `tie utan~ ~ ! n - To the Pleasant Grove Church Family, In Loving Memory Pastor & -Wife FF of You have labored and endured a many nlghts; est assure, that in the morning Joy will come. My Sister, Shirley Washington ]Brooks Congratulations on your and IDDth year ,~nnlversary! Brother, Franklin WashingX ev. c Sister Otis Clark From Lucille Young lot' l Happy Birthday Pleasant Grove Keep up the good works From K. D. Timmons Inc. B ryan, Texas 0 100th kkts Best Wishes PleasaNt Grove oN -vioNr In all thv wavs acknowledge Him, ANN1Versdl'11 and lHe shall direct thy baths ]Proverbs 306 fro"i Jeanette Martin ratiNelA Si»-1p5oN Fr fArNi1'4 O Give thanks unto the Lord, for He is Congratulation good: because his mercy endureth forever. Pleasant Grove Psalms 118:1 On Your 100th God Bless Each of You. Church Anniversary Sister Clara Moore Leola Mitchell and Family College Station, Texas 060, NVIE SUNCOAT ~ryw«/ee!lsgeSse tle a a o-o"[ e"em..c ?Ui a .a 74a 7e«,. eo-AA" - 2118 Bryan, T eex Caxas B 775-6249 STEPHEN R. HOLLAS Brya Attorney at Law, C.P.A. RODOERSE M I LLERE ELLISON, P,C. 4444 Carter Creek Pkway - Suite 208 Car Phones • Sidewinder Auto security • 31A Tint P.O. Box 4884 (409) 260-9911 Bryan, Texas 77805 FAX (409) 846-7083 Congratulations and Best Wishes Jim Stuckey State Farm Agency Auto-Life-Home-Health-Business - 7707 Eastmark Drive #210 The Lewis Family College Station, Texas 77840 (409)-693-7900 Don & Carol Donna, Ghislaine & Megan m$ John, Heather & Mike r------------------------------------------------- B-B-Q Drinks Ken's We Praise the ' Beauty Salon 1125 Welborn Road Country Grocery College Station, TX 77840 101-A Dowling Road College Station, TX (409) 696-9086 Owner Lucile Young Home Style Sandwiches ! Thomas Franklin CONGRATULATIONS Vice-President HAVE TOTER WILL TRAVEL Manager -Iff I low O DAVE'S MOBILE HOME SERVICE FUNERAL HOME WE WILL BEAT YOUR WRITTEN BID GIVE US A CALL WE BEAT THEM ALL MOVING, RELEVEL 2901 Texas Ave. S. - College Station, TX 77840 HOOK AND PULL P. O. Box 9992 - College Station, TX 77842 (409) 694-8615-Facsimile (409) 764-9363 JOHN GRAHAM FUNERAL HOME CEMETERIES FLOWER SHOP MAUSOLEUMS GRAHAM'S INSTALLATION & REPAIR MONUMENTS MARKERS PRENEED PLANS Flooring: JAMES STEWART Carpet, Vinyl, Wood, Tile, Etc. Sales Counselor Off. (713) 448-1795 Res. (713) 631-1230 10401 W. Montgomery Road Pag. (713) 517-3715 Houston, Texas 77088 SAMUEL GRAHAM P.O. Box 505 Congratulations on your 100th Anniversary Pager #226-0619 Bryan, TX 77806 James E. Stewart Family Best Wishes on your 100th Anniversary Mon-Fri Elizabeth Richardson Taylor 7:00 - 6:00 Ben Liles Sat Owner Brandon 8:30 - 12:30 Audi 314 George Bush Dr. College Station, TX 77840 409-696-5021 Congratulations Best Wishes & Congratulations From Central Texas Loans, Inc. Dr. George McHane~y 2401 Cavitt Bryan, TX 77801 Stanley Sommers (409) 823-5626 r------------- ---------------------------------i fray God (ontinue to make His FEST uVISHES ON YOUR lO®TH FIRTHDAY Covenant know to Pleasant Grove Baptist (bur(b KCS PRINTING from DESKTOP PUBLISHING SERVICE ' i , (bras les(bber, Owner 2410 PAR ~ GTI (uoridwide BRYAN., TEXAS /74302 fnarketinq b Distribution JUQ) 77(311-')o~A 1109 Ooey Hervey Drive (allege Station, Texas 11840 1 00th 4 ,1~ N me Lord is my shepherd 1 Cheers Shall not want Pleasant Grove On Your 100th Birthday 1PSalm 23:1 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Best Wishes Phil. 4:13 Cllie COOper Brenda Dove and Son Celebration 100 Years We ]Love You But they that wait upon the Lord shall ]Pleasant Grove renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and 119[av hod bless You not be weary; and they shall walk, and not ou Your Anniversarv faint." Isaiah 40:31 l+r® Ron Lewis Gwen Wells and lFamil CASHION CAIN Best Wishes HAPPY I GOTH ANNIVERSARY Sister Ora Waldon GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD IN ALL THINGS! "I will life up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help." THE CASHION-CAIN FAMILY Psalm 121'1 Congratulations On Our 100th Anniversary David and Delois Simpson T "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13 Sharon R. Robb Earl Canady A friend - Sonny & Theresa Betty Wilborn Anonymous R. L. & Martha Benson Jacqueline Cook James and Evelyn Douglas Fair Emma Redd Pauline Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Tommie Person Mr. & Mrs. Tommie Ross Mr. & Mrs. Armatha Ross w to) o ddooft w w w l~te»~~ries - vm~ Lip r _1- TV - . - - - - im-P S WAIII lip Carpenter & Helper Bro. Joseph Williams Mr. Arlene Williams - j 1 Johnnie_ a Wilborn _vx Left: Joseph - F Williams Right: Abner and Armelia White Left to Right: Rosetta Cheeks Mar Asber Mattie Roy ! Etta Peterson l a ► ` 04 Pa l~ 91 r t --*AMP lip i - _ -ate t: ~4 . 4 ~.s or i woo ilk P~ ! r r PLEASANT GROVE T _ _ ~ - BAPTIST CHURCt - k, ` - - ` j _ =r t`~t - ~ = f J ~ k - € 21 - a pi Ad n e x Z • - - r Aw i 1 z L - 4.7 a n _ z - - t rx t~ x • T! s ~ OL d.- r ~y 114- fP Ti•i t,t lob- WOMMI v 'MV i~ ■ 19 ItinliNDirs Pi Your branch Office business solutions from k1I dS' • Full and Self-Serve Copying • Laser Typesetting • Macintosh® and IBM' Computers ' • Carbonless Forms O • Collating and Binding • • Passport Photos H-01-115 • Canon & Xerox Color Laser Copies • Fax Services • Cutting, Padding, Folding Open 24 hours, 7 days a week. • Pick Up and Delivery • Oversize Copies • Business Stationery Fecl[Ez 509 University Drive West College Station, Texas 77840 (409) 846-8721 Fax (409) 846-7133