HomeMy WebLinkAboutBREWSTER POINTE SUBDIVISION PHASE 21/2 INCH IRON ROD-. W11'H '11-1-LOW PI­AST1,_. ST 'C.`.AP lAMPED 'KERR 45,042' FOUND (CM) O�213 ROW DEDICATION FOR BARRON CUIT-OFF ROAD (115371 "291 OPRBCT) '11 1/2' HINKC/H IRON ROD i_ , I WITH YIELILOW PLASTR' " 'KERR CAP-' 'SATAMPED KE 1502' FOUND (CNA) I �D 0 2 0 50 '73,- C �4A L N F ""�LArw7 -A,L -1 r- I X T" fN 15-13711 ' j / 1/2 INCH IRON ROD WITH YFI I OW PI ASTIC C f"'AP ST-MAPED 'KERR 4502' FOUND (CIAN 1 11 10 1/2 jNCH 11RON ROD I WITP-1 YELLOW PLASTIC CAD I SIFAMPLED 'KERR 41`50/2" FOUND '(CW n 50 2) 5 50 S \'.-,','A i F I N FFE'T T PROPER . BOUNDARY LOT) LINE EXISTING PUBLIC 71ILFTY EASEMENT EXIS ING PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEWE "N'T (P, D, E) E TING PRIVATE DRAINAn'7 FASEMENT (Pr.D.E) XIS EXIS"IFING PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT (P,A.E,_j LOT CORNER - 1/2" IRON ROD SET� 'WITH BLUE ST PLASTIC 1'."'.APS IAMPED "KERR SUR"OEYING" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 9L 0 C K L A BN E (CM) CONTROLLING MONUMENi, FOUND AND USED �O ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES 0PRBC'r1 OFFICIAL PUBLiC RECORDS OF BRA-LOS COUN I Y, T ,EXAS RECORDING INFORMATION ROW R!,GH 7'­-0E-WA'Y' N /F nr- SIMMONS kll!'OHN C & J OY�,� L B TRA(-T CALLED 3,12 ACRE 78, .0, 4 0 3 SIMMONS ADDITION 'LOT 1, BILO(_.�,K 1 (5038/285 0PRBCT) ZONED R N FF _SSIE GRAYS WILLIAM GRAYS AND Wl�'L, It J EL i CALIL'LED 4,16-7 ACRE TRACCT r-IRST TRACT, (209/295 DRBCT'l F1 i I I iJ N/F SIMMONS jOHN C & JO YCE B I,R,&CT CALL"LEED 3-12 ACRE Ifo '7 L9 0 A A O'��'\ SIVIVIONS ADDITION L OT 1, 81L. 0 C K 1 (5038/285 OPRBCT) L70NED R N /FF WILLIAM G_,.RAY'z'3 /A.ND WIFE, JESSI'E_ (37RAYS 4.116_/7 ACRE 1_,�RACEF -T TRAI('�`7 09 9 5, ", R E3 CT) F1, � S I $ 2 0' P U tr'- \-_,038/285 OPRBCT) 11/2 INCH IRON PIPE FOUND (C-M) 11/2 INC`H IRON ROD WITIH YELLOW PLASTi r' CIAP S-71-AMP"D 'KERR. ,^ i 4502- FOUND 'CW 111/2 INCH IRON PIPE IFOUND (CIM" BREWSTER POINTE. S t_J B t) I V IS I N P I ASF' 1443i-)/ 147; BREWSTE _'R P()INT"' SUBDI\/1' �1 KJ "'IN Pf I A�`)'E 2 115) 3­7 1 1 POINT OF BEGINNING 15 X' FOUND 1 N 0 N C R E TIE (C V 'I 'T -D, TIFIC"ATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DE ICATION C� E R TI FICATF OF HE SURVEYOR CER STATE OF TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS F I COUNTY OF BRAZOS COUNTY OF BRA70S i., Nathan Paul Kerr Registered Profic-SS� � OL�Land '---urvevor No, Fo3'34,,,oKthe Statte of We, Rountree Development, LTD., owner and developer kof the land shown on this plot, jon t thot this pilot and wrq nots"pared from ;-jn rewster Pointe Subdiviision, Phase 2, to the City of U 'It till lexas, hereby cefti L a - d and designatea" herein as the B1 of -the property a -,JCy 41_i� actual survey -od t e _PT murkel-s ,rrrilonumerits were College S+ation, Texas, and whose name is subscribed hereto, hereby Cledicate to the placed under my supervision 5"'n' ti-Ila- -7 11 d. 0 F use of the publiC forlever all streets, alleys, parks, greenways, infrastructure, f", T, r- 4. L aces thereon shown for the purpose and consideration therein easemen s and public c)llj (31 A? V unless expressly provided expressed. AH such dedications shall be in fee s; R.P.L.S. No. 6834 ... otherwise, NATHAN PAUL KERR I L_ -d. Rount ee Development. t 683.4 By-, Rountree- Group, its General Partner %�o 0 4i" Sul Irent Thom4ps, Ma ger- - k..,LRTIFICATE OF ADMINISTRATOR C"ity Administrator of the C-lity of College Sta-tlorl­�I, T iexas, here'by certify that this Subdivision Plat conforryns 'to the requirements ol th, e Thomas, Manager V77 7 n n ion y �a i 11 I-S u b %/4; vision Reaulations (-af the Cl-��, -­� Col'eae `:,-1at' Acirninistrator C r ity of College Station, Texas N07'ES DESCRIPTION OF A 2,938 ACRE TRACT ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1554 , k,,, L 1- 1- 1'/ TEXAS "OUEGE STATION, BRA 70S %` 0 U N TY, T r, 7 i " I !---) I IN A F11-1 D NOTES DESCRIPTION OF 2.938 ACRES IN THE ROBIE'R3 STE-VENSON f.-_3URVE-.Y, ABSTRA NO. 4, LLEGE STATION, BRAZOS C.OUNP,(, TEXAS, BEING A' OF COMMON ARREA 6. BREWSTIFE,R POINTE SUBDIVISION PHASE X1 j co L 1JERt_` -70S COUNT TEX AS "OPRE"CT' E 291 OF THE OFFICIAl PLUB11C RE" Y S 2 IFILED iN V0L.UMt'___ 1153771, PAGE C_ t-! I L I U L k,, r_A_,0RUr"S OF BRAIL S All D 2, 9 3 8 A �C` R E5:3 8 tr7__JNG MORE PAR1 11CULARILY DFS-CRIBED BY METES AND B01 NDS AS FOLLOWS: 55� ROW -- 32� PAVEMIENT,� (15371/291, OPRBCT) BEGINNING at an X found in con%...,ete on the northwest line of Spring Breeze Way (a 55' wide night -of -way, 1 1291 OPRBCT)\, at the east corner of said Common Area 6 and the south corner of 'Lot 33, Blo-k 3 of I J -_471 Said Phose 2, frorn which the City of College Station monument CS94-137 bears N 84' 48' 06- Ell a distance Of 7.458.31 "ee'- T I'lle sout - I"ne o-1 said lo- mon Are- 6, HE'NC_.E, wifln 'The not-thwest 111-le of SpFring Breeze Way, some being "Lli fheast H i k-, I ri 21i * 40 W, plastic cap stamDed �KERR S 4 2" for a distance of 364.41 feet to a 1/2 inch ilron rod with yell T I 7 acr-e tract o-' -and described in a deed lo Willi rn Ir ys and 4 5, 0 2' found in the northeas+ I'ne of a called 4,16 a k9 a �z wi -11 e, Jessie Grays recorded in Volume 209, Page 295 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas (DRE3C TO, at L� M L U I f- 9 -ea 6 and the current wes' corner of 4-he S.Pring Breeze Way right-of-way, the Sout�j Corner o -F said Common Ar CL a_ -f the south c-lorner hereo�; C114 1cl HF._._.NCE, w�Iith the C-ornmon line of said 'Common Area 6 and so'' 4.167 acre tract, N 47" 339,` 1 5 W. Iff or a 'he s-uthwes` corner of so'd "omr-non Area 6 amai +he dis4-ance of 38-37 feet to a 1 inch iron cn'oe found at t L 0 PO Volume 51038, Paginle 285) (OPRBCT' of 'the Simmons Add',t'on filed ir 11 30I'­j,,-h -orner of Lot 1, BIOCK T1 ENCE, with '-he common line of sad Common Area 6 ar d so'd S' Add'tlon, the following two (2) courses 4` n immons and distancest 2' 2 (11 a d;stance of 185�'6 I-eet to a '/2 'nc' 'ron r ON 41 h od found at the east corner C)f Sirnmon Addition" L aj '2 'nch 'tron rod wit� yellow plastic coo s'amped 2)N 4 39' 50 W, a distance of 7'2.8/ feet 'o L K E'R R 4 5 0 2" f o un! d on the southeast siCle of Barron Cut-off Road "a variable widt'h right-of-way), tat, the 1.209 ACRE northwest cornel- of said Common Area 6� THENCF 1:np of said Common Area 6, along the southeast side of Barron Cut-off P1, o a d, W:th the northwest k_1 N 420 2 J E. for a distance of 1541-04 feet to a 11/2 inch iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped *KERR +he north r-orner o At-50i 2.' found at the west common corner of L-ots 22 & 2,-,_-', of said Block 3, f sair.J Uommon 'J Are:�a 6 aind the north colnner hereof; 13) Co, ir "HENCE, wit.4- the northeast line of sa'id Cornrnon Area 6, the following, mree ses and distances', 1 S 47* 39' 59 E, a distance of 575.28 f eet to a 1/2 inch plastic cap stamped ro n rod with yellow KEERR 4502 lound at west common corner- of Lots 30 31 of solid BloCk 3; r 22�59 f eet to a 12 inch on od with blue -n p e d "S 5 99 2 7' 2 1 " E P a distance of plastic cap stan -OMMon KERR SIURVEYING set at, the west rZ.,olmer of I.-ots 32 & J3 of said Block F Poltpj BFGINNIN' hereof r _38 5)S 47* 46' 07 E, a d'stance of 6'.48 fee- to -1" e OF nd contcin'�nQ '.,9 I Z, L th more or less. 1:)Cres, i 40 U_� AD Q tK �J_ S LJ B DI V 1 S 10 _N <- 4,zz- P1 -JASE 1 x -S� (b q/ I A 144-11 4 r BR1_1FAN­'S1_LR POANN-11--T", S 1__JB' F\71 S TON POIN-1- OFF B E(31 N N 1 N G1_ PHASE u2) 'X' FOUND IN CON(CORETE (CNA) 1 3 7 9 1 14 HER1_3 GM.",�Rl' (0 55' ROW - 32' PAVEMENT _371 /291 IDPRBCIT�' i) z M 0 1%9 314 ?n 1,209 ACRE C(.)MMON AREA 5 N 0 T V S'YSTEM SHOWN HEREON IS BASED ON TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM OF 1983, BEARING 5 1 Ij L -RON! GPS' OB'SERVATION I SING THE CENTRAL ZONE (4-203), GRID NORTH 'E'STABLISHED F I F I f""A OA L -JON 2 (1V1Yf_--S2)� 'SMART,NE1 NAD83 (NA2 EPOCH 2010 MUL-11-YE-AR CORS S01U_T9 J IS T T 'THE 2 NO PORT110N OF T H RACTI I'S WITHIN IHE 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN ACCORDIN(_'> TO FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR BRAZOS "OUN'TY AND INCORPORATED AREAST 1�� MAP NO. 48041f (""'0325LE-7, EFFECTIVE DATE: MA`�,' 16, 20`12,� 1 / T I'_ TS 3, 1/2" IRON RODS WILL BE SEi AT ALL LOT C'ORNERSAND ANGLIE_ POIN UNLESS NOTED OT I H tE_ F? W I S E_ ISTANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. AREAS SHOWN `7'4�Aj�,jr,c-c SHOWN HEREON ARE GRID D 41% D I ',',W i , I I U L t:_ To -17 AS M E-__AS1LJ1 RED" HERP-ON ARf- r"ALCUi_A"1-ED FROM, GRID D1`5474,NCES 08 AIN S.JRFACt- FACTOR OtF 1 �000093 DISTANC-NIES, (NO, SURIFAI.C.E AREAS) MU11"IPLY BY A COMIBINFD SCALL- (CALCULATED USING GE-01012B). 5. IZONING FOR THIS TRACT IS GS (GENERAI SUBURBAN' TH E C!,Tf' OF U 6. ALL- L-C-at-i-S, WILL MEET SETBACK AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS AS SPFr-FIED I N I I EGE STATI "IF H E __170N1N(1.',7,1 CLASS I FICATI ON iN t-,OLLt � ON UNIF!,"D DEVE.-I-OPINAENT ORDINANCE FOR WIHICH TH F-_Y� LAY, DRAINAGE EASEMEN"'S W11-111- BE IMAINTAINED BY THE LOJ OWNERS OR T H PE HOA, 7 HEPR. EDE Ti H E F! OW HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. FENCES, GRADING AND ILANDS('N.APING CANNOT I M P E '7 _ASFMENT, THL I L_ C. - I PRIVATE DRAINAGE it N (D -PORT ISS' ED By LAWY E R S 1-HIS S�`fi,_VEY rl't-Al- WAS PREPARED E-1 L P,,r_F` ECT T E ITLE RE 2 - 11 EMS Or BRAZOS C"UNTvit', GF NO, INA2976, EFFEC'T' OMPANY IVE DATE: 0 1 011 20 4. 1 1 CZ. T EF)' �) W �,-, N SCHEDULE B Ja`%RPE A D D R E S St" __ Ir D, AS FO L L-0- %J t-_ k TRACT AS SHOWN o, FASEMEN' S SET .1 OUT ON PLAT (15371/29-4; OPRLRC*'T!') DO AFTE TH 1 S FE R 1--- 0 N b EASEMENTS RESERVED 'IN RESTRICTIONS (18663/164 18720/8 OPRBCT DO AFF-P-CT ­P CT iON OF THE EASEMENT'S SHOWN ON P 5371 /291 Ai" � 'THE EXC -P-TI E H Hl,,A LA 0fPRBC'T!_, 1F.H."PE R'ES1P___RVEE_D EASEV,,f,:_'N_1_ �-\RE BLANIKET �N N AT Li R P` OR N0_r P L.0 T�A B LE AN D R E NOT '_".H"WN HER,'_ --'ON. IT OT 1TEMS AND/OR ARE NOT A D DR,' P-1 R_ yt H S P 0THtEL_R EMS ARE N SURVEY �4 I L_P�t c A 1-1- F'SSEn BCT 'J 1 1-- 20' PrAE `(,341 z/228 OPR DOES AFFE -1 HIS ILAND AS SHOWN I N R E PLAT HERFON. L i E E, BY MISTAKP' TH 1 T WAS I EFT OFF OF THE PHASE 2 P ILAT 3 7 1 /297 OPRE83C-T I _S EAS ENAEN i LL I �, I 1/2 INCH iRON ROD �Nj L L C WiTH YE'Ll OW DI AS1 CAP STAN1111PED 'KERR 4t5022� F 0" 1­1 INJID (11CY' 'N 1­ 1 t) S W, V qw' _* ' V` I " Co�, I N IT _'Y. - A -, __'P�� PROJEC Tf L 0 C.'A T 11 0 N X HERU CT. JX />k V/ N 1 -A" 'A/ ST i A TIE 0 F T E X A S COtUNTY OF BRAZOS Be -fore me, 'the undersigned authority, on this day pers-zonally appeared Trent Thomas, I kT + t d., Manage,r' of Rounitree Group, LI-C, General Partner of Rountree Developmem., known to me to be the person whose name is Subscribed to the foregoing edged to me that he executed the some for the pUrpose and instrument, and acknowl 'deration therein stated, con sli Given under my hcnd and seal on this day of PAO /,////, V .1wa 11 MIYUK.1 RITCHEY 0 j -ar,. Pdhlic� StL o I itc of Texas _Z4 0--i-s- - -C T xall Notor Pubhc, Brazos Cou y, T exas Cornrn. Lxp�'ir�,__­� jul-\� 16, 202F __0: I% A COUNTN/ OF BRAZOS Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Glenn Thomas, Manager o-1 Rountree GOroupj, LL.C. General �"Iartner of Rountree Development, Ltd., krown to me to be the person whose name is subscribed 'o the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he exec-uted the some for the purpose and 4�� consideration therein stated. Given under my hand and sea! on this day of 20--t'4 N11YUKI RITCHLY :71 % n t ear-,�- P ub) c S tat C 0, 1 C X fais Texas Notary -blic., Brazos Coun tri'm k) xr. i T C,�, J u 2 2 1) 1 _3 5 71 -,MEW- T _'v ENGINEER CERTIFICA E OF 1 1 L-11, 1,01 L_ + .,,.y Engineer, of the City of C'ollege Station, Texas, y certify that this Subdivision Plat conforms to the of the Subd`v'sion Regulations of the City of College Station, Texas. k_.,ity Enfgineer (.ity of College Station, Texas CEERTIFICATIE OF COUNTY CLERK Filed for Record Official Public Records Of: ,V` Op Brazos County Clerk On: 6/27/2024 9:41:41 AM In the PLAT Records Doc Number: 2024-1532612 Y 4) V. b Volume -Page: 19293-249 Number of Pages: 1 Amount: 72.00 Ordeff: 20240627000024 BY: JS rgw&�� [ail's MIA 0 --W-,"%L - Y­" *Oak Btr.11:0CK. _33�, L0T`,34 & COMMON AREA 6.R 2.9_3'8.A(`_R_ES BUNG' A FS"AWIff-A-M 10111M &7 E Elm a a IR 11L I AN M IL I Lop lk I a a AL 1L I U T,El"N, "k _B V BLIOCK -3., COMMON AREA, 6 `2..938.ACRES) Y �5 PA G F, 2 9 1 V()Lt..' `ME I ROBERT S"IFEVENSON J_,EAGt.,1_TE-, A.-�54 STATION. -BRAZOS C0_t__-.'NT'Y.,rEXAS S(­'ALT I" =,-O' M A Y "12) 0"'2`4 ENGINEER: J 01-11­1W 1 )1'­Vy[,� J S t RVE YO R: MkINER, I N T-D P NN-1 E;,,,, 11 W)l 'N' --i M SCHULTZ B LoiNi IRE DRIVE, StJF"FE, ERR P M B �3) -, 4 - "I A )1 _7845 T C( -LEGE ST I () NIL J­X -7. PE FIRM NO. 1232 7 LLC -791 69()_7 -,1 17 K e,, i S u , �,, _� i -__175 AlY E, 9 911 SOUTHWEST PK,, 400NIN, lex,� kve. t-1 �,_Iolilege Station, TexaS 777840 J_X -7 _1 1 Br,, an. (9779 _'268-1­� It 915 764-3900 (9 7 9, n: "�fp, IRN ill BPELS 1 1 � I) St I-Z� VEY S(a-_)KL- M�_SU "`E 6, N PROJF,CT #: 23-1075