HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 09, 2024 minutes
Tuesday July 09, 2024
Staff Present:
Kelsey Heiden, Director Parks and Recreation; Andrea Lauer, Business Services Manager
Board Present:
David Higdon; Don Hellriegel; David Scott; John Polasek; Amy Arredondo; Kevin Bishop;
Anthony Branch; Thomas Marty
Council Present:
1. Call meeting to order and consider absence requests. With a quorum present,
the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board was called to order on Tuesday, July 09, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m. David White was an excused absence.
2. Hear visitors. Sandy Dillard spoke about the Bird Blinds at Lick Creek Park, he
would like to see some improvements such as adding a water source, closing the
bottom of the blinds so birds cannot see movement and adding an attractant. He also suggested we reach out to the local volunteer groups such as Master Naturalists since
they are required to have a certain number of volunteer hours. Sandy also
mentioned he would like to see trails added to the Smith Tract since that would also be a great location to bird watch.
3. Informational Items
3.1 Presentation and discussion by the Director of Parks and Recreation on
matters pertaining to the Board. Kelsey Heiden spoke about July being Park and
Recreation Month, a Proclamation will be read at the July 11th Council meeting. She
gave an update on the impact of Tropical Storm Beryl stating that there were
several down trees and limbs, two shade structures damaged, fencing at Veteran’s
Softball Field 5 and wind screens on various courts throughout our parks. Compete
needs volunteers for the USATF Junior Olympics from July 20-28, this will be a large
event with 9,000 athletes and over 14,000 fans, you can email Kelsey for details.
She also mentioned that the I Heart America event was successful with around
3,000 in attendance, a post event survey will go out to the public later this month.
3.2 Presentation and discussion on College Station Park Foundation. This item
will be moved to a future agenda due to David White requesting an absence.
3.3 Discussion and update on Fun For All Playground and donor plaza. Kelsey
Heiden explained that the intent was to develop a plaza enhancement designed to
be functional while also celebrating donors. Staff is working with Burditt
Consultants for full design/construction documents for a total of $38,000 which was
approved by Fun For All Steering Committee on March 19, 2024, the projected
range of cost for the Plaza is $387,487-$473,595. The Fun for All Steering
Committee continues fundraising efforts. The contract for Phase 3 will be
presented to Council on July 25th for consideration, the amount is $252,970.54
which includes 2 bay swing sets for 2-5 age group, Play Structure with sensory
ramp + roller slide, shade, fall zone with concrete curb and 2 communication
4. Regular Agenda
4.1 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the approval of minutes from the previous meeting. Upon a motion made by David Scott and a second
by Anthony Branch, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board voted eight (8) for and none (0) opposed to approve the minutes with a name change from Marty Thomas
to Thomas Marty under Board Present. The motion passed unanimously.
4.2 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on Parks and Recreation
User Fees. Kelsey mentioned that current Non-Resident fees for rentals and
Memberships is 20% and does not include swim passes, swim team or all programs.
Some options moving forward would be to increase Non-resident rates to 30% 50%
100% or keep Non-resident rates at 20% and include across all programs. Upon a motion from Anthony Branch and a second by John Polasek, the Parks and
Recreation Advisory Board voted eight (8) for and none (0) opposed to recommend
the Non-resident rate remain 20% and include across all programs. Upon a motion from Anthony Branch and a second by Don Hellriegel, the Parks and Recreation
Board voted eight (8) for and none (0) opposed to recommend approval of the fee
changes in green which would go into effect in January. Both motions carried
5. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. Update from David
White on College Station Parks Foundation, Smith Tract, and bird blind update.
6. Items of Community Interest. Park and Recreation Month Proclamation at
Council on July 11th @ 6 p.m.
7. Adjourn. Upon a motion made by David Scott and a second by Anthony Branch, the
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board voted eight (8) for and none (0) opposed to
adjourn the meeting 7:13 p.m. The motion carried unanimously.
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