HomeMy WebLinkAboutKellett, Anna RobertsonMy Heritage Not only is America the wonderful melting pot, blending peoples from many nations and cultures, but we are a patchwork of creative endeavors that reflect our history and achievements. The most revered shrine in Texas' colorful history is the Alamo. Members of my ancestral Robertson clan nrrived in Texns in 1823 from Tennessee forming Robertson's colony and seeking adventure in a new land. My heritage as a fourth generation Texan, ns n child sitting on the lap of my grandfather, Wi Ilinm Hnyes Robertson, I heard tales of Spanish land grunts, cotton crops and pioneer life. As an adult, in 1976 I became a Daughter of the Republic of Texas founded in 1893 in Galveston. Since that time the Alamo has become even more special to the four generations of women in my family. Our organization has served as custodian for this historic site for over one hundred years. Among its goals the group is concerned with preservation of sites and documents and promotion of Texas History for school children. This beautiful building, symbol of my Texas heritage provides inspiration of courage and loyalty for all Texans, reminding us of that day in March 1836 when brave men, outnumbered by a Mexican army forty to one, sacrificed their lives for the cause of f reedom. One of my ancestors fought at the Alamo. I express the love of my heritage by painting in oil, missions and other historical places in Texas. Painting has been n special interest and hobby for me since high school days though I did not pursue an art degree as an adult I continue to combine my interest for history with my love for painting. Anna Robertson Kellett William Scott Chapter Bryan, Texas