HomeMy WebLinkAboutBiographical Sketch BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH—PETER J. HUGILL 04/03 Dr. Hugill received his Ph.D. in Geography from Syracuse University in 1977, holds a Master's degree from Simon Fraser University in Canada, and an undergraduate degree from the University of Leeds in England. He is Professor of Geography at Texas A&M University and also teaches in the Master's Program in International Affairs in the George Bush School. He has taught at Texas A& M University since 1978, receiving a Distinguished Teaching Award from the College of Geosciences in 1085. He served as Interim Head of the Department of Geography at Texas A&M University from 2000 to 2001. He has had extensive service in the Faculty Senate and currently chairs the Texas A&M University AAUP Chapter. At the professional level he has served as Chair of the Historical Geography specialty group of the Association of American Geographers and as the Network Chair for Historical Geography in the Social Science History Association. Dr. Hugill teaches courses on World Cultural Geography and on the Historical and Political Geography of the World-System. His current research focuses on the relationship between World-System and Long-Wave Theories as expressed through geopolitics and mediated by technology. He is currently working on two major books. The first, approaching completion, is on the development of the first global economy in the late eighteenth century, based on the then new technology of cotton manufacturing. This book will address all stages of cotton production, from field to fashion. The second book, still in a formative stage, is on the transition from British to American hegemony in the early twentieth century. This last will also serve as a guide to the current transitional period in which American hegemony has been reduced but in which there is, as yet, no clear successor. As British geopolitician Halford Mackinder demonstrated early in the twentieth century, such transitions are clearly mediated by technological changes and policy choices. Dr. Hugill has co-edited two books and authored three, as well as published numerous articles. His books on the relationship between technology, geography, and the world-system have been published by the Johns Hopkins University Press: World Trade since 1431: Geography, Technology, and Capitalism, in 1993, and Global Communication since 1844: Geopolitics and Technology, in 1999. January 1995 1 May 20, 2005 VITA Peter J. Hugill PERSONAL INFORMATION Address: Date & Place of Birth: June 6, 1945, York, England. Citizenship: U.S.A.1U.K. Married: Judith L. Warren of Marion, Virginia, December 1974. Children: Lacey, Laura. EDUCATION September 1970 - Ph.D. in Geography, Syracuse University. May 1977 Title of dissertation: A Small Town Landscape as Sustained Gesture on the Part of a Dominant Social Group: Cazenovia, New York, 1974-1976. Supervisor: David E. Sopher. September 1967 - M.A. in Geography, Simon Fraser University. December 1969 Supervisor: Philip L. Wagner. 1966-7 Graduate Certificate in Education, University of Leeds. Major areas: Geography and English. 1963-6 B.A., Special Studies in Geography, University of Leeds. Primary interests: political geography, East Asia, urban studies, planning. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2000-01 Interim Head, Department of Geography, Texas A&M University. 1999- Professor, George Bush School, Master's Program in International Affairs. 1990- Professor of Geography. New courses taught: Underaraduate: "Geography of the European Union;" "Historical Geography;" "Geography of Britain;" "Geography of the Global Village;" "Geography of Communications. " 2 Graduate: "Geography of Commodities;" "Political Geography;" "Historical Geography of Global Telecommunications;" "Historical Geography of Communications and the Media. " Graduate Courses cross-listed with the Bush School: "Historical Geography of the World-System;" "Political Geography of the World- System. " Bush School Graduate Courses:"World Cultural Geography" (classroom and distance education sections). Summer 1989 Acting Head, Department of Geography. 1983-90 Associate Professor of Geography.New courses taught: Undergraduate: "Geography of Energy"; "Ethnic Settlement in America. " Graduate: "Landscape and Video. " Summer 1982 Acting Head, Department of Geography. 1978-83 Assistant Professor of Geography, Texas A&M University. Courses taught: Undergraduate: "Introduction to Human Geography;" "Geography of the United States"; "History & Nature of Geography;" "Political Geography. " Graduate: "Cultural Geography;" "Historical Geography. " Summer 1978 Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin. Courses taught: "Man, Technology, and Resources. " Spring 1978 Lecturer (half time), State University of New York, College at Cortland. Courses taught: "Introduction to Physical Geography. " 1973-74 Instructor, State University of New York, College at Cortland. Courses taught: "Social Geography;" "Research in Historical Geography: Social Groups in a Small Town Context;" "Regional Geography. " Summer 1971 Instructor, Syracuse University Summer School. Courses taught: "Geographical Analysis of Urban Problems;" "Technology and Environment. " January-July 1970 Lecturer (part time), Southend-on-Sea College of Technology, Essex, England, in Social Studies and English. PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS Cultural, Historical, and Political Geography; Macro-Theory (especially World-System, Long Cycle, and Geopolitical theory); Technology and Environment; Human-Environment 3 Relationships as expressed in the Landscape; Historical Demography; Film and Video Documentary Production. . THESES & DISSERTATIONS SUPERVISED Mary Ann Kniseley, Ph.D., 1992. Highway Diplomacy: Interregional Connections and International Relations. Timothy Gene Anderson, Ph.D., 1994. Immigrants in the World-System: Domestic Industry and Industrialization in Northwest Germany and the Migration to Osage County, Missouri, 1835- 1900. David Lawrence Butler, M.S., 1996. Civil Aviation and Technogeopolitics. The Struggle for Control of World Air Routes, 1910-1939. Barbara Gaye Jaquay, Ph.D., 1997. Caribbean Cotton Production: An Historical Geography of the Region's "Mystery" Crop. Linda Kay Murphy, Ph.D., 1999. The Shifting Economic Relationships of the Cotton South: A Study of the Financial Relationships of the South During its Industrial Development, 1864-1913. Michael J. Lynch, Ph.D., 2003. Textile Industrialization in Ireland before the Famine. (Co-chair with Arnold Krammer, History) Tracey M. Hayes, M.S., 2004. Karl Haushofer and his Impact on the German-Japanese Alliance. AFFILIATIONS American Association of Geographers AAG Specialty Groups: Cultural, Historical American Association of University Professors Fellow, American Geographical Society Social Science History Association Historical Geography Network Society for the History of Technology Editorial Board, Comparative Technology Transfer and Society,thru December 2009 OFFICES HELD President, Texas A&M University AAUP Chapter, 2003- Coordinator, Historical Geography Network, Social Science History Association, 1994-97 Chair, AAG Historical Geography Specialty Group, 1987-90 Secretary/Treasurer, AAG Historical Geography Specialty Group, 1983-86. Ad hoc Committee on video uses, Association of American Geographers. Member, Local Arrangements Committee, Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Antonio, 1982. 4 AWARDS Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Geosciences, Texas A&M University, 1985. Incentive Grant for Teaching, Center for Teaching Excellence, Texas A&M University, 1984. Research Assistantship, Department of Geography, Syracuse University, 1972-3. Teaching Assistantship, Department of Geography, Syracuse University, 1971-2. Maxwell Fellow, Syracuse University, 1970-1. Teaching Assistantship, Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University, 1967-9. BOOKS Le comunicazioni mondiali dal 1844: Geopolitica a tecnologia. Bologna: Fetrinelli, 2005 (translation of Global Communications) Global Communications since 1844: Geopolitics and Technology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. Upstate Arcadia: Landscape, Aesthetics, and the Triumph of Social Differentiation in America. Rowman & Littlefield, 1995. with Kenneth E. Foote, Kent Mathewson, & Jonathan M. Smith, eds., Re-Reading Cultural Geography. University of Texas Press, 1994. World Trade since 1431: Geography, Technology, and Capitalism. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. with D. Bruce Dickson, eds., The Transfer and Transformation of Ideas and Material Culture. College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 1988. BOOKS IN PROGRESS Cotton in the World-Economy. Lead volume in a series with myself as academic editor and George Thompson of the Center for American Places as managing editor on The Historical Geography of Commodities. Under contract by Routledge. Transition in Power: from British Hegemony to American, 1866-1945. This work now has several articles as its kernel. The essential argument is that the transition began earlier and finished later than either world-system or Kondratieff wave theorists would hold. VIDEOS with Teddy Halloran. Images of the City in America Narrative Cinema. 1987 (17 minutes). with Wendell Fuqua. Ranching in the Trans-Pecos: Tradition and Innovation. Land &Life Films, 1985 (25 minutes). The Cassandra Conference. Land and Life Films, 1985 (50 minutes). 5 PAPERS SUBMITTED * "The Geostrategy of Global Business: Wal-Mart and the Wider World." Book chapter for Stanley R. Brunn, ed., . Under contract by Routledge. * "The Re-emergence of Cotton as a Global Commodity: the Development of Cotton Agriculture in China and Russia in the Twentieth Century." Invited submission, special issue on history of commodities,Social Science History. PUBLISHED PAPERS(* Refereed) * "The Geopolitical Implications of Communication Under the Sea." Forthcoming in Bernard Finn& Daging Yang, eds., Communications Under the Sea: A Twice-Rejuvenated Nineteenth- Century Technology and its Social Implications. Cambridge MA: M.I.T. Press. * "Macro-History and Theory." Invited essay in Finn& Yang (see above). * "Sources for the History of Telecommunications." Invited essay in Finn& Yang (see above). * with Veit Bachmann, "The Route to the Techno-Industrial World-Economy and the Transfer of German Organic Chemistry to America before, during, and immediately after World War One." Comparative Technology Transfer and Society forthcoming, August 2005. * "Trading States, Territorial States, and Technology: Mackinder's unexplored contribution to the discourse on state types." In Brian W. Blouet, ed.,Global Geostrategy: Mackinder and the defence of the West. London: Frank Cass, 2005, 108-25. * "Good Roads and the Plains." Invited entry in David J. Wishart, ed.,Encyclopedia of the Great Plains. University of Nebraska Press, 2004. * "Telecommunications." Invited entry in Colin E. Hempstead & William E. Worthington, eds., Encyclopedia of Twentieth Century Technology, Volume 2. New York: Routledge, 2004, 801- 05. * "Technology, its Innovation and Diffusion as the Motor of Capitalism." Comparative Technology Transfer and Society 1, 2003, 89-113. * Daniel Z. Sui & Peter J. Hugill, "A GIS-based spatial analysis on neighborhood effects and voter turn-out: a case study in College Station, Texas." Political Geography 21, 2002, 159-173. Peter J.Hugill & Clarissa Kimber, "Berkeley-on-the Brazos and Other Pipe Dreams: History of the Department of Geography at Texas A&M University." Invited paper,Southwestern Geographer 4, 2000, 94-120. * "Macro-Scale Historical Geography." Invited entry,Geography in America, 2000. 6 * "Imperialism in Edwardian Boys' Novels." In Ecumene 6, 1999, 318-40. * "Geopolitics, Technology, & Research. Radar Development in Britain, Germany, & America, 1934-45." In Proceedings of the First Annual Conference of the Committee for the History of Defence Electronics, Bournemouth University, 1996. * "Diffusion." In David Levinson& Melvin Ember, eds. Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology, Volume 1. New York: Henry Holt, 1996, 343-45. * Peter J. Hugill & Kenneth E. Foote, "Re-Reading Cultural Geography." In Foote, Hugill, Mathewson, & Smith(see books), 9-23. * Peter J. Hugill & John C. Everitt, "Macro-Landscapes: the Cultural Landscape Revised by World-System Theory." In Shue.Tuck Wong, ed.,Person, Place and Thing. Interpretative and Empirical Essays in Cultural.Geography. Geoscience and Man 31, 1992, 177-194. * "Technology and Geography in the Emergence of the American Automobile Industry, 1895- 1915." In Jan Jennings, ed. Roadside America. The Automobile in Design and Culture. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1990, 29-39. * "Historical Geography and World-System Analysis." In Gary L. Gaile & Cort J. Willmott, Geography in America. Columbus, OH: Merrill, 1989, 160-162. * "Home and Class among an American landed elite." In John Agnew& James S. Duncan, eds., The Power of Place. Bringing together geographical and sociological imaginations. Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1989, 66-80. * "Structural Changes in the Core Regions of the World-Economy." In Journal of Historical Geography 14, 1988, 111-27. * "Technology Diffusion in the World Automobile Industry, 1885-1985." In Hugill & Dickson, 1988 (see books), 110-42. * "The Macro-Landscape of the Wallersteinian World-Economy: "King Cotton" and the American South." In Richard L. Nostrand & Sam B. Hilliard, eds., The American South. Geoscience and Man 25, 1988, 77-84. (with Andrea Miller, Dan Arreola, Dave Carlson, & Barbara Finlay), "Migration and Settlement Patterns in Brazos County." In Glenna F. Brundidge, ed.,Brazos County History. Bryan, TX: Family History Foundation, 1986, 7-20. * "English Landscape Tastes in the United States." In Geographical Review 76, 1986, 408-23. * "The Rediscovery of America. Elite Automobile Touring Early This Century." InAnnals of Tourism Research 12, 1985, 435-47. 7 * "The Landscape as a Code for Conduct: Reflections on its Role in Walter Firey's `Aesthetic- Historical-Genealogical Complex'." In Miles Richardson, ed.,Place: Experience and Symbol. Geoscience and Man 24, 1984, 21-30. "The Commuters who got on their Bikes." In Geographical Magazine 55, 1983, 371-74. * "Good Roads and the Automobile in the United States, 1880-1929." In Geographical Review 72, 1982, 327-49. Peter J. Hugill, K. L. White, C. W. Pennington, R. S. Bednarz, & C. Kimber. "The Texas Golden Triangle." In Peter J. Hugill & Robin W. Doughty, eds.. Field Trip Guide, AAG San Antonio 1982. Washington DC: AAG, 1982, 26-41. Peter J. Hugill & Daryl L. Engel.. "Historical San Antonio." In ibid., 83-93. "The Impact of Transport Technology on Tourist Landscapes." Invited paper at a special session under the same title, Annual Meeting, AAG, Los Angeles, CA, April 1981. One hundred copies were printed by the Department of Geography, Texas A& M University. * "The Elite, the Automobile, and the Good Roads Movement in New York: The Development and Transformation of a Technological Complex, 1904-1913." Syracuse University, Department of Geography, Discussion Paper 20, March 1981. * "Houses in Cazenovia, The Effects of Time and Class." In Landscape 24, 1980, 10-15. "Cultural/Historical Geography." Section II of Proceedings, Southwestern Association of American Geographers, Texas A& M University, Fall 1979. * "Landscape as `Gesture': The Management of Conduct by an Elite." In Proceedings AAG 9, 1976, 99-102. * "Social Conduct on the Golden Mile." In Annals, AAG 65, 1975, 214-28. With Merilyn S. Burke, "Geography Holdings in the Syracuse University Libraries: An Annotated List of Journals and Series." Syracuse University Libraries, 1973. "Bibliographic Resources in Geography." Syracuse University Libraries, 1973. "Landscape: Its Social Conduct and Visual Depiction." In Proceedings, Middle States Division, AAG VI, 1972, Geneseo,NY, 82-8. MATERIALS EDITED Peter J. Hugill & Robin W. Doughty. Field Trip Guide, AAG San Antonio 1982. Washington, D.C.: AAG, 1982, 165 pp.. REVIEW ESSAYS 8 "World-System Theory: Where's the Theory?" Three thousand word review of Peter J. Taylor, The Way the Modern World Works. World Hegemony to World Impasse. New York: Wiley, 1996. In Journal of Historical Geography 23, 1997, 344-349. PUBLISHED BOOK REVIEWS Rachel Woodward, 2004. Military Geographies. Cambridge, Blackwell. Forthcoming,Armed Forces and Society. Dirk Hoerder, 2002. Cultures in Contact: World Migrations in the Second Millennium. Durham,NC: Duke University Press. Forthcoming,Historical Geography. David Paull Nickles, 2003. Under the Wire: How the Telegraph Changed Diplomacy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Technology and Culture 46:2, 419-20. Susan W. Hardwick, 2002. Mythic Galveston: Reinventing Galveston's Third Coast. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. Professional Geographer 56:1, 148-49. Blouet, Brian W, 2001. Geopolitics and Globalization in the Twentieth Century. London: Reaktion. Journal of Historical Geography 28, 468-70. Schulten, Susan, 2001. The Geographical Imagination in America, 1880-1950. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 33, 141-42. Murphy, Alexander B., & Douglas L. Johnson, eds., 2000. Cultural Encounters with the Environment. Enduring and Evolving Geographic Themes. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. Forthcoming,Historical Geography. Bernstein, Peter L., 2000. The Power of Gold. The History of an Obsession. New York: Wiley. Geographical Review 92, 142-43. Kirsch, David A., 2000. The Electric Vehicle and the Burden of History. New Brunswick,N.J.: Rutgers University Press. Technology and Culture 43, 183-84. Ferguson, Niall, 1999. The Pity of War. New York: Basic Books.Journal of Historical Geography 27, 128-29. Wyckoff, William, 1999. Creating Colorado. The Making of a Western American Landscape, 1860-1940. New Haven: Yale University Press. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 574, 224-26. Pomeranz Kenneth & Steven To ik 1999. The World that Trade Created- Society, Culture, > p � ry and the World Economy, 1400 to the Present. Armonk,NY: M. E. Sharpe. Business History Review 74, 552-54. 9 McClellan, James E. III, & Harold Dorn, 1999,Science and Technology in World History: An Introduction. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Technology and Culture 41, 2000, 566-68. Stewart, Gordon, 1998. Jute and Empire. The Calcutta Jute Wallahs and the Landscapes of Empire. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Journal of Historical Geography 26, 2000, 317-18. Ennals, Peter, & Deryck Holdsworth, 1998 Homeplace: the Making of the Canadian Dwelling over Three Centuries. University of Toronto Press. Forthcoming,Historical Geography. Mintz, Sidney W., 1996. Tasting Food, Tasting Freedom: Excursions into Eating, Culture, and the Past. Boston: Beacon. Forthcoming,Food and Foodways. Phillips, Richard, 1997. Mapping Men & Empire: A Geography of Adventure. New York: Routledge. Geographical Review 88, 1998, 316-18. Jackson, Gordon, & David M. Williams, eds., 1996. Shipping, Technology and Imperialism. Brookfield, VT: Scolar Press. Technology and Culture 39, 1998, 799-801. Smith, David A., 1996. Third World Cities in Global Perspective: The Political Economy of Uneven Urbanization. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Professional Geographer 50, 1998, 284- 85. Higley, Stephen R., 1995. Privilege, Power, and Place: The Geography of the American Upper Class. Lanham, MD: Rowman& Littlefield. In Journal of Geography 95, 1996, 91-92. Blaut, James M., 1995. The Colonizer's Model of the World. New York: Guilford, 1992. In Geographical Review 85, 259-61. Schiffer, Michael Brian, 1994. Taking Charge: The Electric Automobile in America. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institute Press. In Technology and Culture, 37, 379-81. McShane, Clay, 1994. Down the Asphalt Path. The Automobile and the American City. New York: Columbia University Press. In Technology and Culture 36, 420-21. Smil, Vaclav, 1993. General Energetics: Energy in the Biosphere and Civilization. New York: Wiley. In Journal of Geography 93, 275-76. Earle, Carville, 1991. Geographical Inquiry and American Historical Problems. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1992. In Social Science Quarterly 74, 696. Harold Dorn, 1991. The Geography of Science. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. In Technology and Culture 34, 135-36. Short, John Rennie, 1991. Imagined Country. Society, Culture and Environment. New York: Routledge. In Journal of Rural Sociology 57, 490-92. 10 Berry, Brian J. L., 1991. Long Wave Rhythms in Economic Development and Political Behavior. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. In Urban Geography 13, 201-2. Genovese, Eugene D., & Leonard Hochberg, eds., 1989. Geographic Perspectives in History. New York: Basil Blackwell. In Geographical Review 81, 492-4. Wallerstein, Immanuel, 1989. The Modern World-System III: the Second Era of Great Expansion of the Capitalist World-Economy, 1730-1840s. San Diego: Academic. In Journal of Historical Geography 16, 490-2. Reply to Flink. In Journal of Geography 89, 137. Flink, James J., 1988. The Automobile Age. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. In Journal of Geography 88, 241-2. Wyckoff, William, 1988. The Developer's Frontier. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. In Journal of Geography 88, 194-5. Wrigley, E. A., 1988. Continuity, Change and Chance. New York: Cambridge University Press. In Journal of Geography 88, 110-1. Langton, John, & R. J. Morris, eds., .1986. Atlas of Industrializing Britain, 1790-1914. NY: Methuen. In Annals of Regional Science 22, 130-1. Schlereth, Thomas J., 1985. U.S. 40. A Roadscape of the American Experience. Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Society. In Technology and Culture 29, 170-1. Vance, James E. Jr., 1986. Capturing the Horizon. The Historical Geography of Transportation. NY: Harper& Row. In Geographical Review 77, 475-7. Jackson, J. B., 1984. Discovering the Vernacular Landscape. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. In Annals, AAG 76, 454-6. Pickles, John, 1985. Phenomenology, science and geography. Spatiality and the human sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In Rural Sociology 52, 126-9. Jakle, John A., 1985. The Tourist. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. In Geographical Review 76, 107-8. (with Robert S. Bednarz) Carlstein, Tommy , Don Parks, &Nigel Thrift, eds., 1975. Timing Space & Spacing Time(3 vols). NY: Wiley. In Geographical Review 72, 110-2. ABSTRACTS PUBLISHED 11 "Trading States, Territorial States, and Technology: Mackinder's Unexplored Contribution to the Discourse on State Types." In Twelfth International Conference of Historical Geographers, Auckland, 2003, 24. "The Chemical Industry, Cotton Textiles, and the World-Economy of the First World War Era: the Role of Dyestuffs." In Program and Abstracts, Eastern Historical Geographers Association, Annual Conference, Breckenridge, CO, 2001, 25-26. "Hegemonic Transitions: a geographic perspective." In Eleventh International Conference of Historical Geographers, Qudbec City, 2001, 55-56. (with Thomas M. Woodfin) "Race, Ethnicity, and Social Class in a 1930s Southern Town: insights from GIS."AAG Annual Meeting Abstracts, abstract 1024,New York,NY, 2001. (with Clarissa T. Kimber) "Geography on the Brazos." In SWAAG Annual Meeting Abstracts, Baton Rouge, LA, 1998, 34. "Covert imperialism and overt gendering in American boy's fiction of the Edwardian period." In Tenth International Conference of Historical Geographers Abstracts, Ireland, 1998, 55-56. "Deindustrialization in the Lancashire Cotton Economy: A World-System Perspective." In AAG Annual Meeting Abstracts. Boston, MA, 1998, . "Reshaping the Cotton South: the Impact of Dams after 193 5." In AAG Annual Meeting Abstracts. Charlotte,NC, 1996, 137. "Anglophilic Landscapes and American Hegemony." In AAG Annual Meeting Abstracts. Chicago, IL, 1995, 136-37. "War in the Air: Geostrategy and Technological Change in W.W.II." In AAG Annual Meeting Abstracts. San Francisco, CA, 1994, 169. "Gender Differences in International Migration: Irish Women as Leaders in the Potato Famine Migration." In AAG Annual Meeting Abstracts. Atlanta, GA, 1993, 109. "Nerve Systems of World-Systems: Telegraphs, Telephones, & Fibre-Optics, 1870 to the Present." In Eighth International Conference of Historical Geographers Abstracts. Vancouver, BC, 1992, 32. "'The Times' as Text: British Reactions to American Great Power PosturingImmediately Y Following the Civil War." In AAG Annual Meeting Abstracts. Miami, FL, 1991, 90. "'Miantonomoh,' 'Monadnock,' and Manifest Destiny." In SWAAG Program &Abstracts. Austin, TX, 1990, 38. "Dystopian Views of the Future in Science Fiction Films." In AAG Program &Abstracts. Toronto, ONT: AAG, 1990, 110. F 12 (with Mary Ann Kniseley)."Wheat and the Global Economy, 1914-1949." In AAG Program Abstracts. Baltimore, MD: AAG, 1989, 107. (with Ted Jeo & J. R. Giardino) "Video as an Educational Tool in Earth Science Teaching." Geological Society of America Abstracts. November 1989. (with Teddy Halloran) "Images of the City in American Narrative Cinema." InAAG Program Abstracts. Portland, OR: AAG, 1987, 44. "The Macro-Landscape of the Wallersteinian World-Economy: 'King Cotton' and the American South." In Sixth International Conference of Historical Geographers Abstracts. Baton Rouge, LA, 1986. "Challenges to British World.Hegemony: the Role of Cotton." In AAG Program Abstracts. Minneapolis, MN: AAG, 1986, 91. "English Landscape Tastes in America." In Geography and Public Policy Program Abstracts. Washington, DC: AAG, 1984, 365. "Technology Diffusion in the World Automobile Industry, 1885-1982." In AAG Program Abstracts. Denver CO: AAG, 1983, 243. "The Rediscovery of America: Elite Automobile Touring, 1904-1913." In Program Abstracts of the AAG. Los Angeles: AAG, 1981, 199. "Landscape as a Product of Social Action." In AAG 76th Annual Meeting Abstracts. Louisville, KY: AAG, 1980, 225. "The Landscape Paradigm in Cultural Geography: A Review and Commentary." In Program Abstracts, 75th Anniversary Meeting of the AAG. Philadelphia, PA: AAG, 1979, 12. "The Impact of the `Good Roads' Movement on the Relative Location of an Upstate New York Village, 1904-1914." In AAG Program Abstracts. New Orleans, LA: AAG, 1978, 275. PAPERSPRESENTED "Multi-polarity to Hegemony: the switch from British to American global power through the eyes of Australia." Invited Paper, Department of Geography, University of Plymouth, May 27, 2005. "The Geopolitics of Global Business: Wal-Mart and the Wider World." Annual Meeting of the AAG, Denver, CO, April 2005. "Transitions in World Power: Boundary Problems, History, Geopolitics, and the Britain to America Transition." Hawaii International Conference on the Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, January 2005. 13 "The Emergence of Cotton as a Global Commodity: the Growth of Cotton Agriculture in the USSR and China in the Twentieth Century." Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Chicago,November 2004. "Trading States, Territorial States, and Technology: Mackinder's Contribution to the Discourse on States and Polities." Invited Paper, Department of Geography, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, September 25, 2004. "Multi-polarity to Hegemony: the switch from British to American global power through the eyes of Australia."Bush School Seminar, September 21, 2004. "Transitions in World Power: Boundary Problems, History, Geopolitics and the Britain to America transition." Invited Paper, Faculty of Social Sciences, John Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia, August 11, 2004. "Cotton: the first Global Commodity Chain and its lessons for Globalization."Annual Meeting of the AAG, Philadelphia, April 2004. "Trading States, Territorial States, and Technology: Mackinder's Unexplored Contribution to the Discourse on State Types." Twelfth International Conference of Historical Geographers, Auckland, December 2003. "The Impact of the Mechanical Cotton Picker on the Structure of the Southern Labor Force: Rural Out-Migration and Urban Growth in the 1950s."Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, St. Louis, October 2002. "Geopolitical Transitions: a model for Hegemonic Shifts in the World-Economy." Annual Meeting of the International Society for Competitiveness, Washington DC, October 2002. Invited Commentary on"Communications Under the Sea: A Twice Rejuvenated Nineteenth Century Technology and its Social Implications."Dibner Institute Conference, M.I.T., April 2002. "Theoretical Conditions for Geopolitical Hegemony." Annual Convention of the International Studies Association,New Orleans, March 2002. "Postcards from LA: Santa Monica."Annual Meeting of the AAG, Los Angeles, CA, March 2002. "The Chemical Industry, Cotton Textiles, and the World-Economy of the First World War Era: the Role of Dyestuffs." Annual Conference of the Eastern Historical Geographers Association, Breckenridge, CO , September 2001. "Hegemonic Transitions: a geographic perspective." Eleventh International Conference of Historical Geographers, Qudbec City, August 2001. 14 "`Failed States' and `Tigers' as a consequence of periods of multi-polarity in the World-System: evidence from the British-American transition." Invited paper, Conference on"The Global Constitution of`Failed States',"University of Sussex, April 2001. With Thomas M. Woodfin, "Race, Ethnicity, and Social Class in a 1930s Southern Town: insights from GIS."Annual Meeting of the AAG,New York,NY, March 2001. With Dan Sui, "GIS, Electoral Geography, and the Empowerment of Local Communities." Invited paper, Conference on"New methodologies for the social sciences: the development and application of spatial analysis for political methodology," University of Colorado at Boulder, Institute of Behavioral Science, March 2000. "Imperialism, Protectionism, and Geopolitics in the Edwardian Era." "World 2000" Conference, Austin, TX, February 2000. "The View from Texas." Invited panelist in book session, "Reconsidering Donald Meinig's Imperial Texas." Annual meeting of the Social Science History Association, Fort Worth, TX, November 1999. "Commodities in World Trade: Cotton in the First Global Economy, 1771-1861." Invited paper, Department of Geography, Loughborough University, December 1998. "Commodities in World Trade: Cotton in the First Global Economy, 1771-186L" Invited paper, Department of Geography, Cambridge University,November 1998. (with Clarissa T. Kimber) "Geography on the Brazos." Fall Meeting of the SWAAG, Baton Rouge, LA, October 1998. "Covert imperialism and overt gendering in American boy's fiction of the Edwardian period." Tenth International Conference of Historical Geographers, Ireland, July 1998. "Deindustrialization in the Lancashire Cotton Economy: A World-System Perspective."Annual Meeting of the AAG, Boston, MA, March 1998. "History of Radio Communication." AggieHostel '97, June 1997. �, d Roads and Cotton Gins since 1915. Annual Meeting of the Pioneer America Trucks, Goo g Society, Austin TX November 1996. "Reshaping the Cotton South: Earth Moving Equipment and Landscape Change, 1878-1914." Annual Meeting of the Society for Construction History, York, England, August 1996. "Reshaping the Cotton South: the Impact of Dams after 1935." Annual Meeting of the AAG, Charlotte,NC, March 1996. 15 "Geopolitics, Technology, & Research. Radar Development in Britain, Germany, & America, 1934-45." First Annual Conference of the Committee for the History of Defence Electronics, Bournemouth University, England, December 1995. "Mackinder's South Russia Policy in the Light of the '90s: 'Deja Vu All Over Again'." Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, IL,November 1995. "Anglophilic Landscapes and American Hegemony." Twenty Fifth Anniversary Faculty Lecture, Department of Geography, Texas A & M University,April 20, 1995. "Anglophilic Landscapes and American Hegemony." Annual Meeting of the AAG, Chicago, IL, March 1995. "The Successful Challenge to British Telecommunications Hegemony: Submarine Telephony and Communications Satellites, 1956-80." Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Atlanta, GA,November 1994. "War in the Air: Geostrategy and Technological Change in W.W.II." Annual Meeting of the AAG, San Francisco, CA, March-April 1994. "Radio Telegraphy, Radio Telephony, and Interstate Competition, 1896 to 1939." Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Baltimore, MD,November 1993. "Gender Differences in International Migration: Irish Women as Leaders in the Potato Famine Migration." Annual Meeting of the AAG, Atlanta, GA, April 1993. "Nerve Systems of World-Systems: Telegraphs, Telephones, & Fiber-Optics, 1870 to the Present." Eighth International Conference of Historical Geographers, Vancouver, BC, August 1992. "Commercial Rivalry and the Development of Transoceanic Telephony," SWAAG, San Marcos, TX, March 1992. "`The Times' as Text: British Reactions to American Great Power Posturing Immediately Following the Civil War." Annual Meeting of the AAG, Miami, FL, April 1991. "`Miantonomoh,' `Monadnock,' and Manifest Destiny." Fall Meeting of the SWAAG, Austin, TX, October 1990. "Dystopian Views of the Future in Science Fiction Films." Annual Meeting of the AAG, Toronto, ONT, April 1990. (with Mary Ann Kniseley) "Wheat and the Global Economy, 1914-1949." Annual Meeting of the AAG, Baltimore, MD, March 1989. (With Ted Jeo & J. R. Giardino) "Video as an Educational Tool in Earth Science Teaching." Geological Society of America,November 1989. 16 "The Four Origins of the American Automobile Industry: A Geographical Perspective." Refereed paper, Americans and the Automobile Conference, Society for Commercial Archeology & Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, MI,November 1988. "Transport of Desires: Trade as the Engine of History." What is the Engine of History? Conference, Texas A& M University,November 1988. "Home and Class among an American Squirearchy." Invited paper, Annual General Meeting, Cazenovia Preservation Foundation, Cazenovia,NY, May 1987. "English Landscape Tastes in America." Invited paper, Docents Meeting, `Lorenzo,' New York Historic Trust, Cazenovia,NY, May 1987. "The Macro-Landscape of the Wallersteinian World-Economy: 'King Cotton' and the American South." Sixth International Conference of Historical Geographers, Baton Rouge, LA, July 1986. "Macro-Landscapes of the Wallersteinian World-Economy."Invited paper, Sociology Section, Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association, Dallas, TX, March 1987. "Challenges to British World Hegemony: the Role of Cotton." Annual Meeting of the AAG, Minneapolis, MN, May 1986. "Subtleties in the Material Mediation of Interaction: Tract Housing Gestures in a College Town." Annual Meeting of the Western Social Science Association, Fort Worth, TX, April 1985. "The Concept of Normal Technology and the Development of the Front-Drive Automobile." Invited paper, GM Laboratories Social Science Research Division, Detroit, MI, April 1985. "Technology Diffusion in the World Automobile Industry, 1885-1984." Transfer and Transformation of Ideas and Material Culture Conference, Texas A& M University,November 1984. "The Landscape as a Code for Conduct: Reflections on its Role in Firey's 'Aesthetic Historical- Genealogical Complex'." Invited paper, R. J. Russell Symposium, Louisiana State University, April 1982. "European Origins of the First Commercially Successful American Automobiles." Fall Meeting of the SWAAG, Austin, Texas, October 1981. "The Rediscovery of America: Elite Automobile Touring, 1904-1913." Annual Meeting of the AAG, Los Angeles, CA, April 1981. "Creating the American Landscape: The Role of the Elite Summer Colony in the Gilded Age." Invited Graduate Lecture, Department of History and Sigma Rho Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, Texas A& M University, December 1980. 17 "Landscape as a Product of Social Action." Invited paper, Landscape Aesthetics Special Session, Annual Meeting of the AAG, Louisville, KY, April 1980. "The Landscape Paradigm in Cultural Geography: A Review and Commentary." Annual Meeting of the AAG, Philadelphia PA, April 1979. "The Reconstruction of House Types as a Neglected Landscape Indicator of the Working of Selected Social Processes." Spring Meeting of the SWAAG, Fort Worth, TX , April 1979. "Social Strategies of Spatial Development." Fall Meeting of the SWAAG, Lafayette, LA, September 1978. "The Sustained Gesture as the F14ndamental Tool of Managed Interactions." Invited paper, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, San Francisco, CA, August 1978. "The Impact of the `Good Roads' Movement on the Relative Location of an Upstate New York Village, 1904-1914." Annual Meeting of the AAG,New Orleans, LA, April 1978. "The Creation of an Elite Community: Cazenovia,N.Y., 1793-1860." Invited paper,New York State Conference on Community History, Fiorella La Guardia Community College,New York City, May 1978. "James Street, Syracuse,N.Y.: A Nineteenth Century Upperclass Landscape." A Sense of Place Symposium sponsored by the Departments of Geography, Art, and Landscape Architecture, Syracuse University, September 1972. CONFERENCES ORGANIZED (with Gerry A. Zeck) "A Pictorial Social History of James Street,"photographic exhibition atA Sense of Place Symposium, September 1972. (with D. Bruce Dickson, Department of Anthropology, Texas A & M University), "What is the Engine of History?" An international, interdisciplinary conference held at Texas A& M University, October 26-29, 1988. (with D. Bruce Dickson, Department of Anthropology, Texas A& M University), "The Transfer and Transformation of Ideas and Material Culture." An international, interdisciplinary conference held at Texas A& M University,November 8-10, 1984. SESSIONS ORGANIZED AND CHAIRED AT MEETINGS (with Wes Dow, Annette Buttimer, & Kit Salter). "Communicating Geography: Video/Film as a Pedagogical Medium." Special Session, Annual Meeting of the AAG, Baltimore, MD, April 1989. f 18 "Landscapes of World-System Agriculture." Special Session, Annual Meeting of the AAG, Portland, OR, April 1987. , "Landscape and Video: Student Documentaries." Special Session, Fall Meeting of the SWAAG, San Marcos, TX, September 1986. "Video Production Techniques in Geography." Workshop, Annual Meeting of the AAG, Detroit, MI, April 1985. "The Impact of Transport Technology on Tourist Landscapes." Special Session, Annual Meeting of the AAG, Los Angeles, CA, April 1981. "Cultural/Historical Geography," Special Session, Fall Meeting of the SWAAG, College Station, TX, October 1979. EXTERNAL REVIEWS For articles submitted to Agricultural History, Annals of the Association ofAmerican Geographers, Geographical Review, Geopolitics, Harvard Business History Review, Historical Geography, Journal of Geography, Journal of Historical Geography, Journal of International Political Economy, Journal of Politics, Journal of Transport Geography, National Identities, Pioneer America, Political Geography, Professional Geographer, and Technology& Culture. For papers submitted to the Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. For NSF grants in Geography & Regional Science. For John Wiley, Prentice-Hall, and Simon & Schuster textbooks in Geography. For manuscripts for Cambridge University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, Syracuse University Press, University of Arizona Press, & University of Massachusetts Press. COMMITTEES National Committees Member: Content Advisory Committee, Geography Education Standards Project, 1992-94. Faculty Senate Committees Deputy Speaker, 1990-91. Secretary-Treasurer, 1989-90. Caucus Leader, College of Geosciences, 1989-92. Chair: Executive Committee, Subcommittee on International Programs, 1990-91. Chair: Academic Affairs Committee, Faculty Senate, 1987-89. Chair Ad hoc subcommittee of the Executive Committee on Philosopy, 1996-97 Chair: Executive Committee, Subcommittee on Admissions Policies, 1989. Member: Faculty Senate Restructuring Committee, 1993. Member: Core Curriculum Oversight Committee, 1991-94. 19 Member: Faculty Senate, 1986-92. Member: Academic Affairs Committee, Faculty Senate, 1986-87. Member: Bylaws Committee, Faculty Senate, 1988-89. Member: Election Committee, Faculty Senate, 1986-87. Member: Executive Committee of Faculty Senate, 1991-92. Member: Subcommittee on defining tasks for the President's Committee on Achieving Excellence in our Multiple Missions, 1989. Member: ad hoc Committee on Philosophy reporting to the Executive Committee, 1997-98. University Committees Member: Tenure Mediation Committee, 2003-06. Member: Review Team, Center for Humanities Research, 2001. Member: ad hoc grievance committee reporting to Dean of Faculties, 1995-?. Member: Institute of Pacific Asia Internal Advisory Board, 1992. Member: Dean of the Graduate School Search Committee, 1991-92. Member: International Programs Enhancement& Co-ordination Committee, 1991-92. Member: Undergraduate Advising and Counseling, Presidential Task Force, 1990. Member: Associate Provost for Faculties Search Committee, 1990. Member: Commitment to Education, Presidential Task Force, 1989-93. Member: Reciprocal Exchange Student Evaluation Committee, Study Abroad Program, 1988-92 Member: Project 30, 1988-92. Member: Study Abroad Committee, 1989-91, 1993 Member: Dean of Faculties Faculty-Staff Handbook Subcommittee, 1989. Member: President's Advisory Committee on Honorary Doctorates, 1988. Member: Texas Sesquicentennial Committee, 1988. Member: Faculty Advisory Committee, W. K. Kellogg Curriculum Development Project in Agriculture and Liberal Arts, 1983-1986. Member: Faculty Advisory Committee, VP for Student Services, 1979-84. Member: Provost's Ad Hoc Committee to Review English Language Certification for International Students, 1991. Member: Provost's Committee to Report to the Coordinating Board on the Core Curriculum, 1991. College of Geosciences Committees Member: Environmental Studies/Science Degrees Committee, 2000-01. Chair: Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1999, 2004. Member: Brockett Professorship Search Committee, 1997. Member: Search Committee, Associate Dean for Solid Earth Sciences, 1995-96. Member: Search Committee, Associate Dean for Fluid Earth Sciences, 1995. Member: Solid Earth Geosciences merger committee, 1993. Member: ad hoc Grievance Committee reporting to Dean of Geosciences, 1993. Member: Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1992-4, 1996, 1998. Member: Committee on the Development of Interdisciplinary Programs, 1992-93. Member: GAMS Advisory Council (Dean's Executive Committee), 1992. 20 Chair: Geosciences Faculty Advisory Committee, 1983-85. Member: Geosciences Faculty Advisory Committee, 1982-83. George Bush School of Government and Public Service Committees Member: Master's in International Affairs Committee, 1999- Member: Committee of Faculty on International Programs (COFIP), 2001- Member: Committee on Languages and Internships, 2001- Department of Geography Committees (*current) Chair: Code Committee, 1997 Chair: Tenure Review Committee, 1994, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2003. Chair: Tenure Committee for Dr. Sarah Bednarz, 2000. Chair: Tenure Committee for Dr. Bernard B. BakamaNume, 1998. Chair: Tenure Committee for Dr. Jonathan M. Smith, 1996. Chair: Tenure Committee for Dr. Vatche Tchakerian, 1994. Chair: Promotion Committee for Dr. Vatche Tchakerian, 2001. Chair: Promotion Committee for Dr. Jonathan M. Smith, 2002.* Chair: Graduate Advisory Committee (and Graduate Advisor 1993-98). Chair: Departmental Scholarship Committee, 1984-89. Chair: Departmental self-study, 1980. Chair: Course re-naming committee. Member: Executive Committee; Graduate Admissions Committee; Human Geography Job Search Committee; Environmental Geography Job Search Committee; Department Head Search Committee; Tenure Review Committee*; Geography in Elementary/Secondary Teacher Education Programs. SERVICE College of Geosciences Liaison with George Bush School of Public Service, 1998-. Departmental Graduate Advisor, 1993-98. Departmental Coordinator of Undergraduate Advising, 1990-93. Departmental Undergraduate Advisor(Juniors and Seniors), 1979-90. University Mentor (voluntary advisor to students in difficulty), 1982-91. Departmental Property Officer, 1978784. Departmental Library Officer, 1978-98 Assistant Fire & Safety Marshall, O&M 8th Floor, 1984-90. REFERENCES Students (Bachelor's level) Teddy Halloran, 643 Gilpin, Houston, Texas 77034. (Master's level) Dr. David Butler, Department of Geography, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39406-5051. r 21 (Doctoral level) Dr. Timothy G. Anderson, Department of Geography, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701-2979. Faculty Dr. Brian W. Blouet, Fred Huby Professor of Geography & Geographic Education, School of Education, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8795. Dr, Charles F. Hermann, Professor and Associate Dean, Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843-4220. Dr. Donald W. Meinig, Maxwell Professor Emeritus, Department of Geography, Syracuse University, Syracuse,New York 13244-1020. Dr. Jonathan M. Smith, Professor, Department of Geography, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843-3147. I