HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-1321 - Ordinance - 09/24/1981JRD1NANCE ii 1 -j2 1 AN UhD1141NCE A1ViL1iDl1aG CiiAPTL'ii 1 1 , �LCTlUrJ � OF T11E Ci'TY OF COLLEGE: STATION CODE OF JRDINANCLS, PERTAiN1NG TO UE SETTiIJG OF FEES, ti1JD 6EkViCE:S FUR GARbA6E COLLECTION A14D DISPOSAL. BE IT ORDA114ED BY THE CITY CUUNCiL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE; STATION, 'TEAAS: ` dAT CHAPTER 11 , SECTIUN b, JF 'T11E CODE: OF ORDIiJANCES, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION O'hALL 1.)L AMEidDED 11 FULLUvaS: 1. Cuapter 11, Section b.il. Payment of criarges shall be amended to read: i1. PAYMENT OF CHARGES The charges fixed by resolution f'or the collection, removal, and disposal of all garbage shall be entered in their respective amounts as charges against each such person or persons, owner manager, tenant or lessee described nerein on the utility bill of such person or persons, owner, manager, tenant or lessee and tiie amount so fixed and charges shall be collected wonthiy in connection with and as a part of the utility bill uf' the City of College Station. It is further provided that snould any person or persons, owner, manager, tenant or lessee uf' any place of abode or of any business or commercial establishment fail or refuse to pay tiie charges fixed against hill, and iris place of abode or business when due, the City of College Station shall be privileged to disconnect utility services to Cris place of abode or place of business against wnicn suers garbage collection fees nave been t'i.xed and assessed, and in addition thereto shall be privileged to discontinue garbage collection services until such fees have been paid in f ull. Chapter 11, :,ecLion �.I. Montnly Charges: Payment of sliall be awtnded to read: I. 11iUN'THLY CHARGES: PAYMENT OF The City Cuuricil shall set by resolution all criarocs and assessments to be collected from each person, f'irm.or corporation within the city limits f'or montnly garbage disposal service. owzz Chapter 11, .;ection S. J. Use of City Sanitary Landf'iil shall be amended to react: 1J . USE OF CITY SANITARY LANDFILL (1) Citizen haulers Any person wrlo wisues to use the City sanitary landfill f'or disposal of garbage privately hauled to the City sanitary landfill clay uo so provided: (a) Tne person requesting to dump is a resident of Collebe Station and is able to estabiisn Same to the operator at the landfill site, and (b) Tlie 6drba6e to be duwped is not refuse f'ruw any commercial operation or establishment. (L) Private Haulers Private haulers in Lhe uusiness Of'iraulin6 or disposing of garbage f'or a profit shall not be entitled to use Lire City sanitary landfill, except as provided in Chapter 11, Section 5.h. (s) Unlawful illu111pin6 iJo person srrali dump any refuse at tine City sanitary landfill at any place other than a place designated by the laridf'ill attendant for duulping. Chapter 11, Section 5.h. City Not To Remove building Wastes Jilall ue amended to reau: R. CITY IJOT TO REMOVE bU1LDIIJG WASTES ROCK, waste OLIiidi116 Wd L eriais, or other refuse resuitin6 from building or remodeling operations may be removed by the City upon consent of the DirecLur of Public i4orks with charges set by resolution depending on tree service provided. T n cases not approved f'or City pickup, such waste srrali be removed by the building contractors, owner, or occupant of the building at iris own expense. `fire permit f'ur Life disposal of rock, waste, builuirrL materials or other refuse resulting from cuaiwercial uuildin6, remudelinr or home remodeling must be obtained prior to the scheduled pickup and presented to the SanitaLion supervisor. L . Shoulu any seCtion, para�,rapir, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance be declared unconSLiLutiunal or invalid for any purpose, tyre relnairlder of this ordinance shall riot be af'fecLed thereby. OZZ5 j • 'inat all ordinances or parts Of oruinances in conflict herewith are repealed to the extent of the conflict only. 4. ,gnu, it is ordained that this ordinance shall become effective froul and after its passage in accordance witii the city charter of the City of` t;uiiebe Station. PASSED AND APPROVED this 24 day of` September , 1961. ti'i 'T L S'T t;lenn Schroeder, City Secretary