HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-1146 - Ordinance - 01/25/1979ORDINANCE NO. 1146 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SCHEDULE OF UTILITY RATES, GOVERNING PAYMENT OF BILLS, PROVIDING FOR DISCONNECTIONS AND RECONNECTIONS, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 1112 AND PORTIONS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Schedule of Rates: The monthly rates to be charged consumers for public utility services -- namely, electric connections --shall be in accordance with the schedules as follows: A. ELECTRIC RATE - SCHEDULE R (Residential Customers) Applicable: To single family residential customers for all domestic usage. Rate: 6.80� per kwhr for the first 25 kwhrs. 5.60G per kwhr for the next 75 kwhrs. 5.020, per kwhr for the next 100 kwhrs. 3.250, per kwhr for all kwhrs over 200 except 2.60� per kwhr for all over 700 kwhrs used per month in the months of November through April. Minimum Bill: $3.75 per month plus applicable power cost adjustment on the kwhrs used plus applicable tax adjustment. Multiple -Dwelling Units: Multiple dwelling units where served under one meter shall be billed under Rate Schedule R-1. Power Cost Adjustment: The net energy charge per kilowatthour under the above rate shall be increased or decreased to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule PCA. B. ELECTRIC RATE - SCHEDULE R-1 (Master Metered Multiple Dwelling Units) Applicable: To multiple dwelling units for all domestic usage where served under one master meter. -continued- 03M9 Schedule R-1 (cont.) Page 2 Rate: The monthly rate charge for service under this schedule shall be determined as follows: Minimum Bill: The average kwhr usage per month per dwelling unit shall be determined by dividing the total monthly kwhrs purchased, as determined by the City's master meter, by the total number of dwelling units receiving electric service. The total number of dwelling units receiving electric service shall be the total number of dwelling units constructed unless certified otherwise by the owner of the multiple dwelling units. The individual rate charge per dwelling unit shall thence be computed on the basis of the average kwhr usage per month per dwelling unit figured at the following rate: 6.80� per kwhr for the first 25 kwhrs. 5.60-A, per kwhr for the next 75 kwhrs. 5.02� per kwhr for the next 100 kwhrs. 3.250, per kwhr for all kwhrs over 200 except 2.600 per kwhr for all over 700 kwhrs used per month in the months of November through April. The total monthly bill shall thence be determined by multiplying rate charge computed under the above rate by the number of dwelling units certified to be receiving electric service. $3.75 per dwelling unit per month plus applicable power cost adjustment on the kwhrs used plus applicable tax adjustment. Power Cost Adjustment: The net energy charge per kilowatthour under the above rate shall be increased or decreased to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule PCA. Submetering: 1. Where electric service is submetered, the words "dwelling unit" in the above rate and minimum bill clauses shall be replaced with the word "submeter". 2. Where service is taken by the customer at the City's available primary voltage, and where the customer installs, owns, operates, and maintains all service facilities, including metering, required to take service at such voltage, and where the customer provides for billing each month each multiple dwelling unit tenant, a discount of 10% of the net base rate bill will be allowed. Metering may be primary or secondary (corrected for trans- former losses) at the City's option. -continued- 0 30 Schedule R-1 (cont.) Page 3 3. The customer operating the submetering system shall provide electric service to his tenants and render bills therefor in strict accordance with the electric submetering rules and regulations as established by the Public Utility Commission of Texas in Substantive Rule No., a copy of which is attached hereto. All records and reports provided for in these rules and regulations, other than those specified below, shall be made available to the City upon request. The customer shall not impose any additional charges on his tenants over and above those charges which are billed by the City. For verification purposes, the customer shall, within five days after his tenant's bills are rendered each month, file a written report with the City showing a reconciliation of his billing to his tenants plus the billing for owner used energy with the charges which are billed by the City. This report shall provide as a minimum the following information: 1. A calculation of the average cost per kilowatt-hour for the current month. 2. A listing of all submeter readings and billings, including kilowatt-hour usage metered and total rate charge, for the current month. C. ELECTRIC RATE - SCHEDULE SC (Small Commercial Customers) Applicable: To all commercial customers and other customers whose monthly kilowatt demand does not exceed 15 kw. Demand meters will be installed on all such customers whose (1) installed load would indicate that demands over 15 kw would be experienced or (2) whose monthly kilowatthours exceed 5000. Rate: 7.70q, per kwhr for the first 100 kwhrs. 6.60(,% per kwhr for the next 400 kwhrs. 4.87� per kwhr for the next 500 kwhrs. 3.25�_ per kwhr for the next 5000 kwhrs. 2.60G per kwhr for all kwhrs over 6000 kwhrs. Minimum Bill: $3.75 per month plus applicable power cost adjustment on the kwhrs used plus applicable tax adjustment. Power Cost Adjustment: The net energy charge per kilowatthour under the above rate shall be increased or decreased to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule PCA. -continued- 't! Page 4 D. ELECTRIC RATE - SCHEDULE LP-1 (Medium Commercial and Industrial) Applicable: To all commercial and industrial customers and other customers where service is taken through one meter and where monthly kilowatt demand is between 15 kw and 300 kw. Character of Service: A.C.; 60 cycles per second, single phase, 120/240 volts; three phase, 120/240, 120/208, 240/480, 277/480, 2300/4160, 7200/12,470 volts, as available at point of service. Three phase customers served via underground primary to pad -mounted transformers will be offered only 120/208 or 277/480 volt service. Rate: Demand charge: $3.50 per kw of billing demand. Energy Charge: 2.55C per kwhr for the first 10,000 kwhrs. 2.20q� per kwhr for the next 40,000 kwhrs. 1.65q% per kwhr for all kwhrs over 50,000 kwhrs. Billing Demand: The billing demand shall be the maximum 15 minute measured kw in the month, but not less than 75% of the peak demand measured in the twelve month period ending with the current month. Minimum Bill: $3.75 per kw of billing demand plus applicable power cost ad- justment on the kwhrs used plus applicable tax adjustment. Power Cost Adjustment: Power Factor: The net energy charge per kilowatthour under the above rate shall be increased or decreased to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule PCA. Should the power factor be lower than 0.85 lagging, the City may adjust the measured demand by multiplying by the ratio of 0.85 to the actual power factor. E. ELECTRIC RATE - SCHEDULE LP-2 (Large Commercial and Industrial) Applicable: To all commercial and industrial customers and other customers who contract for over 300 kw of demand and where service is taken through one meter at one point of delivery. Before service is supplied, individual contracts should be negotiated outlining all details of the service to be supplied, the terms of the contract, and the obligations of each party. -continued- �3(32 I. Schedule LP-2 (cont.) Character of Service: Page 5 A.C.; 60 cycles per second, single phase, 120/240 volts; three phase, 120/240, 120,208, 240/480, 277/480, 2300/4160, 7200/12,470 volts, as available at point of service. Three phase customers served via underground primary to pad -mounted transformers will be offered only 120/208 or 277/480 volt service. Rate: Demand Charge: $1,125.00 for the first 300 kw of billing demand or less $3.25 per kw of billing demand for all over 300 kw Energy Charge: 2.50q, per kwhr for the first 50 kwhrs per kw of billing demand 2.15q, per kwhr for the next 100 kwhrs per kw of billing demand 1.65(,% per kwhr for all additional kwhrs Billing Demand: The billing demand shall be the maximum 15 minute measured kw in the month, but not less than 75% of the peak demand measured in the twelve month period ending with the current month. Where the customer provides an integrating graphic demand meter satisfactory to the City, off-peak service will be provided for in the negotiated contract. Minimum Bill: $3.75 per kw of billing demand plus applicable power cost adjustment on the kwhrs used plus applicable tax adjustment. Power Cost Adjustment: The net energy charge per kilowatthour under the above rate shall be increased or decreased to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule PCA. Power Factor: Should the power factor be lower than 0.85 lagging, the City may adjust the measured demand by multiplying by the ratio of 0.85 to the actual power factor. Primary Service: Where service is taken by the customer at the City's available primary voltage, a credit of 4% of the net bill will be allowed. Metering may be primary or secondary (corrected for transformer losses) at the City's option. -continued- 1 033 Page 6 F. ELECTRIC RATE - SCHEDULE SL (175 Watt Security Lights) Applicable: To service 175 watt security lights installed and maintained by the City for customers at their request. The customer will be required to contract for this service for a period to be determined by the City. Character of Service: 1. Security lighting equipment, including lamps, fixtures, control units and the necessary security lighting circuits, transformers, guys, anchors, fittings, etc. will be furnished by the City subject to the payment of an installation fee as set by the City. 2. Lamp replacement will be made by the City without additional charge, except that damage to lamps and luminaries resulting from vandalism shall be charged to the customer at cost as a separate item on his monthly bill for service. Rate: $5.00 per month per light. Power Cost Adjustment: The net energy charge per kilowatthour under the above rate shall be increased or decreased to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule PCA. G. ELECTRIC RATE - SCHEDULE PCA (Power Cost Adjustment Factor) The formula for calculation of the Power Cost Adjustment Factor is as follows: Power Cost Adjustment = WC - CF _ K 1 (Rounded to the nearest Factor ($ per kwhr) P 1-L 0.0001(1�) Definitions: WC = Total wholesale cost of energy purchased by the City from its supplier for the immediately preceding billing month. ($) P = Total energy purchased by the City from its supplier for the immediately preceding billing month.(kwh) K = Base wholesale power cost included in the City's retail electric rate schedules ($.015 per kwh) -continued- 030336A Schedule PCA (cont.) Definitions Page 7 L = Average system line losses expressed decimally for the preceding calendar year CF = Correction factor adjustment to be supplied in the current billing month to provide for correction of the variance between actual and estimated power cost adjustment revenues derived from the Power Cost Adjustment Factor for the second preceding billing month prior to the current billing month. ($) The formula for calculation of the Correction Factor is as follows: where CF = (A) - (B) (A) = The actual power cost adjustment revenues received from application of the Power Cost Adjustment Factor in the second preceding billing month. ($) (B) = The actual power cost adjustment revenues which should have been collected from application of the Power Cost Adjustment Factor in the second preceding billing month. ($) The formula for calculation of (B) is as follows: (B) = WC - (P) (K) SECTION 2. Payment of Bills: Payments must be received at the City Utility Office on or before the due date to avoid late charges. Payments received after the due date will be assessed a penalty equaling 10% of the current month charges with a minimum charge of $3.00. SECTION 3. Disconnections and Reconnections: (A) All electric connections shall be severed for any consumer of public utilities who fails to pay all or any part of his total bill for such services within 15 days after the same shall be due and payable as provided above. (B) When connections for public utilities services have been severed, the same shall be restored only when all amounts due the city have been paid in full. The fee for such meter reconnections shall be set in policy by the City Council. (C) All connections, reconnections and disconnections shall be made only by an authorized representative of the city. -continued- 03VV5 Page 8 SECTION 4. In view of the fact that the city must have access to the meters for reading and service no authorized city representative shall be denied access to the meter. SECTION 5. This rate shall be effective on all invoices submitted by the City of College Station to users on or about March 1, 1-979. SECTION 6. Any ordinance or portion thereof in conflict with this ordinance is hereby repealed, and the provisions of this ordinance, in case of conflict, shall govern. If any portion of this ordinance shall be declared invalid, such declaration shall not affect the other portions thereof. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this the 25th day of January,, 1979. ROVED 1 Mayor ATTEST City Secretary Public Utility Commission of Texas Page 1 of 14 Substantive Rules 052.02 Substantive Rules Electric Submetering The Public Utility Commission of Texas has adopted Substantive Rule with several changes in the proposed text. The first change is' in (a)(4) adding the definition of month or monthly; the period between any two consecutive meter readings by the utility, either actual or estimated, at approximately thirty (30) day intervals. Subsection (c)(1) was changed to permit submeters to be read three days after the scheduled reading date of the utility's master meter instead of two days as originally proposed. Subsection (c)(5) was changed to make it clear that the apartment owner is to collect no more from the tenants than the apartment owner's net bill to the utility is. Subsection (c)(6) added a subsection (H) stating that the tenant's bill must show a date by which the tenant must pay his bill to the apartment owner. Subsection (c)(7) added a sentence requiring that the report which the apartment owner must make regarding any dispute over a bill with a tenant must be completed within thirty days from the date the tenant notifies the apartment owner of the dispute. Subsection (d)(4) added a phrase which required that meter testing must be made only during reasonable business hours and not solely at the convenience of the tenant. Subsections (d)(12) and (13) were changed to make it clear that apartment hoses c; cld be su`-etere� by either inuction or ele_trc�nic , -ters. 03037 Public Utility Commission of Texas Substantive Rules 052.02 Page 2 of 14 The Public Utility Commission of Texas by authority of art. 1446(d) V.A.C.S. has adopted Substantive Rule, to read as follows: Electric Submetering (a) General Rules (1) Purpose and Scope of Rules (A) These rules are intended to establish a comprehensive regulatory system to assure that the practices involving submetering and billing of dwelling units are just and reasonable to the tenant and the apartment owner and to establish the rights and responsibilities of both the apartment owner and tenant. These rules shall be given a fair and impartial construction to obtain these objectives and shall be applied uniformly regardless of race, color, creed, sex, or marital status. (B) For purposes of enforcement, both utilities and apartment owners are subject to the enforcement pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Act, which may involve civil penalties of up to $5,000 for each offense and criminal penalties for willful and knowing violations. (2) Application These rules shall apply tc existing apartment houses utilizing electrical submetering as of the effective date of these rules as well as those PDart-1!'t +,cases knish en_age In el�.=-ric;z` 3038 Public Utility Commission of Texas Substantive Rules 052.02 Page 3 of 14 submetering at any subsequent date. By statutory requirement, after January 1, 1978, no incorporated city or town, including a home -rule city or other political subdivision of the state, may issue a permit, certificate, or other authorization for the construction or occupancy of a new apartment house or conversion to a condominium unless the construction plan pro- vides for individual metering by the utility company or submetering by the owner of each dwelling unit for the measure- ment of the quantity of electricity, if any, consumed by the occupants within that dewlling unit. Therefore, these rules shall also apply to such apartment houses and condominiums in the event submetering is chosen. (3) Severability Clause The adoption of these rules will in no way preclude the Public Utility Commission from altering or amending them in whole or in part, or from requiring any other or additional service, equipment, facility, or standard, either upon, complaint or upon its own motion or upon application of any utility. Further- more, these rules will not relieve in any way an apartment owner or tenant from any of its duties under Texas Revised Civil Statues, article 1446(d), Sections 1-4 or other laws of this state or the United States. If any provision of these rules is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applica.ions of these rules which can be given e`'ect the invalid; cr3visien cr application, and to L0 39 Public Utility Commission of Texas Substantive Rules 052.02 Page 4 .of 14 this end, the provisions of these rules are declared to be severable. These rules shall not be construed so as to enlarge, diminish, modify, or alter the jurisdiction, powers, or authority of the Commission or the substantive rights of any person. (4) Definitions As used in these rules, unless the context requires otherwise, the following words shall have the indicated meaning: (A) Apartment House: "Apartment house" means a building or buildings containing more than five dwelling units all of which are rented primarily for nontransient use, with rental paid at intervals of one week or longer. Apartment house shall include residential condominiums, whether rented or owner occupied. (B) Apartment Owner: For purposes of enforcement, record keeping, and reporting, "apartment owner" shall mean any owner, operator or manager of an apartment house engaged in electrical submetering. (C) Bulletin: A Commission publication printed twice monthly containing information about the Commission such as notices of hearings, orders, decisions, rules and other - information of general interest to the public. It shall be sent to all persons and ac-E^cies requesting to he -pint on L builetln r.ailing list and paying t-e applicable r Public Utility Commission of Texas Substantive Rules 052.02 Page 5 of 14 (D) Commission: The Public Utility Commission of Texas. (E) Dwelling Unit: "Dwelling unit" means a room or rooms suitable for occupancy as a residence containing kitchen and bathroom facilities. (F) Electric Metering: Individual apartment dwelling unit metering performed by a utility company. (G) Electric Submetering:* Apartment dwelling unit metering performed by the apartment owner. (H) Hearing: Any proceeding based on an application, petition, complaint, or motion. (I) Master Meter: A meter used to measure, for billing pur- poses, all electric usage of an apartment house, including common areas, common facilities and dwelling units therein. (J) Month, or Monthly: The period between any two consecutive meter readings by the utility, either actual or estimated, at approximately thirty (30) day intervals.. (b) Records and Reports (1) The apartment owner shall maintain and make available for inspection by the tenant the following records: (A) the billing from the utility to the apartment owner for the current month and the twelve (12) preceding months, (B) the calculation of the average cost per kile,.jatt-hour for the current Month and the twelve (12) preceding mcnths, (C) all sut-=-ter reEcin^_s and tenant billings for the current r..cr,th and the t :el te (12 ) arecedi na months , (*ft1 Public Utility Commission of Texas Substantive Rules 052.02 Page 6 of 14 (D) all submeter test results for the current month and the twelve (12) preceding months. (2) Records shall be made available at the resident manager's office during reasonable business hours or, if there is no resident manager, at the dwelling unit of the tenant at the convenience of both the apartment owner and tenant. (3) All records shall be made available to the Commission upon request. (c) Billing (1) Bills shall be rendered for the same billing period as that of the utility, generally monthly, unless service is rendered for less than that period. Bills shall be rendered as promptly as possible following the reading of the submeters. The submeters shall be read within three days of the scheduled reading date of the utility's master meter. (2) The unit of measurement shall be a kilowatt-hour (KWH). (3) The apartment owner shall be responsible for determining that the energy billed to any dwelling unit shall be only for energy consumed within that unit, and so metered. (4) The apartment owner shall not impose any extra charges on the tenant over and above those charges which are billed by the utility to the apartment owner. (5) The tenant's bill shall be calculated in the following manner: after the apart-:ent electric bill is received from the utility, the apartment c,. er shall ci.i�e the total net c-lar_es for �3()42 Public Utility Commission of Texas Substantive Rules c 052.02 �rw Page 7. of 14 electrical consumption, plus applicable tax, by the total number of kilowatt-hours to obtain an average cost per kilowatt- hour. This average kilowatt-hour cost shall then be multiplied by each tenant's kilowatt-hour consumption to obtain the charge to the tenant. The computation of the average cost per kilowatt- hour shall not include any penalties charged by the utility to the apartment owner for disconnect, reconnect, late payment, or other similar service charges. (6) The tenant's bill shall show all of the following information: (A) The date and reading of the submeter at the beginning and at the end of the period for which the bill is rendered. (B) The number of kilowatt-hours metered. (C) The computed rate per kilowatt-hour. (D) The total amount due for electricity used. (E) A clear and unambiguous statement that the bill is not from the electric utility, which shall be named in the statement. (F) The name and address of the tenant to whom the bill is applicable. (G) The name of the firm rendering the submetering bill and the name or title, address and telephone number of the person or persons to be contacted in case of a billing dispute. M The date by which the tenant must pay the bill. EM Public Utility Commission of Texas Substantive Rules 052.02 Page 8 of 14 (7) In the event of a dispute between the tenant and the apartment owner regarding any bill, the apartment owner shall forthwith make such investigation as shall be required by the particular case, and report the results thereof to the tenant. The investigation and report shall be completed within thirty (30) days from the date the tenant notifies the apartment owner of the dispute. (8) The tenants of any d;-telling unit in an apartment house whose electrical consumption is submetered shall be allowed by the apartment owner to review and copy the master billing for the current month's billing period and for the twelve (12) preced- ing months, and all submeter. readings of the entire apartment house for the current month and for the twelve (12) preceding months. (9) All rental agreements between the apartment owner and the tenants and dwelling units therein shall clearly state that the dwelling unit is submetered, that the bills will be issued thereon, that electrical consumption for all common areas and common facilities will be the responsibility of the apartment owner and not of the tenant, and that any disputes relating to the computation of the tenant's bill and the accuracy of the submetering device will be between the tenant and the apartment owner. (10) Esti;-ated bl its s::all not be re,,ccred unless tl;e meter has been ta-D_red or is out c; order, and in s::ch case the bi 11 sha i i be distinctly rart:e;; as s:;ch. 03044 Public Utility Commission of Texas Substantive Rules 052.02 Page 9. of 14 (d) Submeters (1) Submeter Requirements (A) Use of submeter: All electrical energy sold by an apart- ment owner shall be charged for by meter measurements. (B) Installation by apartment owner: Unless otherwise authorized by the Commission, each apartment owner shall be responsible for providing, installing and maintaining all submeters necessary for the measurement of electrical energy to its tenants. (2) Submeter Records Each apartment owner shall keep the following records: (A) Submeter equipment record: Each apartment owner shall keep a record of all of its submeters, showing the tenant's address and date of the last test. (B) Records of submeter tests: All submeter tests shall be properly referenced to the submeter record provided for herein. The record of each test made shall show the identifying number of the submeter, the standard meter and other measuring devices used, the date and kind of test made, by whom made, the error (or percentage of accuracy) at each load tested, and sufficient data to permit verification of all calculations. (3) SubMeter Readings Submeter unit ir,:ic2,�ion: In ceneral each meter shall Indic_= e dearly the rc`' '.:^icy c`:3r^e is -a-4e to tie :Er.-. _. 45 Public Utility Commission of Texas Page 10 of 14 Substantive Rules 052.02 (4) Submeter Tests on Request of Tenant Each apartment owner shall, upon the request of a tenant, and, if the tenant so desires, in the tenant's presence or in that of the tenant's authorized representative, make a test of the accuracy of the tenant's submeter. The test shall be made during reasonable business hours at a time convenient to the tenant desiring to observe the test. If the submeter tests within the accuracy standards for self-contained watt-hour meters as established by the latest edition of American National Standards Institute, Incorporated, Standard C12 (American National Code for Electricity Metering), a charge of up to $15.00 may be charged.the tenant for making the test. However, if the submeter has not been tested within a period of one year, or if the submeter's accuracy is not within the accuracy standards for self-contained watt-hour meters as established by the latest edition of American National Standards Institute, Incorporated, Standard C12, no charge shall be made to the tenant for making the test. Following completion of any requested test, the apartment owner shall promptly advise the tenant of the results of the test. (5) Bill Adjustment Due to Submeter Error If any submeter is found to be not within the accuracy stan- dards for self-contained watt-hour neters as established ty the late,. edition of American National Standards Instl+_ _, Incorporated, Stancaru C12, prcrer correction shall be race 1 • • Public Utility Commission of Texas Substantive Rules 052.02 Page 11 of 14 of previous readings for the period of one month immediately preceding the test, or from the time the submeter was in service since last tested, but not exceeding one month, as the submeter shall have been shown to be in error by such test and an adjusted bill shall be rendered. No refund is required from the apartment owner except to the tenant last served by the submeter prior to the testing. If a submeter is found not to register for any period, unless bypassed or tampered with, the apartment owner may make a charge for units used, but not metered, for a period not to exceed one month based on amounts used under similar conditions during periods preceding or subsequent thereto, or during the corresponding period in previous years. (6) Bill Adjustment Due to Conversion If, during the 90-day period preceding the installation of electric meters or submeters, an apartment owner increases rental rates, and such increase is attributable to increased costs of utilities, then such apartment owner shall immediately reduce the rental rate by the amount of such increase and shall refund all of such increase that has previously been collected within said 90-day period. (7) Location of Submeters Subrieters and service switches in conjunction with the sub - meter shall be installed in accordance with the latest editicn c� Incorperated, IR Public Utility Commission of Texas Substantive Rules 052.02 Page 12 of 14 Standard C12, or other standards as may be prescribed by the Commission, and will be readily accessible for reading, test- ing and inspection, where such activities will cause minimum interference and inconvenience to the tenant. (8) Submeter Testing Facilities and Equipment (A) Each apartment owner shall engage an independent qualified expert to provide such instruments and other equipment and facilities as may be necessary to make the submeter tests required by these rules. Such equipment and facilities shall generally conform to American National Standards Institute, Incorporated, Standard C12, unless otherwise prescribed by the Commission, and shall be acceptable to the Commission and shall be available at all reasonable times for the inspection by its authorized representatives. (B) Portable Standards: Each apartment owner engaged in electrical submetering shall, unless specifically excused by the Commission, provide or utilize a testing firm which provides portable test instruments as necessary for test- ing billing submeters. (C) Reference Standards: Each apartment owner shall provide or have access -to suitable indicating electrical ins�- tt- ments as reference standards for insuring the accuracy of shop and portable instruments used for testing billing '`460e s ters . W04 • M Public Utility Commission of Texas Page 13 of 14 Substantive Rules 052.02 (D) Testing of Reference Standards: Reference standards of all kinds shall be submitted once each year or on a scheduled basis approved by the Commission to a stan- dardizing laboratory of recognized standing, for the purpose of testing and adjustment. (E) Calibration of Test Equipment: All shop and portable instruments used for testing billing submeters shall be calibrated by comparing them with a reference standard at least every one hundred and twenty (120) days during the time such test instruments are being regularly used. Test equipment shall at all times be accompanied by a certified calibration card signed by the proper authority, giving the date when it was last certified and adjusted. Records of certifications and calibrations shall be kept on file in the office of the apartment owner. (9) Accuracy Requirements for Submeters (A) No submeter that exceeds the test calibration limits for self-contained watt-hour meters as set by the American National Standards Institute, Incorporated, Standard C12, shall be placed in service or left in service. Whenever on installation, periodic, or other tests, a submeter is found to exceed these limits, it shall be adjusted. (B) Adjust-ments: Submeters shall be adjusted as close as possible to the canciticn of zero error. The'tolerzi:,ces are scecified cnl_: " al ica,r `cr rezessary varlaticns. Public Utility Commission of Texas Substantive Rules 052.02 Page 14 of 14 (10) Submeter Tests Prior to Installation No submeter shall be placed in service unless its accuracy has been established. If any submeter is removed from actual service and replaced by another submeter for any purpose what- soever, it shall be properly tested and adjusted before being placed in service again. (11) Testing of Submeters in Service Submeters shall be tested at least annually unless specified otherwise by the Commission. (12) Unless otherwise provided by the Commission, no dwelling unit may be submetered unless all duelling units in the apartment house are submetered. (13) All Submeters in an apartment house which are served by the same master meter shall be of the same type, such as induction or electronic. This rule shall take effect on October 24, 1977. Issued in Austin, Texas, on October 3, 1977. ROY J. ,i :;_DE:'S0 C0:':;I %Si �5•-.�`.. 'r DIRECTOR Or PUDL16 UT !L1TY CS;^"ISSIv:� OF TCX.�S