HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWII Ration Book (Lange)a I Ia lrb 438698 AE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - OFFICE OF PRICE ACIMINISTRATION ~~ Aa ~~~ WAR, RATIOleT BOOR TWO ~ ~~'~~,,~~~ ID TIFICATION ~ ~~ ~~ '~ ~ ~' ~ - --=a!~ ___ :~ ~r"E'i~E ~ i - - -------- --- - ----- ------------------ -------- ~\\~ ®F , ~ ~ (Name of e~eon to whom book rued) ~ i \ ~~~\ PRICE ADM.; ------- \ (St ee er or rural ub) `R,~ 1., ~ f /l..~tA . IL',~ ./ Q? , (City or poet o[fice) (State) ~ I99U BY T .^.t:AL BOARD NO. ________ ~________ -__ (County) - _ (S ate}. - - ~ _----5-- ----- ---- - ----- - ------ ~ (street address oftp . \o. d) (City) of issuing ~(ficer) (To be signed by the person to whom this book is ieeued. If each person ie unable to sign because of age or incapacity, another may sign io Lis behalf) WARNING 1 Tbis book ie the property of the United Statee Government. I[ ie unlawful to sell or give it to any other person or to use i[ or permit anyone else to use it, except to obtain rationed g,wde [or the person to whom it was ieeued. 2 Thie book must be returned to the War Price and Rationint Board which ieeued it, if the person to whom it was issued is inducted into the armed services of the United Statee, or leaves the country for more than 30 days, or die& TLe address of the Board appears above. 3 A person who finds a loot War Ration Book moat return it to the War-Price and Rationing Board which issued it. 3 PHHSONS WHO YIOLATH RATIONING RHGIILAT[ONS AHE SIIH)HCT TO fIO,000 FHVa OH It[I'B [SONHENT, OR BOTB. OPA Form No. R-121 as-aogaa-1 By _~R~~ SIGNATURB _~__7~___. ~~~' R- S T= ~ ~'. ~ ~ ~- ~ ~5-55 ~~ 2 ~2 2 ~ 2 ~. 1 ~ ~ 1 INSTRUCTIONS II This book is valuable. Do not losr: it. 2 Each starnp authorizes you to purchase rationed goods in the quantities and at the times designated by the Of&ce of Price Administration. Without the stamps you will be unable to purchase those goods. 3 Detailed instructions concerning the use of the book and the stamps will be issued from time to tune. Watch for those instructions so that you will know how to use your book anal stamps. 4 Do not tear out stamps except'at the time of purchase and in the presence of the storekeeper, his employee, or a person authorized by him to make delivery. 5 Do not throw this book away when :11 of the stamps have been used, or when the time for their use leas expired. You may be required to present this book when you apply for subsequent books. Rationing is a vital part of your c.~untry's war effort. This book is your Government's guar- antee of your fair share of goods made scarce by war, to which the stamps contained herein will be assigned as the need arises. Any attempt to violate the rules is an effort to deny someone his share and will create hardship and discontent. ' Such action, like treason, helps the enemy. Give your whole support to rationing and thereby conserve our vital goods. Be guided by the rule: "If you don't need iy DON'T BUY IT." A }I 11, 5. GO VERNYENT PRINTING OF-'CE: IY~Y lar-30B6a-t