HomeMy WebLinkAboutLincoln High School L.B. White-HollimonCo., Lincoln High School Reunion Interviewee: Lola Bell White Hollimon 11 The Lincoln Center Education Memory Lane and our first interviewee is Lola Bell White Hollimon Jasek - Ms. Hollimon when did you go to school, when did you start grade school? Hollimon - I started grade school in 1939. Jasek - 39 and where did you first go to grade school. Hollimon - In Wellborn, Texas. Jasek - In Wellborn, Texas. And huh who were your teachers? Hollimon - Mrs. Kates and Mrs. Julia Campbell, I think her name was. Jasek - Julia Campbell, OK. Hollimon - And huh Kates, Mrs. Kates, was the first Kindergarten teacher, first grade teacher. All I remember is Kate, I don't recall her last name. Jasek - And huh did you attend Lincoln School then or did you attend Hollimon - I attended Wellborn for about a year and then they transferred the Wellborn into the Lincoln School. Jasek - OK so you went to high school for 3 years then, here. Hollimon - No, I went from grade school to high school here. Jasek - Oh, from grade school to high school here and who were some of your teachers at Lincoln that you remember? Who was your favorite teacher? Hollimon - Well, the ones that I can remember most was Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Cunningham and Mr. Dowling was the man teacher, Mr. huh, what's his name but Mrs. Owens was the my homemaker teacher. Jasek - What was your favorite class? Hollimon - And Mrs. My favorite class. I liked Math. Jasek - You like Math. OK Hollimon - Mrs. Carter, was my English Teacher. Jasek - And what were some of the subjects you took? Hollimon - I took math, history, economics, and I took algebra, history, English, science Jasek - Did you ride the bus to school? Hollimon - The bus. Jasek - The bus, who was your bus driver? Do you remember? Hollimon - I sure don't. Jasek - OK. And where did you catch the bus? Hollimon - We caught the bus on Wellborn Road and what the call now is Galley Road. 0�ailIII Hollimon - And sometime we'd catch it on Twin City Lane, we'd walk over to that area to catch the bus. Jasek - OK and the bus,took you right here to Lincoln then, OK. What about extra curricular activitiesi Did you play sports or huh Hollimon - I played a little but not much sports. My mother did not like for us to leave out of town and I lived in the country so it was kind of hard to get home on time. Jasek - I understand, besides that there were chores to do, right? The huh Where was your Hollimon - I played a little track Jasek - track oh -great Hollimon - A little bit of Basketball. Jasek - When you went o Wellborn to grade school where was the school located at? Hollimon - I think now it's down around the Wellborn Community kind of in that area. Jasek - OK was it one room school house? How big was it? Hollimon - It was two rooms Jasek - Two room school house, OK. And who were some of your classmates that you went to elementary school with? Do you remember anybody from the first grade, much at all? Hollimon - Iris Welch and huh the Weldons I remember them and then I remember the Taylors and the Browns. Jasek - Was it kind of scary going from Wellborn, going into College Station or was it exciting. Hollimon - It was a lot of fun. Williams Marshall we all walked together to school back and forth we had to walk about a mile, a mile and a half. Actually it was 3 miles, from our house to school. Jasek - Oh wow, each way 3 miles. Hollimon - One way Jasek - One way, Oh! that must have been hard in the winter time or when it was raining. Hollimon - I don't know how we got there when it was raining. I can't remember the rain a lot, but I remember the fun we had running up and down the road. But can't remember the real bad days. Jasek - When you went on the bus when you came to Lincoln then and took the bus to College Station to school was the road paved? Was it a dirt road? Hollimon - Dirt road. We had to come across a trail where we came which is now Galley Road. A trail we came through across the field. Jasek - OK to the bus stop. OK and how long a walk was it to from your house to the bus stop. Hollimon - Well it was about 2 miles. Jasek - And when did you graduate from Lincoln. Hollimon - In 1952. Jasek - OK, do you remember when Lincoln burned? No, OK great is there anything else that you can think about. Out of the part of Lincoln that is standing how many other parts were there when you went to school. Hollimon - We had the shop, in audible. Jasek - OK and you were probably about the 10th or 12th class to graduate, Is that right probably? Hollimon - in audible Jasek - I'm trying to think of when the first grade graduated. Hollimon - In 1940, was that 42 or 43. Jasek - It was built in 41, so. Hollimon - I have a sister ahead of me. Jasek - OK and do you have any younger sisters, brothers. Hollimon - Jasek - How many brothers and sisters do you have? Hollimon - I have 6 brothers and 5 sisters, there was twelve of us. Jasek - Well that's great that's a good size family. I'm oldest of nine myself so I understand a large family. That can be a lot of fun sometimes. So you were about what, the second oldest or ? Hollimon - I was the third oldest child. Jasek - Great super. All right thanks a lot. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE City of College Station, Texas 77840 ORAL HISTORY DATA SHEET I hereby give and grant to the HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE, City of College Station, Texas, for whatever purposes may be determined, the tape recordings, transcriptions, and contents of this oral history interview. Also, permission is hereby given for any duplications of original photos, documents, maps, etc. useful to the history project to be returned unharmed. 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In v riewee leas S of Interview e Name Address o 5p �9D.i /sue Telephone Date of Birth /&7 3 / /9✓I � J Place of Birth 2!k , I terviewer (Please Print) Signature of Intervi wer Place of Interview INTERVIEW STATUS: Completed In progress List of photos, documents, maps, etc. Interviewee agrees to and shall indemnify and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees, from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, causes of action, suits and liability of every kind, attorney's fees, for injury to or death of any person, or for damage to any property, arising out of or in connection with the use of the items and information referenced aboved by CITY, its agents, representatives, assigns, invitees, and participants under this grant. Such indemnity shall apply where the claims, losses damages, causes of action, suits or liability arise in whole or in part from the negligence of city. Date Initial