HomeMy WebLinkAboutLincoln High School J. Waldon, Sr.Lincoln High School Reunion L Interviewee: Jerimaih Wajdon, Sr. This is the second interviewee and this is Mr. Jerimaih Waldon, Sr. and he is from Bryan, Texas JW - I originally graduated from Lincoln, I just moved to Bryan in 1977. In 56 I graduated from Lincoln High. Jasek - OK and where did you live? JW - I lived in College Station, I lived there next to Washington Chapel when I was attending school. Jasek - OK and where did you go to grade school. JW - here, right here Jasek - You went here at Lincoln. So you were JW - I began right here, this was way back in I guess around 46 and I graduated in 1956. Jasek - OK and who were some of your teachers who were some of your grade school teachers? JW - Mrs. Jewel Campbell and Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs.... her last name was Cruise and then Professor we called him professor James Hawkins and huh there were so many. But that was some of my grade school teachers. Jasek - About how many kids did you have in each class? Do you remember how big your classes were? JW - Well our class was the largest class at school. Jasek - Oh OK JW - When we graduated we had about 18 or 20 in our class. Jasek - So y'all had about the size of a class A school then or what is now a class A school. JW - Yeah we had a prety big class. Jasek - OK. And in huh in high school did you participate in any sports or anything like that. JW - No, I just sang in the choir. Jasek - You sang in the choir, so there was a choir here. OK. JW - Oh yes, We had a choir. Jasek - And who was the teacher? JW - I believe initials were A.M. Rayborn. She was the choir director and music teacher. Jasek - OK and did y'all do performances like at, special Christmas plays or something like that? JW - No mostly our performances were done here at the school what we call reassemble or assemblies. Jasek - OK. JW - And we never, we went out occasionally and participated, you know in musical activities. We had a very nice choir. Jasek - That's great. Did you ride the bus to school or did you walk? JW - Well in my early years of grade school we rode the bus but when we moved closer we just, you know, they had a rule you had to be over a mile to ride the bus. Jasek - I think they've still got that rule. I think they still have that rule. Where did you catch the bus? JW - By my house, by Washington chapel. Jasek - So they came by your house. That's great do you remember who your bus driver was? JW - No, I surely don't that 's real far back. Jasek - Yeah it is - that's real far back. OK. what were some of the classes that you took here? JW - Well, I took math, music, shop, English, those were the major classes, science, shopwork. Jasek - What kind of shopwork, did y'all do woodwork? JW - Yeah - woodwork. Jasek - Oh. JW - And the instructor Was Esgrow. It's been so long I can't remember his first name. Jasek - With that much we can probably look it up somewhere, and see if we can find it. It'll 9 ive us a star. JW - Yes, there should be some kind of records here at the school. Jasek - And where was the shop located? • JW - It's where the horn making building is now. Jasek - It's where the home making building is now - OK. JW - It's were science was, too. They remodeled it and changed things around. Jasek - What were some of your favorite classes? What was your favorite class, let's put it that way? JW - Physical education. Jasek - You look like Physical education. JW - Now it's time for a break. Jasek - And what kind of stuff did y'all do? Did y'all play basketball? JW - Basketball. Sure did. Jasek - All right. Y'alI played in the gym here? JW - In that gym that one over there, same one. Jasek - Oh it's the same gym that's great. And huh, let's see. Who was your Physical education teacher, do you remember? JW - Last name was Ellington, he's over there now. Basketball teacher... Jasek - Do you remember anything, what's some of your favorite memories of Lincoln? JW - Trying to get out in a hurry. Jasek - we don't think akout things like that for memories when we are young, in there right. Did you have a lot of friends that you have kept in touch with? JW - Oh yes, my whole plass. Jasek - You've kept in touch with your whole class? JW - Most of them are over there now. Jasek - Oh really? JW - Urn hum. Jasek - That's great. JW - From California, I know I saw Mary mother her last name is South, she married one of the young men he was the quarter back of the football team in the next class above her. M class of 1955. Jasek - Did Lincoln have a real good football team? JW - Well, they were pretty good. They won the state championships, I think one year. Back in the 1950's. Jasek - When they played football, did they play Kemp ever? JW - It was a scrimmage game. Like Lincoln and Bryan High. I mean Consolidated and BryanlHigh. Jasek - Yeah was it as big a rivalry between Kemp and Lincoln as it was... JW - Same thing. Oh yeah. Jasek - About the same. Did y'all play them in basketball? JW - Yes, yes. Jasek - I've seen here it's a picture I've got in this book here it's a picture of the baseball team. JW - Bryan High. • Jasek - Well, huh, this one is Lincoln and this is of Kemp. But huh so y'all had a baseball team, too. Do you remember much about... JW - That was way, that was before my time. Jasek - Oh OK. So the baseball team was before your time. JW - Yes see, I just started, I started back in the fall. Jasek - OK. JW - And I graduated in the 50's. Jasek - OK. JW - So that baseball teem had to be way on back. Jasek - OK because they didn't play baseball when you were a kid. JW - No madam they didn't have a baseball team. Jasek - Good, well that's real good. All right is there anything else you can think of that you would like to tell me about? JW - No more, I would like to encourage the children to stay in school. To get all the education that they dan possibly get. When you go to school, you go to school to learn. And if they can keep that in mind I would motivate them to make great choices in life. The choice of the future is what you choose in the present. Jasek - It is. Very wise words. That is very wise words. And I think a lot of kids should... JW - Aim for the sky. Jasek - That's right because that is about it. How many children were in your family? JW - In my family? Seven I believe. Jasek - OK. Are you the oldest? JW - Oh no, I'm the baby. Jasek - Your the baby. Well I'm the oldest of mine. JW - really. Jasek - Yes there's nine of us. JW - It's just 3 of us left. All of the others are deceased. Just my brother and oldest sister and my brother, the one I'm next to, and myself. Jasek - Did they all go to Lincoln as well? JW - All of them. Jasek - Went to Lincoln,well that's great that was a real feat to get all of them to go to school. And be able to get an education. JW - Now at this particular time when I was going to school I had to work and help my Dad. Picking c tton help him take care of some of the bills. You know got to have that determination in life. Jasek - Did he farm? Was he a farmer? JW - Well he worked at a farm for someone else, he was just hired help. Jasek - And where was tie farm that he worked? JW - they were across the river. We were just like a fish in the water. we picked cotton, chop cotton down here, till it was all over, and then we went to west of town. Come down here picked till it was all over and then it was time to pick out west. • • Jasek - So you just went up and down chopping and picking cotton in the summer? JW - That's right, that's tight. It ain't where you come from in life it's where you're going. Jasek - I just have brought one of my pick sacs today. You would have. 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