HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/20/1979 - Regular Minutes - Zoning Board of AdjustmentsMINUTES City of College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment • November 20, 1979 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chariman Harper; Commissioners Mathewson, Burke, Upham City Council Liaison Boughton STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Zoning Official Callaway, Planning Assistant Longley Chairman Harper administred the Oath of Office to Commissioners Burke and Upham at the opening of the meeting. AGENDA ITEM N0.1 ---Approval of minutes - meeting of October 16, 1979. Mathewson moved approval of the minutes with the following corrections: Item No. 1 - Add"Mathewson abstaining due to his absence of August 14." "Following Agenda Item No. 3, the meeting was adjourned." Burke seconded the motion which passed unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2 -- Consideration of a request fora variance in the name of John Paul Jones, 408 East University Drive. • Bill Jungkin addressed the Board speaking in favor of the requested variance. Jungkin pointed out problems of businesses in Northgate as being lack of parking, overcrowding, and building units built prior to modern codes. He explained the proposed location and use. He stated that the proposed business would be required to provide sixteen parking spaces under Sec. 7-C. of Ord. 850. He presented information regarding the number of students within walk- ing distance of Northgate. He cited a lack of available areas for parking as required by ordinance and presented a proposal for providing forty-nine parking spaces in a lot off of Patricia Street, such lot to be provided for by a lease arrangement. Upham questioned the methods by which parking would be utilized within the pro- posed lot. John P. Jones replied that spaces could be reserved for customers in accordance with the City's requirements, the balance of the spaces could be leased to and or utilized by other merchants. Upham questioned the methods available to police the lot. Jungkin and Jones explained alternatives for policing the lot, including parking permits and the use of parking lot attendants. Jungkin stated that although the proposed lot was not within 200 feet of the proposed business, the lot should offset parking needs at the proposed business, • Mathewson pointed out that the lot was 800 feet from the proposed business. Jungkin replied that there was no available property- for parking any closer to the Corner Pocket. He further stated that there were unique circumstances of the land in accordance with the requirements of Ordinance 850. Minutes-11-20-79 Page 2 • Mathewson pointed out the shortage of student parking around the Northgate area, and questioned as to how many students and University employees utilized spaces in Northgate for long term parking. J.P. Watson, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission realizes that Northgate is a unique area, and that the sentiment of the Commission is that the provision of any parking at all in Northgate is an improvement, and that the Commission attempts to be flexible in considering parking lot site plans in Northgate. Mathewson pointed out that 50% of the on-campus housed students live near Northgate, that he is opposed to denying one business man a permit to operate within Northgate when the problem of parking was a problem common for all merchants within the Northgate area. Harper asked Jones the current use of the property. Jones and Jungkin replied that the lot was now vacant. Upham inquired as to the terms of the leases for the floor space and the proposed parking lot. Jungkin stated that both leases had the same terms with regards to the begining and ending periods of the primary term. • Upham inquired as to the terms for renewal. Fred Shelton II replied that he held an option to renew fora one year period. John P. Jones stated that they held a four year lease on the floor space and a three year lease with an option to renew for one year on the parking lot. Fred Shelton pointed out efforts underway to strengthen the Northgate Merchants Association to address problems in Northgate and stated that the proposal before the Board was the best effort possible to address parking problems at the present time. Ted Hirsch spoke in opposition to the requested variance. Bob Waters spoke in opposition to the requested variance. Following a lengthy discussion of the merits of the proposal before the Board Mathewson moved to grant the requested variance, to the applicant John Paul Jones, for the construction and operation of the Corner Pocket at 405 E. University Dr., with the condition that a parking lot, containing a minimum of forty spaces, shall be made available to the Northgate community and under the supervision of John Paul Jones or a recognized (By the City) Northgate association for as long as the Corner Pocket shall exist, such lot to be as shown in the application, and not to be operated as a long term parking lot. The motion was seconded by Harper and the request failed to receive four votes, • by the following votes: For: Harper, Burke, Mathewson Opposed: Upham, Boughton Minutes-11-20-79 Page 3 Following additional discussion of the request Mathewson moved to grant a variance • for the construction and operation of the Corner Pocket at 405 E. University Dr. The motion died for lack of a second. Agenda Item No.3 - Consideration fora request fora variance in the name of Oceanography International, 512 W. Loop. Rodney Hill presented the request fora variance to the front setback for a loading dock, explained the proposed re-development of the entire site, and the fact that the site was developed and its needs established prior to annexation into the City. Following discussion of the re development of the site Harper moved to grant a variance to the front setback to construct a loading dock in accordance with the application. The motion was seconded by Mathewson and passed unanimously. Agenda Item No.4 - Consideration of a request fora variance in the name of J.P. Watson, 202 E. University Drive. This item was withdrawn by the applicant. Following Agenda Item No.4 the meeting was adjourned. •