HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/17/1991 - Regular Minutes - Zoning Board of Adjustments• M I N U T E S Zoning Board of Adjustment CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS September 17, 1991 7:00 P.M. • MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Henry, Vice Chairperson Baker, Members Lane, Sawtelle and Yarbrough. MEMBERS ABSENT: Alternate Members DeOtte, Phinney and Kennady. STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planner Kuenzel, Assistant City Attorney Coates and Planning Technician Thomas. (Council Liaison Gardner was in the audience.) A~RNnA TTFM Nn_ ~~ Call to Order - Explanation and Functions of the Board. Chairman Henry called the meeting to order and explained the functions and limitations of the Board. A~RNnA TTRM Hp_ ~~ Consideration of a request for a special exception to the number of off-street parking spaces required at 1804 Brothers to allow for the expansion of a nonconforming use. Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report explaining that the applicant wants to add an additional lease space of 1000 square feet to be used as a photography studio. This center was rendered nonconforming when the parking requirement changed from 1/200 to 1!150 in 1986. The center currently provides 88 spaces, but the ordinance requires 100. The parking that would be required by the ordinance would be 68 spaces if the requirement was calculated by the individual uses and not by the requirement for shopping centers. The addition would then require four additional spaces for a total of 72 spaces needed. Forty-one property owners within 200' of the subject property were notified with one response by the owner of the adjoining apartments. He expressed concern that the shared access easement is becoming dilapidated. Increased traffic through the back of the lot may aggravate the problem. She suggested that this problem be worked out on a staff level and handled as a private matter between the property owners. Chairman Henry opened the public hearing. Owner of the shopping center Larry Landry, approached the Board and was sworn in by Chairman Henry. Since the center was built in 1976, the turnover of tenants is very low as well as the demand for parking. Many tenants only use 2 - 5 parking spaces. The owner of Cambridge Court Apartments approached the Board and was sworn in by Chairman Henry. He expressed concern of the additional roof increasing drainage onto his property. Staff Planner Kuenzel stated that she met with the Assistant to the • City Engineer Morgan and determined that the addition would not substantially increase drainage. Ms. Baker moved to authorize the enlargement of a building devoted to a nonconforming use where such enlargement is necessary and incidental to the existing use of such building and does not increase the area of the building devoted to a nonconforming use more than 25~ and does not prolong the life of the nonconforming use or prevent a return of such property to a conforming use. Mr. Lane seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). AC;RNflA TTRM N(1_ a~ Consideration of a variance request to the sign requirements to allow for a second freestanding sign at 411 Texas Avenue. Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report informing the Board that the proposed freestanding sign meets low profile sign requirements. The sign will be a monument type sign and will advertise AAA Defensive Driving. The Board must decide if the multiple access points and access easements that lead to this property constitute special conditions. The applicant states that patrons have a difficult time locating the establishment because of the many curb cuts off of Texas. One alternative to advertise this business would be to add on to the existing sign. The sign is located on a different drive than the one that leads to the entrance of AAA. That sign has • an area of 78 square feet and would be allowed 150 under ordinance restrictions to sign face area. Directional signs would also comply with the ordinance. Once a vehicle has turned off of Texas, multiple Directional signs could lead it to the AAA parking area. Nine property owners within 200' of the subject property were notified with no response. Mr. Sawtelle stated that he is concerned with the ordinance intent to prevent, "the proliferation of signs that create commercial confusion". The intersection of Texas and University is already cluttered with a large number of signs. Chairman Henry opened the public hearing. Patricia Crawford, owner of the ARA Defensive Driving School, approached the Board and was sworn in by Chairman Henry. She informed the Board that the school building cannot be easily identified from Texas Avenue. There are approximately 15 patrons trying to locate the school at 6:00 pm from Texas Avenue. The owner of the building, also owns the Coldwell Banker building and its employees often block the entrance drives to the school. She is concerned with safety and that the directional sign may be inadequate and unsightly. If directional signs were used, eight signs would be needed to direct traffic through the parking lot. • ZBA Minutes September 17, 1991 Page 2 • Mr. Sawtelle stated that the owner of the building should not allow parking in the entryways. He expressed concerned of the variance remaining with the property and allowing this property to always have two freestanding signs in an already cluttered area. Mr. Lane questioned staff on a steep grade like the the location of the sign, with such a steep grade. have a greater impact ordinance. as to the measuring of the sign when built one in front of the building. Depending on the sign may need to be taller to be seen Depending on the elevation, the sign may end not conform with the intent of the Mr. Sawtelle agreed with Mr. Lane and requested a definite location of the sign and topography information in regard to the measurements of the sign. The Coldwell Banker sign is not fully utilized. The owner of the building should not allow employees to park in the drive entrances. Mr. Sawtelle moved to table the variance request until information regarding the elevation and actual location of the sign could be submitted. Mr. Lane moved to amend the motion to include information on the safety concerns expressed by Ms. Crawford. The Board approved the amendment to the motion and the original motion to table the item unanimously (5 - 0). ~RNnA TTRM Nn. a~ Other business. Staff Planner Kuenzel informed the Board that Mr. Al Roberts of Deux • Chene Apartments has requested that the Board reconsider his request to allow an additional freestanding sign. Ms. Baker moved to place the request to reconsider the Deux Chene Apartments sign variance on the agenda of the meeting of October 1, 1991. At that time, the Board will determine whether or not it will consider the previously denied request. Mr. Sawtelle seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). Staff Planner Kuenzel informed the members that the Board needed to elect a Chairman. Mr. Lane nominated Mr. Henry to serve as Chairman and Ms. Baker seconded the nomination which passed (4 - 1). (Mr. Henry voting against the nomination.) A(;RIJnA TTRM g~ _ ~ . Adjourn . Ms. Yarbrough moved to adjourn the meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Ms. Baker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). APPROVED: i~,'• Chairman, Brett enry ATTES • Plann'ng Technician, Natalie Thomas ZBA Minutes September 17, 1991 Page 3 ZONII~iG BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT • FORMAT FOR POSITIVE MOTION Special Exceptions -From Section 15, Ordinance Number 1638 I move to authorize the: a. substitution of one non-conforming use for another because the extent of the substituted use is less detrimental to the environment than the first. b. ~ enlargement of a building devoted to a non- conforming use where such enlargement is necessary and incidental to the existing use of such building and does not increase the area of the building devoted to anon-conforming use more that 25% and does not prolong the life of the non- conforming use or prevent a return of such property to a conforming use. • c. reconstruction of anon-conforming structure on the lot occupied by such structure as the cost of reconstruction is less than 60% of the appraised value of the structure and because the reconstruction would note prevent the return of such property to a conforming use or increase the non-conformity. Motion made by ~ Motion Seconded by Voting Results Chair Signature i ,~ r // Date ~ 17 - cl ~ ~ SPCP1638.DOC • i• 9. • 10. il. 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. lg. 20. 21. 22. • 23. 24. 25. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT GUEST RE ISTER DATE Q NAME ADDRESS 1. ~a ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ r ~~ ~ S 2 . y ~G G ~ r a~ ~" / ~-~G-r ~ ~lG~ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ,,,.~`, ~