HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-1975 (b) Ameicanr Mile THE AMERICAN MILEHistorical Events1926 -1975InternationalNationalStateCombined Local1926Scheduled U.S. airline service begins April 6. A Varney Air Lines two-seat Laird Swallow biplane piloted by Leon D. Cuddeback, 28, flies 244 miles on a contract mail route from Pasco, Wash., to Boise, Idaho, and proceeds to Elko, Nev., with 200 pounds of mail. (BH)1927(1) 05/21 1927 -American pilot Charles A. Lindbergh lands at Le Bourget Field in Paris, successfully completing the first solo, nonstop transatlantic flight and the first ever nonstop flight between New York to Paris. (BH) (2) The mechanical cotton picker perfected by Texas inventor John Daniel Rust and his brother Mack will have a profound social impact on the South when marketing of the machine begins. Trolleys replaced with buses in Bryan/College Station.(JC)1928Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming. (DS)Union Hill, Wellborn, Rock Prairie and Shiloh Common School District joined ??? Verify if joined with A&M Consolidated (RO)1929(1) Herbert Clark Hoover began term as 31st U.S. President (2) 10/29 1929 -It was a day like no other in Wall Street history. Black Tuesday, the day of the Great CrashDr. William A. Hammond, Sr., leading black physician opened a fully equipped hospital located at 17th and Randolph in Bryan. Pg. 106. (RO) 3/31/20081:46 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1926-1975 (b) 1930(1) 02/18 1930 -Pluto, generally the ninth most distant planet from the sun, is discovered at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona (BH) (2) Sliced bread is introduced under the Wonder Bread label by Continental Baking (BH)(1) 1930 Census reports Brazos Co population is 21,835. (2) 1930 Census reports Bryan's population is 7,814. (JS) (3) Establishment of Training School for Texas Firemen, under direction of Departments of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. (JS)1931 03/03 1931 -President Herbert Hoover signs a congressional act making "The Star-Spangled Banner" the official national anthem of the United States. (BH) The Texas Legislature provided for the division of income from land endowement (Permanent University Fund): two thirds to the University of Texas and one third to A&M College. (JS)1932(1) 08/24 1932 -Amelia Earhart began the first transcontinental nonstop flight by a woman when she took off from Los Angeles, California, and landed in Newark, New Jersey (2) 01/12 1932 -Ophelia Wyatt Caraway, a Democrat from Arkansas, becomes the first woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate. (BH)(1) Oakwood Realty Company started Oakwood addition in C.S.; (2) Herschel Burgess; (3) first FHA approved project between Houston and Dallas; company constructed electric lines and water lines to campus. (4) College Hills Estates begun at East Gate. (JC)1933(1) Franklin Delano Roosevelt began term as 32nd U.S. President (2) 11/11 1933 -South Dakota of the Southern Plains became known as the Dust Bowl. (3) 04/10 1933 -The Civilian Conservation Corps is created in Washington, D.C. (BH)1934TWH 01/01 1934 -The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC), which guarantees U.S. banks, becomes effective (BH)Judge W.C. Davis, 85th District Court, Bryan, handed down opinion that administration of the college being vested by law in the Board of Directors, such board was within its rights to limit enrollment to men at TAMU. (JC) 3/31/20081:46 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1926-1975 (b) 1935(1) The Social Security Act signed into law August 14 provides a system of old-age annuities and unemployment insurance benefits (BH) (2) Nylon was invented by Wallace Carothers at DuPont (DS)Texas repeals prohibition law (KE)The Sisters of St. Frances took over the Bryan Hospital and renamed it St. Joseph Hospital. Pg. 304 (RO)1936(1) The Black American athletics star Jesse Owens shatters two world-class sprint records (BH) (2) Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act sets minimum employee wages for companies having government contracts. Eight-hour day, 40-hour week, and no child labor is enforced (BH)Rerouting of State Highway 6 to east side of campus and construction of new main entrance. (JC)1937The dirigible Hindenburg burns down while landing at Lakehurst Naval Air Station, N.J. bringing an end to the Zeppelin era. (DS)Sept 15 -The Bryan Weekly Eagle ceased publication and a Sunday paper was started as a Sunday edition on the Bryan Daily Eagle… clarify??? (JS)1938Enrico Fermi received Nobel prize in Physics for discovery of new radioactive elements and nuclear reaction by slow neutrons. (DS)(1) City of College Station incorporated. (2) October 19 – Election held at Southern Pacific Depot, incorporation of C.S.approved 217-39; rivalry between Bryan and College Station renewed over annexation near North Gate (3) November 28 – First City Council named in C.S.. (JC)1939World War II begins in Europe (BH)Lundy Lumber beats Lycoming Dairy 23 to 8 at Williamsport, Pa., June 6, in the first Little League baseball game (BH)February 25 – C.S. Council sworn into office, first meeting of Council in Room 400 Agriculture Bldg.; Boundaries of city staked by Joseph A. Orr, civil engineering professor. (JC 3/31/20081:46 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1926-1975 (b) 19401) Congress creates the Selective Service System, the first U.S. peacetime program of compulsory military service. It requires all men between ages 21 and 36 to register (2) Santa Gertrudis cattle, developed over the last 18 years by King Ranch boss Robert J. Kleberg, Jr., 44, are recognized as a new breed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (BH)(1) 1940 Census reports Brazos Co population is 26,977. (JS) (2) 1940 Census reports Bryan's population is 11,842. (JS) (3) 1940 Census reports College Station's population is 2,184 (JS) (4) A&M Consolidated moved off the A&M Campus. Pg. 123. (RO)1941(1)Japanese warplanes attack US fleet at Pearl Harbour in Hawaii; US declares war on Japan; Germany declares war on US, which thereafter intervenes on a massive scale in World War II, eventually helping to defeat Germany. (JY) (2) 05/02 1941 -The Federal Communications Commission granted the first commercial television licenses to ten stations (BH)(1) Bryan Air Base activated. (JS) (2) Dedication of Easterwood Air Air Field at TAMU. Named for Jesse L. Easterwood, ’09 (BH)194205/06 1942 -U.S. Lieutenant General Jonathan Wainwright surrenders all U.S. troops in the Philippines to the Japanese. (BH)Corregidor Muster (JC)1943(1) Bryan Air Field opened on a 1900 acre site in the Riverside Community of Brazos County for Instrument Pilot Training during WWII. Pg 438. (RO) (2) Texas Legislature voted to allow cities with population less than 5,000 to adopt City Manager form of government (3) College Station becomes the first general law city to employ a city manager (JC) 3/31/20081:46 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1926-1975 (b) 1944(1) 06/06, 1944 -D-Day, the largest amphibious landing in history, began in the early-morning hours as Allied forces landed in Normandy on the north coast of France (2) /03, 1944 -The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 8 to 1 that African Americans cannot be barred from voting in the Texas Democratic primaries (BH) 1945Japan & Germany formally surrender to the Allies. (BH)(1) Harry S. Truman began term as 33rd U.S. President (2) Aug 6 Hiroshima atom bombed; Aug 9 Nagasaki atom bombed. (DS) (3) 09/02 1945 -The USS Missouri hosts the formal surrender of the Japanese government to the Allies. (BH)Oct 31 -Bryan Air Base deactivated (JS)1946 03/05 1946 -In one of the most famous orations of the Cold War period, former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill condemns the Soviet Union's policies in Europe ........ speech is considered one of the opening volleys announcing the beginning of the Cold War (BH) (1) City of C.S. holds first bond election ($100,000 for utility extensions) (2) May 1 – College Station Bank opens at North Gate (First bank in city). Later became University National Bank. New bank named city depository (JC) (3) April 21. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower addresses World War II Homecoming Muster in A&M’s Kyle Field. (JC)1947Charles Yeager breaks the sound barrier. (BH)(1) 04/16 1947 -The term "Cold War" is coined to describe relations between the United States and the Soviet Union (2) 12/23 1947 -John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain and William Shockley invented the transistor (BH) (3) Jackie (Jack Roosevelt) Robinson became the first African-American major league baseball player (BH)(1) December – First City Hall in C.S. opens… verify location ??? (JC)1948(1) February 1 – 31 acres dedicated as C.S. city cemetery (JC) (2) Sept 1 -The A&M College System established. (JS) 3/31/20081:46 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1926-1975 (b) 1949 04/04 1949 -The United States and 11 other nations establish the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a mutual defense pact aimed at containing possible Soviet aggression against Western Europe (BH) New High School opens (Now the Community Center ?); Lincoln School opens. ??? (JC)1950Communist North Korean forces invade the Republic of South Korea June 25, beginning a 3-year Korean War that will involve 16 nations against the Communists. (BH)(1) 1950 Census reports Brazos Co population is 38,390. (JS) (2) 1950 Census reports Bryan's population is 18,102. (JS) (3) 1950 Census reports College Station's population is 7,925. (JS)1951(1) Bryan Air Force Base was re-activated during the Korean War for pilot training in T-33 jets and T-28 Propeller planes. Pg. 458. (RO) (2) City of C.S. buys REA electric lines at College Hills with $38,109 from 1950 bonds (JC) (3) Development of water system for The College and the City of College Station (JS)195211/01 1952 -As part of the Operation Ivy nuclear program the United States successfully detonates "Mike," the world's first hydrogen bomb. The 10.4-megaton thermonuclear device instantly vaporized an entire island and left behind a crater more than a mile wide... verify date...check w/1954??? (BH)January 8 – Citizens of C.S. vote to adopt Charter (220-11)… reference 1951 (JC) 3/31/20081:46 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1926-1975 (b) 1953(1) Dwight David Eisenhower began term as 34th U.S. President (2) 07/27 1953 -The Korean War armistice was signed at Panmunjom, ending three years of bloody fighting. (3) 03/26 1953 -American medical researcher Dr. Jonas Salk announces on a national radio show that he has successfully tested a vaccine against poliomyelitis, the virus that causes the crippling disease of polio (BH) (4) James Watson and Francis Crick establish the molecular structure of DNA. (DS)Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes first Texas-born President of the United States (Born in Denison, Tx) (KE)1954(1) 05/17, 1954 -In Brown v. Board of Education, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that segregation of public schools "solely on the basis of race" denies black children "equal educational opportunity" even though "physical facilities and other 'tangible' factors may have been equal. (BH) (2) THC 09/08 1954 -Having been directed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower to put together an alliance to contain any communist aggression in the free territories of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, or Southeast Asia in general, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles forges an agreement establishing a military alliance that becomes the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO). (BH) 3/31/20081:46 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1926-1975 (b) 1955(1) 12/01 1955 -Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on a segregated Montgomery bus, and the African-American civil-rights movement began (BH) (2) INCLUDE MCARTHISM STUFF IN APPROPRIATE YEAR (3) John Bardeen, William B. Shockley and Walter Brallain received Nobel prize in Physics for discovery of Transistor effect. (DS) (4) Jonas Salk announced his killed polio virus injected vaccine.(DS) Bonfire moved from Simpson Drill Field in front of the Memorial Student Center to Duncan Field on the south edge of the campus where it was held for 37 years. (JS)1956(1) 12/27/99] 1956 – President Eisenhower, convinced that America needed "broader ribbons across the land," named Francis Turner, the man now considered the father of the interstate high-way system [[WTH -Turner is an A&M grad]]. (2) 07/30 1956 -The phrase, "In God We Trust", was adopted as the U.S. national motto. (BH)April 28 -Board of Directors officially names the football stadium Kyle Field after Edwin Jackson Kyle, Class of 1899… verify with previous highlight (JS)1957Sputnik I – first manmade earth satellite launched on Oct 4, Sputnik II launched with first living organism – the dog Laika (DS)February 19 – First C.S. long range planning project (Thirty-two county leaders met at A&M Memorial Student Center to discuss provisions for orderly growth. (JC)1958(1) 01/31 1958 -The United States launched Explorer 1, the country's first satellite. (2) 07/06 1958 -Alaska becomes the 49th state. (BH)(1) Bryan Air Force Base de-activated. Pg. 32. (RO) (2) Townshire Shopping Center opened on Texas Avenue in Bryan. Pg. 32. (RO)1959Lunik III launched in Oct photographs the dark side of the moon (DS)(1) August 21 1959 -Hawaii is admitted as the 50th U.S. state. (2) September 13 1959 -Luna 2 crashes onto the Moon as the first man-made object. (BH)James Earl Rudder (Class of '32) appointed president of the College. (JS) 3/31/20081:46 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1926-1975 (b) 1960(1) February 1 1960 -In Greensboro, N.C., four black students from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College begin a sit-in at a segregated Woolworth's lunch counter. The event triggers many similar nonviolent protests throughout the South. (2) March 6 1960 -Vietnam War: The United States announces that 3,500 American soldiers are going to be sent to Vietnam (BH)(1) 1960 Census reports Brazos Co population is 44,895 (JS) (2) 1960 Census reports Bryan's population is 27,542. (JS) (3) 1960 Census reports College Station's population is 11,396 (JS)1961April 12 Yuri Gagarin orbits earth in 108 minutes in Vostok (DS) (1) John Fitzgerald Kennedy began term as 35th U.S. President (2) December 11 -1961 Vietnam War officially begins as the first American helicopters arrive in Saigon along with 400 U.S. personnel. (BH)1962(1) February 20 -1962 Mercury program: While aboard Friendship 7, John Glenn orbits the Earth three times in 4 hours, 55 minutes becoming the first American to orbit the Earth (BH) (2)Linus pauling received his second Nobel prize, this time in Peace, for his anti-war and anti-nuclear activities. (DS) (3)Albert Sabin's attenuated live polio virus oral vaccine was licensed. (DS) (4) U.S. compels Soviet Union to withdraw nuclear weapons from Cuba in what has become known as the Cuban missile crisis. (JY)Bryan Air Force Base deeded to A&M--1,991.39 acres in tracts. Operated as A&M Research and Extension Center for quarter of century. Designated the Texas A&M Riverside Campus in 1988 (JC)1963(1) November 22 -1963 John F. Kennedy assassination: In Dallas, Texas, U.S. President John F. Kennedy is assassinated, Texas Governor John B. Connally is seriously wounded (2) Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson is sworn-in as the 36th President of the United States. (BH)Board of Directors permits women to enroll on limited basis. Aug 23 -A&M College of Texas name changed to Texas A&M University by the 58th Tx Legislature. (JC) 3/31/20081:46 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1926-1975 (b) 1964(1) January 23 -1964 Thirteen years after its proposal and nearly two years after the measure had been passed by the United States Senate 77-16, the 24th Amendment to the United States Constitution, prohibiting the use of poll taxes in national elections, is ratified. (2) July 2 -1964 President Lyndon Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law. (BH) (3) U.S. steps up its military intervention in Vietnam. (JY) 1965(1) February 9 -1965 Vietnam War: The first United States combat troops are sent to South Vietnam (2) March 21 -1965 Civil rights activists led by Martin Luther King, Jr. begin march from Selma to the capitol in Montgomery (BH) 1966June 13 -1966 The U.S. Supreme Court rules in Miranda v. Arizona that the police must inform suspects of their rights before questioning them (BH)Texas repeals poll tax for voting in local and state elections -Barbara Jordan becomes first Black woman elected to Texas Senate (KE)Jan -Lincoln School burned which signified the end of public school segregation in College Station… verify date ??? (JC)1967(1) Thurgood Marshall becomes the first African American justice on the United States Supreme Court. (AWH) (2) 27 Jan During a simulation aboard Apollo-Saturn on the launch pad, a fire broke out and the three astronauts aboard, Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee died of asphyxiation. (DS)1968April 4 -1968 Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated. (BH)1969(1) Richard Milhous Nixon began term as 37th U.S. President (2) July 20 -1969 Apollo program: The human race, represented by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, lands on the Moon. Apollo 11 lifted off for the moon on July 16 and returned safely on July 24 (BH)(1) April 26 – C.S. City Hall complex on Texas Avenue dedicated; first council meeting held on March 9, 1970 (JC) (2) World's tallest Bonfire ignited at TAMU (107 feet, 10 inches). (JC) 3/31/20081:46 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1926-1975 (b) 1970June 11 -1970 The United States gets its first female Generals: Anna Mae Hays and Elizabeth P. Hoisington (BH)(1) 1970 Census reports Brazos Co population is 57,978 (JS) (2) 1970 Census reports Bryan's population is 33,719 (JS) (3) 1970 Census reports College Station's population is 17,676 (JS) (4) March 23 -Death of A&M President J. Earl Rudder (Classof 1932). Verify exact date ??? Nov 1 -Death of A&M President J. Earl Rudder (Classof 1932). (JS)1971April 20 1971 -Supreme Court of the United States rules unanimously that busing of students may be ordered to achieve racial desegregation. (BH) A court order issued on July 23, 1971 by Judge James Noel to end segregation in Bryan schools. Pg. 109.(RO)1972(1) June 17 1972 -Watergate scandal: Five White House operatives are arrested for burglarizing the offices of the Democratic National Committee. (BH) (2) John Bardeen received his second Nobel prize sharing with Leon Cooper and John Schreifer for discovery of superconductivity… rephrase to include earlier discovery1973(1) April 4 1973 -World Trade Center officially opens in New York with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. (2) July 16 1973 -Watergate Scandal: Former White House aide Alexander Butterfield informs the United States Senate committee investigating the scandal that President Richard Nixon had secretly recorded potentially incriminating conversations. (BH) (3) Vietnam ceasefire agreement signed. The campaign had claimed some 58,000 American lives. (JY) 3/31/20081:46 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1926-1975 (b) 1974(1) August 9 1974 -Richard Nixon becomes the first President of the United States to resign from office, an action taken to avoid being removed by impeachment in response to his role in the Watergate scandal. (2) Vice President, Gerald Rudolph Ford, takes the oath of office and becomes the 38th president (BH)July 24-August 3 1974 – Longest hostage-taking of civilians in U. S. prison history takes place at the Walls Unit penitentiary in Huntsville, Texas.(BH)Participation in the Corps of Cadets at TAMU is opened to women. About fifty women join the Corps. (JS)197515-24 July Apollo-Soyuz Project. American and Soviet spacecrafts dock. (DS)Capital Improvements Committee appointed in C.S. City drilled its first water well; began pumping April 12, 1976; satisfied 1/3 of city demand. (JC) 3/31/20081:46 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1926-1975 (b)