HomeMy WebLinkAbout1876-1925 (b) American Mile THE AMERICAN MILEHistorical Events1876 -1925InternationalNationalStateCombined Local1876(1) Alexander Graham Bell recieves patent for Telephone (DS) (2) Sioux Indians defeat US troops at Little Big Horn. (JY)(1) Passage of the State Constitution of 1876, containing provisions for the support and regulation of the A&M College. Oct 2 -Official opening of the college to students. (JC)1877Rutherford Birchard Hayes began term as 19th U.S. President(1) February – U.S. Post Office designates A&M stop “College Station.” (JC)1878(1) Women's Sufferage Amendment signed into law (BH)Nov -Elias Mayes, an African American, is elected to the Texas Legislature. (JS)1879(1) Thomas Alva Edison demonstrated the incandescent electric light bulb on Dec 31. (DS) Edison’s phonograph or speaking machine was on exhibition at Bryan. Pg. 354. (RO)1880(1) 1880 Census reports Brazos Co population is 13,576. (2) Nov -Dennis Ballard, an African American, is elected county commissioner (JS) (3) June 6 -Eleven Former cadets were present at at the first on campus meeting of former students. (JS) 1881(1) James Abram Garfield began term as 20th U.S. President and died in Sept from a gunshot wound incurred in a Washington railroad station by an embittered attorney who had sought a consular post. (JS) (2) American Red Cross founded by Clara Barton and Adolphus Solomons (BH) (3) Chester Alan Arthur began term as 21th U.S. PresidentSix men of Shiloh community form the Czechoslovakian Agricultural & Goodwill Club (JC)1882(1) Labor Day established (BH) 3/31/20081:45 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1876-1925 (b) 1883University of Texas opens (KE)(1) The Shiloh Club was started (RO) (2) Railroad Depot constructed and Postmaster William C. Boyett purchases general store. (JC) (3) Railroad Depot constructed and Postmaster William C. Boyett purchases general store. (JC)1884Fence cutting becomes a felony in Texas (Fence Cutting Wars) (KE)Brazos County Medical Society formed. Pg. 308 (RO)1885(1) Washington Monument completed (BH) (2) Grover Cleveland began term as 22th U.S. PresidentCity of Bryan purchased seven lots for the building of a school for the blacks. Pg. 116. (RO)1886Statue of Liberty was presented to America by France (BH)First National Bank Bryan established with first night depository in nation. Pg. 438 (RO)1887 "Jim Crow" law passed in Flordia legislature requiring segregation of railway passengers (BH)April 13 -William C. Boyett appointed postmaster of College Station (JC)1888Dedication of present State Capitol building (KE)Jan 25 -Establishment of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station as a division of the college, under provisions of the Hatch Act (JS)1889Benjamin Harrison began term as 23th U.S. PresidentMay -The Brazos Pilot is sold to William D. Cox, former owner of the Temple Times. Oct 24 -Richard M. Smith, late of the Brazos Pilot, began publication of a new weekly, The Bryan Eagle, located on Main Street in downtown Bryan on the site of the future F.W. Woolworth store, now closed (JS)1890(1) 1890 Census reports Brazos Co population is 16,650 (JS) (2) 1890 Census reports Bryan's population is 2,979 (JS) (3) Electricity brought to A&M campus (JC) 3/31/20081:45 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1876-1925 (b) 1891Tx Railroad Commission is established by Gov. James Hogg (KE)1892The Pledge of Allegiance written by Francis Bellamy (BH)Jones Bridge over the Brazos River was opened to traffic. It replaced the Jones Ferry. Pg. 56. (RO)1893(1) Charles and Frank Duryea claim credit for first working gasoline powered automobile (verfiy conflicting info)? Verify (BH) (2) Grover Cleveland began term as 24th U.S. PresidentOct 1 -The first issue of the student newspaper "The Battalion" was started as a monthly publication and it served as College Station newspaper (JS)1894Texas Aggie Band organized by Joseph Holick (JC)1895Wilhelm C. Roentgen discovered X-ray (DS)1896Landmark decision by U.S. Supreme Court of the United States established policy of "separate but equal" providing basis for racial segregation in the South (BH)1897(1) U.S. annexes Hawaiian Islands (BH) (2) William McKinley began term as 25th U.S. PresidentApril 2 -The Eagle newspaper reports that A&M College President Lawrence Sullivan Ross favors coeducation (JS)1898(1) Spanish-American War (BH) (2) US gains Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines and Cuba following the Spanish-American war. US annexes Hawaii. (JY) ????Teddy Roosevelt arrives in San Antonio to recruit and train "Rough Riders" for Spanish-American War in Cuba (KE) ?????1899Allen Academy, a preparatory school for boys began in Bryan. Pg. 6 (RO)1900(1) PBS 09/08 1900 -Galveston, Texas was struck by the worst hurricane in American history. 23 foot waves fronting winds up to 135 mph took 6,000 lives (BH) (2) 5/22 The Associated Press was incorporated in New York as a non-profit news cooperative (BH)(1) 1900 Census reports Brazos Co population is 18,859 (JS) (2) 1900 Census reports Bryan's population is 3,589 (JS) 3/31/20081:45 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1876-1925 (b) 1901Wilhelm C. Roentgen received the first Nobel Prize. It was in Physics for his discovery of X-ray (DS)Theodore Roosevelt began term as 26th U.S. President 1/10 In the town of Beaumont, TX, a 100 foot drilling derrick named Spindletop produced a roaring gusher of black crude oil marking the beginning of the Texas oil industry (BH) The first automobile came to Bryan. It was a red Oldsmobile called “Locomobile” owned by M. Boonville. Pg. 421. verify spelling (RO)1902 THC 12/14 1902 -The first transpacific telegraph was laid starting this day. The cable connected San Francisco and Honolulu with some 2,620 miles of telegraph wire (BH) 1903Antoine H. Becqerel, Pierre Curie, and Marie Curie received the Nobel prize in Physics for their discovery and work on radioactivity (DS)Orvill and Wilber Wright fly the first heavier that air powered machine on Dec 17 (DS)Carnegie Public Library founded on $10,000 grant (JS) and built in Bryan in 1903. Pg. 1 (RO)190405/14 1904 -The Third Olympiad of the modern era, and the first Olympic Games to be held in the United States, opened in St. Louis, Missouri. 5/04 The Panama Canal begins construction. (BH)A&M Board designates area for permanent athletic field. Named for Prof. of Agriculture Edwin Jackson Kyle, Class of 1899. Board confirmed the naming in 1956 (JC) Verify --See 19051905Athletic Council Chairman Edwin Jackson Kyle, professor of horticulture, fences off a portion of land on southwest corner of campus, originally designated for agricultural experiments, for an athletic field (JS) Verify --See 1904 190604/18, -A devastating earthquake begins to shake the city of San Francisco in the morning hours. The first of two vicious tremors shook San Francisco at 5:13 a.m., and a second followed not long after. The quake was powerful enough to be recorded thousands of miles away in Cape Town, South Africa, and its effect on San Francisco was cataclysmic. (BH) 3/31/20081:45 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1876-1925 (b) 1907 01/23 -Charles Curtis of Kansas becomes the first Native American to serve in the United States Senate. He resigns in March of 1929 to become President Herbert Hoover's Vice President. (BH)1908(1) 05/18 -Congress passed legislation that made the maxim "In God We Trust" an obligatory element of certain coins. (BH) (2) 10/01 -The Ford Model T, affectionately known as the "tin Lizzy," was introduced to the American public (BH) 1909(1) The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) is organized at New York. (BH) (2) William Howard Taft began term as 27th U.S. President(1) Earliest known Aggie Bonfire (JC) (2) The legislature grants A&M permission to conduct regular summer sessions with the stipulation that women be allowed to attend in the summer. (JS)1910(1) 1910 Census reports Brazos Co population is 18,919. (JS) (2) 1910 Census reports Bryan's population is 4,132. (JS) (3) Trolley to Bryan – Interrurban “Toonerville Trolley,” two cars and special trailer; operated until 1927. (JC)JC)1911 08/08 -Membership in the U.S. House of Representatives was established at 435. Every 211,877 residents of the U.S. were represented by one member of Congress. (BH)Parker Astin Hardware Company opened with capital stock of $60,000 by Jon K. Parker and John E. Astin. Pg. 4 38. (RO)191204/15 -At 2:20 a.m. the British ocean liner Titanic sinks into the North Atlantic Ocean about 400 miles south of Newfoundland,Canada. (BH) 3/31/20081:45 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1876-1925 (b) 1913(1) Woodrow Wilson began term as 28th U.S. President (2) 08/27 -Today marks the passage of the first graduated income tax law…. With the passage of the Sixteenth Amendment in 1913, the tax made its way into America's law and pocketbooks. (BH) (3) The Seventeenth Amendment ratified April 8 provides for direct election of U.S. senators. (BH) (4) 10/10 -An American-built waterway across the Isthmus of Panama, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, is completed. (BH) 1914(1) 08/01 -Four days after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Germany and Russia declared war against each other, France mobilized, and the first German army units crossed into Luxembourg in preparation for the German invasion of France as WW I progressed. (BH) (2) 08/18 -President Woodrow Wilson issues his "Proclamation of Neutrality," aimed at keeping the United States out of World War I. (BH)1915 05/07 -The British ocean liner Lusitania is torpedoed without warning by a German submarine off the south coast of Ireland. (BH)Electric trolley cars replace horse-drawn cars in Bryan(JC)191611/07 -Montana suffragist Jeannette Rankin is elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. She is the first woman in the history of the nation to win a seat in the federal Congress. (BH)Oct 19 -Establishment of a senior unit of the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) @TAMU under the provisions of the National Defense Act of June 3,1916. (JS) 3/31/20081:45 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1876-1925 (b) 1917(1) 01/31 -Germany announced the renewal of unlimited submarine warfare in the Atlantic, and German torpedo-armed U-boats prepared to attack any and all ships, including civilian passenger carriers, said to be sited in war-zone waters. Three days later, the United States broke diplomatic relations with Germany, and hours after that, the American liner Housatonic was sunk by a U-boat. Within two months, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson and an outraged Congress had declared war. (BH) (2) US intervenes in World War I, rejects membership of League of Nations. (JY) 1918 11/11 -At the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day, of the eleventh month of 1918, the Great War ended as Germany, bereft of manpower, supplies, and food, signed an armistice agreement. The war's tolls were nine million soldiers dead, twenty-one million wounded, and seven million taken prisoner or missing in action. (BH) Texan women win right to vote in primary elections (KE)(1) Bryan -College Station Interurban abandoned. (JS) (2) First Telephone Telephone installed in Bryan. Pg. 32. (RO)1919(1) 01/16 -The 18th Amendment (the Prohibition Amendment) to the U.S. Constitution, prohibiting the "manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes," achieves the necessary two-thirds majority of state ratification, and thus becomes the law of the land.m (BH) (2) 06/28 -At Versailles Palace outside of Paris, France, Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles with the Allies, officially ending World War I. (BH) 3/31/20081:45 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1876-1925 (b) 1920Women given the right to vote under the Nineteenth Amendment (JY) … ratified ? verify? (1) 1920 Census reports Brazos Co population is 21,975. (JS) (2) 1920 Census reports Bryan's population is 6,307. (JS) (3) A. and M. Consolidated School opens, absorbs Shiloh School as well as Rock Prairie, Union Hill and Wellborn. First class of six graduated May 1922.(JC)192107/27 -At the University of Toronto, Canadian scientists Frederick Banting and Charles Best successfully isolated insulin--a hormone that they believed could prevent diabetes--for the first time. century. (BH)Warren Gamaliel Harding began term as 29th U.S. President1922 05/30 -The Lincoln Memorial dedicated at Washington, D.C., contains a 19-foot seated figure of the sixteenth president carved out of Georgia marble by sculptor Daniel Chester French. (BH)Jan 2 -E. King Gill stepped forward and A&M's 12th Man tradition was born as A&M (JS)1923(1) Calvin Coolidge began term as 30th U.S. President (2) The Disney Brothers Studio is founded by Walter E. Disney and Roy O. Disney. (BH)1924(1) 07/14 -With Congress’s passage of the Indian Citizenship Act, the government of the United States conferred citizenship on all Native Americans born within the territorial limits of the country (BH) (2) 11/4 -Voters in two states struck blows for equality by electing America’s first female governors, Miriam A. Ferguson in Texas and Nellie Taylor Ross in Wyoming. Both women were Democrats, and both of their husbands had been governors before them. (BH) 3/31/20081:45 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1876-1925 (b) 1925 03/31 -Mt. Rushmore National Memorial is authorized by Congress with sculptor Gutzon Borglum to carve Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt. (BH) Sept 3 -College Board of Directors resolves that "no girls should ever be admitted to the College." This resolution applies to the relatives of faculty and staff. It also applies to summer sessions. (JS) 3/31/20081:45 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1876-1925 (b)