HomeMy WebLinkAbout1826-1875 American Mile THE AMERICAN MILEHistorical Events1826 -1875InternationalNationalStateLocalBrazos CountyBryanCollege StationTexas A&M University1826i. October 7, 1826 -The first railroad in the U S is completed in MA. The 3-mile track permits smooth going for horse-drawn wagons carrying heavy blocks of granite from a quarry in Quincy to the Neponset River in Milton. The granite will be used for construction of the Bunker Hill Monument (BH)18271.The first Mardi Gras is celebrated in New Orleans (BH) 2. Samuel E. Cornish and John B. Russwurm publish the first African American newspapers, Freedom's Journal (JS)18281. Congress deemed unconstitutional states right to intrepret and nullify federal laws states found to be uncontstitutional. (BH)18291. Presidents Jackson's offer to purchase Texas from the Mexican government rejected. (BH)Irish immigrants arrive in South Texas. (KE)1. Robert Henry, from Ireland, settled at Staggers Point Intersection of Hwy 6 & OSR. Pg. 22. (RO)18301. President Andrew Jackson signs into law the Removal Act, which mandates all Indians to resettle west of the Mississippi (BH)Mexican government forbids further American colonization of Texas and prohibits further importation of slaves (BH)18311. Nat Turner led a slave insurrection in Southampton, Virginia in attempt to lead his people out of slavery (BH) Richard Carter received league of land from Mexican government. (JC)1832Samuel Houston a former governor of Tenessee arrives in Texas -writes President Andrew Jackson of Texas' intent to draw up a constitution and seek statehood. (BH)18331. John Deere makes first steel plow. 2. Colt revolver invented by Samuel Colt -patented in 1836 (BH)18341. Department of Indian Affairs established -facilitates moving Indians west of the Mississippi (BH)Stephen F. Austin is arrested and imprisioned in Mexico upon delivering resolves to Mexican President Antionio Lopez de Santa Ana asking for separate statehood for Texas apart from California (BH) 3/31/20081:43 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1826-1875 1835"Come and take it " skirmish & Texas Rangers officially established (KE)1836Texas Declaration of Independence is adopted at Washington-on-the-Brazos & Siege of the Alamo & Runaway Scrape (KE)1837Telegraph was patented in England by Wheatstone and Fothergill. (DS)1. Samuel F.B. Morse recieves U.S. patent for his magnetic telegraph (demonstrated in 1838, his assistant Alfred Lewis Vail devised Morse Code. (BH) Republic of Texas officially recognized by the United States (KE)Washington County organized. Originally included all land between Brazos and Navasota Rivers.(JC)18381. Trail of Tears -4,000 members of the Cherokee Nation dies as they are being relocated west… reference Removal Act... (BH) 1839(1) Armistad Revolt (JS) (2) E. M. Millican was elected constable in Washington Co. (JS)1840First wave of Germans arrived between 1840 & 1850. Pg. 12. (RO)18411. U.S. Supreme Court ruled Armistad mutiny participants forced into slavery illegally and thus free under American Law. (BH)1. Brazos County created out of Washington County and reorganized. Joan Glowski (RO) 2. One-hundred and fifty acres conveyed to Brazos County for the sum of $150.00 deeded for Boonville County seat of Brazos County. Pg. 23. (RO) 3. January 13 – Citizens petition for creation of a new county. January 30 – Congress of the Republic of Texas designated the land between the rivers as Navasota County. October – Boonville, named for Mordecai Boon, designated County Seat. (JC)1842(1) Jan. 28 -The Sixth Texas Congress Changes the name of Navasota Co. to Brazos Co. (JS) (2) Bill in Congress to change name of County to Brazos officially and Post Office established. Pg. 23. (RO)1843United States is warned by Mexico that any attempts to annex Texas will be considered an act of war. (BH)18441. Mexico severs (1844 or 1845) relations with the US following the US Senate's ratificaiton of the annexation of Texas on March 1… ???verify... (BH)A slave girl named Jane sold for $600. A boy sold for $300. Pg. 104. (RO)1845Texas became a state on December 29th, and recognized as a slave state. (KE) 3/31/20081:43 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1826-1875 1846International boundary set between Mexico and Texas (KE)1. New courthouse (2nd) built for $150.00, an 18 x 26 foot structure of oak timbers. The building was used for political rallies, church services, school and social gatherings. Pg. 23. 2. Daniel Moseley began a public ferry on the Brazos River at the west end of OSR. Pg. 54. (RO)18477/24 The first Mormons reach the Great Salt Lake (JS)1848 1. Gold is dicovered on Johann A. Sutter's property near Coloma, California spurring the California Gold Rush. (BH)Houston and Texas Central Railroad chartered. (JC)1849Elizabeth Blackwell became first woman physician in the U.S.??? (BH)1850(1) 1850 Census reports Brazos Co population is 614. (JS) (2) Brazos County had 148 Slaves. Pg. 104. (RO) (3) 1850-1864 first wave of Germans came to Brazos county. (RO)18511. Patent fo sewing machine granted to Isaac Merrit Singer (BH)Jan. 27 -Harvey Mitchell appointed postmaster at Boonville… verify reappointment… (JS)18521. Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe published, selling 300,000 copies in three months. (BH) 1853Texas steamboat captain Richard King buys and establishes King Ranch -buying 15,500 acres for $300 -2 cents per acre. Stocked with longhorns for $5 a head during a drought. (BH)18541. Brazos River reached stage of 51 feet. Pg. 61 (RO) 2. Henry Kurten bought half of Isaiah Curd’s Mexican Land Grant for the purpose of bringing settlers to Texas. Pg. 27.(RO)1855Walt Whitman publishes Leaves of Grass (JS)\1856John Brown led a raid against pro-slavery settlement in Kansas (BH)1857Dred Scott Case -Drec Scott v. ____ living in a free territory did not make a black free, that a black may not bring a suit to federal court, that Congress never had the authority to ban slavery in the territories -in effect ruling the Missouri Compromise of 1820 unconstitutional. (BH) 3/31/20081:43 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1826-1875 jurisdiction " (BH) 18581. First telegraphy line across the floor of the Atlantic Ocean was completed largely through efforts of American merchant Cyrus West Field. (BH) 1859World first successful oil well struck in Titusville, Pennsylvania -opening a new inexpensive source of power (BH)Townsite of Bryan laid out along proposed railroad route. Land set aside for courthouse, school and Methodist Church. (JC)18601. Town site of Bryan is named after William Joel Bryan, nephew of Stephen F. Austin who sold his interest to Abarm Groesbeck & W. R. Baker. Pg. 3. (RO) 2. H & T C Railroad arrives in Millican, the northernmost terminus of the railroad. Pg. 3. (RO) 3. Brazos County produced 2269 bales of cotton. Pg. 68 (RO) 4. 1860 Census reports Brazos Co populationis2,776(JS)18611. 1860-1861 -Eleven pro-slavery southern states secede from Union and form Confederate States of America under leadership of Jefferson Davis, triggering civil war with abolitionist northern states. (JY) 3. Beginning of Civil War (BH)1. Brazos County votes overwhelmingly in favor of secession from the Union, 215 to 55. Pg. 85. (RO) 2. Brazos County contributed 1st body of men to Confederate Service forming part of Company F. Pg. 86. (RO)1862July 2 -Approval by President Abraham Lincoln of the Morrill Land-Grant Act, donating public lands to the several states for collegs to benefit agriculture and the mechanic arts (JS)July 2. Approval by President Abraham Lincoln of the Morrill Act, donating public lands to the several states for colleges to benefit agriculture and the mechanic arts (JC)18631. Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation, calling the Union army to liberate all slaves in states still in rebellion. (BH)2. Brazos County suffered the first casualty of the Civil War from Company I, Private T. Johnson Mawhinney. Pg. 87.(RO)18643/10 Ulysses S. Grant assumes command of the Union Army (JS)18651. President Abraham Lincoln killed from bullet wound inflicted by John Wilkes Booth (BH) 2. Dec 18th 13th Amendment ot the U.S. Constituion ratified, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, save as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist in the United States, or any place subject to their 3/31/20081:43 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1826-1875 18661. Civil Rights Act of 1866: established civil rights for everyone except Indians and established punishment for anyone preventing free exercise of rights -followed by the 14th Amendment that forbade states from "depriving any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of the law." (BH)County seat moved from Boonville to Bryan by order of Commissioners Court on Nov. 3, 1866. Pg. 25. (2.) Courthouse sold from Boonville and building moved to area later known as Harvey. At that time it was known as Bethel because of Bethel Church. The community was named Harvey in 1879 in honor of Harvey Mitchell. Pg. 39 (RO)Nov. 1. Acceptance by the Texas Legislature of the provisions of the Morrill Act. (JC)18671. Wellborn established from railroad construction camp of H&TC. Pg. 37. (RO) Railroad reaches Bryan. Shiloh settled by Czech immigrants. (JC)1868U.S. Senate hold impeachment trial for President Andrew Jackson -he was acquitted by one vote… the only impeachment to go to trial. (BH)1. Race riots in Millican. Pg. 3. ??? Need more info (RO) 1869May 10 the ceremonial Golden spike was driven to indicate the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad connecting the east coast and west coast of the USA. (DS)1870Texas readmitted into the Union (BH)2. Italians began to settle in flood prone Brazos River Bottom in Brazos County. Pg. 14. (RO)1871State of Texas ratified articles of incorporation for the City of Bryan (BH)(1) April 17. Establishment of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas by act of the Texas Legislature. Appropriations of $75,000 for buildings. (JC) (2) June 20 -Location of the college in Brazos Co., on a site of 2,416 acres donated by citizens of the county. (JC)1872Bryan incorporated??? Check (JC)1873First "Buffalo Soldiers" are posted to Texas (KE)1. Polish arrived in Brazos co. for the first time. (RO)1874Barbed wire invented by Thaddeus F. Gliddne revolutionized life on the Great Plains (BH)1875June 1 -First meeting of the original Board of Directors of the A&M College. Gov. Richard Coke, ex officio chairman. The first building for the new Agricultural & Mechanical College of Texas is completed. It would be known as "Old Main". $32,000 appropriated for the erection of a Mess Hall for the A&M College. (JC) 3/31/20081:43 PMCopy of Amer Mile Sum 1826-1875