HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 26, 2001 (2)Management Team Minutes City Council Chambers September 26, 20019:00 a.m. New Items: 1. Coversheet Review for Oct 11 Council Meeting (Tom) 2. Agenda Planning Calendar (Tom) 3. Community Cares/Habitat (Glenn) 4. Management Retreat (Tom) 5. Management Academy (Tom) 6. Terrorist Incident Response (Ralph/Mason) 7. United Way Cookout (Dave) 1. Coversheet Review for Oct 11 Council Meeting : Tom reviewed agenda item coversheets for the October 11, 2001 City Council meeting. 3. Citizen Complaints : Tom informed the team that it is director responsibility to make sure all citizen complaints are adequately followed-up on. This means contacting the complainant to make they understand what we are telling them. 2. Agenda Planning Calendar : Tom briefly reviewed the planning calendar and informed the Team that they need to be aware of what is on the calendar and in the Strategic Plan. It is the Team Leader's responsibility to assure that progress is made on these items. 3. Community Cares/Habitat : Glenn reported that the 2001 Habitat for Humanity volunteer days will be held in College Station during a weekend. The consensus of the team was to continue to allow employees to take 1/2 day off paid to assist in the projects. Randy Brumley will coordinate weekdays when City employees can volunteer. 4. Management Retreat : Tom asked the team to start thinking of topics and location for the 2002 Mgt. Team retreat. Julie O'Connell will research location options. 5. Management Academy : Tom informed the team that a new supervisory academy has begun and will continue for 6 weeks. He also encouraged directors to attend the graduation on th November 13 if they have employees attending the academy. The City will be sponsoring another Management Academy in early 2001. Directors should submit employees for the weeklong course. The date of the upcoming session will be determined in the near future. 6. Terrorist Incident Response : Ralph Staplin & Mason Newton reported on the City's disaster/terrorism response procedures. They reported that City employees are taking a proactive approach to possible problems by heightening awareness of govt. facilities. A tabletop emergency management exercise is going to be scheduled as soon as the new EIC software is fully functional. 7. United Way Cookout : Dave Giordano reported that a notice will go out for volunteers to staff the United Way Hamburger cookout. The menu at the event will include hamburgers and grilled chicken. Mgt. Team members are encouraged to bring desert item to the event. 8. Other : ? Employee of the Year: HR has received 15 nominations for the Employee of the year. Tom encouraged everyone to make this a special event.