HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 8, 2001Management Team Minutes City Council Chambers August 8, 2001 9:00 a.m. New Items: 1. Agenda Planning Calendar (Glenn) 2. Proposed Budget (Jeff 3. Travel and P -Card Usage (Charles) 4. City Hall Parking Lot (Mark) 5. Employee of the Year (Julie) 6. Emergency Management Update (Dave) 7. Overview of Technology Plan (Linda) 8. Coversheet Training (Brooke) 9. August 14 Meeting Schedule (Glenn) 10. Other 1. Agenda Planning Calendar: Glenn Brown, Assistant City Manager, reviewed the calendar and items were added, rescheduled and removed. 2. Proposed Budget: JeffKersten, OB&SP Manager, reviewed the proposed FY'02 Budget. 3. Travel and P -Card Usage: Charles Cryan, Fiscal Services Director, informed the Team that the meal travel allowances include tips. He also informed the Team that as of August 8th the old Bank of America Procurement Cards would no longer be usable. Those employees who still hold the old cards should turn them in to Carol Arnold in accounting. Glenn added that directors should continue to monitor employee's usage of the cards to assure City policy is being adhered to. 4. City Hall Parking Lot: Mark Smith, Public Works Director, informed the Team that the City Hall parking lot will be resurfaced in the next couple of weeks. Charles Cryan will be the City Hall contact for information on the project. The work will most likely be done during a weekend to prevent parking problems for employees. 5. Employee of the Year: Julie O'Connell, HR Director, distributed a list of city employees that will be receiving service awards during the annual employee banquet on October 26th. She also distributed a copy of the Employee of the year application and informed the Team that anyone can nominate another employee for the award. The form will be available on the network and must be turned in to HR no later than September 28th 6. Emergency Management Update: Dave Giordano, Fire Chief, reported that his staff is updating the Emergency Mgt. policies and procedures. Ralph Staplin has sent out an email that directors should review and direct comments to Fire no later than August 24th. Dave also asked that directors review the phone list on the P:drive for accuracy and have any changes turned in to him by August 17th. Dave will present options for an EOC Training session at a later date. 7. Overview of Technology Plan: Linda Piwonka, OTIS Director, distributed a copy of the proposed 5 year technology plan. The team reviewed the plan. 8. Coversheet Training: Cover sheet training will be held on September 10th from 1:30 pm until 5:00 pm and September l lth from 8:30 am until 12:00 noon. The training will be conducted in the Council Chambers and all employees that work on coversheets are welcome to attend. A list of possible attendants from each department was handed out and directors were asked to review the list and submit any changes by email to Brooke Brandenburg. 9. August 14 Meeting Schedule: Due to the travel schedules the City Manager and Assistant City Manager the coversheet deadline for the August 23rd Council meeting has been changed to Monday August 13th at 9:00 am. The Mgt. Team meeting for that week will be conducted on Tuesday August 14th at 9:00 am in the Council Chambers. 10. Other: ➢ AS400 - Olivia Burnside, MIS Director, reported that there are currently troubles with the AS400 system and that employees should not attempt to log in to the system or enter any information until further notice. Once the situation is resolved MIS will inform staff that it is okay to work on the AS400. ➢ 3rd Quarter Report: JeffKersten, OB&SP Director, distributed the 3rd quarter budget/financial report.