HomeMy WebLinkAboutwintry weatherWintry weather just -part. of rou atch for area- ~p By HOLLY HUFFMAN ' lege Station, the wintry white Eagle Sta.J~ Writer stuff didn't last long, either. Aggi~ fans probably didn't However, meteorologists predicted that temperatures think the weekend could get would warm back up -maybe any more surreal after learn- even unseasonably so - by ing their beloved basketball Tuesday.' Back to normal. coach Billy Gillispie opted for The mix of 'snow, sleet and Kentucky over Texas A&M. rain scattered across much of !' Then it snowed in Aggieland. the Brazos Valley on a week- And just as some believed ' end generally reserved for Gillispie s tenure - three. __ Years -was too brief in Col- " ' ve never seen anything I like it," Karan Whitmire, a dis- patcher with the Leon County Sheriffs Department, said Sun- day after the snow had melted away. "It was so beautiful." barbecues swimming pools The mercury could inch up , and new spring dresses pur- to the mid-60s Monday.. But chased specifically for Easter Castillo said traditional spring church services. temperatures won't be back in National Weather Service full force until Tuesday, when meteorologist Mike Castillo the high. is expected to be blamed the bizarre weather on around 80 degrees -slightly a cold air mass from Canada, higher than normal. which kept the atmosphere Castillo laughed Sunday freezing even though tempera- when asked about the possibili- tures were warmer on the ty of such a cold front passing ground. Thus, ~ he explained, through Central Texas again when anupper-level storm sys- this. spring. He said he may tem from West Tetras moved forecast the weather but can't over the area, much of the tell the future. moisture it contained froze into "You know not to say it can't sleet and snow. happen," Castillo said, noting Area counties on Saturday the rarity of the event before reported varying amounts of turning to a familiar meteorol- sleet and snow, most of which ogist saying. "It's always possi- melted not long after falling to ble, but the probabilities are the ground. Skies were clear by no." Sunday morning, and no co~n- ties reported any major prob- lems because of the dramatic weather change. "ff you had asked me last week, I probably would have said no," Castillo said, laugh- ing as he talked about the odds of springtime snow in the Bra- zos Valley. The National Weather Ser- vice officially .recorded trace amounts of "unknown precipi- tation" -rain, sleet and snow - across the Brazos Valley on Saturday. Brazos, Leon, Milam, Robertson and Madison coun- ties all reported snow Satur- day, while Burleson and Grimes counties reported see- ing only sleet. Neither fell on Washington County, officials said.