HomeMy WebLinkAboutBeverli Davis scrapbook 2A&M CHS Alma Mater Ctl V rv N ~ a1 `~ N 6 ~ tl a {v Lov - al-tv to C. H. S. Ev - er so faith - ful-Iv ~ ~ ~ ~~~ r ~~ F~~ht Sony To fight, fight, fight, fight, n sol - i - da - ted }{ ~q~ play the game we're the Ti-gers of Con- ~ti'e are the Ti -gers, Ti -gers, tried and true. For vic - to - rv we fight. In the stands we're fight - ing too, for ma - coon and white. Win or lose with hearts a -flame, to win or lose we trv. A6M CONSOLIDATED ELEMENTARY SCHDOL C1954 • • Jersey Street Cafeteria timber Street 201 Dale { _L_ _ - 202 Willia ~ ~ - -- -- 101 Ledbette r 102 Manning 103 Coke 104 Birdwell 105 is on Knowles 203 204 Leighton N r e 301 302 303 304 Sloan Criss- Soren- rincip 1 well on ~- Cresswell 401 Movie 402 Esten 403 Skriv- anek 404 odfrey 405 Clelan Gym Elementary School Memories Phonics (First Grade) Jacks sequences, Jumprope Rhymes, Kinds of marbles, Hopscotch, Kickball Dodgeball, Red Rover,.- Movie Room, Fire drills, Brownie Troop 7, The library was behind the chalkboard at the back of the room. One room had a row of old fashioned row desks, All had 2 ceiling fans in the center, Wednesday was "Hamburger Day" in the cafeteria. Meal tokens were 25~, Milk tokens were 5~,(green or black octagonal. C~.feteria tokens were red or green round), Ice cream was 5~. flavors: popsickles, fudgesickles (Chocolate), Dreamsickles (Vanilla inside-Orange outside) Crunch sickles (Chocolate ice ream-coated with chocolate with crunchies, Eskimo pies (vanilla ice cream coated with chocolate. Ice cream sandwich. In Jr. High located in a nook off the Home Ec. room, in H.S. in a nook in the basement between the restrooms and the book room. Collecting rocks, popsickle sticks, etc. to learn multiplication tables. Learning to tell time. Class pic_,nicS. at the Grove Salk Polio Vaccine Trip to Houston on the train to see the Shriner's Circus (3) Art Adamson's Swimming lessons. Mother's day Open House on Campus. (4) Discs; pendants with-first name engraved in them. Papier Mache Yurts, making model of classroom. Kickball tournament. Paper Fortune tellers, Skating on the slab, Skate Key worn around neck. One day we saw a plane fly so lob during recess going to crash. One day 7 helicopters flew by the teacher pointed them out to us. Larry Godfrey bringing his tadpoles and frogs tc we thought it was school and our school. (5) Wildflower collections. Kathy Sperry won with 207 specimens. Prizes were ceramic animals. Mrs. Rodgers' cl+lss rearranges their chairs in the form of an airplane when they studied Mexico. Sputnikgsclaunch,for reading. ',~~gQ.,AM,~,~~~6 S~'~'atve~,g Walt Disney's Fantasia shown at Guion Hall. Dorothy Stewart played the organ. Ginny Dolls, plastic headbands. necklaces made out of "pop beads" G ~rnwt-Ea4''{~rr c..~a~n~ O (D O U J O O 2 U (n 2 O H 2 W O H Z W H a H J O (n Z O U [.d a N •~ ~ Q) C L W U- tL [d t D] [D O O N ~ m t ~ C (!l ~ .,1 L ^ Lfl .r~ ~ ~I-~ UI O (~ .,~ [0 ~L r- ~ L V ~ U] N 3 O N ~, 'O ~ ~ Z C 10 2 ~ ~ U7 L [ ~ O [0 W ~ ~ L N •-I 3 •~ O O L 2 = L U1 ['l m •r-i O ~ ~ O) ~ ~.. W ~ Z W L ~ ~ O~ a O ~ 3 IE t (T1 (Q Ql C I!1 (A L O W 3 Oi O O ~ Z U] C ~ L U Q1 t ~ Dl 10 L O ~ ~ O C O (Q ~ U 3 +~ ~ O ••~ „~ ~ C .Y J O ~~ N ~ Q) L27 O L ~ W ^ L Ul l~ }~ L L (0 Q m N (U L O] L U L ~- N D C m ~ b o to o N O L L Ul H J U] O .a • ~-+ -O O U C ^ cn a / U .,~ E O O) N C L E •.-+ O E 2 Ul lL Ol T ~ L m o to o Ql +~ [A L ~ O U L [n •~ O N _ ^ ~ N W W L m (D Lfl ~- /N C ~ U O C N N ~ ••-+ O U ^ ~ (J7 > ri H O )_ .,1 Q -Y Lfl '~ W Junior High Memories Girl Scout Troop 1~, led b~ Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Gough. Mrs. Vrooman demonstrates slings and splints. Camp Howdy. American Bandstand: Justine is favorite. Favorite Soap Operas: Edge of Night, Search for Tomorrow, Guiding Light Secret Storm. Ben Casey, Rawhide, Perry Mason, Mickey Mouse Club, Garry Moore, Ann Sothern, Ed Sullivan, Your Hit Parade4Giselle McKenzie), I've Got A Secret, To Tell the Truth. Slumber parties, Neighborhood clubs, cliques, Braces, pony tails, Bobby Socks, Penny loafers, Saddle Oxfords, Poodle skirts, Hula Hoops, Cinnamon toothpicks, Bead and pin swords, First name initia. necklaces, transistor radios, bells pinned to petticoats, riding bicycles to school, gum wrapper chains, pig Latin, finger spelling, Zipper notebooks, Autograph Hounds, Paper-Scissors-Rock Kitten Chat, Kat Chat, Trip to San Jacinto Monument in 7th grade,'Znt Mr. Holland's History class we were seated by test grades. Copying the U.S. Constitution off the blackboard, Memorizing the preamble. Young People's concerts in G. Rollie White Coliseum. Alan Shepherd's suborbital flight. Hula Hoop program for the March of Dimes (Polio) In DeWare Field House. Sex Education filmstrips. Periods begin. Field Trip to Easterwood. Get to go into control tower. Eisenhower-Stevenson mock election. Ballroom-Square dancing classes with Manning Smith at the KC Hall. Tennis classes with Mr. Shaffer. Class pic,~,nics at Minter Springs. Soda Fountains: Blacks/Jones Pharmacy. Cherry Cokes, Root Beer Floats, Mr Anderson's Science Projects: Extensive plant classification chart by leaf shapes, Distilled wood' played baseball on the last day. One day in study hall, someone asked Mr. Anderson what happened on a certain day in history, He said~'~he sun came up~ the student countered with it could have been cloudy. Shop projects: Propeller 6 wings tie/belt holder, Copper wall vase, plexiglass desk nameplate, Home Ec. projects with Mrs. Fleming: Cinnamon rolls, biscuits, embroide ing on muslin for aprons, Memorizing poems in Mrs. Bough's English class. Evangeline, Man without a Country, Her reading to us: Billy Budd. Projects in Mrs. B~ger's Art class: Clay figures, Mimes (portrait done in chalk without looking at paperspencil lines over chalk lines. Claire Elkins was a perfect subject. One day in Mr. Holland's History class, ~ar,lyne Gough was exceptionally talkative, after being admonished an~ pu~~ing s piece of Scotch Tape over her mouth, Carlyne spent the rest of the period adding layers of tape herself . Mr. Anderson brought a TV to school so we could watch the Presidential Inaugura- tion. One day the sky got so dark during second period (7th grade)„It didn't rain, ~e streetlights came one Mr. Shaffer decided to wait and see what happened before he let us go to third period. Over Christmas holidays (Sth grade) some vandals broke into the school, opened all the lockers, and scattered all our books on the hall floor. Officials moved them to the library tables where we were allowed to claim our own books. Health reports: What we went through: Kim Alexander-Copperhead bite'; Margaret Durst-heart; Mary Beth Calhoun-dog bite on lip Ann Avera-Scar on head from slipping upon getting out of the bathtub to answer the phones Carlyne Gough- Scar on L arm from running through sliding glass door.' Kathy Sperry-Polio, Beverli Davis-Poison Ivy so bad almost hospitalized, Pharmacologist father used her as a guinea Pig. Newcomers' accidents: Marilyn Mengel rips left knee open slipping on wet side- walk pavement after chasing a volleyball out of the gym. While stretching a piece of glass tubing in Mr. Anderson's Science class, Carolyn Kemmer caught it as it broke. It enters her right hand between the thumb and forefinger like a hypodermic and disappears. It had to be removed surgically by an incision in the back of the hand and pulled out. If it had shattered inside her, a big incision would've had to be made intc the muscle between the thumb and forefinger. Football shaped ribbons. Lemon Juice used as invisible ink, made visible by holding it over a candle f~ ~1gmE E o s ~ m ~ ~ •~, ~ I 3 W ~ (0 L L ^ L O O J C ~ (p L ~ U O L •~ }~ L L (fl Q E 2 (n a ~ ~ N 'O L ~ ~ O W C ~ CO O N 3 f l1 •~ Q1 2 2 U J O C p ~ N I _ ~ L N C U •~ N C •~ ~ L LA L SL Ul f0 O ~ (0 2 ~ 3 U7 ~ U H ~ = 10 U •~-+ 7 ~ N W w ~ a_ ~ a ^ r-, 4--I ~"'~ J ~_ O L [fl 10 ~, Z L 'O O ~ ~ U '.~ +' J U7 CD Q L ~ N (f1 +1 ..~ .-1 r-1 7 D7 O C U W [A L ~ ~ C N O Ql N •~ C7 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 N J W •~+3Z C l0 R (n E 7 (~ •~ L C -O L Q7 L •~ C O +~ •~ ,C (0 +~ ~--i 0 -O m •~ 7 .C Q U O U 7 U Q C rn ~ o °~ o ~ m E Ul L •~ L ~ ~ is O L }~ N N D] •~ L Ul ~ .C U] U a .r., ~ ~ s ~ o rn ~ ~ (IJ O L U 7 U ~ W Z ~.~ O~ W Z r _C (.LI ~ ~ ~ 0 m O] ~ .~ ° •a rn> c ~ m a ~ a ~ ~ ~ [ L N L }~ Ol L UI -O E f0 3 Q C N ~ ~ L7 N UI ~ J ~ Q r L UI a~ .~ rn a~ C cn w N ~ •~ (n N L W ~ ~ ~ lL 10 U1 C' ~ (A L 1 }~ ~ (n • ~' ~ E IIl L W 3 7 ~ U = L (D N U L C -O •~ J E O L L O (n J ~ L L ~ ~ O • 7 U N ~ U ] • E O Q I Q ~ l Q > U7 C0 ~ H Ol r U V L f'l ~ H ~U1 UO1 c' H .~ r- r7 - ~ i O N O H sm~~ ~ U r' 07 H N Q7 H ~ .a ~ 0 N 0 7 .,~ ~ H a O ~ cD ~ U 0 O7 0 7 .,~ Q O ( D Q ~ I U7 F Lfl "O IIl E 07 C ~-+ C ~ (Q H f0 +~ ~ ~ ~ •~ • T 3 0 "~ "Q L L1l D] (0 ~ U ~ ~ W fl 2 ~ C ~ Dl L c0 N +~ I IIl I~ L(7 (Q 4- U7 7 0 07 D7 ~ C C ~I O I~ J +~ U] V _ ~ ~ _ .. 7 Lf] ~--i Q7 O ~ W (D f ~ f f Q7 117 ~ N 07 U ~ U IIl +~ ~ .~ O) C Dl Dl Ct +~ C •~ C E I N N •~ r-i •~ L Ul f0 O (0 N •~-i L a~ i a~ ~ E o o I D] •~ L ~~ I I ~ I ~ i n~ [0 U ~~ N iQ.C i ~ i L E ~ C o m ~° ~ •E ~s •~ U r--I ~ ~ ID t ~ D7 +~ O (Q •~ ~ m Ul U C OJ •U U7 rn C .3 O_ (D O L t ^ O L U L C •rn .C .O C +~ •~ •rl S U N N N J N ~ O = 7 ~ ~ ~ LC'] C"O•~ ~ U T U W fE0 L 'C C C .L •~ N lL 7 L E CJ N Ql L (.~ ~ .L N L E N 7 (n (~ O Q > N U m L LL'07 O2.07 .. ., o a .~ .N s .. .. v~ rn~DTm -DO ..~=F-a (!J X N 7 [0 •~ L .. ~ 2 W U1 fQ Ol •,~ E U N ~ ~~ ~=>U] J 3 ~ F F E N Q W .,-~ O_ ~ ~ D = +~ C ~ U7 U] U ~ ~ H = fQ U7 CD •r+ W •~ O ~[ ~ U p ~ E U7 F .U U1 O f0 E ~ ~ C7 2 2 N L O_ ~ O N ^~ C7 (0 N 2 ~ LC7] f0 •~ Ul (0 C U O N •~ D •~ ~ N U U U] Q ~ ~ 0 w o ~ 0_ ~ 3 L O (Q L ~ ~ ~ • ^ E ~-+ N W ~ ""~ .L ~ •~ ~ O D7 • N 3 U LL UI H ~ U m -I 2 r ~ ~ • O +~ •~ ~ +~ ~ ~ . ~ u i L ° L ] ~ ~ Z ~ r-I •~ v ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ N f Q F ~ U ID 7 N W L X ~ Q ~ 3 0- ~ Ol U 1 !- ~ Q] [0 f0 Ul 7 U7 L ~ II1 UI L 0_ U W ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ C [Q U7 Z _ ~ O ~ ~ O . D1 , ~ 07 0 0 ~ . E C O 3 0 '0 mH ~ Z W > N •~ H _ .. ..L C O ~ t .. N .. O .-i [0 Q L ~ ~ +~ N~ ~ L.Q I U1 IQ f6 > N H •~ }~ -D f0 U- U ~ •~ ,[ f0 E 4- L L 0_ W 3 0] m O .. ~ L H O •• (~ O •~-+ Ul f0 UI L (n L Ul L ~~ U L O L O L D U Y O Ul O H O " O D U ~ L ~ [ 0_ H O H O H O C •. •~ U 'D N Ql Ul T3 ~ X O_ •~ W "O ~ +~ +~ -O + -~ L L L UI O L L +~ ~ -. _I ~; ~ ,-, I v . _ 3. H#gh Scl-cool Memories Pants day and pep rallys on Thursdays, Dances at Allen Academy Sack dresses, Bouffant and Beehive hairstyles. Hair was teases or ratted, sprays were lacquerlike.Plastic and metal headbands. Sports day aa~cj elections, Crazy day, Western Day. Snake dance across campus before homecoming bonfire. Cliques, Church youth groups (MYF, YPSL_EYC, CYO, etc.) The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Housewrapping, JFK shot, Driver's ed, Sabin Polio vaccine, Kennedy vs Nixon mock election, School plays and musicals. "Night of Music" choir concerts, Choir contests at Baylor.Singing at Christmas at University National Bank and on "Town Talk" Choir trip to the Texas State Fair in Dallas; Singing in a mass choir in the Cotton Bowl directed by Henry Mancini. After the fireworks we came home, arriving at 3:D0 AM and had to go to school the next morning, many of us brought pillows to snooze during choir (4th period). Uniforms for Tigerettes, Band, Cheerleaders (Puffy sleeves), Bengal Belles, Football ribbons, Powder Puff Football, Tigerettes, Merits and Demerits, No pass-nc march. one routine, which was filmed, had a sexy hand move. Pam Adams was Captain. Tigerland Turntable: Songs popular then, Request box in library/ study Hall. Hangouts: Tastee-Freez (T.F.), Handi Burger, "In" things: Voice lessons with Billie Jean Barron, Ballet lessons with the Guerrards or Donna Dale, Going to Texas Tech,Piano lessons with Sarah Watts, Mrs. Medlen, Mrs. Rice, getting married in All Faith's Chapel, Charm bracelets, Pierced earrings beginning to come into vogue, contact lenses, Summer musicals in Guion Hall: Bye Bye Birdie starring Joe Denton, Oklahoma, SAT and CEEB at Allen Academy. Clear-barrelled cartridge fountain pens that leaked a lot. Using Clorox as an ink eradicator, Many boys carried clipboards, The smell of tests and handouts, fresh off the spirit Master. Who drove which car. A "Fadiddle" being one with a burned-out headlight. The phenomenon of lulls in a conversation occurring at ZO' before and after the hour. Freshman Year "Murder on the Highway" shown right before Christmas Holidays, Film showed lots of dismemberment. It was supposed to convince us to drive safely and sober. Convicts visiting from TDC moderated by Fr. William R. Oxley of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, brought cross from altar. The three gave testimony to motivate us to stay in school and what the consequences of committing a crime were. The next year they brought their C6W band. Principal Ozment didn't like the word "teenager" as it fostered an image of one who has decided to be bad. Debate subject :"Federal Aid to Education" We had to go to school during Hurricane Carla in 1961. On the worst day we evacuated to the auditorium. all day. Mrs. Martin tried to teach her English classes . It~^ cs;~..~~~,,,, a ~Sc~~,~;E~ ~;~ i~•Sl~~.'.~a:.~,~Jc~ ~~t~~r~~'T;~~c Darnell White's Charm School, DeeDee Deb Charm School over Joyce's. Kamp Kanakuk and Kamp Kanakomo in Branson Missouri run by the White's. Anaesthetizing small white rats in Mr. Morgan's Biology class with Chloroform, cutting them open and watching their heart beat for several minutes before they died. Some of the boys tried to preserve the pelts with salt. Student Assistant in Elementary School P.E. 9th and 10th grades. Graduation 1962 on Tiger Field. The lights went out, people drove cars onto the field so their headlights could provide illumination. There was no P.A. System or power to the HAmmond Organ so the choir had to sing "Once To Every Man and Nation" A Capella. Science Fair Projects. Ann Avera's Epilepsy, Ann McMurry's diabetes, Linda Isbell breaks left arm falling from tree. Someone brought a TV into the auditorium so we could watch John Glenn's Mercury spaceflight. Home Economics/Home and family life: mock wedding, sharing sewing machines, planning and cooking a meal. Summer Home experience for % credit. Field trips to: Pruitts Fabric Shop, Hansen's Butcher, to see homes of different styles, the Baskin Robbins Creamery, FHA regional trips to Hearne, Clifton, District Meetings in Waco--overnight. (Plastic barf joke, and wrapping saran wrap over toilet bowl in Mrs. Phillips' room) Junior Year. In Mrs. Hensley's and Mrs. Sperry's History calsses, Instead of, or while listening to the lecture; we did our history homework--answering questior, in the back of the textbook. One day Mrs. Sperry fainted during class, She just stopped lecturing and said 'r-xcuse mc~' Mrs. Hensley came to help. The next day she was absent and we had a substitute from A6M named Mr. Organ who brought a model steam engine. Many thought he was boring but I was interested in the model and haw the steam engine worked. Senior Year One act play "Beckett", Movie Hamlet" with Richard Burton. Junior-Senior Prom at Briarcrest, Graduation party, also at Briarcrest. English IV-Mrs Martin: Themes, Area of Expertise, Canterbury Tales, Sample Research paper topic "Murders in Windsor Castle", Pygmalion (Claire Elkins was the perfect Eliza with her "eeeooowww", Charles Dickens'_"A Tale of Two Cities", Using "Big Chief" tablets for themes. ~'~'.~.~ 3' ~~~ ~r~g Senior trip to New Braunfels. Many got bad sunburns. Picnics at Minter Springs and Parsons' farm. Playing Password in Mr. Coulter's English class: another assignment was to choose a word you didn't know and use it in a sentance to convey its exact meaning without defining the word.. Rosemary Sharp chose "Arbitrary". Receiving small Lane cedar chests from Stacy's Furniture far graduation. Vocalizing with two or three fingers placed vertically in the mouth in choir. Lyrics to some of the songs we sang while changing clothes for PE (To Stars and Stripes Forever] Be Kind to your web-footed friends, for a duck may be somebody's mother, Be kind to your friends in the swamp, where the weather is very very dahmp, Well you may think that this is the end. Well it is..... School Days, School Days, Poker, pot, and pool days, Drinking and necking, and driving too fast, Tought to the tune of a hip-pocket flask, You were my queen in pink chamise, I was your king in B.V.D.'s, I wrote on your slate "1'ru're too Damn slow!". When we were a couple of kids. (To Clementine) Found a peanut, found a peanut, found a peanut just now, I just now found a peanut, found a peanut just now. 2. It was rotten... 3. Ate it anyway... 4. Goe sick.... 5. Saw the doctor.... 6. Said I wouldn't die..... 7. Died Anyway.... Helen had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell, Helen went to Heaven, The Steamboat went to hell-o operator, give me Number 9, If you don't connect me, I'll kink your behing the refrigerator there was a piece of glass, Helen slipped upon it, and cut her little ass-k me no questions, I'll tell you no lies, Helen had a steamboat and the steamboat had a bell, Mine eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the school, We have tortured all the teachers and have broken all the rules We have Glory, glory how peculiar, teacher Hit me witl-i the ruler and she took me to the office. Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, Greasy grime gopher guts, Greasy Grime gopher guts, Great green gobs of greasy grime gopher guts, And me without my spoon. (To Notre Dame's Fight Song) Cheers, cheers for old C.H.S., Bring on the boys, bring on the boys, Send old out for gin, and don't let him old again. We're never and we're never We sober up on wood alcohol. We're the SAINTS of C.H.S. and we're out on the drunk again, La la la la...... (To "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean") I hung my head o'er the rail, I don't want to dirty the ocean, So somebody bring me a pail. Come up, Come up, Come up my dinner, come up, come up, Come up, Come up, Come up my dinner, come up. I'm coming, for my head is hanging low, I can hear the voices callin Urp, Slop, Bring the mop, Too late, Ten o'clock. Songs we sang in choir. Thanks be to Thee- George Friedrich Handel Madame Jeanette My Child is gone Jan Waselu 3 Polish Carols: Night Cold and Silent, Suddenly a Star, Randall Thompson's Alleluia Peaceable Kingdom, and Seven last Words of Year of Jubilo David. Cool Water, Haves Nagilah Psallite- Michael Praetorius 0 Clap your Hands Be Kind to Your Parents Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor I Wonder as I wander, Donna Files, Soprano Solo. The Traveller, Don't be Weary Traveller. Pater Nester (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John: Bless the bed that I lay on). Adoramus Te, Christe Gallent Men The Lord Bless You and Keep You rcyo~at~y~r ~~yrr~~xa~~d~ y~~~r~`~~N~a~~'~~r~~;~azd ro K K ro ro ro K~ w ° o w ~. ro (n ~ w ~' m~ ~ ?' w w m ro m w m ~ ~ ~ ~ c-r ~-+ i-S ° ro ~: '~ ~ A~ ~ ~-S ,~ ~ t 7 ,y ".S cC (p ~ '.3 ~ ~ ~i ~ '~. " ~-5 '~ ~f', o-'t ~ '~ C N `~- .`~ C !p O ~ '.~ i-i '~' cC `~ K •K '-' n' ° ~ ~ "'S ~: ~ ~ cC N ~ ~ ~'7 ~ G: ro ~• eC (~ .K" ~ .~ .~ ~; O ~ W ~ (~ .K. ~ Up G. W ~ °C Ai ~ ro ~ ~ ~'• ~ N ~ "'S O.. ~ o '~ ~' ~ tzi o ~ ~ ~' ~ ° w x ~ ro o x d ro ~ c o ~ ;~ ~ G7 ~* ~' P*' ~, a ~ r~ ° ~_ o• ~' ~ ~ ° K ro w f D `c `+ o `c `c (moo n ° ~ °° co o ro a~ ~• o h m ro w o ~' ~t co ~' o' '~ ~ '~ 7~ ~ V n~ ro sv ~ c~ ro ro `~', ~• ro ro ~' ~~~ d ro° K ~ CZ o m ~' `° ~' w cKe ~ ~ '_' `* ~ x ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~• m `~ :° y d ~ o C~ f] ~ ro m ~ p, ~ w ~ td ~1 `° ~ ~ ~ ~ ro ~ ~• ~ Fi ~ ;-~ M ~~~r~ ~b~a~~~~n~v~yc~~~yra~~y~xd~~a~~~a~c~~rc~ d~md o a~ ~ c ~' ~ w ~. o ro °, o' w~ 0 0 0 0 ~ ro K o 0 0 0 ~, • ~, ~ o o: °' o ~ ~ ~ A. ~. ro ~ o c°n ~ ~ ~ ~ •-• p, ro n ~• (% ~ a. `~ w ~ ° ~' ~ ~ ~ `C ° w ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ A. wK ~ x ~ m ~' ooa p ,._, rD w ~ (u ~ (o w ° (e K ~v ~. ,rt w ~ ~ p~ x x ~ n ca a~ co ~ cC ~ ~- rt '~ ~ N C'r (~ W ~ ~ pi Fi ~ c.~ ~ rr G ~ N ~ ~ ~ ¢j '_'~~ (° ~' o ~(° ~'' xo r ~~I~o~~~ a~,'u, ¢z~•r° ~ ya~ _dtd° r'.~ ~' ~ ~ tik.., w d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ w o ~ w°~~. ~ ~ °' (D ~ ~ ~ a ~d x k~ ~ o `p ro o ~ ~ °• ~ ~' ~ r ~ ~ w n `~ w y o ~ ro ro o• c ~d o o°~ o o ro ~ v,' ~ m o. ~ rots ~~~ a'~~~o~,~s~~ ~~o~~'mr~~•(~o ¢~~~(~o~K~~o~°s ~'~iz(`°o~'(ho~G~`~Nm b F°s ~' ~ ~ per, ~ ~ ~ a. ~ G `c ; K ~ ~? ~C ro ro ~ K K ~s o~ o ro m o ~~ ~ A A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ N. ~. 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"~' "~ ".7 ~ G "' i-+ ~ O w (D ~ w O O" G w O ry rr ~ G w (D G ^~' CD .O.r w~. w twy tw1 '.'3 ~ ~s `^~-' ~, G ~, cD O ~-: ,~ ~ "Gj' ~', ~+ (D ~-• c ~' ~ ~ n G ~ ~ ~-' Q. ~ "' ~' ~ cD N w G 'G' O P P ~ ~~. co• w ~^n. co w ~ ~w ¢co w`C ~- w rn ~'cu O ~ `--~~ cfl bj~~`~ tr' ~.' cFcr~ `~~~ ~ w ~~~ ~~ ,~~ ~ ~~,~~ ~ ~, ~~ ~ ~~~ o w ~~ co o•~?~:C7w cue ~ w w ~ cn ~ ~ Cn cc y r-+ '.~ ° ~ ~ ~ a. r ~ o r~ C] c~ 'r2'i r o ~ ~-d off.. o ~ `* ,~J c~ p, ~ c cy ~ c~ ~ ~x~x+• "„~.'~ x+xi~C ~ ~ ~ r~y~ ~m Liy~• dw (~~ ~o ~ ~~ ~ Cd~ cKC p,~tr'n ~ "yam a"w °.~rn ~w w `~'~ „*a"G]~ ~ .-.~-o ~~o C]...~ w ~ ~ ~~ w coq c ~' p, P.. ~ ~ w ~ ~-• ~, PJ w o~-' ~ cc w ~ w ~-' m rn ~ o K cn ~ a• `d ~ o w ~ by ~ ~ ~ w ,~ A-. ~ ~-' co ce ~ ~ cy ~* w p ~-s d ~• d 0 ~ °4 'cS `d w by ~ cNC Ci. m ~* w ~ ~• ~ r--iri} '`~ ea CD '-'' ~ cy ~ c~h ~ „~ `~ :'= o h .. ~ ~~~ ~d~c~:nrxrr~~,r~~~y~~~,x~~v»dc~c xc~a~~~~r~~c~~~~z 7d O O w w o w co w cv • .a p N Q' ~p rn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C .~ ~ ~ K ~ ~ `•~-' ~~ ~ ~ ~ rr '~ ~ ~ K ~ ~ K ~. m ~ H ~ n' ~ `~J co `J~~.S' ~ C ~' ~ O ~• ~' cr w m r °°, ~ ~ ~- ~ ~jj ~' ~ ~ ~' w ~. ~ w ~' ~ ~• ~ ~ w o ~4 `d CD ..r w ~~-' m ~• ~ ~• ~' ~' ~.:~ ~ r ~o`d c.c~'~•~ 9~ ~=: rw'~Z~''~r' ~~ `~' ~ ~~ cow ~ ~'~ ~y~w x"d t~ h ~~ ~. ~ ~ ~ w_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ '~ .~ ~ coo o b ° ~ ~ ~ w r~ ~ a~C ~ r ~ pcD, ~* ~' ~ ° ~ ~' ~ w K ~ cy ~ ~~,5~-' ~ tic K ~ ~~ ~ ~. ~ ~.K m ~ ~~ `d o `w~' w ~C• rrr~ r~x~x ~ H .~ ~+ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ m SL ~ ''d ~-• ~• ~ ,-, ~ ,~ "~ r- ~ O ~ ~- G.. '"' ~' ~, O rev ~ ~i ~ ~'' '~~. coo w ~Clq ~. ,_.,, ~ w o-'d ~ CD n ~ ~' ~• ~ can c`"o ~'' a" ~ `d n. ~ ~ ~ U4 ~rr cc r- ~ ,~ ~s w w ~ K w ~- ~. ~, ~a ~ ~a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ K N ~ '.` / J ~'1 ~ n ~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ ~ ~ ~ y N, y O ~~ ~ o ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z o ~ 0 0 ~ A N ~Z ~ ~ ~ b x V ~ ~ 0 ~ ~~ ~ 0 -~~ ~ N b n cry t'rJ 0 A v'w. A Ar b ~' 0 ~7 n n 0 y~~y co oorc~ ., c ,T C ~ ' w o ~ ~ ~ O K M O a.°~`D C9o~K0 O O ~ ~~~ ~~ a'~ ~ ~C~" u~~~~ p O ~ . . C w ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~,. ~, o ~, ,~ a, ~ y w ~ ~ ~ O (~ ,-r ~~~ ~ H .~ ~ ~ ~•~ ~~ G ~ `~.+ '~' cc ~ 'd p 'Y ~ .'7 ~ `C `C O p~ m Fv (D .. ~.+ ..r ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ zn CD Q- p. ~~ 'b b ~ x ~ '`' 'b ~- ~ ~ o n ~ i1; ~ ~ ~ A 5 ~ 0 ~p ~ O~ A' O• ~ ~ FS. ~v. A N O ~ ~ : , ~ N `° ~ ~ o ~ ti A : c R7 R' co ~ ~' : . : m !-3 ~"' A ~ C 5 (~ ~ ~ O ~ A x ~ ~ ~ x . o ~ . ~ z ~ ~ ~ o ~' H . ro a o x 0 y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~, fl ~ ~ ~ . ~ C ; fD ~ r~.' : ~ : • ~ .r • m' ~ ~ ~~ ''y ,~ !~ ~ C~ ~ O O ~ 0 o O 0 ~c ~c ~ ~ ~a ~ °a. ~ R° N ~ A ~ O ~ ~ ~ o ~' O n ~~, ~ ~ ~ y ~=, ..~~ o ~ co C7 ~ y ~ ~ A ~ rr ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cj ~ d ~ ~ o 0 H O ~ ~ ~ b v ' ~ ~ ~ p ~ 'b A o o , a, ~ Y c o c o hMr c"o c"e ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~• ~ ~ ~ A A ~ ~ ce ~ p eAi. 5 a o. ~ ~ ~. ~ ro ~. ~ ~ ~ A ~'b w G~ roo z ~~ ~' : : z~ C r ~ ~ ' : : 5 r x H k A ro " ~ y ~ A ~ A ~ ~ ~ R y °O • Ot~t~ t~y yxxC b ~y 5 ~~ ~ ~ z : y . • ~, A C C o ~, ~, o Z ~ • ~ c~ x o H,~~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ x~ ro A, K ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ .ti w x co x ~ ~ d ~ ~ t• y n k o-'d : t~D G ~ ~ ~ ~ c« ~ : ; ; C : ~ ~ ~ c A o O ~ x ff x ~ ~ ~ : .° I ~' C ~ y r ~ ~ x o cs Y ~a x . 0 0 x x e z • ~ c r ~ ~ : x 0 ~ ~ ~ x c y x ~ ; ~ ~ d ~' m ~ m ~ o ~ ~ c tr1 r ~ y ~ ~ ~. ~ o ~ C7 c~ A o ~ (~ ~ N o ~i ~1 d ~ ~,, r ~ ~ ~ ~; '"~ y w ~ ~ ~ P z ~ ~, `~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ y M O ~~ d b y A ACM Consolidated High School Class of 1963 ~' Peggy Lynn Ames (Mrs. Mike Calliham) 696-5687 She's spokesperson for City of College Station, He's an attourney. Martha Elaine Armstrong Jeffrey Daniel Bates, Minister of music, First Baptist Church, Hearne. drives a limousine. wife is Linda Sims. Janet Barnes Bearrie John Blair Beckham Leyla Bilgutay Emma Ruth Bishop James Billy Bostic Candace Garner Della Anne Gregg Paul Wilson Hancock David Joel Harwell Katie Jean Hensarling Mary Loyce Bradshaw John Robert Holcomb Frank Beverley (Butch) Brown David Edwin Holdredge Oswald (Ozzie) T. Burke. Married to Diana Weirus. FmRd 1179, Bryan 774-7727, 774-4585 1J Emily Martha Calhoun (Mrs. Robert)-Kerr 3203 Fourth, Boulder, CO 80302- Both are at UC-B School of Law. 303-442-8469,w-492-8047, fax- 440 492-1200. E-mail: calhoune~spot.colorado.edu. ~ Michael Brooks Calliham~Jvb~E. Terry Trustee Holland James Weldon Carroll Diane Florence Hooper Delmer Charanza Robert Earl Chenault Jan Schroeder Clark David Joseph Clements Marilyn Sue Cloud Robert Glenn Cochran Jr. Harold Dwight Coon Sidney Ray Coufal ~ Allen Coulter,(Kim in several TV Suanne Davis (Mrs. Robert Alvin Houze, Jr-(married Yolanda Burkhalter 3017 NE 105, Seattle, W. 98125, 206-522-2005. Thomas Wilson Hughes Oliver Joseph Jaros III (Carolyn), 1309 Woodcreek, CS 77845 696-8857. William T. Jones er James T. Junek 2302 Barak Ln, B-77802 268-1520 (wife Julius) Knowlton Coulter) live in New York City. Director series, especially the~~Sopranos:~ Roy Pledger) 1611 Harper's Ferry Road. CS 77845 690-1611. Donald Wayne Duncan Leslie Elaine Kelley Thomas Haines Edwards ---C~1uc~;J Arden Vance Kemler-Margote, FL Nils Erik Ekfelt-Canton, NY William Rand Laurenson Donald Lee Fick Alan Tim Laverty -'q~~-~.~ti Suzanne Elise Flowers Pamela Ann Lindsay Martha Louise Franklin Ruby Kay Freeman Grover Lee (Jack) Fugate. Colorado Springs, CO Michael Charles Gandy i..~.(J Ann Lacy Loupot Paul Alan Mamaliga- died June 19, 1992. Married Rosemary Sharp '65)809 Aurora Dr. 80906 Walter Scott Manning, Jr.~~*1 ~~r~~ ...bhn Garcia Milton Marek Roy Martinez Clifford Mason James Andrew McAfee Judith Diane Morgan Harold Michael Murray Dennis Gene Muth Glenda Irene Nolan Richard M. Owen, Jr. Jean Evelyn Ozment Leslie Lloyd Palmer, Jr. Carolyn Parker Marilyn Parker Diane Virginia Parsons P~'~~~~" ~~"~''~'~ John William Parsons Edgar Byron Pruitt .(7.~~ Elizabeth Ann Ramge Michael Wayne Robison Jackie D. Ross Kurt Alan Schember Robert Carroll Schroeder. died 5'~3~@~~ Philip T. Schaunfield Sharon Novak Sheets Connie Beth Simmons Linda June Sims Cynthia Jane Smith _ Helen Sherril Smith Patricia Ann Smith Sharon Moore Smith Susan Ann Stevenson Ronald Lee Switzer 7uB .T ~•_;i_.:. _ ?p_r;,~ cecc, nuorlIsO ar'~ 7a" ~ ~ _ iism-3 .DOSP-SE: ri i i I gD a~loo~8 I gsrl` i M ~' ~~rt6I D nabso^tr'or nUL e:tnem ~ 1 ~ rigs=oL ~ i va!~ Margaret Thames `~ .5' `~c~r Sj~ 1~Q~sa bld ^ C.oM~ °'l~lv,u~ pn, c- ~9 Corvice.tgn~ ~ Ev a.'Y, ~- ~`t?Y~r.s,- ~onR;'1 V~ ~+t~~kh Ira YnYe 1°~?JJ 1.. `~ Terry Gene Thomas~'f'~~.,~~, ; ~u•~.hr~~ 'iO,YA~'' v~n~cvF~ w~~ l~,p`v:.~1cg ~ i o11r"~ ~r~C.4~x.~,~t1 , Wmv~ 4 ,~, ~''~~1, 1C Si ~,~ C6~~'mt~~'e~ Thomas Patrick Thompson Rosemary Thompson Eva Lanell Toomey Henry Aldred Vander Cruyssen Pamela Ann Wolters Eleanor Worley ~prnq(~y A6M Consolidated High School Class of 1966 Roster 1~,~ Q - JoHri Joseph Bauldauf ~ Edward Alan Goldsmith Ann Taliaferro Ballinger Ophelia Virgibia Green Harold Eugene Barker Jeanette Marie Guest Sandra Kay Barker Dorothy Gregory bd, ~;~'~ Doris Jean Barnes Barbara Sue Gummelt '('(~~ Ca~q ~,~ ~, ~N Ruth Ellen Becker Reba Jan Harris ~('~c ~,~-~~ Dianne Rose Be 11 ~' ~~~ ~s Ernest Harris Alice Elizabeth Berry ~•crr,~~h~lj Hubert William Hearne, Jr. 'US Norma Louise Booker Michael Edward Hensarling Karen Lee Boykin'"h'~terson- Mission Marilyn Lee Brooks L'"~"`' 43r~N~c'N Richard Scott Hervey(Penn ) 1201 Windin Rc g College Station, 7780-696-6545 ': Barbara Susanne Brown~`~v ~~,E ;`~~ ,AN Cv'c~rs pc;,~r~ p ~ •~?,x~SSa D ~ i.._~x~~,~ ~ `1~~-~~•t~- Z'` ~- ~a3 ' v~ti ~~~-~,~N Ntc~ ~c~L ~ ~.r George Washington Burrell , ~ #Robert McGeorge Ho 1 comb ( Mac ) 5320 Auden #18. Houston 77005, 664-9854 Civi1 . David Lamar Brusse- _;~,`~; w ~,.~ Engineer. Ogbourne Duke Butler Charles Lewis Holland ~c-h,r~Gcj G:~y~~4,;.~_11 Patricia Anne Calliham Ill;~~;;~~;,,, Ronnie Holloway Barbara Faye Carroll 7•~ ~,r ~ Janet Marie Holt Decker (Mrs. Randy) 3610 Sierra Pines, Houston 77068-2075 TI-comas C. Cartwright Jr. =~-~~ C'y~~~~"p C C~ ~ , 713-444-2516. She teaches 4th grade, w , cl~ ,~s * Lillian Eugenia Clark ofEO•As,hrnq He's an accountant for Exxon-Mobil. ~'~tiy~~'~ `hn~.1-~l ~z ~-r~~.Y~,~.+ Thomas Bateman Clark Thomas William Irwin '` Deborah Dale Coo er Andrick p (M rs. Jeff) 2800 Burr Oak Circle, Bryan 846-304 Jeff sells insurance. Michael James Cooper " Linda Ann Isbell C~Uti'a~3~c~ Loretta Ann Covington jorgbp Qeorge Arthur Creagor Nancy Ruth Jones ~~11me~n+ Ulrich Wilson Crow Jr. Qy ~,~ ~~^'~k , Susan Cul e Ar_ Ardis Ann Kemler Hasenback, Baton Rougp,LA C•-tArr~~~v kQ'mrnet' `~~ c';{ - r~ r • !'~1wpk,pP~' 2.c; _.~ .e Charles Taylor Kimbro Lydia Arlene Dollar'~UNg~~ Frank Eugene Lamb, Jr William Sherman Edmonds +~ Richard F rederick Landmann Carole Bethel Edwards ` . -s- ~ VS.~>n~ ht~C:~YY11~N W',1~~ Don Frederick Linger, Stockton, CA ~ Sandra Kay Eimann Black-(Mrs. Robert) who hired John Wayne Hearn from an ad in "Soldier of Fortune" magazine to murder her February 21, 1985. Herbert Olin Evans x Larry Wayne Linton 2005 Lis Ln, Bryan,77807 Paul Joe Fagan 823-4603. John Edwin Falls III Evelyn Bicknell Logan John Orville Fick Diana Lynn Lorenz L nst. Claudia Angwin Fisher `c,~~~~;,.~~~F, Naomi Leah Mable ",t~.t,~~, m~ ~_;i<..~ 34.E-.i~c Patsy Kay Fisher G~„~:;,ritiT~ Ann Elizabeth McMurry H~rdaway ~ , ,~ -~ Sarah Ann Giesensehla g 1~~~- ~ac~v ~r~-~KII~cMi~eCc,lr~~l~rusr©~,.1:~ x Richard Warren Mitchell fl ~V~o ~or~€~~ Duke Miller Cyynthia Anne Sousares c David Meeker Moore Lillian Vlasta Surovik ~ "a ,~£~ Sandra Kay Muth ,~ Diana Lynn Sutphen U.»Ss~~ Howard Campbell Nelson Patrick Joseph TheBerge (;~,~ky~ Lawrence Charles Nemec,. Sharon (<ay Tho~$g :;;~,~',~,~,~.-h '~ !_ouis ~imcsr Nemec, ;vtanaaed K.TAM/KORA radio stations until May 22, 1982 when the a~~gt of F?i3 catamaran hit a 7200 volt power line at Lake Sorcierville-and killed him, Mason Andrew Newton ~ ~;;i 1Vo~~J~ 0't ha Lee Norris Shirley Ann Oates Margaret Hamilton Owen Cacpet- Alejandro Palm Charles Arthur Powell Stephen Michael Prescott Keens Marie Ranck Rita Joyce Thompson Candace Lee Upham Ga r rR~ol~ra ~'~cC.NN Y~ t) 'r ~~.~ 1 ~ Terry Darnay Wade Y~~-V ~;) Glenn Luther Wallace Mary Ruth Watkins ry N'3~Y' Lynda Jane Welch 13~ac~tt Mildred Faye Wells ~'1!;,qw-~'`~, Sharon Carol Whiting 2404 Burton,Bryai 77802, 779-6421. Madelyne Ann Reed ~~lo~Y•ti Aubrey Robert Rice II '(Robin), Houston Jimmy Ray Richards Joe Thomas White N Sally Jane Robison ~'~ocV Rosetta Dernice Wilborn ~<e,wTdn, James Clyde Robison C~wnbc~ ~~ Linda Lea Williams 0.^~Y~t'~~[Q R . W . Rob i~son , Jr . t~--~,c.`~.a ~e,fl ~-~''~1y11s ~A?OI~ 'Y ~ ~ .. '.;r,', .. r~ Mark Taylor Riedel -`DF:ceW3a~ Shirley Jean Robinson 'Qta~~~c~N ~~ .~~ ~ _ Jane Ellen Rudder died of Liver cancer, Richard Ralph Runkles(Married Janet Calliham~ 9036 Cody Circle, Westminster, CO 80020. 303-422-7159. Director of Engineering for Stanley Aviation in Denver. Dorothy Jean Schaefer )~~~,~~~ " Charlotte Ann Schiffman tt,~. Murray Fojt Sebesta John Bennie Sechelski Rebecca Sue Sefcik Rossow, Longview. Bonnie Margureite Sharp f~r~,r,~,-~ Rebecca Sicilio Lewis (Mrs, Neeley) Attourney, served as State Rep. <~^, Paul Michael Sittler John William Skrabanek 1~'Ar~~ S ~ ~~~ Thomas Oliver Smith, Jr. William Gary Smith Susan Oee Sorenson ~~,q,~t;,,~~o-~- 120 Lee Ave. CS 77840, 696-0991 ~~ ~~ ~. °- ~ '+ o ~, a U >' Q °~ ~ ~ cLn ~ m ~ ~ cn a Y ~r r 0 O U ,9 C U O .- -p~ L L .L E f1 N d O c9 O ~ H( d d N :/1 ~ N VU f N ~ ~ ~ O ~ > ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 N C ~ ~ Y ~ ~ ~ ~ @~ :f' ~ r ~ ~ _ -O w Yp~ ~~ ~ -O ~ GV U1 a N ('O ~ '9 1 ~ - .T ~ ~~ ~ ~_ ~ ~, o co ~n 3 ~ ~ Mo ~ `° rn .la o ~ ~ ~ a ~ oa o° r :j' r' ~' to J N i M V ~ ~ O N 6~ :/1 ~ ~ ~~ N r O O CO O 00 O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vN ~ N rv r' N V ~6~OD CO~f~aO Ot1') t[')NO M~ O O)~ MO ~ OHO O M ^n O O M CO M O 00 (D O 00 CO (O N O_ 00 (D I~ ~ ~ ~ N (O ao O CO !~ OD 00 ~ 00 O N r M O (O O O ~ O ~ M c0 ~ ~ V V' 00 tIy h COMtn I~ hI~N~ NCO MNOD CO V'M I~ OO rti r nMr OMM V ~ h r M 00 t~ h f~ O) I~ O ti O M 1~ M OD ~ n~ r r ~ n~~ OD I~ h t, O N N ~ ~ ~ r Q ~ C O ~/~ •~ X x s ~ d (~ U ¢ LL = z ~ fs ~ ~ c ~ .C U ~ w ~ c c c ~ v ~ ~ U a o ron 3~ 'm _~ Q o m >_ m c ~ cmi ~ o rn m a~ arn~ o o a c ~'; N ~ ~ N ~ N > v m ~ ~ Y .S ~ m ~, ~ O ~ N .C N N N J >. ~ ~ ~ ~ L Z' .-. m o m m o c~ m mow Z' m a ~i a a~ a o 0 o m io .. o a~ ,r, mcn~~-z UU¢~ a~ maamcnv~ a cn= cnU U UQx ~=m ~ d cD °' ~ ., .~ A n 7 ~ ~ ~G ~ m C D J ~_ t cn ~_ -o ~n cn cn cn ' v '~ cn v~ ~ cn = v~ U ~' W Y >~ W W W Y~~ W¢ O D p> m ~ ~ J _ m~~ ~ ?~ c `- r Q? 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YO ~ Q 0 ~' p ~ p p Z` VO Z' O (0 O ~ O ~ 2 U~ cnm(n U- J m =UUU m Jm 2UUmU r OOi J v N C N J >, ~vmivi ~umi ~ °umi ~umi~vmi umi ~ ~ ~ °umicmnvmi o ~ ~~ -ww mw ~`' Ew vw ~w owa >, ~ C~www v, o w r ~ ~ ~ J ~ W N 'C ~ C ~ 'j ~ .0 ~ C N tl1 w Q - ~ ~ ~ Y •x L C ~ ~^pao ~^O ~a^ W W W E^ N^ ur0 O N U y m C~^^^ ~ m C~ O^ oQQ ~ co>QN=~QtQ~tQncQA oQ~Q `~Q N ~ `~ ~ N~ dQQQ~' ~ ~ mQ m^^mm^mwz^u]WU]Z^~^~^Qmw~Q~Y^^^~zaJ~^ N W W O O W O M M W U U U Op W (O7 W N W~ 0 0 ~ O ~O O W W W r O N~ M w W W Wcp~pW W WWapW~Wp~WN~00Mr-OW W W~~NMOW ~'ZZdNZa01~~Z^^^NZNZ~ZM~~~~ V'NZZZrn.-~~r-Z i~1 v =C o v o ~ o rn ~ ~ 9!' a> C C ~ ~ ~ L E O ~ m f/1 ~ O ~ >, L m A ~ ~ ~ ~ C C ~y O C N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y ~ > LTjy L C ~ C ~ L ~` ~ Y ~ U N C ~ ~ 3 O m L °' r m L °~ v m o c~ ~ E ~i .c? o p t c~ m o m 0 ._ ~p o o_ cp ~ m~ a0>colUinwcn~~~~~m~~~U~d-~C7--~m~JxC9o-~~Ucn ~i '~ ~ o ~ ~ C N O O~ N V Vl O U C .~ ~/r Y N N~ O N .L_' ,.L-. j O m f~6 ~ l6 N W~ '? 'O y O O f0 N N~~ 7 N V~ 0 0 0 O 3 L N L~~ Y E E O l0 L O~~ ~p fp L L zzaaaaaa~~~~~~~~`"~''cnu~cncncn~ncnin~~~~~~~~~~ lV cD «a~ A & M CONSOL I DAT ED HJGH SCHOOL CLASS OF '67 ROSTER 20 YEAR REUNION Bold face type are members who are definitely attending s ~. David Lawrence Alexander (and Kay) 29 Glen Abbey, Abilene, TX 79606 (915)695-4441 [ Lawre (14), Jay (12)] CPA, Spouse-Regional Director, American Heart Association Howard Neil Anderson, Jr. 2217 South College, Bryan, TX 77801 (409) 822-3236, [ 1 C] Welder Linda Carol Anderson (E. Hamer Paschall I I ) P.O. Box 243, BattleGround, IN 47920 (317)567-2292,494-8527 [Clay(14), Joel(1 1), Amity(8)] Botany Instructor, Purdue University, Spouse-Plant breeder Mary Beth Bailey Helmcamp (Mrs. Trey) 1 1943 Shenandoah Court, Woodbridge, VA 22192 (703) 490-591 1 [M, 3S] (~ Carnell Banks 200 Armstrong Lane, Katy, Texas 77450 Homer David Barrow P.O. Box 3236, Galveston, TX 77552 (409) 744-3605, 744-3604, Assistant Marine Superintendent, TAMU Marine Operations Kevin Robert Bean -Texas Tech Paul David Becker (Donna) 14606 Wind Lawn, Houston, TX 77040 (713)937-9830,229-2425 [Sean Paul (7)] Project Analyst, Harris Co. Adult Probation, Spouse-Supervisor, Automatic Data Proc., Inc Jack Charles Beezley 14331 Turtle Rock San Antonio, TX 78216 JoAnne Berner Thomas 1612 N. Belmont, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 (312)392-2073 [Stephanie(1 1), Mark(9)] Homemaker, Part-time pre-school teacher, Spouse-Engineering Consultant Randy Gwen Wise Bice (Mrs. Richard E.) (409)693-3522,776-2244 [Mark(6), Natalie(4 1/2)]Homemaker, Spouse-Attorney Linda Lee Crenshaw 2 James Center Creswell (and Pat) James L. Boone I I I 4007 RosedaleAve., Austin, TX 78756 (512)458-4497 Stephen D. Boring 17 Rue Jean Beausire, Paris, France 75004 42-72-45-70 Patricia Boriski Gerke L~NeA '~F1tiEr c/o E.J. Boriski 1403 Lawyer College Station, TX 77840 (409)693-6575 Elizabeth Anne Boykin Gunter (Mrs. Tom) 4505 Mountain Path, Austin, TX 78759 (512)345-8162 [Tamara(16), Thomas(13)] Calligrapher & Owner, Left-Write Ink, Spouse-V.P. Motorola James Wilson Bradley Rt. 1, Box 308, Liberty, TX 77575 (409)298-9177 (M, 3C, 17, 7, 2]Construction Charmiile Bridges Tamulinas (Dr. State) 1701 Pinewood, Fort Worth, TX 761 12 (817)457-9882 Janet Lynn Calliham Runkles (Mrs. Richard) 9036 Cody Circle, Westminster, CO 80020 (303)422-7159 (Leslie(1 1), David(7),John(5)] Homemaker, Spouse-Dir. Eng, Stanley Aviation, Denver Jacqulyn Ann Carroll Pinkey 605 Dumas, Bryan, Texas 77801 LaSandra Ruth Cathcart Gault (Mrs. Roger) 9603 Mountain Quail Road, Austin, TX 78758 (512) 836-4420, [Jennifer(8), Martha(6)] Former Teacher, Spouse-Mech. Eng. Tracor Elizabeth Bottrill Clark Lehnert (Mrs. David) 202 McNair, Navasota, TX 77868 (409)825-2099 [ Heather(13), Amy(1 1),Sarah(7),Benjamin(4}] , Day Care Operator, Spouse-Eng. ,Gage Lab :~ Shelley Elaine Cooper Michel (Mrs. Randy) 400 Walton Drive, College Station, TX 77840 (409)693-3522,776-2244 [Mark(6), Natalie(4 1/2))Homemaker, Spouse-Attorney Linda Lee Crenshaw 2 James Center Creswell (and Pat) 3103 Wheeler Street , Austin, TX 78705 (512)477-0973,459-2121x7888 [Andrew(10),Adam(9),Amy(6)],M.D. Neonatalogist, Seton Hospital, Spouse-Office Mgr, Volunteer Center Robert Patrick Culpepper Gayle Eileen Darroch Rt. 1 Box 127, Heth, AR 72346 (501)657-2275 Alfred Webb Davis III (and Sue Ellen) Rt. 1 Box 1355, Bryan, TX 77803 (409)776-9551,589-3176 [Thomas Webb (4), Nancy Diana (2)], Attorney, Spouse-Homemaker Richard Harvey Davis I I I 220 N. 12th Street, Garland, TX 75040 (214)272-7282 [ M, 1 S, 1 D] Owner of Accounting Firm Maurine Elizabeth Dawson CyUh; QF.12,st Carolyn Jean Eimann Gibbens 25261"billow Bend, Sryan, TX 77801, [M, 1D] William Ervin Ethridge (409) 696-8701 [M, 2C] John Deere in Bryan William David Falls Rolando Farfan -Foreign exchange student from Mexico Kerry Ann Fisher Stallings (Mrs. John R. ) 3620 Whiffletree Drive, Plano, TX 75023 (214)596-3616,596-1300 [Timothy (10), Kathryn (8 3/4)] Part-time, Sharon Young, Inc., Spouse-Veterinarian ~~ c'~y ~~r~rp,~~ Paul Embry Garvin P.O. Box 845, Denver, Colorado 80201 (303)321-2015 James Ray Gilbert David Ray Glover Charlie E. Grayer 5207 Canterway, Houston, Texas 77021 Mary Elizabeth Griffin 3 e Pennington Hancock Hervey tMrs. Scott) `'~ Kay an, TX 77803 Rt. 4 Box 42, BrY Elizabeth Scott(7ma.)] ouse-Control Operator, TMPA (409) 823-8253 time Sttage M9r• Theater Complex TAMU, Sp Homemaker, Part c.~UC:~ ~`~K>ca~a~ Barbara Sue Hedges 2300 Avent Ferry Rd, #P-7 ~ Raleigh, N.C. 27606 (919)828-5692 hen Allen Henry (Maxine) Step Springfield, VA 22153 Nurse 8006 Diving Cliff Lane, S ouse- [Laura(15), Robert(12)] Major, USAF, p Thomas King Hensarling Dallas, TX 75217 251 Buttercup Lane, (214) 391-7440, [M,3D] Donna Marie Heritage ~o~~n~m t'~~ar~'A~ a ~lenca,4." Burnest Douglas.Hollis -Deceased YY\tiar~'r~u ~e~1~~. Larry Gene Holt Res-2246 Westwood Mai ~, BuYten602?B Yan, Tx 77801 Mail-3000 Briarcrest D , (409) 822-5396, 776-9551, [Austin (5)] Attorney c, ~<>>~~~ Nr>~~ (Mrs. Allen) Margaret Todd Huebner wX~229 Dallas, 3144 Whitehall Dr• 484-7989 uter Analyst (214) 353-2905, c ouse-Comp [Josh (7) , Matthew (4)1 Homemaker , ~P David William Ib ~~ ~ `~'"~~~~\~ lis (Tommy Walker) Faye Sommervell i~9 TX 78746 Austin , 112 SwiftcurrentTrail, 926-4112 (512) 327-7440, rten Teacher, Ortega Elem•,Spouse-Restaurant Deve oper [Samuels(1)] Kmderga EdethelGayleJackson mes Robert Jackson (and Michele od TX ~ 840 68) Ja 8607 Rosewood D~~ 779 8400 to (409) 764 [Keith(16), Jennifer(1 1)1 Exxon Dealer Terry Miller Jones (aTX 87801 501 College View, 6776-7767 (409) 846-8907' "one in the hatch due July 8"] Dermotologist, Spouse- urs [Jace (8) ,Dean & Drew (5) , 4 Julius LudwigJunek, Jr, a~-~,~N P w ~ ~° e c.ia ~ ~ v vy`~ Rebecca Ann Kirby Larry Neal Laird (Brenda) P.O. Box 177, Tomball, TX 77375 (713)890-7078,937-0086 [Rebecca(10), Britt(8))Master Plumber, Spouse-Office Mgr./Leasing Agent Carolyn Layman (Scott R. Gordon) 3412 "I"Street, Little Rock, AR 72205 (501)666-5563,666-8686 Therapist, Mental Health Center; Spouse-Director, Psychiatric Program David Merrill Lechelt 2734 59th Street, Des Moines, IA 50322 [M, 1s,1D) . Janet Elizabeth Leipper Smith (Mrs. Benjamin F.) Paula Gaye Murphy Letbetter (Mrs, Steve) 331 Enchanted Trail Drive, Spring, TX 77373 [ M ,2S) Kathryn Aileen Litterst Terry Seth Logan P.O. Box 438, Brenham, TX 77833 (409)830-1464,830-0255 [ M, 1 S, 1 D) Baseball Scout, Chicago White Sox y ~~ vs Elmer Mable, Jr. 806 Tarrow, College Station, TX 77840 (409)696-5194 .~-~ Frederick Andrew Maddox (and Ruth Royder CHS'68) 307 Bolton Avenue, College Station, TX 77840 (409)696-2854,361-4410 [Jennifer(7)) Adult Probation Officer, Brazos Co.,Spouse-Laboratory Mgr. Robert Marvin Marcotte, Jr. (and Cindy) P.O. Box 5562, Bryan, TX 77803 (409)775-1894 [Shanna (14)) Student Worker, TAMU,Spouse-Teacher Kennith W, Martin ir11c1~£ V~q`~F~C' ~1 Mary Jane McBride Moran (Mrs. William) 2510 Mountain View Drive, Austin, TX 78704 (512) 444-3190 [Cory(4)] Former Teacher, Spouse-M.D. Y`n~l~ssa 't`s~EGutir~, ~ ~ ssi E, ~ c ~E~~~~ 5 Larkin Arthur McNiel Kenneth James Meyer 1702 Luza Bryan, TX 77801 (409)779-8468 LyndaAnn Miller Britton (Mrs. John R.) 284 Leland Drive, Shreveport, LA 71 105 (318)865-6916, 221-841 1 x 6279 [Chris(18), Jeff(14)] Clinical Microbiologist, Med. Tech., Spouse-Elect. Eng., Pres. Computer Creations Unlimited Lc i ,se. ~'n~r~h~.') Clemmie Lavern Mitchell Idlebird 705 Wellborn Road, College Station, TX 77840 (409)693-$329 ~~ o~~;.~ YY~'.xc+ti Richard Douglas Moon (and Toni) 3314 Hartfield Lane, Spring, TX 77388 (713)350-2553,591-1632 [Russell(13), Christopher(4), Matthew(2)]Sales, Spouse-Homemaker Barbara Jean Moore Yeldell 14710 Steeplechase Road, Missouri City, Texas 77459 (713)437-7048 Kenneth Jerome Morgan Rt. 2 Box 2478, College Station, TX 77840 (409)693-5183 Richard Kenneth Murphy (and Mary) 6931 Mobud, Houston, TX 77074 (713)771-7905 [M, 2S]Engineer-Houston Power and Light Oma Dell Nash !Z ,i1~ rVic~C1S Robert Paul Norton (and Linda) Hockley, TX [M, 2C] Builder Dixie Olden Rt, 3, Box 425, College Station, TX 77840 (~~9)690-0655,399-2821 [Michael Paul(6)] Special Education Teacher Melissa Gray Owens Moon 2303 Bonnie Brae Circle, Tyler, TX 75703 (214)561-0332, [M, 2S] John Dewitt Parsons 6 Blenda Joyce Smith Peterson K1t.,~rEw ~ ~~a~ tx Rebecca Lavonne Plantt Cikalo 713 W. 15th Street, Houston, TX 77008 (713)868-8097, 461-3535, Manager, Southwestern Bell William James Powell 4406 Robinho~i Circle, Bryan, TX 77803 (409)778-2373,845-0907 [Paul(21), Kristy(17)] Elect. Tech. TAMU Academic Computer Center, Spouse-Administrative Asst, Pepsi-Cola Karen Prater Traywick Route 5, Box 391, Chipley, FL 32428 Tommy Ray Preston William Franklin Price 1615 Centenary St., Longview, TX 75601 (214)758-8859,236-3801 [Alison (10), Angela (8), Ben (7)] Physician, OB & (yn,Spouw-Teacher Oliver Wayne Prieve 4A Midway, Sugarland, TX 77479 (713) 490-1327 [M, 2C] Works for TAMU Ext. Serv. William Howard Ramge (and Betty) 80266 Pine Falls, Houston, TX 77095 (713) 550-1945 Self-Employed ~ 1 A N R,t~ 1J 4~A t 1 Linda Elaine Redman Scott (Mrs. William H.) Cheyenne Drive, (409) 690-9600 Wm. H. Scott Construction 1516 Shiloh, Bryan, TX 77801 (409) 779-6086 Asiline Reed Morrison James C. Reed Nancy Osborne Reid 156 Bryn Mawr Drive, San Antonio, TX 78209 (512) 826-5066 Advertising Artist Zaida Raquel Richardson DeSha 125 Elam Park, Lexington, KY 40503 (606)278-2110 David Charles Riedel (and Cathy) -1-H~~Marstefilar-Avenue~East, College Station, TX 77S4fl (409)764-9625 [M, 2C] 7 Allan Dexter Riggs (and Sue) 1 1403 Whisper Moss, San Antonio, TX 78230 (512)493-0536 [Toby (5), Leah (3)] Financial Consultant, Spouse-Teacher Melfred Doyle Robertson (and Betty Jo) 133 Millers Lane, College Station, TX 77840 (409) 693-7888, 845-3888 [Melissa(12), James(7)] Asst. Stores Mgr., Purchasing & Stores TAMU, Spouse-Acct. Asst. I I I ,Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. ,TAMU James M. Robinson 406 Gilbert, Bryan, TX 77801 (409)589-3084 Ray Gregory Rowe Gary Norman Royder Norma Kay Royder Deborah Gwynn Schatte Currie (Mrs. Don) 4317 Cartagena Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76133 ($17)294-0148,535-6495 [Matthew(14), Betsy(10)] Social Studies Teacher, Spouse-Officer, USAF Sharon Lil Skrivanek ::t ~v-k - P~~aNo Beatrice Smith , Cel is Jane Stark Jeter (Mrs. James) Rt. 4 Box 417, College Station, TX 77840 (409) 690- 8230 [ M , 1 S one on the way] Lawrence Ray Sterling 207 Sterlingr College Station, Texas 77840 rs v` ~~ ~.c,; a~ Rhea Kaye Storey Robert Ronald Stump 1 1 1 Hampton, DeRidder, LA 70634 Patricia Lynn Highnote Talasek Ivory Joe Taylor (and Lee Anna) 2307 Wilkes, Bryan, TX 77803 (409)778-2316 John Duane Tyr 6~,in `~h4.13ar~c Y'n,k.~ 11-,e YZt~r~F 8 Karen Juanita Thompson Thatcher (Mrs. David) 1997 Clifton Terrace. Snellville. Georgia 30278 (404)972-8832 [David,Jr,(17), Stephanie(16), Jennifer(13), Travis(1 1), Mandy(7), Ashley(5)] Part-time Community Sch~l Teacher, Spouse-Dist. Mgr., Bergen Brunswig Pharm. Co. Jack Wi 11 iam Upham , Jr. p,~ `~~ ; ~; ~ ~~~ Rt. 1, Box 1 12B, Mineral Wells, TX 76067 (817)325-5022 Laura Louise Vestal McGregor (Mrs. Jim) 4705 Holly Street, Bellaire, TX 77401 (713)664-9090 (Robin (2 1 /2), Andrew { 14 mos.)] Home Executive, Spouse-Architect Boyd Mitchell Vincent Edward Reed Walker it John Steven Watkins 1 10 Pearl St. ,Berea, KY 40403 [M, iC] Cabinetmaker, builder, Spouse-French Te~her, Berea College Ronnie Lee Watson 1 103 Arizona, College Station, TX 77840 (409)696-9173 Wanda Sue McTee Watts David James Wehrly (and Cindi) 204 Holly Hill Road, Enterprise, AL 36330 (205)347-1996, 255-7047/7048 Physician, Spouse-Medical Records Administrator Evelyn Joyce Wells 815 Churchill, Coll Station, TX 77840 (409)696-5474 Joseph Elias White 1382 BreckenridgeAvenue, San Leandro, California 94579 '_wrc~Syv Lt,~ill~~ra Delois Jewel Wilborn Lot 21-B Quail Run, San Marcos, Texas 78666 (512)392-0471,372-1999 (Vincent (19), Zera (13)] Administrator of Community Program for Mentally Retarc~d Wallace Leonard Williams (and Judy) 9870 Broken Bow, Dallas, TX 75238 (214)348-4601, 770-2273 [Quinn(18), Johannah(9), Abbie(5), Cole{ 16mo.)] Advertising Copywriter, Spouse-Homemaker 9 Lrv )V 2\1 l.ti ~1r~cw Dorothy Mae Wilson 1328 Baker, Bryan, TX 77801 (409)779-0271 E1 E:r rnw v t~ ,1 st^ Phyllis Ann Wolf Schroeder (Mrs. William W.) Rt. 1 Box 981 , Coden, AL 36523 (205) 973-1091 [r'1,2S] Piano Teacher Evelyn Worley 1805 Palo Duro Road, Austin, TX 78757 (512) 467-8418,345-5020 (Andrew (7), Anthony(5)] Teaching Ind. Arts at Anderson H.S. Donna Marie Young Nolan Bradford Young GUESTS: William Lloyd Braddy III (and Paula) 9463 Onion Patch Drive, Burke, YA 22015 (703)455-0406 [2D] Capt. USArmy Jahn Gordon McGill (and Charmaine) P.O. Box 26098, Austin, TX 78755 (512)346-2222 Developer 10 A6M Consolidated High School Class of 1968 Roster Jimmy Alexander Frank Echols Peter Alexander, Dayton, OH Michelle Edmonds Mary Amyx Ronnie Arnold Calvin Banks Ronnie Baker Mae Burns Lois Becker Beth Black Judy Boutain Steve Brown Tommy Browder Priscilla Burke Wayne Edwards Susan Eisner Michael England Rod Erickson Susie Fajardo Susan Feldman Henry Fillio Gary Gandy Dan German Mike Gilbert Gerry Godfrey I (~ 7 Linda Burkhalter Susie Goldsmith Lillian Burrell ~ Celia Goode Haddock 5560 Timberwood, CS- Jod Calaway 77845. 690-6670. Owns University Title Co. Effie Mae Calhoun Sharon Graves Ruth Ellen Calhoun Whitt (Mrs. Dave} One Hickory Hills Drive, Texarkana, TX 75503.214-79z-3708. Dr. Dave is an E.N.T. Ruth Ellen is in the arts. Kaye Callahan Lupe Camarilla Mary Dell Cantey Edwin Carll Robert Carlton Susan Cartwright Larry Cikalo Donna Connell William Corley Susan Creech Van Culpepper David Daily Gary Dawdy Harvey Dayton Andy Dean Bob Denton Georgia Diserens Annette Dollar, deceased Bob Donalson Ricky Dowling Jane Grumbles Bill Hamilton Jim Hanna Earvin Harris Fran Haugen Catl-iy Hefti Mike Hein Mike Heritage Frank Hertzog Dickie Hervey Helen Holcomb Graham (Mrs.Sid) Dallas, Banker, sgrhm~juno.com John Holmgreen Janet Ibert Mary Hooper Barbara Jones Barbie Jones Bruce Jones Roy Kelly Rebecca Kirby Stewart Kling Jan Dozier(wife Georgia) 4566 Hicks Ln, Bryan, 776-8723 Judy Kluth Linda Perryman Madelyn Weirus, deceased Linda Koehler David Peters J.T. Wells Eddie Kranz Marion °eters Lamar Whitely Stanley Krenek Rock Ponthieux Y Nancti Wiese Bill Landiss Lee Powell Larry Wilhoit Jeff Lawhorn Mike Powell Doug Williams Charles Leinweber Wa ne Powell Y Joe Williams Robert Linton Glenda Pruitt Cosetta Wofford Jane Liverman gill Putz Betty Young Chris Longley Jonna Ramey Bonnie Young Walton. ~' Judson E.. Loupot, 6001 Thoroughbred Rdg, CS 77845, 695-9442. Now owns three bookstores Bill Loveless Kristy Ranck Helen Ze her P Keneta Luedecke Billy Randall Angela Harlowe Asline Reed Dann Ha es Stan Lynch Mike Mackin Wanda Marquart Richard Martinez Robert Martinez Betty Jo Matous Willie McKenzie Marilyn Melcher Andrew Merchant Curtis Merchant Lynda Miller David Minor Carolyn Mitchel La Treece Mooney Phil Morley Robert Murphy Steve Murray Tereleen Mayette Barbara Myers Phil Nash Leon Nelson James Nichols Judy Nolan Donna Norton Sandy Norton Chris Nowak Donald Rex Randy Robertson Melba Royder Dan Ruch David Seay Philene Sanders Tommy Shelton Newton Shepard Vicki Simmons D'Rinda Smith John Sperry Sally Stark Juanita Sterling Carolyn Stewart Linda Stewart Sandra Tenorio David Terral Howard Terrell Y Y David Columbus Joanna Thames ~,~~,~r1GN L~1~. Sv°Igr~ pN4 f3-'v~A~c~l L_.~r~u "srec . Liao°rr~- 1 ~3 ~ Tchr ~~t_t E~ . SpF~c ~.~'~ -tr~b~'h Carolyn Thompson Locke Wade -'c~~:rhn"~~,;Cne:x~~u Tommy Walton (Married Bonnie Young) 1005 Domini CS, 77840. 695-2299. He's a pharmacist, She does Stained Glass. Bill Watkins Ennis Watson Jacky Perryman Adolph Watthuber `~ A6M Consolidat ed High School Class of 1969 Roster Sid Alexander Bob Franke Kit Kling(Chris J.) Married Gwen Altman Heather Gaines Janet Arnold. 1511 Wayfarer Ln. CS 77845, Dudley Anderson Kristen Gardner 690-0867. Beverly Arnold Carl Geick Kenneth Kotler Terry Arhopulos Seth Gibson Rick Lambert Katheryne Banks Lendon Gilphin Lori Laster Jeanne Ballinger Sophia Genzales Andy Layman Barbara Barker Susie Gonzales Bryan Liepper 714 Terra Ct. Lope Barron Guy Gooding Reno NV 89506-9606. 702-972-6995. Designs Philip Barrow Tura Gunter Electronic games for Harrah's. James Basset Sherry Haight Ben Liles Beth Becker Mary Hanna Debbie Lindsey Donna Bennet Jean Harris Jean Linger Nanette Boriski Ocie Harris Mil<e Litterst Cynthia Boyd Toby Harwell Bob Liverman Diane Brooks Dale Henry Bob Logan Willie Brown Lester Hines Lance Lowry William Burch John Holleman Alonzo Mablr Tanya Burkhalter Janet Hollie Paul Madeley Steven Burns Mildred Hollis Ray Malone James Butler Robert Austin Holt (Married Sharon Wallace) 2202 Bastrop Circle , Bryan, 77808, ~»~t~+~=~~'-`a Ruth Carr In charge of B lub's Golf riarcrest Country C Robbie Carter Course, especi _ ally grasses. ~-'~-+~ r~~' y ~`'1 Mary Chambliss Nell Holt Robert Manning Leroy Clark David Huddleston Arthur Martinez Louis Cothran David Huff Sally Martinez John Cowsar Mary Hunt Matey Matous Lee Anna Darroch Mike Ibert Bill McGuire (wife is Ok)250' Bart Inglis Fitzgerald. CS, 77845. Gwendolyn Davis 696-6034. Banker Tommy Dayton Kenneth Jeske Dorothy McMurry Fos Kenneth DeLucia Doris Johnson Jerry Meier Allen Denton James Johnson Mark Mikulec Paul D'ieckert, Opthalmologist Mike Mills George Dobson,teacher in Garland Marcy Moore Karen Dowling Juliette Junek Sharon Moore Debbie Fisher Jan Kemler Carol Myers George Ford Kay Kimbro Ann Niles William Ford Rebecca Kirby Russell Odom Jod i ne Fost~a^ Robert Olden Sally Owen Paul Oxley, Teacher in Austin. Nancy Palmer Barbara Parsons Dean Patton Judy Perry Janet Puckett Pat Quimby William Roy John Reeves Rene Richardson Douglas Richter June Sanders Robbie Schleider Kenneth Schneider Carol Schroeder Doyle Sebesta Diane SeFcik Virginia Shanks Louise Sharp Gloria Smith Robert Smith Bobby Smith Larry Staten Jerry Storrs Robert Street Linda Stump Ray Surovik ..^_e t'1'1BM J 1 1 Oh' n t Dorothy Sweed Willard Taber Evelyn Thompson Freddie Townsend Irene Washington Darlene Wells Susan Westbrook Ruth White Kerry Wilson Rasteen Wilson Wanda Wo1F Guy Woodward Jessica Young Mike Muth Barbara Killough Thomas Wooten ~~ a 0 0 0 n 0 0 n 0 A 0 n 0 n 0 z n 0 0 1. Bill Cosby, the first black to star in a TV drama series, appears in 2. Sales of this item of sports equipment near $100 million. a) Surfboards b) Shuffleboards c) Skateboards 3. A new expression becomes part of the language. It is a) Pop-top b) Pop art c) Pop Tarts 4. Jack Nicklaus's earnings of $152,000 surpass the previous record, set by golfer 5. When Bob Dylan plays here, he's booed for playing rock 'n' roll. a) The Grand Ole Opry b) The Ed Sullivan Show T I M E CAPS U L E lip;' ~; v ~ ~ - ~. ~'-~ ~,~ T: ~ , ~~~ j"bk r "~,4 ~ ~. BONUS ouESrloN: On 1 Dream of Jeannie, what won't censors let genie Barbara Eden bare: (a) her legs, (b) her navel, or (c) her soul? c) The Newport Folk 8. NASA launches Festival the first commercial satellite, named a) Tiros b) Tinker Bell c) Early Bird 6. The Houston Astrodome opens with the first indoor a) Monster-truck demolition b) Baseball game c) Superbowl 7. This beauty expert dies, leaving 110 products that bear her name. a) Helena Rubinstein b) Georgina Revlon c) Maybelline Getzendorf 26 FRIENDS SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1997 1965 LBJ escalates the Vietnam War. The Voting Rights Act is passed, d 'k't b is the first pitcher to a) Hurl two perfect games b) Fly combat missions in Vietnam c) Pitch four no-hitters an m2n2S 2r S are fa 10. Who says "How in- BY MICHELE MACDONALD credulous...that in this fragile existence we ~~ should hate and destroy r ~~~ ""~,, ~, one another"? '~ ~ a) Martin Luther King ,.~ " , p~ " ~~ o b) Lyndon Johnson c) John Lennon k 11. Protesting discrimi- nation, 25,000 people join a freedom march to 12. A power blackout leaves 30 million people in the Northeast and Canada without elec- tricity. It's caused by a) A storm b) A failed relay C) Human error (q) :.ca~nzsuv smog (q)'ZI (q)'II (q)'OI (~)'6 (o) 8 (v) L (q) 9 (~) S (q) b (~) ~~ (~) ~~ (Q)' j ~ S 2i 3 M S N `d 0 0 a) Cape Town, South Africa b) Montgomery, Alabama C) Washington, D.C. a) Mission: Impossible b) I spy C) The Man From U.N. C.L.E. a) Bobby Jones b) Arnold Palmer c) Sam Snead MADE IN AMERICA (A Night of Music) A & M CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS May 8, 2959 Somewhere in America, 24 hours a day, Music is being made, and muoh of it is truly made from the fabric of our American li.i's...i'rc~, religious fervor to rock-and-roll; from our folkways music to frenetic jazz---all these variations are "made-in-America". Your annual Night of Music offers this year a variety that includes spirituals and show tunes, sentimental ballads and progressive jazz. Each of these things represent some phase of music that our country has given to the World of Music. t'~ 'F ,* r'1F ~~ aC ~~ 1 ~~, 1 ~ ' -~ '~ ~ ~. ~~~ ~ ~z FO--~U~' 0 ~~~ ~~ m c~+ w x w n ~ ~ ~ one c w ~ ~' ~ ~+ ~ ~...r c+ CD N rh ~i CD O O ~ O ~~i w a W .~ w o O x ~ w ~ N n ~~ ~ t~y y~ r W ~~ N- ~ ~ N ~ Q, O ~~ ~' w N n~ n o H ~ ~ o y ~ NN~A ~~ o wm x c~D•w c~j-II' ~ c~ ~ ££m ~' K CT' N ~ ~ ~~,~ ~ ~ ~ N• o w ~ b 0 --- a. ~ N ~ ~ ~ W N R+ O CA X ,,,. ~ rn ~ z o `~ DS ~i m m~~O ~ m O rni c+ fii -i K ~3 `Cis R (p Iii. ~~ o ~~~ ~i ~+ o `~~$ ° ~ w c+ ~"i m w• -°-n •r c~+ Y N r ~ `~- H x ~ ~ C'] ~' ~ ~n c+ m ~• w c~+- c~i- H ~ ~ C!1 H O ° ~~~o~ ~~~~~~~~ ~G1,HH ~ ~ ~ ~ H~ ~~ t0-~ ~ ~ ~ ~oNt~mocn 0 o m rrn oNO c+ ~ c+ ~ ~• ~ ~ tri N K v~ N ~ m rn ~ ~~++ 'TJ O H w ~' C=J K ~ wN ~ U2 ~~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~x~ o~~ m~~ m - ~ ~ ~ ¢ `ti N a" N R. '=J w o r m r~ o ~ [6 ~ ~ cf ~ pip ~' ~ m a. N• ~ O 'wLf' m ~ ~ .~ ~o ~ ~ a ~ ~ h ~ O: Ci' ~ O t~ (D tD ~ K ZsO.' w 9 ~ ~ ~ nN:~~m ~ ~ h O ~ ~' ` c +- ' is' ~ i~ -, p' 1 O O ~-i ~ ~ ~ H O ~e ~ .~ c D D R n C~ ~ ~cF~ ~ w H ~ ~ N c+ Foy x ~ (D ~~•~ O c+q ~ w m dt=J (tj w o w~ ° rn `~ ~ ~ W W III •J ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c+ cn N ~ ~ m n y ~ C7 `~ ~ ~ K ~• c0+ O ro ~ pmp ~rj ~ F-~ N ~ ~~ ~ ~3 A~ sd iTs W 'O'' O 0 0 ~~ ~~N ~Q~ ~~ o H U] ~ m ~ ~ ~ o ~, K ~S' Ir e+ ~ ~ HO ~~ x W ~ ~ ,~ µ° c+ m m t~D yy ly H ~ W K K a~ N c~+ W K (D n c+ y N f1. O x 0o 0o ~ N C-! ~~n µo µ~ ~ ~CI] Gc 'ti ~ cD ~ b ~ ~• - b x O U01 y5' F~ c+ W ~ N ''d c-. O ~ actor`-~~ ¢ wc+~ ~ W SLY ~ R+ N ~ m ~ 7C N c~+ R. ~ ~ ~~! N ,vim Lo ~ ~ f.Z m H ~ ~i ~-+~ pr t~~ M ~ ~ zn e0* N~ ~$ a ~~ryx`~ O M ~ n ~ cb c~+ ~ x ~~ ~ m m ~ a, ~ ~i ~ O Q.. ~ w to -- A~ O O c+ X N ~ ~ -7 o c+- AAfi (D R' to ~' a' v ~ ~ ~~ h-' c+ H H n r hosts acid ~i.tches Paraded At the Trida Costume Part Y ~ =hosts, goblins, witches and like paraded on the eve of lloween night at Frankenstein tl, near Monster Atley. Zoss hung light fixtures shad- w~ ialloween masks, big pOks of boiling witches Cv, a bIcck draped casket and a stage full of monsters decorat- Alexander, daughter of Mr. and ed Frankestein Hall, called St. Mrs. James Y. Alexander of Col- Andrew's Annex on ordinary lege Station; Lucy McDonald nights, for the Friday costume , daughter of Judge and Mrs. W party given by three junior high . T. McDonald, and Ruth McGill school girls, , daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A G Hostesses for the mass meeting . . McGill. of Halloween spirits were Kim As the 250 guests arrived they were asked to sign their names in "blood" on the monster I register and review the body in the casket. The costumed youngesters from A&M Consolidated and Lamar Junior High Schools danced to eerie sounds, quite similar to rock 'n roll and other recorded music. Prizes were awarded to the best waltzing couple, best jitterbugers, best couple in the statue dance and the best in the broom dance. Also. prizes were awarded to the prettiest girl, most hand- ' some boy, "spookiest" girl and boy and for the most original costume. The black covered refresh- ment table with dryed bleached bone appointments was centered with a big black pot of boiling witches brew. Placed at both ends of the table were doughmlt trees, shaped like w i t c h e s brooms. Behind a big sci°een near the end of the hall, the mysterious Madame- Marie told the little witches and. goblins' fortunes, At odd intervals a strange creat- ure, who looked like a real witch, haunted the hall. On the stage at the end of the hall a red devil sat in a chair holding a pitch fork. A white draped ghost hovered at his left, and on his right, a witr)} dressed all in black stood stir- ring a caldron full of smd'xing brew. ~IUNGRY GOBLINS -Hungry goblins and ghosts gobble up doughnufs by the dozen at fhe Halloween eve costume party liven by three junior high school girls for 250 or so of (heir classmafes of Sf. Andrew's Episcopal Church Annex-renamed ?rankensfein Hall for the occasion. Girls giving the party were Kim Alexander, Lucy McDonald and Rufh McGill. (Eagle ?halo by Gene Dennis) 8 college station, Taxa~THE BRYAN DAILY EAGLE T1+ueadari M°~' Y'~ »s~ ryan- er ®~ ress - ra s 0 1 ate ons Thomas Dan Earl Franklin Caros, R,ichar Earl Rudder, president o1 chael Beamer, Lee Carlton, Rex Travis Cat 'Texas A&M University, will Beauchamp. be guest speaker at A&M Con-' Karen Ann BeriLindaoLee HaroldrCartereCharles Jaco selidated High School gradua- Gayle Bishop , tion tonight in the high school BJanetElaine Botner,BDarrell CaCathryn Cleland, Chart gymnasium. Students graduating in the. Ronald Brown, Yoland Jean Ray Courim, Jean Anne Davi 8 p.m. ceremonies are: Burkhalter, James Craig But- Janet Gayle Dayton, Margar~ S a r e Kimmel Alexander, ler, Philip Charles Butler. Rose Deason, Donald Chary James William Amyx III, PAUL KENNETH Calaway Michael~F. DoranarKayDVass~ Alexa Ann Avera, James Mi- Jr., Mary Elizabeth C_a1ho~ Douglas, John Thomas Dtr can, Margaret Nell Durst. Katherine Anne Edwarc Claire Beth Elkins, Donna Je< Files, Peter Gail Fagan, Sa dra Caro 1 Free, Willia Charles Gilmore, John Willia Gladden. LARAY LYNN Godfre ~ Christelle Marie Goodir i Claude Darrell Gossett, C+ !,Merl Gough Jr., Carlyne M Gough, Janet Florence Gou Isabel C. Gramatges. Billie Jean Greer, Virgin %Gregory, William Birch Har III, Russ Parker Harwell, Ge gia Ann Heritage, Jerry I ward Holbert, David Nile Holmgreen. Scott Allen Ho Carolyn Kay Hooper, Pa cia Lynn Hornsey, Patricia ] --: - Hotchkiss, Sylvia Ailese Ha - ~`'- ton, Martha Jane Houze, J quelyn Kay Hunt, Johal Karen Johnson, James Rot Jones, Carolyn Dianne K~ mer, Karlene Knebel. Bernice Margaret Kret Susan Elizabeth Layman, i san Carol Lee. DIANE LOUISE Leip Kathleen Elizabeth Lewis, 7 da Louise Liles, Michael ing Linger, Bruce Lolma~ Harold Glenn Luedecke, C dia Radle Luedke, Sharon Lynch. David Thomas Maddox> via Ann Mansfield, Jane E~ Martin, Ruth Gordon Mc ~"'~ Fred Richter McNeil, L _ _ !Louise Meiller, Tommy C I Meinecke. ' Sherry Lynn Mims, Rc I.ee Morris, Frank Rowl rison III, David Wayne ' phy, Dora Charlene Ogle, vid Leroy Parson, Vir Ann Patterson, John V 5allye Jane Sorenson. Kath- leen Jane Sperry, Barbara Sue Staten, Elizabeth Ann Stelly, Walter Andrew Varvel, Daniel Truett Whitt Jr., Alice Putz Van Winkle. Timothy Mark Wolters, Fred Willard Worley, Gail Dianne Ventuti and Sharon Arn Yea- Perry III. DICK HARRIS Pew1 ~ Sylvia Kay Price, Robert Reid, Randolph G. Richar Deborah Lynn Rose, Diane Ross, Linda Lynn der, Jonathan Sharon, tme Louise Schroeder, iShaffer, Rosemary Sharp. i4v Marv Sloan. .. -. ~` ' - -i `~ -~ ,t -. r L: C J n~ C .-1 C +~ c rn r-i C 6 O !C O .-a C G~ C (17 L~ +~ t Q~ r - c a t~ ~ O •~ i~ ~ tr -+~ ~ Q} L O .J _I C r .-~ G R R L U:= R ~ t C C t-~ ~ m •.~ a (t - ti (n .n - c~ c . m tit c. m rn ~r~ ~ c m c c; •-~ m c ..~ c o (^ ~ n r; t ~ -~ 'cc~ e c ti . C - R R •• f-i (C r-a r+ Ci N N E O 1 C - tS' •rr > L' J R' U; L E- ••1 ~ •~-r -?- > - ~+ R o eo N•ra Q- o a~ m z c-+ •rt ~ ~' 7 X F- lC' r-I r-. (~ O' C zr ~ ~ z o (r, a~ m m t n : > (v ti z (r t~ - Q; r-i O C ~- ra ~ c, ..a .. R' L~ J 'L ti O C. C r-. ~, f t~ ~ c. -(~ ac a m ~ E c.~ r cn a c~ c (n ~ _ c cr to c ~, t' (~ cr } a~ r~ ~ o c, > >. a . - c a .-, r > a Lfl {. Y C ~r (t ~ L+ C C_ ~ .Y C C r--I ? G. (_ C f-i •ri c c e c c. c L' ,[ r-a t O Ir C F C do^Cs Z ~'C' S C_ --~ G F- L ' Z C l~ U'. r-+ L~ F- E- .,. ~ ~=1 > > ,~ ~ ~ c~ T _x7 ct 7 D 7 ~~ I = ~ , D c'+ J _~ 'l al ~ O `<: 1 iA JJ a :A H r• 7 _, 11 h r--+ ~ 7 ~ 2 7 -) -0 J 3 ~ :.J ''' 7 D r• D ;J 7 9 ~ M ~ j ~ . ~ K c+ `G Q 7 ti. J O iD :D A c -~ o - _ ~- o t ~J 3 7 ? O !_ .• :D J 'y O T 'l - 1) U7 - 'y -~ lJ) i]J c+' O C9 Q I--~ Q ~-+ ~ v) J r o r• :D 7 ~ .1 -~ y 3~ (D I"' ~1 r• N v7 r• CA 77 w ~~' :D ~ it f-~ '~ (D `G J ri u~ Z J .•• -'l J N FJ ~~ ~ H Jl `G 1 w~ ;~ a 7 Jl .1 -• ~ O _17 ~ .7 O `f ~U O J T ,U G . r• H 7 7 :D iA "Y 7 O ~i ;~ ~ Q '~ N ~ ~.-i. C Fes; ~- rr ~ 7 c'r _7 Jl .:~ J O O "7 - < 7 ~ r• U7 r• (A _Z .v J) tD `< 7 ~?o Ct . ~iii~, W D a~// l'iR V W W N W F=- z `' W C7 ~ _Z ~ 0 of O a h 0 '^ U ~ ~ a ~ ~ ` c=i i~ I. 0 ~ N o Q ~D N a G J NV W f ~ a W m ~~ Z A~ W = ~ J ~~ ~ o a J o Q ~~~ - a Z = 4 ,r v' U r r~~ a m ~ ~„ ~~ ~ ~ ~, `, o ~ W W 0 J ~ N O o~ c W ~ ~' ~ a F ~ ~ Y ~.:. .l :. W c J cps J -' ~ -..o in uJ 's=" °' c ~ __ ^ ~ D ~ Z t J ~~ 0 c U O J '. .o u~i .J P Z ~~ ZO ~ Q.• ,7 Q i = N ,--~ a o W Z ~ ~ o ~~ , '' ` ~ U VI X0 P '^ u _ ` ~ ' - 1` F .~.,, a W W Q W 4 ~ V o J /~Wyy ~ N li „ z C4 O '^ u Q F < -~ r-.~.. ~ i ~ ~i T .'t S f-~ 7 ---1 ~ ~ -{7 _r --i d r O = C iD U O r• z r• tD '~ N• h ~ ":7 7 rf :7 ~ O ~ O 1.7 A 7' !D O (A fTl ~ +l r• ~ • C .. 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THE ALLE~'~' ;VfILlTARY ACADEMY requests the pleasure of your presence at its informal -- VALENTINE DANCE *;,, Saturday Evening February 13, 1965 '`~~ ;. 8: p. m. to 11: p. m. , <. at the Hurst Student Center 1 :~~~r 1+;,~~,` ,~' r ~ .~ on the Allen Academy Campus ~ THE ALLEN MILITARY ACADEMY requests the pleasure of your presence at the SPRING DANCE Hurst Student Center March 20, 1965 Informal 8:30 to 11 p.m• e T17E ALLEN ~WIL/TAR1" ACADEMY requests the pleasure of yoatr presence at its in/ormn! AUTUh1N DANCE ,~ '° Saturday Evening November 14. 1964 - 8: p. m. to 11: p. m. ~/ ~ j Jw at the Hurst Student Center ~~( on tb~~ Allen Academy Campus ... ~~P ~YXe~ ~iXitttr~ ~t~~ent~ requP$#$ #~P ~Xett$ixrr of ~o~r ~re$ente tt# #~e ~uYX~ ~ttncr ~~xrs# ~#~tt~~n# Chen#er ~PCem~Pr ~.~, ~~~4 ~urm~X .S~m #a ~. ~.~m ~, ~" /~""' ~~~ s° ~ ~ ,;"'~_ .~ ' ~ , •- ~~ - ~ - - °I -~ - ~ .: "~ r ` ~, ~ .. ~-~ •~. - ~/X ~,c ~. ,~ ~i ~ r T, 1 ~~ / n, ~ ~~ ~~v ~a - ~~ _ ~~~ ~ ~~~~ ell ~~~~ ~~. ~ a :~ ~~ ~.~~~z ~-~~ ~u,9--~ cam, Y .~,~.~ ~ .~~~~ `~"-~ vv-v ~~. 1n1 f rn ~ ~ p ~~ ~," ~'~r~ ~ ' i..> .~~ ~ ~~v ~ ~, ~"L~ ~~~ ~~~~ L i~ ~ _ ~~~~ ~~ ~u~-~1~ ~~~ ~r~.~ ~ ~~~ ~~~, f~; ~~-z.~~ p ~r ~ ~s~~ -~~ ~ .mss ~~-~~ o ` \, F> .~ ~ ~ , c~~-~~~ ~ ~..s~~ ~~,~~ ~ .~~.~ ego ~- p a i V ~ ~ o .~ ~~ ~, ~„m y~.o e~ ~~ ~ , ~11.~ 1 g~tir~0~~'2~ 1 J~Yti~J~~._R.k~ ~'~9-~ti ~" , `~ ~`QJ ..J~L~ ~~-~S1.J~:~LJ V ~ v - i ~~ ~, ,~ ~, ~. 0 ~'V ~SC4.C; ~~4SfV 1 ~L~'S~S~J ~U.Q> ~~~V~• L~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ c~ C O E> ~ ~ ~..;~~-~~ ~vS~..~C> ~4-,,~~> ~ cam- ~ ~Y~ .~s~ E~ -'-._. _.-_~ V lJ / _ _ C~J.. _ _ _ ~15~-~ -, ~a~~~.~:~ ~~`~ ~___1_ ~~.,~. ~i~ ;`' o ~ ~ ~ 0 ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~~~ 0 Z~ ~u-o~-rtiv c~~~l~nsz, U.3--~.. ~~~ru~ ~ c9-~r,9~; ~~~ ~~~ ,' ~ ~~ ~-° ~~ ~Y~~~~~~~~ ~,.,~?-ems c~-~v ..~,,~c~~5, ~ .~~~x~, ; l~,'''~J ~ ~``~ 0 ~ ~~ a C- Q J C~~ ~1~ ~~) ~ ~~~~ 1 ~~` s :.,~.~r'~ ~;w~~-,-~;~, ~; ~., rU 9~ r~~ v i- I - R ,' i ~~ o ~' ~" -a ~u.~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~`1 . .s ~q, ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~-~ v~~ u.~.-~~,,~ ~ c~~~,' ~-~~~C'~ gym. __ ~+~~ ~.N v V~ 1T' 6 ` ~ ~~ ~ i, `~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ti ~~~.~~~~~ a~ . ~~~~~~ `hr`s' ~r.~ ~c~ ,~l..q~ '~.~ ~r~ -~-~~ J ~, ~ o ~ A` .~ c -~1~.. 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Days Absent - - Days Tardy -- - Attitude Satistactory - Wastes Time -- - -- -~ Class Preparation Satisfactory /` /C V > /K /~ . / ( V ~ y ~ Disturbs Class Resents Authority Conduct 7 ~ I~ ~ 5 ~ rj GRADE fy-7 I /7 /TI O/ I~~ gz ~/ 6 .1 1 TO PARENTS The statements which ace checked by the teacher apply to this student in this class and to the period for which the report is made. PLEASE SIGN A~1) R~TI3RN ,^ Lst Peu~iod - =' - . _>. .-==-----•=~:"'~,'s.vl,'.y-~.--• 2.nd Perio -~f~ _ .. ........---....--. 3¢yd Period -- --•-- - r~~ - •- ::• .............5 4th Period .- --- ----•---•---- •---••-- ------••------- ~~-..... bt'h Period G~E~~~C~c2, _.~_ _~~~.~--......._........ ABM CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL REPORT CARD - ~;~ STUDENT ~/ ~( ~~.~ -,~ ~~ T SUBJECT ~~~~~ ~j~j YEAR ~ ~ _ - _ /~, TEACHER i/ii1 /~-~iJ?iLGI ~(~ ~.-~iC/~•--3-~/ PERIOD ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Avg. Days Absent -~ Days Tardy - -------- Attimde Satisfactory Wastes Time Class Preparation i Satisfactory Disturbs Class _ _ _ _ __ _I Resents Authority Conduc[ 5 S ~ / J S I GRADE i S(3 I g D I ~3 i ~~ I ~f~ ~b I~ ~' TO PARENTS The statements which ate checked by the teacher apply to [his student in this class and to the period for which the report is made. PLEASE SIGN- 6ND ~jIFiYURN - l~s~t Period ..',./..~! -- TT ----•- -- ....... .. _ ~..--. 2nr1 Perri - -- --- - --- . .. ....................:_. 3¢id Period --•• ..............~t~f. ~ .-........--- 4t~ Period -------•• -----I• ..... ..... .... .... . . ~.--• - -•......-..-. 5th Period -!/!%u~- ---- •• - ~C.C.d .... ............., ~~ 6 Ac&M CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL REPORT CARD STUDENT Anne_ Davis SUBJECT Social Studies 6B YEAR ~1195~~J7 TEACHER ff /"7~y~/ ~~ ~~~~~~~ PERIOD 1 2 3 4 5 6 I Avg. Days Absent i - -' - --- - -~ ~ Days Tardy i Attitude Satisfactory Wastes Time _ Class Preparation Satisfactory ~ /, ~y/ r, . ~N / ~ !~ Disturbs Class Resents Authority Conduct ~ G ,S S I S GRADE lh .~ ~~' ~ 7!~ 7~ ~ ~i ~ 11 t ~ TO PARENTS The statements which ate checked by the teacher apply to this student in this class and to the Deriod for which the report is made. PLEASE SIGN AALt) R~U _i ~ r ;: Ls~t Period ,c----, - .:.:;.r:~.:~ .s..:.- `- - ,, 2nr1 Periodo?~..._.: - - ~L,r~.G~u. .............. 3ayd Period - •----..... - -~ - --............. -::. y- 4tn Period - • -•- - -•--............ 5t'h Period -- ---- -- ---- - -•- -----~ ----................ STUDENTIL_~ A&M CONSOLIDATED JUNIOR H.S. SECTI^N7 R CTICAL FINE ARTS REPORT CARD P A AND YEAR/q~9 HOMEMAKING SH^P HANDWRITING ART MUSICMAKING CT , ~ I ` ~ I s I S 5 S I S GRADE _ _ '` PARTICIPATI^N ~ ~ ~ c J ~~+ SAT15 FACT^ RY CLA55R^^M C J I ~ C J J BEHAVI^R ~ i TEACHER + y REMARK5 ABzM CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL REPORT CARD eer STUDENT w. ~_ /1 ~f`~// ~~~ w SUBJECT ~. •~P`~ YEAR TEACHER ~ ~ C PERIOD 1 2` ,"~ 3 4 5 6 Avg. Days Absent /1 /~ C . D Days Tardy C `1 C•/ /t' i.J Attitude Satistactory Wastes Time (aass Preparation Satisfactory - Disturbs Class Resents Authority Conduct „~ ~ 5 L/ C `/ 47 GRADE ~ ~'I ~ ~~ l..- I ~~ ~I t.I TO PARENTS The statements which ate checked by the teacher apply to this student in [his class and to the period for which the report is made. PLEASE SIGN AN1> R$TURN fi 2nd Period~~~!- 3rd Period ~~i • _ 4.1~ Period :'~~-`~<~~ •---'......._.-. -•--•- 5th Period =:,-• "G.<_._~ ABzM CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL REPORT CARD STUDENT ~ .~ ~ _ _~_ SUBJECT r~~ t y, ~ r~ ' C ~s u YEAR ~ di y ~ ~ L n TEACHER ~~AJ ~."~~~`~ PERIOD 1 2 3 4 S 6 Avg. Days Absent n +'J ~ O O <•1 !~~ Days Tardy Attitude Satistactory / / / / V / V V Wastes Time Class Preparation Satisfactory Disturbs Class Resents Authority Conduct GRADE ~ ~ I ~ ~ (' ~~ C- I C'•I TO PARENTS The statements which are checked by the teacher apply to this student in this class and [o [he period for which the report is made. PLEASE SIGN ANU RE RN ls~t Pea•iod . -.-..--- - -~~_ .................. l~E'~!~ ./Y.'. . 2nd Period ----..-... 3rd Period 4th Period -•----•-•--. ...-. 5th Period - - - --...-.. kca : a~J......... A&M CONSOLIDATED SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Subject REPORT TO PARENTS f ~^,~,~~~~1/12:C~......School Yr. 19.L° /.19.~?.2- < ~~~.~ ~ ......... Ci1a3a~~~e,asZ~l~/LZ.`:SV•fr, .:........ WEEKS " 1 2 PERIOD ~ sem. Exam Sem. 4 Grade _ ~ 6 V gem. Exam Ssm. Ye•r Grade Ava. Crsdic E.reud U Catd y ABSENT .. ~ _ ~ , ~ ~ Q a~~ en- 0 ~ ~ P ~~ ~1 ~ ~ } / ~ ~~ Teacher !'rincipal A&M CONSOLIDATED SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL PORT TO PARENTS • .....School Yr. 19.(Q~ .19.~Gt Subject ~~L~~~IR~/e ~ ..... WEEKS PERIOD '~ 2 ~ 8em. Exam Sem. ~ Grade ~ 6 V gem. Esam Sem. Y•ar Grade A Cndk g~rn~d GRADES Tudy ABSENT Citizens ship Teacher i'rincipal A&M CO SOLIDA7ED SEN10R HIGH SCHOOL ~` REPORIT T{O~ PARENTS CJ .. I~.:~ : Y :e-`~: t ~l, .F!.~l.V ~.S . S hoot Yr. 19.. ~~ I ~ SubjeM •. G-1. ~. ~.:ec .~. ~ . .-t~!-. ~ n / .19. l~ dom. ~~~~- ... Class .Y.'.'~t~~ h ~'1.~.!~........ the senior class aj a. and m. consolidated presents......... ~~ ,, i~ ~~~ december thirteenth and fourteenth nineteen hundred and sixty-two seven-thirty in the evening i a. and m. consolidated auditorium C a P B y a u n t by brandon thomas .~.: a S (~O x]„ ~ ~' 33. ~ a f0 ~ CA ~" O n O I~ ~ e+' t0 A y ~ Q y ~ ~, y (O .... f0 GSA y ~ to ~ ~~ V) °" x 0 O y V) t0 t0 .~. ~ C !O ~~ A P O p s sL eo ~ ^ O S' ~ f0 e.y ~t y f0 y S1. (O ~ ~. i] n ~ R' f0 f1 -y ~.. t0 ~ Vf ~ O ~ f0 ~ ,` o ,d O ~. O "~+e O O Q S O ~ ~ 'cy ~ O~ ~ Q' y (~ .,..y R' ~ n ~ .Z. " SY ~ lq ~ S~ ~ -e y .. tp F3. "~ O y O 'b <O ~ ~. y p C1 O ~ ~ y ~ f0 ~ O Q" ~ ~. y ~ t0 FS. y f7 f~ 7Q" f1 O ~ O ^~ w -O "~ n 7J t 0 . r e ~ S, SY ~ " `~ y 73' ~ ~ y ~~ f1 y y ~ i3 p ~ ~ ` 'd ~ ,,, .,, • e i . ~ C ~ y ~ Q ~ ~ ~ 3 , 7S' ~ a. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A CA ~ ~ S~ C ~ n O+ ~ Q ~ „ „ y Q' f1. tp O f7 :~. "~ ~., `.G t0 t0 N y <O X f0 ~ ; • ,,,~ ~ t c~ C o ~ ice. ' O ~ A y ... C y C' ~ ~ ~ u. Q. ~ ~' sa: h o .~. .... ~ ~ ; y ~ S e-~ .-. y ~ ~-.+ ~ ~ 0• O ~ 7~ A ~ ~ C ~ t0 i,.. Q "~ i~ ~ v O to t 0 ~ ~ `~' ~ ^~ ~ , t 0 ~ co n O i~ O w ~~ O f0 y ~ A- 3 3 y ~O W ~ Q. Q ~^,,,C b b t1 'C3 tq to y ~ O O e'1 y 7Q' ~ ~ fA ~y-- b e~i (A W C ey-~ y -~ ~' p ~ y R f0 ~ ~ ~ y ':.' ~ ~ m ~ ~ y er ~ y ~ y <O ~ ~ t~ ~ ~ y ~ ~ ~R" GS] ~ ~ FS. .d S~ ~ ~ ~ O f1 ~ er f0 ~• O ~+ y ~ O L1. ~ In ~ X O ~ t0 SZ -e .O"C. y eZ" n y Q. O ~ ~ "C7 73"' y ~ ti ~ ~ ~ f1 O p .. ~ f7. ~' ~" Q' Q' 7 O d O X ti., t0 O f1 ~ Q ~ V1 fp ^ O O n =0. ~O f1 X A Q y L] "`~f.A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~y "~ ~G f0 f1 Q ~ ~ y ~ ~ ~ QC" R. p y ~ O ~ ~. O. -e ~ 7S' A 'ti ~ p ~ ~ ~ _ eo _ y~ ~ ~ r: p, eo ~O co eo ~ `C ~"' .~-~ ~C ~ ~ Vi ~ ~' lit ~ fS. y Vf '.1 F. 14 ~~ - ~w _ .~x~ S ~ ~ •QS O Vi ~ `aq ' m°J w, Sam Houston State Teachers College DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC Presents ceoia oar .~T saoi eousTON Grand Concert Concert Hall Huntsville, Texas Saturday, January 13, 1962 6 o'clock P.M. CONROE HIGH SCHOOL A CAPPELLA CHOIR Gary Ebensberger Conroe, Texas Director - WEST COLUMBIA HIGH SCHOOL A CAPPELLA CHOIR Raymond Bethke West Columbia, Texas Director SOUTH PARK HIGH SCHOOL A CAPPELLA CHOIR Mrs. Loella Scarpa Beaumont, Texas Director A&M CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL Frank Coulter A CAPPELLA CHOIR Director College Station, Texas HUNTSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL A CAPPELLA CHOIR James Warren Funtsville, Texas Director STEPHEN F. AUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL Jim Austin A CAPPELLA CHOIR Director Bryan, Texas GALENA PARK HIGH SCHOOL A CAPPELLA CHOIR Van Hale Galena Park, Texas Director BALL HIGH SCHOOL A CAPPELLA CHOIR Paul Harrison Galveston, Texas Director PASADENA HIGH SCHOOL A CAPPELLA CHOIR Jim Casey Pasadena, Texas Director SAM HOUSTON STATE A CAPPELLA CHOIR Wayne Roe Huntsville, Texas Director ADORAMUS TE Quirino Gas arini HAIL, HOLY LIGHT! RIDE THE CHARIOT Combined Choirs P (1749-1770) Alexander Kastalsky (1856-1926) Arr. W. Henry Smith Wayne Roe, Director N ~ + ~ N A A .A ~ t l1 - ' ~+ ~ ~ ° 3 ~ p' CT ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~+ V a~w ~ ~a ~~xa x~ ~~ w ~ a ~ w ~ ~ .a~ ~ ~, x o v ~ as .~ a~ as ~ .a . N ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, o w ~ . a{ ~ Q w . ~ .~ ..-~ ~ x .~ ~ ~ ~ O - a .~.~ O ro~ a~ ~ ~ a ~, ~ ~ ,~ o ~, ~° a~ a~i _.~ ro ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ro Q ro -~ ~ 0 a i x ~ 3 aHH ~ ~n x pw W a a x ~ ~, .~ ~ ~ p ~ •-+ ~ ~ ~ >. ro ~ o ~ p" ~ ~ ~ ,b ~; ~ ai a~ ---~ ~ ~ H .~ o U a~ V] ro ~~ v~ >• ~ ~ .., • ~ a~ +~ ro ~ ~ ~ ?, ~ ~,, ~. cn ~N ro 3Ha ro ~ N p o a A H o~ ro~ ~. ~ a~~ ~ ai ~ro ~ ~ q ~, ~ .~Q a ~, a~ .a ,..., ~ .., a b ~ ro ~ --~ a~ a~ ~, ~ ~ ro 'b ~ ,-, . o ~ ~ o ro ro w a~ ~ ro U ~ a? ~ ~ ro ~ ~ 4; ~ xU ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ °' ~ . ..' . rts ~ ~ i ~ U O xi i. (~ H 04 _ [i r~i ~ ~ F-. ~ (~ ~ U -.,~. ~~ ~J :~ C 1 '~~ 0 a r r S v ~- ' . ,. Cam' ~~~~ ~O ~, ~ ~ ~?. ~ ~~ n c1 ~-~--i ~ ~ M ~ RS ~ C I ICI' ~~ a4~ oho 004 o~ y sU° .U~ 0 8:15 P. M. The I~-~emorial Student Center Summer Programs ~. MUSIC BY CHARLES STROUSE BOOK 8~ LYRICS BY MICHAEL STEWART, LEE ADAMS GUION HALL THEATRE TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS duly 22, 23, and 24, 1965 presents H U Q a a F .L' F d o a ~ ~ ~ ~ x +~ ~ g ~ Z a ~" ~ ~ a U a ~~ ~ B ~ ~ ~; a ~ , , ~ ~ ~ w ,~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ p E, ~ g ~ ° • m ~ ~ ~ ° o ;~ '~ O ~ ai ~ ~ c a ~ ci ~ ~" ~ ;: ° ~ ~ `~ o FG ~ °~ U D w .~y ~ N q ca U CVi y w U >, ~ ~ cd r' C ~ ~ ~ cC ~ w QVv~ N c~ ni ti ~ N N C'q eF 10 ~O t ~ °1 w w w w w w w w w zzzzzzzzz U U U U U U U U~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q ~ a a cqa bti ` ' ~ d a ~~ ~ a~i v ~~~ ° F a i ~~A i~ i o~ m ~' a~ a w~ A ~ ~b :xowy ++ ~ Fi ° ~ Cy. ~ ~ y d ~ N R + : C a 8 ~ ~ ~ .c , .`~, ~ ~ d ~ ~" 61 0 o .cy m '> ~ ~ , ro W ~ ,d ~ a >, A ti ~, ~ x ti c. O a as h a ~ b ° F, Z ~ ~ g U ~~ ~ ~ a a° ~ '°ro a a. ' ' 6z7 :xF . ~ ~ ~ A y o ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~° ~ ~ 9 W o m q~ „ . ro x ~ ~ ° .C c ~ ~x A o x b Ey • O ~ °' +°7' A ~ o ~ U 6l ro V '~ ~ ~ ~ u .~ a~ ~ ~ ti ~ •.° ~ v : ~ O q ~ S ~'' ~ •G, ~' ~ q a a ~c~ c+~.a~ acc ~°0 o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ W W zz W W zz W w zz w W zz {' a a °' 6 ~ ' q cj o 00 ~; ~:~b a ° ww ww U ww ww bb ° 0 q ~~ ~ o ~ A ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~' p ° .~ ~ U U ~~ U ~m U U m~ U U mm . . c c a,w A U . ~ y m ~ . . m~av,~. ~ hx d q m rn O •p 'b m q ~' m C 6D ~ 6A d bD Ja ^ q GJ ta. q ++ y +' q '~ q G C D, ^ taa ^ c q •= ~ M ~ q ~ ~ ... ?; ~ ~ C c C .a a~ O 'O s. ~ y q ~ ,'~ c. q d a~ y ~ ~ d y "~' ~ w C7 ~ ~ o " °~' G`' W m " °~°. ~ ~ ry° '~ C7 o m c fA F~ o Q ~ ~ ro ° y G x ° ~' :' ~ ,, ~ c ~ C7 x ro ~ V1 .C biD ~ '~ sue. q ~ A ° ~ ~ G :: ~ .C ° ti O v ° .~-~ c.~ ~ o C ~ ~ a y '~ ~ w o ~ v • ~ ~ c ~ °' ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ v GA ti U ~ q v F' q c ~ ro ~ o ~ T, U ~ `~ s- ~ Pi o c U ,a o ~ U • ~ ~ ~ ~ x H b • x U •~ . ~ ~ . . ~ ~ ~ g . :~ • ~ : ° • ~ ~ . • w ~ ;st • z z ~ : : : : • z ~ ~ . a ~ ~ : . o x z~~ a A x A ~~ Z~ o z ~ ~ N w z ~" W C A~ z~ w w w w w A~~ z [~+ p~ w~ ~ ~ ~ ., a ~ Z ~ w ~ z W ¢' ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ x m Pa ~' 3 oa .~ C ~ ~} z w ~ w a+y U~.,a wx ~ ~xxx~w~zc ~ H~~ ~~~ H~ w w F A~ w ~' a a W~ a~~~~ A x w w wwz ~~~zoF~'o~~~oooA'~~~r ~~H°z ~ ~ f~ EH "rC ~-, z H rp Q' ',~' p.; U C'3 H ~ ~' ,7y' fs: ~" C7 W H ¢ F P, fa ~ v~ U F 0 0 ~ ° c -N F x d ~ ~ a U ~; I~L p ~ G ~ r~, ;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C, ,; . 3 ~ c ~ I ~ " o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r.. ~~ a .~ a G. U ,~ 8 ~I~c ~~ ~,~~~ U `~ '" A a w :, U ~ ~ ro ~ treSig - ao}snog a~jop q}?M sa}}ag o0 s8ujgy a~jo0 pua un,a amt}iammnS <<Z1iV3IiJ COI Qri~' ]I'IIb1i,~ S~II'tIIVQ IQ'llt~~d A~~yIiQdS asSxjl 3° V'I00 VO00 s~jav18 `s}jnS `a~eammcmg `iBamaammnS g~yrI~O JrIIddOHS '32IIHSI~IMOy - dOHS ~yISZIVA •~ •x `~jaoA max ~.ae~ Pijgy .L4L `'auI `,faeigjZ a?sny~j ~[s's~?M-smey `~q Pagsjuan; jecaa}Bm an8ojsjp Pus a?snm aq} pua 'q}jm }uatna8ueaae Sq paanpoid s? „ajpijg a.fg-aSg„ yjjsg~ saxay - uojj8}}eg aqy - aj88•d SjjeQ uaSsg - uoj}aauo3ul S}jsiaejun `uj}aejK }}jag Ay-XyH~I - d'IIO~I - M~yM - saj}jjjas,3 pua 33e}S is}ua0 }uaPn}S je~iomajK - sAaaq} ;o a}oe }aai8 a amo am mogm o} pub `sn padjaq aeaq oqm Susm aq3 3o ma3 a }nq aaB asagy •djaq o} s8ujq} }uaaa33tp Suam op ajdoad }uaia33?P Su8I4I ......................................... ous?d PBa'~ Sop ...................................................................... smnsQ 8ujg sjmaZ ..................... .............. .. ..................... auoquioiy SpaiQ Smmoy `q}off uuai0 ........... ................ .. s}admniy uo}max aijs}iBgO `nawany Saaap `s88jig ~jaep .............. ................. ........................ a}n?~d uosnBaa,I sjgaa}aZ `}aas[a~Q uSjjivjK ...... ............ ............ s}au?ini0 somjed nSjoigO `apsM 88az0 `sa}vA Ptoasg .......... .. ss a .......................................... aos?II~ Sow ........................ .................. •~y1I `Pugta'I SaeyQ `sajjg uouiaA •sayQ ...... suj?o?A uuampu4Z 'fJ 'M ~V THE STORY OF HAMLET Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is told by his friend Horatio that the ghost of the late King Ha>Y,let is outside Elsinore castle. Hamlet learns from his father's ghost that he -was slain by his own brother, Claudius, now king. He begs his son to revenge the murder and Claudius' hasty marriage to Gertrude, young Iamlet's mother ..and.' the late king's widow. Laertes, son. of° Che Lord Chamberlain, Polonius, w,~rns his sister Ophelia against Hamlet's .°advances. Ophelia telly her father that a very disturbed Hamlet has visited her. Polonius tells the king that Hamlet is mad for Ophelia's love. Hamlet has actors perform a play into which he reconstructs Claudius' murder of the late king. Claudius' reaction to the play proves his guilt to Hamlet. Polonius, hiding behind a curtain, is fatally stabbed by Hamlet who says he mistook him for the king. Frightened, Claudius sends Hamlet to England. Ophelia becomes insane, commits suicide. Hamlet returns and Claudius and Laertes plot to kill him, Laertes seeking to revenge his father's murder and his sister's suicide. Laertes, with a poisoned foil, mortally wounds Hamlet, but the rapiers are exchanged and Hamlet kills Laertes, then the king. The queen having taken poison intended for her son, also dies. The play ends with Hamlet's body being carried off in honor. ~. , ~~ ~. ,r s NATIONAL TtC KET COMPANY Shemokln, Pe. - New York City IN THE NEW ELECTRONIC MIRACLE PROC orimui®nWMNERRROS ®° Exactly as presented on the Broadway stage of the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre with the same all star cast. RII~IARD euRtoN~i IIAmIEt z ~~~ ~~~ w ~i~ , Est. Price 52.00 Federal Tax .10 State Tax .10 ~-= -@ TOTAL $2.20 -~-- -,~~ -- rv-'-~ ~' `s`--~ QUEEN THEATRE Wednesday Matinee 2:00 P. M. 110 Main Street, Bryan. Texas SEPTEMBER 23, 1964 0 R ~,..~. ~ & ~ ~~~d steed 1863 _, ~ „y ~~ 1 g64 ,~~ ~u ~~~ Expiration Date Grade..._.....,... May 29, 1964 Signature 393 IDENTIFICATION ll - NOT A PASS 5 ~~P ~~~Pri ~t~t#Mr~ ~tMt~Em~l rPquPB#s #hP p~PttsurP of dour presentP tt# #I~P ~O~~~J ~MtttP ~urs# ~#udPn# fQen#er ~erem~er ~D, ~9F5 ~ormttl Spm #0 1D:3Dpm f & ~ ~Qal,~dated Selcoot. 1864 ~ 1965 ~a, \~~ ~~ "v Expiration Date .~c .. .. ....... ~V May 28, 1963 e • nature ~~~. Q,~i° - - 0 81 ~ ~ ;'iFIC " ^~^1T ,• ~ RD -- ' rrT 1 PALS _ , ~ 1 ~ept~. ~._~, ~&M Consol. 22 Ti^ers at Calduiell ? Dc '. ', ' H~.~ntsvillF> ~, Horrets &I" Consol.lE Ti^ers .. `. l ,., _4 _. _ !~&M Consol. Ti^ers at ~!3Vr3SOt3 Q~~~~c~rc iXE Rq T~ ERS ~ ~ . __.. _ ~~ '~~ ~ Constitution of the A~& M Consolidated Tigerettes PREAMBLE Wei the A & M Corseiidated High School Tigez'ettcs~ hereby accept and adopt this stated constitution. Article I--TTame The name of the organization shall be the Tigerettes. Article II--Purpose The purpose of the Tigerettes is to boost school activities, to create a spiTtt of school loyalty, ar+d to increase i*+terest i•+ alI sports. Article III--Membership All members shall have a freshman or above stardiMg aid shall maintain an overall scholastic average of 75. Article IV--Officers Section 1--The officer ~ of this organizatior+ shall be president, two ,,..,,captains, four liuterants, .six sergeants, historian, a•+d reporter. Section 2--All officers shall be elected in the last month of the spri++g -~.~nester. Section 3--*Tomirations of offices shall be made from the floor. Section 4--Voting shall be made by the show of hands. Article V--Sponsors Section 1--The sponsor or sponsors shall be any female high school teacher. Section 2--She or they shall be elected by the orgarizatioM upon the approval of the principal of the high school. Article VI--Meetings Section 1--Meetings shall be held during football season twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday. Meetings for the remai^g period of the year shall be held on the first Tuesday of the worth. Section 2--Meetings may be called for special purposes with the eorse~t of the sponsor. ~`<Article VII--quorum r A quorum shall consist of 2/3 of the bonafied members. ~ - - I Article VIII--Amendments Section 1--Amendmentsof the constitutioM may be made by a majority vote of active members present. Section 2--By-laws may be adopted ameMded~ or repealed by a majority vote of active members prose*t. By-laws Article I--Membership and Dues Section 1--Active members pay full dues and have all the rights ar+d privileges of membership. Section 2--The dues shall be X1.00 per year and must be paid ~o later than the first football game. Article II--Duties of officers--~'leetive ^ection 1--It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meetings. She shall have been in Tigerettes three years. She must be willing to spend her time fen the good of the organization, when she is needed. She shall have a good scholastic record. She shall be interested in bettering the organization. Her election shall be a function of Tigerettes with no outside group influence. Section 2--It shall be the duty of the historian to keep 311 news arti• Iles pertaining to Tigerettes and place them in a scrapbook. She sh:~ll have been in Tigerettes at least one year and have a sophmor@ standing. She must be willing to give of here time and have a good record it Tigerettes. Section 3--It shall be the duty of the reporter to report all newsworthy activities to the local newspapers concerning the Tigerettes. She must be it Tigerettes at least one year and have a sophmore standing. She should have some writing ability but her inability to write is not necessarily a prerequisite. She must have a good record it Tigerettes. Article III--Duties of Officers--Appointive Section 1--It shall be the duties of the vice president-senior captain to preside over all meetings in the absence of the president. She shall be a senior sn+d have beer in Tigerettes three years. She must have leadership ability and be willing to give of her time. She must have a good record in Tigerettes and a good academic record. Section 2--It shall be the duties of the secretary-treasure-junior captain to keep accurate minutes and call the roll at each meeting. She shall also it the absence shallehaveihadctwoayeabs ircTigerettes~. akd of the organization. she She must be willing to give of her time. She must have a good record in Tigerettes and a good academic record. Sactior 4•--It shall be the dutiea demeritslofteachtTigeretteh tShenees and keep a list of all merits a She must learn how to give shall have been in Tigerettes two yearsom routines. She shall be cc:rsnakds and learn all drills and pom-p expected to take command of thheomustihaveoa goodhacademicestandikg. president and the captains. S Section S--It shall be the duties of the sergeants to inspect the uniforms of the Tigerettes beeutenants.PPShershall haver beentinhTigerettes ditior of the dress to the 11 o~~,e or two years. She shall have either a sophmoroodoacademic record.g~ She must have a good record it Tigerettes a d a g She :;hall assign each squad a senior football player on whom to keep a scrapbook. article It effort t and abl ~_~~ such ~~ ~;he must IV--Duties of the me~:~.e'~ `-hiP shall be the duties of eachonigerSheeshalllbe physicallyefitd o make the organization stn g e to march. She must adjust her schedule after schoolroutires. a fs.shio~n that chaselherburiformtandrnecessaryrpom pours. be able to pun nrticle V--Merits and demerits Section 1--Merits shall be given for the following reasons: ~. 1. 2: ~. 5~ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Absence without permission from practice. 3 Absence without permission from games. 5 Tardiness without permission from practice. 2 'th ut ermission from games. 4 Tardiness wi o p Incompleteness of uniform.53 Failure to obey commands. Talking during a performance (other `talking when instructed to be quiet Lack of proper spirit at games and Use of profane language. Suspension Chewing gum at games. 3 than the mirinu~'i~ . 5 at practice. 3 pep rallies. 5 1, riaking an outstanding poster which is judged by the sponsor and officers. 23 2. Heading a committee. 5 3. Attending all games in any ore athletic season. 4. Receiving Top Tigerette. 5 5. Doing typing and needed work for the sponsor and officers for Tigerette business. 2 of marching. 3 6, Winking elimination drills each day Section 2--Demerits shall be given for the following reasons: 12. Use of intoxicating beverages or cigarettes. Suspension 1~. Returning from games with unauthorized personal without permission in writing. Suspension for one game. This written permission must be given to the sponsor. 14~.. Changing busses without permission from the sponsor. Suspension for one game. Section 3--All demerits shall be permanent. Fifteen demerits shall constitute suspension from Tigerettes for a length of time decided by the sponsor and officers. Eighteen demerits constitutes removal from Tigerettes. Section 4--Any time a Tigerette is suspended from ma rching for any reason she shall not be able to wear her uniform. Article VI--Suspension Section 1--The length of suspension shall be decided upon by the sponsor and the officers. Section 2--All member who do not have a 75 average at the end of the six weeks period shall be suspended until the grade average has beer iestored. ~~ction 3--All members having a failing grade shall be suspe^ded for --^~~e week on order that she may utilize her time studying to bring up ,~:gar grade to passing. '~~^tion 4--Any member may come to the suspension meeting eorcer*+i*+g case and plead her cause; otherwise the meeting grill be closed to all other people. Section S--A suspension motice shall be written stating time of sus- pensior~ duration of suspension which shall signed by the president and sponsor. A copy of the suspension notice shall be given to the ;suspended girls and a copy shall be placed in the secretary's book. ~:rticle VII--Order of meeting 1. Call to order 2. Prayer 3. Reading of the minutes and roll call 4, Treasurer's report S. Report of committees 6. Old business 7. TTew business ~. Election of officers 9. Adjournment of business meeting Article VIII--Parlimertary Procedure ~S^ction 1--All meetings shall be conducted in a parlime~tary ma~r,er~ r Section 2--All matters shall be decided by the democratic process a ~/3 majority of all members. ~ L e•..~~~ ' .~~f O Ci- L A" ~y, t~ ~ '• C7 E L C r-i ,~ a m c_, it c .. ~ •.:~ - 0.: N C ` ~: ~~ ~o ~ -. c Fa c o r t t~ ~_-..... - nst .~., m~ A ~-~ L+ C~ t- .~ _ rr • .. ~ o a~ c._ .~ _.._..~ L, C . ~ N m m ~ c. • ~ 7, a•.~.~ E U •••+ La C ~! i N z •.~ a 1~ .--~ -- y'1 o a:.-I a 3 .~- _. ~ rr •,.I tr . m o: ~ _= i-, L C. i Ln m _° i ~ C t ^ vS L .J r-i C t• r:-+ C 7 'nom, C Cam- [: . 1 C f-+ t' ` r ~ ~ C-- Illlltliltiij~. ~ . CuN ~,1 IIIIIIIIIIIN~,i, :. n: C > - N H I. ,...F, a ate- a i" L ~ G. f--~ La L \ R• i C C ~ ~ l~ A L t-i m • - ~ ~ 1-a r ~ ~.ar a - L ..}.>~ .C '-' Imo:. L~ t-i L_ •r! L i G C to 1 ..+ •.; C. ~ ~ •' ~ t , t Y ~. QC a.'. C ••~ _ C ~ ~ •.- ~ G- L T C 4 " 1 C G C C~ ~ ~~ C C .~ t~ - C C R Cf' ~ C . ~~ 3 0. ~~ C C + ••- i ~f O t-, C C' it ~ c _ _ U7 L, G ,. .: C r f ^ i : . • f ' ~ r ' tR/ ~' •U ~ .. ;.. •• ' U•1 ~ O t c~ m C in c >, - n. N o .~ ri .. _: ~ ~-.. o c.. 4 QUO ~•~m N ` ~' .. ~ m ~.. o a~ cn a r r in in n r . c ~.,- c a! N ~ c ~ N +~ C i-. m .-a t+ ~ r.. ~ c ~ a r~ +> > o « i c~~.c t°~ a~ E C 7 -N C~ C L .: ~, o o ~ r~ m n. '~ ' N U Cr N N N O ~., ~ O 7 Cn - c a m m C ••~ tr r ; -~ +~ C Ir c .-~ n; - c.N mx~ NoN ~ t ' 1 N C' e-F C v e .. , ro o c - a~ .--. ~a ~ J .- ~ C L~~=. C ~ ~"• E= N L+ m ~ t •.a ~ O ••-t tr, O L ri ~ ~~ - ~,•-. Cf1 Y ~.~ Cn N ~ p ...~ •.-{ ~. - ~ O i--•~ O m Ga >. N i_ ~. ;.; tR E N C vY ~, ~ ~n .1U1 •t-~ C r-: m C N C N m f:+ C E t o N N E r N I ~ NY ~ C n N.~ •!' c. C C O ~'~ al A O LL I . ~., _ a m o N o v a in I -~ N 7 C ~ t0 E G+ _ C ~ C .-i N N ~ s.. C to r-t CL O L+ ~-• i . (~ La L~ U'1 .O ~ `e= to ~ ~ ~ NL~ N~+~ UC. a m `i L' .. t~-+ is C ~ v- •-i U•1 C "3 Cfl m t t~~ ~ N Q' ~ :t. C N E-- ~ a C E +~ ~ c ~. s. O O r•F- ••i E O -- C!'1 O {-~ U•1 J •ri p? ~ N ' ~'~ - .~s•-, J O F- m ~ tom. ~-. C cn t- . O N >. O tC -~ W r . ~ ri ~ W Cn N r ~ t~ .-•~ H S u~ L+ •+-~ W F t •+~ - E .~ O ~-+ . Y c~ a~ ~ m c = 1- . • - O O L-i lY ri Q lC C s' ir7 C~ tc W m m al m W ~. r~~.....~C~C,L.1 ?•12 r--i ~- C ~- L~' ~ Ci .~ r p O ~_ _ .__. ~I pL] W L ~ N T N D NO r T 4 (D ~ 3 (D (D O (O (D N ~ ~ ct D N ~ 'T ~ ID (ND ~ `G (D O Gl ~ ~-'• ~1 [D Cp W 7 ~ 7 ~ ID N O O~ N 3 0~ O. O.. (D < 7 r• C N 3 fD (O ct D ~ r• ~ < 'J ct D ~ ~ O W~ N~ N N O~ -~ (D 3 ~ D W D W 7 c+ J (.p ~ Cp~ 0] ~ ~ ~ O (D D (f7 Dl +m ~~o°--~cncnoa ~rn m o o ~•<< ~= m ~ m~ ~m~- ~ao~~n~ ~~+ ni ~ m ~ cn• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ a~ o cn r• Ul ~ m ~ ~ j ~ ~. ..~L N O ~D 3C0 r ~1 W UOl T03' 7 [NU N ~ ~ ~ 3 7 3 7 G1 D cwt ~ ~~~W U] C7 m~y ~~om~~ ao ~°z ~< r•rn o 0 o m cn ~I~ cnminm<~~. ~°r D ~1 "O C7 7 N W 3~ U -1 ~ cn m m n~ m o_ ~r m ~m ~ ~~too~a o u=i ~ rnOO c~~•uNi rn °x ~n N U N 7 [D ~G -i D O C7 U ~ F-' (II O7 ~ ~ Z r• I=ll C ~~fD ~~ O W O ~ f11 < cF C] ~• N D ~ U C ~C0 0 ~ CD [D O 7 3 ~ [D ID ct ~ ~ I U D~WW ~ (nS O W 2 -~~ S O N 7nC" ~ Cf1 O O r 0 "3 Lfl ~'• O K CO Ill G7 Ul N 7] fU N 7C ID ~ r• ~' ~r o o co m m<< ~ ~ o O 7 (D '~1 ~ fD D O r• CD ~ ~ = n ~ ~ n m m W e r• Cn W m cn m o ~ o ~~ m ~~~n~D m~nm O ~ D~ 7 S ~ O ~ (D ~ L 3 N C7 N rh ~ ~ N f ~-'• (U (U ID ~ ~< L CO r• 3 ~ 7 ~ ~ = 7 7C~-'DN• ~O~ UNII~ o~~m~m °mn o ~ x m ~ n~ N O N C 3 O N VD i-'I~ W N (D O 7C (OJ1 ~~ C ~~ L O~ -J < (D D O ct 7 D N r• D C~ r. D7 -Q O_ O 7 O ~ 7~ 3 < S N O (D ~~ ~~DO a~ H ~ W F N N N ID Cp (D 7 S ~ W 7 o a O K ~ r• D1 (SO C ct 0 0 7 0< D cF Cp ~a7r..°~~~r... ~N ID ~ ~ D ~~ 3 ~ ~ D ~-' -O 7 0~ '7 N 7 S (D 7 7 (D r. D O_ r. C C D~ D~ N N 3 N N 7~ C7 < K Cf1 X O U1 r• (A ~ (U ~ DI Z S [D ~ N -3 L 7 [U ID 'J N O II. r• ~ r• (n7 [U ~ U 17.. ~ (0 ~ -I Cq K N D O] ~ -~ ~, ._ .y through tie cooking ~ lass . , e The Cia hor The Clc .. ...., .... .. ......,.v v v .~ v v w. u v L ~. t.. V' v 'li }~ U U U 'V ~ U c.J v V U W U --- April 18, 19c LII3RAII.~ ~'EEI~ SII~PES UP Linda Rudder, Daisy Sloan and Sylvia Mansfield, all students at A&M Con- solidated High School, found out that reading can be mixed with pleasure Saturday as they enjoy sitting on, ani reading, books at the Ac~M Olympic t Swimming Pool. They re getting in shape for National Library ~'Veek, which starts today. Sylvia is the brain of the group, she's reading Pile Neutron Re- ssarch, and from the smile on her fac° is getting a kick out of it. (Eagle ' '?_ Photo by Gene Dennis) - - - r - -- - ~~ - }' ~_~.~ LL ....r~...... ~~ ~=iii ~~.<.;sr ~t~oamge i~ ~~,. __ ; `}"~-.~-„ «;~~ .. ~~« ~ ~~ ,_ ~ ` ~a ,Q `y -r~~ . -.-_ ~ i ~ ~~ ; ~~ ~ ~` i . .~- ~ E ~. ~~ a S~ni~r fixass ~ril.~, gc~ by s~h~.~l bus ~~ Tr t~Yaf°®19~, 'I"~xs~ fir t.~s~sfr nr9r.,csY e,GA,ti..q. +...: un aa,u ~~~o ,u~~~no rars~r ~,sa Mrs ~vera~, Mrao Amy: Sax°sns~t~fl Mrs o ~l.aland © Mr s o Ala: ~a~~+r ~ Nf~°s ~ ~lurs~ G®tt~Y~ o sse~s gill d~ps$^fi fr~an ~ha A. & Y~ ~a_; ° ~ . ; :; ~y a,~m~ Mag 21 axed t~i~, ar~':_v~ at, ~~da Yarn a~, ~>>3p a,.mo Si~uden~s will dr~per~ from J.ux~d~ Pl~r~::>>-~~ ?4 puma - r~asz~nabl~ care , cars and saox~s~orsE, ~~, P ~ bxnt~ n Prin~i p®1 ..._....~ ,~w__>. ~'~ ~" A group ~of Consolidated students Bulbous Belch, Comnnanist ring were seen picketing thQ Bohemian leader at Consolidated, was inter-- ;;: enabaesyy in dor~ntown Bryant las via~t©d by the staff (it r+ua prof- },,. Apfril t'oolas da~r. WEtsA ss~t~ t^y ~stioky} of the Bad l~rs he was participating in the riot, last Friday the 13th; this date, Ogden Rsmbler, a well ~m~n lead- was by the way, the 200th anivor• '~ er of student uprisings screamed: nary of the Boston Tea Par~To Ban takes the worry out of being Whon asked what he tho~.zght of close c " the tea Bel h '~ is ~ i:-$c#~i: ~c `I ;) s f i ,I I ;; ~ _. ~ F. i ,~ i I Two Consolidated students were caught burning a copy of the $~e~ Bad News:-x-~:- last weak Fun©ral services will be held at ten to- ni ght o ..:.~ For your noon hour entertain mont the -~;~Bad Ncws~3~-~ is spon- soring anumber of group activi- ties: (1} Hopscotch an3 Jam games on the slabo (2) Dice shooting in the rest roomsp {; ~) Zobogram dra~ri.ng, which orM iginated from the "happy Hour, " in Mrs,. l~iartinette i s room<. (1~) Popoyo and 1~lickey I~Zouso cartoons in the speech laboritory,. (5) Supp'.imentary social relaA ticns classes behind •cho auditor•d ium,. Sid Sewer, Consoliciatcd watery boy; was proclaimed drip of the year by the reigning principal, Ncbuchadnc z z ar ~iy'arx~ongcr,~ new freshman at Consolidateds ti*as drawn and quartered by the FoF„Ao for :+xspcrsonating a faa~~cr,- Tad Po'lc -: ta,~.entcd. Consolidated vaulter,, ZJas seen cress~,ng the bar last night:, Whe.z as]:ied about his drinl~~.:zg while :~.~~ -:;ra:u~lg, Pole replied: "Oh, I never get too high c answcre . I h to tea, especially ~ T~ }~irdsa" When 1~Fhen asked why he hated T-Birds, Belch ropliod: "Because there al- ways Stalino" But, U~ncn consulted about T- shirts, Belch replied (Redly): "Oh; I love F~enine°' By this time Belch was pretty teed off and hotly declared he woald denounce the ky::-;:Bad 1lTcwss::,:: in his paper, The Red RoveZ~ Ogclthorpc Consolidated seen j ux~ip:ing light, unc~n scd a damsel ropliod: "It Swaybaclt,» talented broad juripcr, was a broad :;.n broad day- asl:cd why he c' isi~cs~- du~>ing Lhc day, he tiCa'::3 the 1£~.~ht , n ;: „•„ .:, k group of Consol;id ~tcd seniors were seen ~.c schoC~, Friday, ?rnzat are ~~rou kids do +?"~g gin; titiTay °? Puck-- ing for brown?.c po in~~. ~~ ? Sunny D:iabn ~.-c :• y, ~rc`t~l. lc-~,z7•~m Con«. solidatcd ~~;~zr~fi3'~w,~~; bascball.cr, was caught oaf scce~,?ad base fast week;. ta~ZCn t~G u~:r~~p.r. n aslic:.d ham for. a c igarct;,c •. lac 1 cpl:l.cd ~~ '= I im Out , to .~1.l;honsc ?~la^~:~ Y~~..~..1'.an" Cc,-~... sOl.~da~Cd st4~C~G1'3?.._ .v .:~'1 ~.C~C TQ.CC~3CX schc~larshai.p by a nose, [When asked about his h~in, Allahonsc rc;plicd: "Oh .. ::.t °s sno~c s~~?r>l~.r: ~s ,: ~; -;_ ~ ~- "mac " , ~~~~ad AIc;, s : ~. ,: is proud to anncuncc iha; Fr~~.da;, the i_'th will Van Ishiz~ = T,:~.s scoi~~ be the dcac~.inc for submitting ap~ r~l i i+n~hi nn~ ~ ~+-L--- ~i -- '=.i.v~e: e .r ,.« ~...~nvu wt1aL IIC g O the tea Belch answere : "I h;~te ~'~"''''' tea, especially ~ T~ Rirdsa" When Two Consolidated students were B~1 harop3iody `~Boc~usa thcBroda'.. caught burning a copy of the ~€~~} wa s St " 1 Bad News:.-::-~:- last we©k, services will be held at night, o y alzn, But, whop constt].tod Furier~- about T- shirts, Belch replied ten to- (Redly): "ph; I loco l,eninoF' By this time Belch was pMetty teed off and hotly declared ho woald donouncc the ~''.-:;aBad 1Vrows :; :; :; in his For your noon hour entertain- paper, The Red Rove~~., mont tho --~u;~Bad News~f~L~ is spon- '-.-- °-~~-~•---- z~ aI Boring tt number of group activi- ties; (1) Hopscotch and Jam gamos on tho slab (2) Dice shooting :in tho rest roomse (~~) Zobogram draUrin~, which or.~ iginated~from the "Happy Hour," in Mr's ~ 1~Iar cinette 2 s room.. (~-) Popoyo and I~iickey Pfiouso cartoons in the speech laboritory~ (5) suppaiment~:,ry social relaA ticns classes behind -oho auditor~° ium~ Sid Sewer, Consolidated waterM boy;, was proclais«od drip of the year bt,~ tho reigning principal, RTcbuchadnczzaz„ Ly'arr~ongcr~ now freshman at Consoli datcdti ti,*a,q drawn and quarterod by the FDF;:Ao for ~personatirg a faa~acr~ =:; :; ;; ;, - , Tad Polo -. ta~,cnted. Consol3 dated - vaulter;, iJas sec last nig~.it,~, ?~'hc. drinl~a_:zg while ropliod ~ rrCh? I ., .:-=., n crossa.ng the bar Z asked about his n ;ra-u~lg;, Pelc nct~cr get too hiigh<, Van Ish1~~ T~. ,:: ^noi~ . ~1.1.y FualL~ Cap~a:L~i o~' tkPC girls weigh;.,-lifting team, was saer. carrying a he~gc tr~~,-,.k arc~~zn.d tkie car~rpus~; ?when const~.s ted on the sub ject ~ F,,3:~-~- ~-scy~~-o•~.•od ; ='WTzo Nose?" Ogclthorpc Consol:Ldatcd soon jux~iping 1 i ght „ inThcn sod a damsel rep]iod: "It Swayback,, talented bread ~uriper$ was a broad :~.n broc:d day- askcd why he disi;cs~- du~>ng tit c day , he k,ca ~ s the ?uai. ght ;, " A group of Consolidated seniors were seen ac schoc~: F`h:idcy~, ?.n1at arc -}ou k:ids dm:i.?~g ;~~,zyti~zy? Puck-. ing for brownie po ink-. ~, ? . Sunny D:iab^'`~;~, ~~o'I,~l. ?a'la'rm Con-. solidatcd Fd;~'~,~;~a, basobal].cr was r...a.ught off secc•,11.d base Last ~ weol~~. Z^,~izcn t-?o u-~;,,-p,~~; a,cjicd h~.m fora c:Lgarct;.c. ?ze :~~cp:~~.cd~ ~rlgm out.: " A1.phoris o ?~~~? ~ a? r ~ ~- r:. ,4..~_l.`. t'1 v CCi~l._. sol ~da~Cd 8 t$~.dGn~: - ;~::;~1 ~.L~C T~CC.~3CX schc~larsha.p by a nose, k'hon asked about his win;; Aioh~nse replied: u0h.. ~.t ~ .s , ~ s sno~c ~'~~u:h.~ ~t ''=~c ,. -, •Bad Aie ;;: s =;::: is proud to anncusscc ih^-~ Fryda~- the i^th will be the dcad~_inc for submitting ap_ plicat:ionN for the Student Counec~l 1~i±:G f3ying contest ~ For ~. oso students C:i ther o izt t o lu.ahiz or continually up i_n ~hc a:~.r, appli- cations i~ y ba t~~,•°nccl i.n February ;7 , y .._ "This contec~, r-?._~~. talc place instcd of bui !.c~..n~ o_ etc ~~ dam on the. c,-,eok " s^~~: ~w3r~~.d ray, ~ damp3y„ 'I71c dom p;l^r: eras r_i~cd~, "This i s a4 he ":i.~~ ; t of -;;.lat wo hope w~..l~. be wn. ai.i~~.~~ ?. contcc-t cue'_z ;,prim; s'::.rn~~~;i.i_~g .morn high. ;,ohcc•lc~r>n ra.-~o ~'1y ~. k:i tc ., t6 Gay i~ e 'v;,1; i~ l:~uo 3 t1as. Consa:~ida~.sd I~i~h ::chaal;~ CoI~.Q~,e Station, Tea~aa ~ianua.:ry 1."~ 19~, Tl~e Sfi:~zci~nt Co••uzc.il olcsa t,ed Ilancy Tn~lis C i.t g : an cif ~,~'cie .I;~n•t~a, Sh.Q is tha first. girl to t°eea ve t~hi.s licx:or<, I~aasey ui]i. be a E°wos'Y~ ~~t. tlAe iiot::~y.~uilrkiQOri on Jarzua~^y 22~ iY:ca :anion cl<~ss notzir:at43 Linda F'oldman~ :•'.2•~at• i•,c~i-::rr4,~ .nd Y?.m ~idarzs for *.1,~ _~nn;z•:.1 ::-a~:~;~texs cf tii~~ ~=~oric~l It.avolution. 1twa,ci~ lpwtes.w tvh3s yoar~ tha D~:R wi:il seloct :one cS' those Cr:~.s to roes 3v® the hongr~ irso 113.~ton k,: s cl:o::an "Tlaa Sard'rxa~c" by ~ciGf<.Td ;'a,tJC3g :~oT t.ko ontot I~lay~ >Ib~~ ~: ; :ouer~; 1:1 ~y~,rri~hi: ~rhour~ •l;lc~•~-s a.re usu~:ll~v i?s ~ru Ct jx ,~.ri3 ~ y ~~-x'+a do tY~o cur: en i; ~yroadway .~,.zceoss9 "L+la~~s ~lraxd of t+'irl;inia 'vloo].f~T' "; ho , ~~r:<li~o {" is set on a baach w~~ro a t~or:~.z~ , nc:cc^~p~niocl c;r licz husk~znd, h.~s ~srou~,?l~: F~~~: ~.~d mati-ar to d`en Tk~® o1d -.~o~~ar p:l.ufs in tri~3 sr:n~?. ^.nd ranblos cn :Yxaui; ,per 1if.4 w~iiie tl~a couples waits i~^~Ik~tinurtl.;; for i.:~r ;a diQa 1're ~.lvo moml;o:r v:lst, is roiu~de~i out by n Il.fe ,~zard :.:nd a l.'1u~est 4:ro p~taya a {1ir~;c 'Cho i'= ~"f 4ri11 txJ east ixz nid-robrarxy and ho :~istri_ct. cor~tcst lY~l~. ~ ;gold ^~l:ril 70 "Th4 Littla Foxas" 9 t31a first; iu].3 lar_I;ta~ straight, c~xama px•c,•Iucticn at, Conso~.i~st~d zrili b© lre,san+.,~d by thg SQnicr ~,~laas in. , Febxuwr,To The piay~ di.xea*ued b~~ k'ra ~~ Cou~.te-~ is set in ~k+e deal; Soath dux n~ ti'i: turn of tl:a c~xxtux°~„ It cc?ncern:~ t~t~+ 'us~ot.Iivrs nxzd a. siste~r~ tha Iiubas_.rc~.s ~; ~•ho push their way to t.Yso tap at the 2xpenec• o£ those aro~:.`xd th®~z~ Casts r~scar ::t:.bbard ~ D~vi.:~ ~e±zt ~:irdie (C~scarts cai.fe., wl,o is driven t;.: dvspai+^ -try tho?z~:Y:*°i,,F~ia9ss) ,., 'v~:.nc~, ~i'i~1,$ 8 7~egirza ~tho Iiuba:,~d siator~ ~- Susfxa. T3;:x~ Iiuruce fli~~;ina"s 1^.uscand) ~ 3aci~ Caf!'Ey Isen Iiubbaxd •~ Don Z~:ro~°y Imo ~ Keith :•~imms,~Stanl.ey L'Irrk •kzr shaX~, ~ i i~ or~;o htla Yfnar Aloxander~- Sharry Iiollcr?~i~/Suzarin~z ii®dlon C~•l ~• John BadCe•Lt/G.ion CoLZie.r Addis ~ Sue liier~t~i i'r if }f- i4 is For Your Infori;.aticnx 1~2 achocl d :ys ,arz fil tl~e ~ustor Iia~..iuays 95 ' drool. days ?~ yil school is out fox su~n~ l.q woeks until school it out 'ox• N~.r:~^e.r 133 days until sc:haol. is e~ut fc;r au:;.:.or~ if cozantin~ •tl~o ~roAl~ncze~, ~ months and Z werj~,s ,ir,t.ii.:choo? `'.s cy;t fo.r sunu~-,ex° F ..1. :~cl:ool ~• ~~•l:erry NaI.J_endk, ~i7.;I. :hzk~a ~n.o.- fr.vo~°i ~„es -~ x'r~xz:c :,it,!'.t~rst,y. .i ;,y 1y~ ~QC4~t-3T' for F~:voritc~s •~ :puss Ilax°v~t11.;, Gcaor~ia ;erx t•~.Ce~ "~ _ j.n6~"i~J1'@ I ~•~~J~i W s ~+ .a fiTlfl :t~zddex^,~ Dtli{~ • Iatztl.ex° ="'r~shzaan fa~ror:Lt©s ~ Frod Davia~ Kath~r :,ost I~a.~zvi.flt]. ~ 1'arz ~1~?ls:.rs last i?azad5oa~e - dili Ihute 1'r~.an+.I,3.i.ost - 7av~d f,~,a, ~~.iara '~Jc~iru~ i:GSt {~ers~.;asiva ~. ??avid Gay ~ChoQ,j,. 1•~liat~tki ~ Fr4nk Li.~to:~sto Sharoaz vcv~y ~st~ Drc3ssed °n ja ir~i.nia i'atterson~ Da~:id d ,~2•S®n.3 Cutest Couple •=~ 3 Pewthers~ Soy Cocpor •/ 0.4 u ~ 4 A V 21 \+ rT ~~i~ \.~ ~.l U~ ~orr~ o xa:ni schodule a 4d~~ ,, .7a?auary 23 orio~i ~. ~tlo ~ ~.o:2s or°ro~: 3 1Ua23 ~ 1.2;z6 eriod 5 1,:10 - 3:20 aye : azu~ary 21;. e r iod .~. 1U ~ 23 ~~ 1?_ ~ 26 a~•ioc; 6 1,1U - 3a2U 1'hosc~ w:I..>riing ~ta take zoology socond ~estc3r and t~,r~,o are not ~.~xasently ©azrol]'..ed Botany,, should sign tube 11~st in the .'i.QC~ as soon as possible sa that a book, ~Qi may ba proparsd~ IwquGsts for schsdule chaxiges rattst be ~i,'_~~itr~cad to thu afiice for cons~.daration It i~ay ~arprise z~ariy of our students to ldarn ghat Consolidated has an accrar,:~~lished ic13 nor: taMOr.~ its i'acu7 tyo I•i: s:, Le~.and af.as•tt~e? pl«e~rinP the vzolin and viola i~1 the 3rd ga tide,, 1,~Y:ea Go,1>o Richard Ihxntt~ t?ie.i band df.x~~ictax at l~.cd-~~ started a svudent ouch®str~z boss at Conso3idat.,ed;, Fol1 o;~rizi~; high ~;~;hoo1~ sho moved ~-~a .dQU~ Yoxk City w~;.th ?ter parentsp atad stud:~.~ed at Ju?1~.ax•d Srl,oal of I~itts'?c far a year Sh€:+ ~~hs;:~ ~xat to Sophie ~toweomb Col•l.a~;e :t.n IPew fJ,t°:1e:EsI1S9 whUrP she was t~:e only str.u~gs Lzajo~r in .hsx sclaoc~l~ "h~ took her i•L-~.s+.er•s L`sCr"8e at B~:yl.vr 'Jnivarsi.tyy practic:~n 6 to '~ hourti a days Ir:s ~.ruct~idn at Baylo~~ was ex•- ce'~.Qnte sI~ roports~ hsr own te~;cha,~n a solo cs"?_list at Yarlic~ City, studied under Cisar `L';~ompsono FG1..l.oWiri~? ~'lE3?• Co.i.l©gc caz~er~ P>;rs.. ~Lc~ianG played j•F7.tI1 the sy~Tn,~hor~y orchsstxa 1.`'1 "~ustis~~, '~acory ax.d ;ouch Bsnd~ lndiau~a~ tThe t~cvgh~#~, st~ri:~~zgs i.~ ?taco publ.ae schools for ~.: year ~°^r~d ~~=a~eyed a su~a-r of St~.id3r underr thee, Gr3.11er ~uxrtc~t oi' tho Universi+jy of Calif'o~'•stia;, Rat~~~.~°!ia~g z:o Co?1u~;~~ station„ she plays-~d ir. ~~~s itonzs rt Gesellschaft ~! anuary .1'l s 1'ji~s .•1r:~~ Leland claims i~l~at pt.ay~.::~~; tto vifl~.:~ takes Crcaat coordination and aca':zr~:ya sir. each finCer and both hands must k~orlc inrTe~ pondsxitlyo Viol~.n p~.ayin~ is .f a.so~..nat:i~~.~~.y technica:iy ln;t vax^,~ ;3omarding,; the will to play r.~ust con€j frgm within, Uxc1i~~;~tral play'.Cng is highly ooMpetitive ; roq~~i.ying ~,reat self`cona~'idence and a few .];ueky breaks,, Irs~ Leland loves to teach ,ausic to thoss who are talented and i7ave an T.anrlvtindl`E,zzg interest beaching tl^:e vio~.in in I~uhl.ic schools givsa no aat;isfaction., bscuuue most, of the students are raressured ~it~o +,~aking ifi,~, She would like to see co1arses ia~a aruslc app?•eciation in sc~haalsw thcu;~h~ shy ~~ Iievc~s tl~KYt classical music c~tin udc3 a r;~at deal, of bEj3litj anr1 p~,CaSLiX'~ to o~~r'~s iifQo She Zs plQased with Laos:ard l.sr:p-nstain i'ox• bringing F;reat musir.•. to the aac~ru~o arson„ 1~hy the switch frnm r..usic to mafri~ Shy ww:a..zzted a. tesaGhing jobs, and as thers i.s little demand for t'rho viol:~n hors ~.n i~x•yar~olleg$ Statiar.~ school.. supr~x:~tttc3ndan~ts au.£,~E3sLsd north., A.f'tor taking mat1:1 2"~: t~Y.~`i " t,i..7.~. it ran out m~ t~a~rs~' A siin became one of Con solidated's f~:vori`~ toac.harso "l~iusic is actuall;,r vary ~.nvolved with mather~aticss" she aays~ "ard I love teach<_. a.ng math" 8 +~:T~~ SST ~d®~ Q~3'~~-C~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :~' t~ I i f ,g Tho Naf~ri r^~ Cox rigor mass is not :-~Afficiont La id?:I.t a studont to th3 Cu!~ C1ub dlzrizlg sc~iool. hn,ll ._. Corr ;stuck :~.or,.~er Ilan 30 da;;rs ~:n th4 ~c:w pr:rkS_nL; lot aro so13 ut auaticn by dezatx3rs of tho schoo], board.: this is ~.nath3r ;~~zblic ;-~rvi ca o iJo sophor.:ox•e Ciri will bra F;Qrrai,tted .o carry on her ~~es•son any switchblade .on~er tl;an oi~ht (~} inches (witk; ~.,erm fission 3r t.rx'iti.~ from tki© princ.pal~ i T.n the future any fold panned from #.he ~choo~. creek ~zus t ba turn4d ul i.mr~diate~.y ~o t~ze off is©~, far. tho SaY: ari ix:nc;i'it J~:nu~?ry l7y 1.~,3Ca~ . ~,.z.. .5;, ~ .. ./ :`:ny~ undercl~~ssr:,fzn caui;ht do3nC t:dvancod ~ ~~~~1Ci ~ ~'' i•~atil prool3::zs on tho study hwll c~ili:l~ w~tt~p'i ~t~ do~zicd ~~^drlittanue to Saturday ~ct.oo~.~ s•` ~ i" The pab'~' bull frogs who live under tho -°' "~~'~~ st,,;o r. ron in thQ auditorium uze Ilr,, '~ y~or~;an~s bit~loCy ~~rojoet4 He arks that trey ba fed dQad Mosquitos rather than Na~.t©ct p±anuts and buck4roo bars :~u~:pl.ies 3~stroyed by thc~ x•c3aent uaok~ rood bom'oiz.r- w'~11 bQ replaced with funds fron the Junior ~c~n~.or treasury, :~tuaer~t,s tizze are ac~Live in izc~on :iloux r~unblos must furnish thou owr_ ~:~ol.r:~ic;u©ta ~.nci b~anda~ <o s ~ ;:coon Wil?. ~ t~.kon if _ :ansr riox~ tea towols fron the ro:zUxaa';iixi~, de};ar~;.i~lont r.~ t.orn in strips .far par~- ~:U.c.C3:3 Of :i~.rSt 8idc TYze~ clamor is ~::bsolutel~,~ fa1.sQ that the ~;roposec? add~.tio;7al h~alth and ~.h~~sicol educa.;iozl building; will riouse a szAa1l a.ir~ tight cell .for so:l.it~_k~•y conf~.rierr©nt with r~.djoJ.n?n~ ~r~.s chnzni>ar fcr student used `.Ci.ouc ori~jl.t-.l plans had to bE3 ,:,acr~Ificod~ to ~.ravicie s~a.~'fici~nt funds for t~~e faculty swiiu:li:ig pool and riding stablssG Tree Alatura;List ark.o t..aok Gaorg;e i~,,zgbnar ~ s mu.;v;la.S'iod ;;ea~ul.d. of'f t'ra coilirz~ of the :~ia:l.o~~° la'o is warned to urirg ~_tl buck bcfor® ht: incurs the ~,trath of ~?~ (This is ser~wcttsy r~:a.~.1y.) :F ;a- •:~ :~ st v ack Co#'fey~ and Lavici Kent wont gc.3Q ~•e huxzt,i.n~; -+.n i~Q~ic.c~ iiot~3 ~er8 ~~lle t=eesa l.au too hiCh~. ~r• ~~, ..o.. Gttir.t,~ ~~. r •~ _~1.,, ? , r3o~ $ The : sfari. .I anuary 1`l~ 19~:~4 1 r~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" ~° ~ ~' 4e~ ~Q ,~ ~l C1.ub Custa?1nz~o de Colc~gio Consol:~dado sect. 5un.f3ay aftor~zoon from 3;00-5:00 in the b.ilh school lil?raz~r, The r-~~:etinl; was hold -a celebrate 1;1 Duda los yte;~s i~k~gos~, the d~:y of the wise man„ It co~z~:s each y©ar at tk-e and of the Ch: istmas SB~~pno Sp~~nishm~atrorican students from AuI; iln3-~ vsrsa.ty ::po:4~e about the celabrntion of E1 Diado ? os iiey(3s i~ia jos in thoyr own coczn.tr3.©so ;~~eng thc; :~roukc~rs r~re~•e Fi~:,go.~l~uerro of Bolivia any? Juan Carlos k~iaycl of hic3xicoa Ths c~~phasis was on ck~ildran, Several, Spanish~ti,-;zerican farail:ies li~ri.z~g in i,YiE3 ~3ryan~Co.1..i.©I;~ :station as 4rerQ invii;od to 3t~tend and brinL tk:eir childr©no °''wo piz~"ufi~ s irore broken by the younger par~t~icapantsp ~? third was resorcrc:d .f'or the ~ hi~,h scziool stuc'erts attendir_g trQ fi.ost~.~ ~l Clu~a Uastollanrs is sponsored by ',a ~~1esa liodonda del Cl~zb :a;.damcricanoo ?~:arg^ret :urUwn is presid~nto ~~,:I~i Consol:;.dated High rc3ceivOd .I.t3 sk:aro of the ~cod3.os this Christmaso Contrary to what eras QxpectQdp tkie sock t~ra .fille:r.1 witY: Iiarcia kunkles~ a senior transfer f'ror:~ i~rookiri~s~ ::, Dn Far I•Iarcia~ ~`+.k:is is a rn~- turn to her old stomping ground, whore she loft in ~.~0® Nome of° her interests inclur3o sc~wingr, strilnrc9ngG wrltch:s.~; Lack©tb:zll9 arzd sucking ic~e~:iclas~ Upon k;r~~duat..ing ~h4 plans to major in psycholo~,y at the Un.ivarsity of Toxzs~ Marcia is blessed wj.th a younger bro~thor nuxaed Itichnrd9 who yJ a sopk?.omort~~. Uhe claiTns not to know anything about. i~i,~ a:l.thou~;h s23o has bE38n living with him. for soma vim, I.larcia thinks that as s w}~o.1.@ t::is school system :is much harder than file one sh© lo.f°ta Howa-vary she st3.:,1.1. ~nana~ad tv pull a yii on hor first na j or ~n~~lish '~Y:e:ne ~. As a. not4 of x:itorest sr.Q is reeidi.nl at N~Iiut used to by Dianne wall°s house on I=ur,~var Driv©o Iarcim is a I~ratty k~tite of c..bout 5' 2° and as yc3 t ras red no d~: `.Q s ~~k~51c at Co S, Lhe is looking forwrtrd to finding oats just wbat Ax`'c'r.; Consa boys aro really likes ~'[ -c ~ -,-Hc H~~D ~ ~,!+t~{ ~R ~. ~~ } ~a. ~ .~- ~.~-~ ti'Ol~ ~..~ i'10o c~ The vtt,fu?.'i. .~3.YYt].ar~° .).'7y Z~~ ~'Fi~=;: ' Liv~.z~,g up to its stanclards~ Con:~r~~.i.dated wr~s most st~.ccassS'ul at t~1.Z~~twte+ Clio:t2' tr°yr-~ oats 3arit~::ry 11~. w`a s®nt ba.:~sF,s Ci..l.E~n Co113or and Die'{ I'etatkors to txze 1,~5 Choir i.~~r:form~:nee ~,r~ Itoustcn. k'ebruury 3f, with alto Ya~;~rQ iaroazoa2e and :;o~rano :>hQ.r2;~ I-:olland as .first; fa l +.n sin <, }o .J c.. "~'a~c JCL will sponso.° t.~e bZ~ek-~and~crhite~ ~,rt cantest at the ~ta,a co>avention at man f5.ntorxic, i,: i~iarc~, I,an;r ma»bers h~:ve r.~.de i~l~~s ro ?ntor +.TlaF3 a~r:i.ous contests<:rad. sh~;~.ci br-ir..~- in soma hc~noz•s~ 9i Be r ~c~'~~ ~c,~~W! ~+°4 ' "~ ~+ 4 ~. s ~~~~ ~ ~ lr~ 3ri~ht €~n;I z'°•:>3^.ily scent four days in ~lc.w Cr:tc~ans ~zd wcrt deeF scia .fish:~::~~ Ui tiro fish cau~ht~ ttar~y kopt on1,y 150 Happy fish eatasa~Y I;aco I3ri~lat "1-rosrx~ots are loo~~in~ rari~;Y~? ~'c: tho organization of a Latin III e.I~. c t>.E : °t ;,rear" ~ sr:y s i it s ~ Grr s 'Phu tl.ird year o.f Laura. is ::.c °~.i sr.~ent Y •3 adin~ raid s t:~c.y i.ii~ the wor. ks c C, °oro T~:o ~ra:~,a.r 1ar.rnad :in L,,.'v:ir,. 1 c ~d is put to aructLCal use,, ia: rn.aci ti°.z s:~ way tea when Lati.~i II stuuents a~ead w,zli.~,~ C©asar"s Ga 3. J,~~.s~ Pn order for anoth3r La+,in .~a .ss to 1~ Forra~da tYyere :nust be at least t.sn ~ ,udunts wil,7 iz~ tG taka Lut•in III ~~~. Latin Iy~ or .format zwtir, ,I aucic~:n~..~ who ax' inLorosted in P Latin I <=::,>s ~. ~r:. ux;;ed to cont~.et i~Irs~ vrr, tt ~ ! y~ 1 ; .i Tho i;aylcr C.~ach Tourr?c~.m3ni: Fcbru.:ry 14 end 15 irl I~aaa; 'c'1°. w•.1.1 :uiclude 1~oth indi r id aE{..Z cc'. d©betos, TryoL,~s grill b4 c:3n Ja z9o Un tlio 21st an 1 2;~.nd o£ ~'3hr~ tha PJaco~;dochos Ib',ate Zour°~~o.^ solidated debate to etas izlc~.u.~e :~: and Janat v~hits'haad~ ;.~aa^~ Crosc~:el Lawrance~ ~ta.lly a:.d K<<ith iiians ~. llillora Tho .'r~.,*~ity ::poop; r1:pt i~ .;, wi:l.,7. bo on I~iarcka ~ ar~d 7~ 2'~zis cotaposad of ird:tvidual, evE.nts oz; w~.11. b3 hQld F a bruux•y ~L7 w d :~.~ , I;. be tr:~:ld "Gc i TI13I r-..Clf•~ _~r; 2 Zric~ ter ~ °~.l`i b~ ~a :t~c;rl:dt a~ ~~ 1 ~ ~~~e E~s~. •~: oniss un~,-. st 3~ :r'~ 1 ry"Ullt _„ Tha wb~kand oI' ~;anu<~x~^,~ lh~'~, ~ n~ : Lil®s and Pc:m ~1cz'~ca.ns trrvuX©ci tc: S~.n ., •;ai : tc> cor..prtE: ~;s:. the :~t~~.tEa 41uo1 C•:~uta Tho two ~ir1s taore rk.oser~ to . ::r .,nor.+, ~~I Cc~r,solidated :~t th.3 st~:tc3 c,, u; ': Kahan. 1+~~3i1 iJc7r: 3 .i:iz':,t p1aCQ ±nB ~~:::1~~<.+. ~C~. L-rod ,^st h~anorab,lF3 rr~rfti.on iii tl~c~ {i:~,^,'a- ~:~c~ coraps•t it~.o.Ao ~f: tY~c state contrsk ~, I'ax;: :Jvt~. °~ 't. ~ he54 ons3mlalc~ dzvisi.onG Co:iux~ `~?a:I.a 4`_ ~s, :; cotli ~o a 3°ix-1 s ., 1 ^~ro1~ 1~ Idoo 8 '.~~hs safaA~i `~ f ~IS~1~~ ~~L~~7"e ~,lUr.~T~L~s January 17fr 1gE,t; Y~zge 6 by ~~PlS77NE r~~JDEA'SOr~ ~~lthough anroa.J.~~'~~~-•% ir. ballet schools throughout the Jnitec! rates has increased by approximately a iffy ~r cant durir~ the last five yc4rs,~ th®re has been an in-- conSruous dxop in tl~ number of students planning to become p~of'essional dancersa Tanis decl.inos samet~es attx~.buted to d~- creased status of .tance earcnors~ is, accord- ing to :Miss T~ielar~ie T~iartin~ an aspiring L-Gllarir~ae mars r>ro~~ably caused by the remarkable der~.,~ds made on todayes dancer B~11.et dan~,ars9 defined by Tiiss i•iartin as those who "..,and on one toe and they danca~" must fol].o~•~ a rvutricted diet of "apples and applQSaucr and criexz;~r z~eltad ice cream and some ps,,;hotti~" t~causa 'r it mal~as tr:.©m d~~zce ~~tter~'t Bnncars with weak legs must swat; .,w lorzt;~;, unbroken str.axtds of spaChctti at: :east th-rQQ t3.mc~s a day, This praaticc3a c--~l..ed "noodl3_rtC~10 is desi~rted to build up -~~. dancer®s leg muselQS and strengthen his ~~~.rcho s 4 E.vc~ry b=allerina must awn several costtunesa i.nc].udilr:I "an apple dross and a peach dress with a cake on ito" Those tu~usual outfits ~zre nacc~ssaryo Iiif3s I3artan fe©ls, bbcause "they losak ,ratty with tt!© roLtor skates'r iah:~cr ouc_~ dancer wears far one to two hours dail.y~ i~ducational requ3.remerts era ~x~•lually :7tara.r~ent~ A ballerirxa must ~attand school and "learn haw to rake candys" thau~;h she need net go to co'11.age~ The dancer m=.zst bacoz~ ,:raficient at dodgQ~ball anal ~ ~p°' rop©, to~~p sincas says Miss T•Sartin~ 'rTdhen I dance ~~ have fats o.f T'u~.~,Qts in thQ Caner' I)ax~.eir.~; is~ ro=aev-6r~ rot so T~erilous as it may s©asi, since +~ia bu11o•ts turn into pufa'ed whew and ricer which ors lctir :ice. c~a3ories and ~~:kk!arofox~s rave littl© st~.ng, T4iss T~iartir~ ~lieves that a young dancer ~;ould wish to stare her career in CaII~;'ornias sincz that is "where evar;~-bod;;r claps ~.'' .~''2f~ugh shr~ hag not yet Za ~;Ld13 ~ r fn ra:~al bal~.et ;studi.as, hiss T•iartin has a1r©ady xresi~red sorry rQCOgni'cion as "The P1.a.y- ~.a~;'_~ Gir1.,'T for hAr work in trot raedi.um~ gut she T•r3.:i.1. by rea..dy far trair..3.ng~. sY.a balievws, i.n about two ye:zrs---:right af'tar rer si~~th birthday= hooking h©althy era ~Too9 Bill and Conso grad knob Whites and Ruth and Gordon T~1cG~.].lw tithe are back fror:~ a vigorous skiing trip in Aspens Colorado Joo~ Billy Bob and Gordon took several tumbles down the slopes and PLuth fell f~..~ thc~ instructors but aJ~1. returned unscathed Wh:Lla in Asp©n cur sttulants rubbed shoulders with the ~;x~a.ts (they even saw some of themd) includ~..~; the Ro`aert Keunadysa Tad 8e~ansdys, the Robert ZwiCNamara8$ the mayor of TJew Yorks the Tiffar~ys~ the DuI'ontsg the Caors; Tina Cass3ni (Olag°s daughter) demos ~irn~:sse Janet Leigh Gave Tiexna3's James Stewas tg producer Sass 33ernard, and a tahole pAS~l of future Olympic skiars~ now in trairzi.ng under Stein Lril~an~ Pdor~~egian ski charapiono Sophomore John Chadwick comes to CNS from Port hrthuro Athletically inclinad9 hs on~ boys baskstball9 baseballfl trackA and foot ball and intends to participate in Con solidatad~s sport programsa Uf the academ:;.c subjoctsS he prefers matTzo The sophor~ors class oi' Port Arthur Thigh; John z~eports~ is twice the size of our ©xt~ tars student body but he says ha li2sos CTiS bs tterm ~hu~'Q.r down Q~ ~[~VL t ~i ` 1C~~~~,0'l ~g ~~ $~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~A ~~ ~~ 5 ,_ ~~ t V a.~'r 1 ~~t /;~~ Fay `_ ~/ f P~t» ~' ! ~ . ~z ~ ~';; `~ ~~ f~ ~r ~~ ~~~:=- ;_;~, w '9N ..w';. w fYC . ?,~ {` :~ i,~aw.y... ~ _, y ,.a -. ~1 f,a LL ~an ce ALL PARISH PICNIC - --- L St. Thomas' Church P1Cn1G will be held Sunday, May 23rd at 12:30 in Hensel Park. Make plans now for this wonderful outing at which we will honor our braduatin~ Hibh School Seniors: .. ~ Georbia Heritage, Jackie Hunt, Kim "' Goubh, Susan Lee, John Perry, John Jean Ann Davis i you will coniP •., ~ c lT7 /~'iL L i~%~ Cc G. V,/ ii= ~ it ~.-- -----/.. ".~ '' L i~~ ~~ . b9AY 2 2 , 1965 6:00 - 12:00 p.m. A4r. and Mrs. Perry L, C~3rlton Mr. and Mrs. James R. Carter Mr. and Mrs. C. H. (Eob) Godfrey Mr. and tilrs. Troy Gossett Mrs. Frances Gough Mr. and Mrs. Truman Jor_es Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Worley ,~'" s ** College Station ., l ~ ~_. \ a " r Nyv~ ~~ * ***- ;'You're here! If decli ing 11 (/ ~ "~~7~ honoring Ricky Carlton James Lee Carter Larry Godfrey Darrell Gossett Carlyne Gough Carl Go~.gh Bob Jones Fred {4orley y~t- `GAMES -^} //~ S- +. "s ~ ~ WEAR YOUR WESTERN DUDS FOOD ~r'~ ~- DANCING -~ a ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~i% .~C~~'L ~ a ~~ ~~ .f ati ~~i~~ ~~ G, , . ~~~Qiy `~9 /~ 7.'30 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ I ~ s - - /~"~~ ~~.~'~~ _' S ^ ~~ V /v ~~ J d N ~ -~ •v N 1~ N ~ ~ C' ~ ~~ ~ .~'' rV ~. nj ~ ~ ~' • N V .G1~ ,r ~~ ' ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~' ~ C ~ v ~ ~ O Z3 0, z' v .f.' CS `"~'' 01 ~ w_ ~ .r ~ ~ V ~ d ° ~' o ~ ~~ ~ ~5p+ v ~ ~. ,UUZ ~. ~ `Q w ~ v ~ r \ v ~~ •~ w ~ ~~ V a N ~ , ~ ~ v w ~ ~ . ~ ' ~ ~i rv^ ~+ •~ ~ ' "~ INyH _ i G?~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ °~ J r s ~ o ~ C v N.1 _ 0 C~ ~ ~ ~ ~~L ~ ~ w ~ O ~ d W ~ "'' ~ ~ a ~ •~,~ ~ C .~ ~ u o ('h ~ v~ ~ Ct p` V ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ V -.~ ~ ~ p ,w ~ ~ ~ ~ ?~ fi ~ ~ ~+ ~ °' ~ cC ti W M ~ O s1 CS ~ ~ N d ~ ~ W oo U ~ ~~ H V ~ ~ p 3 N ~' N ~ ~~ J THE BRYAN DAILY EAGLE Bryon-College Starion, Texas Friday, Sept. 18, 1964 I,~ ' I i, I ~ ~~ w~,i i5 , i .N I q~d ~ ~~5 I .. it ~1 ~ h~i N I J A&1VI CONSOL YELL LEADERS Poised and ready for cheering A&M ahead are these pretty ,yell leaders and mascot, pictured at Tiger Field in College Station. They are, back row, Sharon Yeager, Daisy Sloan and Sallye Sorenson head {cheerleaders); front row, Debbie Cooper, John Cooper (mascot) and Cynthia Castle. This year's sponsor is Mrs. Tommy Meeks (Eagle Photo by Gene Dennis) Peter Fagan Family Now Lives in Florida Dr. and Mrs. Peter G, Fagan, formerly of College Station, have moved tc P'loresville, where Dr. Fagan will practice medicine and surgery. Dr. Fagan is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and completed his medical schooling at South- western in Dallas. He interned at the University of Minnesota fo-• two years. Floresville is his first residence of private practice. ~~ are ,Y 's~`~ 1 ~._ i I~ ~II~ IVIh~,m ~ I ~~~ uNil~~lpquui w ~ ~~~, a , HLq~n'", i~ 11 i.~ ,~I nlNMll~', I, ~y~~yy~ IN~~Y~~~ ~.~ I~ ~~~ INININ1 ININI~II ail., ~ r'~~ii liil Nry I~ i WHO'S TA1vIiI~G ~'HO`l Instead of crawling into a tank, this Tiger's getting tanked - on a soft drink that is - at the A&M Consolidated -Brenham football game Friday night. The Tiger, Linda Bloom, an A&M Consoli- dated student, is a new addition at the Bengal foot- - ball games. The mascot made its first appearance at the Friday ball game which ended in a frustrat- __.. n n 4:,, lT.,nln Phntn by Gene Deriri1S~ PROUD PAlH. Miss Georgia Heritage, 17, is all smiles after being named A&M Consolidated Homecoming Queen Friday night. Her proud escort is her father, W. M• (Mike) Heritage. The A&M Consolidated senior was selected for the honor over eight other finalists. (Eagle Photo by Gene De__ nnis) _ w yeti ~' K:p.~ ~ ~ y"USN N A N ~ ~•• N O Fh ~m~Ox' ~yOx.~UI ~' w O e L7 w ~N N ro ~~..yy ~~ a'"•~ C "' ~ :s :°. N' ~3 ~ ~'~ F"~ ~~~wx v, ~ ro ,~ ~ 't3 • " ~ C2 ~'A. ° fD x ,°yy~y0 M~~~ ~ MH H M mroNC.b N ONbc4~• "<roro~'•G ~ "~ `.Y'~ coo ~ w ro x p,a'"7ro W wGwO~a ~ ~ ~ ee C !/~ ~ H i v N rM w M ~M Qw mg,aC ti µn ',' N rroi. '•Y O '~~ro~ :ooa~+ ".,~w .w ~ w "d ',"~'W cn w R E w s ~. c ace ~' R-, v, n r• H ~~ 3 a ti ti 9 f] r. _~ -c n n r 7 'O r ~ rt~ y ~ a~ ~ m m °, a ~ ~ n N S G rn m 0 0 W O r+n rt m V. n ~7 G E ~ N • aw r. o ,~ o-c m ^ m ~n+ n m 2 ~ ~ n ~ H ~ r v: v c m c 7 n r, rt..v co m m a ~ ~ o ¢ n ~ :~ m m ~ c~ ~ o woo ~ c . _ ° ~ ''r°.rt ~ ~r+ r r =l ' ~ " 3 ~ yy r. r. ~ r~ '~ ~' m a m •x m av ~ m o~ c n m '- 'z G r~ 0. In 04 < " 7 O W m 7 _ O p rn V, m ~ 0 7 ^ E w n U. r.; 'S r rn n r• w .q ~( r O N N ~~ G R ~ N G rn m 7 m • 7 W C H 0.~ H w~< ~ 7~rK.n m moat £ ~•~ C m m p ~ C N m '~ 0 7 H Oa r• 0. a m .x7 a~ ~'v n a m ~ H ,< ~ H ~~~ v m£ h 7 rt~ H _ m ~ -~ --~ • .* a r- m c. n ~ ao n r• m n w n a w ~o ti,m w a -3 - o ~• ~ - ie rn n o r ~ o _ H . oo n m c r c r.H~ ~~• - oa °ow~'rw~~ m~~Nmy ~' cC ._ ~. rn o ,n w ~ ~.. ~ lD '~' O t~h r+ y y "O S2+ 0 ry ~' N O ~ '`~ N n N~ (D 'O" OZl `J lD DC O ~. O ~ IC3 ~ ~' 'r3' ~ 9'4 'Y' W w G A7 Q'' '"1 y ~ ~ 0'q ~ 04 N w O '~ rt, aq fD ""Y H O O ~~i• N ¢ rr ~ ~ w ~ " O'Y ~ ~ ~ O ~p !-i rn ~ O N ~' ~ ~ C ~ ~+ m ,~+ N ~ O ~ K tCD ~, w r- ~ ~, p L%~'°C NOy ° v'~ w m w ~ d~ ~ ~ ~~~ y p,t"'. °c~ ~ p,~n ~ ~''"' ~O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,'w ~s C~ ~' a. ~, m ~ .¢ ~,w~,~o xon`~ ~i o~G'~a. ¢~w R.~~~o°;N?jfD ~ as "~~~ r« Q'~ w ns' v, LLB fD ~w ¢'~ ~ G a'~o ~ ~ m ~~'ym ~ w K o wV« ~ ~ a. ~ p' ~~ ~; ¢;." ~+~" ~' ~ boo. ~~¢ti O w ~ w xN ~ w P. w •sz y K ~ o ~.o `~ ~. ~ o" w ro w ~ ~ ~ ~ :° °' ~' ~~ m~ o ~,°~ °:,`~ ~ ~ w°`l ~o~a w ¢~~~ ,.,,~~ ~ rw~-o ~,oyo~a ~' ~¢~ a~¢~m y y 2 OOq ~p"r.M 0~~1 N p O ~~ c~i~0 ~ ~ u.~~ MO O O ¢'~ O er ~~"~ ¢ ~_~ N~~N • F~ -~ CD CD d• 1 ~ ' i • R 0 ~'rC y C L*J V .. m r F~ -I a Z m ~, a v C~ r-+~ (O -i 17f ~J 1 a z v a r -t r A Carfton G. `Spike' White March 25, 1914 -June 3, 2002 BRANSON, Mo. -Plans for a private funeral service for Carlton G. "Spi_,_~_ ke_White, 88, of Branson, are underway by Snapps Funeral Home In Branson. Mr. White died Monday in Bran- son, Mo. He was born in Dallas and graduated from Texas A&M Uni- versity in 1935 with a bachelor of science degree in electrical engi- neering and a bachelor of arts degree in education. He received his master's degree in health and physical education from the Uni- versity of Southern California. Mr. White served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. In 1958, he, along with his wife, started the Kanakomo Kamp for girls, which .s a Christian Athletic camp still family owned and operated in Branson. He was on the faculty at Texas A&M University for more than 20 years as head of the Intramural Athletic Department and Depart- ment of Student Activities. He also served as assistant dean of men. He received many awards for his service to the community and development of youth, including an award presented by Dan Quayle at a Family Values Convo- cation. Survivors include his wife of 64 years, Darnell White of Bran- son; three sons, Dr. Robert C. White of Bryan, William Hays White of Cedar Hill, Mo., Carlton G. "Spike" White 1914 - 2002 Carltat G. "Spike" White, 88, died on June 3, 2002 in his home in Branson, Missouri. Spike was born March 25, 1914 in Dallas, Texas. He graduated from Texas A&M University, Class of'35 with a BS in Electrical Engineering and a BA in Education. He received his Masters degree in Health and Physical Education from USC. He was on Faculty Staff at TAMU over 20 years as Head of the Intramural Athletic Department and Department of Student Activities and Assistant Dean of Men. Spike served in the US Navy during World War II as a trainer and instructor at Iowa University for top Fighter Pilots for warfare. His emphasis on survival, hand-to-hand combat, physical conditioning in wrestling, swinmring and other mental and physical preparation concerning service while at sea on Carriers. Lt. Carlton G. White was on the US Navy Carrier, USS Coppahee, in the Pacific for two years. Spike had been married to his wife, Darnell Hackney White, for over 64 years. Together they purchased Kanakuk Kamp on Lake Taneycomo in 1954. They started the Kanakomo Kamp for girls in 1958. The Christian Athletic Kamps have playe~an instrumental part in building the lives of thousands of young people for these 48 years. The Kamps are now owned and operated by their son and daughter-in--aw, Joe and~'ebliie Jo White of Branson. While in Branson, Spt~~ke has.received awards for his service to the commu- nity and to the development of youth. Among these are the 1997 Mary Award for contribution to youth and community service, an award to the White Family pre- sented by Dan Quayle at a Family Values Convocation and an award from the Christian Camping International for 75 years service. He was preceded in death by his father, Thomas H. White, his mother, Mary Lucile Ross White and his brother, Joe Ross White, Class of `39. He is survived by his wife, Darnell, three sons Dr. Robert C. White of Bryan, William Hays White of Cedar Hill, TX and Joe Thomas ~IJhite of Branson, MO and their wives. Included are eight grandchildren, William Cody White of Dallas, Lance Carlton White of Denton, TX, Jeffrey Scott White of Austin, TX, John Wesley White of Rogers, AR, Jamie Jo Braner, Courtney Margaret White, Brady Ray White and Cooper Downs White all of Branson, MO and five great grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, the family would prefer contributions be made to the non- profit organization for urban youth, KIDS ACROSS AMERICA (PO Box 930, Branson, MO 65615) or the charity of your choice. A private family burial was held at the Kanakuk Kam~Gemetery. A memo- rial Service was held at The Neighborhood Chapel in Branson for Kamp staff and friends to celebrate the life of a man who gave so much to young~people through- out his life. Thomas White of Branson, Mo., as well as their wives; eight grandchildren; and five great- grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Kids Across America, P.O. Box 930, Branson, Mo. 65615 or the charity of your choice. Mr. & Mrs. Kyle (Terri Smith '93) Stone '93, Milholland, Spring Megan Elizabeth was b 19. Her great-grandfs _.. Spike White '32, graEather is William Hayes "Bill" White '68, her uncle is i `Richie Smith '96 and her aunts are Tracy Smith Witt '92 ana Lisa Stone '87. 135 ~^~ ns171'Q3135 P~3 als Dr. Robert WYiite 52 TEXAS AGGIE NOVEMBER 1996 ^~ ^~ 0 ~~ L L .N L O O v O N b0 s .~ 'i C O ?; O y C vi c GL ~ c0 is ° w f~ ~ ~ ri ~ 4. Z N ~~pp O E ~, A ~ ~--~ N x a7 0 ,--~ M ~ ~ o ~ ~ ° o a~ ~ o o~. eyn3 E ° ~~ a y ~., ~ T w .O U pq bA •y 3 "" ~ O i ~ y~ y G. y c w w `'" ~ 'c~ ~ w c~~ c. ~ ~ ¢GG ~ ~w pp 0 a~ ONE O y ~ ~ by a~ ~ O cC ° .c ~ ' >+ ~ coop ao~~E~--~.~ A.~F, ~Ew~. 3 ro~s a~i.~ o. .~~~ ~ g ~.S c a>?: v, ~ .~ a~ a> b cd >, ~ ~ ~ ~ eo s ??rod .ti~8c.c ~~~`°~,~ c. ~v _ L~N~ b~~~~ ~H~~~~ ~~ o~ ~~ ~ Eve g~ ~ ~ .» o ~ emu. ~•c 3yo y a>`~'~ °on ia; o i 3 ¢'~-°~ss ~~ ~ ~~ ~ Tact ~ ~° w•r"-, ~ E ~ ~ o~ ~ ~F ~ ° °Q g ~F o cn > ~' ~ _ ° F" ~e c .~ ate, >, vim' ~ o ? v~ '~ y ,c ~ ~ .~ c '.°- :~ y vi ~. 'C ~ v~ c L4 c0 O Cn O F¢x'3~aa ~aa .~~ Ncaw~ ~y ~ b ~ ~ ~ ~, dc~a ~.c^ 3 c ~~o ~ c «s ~Gp oar a3 '"' ~°'o~': °~ec°o °~A 3~ O Q c ca c N~ R a~ ~$ a~ .+ R O~ Q N O C N ~ ~y ~~ bA L~ X d E.o,.n o~ N~ 8 O 0 3 `»•60 cw ~ L, 7• ~•-'i~.c ~ y~ ^ coo ~E- c a~ c +y. ~~ ~~m~. .:mac. ~,. ,,~ '`~ . _ ^ j 1 ~.~. ,~4 ~ ~~ ~ ? 4 f ,~trz '~`' x .~,. sr `, t~;~ ,,;~'~~' R^' e ~ G, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'' ,k r r v ; h~,~i' ~^ t~ i ~ ~ . ' ~~ ,~ ~ ., ~ ~~ ~ ~ _ ` .,~ ~' .Eagle photo by Students Lavne Cole (left) and .e~nrr Fromm^•--~ 11 to return to From puge 1 A long-time teacher in the district. Bright said he might be able to help. He called K.C. Morgan, a Consol science teacher who reared in 1980. ` `Mr. Bright called me and asked if I knew anything about it," Morgan said last week. "I said. `Yes, I know about it. I've got it."' As he recalls it, the bell was don- ated to the school by the family of a student not long after it opened in the fall of 1954. The family lived on Rock Prairie Road. "We had a work day," he said. "We hauled in rock and stuff, and we landscaped." The bell was installed during the workday. "Mr. Orr had two beautiful rose beds of roses, and it was out there by one of the rose beds.'. When the new high school opened on FM 2818, Morgan naturally moved with it. Not long thereafter, the wings at the old school were closed in for classroom space. The ' vas taken down, along with the Students work to get b 11 back at Consol ~ ~ ~~~~z By HUGH NATIONS Brazos Valley bells, lE Staff_ W riter Thanks to some enterprising and about, when you walk through inquisitive students, the A&M high school, you don't really st Consolidated High School bell has anything that's really old, been returned to the school campus Frampton said. As head of tl after an odyssey of more than a pride and spirit committee, he h. decade. become interested in preservit The bell is expected to be instal- the Consol heritage. led in the high school courtyard "That's one thing I've bei this week. trying to get across to the stude The last time it graced a council," he said. schoolyard, it rang for fire drills at yearbook sponsor Betty Harvt the old Consolidated campus on wondered aloud what had ha Anderson Street. pened to the bell that once hw Since then, it has .been taken from a pole in the courtyard b down, tossed into a storage shed, tween the two wings of the old hi; rescued from obscurity, erected school on Anderson. That school once again at a former teacher's now the junior high. business, and taken down again. In an old yearbook, the Studer The latest chapter in the story of located a picture of the bell. T'. the Consol bell began a short while picture is of a group of chattii ago with Student Council Vice students; in the background Stan President Scott Frampton's School the bell. Pride-School Spirit Committee. Harvell suggested the Studer Committee members were prepay- check with Art Bright, the head ing a display of items from Con- the Consol math department and sol's past. d talking i i ` Turd to BELL, page 2A W ng aroun tt e were s ol7sot cdmpu~ ~til~ wc~ attached post, and placed in a storage shed neaz the present junior high school. That was where Morgan ran across it. "I feared the bell was just going [o get thrown away," he recalls. "So I told someone I was going to take the bell and put it up at my place." He installed the bell, still on the original post, at his camper sales lot at Texas Avenue and Miller Lane. There it stayed until only a few days ago. Morgan has sold the property. He had taken the bell down, and was planning to erect it at his new place between Millican and Wellborn. It was still on the ground at the Texas Avenue property when Bright called. The retired teacher agreed to give the bell to Consolidated, provided it was permanently installed at the school. courtyard at Consolidated. It w different campus, true. But it the same school for which it h. tolled. Frampton said Morgan h~ other condition when he retun bell. It must, he said, never agar A&M Consolidated, where campus might be. Frampton, a senior, presented the proposed project to the Student Counctl, wtuch quickly agreed that it sounded like a good idea. Layne Cole, a Consol senior and also a member of the council, agreed to refurbish the bell. He has since repainted it, working at home in his garage. Sometime this week, Frampton said, the bell should be erected in the sers. the wtu oe accompan-ea oy urgau~ai s.~..•.,..,.....,. 'A nursery will be provided, and a reception honoring the performers Marvin Leath, Marlin A N Mickey Leland, Houston Y Y 11 follow the recital. Solomon Ortiz, Corpus Christi Y Y J.J. Pickle, Austin Y Y Charles Stenholm, Stamford Y N • Charles Wilson, Lufkin Y Y Looking back ... Jim Wright, Fort Worth A A I~FPUBLICANS . IP F O A. r N R. i., ~ G G. ~.. `~ C cG •~ .~ bq SI w ..- U L' L- U ~ c~ ~- .L .c cd '~ c ~ N ~ O U 'p c3 c P ]~^ ~\ .°dcO.o"~oL.~_~VoF-•v~~~ ~=C i~E .~ aQo b ,,.~'~ x = ~ ~ o ~ ._ " _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J "on Brinkman - Mic V ~~ ~~ ~'~ ; ~ L~ ~~> ~ ~ ~~ ~~ =3 a~` o o Immy Brown - Terr nP ~ao ~ 3~~~o•~cZ'~E°"~~a..d~ ,~°o.o~~~y U errieBurch-Bobt o .~, ~ ~, ~ ~; ~, ~, w o ~ o ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ T ~ ~ s .o ~ ~ ~, Hosanna Clark - Jo ~- ~ ~ ~ o=~~~~~o~~~.c~o_n-~~, 'a~~.~c~''~a~i ° IlaClark-Reggi0l iy ~ ~~,'cc,'Oi'~ o~o~~so ° °?~~-.3X °.c0. c Duckworth-Chris nn ~ ~ ~ ° on3 c ~•~: ~ ^•: c°">, ~.5 on a~ o 0 0 ~ 3 ~ c ~ -M J ~~ ~3s~~~~~~3GOy>~~xx~~°~yo~~~•~ ~ Iron Goodman-R~ O ~ 3 -o '~ v~ '~ v v c~ oa W V~ ~ A o'~°3.3~~aci^~ acis~° c~~~ ~,~°~~~ O r. ~ y. •v c ~ c ~ a~ v J w tr c U~ 3 y c~ C. v~ O O O O O n O r' 7 J r~ ~ 'C7 V~ ~ ~ ~ c a> = U V c ~-' y? c ~ a) U W y > y-p v~.b O i y U ~.C ~ ~' .r ~ aU.. ~ N `~ ~ N ~ ~ ,~ ~~.`°c>'~~~,u•~3o~ acio.tioo y'~~~~~~w°,c O ~, ~ .~ o c ~ on.c•~ GL ~ a c .S c .^ a~ o, c .°_ :. ° ~ c ~ ~~ 3~ c ~ c .L 3 ~ caat~.G~b ~y a~i ~s c ~ ~' ~ O ~.~o ~~ s~~~ ~•~~ o ~~ ~~ ~.E o~~ ~ ~~ - ~ ,~ ao ~o -o o ~ ~ ~- c :, a~ ~- ~ a~ c ~ a~ a~ ~~~III c ,G cd Y U .a O O c •~ ~ ,~ C c +r O >; O 3 y N L p C it ~ G~ y °`~ c V L abi '' V •= -•,~ O ~~ ~ ~'fl ~ U ~~ b iU.w c O O tU. bAO ~ w.D ~ ~,0~ G !.: Gl.C day ~ cd '> 3 C y ~ ^'~ ~ (fj ¢ C ,C N y cd ~ N i C d O y ~ ~ c cd y U c ~ i.r cC ' " ~ .b ~ ~ bA N .r >,~ ... ^~ ~ ,"i, O ~ ~ O aU.. 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