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Tigerettes Constitution
~ ~ Constitution of the A & M Consolidated Tigerettes vtie, the A~cIti4 Consolidated High School Tigerettes, hereby accept and adopt this stated constitution. Article I--Name The name of the organization shall be the Tigerettes. Article II--Purpose -The purpose of the Tigerettes is to boost school activities, to create a spirit of school loyalty, and to increase interest in all sports. Article III-Membership All members shall have a freshman or above standing and shall maintain an overall scholastic average of 75. Article IV--Officers Section 1--The of~'icers of this organization shall be president, tvuo captains, four lieutenants, six sergeants, historian, and reporter. Section2--A11 officers shall be elected. in the last month of the spring semester. Section 3--Nominations of officers shall be made from the floor. Section ~.--Voting shall be made by the show of hands. Article V--Sponsors Section 1--The sponsor or sponsors shall be any female hi>~h school teacher.. Section 2--She or they shall be elected by the organization upon the approval of the princi;?al of the hih school. Article VI--Meetings Section 1--Meetings shall be held during football season tc~ice a week nn Tuesday and Thursday. Meetings for the remain~*, period of the year shall be held on the first Tuesday of the month. Section 2--IVieetings may be called for special purposes with the consent of the sponsor. Article VII--quorum A quorum shall consist of 2/3 of the bonafied members. e ~ Article VIII--Amendments Section 1 --Amendments of the constitution may be made by a majority vote of the active members present. Section 2--uy-laws may be adopted, amended, or repealed by a ma ~Drity vote of active members present. By-law s Article I--Membership and Dues Section 1--tic~tive members pay full dues and have all the ri?hts and pr ivileges of membership. Section 2--The dues shall be x`:1.00 per ,year and must be laid no later than the firs t football game . Article II--Duties of Officers--%lective Section 1--It shall '~e the duty of the president to Iz' eside at all meetings. She shall have been in Tigerettes three years. She must be willing to spend her time for the ~oou of the organization when she is needed. She shall have a good scholastic record. She shall be interested in bettering; the organization. Her election shall be a function of Tigerettes with no outside group influence. Section 2--It shall be the duty of the historian to keep a.ll news arti- cles pertaining to Tigerettes at least one year and have a sophrnore stand- inc;. She must be willing to give of her time and have a good record in Tigerettes. Section 3--It shall be the duty of the reporter to report all newsworthy activities to the local newspapers concernin? the Tigerettes. She must be in Tigerettes at least one year and have a sophmore standing. She should have some writing ability, but her inability to write is not necessarily a prerequisite. She must have a good record in Tigerettes. Article III--Duties of Officers--Appointive Section 1--It shall be the duties of the vice-president-senior captain to preside over all meetings in the absence of the president. She shall be a senior and 'nave been in Tigerettes th ree years. the must have leadership ability and be willing to give of her time. She must have a good record in Tigerettes and a good academic record. Section 2--It shall be tre duties of the secretary--treasure-.junior captain to keep accurate minutes and call the roll at each meeting. ... She shall also in the absence of the senior captain be second in comm- and of the organization. She shall have had tvvo years in Tigerettes. She must be willing to rive of her time. She must have a good record in Tigerettes and a good academic record. Section ~--It shall be the duties of the lieutenants to teach the trainees and keep a list of all merits and demerits of each Tigerette. She shall have been in Tigerettes two yea r. s. She rnust learn hove to .give commands and learn all drills and pom-pom routines. She shall be expected to take command of the organization in the absence of the president and the captains. She must have a 7ood academic standing. Section S--It shall be the duties of the sergeants to inspect the uniforms of the Tigerettes before each pe rformance and report the Condit ~ on of the dress to the lieutenants. She shall ha~se been in Tigerettes one or two years. She shall have either a sophmore or junior standing. She must have a good record in Tigerettes and a good academic record. shall assir~n each squad a senior football player on whom to keep a scrap- book. Article IV--Duties of the membership Sec.llt shall be the duties of each Tierette to give of her time and effort to make the organization strong. She ~ all be physically fit and able to march. She must adjust her schedule after school hours in such a fashion that she vaill be ab1.e to practice marching routines. She must be able to purchase her uniform. Sec. 2--All Tigerettes must attend all marching sessions. Facture to attend. said sessions will p^ event the Tierette from wearing her uniform and from marching at the followin~^ performance. Section 3--Called practices are on Friday at noon and must be attended. Article V--Merits and demerits Section 1--14ierits shall be given for the following reasons: 1. Making an outstanding; poster which is judged by the s?~onsor and officers. 3 2. Heading a committee. 2 5 Attending all games in an~T one arthletic season. ~. Receiving Top Tigerette. 5 5. Doing tying and needed tivork for the sponsor and officers for Tigerette business. 2 6. uuinning elimination drills each day of marching. 3 Section 2--Demerits shall be *iven for the following reasons: 1. Absence vaithout x~ermission from practice. 3 2. Absence without permission from tames. 5 ~. Tardiness -v~Jithout permission from practice. 2 Tardiness without permission from games. 3 (Tardinesses are counted at the t irre of uniform check. 5. Incompleteness of uniform. 3 6. Failure to respond favorably to the commands and requests of the officers. (talking in ranks, proper spirit at practice.) ~ '~. Lack of proper spirit at games and pep rallies, 5 Use of profane language. Suspension 9. Chewing gum at games. 3 110. Use of intoxicating beverages or cigarettes. Suspension 11. Returning from games with unauthorized person without permission in writing. Suspension for one game. l2. Changing busses without permission from the sponsor. Suspension for one game. Section 3--All demerits shall be permanent. Fifteen demerits shall constitute suspension from Tigerettes for a length of time decided by the sponsor and officers. Fifteen demerits constitutes removal from Tigerettes. Sectori ~.--Any time a Tigerette is suspended from marching for any reason she will not be able to wear her uniform. Article VI--Suspension Section 1--The length of suspension shall be decided upon by the sponsor and the officers. Section 2--A11 members .::moo do not have a 75 average at the end of the six reeks period shall be suspended until the grade average has been restored. Section 3--All members having a failing grade shall be suspended for one week ~~- in order that she may utilize her time studying to bring up her grade to passing. Section l~--Any member may came to the suspension meeting concerning her case and plead her cause; otherwise the meeting will be closed to all other people. Section S--A suspension notice shall be written stating time of suspension :duration of suspension which shall be signed by the president and sponsor. A cony of the suspension notice shall be given to the suspended girl and a aop~i- ep~s21 be g~~sn'to the suspended girl, and a copy shall be planed in the secretary's book. ~.rticle Vii. Resignations Section 1--A letter of resignation must be given to the sponsor and ~~hen recorded in the minutes of the following meeting. Section 2--Upon receipt of the letter of resignation, the resignation is binding and the girl who has resigned must again try-out for Tigerettes. Article VIII Uniform Section 1--The winter uniform shall be a maroon pleated skirt and vest with a white cotton blouse. Black shoes and white socks will be Wor~w.~and white gloves will be worn. f ~ e .Section 2--The uniform must meet the requirements of the organization and ann©t vary from the pattern heretofore set. Section 3--The suamner uniform shall be the maroon skirt and white over- Llouse. Article IX. Order of Meeting 1, Call to order 2. Prayer 3, Reading of the minutes and roll call 4, Treasurer's report Report of co.~rnnittees 6. Old business 7. New business 8, Election of officers ~' ., Adjournment of business meeting _?rticle X ~~r~ion 1--All meetings shall be conducted in a parlimentary manner. Section 2--All matters shall be decided by the democratic process a ?_,~3 majority of all members.