HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Safari, Vol. 1, No. 1~ 4 a `.finis issue courtesy N of tine school . t I~C ,' f:.'~r %'~rC'.r. ~i~~;t1~_tiors or' csr;-- pv.s cress ~;~rils r~•~lain E'. c•.1 ~ '~-f'11 ° v S l're ^; C ~ tror~ to ti-~e t~rise o:~~. ~r~c le~-'~ ~•-' of ~ro~'r slor c5 . Lo c' s "~zo l; u~tTso t~~is ~~rivile~~~e~ so t?~ia. ~" loot?:.. '~o~•s . ?1~C; ^'.1'15 COY CO''- v1'1? .^. t0 1•rE'i:r S?70I'tS c_c;,~cs ate i~r~_~~ays. be ~°-aze: ar-.' ner- na.T~s ~. ; i ~tl~ ~~tart to ~':i~-_~' ever; te~.c-Ter testi~« o~: sncll.i t:,is le~:r. tTOC-~.L.I.Ja4:l COtirSC'S -, t,s . ::r5 . .:Oi1~ ~ crrill il~ ~c~.__-e __r. ..~., _.~.., s .rs .._ls Lo.~ 1•r, ll re'?la.c :::rs '.~orrell ir_ s"~o~c?7. -lrs • )ett~p _'eelc~~y tir~.ll i~eacr~ '~~~~.11-tir.~:a in -~Q~.~1S2 ~~ r7.~1C' iii gar-c ::r . -'L'rCi'.~:r Vr1.11 '~CS1;:.TOT:. :.rC . ::arT :~'iilli;~s ~:ril'. ., _ ;: ~ ~ • `i"ne first S~:•:,r.~~T sinco 1960 hits the stands ti~is rnornin~, :%u~ust 30. Tw ice-~,ionthlJ issues at a du~~ie per issue are pro~,iised by Jaditor lion t~isher and the staff. Ts^ fou have an~T su~;es tions, we ~d li'ie to sec them. Tf you 'nave gripes, tre ~ 11 "I:a':.Q ~~h.ose, too. (hut be .~iiid...~e bruise eas ilf.} 'i'hcre ~ 11 'oe o~'_'icial n otices from the front off ice, and so~.ie social tidb its, too. ?~.Te t 11 have neVts trod clubs and organizations and, of course, sports. r n ai r U (~ , y / de ncl will a ested, re G ( ~ ~ S 8 O I S .'3uy, Sell, or tirade elas- r si:i Ted colurr~. :~o nar16 ~ ~ ~ ~ t it, please, and if it fits, ~ -. : , , we ~ 11 print it. , _ ~r _;.~: ~_~::rinn _~ctr~.r~:s Support t'ie ~.'~.j~~Ll eh? [[~~ /"1t, is n~: `~ t o' ,r ; "~ ~~ ~~ta.j;e t;~~is s:;~j:~:or. ~1 .t, ~o~r5~ ~~ ~,ato r:a ~ irk"' :~.'c "faie 1963 :":r~ual party S. .~~ ~ Div ~ V (::t SCn..1rLJ ~~~...~ -, on t-1o s1ab, of course, t'~"_~ :~~~rsit~ a~~c: ti•ras ~.ir- `~he crgwd held bac'.~ un'cil ~~ c ted ~~:i Dr . 1~~.~~~~ ie of . the arrival of the honoree, t~~^ _-^eri: < ~-. Le~~io ~? . upon tahich :~:irs. ;7orre1l l~ro:,? ~t?~"~e l~ ~o ?l, read the editors dadi- L~~Z:°~. ~';t~_ZC~e~ C=irl:,' cation to Principal ~.i'.. ,~i:w'~•~ ~.~; ~_~e 1'e?°s.s Qzrnent. :~~L'~af~ ;~~"~ooa_ -'cr '.:.+e 'i''nen :.',ets;; got busy r? .i. ~~' i_1 .:°„~s ;i:~. :'i.rls' ta?~in~ in receip~Ls and St.':,e ~~rus _.! rac ~~,~ '~;;r i;1ViZlrr OU.t fcarb00':s T•J].ti1 .:'~ S5 .~,rc?s~C:' ^ CO.i .,_'. the help of Jo~• Jaros, :~.-,e -'~ r; ~,°°c ;• .J J_...~ Jv c;:..i~..: Sc~err;~r Tolland, and ~J'az~ce j ro_+':'~ssic_~~:1 `.to_<<~._s' `."emler. "~Verybod~ Who 1' C?~!'~ r._.zose Linda. .;i'_e . could ~o ~ there ~o'l. ~'~ere, ~,rar r~o_~sorec: J~; ~_1C and it r;ras a prott~; ;coat '?''_~s C?u'~. :ot'i stt?c~or_ts reunion. t•r~rc, s ~lcc ter': ~~ ~_ the `l~"tlanis t0 Lets~• ~~a~~l~e ~C+.S15 C i' SC;'__02~s~ S_l'„ and a hard-worl>in~; ':.'TG ~~~- 4.}1~: 7.-^~i:er:~s'~ i_~ ';o~~er<~- LriiTL sta.i"f. ': !e~ro proud r?o:.~~~. of our 1963 :annual. '!.'~~~~ *~t_r_,os~ o.~ c?•~e ~i0~"S' c.t''_C~ `_i~.r1S i .:~t,o.tC~S :etia textboo?.:s, a,t:~or~; othors : is ~:,o .._a~•~ t~1C sa:,-t:~"-:e°~ is Latin, $paniSit, ar,.d math ?.;~ : ~"r aCq:c.Zn ;;r"., Z,,i t'i 9 ~ ~ EonoeA~ ~T ~;r~l~r do stLdents quit college? :~nen on a national average students drop out of college at a rate of six out of ten this is bad news. ~;hf does such a percentage drop out oi" collage? :everyone ventures a guess. r.L'here is tl-~e possibili~cy that for some college is a 'Dore; it's no c1~a11enge for the:~n. 'f'nis group feels that they~re wasting tune and .money sitting in tl~o classroom trying 'co absorb I~owledge that they could batter acquiro on their own. 'i"ne reverse is often true. Some students find college too difficult. ri'hey are unable to meet the social and scholastic requirements of college. hero is deep resentt:~ent among the group oz" students who wero pushed into college by parents. But w"natever the reason, iguros snow that ~0 orr:tore of tho collego r^reshnen do not cotr_plete t:?cir college wor':. Ilow can this percontago be cut? I proposo a three point plan. (l) C,~et rowdy ?'or college crhil.e in high scl~zool. By this I :c.~ean learn to study, ` et iaxvolved in extra ac°civity, learn to ta1~o advice, learn to write and use a library. 1'-obert douse, ,:? ~:I i University librarian, once said that 90;x. of the n~~.~ fresh.;~ien dontt know how to use a large college library. (2) Choose a college that will best suit your needs and your ai.m in life. If you want to be an engineer choose an engineering school of good quality. (3) If you are not college .material don't go to college; go to a vocational school or a junior college or a prep school before you choose your life t s work. Tt is not a disgrace not to get a college edu- cation. Some people are not college material. But whatever you do, choose your vocation wisely and .make your choice of college with the utmost care. %ditor-in-Chief . . ................1:en .t istier ribsls'i.an'G -}'~'+dltor.... • ...... • • .. • .Lorelei 3rown -, ,. Sr . teportors .................... i e 1aI11e : ~.lller Pam l~dams ~'r. tieporters ....................l~ut11 aCCrill i>.atherine Ldwards Soph. Roporters ..................Stephen nrescott ~.ary liLtth j Jat':ins Special than.':~s to Thor~.s Edwards and '+Ii'.-.:l;i Vrootna.n iss. Harriot Martin is the sponsor of Sa Page 2 r~~~t,7C nr /;~""J:~A ~;nT_10 ~r~V~'~ Q S C. =.l ~ ..L ~ J Q t, .,.J y J, . ~. ~ i i i._ ''i1S ' 3., Bo3oto or ~n~l~.c-~ to ~~<.r'.:. ~- ~, ,_ ._~L--~. t~1c~s;, urc U1~ r bl~~ Jr. s~i si'C c.f. ~ , , jl I..o1.'lc.r atre~:. • . ';JV r~ ~ C71 '~~?.^ cjl._._1%Cr3.l~. sic, ei ~ol? c?- `1-F.,ri'~t a~~.:- o:~? ~~ie: ?.sae'- side ;a t~l? Of~l~Cv 1C~. :'1~:::~~.s s.rc tin: ~~r tira~T v^til. ; c ~:es.elo~~s, car r_l,:C i; trice ~'or c...io f c~~ ~ar';:i:~~ s~aots. State from page 1 Tn order to do this the students were divid- ed not only into polit- ical partico but also into cities, countios, and districts w'nich composed a .mythical fifty-r"first state. stud- ents were then not~zinated to run for oz^fices from citylevel through the ilouse of Representatives and the Senate . Even a governor was elected and an ix!au~Lmalball held at the capitol. ~lrnong the persons who spore to the two groups were the Governor of ...~ Texas, John Connally; ~~ttorney General [Jag;onor Carr; dac1~ Cox, former . Republican Cand itate for governor; and the editor of the `~ustin ,Statescia.n• Linda an~'~~z~e report they returned horde with a .muchgreater '..z~otaledgo of the wor?~ings of the government and both ex- press the desire that more people might share t'neir experiences. C: i :~"ice coilt . i ra°z a ~- ~: 1 t- a~ t`~cner ~?us i~ea:'T L .c ? , ~~rrlo recentl~r re s i~;ne ~~ to ~.~TOVe to junior colle;re . ~_ll these ?-?.sw ~,F,.c?~ars are ^i~~hl~r qu~~11.~~'ie~ anc e~:~or t;, start. hot's a YcOl•r i,~''SL't?1 !+r e C'.2. t'2 meet ttlcir sta~~~aarc?s. 'ras'r1~e~~ ~.r_d sopho- r~,ores ~:ri ll 1~4vc to "i:l:.C'.Cl;~-lJrtt OYi .LOCt'- arc t~~is year. ~~.e'll say t'~ere area' t o~^ou~.h loc'rers, rat'ier t?la~ t!~at ther^ s.rc; i:.OC `°:any 1:iC:CtC;rClaSa- ~^~fi?-.other c_lan~3= is in scr:ool~rot~nd `~~.~.rk- i~~-~r .~:~c_1 c~.r ::~rive~_~ ~o ~~c~~oo~ z~;si, sr_a~:d ~: ,.r_i n.do~~r s ~lc'_~er ~rhlc,~ i-s tale oi~ico. (For A ~ i~~.:M, see editorial a~ of r Lsry of ~;~?~: University L:il)r~~r-: :~~ac'~ Co~TSa1i::~ate," L41.1Z_ ~:r: iS St~.2C, w"' T~ c~rc~ which :rle !~!vst ~roce~-z-t tia?~en he Cti1.eC~:S a .<t ~~ 'coo'l i ror:~ tczc ~ , -, , ~. S1`;re:. U5r tP.2 StL': e11~ it`~ i~3e ^ tifics . `,s school orers, a~t-ot~ , ~=G are nre- raTisterad . i=r. C~.~~ent says y~1«~; tle e;:^ects :~ s:.ttl:.cl e?~rollrrzer?t o' L~rC. „ r -, BEIIfS N11EN~ SCNOOI ~3y R~t_~ c:^il1 TYTe location is the ~'.:zllrooz~~_ o_ t'_~1L at:~,,:; ~n ~ Ce~~ter o i a cert~i.'1. Ja llas col_l e,.A Ca.~rr~s , t~'10 tir:~e, t_lc las i;; ['^'~~; O{• ~ l"l;,'. Ti^.StI'l:CtOr '1}i!'1`'?c.r::' ~_~'~.C1 SL'.rV::J'S ri;~.r t~no?^_ rotir o' girls tryi_•?~~ a n._e~•r c?~~rce routine. _'is p1eG o j "Co.~ - c~~, ~ i_rls--lot's Met t?.1o,0 '_ic'__s .`,~ ovor yot:r ?~ea~''•.s" is ~:~e~:,• ny a c"~ort~.s o} ?roar_s as drill teams "'roT,? all os.Ter I`;~.as a~?r' z~~i~"~:li.;ori ~^~ states ~~°~lr t''1!'ir S^C`O?'`(z t`::.y ~)~ t'_i'10 tee'.?~~JC91.u;.~,:~..;'lr''. ~rl.ll .1'C~.T;: Sc'~ool o~~ a.,'.~'.I7. .cccrc'.ir?~~~ YY ~ ~ C 0 to .•.r. Irvi N Droi?-.ro~::t st:rorinte,~~ert, t?Mere ~i.r~~ "~;`'' ,_,_rls atte'?~'1~ r' . t;.TT'_O"^'; r ~~~ , '~ L7P,1Ca:'le t'°~er_. aro 11 oi' r,~:_:_ ~Co:~soli- t-,o i ncorzi_~_~ fr~~shr~ier~ «z-?d cute! ~~C~~_;:Al .~~~li_es. tc al.l re~;r ,St,lZCi@t'ts,tOa. 1.?e rare ~~lzs ~ro~ : e .-1J~ 2',' Sir c? ot•r _"i rs 1; p~ ~: -rG1ly thro~:~~;?1 !ar`>Z~s ~ 2 ~~.s (:ile wi17 '~e '~e1c: scoia,~•re '_~o,~o score o~ i_rstr~~ctio}~. i_?^. ~ra~.'1]_ ':)e tirar~tir_7 file ~~s.rc'~liz~c-, r'~:<<~.co rot~~t7:,.os, ~~aorc", i,o oz.r sc~.ool soz,:_:. a!^ci [10`i21.''?'°. r°a_~__ instrl;.:ct-_~~:re '~'_jOS;, c1r00 Or 1S 1,i S`~ '~ii:SSie L'11 !.~c .'1S, 'S snarrsor o' t'_.ze =~~..1~oro R~.r_- G e i~. ~. ~erettes. etwee~ classes t'-~e ~~rill t?~l"1S L'.SL~_lly Y)1'c1Ct1Ct? separately, T„~+.!-ir_•° t'Ze ~ree'f oi~!e oi' roz~stlurt t~ror'_~. C.~r~p^ titions am 'rinl~~ i -T Lnarchin~, r:oc'eli~~?~, az~:? t,:c-`1.2.C17"!.`', . L~lc?r? cir'~ >;~lre^ ~:i.visiols ° F~eni~ncrs, i.~lterznec~iate, r~'^d acJvan.cec . T~r advar.c°ac~ '^,o~~lin~ ?ar lac",:irs ?~lace.:l first _~rai~~ a r~ot_t r0 ~; irls . ,. ~r-1~:t2~t?Y_'-° ~~`.1G 5CY1001 here Pars li.'~'~ it~.S, : ~r i~~r-"r3, Tiarer ~er?^~t, I'o;~~:Te '~reszeale, Catl_~'y~ Cle- la:ac~,~•~ar~,uret Dt?r.st, ~a_ret Gould.., i.ir_cu Liles, Rt~t'~1 i~:cGi11, Sylvia:, Pri cs, I i}~cia Rt_c~dcr, a_z,_ 5no~-.sor ~=rs . i'ary P_lillips . ollct~rir~ t~ ~~sir r.~ `.;t~r~ Lrar? ~;1e SCila01, t~il~ ~~ellns Y3erfCrr_led~. s.t ~=~~='s .T .e:t~.onz:a aci ance Fot.^c~.f:ioT^ Prorrair~ vari_e'~~r shot~r. she 'belles s.lso ~~er.~or~:~:,~ and. were i~?terviewed az, `"lo':~`_`! j~ ~, i k„ ._ _.J _ _ tro~ros ri_~; ot:~:; to . ° t ~ i l l~. ~: tri i;'.1 ,:'ear. s ,~~ 1-i Ce`Teao ~~v~or so Fait_l.'t11y, ~a~.~sr tiro ~~i ss Lace Ii~~.~~?y ~?;e~ or~T C+ C Ii. S. i'.~ce FI";i'r 5:~-'G loyal c;, '1 ~ ~;~rr tr~ec c;.r;~: trt?:' . I'or j'i rtor' tre fi_°'~~t. Ii'. ~;'?C' Stu."~:~ 4r:.''r^ For , ,aroo~^ ~.TC:++ i~r_ii.~;e . ~_r~ a-r lose ~•ritn _ ':i1?~. Or 1053 wu try, jC _"; ^'~, t:, 11.`,1`1 i,, ~'l; ,__ .., _ ., 't;c'~'^ t'1~ ~'iy'ers o Cc:~Cclic'atc~? _:i^~~le ~, -,-i s 'ollot~rs L1.~c:rs ( `^. ` !, ' , ;-„ `.Li"°rr,ri6;'11;. '_l'1;`''E:'1'S, ', - ~ + I . i." .. . '1~-i I'/'.•}~f C, y A1uF rcCi, ~,~^, l-~ ~/. r •J).Lo~. i.O• ~. Football ScYiodu le Septe.r,1'ber I 6 uolua~bus T 13 7e1 Valle IT i 20 i~.~adiaonville T i 27 Giddings a'_ Octcbar ~~, !_~ ~Iuntsville T 11 Cpen , 1~ Cat,2eron TI 25 t~aldwell ~P ~tover~ber ~ 1 ~Iearno T3 Rockdale T 15 I,s,vasota Ii Six i~Jeels Periods 1. Sept.3--Oct.ll 2, Oct.].l~--T1ov,27 3, Dec.2---Jan.2Z~ 1~., Joa1Q2?--Iar.6 I:ar o 9---~~pril 2t~. 6 a :'~pr il' ~7-? Iay 27 a ix :~Feelcs Lxara schedule :! sr• day---pcri8ds. 3...~: 2nd day---periods 2 ~: t+ ~x~d day_--periods l ~~ I~.i,-~~~;ern exams-- January 23 w 24 ..l~olcotnb. . ' - . r~~v o~ ~ ~quD .'11so: Larry IZolt, ~, HI941 SCNDaL ,~ ferry Jones, Terry Loran, T O -~ f= F A N,G u.~ C'3w2~~3N9 WSN`~ ~~. O~'1}c~ "3~2 3~~ 30~ - The Safari slug. 30,1963 Page >~. }SEE ~/~ CO1~E COIF{~~US i~iore than forty hopeful grid stars hit the field for Coach Edsel Jones ~ first practica .~uguat lq. Only six were returning, letter.men~ Darrell Gossett, Carl Gough, Frank Litterest, David Parsons, J Pewthers, and t~dalter Varvel, Of these, only Litterest and Pewthers are seniors. ~ wet field necessitated two and a half hours of "s':ull" practice the first day in addition to ;the regular four hours of physical exercise, The sin'ster-so•°.ndin "sl~ull" practice is actually nothing .morn than classroorn worl~: watching ~°~1ms, blackboard lectures, playlearnin~, and Jones' varsity play- pop talks, Skull practice ers for the first ~amo is the theory c7,ass of include: H~,c?r Carlton, footba119 the practice field Jaraes Carter, Paul Fagan, is the lab. Peter Fagan, Bill Gillmore Following practice days Larry Godfrey, Darrell ostablichcd thc; pattern: Gossett, Garl Gough, for the !~ team, two hours Fussell Hannah, muss of .morning WOr?i0ut in should- Harwell, and Fran?r . er pads Zt ~i:00, ar_ 'sour of Litterest, sgull practice at 3:00, rind .'Also Duke Miller, Bob two hours of worlrou~: in Iiorris, Ji!?tmy Paris'n, full uni~"orm at 6:00 in David Parsons, John Perry, the evening. For the E Jq Pewthers, Stephen team, two hours of wor<:out ~ rescott, ~~ralter Varvel, in s'nouldor pads at 9:00 :`i.l~i.Fill '~''iiite, Joo ~.Ihite, s?tull practices with t'no and '1'irnrny `!olters are on varsity, and full pad work- the ~`~ Team. out from ~ : 00 ~to 7.:00. ~i'he E Tears deserves Coach Jones started are: David f'~lexander, with drills in the evening Paul Eec?~er, Eob Bishop, he is now emphasizing; scrim- Steve Boring, Jitmny Brad- r,lage to prepare his players ley, Fred Davis, !illy for their season opener Ldanunds, :~d .Goldsmith, with Columbus, Septe.rnber 6. T-iil,e Iensarl3ng, and 'Iaclt GYM r Larkin ~Ic~:e~,l, JLenneth Murphy, I3i11 Price, Jirnbo i ~~~ P,obinson, Glon j:Tallace, 1! ally ! lilliams, and Owen I /~,vNC,C ~C?E N C, E I' ~~~ • ~"~ S N 5 ~j poi ~ ~~z / 0,3 L~'+3 rAq ~ M 4Z~ ws Ng 20~ To the loft is a map of she school z"or all new- comers and oldtimera wh CIOnt t ?0.10W. ao3 2 o y ~oF~Z~ ~aoo:r for tho .mistakes ands lau,;h hard ~ causa you ~ 11 ~ aO s r_ever soe there again. ab,6 safari Staff ~