HomeMy WebLinkAboutTigerland 1963° '- L?4 c75 - youz- G �-10 dGx-1-4 , yam - -.�V9,7_, our T I G AandM Consolidated High School College Station, Texas Volume 25 E R ci7411 a".6, 1963 L A N D Foreword The TIGERLAND STAFF is proud to present to you this record of the school year 1962-63. This year was basically the same as other years to many, but to the seniors it was a special year because it was their last, and now they must look forward to the future with its surprises and anxi- eties. To the freshmen, high school was new. To the others, it was a continuation, and brought new experiences. We hope the annual pleases you, for whom it was published. Sincerely yours, Betsy Ramge, Editor To our principal, whose own principles guide us; our advisor, our administrator of justice, whose voice sometimes cows us, some- times calms, sometimes inspires, sometimes dismays; To you, Mr. Ozment, we dedicate the best we have - our 1963 TIGERLAND, And we thank you, Sir, for the happiest of high school memories. The Class of 1963 Contents Administration Faculty Classes Sports Organizations Activities Limelight Our School Board . . . citizens elected to set up policies and to assist in administrative decisions as representatives of the community. Left to right around the conference table are Mrs. P. W. Barker, secretary to the superintendent; L. L. Palmer; John B. Longley, secretary; Herbert Thompson; J. B. Hervey, president; A. F. Isbell; J. O. Alexander, Jr. ; G. B. Hensarling, vice-president; and W. T. Riedel, superintendent. W. T. RIEDEL Superintendent Superintendent's Message This Annual is a record of your school for the past year, a report of the work and play that is necessary to attain the objectives of the school. The future hope of America rests with the Youth of America, their understanding that the greatness of our Nation lies not in her strength or her might but in the worthiness of her citizens who, under God and our form of Government, have made ,the most of them- selves and their opportunities. It is my hope that through this Annual, you will be able to recall the many fond memories of your ac- tivities during the 1962-1963 school year. W. T. Riedel Superintendent Principal's Message May I commend you upon another successful year at A & M Consolidated High School. To the seniors, we wish for you the best in health, happiness, and prosperity. To the undergraduates, we wish for you a desire to strengthen your educational background in order to successfully compete in this demanding world. E. P. Ozment Principal E. P. OZMENT, Principal Administration MRS, P. W. BARKER MRS. L. C. WESTBROOK Secretary to the Secretary to the Superintendent Principal Languages MR. FREDERICK WAGNER English 3 English 2 . MRS. HARRIET MARTIN English 4 English 1 MRS. MARY C. WORLEY Spanish 1,2 English 3 MRS. MURIEL ORR Latin 1,2 Plane Geometry Science and Math MR. KENNETH MORGAN Biology Botany Zoology MR. RAYMOND STREGER Chemistry Biology MR. ARTHUR BRIGHT Algebra I, II Advanced Math MRS. MARY LELAND Algebra I,II Plane Geometry MR. EDSEL JONES Related Math Physical Science MR. ED GUTHRIE Trigonometry Solid Geometry Physics MR. FRANK COULTER Concert Choir Director Mixed Chorus Director MRS. MABEL BARGER Art MR. WILLARD JOHNSON Band Director Creative Arts MRS. ERMINE WORRELL Speech Drama English 3 , 2 MRS. MARIE CHALK Typing Shorthand Bookkeeping Occupational Arts MRS. ALICE RIGGS Homemaking 1,3 ' MR. M. T. CLARK Mechanical Drawing, Shop MRS. BETTY CURL Homemaking 2,4 Home and Family Relations MR. WAYNE LACY Vocational Agriculture' MRS. ONEIDA HENSLEY World History Government 12 MRS. VERA DOWELL Counselor MRS. EFFIE DUNCAN Librarian Social Studies MRS, BILLIE COCHRAN Girls Physical Education Physical Education MR. JACK CHURCHILL Boys Physical Education MRS. HARRIET SPERRY American History Government Classes Looking down from their pinnacle on a job well done are Senior Class officers Mike Calliham, president; Paul Mamaliga, secretary; Johnny Garcia, treasurer; and Jimmy McAfee, vice-president. PEGGY LYNN AMES 1. Class Favorite; Student Council; Tigerettes; TIGERLAND; Class Secretary; FHA, 2nd Vice - President. 2. Tigerettes, Captain; Student Council; FHA, 3rd Vice -President; Regional Vogue Contest; Class Vice -President. 3. Bengal Belles; Choir; Homecoming Nominee; Student Council; FHA , Songleader.. 4. Class Favorite; Bengal Belles, Lieutenant; Stu- dent Council, Secretary; Homecoming Princess; Choir; FHA, Parliamentarian. JEFFREY DANIEL BATES Dan 1. Choir, Musical; Student Council; Chess; All - District Speller. 2. Choir, Musical; All -Regional Choir; Solo Award;. Student Council; Chess. 3. Choir, Vice -President, All -Regional Choir; Stu- dent Council, Treasurer; Class Favorite; Junior Play; Basketball; Volleyball; Softball. 4. Choir, President, 1st Alternate All -State Choir; Musical; Basketball; Volleyball. MARTHA ELAINE ARMSTRONG 1. FHA; Basketball; Volleyball. 2. FHA; Basketball; Homemaking Progress Award. 3. FHA; Basketball; Softball. 4. FHA; Basketball. JANET BARNES BEARRIE 1. Tigerettes; FHA; Homemaking Progress Award. 2. Tigerettes; FHA , Officer. 3. Tigerettes, Lieutenant; FHA , Treasurer; TIGER - LAND; Tigerland Turntable. 4. Tigerettes, President; Chairman, March of Dimes; TAP Queen; Senior Play; FHA, Treasurer; TIGER - LAND, Section Editor. LEYLA BILGUTAY Transfer from Istanbul, Turkey. JOHN BLAIR BECKHAM 1. Golf; Science Club. 2. Golf; Choir, District Medalist. 3. Golf; Choir, Regional Choir. 4. Golf; "C" Club; Basketball Manager; Choir, Musical. JAMES BILLY BOSTICK EMMA RUTH BISHOP 1. FHA; Choir; Tiger- ettes; Powder Puff. 2. FHA; Choir, Musical; Tigerettes; Powder Puff. 3. Transferred to Africa. 4. FHA; Choir; TIGER - LAND; Musical. FRANK BEVERLEY BROWN III Butch 1. Class President; Class Favorite; Football; Track; Student Council; Major Athletics. 2. Student Council; Football; Major Athletics. 3. Junior Play; Track; Major Athletics. 4. Student Council, Vice -President; All -School Favor- ite; Most Cooper- ative; TIGERLAND. MARY LOYCE BRADSHAW 4. Transfer from Early, Texas. Honor Roll; Shorthand Alter- nate. The seniors strike thinking poses during the Air Force Test. EMILY MARTHA CALHOUN 1. TIGERLAND; ISL Typing; Softball; Powder Puff. 2. Choir; Basketball; Student Council; Tigerettes; ISL Softball; Powderpuff. 3. Class Vice -President; Choir; Student Council; Basketball NHS; Junior Play. 4. Honor Sweater; Choir; Most Studious; Cheerleader; Tiger - land Turntable; Girls Quartet. OSWALD T. BURKE 1. Football; Track; Majo Athletics; FFA, Green hand Vice -President. 2. Football; Baseball; Track; "C" Club;' FFA. • 3. Football; Baseball; "C" Club; Industrial Arts. 4. Football, Most Val- uable Player, Back, All -District; Baseball; Track; "C" Club. Auto Mechan- ic; Track. Art Club. FFA , Reserve Grand Cham- pion Barrow. Football; Basketball; Major Athletics. Football; Basketball; Golf; Major Athletics; Base- ball. Football; Basketball; Baseball; "C" Club; Student Council; Volleyball. Football; Basketball; Baseball; Track; "C" Club; Class President; Volleyball. Football; Basketball; Baseball; letics; Track; Choir. Football; Baseball; Track; "C" stock Judging Team; Choir. Football; Baseball; Track; "C" Dairy Products Judging, State; Football; Track; Baseball; "C" FFA; Major Ath- Club; FFA, Live - Club; FFA Officer; Choir; Softball. Club; FFA. Transfer from St. Thomas, Houston, Texas Football; Track; Major Athletics; FFA, Live- stock Judging. Football; Track; Major Athletics; FFA, Live- stock Judging. Football; Track; "C" Club; FFA, Livestock Judging, State. Football; "C" Club; FFA; Softball. Transfer from San Mar- cos Academy, San Marcos, Texas. Choir, Musical; Latin II Club; FHA. Choir, Musical. Choir, Musical. One -Act Play, 1st in State, State AA Outstanding Performer; Choir. Student Body Pres- ident; Choir. Art Club. Basketball; Softball; Honor Roll. Latin Club; Honor Roll; Softball; Volleyball. Softball. Football; Baseball; Track; Major Athletics; Choir; FFA, Outstanding FFA Student. Football; Baseball; Track; Major Athletics; Choir; Powder Puff Queen; FFA, Dairy Judging, Conduct- ing Team, Star Chapter Farmer, Outstanding Agriculture Student. Football; Baseball; Track; "C" Club; Choir; FFA, President, Outstanding Student, Star Chapter Farmer, Dairy Judging Team. Football; All -District, Most Valuable Lineman; "C" Club; FFA, President, State Champion Poultry Judging Team; Softball. Band; Track; Photography. TAP Talent Show; 4-H. TAP Talent Show; 4-H. Tigerettes; FHA; Tiger's Tale; Powder Puff; TIGERLAND, Tigerettes; FHA; Tiger's Tale; Powder Puff; TIGERLAND. TIGERLAND, FHA; Debate; Choir; TIGERLAND, Section Swimming; Chess; Major Athletics. Tiger's Tale; Football; Tennis; Major Athletics. Tennis, Regional Finalist; TAP Talent Show; Junior Play. Tennis; Senior Business Manager, TIGERLAND; Ti- gerland Turntable. Debate; Chess, Vice -President; Honor Roll; Rifle Team. Outstanding Science Student; Chess, President; Honor Roll; Rifle Team. Outstanding Junior; Chess, President; ISL Science, 4th in Regional; Math Tourney, 1st Place Team; Honor Roll; NHS. Honor Sweater, Basketball Manager; Volleyball; Honor Roll; Choir, Musical; Math Tourney, 2nd Place Team; Schol- arship to Harvard. . Auto Mechanics. . Craftsman Award. Honor Roll; Band, Dance Band. Honor Roll; Debate; Band, Student Director; Latin Award; Dance Band; Slide Rule. Honor Roll; Band, Student Director, All - State; Most Coopera- tive; Junior Play; NHS. Honor Roll; Honor Sweater; Most Likely to Succeed; Boy of the Month; Choir, Student Director, Musical; Band Vice -President, Regional. Tigerettes; FHA; FNC; Softball; Powder Puff. Tigerettes; FHA; Bas- ketball; Powder Puff. Tigerettes; FHA; Choir; Basketball. Student Council; Choir; Musical Crew; Senior Play Crew; FHA; TI- GERLAND. Transfer from Bryan. Tigerland Turntable; TIGERLAND; Speech Club; Honor Roll; ISL Extemporaneous. Football; Basketball; Track; Art; Major Athletics. Basketball; Golf; "C" Club; Honor Roll Choir; Volleyball. Basketball, All -Dis- trict; Golf; "C" Club; Honor Roll; Choir. Basketball, All -Dis- trict, Most Valuable Player; Track; "C" Club; Choir. FHA; Tigerettes; Choir, Musical. FHA; Tigerettes; Pdwderpuff. FHA; Choir; Junior Play Crew. FHA; Senior Play Crew. Baseball; Auto Mechanics. Baseball; Auto Mechanics; Major Athlet- ics; "C" Club. Baseball; Major Athletics;, "C" Club. Baseball; Major Athletics; "C" Club. Noon hour provides a chance for relaxation and cramming, with Scotty Manning leading this group. Choir, Musical; Art Club. Choir, Musical; Photography Club. Class Treasurer; Choir; Tigerland Turntable. Class Treasurer; Choir, Treasurer; Homeroom Treas- urer; Tigerland Turntable. CANDACE GARNER Candy 1. Student Council; Tigerettes; FHA; Homeroom Vice -President. 2. Tigerettes; Homeroom Secretary; FHA; TIGERLAND; Choir. 3. Student Council; Tigerettes; FHA; Choir; Tigerland Turntable. 4. Bengal Belles; Secretary -Treasurer; FHA Reporter; Choir; Best -Dressed Girl; Homeroom Secretary -Treas- urer. PAUL WILSON HANCOCK 1. Art; Photography; Choir. 2. Band; TIGERLAND. 3. Band; TIGERLAND; Junior Play; Band Carnival Talent Show. 4. Band; Band Coun- cil; Tigerland Turntable; Senior Play Crew; Band Carnival Talent Show. KATIE JEAN HENSARLING 1. Tigerettes; Choir; Volleyball; Choir Mu- sical. 2. Tigerettes; Choir, Mu- sical; Volleyball; Soft- ball; TIGERLAND. 3. Bengal Belles; Choir; TIGERLAND; FHA; Speech, Talent Show. 4. TIGERLAND; Choir, Musical. TERRY TRUSTEN HOLLAND 1. Art Club; Powder Puff Drill Team. 2. Debate; Easter Play; Powder Puff Drill Team. 3. Student Council; Drama Award. 4. Choir. ROBERT ALVIN HOUZE, JR. Bobby 1. Band; Stage Band; Honor Roll. 2. 'Band; Stage Band; Honor Roll; Track. 3. Band; Honor Roll; Junior Play; ISL Journalism; NHS. 4. Band, Student Director;, Student Council; Honor ROLL; Hor;or Sweat- er. THOMAS WILSON HUGHES Tommy 1. Football; Major Athletics. 2. Football; Baseball. 3. Football; Baseball. 4. Football; Baseball; "C" Club; Friendliest. DELLA ANNE GREGG 1. FHA; Choir; Tigerettes. 2. FHA; Choir. 3. FHA; Choir 4. Transferred to JOHN ROBERT HOLCOMB Bobby 1. Transfer from Austin. 2. Football; Track; Speech Club; Major Athletics. 3. Tigerland Turntable; Homeroom Officer. 4. Football; Major Ath- letics; "C" Club; Span- ish Club; Volleyball. New York City. DAVID JOEL HARVELL 1. Track; Major Athletics. 2. Track; Major Athletics; In- dustrial Arts; Softball; Volley- ball. 3. Football; Track; "C" Club; Home- room Treasurer; Most Handsome. 4. Football - All - District; "C" Club; Most Hand- some; JETS; 1st in Mechanical Drawing. DAVID EDWIN HOLDREDGE 1. Band; Dance Band; Chess Club. 2. Chess Club; Vice - President; Track. 3. Junior Play. 4. Senior. Play; Homeroom Vice -President. DIANE FLORENCE HOOPER 1. FHA; District Choir; Powder Puff; Choir; Tigerettes. 2. FHA; Choir; Ti- gerettes; AEDT Award. 3. FHA; Choir; Ben- gal Belles;; Honor Roll. 4. FHA; Choir, Mu- sical; Bengal Belles, Lieutenant; Senior Play; TI- GERLAND. OLIVER JOSEPH JAROS III Joe 1. Band, Solo Contest 2. Band, Solo Contest; Ready Writing; Track. 3. Band Council; Ensemble Contest; Regional Boy's Prose; Junior Play; One -Act Play, 1st in State, Region- al Best Actor - Second for Men in State. 4. Band Council; Senior Play; One - Act Play; Regional All -Star Cast; Boy's Prose; Tigerland Turntable. LESLIE ELAINE KELLEY 1. Latin Club. 2. Latin Club; Home- room Secretary; Tigerettes. 3. Class Favorite; FHA; Tigerettes. 4. Bengal Belles; FHA , 2nd Vice -President; Homeroom Secre- tary; Senior Play Crew; Tigerland Turntable; ISL Typing. WILLIAM T. JONES 1. Trinity Speech Meet; Chess Club. 2. Trinity Speech Meet; National Merit Award. 3. Stage Manager for Junior Play and One - Act State Play. 4. Stage Manager for Senior Play, One - Act Play, and Consol- idated Players. WILLIAM RAND LAURENSON Bill 1. National Merit Award; Art Club; Spanish Club; Homeroom Vice -Pres- ident; Powder Puff Yell -Leader. 2. Transferred to Ecuador. 4. Senior Play; Volley- ball; Spanish Club. JAMES J. JUNEK 1. Art Club. 4. FFA. ALAN TIM LAVERTY 1. Chess Club; Honor Roll; Baseball. 2. Chess; Honor Roll; Number Sense; Latin Award; Math Award. 3. Chess; Debate; Bas- ketball; Math Award. 4. Debate; Science; Honor Roll. ARDEN VANCE KEMLER Vance 1. Chess Club. 2. Track. 3. Track; Photography. 4. TIGERLAND; "C" Club; Cross Country Track Team; Senior Play Crew; Photog- raphy, President. PAMELA ANN LINDSAY 1. Transfer from Mid- land, Texas. Choir Honor Roll; \nner, TAP Talent Show. MILTON MAREK 1. FFA, Area Quiz Team. 2. FFA, Dairy Prod- ucts, State Team; Chapter Farmer; Track. 3. FFA , Area Senior Farm Skill Dem- onstration; Track. 4. FFA. PAUL ALAN MAMALIGA 1. Student Council; Choir; Basketball; Track; Vol- leyball. 2. Student Council; Honor Roll; Basketball; Choir; Volleyball. 3. Class Secretary; NHS; Basketball;' Choir. 4. Class Secretary; Student Council, Officer; Choir, Musical; Basketball; "C" Club; Swimming. WALTER SCOTT MANNING, JR. Scotty 1. Choir; Swimming; Chess; Major Athletics. 2. Choir; Swimming; Chess; Major Athletics; Powder Puff Princess. 3. Choir; Swimming; Junior Play; Track; Major Athletics. 4. Choir; Swimming; Senior Play; Track; "C" Club; Cross -Country Track Team. ANN LACY LOUPOT 1. Student Council; Tigerettes; FHA , Reporter; Basketball. 2. Tigerettes, Sergeant; FHA, 1st Vice -Pres- ident; Basketball. 3. Tigerettes; FHA , Secretary; Tigerland Turntable. 4. Tigerettes, Lieuten- ant; FHA, Reporter; FHA State Degree; Chairman TAP Talent Show. ROY MARTINEZ Beaver 1. FFA , Area Quiz Team; Football; Baseball. 2. FFA , Dairy Products Team, State; Foot- ball; Baseball; Soft- ball. 3. FFA. 4. FFA, Area Meat Judging Team. JAMES ANDREW McAFEE Jimmy 1. Football; Basketball; Track; FFA; Ma- jor Athletic Club. 2. Football; Track; FFA; Class Favorite; Major Athletic Club. 3. Football; Class President; Major Athle- tic; Volleyball; Softball. 4. Football; Vice -President of Class; Ma- jor Athletic; Volleyball; Softball; Best All Round; FHA Sweetheart. JUDITH DIANE MORGAN Judy 1. TIGERLAND; Tennis; FHA; Tigerettes. 2. Honor Roll; Tennis; FHA; Tigerettes. 3. Stu. Council; Choir; Bengal Belles; FHA, officer; Tennis. 4. FHA; Stu. Council., Treas.; Bengal Belles; Sr. Play; Sports Queen; Tennis; Choir. DENNIS GENE MUTH 1. Art Club; FFA. 2. FFA. 3. FFA. 4. FFA. HAROLD MICHAEL MURRAY Mike 1. Art Club; Choir. 2. Art Club; Choir, Mus- ical. 3. Choir. 4. Choir Musical crew. CLIFFORD MASON Cliff 2. Choir. 3. Choir; Basketball; Major Athletic Club. 4. Basketball; Major Athletic Club; FFA. GLENDA IRENE NOLAN 1. FHA. 2. FHA. 3. FHA; Junior Play. 4. FHA; TIGERLAND. RICHARD M. OWEN, JR. Rick 1. Football; Basketball; Best -Dressed. 2. Football; Basketball; Best -Dressed. 3. Cheerleader; Jr. Play; Tigerland Turntable. 4. Head Cheerleader; Basketball; Sr. Favorite; Sr. Play; One -Act Play; Volleyball; Softball; Tiger - land Turntable. JEAN EVELYN OZMENT 1. FHA; Basketball; Softball; Volleyball; Tigerettes. 2. FHA; Basketball; Softball; Tigerettes. 3. FHA; Basketball; Tigerettes. 4. FHA; Basketball; Sr. Play crew. LESLIE LLOYD PALMER, Jr. DIANE VIRGINIA PARSONS 1. Band; Photography Club; Softball; Powder -Puff. 2. Band; Softball; Art Club; Powder -Puff. 3. Band; FHA; Softball; Brass Sextet. 4. Band; Choir; Softball; FHA; Student Choir Director. CAROLYN PARKER 1. Tigerettes; FHA; Powder -Puff. 2. Tigerettes; FHA; Powder -Puff. 3. Bengal Belles; FHA; Speech Talent Show, 4. Bengal Belles Capt.; FHA; Speech Talent Show; Tigerland Turntable . MARILYN PARKER 1. Tigerettes; FHA; Powder -Puff. 2. Tigerettes; FHA; Powder -Puff. 3. Bengal Belles; FHA. 4. FHA; Tigerland Turntable. JOHN WILLIAM PARSONS J. W. 1. Football; Choir; Ma- jor Athletic Club; Track. 2. Football; Baseball; Choir; "C" Club. 3. Football; Baseball; Choir; "C" Club. 4. Football; Baseball; "C" Club; FFA, Greenhand Pres. Clifford Pruitt picture not available ELIZABETH ANN RAMGE Betsy 1. FHA; FNC; Honor Roll. 2. FHA; FNC; TIGERLAND; Class Secretary; Student Council; Basketball; Tigerettes. 3. FHA; FNC Pres.; Tigerettes; Jr. Play crew; Jr. Bus. Manager of TIGERLAND; Sports Queen; Home Ec. Award NHS. 4. FHA Pres.; FNA Pres.; Editor of TIGERLAND; Honor Sweater; ISL Regional Typing; DAR Award; Most Likely to Succeed; Betty Crocker Award; Honor Roll. MICHAEL WAYNE ROBISON Mike 1. Football; Mechanics Club; Major Athletic Club. 2. Football; Baseball; Major Athletic Club. 3. Mechanics Club. 4. Photography Club; Spanish Club. JACKIE D. ROSS 1. Baseball; FFA; Green - hand President. 2. Baseball; Maj. Ath.; FFA Delegate to State Convention. 3. Vice-Pres. of FFA. 4. Vice-Pres. of FFA; Softball. EDGAR BYRON PRUITT Byron 1. Track; Football; Choir; Powder -Puff Pep Squad. 2. Track; Football. .3. Track. 1. Track; Cross -Coun- try Track Team. KURT ALAN SCHEMBER 1. Choir; Volleyball; Chess; Homeroom V-Pres. 2. Basketball; Biology Award; Choir; Honor Roll; Maj. Ath. 3. Basketball; NHS; Most Rep.; Choir Ensem. and Solo; History Award; Maj. Ath.; Honor Roll. 4. Basketball, Co-Capt.; Honor Roll; Honor Sweater; V-Pres. of Choir, Musical; Most Rep.; "C" Club. SHARON NOVAK SHEETS Transfer from Spearman, Texas. ROBERT CARROLL SCHROEDER 1. Track; Chess Club. 2. Track; Photography Club; Choir, Musical. 3. Photography Club; Science Club. 4. Photography Club; Science Club. PHILIP T. SHAUNFIELD Robin 1. Track. 2. Basketball. 3. Track; Jr. Play Crew; Tigerland Turntable. 4. Track; Sr. Play Crew; Sports Ed. of TIGERLAND. LINDA JUNE SIMS 1. Tigerettes; Choir, Musical; FHA; Tiger's Tale; Softball. 2. Tigerettes; Choir; FHA; TIGERLAND; Softball; Basketball; Volleyball. 3. Tigerettes Lt.; Choir; FHA, Musician; TIGER - LAND; Softball; Basketball; Volleyball. 4. Choir, Musical; FHA; TIGERLAND, Class Ed.; Softball; Basketball; Volleyball. CYNTHIA JANE SMITH 1. FHA; Softball; Band; Powder -Puff. 2. FHA; Softball; Band; FNC; Powder -Puff. 3. FHA; Softball; Band; FNC; Jr. Play. 4. FHA; Softball; Band; FNC; Sr. Play Crew; One - Act Play Crew; Bowling Club. CONNIE BETH SIMMONS 1. Tigerettes; FHA; Tiger's Tale. 2. Tigerettes; FHA; Powder -Puff Coach. 3. Tigerettes Lt. ,FHA; Jr. Play; Home- , room Office?. 4. Tigerettes Lt.; FHA; Sr. Play; Tigerland Turntable. HELEN SHERRILL SMITH Sherry 1. Basketball; Volleyball; Softball; Choir; FNC; Musical; Class VP; Tigerettes. 2. Class Favorite; Class Pres.; Choir; Musical; Tigerettes; Homecoming Nom.; TIGERLAND. 3. Basketball; ISL Typing; Choir; Homecoming Nom.; Most Rep.; Yell Leader. 4. Basketball; FHA; Choir; All School Favorite; Yell Leader; Best All Round; Most Rep.; Friendliest; Tigerland Turntable; Homecoming Queen; Honor Roll; NHS. PATRICIA ANN SMITH Patsy 1. FHA, 3rd VP; Tigerettes; FNC; TAP. 2. FHA, president, Kiwanis Award; FNC, VP; Tigerettes; Squad -leader; Basketball; TAP. 3. Jr. Play; FHA, 3rd VP; Tigerettes; Lt.; FNC; TAP. 4. FHA, 1st VP; State Degree; Tigerettes, Capt.; Senior Play Crew; FNC, VP; TIGERLAND; Most Cooperative; Public Health Essay Contest, Area Winner. SHARON MOORE SMITH 1. Homecoming Nom.; Tigerettes; FHA. 2. Tigerettes; FHA; Basketball; Choir. 3. Tigerettes; FHA; Basketball; Choir. 4. FHA; Tigerland Turntable; Drama Club. SUSAN ANN STEVENSON Susie 1. Homeroom Secretary; Tigerettes; FHA. 2. Homeroom Secretary; Tigerettes; FHA, Secretary; TIGERLAND. 3. Tigerettes, Captain; Junior Play; Speech Award; FHA, 1st VP; Homeroom President; Tigerland Turntable; Choir. 4. Bengal Belles; Sr. Play; FHA, 3rd VP; Drama Club; TAP and Speech Talent Shows. Picture Not Available Mike Murray's HEAD didn't swell but . . . RONALD LEE SWITZER 1. 2. 3. 4. Art Club. Art Club. Art Club. Art Club. MARGARET THAMES 1. Basketball; Tennis; FNC. 2. Basketball; Tennis; Softball. 3. Tennis; District Champion. 4. Tennis; Spanish Club. TERRY GENE THOMAS 1. FFA. 2. FFA, Livestock Judging Team. 3. FFA, Dairy Judging Team. 4. FFA, Sentinel. THOMAS PATRICK THOMPSON Pat 1. Football; Auto Mech.; Major Athletic Club. 2. Debate Team; Speech Club. 3. Football; Track; Volleyball; Major Athletic Club; Junior Play. 4. Football; "C" Club; Choir; Tigerland Turntable; Volleyball; Softball, District Champs. 31 ROSEMARY THOMPSON 1. Tigerettes; Volley- ball; Powder -Puff. 2. Tigerettes; Volley- ball; Softball; Choir. 3. Choir; Softball; Jr. Play Crew. 4. Choir, 1st Choir Ensemble; 1st in TAP Talent Show; Corresponding Secretary of Student Council. HENRY ALFRED VANDER CRUYSSEN, Jr. 1. Choir; Chess Club; Baseball. 2. Chess Club; ISL Spelling; Honor Roll. 3. Chess and Bridge Club; Choir; ISL Persuasive Speaking, 1st; Jr. Play; Debate Club. 4. Sr. Play; ISL Spelling, 1st; De- bate; Bowling Club, Treasurer; Softball. STEPHEN THOMAS WILLIAMS Transfer from Bellevue High School, Bellevue, Nebraska. PAMALA ANN WOLTERS 1. Tigerettes; Tiger's Tale; Choir, Musical; FHA. 2. Tigerettes; Choir; FHA. 3. Bengal Belles; FHA; Choir. 4. FHA; Choir; Senior Play Crew. ELEANOR WORLEY 1. Tennis; Basketball; Tiger's Tale; Class Reporter; Tigerettes. 2. Tennis; Basketball; Softball; Tiger's Tale; Tigerettes, Officer; Debate. 3. Tennis; Basketball; Debate; So-far-ehh Ed.; Class Reporter; Junior Play. 4. Tennis; Basketball; Debate; ISL Ready writing. EVA LANELL TOOMER 1. FHA; Volleyball. 2. FHA. 3. FHA. 4. FHA. A typical Coufal thought - girls!! A favorite sport of the grown-up senior boys was "ring spinning". Here Dan Bates challenges Kurt Schember for the championship while other senior boys observe the match during physics class. Say, where's Mr. Guthrie? As graduation approaches, the festiv- ities increase. This picture takes us to "Club 63", a party honoring nineteen graduating seniors. Delmer Charanza shows off his prize-winning barrow at the Brazos County Youth Livestock Show. Junior Class Officers Almost through high school, Junior Class officers Dianne Stevenson, Janet Whitehead, Pam Adams and Russell Hanna stand just below the summit. They are: treasurer, vice-president, secretary and president. Janis Beasley George Bell Sonny Benavidez Bob Bergeline Peggye Breazeale Margaret Brown Jan Butler Marey Carey John Badgett Geraldine Bassett June Bearden Pam Adams Pam Adkins Carolyn Allen Pam Avera Picture Not Available Earl Carls Andrea Chancey Stanley Clark Jack Coffey Glenn Collier Joy Cooper Sharon Covey Sam Henry Creswell Bobby Elkins Candy Evans Linda Feldman Ken Fisher David Gay Elliott Gilbert Kay Gilbert Julie Goode Preston Golmect Paula Grumbles Randy Hall Russell Hanna Bennett Hardeman This petite young lady, namely Sherry Holland, enters a new phase of her education as she helps on Work Day. Linda Harvell Sue Heirth Picture Picture Not Not Available Available John Irving Jackie Kelly David Kent Gail Keown Ann Kirby Cyndi Kerlick Cherie LaBlanc Joe Lever 38 Sherry Holland George Huebner Nancy Inglis No great earth -shattering formula will come from their efforts, but Frank Litterst and Bob Whiting are trying. Patricia Hill E. A. Holland Michael Leinhart Wyn Leinhart Frank Litterst Carol Liverman Rose Lynch Barbara Lorenz Judy Martin Vickie Martinez Don McCory Margaret McMurry Suzanne Medlen Melanie Miller Jim Mills 39 Keith Mims Andrea Mitchell 40 The senior rings arrived and the juniors did everything to show them off. Billy Mitchell • Suzanne Morris Jimmy Parrish Picture Not Available J. Pewthers Elinda Plantt Alice Putz Judy Quisenberry Jackie Washburn Warren Wagner Dianna Weirus Bill White Randy Ransdell Janet Whitehead Bruce Riggs Bob Whiting Jimmy Reeves Rick Wolf Pat Shanks Milton Young Lawrence Stelly Dianne Stevenson Susan Timm Lee Sicilio Ralph Smith 41 Some students make it through high school, some quit, some lag behind, and some - well, some get out the hard way. Russell has the right idea. Dianne is carrying his books. The juniors relax at a breakfast after the Junior -Senior Buffet and Prom. There are many odd scenes at school. Don't you agree, David? Sophomore Class Officers They're older now, and wiser. With a year of experience behind them, the Sophomore Class officers face forward. David Parsons and Yolanda Burkhalter are vice-president and reporter. Sallye Sorenson and Walter Varvel are secretary -treasurer and president. Kim Alexander 44 Jim Amyx Pat Atkins Ann Avera Robert Bishop Linda Bloom Susan Boswell Lorelei Brown Ronny Brown Sonny Brown Yolanda Burkhalter James Butler Phil Butler Ken Calaway Mary Beth Calhoun Ricky Carlton Jim Beamer Dan Karen Beauchamp Berndt Picture Not Available Picture Not Available Picture Not Available Travis Carroll James Carter Larry Carter Charles Castle Jean Cullen Jean Ann Davis Julie Davis Janet Dayton Don Delucia Tom Denton Nancy Diserens Mike Doran Kay Douglas Collie Sue Chamblee John Thomas Duncan Margaret Durst Catherine Edwards Cathryn Cleland Charles Courim 45 Claire Elkins Peter Fagan Emilio Falcon Sandra Free Bill Gilmore John Gladden Mr. Lacy explains roof -building to Dennis Muth as the class looks on. Norma Gleason Larry Godfrey Chris Gooding Darrell Gossett Carl Gough Carlyn Gough Janet Isabell Billie Jean Virginia Billy Russ Hubert Gould Gramatges Greer Gregory Harris Harvell Hearne Linda Liles Nancy Holland David Holmgreen Carolyn Hooper Pat Hotchkiss Ailese Houston Joan Huff Charles Ibert Bob Jones Carolyn Kemmer Bernice Krenek Don Leinhart Diane Leipper Mike David Harold Sharon.. David Rosanne Linger Litchford Luedecke Lynch Maddox Mankins Jane Martin 48 Willie Mae Ronald Ruth Matejka McAnally McGill Ricky Mitchell Frank Morrison David Murphy Carter Oaks David Parsons Jerry Pickeron John Perry Dick Pewthers Joe Powell Fred McNeil Tommy Meinecke Our actress of the year, Karen Stuv- erud, poses for a "publicity" shot. Sherry Mims Picture Not Available Thomas Powell Sylvia Price Robert Reid Randy Richardson Bobby Elkins and Jim Beamer pause to pose. Luke Rizzo Linda Rudder Christine Schroeder Jana Shaffer Jon Sharon Rosemary Sharp Terry Sharp Larry Sigbornson Daisy Sloan Marvin Smith Deborah Rose Diane - Ross 49 Picture Not Available Sheila Sallye Kathy Barbara Betty John Smith Sorenson Sperry Staton Stelly Stockton Picture Not Available Picture Not Available Karen Stuverud Kitty Stone Robert Thompson Walter Varvel Gail Venuti Ronnie Wallis Danny Whitt Jack Winslow Fred Worley Tim Wolters Sharon Yeager Kenneth Young Three sophomores, David Maddox, Lorelei Brown, and Ruth McGill, represented our school at the "Learn and Live" contest on television. The sophomore boys dress up and look their loveliest for the Powder Puff Bowl. Rather ragged, don't you think? Mrs. Sheppard looks a little worried about her "children" while. the sophomore girls are watching over them. Freshman Class Officers The officers of the Freshman Class look forward to the future. They are: Mike Stevenson, president; Linda Williams, vice-president; Debbie Cooper, secretary; Margaret Owen, treasurer. 52 Picture Not Available David Brusse Duke Butler Pat Calliham James Adams Janis Arnold Nancy Ashworth John Baldauf Ann Ballinger Harold Barker Jon Beauchamp Ruth Becker Dianne Bell Alice Berry Thomas Boriskie Linda Boswell Linda Brannon Susie Brown William Brown Steve Cappellucci Tommy Cartwright Susan Bruckbauer Helen Charanza Picture Not Available John Clardy 53 Betty Garrison 54 Picture Not Available Roy Garry Sarah Giesenschlag Picture Not Available Rodney Greer Elizabeth Clark Tommy Clark Ronnie Collins Debbie Cooper Mike Cooper Loretta Covington George Creagor Rick Crow Susan Culpepper Jerry Davis Willie Edmonds Carole Edwards Kay Eimann Bill Elder H. O. Evans Paul Fagan John Fick Roddy Fields Kay Fisher Jeanette Fitzgerald Dorothy Gregory Jerri Lynn Jan Haisler Harris Mike Hensarling The freshmen did it again! They still don't know which side of the Texas flag is up. Mary Scott Hernandez Hervey Pat Hornsey Jane House Thomas Irwin Linda Isbell Nancy Jones No Junek Ardis Kemler Charles Kimbro Karlene Knebel Robert Korpanty Connie Lee Don Linger Larry Linton Earl Logan Diane Lorenz Roger Martin Gladys Matejka Ann McMurry Linda Meiller Duke Miller Harold Hill Charles Holland Ronnie Holloway Janet Holt Picture Not Available 55 Sandy David Melton David Charles Sandra Mary Miller Moore Moore Morley Murphy Muth Nash Howard Nelson Lawrence Nemec Louis Nemec Mason Newton Paul Nolan Margaret Owen Virginia Patterson Stephen Prescott Robin Rice Mark Riedel Mike Robbins Jimbo Robison Sally Robinson Jane Rudder Dorothy Schaefer Murray Sebesta John Sechelski Becky Sefcik Bonnie Sharp Frank Sheppard Not Available Are these the raving beauties that will adorn our halls for the next three years? John Shipley Becky Sicilio Sherry Simmons Paul Sittler John Skrabanek Shirley Sluder Bruce Smith Karen Smith Susan Sorenson Cyndie Sousares Mike Stevenson Paul Stuverud Lillian Surovik Diana Sutphen Sharon Thomas Candy Upham Douglas Venuti Glenn Wallace Picture Not Mary Ruth Watkins Available Linda Welch Picture Picture Not Not Available Available Joe Phil Carol Linda Charles Roland Sandra White Whitehead Whiting Williams Wilson Wilson Wilson This is a typical view of the "better" sex. They're all talking at once! Pat Calliham and Susie Brown seem awfully interested in something. Kay Fisher doesn't seem as intent upon the view, though. Maybe it's boys! This time Mr. Churchill is managing to stay on the donkey. However, we can't say as much for Mr. ? Sports Tiger Football Team First row: Peter Fagan, Bob Jones, Russ Harvell, Darrell Gossett, Marvin Smith, Carl Gough, Larry Godfrey, Tim- my Wolters. Second row: Bobby Holcomb, David Harvell, Robert Chenault, David Parsons, J. Pewthers, Sidney Cou- fal, Tommy Hughes, Mike Calliham, Manager Scott Hervey. Third row: Coach Jack Churchill, Coach Edsel Jones, Pat Thompson, J. W. Parsons, Jimbo Carroll, Frank Litterst, Jimmy McAfee, Ozzie Burke, Walter Varvel, Coach Art Bright. Season Record A & M 6 8 Columbus A & M 27 0 Del Valle A & M 42 12 Madisonville A & M 31 0 Giddings A & M 6 7 Huntsville *A & M 26 0 Cameron *A & M 0 6 Caldwell *A & M 7 14 Hearne *A & M 7 14 Rockdale *A & M 26 6 Navasota district games JACK CHURCHILL Head Coach EDSEL JONES Coaches ARTHUR BRIGHT David Harvell end all -district lettered 2 Jimmy McAfee quarterback lettered 2 Ozzie Burke halfback all -district lettered 3 Tri-Captains Sidney Coufal center all -district lettered 2 David Harvell (24) makes a rousing effort in a losing cause as the Tigers lost their season opener against Columbus, 8-6 Jimbo Carroll wingback lettered 2 The Tiger work -horse, Ozzie Burke (45) gallops through the line into open field as the Tigers fall to the Caldwell Hornets, 6-0. Mike Calliham end lettered 1 Robert Chenault . tackle lettered 2 J. W. Parsons fullback lettered.2 Pat Thompson tackle lettered 1 Tommy Hughes tackle lettered 1 Bobby Holcolmb end lettered 1 J. Pewthers guard lettered 2 "The ball is here somewhere , I know!" says Carroll (25) as McAfee (15) and Chenault (75) come to help him look. The Tigers found the ball and beat Madisonville 42-12. 64 Darrell Gossett tackle lettered 1 David Parsons guard lettered 2 Frank Litterst fullback lettered 1 Walter Varvel quarterback lettered 1 Larry Godfrey tackle Marvin Smith guard lettered 1 Bob Jones halfback Russ Harvell end Carl Gough center lettered 1 Carroll (25) and McAfee (15) converge to swat a Hornet. Peter Fagan halfback Timmy Wolters end T Basketball "A" Team First row: Manager Ralph Smith, Charles Gandy, Dan Bates, Paul Mamaliga, Rick Owen. Second row: Jim Mills, Mike Calliham, Walter Varvel, Cliff Mason, Kurt Schember, Russell Hanna, Coach Jack Churchill. Season Record DISTRICT 19AA (2nd Place) TOURNAMENTS A & M 44 - - 56 Caldwell A & M 60 - - 29 Navasota A & M 68 - - 50 Hearne A & M 78 - - 25 Cameron A & M 44 - - 45 Rockdale A & M 46 - - 41 Caldwell A & M 69 - - 47 Navasota A & M 58 - - 43 Hearne A & M 73 - - 45 Cameron A & M 43 - - 70 Rockdale 66 Bryan Tournament A & M 46 - 72 Clear Creek A & M 66 - 41 St. Pius A & M 60 - 42 Big Sandy Rockdale Tournament A & M 62 - 46 Lavega A & M 58 - 60 Kyle Navasota Tournament A & M 81 - 55 Anderson A & M 58 - 48 Bellville A & M 52 - 57 Rockdale A & M 53 - 30 Iola NON -DISTRICT A & M 46 - - 28 Crockett A & M 63 - - 43 Giddings A & M 45 - - 39 Crockett A & M 41 - - 39 Columbus A & M 58 - - 44 Bellville A & M 35 - - 21 Snook A & M 42 - - 33 Columbus A & M 58 - - 38 Smithville A & M 56 - - 49 Bellville A & M 64 - - 31 Smithville Charles Gandy guard lettered 3 all -district, 1st team Most Valuable Player Paul Mamaliga guard lettered 2 Co -Captains Mike Calliham forward lettered 2 all -district, 2nd team Sportsmanship Award Kurt Schember forward lettered 2 Rick Owen guard lettered 1 67 Russell Hanna center all -district 2nd team lettered 1 STATISTICS Cliff Mason center FG% FT°Jo REB TP AVG Charles Gandy 40.0 73. 7 69 420 15. 0 Mike Calliham 44.2 65,4 123 292 10.0 Russell Hanna 46,7 50. 0 171 229 7. 8 Paul Mamaliga 37.6 55.0 93 209 7.2 Kurt Schember 33.4 51.7 174 169 5.8 Rick Owen 35.4 70. 0 45 135 4. 6 Cliff Mason 37.2 50. 0 67 59 2. 9 Walter Varvel 38.2 52.6 44 46 2.3 Jim Mills 25. 7 50. 0 16 40 2. 1 Dan Bates 33. 3 60. 0 5 18 1.2 Tom Meinecke 26. 6 33. 3 13 10 2. 0 Jim Mills forward 68 Walter Varvel guard Dan Bates guard Basketball "B" Team First row: Manager Ralph Smith, Joe White, David Holmgreen, Larry Carter, Duke Butler, Willie Edmonds, Mike Stevenson, Rick Carlton. Second row: Duke Miller, Keith Mims, Darrell Gossett, Bill Harris, Tommy Meinecke, Jim Amyx, Dick Pewthers, Bob Whiting, Carl Gough, John Skrabanek, Coach Jack Churchill. A & M 40 - - 22 Caldwell A & M 44 - - 29 Navasota A & M 44 - - 37 Rockdale A & M 46 - - 29 Caldwell A & M 47 - - 21 Navasota A & M 31 - - 45 Rockdale Season Record NON -DISTRICT A & M 36 - - 22 Crockett A & M 37 - •28 Giddings A & M 39 - - 32 Crockett A & M 40 - - 29 Columbus A & M 40 - - 35 Bellville A & M 29 - - 32 Snook A & M 34 - - 39 Columbus A & M 32 - - 15 Smithville A & M 41 - - 29 Bellville A & M 51 - - 33 Smithville A & M 54 - - 49 Lamar A & M 46 - - 42 Lamar A & M 40 - - 45 Lamar dil 70 Baseball The baseball team had a fine season this year, posting a 6-2 district record. KNEELING are: Les Palmer, Ozzie Burke, Sonny Benavidez, Tommy Hughes, Bob Jones, and Nils Ekfelt. STANDING are: Coach Edsel Jones, J. W. Parsons, Tommy Meinecke, Jack Fugate, Walter Varvel, Mike Calliham, Charles Gandy, and Darrell Gossett. Not pictured is J. Pewthers. NON -DISTRICT A & M OPPOSITION 5 3 9 6 7 5 9 5 15 5 6 11 3 3 4 2 4 1 Brenham Huntsville Bellville Conroe Crockett Huntsville Conroe Brenham Bremond Season Record DISTRICT A & M OPPOSITION 16 4 10 1 9 2 9 2 3 3 5 0 1 9 8 4 Navasota Hearne Cameron Rockdale Navasota Hearne Cameron Rockdale JACK FUGATE 3rd base lettered 3 Captain LES PALMER catcher lettered 4 J. »W. PARSONS pitcher, center field lettered 2 OZZIE BURKE shortstop, center field lettered 3 DARRELL GOSSETT catcher, right field lettered 1 TOMMY HUGHES center, right field lettered 2 MIKE CALLIHAM 1st base lettered 2 WALTER VARVEL pitcher, center field lettered 2 SONNY BENAVIDEZ 2nd base, pitcher lettered 2 CHARLES GANDY TOMMY MEINECKE 2nd base, shortstop pitcher lettered 1 CARL GOUGH 1st base BOB JONES right field MILS EKFELT Manager Track "A" team members are, Sitting: Peter Fagan, Phil Shaunfield, Frank Litterst, Ozzie Burke, Les Palmer, Charles Gandy. Standing: Coach Arthur Bright, Charles Murphy, Vance Kemler, Jimmy Parrish, Jim Amyx, Scott Manning, Russell Hanna, Tommy Meinecke, David Parsons. Members going to regional were Vance Kemler in the 880, Scott Manning in the mile, and Russell Hanna in the high jump. "B" team members are, Kneeling: George Creagor, Jerry Davis, John Sechelski, Paul Fagan. Standing: Earl Logan, Russ Harvell, Walter Varvel, Charles Holland. 74 Boys participating in track events are, Sitting: Peter Fagan, 440; Phil Shaunfield, 880; Frank Litterst, 100; Ozzie Burke, 100, 220; Les Palmer, 100, 220. Standing: Charles Murphy, mile; Vance Kemler, 880; Jimmy Par- rish, hurdles; Jim Amyx, mile; Scott Manning, mile; Tommy Meinecke, 220. Members running relays are, Sitting: Ozzie Burke, mile; Les Palmer, sprint. Standing: Vance Kemler, mile, sprint; Tommy Meinecke, mile, sprint; Frank Litterst, sprint; Peter Fagan, mile, sprint. In the field events Kneeling: Charles Gandy, high jump; Ozzie Burke, high jump, broad jump. Standing: Phil Shaunfie'id, pole' vault; Tommy Meinecke; discus; Russell Hanna, high jump;'David Parsons, discus, shot put. Tennis The tennis team participated this season in the Rosenberg, Bryan, Lufkin, and Crockett Tournaments, putting one or more members in the finals at each. From left to right: Michael Leinhart, Carol Whiting, Jim Mills, Claire Elkins, Mark Riedel. 76 Two members represented Consolidated at State. Claire El- kins place 2nd while Jim Mills got into the semi-finals. Both tennis players won 2 out of 3 tournaments earlier in the season, with Jim being chosen the outstanding player. Golf The Consolidated golf team composed of (front row) Duke Butler, John Baldauf, Bill Eldet; (back row) Coach Holland, John Skrabanek, and John Beckham, posted a fine season this year. This team placed 2nd in State competition, with John Baldauf taking 3rd place in individual rating. 77 i Girls' Basketball The "A" team has greatly improved under the coaching of Mrs. Cochran winning 5 out of 10 games (excluding tournaments). Members are, Front row: Sharon Covey, Sherry Smith, Claire Elkins. Back row: Pam Adams, Linda Feldman, Linda Harvell, Martha Armstrong. "B" team members have worked long and hard. First row: Sharon Yeager, Sandy Miller, Debbie Cooper. Second row: Manager Julie Davis, Candy Upham, Kim Alexander, Cyndi Kerlick, Kay Gilbert, Linda Sims, Jean Ozment, Bonnie Sharp, Ardis Kemler, Manager Linda Bloom. Third row: Karen Smith, Linda Welch, Pat Calliham, Jan Harris, Lillian Surovik, Nancy Jones, Ruth Becker. 78 Organizations 79 Student Council Heading up the Student Council are Rosemary Thompson, corresponding secre- tary; Allen Coulter, president; Judy Morgan, treasurer; Butch Brown, vice-president; Peggy Ames, secretary; and Paul Mamaliga, par- liamentarian. The Student Council arbitrates, argues, advises and ad libs ad infinitum. They rank. First row: Dianne Stevenson, Dianna Weirus, Rosemary Thompson, Suzanne Flowers, Janet Gould, Judy Morgan, Rosemary Sharp. Second row: Linda Welch, Katherine Edwards, Peggy Ames, Margaret McMurry, Karlene Knebel, Susan Timm, Jane Martin, Susan Sor- ensen. Third row: Allen Coulter, Paul Mamaliga, Peter Fagan, David Maddox, Nils Ekfelt, Les Palmer, Duke Butler. Fourth row: Bruce Riggs, John Badgett, Walter Varvel, David Kent, Butch Brown, Bobby House, David Gay. Any boy taking Vocational Agriculture can belong to Future Farmers of America. The Senior Chapter Conducting Team won second in district and fourth in regional competition. The Junior Chapter Conducting Team won third in district. FFA officers are: Timmy Wolters, secretary; Sherry Holland, FFA Sweetheart; Jackie Ross, vice-president; Ricky Carlton, reporter; Sid- ney Coufal, president; Marvin ,Smith, treasurer; Terry Thomas, sen- tinel; and Mr. Lacy, sponsor. F.H.A. Any high school girl who has taken, or is taking, homemaking, is eligible for membership in FHA, whose emblem symbolizes that the future homes of America are in the hands of ituth. Senior Chapter The Senior Chapter officers are (First Row) Susie Stevenson, 3rd vice-president; Peggy Ames, parliamentarian; Betsy Ramge, president; Peggy Breazeale, song leader; Sherry Holland, pianist; (Second Row) Leslie Kelley, 2nd vice-presi- dent; Ann Loupot, reporter; Margaret McMurry, secretary; Candy Garner, historian; Janet Bearrie, treasurer; Patsy Smith, 1st vice-president. Yolanda Burkhalter was elected 2nd vice-president, for 82 District 2. Junior Chapter Mrs. Riggs and Mrs. Curl, Junior and Senior Chapter sponsors respectively, co- ordinate FHA activities. The Junior Chapter officers are (First Rdw) Kathy Sperry, 2nd vice-president; Chris Gooding, secretary; Sharon Yeager, reporter; Yolanda Burkhalter, presi- dent;• Sallye Sorenson, 1st vice-president. (Second Row) Diane Ross, song leader; Julie Davis, treasurer; ' Linda Rudder, musician; Susan Boswell, historian; Jane Martin, 3rd vice-president; and Mary Beth Cal- houn, parliamentarian. In keeping with their motto, "Toward New Horizons," girls prepare to be better family members now and later. The Junior Chapter is limited to freshman and sophomore girls enrolled in homemaking. 1 Mixed Chorus From left to right, the officers are Timmy Wolters, treasurer; Dianna Weirus, president; Pam Adams, vice-president; and Hubert Hearne, secretary. The Mixed Chorus serves as a training group for the Concert Choir. It performs several times during the year includ- ing the spring Interscholastic League and the annual Night of Music. Concert Choir The Concert Choir sings for Bryan -College Station clubs, for television, the Baccalaureate services, and the Gradu- ation exercises. It also stages annual choir musicals. For the second year the Concert Choir represented Region III at the State Fair on TMEA's Music and Youth Day in Dallas. Kurt Schember, Janet Gould, Peggye Breazeale, Dick Pewthers, Dan Bates, Glen Collier, and Bruce Riggs made the All -Region Choir. David Parsons and John Beckham were alternates. The Concert Choir officers are, left to right, Johnny Garcia, treas- urer; Suzie Stevenson and Pam Avera, librarians; Peggy Ames, secretary; Kurt Schember, vice- president; and Dan Bates, president. CHS Band In new uniforms this year, the Tiger Band boosts morale at games and yell practices, and, as usual, the band and various members participated in Interscholastic League competition. Mike Linger and Sue Hierth made the second All -Region Band; Thomas Edwards made first All -Region and All -State Band for the second year. Joe Jaros, Sue Hierth, Carol Whiting and Sherry Holland won a superior rating in Class II music in a clarinet quar- tet. In Class I music, Interscholastic League, superior ratings on solos went to Sue Hierth, Carol Whiting, and Thomas Edwards. 86 Majorettes Jackie Kelly Drum Majorette Margaret Brown Trick Twirler Sherry Holland The Tiger Band performs at the opening of the College Station Post Office. Suzanne Medlen Head Twirler, Gail Keown Tigerettes The Tigerettes' ranks have doubled since they banded together five years ago. Sixty girls are now members of the pep squad. Their primary purpose is to boost school spirit at all sports events. Mrs. Ermine Worrell and Mrs. Marie Chalk co -sponsored pep squad attending practices and home and out-of-town games. 88 6 The Pep Squad officers are (First Row) President Janet Bearrie, Junior Captain Pam Adams, Senior Cap- tain Patsy Smith (Second Row) Sergeant Ruth McGill, Sergeant Sallye Sorenson, Lieutenant Connie Simmons, Sergeant Daisy Sloan, (Third Row) Lieutenant Susan Timm, Lieutenant Ann Loupot, Sergeant Sharon Yeager, Sergeant Sylvia Price, and Sergeant Ann Avera. Bengal Belles (At left) Lt. Di- ane Hooper, Lt. Peg- gy Ames, and Capt. Carolyn Parker com- mand the Bengal Belles. Sponsor Mrs. Betty Curl oversees practices and ok's routines and cos- tumes 12 months a year. The Bengal Belles, one of the few drill teams in the area, perform at half time during games and, on in.vita tion, for local groups. "C" Club is an honor society for boys who have lettered in a sport. Major Athletics Club The Major Athletics Club is made up of boys who participate in one or more sports and who help to advance the athletic department of CHS. 90 Yell -Leaders The students will long remember the sports events of the past year, partly because of the events themselves, but especially because of the devotion and school spirit shown by our yell -leaders. The exuberance of the crowd can be linked to their inspiration at yell practices and games. Dianna Weirus Emily Calhoun Rick Owen Sherry Smith Sharon Covey The yell -leaders inspire the crowd to back the Tigers at one of the home games. 91 �ti Tigerland Staff 1 This year's Annual Staff has worked hard to produce this record of 1963 school events. Every organization must have its big and little chiefs. The officers are, left to right, Sherry Holland, junior business manager; Betsy Ramge, editor; Don Dun- can, senior business manager, and Mrs. Martin, sponsor, to whom we are especial- ly indebted. 92 The tables are turned on Secretary Vance Kemler and President Benny Hardeman as they face instead of focus the camera. Photography Club Members are (First Row) Jack Coffee, Bob Jones, Carter Oakes, Vance Kemler. (Second Row) Bill Jones, Scotty Manning, Stanley Clark, Jim Beamer, Sam Creswell.. (Third Row) David Kent, Mr. Morgan, sponsor. 93 94 Consolidated Players The Consolidated Players, under the direction of Mrs. Ermine Worrell, organized four years ago. This year's offering was "Alice Sit -by -the -Fire," whose earnings went toward subsidizing the expenses of the speech department. Players always work on Interscholastic League events. Debaters Coach Worrell's debaters travel and talk, talk, talk . . . (convincingly, according to the judges.) Slide Rule Club Consolidated's slide rule manipulators keep up their reputation of long standing. First row: David Morley, Jana Schaffer. Second row: Phil Whitehead, Mr. Bright and Johnny Shipley. Future Nurses Club The Future Nurses Club acquaints its members with basic nursing procedures and with fields of specialization within the medical profession. This year they toured the Texas Medical School in Galveston and sent delegates to the State Convention in San Antonio. 95 Latin Club The Latin Club's year was climaxed by annual Latin Banquet and the State Junior Classical League Convention at Lubbock. The officers are President Sherry Holland, Vice -President Don Delucia, Secretary -Treasurer Ruth McGill, and Latin I Vice -Presidents Lee Sicilio and Dianna Weirus. Mrs. Orr, "Quo vadis?" To higher grades in Latin, and understanding of Roman culture! Spanish Club The motif is "Long Live Latin America" throughout Mrs. Worleys' room, with posters, paintings and paraphernalia. Members of the Spanish Club work at it. Members attended the B-CS Pan American Roundtable, where the'y,iearned more of Spanish customs and traditions. The club hosted visitors from Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Bolivia, Panama, Peru and Spain. Bowling Club Charter members pictured: Front row, Frank Hertzog, Alan Smith, Doug Venuti, Steve Brown, Carol Liverman, Judy Martin, Cynthia Smith, Willie Edmonds, and Karen Smith. Back row: Sonny Brown, E. A. Holland, John Shipley, Kay Gilbert, Ronnie Wallace, Elliot Gilbert, Larry Sigbornson, and Mrs. Leland, sponsor. The Bowling Club, new in '62, is sponsored by Mrs. Leland and is rep- resented by its officers E. A. Holland, president; Sue Hierth, secretary; Judy Martin, corresponding secretary; and Henry Vander Cruyssen, treasurer. Tigerland Turntable Senior d-j's for Tigerland Turntable are Johnny Garcia, 'Leslie Kelley, Peggy Ames, Martha Frank- lin, Connie Simmons, Sherry Smith, Chairman Don Duncan, Joe Jaros. Not pictured are: Bill Bostick, Emily Calhoun, Suanne Davis, Thomas Edwards, Paul Hancock, Tommy Hughes, Bill Laurenson, Rick Owen, Carolyn Parker, Marilyn Parker, Sharon Smith, and Pat Thompson. Juniors MC on alternate Wednesday nights. Front row: David Gay, Margaret McMurry, Wyn Leinhart, Chairman Judy Dean, Patricia Hill, Jimmy Reeves. Back row: Pam Adams, Peggye Breazeale, Frank Litterst, Sharon Covey, Russell Hanna. Not pictured are Melanie Miller and Dianne Stevenson. 99 100 National Honor Society NHS is the outstanding scholastic society of A & M Consolidated High School. It has a membership limited to the upper 10 per cent of the Senior Class, and is based on the four ideals of the organiza- tion: scholarship, character, leadership, and service. FRONT ROW: Jan Clark, Emily Calhoun, Betsy Ramge. BACK ROW: Kurt Schember, Alan Laverty, Bobby Houze. NOT PICTURED ARE: Thomas Edwards, Nils Ekfelt, Martha Franklin, Pam Lindsey, Paul Mamaliga, and Sherry Smith. Activities 101 September The first day of school is greeted with solemn expressions by both the students and the faculty. Initiation finds our "lovely" freshman girls all spruced up and doing "womanly" chores. Bill Bostick provokes Nancy Inglis' tem- per in "Alice Sit -by -the -Fire." The Speech Department drew the curtain August 31. All enjoy the yell practice before the Friday night game. October The sophomore and fresh- man girls rush to catch one of the few passes attempted dur- ing the annual Powderpuff Bowl in October. The game ended in a deadlock 0-0. The Tigerettes reveal mixed emotions at a CHS football game. Sally Sorenson prays, Patsy Smith sings, and Janet Bearrie leads the group. This is economy plusL pick Pewthers rides at the head of the sophomore band during tote Pow- derpuff halftime. The cheerleaders lead the Tiger fans at the homecoming bonfire. At left the school spirit shown by the student body was so great that even the bonfire caught on early. The young ladies pictured above are the 1962 Homecoming Nominees. They are: Debbie Cooper, Susie Brown, Daisy Sloan, Sallye Sorenson, Linda Harvell, Joy Cooper, Sherry Holland, Peggy Ames, 104 and Sherry Smith. No caption needed. The Tiger Band marches into a victory formation during the A & M Fish vs. Texas Shorthorn benefit game preceding the Thanksgiving holidays. David Harvell and Sharon Smith relax during the Sadie Hawkins Dance December 1. December Joe Jaros incognito and Janet Bearrie, his love, perform a two -night run of Charley's Aunt. Below, acting by Bill Laurenson, Joe Jaros, David Holdredge, and Susie Stevenson gave the Senior Play the professional touch. "Date with Dad" chow time. Dr. Stevenson and daughter ay good- night to Mrs. Curl after the "Date with Dad" evening at the school. Fourth place went to the pep squad's parade entry. Jim McAfee thanks three un- identified Tiger fans. While seniors cut out, the underclassmen dig in on Work ? Day. At ease are Jimmy Parrish, Don McCrory, Stanley Clark, and Warren Wagner. Steak and cherry pie at the Triangle to climax a good football year. January George Huebner reads to the family in a scene from the Junior Play, I Remember Mama. "Baby" Dianne Stevenson gets all the attention in this scene. 108 The Junior Play continues with Suzanne Medlen , John Badgett, and Glen Collier. FHA'ers and dates dance at the annual Sweetheart Banquet.. Basketball players and their dates await the food at the Basketball Banquet. February March The guest speaker, Mrs. Roy Snyder, poses after her talk at the FHA Sweetheart Banquet. March Robed Romans of Latin Club at annual banquet. Well, the gob- lets could hold grape juice! First year Latin student slaves clean up. First place in the state Jr. Classical League meet in Lubbock went to Lorelei Brown in sculpture. Playwrights Kathe- rine Edwards and Ruth McGill also took a first with their one -act. Robert Reid's model Roman house took highest compli- ments, and Katherine Edward's oratory work won third (out of 30 participants). April At the annual Junior -Senior, orchids float on Briarcrest pool. Reluctant to call it a night - Jr. -Sr. Bon Voyage! Janet Whitehead and Susan Timm prophesy. Small talk between dances - One -Act Play Empress Dowager Prince Paul Anna Bounine Serensky Anastasia Wins State Nancy Inglis Joe Jaros Karen Stuverud Jack Coffey Rick Owen CREW Bill Jones _David Kent, Cynthia Smith DIRECTOR - - - Ermine F. Worrell Mr. Johnson presents awards to members of the Tiger Band during the annual Band Banquets. This is George . . . smoking a cigarette. George is a 4 foot chicken snake caught by J. W. Parsons and Jimbo Carroll on the senior trip at Rocky River Ranch. Thomas Edwards receives the Arion Award from Mr. Ozment. At right, Jackie Kelley may look strange, but she is making a great effort to win the broad jump on Sports Day. Student director Thomas Edwards directs the Concert Choir during the Night of Music. The Madrigal group has a laugh before performing at the Night of Music. I I 6 Mr. Tom S. Gillis, graduate of Texas A & M and Pres. of Arrow -Head Tool Co. and Ceramic Coating Inc., delivers the address at graduation exercises. The valedictorian of the Class of 1963 is Nils Ekfelt. Commencement exercises begin as the graduating seniors take their places on the foot- ball field. Rick Owen receives his diploma from Mr. John B. Longley, Pres. of the A & M Consolidated School Board. To Jan Clark goes the honor of salutatorian. Snapshots As you can see from Allen's expression, it's all smiles as our choir departs on another trip and misses another day of school. Our school was well represented at the annual Christmas parade. Here the Bengal Belles lead, followed by the band and Tigerettes. Mr. Bright's confused again! He was asked to give a short pep talk at the Cald- well pep rally, not an oration. It seems there are mixed emotions about this bicycle ride. I I 7 Nancy Inglis takes a first in poetry interpretation at the dis- trict ISL meet. The student body gets a view of what the faculty women really look like during the annual Faculty -Student basketball game. Kurt and Dan are still playing. By the way, Mr. Churchill is the one in the jeans. 118 Limelight 119 SHERRY SMITH All School Favorite Senior Favorites PEGGY AMES RICK OWEN Junior Favorites RUSSELL HANNA SHARON COVEY 123 Sophomore Favorites DAISY SLOAN DAVID PARSONS 124 Freshman Favorites MIKE STEVENSON DEBBIE COOPER Homecoming Princesses SHERRY SMITH SHERRY H OLLA ND PEGGY AMES Teens Against Polio King and Queen FRANK BROWN JANET BEARRIE Most Beautiful and Most Handsome PAM ADKINS DA VID HARVELL 129 Who's Who Friendliest SHERRY SMITH TOMMY HUGHES 130 Best All Around SHERRY SMITH JIMMY McAFEE Best Dressed ALLEN COULTER CANDY GARNER BRUCE RIGGS 131 Most Representative KURT SCHEMBER SHERRY SMITH Most Likely to Succeed BETSY RAMGE THOMAS EDWARDS Most Studious EMILY CALHOUN MILS EKFELT Most Co-operative PATSY SMITH BUTCH BROWN 133 FFA Sweetheart SHERRY HOLLAND FHA Sweetheart JIMMY McAFEE Sports Queen JUDY MORGAN Band Sweethearts DIANE PARSONS Honor Award The Honor Sweater is awarded to the high school senior who earns it. The sweater is presented in recognition of outstanding achievement in academic work and extracurricular activities. Recipients of this award are, front row: Nils Ek- felt, Betsy Ramge, Emily Calhoun. BACK ROW: Bobby Houze, Alan Laverty, Thomas Edwards, Kurt Schember. DAR Good Citizen This year's winner of the DAR's Good Citizenship Award is Betsy Ramge for qualities of dependabi- lity, service, leadership, and patriotism. CYNTHIA SMITH Sports Awards SIDNEY COUFAL OZZIE BURKE Most Valuable Most Valuable Lineman Player, Back Football Track, Baseball Most Valuable Track Player RUSSELL HANNA Most Valuable Baseball Player LES PALMER dHARLES GANDY MIKE CALLIHAM Most Valuable Sportsmanship Player Award Basketball Tennis, Golf Most Valuable Tennis Player JIM MILLS Most Valuable Golf Player JOHN BALDAUF Choir Dan Bates, Arion Award; Emily Calhoun, Most Outstanding Girl; Kurt Schember, Most Outstanding Boy. Awards Thomas Edwards, Arion Award; Diane Parsons, Most Outstanding Girl; Bobby Houze, Most Outstanding Boy. FIRST ROW: Virginia Patterson, Betty Gar- rison, Janet Whitehead, Karen Berndt, Jack Coffey. SECOND ROW: David Gay, Nancy Inglis, Karen Stuverud, Joe Jaros, Sam Creswell David Kent. NOT PICTURED: Rick Owen, Duke Mil- ler, Bill Jones, and Cynthia Smith. Awards English: Eleanor Worley Spanish I: Nancy Inglis Spanish II: Karen Stuverud Latin: Kathy Sperry, Ruth McGill, Lorelei Brown, Robert Reid. Science Math Alan Laverty, Math.; Nancy Inglis, Science; Kurt Schember, Bosch- laumb Science. History Michael Leinhart, DAR - American History; Don McCrory, History. Languages Home Economics FRONT ROW: Barbara Staten, Patsy Smith. BACK ROW: Linda Isbell, Pam Adkins, Ardis Kemler. NOT PICTURED: Betsy Ramge. Art Industrial Arts FRONT ROW: Sylvia Davis, Art; Jana Shaf- fer, Art. BACK ROW: David Harvell, Mechanical Drawing; Mike Murray, Art; J. W. Parsons, Industrial Arts. Photography Commercial Bennett Hardeman, Photography. Glenda Nolan, Commercial. Betsy Ramge, Editor Don Duncan, Sr. Business Manager Sherry Holland, Jr. Business Manager Mrs. Harriet Martin, Sponsor ADMINISTRATION, FACULTY CLASSES Jack Coffey, Section Ed. Ruth McGill Martha Franklin ORGANIZATIONS David Gay, Section Ed. Susan Timm Sharon Yeager Patricia Hill Linda Sims, Section Ed. Suzanne Flowers Pam Avera Joy Cooper SPORTS Phil Shaunfield, Section Ed. Stanley Clark Katie Hensarling Glenda Nolan ACTIVITIES LIMELIGHT Suanne Davis, Section Ed. Joe Jaros Butch Brown Cyndi Kerlick Margaret McMurry Emma Ruth Bishop Janet Bearrie, Section Ed. D Hooper Patsy Smith Ann Avera BEVERLEY BRALEY-TOWNSHIRE For Lovely Corsages, Boutonnieres, and Floral Arrangements AGGIELAND FLOWER SHOP 209 Sulphur Springs Rd. VI 6-5825 TA 2-8619 WISNIESKI PHILLIPS 66 Hwy. 6 and Poplar VI 6-5111 PARK CLEANERS 314 Jersey VI 6-5021 JONES PHARMACY For the Finest in Diamonds . Jewelry . Watches . Crystal . Silverware CALDWELL'S JEWELERS Expert Watch and Jewelry Repair 112 N. Main TA 2-2435 CENTRAL TEXAS HARDWARE 202 S. Bryan Ave. TA 2-1388 ter® Pharaey 100 S. Main TA 2 -151 1 Bryan For the Best in Women's Fashions LESTER'S Two Locations 107 N. Main St. TA 2-1525 or Townshire Shopping Center TA 2-0104 SHAFFER'S BOOK STORE 409 Sulphur Springs Rd. VI 6-4818 717 Sulphur Springs Rd. Vlctor 6-7775 COMMUNITY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION HOLICK'S, INC. Custom Boot Makers Boot and Shoe Repairing Leather Goods Gift Items Shoe Store Western Boots Made -to -Order Makers of the Famous Texas Aggie Senior Boots A&M Since 1891 North Gate College Station "For the Finest Food and Service" CLAYTON'S RESTAURANT 2900 Texas Ave. TA 2-1200 Bryan YAN SEWING MACHINE Co • NECCHI • WASHERS • WASHERS DRYERS Li!flL DRYERS BRYAN SEWING MACHINE CO. 3515 Texas Ave. VI 6-6723 318 Jersey MADELEY PHARMACY 334 Jersey S. VI 6-7215 PRUITT'S FABRIC AND BEAUTY SHOP VI 6-5212 • (AA-) () ( " (24 ) -‘,,j A214, s-k JI e`VAL) — KAcfk- rc--c7L11,- Luc C&sk- • L—(_,�Z. ---:---.',.—z.....,S i7 ” - �-— / %TAYLOR PUBLISHING COMPANY "The Worlds Best Yearbooks Are Taylor -made" YEARBOOKS „of_ <, /7 c i