HomeMy WebLinkAboutVol.4 No.30 0 SURNAM (f;lake afi -:C) list as you v, re e ,-a.d r - 2 1. s 1. ng! , 'V,ake check for "10.0 "J, C to ' Gene alogi Associall.1,ori, is .or the ca.l.ellcl,"'r yea lL r o th e A. p Ni f. 1 4 - DRAZOS 1983 Volume IV u m b e r "-� �711 37c No vember-Del-'ember lQ8,2 USA /*0 'Oarden 4 " TX T-l-'801 5 f; i€ 7"� iE 3'c # is 3€ 'E; � •:: 'X° °� $s ;: `F B'r it °Yr # eY- ?: -;& �: if °BF :t- s':• •;: .' -',c i; :`.- 3F ;;• #'rf• i�- 3s •a::'� .; •i'r ar. •k 'E n i; '.o°° �s s; �- °r'- �f i,• � 7'c• �"r � °iQ � � } The RA OS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER is an informat publi- cation of the Brazos Genealogical Association of Pryan- College S tation, Texas. Meetings are the third Monday of each month from 7 :00 - 9 :00 in the Bryan Library. 1982 OFFICERS Pre sident; . d . & m h..& i'ONC IEF Vice-President . n z . s . Mason RITTMAN Secretary . . a e . . o Claudia WI LIANS Treasurer . $ Q . m » . a ® . Stan CLARK Librarian . . 9 . . . d . . ® judith PEDIG E di t or a . ® a Mary COOPE CONTEN TS Volume IV Number November - December 1982 <. adli Coming; Events KNOW WHAT Feature Articles Bright Li t Cemetery (Brazos C ounty) ) :: ` D razos Go � TX Census us 1 860 Robertson Co. TX Census 1860 Pryan Cite Cemetery, Bo 2 72o WHAT'S NEW Bryan Library 9 h WHO'S ° N Membership r ? " ,x KN OWS? Que ri es /Questions •. t WHERE? Index 73 Y PT ( Volume IV Number 3 November - December 1982 Pryan-College Station Texas 1982 Officers Eiecte-1 .The, new slate of officers was presented at the November meeting and was elected unanimously. The nominating committee did an excellent Job coming up with another fine grout to lead the activities of our Association in the coming year. Don SIMONS was chairman of that committee, the other members were Lilyrush hOPPRS3 and Vinki SINON8. The new officen who take office on the first of January are: President ® . . . . . . . . Stan CLARK Vice-President a . © . . . . . . , Don SIMONS Secretary . . . . . . . . . . Mary BE Treasurer . . ® . ® . L. A. MADDOX Librarian . . . . . . . . . ... . `an ROSS, The 1982 Officers unaer the leadership of W&ONCRIEz' nas had a very good year and the interest,-Zrowth and increased participation are due to their excellent work. Mason RITTMAN had interesting and varied programs, Claudia WILLIAMS not only took the minutes, but kept the telephone committee going to notify members of meetings And disperse any other information that was necessary. Stan CLARK's records of membership lists and financial activities were reliable and accurate; and the library has grown in memorial gifts as well as other contrib- uted materials with Judith PEDIGO as Librarian, Thank you to our 1982 Officers and assurance of continued support to the 1 9 8 3 officers - who are beginning an exciting year for genealogy. -9 0- The Third Annual Conference of the Nationn! Knaalogical, Society will be at the Americana Hotel in Fort Wacin Texas April 13 - 16, 1 9 8 3 , The Fort Worth Genealogical sonety the host society. Having this national conference this close to home is really very exciting. (1984 conference will be in San Fran- cisco:) Ralph McCORMICK is our local member who will have all the information on this conference. You will be hearing more from him. The Harris County- Genealogical Society is holding its Third Annual Genealogical Seminar and Workshop (one day only) March 19, 1983 (7:30 a.m.-5:3 p.m,) at the Ramada Inn hobby, Subjects will be Indian Records, Tennessee, Carolinas and the Clayton Library. Registration forms will be available at the January meeting. 53 loll ! l z e'4 ?RIGHT LIGHT CEMETERY Brazos County Cemetery surveyed by Nina, ,NOBLES .aria Mary BILL, 17 Cot 1982 To reach this cemetery from College Station TX, lake highway 03 0 off 'texas Ave. S; go 3.9 miles and turn right continue on Highway 30 for miles, turn. in (right- side of R road.) at Bright Light Free Will Baptist Church. The cemetery is at the back of" the church One hAdred and ten: markers were found in this cemetery-,- all information was gone from four of these markers and several marled graves have not yet been occupied. Susanna GRAHAM, who died 22 Nov 1882 seems to have been the first Interred here, ADAMS, De phia (aged 52 yrs,` mos, days) d 11 Feb 1892 Mother of Nathan & John COTNA.N; BA. HAM, Effie b 13 Feb 16880 d Sep 1 W! of H.M. BASHAM BLANT0N, Guy R. b 3 tear 1898 d 9 Nov 1957 BLANTON, Lucille Gladys b 7 Dec 190 d - -- wi of Roy Edgar BLANTON BLANTON, Mattie Florence b 21 Dec 1874 d 9 Apr 1959 i of Richard Edgar BLANTON BLANTON, Richard Edgar b 11 Jung= 18 71 d 29 Dec 1940 hus of Mat tie Florence ce BLANTON BLANTON, Roy Edgar b 4 Dec 1:902 d 20 Feb 1 2 - hus of Lucille Gladys BLANTON BUCHANAN, ; P. .b 1 3 Oct 1880 d 5 May 1922 hus of Susie D. BUCHANAN Age 41 yrs,6 as s, 23 days BUCHANAN, Bessie b 20 May 1886 d 2 Aug 1937 wi of Devalson Cole BUCHANAN BUCHANAN, Devalson Cole b 1883 d 1949 hus of Bessie BUCHANAN BUCHANAN, infant b and d 19 Mar 1906 au of D.C, & Bessie BUCHANAN BU HA AT4, Libby O. 28 Oct :1892 age 26 yrs & 3 mesa BUCHANAN, Mil. s Cretin (Father) b 27 Oct 1854 d 30 Dec 194 hus of Sunshine Cole BUCHANAN a BUCHANAN, Sunshine Cole (Mother) b 20 Mar 1862 d 23 Nov 1 9 2 A, of Miles Green BUQHA.NAN BUCHANAN, Susie D. b May 1884 d 3 May 1911 i of A. P. BUCHANAN AN BUCHANAN, Travis Wayne b.22 Aug 1914 d 4 Mar 1915 sore of D.C. AND Bessie BUCHANAN COLE, D. P, b 5 June 1856 d 2 LL, an 1908 n. OLE P Fs it b ? j an 1831 d 30 Aug 1911 COLE, Julia A. b 30 Nov 1838 d 2 Oct 1918 COL E, Noah C. b 7 B 18 91 d C OLE, Roscoe V,, b 8 Feb 1894 d 7 Dec 1968 Sea . . Navy, World War I COLE, Simsh n b 7 Aug 1884 d 17 .Apr 1972 I'NAM, Rogers 0. b 15 Aug 1892 d 12 Oct 1 .892 son o ` N,, & N. COTNA14, DAVIDSON, John Calhoun 1860 0 - 1. DAVIDSON, Lilly 1861, - 1927 wi of John Calhoun DAVIDSON DAVIDSON, Peguese Carleton b Wharton TX d Valparaiso Ind age 20 yr DYE , A lbert P. b 5 Feb 1893 d p,��° 193 0 hus OF Thelma M. DYESS DYESS, Al ice b 16 Oct 187 d 4 Feb 1 935 py � ;• MES VB i o f J,, A. ® 8.r .L E S S DYESS, Arlene 189? - 1 975 DYESS, J. T. b 18 Sept 1862 d 19 Apr 1928 h us of .Ali 1,.tYEo.5S DYESS, Thelma M. wi of Albert P. T3YESS 1893 1964 EDEN, Mary F. b 20 way 1.881 d 1�3 Apr 193 7 tof Zlmner ED EDEN ZIMNER b 1 Sept 1877 d 4 Fab 1923 USCH , Frances Vii, 1900 - -_,0.y wi of Frank FUSC31H USCHAK, Frank 1.897 - 1966 hap of Frances M, FUSCHA ON, ley ` b ? Nov 1d80 d 8Dec 1 l.au of W.R. & Nancy A.GO GOEN, Nancy As , 16 Feb 186 Dec 19 i of William R. GOON GOEN, William R. I b 4 Nov 1858 d 4 Sept 1926 �,, hus of N ancy A. GOEN 56 Bright Light Cemetery, Brazos C ounty TX (Continued) GRAHAM Charles H. 18 - 1944 pus of Sarah F. GRAHAM G RAHAM, G. W. b 4 Jan 184 d 11 Feb 1911 GRAHAM, J. � b 18 Feb 1845 d 21 Nov 1905 GRAHAM, Jane Holey b 10 Nov 1845 d 7 Feb 1923 i o G. W. GRAHAM GRAHAM, Joseph B. V 1 7 - 1941 taus of Lillie J. GRAH AY GRAHAM, Lillie J. 1878 - 195? w1 of Joseph B 6 R. GR RAM GRAHAM, Lillie Irene b 6 Feb 1931 d 23 Jan 1 953 GRAHAM, Mary b 1 Aug 18 5 2 d 3 Aug 1 930 on stone with W. Jack GRA HAM and Allie hATHORN GRAHAM, Maybell b 19 June 1878 d 2 7 JulY 1895 d au of G ®& & Jane GRAHAM GRAHAM, Sarah F. 1857 - 1954 w i of Charles H GRAHAM GRAHAM, Susanna b 10 May 1,8 22 Nov _882 GR M W. jack 1`@ 1n3 6 ;p L.:i Dec 1875 2 :.!IsamS,Y 1930 on stone with Mary GRAHAM!! and Allie HATHOR -N GRAHAM, W. M. b 12 Dec 1809 d 24 jul y 188 GRAHAM Willie G. T. b 12 July 1873 d 24 Nov 1888 son of G.H.B. Y & S.T. GRAHAM 18 1924 H C — HAMILTON, J. F � b 31 Jan 1849 d 9 July 1896 HAMILTON, John W. Jr. 1908 1 1978 HAMILTON, T'heda Cobb °b 6 Apr 1907 d 9 July 1 973 HARPER, Carol Denise b 20 July 1952 d 27 NOV 19 ;9 HATHORN, Allie b 10 June 1877 d 19 Sept 1959 on stone with Mary GRAHAM and W. Jack GRAHAM H N ARLI nder bra 1892 m 1054 hu.s Mary Ruth g N G 1.'�Ss V �A .3. ( � °[, '�p�� �+? '�J 99 q -�^ g yp�l gam' — --- H NSAR.See�,.NG, Mary Ruth �s89 pp p� g p e� . wi '0, i Ev C,.nd er A br a m . q r HE NSARLING, Mytle Cole b 2 Sep 18B8 d 1 Dec 1918 wi of i . E. HEN ARLING , HEN ARLINGg Wan da e °prude b 1 Aug 1928 d 4 Nov 932 HOLDER, George - Ma rtha (no other information) HOWARD John Wilson age 22 y s, 8 mos,24 days d 24 Dec 189 son of R . Z & M .N. HOWA.RD INGLEHART, Iris 1908 - 1 9 7 Token stone) JONES, Ar d.e lla Louise b 7 Aug 1867 d 24 July 1961 1. of William Peguese JONES, M.D. ,, _ :7 Bright Light Cemetery, Brazos County TX (Continued) JONES, Carrie Todd b 2 sec 1892 d. 2 -4 Mlar 192 JONES , Chester Ar °that i891+ --- JONES, D r. Ian W� b 1 Jjuly 1883 d 9 Jain 1910' son of Dr, & , . ;rs. 40' F. k.0 \a:' >:a JONES, Maggie 1 ene b 1904 ( 1942 JONES, Orestus Alvin 5 C.ct 18.90 d 27 t'iay 19 "?4 JONE . Ce a b 2 I Nov i 8J 33 d j Aug 1 9 0 3 y \ � �j W � '�JO :L. U ..11.4 6l. a 49 6 L.P €iJNY. S JO NES, Dr. Re . 4. 13 Ja 1824 d � 1'd o v �.��„;,. hus of" R C. JONES ese, M.D, JONES, Will Pe 8 Jan 11,- d 10 Feb 191 � Louise hus bfieell -;; S °�aJ JONES, Willie Wee.don b 8 Feb 1881 d 2" Yar 1941 KELLEY, Albert 15",. b 1884 d 1,968 yy KELI8Y, Cecil Taylor b 21 Jan 1.908 d 9 Feb 1962 Texas S1. US NR: Worid War 11 K8LLEY, K. b 1879 d 1-9 3 A lberta hus f'' . M . KELLEY KINSER, Mabel. Adell b 1916 d 1981 YcA XANDF 1nfant t: 30 '0v 1,305 d 1 Dec 189 son of A.P. & M .F. M.� A1ZH ANr,E R McSWAIN, A. P. 'Father' b 6 'Sep 1852 d 2 Cct 1944 McSWAIN, Mrs. A. B. 'Mather` b 21 Dec 1862 d 20 July 1916 IvcSWAIN, Edward B. b 19 June 1886 d 31 Oct 1978 Mc SWAIN, Essie b 4 Apr 1880 d 22 Nov 1949 McS A.IN, Rufus P. age I yr, , 8 nips, 7 days d 16 Oct 1884 MEANS, Doll.ie E. b 22 Apr x.88 d e x 19 - MOO RE, Julia R. b 23 Dec 190 d --- wi of O n �� MOO MOO RE, Oxa ," L b 13 a+dday 1896 d 22 >:` era 976 hus of Julia R. VOO TTIT, Fe rle Bernice b 2 Jan 1.9..x°' d 15 July 1971 :CIERStJN, James E. b 2913 d 1966 PROCTOR, -ertha G. b 1893 a 1959 1 of William J. PROCTO P,tROCTOIFI,, 1.1.ram J. b 1888 d 1978 hus of Bertha G. PROCTO SMITH, Albert S. b 8 Apr 1920 d 20 May 1980 hus of Mae Byrd m. 21 . . Miay 1944 LS Army World War I! �8 Bright Light Cemetery, Brazos County TX (Continued) SMITH Mae Byrd. b 23 July 192 d A of Albert S. SMITH m 20 May 1944 STRICKLIN, Dr. James A. b 1932 d 1976 THREE T, W. G. b 26 Feb 1838 d 2 7 Mar 1902 hus of R.A. THREET THREET, Wm T. F. b 1. Aug 1878 d 28 Sept 19T3 s on .l. o� a G o A R u A n � 8 14 Rli � E 1 TURNER, Frank Y. b 8 Mar 1884 d 7 Nov 1909 VAUGHN, Carrie 'Mama' b 30 Sep 1915 d --- y VAUGHN, F loyoe 'Daddy' b 2? Jan 1908 d 4 Feb 19 hus of Carrie VAUGHN V AUGHN, Rev. Elbert J. b 8 Apr 1889 d 23 Nov 1974 VAUGHN, I. N. Shorty b 1918 d 1981 VAUIHN, Kenneth Wayne o 22 Jan 1941 d 1 0 May 1962 V AU G HN, Maggie ie " b 25 4a ane 18 d 8 ,� ay 1.,9 y" . WOOD, dais. Armi .d. , �3 a b 27 S'pr "� # 1844 d 8 _ .r 9 A of W. T. WOOD ?5 yrs, 1 mos, 11 s OOD, Rev. W . T . b 1,5 Afar 184 d 6 }° eb 1n 10 hu of .Arminda J. WOOD Four graves were marked, w th t mpora.ry marke r°s - no i . u� u . �� 1. �r�a J. y� Va 6s �.a. de b _ "'".. ..°;°.° fi ......"3"..... ."."i ..." tiY '{ ^'rY"4."."+"+++ .. 9"...` E s. 3°. "4".....dt. ......,x....3 `8` E it R 1983 dices a.r°e $ due , a,nd payable to thy: new treasure K 2806 Trothers C;ol eg Stat on, TX 77840 QQ,9 p; ab e_ razo Qe; Qasplt ± 00 This stern was so good, I ha,d try share a �. with you. The Newsletter from "the aeon ou lrlgi al oc e 1`n. A� IV Noo ,Page 0 � Through e change vie W' tl�917 bons in our Bryan 1_brarya 5 It 1 salad the embership of any organ zation 1s made _ u offo r bones. 'There a,re Wish Bones ho spend ll thei time wi hi someone else wou. d des 111 the work. Then there are Jar Dones who do all the t akin and v ry i tle else. Third there are the Knuckln Bones who knoc every- thin that anybody else trie o do- Fin '..1 there a.re t. e Back Bones who get under the load and dd the WORK. so -_ 1[_IGH ANE .ARE YOU ??? 0 A a it 'j ii i e r e d Genealogy Rooks Added to the Bryan Public :library Collection as of 23 November 1 982. Nan ROSS, Reference L ib r ar ian has added the notes and comments. Read them! GNL BOLTON. Scotch Irish Pioneers. The beginning of a 325 migration of sesettlers o1' Scotch and English descent from the north of Ireland to America. Includes des- criptions of conditions in Ireland before the migra- tion, the voyage across the ocean, and the emigrants as they appeared to early observers. Appendices. Indexed. GNL MILLER. Mi- rati Emigrat I volume ii. 325 Covers rel igious p �:t c ., refugee groups, sates o the U.S. and foreign countries (if new information has been found). An astounding set of books, these are invaluable to everyone hunting ancestors. Gives LDS call # and /or microfilm number, if appli cable. GNL Comp iled Index to Elec ted and Appointed Officials of 28 the Re c of Texas, 3 I won tha.s e. ss, drawing ata� ` the ary sent me to (a first:). This compilation was done in an effort to preserve the original records, which are in terrible shape - -read the "Introduction"--no photocopies will be made of the original entries but the Archives staff will transcribe pertinant information. Be certain to carefully read pages i- xii.it 60 HAT® NEW Lj b Rooks in Bryan Li. nary as of 23 November 1932 (Continued) genealogy magazines, military records, libraries, and historical societies, maps and atlases, guides and ref - erence books, heraldry, first families, and historical and biographical sources GNL McCAY Source for Genealogical Sear ching in Pennsylvania 974.8 erne a the :nook ors lrada.ana, n inv _A b i,.Q resoarces,r I M'c� ° AY So urces �Y3J" Gen a loe kc al Sdea.:rchi.T? 1.1 975. Same as the book on �� ana, � _. _W GNZ. McCAY. Sources for Genea.1c),gical Searching in North 975.6 Carolina Same__ s f 1b_, k on IFRana.a GNL Guide to Re search :aia teri.als i th e N Carolina. State, 975. Xrc s��FH .. off aT11 the county reco ° � die d by tie �� ��� � hard copy and microfilm, as of January 1979. Nice! GNL. Cemeterr Records, Angelina Coun Texas. Cum ul.ated 976.4 Tr—o cemete n�rF.r:to ' es and obituaries and funeral home records, Indexed GN1a honorable M Early Families of hunk County, T 976.4�lian1e �oleie>ri o:f trr�l,v,cfiic�h.:� n eemr�i� f n 6iim i.on from many sources, Indexed. GNL Marria �._Ree ords of 'Im t Co + Texas x.84 - 1899 97 ��TE Y° � � e3C S Y�� f1 (a C31d22 �7 Te5� of i g s . Commissioner's Court Minutes 24 May 1851, history of Tyler and Smith County. The marriage record listed by groom's nacre and a bride's index. GNL TROXEL. ar jL Records of Montag County T exas, 1858 - 976 ® 1 79 � - ivLont�iue Coun ty i tax st ® 1 0 sus mor lwity schedule, 1870 census, 1870 mortality schedule marriage book A. splay. County 1360 cens, :Indexed by last namie,. GNL MCCA.YQ S ource s for Genealogical Se in 1<en u 976. Same as the book on . Ind, ana GNL BELL. Oh G enealogical Guide. Secon Edition. This 9'77.1 is the E -3 guy de of th is °hype' so f ar. A. : ..r'Eia L gold mine of information'. IMakes one wish I had Ohio ancestors, GNL Ohio M ar°r' a es® Extracted from the fifteen volumes of 977e1 the 01d Northw G eneal 2E.ic al Qua rt_t2eZly published from 1898 - 1.912,, Just the Ohio marriages have been extracted from these volumes. each bride a , d groom has two entries, one for the groom's surname, the other for the bride's C1 WHAT'S NEW? Libraries Books in Bryan Library as of 23 November 1982 (Continued) maiden name. 3e sure and read the 'Introduction', the notes are invaluable. GNL Guide to Public Vital Statistics Records in Illinois. 9770 A county by couiTP legTs- lative history of vital statistics recordation make this invaluable, GNL VOLKEL. how to Research a Family with Illinois Roots, 977.3 Starts with the MIN of ROOM and goes on to specifies for Illinois. Good but not as good as the � cCAY books. GNL Index to the 1880 lortalitv Schedule of Kansas. All of 97 those who died — and 31 May 1880, and who were listed in the special mortality schedule. Alphabetically arranged. 9f 4 1 r-Ifle M 0? 4 AINSWORTH, Inez RtQ 3, Box 8 55, Franklin, TX 77 HUMPHRIES, Georgene 1107 San Saba, College Station, TX 77 ADAMS ATKINS BARHAM BENNETT BILLINGS BRESHEARS BRIDGET BRIGGS BRIGHT BRINKLEY COOLIDGE DAVIS DEAN DIX DONALDSON ELLIS YTCHISON E FERRITN FILMER FYLER GAYLORD GOLDSTONE HALL HALLS HAMMACK HARRIS HASTINGS HAYNES HOGG HOLDSWORTH HOPKINS HOSKINS HUMPHRIES JONES KEITH KINGMAN LEE LEIGH LENEGHEN LIGON LITTLEFIELD McPHETERS MANGUM, MEYERS MILES MOLER MOTT MOTTERSHED ONSTOTT PARISH PARKS PERSON PIERCE PLUNGERFORD POTTER PUGH' PURYEAR ROBERTS SAVAGE SCARPOROUGH SEGAR STACKPOLE STONE 828-4180 696-0182 STRONG STOVALL TAYLOR THOMPSON TREADWAY VEITS WADE WALDO WALIEN WELLS WHITE WhITEHEAD WILKINSON W I L L I A MS, WOODIS WOOLLEY This is an impressive surname list, Georgene has done some extensive research and will be working in the new LDS Stake Library. You may want to talk with her there About a possible common line. 1 µ� 2 azos "!ounty TX Census 1460 Page 9 5 � .1 t °1. .�ost O1 ffice : 7 oo: v3..�._�,e �1r1�`"tew_ .. Q �•'k � r P°.l - Y rv ° ( 5 4 . 2 { 4 p 0 . V C J } y�F.�^Lyy f� 6 97 6 9e Thos t.Oh ..7 r t earmer 8 9 A Eli za, 3 F Housekeeper ' ry ry� Peter 1Y.1.✓�z1:sE CI1 1.9 ;Y Tex. A2exander E. 12 It a tq '' Eli g C j1�.�;,��(N 10 �y ?. e}y v a If 698 67 August, SH YSTER t_ Y Carpenter Christina 52 F housokeeper Augusta 26 7 Carpenter A d off 20 . 4 , William 16 V laborer Emma 5 i 699 699 Sue l NCRRIS 51 4 Far"e r 'L y .10 F Geo 6 .. Pleasant a;1..i.4LI.CAN 25 ni Farm Laborer 700 ?00 James W. I LLI AN 24 4 Farmer +,14..1 q Sax o.�, 96 It it If 64 3 00 920 `� 0 La Te 44 BV ', 0 Te e x Tex 48 ° �e e�:Ler° Nancy F. 1 w Augustus V E S 19 W Stockminder° 701 701 A. L. GARDINER 28 M Farmer Sarah 23 F housekeeper John J. 5 �ry SY1 Eliza J. 3 F Agneus 6/12 F RIT.GARDINER 20 7 Farm Laborer 702 702 Mary J CHRISTIAN 25 F Farmer Sarah 12 F William 1 G V 703 703 John OLLEY (?) 50 Tai jarxrer° Margaret 49 F Housekeepe -. Patrick 10 1V; Mary A. . 5 r John .3 Elizabeth 6/12 F 70 70 A. UFAUL 27 A Poctor 876 24,911 s.c, Ala EI 49 it 1080 3225 Ala If V4 i e land , vv e4 Tex �q0 /(qq Is. INI 0 Brazos County TX Census 186 Page 96 Precinct #1 Post Office; loonv? 11e Printed #81 -' +3 4-q + CH p � Cd 1 � Pq s r-i (D ca p --I I- .'j a) rd +-i ': tU Ca Cd (D CG tW H Mary McFAUL 21 F Housekeeper Tenn Ma 4 F Tex L I �A'{a 2 `Y 91 '9 a 5.,� y 1 �j iij it W W L.C ROVE T 40 Farmer - 22, 025 S-C , C. H. FRACER 23 Y School Teacher Ill Edwin pq �U�'V yt l 1�? J tl �..f 707 707 Thom J. RECTOR 41 {_: Farmer 885 960 .Ali, Martha 35 F Housekeeper, to William ri 13 Dii . +ii 0s Henry B 4 r 'l, Eliza C. 9 F It p 7 08 7 08 W.J. MILLIGAN 24 m stockman 4 17,650 Tex Ann H. 15 F Housekeeper miss 709 709 Charles PA T'ERSON 28 M Farmer 500 425 red Elizabeth C. 36 F Housekeeper ro Eliza PEIRCE.t{ IELD 12 1{ irk 710 710 Joel W. McGREGOR 30 V Farmer 1280 2700 Tenn Margaret J. 28 F Housekeeper Ala James C. 7 Ni Tex William V. 6 r,; 11 Sarah M. 3 F it 711 711 ;fancy D. GRIFFIN 50 1` housekeepe -- 16 00 s xC 712 712 Stephen GREEN 62 v Farmer 3000 2 .570 Ga Amon L. 45 F Housekeeper a Martha J ones 35 F Seamstress N .C . Thomas PATTER SON 22 M Hera (? ) Pilo 7 713 N G. GREEN r 36 M Farmer Wo 6030 miss Jane 3 F housekeeper Ala, S tephen .14 n miss John 6 Pa; Tex 714 714 Jack Fie 58 M F armer 2000 8645 1. m W . 3 M - &9 f Sa . 0 Ga �� . M. 2 �i CP BP 715 715 John WALKER 40 s Farmer 11,915 3050 S.C. Mary J. 27 ,F Housekeeper Tenn Sarah E. 16 , Seamstress ress T'ex W ill i am 12 M .o James J. 2 Y, a 64 Brazos County TX Census 1860 Page 97 Prec inct -,# Post Office: Boonville Printed ? all 0 —4 Cd ca +1 CO 0 W 4N —4 P., P 3: r') Cd rT-4 b.0 - C) a) a) ;-, $4 ­j 716 716 Tholylas j. FULLERTON U1 29 C) 1141 Farmer 14 ,775 r, 14 > P-1 PA 3750 4) Ala Ann Jane 24 F Holt-isekeeper Tex P11 a ry A. 4 F William if. 3 Y Sarah E. 1 Wm. HENR 2-6 IN Stockminder 12,220 1 350 Tex 717 717 Geo FUL11TR'ON 26 IM Farmer Tex Lucy C. 25 F Housekeeper fviiss 7 718 W.C. ` :"rEWART 50 PV, Farmie r 660 625 Ireland 719 719 Geo. W I G(3S 38 ii rm e r 5VP4 12, 4 56 VA Et ,a 5! F Sew Tistress T B en 32 M hud(?j Tenn JIM, 0 S 411. 30 ri: *f III Thomas 27 19.11 of rA wril. J. 25 IM C. C. 23 N1 ff,- i n e ry a 1 3 F Tex Samuel W. 11 720 720 G W. WOOTPN 2 3 'IM Far-s° 15,650 11,50 Tex Polina D. 160 F Va 721 721 C.W. 23 M Flack rat 480 15 in Mlartha A. 2 3 F housekeeper Tho W. 2 1 1V ?22 722 qestor SOUTH 33 Y, Carpenter 13.40 6 35 Ala, liartha 2 5 F Housekeeper V -a Frances 3 F Tex Frank 3 1 Charley 6/12 M 7 723 Robert JOHNSON 42 V Farmer Va Josephine E. 30 F ho Ellenora 12 s' Tex Eliza 6 1 31 Y Herd 8 55 72 7 A. H. HARF)y 50 Farme r 6600 6 395 V cena 51 housekeeper Ham-mell 22 iij Carpenter John 20 M Laborer Sarah 118 F Seamstress William 16 M Laborer ra 65 Brazos County TX Census 1860 Page 98 #82 Precinct #1 Past Office Boonville Printed 4- 11 4 0 a Cwt O ed 5:: � P4 P-4 U (5 r-°4 a O S4 v + U) 0 > P14 Goa Pq U3 Lucy HARDY !4 F Va Eli zabeth 1.2 z � e 1 725 725 Lucy A. BARKER 31 F Housekeeper 8 50 780 Tee Martha JOHNSON 10 F 11 Elizabeth 6 F AC A. AIDE R 2 726 726 /John ADAMS 44 M, Carpenter -- 1606 S.C. Jaynes 2 3 lv Teamster La Isaac 17 M Stockman AC X Henry H. 14 m Tex X Amanda E 6 d 9C Henretta 49 F Housekeeper Piiss 727 727 John Q. ADAMS 30 M. Herd 150 La Laura A. 2 Housekeeper T g� Tex I saac Pm 1 Iv /C \' 728 728 E.H. KNIGHT 28 M Seamstress 132 Miss :Alen J. 23 F Housekeeper Pa Lilly D. 2/12 F Tex Elizabe ® Housekeeper ��vv ��?qq ��yy gq �e 1lVupG keG �Gd. (Y e� ®X G4 Ra.sheria BALES 24 F . Seamstress Ala Levi 2 � M Laborer Miss Josiah KNIGHT 17 te, Laborer of Martha 14 F 91 X Mar L. aT 12 F 11 X Matilda F 11 X Elizabeth 7 F Tex David A. BALES 2 r' ('?) ®® 729 729 E .C. KNIGHT 29 +� Farmer 626 Tex Nary 25 F Housekeeper La Henritta 5 F Tex Mary E. 3 F of Thomas J. 2 Y1 AA I 73 73 N mF. CARSON 4.8 I�, Farmer 2250 92 3 3 S . C a Amanda 34 F Housekeeper Ala John T. . 4 lei it Alfred R. 12 N AA Margaret IJ m 9 F Tex Ma,linda, A. 7 F IA Page Willie A. Sarah 3 J 99 C, 1 F AA (Continued in Vol.IV, No, 4) 66 Robertson County TX Census 1860 Continued from "o1.IV,,No Page 16 Precinct #6 Robertson Co. TX 16 June 1860 Printed #188A Post Office: Owensville Enum. G.H.LCVE Aw 109 109 Elijah MARTIN Margaret GRA-HAIM Sarah MARTIN Mary DENTIN Thomas FARYER 110 110 L. COPELAND Drucilla Susan V Martin L. John H. Delilah NICKLESS 111 111 Kinsey HENRY Nancy KINSEY 1.1.2 112 Albert MAUK Mary J. Sarah Mary Albert James Isabella. John Josephine 1 13 11 3 Williamson COPE Nancy Pinkney William Mary E. Wiley 114 114 Susan Smith Thomas W. G. Newton 115 115 J. W. FULLEN Louisa Sarah A. Mary E. 116 116 J.M. ARCHER Mary P. Martha A. Rebecca P. 'I--q r-1 0 Ed 4-) Q) 0 ®3 'A 14 0 Cd co �-i > An on 50 1672 150 1285 2300 1.000 200 1975 CD Q Cd H iiss Tenn Ala S,IC. Tex Ark miss Tex IV 4f La N.C. Ala Ga 1reland rya ii Ala IV Tex 01 IV . miss Ga Tex IV tt Tenn Ala miss OV 91 Ind miss 01 Tex miss Tenn Tex Vp v 0 —4 24 M Laborer 50 F 16 F Seamstress 58 F 20 M Laborer 29 A Farmer 980 24 P Housekeeper 4 F 3 I lllf^ 18 F Seamstress 26 Y Laborer 16 Kkic) Housekeeper 54 M Farmer 1240 46 F housekeeper 20 F Seamstress 18 F IV 16 1 Laborer 15 y, 13 2 7 M 5 ,r` 26 M Stockman 22 F Housekeeper 5 M I F 65 F 50 F Farmer 999 23 IV" 21 V Laborer .17 28 M Farmer 22 Y Housewife 5 F 5/12 F 24 A Farmer 925 23 F housekeeper 3 F 2 IF 'I--q r-1 0 Ed 4-) Q) 0 ®3 'A 14 0 Cd co �-i > An on 50 1672 150 1285 2300 1.000 200 1975 CD Q Cd H iiss Tenn Ala S,IC. Tex Ark miss Tex IV 4f La N.C. Ala Ga 1reland rya ii Ala IV Tex 01 IV . miss Ga Tex IV tt Tenn Ala miss OV 91 Ind miss 01 Tex miss Tenn Tex Vp v Robertson County TX Census 1860 67 Page 17 Precinct #6 Post Office: Owenvill Printed #189 - 4- U 0 en a W +0 -1 Cd �4 P4 P, 4i (1) 0 a) C 0 r-4 r-1 '1 - 1 U) P- P 0 rA �1 ( -1 t-4 0 S 4 jC.1 v C) (4 > P-4 Susan ARCHER 8/12 F Tex Thomas FISHER 18 M Farm Laborer to Susan MULLINS 18 F Seamstress Tenn 117 11? William ARCHER 22 Y Farmer 500 800 miss Rachel 22 F Seamstress Ark Milton 1 l ov Thomas A. 2" i M Waggoner Ga James P. 10 Ni Ark 118 118 William ARCHER Senr 47 Y Waggoner 1075 86o S.C. Martha A. 44 F Housekeeper Ga Martha A. 22 1 Seamstress Texas William 12 M, to James M. 6 'm ®9 Thoms J. cry. 3 Po-1 of Eleno 6/12 F 99 Frances MONK 78 F S.C. 119 119 Moses BUCHANAN 30 M Farmer 2040 2550 Va Elizabeth A, 17 F housekeeper. Texas Matthew C. 2 Joanna 6112 120 120 David BILLINGTON 33 M Farmer Tenant 650 Tenn Jane 31 F Housekeeper Ky William 11 IVI A9 X Permelia 10 F 99 X Jerome 7 M 99 X Mary 4 F Texas Victoria 2 F to Parlee 1 F to 121 121 Didama RICE 39 F Farmer 620 365 Tenn William 14 IS T rune tta 12 F Texas Sam H. 10 M. to Mardest C. 7 F IV Marus W. 5 1"V1 it 122 122 George PUCKET 33 M Farmer Tenant 530 by Margaret 25 F Housekeeper to Henrietta 3 F La Georgia A. 1 F Texas Luke SWEETMAN 70 pill -- 335 Ireland Henry 26 1o,, 513 412 Ky MI Robertson Co ,inty TX Census 1860 Page 18 Precinct #6 19 June 1860 Post Office Owenvill Printed #189A �4 0 0 0 4- q-1 -P 0 VI PLI H Cd -P 0 I �-4 0 �-4 al Q ) $-4 -H PI 18? u) C) > X. 123 1,23 7 F Alf 1 Y u ` " : ' LL 'LL 26 iv Farmer X50 Arbil-, 25 F ]-.ousekeeppr William A. 1:Darah Pi". 124 124 Wiley "r. *r' RC AN 39 ri, Fa rm e r I �00 Mary 31 1 Housekeeper James L. 1� Wiley G. Jr. 12 Nathaniel W, 9 Y John To 7 M Robert M. 5 INN Katherine 1 F 125 125 Hardy BILLINGTON 35 Y Farmer 1462 Eliza J. 28 F Housewifery Em W. it M James S. iH Tennessee 5 F William T. 3 William HOLDER 19 iJl Farm Laborer 126 126 J. B. WILLIAIMS 26 fl. Farmer l?60 Katharine 23 F Housekeeper Cornelia 3 F Mary E. 6/12 F Alexander NORWOOD 22 NI Farm Laborer 127 127 R. F. GRAY 33 M Farmer. Tenant Jourcey 32 F Seamstress Deliia 1 3 Robt 11 Wilburn 10 - 1 1 il Washington 8 Iv, Edward 3 1VI Houston 4/12 Dil 128 128 Richard M c D Ofi E L 25 M- Farmer Tenant Emeline ' 1 F Canida W. 9 M Sarah E. 6 F john v% W I M Printed #189A �4 0 0 4- �4 PLI H ::5 M P, -P 0 I �-4 0 �-4 al Q ) $-4 -H PI 18? Ky 2635 950 185� M M Tenn Ky Texas sn HR BB RR DR Tenn 91 Texas BB tv BB Tenn. Va N.C. Texas ,vi .10 N. Y. IV. I -iss La ae as He Texas 90 Ala BR Texas VI 129 129 J. S. PARISH 39 M Farmer 13 62 N.C. Frances 35 F Housekeeper N.C. Adelia 15 F Student Tenn X 69 Robertson County TX Census 1860 Page 19 Precinct 7 #1 20 June 1860 Printed. #162 Post Office: Owenvil l Lit C' F4 W"9 aCl ✓ ( P, /11 rW[ ;i W.} 0. a) �y �C� l 0 Q. E 40 0 U (V W W (1) P4 °H U S tCi C! 0 X > 0 - P-r p) U) J-4 i- g?i. PARS H 13 t: Ten � Y Mia, �. lshe 11 IM it ,' Emme r son ? L I ®/ S Alvaradah 77 14 X Rosalin Eliza 3 F texas J y 6 l:''l. , V' W . 2 EVE i i Gi lly A. 2/12 Y ,1 130 130 Pid.dy PARISH 65 F Housekeeper -- 6000 N.C. 131 131 George W. STRONG 45 ;, Farmer 1135 3 a Elizabeth. 33 Y Housekeeper 11 John 19 ,6 rarm Laborer ,1 X Lewis 17 di if 1/ Fra 15 `- Student el X Tabs. ha _ 3 F `+,. James M . 8 [' T exas X _ Mary 6 r' it 132 132 Andrew Mc ILLAN 46 M Farmer 4450 290-5 Ireland. Tabitha 40 F Tenn George H. 13 M 'Texas X Hugh. H 11. Pv: it X_ Mary A. 9 yF' It X John 8 Pi ,e X y y ay S WsJan 6 F it X E lizabeth 5 F 11 Andrew 1. PG 91 Virginia 1 r, .e David GUNNINHAM 25 M Farm Laborer 1, 133 133 J. P. DAV:LrIN 35 Iii Farmer 60J 805 Ark Amy 23 F Spinster Ohio James PA` 6 m T ex Hugh INI 4 m 11 Amy C. 1 F 1/ 134 134 ChaxlesRADr'OHD 30 M Farmer 3000 1050 Ga ,Mla.ry J. 28 F Housekeeper Ala ' x.11iam T. 4 m Texas James D. 2 I'M to Margaret E. q/12 F to Eleanor BRADFORD 56 Y. Ga. Nathan 22 M Day Laborer if ( Continued in Vol. IV , No.4) rz BRYAN CITY CEME"LTRY RE"C"ORDS As promised, here is the first half of '�ook P, of the Bryan City Cemetery Records. The Bryan Library has made these old records available to the Association as a part of our search for all the Cemetery records and listin.- that we can find for '.:;razor; County. Please remember that these records are p ol-abl for the person btivir - t,p1 lot rather than q-. record . of the indivIdual who buried there. " 'he li ni- ?-, sti of the City Cemetery will 9"Lve us that informatio This list'wi,11 tell you of people who have lost a jfiemloer of the family; who is 'on that date living in Rryan, etc. 'There J.s the possibility that this will be the on-1 I , place this i name will.. appear- -maybe there is no stone or make rr n the Ce r, ete inay"[1-e this person is - IC.he survivor and es mov on--lot.'s (. Ve �j.ppreciate 'the opportunity given by the L-LOrary to access to these records. BRYAN CITY CEMETERY Book 2 Names of persons Intered in Block No. 1 Mrs® T. R. SMITH Lot No 2 Child of James DOTTER Lot No 3 !fir® ANDERSON B. J. H. LITTLFIELD Lot No 4 Miss L. HALLE Lot 7 Block No 1 Miss is SHEPHERD LITTLEFIELD's Lot Mr® Thomas CONWAY Lot No 12 Mrs Capt BEALL Lot No 1 Block No 1 Nephew of W. A. BELL L­ 1 B-- 1 Mrs ANDERSON in Lot 4 B-- 1 Feb 4 Sarah L HUNTER Lot 8 B-- 1 (No year is indiq aced ) Feb 10 Infant of Dr HUNTER L­ 8 B-- 1 March- 3 Son of T. D. WILLSON in Lot 5 B-- 1 Child of R. HUNT Lot 1.8 B-- 1 March 20 Infant son of P. W. HUNTER Lot 8 B-- 1 March 28 Infant of T. D. WILLSON Lot 5 B-- 1 Aprile 6 Maj N. R. TUNSTALL Lot 19 B-- 1 Sept 20 Jack HAPUDY Lot 14 E -® I Block 1 B-- 1 B 1 B 1 B B 1 B . . 1 B 1 B 1 B 1 B 1 B I B 1 B B 1 B 1 1871 1872 1.872 1872 1872 Names of Persons Itered (sic) in Block No. 2 Oct 2 Mrs. PROCTOR Miss L. 'BAILEY Lot 10 Jan 26 A. C. BAILY Lot 10 Feb 11 J. FULSAM Lot 21 Novr 16 J® HIGGASON Lot 6 Novr 17 W. M. TURNER Lot 1 3 De c r 14 Mr. REYNOLDS Lot 12 Aug 13 Miss Melvina DAVIS Lot 6 Oct 25 Mrs M. A. HALL Lot 7 May 16 Canida THRASHER Lot 9 Sept 12 Son of No B. DAVIS Lot 6 Oct 30 T. P. BELL's first wife Lot 24 Decr 20 Mr. MAR TT Lot 26 Aprile 25 Bettie T. DAVIS Lot 6 May 4 Miss TRESTON Lot 20 Aprile 15 P. M. DELAFIELD Lot 5 June 6 John DAVIS Lot 6 June 13 Molly MCDONLE Lot 23 Novr 24 Dona, THOMAS Lot 23 Februay 12 Dr® HUNTER's infant Lot 8 Feb 13 Mrs GRANT's little son Lo 11 Decr ? Mr's SPRINGER 1 9 9 Lot 20 Block 1 B-- 1 B 1 B 1 B B 1 B . . 1 B 1 B 1 B 1 B 1 B I B 1 B B 1 B 1 1871 1872 1.872 1872 1872 Names of Persons Itered (sic) in Block No. 2 Oct 2 Mrs. PROCTOR Lot No. 2 Mrs. ELLIOT Infant of of 3 Mrs Jessie 0 PONDER to go 14 Jacob JONES of 5 CLOWER C9 99 6 Child of M PARKER f@ go 8 H. A. BODMAN vo ®P 12 Child of J R MILES $@ 10 9 John M. WILKINSON to to 42 Infant Child of HUEY of i® 10 George BROWN it to 20 Ifant of Robert CARR tt ®e 19 Albert SCOGGIN ®® go 13 71 72 BRYAN CITY CEMETERY Book 2 (Continued) 1870 R M WREN Lct No® 28 ° :d TY "�� R Ba ®P 18 Mar ch pa ng �y �B�a d�. ch �}*q, 8 a Jennie �g f r`" Mrs, 3dj.i.. s s• t ie L � tB Bi 24 ®® .6 Mrs. H t ie :dL ND ARSON i5 ,P l April 8 Infan of j S ?EACH sa to 5 ii 3 Infant s of j. HEARNE is BB 21 May 28 Hammi 1. I`dEWLAND P6 48 Nov 27 Mrs Len HE.AR����t tear oe aP 21 Dec 23 Infant Daughter of S. FORD - is Si 1 101 2 $ $Brag ly LNO ie BB 5 Jan 3 Infant of J S McCLENDON as Pa 53 Feb 26 Thomas EVINS PB Pa 13 Mar 15 W T WITHERS ti ii a 1872 Jan 10 .1, Mr Joanna CODA AB a June Se q ��'an A.E e WAMd OCK B8 2C 2 Bs.. Mrs BEGNOR @? Bd 37 Feb Ada HARPER as t 3 June 23 Infant of T T PY ®B 41 BB of G BREWER BS"L.. /Y ER iY Bi it 3 y � g� t . . Da S ARIR .SON to as 2 HERRING ay 6i 51 Mrs. STERHENS 3 Mr BOSWELL iB 56 Son of E WETT 56 BONIVILIE a s 'Clary BB 56 18 ?3 3 Feb 17 Miss Mamie HILL 22 Mar Infant of �al� ° �spp R E AD a$ .38 � A pr 3 1 1 2. 88 BP di.��r l]EE Ye - 6 PA 26 Anna Laura DILILESSH104 PA 34 Pi 26 Eula M. ALLEN '® 3 BP 7 K . D. STEPHENS " 3 IS 16D D. d s Infant T. � �n . .tb.Cl s a 36 A A ug 2 y Aai J. IL jr L � IA M SON' C .t'" IN' to ae 49 PP dal Nathan BOYETT eP 14 ta J. P. MARTIN Infant Ba 49 ( in VUl c TV i between 1880 & 1,900® His wife was Eliza Ann NEWMAN who died 18 Sept. 1873 Brazos Co. buried Foonville Cemetery, Need any info regarding John Carl SLOWEY who married Josephine Catherine MEREDITH Brazos Co. TX 21 April 1864® Need also Josephine's death date in Brazos o 1� 00. * 77 � Y q Sandy �J.�'.a9,J 545 hac ienda #1 Campbx:.3,...6. � (] � h CA ] 008 ,? 052 W0OTEN , DEAN Have very old pictures of Theophi.1us Parker WOOTrN and wife donna DEAN WOOTE'N who are the brother and sister of - my great - grandparents Thomas Timothy WOOTE and Louisa Frances DEAN W OOTE 8 Both couples were born and married in Georgia in the 1850's and came to ' Nex a and Bryan in the 1860's and '70's. Another brother William Spencer WOO settled in Mexia where he and his family are buried. He had children: Ra.ttie, Jim and Will; with € randchi:ldren Wootie TULLOCK, Donna, Tessie and Albert. Would lire to contact descendants of any above® Will exchange :info and pictures. Don TOLAR, Rt. 2 Box 533 Fairfie TX 758 ' e I ADAMS 54 ,, 61, 6 5� B LANTON 54 CO_'V 55, 66 EVETTs 62 AINSWORTH 61 B ODMAN 71 CODA 72 HVINS 72 BO L TO N C ALLEN 72 �0���0N �,� COL 55 :Yl�tufriIsoN 61 ANDER 70 FONIVIa.LE 72 CO 70 Fa% 66 ARCHER 66,67 IOSv °l.rW .9 L 7 2 CoCnTJoE off, FL; CN 61 A��KIN .59 , OTTE R 70 COOPER 52,70 rd I1�,�.t� �t 61 eft ♦p 'y °� 9°t g� , �s s'� , ,�; �; n , ...7 r"ISHER 67 '. BRADFORD 69 COTNAV 54,55 EACH i..�. y— �'7 �^a�7h 1 7 f�r' '� F.�ORCAN Y 8 f 1}id �t �q A I�LE Y 7} R � aYER I ClJAaNIN.�LA ; 6`� L FORD �j2 F 5 L G� P O I J } RIDG `?' of DAV I DSON q O ... lY.w i.�1. �..3. LlAY..I. L:d a.J 4,d��� 5.� r 61 ��.Et `2 �.J i.i aL �`�� RIGGs 6l, 71 � AKER 65 PD 61 PULI N 66 DALES 65 BRIN LEY AvIIN 69 Sit��1t1.D,aEY 61 FULyE'� 64 .� A�"�.�`� �,�`+� 6l "� D��)�1d v tti o� 1 DEAN 61, � � £ � 61 � �i �� PARKER 65 BUCHANA 54, 6? DE L, FIELL 71 I^`US HAK 55 z.F;ALL 70 t)I t_LESSHAW 72 GAR 62 A BEGNOR 72 CARR 71 DIX 61 65 61 GAYLORD.) 61 PELL 53 , 5 ® C ARSui DON AT.<< SON v O 7 70, 7I CHESTER 55 D E S , 5 GC.. RENNETT 61 CHRISTIAN 62 NT r� EDEN 55 �Sl✓ e' +' >J 1 VICE 61 T O rr' -: / C LAR K !ILLINGs 61. (.LA.R 52, 53 �` 1. LI � 7 G RAHAM 5 C{ �r "� ILLIN(5.��.,�v 6 L.(n., s 6 PLANFORD 72 GOWER ?l GRANT 71 i x 74 WHERE? (Continued) Index GRAY 68 LENECHEN 61 PARISH 61, 68, 69 TAYLOR 61 , GREEN 63 LIGON 61 P ARKER 71 THOMAS ` 71 GRIFFIN 63, LITTLF FIELD 61 PARKS 61 THOM SON 61 I } 7�_ LITTLF �.LD 70 PA�I`a �7 RsoN 63 THRASHER 71. hALLE 61 , 7'" I ADOCX 51 �)� 5 M F� �J I. iiO 5 r 5 3 � TI-tkE .'� 58 d s HAMILTON 56 r g ��;St,ik`. 61 PEII�VI`FIr.,LD r.3 � TREADWAY G HAMMACK 11 1'� ARRETTE 71 PERSON 61 RS THE i r 0.3 71 LARDY 64, 6 5, 70 MAR 66; 72 ? IT 57 TROXEL 60 HA.RIRI,.,ON 72 P'A�7I~. 66 PIER �C 61 63 TUNSTA1.LL " 0 a l HARPER 5b, 72 I "IE RS;�;,1 57 TURNER 58,'71. HARRIS 61 McALEXA`dDE>R 57 PI,UNGERFORD 61 TYLER 72 HASTING 61 `yA �.�ANLJ � 2 �: c`' PONDER 71 UNSEL.L 68 HATHORN 56 iz c CA'Y 59,60 POTTER 61 HAYNES 61. 4t :tCIjF IJ�r`i ,y ry PRO CTOR C 1�OrR ?, ! � �1r c V.;i.l.Uli�C:.�� CS 5 HEARNE 72 McC:OR .�C 53 pttr� � 41 a V_?.ITS 61 HENDERSON 72 McDOlvLE 71 FITch 61 VEss 62 HENRY 64, 66 lv,'c'DO'��EL 68 PURYEAR t VOLKEL 61 HENSARI I NG 56 Pr c FAUL 62,61 Tire xREGOR 63 READ 72 �, �tAD.� 61 HERRING. �' 7 �. , RECTOR Y:- R CT. 60 ALDO 61 HIGGASON 71 ry c M! 72 I c Pf I ELAN 6 9 REYNOLDS REYNOLDS 71 °V ALK�a n WALKER 6 3 HILL 72 NO GG 61 :+ crH�'T� :��,` 61 RICE 67 R ITTA�AI`; 2 53 5 ��ALLEN 61 � , HOLDER 56 , 68 n,.ti, a'a°1:�1 � N 57 , B T 6 3 RO � �dAI'diiUOCK 72 WE LLS 61 HOLDSWORTH 61 JEANS 57 RO " RTS 61 WETTER 72 h 61 MEREDITH 73 ROSS 53,59 Y°JH. 61 HOPPESS 53 MEYERs 61 SAKI { � 61. :, �'�i�.4. r ���. ° H AD 61 HOSK_INS 61 HOWARD 56 �� � �,-� � Tr�r MI�.�_�s SCROUGH 62 SC ARnOROUGH 61 WIGGs 64 MILS 61,71 SGOG>. IN 71 WILKINSON 6 11 7? HUEY 71 MILLER 59 SE�'�AR 61 WILLIAMS 52, S3 HUMPHRIES 61 MILLICAN 6:.2 � 59 SEN D hOV I:C 61 HUNT 70 MILLIGAN 63 SHE PH rH�F �'EF � "70 4 Y iLLI AMSON '72 HUNTER 70,7 MITCHELL 64 . �. S uSiS 62 r ^dI ,LSOid 70 INGLEHART 56 MONCRI:ET 52, 53 S SIItiONS 5; WITHERS 72 �,OHNSON 62, 64 JOHNSON KOL R 61 MONK 67 LO 73 S A�. LOWE WOOD 58 WOODIS 61 65 d�`OORE 57 SM ITH 57, 58, 66 4�OOLLEY 61 JOHNSTON 62 MOTT 61 SOUTH 64 uiOOT� N 64,73 JONES 5 57, �LOTTERSHED 61 SPRINGER 71 �M�ni 7� VdI 61 ,7 1 TyitJLLINS 67 STACKPOLE 61 ?KEITH 61 NEWLAND 72 STL"PHENS 72 KELLEY 57 NEWMAN 73 STEVENSON 59 KINGMA.N 61 NIC:KLESS 66 STEWART 64 KINSER 57 NOBLES 54 STONE 61 KINSEY 66 NORRIs 62 STOVALL 61 KNIGHT 65 NORWOOD 68 S'TRICKLIN 58 ° LEE 6 OLLFY ( ?) 62 STRONG 61,69 SWEETMAN 67 LEIGH 61 ONSTOTT 61