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Vol.7 No.3
The Richard. CARTER Family Computer Help for Genealogists MANNING Fdamily - Cemetery Bryan Cemetery Register. Book 4 Brazos County Texas 1870 Census Queries Pedigree Charts Clerissa Ann TATTERSON Maxine HANSON MILLER Gladys JONES TAYLOR Cynthia Lee SANDERS BARTOS B.G.A. 1986 Committees Early U.S. Migration Patterns Index Bryan - College Station Page 83 85 86 88. 96 104 107 108 115 116- 119 120 122 82 The BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER is an information publication of the Brazos Genealogical Associatilon of Bryan - College Station, Texas. Meetings are the third Monday of each month from 7:00 to 9:00 in the Bryan Public Library. OFFICERS 1986 PRESIDENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary BELL VICE PRESIDENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joy BROWN SECRETARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peggy HOPE TREASURER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anna HALLA LIBRARIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JjmW VERNON EDITOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mazy COOP 161 - 001,04 1 1 1404 , $10.00 for the calendar year Mail to: Brazos Genealogical Association $15.00 for family membership P.O. Box 5493 Bryan TX 77805 INCLUDE YOUR SURNAMES AND PEDIGREE CHARTS FOR PUBLICATION IN FUTURE ISSUES EXCHANGE The Advertiser is also available for exchange if there are organizations or publishers who have a publication to offer in exchange. These are placed in the Bryan Public Library and will be available to interested parties in the Genealogy Section. Send inquiries or samples to: BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER P.O. Box 5493 Bryan TX 77805 Although this is not the first Advertiser you have received this year, it is the first dated for 1986. Your Editor has worked hard at getting school closed, retiring from teaching, buying a computer- -and learning how to work it!- -and getting caught up on the Advertiser You will get full measure, I promise - -only 'slightly' delayed! THE RICHARD CARTER FAMILY © Richard CARTER was one of eight children born to Joseph and Nancy MENEFEE CARTER, of Virginia. On 17 January 1811, in Knoxville, Tennessee, Richard married Elizabeth ZONES, born in 1788 in Shenan- doah County, Virginia. Richard CARTER served in vie War of 1812 as a private in the Militia Infantry of East Tennessee Volunteers. After his return from service in the War of 1812, he and Elizabeth and their children moved in 1820, to Decatur, in Morgan County, Alabama. `They left Morgan Point, Alabama, early in 1831, for Texas by way of Natchez, New Orleans and Galveston, where they landed in early April of 1831. On 30 April 1831, Richard CARTER received a gm for one league of land with the Stephen F. Austin Colony, in present day Brazos County, Texas. There they built a dog trot log cabin some three miles southeast of what be- came Bryan, Texas. Their four children who came with them to Texas were Wiley, Elizabeth, D, -aline and Mary Ann. Another son, Frank, was born after their arrival in Texas. Wiley CARTER married Harriet REED, Elizabeth CARTER married a Mr. WHITMORE from Utah, and Mary Ann CARTER married Wilson REED, brother of Harriet. Wilson and Harriet were two of the children of Michael and Martha BURNE'TT REED, neighbors of the CARTERS and probably acquaintances back in Tennessee, as Michael REED had also been in the War of 1812. Evaline CARTER married Samuel BURTON, and Frank died when he was about 12 years of age and was the first known member of the CARTER family;to be buried in the Carter Family Cemetery. After living the last half of their lives in this area, Rich- ard CARTER died in 1863 and Elizabeth ZONES CARTER in 1876. They were both buried near their son Frank. Their graves were marked by matching marble gravestones by members of the CARTER family, who also erected a wrought iron fence arounu the cemetery. The fence and gravestones were removed in the 1960as without permission from the CARTER descendants, many of whom live in the Bryan.- Col-Lege. Station area today. Descendants of Elizabeth CARTER WHITMORE live in Utah and other areas. Carter reunions have been held in the Texas Panhandle where other descendants live, and a REED reunion is held arLnually in Temple, Texas, with many Richard CARTER descendants attending. This paper was written by Eleanor HANOVER NANCE, great - great-- great- gr.andaughter of Michael and Martha BURNETT REED. She presented it at the Ceremony held on March 2, 1986 when College Station _dedicated the Richard Carter Park and the Historical Marker was presented. The Historical Marker is on the grounds of the Richard CARTER Park and near the access road on the East Bypass. The marker reads`as follows: 83 84 RICHARD CARTER HOMESITE IN 1831., RICHARD CARTER (1789-1863), VIRGINIA NATIVE AND WAR OF 1812 VETERAN, CAME FROM ALABAMA AND RECEIVED A GRANT OF LAND WITHIN THE STEPHEN F. AUSTIN COLONY AT THE SITE OF WHAT IS NOW THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. HE BECAME ONE OF THE AREA'S WEALTHIEST LAND AND SLAVE OWNERS, RAISING CATTLE, CORN, AND COTTON DURING THE YEARS BEFORE THE CIVIL WAR. CARTER WAS APPOINTED TO THE FIRST BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AFTER BRAZOS COUNTY WAS CREATED IN 1841 AND HELPED SURVEY BOONVILLE, ITS FIRST COUNTY SEAT. EVIDENCE OF THE CARTER HOME AND THE FAMILY CEMETERY HAS BEEN FOUND IN THIS AREA. Recorded Texas Historic Site 1984 Location: Richard Carter Park, Brazoswood Drive, College Station, Texas Thanks to Eleanor for sharing this afternoon, her research and the interesting.story of some of her forebears. Limestone Genealogy Association is sponsoring a Workshop that sounds very good. Here is the information: GATHERING SHEAVES, ROOTS, BRANCHES IN SjUTH CAROLINA, MISSISSIPPI & T w DATE: Saturday, 9 August 1986 TIMEI Pj�o am - 4:30 Pm PLACE: First Christian Church -- 50? Faqt'MajZj -- Mexia TeXaP Conducted by: Mrs. T.D. McGINTY -- A native 4oj4ptpn an Rese4ro4e:r Workshop Fee: $10.00 Pre-registrat;�on to July 25 pNCH ON YouR OWN $12.00 After July 25 ADDRESS. Limestone Genealogy Association, P.O. 13pw 1437, Vexia TX 76667 Send your Name, Address, and surnames. Lace is �tecjj please registe - V- (Door prizes; work packs) [Their last issue of The Gusher had a very nice report about Lloyd BOCKSTRUCK's workshop in College Station.) 0 85 COI\U -IUTER HELP FOR GOB EAIOGIS'TS - Fart Two (This is the second. in a series of' columns desi_K.? to aid genealogists in using home computers to make their work more fun and efficient.) Computer equipment is expensive, so most of us need to be wise and get the most for our money. At the same time, however, we want to obtain equipment that won't soon become obsolete. With the numerous brands and models of computers and printers on the market, which one - should we choose. The answer to this question is surprisingly simple. Select the one that will run the programs (software) that we want to run. Almost all of today's computers are powerful and well constructed; however, not all of them will run all of the programs. I recommend the purchase of an IBM -PC, XT, or the more expensive IBM -AT. Why? Does IBM give me a commission? No neither is the IBM the most well -made computer. The reason why I recommend. tine purchase of an IBM is because of the great software it runs, some available free or at a very low cost from computer clubs and some software firms around the country. I will talk more about this in my next column. But be aware that there is some excellent free software available that runs only on the IBM® I also recommend that you purchase an IBM (new or used) with at least 256K memory. The newer, faster programs are us' more memory than the 5 ry . P � older ones. I also recommend the purchase of two disk drives. What about a printer? Here, again, compatibility comes to play, and hence, I recommend an Epson or an IBM dot - matrix printer. These seem to be the standard and therefore will work with more programs than any of the others. To give you the greatest flexibility, therefore, remember this basic rule in purchasing computer equipment: stay in the main stream. (In the next column we will discuss software) + + + + + + + + + + ++ John COSGR.IFF, author of this column, co- author of CLIMB IT RIGHT -- a high- tech genealogical primer is a librarian at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. NOTE: Your Editor has recently purchased a computer, and may have an entirely different view to share with you after the 'learning period is corrmmpleted! Stay tuned for the next report! I On the next two pages is a cemetery listing- -one of the last your Editor will list. The Association has decided to take over the _ conpletion of the survey and publication of the Brazos County Cemeteries. This has been a very special project to me and I feel sure the Asso- ciation will bring it to completion with something that we can all be proud of - -anal afford, too! X/ 86 Brazos County Cemeteries (Conte.) MANNING FAMILY CEMETERY Brazos County, Texas This family cemetery is located on Williams Road. Four and one third miles north of Edge on FM 974, then turn right, one and one half miles, on left. Copied by Nadine BILLINGSLY and Joy S. BROWN on 10 March 1986. The researchers said there were four stones with no inscriptions and the base only of another stone in this cemetery. There was also one stone with no surname. Kathy Joe Born and died 13 June 1973 BEAMON, Jerry Wayne 11 23 June 1962, 27 Oct 1985 'Lil' Jerry' BERRY, Henry Edward, I Oct 1887, 21 July 1930 hus of Nannie Bell BERRY BERRY, Nannie Bell 6 July 1893, 30 Nov 1950 A of Henry Edward BERRY CROUCH, Margie MANNING 20 Feb 192-), 13 May 1982 HAYES, Fredie M. 15 June 1895, 23 Apr 1964 wi of Howard H. HAYES HAYES, Howard H. 21 Aug 1894, 5 Dec 1971 hus: of Fredie M. HAYES LAND, Henry Clay 21 May 1852, 12 Jan 1914 MANNING, A. E. 15 Nov 1830, 24 Oct 1900 wi of J.J. MANNING (death date may be 25 Oct 1900) MANNING, B. F. 17 June 1890, 6 Feb 1971 hus of Jettie M. MANNING MANNING, Baby 14 Apr 1914 MANNING, Fannie Jean 18 Nov 1928, 11 Sept 1933 MANNING, Iona Gladys 11 Jan 1920, 21 Mar 1928 MANNING, James Collier 27 Nov 1860, 5 Dec 1907 "Brother and sister when this you see remember J.C. for in days past I remembered thee." MANNING, Jettie M. 22 Sept 1890, 16 Oct 1965 wi of B.F. MANNING MANNING, Mary Jane 13 Apr 1914, 21 May 1914 MANNING, Ralph Albert 'Beloved Brother' This is on a metal ma;%er, Informant said he died in 1984 or 1985. MILLS, Phillip 20 Dec 1885, 29 July 1889 son of S.S. & E.H. MILLS STARK, Mary Matilda 25 Aug 1851, 29 Dec 1917 A of J.L. STARK , WEBSTER, James Oscar 15 July 1877, 29 Mar 1912 age 34 yrs 8 mos 14 das Woodmen of the World WILLIAMS, Angel Fay 19 - 19 WILLIAMS, Baby 13 Mar 1912 n I p I II I I I i 87 Brazos County Cemeteries (Coned) i -- - �J MANNING Family Cemetery (Coned) WILLIAIWS , Beverly A. 15 Feb 1939, 31 Jar, 1979 (On stone with Sarah A. and Cliff A. WILLIAMS) WILLIAMS, Bud. 26 6ept 18'76, 9 Feb 1964 hus of Elva T. WILLIAMS WILLIAMS, Bulah 9 Mar 1882, 28 Dec 1975 wi of Noon WILLIAMS WILLIAMS, Cliff A. 28 Oct 1917, --- (On stone with Beverly A. and Sarah A. WILLIAMS) WILLIAMS, D. J. 16 Nov 1909, 15 May 1972 w/Wi11ie E. Huskey WILLIAMS I ® WILLIAMS, Donna Pearl. 21 June 1946, 17 June 1955 WILLIAMS Elva T. 17 Jan 1885, 25 Oct 1959 A of Bud WILLIAMS i WILLIAMS, Joe Baily 10 Apr 1908, 23 Feb 1y12 WILLIAMS, Lillian Ophelia 19 Feb 1915, - -- wi of Noonen Roy WILLIAMS WILLIAMS, Mollie May 16 June 1896, 23 Aug 1898 WILLIAMS, Noon 16 Oct 1879, 22 May 1969 hus of Bulah WILLIAMS WILLIAMS, Noonen Roy 'Shorty' 2 Aug 1910, 24 July 1984 hus of Lillian 0 P helix WILLIAMS WILLIAMS, Sarah A. 19 Mar 1918, - -- on stone w/ Cliff A. & Beverly A. { WILLIAMS WILLIAMS, Thomas IVI ® 'Tim' 6 Feb 1945, 26 Oct 1984 WILLIAMS, Willie E. 18 May 1922, - -- with D.J. WILLIAMS I p I II I I I i 88 Br= Ceil,ete Register Book 4 - Pe 5 NAME OF DECE,I D ' AGE ; NATIVITY DATE OF BURIAL Rev. T.J. ADf1l',fl' 52 years Georgia Novm 1st 1883 Rubian NEAL [Colored 7 months Bryan Texas it 2d " Josephine WILSON [Colored] 1 year it of of 4th " Wyatt C. THOMAS 13 years Cherokee Co. TX °' 4th " Inft.of Jennie FIGGERB[Col] 2 months Bryan Texas of 5th " Fannie HEARNTON [Colored] 28 years State of Louisiana to 11th " Magdalena BUKOWSKI 25 years Poland "Europe" °' 13th " Joseph DeBALSKI 42 years Poland "Europe" " 13th " William WALL 7 years Fort Worth Texas "' 15th " T. J. COWLEY 22 years Cameron Milam Co.Texas 15th " Robert B. CHILTON 16 years Brazos Co. Texas 16t -. " Mrs. Pauline CLARKE 33 years Bath Co..Kentucky " 17th Edith BEARD 1 year Bryan Texas 19th " Maggie NEAL [Colored] 22 years Brazos Co. Texas °' 27th " Inft.of Mimie RUSSELL [Col] - - Bryan Texas 29th Libonio LOCASIO 1 month Brazos County Texas Decr 3d 1883 Henry BUKOWSKI 1 year Brazos County Texas if 6th " Lillen WILLIAMS [Colored] 5 years Bryan Texas to 7th Mrs. 1&-ry KOPPE 2d yrs Brazos County Texas 8th Edna. Antonio HARBERS 3 yr.6 mo Bryan Texas °' 9th William COLEMAN [Colored] 85 yrs Richmond Virginia '° 13th " A. Clarence. WREN 32 yrs Dallas Co. Alabama 23d C. G. LaRUE 53 yrs Monmouth Co. New Jersey " 29th Inft of Andrew JACKSON[Col] 2 days Bryan Brazos Co. Texas Jama'4th 1884 Henrietta ROBERTSON [Col] 28 yrs Brazos Co. Texas '9 �t4 1 884 Rosa LANETTI 2 yrs 5 mo Bryan 13razos Co. Te xas ii 11th q1 Inftof Henrietta ROBERTSON [Col] 1 weed Pry} �razps Co. Tex4p 17th " Nettie LONDEIVBERG 5 years ell 0014nty Texas rP 22d. Flora E. DEER [Colored] 1 yr,.6 mQ Bryan Tew "' 25th 16 Inft of T& . Jane WALKER Stall born 28th " Inft of C. MATACKI Stall " " P° FebrUat`y 4th " r Bryan Cemetery Registe Book << _ _ 89 [ a �? F' S LAST NAME OF CAUSE OF DEATH No . BLOCK No. LOT P OTTER'S FIELD DECEASED No. GRAVE ADAMS Dysentery Four N.W.Corner 60 HEAL Anaemia F.M.Grounds WILSON Tuberculosis F.M.Grounds THOMAS Accidentally Shot Two South 2 47 FIGGERS Hives or Spasams F.M.Grounds HEARNTON Apoplexy F.M.Grounds BUKOWSKI Drowned in Burtons Creek Three North 2 56 DeBALSKI Drowned in Burtons Creek Three North 2 56 WAS, Black Jaundice Four North 2 50 COWLEY Killed by RailRoad Train Potter'sfield No.24 CHILTON Asthma Two East 2 50 CLARKE Typhomalrial Fever Two 59 BEARD Summer Diarrhea Two 41 NEAL Cardiac Dropsy F.M.Grounds RUSSELL Still Born F.M.Grounds LOCASIO Convulsions Three South z 56 BUKOWSKI Congestive Chill Three North 2 56 WILLIAMS Convulsions F.M.Grounds KOPPE P1uro- Pneumonia Four 59 ITARBERS Dysentery Three North 2 94 CO.LEMAN Old Age F.M.Grounds WREN Consumption Two 28 LaRUE Suicide by Taking Morphine Three 26 JACKSON Convulsions F.M.Grounds ROBERTSON Puerpural Convulsions F.M.Grounds LAI\MTI Croup TWO South 2 25 ROBERTSON Convulsions F.M.Grounds LONDENBERG Typho Ma.lar-al Fever Four S.E. 4 50 DEER Fever & General Debility F.M.Grounds WALKER Premature Birth Pottersfield.No.1 MATACKI Still Born Three North 2 56 9 9 go Bryan Cemetery Register Book 4 Page 6 NAME OF DECEASED AGE NATIVITY DATE OF BURIAL Inft Son of N.B.&M.P.COLE 8 days Bryan Texas February 8th 1884 Taylor Nelson SANDERS 12 months Columbus Mississippi 13th " Mrs. Maria TABOR 82 yrs 9 mo South Carolina 14th " Francis OLIVER [Colored] 19 yrs Brazos County Texas 19th " Inft of F.J. ADAMS Still Born Bryan Brazos Co.Tex March 1st " Jules 'THIBODEAUX 44 yrs Louisiana 1 3th " Inft Daug of WmT.JAIVES Few Minutes Bryan Brazos Co.Tex 13th " Thomas KERL [Colored] 75 yrs North Carolina 21st " J. W. BAIRD 25 yrs Alabama April 4th of S. W. BLATHERWICK 48 yrs Nottingham England it 4th to Hon J. E. AYRES 46 yrs Mississippi 6th it D. H. RAGSDALE 16 months Burleson County Texas 8th Annie LAWRENCE [Colored] 3 months College Station Texas 12th Mrs. Gussie 'THOMAS 31 yrs New York City,New York 13th Wm. A. BURTON 34 yrs Alabama 3d Miss Fan - Lie WARE 29 yrs Green County Georgia May 2d Rev Father Victor DeLISESKI 49 yrs Poland Europe of 14th Lewis COOK 7 yrs Grimes County Texas It 19th Inft of A.H.&H.C.HARBERS 2 months Bryan Texas it 20th Josephus WARREN [Colored] 13 months of it 22d Theophen Robinson [Colored] 5 months Bryan Texas It 26th Marion Louisa LEMAN 6 mo 22 dy Bryan Texas June 8th Emley G. JACKSON [Colored] 5 months Bryan Texas it 8th Mrs. Sarah E. COONEY 41 yrs Middleford Deleware of 11th Ludvic STAR 49 yrs Poland Europe of 14th Leon WARD 2 yrs 5 mo Bryan Texas " 6th Mary MAASEN 15 months Brazos,County Texas 17th B.M.B. TUCKER 36 years Williamsburg Virginia 25th Johanna RUTKOWSKA 65years Poland July 18t Laura F. DEARING 48 years Stewart County Georgia 3d Inft of Henry GRANT [Colored] 5 days Brazos County if 5th Malcolm MATHEWS [Colored] 50 yrs Alabama it 7th I 91 Bryan Cemetery Register Book 4 F.cjr Page 6 LAST NAME OF CAUSE OF DEATH No. BLOCK No. LOT POTTERS FIELD DECEASED No, CRAVE COLE Trismus Nacentium Four 417 SANDERS Measles with Pneumonia Four N.W. 4 57 TABOR Old age & c. Four 2 OLIVER Consuaption F.M.Grounds ADAMS Premature Birth Three North 2 40 THIBODEAUX Albaminuria Three 16 Potterfield No 1 JAIVES Apoplexy Four N.W.4 43 KERL Old loge & Genl Debility F.M.Grounds BAIRD Pneumonia Pottersfield No 1 BLATHERWICK Pneumonia Four 7 AYRES Pneumonia Four 61 RAGSDALE Congestion of Brain TWO 30 LAWRENCE Smothered F.M.Grounds THOMAS Encephalitis Three 26 ' BURTON Consumption Three 61 WARE Consumption Three North! 74 DeLISESKI Colic Three 55 in Vault No 2 COOK Drowned in Tank Three South 2 74 HARBERS Hydracephalus Three North 2 94 :WARREN Cholera Infantum F.M.Grounds ROBINSON Pneumonia & Cholra Infantum F.M.Grounds LEMAN Marasmus Two 2 JACKSON Pneumonia F.M.Grounds COONEY Dysentery Three North 2 57 STAR Congestion Three West 2 16 WARD Congestion of Heart Four 62 MAASEN Dysentery Three North 2 54 TUCKER Hemorrahage of the Bowels Four North 2 58 RUTKOWSKA Congestion Three South z 56 DEARING Tubeculosis Four East 2 63 GRANT Bold Hives F.M.Grounds MATHEWS Congestion of the Lungs F.M.Grounds 92 Bryan Cemetery Register Book 4 Page 7 NAME OF DECEASED AGE NATIVITY DATE OF BURIAL Walter R. WHITE 9 years Jewett Leon County TX July 1.5th 1884 Frank MANGIAMELIA 29 yrs Italy It 21st " Eddie MCCRACKIN 15 years Kentucky of 22d Carrie B. HEWITT 17 years California it 23d James George WATTS 4 months Bryan Texas it 28th Walter SHELTON [Colored] 1 yr 2 mo Bryan Brazos Co. Tex August 9th " Inft of Ned JONES [Colored] - - if to 11 12th " Inft of Willis HAYNES [Colored] - Near Bryan Texas It 14th " Rev. S. J. GRAVES 62 years Louisiana to 20th " Inft Son of Louis WHITE 4 days Bryan Texas 20th " Mrs. Agata KOELSCH 55 years Germany " 26th " Maj. T. J. McQUEEN 59 Years South Carolina °' 28th " Wyndham L. SMITH 17 months Bryan Brazos Co. Texas '° 30th " Rosa DROSS [Bohemian] 2 yrs Burleson Co. Texas Sept 5th Mrs. Josepha DEBOLSKI 30 y � Poland Europe of 6th " James COLLINS [Colored] 80 yrs Virginia if 25th\ Mrs. Onie WARD 83 yrs Virginia Oct 6th Mrs. Josie McMORRIES 26 yrs Brazos County Texas 7th Willie Stuart BRINGHURST 13 months College Station Texas '° 11th Lula DICKSON [Colored] 1 year Brazoria. County Texas '° 16th " Mrs. Georgeann GIDDINGS 44 years Worth County Georgia 21st Inft of Martin STYCHORSKI 8 days Brazos County Texas °' 21st " Bettie WHITF [Colored] 10 months it '° 22d " Inft of A.A.& S.J.STEWART 8 days Mumford Robertson Co. Tex 25th " Mrs. Lilly E. RAGSDALE 26 years Dallas County Alabama 31st " Arrinda. BRADLEY [Colored] 60 years South 'Carolina Novm 6th William M. WILLIAMSON 21 years Marion County Alabama 9th " Lilly GOOSEBY [Colored] 2 years Bryan Texas 10th " e Annie WHITEHEAD [Colored] 35 years Louisiana 10th " Stanistaw NOWAK 18 years Poland Europe 12th " Miss Lucy C. WALL .17 years Kentucky 13th " Inft of Frank WORTER [Colored] 2 mo Brazos County Texas 23d " Haywood CALHOUN [Colored] 36 years Walker County Texas 27th °' El 93 Bryan Cemetery Register. Book 4 Facing Page 7 LAST NAME OF CAUSE OF DEATH No. BLACK No. LOT POTTER'S FIELD DECEASED No. GRAVE WHITE Congestion Three North 2 72 MANGIAMELIA Pulmuna,ry Phthisic 'Three South 2 56 McCRACKIN Congestion Pottersfield No.1 HEWITT Typho Malarial Fever Three N.West 4 50 WATTS Congestion from Malarial Four South 2 70 Fever SHELTON Congestion of the Brain F.M.Grounds JONES Premature Birth „ HAYNES Born Dead GRAVES Typho Malarial fever Three East 2 20 WHITE Peritonitis Three South 2 52 KOELSCH Asthma Three N West 4 52 McOUEEN Heart Disease One 31 SMITH Croup Two 60 DROSS Croup Buried in old Cemetery DEBOLSKI Congestion of heart Three South 2 58 COLLINS Fever & Old Age F.M.Grounds WARD General Debility & Old Age Four 62 McMORRIES Typho Malariel Fever Two North 2 63 BRINGHURST Dysenteric Dentition Four South 2 90 DICKSON Dysentery F.M.Grounds GIDDINGS Consumption 'Three West 2 20 STYCCHORSKI Lock Jaw Three South 2 56 WHITEHEAD Flux F.M.Grounds STEWART Convulsions Four North 2 70 RAGSDALE Asthenia Two 30 BRADLEY Gastretis F.M.Grounds WILLIAMSON Premature discharge Two 36 of a cannon GOOSEBY Flux F.M.Grounds WHITEHEAD Consumption F.M.Grounds NOWAK Black Jaundice Three South 2 58 WALL Black Jaundice Four North 2 50 WORTER Convulsions F.M.Grounds CALHOUN Broncal Pneumonia F.M.Grounds 94 Bryan Cemetery Register Book 4 Page 8 -� NAME OF DECEASED AGE NATIVITY DATE OF BURIAL C.L. KAUFER 37 ,Years Germany Nov 30th 1884 Maggie WHITE [Colored] 4 years Bryan. Brazos Co. Tex Decm 3d " Miss Delia CHANDLER 30 years Missouri " 8th " Charlie HASKELL [Colored] 30 years Alabama " 11th " Inft of Mary HIVES [Colored] 4 days Bryan Texas " 12th " Samuel son of Jacob &S.SAPIRA 2 weeks Madisonville Texas Dec 21st George CRAWFORD [Colored] 52 years Mississippi " 22d " Blachie M.CALHOUN [Colored] 1 year Bryan Texas "31st Erma JOHNSON [Colored] 18 years Texas January 4th 1885 Child of Hannah FINLY [Col] 5 months Bryan Texas " 8th to Inft of John. MAASEN Still bores it '° °' 8th " Lucy Emieli.ne SCHULTZ 11 years Germany °' 9th " Rowland BROWN [Colored] 18 months Bryan Texas `° 11th " Mrs. Sarah STEWART 78 years North Carolina °° 16th Mrs. Lena OSWALD 69 years Darmstadt Germany " 25th A. A. STEWART 50 years Alabama °' 26th Josseph KALIVEC 17 years Moravia 27th " Columbus WHITE [Colored] 21 years Grimes County Texas " 28th " Hurman FINK 5 months Bryan Texas February 11th " Inft son of E. LONDONBERG 3 days Bryan '. Texas " 16th " Maj Frank CLARKE 48 years State of New York 17th " John YULKORSKY 6 months Wicksons Creek Brazos Co. Texas °' 18th " bi Nancy L. WALKER 44 years Louisiana " 24th " Inft of Pr.&Mrs.John N.HENDERSON -- Bryan Texas °' 25th Little Frank GARTH 2 yrs 6 mos Bryan.Texas " 26th Celina P. ETTLE 3 years Brazos County Texas °' 26th B. G. F GUSO.N 35 years South Carolina " 26th Frank L. HARRIS 44 years Kingston Jamaca °' 27th Mrs. Anna D. PAGE 50 years Alabama March 15th " Miss Eliza J. ANDREWS 19 years Tennessee '° 24th Joe Phil WHEATLEY [Colored] 16 years Polk County Texas °' 29th Inft of W. E. HARRIS - - Bryan Texas 29th t U 95 Bryan Cemetery Register Book 4 Facing Page 8 -' LAST NAME OF CAUSE OF DEATH No.BLOCK No. LOT POTTER'S FIELD DECEASED No. GRAVE KAUFER Consumption One 37 WHITE Dropsy F.M.Grounds CHANDLER Consumption Buried in old Cemetery HASKELL Dysentery Diarrhoea F.M.Grounds HIVES Convulsions F.M.Grounds SAPIRA Hives Hebrew Enclosure CRAWFORD Delirium Tremens F.M.Grounds CALHOUN Teething & Ma_l.,ariel fever F.M.Grounds JOHNSON Puerpural Convulsions F.M.Grounds FINLY Thrush F. M. Grounds MAAMH - Still Born Three North 2 51 SCHULTZ Typhomalarial fever Four S.W. 4 69 BROWN Croup F.M.Grounds STEWART General Debility & Old Age Four 71 N.W. corner OSWALD Dropsy Four North 2 69 STEWART Congestive Chill Four North 2 70 KALINEC Typhoid Dysentery Three South 2 58 WHITE Consumption F.M,Grounds FINK Congestion of the Lungs Four 34 LONDONBERG Convulsions Four S.E. 4 50 CLARKE Suicided by shooting himself Two 59 YULKORSKY Congestive Fever Three South 2 58 WALKER Congestion of the Lungs Two South East 4 68 HENDERSON Still Born Three 1 GARTH Croup and Tonsilitis One 27 EITLE Congestion `.PWO South West 4 67 FERGUSON Hepatitis Four South East 4 68 HARRIS Dilatation of Heart Four SAVest 4 80 PAGE Peritonitis TWO North 2 60 ANDREWS Puerpural Convulsions Four West 2 9 WHEATLEY General Congestion F.M.Grounds HARRIS - Premature Birth Two N.East 4 22 U 96 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 67 Post Office: Bryan 22 July 1870 Printed #34 h o co � q c� F � o 0 1 T) r� 4M U 0 1 as 555 537 HILL, Hannah 100 F B Va SKETH, Margie 50 F B Washwoman Z`I li]P, Callie 15 F B Cook Miss Thomas 30 M B Laborer of ° John 3 M B Tex 56 38 CITERA, Taylor 25 M B Laborer it Amanda 22 F B Washwoman to Geo 5 M B o, John 3 M B Bill 1 M B SINGLETARY Sarah 48 F B Washwoman N C 57 39 MANNING, Matt 60 F B '° Ga MASTER, Easter 25 F B Ark Andy 5 M B Tex Eugene 3 M B of HANES, Rachael 35 F B Seamstress Ky MASTERS, James 30 M B Laborer Va HAI`IES, ie 16 F B at home Tex 58 40 KENDALL, Flora 45 F B Washwoman 300 S C MEWHAN, Kate 10 F B at home Tex 41 GRAY, Nancy C. 40 F W Washwoman S C 59 42 EDMONDS, W. H. 39 TAI W Clk in dry Goods Store 500 ill Caroline 39 F W K. house Ala Sarah 16 F W at home Tex John B. 14 MW °i Yi it Sydney L. 13 M W at home it N . V. 9 M W of James 5 M W It Ellen 3 F W of 560 43 EVETTS, John 40 M B Laborer Tenn Maria 23 F B K. House va Joe 3 M B 'hex John 1 M B if 61 544 NICHOLS, Jerry 38 M B Laborer Va Winna 40 F B Washwoman Ala POSEY, Matilda 16 F B Tex Alex 10 M B at home to John 8 M B it Mary 6 F B of Bill 4 M B \ \\ 1 97 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 68 Post Office: Bryan 22 July 1870 Printed #34A 4 a v) 4-, 4--) ti r 561 545 EASTER, Peter 50 M B Farmer Va 62 46 Caroline 48 'F B K. House S C Lucy 17 F B works in field Tex Isaac 22 M B Laborer " 1vbrgret 15 F B at home „ Ellen 13 F B g, 'I , 47 DUBOIS, Jones 3 5 M B Farmer Miss Azalee 22 F B K. House Tex Adilne 5 F B or DbXY 2 F B to _ :Margret 2 F B to Caroline 7/12 F B Nov " 63 48 LYON, Rich W. 37 M W Butcher 300 Ga Margt 42 F W K. house Ky Alice 18 F W at home Tex 64 49 LYON, Jessie 42 M W`Gin builders 300 Ga Eliza C. 43 F W Keeping house John H. 14 M W at home Alonzo 3 M W „ Thomas 15 M W at home Tex IV NALY, Newton 13 M 4J LYON, Leonard 10 F W at school " X Levalia 3 F W 65 550 HALL, Harrison 51 M W Miller 1000 500 Ky Lucinda 41 F W K. house Tenn James F. 24 M W Farmer Tex Mary Jane 21 F W at home . Henry N. 19 M W Laborer it Luther B. 12 M W at home Lena 10 F W Hannah F. 8 F W , W. Booth 4 F W Ann Eliza5 /12 F W Jan Ga �f 66 51 DAVIS, John M. 45 M W Farmer Ga Sarah P. 29 F W K, House Tex 67 52 HALL, Thomas 60 M W No occupation 10 200 Ky Sarah 46.F W K. mouse ,Ark Zack 16 M W at school Tex 41 Recorded as originally written. Did the enumerator slip up a line ?? 98 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 69 Post Office. Bryan 23 July 1870 Printed #35 4-3 0 w fmi 0 r-j a) 0 f� 0 H 0 tD r 0 0 PA -P 0 A M 0 0 -fir= Pq U) 567 552 HALL, Dicy A. 14 F W at school Tex X Jack 11 M W X Ed 9 M W X Nannie 7 F W Saml 3 M W 68 553 Gtff\IN, Henry ** M W Farmer Conn Susan 61 F W K. house 1000 200 Joseph 34 M W Laborer Mass Chas. 28 M W to Willie 17 M W Conn 69 554 JOHNSON, James 3 M M Laborer Ark Eliza 21 F W K. House Tex Frances 3 F W It 570 555 BONEY, Hannah 45 F B K. House N C Nancy 13 F B at home Tex Lizzie 8 F B it Susan 4 B to 71 55 GARD1\1ER, Daia 55 M B Farmer 200 Ala, Sallie 25 F B K. house Va, 72 557 1v1IX, Eliza 49 F B K. house Tenn McCULIAGH, Obe 21 M B La:borer Ark Jessie 19 M B Tex MIX, Jane 14 F B at home 200 Tex Duffy 12 M B to Jennana 1 F B of Jo 5 F B it THOMAS, Isaac 3 M B laborer Ala DAVIS, Sallie 45 F B, if 73 558 TAYLOR, Mack 22 M B Farmer 200 Eliza 28 F B K. house Julia 14 F B at home Ark Mack 2 M B Tex Kizza 5112 F B Jan Willie 2 M B Leamia 9 F B Poole 15 M B laborer Ark 74 559 GALLOWAY, Henry 35 M B Farmer 200 KY Nancy -8 F B K. house Ala 560 SMITH, Sall 48 F B " 11 if Marg� 14 F B at home Ark ink blot 113 99 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 70 Post Office: Bryan 23 July 1870 Printed #35A (D 4-- 4- 0 01 o 4- r-A (2) 0 a) I 0 0 (D 0 �s ::I P� 4-- 0 I U) U (D PA X1 U) 574 560 SMITH, Bernice 10 F B at home Art' 75 561 IMcCULLOUCF., Dean 58 M B Farmer 200 I N C Sallie 18 F B K. House IN C 0 GIIYRY, Arabella, 17 F B at home Tex D;IcCULLOUGH, Rube 13 M B " " go 76 62 Dave 16 iv, B laborer Ark M I ary 2 F B Tex Laura 6/12 F B Oct Louisa 19 F B K. house 77 63 WASHINGTON, I-brY 30 F B K. house Ala 78 64 14ELSON, Rebecca 35 F B K. house Dennis 9 7,;j B I Tex Virginia 5 F B it Napoleon 2/12 ;d B ipklr 79 65 WILLIAMS, Zack 70 I ri W Farmer 500 100 N C Rebecca 65 F W K. house it Fi-ancena 25 F W at home YOI IvlargtE. 32 F W Jennie 7 F W 'Vex 580 66 TURINER, -- vP M. 49 M W Farmer 200 Ga Louisa 39 F W K. house to Ella 19 F W at home of James B. 14 M W ## #' of vVm L. 12 M W at School Tex X Anna 10 F W at home M 7 F -W Emv 4 vi w 81 67 HERSTIN, Bob 50 M B laborer Ga Eliza 49 F B K house Tenn BAIIINA, Reece 18 M B Laborer Tex Frances 16 F B at home Sarah 6 F B 68 P-jIc?IECE, Geo. 21 M B laborer Hannah 19 F B works in field 82 69 HAINES, Saml 42 M W Painter Ohio Di'larium 28 F W K house ifilo Saml 3 M W ..Tex John 10112 M W Aug 570 Terry 66 M W Farmer 2000 500 Ga ,83 Eliza 57 F W K house Tenn 100 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 71 Post Office: Bryan 25 July 1870 Printed X36 �- 4- O U) { O W CO U 0 �z F- N O U CC) N CCj N > 4 r I U Pq W 583 570 LAUGHRIDGE, Sallie 27 F W at home Miss Abner 25 M W Farmer Liggen 23 M W Laborer Josephine 21 F W at home - Jack 19 M W C! °° Martha. 14 F W at School " X 71 KNOX, John 44 M W Farmer S C Nannie 29 F W K house 2000 Miss Earl 1 M W Tex 84 COOKE, Ellen 29 F W K. house SfEPPARD, Ann 17 F W at School X Mary 15 F W ,� o� X Richd 12 M W �a �� �� X COOKE, Thomas 10 M W " "° X Eula 6 F W " Raymond 3 M W Frank 1 M W " 85 72 FULKERSON, Isaac 38 M W Dry Goods Merchant 1500 500 Va� Marcella 28 F W K. house Ala —� Margret 1 F W Tex 86 73 PEW, Jessie 44 M W Farmer 500 Texan Zilfie 46 F W K. house N C 87 74 PHILLIPS, James 35 M W Laborer 500 Miss Eliza 30 F W K. house it Eliza 15 F W at School Tex X Tennie 13 F W " " 01 X Chas 10 M W of X James 7 M W 88 75 SEPHENS, David 47 M W Gin builder 500 Ga Sarah 44 F W K. house Ark KING, Willie 19 M W works at Q,p �4op 01 - Octavis 15 M W at home " Fanny 14 F W 01 Augustus 12'F W Eddie 9 M W ,o 89 76 KIDD, Hudson 50 M W Farmer 200 Ala Martha 45 F W K. house Tenn Alpha Lu 18 F W at home La Annie 10 F W " 101 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 72 Post Office: Bryan 25 July 1870 Printed #36A zf4z: 0 -A �-i 4-) 0 ra a) -p a A 0 ;:5 0 U n rj A 1 pq 589 576 KIDD, William 7 M W La Alwin 5 M'W to 590 BIRD, Alex 26 ivy W Farmer Ala Amelia 23 F W at home Tenn Frank 2 M W Tex Edwin 10112 M W Aug 01 Pyralls, 9 F B La 91 77 HONEY, Van 3 M W Farmer Tex Maria 24 F W K house Florida Angeline 2 F W Tex 78 MEEKER, Sarah 43 F W Fla Matt 22 M W Fanner Saml 18 M W laborer Geo 15 M W Thomas 10 M W Tex 92 79 BURTON, David 43 M W Farmer N Y Augusta 35 F W K house to Willie 7 M W Tex Edwin 6/12 M W Jan to 93 580 HADDEN, Jef, 4� M W Farmer 600 Tem Hannah 32 F W K house of Chas 16 M W Laborer Tex John 14 M W Geo 11 M W at home Sciote T. 7 F W 94 81 BUNCH, Silas 26 M W Farmer Mollie 20 F W K. house Miss PEW, Richd 22 M W laborer 95 82 GUESS, Zack 26 M W laborer Kizziah 22 F W K. house Fannie 7/12 F W Dec Tex Hockaday 17 M W laborer La 96 83 REYNOLDS, W 39 M W Farmer Miss Harriett 42 F W K. house is Emma 11 F W at home it I Annie 9 F W to Ida 6 F W of HUBBARD, Mollie 18 F W of 97 584 THOMPSON, Elizah 39 M W Farmer 1000 WRsS Margret 26 F W K. house Tex 102 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 73 Post Office- Bryan 26 July 1870 Printed #37 cu w hn 0 M O F�7 H Cd � W N p � 0 N �S H r�I [d H � Q SA 5- 597 584 THOMPSON, Jane 7/12 F W Nov Tex McCALL,UM, Thos 13 M W at School it X Allice 8 F W 98 585 WHITLEY, Wm 30 M W Farmer Tenn Catherine 26 F W K. house Miss Joseph 9 M W Tex Wm 7 M W of Selona 5 F W of Serene 7/12 F W Nov is 99 586 LAWRENCE, Wm 56 M W Farmer 4000 200 Tenn Dorcus 56 F W K House It Joseph 15 M W at School Tex X 600 587 RANDALL, Cheriton 38 M B Farmer Ala Sallie 23 M B K House Tenn John 2 M B Tex W. W. 1 M B to JACKSON, Jack 19 M B Laborer LAWRENCE, Houston 20 M B " 1 586 FULLERTON, Ann 33 F W K. House 2000 200 " Mary A 14 F W at School X Wm 13 M W " " X Sarah 10 F W „ " " X 2 509 NE6VTON, Jasper 25 M W Farmer Ark Mary 25 F W K house to Arizona 9 F W Tex Altheria 2 F W " 3 590 FULLERTON, Geo 40 M W Farmer 1000 100 Lucy 35 F W K. house Miss John 4 M W Tex Catherine 2 F W to McNAIR, David 12 M W at School It X a Langram 14 M W " 19 " X 4 591 McMURRAY, Ellen 40 F W works in field Va Emeline 15 F W " " Tex Bob 12 M W " " " John 10 M W at home of Neil 8 M W it Ellen 1 F W " 5 512 HENRY, Hugh 9 M W Farmer 8000 1000 S C Mary 45 F W K. house Tenn 103 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 74 Post Officer Bryan 26 July 1870 Printed #37A Cd 0 01 rT1 � O ` N r ► U N c � O O N r(,d� �A O - �4 t U) p � ® 605 593 HENRY, James 14 M W at School Tex X Saml 10 M W it °° of X Susan 4 F W , Havey 2 M W HARRIS, FrartK 27 M W Laborer W.Indies James 19 M W ,, ►, to KELLON, a, 30 M W La WILCOX, Lewis 30 iui W e� Ga CONWAY, James 40 M W " Ireland 6 594 ARMSTRONG, Reilly 28 M B Farmer Tex Phillis 30 F B K house Tenn Hariett 10 F B at home Tex 7 595 KILLOUGH, James 35 M B Farmer Tenn Julia 30 F B K house Ala JACKSON, Geo 12 M B at School Tex X JETON, Maria 16 F B at home of 8 596 DOCKINS, Wiley 32 M B Farmer Ga Elsie 25 F B K. house Tex Chas 2 M B of GRAVES, Lee 6 M B " 9 597 NASH, Naiter ( ?) 45 F W K. house Tenn Nancy 10 F W at School Tex Mary 7 F W . u 610 598 GRIFFIN, Isaac 45 M B Farmer Al Minerva 3 F B K. house Tenn Catherine 12 F B at School Tex X Dick 11 M B ao ,� �� X 11 599 AMONETT, John 35 M W Farmer 1000 200 Ala Julia 2 9 F W K. House " Laura 14 F w at home Tex Ben 11 M W of Sallie 10 F W Eddie 4 M W Jane 2 F W ,o BURNETT, Mary 14 r' W at home Ark 12 600 HUNTER, John 40 M W Farmer TeiLn: Virginia 25 F W K. house 500 Miss Mary 9 F W Tex John 7 M W I Joanna 4 F W 104 QUERIES #82 MOSELEY I am seeking the location of the grave of Daniel MOSELEY who died 12 May 1856 at MOSELEY's Ferry on the Brazos. It may be in either Burleson or Brazos Co. I have a book and some information on the MOSELEY family which I will be glad to share. Lee Sanders BARTOS, 1907 Blue Ridge Pkwy., Longview TX 7.5605 #83 MOSELEY, BATTE, WASHBURN, JETER, COPELAND I am searching for the location of the grave of Amelia MOSELEY BATTE WASHBMN DETER who died 12 January 1849. She was born 26 July 1821, daughter of Daniel MOSELEY and Sarah COPELAND MOSELEY. She was married. three times, first to Edward Stratton BATTE, second to Levi L. WASHBURN and, third, to Eleazier A. DETER. Lee Sanders BARTOS, 1907 Blue Ridge Pkwy., Longview TX 75605 #84 BATTE I am looking for a picture of Daniel Edward BATTE, b 16 Nov 1846, d 15 Nov 1892. He is buried in Bryan, Texas. He 'served in the Civil War in hood's Brigade Longstreet's Division,. I will be glad to pay for having a copy negative made - -or will come and photograph it myself if you do not trust it to a professional. I have addi- tional information on the BATTE family and will be glad to snare it with anyone who is interested. Lee Sanders BARTOS, 1907 Blue Ridge, Longview TX 75605 i #85 STUBBLEFIELD, .RAGE Searching for information about Texanna (Annie) STUBBLEFIELD PAGE, b Trinity Co. TX 1871, m Dan PAGE 1885 Trinity Co. Moved to Brazos Co. Died ? ?? due to results of burns. Nadine BILLINGSLEY, 706 Pershing, College Station TX 77840 #86 JOHNSON I need some assistance trying to locate the name of my g -g -g- grandfather. He came to Texas in 1845 to Brazos County and died shortly after arriving and was buried in the new Boonville Cemetery. He came from Georgia, possibly Meriwethe� county, and brought his grandchildren with him. Their father died enroute and was buried somewhere in Mississippi. I do not have his name either. I doubt if a grave marker exists for him in Boonville and probably old church records if any are available will oe my only chance. One of the grandchildren with him was my great- grandfather Green Berry JOHNSON who was nine years old at the time. His Civil War records show he was born in Meriwether County, GA 3 Nov 1836. The infor- mation. I have as to his early history comes from a book entitled "Bedias, My Home Town ". By records available it shows him in Grimes County Texas in 1849. I have searched the 1850 census for Brazos, Grimes, Walker and several other counties and could not locate him in either. Ron COLEMAN, 102 Eddie St., Victoria TX 77901 105 Nadine BILLINGSLEY has shared this item which she Found i.11 some of her mother's papers. It was taken from the .Foard County and Crowell Index, 1.956. Mrs. A. S. HART Retires From Teaching Mrs. A. S. HOT, primary teacher in the Crowell Schools for fourteen years, retired from the profession Sept. 1, 1956. Mrs. HART served 34 years as a teacher in Crowell and Rock- wood, Texas. She began her teaching career in 1901 and taught until her marriage to A. S. HART in 1911. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. ALLEE. Her parents came to Old Margaret, County Seat of Hardeman Co. [TN? TX ?] in 1885. Her father served as sheriff and tax c.ilector. Land on which Mrs. HART's father filed on over 70 years ago is still owned by the heirs of the estate. Mrs. HART started scnool at Old Margaret w-cm her uncle George P. BROWN, as teacher. When Crowell and Foard County was organ- ized in 1891, Mr. BROWN was one of the first school teachers in Crowell. Mr. BROWN's brother, M. D. BROWN also taught at Crowell and Quanah. They were brothers of her mother. Mrs. HART has a sister, Mrs. R. R. MAGEE and a son Mr. J. A. HART. Mr. HART is a journalism teacher at Columbia, MO. HATHAWAY VA, WV 1649 BOURNE VA, WV 1650 WEAVER PA, VA, WV 1700 NEILL VA 1740 POLING NJ, VA, WV 1639 HELM VA 1675 STEVENS MO, VA, WV 1750 FAST PA 1790 BELL NY, PA, WV 1789 DANNER PA, MO 1750 BEALL VA, WV 1750 MORTON VA 1750 COLLINS VA, WV 1740 MOTHERHEAD VA 1730 TRICKE'IT PA, WV 1760 LAWSON VA 1600 ROBINSON NJ, PA, WV 1750 TIMB ERLAKE VA 1600 STURM PA, VA, WV 1750 CQSSART /COZAD`NY 1650 CUNNINGHAM VA, WV 1750 SUTTON NY, NJ 1650 PARSONS VA, WV 1700 GAINER VA, MO 1750 GRIGGS NJ, PA, VA, WV 1650 Thank you, Nadine, for this contribution. Perhaps some of you have interesting 'bits' that you could share with us ?? C C C C C C C C C C C C C]]]]] J]]]]] HERE ARE SOME SURNAMES OF NEW MEMBERS; Gladys JONES CLOUD SC, GA 1809 about 1865 COLLINS SC, GA 1755 Clerissa TATTERSON, 707 B San Mario Ct., College Station TX 77840 1o6 Here .i. another interesting item that was in a recent issue of The Quill No. 6, June 1985. "'This is typical of the good information one gleans from the annual SCGS Workshop. Clipped from the program of several years ago. o . " Gleanings From The Archives: 1737 -1748 was a period of very low immigration into South Carolina. After August, 1738, bounty was hard to get, 1755 in Georgia, the average land grant was 100 acres. One could not get more than 500 acres which had to descend in the male line, and slaves were not permitted. In South Carolina., if one was situated at passes or ferries, he was not required to do jury duty! This was.also in effect in 1762 for 6 years. 1744: Bounty was very small. 1748: The House of Commons tried to slow down foreign Protestant immi- gration to 1,000 per year! By 1751, they were encouraging foreigners again, and British to settle between the Santee and the Savannah within forty miles of the coast. 1752: fdgny Germans applied, resulting in there no longer being a -pre- scribed place of settlement. Some bounty was still given; so 1500 probably came. In the early Province of South Carolina, Land Grants were not affected by death (in other words, the widow and surviving - family still l got the Grant!). e v r r ► r r r r r r r The Sesquicentennial Workshop of the Austin Genealogical Society will be at the IaMaris.ion Hotel - Empresari? Room, 6505 IH 35 Na The major topic will be Research in Norih garolina by Jo White T41NN There will also be presentations about the ;Mate Areki;'.V� Pre- registration by August 2nd -- 20,00 COF ".WILL BE SERVED IN AM. After August 2nd � REGISTRATION INCLUDES BUFFET LUNCH Send name, address and four surnames which yon} would l displayed on a surname list. Make check payable to the Austin Genealogical. Society. Mail to: Julia VINSON, Treasurap 3106 Skylark, Austin M78757 • 10 5 GENERATIONS 8 ENRY 7 H AT HA UfAlr b ,. UMf— �JFt9Y9 a' MAAr-w f, 1Y0 Patnarofno.4 f d A RrI l,lf3�L r 1�y .,13AR8o d'R Coo - from chart b A p RiL g', / jr/ y 17 A f7Al -� uR 4 iLLi.AM A7HA.&l4 d MA 3 r4aA� ^ " 7: 1 G /9�7 �9 f�E AMfR1a�B at f"o,a led .5L° r Cot„ ldffitt W Ca. W r b 12,4, 17f4o d /YBar - 1 died b 4, N, , /d � lg E A ICE P, r 'rouded d Sar vT;.3 ` " DeG• A0 1 �G.3° 9 E ` LV J fA V E A b m 3rvz`.,23, /74L r s IDAMogE �� 1/ othsroft 4 , C.ALJ4dVg Co.Wjl d r Mo motdCAWA C s ►tn. b 19 17 ° '1KA��k !, 18S?� 19 / L 1 — tafhsr at no.a b' d b A p a° RI Z, !t li 20 � - ElV 2 MEAL d MARe , '11 � 14.9•.3" 1.. r "A�R,aa.,j�7� 1y o¢ MA 1 43FISLD 10 L M I ° t�$S M I- MAILC 1�,r18.Z1 !' . tU "OII dO, ® r (.oi.1i A1 .I�e� b 15�� 721 L ' § MaRrNA 14xr ° 11tod. I D, 1,l6.� DEC. l ►, 18 •, eYoo ° lsja. — nwnwatna.2 CA LA 6 U P Co. lef y s hA10L liA aaAJJ fNg. 8'vyrtP eg9.s. b A u l * V - 22 c76 .ea, IL ,� Lax Co..�.o �s b 17 17A �, J U1'1E ee,ea� �,✓ d .ti',r. /.La Il ?I r b 1 j?2 A. � d A ua. 16, 1�i6a+ Ir L E I S :SA A Ad d`1 l"a rr ><sa N G k 1. a� a t! ! 1 C 1+1 23 2-L R A PI b ",ld'3A- ®. rfay 1 d D ,WG• I- e Fv o . L, 1114. 24 e J, �a Ld t+t G d ma1►G. ®7,I9�s.1 12 •G b 1797 m AvRi�. .2fjol. ® %�ir> Lr d 11410 r .3/4p-QdVL c. W7 b Aua..Ia, l$Aa 25 , 11 6 W�.SL� POL_r d Arva(is. jj, / S19 to ATRaL _ 1wrw Ot nao3 /a, lf+h3 r GaLaaoY CeO. td1� b l yyg a I Y47 b MA t4 , )sA• 26 ° 5s a1' t t, 1913. - tl9° aAP(. .4j_, J f . 4 r CaLS•louta Ca., d�tS1/ 13 b �"� `+�� "' AjG ✓• � ® / t 15, � / ° r V C.�1��+o ✓na (' ti 18 a.r d A vR a a..?.�, I !�' 27 E E E 3 L o14A — ®L.r mathaf of no.) b d b JTUME Zk, ttte 28 1 1 . As . E: .tl 4-1 �:� .. is S AM uE (�' yF b N ®a. S,17t7 m la�eC'. IS, 11'l3 d 4 r/e , .,ZA,l,i'C�r oaONQhLiA,G d Avail 4 r Ig - �.., 7 pg tt M X c rNS .7A fJ. 1S, 19�a r"mtnarofna.J Mamart G.. I b d b D��. "� , at�+yc CA. -wouK C.. /� 3Q E cL L„ d 15 b. 1'J :ama L�fto'S5A -� �.�� N 6A t � 1. m -N d f'1Ayst�l rl"�en,CAt,jA Gc� —. dress 7 D 7.A J A N I C T' �Qen ;'d, 31 � 1 ? 9 7 10 vj y .�. 11,17 -A T yy �.nLLC �7' °PDtJ Jsl. TUY4 b I10G' d J I 7 hereby give Hacker's Creek ?ioaeer Descendants permission for thi*_chart to be published by same. /7 _ Slgnarurelaar-e , / ^ 1.0" I i I i I i I �i 1 ON( M 1 �► �► y c .- .. o ... .. .. m v 7 �,� w N�a� r° , ci c3 t oV oU iJ �WV w o !u � �o ° ° OI W •� •,w -Pr ° En cc co m td wa cc 6� w C G � x ci o d d S^ - Q .: w C t" 04 c t0 "° ° a c+i Cp a� m M ° G. N ` co - c "D U Q. tf1 a.0 Z-. n Q W C S.✓- P1 ,«'9 .+ A) a) .O d , .,1 ZCry C .cn C CO CO - W - a G) C a 00 N .. co Zr -.CO r-+ m °C to - 0 , 7 C G CT - C d1 e°a m -4 a' - c cO 4) E o. •.+ .-+ ° O °co O 1-1 .-4 T m °- co « - ° en . 4 -� G = c0 wi a CC r m >, a m O CC � m W � ' w s U3 m ..+ `. `.. m E >, d U) �- E () v ri m V "� m ry s l+ e.7' iJ a) s •� J >, ::.� ca .-1 L ti-+ _o W ^ +1 2 2 cc ° V a) C) Q- w S � G r G - ,F.. ^_ A UL O +.) Ch a = --N w E-c a cn td it JJ �... a) - ca '�9 (.� :e: cc H R. � ca r H �O r a) O. W . m - co V s E- CV fry ^ ^ ti N• .--+ - d co n CL' r-i M ,N CY.' --7 f. T _M Chi 6 L i6 0. ® 96 4 C,a 6 'O 0. d d 7 G E� O 0. tT d d •� ki d Ic m m s J.I JJ Q _ o E 00 ow tn M c. 00 gV cn u, w -0 z,� ` C r zo c0 x - - co am y .y a CO ZM r ..a C. 3 _ O d T m fns m y A .g u T s c cc m y .� ,>. a .. a (-Z ,: ea -a CD z . a L E o "9 -1 In d =1 C O C d ce .' a sJ W O N m d d a) U Ln0%r. W' S �] U N z W a Z OO 4 J N 11 � rj ko .4 � N 7'1 N Z rl � HI � Q x � � bJ S N C Qr CG H a a ai .-1 prm ani WT > >1 U l u r .{ D)� .l`m d m Ai N W ZOO .-4 C+ C, "4 � - -4 LC M -4 Q ni 'n awG4j� v aJ u u v aT. �L� m 00 1 CP,1 c6 Q ca 0 r 3 co H ®© W ab 6 - a O 411 =OF �I C� T kaI �N® r�l y f n G 109 Maxine (Hanson HILLER FOUR GENERATION ANCESTOR CHART Name of Compiler 2300 Orford Dr. Person No.. 1 on this chart is the same - Address __ person as No. 16 on chart No. —L --. Chart No. _ City, State Bryan, TX 7 7802 - -- 8 — NO. D ate 1 Eebruary 1985 -b. (Fetter(pattec of Co aa. nt. on chart No,.. p.b. o v M. 4 p.m. i - (Father d No. a) m c ® p.b. p. d. 0. Date ow Birth ®a : p.b. . Place of .Birth p; to � W; at. Date of Marriage p.= Place of Marrtaae . ms - d. Date of .Death d. _ g b iNatter of No. 4. tie_ - p.d. Place of Death Cant. m ehaK ryry L c m g d. � _ m G MILLER John Anderson p.d. m e Z o -oa b. 1811 (Father ofNo. 11 _r p.b. Tennessee 10 a-- m. 7 May 1829 b. tJ tFather of No. S. P. Cooper Co, MD p.b. ( (ORS mCtar[ Nam d. 1858 Z a , ;p.d. Hatf ield, Palk, AR ! ' <m L 1 P. M. E s : b. iMotger of No. 2) p d. 0 woo p.b. d. 11 p. d. b• m Coot. chart No,— ( p.b. d. = 1 MILLER, Elijah Anderson p.d. b. 25 Nov p.b. Jefferson City, Cole, MO m. 12 p.m. 27 Feb 1856 b. iFaNer of No. d. cmtt c eetanhn d. 30 Oct 1894 p.b. p.d. Hatfield, Polk, AR m. 6 p. m. b. .'(Father of No. 3) d p.b. p.d. m . p.m. 13 - d. b• (No[aet of Chu. an chart Na._ _ p.d. p.b. d. RaDGERS, Elizabeth p. d. _3 b- 4 Mar 1810 ls+eth.= of Na �t p.b. Tennessee d. 20 Apr 1889 14 ( Father m No. ;. P'd °Harfield, Polk, AR b• Cara. mghanNo._ p.b. m. 7 p.m. b. Imethar o{'Na ao d. r� p.b. p.d. SHULTS, Mary d. b. 24 Apr 1826 Spouse of No. ,. p.d. 15 et Na . p.b. Tennessee b o ot. . Cont. m ch}ra ::o._, d. 17 May 1877 p.b. p.d. d.� 110 a W 6' Y \ Y of V V Y Y Y m u V V V N W W V 4 O o v d c° c ° e c ,., a �._ ..: c .- c c ,•. �' w e C c •-. o a a °_' `o o _� �• ..-r (�- yo u u W ' c ,•. r d ^, ° o o I Cg C) Z °u Z v y ou Z v C7 0 z c� 2 u �eU y ° u z°u Z� z z'u c�ZU ° ® . °e 0 C ° o - o cad `° ° o - C o 'C7 ® N 'o o ° o H $4 � d W_ d "7 cc s a cd CO Q U rn o co W W C7 >4 W 94 Z x Fa >+ Lq Fy Cq Ff . N N 44 f- ft - a m N N a• w N p ® f,q W W _ o CO •rd 3C cti X v N DC >C d H H In Z r >C nr v 0. ett 4 ar Z O 41 H O 0 w w G O C .+ O L am_ .+ � n f W + C7 r O b4 H v -4 O s �° < n w y .. r y r N v a M a � O d w I . -Ll a a% N JJ N a•-1 "7 dJ d fn O W N oM JJ ,u -4 OJ iJ. o O Lt 3-1 a ° O $4 2 d7 ° co OO U � � d a, O y0 %D M m H 2.n a O W C aD Urn CO - ZOO G r-i d fn Z .• 3 Z ,C ti aJ 1.4 C �. `•S G U - U`1 r. oco fd co O - � = O -W O-4 d Q-I U as —t 0o 0CQ - to - c 0% w ° 00 W �"W ON •14 •� � ea N U U`o M U - uJ OD U •C° W C G ..+.� -f a tr� O P °" ^ ri - ^' «Q -4 --1 W s O G S.i ; W ^ -4-J -0 r W d U C vJ �d.J X .-� a ,�, °U O 7 G .= , L+ m C y °i-t 4t °O U -.a Z .e«-i. c �.iJ C. sJ G :J - 4 '�O W' grl -.N G 'b0 C- o G OD G $� .4 7 Cl. I wa0 Cl D - - 1c�,.{ C "� a _ w ai..r m G^ fid ++ ,� l. .- j U ..+ u ti rf W --Q. W eo O u 0- u W O W w -ct -4 C fa 00 - 4 OD C > A .- H O w O -- 0 C O C O Z c0 � 4 O ti Q,(U r� � q C -a �n - W O N N W Z a a ,-f 7 r°i 3 r--i W U O d W a ON N A co %.D r+ w 1.0 W r ..,l' r ] [� - �+ M U U ai + r- 1 p W N M O W 9 h A H: -a r--1 o d U co ei d H N c 'a d A -4 u- A a 'al a .0 x A A d 'd m d d 0 a >' c d F , E d si a a$ d co i ti E 'd a a e; e g F , X O w a) H H ° 7 a E E-4 >< -.�+ �,, H w q w aD - GL TI .,ate b 3 - .,..i. fA - 3 •.•t !,a yJ L+ « S4 m 4J .--I L N CO •� N c 111 r-i •0-1 O N y ON- rl J'^ O CT -4 a,l4 ct1 ►� y U � tlJ O %.D L4 Z TdV -4 %D •.+�Z= � r--I C .,r ,-- I` ,_..� c,, to s p� d q ,--1 U $4 �. •.+ o U r1 O C v r-i b-4 > uJ s - G � � Q. >, A to q 's �.a 7 f:' r c." �3 e n •'• z z a G cc �, o ti n ::� I •., r 0 O 00 N W 2 14 :9 C O Q fl, cGd cl to . M M 0 .a u aD O U .-4 1-1 U) ti -4 a n U W °J AC N V U H U y Y 0 0 CQ ° O k tC a+ d1 a, Z . JJ r •dC5 L" aJ 0) f!'1 M Ll -4 4j co 0 C co (7% 54 rn "Ch r .p as N CO $4 aJ N = C U a CQ r-i 1-4 U rf -q -4 -4 U >, G b0 fa W aJ 54 co $ kv •.d 0 W to gip ® M W Iq cq O ,my co U C)% U ® >, q x N d C' 'O '® �R S 0 �� v ®� y c) > W XNm .b. Tennessee m. 17 Nov 1818 p.m. Rutherford Co, TN 13 d. ? b. p.d. ? d. 3 PHELPS, Cynthia p.d. b. 1817 (Mother of No. 1) p.b. Tennessee d. 14 p.d. b. 7 R IDGEWAY . J b. 1 /yU p.b. Virginia KELTON El.aah h M_ CL b.6 Oct' 1846 �ooaae of No. 1. p.d. p.b. Rutherford Co, TN d.6 Oct 1941 p.d. Elgin, Bastrop, TX p.b. m. e p.m. tMoher as No 3) d. p.d. 15 b. p.b. d. n. H. (.Maher at No. e. Cant. m than No.._ ( Fatber of No. 7. Cont. on Chan Na_ - .a4mer a..— . Cont. m Chan No._ 111 Maxine (Hanson) MI LLER. FOUR GENERATION ANCESTOR CHART Name of Compiler 230 Oxford Dr. Person No. 1 on this chart is the same Address person as No.-2t—on chart No.--.!—. Chart No.. City, State Bry TX 77802 pp _ 8 Date 1 February 198 5 -- b. ) Cant on Chart No._ p.b. m . W 4 McCLENDON Dennis p.m. c o^ b. (Father ut No. 1) d. A p .b. p.d. • 6 C h ate of Birth p.6, place of Borth m. 19 Oct 1799 Gy ate of Marrtage p.tn.P)aoe of Marrtage p. Davidson Co, TN 9 S ' d. Date of Dea P.G. Place of Death d•. . p•b. tMotherat No. +. Cant. m chart No._ HE - d. 4... 2 McCLENDON, Green DA ot+t– b,: _ 1807 tFather of No. 1) . �, p.b. Tennessee m.2 Jan 1835 10 _ aas p.m. Rutherford Co, TN b• ' Cont. m chart N _ s , d. , + p. b. a= 1 p.d. ? I m. 1 P.M. t3 . <9d v GREEK, Winifred e a m a. 1780. ;Hamer of No. 2) ) p.d. Ltir U p.b. N. Carolina d. (11 p.d. b. ama t Cast. m p.b, d. 1 McCLENDON, Andrew J. p.d. b. 19 April 1844 p.b. Davidson Co, TN m. 30. March 1865 12 T __ p.m. Rutherford Co TN b. (ratheer of Na. d. Cont. on Chan Nn. _ d. 8 Dec 1909 p.b. p.d. Elgin, Bastrop, TX M. 6 PHELPS, Silas M. p.m. - b. 1817 tFa o f No. 3) d. .b. Tennessee m. 17 Nov 1818 p.m. Rutherford Co, TN 13 d. ? b. p.d. ? d. 3 PHELPS, Cynthia p.d. b. 1817 (Mother of No. 1) p.b. Tennessee d. 14 p.d. b. 7 R IDGEWAY . J b. 1 /yU p.b. Virginia KELTON El.aah h M_ CL b.6 Oct' 1846 �ooaae of No. 1. p.d. p.b. Rutherford Co, TN d.6 Oct 1941 p.d. Elgin, Bastrop, TX p.b. m. e p.m. tMoher as No 3) d. p.d. 15 b. p.b. d. n. H. (.Maher at No. e. Cant. m than No.._ ( Fatber of No. 7. Cont. on Chan Na_ - .a4mer a..— . Cont. m Chan No._ 7 BROWN, Nanc /J. LOU4 p.b. Tennessee d. b. _ no we of foo. 1. p. d. p. b. d. D.d. p.b. M. her of No. 91 p .m• p.d. com all apart No.— b. p,b, d. -n.ri. on char. No._ 112 Name of Compiler Maxine (Hanson) MILLER FOUR GENERATION ANCESTOF CHART Address 2300 Oxford Dr. Person No. 1 oD this chart is the Game person as No. -- on chart :v o. la Chart No. 13 City, State Bryan, TX .77802 8 KELTON, William Date 1 February 1985 b. 26 Sep 1753 1Father'of 9 °: 4. Cont. on mart No._ p e d m. 1773 4 KELTON James p.m. n ` b. 4 Feb 1789 (Fattier of No al d. 18 May 1813 R; d fate a Birth .b.N. Carolina p Rutherford,TN ® o , ty 4 . p.b. Plane of BUIQ s Due of laarrtap® fig, 1 Dec 1814 - ff pm Plaeeefac.rrtase .m. Murfreesboro Rutherford TN 9 RAMSEY Elizabeth u C2. Date ppAL Plane of Death d. 12 Aug 1847 b. 8 March 1754 ).Mother o f No. ,. Cont: me"". ®•» t< I.d. Murfreesboro,Rutherford,TN p.b. Edinburgh, Scotland �e d.30 July 1830 ZO 2 KELTON Thomas Eggleston D.d. Murfreesboro,Rutherford,TN o tl a b. 1829 (Fathe of No. 1) _ yr p.b. N. Carolina - F o m.14 Oct '1847 10 2 e P.M. Rutherford Co, TN Id. 1880 i ataerof ) b• Coat on cha No._ j p,b. R. 1p.d. Williamson Co, TX I m, _ 15 , p.m. ± WHITE Elizabeth d. n = b. 22 May 1800 ,Nether o f No: z, p.d. p•b• Rutherford Co, TN I d. 24 Dec 1847 I1 P•d- Rutherford Co, TN b Coot. on of No _ 5 . p . b. d. 1 KELTON. Elizabeth M. �.d. b• 6 Oct 1848 p•b• Rutherford Co, TN m• 30 Mar 1865 12 .. P'm• Davidson CO, TN b .. (Father of No. 6.. . d• 6 Oct 1941 f,cht ,. Chart No._ p.b. p.d-Elgin, Bastrop, TX M. 1p.m. 6 DUNN John Prewit _ b. 1801 (Father of No. 31 I _ d p.b. N. Carolina p.d. ,m. 4 Dec 1823 I !p.m. Rutherford Co, TN ' ^ _o I( d. b. tiwlother o! No. 6. Cont. on chart No- 3 DUNN, Sarah E. p .d. b. Aug 1826 (Mother of No. 1) p.b.Rutherford Co, TN d. 14 D.d. - b (Father of No: t 7 BROWN, Nanc /J. LOU4 p.b. Tennessee d. b. _ no we of foo. 1. p. d. p. b. d. D.d. p.b. M. her of No. 91 p .m• p.d. com all apart No.— b. p,b, d. -n.ri. on char. No._ 113 Name of Compile,, %ine $ ars on Mill Person No. i on this chart is the same C hart N(:.. ; 4 Address 2300 Oxford Dr person as : -o. 28 oil chart No.-!--. ;a. u: City, St to Br7an, TX 77802 -- 8 (224)' Co.". do ... ° l atnc; •9 .N- Ott. b. l; p. b, b. L.tutner w . a. t'ow. on .nu[ S - 4 (112 m. d. (Father of No. 2) d. - b. pad 1E _ b. Dale of Birth - C /Father of No. 9, C.M. On Chan N o.4L. • P.h. Place of Binh M. '. 91 225 m. n4 Date a Marriage o. Dale o! Death C1. d. hinther of Na d. Pd. Place of Death p.d 9 b, P-b. b. (Mother of No. 9. Cora. on chart Nd 2 (56) ( Fainter a No. 1) d. d. b. p.d 20 p.b. b - (Father of No. lo. , . M (226 m, Cora. on chart No !'yif 10 d. (Fainter at No. 5) d. p.d b. 21 P b. { \lager of NO. 10, cam. on Chan No. rte. 5 (113) (Mail of No. 2) M. a b. d. 22 p.b. p.d - b. (Father of No. It. , Cora. on chart No, d. 11 (227) m. pad. (Mother n No. 5) d. b• 23 p.b. (Maher d Nm u. , Car, on Chan Na. 6Cl i 1 YOUNG, Christian W. (28) d b fi l b. Jan 1846 p.d. p.b. Louisiana . 24 z4 b.. (Fatherallo.)2. Con. on ch No. M. 12 4 Aug 1927 BOWEN Mnason 228 d. s' (Father at No. o) d. P ,d. Corpus' Christi, •Nueces, TX b.4 Mar 1772 25 p. b. (Mother of No. 12 Can. On chart No. �� ®= ® BOWEN, Mnason (114) b a' (Father w No. 3) d. d, b.25 Mar 1786 - Fairton Cumberland N.J. p.d 26 b• e:a i � —, m 23 Apr 1816 13 SEELEY Hannah (229) M. C am a c hart N - Cote. ott chart. No. NLy � d.. 14 Dec 1882 (Mather of No, of P d Washington Co, PA b. 27 [� ® q p.b. (Maher d No. 13. , Car, an Chan Nn. ced[L "< a 3 BOWEN Hannah 57) d, 1 l� W .10 (Maher of No. 1) b. 12 Mar 1820 (1825) p.a. d• �1 26 -o p.b. Greene Co, PA (F of No. 14. CCPL NO zZz I r -_ d. 17 June 1886 14 CONROW Aaron - (230)-. m Chan [ ,°sP p. Nueces Co, TX ( Fetltet of NO 7) d. 3: b. 29 E a `o ., - - - p.b. - b. (Mother a Na le. Cate, at Chan Na, w a a 7 CONROW Deliverence 115 (Maher a No. 3) n, d. p.b. p.d 30 b. (Fattier of No. 15. a Coma Nw�Z d• 00 Chan 15 MORRIS Hannah 231 p.d. (Maher of No. 7 d. j TINNEY, Cerro Gorda b 31 M (Sr—..,- df' No. 1 b. _ b. (htothrr No. 15, ?•t Can. on Chan No. n. 1847 t ) 13 Aug 1899 p Illinois Nueces Co, TX i 114 Name of Compiler Maxine MILLER FOUR GENERATION ANCESTOR CHAPT Address 2300 Oxford Dr. Person No. 1 an this chart is the same person as N 29 on chart No. Chart No. 15 City, State Bryan, TX .77802 8 1 February 1985 b. (Father of No. 4. Ca Date p.b. , M� on Chart No— M. 4 TIM N anial p.m. d. b. 17-- p.b. Virginia P d. 6c�% D-M of Bir b. th Rh p Plow of Birth M. Virginia = Date of M imm P .M.P1aoe=arrMv M' 9 �14 j A Date of Death d. Du p.& Pb of ee Death rd. 1818 .0 • IMOLher of No. 4 - Coot. on chart .0— ..Z 0-d.Springfield, Washington, KY. P-D- d. ate: G Edward B. ,TINNEY, b. 1813 (Father of No. 1, p• Washington Co, KY. -1 M- 1835 0 b. (Father of No. S. P-M. Illinois Cow. on Chart No. d. 1903 1p.d-st. p.b. Charles Parish, LA M. tp.m. 15 MARSHALL Caroline , '1 d. !Mother. of No. 2) 17 ®_ 1 D.d, D-b- Virginia d. 1848 11 p.d. Pekin, Taxewell, KY b. (mother of No. won am" No— p.b. d. TINNEY, Cerro Gorde p•d. b. 1847 p-b- Illinois ln. 12 p.m. Benevides, TX b. IFather of No. 6. Chat. on Chan No.— d. 13 Aug 1899 p.b. p.d. Corpus Christi, Nueces, TX M. 1p.m. 6 b. d. p.b. p.d. M . p.m. 13 I d• � p-d- p.b. 3 BERRY, Sarah p. d, 4Mother of No. 1) b. 1820 p.b. PA/I11 ? d. 14 P-d- Corpus Christi, Nueces, TX b., I F&**r of No. 7. M. 7 P-Mv p 040ther of No. 3) d. D.b• YOUNG, Christian W. d. ;0- �Potiae of No. L Jan 1846 p.d. 15 p.b. Louisiana b. ( Mother of Na. Com. on chart No.-- d. 4 Aug 1927 p.b. p.d. Corpus Christi, Nueces, TX d. - .4 115 r, - 4 = O a b m C _p G _c C� •p O G ^ C `u .•.0 ,.,C mC ..,5 wC. G „�G „�G C C .-.0 4 6 q o p 0 • Q O ]-+ C`u O p mO C •� G C O O O C C O C N O G O QQ O O �C. °U x -F= ° 'C- (d °U O`� r°4 OV (d O •, 'id x x x x - .O u r.4 °(-) �H pU z r x e;U 'i z z iu zu z ® �,1.� �c� x or m a 'J-r. (d e o o 0 �x ~ ~ to r i -I > m cd E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S�r-1 p C O I i () w U Spa �4 a -4 V S4 r4 e ri a) a) L" cd cd r I (d a) (d v r-4 (d f�M h� �_ � -4 � co LZ rz Q N \0 cd °4 .t ca (d $ ,-4 N m N co Cd • ,�i �g s (II 00.) n •M Ri N N N n r N N N w at w eq o ar �4 �4 E O O (d cd O z L13 -1 � U U z •,�i r-4 r4 -N .{ N +) r-4 (Q c V - \ rq •r4 r U) C'- c A -1 w O cr W- O 5--t - ;r) O C7 ,° 00 O m m ,-i $A 0 cA �4 •r-4 \O a 4 �4 O e r•4 O e cd o e U z (d \0 U) cd O (3) c y 4 cd C.) CO > 7W cd O z U 0 z z z C� _� U ° O o > ld U v C/1 U to . � p V cd cd .O U a0 M�� „ N S4 O 0 1 r{ O -L? Cop) N U • � i- '0 S Oa) 4 Ed ON a O C d N U o Ld w ° 5 U • :204 :Z a) 1-4 w Z C a cd : - � J to �:: r- m (d 1 a �• C.5 o �4 O Q (1) v 0 :� O to m (I) CO S4 (d J s0 cd cn N C/2 O t '1 O (/) • -4 `Z. r r 'PQ L: -i N t ,-4 N N Q -4 r-4 r-4 +? U cd A d a .-. o E ye k o E E b O N (d O U ^ O ` N cd E N Cd O O m 4 O o • W J ry cd X ` ! t CO U ^ '- - t QO — 40 "'O\ O'10 N S4 •-• -,-� N �4 cd o l f 1 r i N zvl co r-4 U U Z . 00 r1 4) , --1 (d O\ U y ° M " F 4 CO O\ M. � N r-4 -4 � C Z r 4 0 � O\ M -1 � a)o cd F-4 i 0%, o v C's o ` van bA +, i� �4 - r� Z 9 V r 4 5 >aD r 1 `� S4 5 CO (d -0 O U a) cd U O a) m .� � 0 z o o — - � 44 � <C 0 4.3 ti 4-2 a . E-4 -o O (1) (1) 4 -� z <c = f4 f q L, m rZ4 (� y a m ) O r5 O � o \O \O O r-4 Cl 1 z z L L7 N .z 00 CD cr, (D C\) M C\I N ',Y.' N r-4 y4 ° F C) 0 if Gb ti CL A ®i4 0. Cd A IS R7 d G 'd 6 a h a i- LZ O uj a) c M E ^ S3 v m O E 4A •° N (V O >i `°M+ O w q O O E O O O x ld (Xl N cd "r i •C r N N _ V1 • \O - r - 1 ..(` fa O\ (d E O\ O O` (d ° o 3� Z� > ¢O cd U mw�6 0 � ODD O\ cd W r 4 O c•1 a) D\U O\ 0 y 1--i f•) bO PQ r � ( O r f•4 z t 0 PQ n< n Z ° o ` o � - e pq U\ U\ P:) 4- r-1 r-4- � •I') v a) 7r-4 r-4 v o COI Ll xl (dl L oo a) z<C i r i r-4 O f2 ra .r4 .w I4-i " " ,� °o ti >Oti0 O N V —oQ) 4) V� ° T wl`� ®o ooa Cd oo v m � 0 a) +� x z a E P, cd ;g- - c a) Cdd z (d 4c a A �4 y � -C •ra � a x (� b1 C L 6 E'O A (;--1 ` , f YY �„� W . ma y r"4 r'•1 V W p M ao� a), ° 4-i \C) p Cam- N b r-4 a co d. d d Q) s j d d •d pni N o ri, d a a �i d a r-4 a U3= C l C l O U, N V ° n r O 2 G U m Z 116 /ear Y ) Name of Compiler �?�" l `'- Person No. 1 l on this chart is the same Chart No. > -s a rson as N4. __on Chart No. ere_ 16 — _ -- — No. 8. Address c r) City, State LZ or i'..J" .J - � U. (Father of Cont. on chart No.- m, I--` ` Date _ (Father of No. 4) d. - - __ p•b• •-' r r - (h ?other of No. 8, Cont, on chart No. b _ _ d' (Father of No. 2) b, aI.'2 cz.2� � , - d. 1106 �:°�� • C 1$ $7Atr�, � /,' /,' �.° -c �a p,b. ; f p.d .�...e -�C� (Father of No. 9, b. Date of Birth p.b. Place of Birth M. / �' / o 9 --,-'r D-J r ',s ,� 0, c� /t u Cont. on chart No. ) In. m. Date of Marriage ci. Date of Death d. i (p t 9 ` ao > (Mother o No. 4) - d . ip.& Place of Death a �- m , , 7t , p•d b. 19 _ LY7o e (M of No. 9, J ` p b. . b Cont. on chart No. 2 Z)ea+v de.tt 5 D�a t R. R TLr' I (Father of No. 1) d. G7�/ / 8 �•'� J // d. b. �� �LG�• /34 �- _ t�,/ p.d zL CU.IY v. 20 Mt1" AA f� Tr'.r � p.b. !/su_ £6•- -' ' ! _ b. O l / - 5 7OFather of No. 10, M. /!o 4ze-I 1 yy Cont. on chart No. ) _ m v \ N d, P7- f . d /d J C.tr^r�-�- / J �' � - (Father of N S) p Gam r, 06 S e PC -, /817 21 &Ok'kel %t`ANCy / '! J �err,r� �/eme/vt p.b. ��� e-•d O� •N� 4 (Mother f No. 10, b, :'cti 1 b� °✓' n J' Cont. on chart No. ). 5 aovvl; 'm s1 a„a�'z"7 /c�3� d.� - JI�Ne t Gc. ray, 1� !�; v. (Mother b: d. 22 vi[ "� r p.d �i{ f lw J L. %7< b. (Fa No . 11, W �I}eh �Puc•�� on ) d. le Fa4-• 1°sa+¢ 11 Cl�t.t.l$� e� M. > 'r p.d. Spa , T� �, %'>t , (Mother of No. 5) b. 13 / 23 d, �` ��, (Mother of No. l.l, - .�.j , ` -\ Cont. on chart No. ..y-^ � b. \ Q mot- r P_ 1 - 'ln dz �t� � ,9AC hP 3 i�a d. (G ��i-. 1 Y ' b. � � � t�-- y 15.1 p.d. �_ c- ���ca_ �*�- 'r x , d a p.b. C` h e. o ICE e - Father of No. 12, b ��`~ C. Cont. f5 J1517 12 t o t l re )1 aw, C on chart No. ) m. M d. (Father of No. 6) • 1,V / 1� u �'.a� 2 t 4" / m p.d, b: /1 )VOL), /��� 25 t 1YIRP k,zAae - M - m m ^' _ 8 t �_ �A W14 P G� r p •b• - ' (y . / -A'/f ^- (Mother of No. 12, b. P.e . 1,{' D f �= Cont. on chart N�. v ) `tj /: ray N d O m . e t (Father of No. 3) M. .lac, > - - rea.+.+ ,�f''a. , . r / 5 d• 7:•: -C+-t- - t> - b. -3 �e� >✓ i 4 � d. /d, w2n�Cl✓ , p.d oJ1 c. u ° " z. 4- , e% 1v �m p.b.M2 No. b. .? F.e ,�1►17�/ ( lit a m. / iS 13 � M a v� amt �✓/ui2!! Ba •JClNI° m. /o Srpr, ,Gont.4tiFhartNpR a o C d. �i eI U e✓ �' / °�` (Mother of No. 6) - d. b. AW4 27 W t, m "L2as + p• b. G.E'�kJ�'z' Gr p r V fI, lMothor a( Nov as. done, an chart No. 1 _0 m 3 C MP.P- t d. 3 /✓1Gchrl /' �.� b. ID / 09 - d, A A f a z o (Mothe of No. 1) b. is �1 p,d, J M t`r'1 - p:r iR r - a2 , �� . ',..a✓ P6. �L - 2a b. (Father of No. 14, n p.b C' . l . Pont• on chart No. ) rn o �c7710 d. a fy J4,1 _ 14 Lo a Be M. (Father of No. 7) , a b. C ez + `�' c / P =1 c m H t \ l L ,. p.b.�� 6�' 4' / �r Mother of No 14, on chart No. ) LL 7 a �J �., a`�. �RKN N Y y�l%�1 i p r 137. / c - b. (Mother of No. 3) ! C...t..t �G �f ¢ ry d. .2 �"") dtJ . O / 1 TT 3 � C p K o- k b. I >+ r Bo �7 .d 'n.a� i b, (Father of No. 15,- on chart No, d. ! v Ju /y I "J 15 ' Jkl Cont. p.d. ,,,,' � (Maher of No.) d. / 3;Z to r7 � /1 JY /! E c �f IJ? b. L�R/ ! S 31 (Mother of No. 15, ! (SPouse o f No. 1 � ) 1 vTN'r'w p. b, � � _ b Cont. on chart No. ) b. S d. l/ d. ' s t d p t . p.d. br yua, i 1 .:�� ) p .d. r 117 e Name of Person Sao. 1 orf 'this chart is the same Chart No. on chart No.. ._.. 1 G 71 �# rsorr a No __ " ` �- G �"�- w 1 --..- {[ (Father of No. S. Address -- - +- -• -. - -- U ._v,_ - -, "J� Cry City, State E%a- c t wc< u $ I'�' y Cc.m es �A �� ✓- �� I Cont. on chart No. - Date— - (Father of No. 4) b. p.b. b .(Mother ot'No. 8, Cont. on chart No. n �• 4 'it... _ � k (Father of No. 2) � s d. : pi e•�.... -- 1 S a 5 us 1S - p p.b. / R8 AJ S "A 6act/!` p.d c.,< . (Father of 9. - b. Date of Birth Place Birth - m. � m art Cont. an chart No. Pb. of m. Date of Marriage d. Date of Death 9 d. /!may f ��-� OY7% �! / F% (Mother of No. 4) d - p.d. Place of Death P,d L� ✓Lt-e O T;t bl�dJ ^- "otJNBscI C.e. � /8 , _ _ b, 19 9, y p.b. .��' b. (Mother of No. Cont. on chart No. e 0 f l) ' / o O d. Ja d. (Father of No. at b. to . LI � ^ ► 4 t7 a %`c . P.d Gt-w T/` • /- �N���s� �v. 20 - p.b. („L XLde i )V� J nJ b (Father of No. 10. Cont. on chart No. M. �. $� CLcz s 10 M. I d. (Father of No. b) d. --' p.d T •� �,, , .1y, b. 21 (Mo ther of No. 10 d . , - � • L eb- " ) �� F, �, p p.b. b Cont. on chart No. 5 (Mother of No. 2) M. - b. tu7. "'?79 d. 22 1 0//✓ / R t st4i J9 p.b, L e J A p.d - - b - (Father of No. 11. Cow on chart No. d. /& M. PA L(.' l - x . P ✓p�I JPdJNUIU �e�• (Mothei of No. 5) d. b. 23 � - T- p.b. d. b d. (Mother of No. 11, Cont. on chart No. 1 - b AL J ` / /7a.� X p.d. 24 kjAA)S&tt p.b. iS h =� /z Olt •'t 4 � - 12 ! � ,g1PAJ5dZf 1 "RRneriS 1�1R�t>9n1 b., M. (Father of No. 12. Cont. on chart No. o , d. p .d , (Father of No. 6) b. cam 25 d. G' M Q 4 � q - C .[C.4•gE'a.. '� L- (��'T4° 1)•b• ( b - (Mother of No.. 12 - Cow on chart No. p v a (Father of No. 3) - b. ! s r j � i 1 1 S IaY - d. ,, u., I � .. ��-' d. S .5 a - c j -le f & p,b. f'�',.�.'.•, ,,..z -t. ' - 1e. .J d D/(1 vJ. �,���,�.. p.d 0 L 26 r t� �t --- b. (Father of No. 13. N Co W / 'S 7 ' 7 A. m. /o 13 601tf kL if f�1l� /N m. Cow on chart No. - n a *5 d. � ^eX ? t ' P<j <L (Mother of No. 6) 1 g✓ �- d, Z a p. d 4 t �� b. o� C C cl 27 ? i ,vT a w t7 p.b. 4N'i`� - b (Mother of No. 13. Cont. on chart No. ° 3 s }3 J �/t/J e Z t Lle? T d. 1 3 J--t-'y / 1 D w E (Mother of No. 1) U a' 28 = o ��� ,� > ?" �_. n p•b• `'f°"�' i b. .. (Father of No. la. Cont. on chart No. E o a d. 14 D z, e 9 t )T)) N k N v1e e y� m. a d a H - p.d. (Father of No. 7) d c o TON p.b. k'�•` b. . (Mother of No. 14, Cont. on chart No. 7 c T J� !o Dr�c'Rty t p ub a/ M . / J 9t 4A o ~[° d` b. JLl2L. L �.71(MotherofNo.3) I `, d. f 1�u f �y'2 ( 7 / \ b. / 1 �o��a tSoiJ4, P. /w ^+vPZl e�...r y %. �l d .�ut,�J�zc:... Ti-.7 rr � 11 �• P• aa�t:[a.d :.•�•`�' 30 b. eves /$G$ (Father of 15. d° , µ 15 . / c l—ew ,CiiZ art Cont. on chart No. Co m. �b we, . p.d. N.t- ait-�. f.p -q.{1 �'Ttc. 1L -�- Q' (Mother of No. 7) d / 57 ze_ b..10 G c� ✓.3'S ) 31 a7` / 1 x`5.54) Z-i - 1..�rui1 sC (Spa se of No. 1) s ��� , p.b. '� jt`1 / b Q- Jt..�r Mother of No. 15. Cont. on char[ No. b. d. d. 7r�' j /935' d. s c�zw , i ya q p.b: yd p.d. p.d. i��rZliZ`.vx Lam. 118 � �.Ut..... - '� `2.' L.J�,,,n,7 „r,.�.. -; t: �k'•a�a.�G -�' r %r��.i.' e Name of Compiler_ _ Person No. 1 on this chart is the same Chart No Addres {rte I pe ��• son as No. on chart No.�..�. Addres r 4'•` - —,_._ _. t Conteon r ci ty , Jr y ✓n 'r d` State 3 9 cc �, 7 J f ir L _ _ c 8 vfN 1 •.° q , Chart N ' Y T d �i� -� `G'.'J? + - h Na. 9) d. r S'3 /k ✓1 K / J, °Cj \ Date %.. er o athf ( F _ -_= - p .b. ( Mother of No. S. b. Con[. on chart No. __�_) P d. (Father of No. 2) b..3v' • ” Cv, d ` , nJ /emu p.d 7_,A r ell ' .. b. Date of birth p.b. Place of Birth p.b. f.�tJ'"t'i•t" m. /"� y ` 9 D -, ' ', (Father of No. 9.. Cont. on chart No.) M. m . Date of d. Date of Marriage Death t ..52 �, / s'` - d, c7 L/ � •� (Mather of No. 9) ti d. p.c. Place of Death - p.d w .' �[ . 1.YO v v, 19 �1n . /Yl:cf J (� Me �j J b. p'b° (Mother of No. 9, b• Cont. on chart No. 1 2 r , �J /J...[' �No i , �/ 'd. d• (Father 1) p 20 � I h p.b. r�P c -/ d.avt i r C c+Ya <� w�- �� , b. a >y,• / 7 {r. 5 (Father of No. 10, � „N n- 7 !' y Ct � /�• a 10 k Rme7: 4 :t7 Cont. on chart. No. ) M. `•^s� U /11%. ? �, . J/ !ae- A�.-.-k✓ I9� (Father of No. 5) d. ,� • -f^K- 1 n p d `yJy ,,4, //e A. Tx 0 �� � lc, b. . /Sec � 21 - G.' ! q • V -\ tom. n _ ..gyp p.b. lJ� -.lS�fi ✓ 4' tT� 1 O • / �° • ( Mather of No. 10, b a. / 7? Cont. on chart No ) 5 Sow , m, '� � � c_e /S _R 57 o� d. i.SWI / (Mother No. 2) b. 3 14A11 , �' d. a `+ p.b. 1- ��'",� —c, TN , p.d �, Rif r i X �,tCfs be /3 s 4 i ? %S (Father of No. ll, C ! d. ^ /� e1 i 11 !1 . Imo' /' _ r ` spa Con[. on char[ No. ) m ��, i? y n' . , o- rt-, 1 d -+--® �E.4< P. ���1 i T� o�'oi� (Mother of No. 5)` d. .2 L ^, J+.- +•. < I lir'4 b. � 2 YY. t V , 23 G 1. F G p.yl. L3n� - -o�- TA/. 7 c ( Mather of No. 11, .? Cont. on chart No.._.. b. •.1 � 1 R cC � '�t�; (' I= D V e 6 y d. 4 c1�C+ I� l J � d. � Cl1 p.d. ltr✓, 7 x. Ji i�G°s p° b. N k y ff Ty - � - M 12 �L�Lt.)1l�v.A: b. � •1. 4• w ti:. (Father of No. 12, Cont, on chart No. �) m. `� �! o d. l / `,- 7 :i! iL4.Fcv / d Y-3' (Father of No. 6).. m p.d. b. /Poi' t 25 A Li � T/-A5 17*h c> K % I, /A_ py.,/+ C�a • p' �' (Mother of No. 12, ) G t Cont. No 0 o m m � 8 .L � � �f+AJ o �'. / �cy(e!Q. � - ggl, � / ��G.. • / cQ a � b, q on chart j O W a o / p (Father of No. 3) b. I!! / ✓Ctz1. /S"? '4G. ,,( d' ?2k tea. 1fS4lP d, ^tee, D IC H `m o P.b. �Vc2zh.cl.� Z • d Wu�v.e CL. Ti P• ar . 26 e ✓ b. + R !ld Irt /7�� •�G+rhep at Na, I�t d a =_ w c° m. . s l 13 ~ 2. /3 Cont, OR chart NRt -- --1 m• (v n J o_ to e � � �Z, d '• !.� .:l M7J . ! dJ� ( Mother of No. b� d /�;z Ma- �'�r � ' o < p.d "J .Tit . � ° b. a tv f' a7 27 _ 2- A) (hlatha r w c rn z a 3 bi1a `� �L er p.b. A w �f t a h art Na b. 5�+� t ^7 / I«oncta E C�/ .JL d / ".. d. 7 Al i 1 �, 'rg ' :. z (Mother of No. 1) b. l8 �czJ. 1 &'// ®� • P.d. u�c'A o n p.b. �� 11�5/FIhIP� p, (Father of No. 19, c H d d• jv C�tc t 1� 5 n I 1 14�/G'k'k' Cont. on chart No. ) (Father of Na, 7) d, b. c y / , .p l wT',^' °_ >..., of No. 19. _ oni, an chart No. t« - ) u. 7 ..:� �+_D.,2�. !J DL!_ i 11�fIJ/✓ n7. t . (Mother of No. 3) b. a?! fey. l & 4/0 p f -a� SGJ d, „r v�!< T>) p.b.S vura -. i . TY . �• d /d cta d . T� ' ® b, .y s- r• (Farber of No. 15. f �o�cw d. /5 yd7✓ j%.2r1 �_ "�.�'.” � l5 + v { e' 5 Su •� .J Cont. an chart No. 171. \ P. d. N!cU? iT_, TR _ gyp! Ct . (Mother of No. 7) d // 1•� (� b. .. 1 g .� /uG 31 / - (Spouse of No. 1 - .. ' 1G-t, h'rf , e, 17• b, /1/V• - a•*j @(other of No. 15, b. Cont. C an char[ No. ,, � b. v �- Y /0 0 / d, d. f S'7 P p.b. (:C 7y- . PA p.d. � L�':1 z• , 4,.A, -7•,, d. 119 BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION 19 e'6 COMMITTEES PROGRAM PROJECT PUBUCITY Joy Brown, Chairman Ralph McCormick, Chairman Peggy Hope, Chairman 0 a Doris Francischini Nadine Billingsley Laness Patti C Hopddess e Anna Kellett Doris Francischini Jim 0. Jones Georgia B. Landiss Mary McCulloch Eileen M ete Portzer Walter Parsons James Whittemore Alice Stubbs Don Simons Helen � Clerissa Tatterson Edith 'White WORKSHOP Joy Brown, Chairman Anna Hallaran Naomi McCormick L. A. Maddox Maxine Miller Nina Nobles MEMBERSHIP Anna Hallaran Chairman Christine Dulaney Sally Geelan L. A. Maddox Victoria Simons Elizabeth 'dykes Mary Cooper, Chairman Nadine Billingsley Lilly Rush Hoppess Carl Landiss Elinor Nance 04 Jimmy Vernon, Chairman Stanley Clark Dorothy Clark Mary Hanna Noami McCormick Nina Nobles Clerissa Tatterson Alice Stubbs Im • Maxine Miller, Chairman Rosemary Boykin Dorothy Clark Elizabeth Gatlin Stella Haupt Ella Merka Jimmy Vernon Allie May Whitley Claudia Williams HOSPITALITY Eileen Wellnicki, Chairman Kitty Carll Stanley Clark Georgia Locke Mary McCulloch Francis Martin H. A. Moncrief Raymond Parsons Virginia Parsons SPECIAL EVENTS Marie Vick, Chairman Carl Landiss Georgia B. Landiss Ralph McCormick Elinor Nance Don Young Nell Young THESE SURNAMES NOT LISTED IN INDEX, 120 LOCALITY DATE NATIONALITY RELIGION FROM WHERE SOUTH CAROLINA Albemarle 1670 English Engl & Barbados Charleston 1671 Dutch NY 6 Holland Coastal area 1678 English Quakers England Charleston 1680 French France Charleston 1683 English Baptist Somerset.,Engl ` Ashley River 1683 Scotch —Irish Presbyterian Ulster, Ireland Fort Royal 1683 Scotch Presbyterian Scotland Fort Royal 1685 French Huguenots France Charlest 1720 scotch —Irish Presbyterians Beaufort Co. 1732 Germans Protestant Wurtemburg,Ger Cr. Peedee Rv 1736 Welsh Baptist Pennsylvania Newberry 1762 English Quakers Camden and PA VA an d Zo ¢feries brvi, 4C /1)RnlM !Yi <�ra"7 fc Vic• /ya [/rCw _ _ thane,( pia / t9 See, Harry k/. MarhA al,µ e. . bwflen b Vii- tery cn, . eo�y� ¢f,,w t � — t"etoncat anagram or Georgia Manc 1p�, /e - 7,."4 r-q d deer,. the �e(� �caLAfi�. �sthd. 0or 121 ........... . . Early U.S. a � . Mi LOCALITY DATE NATIONALITY RELIGION FROM WHERE PENNSYLVANIA Uplands 1643 Swedes Sweden Germantown 1677 Germans Rhineland Philadelphia 1651 English Quaker England W. of Phil &. 1690 Welsh Quaker Wales W. of Phil&. 1700 Germans Mennonite Germany Lancaster Co 1709 Swiss Mennonite Switzerland Lancaster Co. 1723 Germans Protestant New York Southeastern 1731 Germans Schwenchfelder Germany Cumberland Co. 1770 Germans TDunkard Germany Bethlehem 1775 Germans Moravian -Effingham. Co., 6A VIRGINIA Jamestown 1607 English Ch of Eng England Coastal area 1624 English Ch of Eng England .Tames River 1701 French Huguenot France Culpepper C9 1714 Germans Lutheran Palatinate Shenandoah Vy 1726 Germans Protestant Pennsylvania Shenandoah Vy 1730 mixed Protestant Maryland /Delaware /NJ Frederick Co 1740 Scotch -Irish Presbyterian Pennsylvania Brooke Co.( WV) 1744 Scotch -Irish Presbyterian Pennsylvania Lewisburg (WV) 175.5 Scotch -Irish Presbyterian Pennsylvania St. Mary's 1634 English Catholic England St. Mary's 1634 English Protestant England Anne Arundel Co 1644 English Puritan Virginia Baltimore Co. 1730 Germans Pennsylvania Baltimore Co. 1755 French Catholic Bova Scotia Baltimore Co. 1755 Irish Catholic Ireland Baltimore Co. 1793 French Santa Domingo NORTH CAROLINA Chowan Raver 1653 English Virginia Cape Fear Rv 1664 English Barbados Pamlico River 1690 French Huguenots Virginia Pamlico River 1704 French Huguenots France Neuse River 1710 Germans Protestant Palatinate Neuse River 1710 Swiss Mennonites Bern, Switz. Wachvia 1739 Germans Moravians Pennsylvania Forsythe 1739 Germans Pennsylvania Guilford 1739 Germans Pennsylvania Yadkin River 1745 Germans Germany Wilmington 1750 Scotch -Irish Presbyterian Ulster, Ireland Wrightsboro 1767 English Quakers Pennsylvania Wilmington 1774 Scotch (high) Presbyterian Scotland Southeast 1775 Scotch (high) Presbyterian Scotland Rockingham /Guilford/ Chatham Co 1830 English Quakers PA/VA 122 - INDEX ADAMS 88,89,90,91 CLOUD 105,115 FORD 116,118 HOOVER 116 ALLEE 105 COLE 90,91 FUIKERSON 100 HUBBARD 101 AMONETT 103 COLEMAN 88,89, F[JLLERTON 102 HUNTER 103 ANDREWS 94,95 104 ARMSTRONG 103 COLLINS 92,93,105, GAINER 105 98 INGRAM 110 AYRES 90,91 107,115 GARDNER 98 JACKSON 88,89,90, BAARD 90,91 CONROW 113 GARTH 94,95 91,102,103 BANNA 99 CONWAY 103 COOK GIDDINGS 92f93 JAMES 90,91 BARTOS 81,104,116, 90,91 100 GOOSEBY 92,93 JETER 104 117,118 COOKE GOONEY 90, 91 GRANT 90, .91 JETON 103 JOHNSON 94,95► BATTE 104,118 COOPER 82 GRAVES 92,93,103 98,104 BEALL 105,107 86 COPELAND 104,118 GRAY 96 JONES 81,92,93, BEAMON BEARD 88,89 COSGRIFF 85 GREEK 111 GRIFFIN 103 105,110,115 BELL 82,105,107 COSSART 105 COWLEY 80,89 GRIGGS 105,107 KALINEC 94,95 BERRY 86,110,114 COZAD 105 GUESS 101 KAUFER 9 BICKLEY 116 CRAWFORD 94,95 GUNN 98 KELLON 103 BILLINGSLY 86,104 CROUCH 86 GUTHRIE 110 KENDALL 96 105 CRUISE 116. HADDEN 101 KELTON 110,111, BIRD 101 CUNNINGHAM 105, HAINES 99 112 BLANSETT .117 107,115 KERL 90,91 BLATHERWICK 90,91 AN X982 KIDD,100,101 BOCKSTRUCK 84 DANKER 105 HALES KILGORE 116 BOLTON 117 DAVIS 97,98 HAN 118 KILLOUGH 103 BONEY 98 DEARING 90,91 9 KING 100 BOURNE 105,107 DeBALSKI 88,89 HANOVER KNOX 100 BRWWN 110,113 DEBOLSKI 92,93 HANSON 81,108, 109,KOELSCH 92,93 BRADLEY 92,93 BRIANT 117 DEER 88,89 KOMICKA 117 110,111,112,113 , DeLISESKI 90, 91 114 KOPPE 88,89 BRINGHURST 92,93 DICKSON 92,93 HARBERS 88, 89, LAND 86 BROWN 82,86,94,95 DOCKINS 103 90,91 LANETTI 88,89 105,112 BRUCE 108 DOHERTY 117 DOWIS 116 HARRIS 94,95,103 LaRUE 88,89 BRYANT 108 DROSS 92,93 HART 105 lUiS 94,95 LAUGHRIDGE 99,100 LAWRENCE 1,40,91,102 BUKOWSKI 86 BUNCH 101 DUBOIS 97 DUFF 108 HATHAWAY 105,107 LAWSON 105 BURNETT 83,103 DUNN 110,112 HAVES 86 HAYNES 92093 LEMAN 90,91 LINN 106 BURTON 83,90,91, EASTER 97 HEARNTON 88,89 LLOYD 110 ° 101 BUTLER 118 EDMONDS 96 HELM 105 LOCASIO 88,89 ETTLE 94,95 HENDERSUN 94,95 LONDENBERG 88,89 CALHOUN 92,93,94 EVETTS 96' HENRY 102,103 LONDoNBESRG 94,95 95 FARRIS 108 HERSTIN 99 LONES 83 CARTER 81,83,84 FAST 105 HEWITT 92,93 LYBRAN 115 CHANDLER 94,95 FERGUSON 94,95 HILL 96 LYON 96 CHILTON 8o,89 CITERA .HIVES FIGGERS 88,89 94,95 HONEY ' MAASEN 90.,91, 96 FINK 94,95 101 94,95 CL ARKS 88,89,94, FINLY 94,95 HOPE 82 MAGEE 105 95 123 f INDEX PAGE 94, 9 5,10 PARSONS 105,107 PFW 100,101 PHELPS 110,111 .PHILLIPS 100 POLING 105,107 PORTER 108 POSEY 96 PRU:ITT 116 TABOR 90,91 TATTERSON 81,10.5 107 TAYLOR 81,98,105 115 THAMP 96 THIBODEAUX 90,91 THOMAS 88,89,90 91,98 THOMPSON 101,102 TIMBERLAKE 105 TINNEY 110,113 114 TRICKETT 105,107 TUCKER 90,91 TURNER 99 VERNON 82 VINSON 106 YOUNG 110,113,114 YOW 99 YuiKoRSKY 94,95 MANGIAMELI.A 92,93 MANNING 81,86, 87,96 MARSHALL 114 MARTIN 115,120 MASTER 96 MASTERS 96 MATACKI 88,89 MATHEWS 90,91 MEEKER 101 MENEFEE 83 Mg&fAN 96 MILLARD 108 MAZER 81,108,109 110,111,112,113 114,116 MILLS 86 MIx 98 MOFFETT 116 MORRIS 113,118 MORTON 105 MoS 104,118 MOTKERHF.,AD 105 MUEL 116 Mc ?IECE 99 McCALLUM 102 McCLENDON 110,111 McCRACKIN 92,93 MCCULLAGH 98 McCUL.LOUGH 99 McGINTY 84 McP9JtAN 120 McMORRIES 92,93 MCMURRAY 102 McNAIR 102 McQUEEN 92,93 NANCE 83 NASH 103 NEAL 88,89 NEILL 105 NELSON 99 NEWTON 102 NICHOLS 96 NOWAK 92,93 NUNNALY 97 0 GIDRY 99 OLIVER 90,91 OSWALD 94,95 RAGSDALE 90,91 92,93 RAMSEY 112 RANDALL 102 REED 83 REYNOLDS 101 RIDGEWAY 111 ROBERTSON 88,89 ROBINSON 90,91, 105,107 ROGERS 108,109 RUSSELL, 8o,89 RUTHERFORD 117 RUTKOWSKA 90,91 SANDERS 81,90,91 116,117,118 SAPIRA 9 SCHULTZ 9 SCOTT 110 SEELEY 113 SEPHENS 100 SHAW 118 SHELTON 92,93 SHEPPARD 100 SHERROD 118 SHULTS 100,109 SINGLETARY 96 SMITH 92,93,96, 99,115,118 STAR 90,91 STARK 86 STEVENS 105,107 STEWART 92,93 94,95 STUBBLEF-[ELD 1o4 STUMP 107 STUMM 105,107 STYCHORSKI 92,9 SUTTON 105 WALKER 88,89,9 95 WALL 88,89,92,93 WARD 90,91,92,93 WARE 90,91 WARREN 90,91,116 WASHBURN 104 WASHINGTON 99 WASTEK 117 WATSON 118 WATTS 92,93 WEATHERSBY 118 WEAVER 105,107 WEBSTER 86 WHEATLEY 9 4 ,95 WHITE 92,93,9 95,112 WHITEHEAD 92,93 WHITLEY 102 WHITMORE 83 WILCOX 103 WILLIAMS 86,87,88 89,99 WILLIAMSON 92,93 WILSON 88,89 WINGARD 115 WITT 117 WORTER 92,93 WREN 88,89 O In O f— O co f 1 1n (D (D ol� r (D P) Pk) j;:: W F s 1< 4 ct �o o (D H y 0 a ., p Clark 0 c, Uz O ~ td � Id ~ H (D Q CO F \10 N 1 �C �9 W f-3 H U2 a ., p Clark