HomeMy WebLinkAboutVol.7 No.12 The BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER is an information publication of the Brazos Genealogical Association of Bryan- College Station, Texas. Meetings are the third Monday of .each month from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in the Bryan Public Library. OFFICERS 1985 President . . . . . . . . . . Mary McCULLOCH Vice-President . . . . . . . . . .Mary BELL Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . Peggy HOPE Treasurer . . . . . . . . . L. A. MADDOX Jr. Librarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nan ROSS Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary COOPER Membership is $10.00 for the calendar year. The Advertiser is also available for exchange if there are organizations or publishers who have a publication to offer in exchange. These are placed in the Bryan Public Lib- rary and will be available to interested parties in the gene- alogy section. Send inquiries or samples to: BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER 740 Garden Acres Bryan TX 77802 Sally Forth , . I U 9 ca see C( 99 razo� eaaealo� C dvertisef Volume VII Number 1 Bryan- College Station Fall 1985 Texas With the publication of the Brazos County History imminent, your editor has slowed down on that work and looking forward to seeing the final copies. We think that will be in April and they are rreally going to be exceptional. You can still reserve a copy. If you want to know how, call Mary Cooper, 409 - 846 -8 -78. One concern we had in the Pioneer Family History chapter was that the histories had to be limited to Nineteenth Century Brazos County families. Having to edit some of those excellent stories which had been so carefully researched and written was very hard. Our solution is that all of the submitted family histories will be placed in the Bryan Library, the A&M Library and the Family History Foundation (which has subsidized the publication). Another solution is to use the unedited histories in our Advertiser--with permission of the authors, of course' Advertiser readers are in for a treat! THE BENBOW FAMILY The immigrating ancestor, Gersham BENBOW, was baptized 1700 in Montgomeryshire, Wales. He came to America in 1718 with two brothers, Charles, sixteen., and Richard, fourteen years of age. Charles and Rich- ard's descendants stayed in the Carolinas,. while Gersham ®s family moved south. Gersham married, 8 November 1727, Sarah POWELL in the Goshem Meet- ing House, Charleston, Pa. He died 1750 in Bladen County, North Carolina. the early BENBOWs were prominent Quakers. One of Gersham °s sons was Richard, born 1735, who married Sarah Their son Adam, born 1765, married Susanna GREEN. their two sons were Richard., born 1795 who married Anne Elizabeth WHITE and Evan, born 1818 who married Carolyn SARTOR® Adam Algernon BENBOW Jr. Adam Algernon BENBOW was born 11 November 1833 to Richard. and Anne Elizabeth (WHITE) BENBOW in Pike County, Alabama. Adam A. married, 24 Feb- ruary 1860, Mary Ann JOHNSON, daughter of Dr. Osborn Sites JOHNSON and wife, Elizabeth Jane HOBDY. At age twenty- eight, Adam A BENBOW,,leaving a wife and two small children, joined the Confederate Army. He served as a private in Capt. WEST ®s Company of Partisan Rangers, 15th Battalion, Alabama. Serving faithfully until his health and the Army Surgeon forced him from service. His brother -in -law, E. Hobdy JO° 0179 substituted in his place 1876 found the children of Charner T. SKAINS and his wife, Emily MNBOW (sister of Adam A. BENBOW) all residents of Brazos County, Texas, owning land in the northwest section of the county. They were Harmon. 3 4 The BENBOW Family (continued) SKAINS; Richard SKAINS and wife, Fannie; Thomas SKAINS; C.T. SKAINS and wife Bettie; Wm. SKAINS and wife, Alice; Wm. A. JOHNSON and wife, Augusta; W.G. PERRY and wife, Lucretia. By January, 1882, Adam Algernon BENBOW, his wife Martha Ann and family, were living in Brazos County, having purchased land along the Wixon Creek. The BENBOWs lived out their lives in the Tabor Community and are buried in Alexander Cemetery, Tabor, Texas. Adam A. and Martha Ann BENBOW were parents of eleven children- Mary, born December 1860; Ann Elizabeth 'Bess', born 1862, married James 'Jim' LAWRENCE; Martha Caroline, born 1865, married Wm. H. BENBOW, Kate Park, born 1867; Richard Osborn, born 1868; Viola Augusta, born 1871; Susan, born 1875, married Wm. P. RHODE: Daria, born 1876, married Dr. Wm. J. JOHNSON; Evan, born 1879, died 1902; Baby, died 1881; Adam Algernon Jr., born 1882, married Bessie Lee SEALE, daughter of Henry SEALE, Benchley. William Henry BENBOW William Henry BENBOW was born 4 April 1 865, to Evan BENBOW and wife Caroline (SARTOR) BENBOW in Alabama. He came to Brazos County in 1885 to join other relatives; and married, 28 January 1888, Martha Caroline BENBOW, daughter of Adam A. BENBOW. At the death of his father in 1895, Wm. H. BENBOW and his family returned to Alabama to manage the family plantation. When his mother died, Henry and his family returned to Brazos County. In 1900 they had pur- chased land and were residents of the Tabor Community again. Here they lived out their lives, being very active in community affairs. Children of William Henry and Martha Caroline BENBOW: Tom born 1888, married Ella EDGE; Mary born 1891, married Albert J. McCALLUM; Susie and Maggie, born 1895. Susie married Earl PRESNAL. The BENBOWs were primarily farmers and ranchers. The only 'store- bought' food was coffee, sugar, flour and spices. Henry BENBOW's sugar cane-and-one-mule syrup mill made about the best ribbon cane syrup in the county. The big Black Diamond watermelons were principally food for the hogs, but at ten o'clock in the morning and four o'clock in the afternoon, the family could share the sweet juicy melons. The BENBOW ladies produced many beautiful, perfectly sewn quilts some of which are treasured today. Following is an editorial in The Bryan Dail ,y Ey,,le.- "News of the passing Monday afternoon, after an illness of a few hours, of William H. BENBOW, longtime resident of the Tabor community, came as a shock to a legion of friends, who re,eived the news with deep regret. 'Mr. BENBOW had lived in Brazos county and the Tabor neighborhood for more than ha-If a center, He saw this county settled in the main, farms developed and farm homes built and various rural communities established. He saw Bryan grow from a straggling village on the streets of which his team would bog down, on occasion in the old days, and he saw Texas A. & M. I This family history was submitted by Euline MERCHANT BENBOW. Other family histories will be published. They do not have to be those submitted to the Brazos County History, but we would like to have families in the Brazos Valley area. Will we hear from you?? X 11 Ik "I ill * 1 � W -11 From PeeDee Queue, newsletter of Pinckney District Chapter. "Old genealogists never die ...... They just lose their census ...... °® I • Ik -IV • -1 * of iv W -,'IV Do you know that Genealogy is the third biggest hobby in America?? Only stamp collectors and coin collectors outnumber us! * * " -* * * * * * * It * * * * * * * :: * *;c -IK * iv * * * * * it -Ic -h * * * -* * * ** * * * * ic -It. * * -I * -* * iF * * * * * * -11, I Paul SCOTT and Bill PAGE have done a lot of research on Brazos County for our Brazos County History which will be out very soon. They have very generously shared their findings. The following is one bit that will be of interest to 'old' Brazos Countians. The cover page is titled Muster Roll of Minute C. Company, Brazos County Texas. October 30, '63. Capt. Jesse BATTS. Indexed State of Texas I. G.B. RIED, Chief Justice of said County, do hereby Brazos County certify that the within foregoing forty one named persons, with the exception of T. C. HOLLIDAY, Joeda NEWSOM & myself took & subscribed the following oath before me To wit- ` We the undersigned members (officers & privates) of the Brazos County Minute Cavalry Company do solemnly swear that we will true faith & alleGiance bear to the Confederate States of America - that we will support & maintain the Constitu.t -.,,n of the Confederate States & the laws enacted in pursuance thereof So help us God. The said T.C. HOLLIDAY & Joeda NEWSOM took the same oath before T.V. WALKER, Enrolling officer for said County (as represented to me & as I verily believe) and I took & sub- scribed the said oath before the said T.V. WALKER, En_olling officer as aforesaid. Given under my hand & seal of office on the 30th day of October 1863 Muster Roll of Citizens of Brazos County exempt from Military service by law, inrolled under the Acts of the Congress of the Confederate States of August 21st 1861 & October 23rd 1862 and called "Brazos County Minute Cavalry Company. No Names Ran �ae Residence Stature Remarks 1 Jesse BATTS Captain 46 Brazos Co. 6ft 32 2 Leonard HUDSON 1st Lieut 37 °® 5' 11 Clk District Court 3 T.V. WALKER 2nd " 31 5' 10 4 John WALKER 3rd '® 43 '® 5' 84 5 J.M. ROBERTS 1st Sergt 40 °° 5' 10 Sheriff of Co. 6 H.R. HENRY 2nd " 42 °° 5' 82 7 W.W. JONES private 29 '° 5 94 8 H. THOMPSON o f 31 ®` 5' it 94 9 Wm McINTOSH 'A 43 °' 6' 0 Co.Treasurer & P.M. 10 R.S. BENSON '' 53 `® 5' 92 11 T.C. BOWMAN if 56 °° 5' 8 12 Levi SWEAT 91 45 of 5' 8 13 Geo.McMILLAN If 42 1° 5' 9 14 H. MITCHELL °' 42 PO 5' 10 Dist.War Tax Colltr. 15 C.G. NODES / 51 " 5' 7 16 J.F. EDRINGTON 99 48 of 5' 7 3/ 17 T.C. MOORE of 52 °° 5' 6 18 D.S. BURTON to 36 79 5' 10 19 T.J. RECTOR If 45 B1 5' 7 3/4 20 William REED °° 18 " 5' 104 Muster Roll of Minute C. 7 Company, Brazos Coun Texas. vetope 63 on TEA) No Names Rank Age Residence Stature Remarks 21 A.C. BOWMAN PRIVATE 16 Brazos Co. 5ft 8 22 J.M. HOOD 9® 46 5' 0 1 1 2 23 Geo.H. TRABUE go 31 5® 5 3/4 24 G.B. REED it 42 q# 5' 9 Chief Justice Co.Ct. 25 W.T. WHEELER go 24 91 5' 7 26 c.c. SEALS of 42 19 5 11 Asst ®& Colltrg, Co. 27 Jno.W. McMURRAY �16 go 6 ® p 2 28 Wm® DUNLAP 49 5' 9 3/4 29 ? W. JAQUES as 29 51 8 30 Jas.W. GUESS 25 6' 2 31 Robt® JOHNSON 45 5' 11 32 A.S. FARINHOLT 31 Burleson C0.5' 8 33 W.H. DEADRICK 32 Brazos Co. 5 32 34 Henderson HARDY 39 of 5' 10 35 W.M. PEARCE 99 28 go 6 o 36 Ralph GRIFFITH 17 °® 5' 9 37 E.C. KNIGHT it 36 — 6' 0 38 James WALKER go 46 5' 5 39 A.G. NEILLEY 9 ? 51 5' 10 Thanks again, 40 T.C. HOLLIDAY go 34 5' 10 Paul & Bill 41 Joeda NEWSOM Although this edition is late, and the new year has started, members should be reminded that all memberships are from January 1 to December 31 ®® so, if you have not sent your 1986 dues, _put that check in the mail TODAY. Mail to: Brazos Genealogical Association P. 0® Box 5493 Bryan Texas 77805 Dues are $10.00 per member or $15.00 per couple 1 11 1 1 j I * * 1 _ * * * * * * * * w -IV * * * * * * * * jr * * * * * * 1 1 1 The Advertiser is almost out of pedigree charts, and if MINTER SPRING CEMETERY Brazos County TX Minter Springs Cemetery was listed by Stan and Dottie CLARK, Mary HORN, Don and Vicki SIMONS 14 May 1983. This cemetery is three miles west of Wellborn. Several natural stone headstones are in the cemetery with no markings on them. There are also two concrete crosses with no markings. BARRON, Annie Lillian 8 Jan 1893, 24 May wi of T. J. BARRON BARRON, Mary H. 26 Feb 1872, 11 July 1936_ BARRON, Tom Joe 1 June 1890, 19 Dec 1951 BARRON, Young N. B May 1868, 12 Mar 1935 CRUMMEL (GRUMMEL ?), Aubrey Wade 10 Aug 1923, 9 June 1933 CRUMMEL (GRUMMEL ?), Christine Mary 4 Feb 1925, 9 June 1933 `Here lie two little pals' Donated by ILA #1273 (Mary HORN said they drowned in clay pit tank.) DEW, Mrs.'Jessie E. 188(1 ?) - 19( ?)2 DEW, M. S. 1884 - 1924 DICKERSON, Mrs. D. L. 26 July 1825, 10 Jan 1905 DICKERSON, G. R. 3 Dec 1859, 18 May 1951 FARQUHAR, Jame (no dates) Pvt Texas Mounted Volunteers Mexican War FARQUHAR, Jenny E. MacGREGOR 24 Aug 1866, 2 Mar 1898 31 years 6 mos 7 days W L J (no other information) JOHNSON, Bynum 11 Jan 1817, 23 Dec 1893 JOHNSON, Martha 24 Nov 1822, 25 June 1897 wi of B. JOHNSON JONES, Wade H. died 10 Mar 1 933 Texas Pvt 1st Class 341 Butchery Co. QMC LOGAN, W. L. 1903 - 1921 'He is away® McVEY, Claud Harper 29 Dec 1879, 31 Jan 1895 son of W.H. & M.L. McVEY McVEY, Mary Lou 1861 - 1934 wi of William H. McVEY McVEY, William H. 1857 - 1925 hus of Mary Lou McVEY NEELLEY, John B. 7 Oct 1851, 27 Jan 1917 Masonic emblem NEELLEY, Mary E. 31 Jan 1855, 31 Mar 1948 r I MINTER SPRING CEMETERY Brazos County fez PARKER, J. A. 31 Aug 1844, 28 Dec 1914 Madison Cay., CSA PARKER, Nora May b Sisco (sic) Texas 22 Nov 1890, d Houston TX 12 May 1941 Leaving two sons: Alton Ray PARKER Jr., Barron Lionell PARKER PARKER, Ray E. 22 July 1883, 7 Feb 191� Woodmen of the World Memorial STRAUB, August 1872 - 1947 'Dad' STRAUB, Augusta 6 May 1897, 9 Jan 1907 son of A.S. & E.F. STRAUB STRAUB, Fanny 8 Feb 1865, 11 Nov 1915 STRAUB, Little Davis 21 Apr 1905, 16 Oct 1905 son of A.S. & E.F. STRAUB STRAUB, Laura B. 7'Sept 1910, --- wi of Lawrence STRAUB STRAUB, Lawrence 24 Oct 1906, 27 Dec 1978 hus of Laura B. STRAUB STRAUB, Sadie V. 17 Oct 1902, --- 'Mother wi of Welcome 'Buck' STRAUB STRAUB, Welcome 'Buck' 18 Jan 1904, 22 Aug 1975 hus of Sadie V. STRAUB S V W (no other information) WELCH, A. B. 25 July 1854, 1 Aug 1925 WELCH, Jane L. 9 May 1857, 22 June 1941 WORTHINGTON, Bobby Ray (No other information) WORTHINGTON, J. W. 18 Jan 1884, 9 July 1909 Erected by Almira, his wife WORTHINGTON, Lena 17 Feb 1868, 20 Nov 1955 WORTHINGTON, R. W. 13 Feb 1881, 22 May 1918 Erected by his wife WORTHINGTON, T. W. 6 Apr 1852, 6 Jan 1930 I College Station Community Education Registration will be January 21 (Tuesday) at Oakwood Middle School. 7:00 pm for residents; 7:30 pm for non-residents. There are lots of good classes for every one, every interest, every age. Get involved! One of the classes will be Genealogy I. Course # 2 8 0 3, meets on Tuesdays for 8 weeks, February 4 , 7 pm. Fee $22.50. Instruc- tor - Mary Cooper. Join us! 10 NEW BETHLEHEM CEMETERY Brazos County TX Listed by Mary BELL, Anna HALLORAN and Nina NOBLES on 3 June 1984. Also listed by Don and Vickie SIMONS. This I is a black cemetery located V mile west of the intersection of FM 2776 and Dilly Shaw Tap Road. Several grave sites are unmarked or stones are unreadable. The cemetery is fenced and appears well cared for. CALDWELL, Rhodie T. 10 Oct 1889, 21 Mar 1960 CARRIE, Marcia 1981 ® 1982 CHAMBERS, Carylon Joyce (no dates) CHAMBERS, Faye C. 16 Oct 1943 13 Oct 1976 wi of Fred D. CHAMBERS CHAMBERS, Fred D. 7 Oct 1941, 5 Oct 1976 hus of Faye C. CHAMBERS CHAMBERS, Lanard died 3 Feb 1937 'at rest' CHAMBERS, Willie B. 1 Aug 1909, 14 May 1975 CHAPPELL, Mrs. Annie 2 Dec 1907, 13 July 1982 COOPER, Ella Mae 1 April 1906, 22 Nov 1963 ELLIS, Mrs. Ana T. ®- Aug 1897, 19 June 1968 EMPY, Solomon 1911 ® 1983 FELDER, John H. 16 July 1 0 ,3 4 , 15 Jan 1968 CABER, Lee (no dates) GARRETT, Mr. Jessie 3 Jan 1912, 8 April 1982 DATER, Alice 18 Feb 1888, 1 May 1968 GATER, Wilburam 15 July 1887, 24 Aug !963 HAMPTON, OSS 3 Oct 1894, 22 Jan 1984 HARRIS, Walter J. 20 Dec 1930, 26 Oct 1981 Cpl US Army Korea HARRIS two unmarked graves right of Walter HARRIS HARRIS, Zeluh 16 Feb 1927, 20 Dec 1971 JENKINS, Mrs. Eugene Sr. 20 Dec 1908, 1 Sept 1982 age 74 McDADE, Louise 1896 - 1979 McGEE, Annie ®® --- 1883, 14 Feb 1980 age 96 McGEE, Armce 23 Nov 1874, 26 May 1947 jWcGEE, Lynn Thomas 7 Aug 1932, 25 Nov 1963 McGEE, Mattie B. 1901 1981 0 12 NEW BETHLEHEM CEMETERY Brazos County TX WILLIAMS, Henry --Apr 1902, a ---May 1968 WILLIAMS, Ive 26 Nov 1919, 9 Feb 1965 WILLIAMS, Mr® Tim 7 Feb 1885, 15 Aug 1973 WILLIAMS, M. C. -- Apr 1916, -® May 1960 WILLIAMS, Susie E. ®® Sept 1883, -® Feb 1969 Advance ptib Zi:czty for .Newsletters & Quarterlies, & POSTER, %t%as GM 921 10girz1f FOUNDED 9977 odly? TYLER, TEXAS 75711 _N_N 0_U_N_C_I N_G INTH ANNUAL SEMINAR SUBJECT: "YOUR ANCESTORS a,. AND HOW TO FIND THEM IN MARYLAND AND PEI+NSYLVANIA" DATE: SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1986 PLACE: SHERATON INN — LOOP 323 AT HWY. 69 NORTH, TYLER, TEXAS REGISTRATION: 8:00 A.M. — 9:00 A.M. (EXHIBITS OPEN) PROGRAM: 9:00 A.M. — 4:00 P.M. SPEAKER: M K. MEYER NOTED AUTHOR AND LECTURER MT. AIRY, MARYLAND COST: BEFORE WEDNESDAY, APR ILI6, 1986 — $15,00 AFTER WEDNESDAY,APRILI6, 1986 - $18.00 LUNCHEON: COST INCLUDED WITH REGISTRATION FEE ® A SURNAME INDEX WILL BE PRINTED, PLEASE SEND IN FOUR SURNAMES YOU ARE RESEARCHING TO BE ADVERTISED ON YOUR NAf4E TAG, EXHIBITORS SHOULD WRITE REQUESTING SPACE TO N. HUGHES RFTLIFF, 614 WINDSOR, TYLER, TEXAS 75701. FOR ADVANCE REGISTRATION FORMS, CONTACT MRCS. LORENE CONA'WAY, ROUTE 11, BOX 82, TYLER, TEXAS 7570. REGISTRATION FCRMS WILL BE AVAILABLE SOONa CHECKS SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO ETGS, SEMINAR CO —CHAb — JEAN KEELING LANGFORD & JANICE COX BROWN 13 COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY Brazos County T .(Continued) \ i LUDECKE, Gilbert H. 0. 27 Mar 19139 16 May 1971 hus of Ozelle S. LUDECKE LUDECKE, Ozelle S. 4 Nov 1926, ® -® wi of Gilbert H.O. LUDECKE LUEDKE, Annie E. 23 Aug 1893, 11 Aug 1963 'Mother' LUEDKE, Helen Ls 2 Jazz 1932, - --- wi of Melvin H. LUEDKE LUEDKE, Melvin H. 29 Dec 1929, 3 July 1973 hus of Helen L. LUEDKE LUSK, June J 22 June 1933, - ®® wi of William AA LUSK LUSK, William A. 9 Nov 1929, 29 July 1978 U S Navy hus of June J. LUSK LUTHER, Alton Sam 14 Apr 19209 12 Sept 192 Sq 2 US Navy WW II LYMAN, Carl Morris 31 July 1903, 9 Mar 1969 hus of Louise LYMAN LYMAN, Louise ® ® - 9 m® wi of Carl Morris LYMAN LYNCH, Clifton Earl 10 Mar 1947, 3 Sept 1976 US Air Force LYNCH, Jimmy Tom 1930 ® 1974 McAFEE, Oya Catheryne 25 Aug 1915, --- wi of Thomas Edison McAFEE McAFEE, Thomas Edison 13 May 1916, 16 June 1973 hus of Oya Catheryne McAFEE McCANDLESS Joyce E. 8 Sept 1930, 8 Mar 1975 McCOY, Marguerite E. 1923 - 1972 McCULLEY, Jean S. 1914 1961 McCULLOCH, Docia T. 1898 ® 1972 wi of George R. McCULLOCH McCULLOCH, George R. 1915 ® 1966 McELROY, Henry B. 28 Sept 1897, 25 Mar 1976 WW I & II hus of Ruby Lee McELROY Sgt US Army CM 2 US Navy McELROY, Ruby Lee 18 Jan 1904, - -- wi of Henry B. McELROY McFADDEN, Edgar Sharp 3 Feb 1891, 5 Jan 1956 hus of Mabel L. McFADDEN McFADDEN, Mabel L. 28 July 1895 15 Oct 1978 wi of Edgar Sharp McFADDEN McFALLS, Elizabeth Corinne 18 ®19 Nov 1982 (date not clear) McFRANCIS, Clara May 28 Oct 1902, 24 July 1973 McFRANCIS, Maud Meteer 1 Aug 1877, 5 Jan 1962 McGINNIS, Madeleine Longcopc 1890 ® 1949 wi of Nestor Massie McGINNIS McGINNIS, Nestor Massie 1884 ® 1960 J hus of Nestor Massie McGINNIS 14 COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY Brazo6 County TX McGOUGH, Minnie M. 8 Dec 1909, 14 Sept 1971 McGOUGH, Bonnie W. Jr. 23 Nov 1932,_11 Nov 1956 Texas Cpl US Army McILHANEY, Berniece 17 Feb 1944, 29 Dec 1981 McKAY, Marjorie Jane 2 Mar 1916, 3 May 1947 McLAIN, Joe Davis 3 Jan 1967 (only date) on stone with Ruth LOVELESS McLAIN McLAIN, Ruth LOVELESS 29 Ju,y 1917 (only date.) on stone with Joe Davis McLAIN McLERRAN, Albena (no dates) on stone with William B. McLERRAN McLERRAN, William B. (no dates) on stone with Albena McLERRAN McMURRAY, Carolyn D. 1914 - --- wi of Edgar D. McMURRAY McMURRAY, Edgar Dowling 16 July 1909, 7 Mar 1962 hus of Carolyn D. McMURRAY M Sgt US Marine Corps WW II McNEW, John Thomas Lamar 20 Jan 1895, 21 Dec 1946 McQUILLEN, Everett E. 9 June 1898, 6 Jan 1979 hus of Julia C. McQUILLEN 2nd Lt US Army WW I McQUILLEN, Julia C. 25 Aug 1901, --- wi of Everett E.McQUILLEN MACKIN, Carl Lee 10 Feb 1945, 7 Sept 1981 (picture) Daughter, Chrissy; son, Johnthan Sgt US Army MACKIN, Samuel Jack 27 June 1941, 16 Jan 1975 (picture) Wife, Janet; son, Sean MADDOX, Doris GORBET 2 July 1921, 21 Aug 1980 wi of Lawrence A. Jr. MADDOX, Lawrence A. Jr. 31 Aug 1918, - -- hus of Doris GORBET MADDOX MAGEE, Aden C. 28 Nov 1899, 27 Mar 1978 hus of Grace MAGEE MAGEE, Grace 23 Sept 1901, --- wi of Aden C. MAGEE MAIS, Louis V. 1 Jan 1912, 28 Apr 1977 hus of Lydia M. MAIS MAIq, Lydia M. 29 Oct 1911, --- wi of Louis V. MAIS MANSFIELD, Wesley-Brisco 10 Jan 1918, 3 Sept 1981 MAREK, B. D. narozen 5 Ledna 1863 V, Cerme, zemrel 18 Ledna 1888 MAREK, Mariem narozena dne 4 mo Unora 1866, 4 mo Unora 1891 MARKOVA, Kornelie narozenaldro 5 Ince 1872 VE, Wesely zemrela 4 Listopadu 1887 MARKS, Marilyn Brooks 5 Apr 1948, 31 Aug 1981 MARSHALL, G. R. 25 June 1917, --- hus of Jewel W. MARSHALL MARSHALL, Jewel W. 4 Oct 1919, 23 May 1979 wi of Jewel W. MARSHALL 15 COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY Brazos County TX MARTIN, Amy 1 Nov 1882, 4 Jan 1981 MARTIN, Oscar 14 Feb 1893, 4 Dec 195 MARTIN, Marietta 1874 . 1960 'Mother' MARTIN, Silas 1 May 1897, 6 May 1950 MARTIN, T. M. (not sure of initials) d 2 years MASSEY, Harold A. 1919 '- 1981 MASTERS, Mavert G., 'Mace' 4 Jan 1921, 3 Sept 1971 Texas M Sgt 324 Base Unit AAF WW II MATHIS, Elsie 21 Sept 1918, - -® wi of J. Clifton MATHIS MATHIS, John. Clifton 22 Mar 1915, 29 July 1982 hus of Elsie MATHIS US Army MATTIL, Karl E. 1915 - 1977 MICKS, Bernice E. 13 July 1894, 20 June 1968 MILKS, Wilfred W. 27 Apr 1884, 17 Sept 1969 MIDDLETON, Earl B. 23 Jan 1898, 9 Apr 1977 hus of Grace I. MIDDLETON MIDDLETON, Grace I. 10 Dec 1899, ® ®-- wi of Earl B. MIDDLETON MIKESKA, David Raymond 16 Aug 1958, 3 May 1983 MILLER, Aletha Jane 6 Sept 1922, --- �' MILLER, Clarence I® 24 Apra 1893, 2 July 1977 hus of Ona M. MILLER MILLER, Hannar 22 Feb 1900 14 May 1979 wi of Lewis MILLER MILLER, Horace Otis 30.Jan 1893, 25 Apr 1977 MILLER, Jane H. 27 Aug 1917, ® -- wi of Larry C. MILLER MILLER., Larry C. 17 June 1923, 15 Jan 1983 hus of Jane H. MILLER MILLER, Lewis 18 July 1894, 2 Feb 1978 US Army WW I hus of Hannar MILLER MILLER, Ona M. 23 Apr 18949 me ®® wi of Clarence I. MILLER MILLER., Ralph E. 21 Feb 1921, m MILLER, Terry J. 9 June 1956, 10 May 1976 MILLER, Virgil M. 11 May 1894, 29 Oct 1960 Texas M Sgt US Army WW I MILLS, Billie L. 31 May 1919, 17 Dec 1975 wi of W. W. (Bill) MILLS MILLS, W. W. 'Bill' 29 Aug 1914, 5 Apr 1978 hus of Billie L. MILLS MINTER, Keith Elliott 1979 - 1,982 16 COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY Brazos County TX MITCHELL, Illie Thompson 26 June 1898, 20 May 1975 MITCHELL, Lovell 26 Nov 1922, 8 Apr 1945 MOGFORD, Joseph S. 1893 - - -- hus of Ruth N. MOGFORD MOGFORD, Ruth N. 1899 - 1981 wi of Joseph S. MOGFORD MOHR, Doris Mae 20 Aug 1930, 30 Jan 1975 MOHR, Herbert W. 12 Mar 1925, 19 June 1973 Texas PFC US Army WW II MONTGOMERY, Ira Edward Jr. 1927 - 1978 US Navy WW II MOODY, Rev® Edgar Lee 21 Sept 1888, 21 June 1973 hus of Mary Iola MOODY MOODY, Mary Iola 28 Feb 1893, 23 Dec 1969 wi of Rev. Edgar Lee MOODY MOORE, Albert V. 1906 - 1967 hus of Alma B. MOORE MOORE, Alma. B. 1904 - 1978 wi of Albert V. MOORE MOORE, Darrell 21 Aug 1946, 7 Nov 1964 MOORE, Henry 16 May 1895, 16 Mar 1964 Texas Pvt Co A 509 Engineers WW I MOORE, Minnie 17 Dec 1899, 18 Sept 1981 wi of Thomas Ea MOORE MOORE, Thomas E. 2 Oct 1895, - -- hus of Minnie MOORE MORGAN, Maurine WILLIAMSON 17 Nov 1917, 31 Aug 1975 MORRISON, Ida Elizabeth 2 Oct 1906, - -- wi of William Ray MORRISON MORRISON, William Ray 10 June 1900, 22 Mar 1965 hus of Ida Elizabeth MORRISON MOSES, Dayton 'Tad' Jr. 1898 - 1974 hus of Mary Eleanor BUCKHAM MOSES MOSES, Mary Eleanor BUCKHAM 1900 - 1967 wi of Dayton 'Tad' MOSES Jr. MULLAY, George D. 14 Oct 1899, 12 May 1976 hus of Hester Davis MULLAY 1st Lt US Army WW II MULLAY, Hester DAVIS 22 May 1906, -- wi of George D. MULLAY MURPHY, Maurice Owen 7 July 1875, 22 May 1960 hus of Maude MATHIS MURPHY MURPHY, Maude MATHIS 21 Aug 1885, 22 July 1967 wi of Maurice Owen MURPHY MURPHEY, Robert E 17 June 1924, 25 Sept 1967 Texas S Sgt US Marine Corps Res WW II MURRAY, Freeda C. 1 Jan 1926, 5 Sept 1976 wi of Harold P. MURRAY 17 NAVLES, Georgia Sousares 17 Jan 1895, 29 Sept 1971 NAVLES, Steve Dimitri 16 Jan 1917, 19 July 1979 NEALE, Francis 1925 ® 1982 NELSON, Almina S. 13 Oct 190 16 Oct 1979 NELSON, Barbara CAMPBELL 30 June 1922, 1. Oct 1979 wi of Bardin Hubert NELSON NELSON, Bardin Hubert 25 Aug 1921, --- hus of Barbara CAMPBELL NELSON NELSON, Chi-is 1890 ® 1977 M Sgt US Army WW I & II NEMEC, Louis S. 15 June 1948, 23 May 1982 NOWAK, Jeanne A. 1926 wi of Matthew A. NOWAK NOWAK, Matthew A. 1927 1977 hus of Jeanne A. NOWAK O'BRIEN, James W. 3 Sept 1917, 10 Aug 1970 ODOM, Minnie I. 20 Jan 1891., 1 Oct 1972 wi of William P.ODOM ODOM, William P. 16 Oct 1891, 1 May 1982 hus of Minnie I.ODOM OLIVER, John E. 1905 ® 1977 Col US Army WW II Korea OLIVER, Sammie 1920 - 1980 WW II ORR, A. Ross 18 Feb 1889, 7 Oct 1969 hus of Muriel C. ORR ORR, Edna McNEW 14 Apr 1896, 15 Dec 1974 ORR, Joseph Anderson 26 Sept 1900, 3 Apr 1971 ORR, Muriel C. 24 Nov 1898, 1 Aug 1982 wi of A. Ross ORR ORSAK, Larry Simon 7 Jan 1937, 19 Mar 1978 Pfc US Army OSBORN, Edith Rose 31 Oct 1895, 24 Aug 1978 OSBORN, John William 23 May 1928, 14 Aug 1958 Texas Sgt 7689 Hq & Service Co. OSBORN, Mary Virginia 24 Aug 1897, 3 Apr 1967 OVERBECK, Johannes 1908 hus of Thelma T. OVERBECK OVERBECK, Thelma T. 1918 1980 wi of Johannes OVERBECK COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY Brazos County 'TX OVERSTREET, Cecil 3 Jan 1903, --- wi of Clayton OVERSTREET OVERSTREET, Clayton 26 Jan 1898, 28 June 1977 hus of Cecil OVERSTREET OWEN, Mary Hamilton BOONE 1925 ® --- wi of Richard Mays OWEN OWEN, Richard Mays 1924 ® 1981 hus of Mary Hamilton BOONE OZMINKOWSKI, Julie R. 12 Jan 1953, 25 May 1979 A1C US Air Force PAGE, Charles Edward 7 May 1892, 15 Dec 1966 PANNELL, Irene Frances 7 May 1921, 31 May 1963 PARKER, Bernice G. 1 Mar 1905, -m- wi of Grady P. PARKER PARKER, Grady P. 30 Mar 1903, 3 Feb 1972 hus of Bernice G. PARKER PARKER, John Berry 11 Oct 1907, 18 Oct 1967 PARNELL, Edward D. 1901 -- 1961 hus of Velma M. PARNELL PARNELL, Velma M. (no dates) wi of Edward D. PARNELL PATE, Charlotte 1888 s 1969 PATTON, Carl F. 19 Sept 1916, 28 Jan 1979 hus of Geraldine PERRY PATTON PATTON, Geraldine PERRY 28 May 1919, 11 Jan 1983 wi of Carl F. PATTON PAYTON, Joe 1928 ® 1974 PEACOCK, Alan Dale 11 Nov 1958, 18 May 1979 PEEK, Floy (no dates) wi of Richard PEEK PEEK, Richard H. (no dates) hus of Floy PEEK PENA, Nicki 29 Aug 1963, 31 Dec 1979 PERKINS, Raymond Price 1923 ® 1977 PERRY, Monroe 1904 ® 1982 PERRY, Neill Austin D.D.S. 4 May 1937, 6 May 1975 PETERSON, Calvin -amen 1960 ® 1985 PETERSON, Dorothy M. 11 May 1922, 16 Feb 1982 wi of Walter A. PETERSON m 30 Sept 1939 PETERSON, Walter A. 15 Apr 1919, ® ®- hus of Dorothy A. PETERSON M 30 Sept 1939 PETTIT, Bert W. 1895 ® 1981 hus of Lela M. PETTIT PETTIT, Lela M. 1905 - --- wi of Bert W. PETTIT (Continued) 19 QUERIES #76 NORWOOD Lela SCHIEFER is searching for descendants of Laura NORWOOD born 25 Jan 1861, died 23 Feb 1952 Kurten TX® Laura. NORWOOD's children were: 1® James Wm® NORWOOD b Mar 1881, m Irene DAY; 2® William Riley NORWOOD b Jan 1883 m Annie MCCLENNEN; 3® Willie Mae NORWOOD b Nov 1889 d 4 Feb 1981 m THOMPSON. Will exchange information and try to prove if Laura NORWOOD dau of John L.NORWOOD 1829 ®1901 and Mahala b 1824-30 La d after 1900, possibly near Bedias, Grimes Co. Tex. Lela SCHIEFER, Star Route North, Fox, Ark 72051 (She says she has the NORWOOD line back to Harold II, King of England 1066@ She wants to find Mahala NORWOOD's maiden name as she thinks mahala was 2 Cherokee Indian.) #77 CRENSHAW I am trying to trace the CRENSHAW famil I have ,just seen where a Harrison CRENSHAW was in Brazos County with his family in 1880® He may be our grandfather ®s brother. I would like to correspond with CRENSHAW descendants® Peggy CRENSHAW, 115 Arroyo Trail, Kerrville TX 78028 x#78 ZIMAERMAN Bill PAGE has found information on the ZIM ERMAN family locally® It is in the book by Darrell DEBO, Burnet County History, Volume II ' Family Histories (1979) The call number for the copy at the A&M Library is F 392 B97 Vol ®2® other family names mentioned in the sketch on the ZIMVEMANs include® STEWART, ALLEN, ALLCORN, BURNS, NEVILL, MARRIDIT, COLLIER, and several others® Some of the maternal lines are traced back to the 1600x® The compiler's name and address is given® C C C C C C C 7 J "THE HERITAGE OF THE PAST IS THE SEED 'THAT BRINGS FORTH TIE HARVEST OF THE FUTURE." (On the Archives Building in Washington D.C.) C C C C C C C J J J I 20 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census (Continued) Page No. 51 Post Office: Brazos 13 July 1870 Printed #26 4- CH 4-3 0 rn q--, 0 w (D 0 0 0 �5 M ( a) -H C) U) 0 0 � r - q Q� f � PA M co 429 40- JONES, Martha 21 F M Washerwoman S C Raph 7 M M Tex Emer 7 F W tp 430 408 BERYMANI, Jho 48 M W Minister & Teacher 1000 VA Anna 36 F W K.House 09 Martha 14 F W at School go X Sophia 11 F W !® f9 X Lee 7 M W ev !® X Minnie 5 F W 00 X. Nannie 3 F W X 31 9 HuGANT, Virginia 22 F W No occupa,,ion Otho 25 M W School Teacher 32 410 OGDEN, Robert 42 M W Flarmer 200 Ark Martha 30 F W K. House !® Saml 15 M W at School 69 X James 11 M w wo 91 X Wm 5 M W 21 09 X 33 11 LAW, Francis 41 M W MINISTER 5 100 S M. Jane 27 F W K. House 10C Kate 15 F W at School Ala X Leila 7 F Tex Lizzie 3 F W go 34 12 LITTLEFIELD, Reb. 63 F W K. House 250 PA CRUTCHER, Jo 16 F W at home. Ind 35 13 HENDERSON, Chas. 44 M W Bookkeeper 2000 Ala Lucy A. 38 F W K. House N C 37 15 DAVIS, Bennett 37 M W Lawyer 30, 1000 Tenn Ruth D. 23 F W K. House LA wm W. 3 M W Tex Edna E. 1 F W JOHNSON, Rena 25 F W Domestic Servant GA Mattie 9/12 F W (Aug) Tex DAVIS, Emma 2C F W 9� to THOMAS, Wm 40 M W if N C 38 16 KING, Wm N. 40 M W Lumber Merchant 1500 300 Ala Mary 29 F W K. House Tex Billie 11 M W at School 09 X Lula 9 F W 99 X Martha 5 F W Bob 3 M W 21 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page Nod 5.2 Post Office: Bryan 13 July 1870 Printed #26A as Cd o o � a� � ° �, a� w � oov P � o r° nU . c a � � 0 a r 438 417 KINES, Orleani 9/12 F W (Sep) Tex' 39 BENSON, Zilpher 19 F B Domestic Serovant Bt 440 418 CYRUS, Jas® T. 40 M W Cotton Buyer Tenn Kate 40 F W K. House S C Ellen 16 F W at home Tex ® Fann 14 F W tB ::: to WmD 11 MW t0 0B Kate H. 9` F W ® ®; DODDS, Mary 20 F W No occu t'lon Tenn 41 19 PEIRCE Wash Jr 55 M W Laborer 1500 200 Ky Maxy A. 56 F W K. House Bt Mar Y. 29 M W Clk in G ®Store M0 Millie 14 F B at home Tex 424 20 BAUTLEY, Robt® A. 32 M W Waggoner 500 100 Ga Anna 22 F W K. House Ala Helen ,--- F W Tex NELSON, Patience 40 F W No occupation Ala X LACKEY, Wm 14 M W at home La 43 21 McCURTY, Thomas 54 M W K. Ragt ( ?) 600 200 Ireland Susan 60 F W K. House Canada Chas J. 21 M W Clk in Grocery Store PA 44 22 TRIGG, Abe S. 22 M W No Occupation 400 200 Ala Laura A. 37 F W' K. House - S C Chas L. 19 W at School Ala X Minn 5 F W Tex 45 23,EVANS, Chas I. 27M W lawyer 800 300 Miss Susan ,20 F W .K K. House LA Horace J 1 M W Tex "SCOGIN, Sarala 50 F W No occupation Tenn Edward 17 M WFarm er ' Albert G. 13 M W at School Tex X 46 24 WORD, Henry 42 M W Domestic Servant N C Kate 55 FM BB tB Ky GLOVER, Geo 13 M M Miss 47 25 COOK, Henry 27 M W' Barkeeper England Sarah 27 F W K. House 400 48 26 STEPHENSON, Ann 60 F W Bt 500 200 Ky Sallie 25 F W Teacher tt Martha 24 F W ®® Ala 49 27, IS, Thomas 42 M W tt 22 BRAZOS County Te,�AS 1870 Census Page No. 53 Post Office: Bryan 14 July 1870 Printed #27 f � a) '� 0 a� 0 M � cS �?M o 449 427 TULTS, Laurie 34 F W K. House Ala Lila 15 F W at school to X Miltes 13 M W " ®' e® A X Matilda 19 F B Domestic Servant Tex 450 28 LOVETT, Rich 52 M W Farmer Ala Mary L. 41 F W K. House La WOOLEY, Susan 16 F W at home Ala Martha 4 F W. " Wyatt 35 M W Carpe ®® Tom 13 M W at home ®, Wm 9 M W ve Bill 18 M B Domestic Servant Ark 51 24 MosELY, Laurina 44 F W K. House 1000 500 Ala Charlotta 19 F W at home Tex Sarah E. 18 F W at home of J Oliver 14 F W at school °a X Eugean 13 M W to " X Ada H. 10 F W at home Carrie 9 F W °® Eva 8 F W " Laurina 5 F W " 52430 BASHLEY, John 50 M W No occupation 4000 400 S C Eliza 30 F W K. House Ky Kate 3 F W Tex Pearl 1 F W ®® 53 31 CARR, Allen 26 M W No occupation 8000 3 Miss Pandora 20 F W K. House - Tex MOSELY, Allen 12 M W at school " X SANDERS, Joseph 24 M W Farming Tenn 54 32 HINTON, Pete W. 6o M W Life ins Agt N Y Sarah J. 60 F W Va 55 33 COLEBY, Wm 44 M W Clk in Dry G Store 600 200 N Y Mary E. 35 F W K ®House Ala Frankl 12 M W at school Tex X Mary A. 7 F W it to X Margret 5 F W it 56 34 ELLI Joseph 31 M W Keeping Bar 400 100 Ala Cornelia 19 F W °° House Ark Eva 6/12 F W Dec Tex 57 35 TYLER Saml 30 M W Grocer Merchant 200 Ky 23 BRAZOS Counry Texas 1870 Census Pa ve No ® Post Office B 14 July 18 0 Printed #27A E ,+-1 � 4-q � Q m 0 � � —i w 457 435 TILER, Dman _8 36 GOODWIN, Geo Ala Sallie F 250 Ga Jno 58 37 GOODWIN, Frances WILSON, John Tex i Watt 59 38 CAMBELL, John Eliza A. Eliza Jane lVbxy L Valia J. George 460 39 RAGSDALE, Peter Mary Lola 61 40 WALDROP, Mess V. Sallie 62 41 HUTCHISON, Abe Mary Frank Bessie Wilki 63 42 PERRY, Jas® S. Anni Anni B. 64 43 HUSTON, Isaac Lucinda Lizzie Eliza Ella Anni Benj 65 44 BRITTAIN, Jas Harrett Gee F. PADGETT, Wm C. Mollie Sallie ,+-1 � 4-q � Q m 0 � � —i aa0 _8 Ala 2000 250 Ga Va Tex 600 600 AA AA A® 450 100 Ky Va Mo AA A@ �•i' 700 300 Icy Tex AA 800 200 N C Ga Ala Fla ®e X Tex AA im 14 24 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page.No- 55 Post Office: Bryan 15 July 1870 Printed #28 z 4tz o 4-3 CH 0 0 >� -P Cd a) 0 0 , H 0 �?M CD P-' r� Pq U) 465 444 SCOTT, Caroline 40 F B Domestic Servant Tenn Mary 4 F B Tex 66 45 DAY, John M. 39 M W Beef Drover 800 . 200 Ga Eliza 33 F W K. House Tenn Louisa 14 F W at school Be X Jane 13 F W of Tex X Laura. 11 F W v0 go X Bettie 6 F W - Ada 3 F W AA Carrie 2 F W AA 67 46 HORNER, Sevrie 32 M W Druggist 400 3 Va Lizzie 30 F W K. House Ky - John 21 M W Druggist Clk Va JACKSON, Patsey 28 F B Domestic Servant 00 Cora. 8 F B Tex 68 47 SMITH, Joseph 3 M W Publisher Fly Bettie 22 F W K. House Va John G. 6 m w Tex 69 48 ROBERTSON, Lewis 26 M W Keeps Bar Pa Virginia 16 F W K. House Tex 470 49 BALL, to 35 F W go N Y Fred 13 M W at school it 71 450 JACKSON, Jas. D. 35 M W No Occupation 1 Ga Sallie 26 F W K. House go Effie 3 F W Tex Hardy I M W go 72 51 PLENEL, Mathias 40 M W Keeps Restaraunt (sic) Italy Rosanna 16 F W at home Ala MASSE., Joseph 44 M W Laborer Italy 73 52 LEVY, Myer 45 M W Dry Goods Merchant Prussia June (?) 30 F W K. House vo Saml 7 MW Miss Pink 5 M W La Harry 3 M W BB Rachel I F W Tex Jacob 1/12 M W May 29 74 54 COOPER, Eliza J. 40 F W K.House 12,000 2500 S C Mary A. 14 F W at school Ga X Isabella 1 3 F W 99 X Joseph D. 10 M W AA op X - .25 BRAZOS County Texas 1810 Census ' Page Nom. 56 Post Office: Bryan 15 July 1870 Printed #28A a� 0 11 °1 Q) a ai MU O 9� a ° 9Pq t� P 474 454 COOPER, Ruth C. 8 F W Ga Eliza J. 4 F W BB MARTIN, Wm 17 M W No occupation Tex DURANT, Francis 68 M W Farmer 10,000 Ga 75 55 MAR TiN, Rhoda 48 F W K House Tenn James 26 M W Farm BB Nancy 22 F.W at home Miss Bettie A. 15 F W at school Tex X 76 56 KNIGHT, Annie 22 F W K. house Scotland COFFEY, Addison 32 M W Farmer Ala 77 57 HA SWELL, Geo T. 33 ,M W Represetive ( sic) 1000 500 Pa Susan 35 F W K house Ky Florence E. 16 F at school Tex X Lilley 7 F W ®® BB X Tyler 2 M W BB DICKERSON, Jessie 23 F,B Domestic Servant BB ` 78 58 CONGER, Stephen 36 M W Physician. & Dentist 4000 1000 Mo Mollie 33 F W K house Pa Sallie 14 F W at School Tex X Thomas R. 11 M W BB Mo X John A. 9 M W 9B Tex X wm J. 6 M 'W BB Geo H. 3 M W BB HASW ELL , Perthena 56 F W Del 79 59 HALL Fran 45 M W Physician. 800 100 S C Margret 40 F W K house .Ala Martha 17 F W at home la Lillie 13 F W at school Tex X Chas 10 M W ®® BB X Lem 7 M W BB t o X 480 460 SIBLEY, Margret 40 F B takes in Aas hing Miss Ellen 17 F B ®® BB la Vina 13 F B at home BB 1 Ping ey 7 M B eA Clayburn 5 M B ®B 81 61 ROBINSON, Phillis 25 F B 'rakes in Washing Tex Elvira 5 F B BB Mary 3FB BB 82 62 24 M B Drayman I- Ellen 17 F B K. house °B 26 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 57 Post Office® Bryan 16 July 1870 .1 Printed #29 .H 4- co - q 4 0 c 0 co 0 0 0 0 0 27 M W Barber 482 462 SWAN, Lancet F. 83 63 it Hattie at home 11 F Ophelia Erma 0 T 25 HADDOX, Ophelia 84 64 GRAVEL, Nate Takes in washing 23 M John 85 65 STACY, Mary A. K. House 24 M H. Peter Carpenter 20 M Ephraim of 8 F Willie 86 66 WALKER, Wm 24 F Frances K. House I M Edwin 22 DAVIS, Lorinda 87 67 FLETCMUZ, Susan W K. House 16 Ella W at home 1 3 Preston W at school 2 Roduphus 88 68 REGAN, G.Lanville W Music Teacher 19 Z (?) antra W K. House 3/12 Howard W Apl RYAN, Mumie 89 69 ARCHER, Poto M B Taborer E171ma Ella F B BELL, Rachell 1 F B James 490 470 WILSON, Melisida 15 M THROGMORTON, Vir. laborer .46 F Harry J. K. House 28 F Leee 91 71 BREWER, America ®m 8 F Henry at school 35 F Nancy 13 MW Susan 92 72 HEWITT, John 8 F Rebeccah 41 m Spurgeon Drayman 37 F Kate .1 Mo Tex Re m® X I Printed #29 .H 4- co - q 4 0 c 0 co 0 0 0 0 0 27 M W Barber 27 F W K. House 14 "r W at home 11 F W 0 T 25 F W No occupation 25 F B Takes in washing 23 M B Laborer 60 F W K. House 24 M W Carpenter 20 M W of 8 F W 35 M W 24 F W K. House I M W 22 F W Domestic Servant 40 F W K. House 16 F W at home 1 3 M W at school 2 M W 29 M W Music Teacher 19 F W K. House 3/12 M W Apl 14 F W at home 25 M B Taborer 21 F B K. House 1 F B 60 F B 15 M B laborer .46 F W K. House 28 F W at home 16 F W ®m 8 F W at school 35 F W 13 MW 11 F W 8 F W 41 m w Drayman 37 F W K. House 11 M W at home 9 F W Mo Tex Re m® X I Printed #29 co - q 4 '�-q r >� c 0 co 0 g 4--') z4 0 0 t 4� PQ M S C La Tex La Tenn Tex S C Tenn Tenn Tex 300 100 Miss of Tex Tenn Mo Ark Tex X Tex 500 100 Ga Tex : 9 Mo Tex Re m® X I BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 58 Post Office- Bryan 16 July 1870 � 76 BALL,, Wm. A. 60 M W Farmer 3000 200 o a' � Wm 16 M W A9 Edgar 0 M WI INGTON, Orleans 16 M W K he 5-4 77 BELL, N ' �w a> Jinn 17 M B II 0 Aman 15 F B Cook Jake 12 M B at home (D 10 F B IA 492 472 E EWITT, Geo W 7 M W Errria J. 22 F W at home Prici.11a John If. 3 M W Allice L. 15 F W II Edwin J. Cary Bell 1 F W Berthena E. 10 F W II 93 73 BROWN, Fayette 30 M B Laborer 2 F W WHITAID, Betty Mar 34 F B Tak in was hi ng Anni E. Georgia 10 F B at home 60 M W Gardener 99 WILLIAMS, 24 F 13 Takes in washing WmH 4MB THOMPSON, Chas 23 M W, Laborer 94 74 YOUNG, Alex 20 M B of Elsie 22 F B K. 'House Cora 8 F B 95 I 75 NABES, John. 30 M W Farming 2000 Ka te 24 F W K. House Walley 8 M W Lilley 2 F W John 3/ 12 M W Apl 27 Printed #29A as �� 0 Ill Cal II 96 76 BALL,, Wm. A. 60 M W Farmer 3000 200 John 17 M W Laborer_ Wm 16 M W A9 Edgar 14MW 9A WI INGTON, Orleans 16 M W K he 97 77 BELL, N ' 18 M B laborer Jinn 17 M B II Aman 15 F B Cook Jake 12 M B at home Ellen. 10 F B IA 98 78 BGLEHART, Frances 39 F W K. House 1000 200 Errria J. 22 F W at home Prici.11a 19 F W °I Allice L. 15 F W II Edwin J. 12 M W I9 Berthena E. 10 F W II Fannie T. 5FW Jennie 2 F W WHITAID, Betty 16 F W ®I Allice C. 14 F W II Anni E. 7 FW HARVEY, Chas 60 M W Gardener 99 79 MOORE, Allice 30 F W K. House Tenn. K Tex K Tex Ireland Tex 99 VV Yi e AA vA Ia A® Ar k Ala II Ark IA of 28 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY New Books 6619 Pheasant Rd® #16 Baltimore MD 21220 October 5, 1985 Brazos Genealogical Assoc. Dear Sirs, For the past three years I have edited a newsletter by subscription $12.00 yearly, published quarterly, known as WORTHINGTON Descendants covering all branches of the WORTHINGTON surname and its many allied lineages® The newsletter includes an unlimited full query column, open to all, as long as the query relates to WORTHINGTON® Many of our WORTHINGTON ancestors made their homes in your state. Will you kindly give -notification of the newsletter in your publication? Thank you Very Truly, Frances BRINGLE (Editor) The next five pages represent a great piece of genealogical research by one of our Austin members--Mary C. FORISTER. She sends greetings to her cousins, Mrs. Carroll BRUNSON, Mrs. C. D. BROWN and Mrs. Ola Maye HENRY. Mary has just bought a house and wants her Brazos County friends to know her new address M.C. FORISTER, 6701 Boleynwood Drive Austin TX 78745-4833. Her new phone number 512-441-2791. Happy New Year, Mary! M. C. FORISTER 2310-A Rebel Road Austin, Texas 78704 March 10, 1984 Page 1 (512) 441-2791 3? Page 3 78. EPPLER, John (?): b. 30 Nov 1745, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania; m. 1781; d. after 1832, Carroll Co., Missouri. #39 79. MULLER, Mary Elizabeth (?): b. 1747; d. 1830 #39 84. CAPERTON, William: b. ca 1766, Greenbrier Co., Vir.; m. 15 Dee 1790, Madison Co., Ky.; d. 2 Sept 1846, Carroll Co.,Miss. #42 85. MOODS, Lucy: b. 25 Oct 1774, Albermarle Co., Va.( ?); d. ca 1854, Carroll Co., Miss. #fi42 86. SCRIVNER, Reuben: b. 8 Jan 1785, Tenn.; m. 1810, Ala. or Tenn. ( ?); d. 27 Apr 1847, Franklin Co., Tenn. #43 87. ESTILL, Mary Ann: b. 22 Feb 1791, Ky.; d. 1 Nov 1846, Franklin Co., Tenn. #43 88. TABOR, Nathan: b. 3 Aug 1797, Oconee Co., South Carolina; m. 1818, Bibb Co., Ala.; d. 5 Dec 1869, Winona, Montgomery Co., Miss., buried in Bankston, Choctaw Co., Miss. #44 89. HENRY, Mariah Louise: b. 10 May 1801, Spartanburg District, Spartanburg Co., South Carolina; d. 13 Feb 1884, Bryan, Brazos Co., Texas. #44 90. ANDERSON, Elijah: b. 26 Nov 1804, Bedford Co., Tenn.; m. 16 Mar 1826, Pickens Co., Ala.; d. 26 Feb 1861, Fearn Springs, Winston Co., Miss. #45 91. ELLISON, Margaret: b. 1 Apr 1809, Pickens Co., Ala. (7); d. Shuqualak, Noxubee Co., Miss., buried in Fearn Springs, Winston Co., Miss. #45 112. JAUERT, Andreas: b. Germany; m. Germany; d. Germany. #56 113. KUCKMANN, Anna Engab: b. Germany; m. Germany; d. Germany. #56 114. HUTMANN, Christian: b. Germany; m. Germany; d. Germany. #57 115. SCHUBODE, Anna Ilse: b. Germany; m. Germany; d. Germany. #E57 116. AHLEMEYER, Casper Heinrich: b. Heuerling in Loxten bei Versmold, Westfalen; m. 14 Apr 1792, Bockhorst bei Versmold, Westfalen; d. Germany. #58 117. KOCH, Margaretha Catharina: b. Germany; m. Germany; d. Germany. #58 118. KLEINE- ESSELBRUGGE, Varck dictus: b. ca 1739, Germany; m. 12 Oct 1780) d. 28 Jan 1818, Germany. #r59 119.> BLANKEN, Catharina Elsiabeth: b. 7 Jan 1751, Oesterweg bei Versmold, Westfalen; d. 15 Jan 1803, Loxten bei Versmold® 120. BEIKER, Johann Friedrich: b. Germany; m. Germany; d. Germany. #60 121. HUSEN, Katherine Marie: b. Germany) d. Germany. #€60 8TH GENERATION: 134. SANSOM, John: b. ca 1725 ®30, King William Co., Old Virginia ( ?); m. ca 1770, South Carolina ( ?); d. ca 1780, South Carolina. #67 135. MILLER, Jane (Edmiston) : b. ca 1730, Augusta Co., Va; d. Pendelton, now Ander- son Co., South Carolina. #67 146. ABERCROMBIE, James: b. ca 1740, Scotland; rn. ca 1772, South Carolina ( ?); d. ca 1820, Laurens Co., South Carolina. # #73 147. SHERRILL, Elizabeth ( ?): b. Maryland M. #73 168. CAPERTON, John: b. ca 1725, European; m. ca 1750; d. ca 1787-89, Greenbrier Co., Va.( ?). # #84 169. THOMPSON, Polly: b. ca 172530, Scotch (?); d. Monroe Co., Va. ( ?) #k84 170. WOODS, Archibald: b. 29 Jan 1749, Albemarle Co., Va.; 5 Aug 1773, Albermarle Co., Vir. ( ?); d. 13 Dec 1836, Madison Co., Ky. #85 171® SHELTON, Mourning Harris: b. abt 1756, Albemarle Co., Va. ( ?); d. 7 Sept 1817, . Beans Creek, Franklin Co., Tenn. #85 172. SCRIVER, James: b. ca 1744, Madison Co., Ky. ( ?); m. ca 1783, Tenn. ( ?); d. 1801, Madison Co., Ky. #86 173. , Mary: b. #86 F 174. ESTILL, Wallis, Sr.: b. 8 tar 1758, Augusta Co., Va.; m. 1790, Augusta Co., Va.; d. 22 Jan 1835, Winchester, Franklin Co., Tenn. #87 175. WRIGHT, Jennie: b. 1762, d. Jun 1829, Winchester, Franklin Co.,Tenn.1 #87 176. TABOR, William, Sr.: b. 4 Jan 1761, Orange Co., North Carolina; mm 5 July 1781, Rutherford Co., N. C.; d. 4 Jun 1844, near Louisville, Winston Co., Miss. #88 177. TUBB, Susannah: b. 11 Oct 1761, near King's Mountain, Rutherford Co., N. C.; d. 31 Jan 1852, near Louisville, Winston Co., Miss. #88 32 Page 4 178. HENRY, John, Sr.: b.-ca 1775, North Carolina; m. ca 1800, Spartanburg District, Spartanburg Co., S. C. (?); d. after 1850, Oktibbeha Co., Miss. #89 179. REYNOLDS, Mary: b. ca 1780; d. Mar 1823, Bibb Co., Ala. #89 180. ANDERSON, Henry, Jr.: b. 1771, Newberry Co. (7), South Carolina; m. 1791, Bed- ford Co., Tenn.; d. 5'JulY 1825, Picken Co., Ala. #90 a 181. COFFEE, Jane: b. 1776, North Carolina; d. 1810, Bedford Co., Tenn. #90 182. ELLISON, Lewis: b. 1769, Laurens Co., S. C.; m. 1797, South Carolina M; d. 1842, Fearn Springs, Winston Co., Miss. #91 183. POWERS, Margaret: b. 1776, South Carolina; d. 1851, Fearn Springs, Winston Co., Miss. #91 232. AHLEMEYER, Hermann Heinrich: b. �t the village of Borgholzhausen (?),Germany.#116 233. MEYER, Maria Elisabeth: b. Germany; d. Germany. #116 234. BLANKS, Johann Christoph: b.. 13 Aug 1711, Germany; m. 9 Nov 1743, Versmold, West- falen; d. 6 Jan 1788, Oesterweg bei Versmold. #117 235. CORDES, Catharina Margaretha: b. ca 1717, Germany; d. 23, Nov 1784, Oesterweg.#117 9TH GENERATION: 268. SANSOM, William: b. King William Co., Old Virginia M. #134 270® MILLER, Alexander: b. #135 292. ABERCROMBIE, James Alexander: b. ca 1706, Stirling M, Scotland; m. ca 1 739,Eng.or Scotland; d. ca 1781, Scotland or South Carolina. #146 293. PICKARD, Hannah: b. Scotland; d. Scotland or South Carolina. #146 338. THOMPSON, Adam: b. Scotland (?); d. Scotland (7). #169 339. , Elizabeth: b. #169 340. WOODS, William: b. ca 1705-7, Dunshauglin Gastle, Meath Co., Ire.(?); m. 1741,V!r.(?) (or Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania);d. 12 Apr 1782, Greenbrier Co., Vir. #170 341. WALLACE, Susannah: b. ca 1708 (or 1719),Ireland; d. abt. 1797, Greenbrier Co., (West) Virginia. #170 342. SHELTON, William: b. 1731, Albermarle Co., Va.; m'. 1753, Albermarle Co., Va.(?); d. 1815. W1 343. HARRIS, Lucy: b. 12 Apr 1734, Albermarle Co., Va.; d. 1803. #171 344. SCRIVENER, Benjamin: b. #172 348. ESTILL, Wallace: b. ca 1698, New Jersey; m. 1748, Augusta Co, Va.; d. Jun 1792, Greenbrier Co., now Monroe Co., Va. #174 349. CAMPBELL, Mary Ann: b. 1731, Scotland; d. 7 Jun M 1802, Fincastle, Co.,Va.#174 350. WRIGHT, Peter: b.' #175 351. HUGHART, Jane: b. #175 352. TABOR, John: b. abt 1740 (or 1720), Virginia; m.. abt 1760, Orange Co., N. C.; d. 1805, Rutherford Co., N. C. #176 353. SHARPE, Elizabeth: b. ca 1740, Rutherford Co., N. C. (?); d. ca 1815, Rutherford Co. (?), North Carolina. #176. 354. TUBB, George: b. 1730-40, England (or North Carolina); m. abt 1760, Rutherford Co., N. C. M; d. ca 1803, Pendleton Co., South Carolina. #177 355. (Choctaw name), Mary: b. 1755, North Carolina (7); d. 1802, Pendleton Co.,S.C.#177 356. HENRY, William (?): b. ca 1748, d. 1814. #178 358. REYNOLDS, Justice: b. d. Sept 1823, Bibb Co., Ala. #179 359. , Mary, b. #179 360. ANDERSON, Henry, Sr.: b. abt 1720, Scotland (7); m. ca 1770, South Carolina (?); 31 Oct 1781, Newberry Co. (?), South Carolina. #180 361. GORDON, Ruth: b. 1731; d. 1788. #180 362. COFFEE, John: b. #181 364. ELLISON (ALLISON), Robert: b. 1720, South CarolinaL; m. 1766; d.' 1790, Laurens Co., South Carolina. #182 365. AVANT, Frances: b. 1722; d. 1812, South Carolina (?). #182 366. POWERS, Edwin: b. South Carolina M #183 468. BLANKE, Christoffer: b. ca 1673, Germany; m. 25 Nov 1702, Versmold, Westfalen; d. 3 Feb 1743, Germany. #234 469• LUECKEN, Catharina Angenesa: b. Germany; d. Germany. #234 33 10TH GENERATION: 584. ABERCROMBY, Sir James: b. 1668 ®70, Scotland; m. Scotland; d. Scotland? #292 585. 680. GORDON, Mary: b. Scotland;. d. Scotland. #292' WOODS, Michael: b. 1684, North Ireland, Ulster Co., Ireland; m. 1705, Ireland; d. ca June 1762, Goochland Co., now Albemarle Co., Virginia. #340 681. CAMPBELL, Mary: b. 1690, Argylshire, Scotland; d. Albemarle Co., Vir® # #340 682. WALLACE, Peter, Sr.: b. 1680, Scotland; m. 1705, North Ireland, Ulster Co., Ireland; d. abt. 1723, Inland. #341 Virginia. #341 683. WOODS, Elizabeth: b. 1684, Ireland; d. Rockbridge Co., 684. SHELTON, William: b. 1709, Goochland Co., now Albemarle Co., Virginia; m. 1730, Albemarle Co., Vir.; d. 1789, Albemarle Co., Virginia. #342 685.. (THOMAS), Mrs. Patience: b. 1702 Albemarle Co., Vir.( ?); d 1736, , Albemarle Co., Virginia ( ?). #3 686. HARRIS, Robert: b. 1696, St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., Virginia; m. 30 Jan 1720, Albemarle Co., Vir.; d. ca 8 Aug 1765, Albemarle Co., Vir. #343 687. GLENN, Mourning: b. 1702, New Kent Co., Vir.( ?); d. ca 1776, Albemarle Co., Vir. e��u� 34 c V �q Cd Cd cd Cd cd cd Cd ti 7 c V �q Cd Cd cd Cd cd cd Cd ti 7 t �q Cd Cd cd Cd cd cd Cd Z (D (1) t �q Cd Cd cd Cd cd cd Cd (D (1) C " ) 6 ia S4 cc �q 6 f- m x voc CC) 0 'co CNO 0 a co 0 190 a r--Io rA �t4 Hrz= P,, P j 00 rx, 0 Cd - C) cd 40 cd W ECd - a C<$ C\)C%i cd a) :3 (1) . C) - z - (n wl >) \4 0 � 'a) c >i ro C cq�:: r-l� 0 C\*:r4��: �:: 9 C-�':- UB, V �4 �A cd Cd U Cd (1) E cd cv F- +ml a) a Q co E n to co D) V C Our-A d a) ra ­0 Cd m w PIA 1 co -t CD x o >z -0 I- x 0 CD-4 IZ 00 -0,\ i--A " E-4 cd C7 ro c cr NO vc () S4 C)\E-r--i c ! S4 .11 P rx,+ cr\ S4 r C C) co - A c cd 'o Cd - s3 ::I as up z a) 1 cn 0) >A-� Ea d F 1� U)o EO C Eo a k rn + Q, ::5;z a) z rd FLA C1. :5 1I1 C tl C\ >va:t c rya C S4 -11 C) C - S-q �A N S4 c CN U, 10 Q) t E cc w SA ri a5 u (D ;x CC) a E- t # 4 $A w (1) t4 0 010 m ED 0 ON ' r- If 4 C , r4 1 - (1) Cd 0 "Hxn (a Cd Cd o cj x i6 - P x Cd -Q- as Cd -P ax\j a) -H c (V E-'C7\ E-4 �4 A Am 9 H U, S-4 D4C �4 W bL 5 v C >0 - 0 0 4.0 c raw 0. W b.0 C, O C Cd A- v co +-> w $ 2 ro ::5CL uc:) w ::s -< EOPL4 ED ON coo -4-- T 0 on c 3a E C-) v fx 0 0 c E. i T 35 tl C C C C ^i B C C — M FA - z z z C g � z g z z ® 0 z z 0 o z A. ® o `0 0 o a •� o � e � o `� ® ® (1) U) . cd � •rl . N L' os 6� , Cz . C t) O to ta�0 ?C co Y, C3 i) N �)U=IA x Cz o E� ,—NO Cu E-4 vt 0 Ee p r t' ON ri C z' r- c- C) m ;\I QS ��. ri �t E s f a S ri O .mod S C AA . -i ® - Cc E 4 .� � In ONE-+ 9--ro ar 4 +� � Z d � � ® a) i' ® S-i r--4 O `o L `= v c 3 r4a) 1 r "�{ 0 O aE Z F4 r C�a)® O f!) 0+3 0 G C. P4' 0 is � $��va� � u'l O O c 03 ?:O _ >44 CL ri) U :> ED t1J A :2; V) �` 9 E-+ �-, ay W F' cd s ® > v cc cd a) 0 vi m a � a� ua > as H co ) 0 Q � 4~ -4 � Z a) - ri r Q) r-1 �S_ (�. z. C B$, Cd a0 O 4-1 -Z6-1 ® Cd r-4 O\ cd C.° V'9 Lv Cd S a ri U7 i 0137NC°c"."� W C'� C\1;1 a)) ci CIAO r-i N 0 il r-d r-I Dv C� a3 Ero s aEs� Ep a av a �' a a6ro� Ega ro a a E 6 a a c a a a 4 c` ; E-i H X I T C-C, O C7 E+ r®-1 r-8 r O C7\E c .y�y, Ei C Cll (i Q $ice )£ Cd � Q En f e� C ar{ . ®J', r - t 9 '. L r C . C C S cd O L7 at . of to � tip MN to EO a% L; E- � cd r H r i 4J + a )O> to t j I g z E+ O\ E-1 ® 7 `o ® ®a g � L« y CJ) ti 9^ v ® 1 o w ri r ..1 w a ,. g q cd V) �d pry 0 yam, � U. 8 6 N Clj 0 3. a?x i •r I C�1CIar IC) g O m' h r-i .� a E ro r°i a a 5 ro r-i a a-e ro w e v .a I p• S =. t Y � •�� V < T Z Y 0 U �� v V U v� z z ( v v v U O 0 0 Y 2 0 r 0 ® 6 ® ® O ® 2 z Y ® ® p O 00 o o z —� x;$ o� �z o a a g _z U V V V U W z r9 z V V W ( 7 C n _ � n - \ � t•8- s } ) U cc � �w Q II Qr%S G y:Z �nB 4 Q 1 J �- ` `=✓! ¢G �'l�1 J w w w w w w w !.L w w •.9 w w� 2i w t" w g It'. w �-1 w Q w w w Y E w w w w w ®w z w p w = w w p 2 !� cc g w= S% w% g w y w z S z Q gc ¢ W w W w w W w m$$ O$ w ae ._�_ 0 O m 3 a 3 m$$ m$ m $ ® 3 m $ $ A $ m $ ® $ 0 m o ; m ® 3 o P P r r T� 0 � ra ir P-+ Q w w® w w p w z w z w Ar w w w w ( w z s m w p W S S m $ $ 0 S W W a ! m m $ ® $ in S \ 0 $ o $ �n G " n d 0 - .v) V ! ••Q v to !� uw k l Ups In y n w w w W w w p w � w IC .. � . LL 3 m F m z / 1 Q Q c Z w a z i1 0 - N m C—w 1 `� 2 O Q ,,z m z ¢ w o Z S w Y 9 w u S3 Z z O Q O 2 o- 0 �1 $ °p $r5 z 37 Chart No. Q r Cont. on chart No. — on chart No. — I Joan Rawls b. 8 Feb 19 32 p.b- Bryan, Brazos, Tx 19 Aug 1951 (Father of No 9, Cont. on chari No. 191 P.D. 1 q (I g vmmor or m, o) U (Mother of No. 9 b Da" o " 111' ; ' �"h P A, PI.- b. Cont. on chart No.,-- Isabella a.-� d. m. E) �e of Marriage d. D. 11 of Death d. Willi Richard Parker p.b, TX p.d. pl— of Death p.d b. 7 Aug 1826 Cont. on chart No. 2 John Wade Rawls b. 2 NOV 1886 S C 21 b. (Father of No. i—)— 2 Feb 1879 d. PA Bryan, Brazos, TX of No. 10 p.b. b. Cont. on c hart No: d. In, 19 Nov 1909 m. 21 Dec 1874 13 Frances J (Father of No. 11, d. 5 Oct 1954 10 d. 27 Jul 1920 (Mother of No. 6) d. (Father of No. p.d Bryan, Brazos, TX Dec 1834 b 'G p.b. Sarah Ann Outlaw b. p.b. t1e �Willi�eParker d. 20 Aug 1876 d. W , , Z (Mother of No. 1) b. 14 Mar 1892 M. Robertson Cty, TX (Mother of No. 2) b Brazos, TX b. ca 1861 28 Fb d. p.b. IA p.d d, p.d. (Mother of No. I Joan Rawls b. 8 Feb 19 32 p.b- Bryan, Brazos, Tx 19 Aug 1951 (Father of No 9, Cont. on chari No. 191 d. Oct 1977 1 q (I g vmmor or m, o) U (Mother of No. 9 I I p.d ,o; b. Cont. on chart No.,-- Feb 1832 d. Alice House 20 Willi Richard Parker p.b, TX b. (Father of No. 10, M. d.19 Cont. on chart No. d• M. d. (Father of No. 3) Sept 1929 d. 21 b. 6 Oct 1852 p.d Robertson 'Cty, TX 26 b. of No. 10 b. Cont. on c hart No: d. 22 m. 21 Dec 1874 13 Frances J (Father of No. 11, Im Y Cont. on chart No. b 231 (Mother of No. It, b Cont. on chart No. d. d. pA. 24 VA b. (Father of No. 12, Cont. on chart No. 2 James Wilson Parker - I — m j -- U. 91 d. Oct 1977 (Father of No. 7) g vmmor or m, o) U - I I p.d ,o; p.b. b.19 Feb 1832 25r- Alice House c. Willi Richard Parker p.b, TX b. o_ ! M. d.19 Jan 1916 d• (spouse of No. 1) (Father of No. 3) Sept 1929 d. P.b.Arrbia Jamar, TX p.d. b. 6 Oct 1852 p.d Robertson 'Cty, TX 26 b. p,b. Robertsm, TX m. 21 Dec 1874 13 Frances J Im Y d. 27 Jul 1920 (Mother of No. 6) d. PA Thcnpson Creek Brazos TX b. 17 Dec 1834 271 'G p.b. ms b. 0 0 . 3 t1e �Willi�eParker d. 20 Aug 1876 d. W , , Z (Mother of No. 1) b. 14 Mar 1892 P.d. Robertson Cty, TX X a b Brazos, TX r 28 Fb Tm�� M d. Oct 1977 (Father of No. 7) p.d.TeM le, Bell TX U 12 Mar 1824 eat p.b. 71Mary Alice House b. 24 Jan 1853 (Mother of No. 3) 9 Mar 1883 P.b. Girard, sell AL p.d d. 16-8-1909 p.d. Brazos, TX Marles jLenry le (Mother of No. 7) (spouse of No. 1) b.26 Sept 1929 d. P.b.Arrbia Jamar, TX p.d. Tm�� M 291 (Mother of No. 12, Con4 on chart No. (Father of No. 13, Cont. on cha No. - (Mother of No. 1% Cont. on chart No. - A (Father of No. 14, Cont. on chart No. 'oats -GA - b. d. (Mother of No. 14 Cont. on chart NO: 30 Vinson Corley Kirkland (Father of No. 7) b. 12 Mar 1824 p.b. M. U, Dec 1850 d. 9 Mar 1883 p.d Edge, Brazos TX Wilemina Purse Kirkland (Mother of No. 7) b. 3 Dec 1833 p.b. Baldwin, GA d. 21 oct 1912 p.d. Edge, Brazos, TX 291 (Mother of No. 12, Con4 on chart No. (Father of No. 13, Cont. on cha No. - (Mother of No. 1% Cont. on chart No. - A (Father of No. 14, Cont. on chart No. 'oats -GA - b. d. (Mother of No. 14 Cont. on chart NO: 30 Vinson Corley Kirkland 38 INDEX ABERCROMBIE 30, 31,32 ABERCROMBY 33 AI- LEMEIER 30 AHLEMEYER 30, 31,32 ALLCORN 19 ALLEN 19 ALLISON 33,36 ANDERSON 30,31, 32,33 ARCHER 26 ARMISTEAD 33 AVANT 32 BAIRD 33 BALI, 24,27 BARRON 8 BASTIAN 35 BATTS 6 BAUTLEY 21 BAXTER 28 BEICKER 29,30 BEIKER 30 = 31 BELL 2,10,26,27 B.ENBOw 1,3,4,5 BENSON 6,21 BERYMAN 19 BLANKE 32 BLANKEN 31 BOONE 18 BowM o 6, 7 BREWER 26 BRINGLE 28 BRITTAIN 23 BROWN 12,27,28, 37 BRUNSON 28 BUCKHAM 15 BURNS 19 BURTON 6 CADWELL 30 CALD 10 CALHOUN 35 CAMBELL 23 CAMPBELL 17,32, 33 CAPERTON 29,30, 31 CARRIE 10 CHAMBERS 10 CHAPPELL 10 CLARK 8 COFFEE 32 COFFEY 25 COLE 36 COLEBY 22 COLLIER 19 COMPTON 35 CONAWAY 12 CONE 37 CONGER 25 COOK 21 COOPER 2,5,9,10 24,25,28 CORDES 32 CRENSHAW 19 CRtW E.L ( ?) 8 CRUTCHER 20 CYRUS 21 DAVIS 15,20,26, 36 DAY 19,24 DEADRICK 7 DEBO 19 d`ESTELLE 33 DEW 8 DICKERSON 8,25 DODDS 21 DOWNS 35 DUNLAP 7 DURANT 25 EDGE 4 EDRINGTON 6 EGLEHART 27 ELLIS 10,11,22 ELLISON 31,32,33 ELLYSON 33 EDD'Y 10 EPPLER 30,31 ESTILL 31,32 .E,VANS 21 FARINHOLT 7 FARQUHAR 8 FELDER 10 FLETCHER 26 FORISTER 1,28,29 FORREST 30 FORRESTER 29,30 FRANK 1,34 GAGER 10 GARRETT 10 EATER 10 GLENN 33 GLOVER 21 GOODWIN 23 GoRBET 14 GORDON 3 GOULD 35 GRAF 29 GRAVEL 26 GREEN 3 GRIFFIN 35 GRIFFITH 7 GRUMMEL ( ?) 8 GUESS 7 HADDOX 26 HALL 25 HALLORAN 10 HAMPTON 10 HANSEV 34 HARDY 7 HARRIS 1 0,32,33 HARVEY 27 HASWELL 25 HENDERSON 20 HENRY 6,28,31, 32,33 HEWITT 26,27 HINRICHSEN 34 HINTON 22 HOBBS 36 HOBDY 3 HOIYu'ES 6 Ho=DAY 6,7 HOOD 7 HOPE 2 HORN 8 HORNER 24 HOUSE 37 HUDSON 6 HUGANT 19 HUGHART 32 HUSEN 31 HUSTON 23 HUTCHISON 23 HUrTMANN 31 W ®L ®J. 8 JACKSON 24 JAQUES 7 JAUER 29,30 JAUERT 30,31. JAUSSI 28 JENKINS 10 JOHNSON 3,4,7,8,20 JONES 6,8,20,33 KINES 21 KING 20 KIRKLAND 37 KLEINS ®ESSELBRUGGE 31 KLEINS-ESSELBRUGGEN 30 KNIGHT 7,25 KOCH 31 KUCKIUTANN 31 LACKEY 21 LANGFORD 12 LAN`L°RIP 36 LAW 20 LAWRENCE 4 LEVY 24 LIDE /LLOYD 33 LITTLEFIELD 20 LLOYD 33 LOCKETEDT 30 LOGAN 8 LOVELESS 14 LOVETT 22 LUDECKE 13 LUECKEN 32 LUEDKE 13 LUSK 13 LUTHER 13 LYMAN 13 LYNCH 13 MacGREGOR 8 MACKIN 14 MADDOX 2,14 MAGEE 14 MATS 14 MALTBY 29 MANSFIELD 14 MAREK 14 MP2IOTT 19 MARKOVA 14 MARKS 14 MARSHALL 14 MARTIN 1,15,25,37 MASSE 24 MASSEY 15 39 MASTERS 15 MATHIS 15,16 MATTHEWS 33 MATTIL 15 MAXWELL 30 MERCHANT 5 M EYER 12,32 MICKS 15 MIDD ETON 15 MIKESKA 15 MILES 29,30 MILLER 15,31,32 MILLS 15 MINTER 15 MITCHELL 6,16 MoGFORD 16 MOHR 16 MONROE 11 MONTGOMERY 16 MOODY 16 MOORE 6,11,16 27 MORGAN 16 MORRISON 16 MOSELY 22 MOSES 16 MULLAY 16 MULLER 31 MURPHEY 16 MURPHY 16 MURRAY 14,16,17 McADA 30 McAFEE 13 McCALLUM 4 McCANDLESS 13 McCLENNAN 19 McCOY 13 McCULLEY 13 McCULLOCH 2,13 McCURTY 21 McDADE 10 McELROY 13 McFADDEN 13 McFALLS 13 McFRANCIS 13 McGEE 10 McGINNIS 13 McGOUGH 14,17 McILHANEY 14,17 McINTOSH 6 McKAY 14 MCLAIN 14 MCLERRAN 14 MCMILLAN 6,11 McMURRAY 7;14 McNE:w 14 McQUILLFN 14 McVEY 8 NABES 27 NAVIES 17 NEAL 36 NEALE 17 NEELEY 37 NEELLEY 8 NEILLEY 7 NELSON 17,21 NEMEC 17 NEUMANN -30 NEVILL 19 NEWSOM 6,7 NOBLES 10 NORWOOD 11 NOWAK 17 O ®BRIEN 17 0`DANIEL 29,30 ODOM 17 OGDEN 19 OLIVER 17 ORR 17 ORSAK 17 OSBORN 17 OUTLAW 37 OVERBECK 17 OVERSTREET 18 OVERTON 33 OWEN 18 OZMINKOWSKI 18 PADGETT 23 PAGE 6,18,19 PANNELL 18 PARKER 9,18,37 PARNELL 18 PATE 18 PETEERSON 30 PATTON 18 PAYTON 18 PEACOCK 18 PEARCE 7 PEEK 18 PEELER 2 9,30 PEIRCE 21 PENA 18 PERKINS 18 PERRY 4,18,23 PETERSON 11,18 PETTIT 18 PICKARD 32 PLENF1 24 POTTS 37 POWELL 3 POWERS 32 PRESNAL 4 PRUETT 28 PUTMAN 28 RAGSDALE 23 RATLIFF 12 RAWLS 37 RECTOR 6 REED 6,7 REGAN 26 REINHARDT 29 REYNOLDS 32 RHODE 4 RICE 36 RIED 6 ROBERTS 6 ROBERTSON 24,29 ROBINSON 25 ROSS 2 RYAN 26 SANDERS 22 SANSOM 30,3 1 3 SARTOR 3,4 SAXON 35 SCHIEFER 19 SCHUBODE 31 SCOGIN 21 SCOTT 6,24 SCRIVENER 32 SCRIVNER 30,31 SEALE 4,7 SHADDRIC 11 SHARPE 32 SHELTON 31,32 33 SHERMAN 35 SHERBILL 31 SxoAK 36 SIBLEY 25 SIMONS 8,10 SKAINS 3,4 SLOAN 36 SMITH 11,24,36 STACY 26 STEPHENSON 21 STEWART 19 TABOR 29, 30, 3132 33 TATE 11 TATES 11 TEAGUE 11 T ENNELL 11 THOMAS 20,33 THOMPSON 6,19,27, 3132 THORNTON 11 THROGMORTON 26 TILER 23 TINNELL 11 TO-LIVER 11 TRABUE 7 TRIGG 21 TUBB 3132 33 TULIS 21,22 TYLER 11,22 VAULTS 11 VON KOENIG 34 S.V.W. 9 WALDROP 23 WALKER 6,7,11,26 WALLACE 3 WASHINGTON 11 WELCH 9 WELLNICed 1, 36 WEST 3 WHE 7 WHITAID 27 WHITE 3 WILLIAMS 11,12,27 WILLIAMSON 15 WILSON 23,26,35 WINN 33 WITHERINGTON 27 WOODS 31, 32 33 WOOLEY 22 WORD 21 WORSOP 33 WORTHINGTON 9,28 WRIGHT 31,32,36 WULF 30 YOUNG 27,36 C) p m 0 "A p Fj 0 P. PPN CD as t Cr C+ C+ C+ t-I F 0 . F-3 t (D " t4 01) td 0 m b ' (D 3