HomeMy WebLinkAboutFall 19884enealogical 2a�ertiser CONTENTS Page The Fourth at Reliance 123 Naomi McCormick Editorial 125 President's Message 125 Bryan City Cemetery Records (continued 126 from Summer issue: - courtesy of Mary Cooper) Queries 134 Researching the British Ancestor 135 Peggy Hope Alexander Schools 139 Miss Ola Maye Henry Brazos County Census - 1870 (cont'd, 141 courtesy of Mary Cooper) Letters from Children, Brazos County 149 Bill Page Ancestor Charts 152 Ruth Jones Hary & Janis Jones Hunt Index of Surnames 157 V IX Number 4 Fa111988 Bryan -College Stati on, Texas THE GRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER P.O. Box; 5493 Bryan, TX 77805 OFFICERS 1988 PRESIDENT ..............L. A. MADDOX VICE PRESIDENT ...........JANIS HUNT SECRETARY .................RUTH HARY TREASURER .............HARRY PORTZER LIBRARIAN ........DORIS FRANCESCHINI EDITOR, -IN -CHIEF .........To be named PAST PRESIDENT ............MARY BELL The Advertiser is available for ex- change with other organizations who have publications to offer. Send in- quiries or samples to P. 0. Box 5493, Bryan, TX' 77805. SOLICITATIONS ADVERTISER STAFF ED. Pry? T ENjPGRE ....... HARRY PORTZ ER LOCAL HISTORY .......NAOMI McCORMICK STAFF EDITOR ...........CARL LANDISS CEMETERIES ............MARINE MILLER COMPUTER SPECIALIST ..DWIGHT CHAFFIN MEETINGS Meetings are on the third Monday of each month: 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. in the Bryan Public Library. Members are encouraged to arrive a bit early to socialize and to transact any of their individual business. We must be out of the Library by 9:00; thus there is often very little time for anything after the meeting. MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Membership is based on the calendar year, and this one of 1988 will soon be over. Although 1989 dues are not officially payable until January 1, and do not become delinquent until a much later date, we are happy to re- ceive them any time! $12.00 ............single membership $18.00 ..............dual membership You may mail your dues check either to us at the above address, or else to our treasurer, H. J. Portzer, at 2501 Sumter Dr., College Station TX, 77840. We solicit queries, family pedigrees, copies of family Bible records, stor- ies and articles with Brazos Valley ties. Family charts should be 8 102 x 11, should fit a std. 3 -ring binder and should contain no text outside of our specified margins of I" top, 304° bottom, 1 104" at side to be bound: this could turn out to be either left or right: and 304" at unbound side. EDITORIAL POLICY Neither the Brazos Genealogical Asso- ciation nor the staff of the ADVERTI- SER will be responsible for error of fact or opinion expressed herein. Ev- ery effort is made to publish inform- ation from only reliable sources. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept suitable material with editing privilege on a space - available basis. Members of the Association are encou- raged to submit articles of interest concerning the Brazos Valley. Items pertaining to deeds, Bible records, schools, churches, cemeteries, and other groups or organizations are de- sired. Research on material before the turn of the century is especially welcome. QUARTERLY 'ADVERTISER' Published annually: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall issues, in sequence. The dues cover the cost. Non - members are charged $4.00 per issue. n B ra z os e 9�ertiser Volume IX ( ber 4 Bryan- College Station Fall 1988 Texas THE FOURTH AT RELIANCE r The following article was published in the Bryan Eagle, July 8, 1895: The fourth of July was not forgotten by the people of Reliance community, and while they did not celebrate that memorable occasion with big firecrackers, shooting cannon and brass bands, nevertheless they celebrated, and the Eagle man is here to say that the people of Reliance are well up in the art of cele- brating. We left Bryan early Thursday morning and went out to Mr. NEWCOMB's where we joined his family and proceeded to the picnic grounds at Beauman creek bridge near the old Beauman school house. After looking out for the comfort of the teams we went down and joined the crowd which had already assembled and had commenced to enjoy the pleasures of a social converse with their friends from different sections. Getting acquainted was an easy task, and by the way, allow me to say that the handshake of a Reliance man is about as strong as the grip of the coming 96 candidate. There was no program, everyone being allowed the privilege of enjoying themselves, according to their own ideas. Mr. MORGAN, the popular ginner of that section served the finest of ice cold lemonade to everyone on the ground, free of charge. He remarked to the Eagle man that in serving lemonade he was paying off a score which had been held against him since the close of the past ginning season. It seems that Mr. MORGAN was eager to make a big run at his gin and agreed to stand "treats" if he turned out 800 bales. He "set'em up!" The record for the season was 930 bales. After noon the boxes and big baskets of good things were carried from the wagons and buggies to the grove where they were taken in charge by the ladies who soon transferred the food in a most inviting manner to white table cloths spread on the ground. Everyone was invited to dinner and after they had gath- erd and Rev. BULLOCK had returned thanks for the bountiful spread, the work of destruction commenced. Allen MYERS, the hardware man was there, and did justice to the occasion. After dinner the people rested up, talked some more and broke up about 3 o'clock. We are indebted to these people for a good time, and the good will of the Eagle is theirs. A BIG HUNT This story was also recorded in the July 8, 1895 issue of the Bryan Eagle: Two things make up the value of an article, first the subject, and second, what is said about it. My subject is simply an ordinary hunt -- camp -hunt, dry enough and interesting of itself, but the thing I want to tell you about is what grew out of the hunt, or more properly speaking, the incidents of the hunt. Did you ever go on a hunt? Well, let me tell you what it takes to "make a hunt." Beer -- plenty of it-- something a little bit stronger (snakes abound you know), "grub°' lots of it, bedding, dogs, guns, amminunition, horses and men, and the result of the hunt depends largely on the latter. 123 124 'All these, and more too, we got together and at exactly 11 p. m. we started for Allen creek four miles East of Wellborn. Our party consisted of T. C. NUNN, R. M. NALL, M. G. NALL, Mr. FERYBE, V. H. NALL and a colored cook. Our first stop was at College where we were joined by Billie BOYETT, the getter up of the hunt and to whom we are indebted for the best hunt of season. After par- taking of a dinner prepared by Mrs. BOYETT, just such a dinner as secures the lasting gratitude and eternal appreciation of hungry men, we " ? us to the wild wood" and went into camp. Then fun began. In a short time we were out in the woods and had a deer "trap." Several of our hunters "tried to get a shot" at it but no powder was burnt. Then back to camp and supper. This was the first chance we had had to test the quantity and qual- ity of our commissary. But it was there in superfluous redundancy. And let me say right here that when you want to go on a hunt, just let Bnggy NALL do the buying and you will have just plenty of grub and the best selection that can be made. He is a hustler and don't you forget it. Why Mr. Editor thinks he is as good in fixing for a hunt as he is in talking and you know that gives him the feather. I forgot at the proper place to tell you of our trip from College to the camp. In fact, only one thing occured worthy of mention. On the way down one of our party was overcome with heat, superinduced by a lack of cold water and other causes. Some of our party at first thought the attack was fatal but after exam- ining his pulse and making other examinations we all decided he would be better after awhile; in fact, he assured us that such would be the case, and it was. In the absence of a physician to properly diaganose the case we called it "temp- orary failure of the principal muscles of the legs" brought on by causes that seldom produce fatal results. Billie BOYETT declared at the time that he had . never seen a fatal case. Thus reassured we went on to camp where a good nap and a strong cup of coffee drove the heat ( ?) from our friend "s body and brought him around alright, minus a bruised rib or two. The next morning we were joined by Mr. Dutch WILLIAMS and his son and another man whose name I cannot remember. The first drive we made, we, that is Mr. WILLIAMS, killed a fine buck, the only one killed on the hunt, and from that time on we had the best "eating" you ever saw. Thursday evening one of our party went out somewhere, I do not know where, and bought ( ?) some chickens and had the cook prepare four for supper. Now this ain no lie! Ed FARQUHAR and that little fellow FREYBE ate three of them before the rest of us got back to camp. Yes sir, "them two" fellows ate three whole twenty cent chickens at one time, just one and a half chicken each. Gospel truth, and strange to say, they are both living yet. Moral: chickens won't kill on a camp hunt. Friday the lawyer contingency of our party went out to Wellborn to attend .Judge LASKI's court and left the rest hunting. He returned the same day, flushed with victory -- having won his case- -and with a fresh supply of ice and other things that had run "short." Well, we just hunted right on until 4 p. m. Saturday, then "struck camp" and started to Bryan, all voting the hunt a success and each declaring he had enjoyed himself better than ever before. The crops we saw, and we saw several, axe all fine, especially the corn. All that stuff about short crops in that part of the country at least, is the conclusion of those who have not been on the ground and seen them as your scribe has. They are immense sure. One thing we especially noted the farther you go from town the better and cleaner the crops are. Why this? Damfino e These two articles were submitted by Naomi McCormick 125 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE__��r Ten months are behind us and only two yet to go to finish the 1988 year. We have had seven interesting programs and three excellent workshops. One hundred and six people registered for the Everton Press Workshop held on October 8. The number of people is impressive but the distance they traveled to attend is even more im- pressive. Only forty -five were from Bryan /College Station; the remaining sixty Texans came from places like La Marque, Houston, Victoria, Austin, Temple, Fort Worth, Palestine, Trin- ity and seventeen other places in the State. The person who traveled far- thest came from Moore, Oklahoma. Most of us found some new sources of genealogical information and a new way to do genealogy research. EDITORIAL___ Your ADVERTISER has been fortunate in receiving several outside sub- scriptions this year, the latest be- ing no less prestigious an organiza- tion than the Library of Congress, for two years! Congratulations to all of you whose work has made this house organ what it is. So far we have been receiving enough material from our members and from outside sources, but it is apparent that we need more active people on our staff as well. We can use any one who is prepared to supply an article now and then tit need not be his own creation). But it would be especially helpful if someone with an IBM PC for compatible) would vol- unteer, to help ye Ed. with some of the more technical aspects of com- positing. , (You don't need a printer or software; we can supply that.) A special thanks goes to Mary BELL as chairman of the workshop committee, and to Doris FRANCESCHINI, Anna HAL- LARAN, Peggy HOPE, Janis HUNT, Maxine MILLER, Nina NOBLES, Marie VICK, Tom- mie MADDOX and Harry PORTZER for their help. We also are indebted to Eleanor NANCE in her capacity as a friend of the A & M Library for her assistance in arranging a meeting place. Progress in publishing the Brazos County Cemetery Records is slow. The cemetery information is finished, but the index and directions to the ceme- teries are not complete. Don SIMONS has furnished me a copy of the ceme- tery information alphabetized and keyed to the appropriate cemetery, hence not needing an index. This is a useful way to publish this type of information and should be considered by the publication committee. The ADVERTISER staff headed by Harry PORTZER is to be congratulated. They continue to do an excellent job. QUERIES: We still need them! Please send or give yours to the Ed. or one of the staff. ANCESTOR CHARTS: See how neatly pre- pared is the one for Ruth JONES HARY and Janis JONES HUNT in this issue. The ADVERTISER staff had hardly any- thing to do to get it "camera- ready" for copying. If yours has not been published heretofore, now is the big chance you've been waiting for to see your ancestors in print! Harry Portzer, Ed. pro rempore L. A. Maddox, President W-1 Pages 15,16 April 14 1891 E. F. CARTER Tex 28oyrs 92 4 Sueside By Shooting it 17 " Olive Louise TABOR 7 mos 22 4 Hooping Cough Tex Dec 24 1890 John Rodriquez 85 yrs F.M. Grounds Old Age April 28 1891 Mss. Ophelia J. SMITH 44 SV 77 �3 Puerperal Eclampeia Tex May 15 " infant of W. A. DEATON Tex 87 4 Premature Birth " 16 " E. A. CARTER Tex 10 mos 82 4 Cholera infantum 18 " infant 'Miss ENGLENDON Tex 68S 2 Still Born " 28 " George F. PAYNE 47 yrs 40 4 Typhoid Fever Mississippi June 21 " Ella Lucile WILSON 4 mos 86 4 Congestion of Tex Stomache " 23 " Mrs. R. A. NEWLAND 54 23 2 Congestion Tennisee " 26 " infant of John DALY Tex 56 3 Premature Birth July 1 °' V VLLLARET Tex 10 yrs 66 2 Heart Failure " 6 " Mrs Emma C. VILLARET 31 66 2 intrestinal Georgia obstruction " 21 " infant of R. V LARET 91 3 Premature Birth Tex 23 " infant of Mr. & Mrs. 29 2 Premature Birth Charlie CAMP Tex " 27 °° Mary E. VILLARET 29 91 3 Peritanetic Mexico Tex Augst 1 infant of Dr. Thomas ERWIN 7 2 Still Born Tex 3 infant of Dr. Thomas 3 das 7 2 Premature Birth ERWIN Tex of 4 " Martha B. SMITH 22 yrs 76 3 Metrites S. Carolina 11 " M.innie E. TABOR 26 22 4 Dysentery Mississippi 13 " infant of N. B. COLE Tex 47 4 Still Born 23 William S. MINKERT 22 53 2 Congestion Tex 127 Bryan City Cemetery Book No. 5 Pages 16,17 DATE OF DEATH NAME AGE LOT BLOCK REMARKS Month Day Year Page 16 (Contd) Augst 23 1891 Mrs. Sarah E. HILL 71 yrs 38 2 Angina Pectonis Maine '° 29 " Robert GRACE Sr. 82 51 3 Old Age Ireland Sept 4 " infant of J. B. MIKE Tex Hebrue inclosure Still Born " 15 " Mrs. Jane CALLEN N.G. 56 55 3 Erysipelas in vault 19 " Raher Erneste HOLMAN 7 814 3 Drowned Tex " 21 " Mary Reta WLLLARET Tex 1 66 NE 4 2 Consumption of Bowels " 28 " Nancy Jane STILLWELL 50 15'4 4 Apoplxy Georgia Oct 8 " George W. DIKE N.Y. 22 91 3 Stabed to Death " 9 " Robert GRACE Jr. 45 51 3 Dysentery Ireland " 25 " Marie Lillie FOUNTAIN 4 mos 30 2 Ileo Colitis Tex Nov 6 °' F. C. ZANET`I'I Itly 58 yrs 25 2 Pneumonia " 7 Mss. Matilda PITMAN 77 87 3 Old Agee Itly " 11 Frieda WALLEY Tex 3 754. 3 Poisened Corssentrad 14 °' Mrs Verna Batte DENNIS 31 64 2 Typhoid fever Tex 22 May Calvin TILLEY 74 26 2 Capillary S. Carolina Bronchitis Dec 3 infant of P. HA 6 das 91 3 Convultions Tex 12 infant of Ms. & Mrs. Tex Hebrue inclosure Born Dead Jake SCHWARZ Tex Page 1 a January 2 1892 Nat COCHILS Itly 68 yrs 48 3 Pneumonia it 3 Burl McCLENDON 83 63 3 Old Age Alabama 128 Bryan City Cemetery Book No. 5 Page 17 DATE OF DEATH NAME AGE LOT BLOCK REMARKS Mmrith Day Year Page 17 (Contd) January 3 1892 J. B. ZDZURYAN Tex 33 yrs 71 3 LaGrippe It 3 ®' Lenoria PECK Tex 3 12 4 La grippe & Hooping Cough it 10 " Ira S. CAM' Tex 50 88 4 Lagrippe °° 10 " Rublo ANGELO Itly 22 48 .3 : Pneumonia of 20 " Mrs. Mary A. LENARD [No other information] 10 25 " Beto PALLASSETO Tex 3 mos 48 3 Congestion 27 °' R. W. LOVETT 74 3 2 Pneumonia Alabama Feb 3 " Miss Mary CROOK 44 65 %2 4 Lagrippie & - Alabama Pneumonia AI 6 1879 Mrs M. V. CROOK 65 4 Removed Removed Feb 4 1892 " 16 1892 infant of J. N. MUSTACHA Tex 80 4' Premature April 13 " Mrs. Mary L. PITTS Alabama, 46 27 1 LaGrippa May 4 " Winnie May JAMES Tex 1 43� 4 Cholera infantun of 30 " - .Willie S. CUNNINGHAM 6 Wks 77 3 Gallic Tex — June 5 " Braggio COSIO Itly 38 yrs 40 3 Cathar of Stunache to 11 " Carlo RIZZOTTO Tex 10 mos 48 .3 Teething 14 °' Miss Mildred S. PORTER 18 yrs 902 3 Perforated Bowels Georgia °® 25 '° Mss. Julia E. DEVENPORT 47 20 1 Heart Failure Georgia July 9 Mrs Minie E. CHANCE 25 89 3 Cramp Colic " 10 " Mrs. Minnie 0. PAUL 22 77 4 Malarial Fever Canado of 16 " infant of Otto BRAATZ Tex 3P 1 Premature Birth " 25 " Mary S. WHITE Tex 21 yrs 10 4 Dysentery 31 " Lucy BEARD Alabama 80 88 3 Old Age Angst 10 °° Homer R. SMITH 33 874 3 Heart Failure Illinois '° 24 " infant of Walter DOWNARD Tex 12 4 Still Born Bryan City Cemetery Book No. 5 129 Pages 17,18 DATE OF DEATH NAME AGE LOT BLOCK REMARKS Month Day Year Page 17 (Coned)_ Augst 25 1892 A. OSWALD Europe 70 yrs 69 2 Old Age Sept 11 " Joseph KNAPER 53 8 7 SE 4 3 -Empulaus Diaroehera Germany It 1 3 " A.E. TAYLOR S.Carolina, 67 68 NE 4 2 Dysentery to 24 " Sidney WHITE Tex 5 5 3 Burned By Accident 25 " A..W. MATHIS it 53 go 3 Consumption 30 " infant of J. N. W=ON 1 mo 86 4 Acute chalera, Tex infantum 3 " infant of Dr. H. L. 9 das 59 3 Premature Birth FOUNTAIN Tex Nov 6 " Wilmen PAGE Alabama 21 yrs 60 N 2 2 Suicide By Shooting of 8 " Miss Mary C. FOUNTAIN 29 3 2 Elelampsis Puerpal Mississippi of 17 " Daniel E. BATTE 51 19 2 Cholera Direah Nov 13 1891 Mrs. Verua, Batte DENNIS Plat No I Lot 1 Place for strangers Page 18 Novb 23 1892 Mrs. Errm BAECHME Tex 28 78 3 Acute Dirreah It 29 " J. J. BERRYMAN 72 37 5 ' 1 Pneumonia Virginia Dec 1 " infant of James BOYTTE Tex 57 3 Still Born it 1 " Mrs. H. C. PHILPOTT 48 yrs S1 72 4 Phthesic Pulmonis Kentucky it 2 " Mrs. M. S. WARD 49 62 4 Cancer Georgia 19 7 " Mrs. Catharena, SIKOSKI 50 110E1 3 Consumption Poland it 10 " A. Y. SMITH New York 62 El 60 3 Kiled By Fall to 11 " Mrs. Isabel ARMSTRONG 28 70 1 2 4 Child Birth & infant Daudhter Tex if 11 " Maggie J. COOPER 33 72 3 Phthisic N. Carolina Pulinonilae It 22 " Selan DEMRETT Tex 2 mos S1 90 3 Sub Maxillary Inflamten 28 Lewis SHELBURNE Tex 2 3 wks 88W- 4 Pneumonia ilLrel Bryan City Cemetery Book No. 5 Page 18. DATE OF DEATH NAME AGE LOT BLOCK REMARKS Mmth Day Year Page 18 (Contd) January 16 1893 Annie LULKOSKI Tex 2 mos 114 3 Dropsy of Brain ° " 17 '° George T. HASWELL 56 Errs 59 1 Chronic Manic Penyslvany of 22 "' Charles F. KERNOLE 23 71 4 Pulmonary Tex Tuberculosis it 29 °° Frankie W. SCHM.ANN 2 mos 102 3 Ilacotitis Tex to 30 " Mrs. A. A. HARDENBURG 45 80 4 Consumption Penyslvania Feb 25 " Mrs. Mary S. WILSON 28 101 3 Continued Fever M.issouria March 26 °' Mrs. C. A. HAROSS 38 54N2 1 M.iscariage & Tex Hemorage April 4 °° Johnie CORONA Tex 2 mos 48NW 3 Lagrippe It 16 '° Mrs. Seletha ERWIN 67 yrs 7 2 1 �'� pPe Tennisie of 17 Branchis PATRANELLA 3 mos 48 3 Spider Bite Tex 0° 21 " Ai9R- 9a.3Fe]!na -EA9E May 2 " J. C. HALL Moved from Belton Tex 1 7 to 5 °' Florin FOUNTAIN Tex 13 mos Pla 3 infantile Dysentery we 19 °" infant of Mr. & Mrs. 2 das 2 65*Convultions Joseph LOC Tex June 4 ®° Thomas Smelon COOPER 6 mos 3 72*Teething Tex 4 " Dr. W. B. TABOR 35 yrs 3 100 °Kiled By Pistol Shot M.ississi.pple " 8 11 J. H. WATTS Alabama 46 °° 4 70 of 26 " Mrs Bell CARLETON 37 yrs 2 54 Chronick Dysentery 11 27 " John F. C ALLEN 33 55 3 Nervious Prostration M.illican Tex in Vault NO. 2 July 3 " NW Inft of Mr. & Mr Still Born 994 3 Still Born Chas. JENKINS 5 " Mr. A. L. LAWERNCE 38 yrs 79 SE 3 Consumption Bryan Tex Recorder seems to have reversed the 'Lot' and 'Block' columns. Page 19 131 Bryan City Cemetery Book No. 5 July Pages 18,19 DATE OF DEATH NADE AGE LOT BLOCK REMARKS Month Day Year July 8 " I Page 18 (Contd) 48 -3 Convulsions - July 10 1893 Cologue FASULLA 3 yrs 80 4 Putrid Sore Throat Houston Tex Sept 7 " " 15 F. M. JOWERS Georgia 50 yrs *994 3 Carcrnoma 20 Mss. Lily H. WHITLOCK 27 yrs 38 2 Puerperd Comulsions Bryan Tex it 9 " 22 Inft Da Ms & Mrs R. S. Still 3 3 Still Born WILSON Bryan Tex Born Georgia Page 19 July 30 1893 J- C. RINGER Ohio 33 yrs 57 4 Dysentry July 8 " Angelo DOLCIMOSCO 4 mo 48 -3 Convulsions Bryan Tex Sept 7 " Mrs. M. E. ECHOLS 59 yrs 25 3 'Congestion Georgia it 9 " Capt T. L. LOUGHRIDGE 89 48 4 Old age Georgia " 14 Fred BERNARD 17 1144 3 Peritonitis Russia Poland Nov 25 " Willie EDDLEMAN 78 21 1 General Debility Georgia 28 " Joseph WITTMAN 67 yrs 106 3 Dropsy of the heart Europe Dec 14 " Little Chas. LOCK Tex 3 65 2 Burn 15 " Mrs. E. WICKER 64 yrs 61 SE C 2 Paralysis Kentucky 17 Little Cliff HARRIS 18 mo 22 2 Phneumonia Tex 20 Madeline Olive MISTRO 3 mo 107 3 Phneumonia Tex j Jan 3 1894 Geo W. ROGERS 38 yrs 33 NW C 1 Abcess of Liver Alabama Feb 8 " Mrs. Matilda THRESHER 71 yrs 9 1 Phneumoniaa Kentucky 18 " Mss® M. A. ROLLS 73 73 4 La Grippe S. Carolina 24 Inf.da. Mr. & Mrs. Still 29E2 2 Still Born A. G. BOARD Born Page 19 (Contd) Feb 28 1894 Mrrs. Beatrice Grden TERM 34 yrs 9 2 Typhus Malaria Tex Mar 1 " Mrs. C. STUBEURAUCH 74 25N2 1 Pneumonia Prussia 3 " Mrs. M. S. BROACH 75 '° 66 4 Paralysis Virginia April 1 1894 Frank TUCKER Texas 21 yrs 58 4 Phthsis Pulmonlis " - 2 " Mrs. Lucy J. BOUC 55 yrs 22N2 - 2 Paralysis Miss. it 12 " Mrs. Lucy WARE 93 7 3 old Age Carilona'(sic) May 13 " Mrs. F. A. MITCHELL 84 °° 91 4 Congestion Virgina June 18 " Mabel Alice DUNN 1 yr 55 3 Pneeumonia Texas (In Vault No. 1) July 21 " Mrs. S. L. WILSON 41 yrs 34 1 Consunption Georgia. July 20 " Nis. N. A. W= 60 " 81 4 Tuphlitis Scottland 22 '° Pars. Mary A. BAILY 62 10 4 Epileps Texas Aug 6 " William back SANDERS 23 " 69 3 Typhoid Dysentry Tex °° 11 " Wm. Edger ASTIN Texas 5 mo 44 2 Spinal Yinigitis 14 Philip PRENZEL 53 yrs 105 3 Congestion Germany 23 °° Wm H. ELLIOTT 37 yrs 93 4 Cut by cotton gin S Carolina 29 Jno. E. KING Texas 18 yrs 69 2 Malaria fever " 30 Little Harry DIL 3 " 34 2 Membranous Croup Sept 8 " Little John W. Ai Ns 1 yr 9 N 4 Congestion of Brain Texas °' 10 " Sidney Edith FRANKLIN 2 yrs 82 3 Congestion Texas °° 14 " Little Nadaline FRANKLIN 11 mo 82 3 Cholra Inf'antum Tex. 133 Bryan City Cemetery Book No. 5 Pages 19,20 DATE OF DEATH NAND AGE LOT BLOCK REMARKS Month Day Year Page 19 (Contd) ® Sept 18 1894 Dr. H. R. CANFIELD 58 yrs 67 SE 4 Heart Dease Miss. May 15 1894 Mss. S allie MYERS 38 91 4 Congestion June 7 Mrs. Thomas C. , MILLER 34 " 69 3 Tuberculosis Page 20 Sept 20 1894 Mr. J. F. WILLFORD 58 yrs 93 4 Dysentry N. Carolina " 22 " Lucy DIPOMA Texas 4 of 44 3 Congestion of Bowels " 28 " Mrs. Margret C. HURT 25 yrs 46 4 Consumption Texas " 30 " Mr. H. P. HORTON Miss. 30 yrs 86 4 Pub Hemonhage " 30 " Little Margret RHODES 10 mo 81 4 Congestion Tex Oct 6 " Sadie Bernice BLAKERY 5 yrs 100 3 Deptheric Ind. T. Paralysis y 19 " Simon HORETZKI Texas 36 " Hebrew Consumption Inclosion " 30 " Mrs. Lucy WOOTEN 30 " 20W 3 Consumption Georgia Bowels Nov 7 " Son of Yx. & Mrs. Premature 77 3 Premature Birth W. CUMINGHAN Tex of 7 " Nesta TULKOSKI Texas 6 mo 1144 3 Spinal Affection if 8 " Mrs. Fa CUNINGHAN 21 yrs 77SE4 3 Peurperal Tex. 11 12 W. H. MOORING 73 yrs 87 3 Pleurisy Virginia it 20 Mss. Lucia SINATRA 50 " 44 4 3 Malaria fever Europe Dec 2 Inft. Mr. & Mrs. FOETU 2 mo 114 3 Phneumonia, ° Texas 3 Geo. TERRATA Italy 38 yrs 44 3 Abscess of Brain ° 6 Johmie B. ZDa ERMAN 2 yrs 71 3 Membranous Croup " 9 Inft. Mr. & Mrs. R. S. Born 3 3 Born dead WILSON Tex dead 134 #24 BUCKNER, NIX Seeking parents and other family info. for Levi Stevens NIX, born Georgia (Missouri ?) July 1862, died Denton Co., TX august 1946, and wife Sarah Forest BUCKNER, born Caldwell Co., Kentucky June 1867, died Denton Co., TX December 1940. First child born Missouri, 1886. #25 DUNN, WILSON Seeking parents and other family info. for William Thomas DUNN, born Cooper Co., Missouri 1848, died Foard Co., TX 1942, wife Icyphene WILSON, born Morgan Co., Missouri 1852, died Foard Co., TX 1894; married Missouri 14 Feb 1869. DUNN`s mother and brother Frank amd family probably settled in Kansas. Above two items from Sharron Currie, 700 East 32nd street, Bryan, TX 77803. #26 BRIDGES, GRIFFIN, McCRARY Seeking parents of Rachel Adaline GRIFFIN, Pototoc Co., Mississippi 1856; married Union Co., Mississippi 1872 John A. C. BRIDGES, died Hale Co., TX 1915. Unable to locate family on any Mississippi Census for 1860 or 1870. Death certificate shows name of father blank, birthplace Tennes- see. Name of mother, McCRARY, birthplace Tennessee. No success with the McCRARY name, either. Maybe related to brother -in -law Andrew L. GRIFFIN, born Mississippi, living in Throckmorton Co., Tennessee in 1910. #27 HICKS Seeking parents of Jesse HICKS, born North Carolina 1811, married Wake Co., NC 1830 Mary Ann BLAKE. Migrated to Brazos Co. by way of Ten- nessee, Marshall County, Mississippi, Cass Co., TX. Was he the son of Jesse HICKS, Sr. of Wake Co., NC, who was the son of Moses HICKS of Wake County? #28 JONES Seeking parents of William S. JONES, born Charleston, South Carolina 1799. Married Union District SC 1824 Elizabeth DAVIS. Oldest son Amos Davis JONES, born Union Co., SC 1826. Migrated 1828 to Pickens Co., Ala- bama where second son and a daughter were born. Died in Pickens Co., Al- abama 1854. Above three items from Ruth J. Hary, 2303 Kent Street, Bryan, TX 77802. YOU CAN SEE THAT WE REAL -L_Y DO NEED MORE QUERIES! NO ONt - THAT , YOUR ED HAS USED UP E'9,.'ERY LAST ITEM OF SPARE NEWSWORTHY 1` ATERIAL- HE HAD IN RESERVE AND KNOWS FHBGTH I NAG MORE TO SAY IN 1989! WHAT SHALL HE DSOI? BRITISH INFORNIATION SERVICES September 1983 GENEALOGICAL RE RL 213 British Information Services cannot undertake genealogical research nor can government offices in the United Kingdom. Organizations which can help are listed below. Births,_ Deaths_ and - Marriages Certificates of births, deaths and marriages in England and Wale since J uly 1 1837 (including some which took place outside of the United Kingdom involving members of the Armed Services and certain other categories) can be obtained from the. - General Register Office Cost of one certificate St. Catherines House applied for by mail is 49.82 10 Kingsway which includes airmail reply. London WC2B 6JP, England Certificates of births, deaths and marriages in Sc since 1855 can be obtained from the:- Reg istrar General Cost of one certificate New Register House applied for by mail is 44.84 Edinburgh EH1 3YT, Scotland which includes airmail reply. Certificates of births, deaths and marriages in North ern Ireland sin ce 1922 can be obtained from the: - Reg istrar G Cost of one certificate Oxford House, Chichester Street applied for by mail is 43.98 Belfast BT1 4HL which includes airmail reply. Northern Ireland * (Pre -1922 records are kept at the General Register Office, Custom House, Dublin, Republic of Ireland). Pay s ho ul d be m ade b y ster m order us u a lly obtainable from _ the _ foreign - exchange_department_ of - a - large — bank. Searches are not undertaken without full particulars and are --------------------------- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- restricted to a period - not _exceeding - five - years. / 2. 845 Third Avenue, New lo�rk, NA, 10022, Telephone: ( 21 ? ) 752-8400 This material is prepared, edited, issued or circulated by British Information Services, 845 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022, which is registered under the foreign Agents Registration Act as an agent of the British Government. This material is filed with the Department of Justice where the required registration statement is available for public inspection. Registration does not indicate approval of the contents of this material by the United States Government. IM 2. Divorce Decrees and Wills Copies should be obtained from the appropriate office listed below:- Divorce Decrees i) Chief Clerk, Divorce Registry Room G45, Somerset House Strand, London WC2B UP England (for England and Wales Extractor of the Court of Session Parliament House, Parliament Square Edinburgh EH1 1RQ Scotland Chief Re gistrar, High Court of Ju stice in Northern Ireland Principal Registry Royal Courts of Justice, Chichester Street Belfast BT1 3JF Northern Ireland Wills ii) Principal Probate Registry of Scottish Record Office the Family Division HM General Register House Somerset House, Strand Edinburgh EH1 3X% London WC2B UP Scotland England ( for England and Wales * Principal Probate Registry Royal Courts of Justice, Chichester Street Belfast BT1 3JF Northern Ireland * where the records are held for 20 years only then transferred to the Public Record Office in Belfast (see 4. below) RE 4. Armed Forces Records of service in the Armed Forces before the First World War are kept in the Public Record Office in England see 4. below). Other Public Records Copies of legal documents, many old parish registers, deeds, old wills and Death Duty registers, non - conformist registers, property and succession records, census returns, taxation records, some passenger lists, etc., should be sought through the offices listed below. Some classes, notably the census returns, are available on micro -film only. These offices will answer specific.enquiries but will not undertake research For this the services of a paid record searcher are required: a list of reputable searchers can be supplied by the office concerned - give details of the type of research to be done and the likely historical period of the records to be investigated. ® Public ... Mi Public Record Office Ruskin Avenue Kew Richmond Surrey TW9 4DU England (for England and Wales Scottish Record Office HM General Register House Edinburgh Ex_1 3YY Scotland Public Record Office 5. 66 Balmoral Avenue Belfast BT9 6NY Northern Ireland Genealogical Researchers No government offices in the United Kingdom can undertake genealogical research. Enquirers should apply to the appro- priate Record Office listed under 4. above for a list of reputable record searchers or contact one of the organizations Listed below. Send (two) International Reply Coupons, obtainable from a U.S. Post Office - not U.S. postage stamps - to obtain a reply. With the exception of rare and researchers need the name of t the district he came from, and order to know where to start. should contact a local library genealogical and /or historical about tracing a U.S. line back United States. sometimes localized names, he first ancestor to leave Britain, his occupation, if known, in To obtain these details enquirers for the name and address of a U.S. society which can offer advice to the first arrival in the Genealogical research is painstaking and tedious and tracing one male or female line can take up to a year or more. We do not know the fees. i) The Society of Genealogists 37 Harrington Gardens, London SW7 4JX, England. Established in 1911 for the study, science and knowledge of genealogy and topography, this Society will undertake research on payment of a fee depending on the length of research. The Library includes a national index of parish registers. Enquirers may become members of the Society. ii) The Scots Ancestry Research Society 20 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EP, Scotland. This Society was established in 1945 to assist persons of Scottish ancestry to trace genealogical records on payment of a fee depending on the length of research. iii) Irish Roots c/o The Chaloner Club, 61 Pont Street, London SW1X OBD, England. Established in 1936 for research into Irish genealogy. /iv) ... iv) Ulster Historical Foundation 66 Balmoral Avenue, Belfast BT9 6NY, Northern Ireland. A non - profit organization, established in 1957. An initial fee is charged plus a further fee to cover the cost of research. v) The College of Arms Queen Victoria Street, London EC4 4BT, England. The official registry for Armorial Bearings and Pedigrees for the United Kingdom (except Scotland) and the Commonwealth. vi) Court of the Lord Lyon HM New Register House, Edinburgh EH1 3YT, Scotland. Official registry for Armorial Bearings and Pedigrees for Scotland. vii) Debrett's Ancestry Research Gordon Road, Winchester, Hants S023 7DD, England. A commercial genealogy firm. A free 12 -page leaflet is supplied on request, after which fees are charged tocover the cost of research required. Welsh Genealogy The high incidence of common surnames and the use of patro- nymics make Welsh genealogy difficult. Help may be obtained from the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, 115 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7AE, England. Births, marriages and deaths from 1537 are registered in the General Register Office at St. Catherine's House, London, see 1. above. L1 fr ell Genedlaithol Cymru (The National Library of Wales), Aberystwyth SY23 3BU, Wales has a number of parish and non - parochial registers and transcripts, wills, tithe records and personal and estate papers. Please note that the three chief groups of records relevant to Welsh genealogy in the Public Record Office, see 4. above, are the census returns, non - conformist registers and wills. 6. Coats of Arms /Crests There are no British "family crests." A crest is part of a Coat of Arms and there is no Coat of Arms for a surname in general. Despite the commercial practice of selling reproduc- tions of Coats of Arms alleged to belong to a family name, the Law of Arms is that correct and lawful entitlement to a Coat of Arms is acquired by grant from the proper authority or by direct inheritance (normally in the direct male line) from the person to whom the Arms were originally granted. 7. County Record Offices and Other Places of Deposit The publication Record Repositories in Great Britain 1952 (HMSO: London) gives addresses and phone numbers. It can be purchased through HMSO's North American agents, Kraus- Thomson Organization, Route 100, Millwood, New York 10546 (914) 762 -2200. 139 Er a ALEXANDER SCHOOLS Ola Maye Henry (This is a continuation of the ALEXANDER CHURCH FOUNDING) (article by the same author, which was concluded on page) (106 of #3, this same Volume IX of the "ADVERTISER'.) According to the oldest citizens, there were several small school buil- dings on the Church property, at different times between 1850 and 1900. The one that most remember best stood at the bottom of the hill near the bridge. Judge BOARD taught there for two years, also served as reporter to the E .7gle for the community. An article published in it stated that the people of Alexander were afraid of education, because they put everything else first! Early pupils in this school were: Ella Holden BLANTON, Carrie HOLDEN, Mattie and Ridge THOMPSON, Daisy RAINEY, Mary LEATHERS, Barbara and Effie FULLERTON, Emma PURCELL, Mandy PARKER, Stella COVINGTON, Horace and Willie BOYETT, Will and Jack STALLING. Other teachers during these years were: Miss Elvira JACKSON, Miss Let - tie BOGGS, Captain J. A. HESTER, J. W. BANDY, Minnie Brogdon BROACH, E. C. ROLLINS. Between 1900 and 1925 teachers were: J. R. COBB, Bessie STALLINGS, Willie BOYETT, A. S. McSWAIN, Mina GRAHAM, Emma MONTGOMERY, Myrtle McCOL- LOUGH, Bessie RISINGER, Maude RISINGER, S_ BENBOW, Evie Gilpin HEARNE, Ola Maye HENRY, Willie FULLER. Ma s British Information Services do not supply maps. Check your local yellow pages for map dealers in your area or contact one of the agencies listed below from which such items can be purchased:- Books Abroad Inc., 25 University Avenue SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 Tel: (612) 378 -0961 Ordnance Survey maps of Britain, road and city maps. Rand - McNally Map Store 10 East 53rd Street New York, NY 10022 Tel: (212) 751 -6300 Travel Atlases and road"'and city maps only. Travel information is available from the British Tourist Authority, 40 West 57th Street (3rd Floor), New York, N.Y. 10019. Tel: (212) 581 -4700. BTA maintains a free advisory service for visitors to Britain but does not make bookings. m . A later class of students had their photographs taken, boys and girls separate, and the listings below are taken from those two photos. It wasn possible to identify all of the boys, GIRLS Top row: Katie HENRY, 011ie DIAN, _____(teacher), Lillian ELLIOTT, Lula BALL. 2nd row: Mae WALKER, Mattie JOSEY, Zonnie SEALE, Minnie McCALLUM, Fannie WALKER, Pearl WALKER. 3rd row: Lina JOSEY, Vivian SEALE, Vera BALL, Midamie BALL, Gladys BROACH, Laura BROACH, Abbie ELLIOTT, Minnie WILSON, Beanie WILSON, Verna WILSON. BOYS Top row: Charles BALL, Henry STALLINGS, , Arch STALLINGS, Chilton BOYETT, 2nd row: Albert McCALLUM, Paul MARTIN, 3rd row: J. L. COBB, ,Selvin BROACH. 4th row: Ross DEAN, Will WALKER, John WALKER. 5th row: WOODYARD, 6th row: Howard BROACH, WOODYARD. LETTERS FROM CHILDREN .... (cont ®d) Royder, Annie Maude, Wellborn, HP, 20 December 1908, no page, col. 4 Royder, Fannie, Wellborn, TFAR, 24 August 1895, page 16 Sanders, Charlotte, Stone City,l HP, 25 October 1908, no page, cot. 6 Schill, Willie, Bryan, HP, 7 February 1909, no page, cols. 3 -4 Schill, Willie, Bryan, HP, 25 April 1909, no page, cols. 5 -6 Sims, Kitsey, Bryan, TFAR, 10 October 1896, page 16 Sims, Mamie, Bryan, TFAR, 10 October 1896, page 16 Sims, M. W. (adult), Bryan, TFAR, 27 April 1895, page 12, col. 2 "Sly Jim ", College Station, HP, 25 May 1902, page 35 Smoot, 011ie, College Station, HP, 23 November 1902, page 35 Stallings, Bessie, Tabor, HP, 27 April 1902, page 33 Steele, Lela, Millican, HP, 6 April 1902, page 33 Stuart, Stella, Bryan, HP, 29 March 1903, page 39 Tabor, Nellie, Bryan, GDN, 9 August 1896, page 14, col. 5 Tabor, Nellie, Bryan, HP, 3 July 1898, page 20 Tabor, Nellie Gray, Bryan, GDN, 31 May 1896, page 18, col. 5 Taylor, Joney J., Bryan, HP, 1 March 1903, page 39, col. 2 Trant, Maude, Bryan, GDN, 26 September 1897, page 16, cols. 6 -7 Ward, Edna, Millican, HP, 20 March 1904, no page. col. 2 Wiley, Ray, Tabor, HP, 6 March 1904, no page, col. 3 Williams. Matilda, Stone City, HP, 18 October 1908. no page, col. 5 Worthington, Nellie. Stone City, HP, 5 July 1903. page 39, col. 3 Worthington, Nellie. Stone City, HP, 9 August 1903, page 35, cols° 5 -6 Worthington, Nellie, Stone City, HP, 20 September 1903, pace 42, col. 5 Worthington, Nellie. Stone City, HP, 13 December 1903, page 43, col. 4 Worthington, Nellie, Stone City, HP, 28 February 1904, no page, col. 4 Zimmerman, Emma, Tabor, HP, 2 March 1902, page 31, col. 2 141 BRAZOS COUNTY Texas 1870 Page No® 147 Post Office: Bryan 6 Sep 1870 Printed #74 O C�CS U O M O • �a C N Ri 1212 1212 BROWN, Wm 33 M W Farmer La Aron 25 MW Mare 20 F W K House " Frank 1 M W Tex 13 13 BULLOCK, Tom 30 M W Farmer La Ellen 33 F W K house " Ames 9 M W Wm 7 M W as Florence 2 F W " WHITTINGTON, Lenora 9 F W " Commodore 7 F W 14 14 CHAMBLESS, Jno 38 M W Farming La Mary 32 F W K house " Jane 12 F W at home Tex Mollie 10 F W " " to Ann 8 F W " Eliza 5 F W 'e John 1 M W 15 15 PETER, Charles 43 M W Farmer 2000 500 Mass Eveline 43 F W K house it Joseph 21 M W Laborer La Isaac 19 M W " is Leander 17 F W at home go Ani.as 15 F W at School as Louisa 13 F W it Sarah 9 F W " Ann 7 F W James 5 M W " Jessie 3 F W Julia 1 F W 16 16 BUCHANNON, W. 55 M W Farmer 500 200 Ala Jane 53 F W K house Fla John 17 M W Laborer La Green 14 M W " " Amos 12 M W of Al bert 9 M W ea 17 17 SD MONS , Ben 42 M W Farmer 500 200 Mare 34 F W K house Wm 12 MW Thomas 10 M W " 142 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Page Noe 148 Post Office: Bryan 6 Sep 1870 Printed #74A O ® w 09 P �a rnU o a Pq in 1217 1217 BUCHANON, Mary 9 F W La Jones 8 M W is John 4 M W 18 Ella 3 F W of 18 18 °' Saml 30 M W Farmer 500 100 °' Martha 28 F W K house " Laura. 9 F W ®® Samuel 7 M W Lena 1 F W 19 19 " Aden 26 M W Farmer 500 100 Arms 20 F W K house . " Florence 9/12 F W Nov Tex 1220 1220 FORD. Owen 33 M W Fanner 500 200 Mo Nancy 22 F W K House Ia Joseph 10/12 M W Oct Tex 21 21 BXHANON, Dinah 33 F B Farming La Dennis 17 M B Laborer Oscar 15 M B Harriett 13 F B Lewis 11 M B ►° °® Matilda 8 F B at home Bella 7 F M '® 22 22 DIZZRANT, James 34 M W Farmer 1000 200 Ill Sallie 26 F W Housekeeper 1° John 6 M W Tex " Thomas 4 M W MALONE, Martha 2 F W DIZZRANT, Sarah 26 F W '° " Ill GALE, Heny 30 M W Laborer Hanover 23 23 HANY, Thomas 22 M W Farmer La, Ada 20 F W K house of Ada Jr 4/12 F W Mar Tex 24 24 BULLOCK, Saml 50 M W Farmer Miss .Jacob 16 M W Laborer La Nathan 14 M W at School OR X John 11 M W °' of °' X Sibley 10 F W ®' �° ®s X 25 25 COLLIER, Eliza 50 F W K house Ga Mary 23 F W at home it John JOHNSON 1 M W Tex 143 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Page No. 149 Post Office: Bryan 7 Sep 1870 �.-P 4-4 r-4 a ° W ° � w a, ri ri T W � O �� a) U) Pq Ga X X 1 11 .n /1 " 1 X Tex X S. Ala 00 500 Te X Is 3000 200 Ala Ireland Miss Tex La AA of AA Tex A 200 100 Ga AA A/ AA Ae Tex La N.C. Ga Tex AA AA AA AA La AA AA n Printed #75 o' ri U hn Q U] U O W 21 M W Farmer 19 M W Laborer 17 MW " w 13 M W AI It 1225 1225 COLLIER, Efford 18 M W Farmer Robt 14 M W at School 1 7 MW AA I' West 26 M W Farmer Isaac 40 M W Laborer 19 F B Domestic John 7/12 M B Nov 40 M B Farmer Eliza 29 F B K house 14 F B at home Edward 10 F B AA AA 26 26 DANZBY, Dan 1MB 37 M W Farmer Lucindee 25 F W K house 11 F W at home Noah 5FW 3FW BROWN, Wm 6/12 F W Jan 24 M W Laborer DANSBY, Durant 48 M B Farmer 27 27 ROBINSON, Thomas 5FB 3/12 F B CARTER, Bella 9MB 7FB EASTER, John 12 MB 28 28 LOVETT, Aaron 30 F B K house 17 F B at home Dora 16 MB 34 M W Farmer Laura Alabama Carey Jim 29 29 DAVID, Carnick Laura Mary J. A n ,., n n a ,� Sarah Nannie McCENLY, John 1230 1230 TURNER, Gabriel Martha Susan Dinah Jo Jennie BEATTIE, Bob _ 31 31 FOWLER, Jack Ann Frances Tom 32 32 NEEDHAM, Gordon �.-P 4-4 r-4 a ° W ° � w a, ri ri T W � O �� a) U) Pq Ga X X 1 11 .n /1 " 1 X Tex X S. Ala 00 500 Te X Is 3000 200 Ala Ireland Miss Tex La AA of AA Tex A 200 100 Ga AA A/ AA Ae Tex La N.C. Ga Tex AA AA AA AA La AA AA n Printed #75 o' ri U Q U] U O W 21 M W Farmer 19 M W Laborer 17 MW " 15 M W at School 13 M W AI It 11 MW 9 MW AA ev 18 M W Farmer 50 F W K house 14 M W at School 1 7 MW AA I' 26 M W Farmer 40 M W Laborer 19 F B Domestic servant 7/12 M B Nov 40 M B Farmer 29 F B K house 14 F B at home 10 F B AA AA 5FB 1MB 37 M W Farmer 25 F W K house 11 F W at home 5FW 3FW 6/12 F W Jan 24 M W Laborer 48 M B Farmer 37 F B K house 5FB 3/12 F B Mar 9MB 7FB 12 MB 35 M B Farmer 30 F B K house 17 F B at home 16 MB 34 M W Farmer �.-P 4-4 r-4 a ° W ° � w a, ri ri T W � O �� a) U) Pq Ga X X 1 11 .n /1 " 1 X Tex X S. Ala 00 500 Te X Is 3000 200 Ala Ireland Miss Tex La AA of AA Tex A 200 100 Ga AA A/ AA Ae Tex La N.C. Ga Tex AA AA AA AA La AA AA n Printed #75 Ireland Miss Tex La AA of AA Tex A 200 100 Ga AA A/ AA Ae Tex La N.C. Ga Tex AA AA AA AA La AA AA n 144 BRAZOS CoLinty Texas 1870 Page No. 150 Post Office: Bryan 7 Sep 1870 Printed #75A o � 4- v O ' a) Q) >i rl U } $ r-1 r-I Cd �--] 022 c � CC9 P -F� P O 1C. v20 o � �� 044 P co 1232 1232 NEEHAM, Pauline 45 F W K House Tenn Eliza 24 F W at home Tex Zilph1a 22 F W AA n AA Laura 21 F W ve AA n Geo Gordon 13 M W AA AA AA I 5 F W Av 33 33 MARTIN, Robt 62 M W Sailor Va Eliza 66 F W K house " Tenn. 33 F W at home Ala Albert S® 30 M W Farmer Tex NE= Alf 42 M W Ky Jane 37 F W K House Tex Lula 16 F W at home Av X Chas 10 M W AA AA AA X Fannie 7 F W 34 34 JOHNSON, Bob 51 M W Farming 5000 200 Miss Josephine 42 F W K house Tex. Eliza 16 F W at home of Oscar 8 M W is Honey 4 M W to Tobe 12 M W AA AA AA 35 35 ADS, Jack 37 M W Farmer Va Ellen 22 F W at home Tex Rose 3 F W It 36 36 JOHNSON, Charkey 50 F B Domestic Servant /Deaf & Dmb Va . Damey 23 F B AA AA Tex Jane 13 F B Tex Ann 11 F B AA AA AA Bill 1 M B AA Jack 1 M B AA Dick 1 M B °® 37 37 MONTGOMERY, Sam' 31 M W Farmer 2000 -® Tenn Alice 20 F W K House AA Mary 8/12 F W Dec Tex THOMPSON, Wm 21 M W Laborer Ala P S, Aran 30 F W Cook La Dave 7 M W Tex Reilly 5 M W AA Kate 1 F W " 145 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Page No. 151 Post Office: Bryan 8 Sep 1870 Printed X76 0 a� 0 ¢ w0 56 M B Farmer 52 F B K House 6FM 40 M B Farmer 35 F B K house 12 M B at home 10 F B 8FB 3FB 55 M B Farmer 45 F B K house 22 M B Laborer 20 M B " 18 M B 90 9FB 7MB 5MB 2FB 1MB 25 M B Laborer 20 F B K house 2MB 35 M B Laborer 24 F B K house 3FB 2MB 36 M W Farmer 56 F W 30 F W K house 36 F W K house 14 M W at home 9FW 59 M W Land Agt Surveyor 42 F W K house 21 MW 13 F W 5MW 19 F W at home 28 M W Brick Maker 17 F W K House a� c Va N. C. Tex Miss if Tex �o r9 la of of 91 of of 91 I9 9. 9v Tex e9 Va Ala Tex 99 N. C. 00 99 La 90 Tex Tenn t9 Tex if 99 91 Miss Tex hn w 1238 1238 ROBISON, Edmon Kate ABEEN, Ruth 39 39 TURNER, Alex. Mary Jim Jane Maria Many 1240 1240 THORNTON, Toney Jane Rich Walker John Patsey Ben Beverly Mary Dick 41 41 THORNTON, John Roberts Wm 42 42 MAYE, Martine Matilda Ann Bill 43 43 EATON, John Eliza Susan 44 44 CLARK, Margt Sam Rose 45 45 MICHELE, Harvey Jane Jeff Fannie James JOHNSON, Jane 46 46 DEAN, Wm Susan 0 a� 0 ¢ w0 56 M B Farmer 52 F B K House 6FM 40 M B Farmer 35 F B K house 12 M B at home 10 F B 8FB 3FB 55 M B Farmer 45 F B K house 22 M B Laborer 20 M B " 18 M B 90 9FB 7MB 5MB 2FB 1MB 25 M B Laborer 20 F B K house 2MB 35 M B Laborer 24 F B K house 3FB 2MB 36 M W Farmer 56 F W 30 F W K house 36 F W K house 14 M W at home 9FW 59 M W Land Agt Surveyor 42 F W K house 21 MW 13 F W 5MW 19 F W at home 28 M W Brick Maker 17 F W K House a� c Va N. C. Tex Miss if Tex �o r9 la of of 91 of of 91 I9 9. 9v Tex e9 Va Ala Tex 99 N. C. 00 99 La 90 Tex Tenn t9 Tex if 99 91 Miss Tex I'- BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Page No. 152 Post Office: Bryan 8 1870 MITHELL, Acey 50 M B Domestic servant Printed ,76A 47 HENDERSON, Thomas 43 M W Farmer Susan 36 F W K house 4 Sophronia 14 F W at home Edna 13 F W e o e e e� Docia. 10 F W U H 8 M W � � W E O P 4 F W 48 Sa U N O o a� .� Laura. (1) X � WU ® ,c�-I r� ( �4 4-� P McFLOYD, Sarah �+ 49 49 WEBB, Holland Pa ��W f2P 1246 1246 DEAN, Leonidas 21 M W Printer Miss Hanover Va La. Ala La to Be Tex ae e® 1500 -- Va Tenn Tex ee ve Tenn Tex BI S. C. Ala Tex of of Va a® It Tex Va Tex N.J. 1000 200 Ohio Tex 86 c of BB el Mexico Ala Tenn MILLER, Gus 35 M W Sheepherder MITHELL, Acey 50 M B Domestic servant 47 47 HENDERSON, Thomas 43 M W Farmer Susan 36 F W K house Sophronia 14 F W at home Edna 13 F W e o e e Docia. 10 F W Oscar 8 M W Walter 5 M W Fannie 4 F W 48 48 STEWART, Joseph 44 M W Dentist Nancy 43 F W K house Laura. 1''l F W at home Joseph 16 M W ee ee McFLOYD, Sarah 17 F W 49 49 WEBB, Holland 23 M W Farmer Virginia 22 F W K house -.^ Wm 7/12 M W Dec 1250 1250 SANDERS, Thos 38 M W Farmer Margret 27 F W K house Capatola 7 F W Everett 2 M W MOSELY, Ise 11 M W 51 51 HICKMAN, David 29 M W Farmer HANDY, Wm 60 M W Lucy 55 F W K house Polk 27 M W Farming DIDLICK, Albert 30 M W Laborer HARDY, Dewitt 18 M B 52 52 FARROW, Geo 26 M W Farmer Anna 30 F W K House Charles 13 M W at home Ella 12 F W ee ee Anna 11 F W Dee 9 M W Geo 5/12 M W Jan GOSEE, Nick 46 M W Laborer STOOKS, Lucy 50 F B Cook 53 53 McKEE, John 53 M W Farmer Miss Hanover Va La. Ala La to Be Tex ae e® 1500 -- Va Tenn Tex ee ve Tenn Tex BI S. C. Ala Tex of of Va a® It Tex Va Tex N.J. 1000 200 Ohio Tex 86 c of BB el Mexico Ala Tenn 147 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Page No 153 Post Of'f'ice: Bryan 9 Sep 1870 Printed ,#77 bn O W O � O �+ r1 r-i O � O p N O U Cd � Cd N W �a <C W U O fZ 1:L, W W M 1253 1253 MCKEE, Amanda 53 F W K house Ala Green 10 M W at home Tex Mary 25 F B Cook Ala Susan 10 F M Tex John 8 M M it Lula 6 F B if Mary 3 F B of Wiley 12 M M of HANDY, Jerry 10 M M of 54 54 CURTIS, Robt 39 M W Physician 1000 200 Ala Elizabeth 28 F W K House Kate 5 F W It Minnie 1 F W Miss 55 55 BARROW, David 50 M W Farmer 500 100 K Julia 46 F W K House Va David 16 M W Laborer Ill X John 11 M W at home Tex 56 56 ATKINS, Rich 40 M W Farmer 600 200 Tenn Eliza 44 F W K House Ark Sarah 24 F W at home Wm 18 M W " '1 Tex George 14 M W if of to 57 57 CARSON, Nathan 56 M W Farmer 2000 200 N.C. Manda 45 F W Keeping House Ala Margt 19 F W at home Tex Melinda 16 F W " X Nathan 15 M W Laborer X Willie 13 -F W at home X Sarah Ill F W " X Thomas 8 M W Curtis 5 M W 58 58 Alfred 22 M W Farmer Ala Mare 16 F W K house la 59 59 McDONALD, Eli 27 M W Farmer Ala Martha 27 F W K house Miss Nettie 9 F W " James 5 M W Bettie 1 F W La, 1260 1260 ANDERSON, Alex 75 M W Lawyer & Physician 2000 500 Pa Angeline 42 F W K house Miss 1 s 11-RAZOS County Texas 1870 Censvj Page No® 154 Post Offices Bryan 9 Sep 1870 67 67 CONNOR, David Scharlotte Marg t Rebeccah oa w � o U U) U O td 23 F W No Occupation 1260 1260 DUCKWORTH, Forney 0 ANDERSON, Paschal 1261 1261 KILLC RES, Joshua Mary Fred Beulah �Aqw Susan M Gertrude La BELL, Sophronia Mark 62 62 DESKINS, Sam Mary E. It Wm K 63 63 BIRD, Thomas Ellen Wm . Jessie Lizzie 1MW 1r a ha Mar 1000 Paley 64 64 HANNEMAN, Albert Sarah Ruth 65 65 REED, Shadrach Narcissa Laura Sam Lucien Flournoy Clara 66 66 =HR.EY, Henry Mary John CONKLIN, Sarah June 67 67 CONNOR, David Scharlotte Marg t Rebeccah Printed #77 oa w N ® Cd U U) U O td 23 F W No Occupation 75 M B Domestic servant 35 M W Carpenter 0 31 F W Keeping house 10 MW 8FW 5FW 3FW �Aqw 50 F W M 25 M W Carpenter La 24 M W 11 37 F W K house 2MW 48 M W Wagoner It 24 F W K house 15 M W at school 1 3 M W 11 el 10 F W 6MW 5FW 1MW 36 M W Farming 1000 21 F W K house 1FW 44 M W Farmer 37 F W K house 16 F W at home 13 M W el 11 10 F W 6MW 3FW 39 M W Carpenter 35 F W K house 15 M W at home 55 F W 33 F W at h ®me 50 M W Farmer 44 F W K House 20 W at home 7 F ; 14 F W " Ae Printed #77 a a� 0 �Aqw Pq M La Tenn Ala It It AA IA AA Ga Ala Mo Ky Tex Tenn Tex 11 X to X ore ee AA AI 5 - Saxweiner Ala Tex La La Tex X of X of X IA AA Ga Va Miss X Va el Ala eA AI AA 149 ' LETTERS FROM CHILDREN IN BRAZOS COUNTY compiled by Bill Page Relatively few genealogists have extensive collections of family papers or letters to draw on in their research. Although a great deal of information can be gleaned from county and other official records, the lack of family papers presents many problems for the family historian. In most cases little can be done to remedy this situation, but there is one possible source that has been largely overlooked. During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries "children's columns" were a common feature in many large newspapers and state agricultural magazines. These columns are generally forgotten. As far as I can determine, no indexes have been prepared for them. The format of the columns seems to have been fairly uniform. They were generally edited by an "aunt" and "uncle" or a "grand- mother" and "grandfather,f and the children were usually referred to as "cousins." Children from across the state, and sometimes from out of the state, would send letters to the columns. Topics discussed varied, but emphasis was usually placed on moral and academic education. Some columns included short fiction or poetry, which was frequently written by the children. The contents of the letters vary. Some are very brief and of little interest. A few of the letters contain aenealogical information. The majority of the letters contain brief bio- graphical information, personal opinions, and added information about hobbies, pets, and educational experiences. In other words, the letters tend to be useful in writing family histories, but probably won't solve many problems with pedigrees. Two letters have been included as examples of what may be found. First sample letter: Dear Aunt Sallie and Cousins: As I have been a silent reader of the League for some time and found it so interesting, I have decided to write a few lines. This is my first attempt to write. I am a little Texas girl, fifteen years old. I live five miles from Wellborn. I have a pair of canary birds, they keep me company when I am lonesome. I like to go to school when it does not last too long. My teacher's name is Prof. Meriott. I like him very much, because he is so kind to us. Our school house is in a pretty place, in the edge of the woods. Well I will close, with best wishes for the League. Fannie Royder, Wellborn, Texas ( Texas Farm and Ranch 24 August 1895, page 16) Second sample letter: f Wellborn, Texas -- Dear Haphammer: I live in Brazos County near the banks of the Brazos River. The nearest town of any size is Bryan. The Agricultural and Mechanical College is just six miles from where I live. My father is a cattleman and we live on a ranch. I am 11 years old and have three brothers and two sisters. I am next to the oldest. Papa lets us milk the cows in the afternoon. One of the little calves is called Blossom and my little brother says that Blossom belongs to him. We have a little puppy and we named him Snyder. We play with him all the time, but my little brother is afraid of him; when the puppy tries to play brother runs in.-the house and won't go out until some of us go with him. My mother has been dead a lady and her daughter very much; they have be My papa takes the Daily reading the Happyhammer for a year and one month. Papa has keeping house for him; we like them =n with us for ten months. A Post and I take a great interest in letters. Paul H. Douglass, I have the songs you wish and will be glad to trade with you. A new ° "Hap ", Annie Bell Farquhar (Houston Post, 14 May 1899, page 27) All of the newspapers indexed can be found in the Microtext Department of the Texas A &M University Library. Codes are: DMN Dallas Morning News GDN Galveston Daily News HP Houston Post TFAR Texas Farm and Ranch List of Brazos County Letters Adams, Nonie, Bryan, GDN, 28 June 1896, page 14, col. 6 Barnhill, Olivia, Smetana, HP, 24 November 1901, page 33, col. 2 Beard, Jim Hogg, Bryan, HP, 6 March 1904, no page, col. 3 Biggs, Willie, Bryan, TFAR, 27 May 1893, page 13 Biggs, Willie, Bryan, TFAR, 9 June 1894, page 13 Britton, Edna, Tabor, HP, 3 April 1904, no page, col. 5 Caffrey, Valley H., Millican, HP, 7.June 1903, page 39, col. 2 Camp, Ira Maude, Bryan, HP, 17 February 1901, page 25, col. 3 Carr Charlie, Jr., Bryan, HP, 13 December 1908, no page, col. 3 Carson, Carrie, College Station, HP, 12 February 1899, page 25 Cartledge, Caerttle, Bryan, HP, 16 June 1901, page 29, col. 2 Clary, Johnny Higginbotham, Bryan, HP, 14 April 1901, page 33, 151 col. 3 Clary, Nellie, Bryan, HP, 17 April 1904, no page, col. 5 Claydon, Dolly, Tabor, HP, 20 December 1903, page 39, cot. 2 Claydon, Nugent, Tabor. HP, 20 December 1903, page 39, col. 2 Conroy, John, Bryan. HP, 19 April 1903, page 31, col. 5 Cooke, Anna, Wellborn, TFAR, 1 October 1898, page 13 Cooke, Anna Hope. Wellborn, TFAR, 25 February 1899, page 17 Davenport, Will, Bryan, HP, 25 August 1901, page 25, col. 2 Dawson, Sallie P., Millican, TFAR, 2 June 1894, page 13 Dawson, Sallie P., Millican, TFAR, 4 August 1894, page 13 Dawson, Sallie P., Millican, TFAR, 5 October 1895, page 16 Drew, Pearl, Edge, DMN, 26 March 1899, page 20 Farquhar, Annie Bell, Wellborn, HP, 14 May 1899, page 27 Ford, Robert, Bryan, HP, 22 May 1904, page 33, col. 3 Franklin, George, Bryan, TFAR, 4 January 1896, pages 16 -17 G., N., Bryan, HP, 11 October 1908, no page, col. 6 Garrison, Abney, College Station, HP, 28 September 1902, page 33 Garrison, Abney, College Station, HP, 23 November 1902, page 35 Garrison, Abney, College Station, HP, 21 December 1902, page 43 Garrison, Abney, College Station, HP, 18 January 1903, page 39 Garrison, Abney, College Station, HP, 1 March 1903, page 39 Garrison, Claudie, College Station, HP, 1 March 1903, page 39 Gerke, Annie, Kurten, DMN, 12 March 1899, page 20 Henrv, Curtis, Bryan, HP, 22 March 1903, page 43 Henry. Curtis M., Bryan, HP, 5 October 1902, page 39 Hester, Mary, Bryan, GDN, 1 November 1896, page 14, col. 1 Higginbotham, Agnes, Bryan, TFAR, 2 November 1895, page 17 Higginbotham, Agnes, Bryan, GDN, 21 March 1897, page 16, col. 4 Higginbotham, Agnes R., Bryan, TFAR, 26 October 1895, page 17 Horetzsky, Bertha, Bryan, TFAR, 12 November 1898, page 13 Horton, Hosia Clarance, Kurten, GDN, 29 August 1897, page 14, col. 6 Jones, Alice, Harvey, HP, 1 March 1903, page 39 Lewis, Winnie May, Bryan, HP, 24 July 1898, page 21 "Little Jerry ", Bryan, TFAR, 19 September 1896, page 16 Lorraine, May, Bryan, GDN, 19 December 1897, page 22, col. 7 Lowry, Lula Vesta, Bryan, TFAR, 16 July 1892, page 13 Lowry, T.' P. (adult), Bryan, TFAR, 7 October 1893, page 4 Lowry, T. P. (adult), Bryan, TFAR, 28 October 1893, page 4 Lowry, T. P. (adult), Bryan, TFAR, 23 September 1893, page 4 Lowry, T. P. (adult), Bryan, TFAR, 2 December 1893, page 4 Lowry, Walter, Bryan, TFAR, 18 November 1893, page 12 Manning, Alice, Wellborn, TFAR, 1 October 1898, page 13 Martin, Harl, Stone City, HP, 14 July 1901, page 27, cot. 3 McGee, John, Bryan, HP, 21 July 1901, page 27, cot. 2 McGee, Oliver, Bryan, HP, 25 August 1901, page 25, col. 3 Moore, Erlene, Tabor, HP, 3 April 1904, no page, col. 3 Orr, Rosa Elma, Macy, HP, 28 December 1902, page 29 Parker, Mary, TFAR, 30 March 1895, page 13 Parks, Oliver J., Bryan, HP, 11 May 1902, page 35 Powell, Roy L., Kurten, GDN, 7 May 1899, page 20, cols. 2 -3 Presnal, Laura, Bryan, GDN, 1 November 1896, page 14, cols. 1 -2 Rowan, Maria, Mrs. (adult), Bryan, HP, 24 July 1898, page 21 Royall, Martha, College Station, HP, 30 November 1902, page 39 Royal], Mary, College Station, HP, 30 November 1902, page 39 (coat ° d on page 140) 152 -, '01 h' Od o A `° o o ° `0 0 0 z Z cc v v v I z < rn - W 'U° H "V Q oU •V 0 'tg Z •u 7- U v 'u 'V "u 7- Z 'U W u 7- Q ^ tg f N z Z O Z z z ¢ o O z 7- 0 z W z Z Q_ In rn r xz � x <` H _ <° _ a - Q s r O o Q- s H _ x 5 z` Or U o _ Z H e W _ C�� a, f w c' <f - a� FA a a N z H x H x U z Cl x X M >I rn C4 z H a a O a z w ti w o a W' D+ O z W 6 z ¢ b r N N N N N N N N N rn W U O d H H F x x a a a a d oodw' ¢ o d x �- H x H end - W O� 04 O� z a o „- �0 U O enn U H d n U . 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Wd E �6 c d E d d a d d d c d E ti a d d d a 04 a E d d d d d ra d E d d a c ti 0 z O) N U z — w� Nz z 3z� oU i O c ~.9z cn 2 ON 'o E s O U' o d - E+ to z a to 3 T rE W W H`N d W � W €Z PQ .4 F U W WdY. x a`- '(} c d E d d c d 'e d o ri E d d o sl d ? a n m �• i aE a x W 6 - q 7.., z Z U to 6 0 aa 6 6° U a En 6 c c_ c - H Z O.2 30 o Zi z � .o o a o .r, -o o 0 W U „< ° o � H s.--i 000 U O U N 00 U s U O �00 U _ _ °opOO Q om_ z W�_�Z CC oc �4 F LEOS& oo6 vz b4 cny 4 C4 _ V' O Ox W F W A U F = a E v o. ,-7 W 1O U v] CO H .-. Pa w W PQ H d a4 M N. P. L4 U d y H W A O W N H n1 'a4 P+ ° i s q o H Z a d a d c d e c W:) Sd e ,.y G7 .0 G E 'd d L' G E 'd G i3 6 1j 6 h G 'd 6 O Z O Z< V a Z Im s AUG 1968 Pedigree Chart No.•.. 0... .�.r: of Compiler RUTH JONES HARY press AND .TANTC .TnNRS HjM f3 CHRISTOP TILGH ity State (Father of No. 4) arson No. 1 on this chart is the same person as b ° No. _ ---2.a- on chart No. 3 4 CHRTqTOPHER TILMAN P.b° IL of ABvat1eb00No. 2) M. b. Date of birth d. p.b. a Pl ace r m. • Date of f M a r ri a ge P^ b. SELLING, FAVERSHAM HUND s d. Date of Death M. ENG p,d. p.d. Place of Death g ANNA SANDERS d. ( Mother of No. 4 ) p.d° JAMES CITY CO, VA b° 2 ROGER TILGHMAN TILLMAN p.b. ( Father of No. 1) b. ABT 1650 d. p.b. ACCOMAC CO, VA p .d. M. d. p'd° a RUTH DEVONSHIRE (Mother of No. 2) b. p.b. d. p.d. 1 ROBERT TILLMAN b. ABT 1675 p.b. CHARLES CITY CO, VA M. d. ABT 1738 p.d. MARTIN — BRANDON VA S (Father of No. 3) b. p.b. M. d. p.d. s WI NNEFRED AU STIN ( Mother of No. f ) b. p.b. d. p.d. (Mother of No. 3) b. p.b. HANNAH MORRIS de ( Husband or Wife of No. 1 ) b. p.& p<b. d. p.d. 't. F­­. PAA- .h..t, 1 26 Nrxrh Main, L.ottan Utah Form F4 c. e, !., a.�.e .... ,t t. tP..•.. ;.., 4,f.. T. N...... R°. N.....t°.. 157 INDEX OF SURNAMES ADAMS 144, 150 CARSON 147, 150 DUCKWORTH 148 ABEEN 145 CARTER 126, 143 DUNN 132 134 ALBUAN 153 CARTLEDGE 150 ANDERSON 147 148 CHAMBLESS 141 EASTER 143 ANDREWS 132 CHANCE 128 EATON 145 ANGELO 128 CLARK 145 ECHOLS 131 ARMSTRONG 129 CLARY 1�30, 151 EDDLEMAN 131 ASTIN 132 CLAYDON 151 ELLIOTT 132, 140 ATKINS 147 COBB 139, 140 ENGLEDON 126 AUSTIN 156 COCHILS 127 ERWIN 126. 130 COLE 126 BAECHME 129 COLLIER 142, 143 FARQUHAR 124, 150, BAILY 132 CONKLIN 148 151 BALL 140 CONNOR 148 FARROW 146 BANDY 139 CONROY 151 FASULLA 131 BARNHILL 150 COOKE 151 FERYBE 124 BARROW 147 COOPER 129, 130 FOETU 133 BATTE 129 CORONA 130 FORD 142, 151 BEARD 128 150 COSIO 128 FOUNTAIN 127 129, BEATTIE 143 COVINGTON 139 130 BELL 125, 148 CROOK 128 FOWLER 143 BENBOW 139 CUMINGHAN 133 FRANCESCHINI 125 BERNARD 131 CUNINGHAN 133 FRANKLIN 132 151 BERRYMAN 129 (CUNNINGHAM ?) FREEMAN, 152 BIGGS 150 CUNNINGHAM 128 FREYBE (FREYBE ?) BIRD 148 GURTIS 147 124 BLAKE 134, 152 FULLER 139 BLAKERY 133 DALY 126 FULLERTON 139 BLANTON 139 DANSBY 143 BOARD 131, 139 DANZBY 143 GALE 142 BOGGS 139 DAVENPORT 151 GARRISON 151 BOUCHELL 132 DAVID 143 BERKE 151 .BOYETT 124, 139, DAVIS 134 152 G.N., 151 140 153 GOODSON 152 BOYTTE 129 DAWSON 151 GOODWIN 152, 154, BRAATZ 128 DEAN 140, 145 146 155 BRIDGES 134 DEATON 126 GOSEE 146 BRITTON 150 DEMARETT 129 GRACE 127 BROACH 132, 139, DENNIS 127, 129 GRAHAM 139 140 DESKINS 148 GRIFFIN 134 BROWN 141, 143 DAVENPORT 128 BUCHANNOI 141 DEVONSHIRE 156 HALL 130 BUCHANON 142 DIAN 140 HALLARAN 125 BUCKNER 134 DIDLICK 146 HANDY 146, 147 BULLOCK 123, 141, DIKE 127 HANNEMAN 148 y 142 DILLISHAW 132 HANRISA 127 DIPOMA 133 HANY 142 CAFFREY 150 DIZZRANT 142 HARDENBURG 130 CALLEN 127, 130 DOLCIMOSCO 131 HARDY 146 CAMP 126, 128, 150 DOUGLASS 150 HAROSS 130 CANFIELD 133 DOWNARD 128 HARRIS 131 CARLETOI 130 DREW 151 HART 155 CARR 150 m ITUIT0ff ' n NARY 125, 152 153 McCALLUM 140 PAGE 129 155 156 McCENLY 143 PALLASSETO 128 HASWELL 130 McCLENDON 127 PARKER 139, 151 HEARNE 139 McCOLLOUGH 139 PARKS 151 HENDERSON 146 McCORMICK 152 PATRANELLA 130 HENRY 139, 140 McCRARY 134 PAUL 128 151 McDONALD 147 PAYNE 126 NESTER 139, 151 McFLOYD 146 PECK 128 HICKM44 146 McGEE 151 PERKINS 144 HICKS 134, 152 McKEE 146, 147 PETER 141 HIGGINBOTHAM 151 MCMILLON 152 PHILPOTT 129 HILL 127 McSWAIN 139 PITMAN 127 HIX 153 MADDOX 125 PI7TS 128 HOLDEN 139 MALONE 142 PORTER 128 HOLMAN 127 MANNING 151 PORTZER 125 HOPE 125 MARTIN 140, 144, POWELL 151 HORETZKI 133, 151 151 PRENZEL 132 HORTON 133, 151 MATHIS 129, 152 PRESNAL 151 HUMPHREY 148 MAYE 145 PURCELL 139 HUNT 125, 152, 153 MERIOTT 149 155, 156 MICHELL 145 RAINEY 139 HURT 133 MIKE 127 REED 148 MILLER 125, 133, RHODES 133 JACKSON 139 146 RINGER 131 JAMES 128 MINKERT 126 RISINGER 139 JENKINS 130 MISTROT 1-31 RIZZOTTO 128 JOHNSON 142,.144, MITCHELL 132 ROBINSON 143 145 MITHELL 146 ROBISON 145 JONES 125, 134, MONTGOMERY 139, RODRIGUEZ 126 151 152 153 144 ROGERS 131 155 156 MOORE 151 ROLLINS 139 JOSEY 140 MOORING 133 ROLLS 131 JOWERS 131 MORGAN 123 ROWAN 151 MORRIS 156 ROYALL 151 KERNOLE 130 MOSELY 146 ROYDER 140, 149 KILLCRES 148 MUSTACHA 128 KING 132 MYERS 123, 133 SANDERS 132, 140 KNAPER 129 146, 152 154, NALL 124 155, 156 LASKI 124 NANCE 125 SCHILL 140 LAWEENCE 130 NEEDHAM 143 SCHMANN 130 LAWRENCE 130 NEEHAM 144 SCHWARZ 127 LEATHERS 139 NEILL 144 SEALE 140 LENARD 128 NEWCOMB 123 SHELBURNE 129 LEWIS 151 NEWLAND 126 SIMONS 125 "LITTLE JERRY" 151 NOBLES 125 SIMMONS 141 LOCH 130 NIX 134 SIMS 140 LOCK 131 NUNN 124 SIKOSKI 129 LORRAINE 151 SINATRA 133 LOUGHRIDGE 131 ORR 151 "SLY JIM" 140 LOVETT 128, 143 OSWALD 129 SMITH 126, 128 LOWRY 151 OWINGS 155 129 LULKOSKI 130 SMOOT 140 0 INDEX OF SURNAMES STALLING 139 TILLEY 127 WHITLOCK 131 STALLINGS 139, 140 TILMAN 153 WHITTINGTON 141 STEELE 140 TILLMAN 156 WICKER 131 STEWART 146 TRANT 140 WILEY 140 STILLWELL 127 TUCKER 132 WILLARET 127 STONESTREET 155 TULKOSKI 133 WILLFORD 133 STOOKS 146 TURNER 143, 145 WILLIAMS 124, 140 STUART 140 WILLMAN 132 STUBEURAUCH 132 VICK WILSON 126, 129, VILLARET 126 130, 131, 132 TABOR 126 130 ' f 133 134, 140 140 WALKER 140 WITTMAN 131 TAYLOR 129, 140 WALLEY 127 WOODYARD 140 TERRATA 133 WALTON 153 WOOTEN 133 TERY 132 WARD 129, 140 WORTHINGTON 140 THOMPSON 139, 144 WARE 132 THORNTON 145 WATTS 130 ZANETTI 127 THRESHER 131 WEBB 146 ZIMMERMAN 128 140 ' TILGHMAN 156 WHITE 128, 129 ZIMNERMAN 133 (ZIMMERMAN ?) REMEMBER! Your 1989 dues ($12 single, $18 couple) become payable January 1! Mail checks to our address, see top of inside front cover. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION NEW MEMBERS only: Complete CHART (if you have yours up a later time) and your dues 4x6 cards on your ancestors Name: the following form and mail with your PEDIGREE to date; otherwise you can prepare the chart at check. You may also wish to send in individual to be placed in our FAMILY RESEARCH CARD FILE. Telephone No: Address, including ZIP code: ANCESTOR INFORMATION (Surname) (State and /or Country found) (Period of time) Half page: Once /year $26:00 4x /year $78.00 Whole page: Once /year $52.00 4x /year £15.00 (All prices incline tax),