HomeMy WebLinkAboutTigerland 1964 ./'' ERLAND 1964 ,. ,__~..,w-.~~, ,.. . } ~~ ~ ~..,ae~.~a ~~., ~.~ ~ A~i.~ qua, 8°~- ~ n~ ~~a. ~~ ~ ,~.9,~,,, ~ . ti% , J ~~, ~~~~ .. ~. ~~ `, .~ :~-. U <> ;~ ~~ `~> 6~J _ S~~ ~~ ~~ ~ e~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~- ~~~. ~~ ~, ~, ~M.. a ~~ ~~ ~~~ r G E L A I~~I ~ i„~~~~ a~ r ~d~~,~~,,a,~p9~r y+`,~r-q g`~ ~p~.~'1 /" A&M Consolidated High School Volume 26, College Station, Texas Contents Page Dedication ......... ... ... .... ... ........... 4 Faculty ............ ... ... ...... ... ......... 5 Classes ............ ...:................... 13 Organizations .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ........ 53 V.1. P's ... ............. ... ................ 69 Sports .................................... 87 Student Life ... ... ...... .... ... ... ........115 Index .. ........ .. .... .... .. .. .. .........138 Credits ........ ... ...... ... ... ... ........151 z Foreword # ~$-": +f ~: ~i "~ g y, , t Susan Timm, Senior Business Manager; Ann Avera, Junior Business Manager; and Sherry Holland, Editor. The 1964 TIGERLAND is a new annual to come to A&M Consolidated. We, the Annual Staff, hope that you will look on it with new ideas and with excitement. The Tiger Spirit is portrayed in the 1964 Annual and we hope that you will see it and remember the year 1963-64 at Consolidated. Each of us had our moments of happiness and experienced those times of trial and error. We hope that you will take this new yearbook to your heart and look on the past year with fond memories but with wisdom to meet the next year. 3 Dedication Director of Win-It-All Choirs and quality stage productions; third parent to any CHS student who calls on him; and author of the choicest expressions we have ever heard -our teacher, Facu~rr AND STAFF ~~ ~, f ~ °" -. ~- MR. E. P. OZMENT Principal L ~~ ~. ~ ~y T T;~ r ~ N ~~ ~,; d~.AP h~ ~ ? ~{ i ~. a # ~~ ~~ ~. MR. W . T . RIEDEL Superintendent of Schools ~~ ~~ ', ~~ ~ „ r ~w ~~ ~~. ~, gi °`° ~~` 6 Administration SECRETARIES MRS. P. W. BARKER Secretary to the Superintendent ~ 3 s, 7 BOARD OF TRUSTEES L. to R. (seated) members are President John B. Longley, Secretary to Superintendent, Armildridge Batker, Her- bert G. Thompson, A. F. Isbell, George B. Hensarling; (standing) Les Palmer, Secretary J. O. Alexander, Jr. ; Superintendent W. T. Riedel, J. B. Hervey. MRS. VIOLA WESTBROOK Secretary to Hlgh School Principal ~~a~ . . ~' ~' MRS. MURIEL ORR Latin 1 and 2, Plane Geom- etry, Sponsors Latin Club ~ ~~~.~ t x ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ 4 ' g ~ i f s"fi#`y. t- 1 C m rw.e ~x "aJ n.T` "~,. N~ V+ti t ., In this modern, push-button world of ours today, we must always be on the lookout for sights such as this ! i ~~"~ MR. Con Choi Seni Dire 1 ~ :, l'_ MRS. Libra. MRS. BETTY NEELLEY Spanish 2 and 3, Sponsors 8 Spanish Club MRS. HARRIET MARTIN English 4, Sponsors Tiger- land and Safari MRS. DOROTHY MERRILL English, Sophomore Sponsor 9 MR. FRANK COULTER Concert Choir and Mixed Chorus Duector, English, Senior Sponsor, Senior Play Duector MRS. JAN ALSTON Speech, English 1, Junior Play Duector, Junior Spon- sor MR. BILL ADKINS Band Duector "Yeeeeaaaaa! Gig'um, Faculty! !" MRS. EFFIE DUNCAN Librarian MRS. MABEL BARGER Art ~~ ~ ~~ ` MRS. SUE COOK Typing, Shorthand, Book- keeping, Sponsors Tiger- ettes and Freshman Class ~w ._ ~° MR. Alga Mat mar '1N 1, 10 "I'm called Little Ladybug, Dear Little Ladybug; Tho I can never tell why . . MR. DAVID LORMS Shop, Mechanical Drawing Math and Science MR. EDSEL JONES Related Math, Baseball and Football Coach ~~ 4 ,. MR. KEN MORGAN General Science, Biology, Zoology, Botany, Photo Club and Junior Sponsor MRS. MARY LELAND Algebra 2, Plane Geometry, Sponsors Bowling Club and Junior Class MR. RAYMOND STREGER Biology, Chemistry, Spon- sors Senior Class Handier faculty members oversee Work Day. ~y~ ~ocial Studies ~~ Duectot Frank Coulter ad- vises Don McCrory during The Little Foxes. ~~, ~ y~ k ~~~~~, P. E. z ,~1 ~. ~~., . 'w~ r 12 "I know H2O plus dirt equals snow, but get that thing out of the Teachers' Lounge !" MRS. ONEIDA HENSLEY Government, World History, Sophomore Sponsor MRS. BILLIE COCHRAN Girls' Physical Education, Girls' Basketball Coach r-~-'_ CLASSES 13 Seniors ~ ~ ~ ~,~ ,.u ~*`«~Tl + xa ~9 SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS L. TO R. -Lee Sicilio, Margaret McMurry, June Bearden, Nancy Inglis, Pam Adams 14 Seniors d KRISTINE ANDERSON PAM AVERA JOHN BADGETT GERALDINE BASSETT' '~ N~ ~ac~ AYI-,tt.,EBLE 15 PAM ADAMS PAM ADKINS CAROLYN ALLEN MARGARET BROWN ~,. ~~. ~' SONNY BENA VIDEZ DAN BEAUCHAMP Seniors ~ =a STANLEY CLARK JACK COFFEY ANDREA CHANCEY GAIL CLARK ,~ ~ "' e ~, ~ a 17 GLEN COLLIER JOY COOPER SHARON COVEY Seniors _ , ^i SAM CRESW ELL JUDY DEA N CHARLES DODSON BOBBY ELKINS CANDY EVANS LINDA FELDMAN i 18 Seniors i~ ii JULIE GOODE PAULA GRUMBLES 19 '' `;; LINDA HARVELL HARRIETT HIERTH 20 1 PATRICIA HILL E, A. HOLLAND SHERRY HOLLAND t Seniors GEORGE HUEBNER NANCY INGLIS C AMILLE RICH ARDS JAC KIE KELLY DAVID KENT GAIL KEO WN CYNDI KE RLIC K 21 ~.` u~ r °~ 7:,. ~" " ~.~ ~' , '; ~ ~s= ~ ~. ~ Senior girls find revenge on Initiation Day. LINDA w ~~` ~, ~ . LETBETTER ~ = MERIWYN „~ ~ ~~ LEINHART ~ ~- ° ~ ~ , e ,: MIKE ,~ s: ~~ ~ _ LEINHART ._ ~ ~h 22 ANN KIRBY Seniors Seniors z s~~~~~k MARGARET McMURRY SUZANNE MEDLEN 23 Seniors ~:1 ~ MELAME MILLER JIM MILLS KEITH MIMS 24 Seniors ~~ J. PEWTHERS ELINDA PLANTT ~__ JUDY QUISE NBE RRY RANDY RANSDELL .JIMMY REEVES MARCIA RUNKLES BRUCE RIGGS 25 26 Seniors LEE SICILIO RALPH SMITH S USA N TIMM WARREN WAGNER STANLEY W ALKE R BILL WHITE y ,~ ~; 1 JANET WHITEHEAD Senioritis in October? ^ CARTERO s C ARTS R O AKES Seniors DIANNA WEIRUS MILTON YOUNG BOB WHITING : ~ ~ . , <:. >„` o+~IW ~~ ~ ,~<,~ ~.,~; RICK WOLF k, 4 ~ ~°,- ~t °:.. 27 Juniors Dan BeaucY Karen Berndt s ~ ~ ~ v~ JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS L. TOR -David Parsons, Rosemary Sharp, Sallye Sorenson, Daisy Sloan, Rltss Hazvell Bob Bishop l Za Juniors Kim Alexander Dan r Ann Avera Beauchamp I ';~~ Karen Berndt BOb Abxea Bishop Nc Jirn rlrny~: w~ ~~, t~ Pat Atkins 1 29 Linda Susan Janet Lorelei Bloom Boswell Botner Brown Cathy Cleland Larty C ar[er .. Ronnie Yolanda Juniors James Brown Burkhalter Butler ~h~„ Kay e ~:>,. Douglas '- Margaret Durst ~,.: Tommy ~~~. ,~ Duncan i'` Mike Doran '~~ 9' ^.e... .'. Claire Elkins Peter Fagan Donna Files Sandra Free Bill Gilmore ~~~~ ui ~~~ ,~ ~, ~ :t~ ~ ~ . ~."~' H ~ ~~ s ~ ` 3- .g ~~~ 9 31 3 °`-¢ ~;" r ~~ ~~r~ ~,~° Don DeLucia ~~" w Janet Dayton Tom Denton ~ ~ < ~ .~~~ ~ <a ~ ~ ~ ` .~~ w 32 Chris Gooding Virginia Gregory Hubert Hearne f r ~~. Berr, Krei Don Lein Diar Leip Billy Georgia Hazris Heritage Bernice Krenek Don Leinhart Dianne Leipper Linda Liles Mike Lfnger m. r.~ w. r_ ~~ .,, Jackie Hunt °:~~ Harold Luedecke f i 33 Juniors David Holmgreen Carolyn Hooper Pat Hotchkiss Ailese Houston Joan Huff Juniors Sylvia Mansfield Ruth McGill j~l' f ~~ , y ~~ ~~;~ ~,; I'''ii 4.` #~„~° . Jec Pic i Deboc Rose ~~ ~~ i ,~~~ PMOTO Noi Av ~ n a Jon Sharc 34 e Jerry ~~ ~~ v. ~ Pickron ~ <° ~`~ ~ ~.. ~, e ~ ~' Deborah °~ ~ '' ^ww . ~ Rose ~ ~ „~ ~t ~~ ' ~ Ii t` '~ ~' Randy 'k''~ `C,4 '"'~ Richardson i~sbrA ``" rear ,av~~tobt. rb~~ Sharon ~~_ . Kobert "_~ Reid ~~,~' (' ~~ Larry Sigbornson PHOTO Kltty Nat Auaiiable Stone Gail Venuti ,, ~, ~. Danny Timmy Whitt Wolters ~ ' ~i ,:~ Kathy Sperry ~r ~~3 k P rt~~ Juniors Daisy Sallye Sloan Sorenson 37 Jim Adrian ~f ?~~ 3 ~„y ~~ ` John Bauldauf Ruth Becker Dianne Bell Alice Berry Thomas Boriski Luida Boswell Karen Boykin Sophomores Richard Alford Linda. Brannon Susan Bruckbauer Harold Barker ~~ Picture Nc~#9, /~1Yt31~t3LZ~G r ;.; •" ;~. ~~ ~, ~'~ ~' Dav 38 ^ Y ^ !7 _; ~r David Brusse Duke Butler ~: ~~ Cynthia Castle Nelen Charanza Tommy Clark Debbie Cooper Rick Crow Suzan Culpepper e' Jerry Davis ,~ ,, ~, Willie Edmonds 1 39 Carole Edwards Kay Eimann H. O. Evans ~.:w. Betty Garrison Roy Gatry Sophomores John Fick C laud i< Rodney Greet Dorothy Gregory Jan Harris Paul Fagan Sarah Giesenschlag 40 i; i M1 C ~. ~ " f °~ ~' Ronnie Holloway ;~ ~, ~, ~. ~:, R ~ ~° Sophomores ~~: ,,~ ~~ ,. , P: °~ Thomas Irwin ` No Junek ~ w v ~ ~~" Picture Charles Kimbro ~°J Available Pat Hornsey Jane Houze Linda Isbell Ardis Keinler ~~ ~~ ,. Connie Lee Karlene Knebel 41 ,. Don Linger ~4 h~ r~`~~~ ~ a i Sophomores ~~ Picture Kay Moe David Moore David Morley Duke Miller Sandy Miller „A F. Jane 42 Paul Nolan .~ ~• Sophomores Margaret Owen Virginia Patterson Stephen Prescott Mark Riedel Jimbo Robison `'; ~,, ; Eddie Putz Robin Rice Rich Rankles Dorothy Schaefer Mike Robbins Sally Robinson ' 43 Paul Sittler Shirley Sluder Susan Sorenson e~~, ,~s 3 4Ea' Cindy Sousares Bruce Smith Karen Smith Lillian Surovik 44 Sharon Thomas Candy Upham Dianna Sutphen Ricky The Berge ~° ~'" .. m, Sophomores Bonnie Sharp John Shipley John Skribanek Becky Sicilio Shari Simmons Doug Venuti ~, ~ ~; Joe White Sophomores ~~ This is work? ! Lynda Welch ~. 45 Phil Whitehead Linda Williams Linda Anderson Neil Anderson `~ David Alexander l Mary Beth Bailey David Barrow James Boone Steve Boring Pat Boriski Luida Boswell Freshmen ~. e ~~ Picture Carolyn Not Donald Ackerman Adkins Available ~e:~ .a 47 Charmille Bridges Janet Calliham David Cantey Sylvia Cardon Carolyn Castle Sandy Cathcart Elizabeth Clark Shelly Cooper Freshmen ~~ Richard Davis Kathy Duke 48 Linda Botner Ann Boykin Billy Braddy James Bradley Brenda Brannon Freshmen David Hill Larry Holt Meg Huebner ~~ ~ ry ~, ~~~ g'~ 4 4 ES .;~ ~~ Virginia Huff Faye Inglis 49 50 Jane Mills Robert Mixon Kay Royder Zaida Richardson is tt ~, ,~ y Karen Thompson 52 P~m~~ ~~~P~~ Jack Upham Boyd Vincent E atd Wa ker ` Steve Watkins ~___ ~- Lanell Wilson Phyllis Wolf Evalyn Worley : > ~" ~ `:~~ ~ ~ _. ~.., ~ ~"~ s ~ , ^` y~~.. .5r+ . { ~ » .5.. w .. ~, 5 q „'~"" ~;; ~ ' . Nolan Young ~,. ~~~~ t ,~ ~`~ a~ . -~ Virginia Urso Harriett White Donna Young Donna Venuti Wally Williams ORGANIZATIONS 53 Sr. Chapter -FHA .. ;,3 Y;4 ~„ n Pe ' irv° ~ The 1964 FHA of A&M Con- solidated brought home many honors from district, regional, and state. They had several girls placed in district and regional offices; they were awarded state de- grees; and won honors at the State Wool Contest. Sponsors Mrs. Riggs and Mrs. Phillips gave of their time to help the girls to win these honors. 54 Officers - 1. to r. (back): Sherry Holland, Carol Liverman, Margaret McMurry, Sharon Yeager, Harriett Hierth, Pam Adams, Julie Davis, Ann Kirby; President, Peggye Breazeale, Yolanda Burkhalter, Chris Gooding, Sandra Free. t a:€~ 55 FHA SWEETHEART Jimmy Parrish Officers - (back): Ann McMurry, Shazi Simmons, Diane Bell, Karlene Knebel, Linda Welch, Kay Fisher, President, Linda Isbell, Jane Rud- der. (Front): Debbie Cooper, Ardis Kemler> and Jane Houze. 4, ~,: 56 ~~ . _~~. Officers - (standing): Mr. Jamison, Carter Oakes, Bill Gilmore, Jimmy Parrish. (Sitting): Russ Har- vell, Ricky Carlton, Sweetheart Georgia Heritage, Timmy Wolters. Speech Club w 4 f ~, t .~~,n -~ ~. "~ ~~x,k: The Speech Club is composed of students who have participated in a speech meet this year. Un- der the direction of Mrs. Jan Alston the group has competed successfully in two Houston meets, the Baylor-Waco Tournament, the Nacogdoches Debate Tournament, and placed fourth in the Trinity Speech Festival in San Antonio. Mrs. Alston saw in her first teaching year her girls' de- bate team and two other students go to the regional meet, a tribute to her talent and her efforts. Placing in Speech UIL events were (1 to r, front row): Nancy Inglis -all-star cast, one- act play; Susan Timm - 1st district prose; Janet Whitehead and Karen Berndt - 2nd re- ' gional debate; Sue Hierth; Lorelei Brown; and Ruth McGill. (L to r, back row): Duke Miller -all-star cast, one-act play; David ' Gay - 2nd state extemp; David Kent; Keith Mims; Bill Braddy; Sam Creswell; Karen Stuverud; and Jack Coffey. 57 Athletic Organizations ~_ ~,°'=mix ~~,.~° ~ ~x} =~~ ~~, ;~..~ . ~~. ~~ ~ ; «. ,. ~ r., ., MAJOR ATHLETICS CLUB "C" CLUB The members of the"C" Club have lettered in a sport at A&M. Consolidated. They are 1. to r.: Claire Elkins, Kay Gilbert, Cyndi Kerlick, Joan Varn, Linda Feldman, Sharon Covey, Linda Hazvell, Kim Alexander, Julie Davis, Duke Butler, Lee Sicilio, Frank Litterst, Bill White, Russell Hanna, Darrell Gossett, Sonny Benavidez, John Skrabanek, John Baldaulf, J. Pewthers, Johnny Badgett, Peter Fagan, Tommy Meinecke, Stephen Prescott, James Carter, David Parsons, Russ Harvell, Tim Mills, Jimmy Parrish, Carl Gough, Larry Godfrey, Walter Varvell, and Timmy Wolters. Anyone who has participated in a ma]or sport is an automatic mem- ber of the MaJor Athletics club. These sports in- clude football, basketball, track, tennis, baseball, and softball. =~ Art Club Future Nurses Club 59 Members are (back row): Warren Wagner, Frank Litterst, Bill White, Carl Gough, J. Pewthers, Ricky Wolf. (Middle): Bruce Riggs, Russell Hanna, Karen Stuverud, Larry Godfrey. (Bottom): Steve Boring, Willie Edmonds, Terty Jones. Members are 1. to r. (back row): Linda Anderson, Lillian Surovik, Patricia Calli- ham -Treasurer, Brenda Brannon. (Middle row): Yolanda Burkhalter, Sherry Mims, Dianna Sutphen, Nancy Ashworth. (Sitting): Linda Feldman, Linda Har- vell -President, Candy Evans -Secretary, Barbara Lorenz. Drill Team BENGAL BELLES ~.. t ~, 60 Bengal Belles take their job "seriously" at Drill Team School at SMU !? ! r: ^ ~ e• COMPANY "A" Pamela Adkins Lt. Senior Ann Kirby Senior Ruth McGill Sec. -Treas. Junior Linda Rudder Junior ~~ Janet Gould Junior ~. ~Qm~, f ~i Peggye Jane Breazeale Captain Senior "a Karen Berndt Junior Sylvia Price Junior Ann Avera Junior COMPANY "B" ,~ ~~ A _ r~ '' Jan Butler Lt. Senior Julie Goode Senior Margaret Durst Junior Linda Liles Junior 6 Spanish Club The Spanish Club has been active this year under the direction of Senora Worley, Senora Neelley, and Senor Carr. They have met with the Bryan Spanish Club and have had speakers from Latin American countries visit their meetings. ~`'~ `r ^~ . Nancy Inglis was awarded the Outstanding Spanish II student and Sherry Mims the Outstanding Spanish I student. The I They in Sta from this y of the Antor Ruth place W atk: Browr, 62 Phil Butler and Joe Powell learn Spanish as they introduce Latin American children to U. S. culture. To be a good Spanish club officer you really must "feel" the part. The officers are from left to right: Nancy Inglis, Sonny Benevidez, Margaret Brown, Don McCrory, and Jimmy Reeves. Latin Club ~~r^-" The Latin Club is sponsored by Mrs. Orr. They meet monthly and have participated in State competition with other Latin Clubs from all over the State. The president for this year is Anne Ballinger. They took 14 of the members to the state meet in San Antonio this year and four of them placed. Ruth McGill placed in art; Karen Stuverud placed in dramatic reading; Mary Ruth Watkins placed in grammar; and Lorelei Brown won first place in sculpture. 63 Safari Staff Tigerlan d Turntable 64 The Wednesday night DJ's are (standing, 1. to r.): David Maddox, Frank Litterst, Bill White, Randy Randsdell, Pam Avera, David Gay, Melanie Miller, Judy Dean -Chairman. (Sitting): Phil Butler, Don McCrory, Pam Adams, Margaret Brown, Margaret McMurry, Kim Alexander, Billie Jean Greer. The Safari, CHS's "leading newspaper," is staffed by (1. to r.): Melanie Miller, Pam Avera, Carter Oakes, Kristine Anderson, Ruth McGill, Editor Lorelei Brown, Fred Worley, Katherine Edwards, and Sponsor Mrs. Harriet Martin. Tigerettes The Pep Squad boosts school spirit for all athletic events. They have, doubled in size since their birth five years ago. The organization is run with military discipline and is di- vided into two companies led by the captains. Their trade- mark, a Tiger T victory line, is a familiar sight before home football games, and their posters that line the halls remind the athletes that CHS spirit is always high. ~; ~wa ,. Leading the Tigerettes this year were President Pamela Adams, JuniorCaptain Sharon Yeager, and Senior Captain Su- san Timm. Other officers were lieu- tenants Rosemary Sharp and Kitn Alex- ander; Sergeants Dianna Sutphen, Pa- tricia Calliham, Karen Smith, Linda Isbell, Susan Culpepper, Ann McMurry, Kay Fisher, and Janet Holt. 65 Former Tigerettes work out with the cheerleaders during Cheerleader Work- shop before spring elections. Tiger Band e MARGA 1963-64 TIGER BAND The band performed at all of the Football games this year. They went to marching contest in the fall and concert contest in the spring. Under the du•ection of Mr. Atkins the band placed very well at the spring con- cert contest. They won a good rating for the concert and a rating of Excellent for the sight-reading division. Harriett Hierth, Carol Whiting, and David Brusse made the All-Region Band and 10 members of the band were in the All-District Band. Rita TheBerge and Carol Whiting won superior ratings at the UIL Solo and En- semble contest. The twirlers brought back seven gold 1st place medals from the UIL Twirling Contest. The Officers and Band Council members of the band are, 1. to r.: David Maddox, Council Member; Mazgaret Brown, Council Member; Harriett Hierth, Secretary; Sherry Holland, President; Jane Rudder, Council Member; and Meg Huebner, Council Member. Not pictured are Sonny Brown, Vice Pres- ident and Jackie Kelly, Council Member. 1 JA: SHEI 66 1 1 _. MARGARET BROWN, Head Twirler JACKIE KELLY, Drum Major 3 67 CAROL WHITING A 1 I{ ~..., ,o~~ l GAIL KEOWN Concert Choir A&M CONSOLIDATED CONCERT CHOIR The Concert Choir, under the direction of Mr. Frank Coulter, entertained, and won vocal honors, throughout the state this year. To be a member of the Concert Choir, one must have been in the Mixed Chorus at least one year and he must work hard that year to be eligible for the concert choir. The choir traveled to Dallas, Texas, in the fall to represent the region as the honor choir. It presented Christmas Concerts, attended regional and state try- outs, and studied for the annual Concert Contest in Waco. The members of the choir brought home 33 first place medals at Spring Contest. They won a superior rating at Concert Contest and the girls' chorus won a Sweepstakes trophy at the contest. Mr. Coulter worked with the group many hours in and out of school. The choir and the school owe him a special thanks for the honors that he is responsible for. The officers of the choir are from left to right: Suzanne Medlen, Sherry Holland, Peggye Breazeale, Patricia Hill, Bruce Riggs, and Director, Mr. Coulter. Members of the choir who made the All-Region Choir are Glen Collier, Dick Pewthers, Dianna Weirus, Peggye Breazeale, Sherry Holland, Janet Gould, Suzanne Medlen, Russ Harvell, David Parsons, and Ken Fisher; and those who made ALL-STATE are Glen Collier, Dick Pewthers and alternates Peggye Breazeale and Sherry Holland. 68 V.I. P.'s 69 ~~ ~-v =~_ ~t ~- i .~~" i ~„ ~TM fi w~ ;~&~ ; ~ ~ _ ~ ? ~~~~ ~ e ~~ ~ ~r~~°~" b.~w ~ + ue ~ .' ~ ~ ~ 6.ti k ' ~r# ~ ~ a 4~ „~,~ o ~G y~, ` ,. A ~ `~ $_. s°" `~' «weri' 1 °:;0, ,/„ S, paoF Y ~ ~ ,vet a pia<sU,.,, "~ ~,, ~~ w~. ~~~ ~~ v :. ~'~ a, ~,,~, ~~ ~ ,~ „ ., , ~ : , ~,, ~" ~ ~~ 3~ ~ ,~ ~: ~~ ,we ~. % ~> . ~ v "^ _; - ~ j ~: e.. o, , r .~ ~yd., s` . ~ ~~` ~ ~~ `~,~ ~' ~ ~ c ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ a, ~ ~ a ~' ~t ~" t~ " ~ ~z-~ , w ~.~ ~~ ux, ~ L +: ~ a r. ~. e. e a ~ ~ ~ " ~~ 4 > ; ~,~ r (~, y~~ „ilY~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i }~ Y~~ vFr~'- , '~. r x „°: ~~ ~°'i~ w'f { :. x .... q~~ ~ ,.: ~' ~ ~ ' ,. ,. , ~ ~~ r t } i ~~ ~f ~` ~tk r ~ a R, ~ u~~~~ ~ G $+ ~ ~ ~' tr 9~ ir. r tea. gr `o. r " s ~° z ~ ~~ U r tf. Y " v ~- ~ ~C~ ~: ~ N~ ~,.~ ~~. ~," ~° ~ ~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ =ti as. a ~` ~ ` „ _..«~" o ~ `~~ ~~r~. ~`r ~ {a a ~ ~ ~~ _t ~3, . ~~ ~ ~ _~.': 76 Most Beautiful Girl :e JOY COOPER and J. PEWTHERS x ,~ H "` ~M~ SHARON COVEY and FRANK LITTERST 77 ~ rpr V- 1: }„ ~~~ 4 b d' ~~ ~7 ~ ~~' I a 5 ?~ 1 r~`p ~~~~ s~~aP~~ m i ~'; ~i~t ~ y ~ E ~, t,~ ~~~~ i ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ „, is' ~` ~~~ y r { 2 ~ ',yF,. a~`' :a, .. x'47 ~-. rtt.,~'vS ~ ~~^J.», .c.~~ 61~.. ~~a Homecoming Princesses JOY COOPER 79 Best Dressed Boy and Girl DAVID PARSONS and VIRGINIA PATTERSON ~; rya fl;_ c x, ti= Friendliest Boy and Girl DIANA WEIRUS and DAVID GAY 80 ~~' 81 82 ~ ~:u~ MOST Persuasive DAVID GAY D.A.R. Award PAMELA ADAMS Scholastic Honors R a Seniors who merited the sweaters are; Linda Feldman, John Badgett, Sherry Holland, Glen Collier, Margaret Brown, Sue Hierth, Don McCrory, Nancy Inglis, Pam Adkins, Russell Hanna, Jan Butler, Julie Goode, and Michael Leinhart. 83 NATIONAL NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY HONOR SOCIETY Seniors that made the National Honor Society are from 1. to r.; Linda Feldman, Jan Butler, Nancy In- C5 LJ glis, Margaret Brown, Glen Collier, Sherry Holland, Michael Leinhart, and Harriett Hierth. HONOR MERIT SWEATER WINNERS Who's Wh o MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED Peggye Breazeale Billy Mitchell Bill Duke BEST ALL-ROUND BOY AND GIRL ,, MOST REPRESENTATIVE David Gay Sherry Holland Margaret Brown ^ MOST STUDIOUS 84 MOST COOPERATIVE Who's Who in Music 4 } 85 ARION AWARDS Suzanne Medlen Harriett Hierth Choir Band OUTSTANDING CHOIR MEMBERS Peggye Breazeale, Glen Collier, Sherry Holland 86 ~^~ ~ F *; Nt _. ~ :~ ~ ~~ ~° ` . ~m~ ~,:~. ~F,.' ~~ ~~: ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~;.; ,~ ~~ s~ ~ ~~ hw ~!i Band Sweetheart GAIL KEOWN Sports Qveen JACKIE HUNT SPORTS 8~ Football Frank Litterst, 39, paces the Tigers to victory with a 40 yard scamper. ~ °a ~ ~~~='t °' ~ ~ ~~ ~ We at CHS are ~ '~ f ~ !' quite proud of our football :~d coaches, Edsel ~ Jones and Jack ~ ~ ~r ~ ~ ~ w ~~ Churchill, who , , . ~~ ,d~ ~~ led the Tigers ~ ~ „ to victory. The ~ Student Body ` ~ '~ ~' ~. e~ ,s~:^ ~ ~ ~~ feels the same ~It '~'§1i ,~ }} ~~i~~~h~~;~i ~ '~ ~ ili "~ ~ ~~~ `~'i way Mr. Church- ~ ~il ~ „' ill did when he said, "You did ~f ~~~ real fine, boys !" 88 COACH JACK CHURCHILL 1963 Tiger Varsity ~ ~. .~ ~~ A&M CONSOLIDATED TIGERS 15 Ricky C arlton QB 60 J. Pewthers G 17 Walter Varvel QB 61 Bill White G 18 Bob Morris B 62 Stephen Prescott G 24 Paul Fagan WB 63 John Perry G 25 Peter Fagan WB 74 Bill Gilmore T 36 Lee Sicilio G 75 James Carter T 37 David Parsons FB 76 Darrell Gossett T 39 Frank Litterst RB 77 Larry Godfrey T 44 Tommy Meinecke B 85 Timmy Wolters E 45 Russ Harvell WB 86 Jimmy Parrish E 50 Joe White C 87 Duke Miller E 55 Carl Gough C 88 Russell Hanna E ' Y 89 ~~~ ~~ a' ~~ ~~~ ,: ~.,m.r ~ ~:3 90 Frank Litterst 39 2letters, Tri-Captain Most Valuable Back Most Valuable Player Tommy Meinecke 44 Russ Harvell 45 1 letter Tri-Captain David Parsons 37 3 letters ff, 91 ~ s ,. ~; r _-~ ,~~ x r r' ~~«~ .. , ,~ . _. The CHS wrestling--uh, football team IN ACTION! ! 92 ~- m ~.~®~, .. , <~ . ~-._` .ate ~ J. Pewthers 60 3letters Bill White 61 lletter Steve Prescott 62 John Perry ~„ T, x` , " Bit . - ~ ~.~ ~, ~. ~ ~ «~ gip. 3 ~~°~ ~ ~~ 4 ~m~,~ wx 3v~€,~„1 i. 93 Bill Gilmore 74 __. Larry Godfrey 77 1 letter Timmy Wolters 85 1 letter Duke Miller 87, l letter u~, ~ r W g A 'faT ~ ,~~' . ~ fi t f Our Bengals, led by Gough, Pazrish, and Parsons, charge into Tiger Field. Peter Fagan, 25, makes a fine run as the Tigers give top-rated Rockdale a run for their money. 94 Jimmy Parrish 86 1 letter Russell Hanna 88 1 letter A&M CONSOLIDATED B-TEAM Coach - MR. ARTHUR BRIGHT 15 Terry Logan RB 50 Bob Holcomb T 17 Willie Edmonds QB 55 Larry Holt T 22 Glenn Wallace WB 61 Mike Hensarling G 24 Jimmy Bradley RB 62 David Alexander G 25 Mike Robbins T 63 Terry Jones G 36 Fred Davis C 76 Nolan Young T 37 Bill Price B 85 Larkin McNeil E 39 Paul Becker FB 86 Eddie Goldsmith E 44 Bob Bishop WB 87 Kenneth Murphy E 45 Steve Boring B 88 Wally Williams E Manager Jimbo Robison 95 Tiger Junior-Varsity TIGER "A" ' No. 10 Duke Butler Guard 12 John Skrabanek Forward 14 Ricky Carlton Guard 20 Tommy Meinecke Forward 22 Walter Varvell Forward Coach: JACK CHURCHILL Manager: RALPH SMITH CEAM IN B, 24 30 32 34 40 ~SKETBALL Jim Mills Carl Gough Billy Mitchell Russell Hanna Jim Amyx Season Record - 17-12 District Record - 6-4 ,~ ', ~; Guard Center Guard > Center Center j k 96 Tiger Varsity Basketball John Skrabanek, 12 Forward Ricky Carlton, 14 Guard, lletter 97 Jim Mills, 24 Guard, Metter Carl Gough, 30 Center, Metter Walter Varvell, 23 Forward, l letter 98 Billy Mitchell, 32 Guard 1 Jim Amyx, 40 Center, l letter Russell Hanna, 34 Center, 2 letters 99 Jr. Varsity Basketball P Members of the "B" Team are from left to right, (front row): Bill Ramge, Mike Cooper, Bill Price, John Baul- dauf, Terry Jones, Tommy Cartwright, and David Riedel. (Second row): Paul Becker, John Chadwick, Larry Holt, Neil Anderson, Wally Williams, James Creswell, and Willie Edmonds. (Third row): Coach Jack Churchill, Fred Davis, Kenneth Murphy, Terry Logan, Fred Worley, David Holmgreen, Mason Newton, and Manager Ralph Smith. Under the coaching of Jack Churchill the Boys' "B" Team played a great season. They played before each Var- sity game and doubled the Tiger victories. The Tiger Varsity Team is looking forward to having these players on the team next year. 100 BOYS' "B" TEAM BASKETBALL GIRLS' BASKETBALL Members of the "A" team are 1. to r. (front): Kim Alexander, Claire Elkins, and Sharon Govey. (Second row): Cyndi Kerlick, Linda Feldman, Kay Gilbert, and Linda Harvell. (Standing): Mrs. Cochran is the coach and Julie Davis is the team manager. The girls did a good job this year and ended the season with a fine record. 101 Girls' Varsity Basketball ;1 ~.„ate ti Kim Alexander Linda Feldman and Claire Elkins win trophies for outstanding basketball for the 1963-64 Season. 103 Girls' B-Team Basketball Members of the Gitls' B Team Basketball are from left to right, (front row): Rebecca Plantt, Kay Royder, Sandy Miller, Charmille Bridges, Candy Upham. (Second row): La Nell Wilson, Penny Hancock, Mary Beth Bailey, Janet Calliham, Kathy Litter$t, and. Linda Welch. (Thitd row): Evelyn Worley, Ruth Becker, Jan Harris, Faye Merr Inglis, Lillian Surovik, Cherie Le Blanc, and Patricia Boriski. Loga (Frog Nola The Girls' "B" team was coached by Mrs. Cochran. They worked hard this year with the Varsity Team and brought CHS a good record. 104 J r VARSITY BASEBALL TEAM Members of the baseball team are 1. to r. (back row): Coach Edsel Jones, Jerry Davis, Stephen Prescott, Terry Logan, Carl Gough, Walter Varvel, Tommy Meinecke, David Parsons, Bobby Holcomb, Manager Ralph Smith. (Front row); Jimbo Robison, Sonny Benavidez, Darrell Gossett, Fred Davis, Ricky Carlton, Tom Denton, Paul Nolan, Bob Bishop. r 3 i 1 g The Baseball Team was coached by Edsel Jones who worked hard and put much time into making this year's team a fine one. Nr r .~ ~~,, 105 Tiger Baseball Team 106 Walter Varvel Most Valuable Player Sonny Benavidez Carl Gough x ._.,. . t ~„ .~ l~ ~ ~; ~~ ~~ ,~~ , ~~ ~~ ~ ~ r~ ~t ~, vy ` ~ ~,F 4YI! i t ~I David Parsons ,, ~~ ~~~' ion 108 Jimbo Robison Jerry Davis e VARSITY TRACK TEAM Members of the track team are 1. to r. (back row): Nolan Young, John Perry, Eddie Goldsmith, David Parsons, Jimmy Parrish, Bobby Whiting, Tommy Meinecke, Russell Hanna, and Coach Art Bright. (Front row): John Sechelski, John Chadwick, Peter Fagan, Paul Fagan, Bill Duke, Frank Litterst, and Richard Runkles. Right; David Parsons set a new record in the discus throw. Bill Duke went on to bring more State honors by placing third in track 880 at the STATE meet. ti The coach of the track team is Mr. Art Bright. He worked hard and spent many hours with them to help them win STATE. We, the student body, thank him! 109 CHS WINS STATE IN TRACK! ! ! CHS Champs in Golf and Barwling and Met Fay .~ ~' _. ~~~~ Members of the bowling team are 1. to r.: Willie Edmonds, John Bauldauf, Danny Whit, Judy Mar- tin, Larry Sigbornson, Cazol Liverman, E. A. Holland, and Barbara Staten. The bowling team went 10 to state this year after winning regional and district. GOLF TEAM Members of the golf team are 1. to r.: Larry Carter, Duke Butler, Larry Godfrey, John Skrabanek, John Bauldauf, Mason Newton, J. Pewthers, Johnny Badgett, and Coach B. B. Holland. The golf team won the championship at District this year. The Outstanding Golfer for 1963-64 is Duke Butler. and Tennis a ~ . mrr.rr.rrc mr e r„r Members of the tennis team are from left to right; Mark Riedel, Claire Elkins, Jim Mills, David Riedel, Faye Inglis, Carol Whiting, Joan Varn, Lawrence Stelly, and Michael Leinhart. The Tennis team took honors at District, Regional and STATE competition this year. Claire Elkins won the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP in Austin and was named Most Valuable Player on the tennis team. All mem- bers of the team worked hard to win these honors for CHS. The coach is Mr. Schaffer. Those members of the team who lettered are Claire Elkins, Jim Mills, Joan Varn, Michael Leinhart, and Mark Riedel. More Tennis Letters were awarded this year than ever before. We at CHS can be proud of the team for their fine efforts and victories. _--- amass ~-=-,:K.::•>:_ ~ .c.._:,.~s,.r.~ ~:z~K Yell Leaders Dai Sports -~ Yell-Leaders-Spirit Sharon Covey, Senior, Head Yell Leader ~"' ~ i f '', 113 Dianna Weirus, Senior Janet Whitehead, Senior Daisy Sloan, Junior Sallye Sorenson, Junior Sports Awards BASEBALL Walter Varvel - Outstanding Player _ ~__ _ GOLF Duke Butler Most Valuable Golfer TRACK Bill Duke Outstanding Track Man BASKETBALL Tommy Meinecke -Most Valuable Player Frank Litterst -Outstanding Back, Most Val- uable; Darrell Gossett -Outstanding Lineman. TENNIS Claire Elkins -Outstanding Player and State Champ STUDENT LIFE 115 Powder Puff "VICTORY" FOR THE SOPHOMORES ! ! ! The Sophs won the game 12-6 and were cheered on by their lovely yell leaders led by Josy White. An- other highlight of the game was the moving ceremony of crowning the queen who was Miss Michele Robi- son. IIb Sophs look "TOUGH" as they get ready to beat the fish. "Come on, girls, just 100 more yards!" OH, why do those freshmen have to score? ! There goes Smith again! Dorothy plans a secret attack for the second half. H-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m! ! ! 1 Work Da y 1 ~' ~' Yes, Linda, someday you'll be a Senior, and then you can go to the Bryan Tourney. 17 Maybe it's something that only Juniors under- stand??!! Well, the Juniors have a new toy! ! ! "Double, Double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble!" Christmas i 118 The Concert Choir performed at the bank every day for a school week to bring in the Christmas Season. They also performed on KBTX Television twice. One time they performed on TOWN Talk and a second time for a thirty minute program of their own. ~~ ~,~ ~_ The choir gave a short concert for the student body on the last day of school before the holidays. The choir's Christmas concert season was highlighted by a night concert which featured the Con- cert Choir and the Mixed Chorus. Latin Banquet s .~Ls' April 17, 1964 The A&M Consolidated Chapter of the Junior Classical League cele- brated their annual Latin Banquet. The banquet was held in the true style with decorations and slaves. Pictured at the left is the head table for the banquet. Each mem- ber came dressed as an ancient Roman god or goddess. YOUNG ROMANS CELEBRATE ANNUAL LATIN BANQUET I ! ! 119 I Mrs. Orr, sponsor of the Latin Club, opens the ceremonial banquet. Latin I students who are not members ' of the Latin Club act as slaves for the banquet. The slaves are chosen for their outstanding work in Latin I. Here we have some of the other gods and goddesses who at- tended the ritual. Lorelei Brown's prize winning "Jupiter" decorated the table. Jr. Play ~,_ Under the talented direction of Mrs. Alston the Junior Class enacted "The Mousetrap." The play was double-cast and played for two nights . "° Behind the scenes the other mem- bers of the class work on the "Mouse- trap" until opening night. ~' ~~ °, ~. The cast and crew are, 1. to r.: David Brusse, David Parsons, Jerry Holbert, Fred Wor- ley, David Kent> Carl Gough, David Holmgreen, Dazrell Gossett, Jim Amyx, David Maddox, Tommy Clark, Terry Sharp, Carolyn Hooper, Jane Martin, Ann Avera, Sharon Yeager, Karen Stuverud, Jack Coffee, Claire Elkins, Lorelei Brown, Don DeLucia, Ruth McGill, Daisy Sloan, Mrs. Alston,. Van Odell, Donna Files, Katherine Edwards, Kathy 120 Sperry, Sallye Sorenson, Linda Bloom. A good Here V up char Leo tau could d own bu; Members of the cast are, 1. to r. (back): Don DeLucia, Fred Worley, Jerry Holbert, David Maddox. (Front): Karen Stuverud, Jane Martin, Lorelei Brown, Donna Files, and Christine Schroeder. SENIOR PLAY THE LITTLE FOXES ~,. ,~.~ ~~~ ~ *wi Leo taunts Zan, "What a little fool you are! What I Birdie draws cold looks from the Hubbards as she could do in a place like that! 1" . "Oh mind your pleads to have Lionett back. own business, I can imagine the kind of things you'd A good play could not go on without help backstage. Here Van Odell, Jan Alston, and Frank Coulter make up characters for Little Foxes. Regina, Ben, and Oscar Hubbard persuade Mr. Marshall to "bring the machine to the cotton! " Horace falls with a heart attack . . . .and is carried off. Faculty Game plots and plans in a huddle before tive teammates. i The ne rise as Sponsc FHA d Our own Ladybugs twist and shout at the Fac- ulty Game. There's Ringo Huebner on the drums. She`s accompanying George Neelley, Paul Cook, and John Phillips. Mrs. Cochran charges off to a dubious destination, Mrs. Alston and Joan Varn jump for the ball and are cheered on by their respec- Notice all the smiling faces! ! -Well, one at Linda Harvell"s free throw helps the girls to win. Installation of FHA Officers a ~- The new officers of the Junior and Senior Chapters of the FHA rise as they light their candles. Mrs. Riggs and Mrs, Phillips announce the State De- gree winners, 1. to r.: Yolanda Burkhalter, Barbara Staten, Kathy Sperry, Ann Kirby, and Sharon Yeager. 123 Sponsors Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Riggs award the FHA degrees. Spring Festivities Ten Senior girls are hostesses for the "Hula Haven" fete. L. to R. they are: Sherry Holland, Susan Timm, Joy Cooper, Sue Hierth, Patricia Hill, Peggye Breazeale, Dianna Weirus, Margaret Brown, June Bearden, Pam Adams. Of course , no party is complete without refresh- ments, as Jimmy Parrish demonstrates! ! The C Looks joying '64 Seniors and their dates swing to the music of the "Club Hula Haven. " The Citations play for Formals and the JR.-SR. Prom. Flowers and a fountain make the decorations complete for the "Hula Haven." T Seniors' Party Formal and Casual One of the highlights of the 1964 celebra- tions was the Senior Western Party at the A&M Club. Ten Senior girls gave the party at the "Silver Spur Dance Hall" to honor the Class of '64. 125 L. to R. (top row): Julie Goode, Candy Evans, Ann Kirby, Pam Adkins, Jackie Kelly. (Bottom row): Sharon Covey, Marcia Runkles, Melanie Miller, Gail Keown, and Suzanne Medlen. Teachers and parents sponsor the Senior parties and join in the fun. Here they are at the "Club Hula Haven. " The Citations join in the Beatle Craze. Looks as though Carolyn Hooper is en- joying it! ! 126 Awards Day Language awards go to Mary Ruth Watkins, Anne Ballinger, Karen Stuverud, Nancy Inglis, and Sherry Mims. .a s ~` p'µ ~. Dr. Kate Adele Hill presents the DAR scholar- ship to Linda Feldman. Homemaking Awards go to Karlene Kne- bel, Ann Avera, Pam Adkins, and Candy Evans. i I Deborah Shatte wins the Science Award. Mr. Adkins gives band honors. Lorelei Brown receives a Math Award. Award and Honors Brought to CHS During '63-'64 127 Russell Hanna wins Bausch-Lomb. Linda Liles (left) and Pam Adkins (right) were winners in the district wool contest and Pam went on and placed in the State competition. Nancy Inglis wins the English Award. Dick Pewthers, Sherry Holland, Peggye Breazeale, and Glen Collier attended the ALL-STATE Choir in Houston. (Not pictured, Dianna Weirus was in the ALL-STATE Orchestra with her violin. ) Carter wins in Photography. ~~~d ~. ,w ~~ ,~ Wonder what Russell won!?! Well, we all need a rest after a vigor- ous race , don't we , Debbie? Sports Da y and Elections! ELECTION RESULTS Student President -Jerry Holbert Editor of Tigerland -Ann A vera Business Managers -Jane Rudder, Ruth McGill Yell Leaders - Sallye Sorenson, Daisy Sloan, Sharon Yeager, Debbie Cooper, and Cynthia Castle. And it's a scramble for the finish and the JUNIORS are Champs ! 128 "I guess we'll have one next year. " Plans, hopes, and posters go up during the week of elections. Snaps 129 George Huebner and Bruce Riggs show how to dress in a blizzard as they combat the "Big Snow." Poor Jimmy! He doesn't have a chance . but he doesn't seem too upset . . It's "down the hatch" for Seniors during Little Foxes rehearsals. Some people have nothing better to do than loiter in the doorway, The Tiger football team sneaks a break at the Tastee. a . ~~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~~ ~- ~ ~ ~ a .. .. .,. , a . ~ sYlfl~~„ v ~, ., e ,. `' i ter.,. "Younger students romp and play in the white blanket of snow. " After careful plotting and planning students decorate the slab with a new modern art statue. ~~ K } S ,~ ~,.: ~~, _ ~- ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ hots Dick Pewthers and Glen Collier enter Sam Houston Coliseum for rehearsal of the Grand Concert of the All-State Choir. "What do you mean I have to get my Most Handsome picture ' taken tomorrow?" 131 Sandy Miller gives the old "come hither" and Peggye Breazeale is hypnotized. Seniors will eat any time, any place. All-State Band plays at Sam Houston Coliseum in Houston. Graduation Here the Seniors stand for the final benediction. The combined choirs led the audience in CHS. Earlier, the Concert Choir performed "Once to Every Man and Nation. " "Amen. " 132 May 27, 1964 The Class of '64 receive their diplomas at the commencement ceremony held on Tiger Field. Nancy Inglis was named Valedictorian and Linda Feldman was named Salutatorian. „mow ~ ~~ ~a ~r~ a~ ; .. ~. ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~,,: R ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~x ~ ~s{ ~~ ~ E ~' ~ ~ ? ~ ~ {~ ~ ; '` ~`' ,~ s. ` _ ~~ ,~.. ~~" ~~~~ ~~ r ~~ ~ ~F ~~ ~~~ ~~ .~ s °~~ x ~° .. ~ ~ ~~~r~ ~~ 3~.. ~ r 3 ~ Y - / $~ ~ ~~; ~, d 3 I 1 o l 5 ~3 Valedictorian NANCY INGLIS Members of the 1963-64 Student Council are, 1, to r. (first row): Kay Fisher, Linda Isbell, Sandy Cathcart, Jane Houze, Sharon Yeager, Rosemary Sharp, Sherry Holland. (Second row): Linda Feldman, Jane Bashaw, Joan Huff, Margaret Mc Murry, Pam Adams, Julie Davis, Charmille Bridges, Carol Whiting, Charles Dodson. (Third row): Linda Anderson, Terry Jones, Larry Holt, David Alexander, Bill Price, Billy Mit- chell. (Fourth row): Russ Harvell, Bruce Riggs, Paul Fagan, Stephen Prescott, Scott Hervey, Tommy Meinecke, Walter Varvel, David Gay. The Student Council is elected by the students. Each Homeroom elects two representatives, aboy and a girl, who attend the meetings of the Student Council and report the happenings of the meeting. This year the Student Council was active in starting a fund to support an orphan. The entire student body will take part in this project. Another activi- ty that the Student Council sponsored was the work day at which the freshmen, sophomores, and jun- iors cleared the creek and cleaned the school grounds. The student council proposed and passed, with the approval of the student body, the scholar- ship fund which will send some boy or girl to Texas A&M University. A&M Consolidated High School owes a special thanks to David Gay, President of the Student Council, who urged the passing of the Student Council projects and who worked hard for the school. Other officers of the Student Council are Johnny Badgett, Vice President; Margaret Mc Murry, Recording Secretary: Sherry Holland, Corresponding Secretary; and Bruce Riggs, Treasurer. The Student Council Member at Large was Charles Dodson for 1963-64. The Student Council elected the following seniors as Citizens of the Month for 1963-64: David Gay, Bruce Riggs, Nancy Inglis, Jan Bugler, Linda Feldman, Margaret Mc Murry, Michael Leinhart, Billy Mitchell, Bill Duke, J. Pewthers, and Lee Sicilio. 134 Student Council ^i ~ L. to R.: Sherry Holland, Editor; Ann Avera, Jr. Bus. Mgr. ; Susan Timm, Sr. 135 Bus. Mgr. Tigerland Staff t ~~ The TIGERLAND STAFF claims a new home in the new building. My, that's an odd crew! ! Special Appreciation This page is dedicated to those people who gave hours of their time to make the 1964 TIGERLAND one of the best. As Editor, I wish to thank Susan Timm who served as Senior Business Manager as well as Assistant Editor, and Ann Avera who served as Junior Business Manager. Other members of the annual staff who did outstanding work are Pam Adams, Harriett Hferth, Linda Bloom, and our artists, Lorelei Brown, Charles Dod- son, and Bruce Riggs. I wish to express my deep gratitude to these people and to the entire annual staff who worked with them, Sincerely, C ~~ Sherry Holland, Editor 136 LZ ~a Index Class of 1964 PAMELA JUNE ADAMS "Pam" 1. Tigerettes Sergeant; Basketball Letter; Volleyball; Baseball; NEDT Award; Congo Cuties. 2. Tigerettes Sergeant and Reporter; Student Council Officer; Basketball Letter; Lat- in Club; Congo Cuties. 3. Tigerettes Junior Captain; Class Secretary; Basketball Letter; Spanish Club; Mixed Chorus -Vice President; FHA; Tigerland Turntable. 4. Tigerettes President; Student Council; Class Vice President; FHA -Second Vice President; DAR Award; TIGERLAND; Spanish Club; Tigerland Turntable; UIL - Gold Medal Solo and Madrigal; Most Cooperative. TEXAS TECH PAMELA GRAY ADKINS "Pam" 1. Tigerettes; FHA; TIGERLAND; Latin Club; Congo Cuties; Honor Roll. 2. Tigerettes; FHA; Latin Club; Honor Roll; TIGERLAND. 3. Most Beautiful; Bengal Belles; FHA; Homemaking Merit Award; Spanish Club; Honor Roll; Honor Sweater. 4. Most Beautiful; Bengal Belles; Officer, Lieutenant; FHA; Wool Contest; Honor Roll; Crisco Award. TEXAS UNIVERSITY CAROLYN ALLEN 1. FHA; Tigerettes. 2. FHA. 3. FHA; Shorthand Award. 4. FHA. ` TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY J KRISTINE FRANCES ANDERSON 4. Transferred from Bryan; Safari Staff; UIL Ready Writing; Honor Roll. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY PAMELA JANE AVERA "Pam' 1. FHA; Tigerettes; Homeroom Treasurer. 2. Mixed Chorus; Class Officer; Tigerettes; Congo Cuties; Volleyball; Tigerland Turntable. 3. Junior Play Crew; Choir Officer; Volleyball; Tigerland Turntable. 4. Senior Play Crew; Choir; Tigerland Turntable. 138 JOHN DAVID BADGETT 1. NEDT Award. 2. Golf. 3. Speech; Junior Play Cast; Golf. 4. Student Council Vice President; Student Government Day; Citizen of the Month; Golf. TEXAS TECH GERALDINE CLARE BASSETT 3. Transferred from New York. JUNE BEARDEN 1. Tigerettes; Student Council; FHA. ~ 2. Tigerettes; FHA; Congo Cuties; TAP Talent Show - 1st; Speech Talent Show. 3. Bengal Belles; FHA; TAP Talent Show; Speech Talent Show. 4. Bengal Belles; Reporter -Bengal Belles; FHA; Class Treasurer; Speech Talent i Show; Commercial Award. I SAM HOUSTON STATE TEACHERS' COLLEGE EUSEBIO V. BENAVIDEZ "Sonny" 1. Baseball. 2. Baseball. 3. Baseball. 4. Baseball. PEGGYE JANE BREAZEALE 1. FHA; Tigerettes Officer; Safari Staff; Softball; Congo Cuties. 2. FHA Officer; Tigerettes; TIGERLAND; Choir - 1st UIL Vocal Ensemble; 1st TAP Talent Show; LWNS; Girls' Quartet; Congo Cuties. 3. FHA Officer; Bengal Belles; Concert Choir; All-Region Choir; UIL Vocal Ensem- ble - 1st; Spring Musical; Spanish Club; LWNS; 1st -TAP Talent Show. 4. FHA President; Bengal Belles Captain; Concert Choir; All-Region Choir; All-State Choir Alternate; STATE FHA Choir; Spanish Club; Trezettes; LWNS; Outstanding Choir Member; Most Likely to Succeed; 1st UIL Trio and Madrigal. TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY EWING ERNEST BROWN, JR. "Sonny" 1. Band. 2. Band. 3. Band; Photo Club; Spanish Club; Bowling Club Vice President and Team Captain. 4. Band Vice President; Spanish Club; Photo Club; Bowling Club. ALLEN ACADEMY LORELEI BROWN 1. JCL - 2nd State Sculpture Contest; Powder Puff; Honor Roll. 2. JCL - 1st State Sculpture Contest; Latin Award; Honor Roll. 3. Junior Play Cast; TIGERLAND; Safari Editor; JCL - 1st Sculpture Contest; 1st Drama Interp. Trinity Speech Meet; National Merit Finalist. TEXAS UNIVERSITY 139 MARGARET GWYNNE BROWN 1. Student Council; Band; Band Council; Honor Roll; Tennis; Safari Staff; Congo Cuties. 2. Student Council; Band; Trick Twirler; Band Council; Number Sense; Honor Roll; Congo Cuties Co-Captain; NEDT Award. 3. Band Council; Trick Twirler; Junior Play Crew; Regional Number Sense; National Merit Honorable Mention; 1st - UIL Twirling. 4. Band Council; Head Twirler; Senior Play Crew; Presidente Spanish Club; Honor Sweater; Honor Roll; 1st - UIL Twirling; Regional Number Sense; 4th State Short- hand; Best All-Around Girl; National Honor Society. TEXAS UNIVERSITY JAN BUTLER 1. Tigerettes; Latin Club; FHA; Outstanding Freshman; NEDT Award. 2. Tigerettes; Student Council; FHA; Honor Roll. 3. Bengal Belles; Spanish Club; FHA; Honor Roll. 4. Bengal Belles Lieutenant; Spanish Club; Honor Roll; FHA; Honor Sweater; Nation- al Honor Society; Citizen of the Month. SAM HOUSTON STATE TEACHERS' COLLEGE ANDREA JO CHANCEY STANLEY PRESTON CLARK, JR. 3. Transferred from Bryan; Junior Play Cast; TIGERLAND; Photo Club; Mixed Chorus. 4. Senior Play Cast; Concert Choir; Photo Club; TIGERLAND. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY LEE JACKSON COFFEY "Jack" 1. Photo Club; Football; Baseball Manager; 1st -District Junior Declamation. 2. Photo Club; Baseball. 3. Photo Club; TIGERLAND; Junior Play Cast; State One-Act Play, Best Actor - Dis- trict; Advance Speech Award; 2nd -Trinity Speech Meet. 4. Photo Club; Senior Play Cast; One-Act Play Crew; Speech Award; 2nd -District Prose. TEXAS UNIVERSITY GLEN ELDON COLLIER 1. Concert Choir; Musical; NEDT Award. 2. Choir; Basketball. 3. Choir; All-Region Choir; Junior Play Cast; Photo Club; Musical. 4. Choir; All-Region Choir; All-STATE Choir; Outstanding Choir Member; Senior Play Cast; Photo Club; TIGERLAND; Honor Sweater; National Honor Society. SOUTHWEST TEXAS STATE COLLEGE JOYCELYN ANNE COOPER "Joy" 1. Safari Staff; FHA; Choir; Musical; Honor Roll; Tigerettes; Congo Cuties Manager. 2. TIGERLAND; FHA; Choir; Tigerettes. 3. Homecoming Nominee; TIGERLAND; FHA; Concert Choir. 4. Homecoming 1st Princess; FHA; TIGERLAND; Choir; Senior Favorite; 1; 2 Cutest Couple; Senior Play Crew; 3rd District Typing. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY } 140 SHARON LYNN COVEY 1. FHA; Tigerettes; Homeroom President. 2. Tigerettes; FHA; Basketball; Class Secretary. 3. Cheerleader; FHA; Junior Favorite; Basketball; Tigerland Turntable. 4. Head Cheerleader; FHA; Basketball; School Flirt. TEXAS UNIVERSITY SAMUEL HENRY CRESWELL "Sam" 3. Debate - 1st Nacogdoches Tournament; Photo Club. 4. Photo Club; Speech. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY JUDITH LEE DEAN "Judy" 1. FNA; FHA; Congo Cuties; Art Club; Safari Staff. 2. FNA; FHA; Debate; Art Club. 3. FNA; FHA; Junior Play Cast; Tigerland Turntable Manager; Dratna Club. 4. FNA Treasurer; FHA; Tigerland Turntable Manager; Band Talent Show MC. CHARLES CREIG DODSON 3. Transferred from Travis in Austin; Political Arts Club. 4. Student Council; TIGERLAND; Air Force Test 100~fo. WILLIAM FREDERICK DUKE "Bill" 4. Transferred from Ames, Iowa; All-School Favorite; Best All-Around; Most Hand- some; Track Letter; 3rd State 880; Citizen of the Month; Most Valuable Track Man; Honor Roll; Air Force Test 100%. TEXAS UNIVERSITY ROBERT ROLLIN ELKINS "Bobby" 1. Basketball; NEDT Award; Speech Play; Softball; Homeroom President, 2. Basketball; Softball; Volleyball; Homeroom President. 3. Choir; Musical; Junior Play Crew; Homeroom President. 4. Choir; Senior Play Crew; Spanish I. TEXAS TECH CANDYCE EVANS "Candy" 1. FHA. 2. FHA; Congo Cuties; FNA; Softball; 1st TAP Talent Show. 3. FHA; Trinity Speech Meet Finals; Junior Play Cast; FNA Secretary. 4, FHA; FNA Secretary; Trinity Speech Meet Finals; Betty Crocker Award; TIGER LAND. LAMAR TECH LINDA SUE FELDMAN 1. FHA; Basketball; Honor Roll; Homemaking Award. 2. FHA; Basketball; Volleyball; Latin Award; Honor Roll. 3. FHA; Basketball Letter; Volleyball; Junior Play Crew; Honor Roll; Honor Sweater; Girls" State. 4. FHA; Basketball Letter; Volleyball; FNA; Honor Roll; Student Council; National Honor Society; DAR Scholarship; Salutatorian. LILLIE JOLLY SCHOOL OF NURSING KENNETH LEE FISHER "Ken" 1. Choir; Musical; Major Athletics; Debate. 2. Choir; Band; Photo Club. 3. Choir; Musical; Band; Junior Play Crew; Senior Play Crew. 4. Choir; All-Region Choir; Photo Club; Senior Play Crew. 141 DAVID EDWARD RYAN GAY 1. TIGERLAND; Safari Staff; 2nd District Extemp. ; NEDT Award. 2. Latin Club; Debate; Chou; JCL; Speech Award; 1st District Extemp; TIGERLAND. 3. TIGERLAND; Choir; Debate; Student Council; DIA Seminar; Junior Play Cast; 3rd " .Regional Extemp. ; Speech Award; Tigerland Turntable. 4. Student Council President; Choir; TIGERLAND; Citizen of the Month; Tigerland - Turntable; Friendliest; Most Persuasive; Most Representative; 2nd State Extemp. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY ~ ' CHERYL KAY GILBERT "Kay" 1. FHA; Basketball; UIL Spelling. 2. FHA; Basketball; Homeroom Officer; Volleyball. 3. FHA; Basketball; Junior Play Crew; Shorthand Award; UIL Shorthand; Homeroom Officer. 4. FHA; Basketball. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY ELLIOTT J. GILBERT, JR. J 1. 2. Transferred from French HS, Beaumont; Baseball. 3. Bowling Club. 4. Bowling Club. JULIE ANN GOODE ~ 1. FHA; Tigerettes; Pruitt's Sewing Award; TIGERLAND; Honor Roll; Latin Club; f Congo Cuties; NEDT Award. 2. FHA Junior Chapter President; Tigerettes; Latin Club; Honor Roll; Latin Award; TIGERLAND. 3. Bengal Belles; FHA; Spanish Club; Honor Roll; Honor Sweater; Junior Play Cast. 4. Bengal Belles; FHA; Spanish Club; Honor Roll. TEXAS UNIVERSITY I PAULA RUTH GRUMBLES 1. FHA. 2. FHA -Treasurer. 3. FHA. 4. FHA. TEXAS WOMAN'S UNIVERSITY CHARLES RUSSELL HANNA "Russell" 1. Football; Basketball; Track; Major Athletics Club. 2. Basketball; Track; Major Athletics Club; "C" Club; Class Vice President; Student Council. 3. Basketball; Track; Major Athletics Club; "C" Club; Most Valuable Track Player; Class President; Junior Favorite; Junior Play Crew; All-District Basketball. 4. Football; Basketball; Sportsmanship Award; Track; Major Athletics Club; "C" Club; Honor Sweater; All-District Basketball; Bausch-Lomb Science Award; Math Award. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY BENNETT LEE HARDEMAN "Ben" 1. Science Club; Greater Houston Science Fair - 1st. 2. Science Club; Powder Puff Drill Team. 3. Photo Club President; Junior Play Crew. 4. Photo Club; Senior Play Crew; Craftsmanship Award. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY 142 JENNIFER ANN HARTLEY 1. GRA Member; German Club; Homeroom Vice President; Girl Reserve. 2. GRA; German Club; Girl Reserve. 3. GRA Secretary-Treasurer; French Club; Girl Reserve Rep. 4. Transferred from Ames, Iowa; Homeroom President. TEXAS UNIVERSITY LINDA SUE HARVELL 1.' Student Council; Homecoming Nomfnee; Sports Queen Candidate; Most Beautiful; Congo Cuties; Baseball; Band. 2. Class Officer; Homecoming Princess; Most Beautiful; FFA Sweetheart Nominee; Band; Congo Cuties; Baseball; Basketball Letter; Volleyball. 3. Homecoming Nominee; FFA Sweetheart Nominee; FNA; Baseball; Basketball Let- ter; Volleyball. 4. Homecoming Princess; FNA President; Basketball Letter. HARRIETT SUE HIERTH "Sue" 1. Band; FHA; Congo Cuties; LWNS; 1st UIL Solo and Ensemble Clarinet; Homeroom Officer; Honor Roll; Tennis; NEDT Award. 2. Band; FHA; Congo Cuties; LWNS; Homeroom Officer; Honor Roll; Solo, Ensemble UIL Contest; Latin Club; FHA Junior Degree. 3. Band Officer; FHA; LWNS; Bowling Club Officer; Junior Play Cast; Speech Play; Drama Club; Trinity Speech Meet; 1st UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest; Regional Band; 1st Chair District Band; Homeroom Officer. 4. Senior Play Cast; Honor Sweater; LWNS; Band Officer; Arion Award; Outstanding Band Member; TIGERLAND; Spanish Club; Regional Band; Bowling Club; Home- room Officer; Speech Merit Award; One-Act Play; National Honor Society; Trin- ity Speech Meet; Solo and Ensemble Contest; Honor Roll. COTTEY COLLEGE PATRICIA ANN HILL "Trisha" 1. Homeroom Officer; Safari Staff; Concert Choir; Musical; Tigerettes; Congo Cuties. 2. Homeroom Officer; Safari Staff; Concert Choir; 1st UIL Solo; Tigerettes. 3. TIGERLAND; Concert Choir; Lead in Musical; Solo, Ensemble Contest; Finalist in 5 State Voice Contest. 4. Concert Choir; Choir Secretary; Solo, Ensemble Contest; Choir Award; Night of Music. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY ELTON ALLEN HOLLAND "E. A." 3. Bowling Club President and Team Captain. 4. Bowling Club Team Captain. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY CHERYL ANNE HOLLAND "Sherry" 1. 1st Twirling Solo; Band; Congo Cuties; Honor Roll; NEDT Award. 2. Majorette; Band; Choir Officer; Congo Cuties; Sports Queen Candidate; TIGER- LAND; 1st Twirling Solo and Ensemble; FHA; LWNS; Softball; Honor Roll; Home- room Officer. 3. Majorette; Band; Concert Choir; Homecoming Princess; TIGERLAND -JUNIOR BUSINESS MANAGER; Latin Club President; 1st Twirling Solo and Ensemble; FHA Officer; Junior Play Crew; LWNS; Honor Roll; FFA Sweetheart. 4. Majorette; Band President; Concert Choir Officer; Homecoming Queen; TIGER- LAND EDITOR; Trezettes; Regional Choir; All-State Choir Alternate; Honor Roll; Student Council Officer; Semi-Finalist Miss Teenage America Contest; National Honor Society; All-School Favorite; Senior Play Cast; Most Representative Girl; Outstanding Choir Member; Honor Sweater. TEXAS WOMAN'S UNIVERSITY 143 JOAN HUFF 1. FHA; Class Treasurer; Homeroom Officer; Powder Puff. 2. FHA; Homeroom Officer; Volleyball; Powder Puff. 3. FHA; Student Council. GEORGE LEE HUEBNER, III 3. Junior Play Cast; Choir; Musical. 4. Senior Play Cast; Chou; Student Govermnent Day. TEXAS TECH NANCY EILEEN INGLIS 1. 2nd Regional One-Act Play; Trinity Speech Meet; 3rd Oratory; Honor Roll. 2. Outstanding Speech I Student; Honor Roll; Trinity Speech Meet, 2nd Storytelling; Latin Club. 3. 1st, State One-Act Play; State One-Act Outstanding Performer; 2nd Regional Poetry Interp. ; Outstanding Science Student; Spanish I Award; Advanced Drama Award; Junior Play Cast. 4. Honor Sweater; Citizen of the Month; Senior Play Cast; Class Rep.; Speech Award; 411-Star Cast, District One-Act Play; National Honor Society; Honor Roll; Most Studious; English Award; Spanish II Award; DAR American History Award; Vale- dictorian. BARNARD COLLEGE in NEW YORK JACQUALYN ANN KELLY "Jackie" 2. Transferred from Houston; 1st in Twirling Solo and Duet; Band. 3. Drum Major of Band; 1st in Twirling Solos; 7th in USA in National Strutting Com- petition; Junior Play. 4. Drum Major; Band Council; 1st Twirling Solos and Ensemble; Spanish Club; 1st in Strutting Competition at Sam Houston Twirling Camp; Senior Play. LAMAR TECH DAVID HARBART KENT 1. Science Club; 2nd -Greater Houston Science Fair. 2. Choir; Chess Club. 3. National Merit Semi-Finalist; Concert Choir; Photo Club; Debate Team; 1st Nacogdoches Debate Tourney; State One-Act Play Crew; Junior Play Crew; Choir Musical. 4. National Merit Finalist; Photo Club; Senior Play Cast; Junior Play Stage Manager; One-Act Play Crew; Speech Award. TEXAS UNIVERSITY MARTHA GAIL KEOWN "Gail" 1. FHA; Tigerettes; Band. 2. FHA; Band. 3. FHA; Band; Majorette; Junior Play Cast; TAP Talent Show; Regional Band Tryouts. 4. TIGERLAND; Majorette; Band; Band Sweetheart. SOUTHWEST TEXAS STATE COLLEGE 144 CYNTHIA ANN KERLICK "Cyndi" 1. Tigerettes; Basketball; FHA; Latin Club. 2. Tigerettes; Choir; Basketball; FHA. 3. Concert Choir; Basketball; FHA; Junior Play Crew. 4. Concert Choir; Basketball; FHA; Senior Play Crew. UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON ANN WRIGHT KIRBY 1. Tigerettes; Choir; Congo Cuties; Homeroom Officer. 2. Tigerettes Sergeant; Choir Pianist; UIL Piano; FHA; Homeroom Officer; Congo Cuties. 3. Bengal Belles; Choir; UIL; FHA; Junior Play Crew. 4. Bengal Belles; Choir; FHA Officer; State Degree; County Winner in 6th Area Wool Contest. TEXAS TECH CHERIE ANN LeBLANC 1. FHA; Art Club. 2. FHA. 3. FHA. 4. FHA. MICHAEL GARY LEINHART 1. Chess Club; Tennis; Honor Roll. 2. Chess Club; Tennis; Most Studious; Honor Roll; Speech Play; Powder Puff Drill Team. 3. Tennis; DAR American History Award; Junior Play Cast. 4. Tennis Letter; Senior Play Crew; Honor Sweater; Most Studious; National Honor Society. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY MERIWYN LEINHART " Wyn" 1. FHA. 2. FHA; Chou; Vogue Pattern Contest. 3. FHA; Choir. 4. FHA; Chou. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY FRANK CARLTON LITTERST, III 1. Class President; Class Favorite; Football Letter; Baseball; Track; Basketball. 2. Transferred from Buna; Football; Baseball; Track. 3. Football Letter; Track; Spanish Club. 4. Football Letter, Captain, Most Valuable Back, Most Valuable Player; Senior Favorite; School Flirt. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY BARBARA JEAN LORENZ 1. Softball; Band; FHA. 2. FHA; Band. 3. Band; FHA. 4. FNA; FHA; Band. 145 CAROL JEAN LIVERMAN 1. FHA; Tigerettes; Latin Club. 2. FHA Secretary; Tigerettes; Bowling Club, 3. FHA; Spanish Club; Bowling Club; TIGERLAND; Junior Play Crew. 4. FHA Treasurer; Bowling Club; TIGERLAND; Senior Play Crew. ROSE LEE LYNCH 1. FHA. 2. FHA; Volleyball. 3. FHA. 4. FHA. JUDY ELLEN MARTIN 1. Honor Roll; Speech Talent Show. 2. Latin Club President; Basketball; Volleyball; UIL Typing. 3. Bowling Club Secretary; Shorthand Award; UIL Regional Shorthand. 4. FHA; Bowling Club Secretary-Treasurer. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY VICTORIA ALONZO MARTINEZ "Vickie" 1. FHA; Basketball; Tigerettes; Congo Cuties; Volleyball; Softball. 2. FHA; Basketball; Tigerettes; Congo Cuties; Volleyball; Softball. 3. FHA. 4. FHA; Basketball; Volleyball. DONALD BRANN McCRORY "Don" 1. Swimming; Homeroom Officer; Latin Club. 2. Basketball; Student Council Officer; NEDT Award. 3. Tennis; Honor Sweater; National Merit S.emi-Finalist; History Award; Homeroom President . 4. Senior Play Cast; Spanish Club Officer; Homeroom President; National Merit Finalist. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY MARGARET ANN McMURRY "Max" 1. Student Council; Tigerettes; FHA; Homeroom Officer. 2. Class Rep.; Tigerettes; FHA 1st Vice President; Homeroom Secretary; NEDT Award. 3. Student Council; Tigerettes Lieutenant; FHA Secretary; Junior Play Cast; Tiger- land Turntable; Homeroom Officer; TIGERLAND. 4. Class President; Student Council Secretary; Safari; FHA Rep.; Tigerland Turn- table; Choir Secretary; Homeroom Treasurer. TEXAS TECH MELANIE ANN MILLER 1. FHA; Tigerettes. 2, FHA; Tigerettes; TAP Talent Show, 3. FHA; Junior Play Crew; Tigerland Turntable. 4. FHA; Senior Play Crew; Tigerland Turntable; Safari; TIGERLAND. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY JIM FRANK MILLS, JR. 1. Tennis; Basketball. 2. Tennis; Basketball. 3. Tennis; Basketball. 4, Tennis; Basketball. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY 146 KEITH M, MIMS 1, German Club, 2, Transferred to CHS, 3, Debate; Latin Club; UIL Persuasive Speaking, 4, Debate; Golf; Senior Play Cast. WILLIAM TURNER MITCHELL "Billy" 1. Student Council; Junior Secretary Rifle Match. 2. Student Council; 5th State Mechanical Drawing Contest; Junior Secretary Rifle Match. 3. Distinguished Expert Marksman; Junior Secretary Rifle Match, 4. Student Council; Basketball; Exchange Club Boy of the Month; Citizen of the Month; Student Government Day; Major Athletics; Most Likely to Succeed; 3rd Junior Secretary Rifle Match. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY JAMES HUGH PARRISH "Jimmy" 1, Football; Basketball; Track; Tumbling Club, 2, Transferred from Corsicana; Football; FFA, 3, Track; FFA; Junior Play Crew, 4. Football; Track; FFA Officer; FHA Sweetheart. JENNINGS HOWARD PEWTHERS "J. " 1, Football; Baseball; Track; Homeroom Officer; Major Athletics Club; Powder Puff Cheerleader, 2, Football; Baseball; Track; "C" Club; Major Athletics Club; Homeroom Officer; Powder Puff Cheerleader. 3. Football; Baseball; Track; "C" Club; Major Athletics Club; Speech Club. 4. Football; Baseball; Track; Senior Play Crew; Senior Favorite; 1/2 of Cutest Couple; "C" Club; Major Athletics Club; Citizen of the Month. TEXAS UNIVERSITY ELINDA NORENE PLANTT 1, FNA; FHA, 2, FNA; FHA, 3, FHA; Junior Play Cast. 4, FHA; Merit for Teacher's Assistant. JUDITH ANN QUISENBERRY "Judy" 1, Congo Cuties; FHA; Choir; Tigerettes; Musical. 2, Choir; Congo Cuties; FHA, 3. Choir; FHA; Junior Play Crew; Musical. 4. Choir; FHA; Senior Play Crew, SAM HOUSTON STATE TEACHERS' COLLEGE BILLY HAL RANSDELL "Randy" 1, Swimming. 2, Swimming, 3, Swimming; Junior Play Crew. 4, Swimming, TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY 147 JAMES LOUIS REEVES "Jimmy" 1. Football; Class Secretary. 2. Transferred to CHS; Football; Band. 3. Band; Spanish Club; Junior Play Crew. 4. Band -Most Outstanding Boy; Most Cooperative Boy; Spanish Club Secretary; Senior Play Crew. TEXAS TECH MARCIA LYN RUNKLES 1. Latin Club; Newspaper Staff; GAA; Homeroom Secretary. 2, Majorette; Spanish Club; GAA. 3. Majorette; Spanish Club; FTA; FNA; GAA; Pep Squad. 4. Spanish Club; FTA; FNA; Drama Club; Newspaper Staff; Senior Play Cast; GAA; Pep Squad; Transferred from Brookings, S. D.; Senior Play Crew; TIGERLAND. TEXAS UNIVERSITY LEE SICILIO "Cicero" 2. Transferred from Atlanta, Georgia; Chess Club; Football; Baseball; Major Ath- letics Club. 3. Latin Club; Major Athletics Club. 4. Football; Major Athletics Club; Class Secretary; Citizen of the Month. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY RALPH ALEXANDER SMITH 1. Band; Art Club. 2. Band; Art Club. 3. Band; Craftsmanship Award. 4. Band. LAWRENCE ANDREW STEELY 1. Tennis; Chess Club; Softball. 2. Tennis. 3. Debate; Junior Play Cast; Tennis. 4. Debate; Tennis. TEXAS UNIVERSITY SUSAN TIMM 1. Tigerettes; FHA; Congo Cuties. 2. Tigerettes; FHA; Congo Cuties; Speech Award; TIGERLAND; Trinity Speech Meet; LWNS; Homeroom Officer; 1st -TAP Talent Show; Speech Talent Show; NEDT Award. 3. Tigerettes Lieutenant; FHA; Student Council; TIGERLAND; Tigerland Turntable; Speech Play; Junior Play Cast; Drama Club; Spanish Club; LWNS; 2nd District Prose; Trinity Speech Meet. 4. Tigerettes Senior Captain; TIGERLAND SENIOR BUSINESS MANAGER; Senior Play Cast; MC Band Talent Show; Speech Award; Regional UIL Prose. TEXAS UNIVERSITY CARLOS WARREN WAGNER "Warren" 1. Choir. 2. Choir. 3. Choir; Musical. 4. Choir; Track. TEXAS TECH 148 STAN L. WALKER 4. Transferred from New York; Track. DIANNA JEANNE WEIRUS 2. Transferred from San Antonio; Homeroom Vice President; LWNS; Congo Cuties; Tigerettes. 3. Junior Play Cast; Cheerleader; Mixed Chorus President; Concert Choir; Homeroom Secretary; Musical; Latin Club Vice President; 1st UIL Piano Solo Contest; LWNS; Student Council. 4. Cheerleader; Trezettes; LWNS; Choir; All-Region Choir; All-State Orchestra; •Friendliest; UIL Solo Ensemble Contest. TEXAS UNIVERSITY WILLIAM HAYS WHITE "Bill" 1. Football; Major Athletics Club. 2, Track; Major Athletics Club. 3. Track; Major Athletics Club; Junior Play Crew. 4. Football; "C" Club; Major Athletics Club; Senior Play Crew. SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY JANET LYNN WHITEHEAD 1. Cheerleader; Homeroom President; Student Council. 2. Transferred from Vienna, Va. ;FHA; Speech Club; Second District Extemp; Debate; Honor Roll; Speech Apprenticeship Award. 3. Class Vice President; Junior Play Cast; Speech Club; Debate Award; FHA; Photo Club; Tigerettes. 4. Cheerleader; FHA; Speech Club; Speech Award; Senior Play Crew; Most School Spirit; 2nd Region UIL Debate. RADFORD ROBERT LOUIS WHITING, II "Bob" 1. Student Council; Baseball. 2. Basketball; Baseball; Student Council. 3. Basketball. 4. Track. RODERICK KENNETH WOLF "Rick" 1. Baseball; Softball; Chess Club. 2. Baseball; Powder Puff Drill Team; Chess Club; Softball; Volleyball; Debate; Speech Club. 3. Spanish Club. 4. FFA; Junior Conducting Team; Judging Team; Radio Team - 2nd Area; Photo Club; Art Club; Speech Club. SUZANNE ISABELLE MEDLEN 1, Choir; Band; Choir Musical; FHA; Powder Puff; UIL Vocal Solo - 1st. 2. Choir; Band; Twirler; FHA; Powder Puff. 3. Choir; Band; FHA; FHA Officer; Head Twirler; Junior Play; Choir Musical; Madrigal; Spanish Club. 4. Band; FHA; Choir Musical; Senior Play; Spanish Club; Trick Twirler; All-Region Choir; Choir Officer; 15 1st Place Twirling Medals; 2 1st Medals at Solo Contest. 149 Autographs 150 CREDITS 151 ~ ,~ a 1 CENTRAL TEXAS HARDWARE 202 S. Bryan Avenue Bryan w ~ ~. ~ ~„ ~m MADELEY'S PHARMACY 334 Jersey College Station 1 ~- .~ UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK Member:. FDIC Member: Federal Reserve System 711 SULPHER SPRINGS ROAD COLLEGE STATION .t TASTEE-FREEZ "Where Teen-Alter s Are Aiwa y s Welcome" ~' .~.~~ 209 Highway 6 East ~~_~ LeMerpress 8 Photo-Offset Printing - Business Forms Rubber Stamps - Plastic Laminating 330 IERSEV ST. VI 6-5832 COLLEGE STATION ~~~ E f ~~~ z ~~-r; Hamburgers 50 Flavor Shakes Malts French Frie s Luigi Burgers VI 6-4827 VARSITY SHOP Townshire TA 3-5051 CAMPUS CLEANERS Texas A&M University Campus 113 MacArthur ~, VI 6-9316 _.L K~ av `f t ~~ a ~~ ~" ~,> a ,. .4 ,~ u ': h Townshire Shopping Center a. ~~. MENS CLOTHING SINCE 1896 BRYAN - TEXAS Botany '500` and Varsity-Town Suits Stetson Hats -Manhattan Shirts Nunn-Bush and Edgerton Shoes McGregor Sportswear Bryan Store TA 2-1553 117 North Main Street College Store VI 6-5419 North Gate, College Station ~; GARZA'S CAFE 3 ~ ~~ ~ Mexican Food ~ ~_ ~ ~~~ rfi ~ American Food ~ ; ~ ~~ `'~`" ~ .~ ~~~ ~~, 803 S. Main c f~ .,~ TA 3-3195 ~,~~ x~ ~ ,~ ~~ ; ~ ~~~ r~ k e~ ~ ~ ~ , , ~~ F~ t Y TRIANGLE BOWL ~, 7 r ~~ ~ ` ~w. ~~ ~ ~ a ,, ~_ .. ~~,,r . ~ a. ~. 3808 Old College Road CORBUSIER CHEVROLET CO. Dial 500 S. College TA 2-0836 TA 2-1376 Wrecker Service 24-Hour Service STACY FURNITURE CO. PRUITT'S FABRIC & BEAUTY SHOP 318 Jersey College Station ~~y~ ~~ WORK DAY VI 6-5212 ~~ E~ '~ .~ NEXT ~ ~ ~ TIME ~ ~ ~'° ~ I ~ ~~ , ~ SAY ~ ~ ~ NMp ~~ v ~ y~ JUMP ~ } ~ ~ ~, ' , ~~~ ~ ~, .. s ~ ~° ~;; e s ~. t 7 b t ~~ ~ A ~ „ ~~, ~ `~ ` ~ ,d/ ~y~' ~`~d U1~i~4!~~~y~~ V~~~ ,~ ~~ J ~ J~ ~ O ~ e ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ .; TAYLOR PUBLISHING COMPANY "The World's Best Yearbooks Are Taylor-made" !` ~~ ~ ~~ 4 li ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~-~, ~Q ~ ~ ~ J ~~~c F ~u,c_/ ~~ ~~~~,. a ~~ ~~°~~ 1 ~~ , r-a~~-~-~ ~, .~-o ~~ .~°~~-. ~ -~~ ~- ~~, --o-..~ `~~ f ~J i x?.~ } ,* .--,~~ ~_ a ~ r ~s.' . ~ , - '-. ~ * i .. ~ ... rz, ~ ~ eYA~I!-, kIW~.:.:.'~....Srrw.~rrC'.,~.. .. .f~+l~i~ ~~ - ~/Ld~ ~r S T E v®~ za