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Spring 1991
get',W10gtst CONTENTS Adam Royer 1829 -1892 by Ruth Hary and Janis Hunt 43 Editorial 46 Miscellaneous Brazos County Businesses compiled by Bill Page 47 Queries by Frank Green 53 Brazos County Texas Brands by Nadine Billingsley 54 Cemeteries 58 Brazos County Texas 1879 Census compiled by Mary Cooper 68 Index 77 Members Publications 79 V o l urns X1 I Number r 2 Spr i rig 19 9 1 • THE BRAZOS GENEALOGIST P.O. Box 5493 Bryan TX 77805 i OFFICERS 1991 PRESIDENT ........ CHARLES GENTRY VICE PRESIDENT ........ BILL PAGE SECRETARY ....... NAOMI McCORXICK TREASURER ...... HARRY J. PORTZER LIBRARIAN ........ NINA M. NOBLES EDITOR....... NADINE BILLINGSLEY PAST PRESIDENT..VICTORIA SIMONS STAFF EDITORS SPECIAL EVENTS..... CARL LANDISS RESEARCH /QUERIES....FRANK GREEN LOCAL HISTORY .................. RUTH HAIRY and JANIS HUNT CONTINUING SERIES..... BILL PAGE INDEXING /PRINTING CONSULTANT... HARRY J. POIRTZER MEETINGS Meetings are on the third Monday of each month from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Bryan Public Library. We are encour- aged to arrive early as the library closes at 9:00 pm. MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Membership is on a calendar year basis, January through December. $12.00 Single membership. Quarterly picked up at meet- ings. $14.00 Single membership, Quarterly mailed. $18.00 Family membership, quarterly picked up at meet- ings. $20.00 Family membership, Quarterly mailed. Checks for dues may be mailed to the above address, or to H.J. Portzer, 2501 Sumter Dr., College Station TX, 77845. QUARTERLY The GENEALOGIST is published as Spring, S Fall and Winter Issues, Each Volume of the GENEALOGIST will correspond with the membership year. Dues cover the cost to members. Non- members $4.00 per issue. EXCHANGE The GENEALOGIST is available for exchange with other organizations or publishers who have publications to offer. Send inquiries or samples to P.O. Box 5493, Bryan TX. 77805, SOLICITATIONS We solicit queries, charts, copies of records, articles and with Brazos Valley Family charts should be 11 and fit a 3 ring bin family Bible stories ties. 8 1/2 x der. EDITORIAL POLICY Neither the Brazos Genealogical. Society or the staff of the Quarterly will be responsible for error of fact or opinion expressed herein. Every effort is made to publish reliable information. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept appropriate material with editing privileges on a space available basis, The members of the society are encouraged to submit articles of interest concerning the Brazos Valley. Research pertaining to deeds, Bible records, schools, churches, and other groups or organizations are desired. research on material before the turn of the century is especially welcome. El D CJ3razos gerwalogtit Volume XII Number 2 Bryan /College Station Spring 1991 Texas ADAM ROYDER 1829 -1894 Adam ROYDER was born 15 April 1829 and was reared in the Kingdom of Bavaria Germany. He and his widowed Mother immigrated to the United States in 1846 when he was seventeen years of age. He made Texas his destination with Prince Karl De Solms BRAUNFEL who established the town of New Braunfels, Texas. Adam selected Brazos County, Texas for his home, and his first means of earning a livelihood in Brazos County was farm work. By energy and frugality, he was enabled to purchase land in the County, taking advantage of obtaining such property when low prices prevailed. He gave his attention largely to the raising of livestock and was one of the larger land holders of the County by the time of his death. Some time before 1852, Adam and his Mother, Barbara ROYDER, were naturalized and changed the spelling of their names from REUTER to ROYDER. They had settled just east of Millican, Texas, when they arrived in the area, and that is where he met Mary Ambrella PRICE, daughter of James M. PRICE and wife Mary. The PRICE family came from Alabama where Ambrella was born in 1836. Adam and Ambrella were married 12 December 1852 at the Boonville Courthouse. Their marriage was executed by Chief Justice of Brazos County, Harvey MITCHELL. This was the beginning of a friendship that lasted until Adam's death. Soon after his marriage, Adam purchased land in the Rock Prairie community where he built a log cabin with a sleeping loft for his growing family. Eventually he owned close to 1,000 acres of land in the Rock Prairie community. To the union of Adam and Ambrella were born seven sons: John H., James M., Adam Walter, Thomas Harvey, Jefferson P., Bill, and Henry. Bill and Henry died in infancy. Ambrella died 29 January 1.869 leaving Adam with five sons to raise. On 25 December 1870, Adam was married to Barbara Ellen HARRELL. From this union, eleven children were born: Jessie, George, Mickle, Charles, Cleve, Mary Ellen, Janie, Annie Elizabeth, Frances Margaret, Emma and Martha Lee. Mary'Ellen and Mickle died in infancy. 43 44 At the outbreak of the Civil War, Adam naturally cast his lot with the Confederate States and enlisted in a Texas regiment. He served Practically the entire course of the great conflict between the North and the South. Adam ROYDER was a Master Mason in Ada Zilla Lodge No. 247 in Millican, Texas until its demise in 1881. He then joined Brazos Union Lodge No. 129 and was a member until his death. Adam ROYDER and Harvey MITCHELL were in the process of starting a lodge at Wellborn, Texas, but Adam died before it was accomplished. In 1896, the Adam ROYDER Lodge No. 778 was established in Wellborn. Adam died after a brief illness on 4 March 1894 at the age of G4. He was buried in the Cemetery at Wellborn. Fourteen of Adam's children lived to be adults. They carried the family name well and distinguished themselves in business, in community affairs, and politics. Many of his sons became businessmen in the town of Wellborn and owned the cotton gin, drug store, general merchandise stores, the sawmill, and lumber yard. Two of them were Postmasters. In addition many of them were farmers contributing much to the advancement of early agriculture in this county. Perhaps the Memorial written by Adam's good friend Harvey MITCHELL best depicts his life. It was published in the Bryan newspaper 4 March 1894: THE LATE ADAM ROYDER "Having lived on terms of the most intimate friendship with the deceased for more than forty years, I feel that it is due to his memory that a more extended notice of his long and useful life in our country than has yet been given should be preserved; and at the same time it would be gratifying to the many friends who survive him. For that purpose the following brief biographical sketch is presented. "Adam ROYDER was born April 15 1829, in Bavaria, Germany, and with his widowed Mother emigrated to Texas with a part of the Prince de Solms colony that originally laid out and settled New Braunfels; with a few German friends having previously settled here. Adam and his Mother came to Brazos County in June and settled near the present site of Millican. "Although very poor and unable to speak a word of English, it was not long until by his manly, upright deportment, he had attracted the notice and secured the friendship and confidence of all the old settlers in the county. "He married his first wife, Miss Mary Ambrella PRICE, daughter of Justice James M. PRICE, on the 12th day of December 1852, and soon after purchased land in Rock Prairie upon which he settled and resided till his death. By indomitable energy and persevering industry he had built up a beautiful and valuable home and surrounded it with all the conveniences and many of the luxuries of a country home. 45 "He was a member of Captain Burton's company, Elmore's Brigade, during the war, and by his soldierly conduct and the faithful discharge of his duty, he gained the confidence of his superiors and highest esteem of his comrades. "His first wife died January 29th, 1869, leaving five boys, all of whom are prosperous business men of Wellborn, and whose success in part at least, is doubtless due to the careful, active training received under the paternal roof. He married his second wife, Miss Barbara E. HARROLD, December 25, 1870, by whom there were born to him nine children, four boys and five girls, who with their mother, survive him, and remain at the old, beautiful but now sad home. His Mother died Nov. S, 1873, at the ripe old age of 72 years. "He was made a Master Mason in Ada Zilla Lodge No. 247 Millican, of which Lodge he remained an honorable member until its demise, then he affiliated with Brazos Union Lodge No. 129, by which he was interred with Masonic ceremony in the beautiful cemetery at Wellborn on the evening of March 4th, 1894. "His last illness was brief and painless, he having been stricken with paralysis Friday afternoon, while in usual good health, from which he never recovered ability to move or speak, and at six o'clock on the morning of the 4th of March he passed on to the great beyond at the age of 64 years, 11 months and 20 days. "He was loved while living for his many virtues, as a citizen he was patriotic, honest and enterprising; as a neighbor and friend he was reliable, generous and faithful, ever ready to respond to duty in every relation of life. As a husband and Father he was most kind and tender, ever seeking to promote the comfort and happiness of home, and best interest of all around him. "His many deeds of charity and of timely assistance in time of need, will ever be remembered by many with sincerest gratitude. "He will surely be missed. By, Harvey MITCHELL" Sources_ Material furnished by Virginia Jones PARSONS, great granddaughter of Adam ROYDER . Memorial Tribute by Harvey MITCHELL, as published in Bryan Eagle, 4 March 1894. Ruth HARY and Janis HUNT Iq CONFIDENTIALITY OF RECORDS Texas law has now made birth, death and fetal death records confidential. The 1989 regular secession of the 71st legisla- ture made birth records, open records on the 50th anniversary of their filing and death records become open on the 25 anniversary of their filing. Even then, however, the records books themselves are not to be open to the public to thumb through. The County Registrar still has the responsibility for the preservation and main- tenance of the records. A record, once identified, may be copied and the copy provided to the individual that is making the request, for a fee. This information was provided by the county clerks office of Brazos County. It is an indi- cation that records once con- sidered public domain are being closed to researchers compiling information f rom the county records. It is understandable that the county because of inadequate funds may not be able to fur- nish help to researchers, however, the compiling of "public records" is a service to others who are unable to make a trip to the clerks office and it may possibly lighten the load of the county workers. Researchers, including genealo- gist need to make it known to our state representatives that state and county records should be open. What other records will soon be restricted'. GENEALOGY SCAMS ARE STILL HERE Bill Berger called attention to the following in the AUSTIN GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY QUARTERLY as a "BIG GYP! BIG GOOF!" As an example of the scam, a Mr. Hondo received the following post -card. "Our book HONDOS ACROSS AMERICA represents our knowledge about the location of HONDO families in America. If individually researched it would require you to spend thousands of dollars or months of work to search through National and State, government and utility records. These records represent the households of over 200 million people... There will be less than 15 books published and they will only be printed upon your specific request... RONDOS ACROSS AMERICA is a hard bound library edition and is gold stamped on a leather textured cover. Each book is serially numbered and ... You are already in this book." Needless to say you may have seen this type of notice; they have been around for some time. Most of these books are simply a list of names taken from current telephone books and will probably be of no meaning- ful value to genealogists. If you need a surname mailing list, this type of book may be useful. Nadine Billingsley, Editor 0 Ei 47 © MISCELLANEOUS BRAZOS COUNTY BUSINESSES compiled by Bill Page Four cotton gins in sight are kept busy to their capacity. Cotton pickers are greatly in demand. D.C. JARRELL is the principal cotton buyer of this section. Galveston Daily News Sept. 22, 1884, p. 1. Some unknown party entered the dwelling of Stephen MEDIAS, a Mexican, last night, and unmercifully beat him, and left him for dead. MEDIAS is keeping a boarding- house, and at night is alone. When the cooks appeared, early in the morning, they found MEDIAS lying on the floor, covered with blood, in a nude state. From appearances, he had a hard struggle with his assailants. The cause of the affair was robbery, as MEDIAS was supposed to have some money. There is no clew to the would be murderers. If caught they will be severely dealt with. The excitement runs high. MEDIAS was an honest and industrious man, and liked by everybody. He now lies in a critical condition. Galveston Dail News Oct. 18, 1884, p. 1. © BOONVILLE [ad] Martin V. GUEST, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Boonville ... (Houston) Tri Weekly Telegraph Dec. 13, 1858, p. 1. [ad] Henry PARKS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Boonville ... will practice in the courts of Brazos and adjourning counties. Texas Baptist Jan. 6, 1859, p. 3. [ad] M.V. GUEST, J.L. KENDALL. GUEST & KENDALL, Attorneys at Law, Boonville ... J.L. KENDALL, Notary Public. (Houston) Tri - Weekly Telegraph Mar. 2, 1859, P. 1. [ad] M.V. GUEST, Attorney at Law, Boonville ... will attend to business in the Courts of the 3d and 13th Judicial Districts. Particular attention paid to collecting, investigating land titles, buying lands, writing deeds and corresponding. Bellville Countryman Jan. 16, 1860, p. 1. [ad] T.R. ALLEN, Attorney at Law, Boonville ... Galveston Weekly Civilian Jan. 1, 1861, p. 4. 40 [ad] J.L. KENDALL, Attorney at Law and Notary Public, Boonville ... Texas Baptist Apr. 1.8, 1861, p. 4. [ad] B. HUBERT, Boonville, Brazos County, Texas, (16 miles beyond terminus of Central R.R. at Millican,) is well prepared and will act as general commission agent: buy cotton, wool, hides and country produce generally ... Galveston Daily News Mar. 25, 1866. Texas Land, Labor and Immigration Company ... [agents include] B. HUBERT, Boonville ... Galveston Daily News June 6, 1866, p. 2. COLLEGE STATION The storehouse, with stock of merchandise, owned by Mr. E.B. PUGH, at College Station, was entirely destroyed by fire last night. The fire is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Mr. PUGH was at the college attending the cadets' ball when the fire was discovered, and before he was able to reach the store it was almost entirely consumed. He was insured in the Liverpool Company for $2700, which will cover about half his loss. Galveston Daily News Dec. 24, 1882, p. 1. W eAWK • ••� Pete KEEFER's gin house and several bales of cotton were burned. One LABO [ZABO] was arrested and confessed the crime. Starting to jail with a guard, a mob seized him and he has not been heard from since. Galveston Daily News Sept. 26, 1877, p. 1. MOTLEY STORE On last Wednesday evening, about dark, three men called at Mr. MOTLEY's store, in the Brazos Bottom, and asked for a bottle of whiskey. As Mr. MOTLEY lighted the candle and passed behind the counter, one of them said, "Now is your time, boys," and at the same time blew out the light. As Mr. MOTLEY turned toward them they commenced shooting at him, but fortunately he escaped unhurt. The robbers carried away about eighty dollars. Galveston Daily News Feb. 29, 1876, p. 2. A negro store keeper named Sam FRENCHMAN, was shot in Brazos bottom on Monday night, by Mr. R.A. MOTLEY, who also keeps a store in the bottom. Mr. MOTLEY is known to be a quiet and orderly citizen, while the negro had the reputation of being a very quarrelsome person. He was in Bryan Monday and was arrested under indictment by the grand jury for carrying a pistol. He was tried in a justice court and fined. It is supposed that the difficulty resulting in his death grew out of this 49 indictment, as Mr. MOTLEY was on the jury. FRENCHMAN was not dead Tuesday evening, but was not expected to live through the night. He was shot in the abdomen with a load of squirrel shot from a double- barreled shot -gun. FRENCHMAN shot at MOTLEY three times, twice with a gun and once with a six - shooter, before the latter returned the fire. Galveston Dail News March 18, 1877, p. 2. STEELE'S STORE (also known as Mudville) STEELE's gin house, in the Brazos bottom, was again set on fire. There was no considerable damage done, as the fire was discovered almost immediately after it appeared. Galveston Dail News Nov. 3, 1882, p. 1. Deputy Sheriff JUMPER, in precinct no. - - -, was shot last night at a late hour in WALL's store, at Mudville, by a negro by the name of Mose WALKER. The cause of the shooting is not known, but it is said JUMPER attempted to strike the Negro with a stick, when he was shot. The ball took effect in the side. Although the wound is painful and will lay him up for some time, yet it is not regarded [as] dangerous. Galveston Dail News Mar. 10, 1885, p. 3. Benchley ... H.B. STEELE, a wealthy merchant and planter from Mudville, came in to town day before yesterday. He says the overflow in the Brazos bottoms has done a great deal of damage to crops . Galveston Daily News June 7, 1885, p. 3. Mr. J.A. WALL, a merchant and planter at Mudville, died and was buried here [Bryan] today. Mr. WALL died from a congestive chill. Galveston Daily News Aug. 6, 1885, p. 2. WELLBORN Navasota ... Early this morning the store of Frank VOELCKER, at Wellborn, a temporary station on the Central Road 20 miles north of here, was discovered on fire, which consumed the building and contents. The flames communicated to the store of FLETCHER Brothers, consuming it with contents, including a ticket case of the Central Road. VOELCKER lost $ 1500. The FLETCHER loss is unknown. Galveston Daily News Dec. 20, 1877, p. 1. Bryan ... Mr. C. FLETCHER, a merchant of Wellborn was buried here yesterday... Dallas Herald Apr. 21, 1881, p. 7. Bryan ... W.E. FLETCHER, a merchant and railroad agent 50 at Wellborn, about eleven miles south of here, was killed by a Negro named Burl BURLESON last night. BURLESON is a large, copper colored Negro living on the DURANT plantation, four miles west of the station, and was charged with wife beating and assault with a pistol. Deputy Sheriff SMITH went to arrest him, and summoned Mr. FLETCHER and another party to aid him in making the arrest. BURLESON was in the house and defied being arrested. FLETCHER then undertook to open the door, and managed to get it far enough open to allow his body part of the way in when BURLESON fired, shooting him near the heart. FLETCHER, after being shot, fired at the Negro twice and then walked about 100 yards, and let himself gradually down to the ground by a tree and died in a very short time. Mr. FLETCHER was a peaceful man and a good citizen, and did much for the community in which he lived. The entire neighborhood are out scouring the woods for BURLESON and he will, no doubt, meet with speedy justice. Later: BURLESON was captured about half a mile from his house, secreted in the woods, and is now in jail, but suffering much from the wound in his stomach, from which there seems to be little hope of recovery. Galveston Dai News Jan. 17, 1883, p. 1. The remains of W.E. FLETCHER were interred today in the cemetery at Bryan. The Negro who killed Mr. FLETCHER died in jail this morning about two hours before day, after much suffering. A coroner's jury were empaneled and came to the following verdict in substance: That Burt BURLESON, who died in the Brazos County jail on the morning of the 17th of January, came to his death by a pistol shot wound held in the hands of W.E. FLETCHER on the 15th day of January, 1883. Galveston Daily News Jan. 18, 1883, p. 1. The store house and entire stock of goods of W.L. ORR, of Wellborn, was consumed by fire. Insurance $4500. It is supposed to be incendiarism. Galveston Daily News Jan. 5, 1884, p. 1. Our little village is improving. One large store is now under erection and almost completed. A new dwelling house has also been built and is occupied by Mr. D.D. BURKHALTER, and there is talk of more building yet to be done. Fort Worth Daily Gazette Feb. 5, 1885, p. 2. A large capacious store has been built and is now opened for business by Mr. John ROYDER. A blacksmith from above Bryan was in town today prospecting. He will probably locate here. Fort Worth Daily Gazette Mar. 6, 1885, p. 1. A shooting scrape occurred here this evening, which a 51 caused considerable excitement though no blood was shed. Frank MEYERS and Gus PARKER, both tie contractors, had a misunderstanding, which resulted in the former knocking PARKER down twice, after which PARKER ran into John ROYDER's store, where he had left a shot gun, and coming out, fired at MEYERS, who was walking off some distance. After missing his man PARKER through [threw] the gun up to his shoulder again, but did not fire. There were several men standing close to MEYERS and had the second shot been fired some one would most likely have been killed. PARKER sat on his horse in the street for several minutes after shooting, and then galloped off towards his house. He has not been arrested yet. Whiskey was instrumental in bringing about the difficulty. Fort Worth Dail Gazette Jan. 31, 1886, p.5 Mr. J.N. FARQUHAR, a merchant of this place, was closed out Saturday, but he is hopeful of being able to pay off his liabilities in a day or so, and open up again for business. Fort Worth Dail Gazette Feb. 3, 1886, p. 1. A set of bold robbers took in this town between 5 and 6 o'clock this morning. They broke into one house where parties were sitting up with a sick man and got out a plate of victuals. They then went into A.J. PROCELLER's saloon and broke open his safe. There happened to be nothing at all in the safe. No clew yet of the robbers. Fort Worth Dail Gazette Feb. 3, 1886, p. 4. Bill BLACKSHEAR, a freedman living in the Brazos bottom, brought in the first bale of cotton for this place Saturday, which sold for 8 5/8 cents. Fort Worth Daily Gazette Aug. 11, 1886, p. 4. A man named JOHNSON, while attempting to clean a gin, got his arm caught and terribly lacerated before the engine could be stopped. The stand had to be cut to pieces to liberate his arm. Amputation will be unavoidable. Fort Worth Dail Gazette Sept. 5, 1886, p. 2. Frank STOCKLEY, one of the promising young men of our town, was badly cut by a gin this afternoon. Amputation of his right arm is quite probable, though the doctor thinks probably he can save it. His left arm and hand were badly cut, but no bones were broken. He received several cuts on the face but they will not disfigure him. At last account he was doing well and will recover. Fort Worth Dail Gazette Sept. 25, 1887, p. 4. [The following probably occurred near Wellborn]: Bryan ... Mr. Thomas ROWAN, who lives about six and one -half r miles south of this place, lost his gin last night on 52 account of fire. He ran the gin until after dark. He orted had only been in beds onufire. Hesthinksbthe fire to him that his gin was falling on the roof from the originated from sparks g Worth Q_ajjY smokestack. The insurance is light. Gaz� e,�tte Nov. 3, 1887, p• 4. Bryan ... The g house of ROWAN & COUL,TER, on the railroad seven or eight miles south of here, was destroyed by fire on the night of the 1st inst. Insurance about $ 1000, in the DNovta7We18871, pInsurance Company. �a�veston Dai].Y ew NEWSPAPERS with Free Genealogical Columns Family Tree, The Dallas 655237 TX Communications Center, P. 0. Box Ad- Express /Iowegian, Centerville, IA 52544 (Appanoose Co.) Cedar Rapids Gazette, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 (Linn Co.) News - Independent, Box 175, Mound City, MO 64470 (Holt CO.) Texas Kin, Fort Wo tb Star Telegram, 400 W. 7tb St., Fort Wortb , TX 7 El Paso Times, P. 0. Box 20, El Paso, TX 79999 Attn : Mary Margaret Davis Lubbock Avalanche Journal, 710 Avenue J, Lubbock, TX 7940 113 COLLEGE MAIN dt 8O46�376b O� Come See Us ... We're The Professional's Copy Shopl • Resumes • Word Processing • Business Cards • L,minsting • Binding • Typing • Transparencies • ?sssPon Photos • Copying • Fax Servws 53 QUERIES by FRANK GREEN #6 Researching Civil War soldiers from Brazos County. Will be pleased to exchange information. Bill PAGE, 208 Dellwood St., Bryan, TX 77801 These people are seeking information on their families under the following surnames and state or country: Joan Rawls MARTIN, 278 Pimlico Dr., Midlothian, TX 76065 RAWLS SC, Fairfield Co.; PARKER VA WHITESIDE KY,Wayne Co.; KIRKLAND SC Joanne GLOWSKI, 4131 Bethel, Houston, TX 77092 DOMINIK; XNAP; SANACKA; CHOLEWIAK; MACHOS All of Brazos Co. and Poland, Lubla, Rzeszow Prov. Rosemary E. BOYKIN, 1505 Laura Lane, College Station, TX 77840 BOYKIN TX, Leon Co.; TERMINI TX, Brazos Co. Carol L. RADEBAUGH, 3212 High Point Dr., E1 Paso, TX 79904 PRESLEY, S. LA, Sabine Par.; BARNES, P.L., AL & TX, De Witt Co.; BLACK, B.H. & B.F. AR, LA, Winn Par. Florence L. LOW, 813 Dogwood Lane, Bryan, TX 77802 WILKINSON MS, AL, VA; FLORENCE VA, GA, AL Gladys J. TAYLOR, 1008 Park Place, College Station, TX 77840 CLOUD SC, NC, GA; JONES GA, Macon Co.; TAYLOR GA,Macon Co. 54 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BRANDS BRAND NAME MARSHALL, DICK, fmc ulvi 23 DEC 1871 AP GOODWIN, ALFRED nu 23 DEC 1871 BH SCOTT, BRANCH 23 DEC 1871 H? MARSHALL, WASHINGTON,fmc 28 DEC 1871 DH THOMAS, DAVIS, fmc 28 DEC 1871 00 MYERS, CHRISTOPHER 30 DEC 1871 32 MIDDLETON, G. W. 12 JAN -1872 n DUPREIST, MRS A. H. 12 JAN 1872 AP GILLIARD, ADAM, fmc 23 JAN 1872 FiN MITCHELL, HARVEY, fmc CRAMER, SCIPO, fmc sc 23 JAN 1872 03 FEB 1872 HALLMAN, G I LBERT, fmc WILLIAMS, ANDREW J., fmc 23 JAN 1872 SMITH, ALFRED, fmc SPEARS, ANNIE 31 JAN 1872 16 MAR 1872 KEMP, TAYLOR, fmc TK 03 FEB 1872 FiN MITCHELL, HARVEY, fmc 03 FEB 1872 JF BENSON, P. B. 15 MAR 1872 03 FEB 1872 GOHLSON, FRANK, fmc WILLIAMS, ANDREW J., fmc 28 MAR 1872 08 MAR 1872 BRAND NAME AND DATE KEMP, HALIFAX, fmc 03 FEB 1872 E MILLICAN, PLEASANT S.fmc 12 MAR 1872 FRANKS, JAMES, fmc JF 15 MAR 1872 GOHLSON, FRANK, fmc 28 MAR 1872 A2 SMITH, ALFRED, fmc 14 MAR 1872 THOMPSON, J. 1. 16 MAR 1872 N J . N. 30 BRUNDRETT, MAR 1872 WESTBROOK, FRANK, fmc FW 30 MAR 1872 CALDWELL, MATHEW 05 APR 1872 LANE, LEWIS BE 09 APR 1872 BRAND NAME AND DATE KEMP, HALIFAX, fmc 03 FEB 1872 E 55 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BRANDS c BRAND NAME BRAND NAME AND DATE ml HORTON, A. W. BLUM, JOHN H. 14 APR 1872 03 JUN 1872 O FOSTER, V. W. ERWIN, THOMAS 24 APR 1872 E 08 JUN 1872 7 PRICE, MORGAN LIKENS, HARRY 26 APR 1872 14 JUN 1872 WEBB, W.H. McLOUIS, Wm., fmc O 26 APR 1872 15 JUN 1872 ROBINSON, ORLANDO, fmc HARLAND, S.F. 29 APR 1872 15 JUN 1872 SF FULLER, SIMON, fmc ADKINS, DANIEL, fmc 29 APR 1872 05 JUL 1872 PEARSON, E.C. GEORGE, JAMES W. 08 MAY 1872 NA 1872 LAWRENCE, JOSEPH N. HILL, GEORGE, fmc n J � NA 1872 24 AUG 1872 CB BECK, C.B. TODD, HARDY 08 MAY 1872 11 SEP 1872 SINGLETARY, M.K. ZERBST, HENRETTA 18 MAY 1872 02 OCT 1872 FOSTER, DAVID, fmc PARKER, JESSIE 22 MAY 1872 20 JUN 1872 FRAME, S. H. GOBET, L. W. 31 MAY 1872 12 OCT 1872 \/A BLUM, LUCY 0 GOBET, L. W. 03 JUN 1872 19 OCT 1875 56 BRAZO5 COUNTY, TEXAS BRANDS BRAND NAME BRAND NAME AND DATE Tj W WRITTENHOUSE, LUCINDA J 04 NOV 1872 wi JORDON, FRANCIS, fmc 04 NOV 1872 GREEN, ELDRIDGE, fmc 1872 05 NOV 1872 00 SAMUEL, AMEROSE, fmc 05 NOV 1872 MARSHALL, WASHINGTON,fmc uz 04 NOV 1872 DAVID, fmc JPT FOSTER, 04 NOV 1872 JOHNSON, PATIENCE, fmc NH 04 NOV 1872 TOLLIVER, FRANCIS, fmc DT 04 NOV 1872 GOVEN, ADL I NE, fmc DO 04 NOV 1872 Tj W WRITTENHOUSE, LUCINDA J 04 NOV 1872 wi JORDON, FRANCIS, fmc 04 NOV 1872 GREEN, ELDRIDGE, fmc 1872 05 NOV 1872 00 SAMUEL, AMEROSE, fmc 05 NOV 1872 RAMSEY, J.D. 03 DEC 1872 ic CALDWELL, JERRY, fmc 18 DEC 1872 (DO AVERHART, CHARLES 23 DEC 1872 PT THOMAS, PETERS 30 DEC 1872 TN THOMAS, NICHOLAS 30 DEC 1872 is SHARP, JOWDRY, fmc 30 DEC 1872 MN WHORTHAM, MAJOR, fmc 30 DEC 1872 BF FOSTER, ROBERT, fmc 03 JAN 1872 ms SHANNON, MDSE, fmc 03 JAN 1873 XL CONNALLY, JONES NA 1873 RM McDONALD, RICHARD 14 JAN 1873 00 HAROLD, THOMAS J. 27 JAN 1873 WALLACE, XR-'- MAR I AH 30 J AN .1873 WILLIAMS, ELIC 33 07 NOV 1872 BRANDON, T.L.D. 17 NOV 1872 HUNTER, NANCY, fwc NH 29 NOV 1872 CROWFORD, GEORGE W., fmc 29 NOV 1872 RAMSEY, J.D. 03 DEC 1872 ic CALDWELL, JERRY, fmc 18 DEC 1872 (DO AVERHART, CHARLES 23 DEC 1872 PT THOMAS, PETERS 30 DEC 1872 TN THOMAS, NICHOLAS 30 DEC 1872 is SHARP, JOWDRY, fmc 30 DEC 1872 MN WHORTHAM, MAJOR, fmc 30 DEC 1872 BF FOSTER, ROBERT, fmc 03 JAN 1872 ms SHANNON, MDSE, fmc 03 JAN 1873 XL CONNALLY, JONES NA 1873 RM McDONALD, RICHARD 14 JAN 1873 00 HAROLD, THOMAS J. 27 JAN 1873 WALLACE, XR-'- MAR I AH 30 J AN .1873 57 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BRANDS BRAND NAME BRAND NAME AND DATE ER REED, EDMOND 05 FEB 1873 BROWTI, T. J. 10 FEB 1873 GORBETT, L. W. 17 FEB 1873 LS SPEED, L.E. 18 FEB 1873 Ps SMILEY, PAUL, fmc 20 FEB 1873 TT TERRY, THOMAS L. 21 FEB 1873 ONO DURHAM, JACK, fmc 07 MAR 1873 BROADDUS, A.S. 04 APR 1873 FISHER, .JAMES, fmc 08 APR 1873 ss JONES, JOE, fmc 12 APR 1873 MOODY, SQUIRE, fmc 29 APR 1873 WAL MOODY, WALLACE, fmc 29 APR 1873 HARRIS, SAMUEL, fmc 29 APR 1873 3 30 APR 1873 W WILSON, JOHN H. 05 MAY 1873 00 HUNNEYCUT, JAMES 05 MAY 1873 D A ANDERSON, D. S. 06 MAY 1873 UP PILLOW, UNION, fmc 09 MAY 1873 B�D DAVIS, B. H. 10 MAY 1873 U6 McMILLON, W.H. 17 MAY 1873 1 ^��1 WHITE, WASHINGTON YVVY 20 MAY 1873 NEELEY, JOSEPH J. 20 MAY 1873 CHATFIELD, ED, fmc 26 MAY 1873 NORR I S, M.C. 14 JUN 1873 THOMAS, J.E. 14 JUN 1873 m P PATTEN, MOSES 14 JUN 1873 DUPRE IST, MRS A. H. J . x 3 RE GRANDVIEW CEMETERY FROM THE BRAZOS COUNTY COURTHOUSE TAKE TEXAS AVE NORTH (BUS. HWY 6) 1 MILE TO HWY 21 EAST. TURN RIGHT ON HWY 21 EAST FOR 1 MILE. GRANDVIEW CEMETERY IS LOCATED JUST SOUTH OF THE CIRCLE K TRUCK STOP AT THE INTERSECTION OF HWY 6 AND HWY 21 EAST. THE ORIGINAL RECORDING IN THE DEATH BOOK FOR THE NEW COLORED CEMETERY STATES THAT THE CEMETERY WAS SOLD ON 9 FEBRUARY 1922 BY MARGARET HILL. THE NAME GRANDVIEW WAS FIRST USED 7 JUNE 1931. THE PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED BY M. HAMMOND IN 1922 OR 1924, AND IT HAS BEEN IN THE HAMMOND FAMILY EVER SINCE. THIS CEMETERY HAS SOMETIMES BEEN CALLED "YELLOW FEVER" BUT THERE IS EVIDENCE THAT THE YELLOW FEVER CEMETERY IS LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE BYPASS. NAME ADAMS, ARTEMUS Q. ADAMS, ELIJAH, JR. ADAMS, MAJOR ADAMS, RUFUS ADAMS, THELMA P. ADDISON, MARY ADDISON, WESLEY R. ALEXANDER, VINCENT N. ALLEN, HARDY ANDERSON, JOHN W. AUSTIN, EDWARD Q. AUSTIN, HETTIE HANNA SABERS, LOUIS BANKS, ALBERT BANKS, ALINDA BANKS, CHARLES BANKS, GEORGE B. BANKS, LILLIE MAE BANKS, MITTIE BARNES, RUBIN D. REEKS, CORA BEEKS, JOE THOMAS BELL, ARTHUR BELL, BOBBY JOE BELL, WILLIE 0. BENNETT, G. B., REV. BENSON, EVA BISHOP, PATRICIA BISOR, BOB BISOR, D. L. BISOR, HERBERT L. BISOR, SHIRLEY MAE BLACK, ARTHUR BLAKE, M. l., MRS. BOLDEN, S. M. BROWN, E. A. BROWN, WILLIAM A., MRS BRYANT, VIOLA BUGGS, YOULANDA KAYE BURLESON, FREDDIE L. BURNS, GLORIA JEAN BORN 1895 NL NL 1899, SEP 20 1902 1896, DEC 3 1889, NOV 15 1956, OCT 26 1940 1877, NOV 9 1919, AUG 22 1900, FEB 2 1895, MAY 2 1915, FEB 12 1883, JAN 15 1908 1884 1898 1888, AUG 8 1942, JUN 20 1887, SEP 25 1880, MAR 6 1902, OCT 25 1956, MAR 23 1906 1876, JAN 10 1885 1955, OCT 19 1907, NOV 25 1907 1946, DEC 9 1924, FEB 22 1889, JAN 11 1876, NOV 1873 NL NL 1864 1971, JUN 29 1932, JUL 10 1959, JUL 22 DIED 1978 NL NL 1940, AUG 7 1977 1968, APR 4 1968, FEB 2 1978, MAR 2 1985 1961, SEP 8 1970, MAY 4 1967, JUL 19 1948, JUL 1 1959, FEB 2 1950, SEP 13 1948 1970 1970 1958, JUN 3 1957, DEC 15 NL 1960, JUN 11 1985, DEC 12 1956, DEC 17 1978 1936, FEB 17 1952, JUN 17 1955, OCT 29 1957, AUG 7 1975 1956, APR 17 1976, DEC 27 1963, MAR 22 1962, JUL 1924 NL NL 1967 1972, MAY 4 1971, APR 23 1959, OCT 30 INSCRIPTION /REMARKS TX PFC US ARMY WW I w/ THELMA P. ADAMS TX PFC 709 MED SANITARY CO WW II W/ ARTEMUS Q. ADAMS TX SGT B 56 ENGR DUMP TRUCK WW II TX PVT 317 SN TN 92 DIV WW I TX SFC NTRU C3 ART WW II KOREA w/ LILLIE MAE BANKS W/ GEORGE B. BANKS w/ JOE THOMAS SEEKS w/ CORA SEEKS TX PVT US ARMY WW I SOY HUSBAND BURNS, VANETTE L. 1971, DEC 30 1972, MAY 4 BURRELL, JIM HL NL BYERS, MATTIE 1858, DEC 1936, APR 26 BYNUM, BESSIE E. 1895, DEC 24 1978, JUL 26 BYNUM, ELIJAH 1895, JUL 25 1949, AUG 18 CALDWELL, MARY 1888, NOY 8 1954, MAR 18 CALDWELL, WALTER 1887, DEC 24 1959, SEP 29 CALDWELL, WALTER 1907, AUG 3 1969, MAR 5 CALHOUN, HATTIE, MRS. 1887, APR 1975, NOV CAMPBELL, ESSIE BELL 1902 1943 CAMPBELL, JULIA M. 1897, APR 19 1969, DEC B CAMPBELL, LOUISA, MRS. 1882, MAR 1957, APR 18 CAMPBELL, R. 1900, SEP 1958, OCT f.AMPRFI I WTI I TAM A_ 1900 1953 FATHER TX PVT 24 w/ WILLIAM A. CAMPBELL wl ESSIE BELL CAMPBELL M-0 DAVENPORT, R. S. 1888 1967 DAVIDSON, ANNA NL NL DAVIDSON, TOM 1890, SEP 12 1959, OCT 19 DAVIS, ALBERTA 1916, FEB 19 1964, NOV 23 DAVIS, CORRINE 1885, FEB 10 1957, MAY 28 DAVIS, HETTIE J. 1863, OCT 15 1935, JAN 6 DAVIS, M. D., REV. 1875, MAR 17 1933, DEC 15 DAWSON, ALBERTA 1899, NOV 14 1937, OCT 25 DEMASTERS, ANDREW JOHNSON 1866, MAY 6 1959, JUL 18 DENSEY, GASTON 1967, JUN 12 1967, OCT 25 DICKSON, CORRINNE B. HL 1946, DEC 30 DIXON, L. T. NL 1956, DEC 17 DIXON, ROBERT 1929 1984 DONLEY, ADAM 1884, OCT 15 1954, JUN 7 DONLEY, CARRIE, MRS. 1889, JUL 14 1975, NOV 18 DORSEY, EVA LOU 1917 1974 DORSEY, MARY ANN 1954, OCT 6 1956, JUN 17 EDMERSON, DAISY NL 1931, FEB 21 EDMERSON, EDNA MAE 1919, SEP 21 1985, AUG 11 EDMERSON, ROBERTA NL 1923, MAY 6 ELLIS, JESSIE 1896, DEC 10 1967, DEC 25 ELMORE, AMY 1900, NOV 10 1960, FEB 27 ELMORE, ELIZA NL 1926, JAN 9 ELMORE, HENRY 1893, FEB 27 1950, MAY 29 ELMORE, MARSHALL 1882 1955 EVANS, AMOS 1900, NOV 2 1938, DEC 26 EVANS, ARTHUR CURTIS 1925, JUL 9 1943, NOV 29 EVANS, E., MRS. 1905 1965 EVANS, ELIZA ROSE 1878, MAR 10 1967, NOV 11 EVANS, ELIZABETH 1905, APR 25 1963, JUN 24 EVANS, ELIZABETH 1940 1963 EVANS, GUSSIE, MRS. 1947 1968 EVANS, NATHANIEL, SR. 1905, MAR 20 1968, MAY 14 EVANS, RICHARD 1890, FEB 22 1968, JUL 19 FAIR, LILLIE BELL 1902 1983 FAIR, LOUIS 1900 1947 FENELL, W. M., REV. NL 1951, JUN 8 FERRELL, D., MRS. 1882 1966 FIGURES, WILLIE NL 1924, JUN 5 FLOWERS, ALPHONSO 1949, NOV 22 1960, JAN 9 FLOYD, RUTHIE 1905, FEB 5 1958, NOV 8 FOLEY, LOUSHANDRA 1974, JUN 27 1975, AUG 26 FOLEY, VIRGINIA 1923, MAR 6 1967, AUG 16 FORD, LANEY LEE 1886 1977 FORD, WILL H. 1886, JUN 5 1980, FEB 2 FORWARD, BISBY 1902 1956 FORWARD, LEONARD H. 1943, JUL 10 1961, AUG 6 FOSTER, DELLA VIOLA 1894, DEC 11 1956, MAY 6 FOWARD, ROOSEVELT 1905, FEB 24 1968, DEC 24 FRANKLIN, E. D. 1903, OCT 4 1975, OCT 2 FRANKLIN, ED 1898 1975 FRANKLIN, ED, SR. HL 1937, JAN 2 FRANKLIN, MARY J. NL 1929, DEC 9 FREEMAN, L., MRS. 1898 1966 SISTER 42y 1a 20d w/ RUBEL OLDHAM SWEET MAMA 22y TX PVT 4 CO 1 BN 165 DEPOT BRIG WW I TX PVT 24 INF WW I HUSBAND OF AMY ELMORE JESSIE-MARY- JERLINE TX STM 2 C US NAVY WW II TX PVT 7 ENGR SERV CO FORESTRY US ARMY WW I NJ PFC 3202 AM SVC CO WW II w/ MARY J. FRANKLIN W/ ED FRANKLIN, SR. GAFFORD, ALBERTA 1882, SEP 16 1954, MAR 7 GAFFORD, LAWRENCE 1960, JUL 24 1960, JUL 24 GATER, WILLIE 1900, APR 7 1969, AUG 14 GATOR, ALBERT 1926, MAR 26 1980, SEP 1 GENN, OSSIE 1905 1978 GIBBS, JOHN 1867 1965 GIBBS, MAGGIE 1874, DEC 7 1959, FEB 13 GILL, DAN 1913, MAR 3 1978, SEP 17 GLENN, CLARA 1902 1952 GOFFEREY, PARTHENA NL 1930, JUL 29 GOODEN, FRANK 1895, SEP 26 1955, MAY 25 GOODEN, JUNITA 1925, OCT 8 1969, JUN 1 GOODSON, L. B. 1902 1930 GREEN, BRENDA LEE 1964, AUG 28 1964, AUG 28 GREEN, ED 1882, MAR 15 1957, MAR 12 GREEN, JAMES 1858, FEB 10 1944, NOV 8 GREEN, JOSEPHINE 1907, SEP 5 1960, FEB 6 GREEN, LYDIA E. 1887, JUL 17 1972, JUN 23 GREEN, WILLIAM 1877 1967 GRIFFIN, JIMMIE, JR. 1913, APR 15 1978, DEC 18 GRIFFIN, PEARL 1902 1979 GROCE, MILTON, JR. 1928, MAR 11 1968, AUG 7 HADLEY, LUCILE 1909, JUL 9 1957, FEB 24 HALIBURTON, EARLINE 1932, SEP 29 1979, JAN 17 HALL, ADA 1882 1957 HALL, ANNA SANDLES 1888 1958 HALL, BETTIE JEAN 1947, JUL 19 1947, JUL 19 HALL, ELVIN 1923 1984 HALL, EUGENE 1892, JAN 28 1928, JUL 4 HALL, WILL 1893, FEB 16 1957, JAN 24 HALL, WINNIE N. 1889 1974 HAMMOND, CAROLYN LUCILE 1894, APR 20 1968, AUG 17 HAMMOND, LOVEY JEWEL 1927, APR 17 1982, JUL 4 HAMMOND, W. H., DR. 1898 1978 HAMMOND, WM. A., JR. 1923, SEP 26 1927, DEC 13 HANNA, BEN 1893 1931 HARDEMAN, HATTIE 1883, FEB 2 1961, MAR 6 HARDEMAN, K. N., REV. NL 1930, MAR 4 HARRELL, INEZ D. 1892, JUN 29 1955, AUG 15 HARRINGTON, BEN H. 1886 NL HARRINGTON, ELEANOR 1889 1962 HARRIS, ARDELLA 1890, OCT 6 1985, AUG 25 HARRIS, ELLA MAE SIMS 1930, OCT 25 1961, FEB 26 HARRIS, JOHN 1889, MAR 29 1958, DEC 2 HARRIS, LA CATHERINE $ NL 1985, JUN 8 HARRIS, LEROY 1910 1966 HARRIS, LEROY, JR. 1927 1986 HARRIS, MAY F. 1887 1965 HARRIS, WILLIE 1920 1977 HARRISON, CLINT 1895, MAR 21 1964, APR 25 HARRISON, JIM �- 1873, OCT 11 1945, AUG 6 HARRISON, S., MRS. 1814 NL HAWTHORNE, HETTIE M. 1928, APR 22 1973, FEB 28 HAYES, EUGENIA 1895, OCT 10 1959, OCT 31 WIFE OF ISAIAH GOODEN w/ WILLIAM GREEN w/ LYDIA E. GREEN UTAH PVT QM CORPS 63y HUSBAND w/ ELEANOR HARRINGTON w/ BEN H. HARRINGTON *NICOLE TX PFC CO A 509 ENGR SVC BN WW I 61 HENDERSON, JAMES A. 1961, JUN 18 1961, DEC 8 HENDERSON, JOHN H. 1920, NOY 9 1973, MAY 14 HENDERSON, JOHN S. 1959, DEC 31 1960, JAN 11 HENDERSON, KENNETH WAYNE 1957, AUG 29 1957, DEC 21 HENDERSON, MAY DELL 1906, AUG 14 1959, JAN 1 HENIGAN, EUPHELIA 1919, JUN 12 1972, SEP 24 HENRY, YOUNG 1884 1954 HICKMON, SLENNER 1849, JUL 13 1934, JUL 3 HICKS, FRANK L. 1950, DEC 11 1951, JAN 3 HICKS, LUCIOUS 1895, JUN 6 1979, MAR 13 HICKS, MATTIE 1871, JAN 17 1953, JAN 27 HILL, JAMES FOLA 1908, MAR 6 1971, NOV 3 HILLIARD, GEORGE, JR. 1896 1968 HOGGARD, BABY 1970 1970 HOLLAND, ODIE B. 1914, NOV 6 1978, DEC 21 HOMONN, WILLIAM A., JR. 1923, SEP 26 1927, DEC 13 HOUSTON, DEVOTE 1872 1925 HOUSTON, LULA 1889, OCT 18 1961, FEB 26 HUBBARD, MARTIN 1897, APR 27 1960, DEC 25 HURD, BRENDA KAY 1959, MAR 15 1959, MAR 15 HUTCHISON, V. ESTER 1960 1984 IDLEBIRD, BABY BOY 1958, MAY 26 1958, MAY 26 IRVIN, INEZ 1900, JUL 2 1954, MAY 31 JACKSON, ANNIE MAE 1926 1980 JACKSON, ELLA B. 1898, DEC 4 1960, JAN 4 JACKSON, EMMA L. 1906 1926 JACKSON, ERNEST 1904 1959 JACKSON, EUGENE NL 1957, DEC 17 JACKSON, RUBEN D. 1907, FEB 17 1956, SEP 5 JEFFERSON, ULYSSEAS S. 1886, SEP 17 1955, JUL 11 JOHNSON, ANDREW HL 1932, AUG 4 JOHNSON, ANNIE 1864, APR 1964, DEC JOHNSON, BREW A. 1895, JUN 10 1966, JUN 19 JOHNSON, CALVIN 1890, DEC 25 1953, NOV 7 JOHNSON, CORA V. 1864 1946 JOHNSON, DELLA 1902, AUG 11 1985, AUG 15 JOHNSON, DORA W. 1864 1946 JOHNSON, EMMIE J. 1926 1984 JOHNSON, ERRIE 1901, MAY 1955, OCT JOHNSON, ESTHER 1909, OCT 22 1958, DEC 27 JOHNSON, G., MR. 1903 197? JOHNSON, GEORGE 1900, FEB 10 1944, SEP 19 JOHNSON, H. NL NL JOHNSON, M., MRS. 1878, JUL 1959, APR JOHNSON, MARY LEE 1910 1929 JOHNSON, RASTINE (STEAMER 1909, FEB 23 1973, NOV 13 JOHNSON, RILLIA 1878, NOV 10 1960, APR 3 JOHNSON, RUBY LEE, MISS 1930, OCT 3 1953, NOV 23 JOHNSON, SANFORD 1869, DEC 10 1929, FEB 23 JONES, C. J., REV. NL NL JONES, DAVE, JR. NL 1957, FEB 12 JONES, IMOGENE 1936, DEC 12 1957, JUN 18 JONES, JOANNA 1880, JUN 14 1925, SEP 10 JONES, KATIE 1886, FEB 17 1964 TX PVT US ARMY WW I MOTHER w/ JAS. R. CARTER & LULA HOUSTON w/ DEVOTE HOUSTON & JAMES R. CARTER 70y TX PFC CO A 322 LABOR BN AMC WW I 55y HUSBAND TX PFC US ARMY WW I FATHER 65y JONES, ROSA L, MRS. HL HL JONES, SIMON 1903, SEP 27 1974, MAR 21 JONES, WILL WILLIAM 1884, MAY 15 1957, AUG 8 KEATTS, B. M., MRS. NL 1930, DEC 8 KEMP, E. A., PROF. 1875 1929 KEMP, ORANGE, JR. 1904, DEC 22 1986, SEP 10 KENNARD, ESTA RAY 1937, FEB 4 1961, JAN 30 KENNARD, WILLIE B., MRS. 1908, MAR 20 1961, FEB 7 KING, JESSIE E., PROF. 1899, SEP 27 1931, MAY 23 KING, JOYCE MARIE 1942, AUG 16 1958, JAN 4 KIRBY, LULA FAYE 1927 1958 LACY, JAMES HL 1963 LAMAR, PATSY, MRS. 1907 1984 LANDER, FRANKIE 1948, OCT 15 1966, JUL 31 LANE, CECIL M. 1911, SEP 25 1979, JUN 29 LANE, JOHN THOMAS 1908 1982 LAWRENCE, BEATRICE 1889, AUG 28 1977, JUN 17 LAWRENCE, IRA 1887, NOV 13 1958, FEB 1 LAWRENCE, LON10 1860 1932 LAWRENCE, MARY 1866 1941 LAWS, CAMP 1910, FEB 18 1980, SEP 25 LAWS, EXANNA NL 1925, JUL 14 LEE, ROBERT 1939, FEB 3 1984, MAR 24 LEE, WILLIE 1921, SEP 2 1952, AUG 16 LEON, MAIDER Y. NL NL LEWIS, BERTHA MAY 1949, MAR 9 1985, MAY 5 LEWIS, DOROTHY 1929, FEB 26 1955, DEC 28 LEWIS, FRED DOUGLAS 1931, JUL 12 1969, DEC 26 LEWIS, RISSIE ANN 1883, NOV 26 1957, JUL 5 LEWIS, ROSA LEE, MRS. 1914, AUG 14 1978, DEC 10 LEWIS, WASHINGTON 1913 1973 LIGHTFOOT, ADA 1887, DEC 16 1960, MAR 27 LIGHTS, MOSE, JR. 1895, MAR 18 1972, OCT 14 LOMAX, MARIE 1895, FEB 10 1957, MAY 11 LOUIS, GEORGE W. 1916, DEC 16 1945, MAR 2 LOVE, BESSIE 1898, JAN 9 1947, MAY 27 LOVE, JENNIE V. 1873, AUG 10 1960, JUN 17 LOVE, WILLIAM 0. 1869, DEC 4 1950, APR 18 MADISON, ISAAC, JR. 1945, JUL 8 1959, MAY 18 MADISON, MARILLA 1953, OCT 17 1953, OCT 26 MADISON, MARY ANN 1948, MAR 28 1949, MAR 23 MARLOW, EDDIE 1899, OCT 1953, OCT MARSHALL, BABY GIRL 1982, JAN 5 1982, JAN 5 MARTIN, HAMPTON 1906, JUN 15 1958, MAY 27 MATTHEWS, 0. C. 1909 1981 MAYS, DOUGLAS 1893, SEP 7 1962, AUG 11 MCDANIEL, MARIE M. 1893, SEP 11 1977, APR 8 MCDANIEL, SAM 1881, DEC 23 1939, FEB 10 MCDONALD, CHARLIE 1882, OCT 21 1948, AUG 16 MCGRUDER, LULA JONES NL 1976, JAN 1 MCGRUE, BETHA B. 1914 1950 MCINTOSH, ELLEN 1892 1966 MCLENDON, JULIA 1901, DEC 5 1963, SEP 12 MCQUEEN, IDA BROWN 1896, MAY 29 1957, APR 11 MASON SGT US ARMY WW II US ARMY WW II 65y TX PFC 4505 BASE UNIT AAF WW II TX A1C US AIR FORCE TX PVT 3502 QM TRUCK CO WW II MOTHER w/ WILLIAM 0. LOVE FATHER w/ JENNIE V. LOVE PFC US ARMY WW II w/ SAM MCDANIEL w/ MARIE M. MCDANIEL 63 RT MCVILL, LUMMIE 1897, FEB 1 1927, APR 30 MICKEN, EARL R. 1919, DEC 2 1981, APR 20 MICKENS, COLUMBUS M. 1906 1956, DEC 11 MICKENS, EVA LOIS 1927, JUN 7 1955, OCT 23 MILES, EXIE LOUDD 1923, DEC 25 1979, SEP 27 MITCHELL, JOHN 1892 1954 MITCHELL, MARCUS (MATT) 1887, JUN 9 1956, OCT 17 MITCHELL, MATILDA 1857 1946 MOGAL, A., MR. NL NL MOGAL, A., MRS. NL NL MONROE, BILLIE RAY 1955, DEC 15 1955, DEC 15 MOORE, EDWARD, SR. NL 1986, OCT 20 MOORE, JAMES H. 1900, MAY 31 1975, NOV 19 MOORE, LOUISE C. 1904, JAN 29 1985, AUG 16 MOORE, MARY EARL JACKSON 1925, SEP 9 1957, FEB 13 MOORE, WILL ADA BURTON 1931 1954 MOORE, WILL H. NL NL MORGAN, EMMA 1871 NL MORGAN, ERNEST 1905, JAN 1965, NOV MORGAN, ERNEST D., JR. 1926 1981 MORGAN, INFANT 1956, JUN 25 1956, JUN 25 MORGAN, S. A., MR. NL NL MORGAN, S. A., MRS. NL NL MOSLEY, CHARLIE NL 1932, JUN 25 MOSLEY, CHARLIE, SR. 1877, MAR 1965, MAY 19 MOSLEY, J. C. 1912, MAR 19 1944, JUN 22 MOSLEY, JESSE J. 1899, OCT 1 1945, JAN 18 MOSLEY, JUSTENA 1895, JAN 22 1976, APR 25 MOSLEY, MILTON 1889, NOV 8 1931, SEP 7 MOTEN, JOHN D., JR. 1910, JUL 1957, NOV MOTEN, JOHN DAVID, JR. 1909, JUN 9 1964, NOV 13 MYERS, INFANT 1956 1956 NAYLOR, JUNE, MRS. 1845 1953 NEAL, JO 1874, OCT 19 1955, JAN 25 NELSON, ADAM 1899, DEC 25 1957, JUL 20 NEWMAN, LINDA 1960 1961 NEWTON, REVIAL 1939, NOV 12 1953, NOV 8 NIXON, ROBERT 1902, APR 29 1971, JUL 26 NIXON, ROBERT, JR. 1929, DEC 29 1984, JUL 4 NUTALL, ANNIE 1901, MAR 1 1969, NOV 10 NUTALL, MINNIE MAE 1926, NOV 24 1956, MAR 7 OLDHAM, M., MRS. NL 1950, FEB OLDHAM, MATTIE 1900, MAY 14 1960, FEB 16 OLDHAM, RUBEL NL 1928, SEP 16 OLIVER, SAM 1908 1975 ONEAI, AUGUST KERN 1898, AUG 3 1957, MAY 29 ONEAI, GRANT, REV. 1874, OCT 24 1955, JAN 25 ONEAL, MOLLIE S. 1886, MAY 12 1959, JUN 9 PARHAMS, ARTHUR 1880, DEC 17 1957, JUN 22 PARHMS, LAWRENCE C. 1939, SEP 15 1974, MAR 3 PARKS, WILLIAM N. 1889, DEC 1 1952, OCT 8 PATTON, AMOS 1891, 14 1962, AUG 19 PEARCE, EDWARD FRANKLIN 1889, DEC 30 1956, MAR 18 PHILLIPS, ANNIE C. 1894 1963 US ARMY WW II TX PFC CO B 435 SERV BN 9MC WW I 57y US ARMY US ARMY TX PVT 369 IMF 93 DIV OUR MOTHER TX PVT 41 IMF WW I THE EAGLE SISTERS w/ DAISY EDMERSON PFC US ARMY TX PVT 165 DEPOT BRIG WW I PVT 11 CO 165 DEPOT BRIG WW I 65 C PHILLIPS, EDNA MAE 1904, FEB 25 NL w/ ELIAS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS, ELIAS 1902, APR 16 1968, FEB 9 MASON w/ EDNA MAE PHILLIPS PHILLIPS, LELA H. 1897 1972 PHILLIPS, LELA MAE 1901, JAN 10 1972, JAN 21 PHILLIPS, SAMUEL EARL 1967, OCT 9 1967, OCT 9 PHILLIPS, WILLIE 1902, OCT 17 1962, NOV 10 BROTHER PILLOW, HELEN NL 1962 PILLOWS, BERTHA, MRS. 1912, APR 22 1975, DEC 27 PILLOWS, ELIIE 1900, FEB 24 1985, JUL 31 PITMAN, BIRTIS, MR. 1927, JUN 1955, OCT PORTER, ROSA 1873, MAR 1944, MAR 11 PRICE, SAMATHA C. 1887 1951 RANDLE, GERTIE MAE 1908, NOV 8 1970, JAN 26 RANDLE, JOHN 1932, FEB 9 1982, MAY 15 RANDLE, ROBERT EDDIE 1905, FEB 4 1985, NOV 11 RANSOM, HAROLD 1922, JAN 1 1974, JUN 18 SSGT US ARMY WW II RANSON, ELDER C., REV. 1881, DEC 14 1963, NOV 9 RAPER, JAMES 1877? 1957, SEP RAPER, JAMES, JR. 1917, MAR 18 1969, JUN 9 TX TEC 5 US ARMY WW II KOREA RAPER, JANE 1877 1950 REDMAN, MAYO 1894, MAR 22 1958, JAN 8 REED, ELIZABETH 1883 1938, JUN 16 REED, LUCY ROSS 1896 1973, SEP REED, PRINCE ALBERT 1892, OCT 20 1956, MAY 6 REED, SADDIE 1927, MAR 16 1953, MAR 10 RHODES, J. B. 1874, AUG 12 1921, APR 26 RHODES, JOHN, JR. 1895, SEP 2 1976, NOV 27 RHODES, M. B. 1874, AUG 12 1928, APR 28 RHODES, NEABERTA A. 1908, MAY 7 1969, JUL 5 RICE, GARFIELD 1959, FEB 14 1959, FEB 14 RICE, HILLMAN 1895, AUG 2 1956, JUL 17 TX PVT CO G 24 IMF WW I RICHARD, BERRY NEE 1892, DEC 25 1955, NOV 18 RICHARD, BOON 1901, NOV 7 1959, FEB 5 w /WIFE PEARL RICHARD & GRANDSON CHARLES RICHARD RICHARD, CHARLES 1956, MAR 21 1970, OCT 8 w/ PEARL & BOON RICHARD RICHARD, GUS 1869, MAY 1 1938, APR 29 RICHARD, PEARL 1905, SEP 11 NL w/ BOON & CHARLES RICHARD RICHMOND, MOLLIE 1879 1947, APR 17 w/ MOSE RICHMOND RICHMOND, MDSE 1861 1947, JUN 17 w/ MOLLIE RICHMOND RTCKS_ MARY RFI_L NL 1948. APR 13 .. SANDERS, WILL 1890, SEP 1956, AUG SANDLE, LEE A. 1865, JAN 21 1941, OCT 7 SCOTT, ELIIA M. 1872 1961 SEALEY, NL NL SHALL, DANIEL 1910 1957 SHANNON, ARTHUR CHARLES 1942, JUL 13 1980, DEC 14 SHANNON, WILLIE MAE 1956, JAN 31 1957, APR 13 SHAW, WILLIE 1900 1971 SHEPARD, PRICILLA 1873 1951, JAN 15 SHIELDS, FRED 1908, FEB 2 1946, DEC 23 SHIVERS, CHESTER 1922 1982 SHIVERS, JUREE NL 1931, JUN 20 SILER, PEARL 1883, MAY 2 1944, MAY 2 SIMMONS, ETHEL B. 1924 1942 SIMMONS, TESSIE B. 1906 1982, FEB 11 SIMMS, MICHAEL E. 1959, AUG 7 1960, APR 24 SIMPSON, JOHNNIE 1917, JUN 1 1940, APR 7 SIMS, DOROTHY GENE 1959, AUG 7 1959, NOV 23 SIMS, RICHARD SONNY 1955, APR 26 1980, NOV 13 SIMS, WALLACE 1929, AUG 18 1981, JUL 6 SLATER, RUFUS E., III 1972, JAN 16 1972, JAN 23 SMITH, ALBERTA 1917, JUN 25 1985, MAR 27 SMITH, FELIX 1895, AUG 18 1955, NOV 19 SMITH, FRED HL 1967, APR 17 SMITH, LAURA 1865 1951 SMITH, LOUIS K. 1872, DEC 22 1927, NOV 6 SMITH, R. HAZEL, MRS. 1924, NOV 1 1968, NOV 4 SMITH, ROBERT HENRY 1943, DEC 25 1972, JAN 3 SMITH, SARAH 1696, AUG 4 1966, AUG 4 SMITH, SARAH 1886, MAY 12 1960, FEB 19 SMITH, SARAH, MRS. 1862 1969, FEB 18 STERLING, CLEM 1902, JUL 15 1963, JUL 25 STEVENSON, A. NL 1952, APR 5 STEWART, HARRY 1895, JUL 17 1974, AUG 31 STEWERT, CLAUDE 1892, DEC 25 1967, JUL 31 STOCKTON, EARLIE 1895, MAY 28 1958, APR 29 STOVALL, MILDRED 1855 1935 SWEED, KABRESHIA D. NL 1986 TAYLOR, HENRY 1893, MAY 27 1975, JAN 25 TAYLOR, JANE, MRS. 1875, OCT 25 1953, MAR 3 TAYLOR, AUANITA NL NL TAYLOR, S., MRS. NL NL THIBODEOUX, BLANCHE H. 1897, NOV 2 1958, MAR 5 THOMAS, CARL JESSE NL NL THOMAS, CAROL NL 1912, MAR 2 THOMAS, LINDSEY 1958, OCT 31 1958, NOV 7 THOMAS, MARY, MRS. 1876, MAR 1954, JUL 1 THOMPSON, A. C., DR. NL NL THURMON, CARROLL NL 1962, MAR 23 THURMON, JANE, MRS. 1909 1982 THURMON, SHERRY LYNN 1968 1974 THURMON, WILLIE RUTH 1928, APR 15 1963, DEC 6 TILLERY, LULA BELL 1884 1957, FEB 24 TOLDEN, KATE L. 1899, APR 19 1957, SEP 14 TX PVT 165 DEPOT BRIG PAPA MASON TX SP5 US ARMY VIETNAM BSM PVT US ARMY WW I w/ ELLA WILLIAMS BUGLER US ARMY m r TOLIVER, REGINAL BERNARD 1960, FEB 7 1960, FEB l TURNER, BEAULAH JEMMERSON 1884 1965 TURNER, JOHN 1872, DEC 6 1943, JUN 13 TURNER, SAMUEL 1916, MAY 29 1984, FEB 16 TYLER, BABY BOY NL 1985 TYLER, KABRESHIA DENISE 1986, FEB 26 1986, FEB 27 TYSON, POLLY ANN 1887, FEB 15 1957, JAN 28 TYSON, WILLIAM 1918, JAN 1956, SEP UNSOE, ZACK 1880 1951, JAN 9 UTEHALL, W., MRS. NL NL VANHOOK, CARRIE 1883, OCT 26 1939, APR 25 VANHOOK, DUNNIE 1892, JUN 15 1939, NOV 1 VANHOOK, LOIS 1884, FEB 24 1935, FEB 28 WADE, MARTHA 1879, AUG 2 1958, JUN 26 WADE, MARY, MRS. 1879, AUG 1958, JUN WALKER, BILL 1917 1942 WALKER, MARTHA 1894 1956 WALLACE, BENNIE 1898, AUG 29 1931, NOV 23 WALLACE, MOLLIE 1896, JUN 6 1956, OCT 20 WALLS, MATTIE 1871, JUL 15 1960, JAN 31 WARD, REBECCA NL 1931, JUN 4 WARREN, JAMES HAROLD 1953, JUN 6 1979, MAR 6 WATSON, BEVERLY ANN 1962, JUN 23 1977, SEP 29 WEBSTER, CLARENCE 1905, APR 20 1931, AUG 23 WESLEY, HATTIE 1895, MAY 8 1948, MAY 7 WHEATFALL, LOUISE LOIS $ 1902, APR 25 1979, JUN 13 WHITE, EXIE 1899, JAN 25 1981, AUG 3 WHITE, GARFIELD 1912, JAN 1 1986, JUL 17 WHITE, GEORGE 1908, AUG 3 1949, MAY 25 WHITE, JOHN C. 1885 1960, JUN 21 WHITE, LESSIE 1904, DEC 27 1986, MAY 14 WHITE, LILLIE, MRS. 1879, DEC 1959, MAY WHITE, PRESTON 1925, AUG 28 1940, AUG 28 WHITE, RUBEN, SR. NL 1986, SEP 26 WHITE, SARA 1877, MAR 15 1932, SEP 10 WHITE, SUSIE M. 1888, OCT 15 1937, FEB 15 WHITE, WILLIE GERTRUDE 1897, FEB 4 1962, DEC 29 WHITEHEAD, J. H. 1876 1931 WHITFIELD, CHARLES 1923 1985 WILEY, TOM 1902, JAN 4 1978, FEB 5 WILHONS, OLLIE 1905, AUG 9 1944, JUN 4 WILLIAMS, ADDIE NL 1931, DEC 5 WILLIAMS, ANN (ANA) 1830 1924, AUG 31 WILLIAMS, ANNIE L. 1906 1937 WILLIAMS, ELLA 1893 1936 WILLIAMS, FINIS GENE 1942 1942 WILLIAMS, JOHN LUTHER 1911, SEP 14 1984, JUL 18 WILLIAMS, LUCY NL 1927, JAN 26 WILLIAMS, LULA NL 1939, AUG WILLIAMS, MAGGIE 1901, JUL 12 1959, APR 1 WILLIAMS, MARY ELMORE 1886 1974 WILLIAMS, TOMMY 0. 1959, MAY 15 1981, JUN 16 WILLIGHALL, MRS. 1889, JUN 9 1952, NOV 28 WILSON, E., MRS. 1946 1969 L 67 TX PVT 165 DEPOT BRIG WW I *LETHRIDGE 75y US NAVY WW II HUS OF ELLEN WHITE THE EAGLE A1C US AIR FORCE HUSBAND 94y w/ MILDRED STOVALL W/ JAS. R. CARTER & DEVOTE & LULA HOUSTON PVT US ARMY WW II 67y MOTHER u� WILSON, EVELYN 1949, JAN 13 1969, AUG 12 WILSON, LEANA, MRS. 1877, SEP 1955, JUL 20 WILSON, M. L. 1912, NOV 18 1986, MAR 10 WILSON, MAGGIE 1899, JAN 17 1972, MAR 3 WILSON, MAGGIE 1872 1972, MAY 3 WILSON, ROLLIE NL NL WILSON, W. M., REV. 1872 1948 NORTHAM, GEORGE 1884, MAR 10 1965, DEC 27 WRIGHT, DAVID 1937, MAY 29 1962, JAN 25 WRIGHT, NINA B. 1918, JUL 28 1972, MAY 5 WRIGHT, RANDOLPH 1882, JUL 4 1954, JUL 7 YOUNG, OLLIE G. (SMITH) 1916, APR 16 1957, AUG 22 YOUNG, TOM 1910, OCT 30 1956, DEC 22 A Bible with the following information was also found with book given to the Li- brary. If this is a relative of yours see Nan ROSS at the reference desk in the Bryan Library. ------------------------ - - - - -- Family record of Donald S. FOSTER, b. Dec. 4 1913. No Father given, Mother Minnie Bell. m. Vera L. FOSTER, b. Sep. 20 1908. Father was John H. LEONARD, b. Aug. 6 1880. Mother, Mary Elizabeth, b. May 24 1882. Donald S. FOSTER and Vera L. married, Sep. 29 1941, at Los Vagas. ---------------------- -- - - - - -- RIGHT LEG AMPUTATED 18 JAN 1963 TX PVT 22 CO 165 DEPOT BRIG WW I CALIFORNIA A1C 72 FIELD MAINT SG AF PVT CO A 65 PIONEER IMF WW I Zeros the title page showi the publisher, date of publi- cation, record pages of deaths, marriage and birth. The title, and publisher is important to prove the age o � the Bible. I f the date printed there may be a _ode used by the printer which will reveal the date. Genealogy societies like to collect this type of material. If .sent to the quarterly we will publish the record pages and file the copy in our library. Please write or print clearly your name and address, and the location of the Bible on the batik. of each page, including the title pages. If there are old Bibles you wish to preserve, the follow- ing information may be of interest. BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 203 Post Office: Bryan 5 Oct 1870 W 1628 1628 WILSON, Nancy Jim 29 29 BATTS, Thomas .• Printed #102 0 a o t o 4 pq U) Q L/2 U O 38 F M Cook 20 M M Laborer 48 M W Farmer .• Printed #102 co a o pq pq U) N.C. La Va 70 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 204 Post Office: Bryan' 6 Oct 1870 Printed ##102A i o C13 � o Q -1 U U) U Sa �4 M &-- M Ci. Q O FA 1635 1635 SWIFT, Alex 26 M B Farmer Tex Ada 21 F B K House of Eda 55 F B La Emeline 16 F B at School of X Clark 10 M B It 36 36 WILCOX, Wm 27 M W Farmer Miss STANLY, Louisa 30 F W K house " NEWMAN, Wm 17 M W Laborer Tex CAPPS, Arena 10 F W " 37 37 LONGORDIE, John 46 M W Farmer Mexico Wiloopie 40 F W K house Tex Henry 16 M W Laborer " Darley 11 M W " Antonie 5 M W " 38 38 GARSO, Mary 29 F W Farming " Julia 19 F W works on farm " John 7 M W " Lorenzo 4 F W " Sarah 1 F W " NRgNANCED, Mar 35 M W Farmer Mexico 39 39 DAVIS, Frank 23 M B " N.C. Mary 18 F B K house Miss COCHRANE, And 26 M B Farmer N.C. Arebella 20 F M K house of 1640 1640 THOMAS, Abner 36 M B Farmer Miss Cisely 46 F M K house Va Julia 17 F M works on farm Tex Reuben 16 M B " to of Isaiah 14 M B " To to Wesly 13 M B " " to Henry 10 M B " Menan 1 F B " 41 41 LOVETT, Moses 38 M B Farmer Ala Jane 22 F B K house Tex KING, Palmey 25 F B Ala Ben 8 M B Tex Margt 5/12 F B Jan to 42 42 McGEE, Elam 35 M B Farmer La Mahala 28 F B K house Tex Lewis 4 M B of 71 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 205 Post Office: Bryan 6 Oct 1870 Printed #103 o � ' a d U) U O CL1 40 M B Farmer � A w Va 6 F B 1643 1643 MOSELY, Wilson 512 F B Feb Irene to Tex 22 F B K house Frances 6FB Tex Rob Ga 3 F B Dinah 44 44 BELL, Jake of Ga 48 M W Farmer Jane 15 F W at home Tex of Charlotte 10 F W " Sarah Ada 45 45 ROBISON, Chelse 20 F W " of Nathan 46 46 SMITH, James Sarah 24 M W " to Dollie Grocer 28 M M Farmer Rebecca 35 F B K house Ella 12 MB HARP, Ann 8 M B Winford 69 M B Basket Maker Martha Elizabeth 47 47 SASSER, James MOTLEY, Robt WILSON, Ben Agnes Celestia Perry Jeff JACKSON, Sam 48 48 SUTTON, Bill Printed #103 o � ' a d U) U O CL1 40 M B Farmer � 24 F B K House Va 6 F B Tex of of 2 M B of Ala 512 F B Feb 57 M B Farmer to Tex 22 F B K house Ala 6FB Tex 5 F B Ga 3 F B Tex 24 M B Farmer to It 6MB of Ga 48 M W Farmer Miss 15 F W at home Tex of 13 F W is " 10 F W " 8FW 47 F W No Occupation 20 F W " of 18 F W " it 15 F W " if 24 M W " to 29 M W Merchant Grocer 28 M M Farmer 35 F B K house 14 F B 12 MB 8 M B 25 M B Laborer 69 M B Basket Maker Printed #103 a� ' o � U1 Va Tex of of of Ala Ark 11 to Tex Ala Tex Ga Tex X to It X of Ga Miss Tex of S. C. Ky N.C. it Tex if of La Ga 72 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 206 Post Office: Bryan 6 Oct 1870 Printed ##103A O +' O Cd 0 +� O M w O 0 a� 3 � 3 N X r—I C Qf r—{ �4 � �4 Q w En U O 1651 1651 BULLARD, Isaac 30 M B Farmer Tenn Charity 50 F B K house of Jim 16 M B Laborer Tex 52 52 SMITH, Peter 60 M B Farmer Ga Moria 29 F B K house of Scott 10 M B Tex Frank 6 M B of Florence 2 F B of Fannie 60 F B Ga 53 53 FOSTER, John 24 M W Farmer Ark Ann 20 F W K house Tex PREWET, Levi 24 M W Farmer of FOSTER, Nancy 19 F W Ark 54 54 MOSELY, Dandridge 22 M W Farmer 2000 200 Tex Mollie 17 F W K house Ala Jo 9 M M Tex Bass 9 M B it 55 55 DRAM, John 30 M 9 Farmer Ala Lucy 29 F W K Hcuse N.C. Robt 14 M W at home Tex Ifn 11 M W of John 8 M W to Ge o 6M W to Mary 5 F W Is Frank 3 M W of Marion 9/12 M W Nov of 56 56 MARTIN, James 33 M W Farmer 2500 1000 Ala REED, Geo 50 M B Tex Margt 18 F B K. House Tex 57 57 EMMANUEL, P. 40 M B Farmer N.C. Rose 30 M B K house of Bella 8 F B Tex Marg 5 F B of Harriett 30 F B works on farm Ga Sallie 5 F B Tex 58 58 YEAGER, Wm 34 M W Farmer Miss Corrilla 31 F W to Vina 12 F tad Tex 59 59 BEARD, James 24 M W Farmer Ark Lucy 18 F is K House Ala R, n BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 207 Post Office: Bryan 7 Oct 1870 Printed #104 O a� C U � O M O >, 0 w a 75 aa) O U W O aS aa) > 0� cd a) M - >a4 W al f3 1660 1660 RONTREE, Eliza 40 F W K house Ga John 13 M W Tex 61 61 MARTIN, Madison 40 M W Farmer Ala Ella 34 F W K house to Nancy 16 F W at home of Chas 14 M W Tex Mollie 10 F W " Wm 8 M W " John 4 M W " 62 62 DeJARNET'T, John 33 M W Physician Ala Archy 29 M W No occupation of N. B. 19 M W of Frances 17 M W of FERN=, Morris 44 M W Farmer Ala Jane Lizzie 35 F w 13 F W Tex Ark John 10 M W La Wm 8 M W of 63 63 JONES, Levi 45 M B Farmer Ala Harriett 36 F B K House of Kerry 14 M B Laborer Tex Elvin 10 M B it 64 64 LOVE, Frances 40 F W K house Fla KREM.ES, Henry 24 M W Farmer Ill 65 65 SMITH, March 25 M B Tex Sallie 22 F M K House Ark 66 66 PATTON, Moses 48 M B Farmer N.C. Fannie 35 F B K house Ky Annie 16 F B works on farm Tex Willie 14 F B " to of Tom 12 M B " " It Geo. 8 M B If Nick 6 M B of Aron 2 M B It Anthony 24 M B Laborer S.C. 67 67 SMITH, Dennis 70 M B Farmer Ky Patience 65 F B K house Va 68 68 SHERIDAN, Ned 70 M W Ireland STEELE, WM 46 M W Tex 69 69 SMITH, Chas 57 M W Farmer 2000 1000 Ala n 74 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 208 Post Office: Bryan 7 Oct 1870 Printed #104A o cis o Cd a X � U � c 1--i �4 � � 3� Q C- d U)0 O 9� >Q�,W X) V) 1669 1669 SMITH, Margt 25 F W K house Tex Chas 24 M W Laborer Ark William 16 M W Tex Robt 1 M W of TRISBY, John 25 M M Laborer Miss 1670 1670 SPARKS, Wm 38 M W Farmer 2000 2000 Ky Julia 31 F W K House Ark Ella 12 F W to Fannie. 9 F W Tex Julia 4 F W of John 1 M W of 71 71 WEED, Danl 45 M W Farmer S.C. Leveniaa, 35 F W K House Miss Thomas 11 M W Tex Gilda 2 F W it CASE, David 24 M W Laborer Ala 72 72 FERGASON, Wm 35 M W Farmer Miss Sarah 35 F W K house it Thomas 15 M W Laborer of Amanda 13 F W to John 11 M W it Lizzie 9 F W Ella 6 F W Willie 3 M W Robt 1 M W Tex 73 73 WOLFE, Pat 26 M W Farmer to WILSON, Alex 30 M B N.C. RADCLIFF, Geo 18 M B Laborer Tex 74 74 WILLIAMS, John 28 M W Farming Tenn Jane 24 F W K house Tex Lula 3 F W of SANFORD, Sallie 60 F W K house Miss WILSON, Harriett 23 F W " " N.C. ALEX, Emily 18 F M Cook Tex 75 75 YOUNG, Hannah 48 F W K house Ark Jacob 21 M W Tex Andrew 14 M W if X Chas 13 M W of X Kate 19 F W to X Mary 17 F W of X 75 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 209 Post Office: Brazos (sic) 7 Oct 1870 Printed #105 O U zttz 4- r�I Q a) N X ri U f� co U O W 1675 1675 YOUNG, Fannie 15 F W No occupation Tex X Hannah 11 F W If X 76 76 HUBBERT, Frank 24 M W Farmer Ala WRIGHT, Peter 21 M W Laborer Tex PITTS, John 35 M W Ala CAMPBELL, Dave to 77 77 WILLIE, John 70 M B Farmer Va Sallie 60 F B K house it 78 78 STANLEY, Martin 35 M B Farmer if Louisa 30 F B K house of Mary 9 F B Tex Ben 5 M B to 79 79 GOODWIN, Lewis 36 M B Farmer La Mary 30 F B K house Ark SEALES, Martha 40 F B Laborer La 1680 1680 LEONARD, Ransom 50 M B Farmer Ala Ann 35 F M K house Tex Tom 7 M M It John 4 M B of Robt 2 M B of 81 81 JOHNSON, Jo 40 M B Farmer N.C. A 40 F B K House of Mary 9 F B to Scott 7 M B Tex Clora 6 F B of 82 82 ROBINSON, Isaac 26 M B Farmer N.C. REED, Charity 35 F B Ark Henry 12 M B to Sallie 10 F B Tex 83 83 WILLIAMS, Doc 40 M B Farmer La Matilda 28 F B Laborer " Lewis 8 M B Tex Eliza. 4 F B It Fr-ark 1 M B of 84 84 PARDON, John 35 M W Farmer Ga Martha 40 F W K house of f HARRIS, Eliza 25 M B Farmer Ky 1 4 BLAIR, Abe 25 M W Miss CAMPBELL, Pitt 43 M W Ala PITTS, Wm 65 M W if �i ?6 BRA- County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 210 Post Office: Bryan 8 Oct 1870 Printed #105A z4z 5-1 o cd o M q-4 '� W 0 C, a) 0 a) '� c a> -3 r a + � O co co a) q 1684 1684 CAMPBELL, Chas 10 M W Ala Mary 8 F W of 85 85 DUDLEY, Peter 55 M W Farmer 800 200 A4d Dorathy 54 F W K house Va Ida 18 F W at home of HALL, Arthur 14 M M Domestic servant to HICKS, Mary 45 F W K house Tenn Martha 18 F W Tex Edwin 16 M W of 86 86 DUNN, Mathew 67 M W Farmer Ireland Louisa 60 F W K house Va Margt 23 F W at home Tex Louisa 21 F W " of if GAY, George 28 M M Laborer It 87 87 SASSEN, Isaac 55 M W Farmer 2000 200 N.C. Mary 44 F W K house Ga Pollie 22 F W Ark Matilda 16 F W of Fountain 15 M W Tex FOSTER, Elmitta 2 F W to 88 88 FINCH, Cap 55 M W Ala Winnieford 50 F W of Mannie 22 M W Tex 89 89 BLOOM, John 32 M W Farmer Ala Lucy 19 F W K house Tex VANT, Porthenia 46 F W Miss 1690 1690 SMITH, Ransom 25 M W Stockraiser Tex Mary 22 F W K house to Willis 1 F W If Willie 1 F W It GIBSON, Albret 12 M M Ark 91 91 GOODWIN, Joshua. 52 M W Farmer 500 200 N.C. Lenora 37 F W Tenn James 21 M W Ark Robt 18 M W l Geo. W. 16 M W of Tom 15 M W Ark Peter 10 M W of Mary 7 F W Tex 0 John 5 M W to li r , 7 INDEX OF SURNAMES ADAPTS 58 ADDISON 58 ADKINS 55 ALEX 74 ALEXANDER 58 ALLEN 47,58 ANDERSON 57,58 AUSTIN 58 AVERHART 56 AVERY 69 BABERS 58 BANKS 58 BARNES 53,58 BATTS 69 BEARD 72 BECK 55 BEEKS 58 BELL 58,68,71 BENNETT 58 BENSON 54,58 BISHOP 58 BISOR 58 BLACK 53,58 BLACKSHEAR 51 BLAIR 75 BLAKE 58 BLOOM 76 BLUM 55 BOLDEN 58 BOYKIN 53 BRANDON 56 BRAUNFEL 43 BROADDUS 57 BROWN 57,58 BRUNDRETT 54 BRYANT 58 BUGGS 58 BULLARD 72 BURKHALTER 50 BURLESON 50,58 BURNS 58,59 BURRELL 59 BURTON 45 BYERS 59 BYNUM 59 CALDWELL 54,56 ` 59 CALHOUN 59 CAMPBELL 59,75,76 CAPPS 70 CAROUTHERS 59 CARTER 59 ' 62,67 CASE 74 CATER 59 CAUSE 59 CHACHERE 59 CHAMP 59 CHATFIELD 57 CHESTERFIELD 55 CHILDS 59 CHOLEWIAK 53 CLARK 59 CLAY 59 CLOUD 53 COCHRANE 70 COLEMAN 59 COLMAN 59 CONNALL'Y 56 COOK 59 COOPER 59 COULTER 52 COUSE 59 CRAMER 54 CRAWFORD 59 CROWFORD 56 CUERINGTON 59 CULTON 59 CURRY 59 CURTIS 59 DANHAM 72 DAVENPORT 59,60 DAVIDSON 60 DAVIS 57,60,70 DAIASON 60 DeJARNETT 73 DeMASTERS 60 DENSEY 60 DICKSON 60 DIXON 60 DOMINIK 53 DOWLEY 60 DONLEY 60 DORSEY 60 DUDLEY 76 DUNN 76 DUPREIST 54,57 DURANT 50 DURHAM 57 EATON 69 EDMERSON 60,64 ELLIS 60 ELMORE 45,60 EMMANUEL 72 ERWIN 55 EVANS 60,69 FAIR 60 FARQUHAR 51 FENELL 60 FENNELL 73 FERGASON 74 FERRELL 60 FIGURES 60 FINCH 76 FISHER 57 FLETCHER 49,50 FLORENCE 53 FLOWERS 60 FLOYD 60 FOLEY 60 FORD 60 FORWARD 60 FOSTER 55,56,60,68 72,76 FOWARD 60 FRAME 55 FRANKLIN 60 FRANKS 54 FREEMAN 60 FRENCHMAN 48,49 FULLER 55 GAFFORD 61 GARSO 70 GATER 61 GATOR 61 GAY 76 GENN 61 GEORGE 55 GIBBS 61 GIBSON 76 GILL 61 GILLIARD 54 GLENN 61 GLOWSKI 53 GOBET 55 GOFFERY 61 GOHLSON 54 GOODEN 61 GOODSON 61 GOODWIN 54,75,76 GORBETT 57 GOVEN 56 GRANTICA 69 GREEN 53,56,61 GREY 69 GRIFFIN 61 GROCE 61 GUEST 47 HADLEY 61 HALIBURTON 61 HALL 61,76 HALL P1AN 54 HAMMOND 61 HANNA 61 HARDEMAN 61 HARLAND 55 HAROLD 56 HARP 71 HARRELL 43,61 HARRINGTON 61 HARRIS 57,61, ?5 HARRISON 61 HARROLD 45 HAR`( 45 HAWTHORNE 61 HAYES 61 HENDERSON 62 HENIGAN 62 HENRY 62 HICKMON 62 HICKS 62,76 HILL 55,62 HILLIARD 62 HOGGARD 62 HOLLAND 62 HOMONN 62 HORTON 55 HOUSTON 59,62,67 HUBBARD 62 HUBBERT 75 HUBERT 48 HUNNEYCUT 57 HUNT 45 HUNTER 56 HURD 62 HUTCHISON 62 IDLEBIRD 62 IRVIN 62 JACKSON 62,71 JARRELL 47 JEFFERSON 62 JOHNSON 51,56,60, 62,75 JONES 53,57,62,63, 69,73 JORDAN 56 JUMPER 49 KEATTS 63 KEEFER 48 KEMP 54,63 KENDALL 47 78 INDEX KENNARD 63 KING 63,70 KIRBY 63 K,' I RKLAND 53 KNAP 53 KREMES 73 LABO 48 LACY 63 LAMA 63 LANDER 63 LANE 54,63 LAWRENCE 55,63 LAWS 63 LEE 63 LEON 63 LEONARD 68,75 LETHRIDGE 67 LEWIS 63 LIGHTFOOT 63 LIGHTS 63 LIKENS 55 LOMAX 63 LONGORDIE 70 LOUIS 63 LOVE 63,73 LOVETT 70 LOW 53 MACHOS 53 MADISON 63 MARLOW 63 MARSHALL 54,56,63 MARTIN 53,63,72,73 MATTHEWS 63 MAYS 63 McDANIEL 63 McDONALD 56,63 McGEE 70 McGRUDER 63 McGRUE 63 McINTOSH 63 McLENDON 63 McLOUIS 55 h1cMILLON 57 McQUEEN 63 McVILL 64 MEDIAS 47 MENNANCED 70 MEYERS 51 MICKEN 64 MICKENS 64 MIDDLETON 54 MILES 64 MILLICAN 54 MITCHELL 43,44,45, 54,64,71 MOGAL 64 MONROE 64 MOOD`( 57 MOORE 64 MORGAN 64 MOTLEY 64,71,72 MOTEN 64 MOTLEY 48,49,71 MYERS 54,64 NAYLOR 64 NEAL 64 NEELEY 57 NELSON 64 NEWMAN 64,70 NEWTON 64 NIXON 59,64 NORRIS 57 NUTALL 64 OLDHAM 60,64 OLIVER 64 O'NEAL 64 ONEAL 64 ORR 50 PAGE 53 PARDON 75 PARHAMS 64 PARHMS 64 PARKER 51,53,55 PARKS 47,64 PARSONS 45 PATTEN 57 PATTON 64,73 PEARCE 64 PEARSON 55 PHILLIPS 64 PILLOW 57,65 PILLOWS 65 PITMAN 65 PITTS 75 PORTER 65 PRESLEY 53 PRE,JET 72 PRICE 43,44,55,65 PROCELLER 51 PUGH 48 RADCLIFF 74 RADEBAUGH 53 RAMSEY 56 RANDLE 65 RANSOM 65 RAPER 65 RA,JLS 53 SPEED 57 REDMAN 65 STANLEY 75 REED 57,65,72,75 STANLY 70 REUTER 43 STEELE 49,73 RHODES 65 STERLING 66 ROBINSON 55 STEVENSON 66 ROWAN 51,52 STEWART 66 RO'YDER 43,44,45, STEWERT 66 50 STOCKLEY 51 RICE 65 STOCKTON 66 RICHARD 65 STOVALL 66,67 RICHMOND 65 SUTTON 71 RICKS 65 SWEED 66 ROBERTS 65 SWIFT 70 ROBERTSON 65 TAYLOR 53,66 ROBINSON 65,75 TERMINI 53 ROBISON 71 TERRY 57 ROGERS 65 THIBODEOUX 66 RONTREE 73 THOMAS 54,56,57,66 ROOK 65 70 ROSS 65,68 THOMPSON 54,66 ROUSE 65 THURMON 66 ROWLAND 65 TILLER`( 66 SAMUEL 56 TODD 55 SANACKA 53 TOLDEN 66 SANDERS 65,66 TOLIVER 67 SANDLE 66 TOLLIVER 56 SANFORD 74 TRISBY 74 SASSEN 76 TURNER 67 SASSER 71 TYLER 67 SCOTT 54,66 TYSON 67 SEALES 75 UNSOE 67 SEALEY 66 UTEHALL 67 SHALL 66 VANHOOK 67 SHANNON 56 VANT 76 SHARP 56 VOELKER 49 SHAW 66 WADE 67 SHEPARD 66 WALKER 49,67 SHERIDAN 73 WALL 49 SHIELDS 66 WALLACE 56,67 SHIVERS 66 WALLS 67 SILER 66 WARD 67 SIMMONS 66 WARREN 67 SIMMS 66 WATSON 67 SIMPSON 66 WEBB 55 SIMS 66 WEBSTER 67 SINGLETARY 55 WEED 74 SLATER 66 WESLEY 67 SMILEY 57 WEST 71 SMITH 54,59,66,71, WESTBROOK 54 72,73,74,76 WHEATFALL 67 SPARKS 74 WHITE 57,67 SPEARS 54 WHITEHEAD 67 r INDEX (CONCLUDED) WHITESIDE 53 WILLIAMS 54,56,66 WOLF 69 YOUNG 68,74,75 WHITFIELD 67 67,74,75 WOLFE 74 YEAGER 72 WILCOX 70 WILLIE 75 WORTHAM 56,68 WILEY 67 WILLIGHALL 67 WRIGHT 68,75 ZABO 48 WILHONS 67 WILSON 57,67,68 WRITTENHOUSE 56 ZERBST 55 WILKINSON 53 69,71 BAAZOS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS by MEMBERS Persons interested in any of the following publications should contact the author at the listed address. Any charge for the publication will between the person interested in the publication and the author. When inquiring please enclose a SASE. Title: "A Brief History of George W. WING and His Wife, Mary (MARTIN) WING and Their Descendents Down to the Present Day" Content: The story of George W. Wing (1766 -1823) of Duchess County, NY and all of his descendents whom we could identify, including the author's wife and collaborator, Jane C. Portzer. 105 pages, loose -leaf, zero:,- duplicated, both sides of 5( sheets of paper, 3 -hole- punched. Author: Harry J. Portzer Address: 2501 Sumter Ur., College Station, Texas 77845 Title: "A Genealogical History of Abraham EBERSOLE of Dauphin County, PA and His Wife, Eva STAUFFER.* Description: Partial release: Introduction plus 2 major chapters of proposed 12 chapter work::. 235 pages in the partial release, loose leaf. Author: Harry .J. Portzer Address: 2501 Sumter Dr., College Station, Texas 77845 Title: "The PORTSER /PORTZER Families of America and Their Genealogies" Includes an attempt to trace all relationships. Description: All identifiable descendents of the two (all that are known) ancestral lines leading to Americans bearing the name "POFTSER or PORTZER ". Biographies of these people and all their known descendents, of whatever surname. Author: Harry J. Portzer Address: 2501 Sumter Dr., College Station, Texas 77845 3" 3 „ Half page: Once /year $26.00 4x /year $78.00 Whole page: Once /year $52.00 4x /year $157.00 (Ail prices include tax).