HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpring 1996 J W ,.; ; \ <" yemawgtst CONTENTS PAGE Keeping up with the Joneses .............................. by Jeanette Winslow Canavespi & Joyce Ellen Winslow 43 Probate Packets From Brazos Co. TX County Clerk's Office Compiled by ...........Peggy Basenfelder & Elsie Wade 47 Brazos Co. Land Rendered-Thos. J. Wooten No. 59; John H. Jones No. 26; Joseph J. Scott No. 50................. Transcribed by ............................ Ruth Hary 57 Abstracts of Powers of Attorney, 1837-1875 Compiled by ............................... Bill Page 60 Jurors, Brazos County District Court, Spring 1857 ........ 71 Minter Springs and Fickey Community Notes Transcribed by .................-.......... Janis Hunt 72 Index Compiled by............................. Janis Hunt 76 ) ,i BRAZOS GENEALOGIST VOLUME XVII NUMBER 2 SPRING 1996 BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 5493 BRYAN TX 77805 OFFICERS 1995 PRES IDENT. . . . . . . . . . MARY VAUGHN VICE PRES.......... B.J. ENDLER SECRETARY. . . . . . . ADRIENE BONHAM TREASURER. . . . . . . . . .. ELSIE WADE COMPUTER GROUP HEAD. ALLEN DEAN EDITOR.............. . JANIS HUNT PAST PRES. . .. PEGGY BASENFELDER STAFF EDITORS RESEARCH/QUERIES. .............. PEGGY BASENFELDER LOCAL HISTORY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RUTH HARY AND JANI SHUNT CONTINUING SERIES.... .BILL PAGE PRINTING/INDEXING. .. JANIS HUNT MEETINGS Meetings held the third Monday of each month from 7:00 pm to 8 : 45 pm in the Bryan Library. Please arrive early as the library closes at 9:00 pm. The computer group meets at 6:00 pm. Membership is on a year basis, -January December. calendar through $15.00 a year. Quarterly picked up at meetings. $20.00 a year. mailed. Quarterly Checks for dues may be mailed to the above address. QUARTERLY The GENEALOGIST is published as Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall Issues. Each Volume of the GENEALOGIST will correspond with the membership year. Dues cover the cost to members. c--) EXCHANGE The GENEALOGIST is available for exchange wi th other organizations or publishers who have publications to offer. Send inquiries or samples to P.O. Box 5493, Bryan, TX 77805. SOLICITATIONS We solicit queries, family charts, copies of Bible records, articles and stories with Brazos Valley ties. Family charts should be 8 1/2 x 11 and fit a 3 ring binder. EDITORIAL POLICY Neither the Brazos Genealogical Association or the staff of the ~ Quarterly will be responsible \ J for error of fact or opinion expressed herein. Every effort is made to publish reliable information. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept appropriate material with editing privileges on a space available basis. Members are encouraged to submit articles of interest concerning the Brazos Valley. Research pertaining to deeds, Bible records, schools, churches, and other groups or organizations are desired. Research on material before the turn of the century is especially welcome. , . The Association will do limited local Brazos County research for $10.00 an hour. Write for details and please enclose a SASE. \ i '13n1205 yenealogist Volume XVII Number 2 Spring 1996 Bryan/College Station Texas KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES John Henry JONES, Sr. was born November 11, 1797 in Jefferson County, East Tennessee. Although his parents' names are unknown, it was determined from old letters written to JONES in the mid 1800's by relatives that he had four sisters named Lucinda, Malinda, Mary and' Eliza. John Henry arrived in Texas in February, 1829 as one of Stephen F. AUSTIN's colonists. In Stephen F. Austin's Reaister of Families, it states "John H. JONES, single man, wants a place below the tract where John WILLIAMS lives adjoining SPEARS tract and the tract granted to William RALEIGH, and as he is an entire stranger, I have required him to produce me satisfactory evidence of his moral conduct." It was only after JONES married Martha Jane WOOTTON, daughter of Thomas Jeffress and Polina TRENT WOOTTON of Henry County, Virginia, on June 24, 1832 in Washington County, Texas that he received his league and labor from a Spanish land grant. JONES and his wife settled along the Brazos River in Washington County which would later become the southwest portion of Brazos County. Their home, located on the banks of the Brazos, was called "Jones Bluff." " - ; The land, being on the east side of the Brazos, was filled with trees and heavy brush. It was not ideal crop land, but they did manage to raise enough cattle and crops to care for their large family. A Mr. GRIFFIN was interviewed for an article in the Bryan Daily Eaale on January 5, 1927 for a column called "Bryan Surveyed." GRIFFIN spoke of a conversation with Martha JONES many years after she became a widow. She told him of living high on the bluff where she and her family could see buffalo, deer and often Indians. Martha spoke of the time that she and John would ride over their land on horseback, both carrying guns and both good shots, to tend their cattle. She added that many nights she and her entire family would hide in the corn fields for fear of an Indian attack. John and Martha had nine children. There were Wesley Watson, John Henry, Jr., Albert Thomas, Eliza Ann, Mary Ann Isibelah, Columbus Pierce, Samuel Houston, Martha Ann and Medora. A daughter Missouri JONES, was born to Martha in 1852 after her husband had died. Wesley Watson married Mary E. (last name unknown); Eliza Ann Married Gibeon Ainsworth FOSTER, Columbus Pierce married Mary GAINER; Medora married Calvin Augustus FOSTER; and Martha Ann JONES first married James R. GUEST, divorced him, and then married her deceased sister's husband, Gibeon Ainsworth FOSTER. Mary Ann Isibelah, Samuel Houston and Missouri died in early childhood. Albert Thomas, who married Catherine HUDSON, went to war for the Confederacy and died in Arkansas from a case of the measles. Martha's child, Missouri, was born on January 19, 1852, two years after JONES' death and over one year before her second marriage. Family lore is that someone made a derogatory remark about Martha and Missouri to Martha' son John Henry, Jr. JONES allegedly cut the man's throat, leaving him to bleed to death. JONES was arrested for murder, stood trial and found not guilty. The murdered man had been killed by a right~handed murderer. As far as the judge and jury knew, JONES was left-handed. At the time, only John Jr.'s family knew he was ambidextrous. John H. JONES, Sr. was one of the original settlers of Brazos County. John H. JONES, Mordicai BOONE, Joseph FERGUSON, Eli SEALE and William T. MILLICAN served as a committee of five assigned to locate the county seat of Boonville. There is a historical marker in the Boonville Cemetery commemorating this event. He also enlisted in the Ranging Service in October 1836, 43 44 serving under Captain William W. HILL. John Henry JONES, who was called Choctaw JONES, and his fellow rangers would scour the countryside, chasing lawbreakers and hunting Indians who made raids on the settlements. These rangers were, in large part, the law and order of Texas. On November 18, 1837, JONES was discharged as Captain John H. JONES, and received a Bounty Warrant for an additional 320 acres of land for his time served with the Rangers. ) Family legend passed down to JoBeth STUTTS and Mary Esther BURTON, great-great granddaughters of John Henry and Martha WOOTTON JONES, tells of the time during the Runaway Scrape that sons Wesley and John Jr., Martha and a Negro slave were loaded into an ox cart, and with JONES riding alongside on horseback, set out for the fort at Nacogdoches. After fording the Trinity River on the Old San Antonio Road, they were told of Sam HOUSTON's victory over Santa Anna at San Jacinto and were ordered to return home. When re-crossing the flooded Trinity, baby Wesley fell from the cart and into the turbulent river. JONES leapt from his horse and rescued his oldest son form the raging waters. John Henry JONES, Sr died on November 11, 1850, from, according to some family members, a liver ailment. He is buried at Jones-Roberts Cemetery in Brazos County, along with many other family members. Upon his death, a heartbreaking letter was received by Martha from John's sister, Mary JONES WILSON. It was copied and transcribed by Mary Esther BURTON from the original and reads as follows. "Paducah, Kentucky, March 8, 1850 I sit down for the first time to address you a few lines and hope that they find you enjoying good health. 0 God, the last time I wrote there it was to my long lost beloved brother of mine, but he is gone and I do not even have the sad gratification of viewing the place where his beloved tho cold remains now lay. I can see him no more here, but I hope that we will meet again. But the shadow of the past oftentimes fleets in my vision and brings to mind the scene of our childhood and my imagination often pictures that truly beloved and long lost brother of mine. Yes I loved him better than my soul. When I think of being in Texas with you all it seems like a dream. But, oh God, it is a fearful reality. But when I realize my great loss I sustained while there, the dream passes. Would to God that I could not realize it. Would that it could always appear like a dream. Dear Sister, I often think of you all and ever shall perhaps. Mr. WILSON and I may come there next fall. I can't write anymore now. I hardly know how to write. If it was not for my children and my husband this world would be a blank to me. Write to me as soon as you get this. The family all sends their love to you. Excuse this if you please. Nothing more at the present, but I remain your affectionate sister till death. Kiss the baby for me and give all the rest my love. Mrs. Mary S. JONES." / \ - } Also, in the Jones-Roberts Cemetery lie the remains of Mary AI. JONES. According to the Brazos Genealogical Association, her stone is the oldest identifiable gravestone in Brazos County. She was Mary Ann Isibelah JONES, daughter of John and Martha JONES, born January 19, 1841 and died January 21, 1841. Martha Jane WOOTTON JONES' second husband was Jabez M. ROBERTS, whom she married on September 22, 1853. Sometime after her second marriage, she built a new house on the Wootton land on Skull Prairie Road near the old Leonard school house, leaving the original homestead to her second son, John Henry JONES, Jr. Martha and Jabez had three children: Ellen, Jeff and Polina. Except for the fact that Jabez served in the Confederate Army, very little is actually known of these three children or their father. Jabez died September 13, 1873. Martha lived until February 6, 1891. She is buried at Jones-Roberts cemetery beside her second husband Jabez. 45 The second son of John Henry and Martha WOOTTON JONES, John Henry JONES, Jr., married Martha Elizabeth JOHNSON, daughter of Thomas Blassingame JOHNSON and Partenia RECTOR JOHNSON of Coffeyville, Yallobusha County, Mississippi on July 22, 1858 in Boonville. Leaving behind his wife and two small sons, JONES was sworn into the Texas Confederate Army in Alto, Texas. He served in Company "I" of the 21st Texas Cavalry, Carter's Regiment from June 14, 1862 until February 28, 1863. JONES was discharged because.of illness but soon re-enlisted in Company "G", 25th Texas Calvary, where he was stationed in the Commissary Department at Boonville. He was fully discharged on June 24, 1865. John and Martha Elizabeth had settled on his parents' old homestead on Jones Bluff and started a ferry service known as Jones' Ferry. The old ferry was located just below the bluff on the edge of the Brazos River. The ferry was secured by a cable on both sides of the river and the wheel was turned by hand. The charge was 15 cents to ferry a wagon and team of oxen across the Brazos. Many years later a bridge was built at the ferry crossing site and called "Jones Bridge." Although a new bridge had long since replaced the old one just a few hundred yards down river, one can see the old piers from the original bridge, standing as sentinels over the muddy Brazos. ~ } Upholding family tradition, John, Jr. and Martha Elizabeth JONES had ten children: Thomas Jeffress, Albert M., Theodocia Iris (called Dossie), John Henry III, Lee H., Martha Edna, Horace Otto, Winnie E., Minnie E. (twin girls) and Zenas. Thomas married Lavania Hill GENTRY; Albert, Winnie and Lee died in childhood; John Henry III moved to Portland, Oregon and married Margaret WISEMAN; Martha married Mark T. MALONE, and Minnie married J.W. "Will" HAGINS. Theodocia married William Bartlett McGREGOR. The seventh child, Horace Otto, married Agnes Elizabeth KUBICEK. Zenas, the youngest child, had four children with Minnie HAVERON JONES and five children with his second wife, Hallie BOXLEY. At age 19, Myrtle JONES, the oldest daughter of Zenas and Minnie and her cousin Pearl KUBICEK, tragically drowned in 1921 in the Brazos River, just a few miles south of Jones Bridge, while attempting to rescue Pearl's younger brother. Although the lore of John defending his mother's honor has never been proven, there are existing records of another incident. Found in the old State Docket Records of 1859 for the District Court of Brazos County is an indictment filed against John H. JONES for assault with intent to commit murder. No particulars have been found for this indictment, but in the spring of 1860, the charge was reduced to simple assault and JONES was fined $25.00. John Henry JONES, Jr. died on April 19, 1886 and was buried in Jones-Roberts Cemetery. Martha assumed the burden of rearing the children and caring for her own needs. Because education was important to the Jones men and women, Martha took in washing to send her son Horace to Texas A&M. Martha Elizabeth JOHNSON JONES died June 25, 1911 and lies beside her husband at Jones- Roberts. Texas A&M school records confirm Horace Otto JONES' attendance; however, records for the year in which it is assumed he graduated are missing. After attending Texas A&M, he became a teacher. One of his many students at Goodwin School was a young girl named Agnes KUBICEK, twenty-cine years his junior. Horace and Agnes did not get along. Horace, the teacher was always correcting the speech of young Agnes, who spoke with a heavy Czech accent. He was particularly agitated when Agnes, pronouncing the word "them," would say "dam." One day Horace told Agnes that she would have to stay after school and wouldn't leave until she learned how to pronounce the word "them" correctly. Agnes replied that she didn't care...he would have to stay as long as she did. Years later, when Agnes had grown into a very pretty young lady, she saw Horace again at a cemetery during a funeral. But instead of fighting as before, they fell in love and were married on September 21, 1917. Agnes never did learn to pronounce "them" with an American accent. 46 Soon after their marriage, Horace gave up teaching and went to work for Law HENDERSON ) and the county. He worked as a lawyer, district clerk, abstractor and surveyor. The present day maps of Brazos County are based on his original surveys. Many of the originals can be found in the Archives at Texas A&M University. Horace was known as a good and kind man, many times offering his help to those less fortunate. During the great flood of December 5, 1913, when the unpredictable Brazos River rose so high that is destroyed large portions of the levee built on the west side of the river, JONES "distinguished himself by being instrumental in the saving of many lives," according to his obituary printed in The Bryan Daily Eagle on May 12, 1924. Horace and Agnes had three sons who died as infants. But on November 11, 1921 a son, Horace Weldon, was born, followed by a daughter, Winnie Elizabeth on April 10, 1923. Horace Otto JONES died from tuberculosis on May 12, 1924. He was buried beside his infant sons at Newsom Cemetery, near Jones Bridge and the home where he was raised. Agnes married Antonio (Tony) MESSINA on May 20, 1925. She died on May 9, 1975 and Tony MESSINA died on November 12, 1992. They are both buried at Bryan City Cemetery next to their son-in-law, Ben J. WINSLOW. Around 1938, at age 16 or 17, Horace Weldon JONES enlisted in the Civilian Conservation Corps at Bastrop, Texas and was transferred to Death Valley Junction in California. He was later drafted into the U.S. Army Limited Services. After his discharge, Horace changed his name to Wayne Horace JONES. Jones and his first wife Frances DOBSON, had three children: Linda Kay, Timothy Wayne and Mark Francis. JONES and his third wife, Victoria PHILPOTT, also had three children: Pamela Grover, Wayne Sinclair and Douglas Weldon. Horace Weldon JONES (aka Wayne Horace) died on December 15, 1989 and is buried in San Luis Obispo, California. Winnie Elizabeth JONES married Ben J. WINSLOW on September 20, 1941. They had two daughters, Jeanette Elizabeth, who is married to Victor CANAVESPI, and Joyce Ellen. Ben died on October 25, 1968 and is buried in Bryan City Cemetery. Jeanette has three children: Richard Gordon BOSWELL, Tammy Renee' BOSWELL, who is married to Kenneth Charles KOSUB, and Shannon Lea BOGGESS. ~ ) The JONES family continues to maintain strong ties to Brazos County. Since 1829, six generations from John Henry JONES, Sr. to his great granddaughter, Winnie Elizabeth JONES WINSLOW, her children and grandchildren have resided in Brazos County, deeply rooted in Brazos County's rich history. The preceding article was written by one of our members Jeanette WINSLOW CANAVESPI and her sister, Joyce Ellen WINSLOW. It is included in the new book Bryan Leaends and Leaacies, published as part of Celebrate Bryan, the on-going year-long celebration of 125 years of Bryan history. More information and ordering instructions are located on the back cover. 47 PROBATE PACKETS FROM BRAZOS CO. TExAs COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE Continued from Vol. XVII, NO.1 Peggy BASENFELDER and Elsie WADE PAYNE, Alvah and Elvia Packet No. 118 A Guardianship of Alvah and Eliva PAYNE. children of Alvah and Elvia PAYNE 28 Nov 1856: 16 Jan 1857: Sureties: 26 Mar 1857: 18 Aug 1857: 11 Jan 1858: "\ - , ,I 04 Mar 1858: Principal: Sureties: 31 Jan 1859: 18 Jun 1860: 25 Sep 1860: 29 Oct 1860: Petition for guardianship by C.A. KOONCE Recorded Bk. D Inventories pg. 184 Bond and Oath. Principal: Count A KOONCE G.H. LOVE and Miles PAYNE Recorded Bk. D Inventories pg. 92. Inventory and Appraisement. #1 - 150 acres, 36 head of cattle #2 - 300 acres, 150 acres, and 35 head of cattle. Some land in Milam Co. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 10-11 Inventory of property - property received for Alvah PAYNE is 221 acres with water mill and 150 acres and 36 head of cattle. Property received by Elvira PAYNE is 450 acres of land and 35 head of cattle. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 9 Annual Exhibit and Final settlement of Count A KOONCE. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 36 Bond and Oath of guardian of estate of Alvah PAYNE, minor. Marshall PAYNE AF. SEALE and Miles PAYNE Recorded Bk. A Bonds of Guardians pg. 297 Annual Account of Estate. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 97 Letter to the court by Miles PAYNE to be discharged and released as surety for Marshall PAYNE. Summons for Marshall PAYNE to appear before the Court, to be served by the Sheriff of Robertson County. Annual Account of Estate. (Separate Guardian for Elvira PAYNE) 03 Apr 1858: Principal: Sureties: 03 Apr 1858: Bond Oath by Jeremiah PAYNE for guardian of Elvira PAYNE, minor. Jeremiah PAYNE Wilson A HOLLOWAY and Joseph A SEALE Recorded Bk. A Guardianship Bonds pg. 298 Inventory of Property. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 42 48 31 Jan 1859: 27 Feb 1860: 24 Jun 1861: 01 Mar 1867: 25 Mar 1867: 30 Jun 1868: Annual Account and Exhibit of Estate. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 96 , ) Annual Account and Exhibit. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 117 Annual Account and Exhibit. Summons to Jeremiah PAYNE to render and Exhibit of condition of estate. Final account by Jeremiah PAYNE, guardian. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 544 Final settlement by Guardian. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 582 Miscellaneous receipts and vouchers. DARDEN, W.T. Deceased Sep 1875 18 Dee 1876: 18 Dee 1876: 24 Jan 1877: Sureties: 23 Mar 1877: 24 Jun 1877: 11 Aug 1877: 20 Aug 1878: 11 Oct 1878: PRESLEY, Wm. R. 02 Ju11859: 25 Jul 1859: Packet No. 119 Application for Letters of Administration by Eliott McNeal DUNLAP. Recorded Bk. G pg. 256 Notice posted of hearing. Recorded Bk. G pg. 256 Oath and Bond. Principal: Eliott NcNeal DUNLAP William DUNLAP and Lucinda DUNLAP (wife of Wm.) Recorded Bk. G pg. 256 " - ; } Application of widow to set aside exempt property from being sold. Recorded Bk. G pg. 258 Inventory and appraisement. 1/2 interest in 300 acres of land in Brazos Co. Recorded Bk. G pg. 257 Petition to confirm title. Recorded Bk. G pg. 386 Account of final settlement of Eliott McNeal DUNLAP for estate. Recorded Bk. G pg. 479 Vouchers. Packet No. 119 A Petition of Letters of Administration by George HIGGS. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 116 Petition of Letters for administration by Sarah Ann SMITH (mother of deceased) by a nuncupative will. Lists Mary JACKSON and husband, Henry JACKSON, Louisa S. JACKSON and husband, John JACKSON (resides in Ellis County) and Joseph PRESLEY, George A. PRESLEY, John PRESLEY, Nancy Ann SMITH, Jessie SMITH, Margaret SMITH, all of Brazos Co. and are the brothers and sisters and half-brothers and half-sisters of the deceased. 49 Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 116. 28 Jul 1859: Citation for Henry JACKSON, husband of Mary JACKSON. (Did not receive in time to appear in Probate Court in Brazos Co. TX.) 28 Jul 1859: Citation for John JACKSON, husband of Louisa S. JACKSON. 28 Jul 1859: Citation for Nancy Ann SMITH. 28 Jul 1859: Citation for John PRESLEY. 28 Jul 1859: Citation for Joseph PRESLEY. 28 Jul 1859: Citation for George A. PRESLEY. 28 Jul 1859: Citation for Mary JACKSON of Ellis, County. 28 Jul 1859: Citation for Louisa S. JACKSON of Ellis, County. 30 Aug 1859: Citation issued for Henry JACKSON, Louisa S. JACKSON, John JACKSON and Mary JACKSON. All citations by Sarah A. SMITH. i - 27 Sep 1859: Court reading of the Nuncupative Will with witness. A. Whitney MONTGOMERY, I.M. BOND and Joseph PRESLEY stating that the deceased wanted W.T. JOHNSON to settle his debts. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 115 30 Nov 1859: Bond and Oath. Principal: Sarah A. SMITH for Administrator. 26 Dee 1859: Inventory of estate by Sarah A. SMITH. 318 acres in Brazos Co., 35 head of cattle and others. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 117 28 Jan 1860: Appraisement of estate. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 139 27 Feb 1860: Exhibit and petition for Sale by administrator. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 139 03 May 1860: Account of sale of 118 acres of land out of 318 acre tract in Richard CARTER's headright. 01 Mar 1867: Citation for Sarah A. SMITH to appear in Probate Court. 25 Mar 1867: Final account by Sarah SMITH, Administrator. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 545 Miscellaneous notes and receipts. SMITH, Maggie See Packet No. 114 Packet No. 120 50 08 Jan 1877: 08 Jan 1877: Sureties: 12 Mar 1877: 03 Apr 1877: 14 Apr 1877: Sureties: 19 Apr 1877: 30 May 1877: 04 Aug 1877: 20 Sep 1877: 29 Apr 1878: 12 Sep 1878: 15 Sep 1878: 15 Jan 1879: 14 Ju11879: 14 Ju11879: 14 Jul 1879: 14 Ju11879: Petition for letter of Administration by J.W. SPARKS. ) Bond and Oath. Principal: J.W. SPARKS David CAMPBELL and W.H. WEBB Recorded Bk. G pg. 298 Application for Administration by J.W. SPARKS. Recorded Bk. G pg. 299 Motion for Inventory by Peter SMITH, guardian of Robert and Adah SMITH. Bond and Oath. Principal: J.W. SPARKS David CAMPBELL and W.H. WEBB Recorded Bk. G pg. 352 Summons for J.W. SPARKS to appear before County Court to answer petition of Peter SMITH. Inventory and Appraisement of said estate, Recorded Bk. H Records Estates pg. 27 Motion by Peter SMITH, guardian for support of said minors by J.W. SPARKS. J.W. SPARKS answer to Peter SMITH'S motion. Letter showing expenses by J.W. SPARKS \ . ~ Application to sell property by J.W. SPARKS. Report of sale (1 oxen, 1 cow, c cows and calves, 3 calves.) Recorded Bk. H pg. 7-8 Exhibit of Estate. Recorded Bk. H pg. 24 Report of sale of additional property - 4 horses, 2 calves, 1 cow and calf. Recorded Bk. H pg. 80-81 Annual Account by J.W. SPARKS. Recorded Bk. H pg. 79-80 Notice of hearing of Annual Report. Recorded Bk. H pg. 80 Miscellaneous vouchers and receipts. POGUE, Mariah, John and Georgia,minors. 21 Dee 1878: 21 Dee 1878: Packet No. 120 A Petition for guardianship of said minors, Mariah, age about 13 1/2, John age about 11 yrs., Georgia age about 2 yrs. Petition by Andrew POGUE. Notice posted of hearing. 51 PRICE, Joshua T., minor Packet No. 121 A 21 Feb 1870: Application for letter of Guardianship by Wm. C. PRICE of his minor son. Recorded Bk. F Estates pg. 296 24 Jan 1874: Application for Guardianship of said minor, over the age of 14 yrs by Wm. H. HAYS. 26 Jan 1874: Notice of hearing for Guardianship. HOlliDAY, Samuel Packet No. 122 Deceased 26 Dee 1863 05 Jan 1867: Petition for Letters of Administration by Atlillia A HOLLIDAY, wife. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 548 16 Feb 1867: Bond and Oath. Principal: Mrs. AA HOLLIDAY Sureties: B.H. KNOX, L.B. BENEFIEL, N.W. RECTOR and H. MITCHELL Recorded Bk. A Administrator's Bonds, pg. 4 27 May 1867: 26 Apr 1869: Inventory and Appraisal. Recorded Bk. ? Estates pg. 546 Petition for new Bond. N.W. RECTOR asking to be released as surety on bond. Recorded Bk. F pg. 235 , , - 05 Ju11869: Summons for Mrs. AA. HOLLIDAY to appear before court to answer petition of Nelson W. RECTOR. 01 Sep 1869: Sureties: Bond. Principal: Mrs. AA HOLLIDAY B.H. KNOX and Thomas J. SCOTT Recorded Bk. A pg. 34 01 Feb 1870: Petition of B.H. KNOX to be released as surety for Mrs. AA HOLLIDAY. Recorded Bk. F Estates pg. 296 11 Jan1871: Summons for Mrs. AA HOLLIDAY to appear before court to answer petition by B.H. KNOX. 27 Mar 1871: Claims against estate by R.S. NEBLETT, Thomas SANDERS, Mrs. Ann HENDERSON, Exec. for B.M. HATFIELD, dec'd., L.F. HAMILTON. Registered Claim Bk. pg. 1 01 Apr 1871: 22 Feb 1872: Claim by Fayette SMITH. R.S. NEBLETT asking the court for .an inventory of said estate by Mrs. AA HOLLIDAY, Administrator. Recorded Bk. F pg. 500 22 Feb 1872: Citation of AA HOLLIDAY to appear to answer petition of R.S. NEBLETT. 05 Nov 1875: Sworn statement that all accounts had been settled against estate. 24 Nov 1875: Notice of hearing on Final Account. 52 PRATHER, Jesse W., minor Packet No. 122 A ) 13 Sep 1856: Sureties: Bond and Oath. Principal: Norton RIGHT Edmund ALLEN and S.E.W. HUDSON Recorded Bk. D Inventories pg. 100 25 Jun 1857: Inventory of said estate. 53 head of cattle. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 19 29 Jun 1857: Appraisement of the property. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 19-20 29 Jun 1857: Account against estate and Petition for Court order of Sale. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 20 27 Ju11857: Account of Sale. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 21 31 Aug 1858: 27 Sep 1858: 25 Oct 1858: Citation to appear before the court for Probate business. Final Account. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 81 Final receipt for 43 head of cattle of Norton RIGHT by Jesse PRATHER. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 84 THIS PACKET WAS WRAPPED INA PAPER WITH LIST OF JURORS OF DISTRICT COURT OF BRAZOS CO. FOR THE SPRING TERM 1857. (See Page 72) ~ PALMER, Ruth, minor Packet No. 123 A 21 Ju11856: Petition for Guardianship by AF. SEALE, brother-in-law of said minor. PARSON, Abel Died Dee 1854. Packet No. 124 A No date: Petition for Letters of Administration by James A BARKER. Recorded Bk. C Inventories pg. 156 05 Mar 1855: Sureties: Bond and Oath. Principal: James A BARKER Augustus B. MULLINS and Arthur EDWARDS Recorded Bk. C Inventories pg. 153 26 Mar 1855: Order of Court to James A BARKER - Court appoints appraiser for estate. 05 Apr 1855: Petition to sell 5 horses and a saddle. Recorded Bk. C Inventories pg. 165-166 23 Apr 1855: 12 May 1855: Inventory and appraisement. Recorded Bk. C Inventories p.g. 164-165 Copy of Administrator's Notice. Recorded Bk. C Inventories pg. 173 22 Jun 1855: Account of Sale made 12 May 1855. Recorded Bk. C Inventories pg. 179-180 53 15 Apr 1856: 28 Apr 1856: Citation for J.A. BARKER, administrator to appear before the court. Final Account and Exhibit of estate. Numerous miscellaneous claims and receipts. EVETTS, James W. Packet No. 127 31 Mar 1857: E.W. EARINGTON vs. G.B. REED, administrator for a debt of estate. THWING, Edward F. Packet No. 143 1/2 Died Jan 1878 13 May 1878: Application for Letters of Administration by F.M. LAW. Recorded Bk. G pg. 453 May 1878: Notice of hearing. Recorded Bk. G pg. 453 12 Jun 1878: Sureties: Bond Oath. Principal: F.M. LAW Chas. DAVIS and Hammett HARDY Recorded Bk. G pg. 458 15 Ju11878: Inventory and appraisement. Recorded Bk. G pg. 458-459 30 Jul 1878: Application to sell perishable property. Recorded Bk. G pg. 9 , \ - 12 Jan 1880: Annual Exhibit and Final Account and Settlement. Letter dated 10 Nov 1879, from Samuel LORD, JR., attorney of Charleston, S.C. stating the heirs are scattered all over the country. 1. His sister Mrs. BALSER 2. Children of Mrs. BARNARD, a deceased sister. Louisa H. THOMPSON, married. Horace BARNARD Harriet BURDELL, married. Gertrude MURRAY, widow. Chauncy BARNARD, lunatic. All living in N.Y. 3. Henry THWING, son of deceased brother. A third to each. Numerous vouchers. MARTIN, E.A. et ai, minors Father Thomas MARTIN late of GA, d. 24 Jul1878 Packet No. 145 08 Sep 1868: Children: Application for letters of guardianship by Sarah E. MARTIN, mother. Exana MARTIN, Thomas MARTIN AND Robert MARTIN "Small estate in GA." Recorded Bk. F pg. 156 28 Sep 1868: Sureties: Bond. Principal: Wm. W. BERRY J.A. SEALE and J.C. ROBERTS 54 13 Ju11878: Exhibit. Exana married to Thomas J. SEALE. Recorded Bk. G pg. 461 \ ;' 26 Jul 1878: Notice of annual exhibit filed. Recorded Bk. G pg. 461 .. 27 Jul 1878: Receipt of Exer Ann SEALE formerly, Exer Ann MARTIN. 07 Jun 1881: Sureties: Bond. Principal: Wm. W. BERRY J.H. NEVILL and H. KURTEN WILLIAMS, Evalina Foard and Ella Pink, minors Packet No. 147 24 Oct 1878: Application for Letters of Guardianship by J.C. GILLISPIE. Their mother, deceased, was the daughter of the petitioner. Recorded Bk. H pg. 17 03 Nov 1878: Notice of hearing. Recorded Bk. H pg. 18 19 Dee 1879: Bond and Oath. Principal: J.C. GILLISPIE MOORE, John T. Packet No. 148 04 Nov 1878: Application for Letters of Administration by Patrick D. PAGE. States that surviving widow is Margaret MOORE, son is Marcus MOORE and daughter is Ella MOORE. - " ~ 21 Dee 1878: Notice of hearing. 23 Jan 1879: Contest of Administrator by Margaret MOORE. HARRISON, Thomas D. No Packet No. 27 Aug 1877: Community Bond. Principal: Martha HARRISON Sureties: W.C. HARRISON, J.D. THOMAS and A.C. BRIETZ Recorded Bk. GEstates pg. 373 WHITE, T.W., minor Packet No. 152 21 Dec 1878: Application for Letter of Guardianship by MA WHITE. 21 Dee 1878: Notice of Hearing. THOMPSON, Isaac B. Died March or April 1875 in Tyler County, TX. Packet No. 153 06 Nov 1878: Application for letter of Administration by W.R. THOMPSON. Recorded Bk. G pg. 465 09 Dee 1878: Notice of hearing. 55 ) 20 Jan 1879: Application for letters of Administration by W.R. THOMPSON, son. Recorded Bk. G pg. 466 20 Jan 1879: Amendment to Application for letter of Administration by W. R. THOMPSON. Recorded Bk. G pg. 465 21 Jan 1879: Sureties: Administrator's Bond. Principal: W.R. THOMPSON L. HUDSON and D.E. THOMPSON Recorded Bk. G Estates and Guardianship pg. 465 11 Mar 1879: Inventory and Appraisement. 200 acres of land in Tyler Co., TX. Deed of Trust in favor of David MciNTOSH. Court appoints appraiser. Recorded Bk. G pg. 466-467 25 Mar 1879: Petition to sell land under lien in Tyler Co. by David MCINTOSH. 29 Mar 1879: Notice of hearing - sale of 200 acres of land. 21 Ju11879: Report of Sale. Recorded Bk. H pg. 54 THOMPSON, Henry 11 Feb 1874: Packet No. 153 1/2 ~ Inventory and appraisement of Community property. Sworn oath by Phillis THOMPSON, widow, that inventory appraisement is correct. Recorded Bk. F pg. 582-583 THRASHER, Kennedy Packet No. 1531/2 29 Mar 1876: Community Bond. Principal: Matilda THRASHER Sureties: J.R. BARNETT and J.J. NEELEY Recorded Bk. G pg. 179 29 Mar 1876: I nventory of said estate. Recorded Bk. G pg. 179 LEWIS, Texana, minor Packet No. 1531/2 22 Oct 1879: Application to have guardian appointed. Estate is in Brazos Co., TX in the hands of Administrator of Mary LEWIS, deceased. Admr. by W.M. McDONALD. 22 Oct 1879: Notice of hearing. ERWIN, L. Packet No. 153 1/2 04 Oct 1882: Application for letter of Administration by Joe L. HEARN. L. ERWIN deceased 1882. 04 Oct 1882: Notice of hearing. DALE, John B. Packet No. 153 1/2 56 31 Jan 1877: Principal: Sureties: Letter of Administration and Bond. Mary M. DALE, surviving wife. B.H. HAWKINS and S.M. HUNTER Recorded Bk. G pg. 443 ) 31 Jan 1877: Inventory and appraisement. 1/2 owner in Bryan Appeal Office. Recorded Bk. G Estates and Guardianship, pg. 444 BROWN, Peter Packet No. 154 Died 1876 22 Nov 1878: Last Will and Testament. Left estate to Barberey DENNY, friend and her heirs. Witness by T.C. EVANS, James LEWIS and Horace KING. Recorded Will Bk. A pg. 28 22 Nov 1878: Petition for Probate of Will. 09 Dec 1878: Notice of hearing for Probate of Will. 12 Jan 1879: Probate of Will by T.C. EVANS. ALLCORN, T.H. Jr. Packet No. 155 died Mar 1878 23 Dee 1878: Application for letters of administration by Maggie ALLCORN, widow. Notice posted. Recorded Bk. G pg. 470 -- 1 27 Jan 1879: Sureties: Bond. J.H. TODD and H. GOEN Principal: Maggie ALLCORN Recorded Bk. G pg. 471-472 27 Jan 1879: Inventory and Appraisal. Recorded Bk. G pg. 472 27 Jan 1879: Application for order to make title by w.v. WILLIAMS. Recorded Bk. G pg. 472-473 28 Jan 1879: Amended Petition. Recorded Bk. G pg. 473-474 29 Jan 1879: Exhibit - Deed of T.J. ALLCORN to W.V. WILLIAMS. ABERCROMBIE, M.B. Packet No. 1551/2 25 Nov 1877: Application for appraisers. Inventory and Appraisal. Wife: M. ABERCROMBIE Bond. Principal: M. ABERCROMBIE Sureties: T.M. ANDERSON and Wm. ELLIS 29 Jun 1880: Supplemental application for appraisers. \ - BRAZOS COUNTY TEXAS LAND RENDERED FOR TAXATION Transcribed by Ruth J. Hary 57 Following is a transcribed record of land in Brazos County, Texas, rendered for taxation for the years indicated. This is a continuing series and different Abstract Numbers will be printed in future issues. r have chosen this particular time frame because it covers the years around the missing 1890 census. These records should not be confused with the actual tax rolls since the tax rolls contained real property, personal property, polls, horses, cattle, etc. The information below was the basis of the tax roll for acreage of land and the value. r have omitted the value in order to cover more years. The County Tax Assessor-Collector told me in most cases the land owner rendered his land. On undivided estates, the land could have been rendered by an interested family member. BRAZOS COUNTY TEXAS LAND RENDERED - THOMAS J. WOOTEN ABSTRACT 59 - 4.428 ACRES BY WHOM RENDERED YEAR/ACRES 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 39 39 ADAMS, E. V. Est. ADAMS, E. V. Mrs. Est. BROWN, Jim DERDEN, S. M. DERDEN, S. M. & I. J. DOREMIUS, J. W. ECHOLS, S. C. (Estate). ECHOLS, M. E. (E. M.) Mrs.. EDRINGTON, J. F. FARQUEHAR (FARQUHAR), W. R. FOSTER, Alice Miss FOSTER, M. A. Mrs. FOSTER, Gibion (Gibeon) FOSTER, Gideon FOSTER, T. P. FOSTER, S. H. & C. P. FOSTER, Walter FAULKER, Ellen GUEST (GUESS) ,James R. GUEST (GUESS), Sam T. HAYNES, Willis H. JOHNSON, J. N. JONES, C. B. JONES, C. P. JONES, G. T. KERNOLE, H. KONICNEY (KONECNY), Chas. KONICNEY (KONECNY), Chas. KOPPE, Wm. KRESIEENSKI, Antone LAW, F. M. (DR.) LAW, S. W. LEHMAN (LEHMANN), Fritz LEHMANN, (LEHMAN), Fritz LEHMAN, Fritz LEONARD, James LEONARD, James LEVAUX, Paul LONZO, Francico MITCHELL, Claude PIGFORD, W. W. (Wright) RADFORD, J. M. REED, James H. 39 51. 5 100 35 35 35 260 260 1073 120 325 888 140 260 140 150 247 150 124 124 119.5 101. 5 124 105 270 310 270 100 113 36 113 36 150 113 36 151 137 97 197 229 100 229 229 100 150 141 141 100 25 25 25 35 260 120 325 150 247 150 120 102 124 54 270 113 36 151 137 229 100 142 185 35 260 120 140 150 247 150 120 102 127 54 270 113 36 151 137 229 100 100 142 50 25 25 51 51 1891 185 140 120 140 150 247 150 120 102 270 262.6 113 36 151 178 229 100 100 142 50 80 37 25 51 1892 185 130 140 120 140 150 247 150 120 102 54 210 131. 3 113 36 151 131 74 229 100 100 142 50 80 37 25 52 58 " \ 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 l ROBERTS, M. J. Mrs. 137 137 137 137 137 ROBERTS, M. J. Mrs. 138.5 138.5 138.5 139 139 ROBERTS, M. J. Mrs. Est. 137 ROBERTS, M. J. MRS. Est. 139 ROBERTS, w. J. 406 406 406 406 406 406 400 ROBERTS, W. J. 200 200 200 200 200 200 ROBERTS, SHELBOURNE & Farquhar -- 139 SHELTON, Jennie Mrs. 100 100 237 SOWELS, H. I. 52 TAYLOR, V. J. Mrs. 100 100 100 TAYLOR, Jennie Mrs. 100 TURNER, Martin 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 VYTOPIL, Antone 97 97 WELCH, J. G. 60 60 WINTER, Peter 150 150 150 150 150 150 WOOTEN, T. P. 97.5 27.5 97.5 98 98 WOOTEN, T. P. 130 130 130 130 101.5 WOMBLE, K. Estate 600 150 UNRENDERED 151. 5 127 67 EXCESS 29 86 229.6 267 BRAZOS COUNTY TEXAS LAND RENDERED - JOHN H. JONES ABSTRACT 26 - 4,428 ACRES BY WHOM RENDERED YEAR/ACRES 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 DERDEN, S. M. 80 80 FOSTER, C. A. 328 328 328 328 328 656 FOSTER. C. A. and Son 328 FOSTER, Gib 316 .--.It FOSTER, Mary W. & Walter T.P. 100 ' r JONES, C. P. 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 JONES, C. P. 587 JONES, John H. 228 JONES, J. H. Est. 228 228 228 228 228 228 JONES, T. F. 226 PLETZER, Geo. 80 80 80 80 ROBERTS, M. J. Mrs. 2018 2318 2318 2318 2318 ROBERTS, M. J. Mrs. blank ROBERTS, M. J. Mrs. 75 75 75 75 75 ROBERTS, M. J. Mrs. Est. 2318 ROBERTS, M. J. Mrs. Est. 75 ROSPRIM, Ferdinand 100 100 100 100 ROSPRIM, Fred 100 175 SHELLBORNE (SHELBURN) , C. C. 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 SHELTON, Jennie Mrs. 300 300 400 SUBER, J. H. Jr. 139 TAUBER, John 80 TAUBER & DERDEN 160 TAYLOR, V. J. Mrs. 300 300 300 TAYLOR, Jennie Mrs. 300 WYATT, W. S. 229 UNRENDERED 259 99 179 99 99 99 392 BRAZOS COUNTY TEXAS LAND RENDERED - JOSEPH E. SCOTT ABSTRACT 50 - 4,428 ACRES BY WHOM RENDERED YEAR/ACRES 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 A & M COLLEGE 2416 2416 2416 2416 2416 2416 2416 ANDREWS, W. J. 100 100 100 BARROW, D. W. Heirs 42 42 BARTA, Joseph 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 59 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 BARTA, Joseph 100 100 100 BORITZKY, Jno. 81 180 BOYETT, Francis Mrs. 200 200 BOYETT, Francis Mrs. Est. 200 200 200 200 200 BONNIVILLE, M. 74 74 74 74 74 74 174 BRYAN, Guy M. 10 10 COX, J. Fred 469 469 469 390 268 DERDEN, S. M. 200 200 100 DOBROBOLNY, Antone 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 GORITSKY (GOZYCKI) , Jno. 190 190 190 190 190 190 GRAY, T. J. (Thomas) . 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 H&TC RR RIGHT OF WAY. 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 HIRLICA, A. 131. 5 HARDLISKIN, A. 131.5 HULL, E. H. 84 84 KELLNER, E. 75 76 76 76 76 76 76 LINCOLN, L. A. Mrs. 100 100 100 LYONS, Wm. 100 MENDOLA, C. Mrs. 20 17 17 MENDOLA, Kate Mrs. 17 17 17 17 PANTLICK, John 50 50 50 50 50 PANTLICK, Stephen 50 ROHEL, John 190 SESSUMS, J. G. 47 47 47 47 42 47 47 SMOOT, Allison 96 96 SOUTH, Bester 10 10 10 10 10- SUBER, J. H. Jr. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 SUBER, J. H. 100 100 100 , \ TAUBER, John 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 - VANNOY, M. E. Mrs. 90 90 90 90 90 1 UNRENDERED 82 383 194 78 60 EXCESS 96 59.5 60 ABSTRACTS OF POWERS OF ATTORNEY, 1837-1875 compiled by Bill PAGE ) A "power of attorney" is a written document in which one person gives another person the authority to perform certain specific legal acts in his or her behalf. Genealogists most often see powers of attorney in which one person authorizes another person to sell property which she or he owns. Powers of attorney often provide valuable genealogical information, such as listing heirs of a deceased person who lived in another state or county or indicating where people moved after they left a county. The following entries were abstracted taken from Brazos County Deed Books, located at the Brazos Co. Courthouse. Bk. B, p.17: Robert B. PREWETT of Navasota Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to H.G. CATLETT, also of Navasota Co., to locate a land grant, witnessed by Joshua SEALE; dated 23 Dec. 1841 Bk. B, p.201: Lucretia VANDEVER, of Washington Co., Tx., gave her power of attorney to Robert STEPHENSON to obtain land due her as the widow of Elias GILPIN, deceased, dated 10 Feb. 1837; witnessed by Sanders WALKER & John WALKER Bk. D, p.49: William MAYFIELD of Brazos Co. gave his power of attorney to Melvin LANGHAM, also of Bra;z;os Co.; dated 8 May 1850 Bk. D, p.133: Joseph E. SHEFFIELD & Maria SHEFFIELD, his wife, both of New Haven, Connecticut, gave their powers of attorney to Simeon L. JONES of Galveston, Tx., to sell about 2200 acres of land originally granted to Robert STEVENSON, sold by him to William E. HEATH, sold then to A.C. HORTEN, & sold by HORTEN to Joseph E. SHEFFIELD; dated 23 Jan. 1852 - Bk. D, p.138: Cassa PATTERSON, of Medina Co., Tx., gave her power of attorney to Franklin L. PASCHAL, of Bexar Co., to sell her lands in Brazos, Burleson, Milam, Washington or any of the adjacent counties, divided from the estate of Walter SUTHERLAND, deceased; dated 13 May 1852 Bk. D, p.159: Joseph L. HOOD of Washington Co., Tx. gave his power of attorney to William N. STEELE, also of Washington Co., to conduct his business in the Republic of Texas; dated 12 Mar. 1837 Bk. D, p.160: John LOTT of Washington Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to William N. STEELE, also of Washington Co., to sell land in said county located on Saline Creek and the Navasota River, & which was originally granted to Thomas CARUTHERS, who sold it to John LOTT on 7 Mar. 1837; witnessed by J.L. HOOD & R.A. LOTT; dated 8 Mar. 1837 Bk. D, p.201: Mary Louise CLEMENTS (perhaps of New York, N.Y.), Nelson CLEMENTS, & James T. BELKNAP, executors of the estate of Abner Lee CLEMENTS, late of Matagorda Co., Tx., gave their powers of attorney to Jno. W. McCONLEY, also of Matagorda Co., to settle his estate; dated 13 May 1847 Bk. D, p.301: Jeptha HAN (or HARR) & Minerva Hf.N, his wife, of Medina Co., Tx., gave their powers of attorney to Milton SUTHERLAND, of Castroville, Medina Co., to sell the lands in Brazos, Burleson & Milam Counties which Minerva inherited from her father 61 Walter SUTHERLAND, deceased; dated 27 Nov. 1852 Bk. D, p.303: Cassa PATTERSON, a widow woman, gave her power of attorney to Robert M. WILLIAMSON, of Washington Co., Tx., to take care of her land in Brazos & Burleson Counties; dated 4 Jan. 1853 Bk. D, p.328: S. Addison WHITE, of Victoria Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to E.M. MILLICAN, of Brazos Co., to sell his land in Brazos Co.; dated 19 Oct. 1844 Bk. D, p.406: Robert J. TOWNES, of Travis Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to Francis L. BARZIZA, to sell his land in Brazos Co., originally granted to John AUSTIN, & sold by him to Mr. and Mrs. PIERPONT; dated 25 Nov. 1854 Bk. E, p.233: William R. BAKER of Houston, Tx., gave his power of attorney to Abram GROESBECK, also of Houston, to sell town lots in Bryan, purchased "by us" from W.J. BRYAN; dated 19 Oct. 1860 Bk. E, p.341: Perfecta DiAl, of San Antonio de Bexar, gave her power of attorney to Horatio A. ALSBERRY, of the same place, to obtain a land grant to which she was entitled from the Republic of Texas; dated 3 May 1837 Bk. E, p.342: Horatio A. ALSBERRY, gave his power of attorney to Robt. M. FORBES, at Marion, Brazoria Co., Tx.; witnessed by James H. ALSBURY & John W.BROOKS; dated 3 June 1837 - Bk. E, p.399: Alfred F. JAMES of Galveston Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to Charles POWER of Washington Co., Tx., to sell land in Brazos Co., originally granted to Stephen JONES, & land originally granted to T.M. SPLANN, sold to JAMES by Richard D. BLOSSMAN on 18 Oct. 1856; dated 29 June 1857 Bk. E, p.410: Thomas MOORE of Sacramento, California, gave his power of attorney to Thomas MOORE, his nephew, who lived on the San Bernard River, Wharton Co., Tx., to sell all his land in Tx.; dated 18 Dec. 1855 Bk. E, p.741: Julia Ann McDAVID, of Bastrop Co., Tx., gave her power of attorney to her husband, John C. McDAVID, to sell the lands in Brazos Co. which she had inherited from the estate of her father Robert G. MILLICAN; dated 14 Mar. 1859 Bk. F, p.65: Russell F. PERRY, Orvil PERRY (in their own rights), & Jeremiah HENRY & James McGAHEE (in right of their wives) -- heirs at law of Richardson PERRY, late of Tx., deceased -- all of whom apparently lived in Hancock Co., Mississippi, gave their powers of attorney to John SPEARS, also of Hancock Co., to sell land in Tx.; dated 13 Oct. 1857 Bk. F, p.245: Felix NEWMAN & his wife Lavina NEWMAN of Robertson Co., Tx., gave their powers of attorney to Jerry ARNOLD of Jackson Co., Ark., to sell land in Jackson Co. owned by the heirs of Absolum ARNOLD; dated 6 Nov. 1860 Bk. F, p.281: Elizabeth C. BALDRIDGE, of Madison Co., Ala., gave her power of attorney to E.H. MITCHELL of Brazos Co. to recover any property to which she was entitled from J.P. MITCHELL, executor of James MITCHELL, late of said county; dated 30 Nov. 1860 62 Bk. F, p.282: John P. SPINDLE & his wife Ann S. SPINDLE of Maury Co., Ten'n., gave their powers ) of attorney to Harvey MITCHELL to take care of property ~ue them from the estate of Jane MITCHELL, deceased, of Brazos Co.; dated 17 Dec. 1860 Bk. F, p.285: Nathan C. MILLICAN of Brazos Co. gave his power of attorney to Rich'd NORWOOD, of Brazos Co.; dated 15 Dec. 1860 Bk. F, p.355: William JONES & Margaret JONES, his wife, residents of Johnson Co., Tx., & William HODGE & Elizabeth his wife, residents of Falls Co., Tx., gave their powers of attorney to J.W. HUTCHESON & I.G. SEARCY, of Anderson, Grimes Co., Tx., to sell land in Brazos Co. which had belonged to Isaac R. MITCHELL (of whom they were heirs-at- law); Isaac had been a soldier in the army of Texas; dated 25 Jan. 1861 Bk. F, p.379: Charles A. SHERMAN, of New York, N.Y.; gave his power of attorney to Mathew FOOT, also of New York; the land was "fully described by the Patent for the same having been located and surveyed by virtue of Texas Scrip No. 156 for 640 acres to Samuel WILLIAMS by Thomas FOLEY"; dated 23 Feb. 1861 Bk. F, p.391: Peter VANCEL & his wife Mary (formerly Mary MITCHELL), of Lavaca Co., Tx., & Nathan MITCHELL, heirs-at-Iaw of Isaac R. MITCHELL, deceased, gave their powers of attorney to J.W. HUTCHESON & Isham G. SEARCY of Grimes Co., Tx.; dated 22 Jan. 1861 Bk. F, p.406: N.C. MILLICAN revoked his power of attorney which he had given to Richard NORWOOD; dated 8 June 1861 " - ~ Bk. F, p.407: N.C. MILLICAN of Brazos Co. gave his power of attorney to A.B. MULLINS, also of Brazos Co.; dated 8 June 1861 Bk. F, p.446: Charles SMITH of Union Co., Ark., gave his power of attorney to Jesse R. WALLACE, of Brazos Co., to represent him in a lawsuit filed against him by Hugh L.W. ONEAL; dated 5 July 1861 Bk. G, p.166: Eli H. BAXTER of Cherokee Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to James W. BARNES of Grimes Co., Tx., to sell his lands in Brazos, Grimes, & Madison Counties; dated 27 June 1864 Bk. G, p.288: W.J. BRYAN, of Brazoria Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to James N. GUEST, of Brazos Co., to sell his lands in Brazos Co.; dated 5 Feb. 1866 Bk. G, p.294: Marion I. HASWELL & F.M. MAKEIG, administrators of the estate of Charles F. HASWELL, deceased, gave A.C. BRIETZ of Brazos Co. their powers of attorney to settle the estate of Charles F. HASWELL; dated 6 Dec. 1865 Bk. G, p.316: Andrew G. NEELLEY, Junr., of Brazos Co., gave his power of attorney to Horace T. ROWE, also of Brazos Co., to transact all his business while he was absent from the state of Tx.; dated 23 Feb. 1866 Bk. G, p.326: Saunders W. LEE of Coweta Co., Ga., gave his power of attorney to J.R. RANDALL, of Independence, Washington Co., Tx., to sell lands which he bought from Wesley MILLICAN on 22 May 1860; dated 8 Nov. 1862 ) .. ~ 63 Bk. G, p.394: A. LEWIS of Cameron Co., Tx., gave Geo. D. HASWELL of Brazos Co. his power of attorney, "conditional that this power so given shall only extend during the residence of my wife in Millican, Brazos Co., state aforesaid, and at the event of her removal from the said place, this power of attorney will be null and void"; dated 7 Nov. 1864 Bk. G, p.542: John B. HILL of Brazoria Co. gave his power of attorney to Jas. N. GUEST of Brazos Co., to sell lands in Brazos Co. near Bryan Station, which he had received as part of the division of his mother's estate; said lands being in the S.F. AUSTIN League No. 10; dated 8 Nov. 1866 Bk. G, p.556: James W. HILL of Brazoria Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to James N. GUEST of Brazos Co., to sell land which had been awarded to the heirs of Eliza M. HILL, deceased, in the division of the estate of Stephen F. AUSTIN, deceased; dated 26 Oct. 1866 Bk. H, p.2: David BOAZ of Brazos Co. gave his power of attorney to G.L. DAVIES of Hickman Co., Ky., to sell his lands in Hickman Co.; date 26 Jan. 1867 Bk. H, p.20: Randolph FOSTER of Fort Bend Co. gave his power of attorney to George P. FOSTER of Brazos Co. to sell his lands in Brazos Co.; dated 18 Dec. 1866 Bk. H, p.135: W.J. BRYAN, of Brazoria Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to Guy M. BRYAN, Jr., of Brazos Co., to sell his lands in Brazos Co.; dated 2 Apr. 1867 Bk. H, p.172: J.W. HILL of Brazoria Co., Tx., revoked the power of attorney he had given to James N. GUEST of Brazos Co.; dated 16 Apr. 1867 Bk. H, p.324: J.W. CODEY (or CODY) & Joanna CODEY, his wife, of Brazos Co., gave their powers of attorney to F.G. DENMAN, also of Brazos Co., to sell their land; dated 17 June 1867 Bk. H, p.325: Wm. N. HALL, of Limestone Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to G.!. GOODWIN of Bryan, Brazos Co., to sell 40 acres of land he had purchased from W.J. BRYAN, J.N. GUEST agent; also power to collect a debt owed him by John P. COLLINS, Isaih H. COLLINS, & W. HOLMES; also to sell a lot in Bryan he purchased from Ben HUBERT; dated 24 June 1867 Bk. H, p.415: W.A. MILNER of Freestone Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to Rebecca A. MILNER, also of Freestone Co., to collect any debts owed him by J.T. CYRUS, T.C. ECHOLS or any other person who lived in Freestone Co. or elsewhere; dated 26 Feb. 1867 Bk. H, p.430: Mary MOORE of Washington Co., Tx., widow of Alfred MOORE, gave her power of attorney to Joshua W. McCOWN, Sr., also of Washington Co., to conduct all her business; dated 16 May 1867 Bk. H, p.455: William R. BAKER, of Harris Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to Abram GROESBECK to sell town lots in Bryan; dated 13 May 1867 Bk. H, p.526: William E. DUNN, formerly of Tx. but now living in Brookhaven, Lawrence Co., Mississippi, gave his power of attorney to Benjamin F. HUBERT of Brazos Co., to sell his property in Bryan City; dated 26 Oct. 1867 ,; 64 Bk. H, p.527: S.M. HUNTER of FanninlCo., Tx., gave his power of attorney to J.P. SARGEANT of Bryan, Brazos Co., to sell his property in Brazos Co.; dated 13 June 1867 ) Bk. H, p.538: Amos J. BURTON, of Denton, Denton Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to Jas. P. SEARGENT, of Brazos Co., to sell his property in Bryan; dated 12 Aug. 1867 Bk. H, p.545: Robert J. RAGLAN of Red River Co., Tx. gave his power of attorney to J.P. SARGEANT of Brazos Co., to sell lots in Bryan; dated 7 June 1867 Bk. H, p.553: Martin C. HORTON of Parker Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to J.P. SARGEANT of Brazos Co. to sell his lots in Bryan; dated 7 July 1867 Bk. H, p.587: James Walker BREEDLOVE of New Orleans, La., gave his power of attorney to James Winchester BREEDLOVE, also of New Orleans, to sell his lands in Brazos, Milam and other (unnamed) Counties in Texas; dated 23 May 1867 Bk. H, p.694: Mary CONNOLLY of Brazos Co. gave her power of attorney to Patrick BURKE to do business for her in Bryan, & to buy & sell all articles & merchandize; dated 17 Feb. 1868 Bk. I, p.13: R.A. ROBERTS of Freestone Co., Tx. gave his power of attorney to A.M. PERRY of Limestone Co., Tx., to sell land in Bryan Station deeded to him by A. DEMING; dated 5 July 1867 - Bk. I, p.53: Woodson HIGGS of Brazos Co. gave his power of attorney to H.T. DOWNARD, of Brazos Co., to sell his property his Brazos Co.; dated 25 Mar. 1868 ~ < ~ ) Bk. I, p.92: F.B. DURANT of Brazos Co. gave his power of attorney to Geo. W. DURANT to conduct his business while he was absent from the state; dated 22 Apr. 1868 Bk. I, p.117: Robt. B. JOHNS of Travis Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to R. JOHNS, Sr., also of Travis Co., to sell lands in Brazos Co. originally granted to James HOPE, & sold by James McCOWN to S.B. JOHNS on 25 Aug. 1865; dated 11 June 1867 Bk. I, p.266: MA PEEBLES, B.M. CLARKE, P.S. CLARKE, J.E. GROCE & R.R. PEEBLES, of Austin Co., Tx., by their agent, J.E. GROCE, gave their powers of attorney to D.H. SHANNON of Grimes Co., Tx., to settle a lawsuit pending in Grimes Co., between R.R. PEEBLES etc. (plaintiffs) & W.H. DUNLAP, concerning a league of land originally granted to --- WHITESIDE, lying in Brazos & Grimes Counties; dated 27 Aug. 1868 Bk. I, p.279: Wm. N. HALL of Limestone Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to F.M. HALL of Brazos Co., to sell his "store house" & lot in Bryan; dated 17 Sept. 1868 Bk. I, p.281: Isidor GROSSMAYER of Brazos Co. gave his power of attorney to N. GROSSMAYER, also of Brazos Co., to sell his interest in the SHAW Hotel & other real estate in Bryan belonging to the firm of N. GROSSMAYER & Co., "of which I am a member"; dated 8 Oct. 1868 Bk. I, p.287: Joe GROSSMAYER of Brazos Co. gave his power of attorney to N. GROSSMAYER, also of Brazos Co., to sell his interest in the SHAW Hotel & also his interest in the late firm of N. GROSSMAYER & Co.; dated 5 Oct. 1868 65 \ } Bk. I, p.499: Mark Anthony COLEMAN of Brazos Co. gave his power of attorney toW.M. LOVE and L.J. LOVE, his wife, to sell his property in Tx.; dated 14 Apr. 1869 Bk. K, p.2: Henry F. IGLEHART of Brazos Co. gave his power of attorney to H.M. MOORE of Bryan, to sell or rent his store now occupied by M. LASHER, witnessed by L.T. IGLEHART; dated 30 Jan. 1869 Bk. K, p.23: J.M. BAILEY and N.J. BAILEY, his wife, of Brazos Co., gave their powers of attorney to R.S. WILSON, to sell land near Bryan City; dated 21 Aug. 1869 Bk. K, p.41: Samuel STERNE, of Houston, Harris Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to Morris E. STERNE to sell property in Bryan known as STERNE's Theater; dated 20 Aug. 1869 Bk. K, p.43: Mayer MAYMAN & Meyer LEVY, partners in the firm of MAYMAN & LEVY, gave their powers of attorney to Henry MAYMAN to conduct their business in Bryan; dated 18 Sept. 1869 Bk. K, p.53 & Bk. L, p.297: H.T. DOWNARD of Brazos Co. gave his power of attorney to HV. PHILPOTT, also of Brazos Co., to sell land in Brazos Co. which he purchased on 7 Oct. 1869 from John F. TOM of Atascosa Co., Tx., which had been originally granted to Frances HENDERSON; dated 15 Oct. 1869 Bk. K, p.86: P.R. CLOWER gave her power of attorney to her husband D.M. CLOWER to carry on her mercantile business located in Bryan; dated 15 Dec. 1869 ) \ -, Bk. K, p.140: J. Phillip STEWART of Fayette Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to Aleck SHERBURNE to conduct his business & sell his lands; dated 3 Jan. 1870 Bk. K, p.208: John J. ELLINGTON of Davis Co., Tx. gave his power of attorney to DURANT & DANSBY of Brazos Co. to sell land he owned in Brazos Co., which he had purchased from Harvey MITCHELL & which was located in the R. PERRY league; dated 28 Dec. 1869 Bk. K, p.251: Adaline HERNE gave her power of attorney to Richard SLOAN to transact her business; dated 27 Sept. 1869 Bk. K, p.256: Sarah ROBERTS of Greene Co., Ala., gave her power of attorney to Dr. Richard K. CURTIS to take care of her loan with _ JACOBS in Brazos Co.; dated 22 Mar. 1870 Bk. L, p.34: W.K. HAYNIE of Washington Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to PERRY & HENDERSON, attorneys-at-law in Bryan City, to sell his land in Brazos Co.; dated 9 May 1870 Bk. L, p.77: James H. MILLICAN & his wife Mary Jane MILLICAN, of Comanche Co., Tx., gave their powers of attorney to James CUNNINGHAM, also of Comanche Co., to ask for & receive any moneys due them from the estate of John MILLICAN, deceased; dated 30 May 1870 Bk. L, p.82: Pendleton RECTOR of Guadalupe Co., Tx. gave his power of attorney to Oliver H. GREGG, also of Guadalupe Co., to sell land in Brazos Co. belonging to the estate of his father Morgan RECTOR; dated 8 Feb. 1868 66 Bk. L, p.148: James E. PROTHRO, of Natchitoches, La., gave his power of attorney to Joshua PROTHRO, of the same place, to sell his land on Wickson Creek, Brazos Co., located in the Abner LEE, Sr., League, M.M. WALLACE had sold that land to J.J. & A.B. PROTHRO; dated 22 June 1870 ) Bk. L, p.190: Caroline S. LOWERY, of New York, N.Y., widow of John LOWERY, & John A. LOWERY, son of said John LOWERY, gave their powers of attorney to Phineas DeCORDOVA & James E. RECTOR, of Austin, Tx., to sell his lands in Tx.; dated 28 Apr. 1870 Bk. L, p.201: James L. MOSS, Sarah L. WALKER, Martha PACE, Geo. B. MOSS, W.B. MOSS, Mary A. CLARKE, & Sarah A. WARE (HARE?), of Robertson Co., Tx. gave their powers of attorney to L.H. CLARKE, of Robertson Co., to sell lands originally sold by Thos. BLAKEY, deceased, to W.L. MOSS, deceased, located in Brazos Co.; dated 30 July 1870 Bk. L, p.214: John A. HEISKELL, of Milam Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to J.D. & D.C. GIDDINGS of Washington Co., Tx., to sell his land in Brazos Co.; dated 4 May 1870 Bk. L, p.253: Edwin A. BURLINGAME of Memphis, Scallon Co. [apparently Scotland Co.], Missouri, assignee of the estate of Reubin HAYNES of Oberlin, Lorain Co., Ohio, gave his power of attorney to James CLARKE to sell portable fencing which was patented on 7 Apr. 1863; dated 14 June 1870 Bk. L, p.358: William N. HALL of Limestone Co., Tx., revoked the power of attorney which he had given to F.M. HALL of Brazos Co.; dated 10 Nov. 1870 - , r Bk. L, pA03: Geo. D. HASWELL of Brazos Co. gave his power of attorney to S.D. CONGER, of Bryan, Brazos Co., to recover all moneys due him as surviving partner of HASWELL & Son or HASWELL & Co.; dated 15 Oct. 1870 Bk. L, pA24: Robert C. NICHOLS, of Buckingham Co., Va., gave his power of attorney to Charles STEWART, of Houston, Harris Co., Tx., to sell lands in Tx. counties [all described], including 346 acres in the Robert MILLICAN league in Brazos Co., sold by D.U. BARZIZA to Telephus A. JOHNSON; dated 2 Apr. 1870 Bk. L, pA57: Caddo Parish, La.: Julia R. BAXTER, widow of Eli H. BAXTER, Sr., deceased, and Elizabeth "Lizzie" H. BAXTER and Fannie CUTTEFF, "her husband James S. CUTTEFF being present" (Elizabeth H. BAXTER and Fannie CUTTEFF were heirs-at- law of Eli BAXTER), gave their powers-of-attorney to Alan CONNELL of Houston, Tx., to sell lands in Tx.; dated 30 July 1870 Bk. L, pA59: A.B. SPRINGS & Julia B. SPRINGS, of Richland Co., South Carolina, gave their powers of attorney to Alan CONNELL of Houston, Tx. to sell land in Brazos Co.; dated 10 Oct. 1870 Bk. L, pA79: Henry ORAM of Brazos Co. gave his power of attorney to W.H. ORAM, also of Brazos Co., to carry the mail between Bryan & Austin; witnessed by W.L. PITTILLO & W.B. FORMAN; dated 6 Jan. 1871 Bk. M, p.28: Guy M. BRYAN & Laura BRYAN his wife gave their powers of attorney to Guy M. BRYAN, Jr. to sell land in the Richardson PERRY headright in Brazos Co.; dated 13 67 Mar. 1871 Bk. M., p.27: Chas. G. BAXTER of Brazos Co. gave his power of attorney to S.P. HOLLINGSWORTH to collect debts due him from Thos. CRAWFORD and to sell his land adjoining Bryan and to payoff a debt to Guy BRYAN; dated 26 May 1868 Bk. M, p.37: Thomas D. SANDERS of Brazos Co. gave his power of attorney to James F. EDRINGTON to collect rent on the saloon in Bryan owned by SANDERS & Hammett HARDY; dated 4 Mar. 1871 Bk. M, p.51: W.W. WATTS of Robertson Co., Tx. gave power of attorney to M.W. McCRAW of Brazos Co. to sell lands in Brazos Co. which B.F. DAVIS had sold to JOHNSON of the firm of S.M. JOHNSON & M.L. JOHNSON; dated 1 Apr. 1871 Bk. M, p.54: J.R. WORRELL of Ohio Co, W.Va., gave his power of attorney to J.D. THOMAS of Brazos Co., to sell his lands in Brazos Co.; dated 4 Mar. 1871 Bk. M, pp.80-81: J.M. WHITE, guardian of Augustus H. WHITE, Georgia A. WHITE, & Archibald S. WHITE, minors, & J.M. WHITE, agent for Sextus GARRETT & Julia B. GARRETT, his wife, & R.T. BAYLOR & S.L. Sophronia BAYLOR his wife, & Thos. R. KERR & Margaret M. KERR his wife, & Willliam S. TERRELL & Ellen J. TERRELL, his wife, heirs to the estate of John MILLICAN, deceased, gave their powers of attorney to William DUNLAP of Brazos Co. to handle their share of the estate of John MILLICAN; dated 27 Aug. 1869 Bk. M, p.119: James DUNLAP of Camden, Kershaw Co., South Carolina, gave his power of attorney to William DUNLAP, of Brazos Co., to sell his land in Brazos Co. to Kinchen WOMBLE; that land was originally granted to Thomas WOOTEN, & had been recovered by William DUNLAP from Paulina WOOTEN in Brazos Co. District Court, & sold by William DUNLAP to James DUNLAP on 3 May 1860; dated 1 May 1871; witnessed by J.D. DUNLAP & Henry S. SCHROCK Bk. M, p.165: Sarah L. DISERENS of Grayson Co., Tx., gave her power of attorney to David F. DISERENS of Madison CO.,Tx. to sell her land in Brazos Co.; dated 5 Oct. 1870 Bk. M, p.165: James D. DISERENS of Grayson Co., Tx. gave his power of attorney to David F. DISERENS of Madison Co., Tx., to sell his lands in Brazos Co. & to receive all funds due him from the estate of John David Sarah DISERENS, deceased, of Grimes Co., Tx.; dated 5 Oct. 1870 Bk. M, p.213: Mollie H. BODMAN, surviving widow of H.A. BODMAN, gave her power of attorney to H.S. NEWLAND, of Brazos Co., to handle the estate of her late husband; dated 1 Feb. 1871 Bk. M, p.223: Jas. F. WILKINS of Orleans Parish, Louisiana, gave his power of attorney to Archer F. ROBBINS of Limestone Co., Tx., to sell land in Bryan, Brazos Co.; dated 14 Feb. 1871 Bk. M, p.249: Joseph BERNHARD of Travis Co., Tx., & Helen BERNHARD, his wife & widow of James JOHNSTON, formerly of Robertson Co., Tx., & Joseph HAFFART & Mary Jane HAFFART, his wife & daughter of James JOHNSTON, deceased, gave their powers of attorney to W.H. HAMMON of Calvert, Robertson Co., Tx., to sell lands in Brazos Co. purchased by James JOHNSTON from Grattamill PERRY, Bamile PERRY, Jeremiah 68 HENDL Y, James McGEHEE, Stephen JERROLL, & John SPEIN, heirs-at-Iaw of Richardson PERRY, deceased; dated 1 June 1871 ) Bk. M, p.298: James GRAHAM of McCracken Co., Kentucky gave his power of attorney to Robert MARTIN to sell his lands in Tx.; dated 18 Dec. 1867 Bk. M, p.314: B.F. REYNOLDS, of Lavaca Co., Tx., gave his power of attorney to C.B. JONES of Brazos Co., to sell 2 lots in Millican; dated 11 Nov. 1871 Bk. M, p.325: W.H. EDRINGTON of Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, gave his power of attorney to his son H.C. EDRINGTON to conduct all his business in Tx.; dated 22 Mar. 1866 Bk. M, p.344: N.W. BROOKS of Grimes Co., Tx. gave his power of attorney to Henry D. PATRICK, also of Grimes Co., to sell all his lands in Tx.; dated 20 June 1871 Bk. M, p.354: John T. COFFEE & his wife Eunice COFFEE (maiden name ALLEN), of Williamson Co., Tx., gave their powers of attorney to Thomas R. ALLEN of Galveston, Tx., to take possession of land in Brazos Co. originally granted to Sam T. ALLEN, father of said Eunice ALLEN; dated 8 Jan. 1872 Bk. M, p.387: Nancy D. MASSEY of Bibb Co., Ga., gave her power of attorney to her son H.C. MASSEY of Brazos Co., to sell land she owned in Brazos Co. which had originally been granted to Crawford BURNETT; dated 31 Jan. 1872 Bk. N, p.3: Lafaye~e BURNS & his wife Fannie M. BURNS, of Walker Co., Tx., gave their powers of attorney to S.F. TERRELL, to sell their lands in Brazos Co.; dated 27 Nov. 1871 \ ----. ./ Bk. N, p.4: P.R. SMITH of Brazos Co. gave his power of attorney to James J. ADAMS to sell property & to manage the business of the "mercantile house" of P.R. SMITH & Co. in Bryan; dated 8 May 1872 Bk. N, p.62: Dennis FINN of Brazos Co. gave his power of attorney to Morgan PRICE, also of Brazos Co., to sell land which he had purchased from James E. MILLICAN, located 5 miles south of Millican, next to the land owned by T.J. KNOX; dated 29 May 1871 Bk. N, p.204: Margaret E. GAINES, wife of Patrick GAINES, & A.G. DAVIS & his wife Lula J. DAVIS, being the only children of Mathew DUNN, & also Louisa DUNN, surviving wife of Mathew DUNN, gave their powers of attorney to Patrick GAINES to settle the estate of Mathew DUNN; dated 17 Oct. 1872 Bk. N, p.207: Amanda J. TRIMMER, formerly Amanda HEAD, and her husband Marcus L. TRIMMER, of Whitfield Co., Georgia, gave their powers of attorney to Joseph TERRY, of Brazos Co., to sell their lands in Tx.; dated 15 Sept. 1872 Bk. N, p.269: Joanna UZZELL & her husband Samuel H. UZZELL of Brazoria Co., Tx., gave their powers of attorney to S.L.S. BALLOU of the same place, to sell lands in Brazos & Burleson Counties; dated 16 Oct. 1871 Bk. N, p.303: J.W. PARKER, m.d., gave his power of attorney to M.W. McDONALD; dated 1 Jan. 1873 Bk. N, p.329: Lorena MOSELEY, widow of Wade C. MOSELEY, & Charlotte S. MOSELEY, daughter 69 '\ } of Wade C. MOSELEY, gave their powers of attorney to J.B. THOMAS to settle the estate of Wade C. MOSELEY and to apply for guardianship of MOSELEY's minor heirs; dated 21 May 1872 J Bk. N, p.347: Lorena MOSELEY and C.S. HUNTER, formerly C.S. MOSELEY, wife of S.M. HUNTER, revoked their powers of attorney given to J.B. THOMAS; dated 28 Feb. 1873 Bk. N, p.354: Sarah ROBERTS, of Greene Co., Ala., gave her power of attorney to Robert K. CURTIS to sell her land located 2 or 3 miles from Bryan; dated 6 July 1871 Bk. N, p.365: Elizabeth HOLSTER & her husband James HOLSTER, Celestia HOLSTER & her husband John A HOLSTER, & Henry QUOTA of Lavaca Co., Tx., heirs-at-Iaw of Frances QUOTA, deceased; & Lewis QUOTA & Francis QUOTA, of Goliad Co., Tx., also heirs-at-Iaw of Frances QUOTA, deceased, gave their powers of attorney to R.B. HUNT of Bryan, Brazos Co., to recover their lands in Brazos Co.; dated 8 Mar. 1873 Bk. N, p.371: George H. EL Y & his wife Amelia EL Y, of Cleveland, Ohio, gave their powers of attorney to Jno. ROSENCRANTZ, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to recover any lands to which they were entitled as heirs-at-Iaw of Joseph RIPKA, deceased, formerly of Philadelphia; dated 5 Mar. 1873 Bk. N, pA05: J.W.D. CREACH, of San Jacinto Co., Tx., gave power of attorney to J.R. STEWART of Brazos Co. to handle property in Brazos Co.; dated 29 Jan. 1873 - Bk. 0, p.29: Napoleon B. BREEDLOVE of the Cherokee Nation & Emily BREEDLOVE gave their powers of attorney to Wightman Breedlove SMITH of New Orleans, La., to sell lands in Brazos & Milam Counties, Tx.; dated 5 Apr. 1873 Bk. 0, p.30: Unilda (?) SMITH, widow of J. Wightman SMITH, of New Orleans, La., gave her power of attorney to Wightman Breedlove SMITH, to sell property due her in Brazos Co. from the estate of James W. BREEDLOVE; dated 10 May 1873 Bk. 0, pA2: AC. HERNDON of Fort Bend Co., Tx. gave his power of attorney to John H. HERNDON of Brazoria Co., Tx., to sell his interest in the Maria KEGGANS league in Brazos Co., purchased by him from R.H. RAWLINGS; dated 2 May 1873 Bk. 0, pA5: Hosea GARRETT, Jr. & his wife Eliza GARRETT of Washington Co., Tx., gave their powers of attorney to C.C. GARRETT, to recover the lands of James B. MILLER, deceased, to which they were entitled as his heirs-at-Iaw; dated 1 Feb. 1873 Bk. 0, p.90: James Winchester BREEDLOVE of Sebastian Co, Ark., gave his power of attorney to Wightman Breedlove SMITH, of New Orleans, La., to sell his lands in Brazos & Milam Co., Tx.; dated 13 Mar. 1873 Bk. 0, p.91: Henry ROE & his wife Maria ROE of Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska, gave their powers of attorney to Pierce A HANDY to sell their lands due from the division of the estate of James W. BREEDLOVE, deceased; dated 12 Feb. 1873 Bk. 0, p.160: Mariah WALLACE, formerly Mariah DelARNO & surviving wife of AB. DelARNO, of Brazos Co., gave her power of attorney to Stephen F. MINTON of Walker Co., Tx., to sell her lands in Brazos Co., which AB. DelARNO had bought from W.L. LUIS in June 1859; dated 8 Aug. 1873 70 Bk. 0, p.195: William T. McGREW and George W. McGREW of Giles Co., Tenn., gave their powers of attorney to H.S. NEWLAND of Brazos Co. to sell their lands in Tx.; dated 10 Sept. 1873 ) Bk. 0, p.204: Richard MASSEY gave his power of attorney to J.H. NANCE to collect rents, witnessed by M.G. DILLlSHAW & C.W. TAYLOR; dated 1 Oct. 1873 " Bk. 0, p.217: M. Temple TAYLOR of Mobile, Ala., son of William Robert TEMPLE, deceased, who owned land in Tx., gave his power of attorney to Henry GILLMAN of New Orleans, La.; dated 31 Aug. 1873 Bk. 0, p.247: Margaret E. BOWLES, executrix of the estate of Oscar P. BOWLES, deceased, of Brazos Co., gave her power of attorney to Robert GOODE, also of Brazos Co., to settle BOWLES' estate; dated 26 May 1873 Bk. 0, p.304: T.D. JAMES and Letitia JAMES, of Brazos Co., gave their powers of attorney to Calvin TILLY, also of Brazos Co., to sell their land in Brazos & Burleson Co., Tx.; dated 28 Jan 1874 Bk. 0, p.329: N.E. THOMPSON, of Bryan, Brazos Co., gave her power of attorney to D.C. BARMORE, also of Bryan, to sell her house & lots in Bryan; dated 6 Mar. 1873 Bk. 0, p.361: Mary L. MOSELEY of Fort Bend Co., Tx. gave her power of attorney to James H. BATT to sell property due her from the estate of her husband D.D. MOSELEY, deceased; dated 19 Feb. 1872 , \. J' Bk. 0, pAOO: Celia RECTOR, of Wilson Co., Tx., gave her power of attorney to J.S. JAMES of Brazos Co. to sell her land in Brazos Co.; dated 24 May 1874 Bk. 0, pA07: W. Augustus WILLIAMSON, of Carroll Co., Tenn., gave his power of attorney to D.E. THOMAS, to recover lands granted to Augustus WILLIAMS in Brazos Co.; dated 11 Dec. 1873 Bk. P, p.1: John O.E. JEFFREYS, Sarah "Sallie" Jane JEFFREYS, & William Thomas JEFFREYS of Yalobusha Co., Mississippi, gave their powers of attorney to D.E. THOMAS of Austin, Tx., to recover land in Brazos Co. originally granted to Augustus WILLIAMS; dated 10 May 1873 Bk. P, p.1: Mary J. GUTHREY & her husband Robert E. GUTHRIE, of York District, S.C., gave their powers of attorney to D.E. THOMAS of Austin, Tx., to recover land in Brazos Co. originally granted to Augustus WILLIAMS; dated 28 Nov. 1873 Bk. P, p.2: J.J. WILLIAMSON of Howard Co., Ark. gave power of attorney to D.E. THOMAS of Austin, Tx. to recover land in Brazos Co. originally granted to Augustus WILLIAMS; dated 20 Dec. 1873 Bk. P, p.99: Robert C. HAMIL of Harrisville, Bell Co., Tx. gave his power of attorney to Isaac M. STEVENS, to sell patent #139,668 for an improved saddle tree; dated 3 June 1874 Bk. P, p.173: W.H. HENRY & his wife Lydia E. HENRY of Jefferson Co., Kentucky & Eunice A. SOUTHARD, sole surviving children of Samuel W. HENRY & Virginia O. HENRY, deceased, gave their powers of attorney to J.D. GIDDINGS & D.C. GIDDINGS, of 71 Washington Co., Tx., to sell land in Tx.; dated 25 Apr. 1874 " Bk. P, p.215: G.W. MciNNIS & his wife Jane E. MciNNIS of Cass Co., Tx., heirs of H.B. BOWDEN, deceased, gave their powers of attorney to W.R. BOWDEN of Brazos Co. to represent them in the settlement of the estate of H.B. BOWDEN; dated 14 Sept. 1874 Bk. P, p.253; also Bk. P, p.289: Greene Co., Alabama: Thomas W. ROBERTS, Kate ROBERTS, Lizzie R. CURTIS & Robt. K. CURTIS, the only heirs-at-Iaw of Sarah ROBERTS, deceased, gave their powers of attorney to Robert K. CURTIS to sell 80 acres of land located about 3 miles from Bryan; dated 24 Dec. 1874 Bk. P, p.258: Martha J. DYAS of Brazos Co. gave her power of attorney to Theodore R. GOODING, also of Brazos Co., to collect money due on the insurance policy of Robt. R. DYAS; witnesses J.L. SAMFORD & A.L. STAGNER; dated 7 Jan. 1875 Bk. P, p.260: Archibald J. McDOWALL of Kershaw Co., South Carolina gave his power of attorney to William DUNLAP of Brazos Co. to sell part of the headright of Jose Marreara BARREARA; dated 9 Sept. 1873 Bk. P, p.478: H.C. SETTLE of St. Louis, St. Louis Co., Missouri, gave his power of attorney to W.R. KING of Brazos Co. to sell property in Bryan; dated 24 May 1875 Bk. P, p.500: W.S. HOOD gave power of attorney to N.R. WILSON to collect rent; dated 29 Mar. 1875 :----t ***** f The following was located during the abstraction of the probate packets located in the Brazos County Courthouse. It was used as a wrapper for a probate packet. List of Jurors at the Spring Term 1857 of the District Court of Brazos County Thomas SEALE 5 days John MILLHANKS 3 days James HENRY 5 " Aaron MOMBRAY 3 II B.T. SEALE 5 " Wm. G. RECTOR 4 II S.G. EVElTS 3 " G.W. DANIELS 5 " L.H. BAILEY 2 " William RANDLE 3 II Robt. MILLICAN 5 " G.B. REED 2 II Wilson REED 4 II C.C. SEALE 3 " George SIMMS 3 " The jurors above mentioned appeared before me and proved their attendance on the Court for the time set to their names ? To which I certify on this the 6th of March 1857. (Unable to Read Name) Brazos Co. 72 MINTER SPRINGS ) In the early issues of the Weekly Eaale and the Bryan Daily Eaale, letters were published under the titles of "County News" or "Correspondence". These were letters from residents of small communities in rural Brazos County. They contain information about births, marriages, deaths, social gatherings, church activities, residents and visitors in these communities. In this issue the Minter Springs and Fickey communities are highlighted. July 7, 1898, p.3, col.1 County News. Minter Spring~. Almost every day the temperature is reduced by another big rain: crops are looking well, and corn is exceptionally fine. Prof. BAILIE has just closed another singing school here, we hope with much benefit to his pupils. Mr. J.E. TOLON formally of this place, but now of Calvert has been here on a visit to relatives and to enlist recruits for Co.I, 4th. T.V.!. No enlistments. Rev. A.J. WHARTON, assisted by Rev. DANIELS of San Antonio is conducting a protracted meeting at Minter Springs; we hope there will be good attendance, and that the Gospel message will fall on appreciative ears. Agatha August 11, 1898, p.3, col.1 County News. Minter Springs. [Received to late for last week.] Sickness is prevalent. Mrs. Will JONES, aged 21 years, died Wednesday and buried at Minter Springs burying ground, Rev. A.M. STEWART and W.T. WOOD conducting the funeral service. She leaves a husband and two children who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. W.H. McVEY has been sick, but is again able to be up. Mr. McVEY has a half acre in tobacco which is very fine. ) Rev. HORTON will preach at Minter Springs Sunday. Geo. WELCH and Prof. BAILEY are here from Mound Prairie, visiting A.B. WELCH. A barbecue was given and largely attended at Minter Springs Tuesday. There was plenty of dinner for all and plenty left and the event was a success in every particular. Dallas. ". - l August 18, 1898, p.3, col.1 County News. Minter Springs. Mr. J.B. NEELEY and family have gone to Falls county to visit relatives and friends. Miss Mattie WELCH, who has been visiting relatives at Millican, has returned to her home on Mound Prairie. Mr. Jack McGREGOR looked very happy. He has a new daughter at his home. Cotton picking is the order of the day. The boll worms are not bad in this community. The Sunday school here is in a florishing condition. the attendance runs to thirty or thirty-five pupils. The Minter Springs school will be taught again this year by Miss Jeanie LEWIS, who is a very popular and talented young lady. WA EIOSON (?), J.R. DICKERSON and W.H. McVEY visited Bryan Monday. Will JONES has gone to Williamson county. Dallas. July 6, 1899, p.3, col.2 Correspondence. Minter Springs. The hitherto still and so called dull neighborhood of Minter Springs has once again been awakened to the fact that it must take its place in the social regime of the 19th century. We have a very interesting Literary and Debating Society now which every one seem to enjoy very much. Mr. J.H. McGREGOR was unanimously chosen President; Miss Bessie NEELEY, Secretary; Miss Mamie McVEY, assistant. Our meeting of Saturday night the 24th was indeed a success. A large crowd was present, several neighborhoods being represented. 73 , } i Rev. A.M. STEWART of Bryan is conducting a meeting at Wellborn and notwithstanding that it has been good. The Methodists not long since closed an "old time happy meeting" which did wonders for Wellborn. Rev. A.J. MARTIN of Bremond preached three magnificent sermons last week. Mademoiselle Marie * .'W .. .. FICKEY COMMUNITY June 15, 1899, p.3. col.2 County News. Fickey Hummings. Crops are looking fine. We ar nearly through chopping cotton. Mrs. WHEELES and daughters, Misses Lizzie and Pearl WHEELES, visited Kurten Saturday evening. Mr. Oliver BUSH of Benchley was here Saturday. Miss Myrtle NICHOLS of Clairmont was a guest of Miss Tommie OTTO Sunday. A horse threw Tom WHEELES Sunday and sprained his hand. A new bridge is badly needed on the Kurten and Fickey road. H.T. WHEELES had returned to Franklin after a visit to friends and relatives here. Lilac June 29, 1899, p.3, col.6 Correspondence. Fickey News. Crops are looking fine. We have once more been blessed with plenty of rain, in this community. ~ Quite a number of young folks attended the Reliance convention and all expressed themselves as having a nice time. We are looking forward for the fourth of July picnic on Cedar Creek where we hope to spend another enjoyable day. We are sorry to learn of the illness of Miss Tonie OTTO. Mr. Joe ELLISON and family are visiting his sister, Mrs. Hiram ARMSTRONG near Macy Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. PAYNE of Payne Prairie visited Mrs. WHEELESS Saturday. Mr. McDOWELL gave the young people a party Monday night. Farmers are through laying by crops and are ready for the picnics or any other entertainment. Lilac July 20, 1899, p.3, col.1 Correspondence. Fickey Hummings. Rain in this section did not do as much damage here as it did in other sections, but was the heaviest rain that ever fell in this community. Some crops are entirely washed away, stock drowned and chimneys washed down. Misses Maggie WILSON and Minnie ALLEN of Benchley spent the past week visiting friends near here. Albert GALLATIN of Cottonwood visited friends here Thursday. Tom WHEELESS went to Benchley Wednesday on business. Mrs. Joe ELLISON is on the sick list. Mr. Charlie KENNEDY of Benchley come up here in search of his aunt and sister who left home before the rain. He found them safe at the home of Mrs. WHEELESS. Tom WHEELESS is quite ill at this writing. Lilac July 27, 1899, p.3. col.2 Correspondence. Fickey News. The weather is warm and is getting still warmer. ,..~ .. c' ~ ~ 74 Misses Dee POST, Laura CARROLL and Florence MEREDITH spent the day at Mrs. WHEELESS Sunday. Mrs. Flora SABO and her little son Frank of Wheelock have been visiting relatives the last two weeks in this community. A good many of the young folks attended the picnic Cedar Creek Friday. Charles SCHULTZ attended the Free Will meeting at Kurten last week. Jesse WHEELESS went to a ball on Payne Prairie Friday night. Mrs. SABO and Pearl WHEELESS spent the day at Gus STEVENER Tuesday. Lilac ) August 10, 1899, p.3. col.3 Correspondence. Fickey News. Farmers have begun to pick cotton. Lots of sickness. Little Fritz PLAGENS died of congestion last week. Jack ELLISON went to Wheelock Monday. Mr. Frank NICHOLS and sisters, Misses Lily and Myrtle, spent Saturday here. Mr. Ben FARRAR and son of Wheelock were here Sunday. Mr. FARRAR says the flood did great damage in his community. Mrs. Frank SABO has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. WHEELER. Several from here attended the reunion in Madison county. Jim BATTON has returned from Florida. No more news at present. Lilac August 31, 1899, p.3, col.3 Correspondence. From Fickey. Cotton picking is the leading occupation. There is a great deal ,of sickness in this community. Allen SKAINS of Payne Prairie spent Sunday near here. Misses Lizzie and Pearl WHEELESS attended preaching at Ebenezer Sunday. Mr. Joe ELLISON, wife and two children, Jessie and Lily, went fishing at Hall's Lake Saturday. Mr. BURGER went to town Saturday. We are sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. LAWLESS. Tom WHEELES attended singing at Cottonwood Sunday evening. Mr. Hiram SCHRAM and wife went to preaching at Lutheran church Sunday. Tonnie and Jessie WHEELESS went to town Tuesday. Blossom. ......... } December 7, 1899, p.9, colA Correspondence. From Fickey. We have had some right cold weather during the past week, which was very nice for killing hogs. Denton EDGE was in our community Sunday. Mrs. WHEELER, who has been sick for some time, we are sorry to say is worse. Miss Tonie OTTO had been spending the past week at Kurten taking music lessons. Mrs. FLOYD and family and Mrs. A.B. CARROL visited Mrs. WHEELER Thursday. Albert SCHULTZ went to Kurten Saturday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. RATH, a fine boy. Mr. FICKEY and family went to Bryan Sunday. Mrs. Dr. EDGE visited Mrs. BURGER Monday. Lilac October 5, 1899, p.3, col.2 Correspondence. Fickey News. It is still very dry and dusty. Farmers are almost through gathering their crops. Mr. FICKEY and family attended church at Bryan Sunday. 75 Mr. SOMERVILLE and family are visiting here. Mrs. Flora SABO is staying a few days with her brother. Master Tobe TOBIAS spent the evening near here Sunday. We are sorry to note the death of Mrs. Joe ELLISON, she had been ill for a long time; we extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family, they had only been married fifteen months. October 19, 1899, p.3, col.3 Correspondence. Fickey Notes. M.W. WHEELESS and family have gone to Galveston to spend three or four weeks. We have been blessed once more with a right nice little shower. Prof. SMITH, of Brookshire, is visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. WHEELESS, of this place. J.E. ELLISON went to Bryan Thursday. Miss Tonie OTTO has been very sick this week but is now improving. Mr. Ben TARVER, of Wheelock, has been in our community this week, boring wells and building chimneys. J.L. WHEELESS went to Franklin Thursday. J.E. ELLISON and little children visited relatives near Wheelock Saturday and Sunday. J.P. -'_...__.__J November 23, 1899, p.3, colA Correspondence. From Fickey. Health is very good. Ed BLACK of Wheelock, was here Tuesday. The little son of Joe ELLISON was badly bitten by a dog Wednesday. Mr. BURGER and daughter, Miss Tonie, visited Mrs. Dr. EDGE Sunday. Mr. ROTH went to Bryan Friday. A good many of the young folks from here attended church at Kurten Sunday. Mr. TARVER of Wheelock, was here Sunday. Mr. Antone GEORGIA went to Bryan Tuesday. Mr. FICKEY visited Kurten on Wednesday. Prof. MOORE is carrying on school at this place. Mr. SCHULTZ and daughter, Clara, went to Bryan Thursday. We are sorry to hear of the death of the infant babe of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram ARMSTRONG. Mr. and Mrs H.S. SKAINS of Payne Prairie, visited Mrs. WHEELESS Saturday. Lilac ..: -'\ r--J December 21, 1899, p.3, col.2 Correspondence. From Fickey. Winter is here and Christmas is near. Mr. SKAINS and daughter, May, of Edge visited Mrs. WHEELESS Tuesday. J.L. WHEELESS went to Wheelock Saturday. Mr. CONRAD went to Kurten Saturday. Mr. BOYD and family of Edge, visited Mr. Joe ELLISON Sunday. Mr. Will SMITH of Rocky Ridge was in our community Wednesday. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. ROTH died Saturday night. Mrs. Florence BATTEN is visiting her father, Dr. GRICE, of Cottonwood. Mr. Roe EDGE of Bryan is moving into our community. Mr. Joe ELLISON has moved to Robertson county. We are glad to say Mrs. WHEELESS is improving. Lilac "- ,.. ~""",,,- 76 ABERCROMBIE 56 ADAMS 57, 68 ALLCORN 56 ALLEN 68, 73 ALSBERRY 61 ALSBURY 61 ANDERSON 56 ARMSTRONG 73, 75 ARNOLD 61 <, AUSTIN 43,' 61, 63 BAILEY 65, 71, 72 BAILIE 72 BAKER 61, 63, BALDRIDGE 61 BALLOU 68 BALSER 53 BARKER 52, ,53 BARMORE 70 BARNARD 53 BARNES 62 BARNETT 55 BARREARA 71 BARZIZA 61, 66 BASENFELDER 47 BATT 70 BATTEN 75 BATTON 74 BAXTER 62, 66, 67 BAYLOR 67 BELKNAP 60 BERNHARD 67 BERRY 53, 54 BLACK 75 BLAKEY 66 BLOSSMAN 61 BOAl 63 BODMAN 67 BOGGESS 46 BOND 49 BOONE 43 BOSWELL 46 BOWDEN 71 BOWLES 70 BOXLEY 45 BOYD 75 BREEDLOVE 64, 69 BRIETZ 62 BROOKS 61, 68 BROWN 56, 57 BRYAN 61-63,66,67 BURDELL 53 BURGER 74, 75 BURKE 64 BURLINGAME 66 BURNETT 68 BURNS 68 BURTON 44, 64 BUSH 73 CAMPBELL 50 CANA VESPI 46 -- - INDEX OF S~RNAMES , o CARROL 74 CARROLL 74 CARTER 49 CARUTHERS 60 CATLETT 60 CLARKE 64, 66 CLEMENTS 60 CLOWER 65 CODEY 63 CODY 63 COFFEE 68 COLEMAN 65 COLLINS 63 CONGER 66 CONNELL 66 CONNOLLY 64 CONRAD 75 CRAWFORD 67 CREACH 69 CUNNINGHAM 65 CURTIS 65, 69, 71 CUTTEFF 66 CYRUS 63 DAL~ 55, 56 DANIELS 71, 72 DANSBY 65 DARD~N 48 DAVIES - 63 DAVIS 53,67,68 DeCORDOVA 66 DelARNO 69 DEMING 64 DENMAN 63 DENNy"'56 DERDEN 57, 58 DIAl.,61 DICKERSON 72 DILLlSHAW 70 DISERENS 67 DOBSON 46 DOREMIUS 57 DOWNARD 64, 65 '. DUNLAP 48, 64, 67, 71 DUNN 63, 68 DURANT 64, 65 DYAS 71 EARINGTON '-'53 ECHOLS 57,63 E;DGE 74,"75"" i- EDRINGTON,,57, 67, 68 EDWARDS 52 EIOSON 72 ELLINGTON 65, ELLIS 56 . ELLISON 73-75 ELY 69 ERWIN 55 EVANS 56 EVETTS 53, 71 FARQUEHAR 57 ,J FARQUHAR 57,58 . FARRAR 74 FAULKER 57, FERGUSON '43 FICKEY 74, 75 FINN 68 ,FLOYD' 74' FOLEY, 62 FOOT., 62 FORBES 61 FORMAN 66 FOSTER 43, 57, 58, 63 GAINER 43 GAINES 68 GALLATIN 73 GARRETT 67, 69 GENTRY 45" ' GEORGIA 75 GIDDINGS 66, 70 GILLISPIE 54 GILLMAN 'yO GILPIN (.,60 GOEN 56 .,.GOODE 70 GOODING 71 GOODWIN 63 G~HA~ 68 GREGG 65 GRICE 75 GRIFFIN' 43 i.,GROCE 64, GROESBECK 61,p3 GROSSMA YER 64 GUESS 57 GUEST 43,57,'62,63 GUTHREY" 70 GUTHRIE 70 HAFFART 67 HAGINS 45 Hf.LL 63,'64, 66 ',HAMIL 70 HAMILTON 51 HAMMON 67 HAN 60 HANDY 69 HARDY 53, 67 HARE 66 HARR 60 HARRISON 54 HARY;?'! HASWELL 62, 63, 66' HATFIELD 51 HAVERON,45 HAWKINS 56 HAYNES 57,66 HAYNIE 65 HAYS 51 HEAD 68 HEARN 55 HEATH 60 o " , o 77 0 HEISKELL 66 LORD 53 PERRY 61, 64-68 HENDERSON 46, 51, 65 LOTT 60 PHILPOTT 46, 65 HENDL Y 68 LOVE 47, 65 PIERPONT 61 " ... HENRY 61, 70, 71 LOWERY 66 PIGFORD 57 HERNDON 69 LUIS 69 PITTILLO 66 HERNE 65 MAKEIG 62 '.~' PLAGENS 74 HIGGS 48, 64 MALONE 45 PLETZER 58 HILL 44, 63 MARTIN 53, 54, 68, 73 POGUE 50 HODGE 62 MASSEY 68, 70 POST 74 HOLLIDAY 51 MAYFIELD 60 POWER 61 HOLLINGSWORTH 67 MAYMAN 65 PRATHER 52 HOLLOWAY 47 McCONLEY 60 PRESLEY 48,49 HOLMES 63 McCOWN 63, 64 PREWETT 60 HOLSTER 69 McCRAW 67 PRICE 51, 68 HOOD 60,71 McDAVID 61 PROTHRO 66 HOPE 64 McDONALD 55,68 QUOTA 69 HORTEN 60 McDOWALL 71 RADFORD 57 HORTON 64,72 McDOWELL 73 RAGLAN 64 HOUSTON 44 McGAHEE 61 RALEIGH 43 HUBERT 63 McGEHEE 68 RANDALL 62 HUDSON 43, 55 McGREGOR 45, 72 RANDLE 71 HUNT 69 McGREW 70 RA TH 74 HUNTER 56, 64, 69 MciNNIS 71 RAWLINGS 69 HUTCHESON 62 MciNTOSH 55 RECTOR 45, 51, 65, 66, 70, IGLEHART 65 McVEY 72 71 JACKSON 48, 49 MEREDITH 74 REED 53,57, 71 JACOBS 65 MESSINA 46 REYNOLDS 68 JAMES 61, 70 MILLER 69 RIGHT 52 JEFFREYS 70 MILLHANKS 71 RIPKA 69 0 JERROLL 68 MILLICAN 43, 61, 62, 65-68, 71 ROBBINS 67 JOHNS 64 MILNER 63 ROBERTS 44, 53, 58, 64, JOHNSON 45, 49, 57, MINTON 69 65, 69, 71 66, 67 MITCHELL 57, 61, 62, 65 ROE 69 JOHNSTON 67 MOMBRAY 71 ROSENCRANTZ 69 JONES 43-46,57,58, MONTGOMERY 49 ROSPRIM 58 60-62, 68, 72 MOORE 54, 61, 63, 65, 75 ROTH 75 KEGGANS 69 MOSELEY 68-70 ROWE 62 KENNEDY 73 MOSS 66 SABO 74,75 KERNOLE 57 MULLINS 52, 62 SAMFORD 71 KERR 67 MURRAY 53 SANDERS 51, 67 KING 56, 71 NANCE 70 SARGEANT 64 KNOX 51, 68 NEBLETT 51 SCHRAM 74 KONECNY 57 NEELEY 55, 72 SCHROCK 67 KONICNEY 57 NEELLEY 62 SCHULTZ 74,75 KOONCE 47 NEVILL 54 SCOTT 51 KOPPE 57 NEWLAND 67,70 SEALE 43, 47, 52-54, 60, 71 KOSUB 46 NEWMAN 61 SEARCY 62 KRESIEENSKI 57 NICHOLS 66,73,74 SEARGENT 64 KUBICEK 45 NORWOOD 62 SETTLE 71 KURTEN 54 ONEAL 62 SHANNON 64 LANGHAM 60 ORAM 66 SHAW 64 LASHER 65 OTTO 73-75 SHEFFIELD 60 LAW 53, 57 PACE 66 SHELBOURNE 58 LAWLESS 74 PAGE 54, 60 SHELBURN 58 LEE 62,66 PALMER 52 SHELLBORNE 58 LEHMAN 57 PARKER 68 SHELTON 58 LEHMANN 57 PARSON 52 SHERBURNE 65 LEONARD 57 PASCHAL 60 SHERMAN 62 ,. LEVAUX 57 PATRICK 68 SIMMS 71 LEVY 65 PATTERSON 60,61 SKAINS 74, 75 0 LEWIS 55, 56, 63, 72 PAYNE 47,48; 73 SLOAN 65 LONZO 57 PEEBLES 64 SMITH 48-51, 62, 68, 78 69, 75 SOMERVILLE 75 SOUTHARD 70 SOWELS 58 SPARKS 50 SPEARS 43, 61 SPEIN 68 SPINDLE 62 SPLANN 61 SPRINGS 66 STAGNER 71 STEELE 60 STEPHENSON 60 STERNE 65 STEVENER 74 STEVENS 70 STEVENSON 60 STEWART 65, 66, 69, 72, 73 STUTTS 44 SUBER 58 SUTHERLAND 60,61 TARVER 75 TAUBER 58 TAYLOR 58, 70 TEMPLE 70 TERRELL 67, 68 TERRY 68 THOMAS 67, 69, 70 THOMPSON 53-55, 70 THRASHER 55 THWING 53 TILLY 70 TOBIAS 75 TODD 56 TOLON 72 TOM 65 TOWNES 61 TRENT 43 TRIMMER 68 TURNER 58 UZZELL 68 VANCEL 62 VANDEVER 60 VYTOPIL 58 WADE 47 WALKER 60, 66 WALLACE 62,66,69 WARE 66 WATTS 67 WEBB 50 WELCH 58, 72 WHARTON 72 WHEELER 74 WHEELES 73,74 WHEELESS 73-75 WHITE 54, 61, 67 WHITESIDE 64 WILKINS 67 WILLIAMS 43, 54, 56, 62, 70 WILLIAMSON 61, 70 WILSON 44,65,71, 73 WINSLOW 46 WINTER 58 WISEMAN 45 WOMBLE 58, 67 WOOD 72 WOOTEN 57, 58, 67 WOOTTON 43-45 WORRELL 67 WYATT 58 ) / i -, . -, ~/ BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION PUBLICATIONS BY BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION AND MEMBERS Persons interested in the publications of the BGA may order them at the address listed below. For information on publications by members. contact the author at the listed address. Any charge for the publication of members will be between the person interested in the publication and the author. When inquiring please enclose a SASE. Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: r-,\ ....., Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: ******** "Butchers, Bakers and Candlestick Makers: Notes on Bryan Businesses, 1867-1889" Abstracts on early Bryan Businesses. 45 pages with full name index. Compiler: Bill Page Published by Brazos Genealogical Association, P.O. Box 5493, Bryan, TX 77805. Cost $5.00 plus $2.00 per booklet for shipping. "The Other Pioneers: Notes on Slaves and Slavery in Brazos County" Abstracts from newspapers, Brazos County Commissioners Minutes, Tax rolls, Slave Census, deeds, court cases, etc. 40 pages with full name index. Compiler: Bill Page Published by Brazos Genealogical Association. Cost $5.00 plus $2.00 per booklet for shipping. "Brazos County, Texas; Annotated Adoption Records, 1862-1933." 26 pages identifying 54 deeds listing the adoption of 62 Brazos County children with a full name index. Compiler: Bill Page Published by Brazos Genealogical Association. Cost $5.00 plus $2.00 per booklet for shipping. "Recorded Births in Brazos County, Texas 1850-1910." Recorded births in Brazos County plus some births in Madison and Grimes Counties. Alphabetical by surname plus maiden name index. 328 pages. Author: Nadine Billingsley, 706 Pershing, College Station, TX 77840. "Descendants of Joshua JONES of Alabama and Solomon KING of North Carolina, 1771-1994" Story of Joshua JONES of Alabama and Solomon KING of North Carolina and their descendants, 1771-1994. Over 8000 names, indexed. Author: Nadine Billingsley. Index to Birth, Marriage and Death Records, 1876-1909, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. Indexed, intended to assist the researcher in locating records at this church. 96 pages. Compiler: Joanne Dominik Glowski, 4131 Bethel, Houston, TX 77092. Marriage and Death Records, 1877-1909, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. A complete transcript of these records. -Deaths start in 1894, with a few recorded before that date. Includes a list of places of birth. 83 pages. Compiler: Joanne Dominik Glowski. "Italians of Steele's Store, Texas." Historical account of the Italian settlement at Steele's Store, Brazos County, Texas. Author: Rosemary DePasquale Boykin, 1506 Laura Lane, College Station, TX 77840. BRYAN LEGENDS AND LEGACIES A 293 page collection of stories continuing the year long celebration of the 125th birthday of the City of Bryan. Published in April 1996 by the City of Bryan, articles, poems and stories in the book describe people and events from early days to recent times. From anecdotes about colorful Harvey Mitchell in the mid 1800's to a 1955 tribute for the late musician Selena, readers will find well-known names mingled with new ones. I I \ The cost is $10.00 per book and they may be purchased at Bryan's Municipal Building or the Bryan Public Library. Copies may be purchased by mail by writing: City of Bryan Attn: Patsy Lavender P.O. Box 1000 Bryan, Texas 77805 Shipping ($2.60 for up to 2 books. Add $2.60 for each additional two books) With completion of this book, editor Betty Foster brings together a family of past and present Bryan residents who secure a vital part of the town's heritage for the future. ., .r -") BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 5493 Bryan, TX 77805 Vol. ' XVI I No.2 BOYKIN, Rosemary 8407 Shadow Oaks College Station, TX 77845