HomeMy WebLinkAboutFall 1996 o ~ o " o -. '<q . ~ ............. -, ~, '- """--i yeneawg[st CONTENTS PAGE Interviews with John M. Caldwell Transcribed by........................... Janis Hunt 123 Some Czechs in Deed Records Compiled by ............................... Bill Page 126 Probate Packets From Brazos Co. TX County Clerk's Office Compiled by.......... Peggy Basenfelder & Elsie Wade 127 Yellow Fever Cemetery.......................... Bill Page 136 Benchley Community Notes Transcribed by........................... Janis Hunt 138 African-American Land Owners in Brazos Co. 1865-1875 Compiled by............................... Bill Page 147 Brazos Co. County Court Civil Minutes, Direct Index to Volume A, 1867-1869 Compi;.led by ..............................-. Bill Page 150 Index Compiled by ............................. Janis Hunt 155 BRAZOS GENEALOGIST VOLUME XVII NUMBER 4 WINTER 1996 -,'~.., -' <<,~'..- ., ~.~ . BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 5493 BRYAN TX 77805 OFFICERS 1995 PRESIDENT...... ~... MARY VAUGHN VICE PRES.......... B.J. ENDLER SECRETARY. . . . . . . ADRIENE BONHAM TREASURER. . . . . . . . . .. ELSIE WADE COMPUTER GROUP HEAD. ALLEN DEAN EDITOR.............. . JANIS HUNT PAST PRES.... PEGGY BASENFELDER STAFF EDITORS RESEARCH/QUERIES...... ......... PEGGY BASENFELDER LOCAL HISTORY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RUTH HARY AND JANIS HUNT CONTINUING SERIES.... .BILL PAGE PRINTING/INDEXING. .. JANIS HUNT MEETINGS Meetings held the third Monday of each month from 7:00 pm to 8:45 pm in the Bryan Library. Please arrive early as the library closes at 9:00 pm. The computer group meets at 6:00 pm. Membership is on a year basis, January December. calendar through $15.00 a year. Quarterly picked up at meetings. $20.00 a year. mailed. Quarterly Checks for dues may be mailed to the above address. QUARTERLY The GENEALOGIST is published as Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall Issues. Each Volume of the GENEALOGIST will correspond with the membership year. Dues cover the cost to members. o EXCHANGE The GENEALOGIST is available for exchange with other organizations or publishers who have publications to offer. Send inquiries or samples to P.O. Box 5493, Bryan, TX 77805. SOLICITATIONS We solicit queries, family charts, copies of Bible records, articles and stories with Brazos Valley ties. Family charts should be 8 1/2 x 11 and fit a 3 ring binder. EDITORIAL POLICY Neither the Brazos Genealogical Association or the staff of the Quarterly will be responsible for error of fact or opinion expressed herein. Every effort is made to publish reliable information. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept appropriate material with editing privileges on a space available basis. o Members are encouraged to submit articles of interest concerning the Brazos Valley. Research pertaining to deeds, Bible records, schools, churches, and other groups or organizations are desired. Research on material before the turn of the century is especially welcome. The Association will do limited local Brazos County research for $10.00 an hour. Write for details and please enclose a SASE. o o o o 'Jrazos genealogist Volume XVII Number 4 Winter 1996 ~ryan/College Station Texas Interviews with John M. CALDWELL from Bryan Eaole Have you ever wanted to interyiew your ancestor, ask him about his education, his business, his family, etc? Do not overlook the use of local newspapers. The following articles on John M. CALDWELLcOll1e from business issues of The Brazos Pilot and Bryan Eagle and, from an series of articles called "When I Was 21." The articles cover a time span of over 30 'years, from 1895 to 1926. The September 12, 1895 business issue contains approximately 50 articles on Bryan businessmen, their businesses, their employees and their families. The April 22, 1913 business issue has approximately 150 articles on Bryan businesses, churches, organizations, etc. In 1926 and 1927, The Eagle published 90 inter~.tjews with Bryan business men asking them what they were doing when they were 21. Articles on John M. CALDWELL appeared in allpf the above. Combined Trade Edition of The Brazos Pilot and Bryan Eagle, S~ptember 12, 1895 JOHN M. CALDWELL 'p':' ",::,.. .',' t, Jewelry, Watches, 'Clocks 'and S}lverware ;, "John M. CALDWELL has justly been termed the Wide-Awake jeweler of Bryan. He is a man who lets no grass grow under his feet when it comes to hustling business--hunting bargain~ for his cl;lstomers, Cjlnd by his prompt attention to business and sharp lookout for their"'interests, getting customers for his bargains. He lets no dust accumulate on shelf-worn goods, but gives you ~ baxgain in order to make a trade and a friend, and keep his stock fresh and new' and stylish. "Mr. CALDWELL was born in Carroll COUl)ty, Mississippi in 1861. He got a public school education and pulled out for T~,?,as in 1882. He wor-keel at the.jewelry business for eleven years here in Bryan, with Mr.)ohn T. WYSE'and learnecJ the practical part of it from an expert whc;>mthe firm em'ploy~a four years. In '1892 he began business ,for himself, and has made things hum in the jewelfY line in Bryan ever since. "He has now a large stock of diamonds, ,watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware 123 124 o and novelties. He has the. finest spectacles made, and is able to fit anybody's eyes perfectly and satisfactorily. "In watch, clock, and jewelry repairing, there is no more proficient workman,Jn the state than Mr. CALDWELL. [Line missing from in icro-fi 1m] "Miss Estelle COLLINS of Bryan, in 1890, and has a family,of wife and three children. ~e is a Knight of Pythias, a Knight of the Macabees, and a member of the Episcopal church, and a democrat. "His jewelry store is inMLG. W. NORREL,.L's drug store. You will fin,d that his show cases and his big safe are "full of the most stylish and the latest je)llfelry, watches, silver goods, etc., to be"found. Give' him a call and you will be treated right. " The B~an Eagle - April 22, 1913 - Business Issue J~ M. CALDWELL Jewelry and Optical Goods o "The jewelry and optic~1 goods house of J. M. CALDWELL, located in Bryan is one of the sterling successfuFbusiness establishments'of this city. This establishment carries a fine line of jewelry, optical goods, diamonds, watches, cut glass, and silverware, and also,do~s rep,~iring, engraving, remounting, and diamond mounting. It has also recently added a fine line of pianos made by the Adams- Scheaff factory~ and al~~ the ten-cel'JJ line of McKinley music, to its stock. This line will be in charge of MiSs Louise CALDWELL. . ~'. . "Mr. CALDWELL,th~ efficientproprietor of this business, is a prominent and leading business. man of Bryan, who is universally popular, apd has built up an extensive patronage"in this city and contigiious country: . "Mr. J. W. PAYNE, expert optometrist, watchma~er and optician for this. store, is a native of'Bryan, apq ~fls been sucqe~sfully engaged in the b!Jsines,s of the firm for some time. He isa graduate of the Northern Illinois College of Ophthalmology and Otology, also receiving a post-graduate couf~,e, and having had experience.in Chicago for five years in practicalwor~. Mr. J. E"HUNTER, optician,."watchmaker and jeweler, came to Bryan"from Houston about a year ago, having formerly been employed by J. J. SWEENY in the latter city. "Miss Esther NEWLAND has charge of the stock and sales. She is an accomplished and affable saleslady. She was reared in Bryan." o o o o ~ 125 Additional informationJrom the 1913 issue lists J.M. CALDWELL as Chancellor Commander of I3razos Lodge No. 64, Knights of Pythias. In the same issue, from an article entitled "St. Andrew's Church, Origin and Brief History": 'The present rector took"charge .0fSt: Andrew's Octqber 1, 1909. The members of the vestry are: Tyler,HASWELL, senior warden; John ASTIN, junior warden; David REID, secretary; J.W. ENGLISH, William RIGBY, J.M. CALDWELL, George CHANCE, A.W. WILKERSON." "When I Was 21" - The Brvan Dailv Eagle - November 6, 1926 JOHN M. CALDWELL "When I was 21 I was just starting at the jewelry business," .stated John M. CALDWELL, one of Bryan's pioneer rn,~rc,hants.iMr. CAtDWElL began t1iscare~r,.bY.~ working for John 1. WYSE in Bryan, whose attractive jewelry establishment was located at the present site of A. M. WALDROP & Co. He worked for Mr. WYSE for 11 years before embarking,for himself. ' "Mr. CALDWELL attended no watch-makers school, but picked up the trade in Bryan. He has had much experience in every phase of the jewelry business. "Changes hav~ be~n most pronounced in his line of endeavor. When'he was 21 one-caret e1iamond rings,'which are used in making"Cupid's darts hit the mark, ' sold for $100, while'now they sell from $650 to"$1,OOO. However, this sparkling method was not used extensively in those days. The young Lockinvar's did the best' they could without any such enticement. The practice was not prevalent then of, giving the daughter, of the family a diamond ring when she was graduated from high" scho()l, with the"hope 'that she would be able to manage for one to match it within a' few years. "There has been a boomerang'in"the'jewelry line. Fads that were popular 40 years ago'have come'back'this season. Slab 'bracelets, snake jewelry and necky,Jear that adorned the necks of our grandmothers are popular with the coeds of 1926:. Back in the old days the ladies ~()ught jewelry with, the question: "How long will iUast and h9w ab9!lt the quality." itT9d9ythe ladies want their jewelry to last about as long as their dresses, and they are particularly anxious that"it is something new".. "Fountain "pens made their appearance on the marke~ about 30 years ago, according to Mr. CALDWELL. When they first came out he ha9 to give away dozens' of them in order to get the Bryan public used to writing with them. The Conklin pen " - ,- . '''>'~ o~_""",_., 126 o was thelpioheer and for several years Mr. CALDWELL had the exclusive agency for selling fountain pens in Bryan. "If you had told a man that someday people would be' willing to pay $15 for a fountain pen he would have thought you were crazy," said Mr. CALDWELL. "Bryan people have good taste'for jewelry, and demand as high class jewelry here as do the buyers in Dallas and Houston, he stated." The preceeding articles are from books in progress. Many thanks to Bill PAGE for telling me about the business issues. Janis HUNT * * * * * SOME CZECHS IN DEED RECORDS compiled by Bill PAGE , ' ",-". - ~~~:t Czech settlers made many important contributions 'toBrazos Co, The following abstracts from deeds '. . .t.,; '.' '. .e on file at the county courthouse provide some details concerning local Czech f~milies'. , Lodges: Brazos Co. Deed Book 10, pp.357-358: V,C:'MAREK and his wife Emma MAREK sold land to Frank STASNEY, J.J. SCASTA, and Joseph BLAZEK, trustees of the "Slav'of thEtSouth.Lodge No. 158 of the Bohemian Slovanian Benevolent Society, Bryan ... C.S,P.S.", 8 Feb. 1892 Brazos Co. Deed Book 10,' pp.540-541: Albert ELBRICH,& his wife Mary ELBRICH sold,land to John TURICH" An~on ZAK, Frank STASNEY ?nd Jacob PU;rZ, ~~!Jstees of the B9hemian Agricultural Society Lodge, 8 Aug. 1892. . .. Brazos Co. Deed Book 12, pp.312-313:"John PONTLlC& his wi~ Fannie PONTLlC, and Frank PONTLlC& his wife Julia PONTLlC sold,land to.Joseph ZEMANEK/Henry REGMUND, & Benard' MARIK, trustees of the "Plow and,Book" club; 16 Feb. 1894 Brazos Co. Deed Book 79, p.406: Tom SC~OVAJSA, President C.S.P.S,; William F. TAUBER, secretary C,S.P.S.; Joseph Hc,>RNAK, presid!3nt S.P.J.S.T.; and John HOMOLA, secret?ry S.P.J.S.T.. " sold landcto Brazos Co.; 31 Mar. 1931'~ I .' "., o o o , . o 'f[ -~ - - 127 PROBATE PACKETS FROM BRAZOS CO. TEXAS COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE Continued from Vol. XVII, NO.3 Peggy BASENFELDE~ and Elsie WADE ELLIS, Willie L. 24 Aug 1843: 28 Aug 1843: Principal: Sureties: 27 Aug 1845: 29 Mar 1847: 27 Sep 1848: 28 Nov 1848: 28 Nov 1848: 26 Feb 1849: 28 May 1849: 25 Dec 1849: 27 Dec 1852: 29 Apr 1854: 07 Jun1854: 10 Jan 1855: 05 Aug 1856: 05 Aug 1856: EVETTS, James H. D. Feb 28, 1856. 05 May 1856: Packet No. 177 A i;, " Charity MILLICAN's statement approving John H. MILLICAN as guardian of / Mary Jane ELLIS, daughter of Willis L. and Nancy ELLIS. Guardian's Bond (for Mary Jane ELLIS). John H. MILLICAN Wm. E. MILLICAN and Willis MILLICAN Petition for extension by James H. EVETTS, administrator. Petition for extension. Citation to J.N. EVETTS. Inventory and appraisement. 2950 acres Limestone Co. 640 acres San Jacinto Co. Headright of 1 labor in Brazos Co. Petition to sell I~nd in Limestone and Brazos counties. Sale account of 640 acres in Limestone Co. Inventory and appraisement Mary Jane ELLIS, minor heir. Notice of sale of land. .,;. Exhibit and petition to sell land Exhibit and petition for sale' Notice of sale. Receipt of Mary Jane ELLIS, nbw MILLICAN, for all property and money due her. James MILLICAN Mary MILLICAN Report of sale. Final account and petition for di~charge. Recorded Bk. C pg. 117-119 Packet No. 178 A Petition for administratiofl by G,B. REED. ~ 128 26 May 1856: Sureties: 03 Oct 1856: 15 Nov 1856: 15 Nov 1856: 06 Jan 1857: 20 Jan 1857: 20 Jun 1856: No date: 29 Jun 1857: ;- Bond. Principal:, Wilson REED andL. HUDSON ' o G.B. REED , Appointment of appraisers. Appraisement of 840 acres in Bell Co. Exhibit and petition for sale of land. Appraisement for sale of land. Report of land sale. Inventory. < 1555 acres in Bell Co. on the northern waters of the Lampasas. 177 acres in Goliad Co. Description of land. Exhibit. EVETTS, George, Mary and Joab, minors Heirs of Assena NORRIS 29 Dec 1862: 29 Dec 1862: Sureties: 26 Jan 1863: Sureties: 28 Apr 1863: 15 Jun 1863: 01 Mar 1867: Packet No 179 A Petition for guarqianship by James A BARKER. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 304 o Guardian's Bond. Principal: James A BARKER R.P, McMICHAELS, J.y" MILLICAN and Wilson REED . Bond and Oath of Guardian. Principal: James A BARKER AW. HARDY, J.M. ROBERTS and James W, MILLICAN Inventory. Appraisement. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 304 Citation Jobe EVETTS, minor. Citation, George EVETTS,. minor. ELSTON,Nannie, minor Minor child of Wm. ELSTON of Calhoun, Alabama. 23 Feb 1869: 23 Feb 1869: Sureties: Packet No. 180 A Appointment of AS. BROADDUS and Jane BROADDUS, guardians ofNannie ELSTON, minor over 14 yrs. of age. . . Bond. .. Principal: AS. BROADDUS and Jane BROADDUS P. HOLLINGSWORTH and B.H. DAVIS EVANS, Susan Ellen, minor Packet No. 181 A 0 This .packet consists of 14 pages of information involving Stew1?rt Co. Georgia, Sumpter Co. Alabama . ... and counties in Mississippi. It also contains will of Andrew H. TARVER written o o . . o 129 22 Jan 1852, A.H. TARVER died 1855. His daughter married 'Joel EVANS and Susan Ellen EVANS is the daughter of this marriage. Andrew H. TARVER grandfather of Susan Ellen EVANS, ROBINSON, P. wife Flora M. 13 Dec 1880: 13 Dec 1880: Principal: Sureties: 15 Dec 1880: 17 Jan 1881: 19 Jan 1881: Sureties: 15 Feb 1881: Packet No. 189 Application for letters of administration by Luther W. CLARK. Recorded Bk. E Probate Minutes pg, 283-284 Administrator's Bond and Oath. Luther W, CLARK J.P. AYRES and T.P. BOYETT Posting of Bond and Oath, I nventory of estate. Bond and Oath. Principal: Luther W. CLARK BE HARVES, David McIN7fOSH and TP. BOYETT Recorded Bk. E pg. 285 Many receipts and vouchers. Application for widow's allowance. KNOX, E.C. Died 11 Sep 1880 17 Oct 1880: 21 Jan 1881: 31 Jan 1881: Sureties: 11 Mar 1881: 29 Mar 1881: 30 Jun 1881: 30Jun1881: 20 Sep 1881: 15 Oct 1881: 31 Oct 1881: Packet No. 191 Application for letters of administration by Thomas J..KNOX. Recorded Bk. E Estates pg. 287 Waiver of Mrs. Lizzie KNOX as administrator in favor of TJ. KNOX of Navasota. Administrator's Bond. Principal: David W. HARDY and F.M, STEELE Thomas J. KNOX Inventory and appraisement. Recorded Bk. E Probate Minutes pg. 314-315. Application to set aside homestead by Lizzie KNOX, widow, of Grimes County. Application to sell personal property. '"' Application to sell prop~rty by Lizzie KNOX and to have administrator to get order of sale of property and to pay balance of allowances, I >c Application to set aside orders granting excessive allowance. Application to sell land. Publication of sale,of tracts, 130 31 Oct 1881: 31 Oct 1881: 31 Oct 1881: Nov 1881: 21 Nov 1881: 22 Nov 1881: 24 Nov 1881: 24 Nov 1881: 14 Dec 1881: Jan 1882: Jan 1882: Jan 1882: 03 Jan 1882: 12 Jan 1882: 16 Jan 1882: 22 Mar 1882: 13 Apr 1882: 21 Jun 1882: Jul 1882: 02 Aug 1882: 02 Aug 1882: Aug 1882: Sep 1882: 21 Sep 1882: -.... ..-"-._",,,,,", ,~,-... ~;~. ..,~.;'-~--' '. Petition for widow's support. o Application by Lizzie KNOX, widow, for sale of property sufficient to pay allowances made her and child, Citation to Thomas J. KNOX about allowance to wife and child of EC. KNOX, Petition to sell two tracts of land by administrator. Application for approving account. Petition for expenses by administrator. Answer to granting allowances to Lizzie KNOX. Ap~lication to have attached EC, KNOX homestead surveyor's notes, Application by administrator to rent farm for commencing year of 188.2. Acceptance of field notes submitted by Lizzie KNOX, widow regarding homestead, Report of sale of land. Application to restore property to inventory. o Report of sale of 530 acres of land. Subpoena'of John BERKL::EY. Application to sell land for widow's allowance. Annual Account and exhibit. Application to have sale of 116 8/10 acres of land disapproved and sale reordered. Recorded Bk. F pg, 1-2 Order to post court order for sale of 116 acres, Order of court to sell 116 acres. Amended annual exhibit. Report of failure to ~ell land and application to re-advertise. Recorded (no book or page given). Order to disapprove sale and ordering new sale. Record of sale of 116 acres. Report of sale of 116 acres. o Recorded (no book and page given) o o o 27 Sep 1882: 15 Feb 1883: 16 Feb 1883: 06 May 1883: 25 May 1883: 31 May 1882: 09 Jan 1884: 09 Jan 1884: 09 Jan 1884: 12 Jan 1884: Feb 1884: Feb 1884: 08 Apr 1884: 21 Apr 1884: Apr 1884: Jan ,1886: 131 Confirmation of sale, Application for sale of land. Citation for sale of land. Order to accept exhibit. Application for sale of 200 acres of land. Order confirming sale. " Exhibit of condition of estate. Claim for expenses by administrator. Application to compromise suit. Judgement claim of estate of Sarah J. KNOX vs. E.C. KNOX estate (rendered in Burleson county District Court in fall of 1875) Amt. $10988.63. " Posting of annual exhibiL Court ordering approval of annual exhibit. Court ordered approving administrator's compromising a suit against his intestate in Burleson Co. Final Account. ",RecordedBk.G pg. 475-477 Texas Title Deed to AG. STEELE by T.J. KNOX. f,. Decree Final account accepted. Recorded Bk..Hpg. I Bill of cost. \"; "',1 One separate packet of receipts and vouchers in separate packet 191. CROOK, Caroline Died 8 Feb 1879 Jan 1881: ,J 1:",,-. '" 'Packet No. 192 Application for Probate by James M. CROOK. Recorded Bk. E pg, 290 Will Dated 6 Feb 1879 of Caroline CROOK. Mentions 1 house and'lot, l' plantation in Burleson Co. and 1 plantation in Brazos Co. Heirs: Fannie, Mary, Carrie and J,M. CROOK 03 Jan 1881: Application for probate of will. ,:' Recorded Bk. E Probate Minutes pg. 281 ',' th'.); ,-- 132- ~ McCLELLAND, James Bell died 12 Dec 1880 Packet No. 193 o 28 Dec 1880: 28 Dec 1880: 10 Feb 1881: Sureties: 29 Mar 1881: 18 Dec 1882: 18 Dec 1882: Heirs: 16 Jan 1883: 24 Jan 1884: Feb 1884: Application for letters of administration by RC. McCLELLAND, Recdrded'Bk. E Probate Minutes pg. 288 Notice of letters of administration, RecordedBk. E pg. 288 Bond. Principal: RC. McCLELLAND F.F. HOOPER, A.B. CARR and Dan M;' DANSBY Inventory. Recorded Bk. E Probate Minutes pg. 334 Notice of filing an Account. Exhibit and"Petition'Jfor distribution. Geo. D. McLELLAND - Noxubee:Co. Mississippi T.R McLELLAND Sue McLELLAND Frank McLELLAND - San Saba Co. Texas A.G. McLELLAND (deceased) Eliza M. HOOPER,tformerly'McLiELLAND, deceased'leaving surviving her Frank HOOPER and Marcia HOOPER Sallie J. WALDROP, wife of W.v. WALDROP. Marcia G,HOOPER, wife of J.J. HOOPER J,H. McLELLAND, now deceased who left surviving him W. Clayton McLELL,AND, his son of Caldwell Co. Texas. RC. McLELLAND, administrator of estate o Amended exhibit. Petition of administrator to reform decree. Decree to correct and reform a distribution of funds. Recorded Bk. E pg. 192-193 </~ ,~ Oct. 1891: Petition of administrator to be represented in District Court of Walker Co. TX where suit'against estate had been filed regarding 320 acres. 14 Sep 1871: STEVENSON, Annie Packet No. 195 '~ 03 Jan 1880: Will. " tract of land in Montgomery Co. TX 300 acres to be divided among my children" ';,five hundred dollars gold to Mattie STEVENSON, my step-daughter, and that she have that amount of interest, if there be one, in the homestead till the $500 be paid" " " All rest of.possessions to my daughter Sallie WEBB." " Sallie WEBB to be administrator" Codicil to will. "Delete portion about step-daughter -- all to go to Sallie E. WEBB now Sallie E. LAW' o o o o ,... _..,.~~ _,",,'_il ..~..,.. ...~ '- 23 Feb 1881: 24 Feb 1881: 02 May 1881: 11 Jun 1881: 06 Sep 1881: CUSTER, H.L. died 17 Mar 1881 24 Mar 1881: Sureties: 30 May 1881: 2 receipts GRANT, Laura 20 Apr 1881: 20 Apr 1881: 30 Mar 1881: Appraisers: 14 Jun 1881: Sureties: 20 Ju11881: Multiple vouchers, ~ , 133 Application. for probate of will and letters testamentary by SE LAW and F.M. LAW. Notice of above application, Proof of will by J.J. BERRY, subscribing witness~ i Oath ofS.E. and F.M. LAW. Inventory and appraisement. Packet No. 196 Petition for temporary letters by E.F. JONES Bond. Principal: E.F. JONES F.M. STEELE and S.M. DARDEN Recorded Bk. E Minutes pg. 321 Report of sale. Packet No. 197 Application for letters of administration by Wm. G. TALIAFERRO Notice of letters of administration Wm. G. TALIAFERRO, appointed administratoL S.J. HOWELL and Guy M. BRYAN Jr. Bond and Oath. Principal: Wm. G, TALIAFERRO J.W. HOWELL, WA ADAMS and S.J. HOWELL Inventory and Appraisement. CONLEE, John D. and Emma, MINORS Packet No. 198 2 Apr 1881: 28 Apr 1881: 23 May 1881: Sureties: Application for letters of Guardianship by Jefferson CONLEE, father. John D. CONLEE, 20 yrs, Lou Emma CONLEE, 18 yrs. Guardianship granted. Bond. Principal: J,H. BUCHANAN and J,;McCORQUEDALE Jefferson CONLEE 134 21 Apr 1881: CUNNINGHAM, W.R. and E., Minors fPacketNo. 199 o 10 Jun 1881: Sureties: 11 Oct 1882: 26 Mar 1883: 26 Mar 1883: 16 Feb 1884: 18 Feb 1884: 18 Feb 1884: 09 Feb 1885: 09 Feb 1885: 06 Feb 1886: 07 Jun 1887: 07 Jun 1887: 12 Dec 1887: 14 Dec 1887: 14 Dec 1887: 23 Jun 1888: 23 Jun 1888: 23 Jun 1888: 31 Jan 1889: Petition for Guardianship of W.R. CUNNINGHAM, over age 14 yrs and Etta CUNNINGHAM, over age 14 yrs, who are,orphans, by their Uncle W.L. ASSOn. Notice of application for guardianship Sond. Prin~pal: E.T. EDWARDS and H,P. EDWARDS 'W.L. ASSOn Sill of Costs by W.H, CUNNINGHAM, executor of Joseph CUNNINGHAM estate. Joseph CUNNINGHAM estate by W.H. CUNNINGHAM and W.L. ASSOn. 'Annual Exhibit. Sy W,L. ASSOn, guardian of Willie R. and Etta CUNNINGHAM. Annual Exhibit. Notice of filing of notice of guardianship by W.L. ASSOn of W:R. CUNNINGHAM AND E.J. CUNNINGHAM. Decree to accept annual report. Notice of Guardianship by W.L. ASSOn of W.R. AND E.J. CUNNINGHAM. o Annual Exhibit with decree. Annual exhibit with decree. Notice of Guardianship by W.L. ASSOn of W.R. and E.J. CUNNINGHAM. Annual Exhibit with decree, Recorded Bk. Hpg. 269-270. Notice of guardianship Application for discharge by guardian and Annual Exhibit. Summons for W.R. CUNNINGHAM, Notice of guardianship. Notice of guardianship. Petition to sell land of Etta J. CUNNINGHAM'S one half interest in land tracts. Decree to do so. Recorded Sk. H pg. 497-498 Final application for sale' of land and final exhibit and discharge. Recorded Bk. H pg. 492-493 o Notice of guardianship of Etta J. CUNNINGHAM. Recorded Bk. I pg. 2-3 o o o 31 Jan 1889: 31 Jan 1889: 14 Nov 1890: 10 Apr 1891: 09 Ju11891: - 135 Report of sales of 200 acres, 76 1/8 acres. < Recorded Bk. H pg. 563-564 Final exhibit. Recorded Bk. I pg. 1-2 Final Account. Recorded Bk. I pg. 523~526. Waiver offinal account by Etta J. SPARKS, formerlyEtta J, CUNNINGHAM, with husband J.B. SPARKS of Lampasas Co, Texas. Expense report, HENRY, Horace and Ellen, minor heirs of Alex;HENRY'oDec'd. Packet No. 200 04 May 1881: 04 May 1881: 05 Jun 1881: Sureties: 07 Ju11881: 31 Ju11882: 31 Aug 1882: 20 Aug 1883: 12 Jan 1885: 10 Jan 1887: 10 Jan 1887: 20 Ju'il 1890: 21Jan 1891: 16 Oct 1894: . 'c."", \ ~ Petition for guardianship, py Robert M. HENRY, paternal uncle. Ella HENRY, age 9 Horace HENRY, age 7 , $170.00 in' money recently inherited from grandparents on father's side. 400 acres, W.S.,MARTIN survey ,100 acres, H. JONES survey 1/5 interest in 240 acres in their said grandparents to wit James HENRY and Jennett HENRY Notice of guardianship. Bond and oath. Principal: James HENRY, Jr. and T.W. HIGGS Robert M,HENRY Inventory . Annual exhibit. Notice of filing account. Annual exhibit. Notice of final account. Annualiexhibit. Decree to accept annual exhibit. Notice of filing final accouqt. Recorded Bk. H pg. 261 Decree to accept final ~ccount. Final account and notice of filing account. Recorded Bk. I pg. 2?9-230 , . i Exhibit showing property d@livered to ward Ella HENRY,.now Ella EAVES and husband J.T. EAVES. .' (Suit o(partition District Ct.) Recorded Minute Bk.G pg. 553-555 Final account. R,ecorded Bk,. J pg. 577-579 - - 136 YELLOW FEVER CEMETERY (also known as Old or Public Cemetery) by Bill PAGE o This cemetery is located in the city of Bryan, just off Highway 6. The date of the,earliest burials in this cemetery has not been established, The name "Yellow Fever Cemetery" suggests that Public Cemetery was established by the time of the great yellow fever epidemic in the fall of 1867, There is only 1 marked'grave in this cemetery. It seems likely that this land was set aside prior to 13 June 1868, when J.C. HUBERT deeded 20 acres of land to Bryan for use as a city cemetery, However, no proof of that has been found. The first time the cemetery is mentioned"in countyrecords.appears to be in Brazos Co. Deed Book L, p.439 (3 Jan. 1871). That book contains a deed from W.J. BRYAN to David MciNTOSH, in which BRYAN notes that the land he sold was "less the five acres heretofore laid off as a grave yard:' W.J. BRY AN apparently did not deed the land to the City of Bryan until 18 0<::1,1886. Brazo~ Co. Deed Book 2, p.585, records the deeding of that same five acres of land to the pity 'for cemetery purposes. This cemetery is referred to in the published Bryan ordinances,' date9 1908 (Charter and Ordinances, Civil and Criminal of the City of Bryan, 1908, pp.94-95). Those ordi~ances state: "The plot of ground originally set apart by Guy M. BRYAN as a public burial ground, located about one and one-half mile north east of Bryan, may hereafter be used for said purpose, said plot containing about five acres. The same is hereby set apart and dedicated as a public burial ground for the city of Bryan, but no burial to be made in same except on application to the city sexton." o The list of burials in this cemetery are taken from loose pages inserted at the beginning of volume 4 of the Bryan Cemetery Registers (available on microfilm at the Texas A&M University Library). The loose pages are numbered pages 63-67 and are a different size than the pages bound in that volume, The entries are all in the same handwriting; no date or source of the information is given. The pages' are labeled "Names & dates etc. of persons buried in the Old or Public Cemet~ry". The only explanatory note on the sheets reads: "see sec.475 p.129 1918 ord:book". This refers to the Charter and Revised Ordinances of the City of Bryan Codified, published in 1918. That document repeats what the 1908 book said. Only one of these people -- Rosa DROSS -- is listed in the actual Bryan cemetery registers, so those registers apparently were not the source of this information. DROSS, Rosa (Bohemian); born in Burleson Co., Tx.; residence Bryan; age 2 years; cause of death croup; buried 5 Sept 1884 II Rosa DROZDS baptized on 22 Jan. 1882, p.23 of transcription, p, 1 02 of original, Baptism Book I, listed in S1; Jos~ph Catholic Church Bryan, Brazos County, Texas 1876-1909, Index to Birth, Marriage and Death Records, 1991, p.20 ' VIEDO, Lunado; born in Italy; residence near Bryan; age 40 years; cause of death congestion; buried 12 Sept 1885 _ -, STEEMAN, Jack; born in Ireland; residence near ~Bryan, Tx. H.& T.R.R.; cause of death malarial fever; age 35 years; buried24 Nov. .1885 SMILEY, Jack (tanner); born in Ireland;residenqe Bryan; age '45 years; cause.of death typho malarial fever; buried 11 Dec. 1885 - . " TARANTINO, Ercole; born in Italy; residence near Bryan; age 26 years; cause of death killed by cotton gin; buried 10 Nov.1886 NESCHKE, Alois; born in Pilesia German Empire; residence at "Rance SMITH's" near Bryan; age 65 . , o o o o - 137 years; cause of death "thrown from a horse"; buried 14 Dec. 1886 SEDESTHA, GesepPfi, Miss; born in Italy; residence near Bryan "north east"; age 18 years; cause of death conges!ion;puried 1 Jan. 1887 , TREADWAY, Mollie E., Mrs.; bprn ,in Jen Co., Tx.;resigence Bryan; age 27 years; c;ause of death "abortion"; buried 12' June"1888 ',' ,"' FOLEY, Mike; born in Ireland; residence section nO.16 H.& T.C. Rail Road; cau~e of death "s~n., .' stroke";buried 28 Aug.1888 " " " , WILLIAMS, James "colored"; born in Texas; residence near Bryan; age 18 years; cause of death "scrofula"; buried 9 Nov. 1888 APPLEGATE, Little Noah Theophulus; born in Jacksonville, Cherokee CO"Tx.; residence Bryan; age 1 year; cause of death cholera infantum; buried ,,18 May 1889 \ "unknown cripple man"; buried 26 Nov. ,18~9; aged about 40 year~; cau,~~ of death killed py Rail Road cars II "An unknown man was killed by the southbound 6 o'clock freight, on the Central Railroad in Bryan...He was of medium size, about 38 or 40 years old, had dark hair and sandy mustache, was crippled and in walking used a stick in either hand.. , (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 28 Nov, 1889, pA, col.2 II "Where is the.Fault...The;tramp who was kill~d ohthe track of the ,Central Railroad...was buried by pF.ivate subss:ription in the pottersfield...(weekIYFBryan Eagle, 'e '28 Nov. 1889, p.5, col.3 " ,,: '" ' " ., SKUES, John; born in England; residence"Bryan; age 48 years; cause of death sun stroke; buried 15 Aug.1890 "near South Gate" Y: " MALLOY, Pat; born in Ireland; residence Section No.15, H.& T.C. Road; age 45 years; cause of death killed by pistol shot by Jim CONWAY; buried 16 Oct. 1890 in Public Cemetery near South Gate II railroad worker; shot & killed by John CONROY about 4 miles from Bryan; Temple Weekly Times, 24 Oct.1890, p.1, colA, , , . MOORE, Gilbert ':colored"; born in Brazos Co,.; residence Woodville ne~rBryan; age 18,years; cause of death,"small pox"; buried 25 Jan. 1891 , FARLOW, Wm.; nativity unknown;'residence unknown; age about 30 years; cause of death overdose of morphine.Jound,dead,nearA' and'M.' College; buried 20 May 1891 II "Bryan...a man was found dead about 1 mile south of College in,this county...about 5 feet 9 inches high, dark' complexion, high forehead,:..apparently ~bout 32 years.old,.."William FARLOW, Wharton Co." was dimly written on a slip of paper in his coat pocket... The remains were brought to Bryan for buriaL," Galvesto~ Daily News, 20 May 1891"p,6, col.3,. Infant son of Mary WOLTER "aBohemian~l; residence unknown; nativity unknown; age about 10 days; , cause of death unknown "found dead in lumber yard"; buried 22 Sept. ,1891 1I;.lnfant boy aged 2 or 3 weeks; perhaps wasmurderea by his mother, Mrs. Mary WALTERS (or WALTON or WALKER), a Polish or German woman; Brenham Weekly Banner, 1 Oct 1891, p,5, col.3; 8 Oct.1891, p;7, col.7. Galveston Daily News, 23 Sept1891, p.2, coI.2;; 23 Sept.1891, p,3, cols.2-3'; 28 Sept.1891, p.2, coI.3;,29.~ept.1891"p.1, col.1; 1 Oct.1891 i'p.3, col.2 DOLCEMOSCqLA, Gasparrio "Italian"; nativity Italy;} res,idence 3 miles north of Bryan; age 45 years; cause bf death pernicious fever; buried 12 Mar: 1897 " CANNATILLO, Leane "Italian"; nativity Italy; reside,~c~ Mu,dville, Brazos Co,; Clge 45 ye~rs; cause of death pneumonia; 'buried 16 Mar. 1897 'i ~. , ' , PALMERI, Samuel "Italian"; born in Italy; residence~Bryan;age 30 years; cause of death remitting fever; 24 May 1897 [date is not labeled, but is assumed to be dfiteof burial, not date of death] FUERRE, Ed.; nativity Ne~."York state; re?idence traveling~Qrse'trader; age 40 years; cause of death dengue fever; buried 17Nov. 1897 II Ed. FEURY, New York St., died 16,Nov, 1897, buried 17th, dengue fever, Bryan's Public Cemty(p,38); Ed. FEURY, 14 Jan.1899, body buried in Public Cemetery; died 17 Nov. 1897; exhumed and buried Calvary Cemetery, bl.4, N.E. 1/4, L.15 (pAO); see Joanne DOMINIK GLOWSKl's, St. Joseph Catholic Church Bryan,~razos County, Texas. Marriage and Death Records 1877-1909, II Ed FUERY, died in Bryan; from Michigan; bad lived in Texas about 10 years; Bryan Daily Eagle, 17:;Nov.1897, pA, coI.1:' 138 BENCH lEY o In the early issues of theWeeklyEagle and the Brya~ Daily Eaole, letters were published under the titles of "County News" or "Corres'ponderice". These were letters from residents of small communities in,rurarBrazosCounty. They,contain information about birtns, marriages, deaths, social gatherings, church' activities, residents and visitors in these, communities. ,In this issue..Benchley is highlighted. ". I" August 25, 1898, p.3, col.2 .' ,County News., .. I?enchl~y. '. Stockwa,ter)s very;scarqe. " "Sickness is,acomnlon thing in nearly every house in our community, it is princip~lIy chills and fe'vers..\',:;, ' .,,' '", We are ha,ving some pretty weather for cotton picking. If it continues dry weath~r a few days longer,i.cotton will all:be open:' . Mr. H.F.,PAYNE was clear of fever Sunday fo'r the first tifne since he has been confined to his,.bed. His brothers and sister~have come to see'hiJn. Dr.JCRAWF'OR[)'s mother is visiting him this week. ' Dodger 1 September,1,;1898, p.3, col.3 . County News. Benchley. '. Hea~th . is ~etter this week:, O' .. .....,.. ..Boll and cotton worms are plentiful on some farms 'i~liour comrpunity. . Singing choir met~unday evepiflg at'its regular meeting. . Afte,r several songs were sung, on motion the choir' was' reorganized ,and the following officers were elected for the coming year: Harmon BUSH, president; Miss Modies HOLTON, secretary;' Mr. Horace' SEALE, chorister. This is the first time the choir has met since the singing convention at Shiloh. There was preaching at the' church S\Jnday night by f3.ev. SIKES. There was a good attendaflce. " ' tylr,. H.,~~ PAYNE, who has qeen"sipkJor s~veral weeks, is improving fast. We hope to "seehimup soon. ' At the horpe of Mr. and Mrs. MANLEY last Friday night a)arge number of friends enjoyed a grand ice cream supper. Eyerybody said th~y had a real ,nice time. Mr. Jim STUART has' returned hqllle from Grimes county where he "has been'" visiting relativ~~ and friends. . ....' i"" r , We were ~orry to hear of the 'death of Mrs. LEE who died last Friday afternoon at 3 o'c1oc~ at the hqme of her daug~ter,".Mrs.> Henry SEALE. We extend to her many friends,;anp relatives,.our sympathy. Mr. Willie HAMMOND of Grimes is visiting relatives a"hd friends in our community this week. ; ,C" "., Y ,,::;, r- - .'.', _", . '"" Novemb~r 3, 1,898, 'p.~, coI.2,.;J' County News. Benchley., The, public school opened Oct. 24, Miss Katie BARNES teacher. o 139 o Rev. J.L. ANDREWS of Bryan preached here Sunday. He will preach again next Sunday evening at 3 o'clock. .Everybody invited to attend. Jim STUART left this week for Orange where he will make his future home. H.L.BUSH visitedBryan Monday. o o Umbria December 15, 1898, p.3, col.3 County News. Benchley News. The 9 years old son of Henry WORSHAM was run over by a horse last we.ek and got his right leg broke in two places. He is reported better. Uncle Brad SEALE, iSJeported very ill. H.L. BUSH visited Bryan Monday. yve hope the Christmas tree at the school house Christmas eve night will be a success. SEALE and PRATER's gin burned here last week. Twelve bales of cotton burned with it and a good many cottonseed. There will be singing at Rev. Luther SIKES',Saturday night. H.F.,PAYNE, Jim SIKES, L~wis GLAZE, Lee JOSIE and others visited Houston last week. Umbria December 22, 1898, p.3, col.3 , County News. Benchley News. Rev. J.L. ANDREWS of Bryan filled his regular appointment here last Sunday evening. Mr. Newton HALTOM of Paris is visiting relatives and friends here this week. Th~re was no ~inging at Mr. Luther SIKES Saturday night on account of the bad weather. . Uncle Brad SEALE, who was taken to Bryan last week,. passediquietly away Thursday at 5:30 o'clock. He leaves eight children to mourn his death. His place cannot be filled in our community'a[ld he was loved by all who, knew him" The writer extends his sympathy to the bereaved loved i.ones. , Umbria January 14, 18~9, p.4, coL2 (Bryan, Morning. Eagle) Benchley News. The singing at Mr. and Mrs. Madison HALTOM's was a success. All in attendance r~port a good,.time. Rev. J.L. ANDREWS preached an'interesting sermon at Benchley Sunday afternoon to a large and appreciative congregation. Mrs. Hugh SEALE, who has been ill this past week, is up again. Oliver BUSH of Houston is here visiting"relatives and friends; Mr. BROWNING of Cottonwood has moved to this neighborhood. Miss DERDJ;:N and her brother of Payne's Prairie visited,Mr. and Mrs. H.F. PAYNE: Saturday and Sunday. . Therewill be~inging at Mr. and Mrs. Harrison HAL TOM's:Saturday'night. Everybody is invited to attend. 140 There will be preaching Sunday at 2,:30 p.m. at the school house. Taylor and D. WILSON and' H.L.. BLISH visited Bryan Tuesday. , ' Miss BENNETTof Grimes county is visiting her sister, Mrs. Tom SIKES. Llmbria o January 26, 1899, p.3, co!. 2 County News. Benchley Briefs. Farmers are beginning to break land and getting everything in shape to make another crop. Several cases of measles and roseola in our community this week. Miss Etta GLAZE has been very siCK this week. The singing at Mr. and Mrs. Harrison HALTOM's,Saturday night was greatly enjoyed by a large attendance. Miss Lizzie KIRK of-Bryan and Miss Nannie HENRY,of Ma'i-Iin were visiting in Benchley last Saturday and Sunday. On account of the bad weather there was but a small attendance at the party at Mr. and Mrs. BROWN's last Friday night." Rev. Jim SIKES preached for us Sunday. Messrs. Alex and "Fom McCOLLLlM;,Gus LAFERER and Elige THOMPSON of Alexandria attended preaching here Sunday. We hope the singing at Mr. and, Mrs. Tom JOSEY's Saturday night will be a success. Mrs. HOPKINS is visiting friends in Bryan this week. 0 Llmbra March 9, 1899, p.3, colA County News. From Benchley. Dr. );CRAWFORD's son, Robert, 'whO' has been very ill the past two weeks is better. ' Master Charles S:rEWART'was on the sick list last week. Miss Etta GLAZE has been visiting Miss Mattie J()SEY. The singing, Saturday night,wasJheld at the home' of Mr. H.F. PAYNE. , Jess HENRY and sister, Miss Lllai, were here from Thompson creek Saturday, Rev. J.J. ANDREWS of Bryan, preached here Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock and will also preach next Sunday. Prof. ROBERTS of Waco, entertained Jhe crowd Monday night at the hdmeof Mr. PAYNE. .. ~ Calvin SEALE and H.L. BLISH visited Bryan Tuesday. 'Umbria March 16, 1899, p.3. col.1 County News. Benchley News. The people of this community are about . through planting corn. The mumps and measlesihave about played out in. this community. There was a nice crowd out to singing last Saturday night afthe residence of Mr. and Mrs: PAYNE. "Among the visitors'were Miss Lula PATE of~ethel and Miss 0 Lllai HENRY of Thompson Creek. . .. .~- 141 o The choir will, be entertained by Miss Lula PATE of Bethel at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. FRANKLIN, Saturday. Rev. ANDREWS>:preached last Sunday evening. Umbra o o March 30, 1899, p.3, colA County News. Benchley News. Jim STEWART of lola, was here last week. H.L. and Oliver BUSH visited relatives aLlola last week. Rev. J.D. ANDREWS preached here last Sunday. There will be no preaching next Sunday. The choir will meet at Mr. and,Mrs. DIXON's. All the singers are invited to come and, bring their Church Harvests. Mr. David WILSON's daughter is quite sick. Horace SEALE went to Alexander Sunday. Calvin SEALE and H.~.. BUSH went to Bryan this week on business. Umbra April 27, 1899, p.3, col.1 County News. From Benchley. We are having some spring time weather now. Corn and cotton is beginning to grow very fast since the rain we had Thursday evening. There was a party given at Mr. and Mrs. BROWNING's last Tuesday night, all reported a nice time. Mr. Cliff KING,is visiting relatives and friends at Benchley. He will return to Orang~ in a-f~wdays,', Mrs. Robert BUCKES of Wixon neighborhood, visited Jriendshere Saturday and Sunday~, , " Miss Maud LEATIrlERS of;Payne Prairie visited her sister Mrs. Sam SEALE last week. There was a 'Iarge crowd assembled at church Sunday evening "for preaching ad the preacher failed to come.Jhe church commemorated the Lord's supper after which the chqir spent the rest of the.eve[ling in singing. We noticed JlS visitors MissUlai HENRY, Miss Lillie WADSWORTH, Mr. Henry CONWAY, Jesse HENRY, Frank MEADS and Ad HARPER from Thompson Creek.' The Benchley school is going to have a" picnic Friday (28 of April) at Sandy Point. They expect to have a real nice4ime, ,everybody is invited. There will be singing atMr. and Mrs.'PAYNE'sSaturday night It is given in honor of Mr. ~. THOMPSON of Alexandria; We would be glad to see a large attendance. Everybody is invited, and bring your Church Harvest. Mr. T.L. JOSIE was very sick Thursday and Friday, but is able to be up again. Mr. SIKES has been sick this last week but is up again. Umbria. May 4, 1899, p.3, col. 3 County News. From Benchley. Rev. SEWELL oLHearne, preached an ~'. ~.........' .-....- - .~.,.-- -~..- = ~_....... 142 entertaining sermon to a large and appreciative audience Monday;night, at the school house. He will preach again Friday night, May 25, and the Monday night following. Mr. HICKMAN of Hearne was a visitor to;Benchley Sunday. Rev. HOPKINS two children who have been very ill are some better. The singing at Mr. PAYNE's Saturday night was largely attended and everybody report having had a-good time. Among the visitors from Alexander were E.W. THOMPSON, Tom McCALLUM, Alex McCALLUM and Gus LAFEVRE. Mr. Walter FERGUSON "of Bethel spent Saturday and Sunday here. Remember the prayer meeting at the school house Thurs'day night:' Rev. J.L. ANDREWS will preach here next Sunday evening. Jim CHRISTIAN was here from Bryan Sunday. Miss McCLURE and Miss Myrtle NICHOLS attended preaching here Sunday. Mrs. GLAZE, who has been very sick for the'past week'is"reported better. The picnic that was to have taken'place Friday, was postponed until some future time; the date on which it will be given will be mentioned later. Mrs. J.T. JOSEY and Miss Maggie JOSEY have been quite sick the past week. Nearly everybody is up with their work. Crops are above the average. We are not needing rain at present. o Umbria May 25, 1899, p.3, colA County News. From Benchley: ,Health is good in our community at present. 0 Crops are looking as fine as could be for the time of year. .Rev. SEWEL of Hearne will preach Friday night at the schoolhouse. The singing atMr. R.H. HALTOM's Saturday night was a grand success. We notice as visitors Bro. ROBERT 'of Waco, who made the music for us, Mr: Rob. BROGDON of Alexander, Misses Ulai HENRY and Ada CONWAY, and Messrs. Luedolf DOSIER, Henry CONWAY, Jessie HENRY, Frank MEADS. Rev. WILEY of North Texas preached to a large and attentive audience, Sunday evening at the school house. Mr. J.J. CONWAY and wife attended preaching here Sunday. Miss Katy BARNES' schooL~will close Friday' and she will give a concert Saturday night. The admission will be ten cents. The concert is given for the purpose of making up money to seat the school house. The Sunday school met Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, with good attendance. Mr. Jim CONWAY and wife visited Mr. Pres. BROWNING's family Sunday. Mrs. SHEARD visited Mrs. GLAZE Saturday and Sunday. ' Mr. Oscar BROWNING of Kurten visited his ,father's family Saturday and Sunday. ' Umbria June 15, 1899, p.3, col.1 County News. Benchley News. A light rain fell Monday but not enough to do 0,' . ',.' crops much good. ' Rev. HOPKINS preached at the school house Sunday 'evening. o o o 143 Misses Etta GLAZE and'Maida HALTOM and Messrs. Louis GLAZE and Jesse HAL rOM took in the Gpmmencement at the A. and M: college Monday. Miss Bell HALTOM celebrated her, birthday Monday with an ice cream supper which was highly enjoyed by all present. Miss Ulai HENRY and brother,'Jesse of Thompson Creek attended singing here Sunday. Mrs. Dr. GRANBERRY of Austin is'visiting"her mother,' Mrs. C.C. SEALE. George SEALE departed'Wednesday for Rosco where he will remain until fall. RH. SEALE visited Bryan Saturday. Bro. HOPKINS will give a concert at the school house Thursday night, admission 5 10 and 15 cents. Come out. As this is my first in quite R;while I will not write too"rnuch. Good luck to the Eagle. Umbria June 29, 1899, p.3, colA Correspondence. From Benchley. b1enryiSEALE left with several cars of cattle for Callahan county to pasture last week. Prof. Tom SIKES wilLbegin a vocal music'school here Monday July 3. Miss Daisy LEE of Wellborn spent several days with us the past week. Our chp!r metSunday afternoon at the church and again Sunday night at Mr. PAYNE's residence with large attendance at both places. Preston BROWNING and family attended the singing convention at Reliance last week. ;,Lewis and Miss Etta GLAZE, and Miss Pearl and Lennie BROWNING attended an entertainment Saturday night at Thompson Creek. .. Mr. and Mrs. Tom SIKES entertained,the young folks last Friday night. .' Umbria July 6, 1899, p.3, col.1 Correspondence. From Benchley. Miss Bessie SEALE left Sunday evening for a visit to friends and relatives at Bryan. Mr. Jessie HENRY of Thompson Creek was in our city Tuesday. Bro. SYKES preached at the school house Sunday evening. The choir met Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.F. PAYNE, a large crowd being present. ThE! visitors were Uge THOMPSON and Tom McCALLUM of Alexander, Frank.MEADS and Bud ,DOZIER of Thompson Creek, and Miss Bertha EVETTS of Bryan. Miss Daily LEE retLlrned tp W~lIborn Tuesday after a pleasant visit to Mrs. RH. SEALE. Mrs. RH. SEALE and children ,left Sunday night for a month's visit to friends and relatives at Baird. .; Bob SEALE went to Baird Monday. Cliff KING and mother returned Saturday from a visit to Wixon. We regret to say that Mrs. H.H. SEALE is quite ill. 144 o A large crowd attended,the party given"'at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. SHERROD at Thompson Creek Saturday night, but your scribe being a~bsent from the city could not participate. A fine time was reported. Miss Bertha EVETTS returned to Bryan Tuesday, Umbria July 13, 1899, p.3, col.2 Correspondence. Benchley'News. News is very scarce ihthis community at present. Everybody if grieving over what they lost during the late flood. The ,Central suffered, it is reported worse than an,y other road in Texas most all of the damage being betwe~n Bryan and Hearne.. ' Campbell creek bridge three miles north of'here was washed over 100 yards over in H.G. DIXON's field; a new bridge is completed over the creek now. The first mail received here since June 29th came in Sunday evening from the south on a train consisting of an engine and baggage car; it will probably be a week before mail will be received from the north. There was singing Sunday evening at Mr. and ,Mrs. RH. HALTOM's, a good crowd being present. Messrs. Calvin SEALE and GLAZE"are"in Franklin this week attending court. Bob ,SEALE is visi~ing relatives in Bairdthis week. Miss ,Bessie SEALE. after a week visit to friends and relatives at Bryan returned home Friday. RH. SEALE and family returned fromSaird Thursday. They came as far as Calvert by railroad from which place they embarked ina little "red connoe" in wh,ich they succeeded in getting in 3 miles of home' where a'carriage'was waiting to convey them home. Mrs. RH. SEALE and children returned from a visit to relatives at Bryan Friday. We regret to say that the baby of Mr.and Mrs. O. WILBARG is again ill. H.F. PAYNE visited Bryan last Wednesday. Mr. Oscar WILBARG of Houston arrived'in our city Monday.' Good luck to the Eagle. o ',Sailor. August 10, 1899, p.3. col.1 Correspondence. Benchley News. News is very scarce in our community. 8scar'BROWNING went to Galveston Sunday, returning Sunday night. The meeting is in full progress. Come out, everybody. Harry,SOYLES has been confined to his bed for the past week with fever, but is now convalescing. Mr. George DIXON visited Houston Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. BEARD of Wixon creed visited relatives here the past week. Miss Lizzie KIRK of Bryan is visiting relatives here. Hugh SEALE is on the sick list. 0 Calvin SEALE visited Bryan Monday. o o o 145, Howard EAVES of Bryan visited Cliff KING last week. Otto BOEHME of Bryan was her~ Monday on business. Willie KING was knocked down by lightning -:- no damage done. As this is my first in quite a while, I will not spread myself. Luck to the Eagle. August 1, 1899 Sailor ~ " August 10, 1899, p.3. col.2 Correspondence. From Benchley.A protracted meeting conducted here the past week or more closed Sunday night. There were a number of accessions to the church, nine by baptism. Six were,baptized Sunday afternoon and three Monday. Miss Mildred BENNETT, who has been visiting the family of Mr. Tom SIKES, has returned home to lola. H.L. BUSH and Jesse HENRY have returned from Bullard, Smith county, where they attended a singing school. ' Harry BOYLES 'fIIent to Houston Monday. Umbria October .12, 1899, p.3, col.3 " Correspondence. From Benchley. Health of the community is very good. Hugh SEALE has recovered from an illness. Most all the farmers are about through gathering corn and cotton. There is some little cotton to gather yet. The)Benchley school opened Monday of Ja~t week" with Miss Kate BARNES as teacher, and a good attendance of pupils. ' H.F. ,PAYNE.'{isit~d Bryan Saturday. Jim SYKES, H.F. PAYNE, Louis GLAZE, Bob and Horace SEALE, Jim STEWART, Harry BOYLES; H.L. BUSH, Oliver BUSH,and! Miss HettieJBUSH,visited the Dallas fair the past week. Miss,Hettie BUSH is visiting, her ,sister, Mrs. MANLEY,at Corsicana., , ,~ Umbria' November, 9, 1899, p.3, c91.1 Correspondence. From Benchley. Rev. KELLEY, of Madisonville, 'preached here Saturday night and Sunday, at tlJe Christian church. There was one addition to the church by letter. Mrs. Calvin SEALE visited Mrs. SHERROD, on Thompson:s.Creek Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Joe WREN and Hammett STUART and Will BELL, of Bryan, visited Benchley Sunday. Rev. WILSON was sick Sunday and absent from his appointment at Red Top. Mr. Jim SYKES' little son Napoleon, was right sick a few days since, but is now improving. Ludolph DOZIER was here from Thompson's Creek Sunday. Tulla GANAWAY was here Sunday from Cottonwood. ._____'-<l ,-----;:~,--___;;;.,-.____,.-"" 146 o Mrs. EVETTS has moved back to'fherhome at Berichley~ Dr. CRAWFORD and wife,~H.L.'BUSH, Luther and Tom SYKES and others visited Bryan Tuesday. Umbria night. Lewis GLAZE returned home from Hearne Saturday. Mr. H.E. MANLEY and family who moved to Corsicana last year, and returned to Benchley last week to make their future home. Umbria December 7, 1899, p;9, col 3, Correspondence. From <IBenchley. Rev. KELLY of Madison county filled his regular appointment here Saturday and Sunday. _ We are glad to note that little Robt. CRAWFORD, who has been seriously ill several weeks, is up again.,J C', Miss Daisy LEE 'of Wellborn, is visiting friends and ,relatives here. Uge THOMPSON and Tom McCALLUM were here from Alexander Sunday. Chris SEALE arrived from Callahan cbunty'last week, with a car of fine mules. Mrs. CRAWFORD of Galveston, IS here visiting her son, Dr. CRAWFORD. Mr. and Mrs. YEAGER delightfully entertained the young folks of this community Wednesday night. Social conversation and games were the entertaining features of the evening.' Dolph WILSON has moved to,Robertson county. Mr. Lee JOSIE and Miss Mimi ALLEN, vvere united in mar~iC3ge here, Sunday, Rev. HOPKINS"officiating. ;. ,,' 't Umbria o o o o ~ ,0 147 AFRICAN-AMERICAN LAND QWNERSIN BRAZOS COUNTY, 1865-1875 compiled by Bill PAGE BRAZOS COUNTY DEEDS: Listings for deedsimay not be complete. The 'race of people buying & selling land often was not identified, so it was difficult to identify African Americans in the deeo records. ' Deed Book H, pp.364-365;, Claiborne OVERSTREET (race not stated) sold land to "five trustees of the freeman school" (not named); 10 May 1867; ... in consideration of the sum of $1 to us paid by the'trustees of the Freedman M.E. Church in the town of Millican we relinquish all our rights ... L.F. FLETCHER, J.W. WEAVER, M.E. WEAVER Deed Book I, p.87; Hannibal R. HALL sold land in Bryan for $37 to Thomas BRYAN ("a man of color"); 1 Nov. 1867 Deed Book I, p.359; W.J. BRYAN, by his att8rney Guy M. BRYAN, Jr. sold land in,Bryan for $75 to the trustees of the Freedmens School in Bryan; 14 Oct. 1868 Deed Book I, p.362; R. "Dick" CRUTCHER, sold land for $30 to Union PILLOW (race not stated), adjoining I acre sold to Wash KNEDALS (freedman); witnessed by Frank CLARKE; 2 Nov. 1868 Deed Book I, ppAI6-417; R. "Dick" CRUTCHER sold land for $20 to Flora KENDELL; witnesses; 1.S. PERRY, Jno. HENDERSON; 22 Oct. 1868 I" Deed Book I, ppA50-451: W.J. BRYAN, by his attorney Guy M. BRYAN, Jr., sold land for $20 to H. GALLOWAY (freedman); 2 Nov. 1868 Deed Book I, pp.536-537: W.J. BRYAN, by his attorney Guy M: BRYAN, Jr., sold land for $30 to M. MANLEY (freedman); 3 May 1869 Book K, pA6a: W.J. BRYAN, by his attorney Guy M. BRYAN, sold land for $80 to Geo. STERNE (freedman), next to property of Julius CARSON (race not stated); II Oct. 1869 BookL, pp.31-32: T.T. SMOTHERS & his wife M.E. SMOTHERS sold land to Philis MILLER (race not stated); bordered land of "Freedman BUCKL Y" Book L, p.215: W.J. BRYAN, by his attorney Guy M. BRYAN, Jr., sold land in "Freedman Town" for $10 to Morgan CANTON (race not stated); witnessses Sam!. HOFFMAN, Adam CLAY; 2 Mar. 1869' Book L, p.325: 1.T. LAHUE & his wife S. LAHUE sold land to Willis VANHOOK & Charles A VERHART; 10 July 1869 " " Book L, p.326: Charles A VERYHART sold Willis VANHOOK a house in Woodville near Bryan, which had been purchased from John LAHUE; 29 Sept. 1869 Book L, p.344: Harvey MITCHELL sold land near Bryan for $25 to Haywood CALHOUN (race not stated), adjacent to a lot on which Alfred SMITH (freedm~l1) ~esided; 24 Oct. 1870 Deed Book M, p.39: W.J. BRYAN, by his attorney Guy M. BRYAN, Jr., sold land for $20 to Noon (or Noonan) PILLOW (race not state,d) in Freedman Town; 2~ Mar. 1870 Deed Book M, p.203: Jack DURHAM (f.m.c) & his wife Mariah DURHAM sold land for $40 to Noon PILLOW (race not stated); was part of land sold to Jack DURHAM by H. MITCHELL; bordered land of Washington KNOX; 12 Aug. 1871 ,",...c, _._.,~.~,-"" 148 o Deed Book M, p.204b: Jack DURHAM (f.m.c.) & his wife Mariah sold land for $50 to Washington KNOX (f.m.c), 12 Aug. 1871 Deed Book M, p.248b: W.J. BRY AN, by his attorney Guy M. BRYAN, Jr., sold land for $20 to Mack TAYLOR (freedman); 18 Oct. 1867 ' Deed Book N, p.98b: P.R. PIERCE sold land to Willis' V ANHOOK (race not stated) for $110, next to land sold to Dick WHARTON (race not stated); 19 June 1872 1868 TAX ROLL The 1868 Brazos County Tax Roll identifies African Americans as "finc" -- free men of color. The following list includes the names of those African Americans shownas'ownirig'real estate. . BROWN, Pleasant 1 lot Millican $10 BRYAN, Thomas 1 lot Bryan $ 75 BAITS, Sam 1 lot Millican $ 50 CURTIS, Stephen 2 acres $ 285 DICKSON, Tom 1 lot Millican $ 150 FRANKLIN, James 1 lot Millican $ 100 HA WTHORNE, Wm. 1 lot Millican $ 70 JOHNSON, Wm. 2 acres . $ 75 JEFFERSON, Enoch 1 acre $ 80 0 LEWIS, Andy 1 lot Bryan $ 75 MARSHALL, Washington 1 1/2 acre $ 60 MILLER, Jerry 1 acre $ 60 OVERSTREET, Claiborne 90 ? acres $ 90 PERRY, Berry ,1 acre $ 40 ROSO ?, John 1 acre $ 75' STEITO ?, James house & lot $ 100 SHELTON, James 6 acres $ 200 SHELDON, Stephen house & lot in Bryan "'$ 500 ? SCOIT, Alick 4 acres $ 110 SIMMS, Michael 300 acres? $ 800 WATSON, Austin 2 acres $ 80 Many of the men who owned 1-6 acres owned land originally granted to E.M. MILLICAN. 1870 CENSUS The 1870 census, as,transcribed by MaryiCOLLIE-COOPER,.identifies indixiduals by race. The census also shows the amount of real estate and personal estate each individual owns. This list copies those names shown as owning real estate. None of these names match the names from the 1868 tllX"roll; something seems to have happened. " p. 3: LOVE, J. p. 13: WHITE, John' p.14: HAYMAN, B. o o o 11 o 149 p. 14: TALLEY, G. p. 38: JOHNSON, S. p.41: McNOLAN, J. p.41: ADAMS, Jas. p. 42: COCKRAM, R. p. 42: MASON, B. p.42: WALKER, V. p. 42: WILSON; Tom p. 42: KNOX, W. p.43: STROTHER, Geo. p.59: FANTINN, Richd. p. 59: JACKSON, Griffin p.61: VANHOOK, Willie p. 61: WILLIAMS, Lewis p.61: EVERHART, Frank p. 66: WILSON, John p.67: KENDALL, Flora p. 69: GARDNER, Danl. p. 69: MIX, Jane p. 69: TAYLOR, Mack p.69: GALLOWAY,:Henry p. 70: McCULLOUGH, Dean p. 70: TAYLOR, Payton p. 92: KADE, Moses p. 92: HUNTER, John p. 103: BROWN, Danl. p. 149: TURNER, Gabriel * * * * * From the Editor's Desk This is my la~t issue as editor of The Genealogist. It has been a very rewarding four years..Thanks to all who helped--those who contributed articles, the continuing series from Peggy, Elsie, and Ruth, and many, many others for all their help and support. Your !Jew editor is Allen DEAN. I know he will do a wonderful job. He is already planning how to add graphics and other improvements to The Genealogist. This is the last issue for 1996. Your 1997 dues are now due. We are enclosing a membership form for your convenience. Again thanks to everyone who contribute9 articles, ideas, help in any way to the Genealogist over the past four years. Janis HUNT T .' -'~ 150 ~ BRAZOS CO. COUNTY COURT CIVIL MINUTES, DIRECT INDEX TO VOLUME A, 1867-1869 compiled by Bill PAGE o The earliest book of county court civil minutes mentioned in Brazos Co. records appears to be volume A. That volume, which has been missing for several years, is indexed by a book covering the first 4 volumes of county court minutes (voLA & vols.2-4). That index is available at Texas A&M University Library on county records microfilm #1020038. Vol. A recorded cases decided from Dec. 1867 to June 1869. Because neither the actual case files nor the minute book can be found, the ind~x appears to be the only record of most cases. Copies of the judgments for, 3 cases were found recorded in the deeds. This article transcribes the direct index (index by name of plaintiff) only. Originally, the compiler believed that it might be unnecessary to duplicate the index by defendent, because, in theory, that index would merely . '.. duplicate the names found in the direct index. A comparison of the two indexe~ ~ ~,I, revealed that some cases were listed in the indirect index but not in the direct'index; index entries have been added for such cases, with notations explaining where those entries originated. Only a few index entries cite a case number, but apparently many cases were assigned individual numbers--at least, the three cases found in the deed books all cited case numbers. no. of case plaintiff ARENDALE, Ferraby ABBOTT, W.D. ADAMS, S.J. BISHOP, P.S. BROWN, J.W. BROWN, J.W. BISHOP, P.S. 39 BRIDGES, J.W. & Co. 51 BREEDLOVE, J.W. BARTLETT, Lovell BUCKLEY, J. BAXTER, Chas. G. BLANC, E., assnee BOWEN, FOSTER & Co. defendent page Joel ARNOLD 1 G.W. HARDY 17 Danl. E. BATTE 68 j.W. PEARSON 2 F.A. THOMPSON 19 F.A. THOMPSON 20 J.W. PEARSON 22 R.S. BISHOP 31 T.D. WILSON 32 V.E..McLENDON 45 MYERS & Co. 59' Thomas H. CRAWFORD' 75 John K. WHITED 76 Isaac FULKERSON et al. 76 surv. part. BEAN, L.G. Washington FOSTER (?) 80 The reverse index says Washington FOLK. BELL, Wm. H. Milton PARKER BOWMAN, W.H. Sarah SHAW et al. BLEDSOE, W.F.& M.C. W;F. FLINN BREEDLOVE, Chas. R. M.B. HAIRSTON CHRISTIE, B.A. R.P. & E. MILLICAN 141 142 148 156 7 date 2 Dec. 1867 Feb. 1868 June 1868 Dec. 1867 Feb. 1868 Feb. 1868' Feb. 1868 14 Apr. 1868 14 Apr. 1868 14 Apr. 1868 June 1868 Aug. 1868 Aug. 1868 Aug. 1868 Aug. 1868 Feb. 1869 Feb. 1869 Feb. 1869 June 1869 Dec. 1867 o .. o 151 0 CASTLES, G.W. Harrison THOMPSON 15 Feb. 1868 CARTER,RE W:H.'.HAYES 40 Feb. 1868 CARTER, RE. W.F. FLYNN 40 Feb. 1868 CAVITT, Volney Mary C.WILSON 48 Feb. 1868 CAWTHON, EW. Jno. E MILblCAN 57 "June 1868 CRENSHAW, W.L. Town of Millican 63 June 1868 COLLINS, L.B. B. McLENDON 65 June 1868 CHEW, F.L. PURDY & FAULKNER 69 June 1868 COLL,INS, J.H. Daniel E BATTE 70 June 1868 COURTNEY TENNANT Isaac FUL.KERSON 77 June 1868 j surv. partner & Co. CHRISTIE, B.A., extr. T.J. KNOX ~ 107 Aug. 1868 , ' COLLINS, Thomas B. John H: AGLEHART,J 137 Feb. 1869 CqB~ER, S.C., admr. EC. KNOX' 137 ,.,Feb. 1869 CAVITT, Volney Jeremiah BEAkL 139 Feb. 1869 COLEMAN, Henry D. Wm. M. WHEAT 142 Feb. 1869 CARTER, R E W.H:HAYES', 145 Feb. 1869 CQCKERELL, Mrs.' FFt&,J;C. CHEW. 152 Feb..1869 CASTLE, G.W. IsalT! GORDY ; 157 'June 1869 DUNLAP, Wm., admr. Benj. ROBERTS et al. 36 Apr. 1868 DUNLAP, Wm., admr. Jno. EiMILl:JCAN et al. 48 1868 0 PUNLAP, Wm., admr. Jno. E ;'MILLlCAN et al. 49 '1868 DAL Y, Jno. W. McLEON WHITNEY 66 June 1868 & Co. DAVIS, B.F. SANDJ;RS& CARR 70 June 1868 DAVIS, B.F. SANDERS & CARR 71 June 1868 DU~LAP, Wm., adlllr. Jno. E MILLICAN 86 June 1868 DAY JOHNSON & Co. F.T. COLLINS 127 ~., Feb. 1869 -I DUNLAP, Wm., admr. T.J. KNOX & G.W. 149 'Feb. 1869 'H~RDY ENNI9, Cornelius Stephen"GREER 39 1868 ENNIS, Cornelius EG. HODGES 39 1868 EDRINGTON, J.F. T.P. WOOD, 84 1868 EVANS & CO. APPLE"^IHITE & 103 1868 -~""t CA~TER EAVE, W.B. Thos. R MOSELEY 136 1868' FACKES & WILKINS J'v. HOBERTS & Co. 335,1 Apr. 1868 FOR~pARD, Jame~ W. W. A."TAYLOR & 87 Apr. 1868 ,G:W. HADEN "FOCKE WILKINS & Co. T.L. & E LOUGHRIDGE 167 i4S~, ~ Index entry only appears in the reverse index. C' GRANT, W.F.& J.F. RS. POOLI; 143 Feb';' ..1869 ;4 GEE & HOOD W.S. MOSELEY 145 Feb. 1869 0 GRANT, J.D'. & Co. Jo~n LEONARD et al. 147 Feb. 1869 HARDY, G.W. Thos. J/ SCQTT 2 Dec. 1867 152 0 HOLLIDAY, T.C. HAMMOND, B.F., admr. AA HOLLIDAY 23 Feb. 1868 "' HAMMOND, B.F., admr T.J. KNOX 24 Feb. 1868 HAMMOND, B.F., admr. L. HOL.L.:IDA Y 25 Feb. 1868 HAMMOND, B.F.,admr M. WILSON 25 Feb. 1868 HAMMOND, B.F., admr. James S. PERRY 26 Feb: 1868 HAMMOND, B.F., admr W.D. DOUGLAS 32 Apr. 1868 .:HAMMOND, B.F.,admr. Calvin HILL 34,96 Apr. 1868 HINTON, Jno. W. Thomas GRIFFIN et al. 34 Apr~ 1868 HOWELL, A W.H. BOWMAN 36,46 Apr.1868 HILL MOSELEY & Co. Kate C. BALL 37 1868 HARDY, G.W. P. BURKE et al. 43 1868 HARGROVE, R.W. HariyHOGAN 44 ' 1868 t" HOWELL, A W.C. MOSELEY 47 1868 HAMMOND, B.F., admr. J.F. WHITNEY 47 1868 HAMMOND, B.F.,admr T.B. 17EMPLE et al. 51,57 1868 HAMMOND, B.F., admr. J.W. STOCKTON 54 <' 1868, HADEN, G.W. Gee. HUTCHISON 58 1868 HAMMOND, B.F., admr. Jno. M. STEPHENS 58 June'1868 et al. HAMMOND, B.F., admr. J..G. GOGGIN 59 June 1868 0 HOLLlNGSWORTH,;'T.W. PREWFfT & HOLLIDAY 68 June 1868 'HAMMOND, B.F., admr. C.C. CLAYTON 75 June 1868 HYATT McBURNEY Isaac FULKERSON, 76 June 1868 & Co. surv.part. .HILL, Wm. C. David R.MYERS 77 June 1868 HAMMOND, B.F., admr. Calvin HILL,; 85 June 1868 HARDY, H. Jno. T. MOON 86 June 1868 HAYDEN, G.W. Geo. HU1CHESON 81' June 1868 HAMMOND, B.F., admr. BEALL'& GORMAN 93 June 1868 HENNESSEY, P.H;~ RANKIN PREWITT & 118 Dec. 1868 HARDY HINNY, Robt. Mary WILSON 141 Feb. 1869 HILL MOSELEY & CO. WEATHERSBY & 144 Feb. 1869 :MOSELEY HARDY, G.W. P:' BURKE,' admr. 147 Feb. 1869 btOPREL, Chas. F. M.B. HAIRSTON 156 June 1869 IGLEHART, E.1. & Co. AG. NEELEY'et al. 21' Feb~"1868 Index entry appears only in reverse index. IGLEHART, John. H. T.T. SMOTHERS 75 Aug. 1868 &Bro. IGLEHART, J.H. & Co. James WEBB 79 ' Aug. 1868 " JACK, S. & Co. S.H. STORY 103 Aug. 1868 0 The reverse index lists ncime' as S. JACOBS & Co. JOHNSON PARKER PREWITT & HOLLIDAY 142 Feb. 1869 153 o ;l '& CO. KEMPER STONE & Co. Wm. LOGGINS 84,116 June 1868 19 ,KILLOUGH, Saml:'B. Wm."H. BOWMAN et al. 135 Feb. 1869 LEONARD, Wm. R Daniel E. BATTE etal. 33,56 ,Apr. 1868 LOUGHRIDGE, T.L. William FOCKE & Co. 167 & Eliza Index entry appears only in reverse,index. MARTIN, Wm. S.M. YELVERTON 3 · Dec. 1867 MciNTOSH, Wm. Stephen GREER 3 Dec. 1867 William MciNTOSH use of MILL.:ER, CLOUD, & MILLER vs. Stephen GREER, in Brazos Co. County/Court, 3 Dec. 1867, case no. 30, Brazos Co. Deed Book H, pp. 604-605 MciNTOSH, Wm. Thos. R MOSELEY et al. 4 Dec. 1867 William MciNTOSH use of MILLER, CLOUD, & MILLER vs. rhos. R MOSELEY & Wade C. MOSELEY, in County Court, ""3 Dec. 1867,' case no. 31, Brazos Co. Deed Book 11"p.605 I MciNTOSH, David ' T.C. HOLliIDAY 4 Dec. 1867 MATHEWS, RH. PRA:rT OAKLEY & Co. 4 Dec.,! 1867 McLENDON, S.G: ' James BOYETT 8 Dec. 1867 MciNTYRE, --- F.A. THOMPSON 20 Feb. 1868 MciNTOSH, David T.C. HOLLIDAY' 20 . Feb. 1868 ,MciNTOSH, Wf!1. James WEBB 21 Feb. 1868 . William MciNTOSH vs. James 'WEBB, 6 Feb. 1868, copy of original judgment in Book B, County Court Minutes, p.21, Feb. 1867, case no. 33, Brazos Co. Deed.Bo~k !' pp.17-18 McKEEN Bros. George FOSTER ' 26 Feb. 1868 54 MOODY BRADLEY MOSELEY & 32 Apr. 1868 & Co. WEATHERSBY MOON, Jno. T., admr. HARDY & WHEAT 38 Apr. ,1868 McCORMICK, Calvin W.C. MOSELEY 47 Apr. 1868 MITCHELL, Harvey R.A. BRANTLEY 56 June 1868 MONTGOMERY, J.S. WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS 66 June 1868 McIN'fOSH, Wm. Thos. R & W.C. 67 Aug. 1868 MOSELEY McMILLER, John Saml. G. McCENDON 76 Aug. 1868 MARTIN, Margaret WITT & McMILLAN 83 Aug. 1868 MARTIN, William W.W. JONES & J.A. 93 Aug. 1868 WOOD Index entry only appears in reverse index. MITCHELL, H., admr. T.J. WOOTTON 93 Aug. 1868 McMICHAEL, RP., admr. B. COMST9CK & J;W. 94 Aug. 1868 PEARSON MITCHELL, Harvey F.F. CHEW 95 Aug. 1868 McLENDON, S.G., surv. J.W. PEARSON, 107 Aug. 1868 part. garnishee o o MciNTOSH, Wm. M.A.J. EVANS The reverse index says page,,1:17. ,MOSELEY, W.C. Daniet,E. BATTE 130 MOSELEY, W.C. W.L. PITI~LO 138 MARTIN, Jas. F. T.R MOSELEY 142 MORRISON, Hiram W.E. FLETCHER 144 MITCHELL, H., admr. T.J; WOOTTON et al. 148 The reverse index lists the date as Feb. 1869. MARTIN, Jas. F. T.R MOSELEY 149 The reverseindex lists the date as Feb. 1869. McGAHAN, Chas. Saml. MQLENDON 166 i The reverse index lists the date as June 1869. NAS[I, RF. A.J. LEVINE 42 PRICE, ~organ, admr. S.N: LAN.rv1ANN et al. 24 PURDY & FAULKNER E.M.B. SAWYER<etal. 69 PERRYMAN & FORD MILI.,;ICAN &,STOCKTON 82 PERRY & HENDERSON J.N. & Wm; J3.4.RRETT 88 PERRY & HENDERSON J.M. & Wm;, GRANT 143 PERRY & HENDERSON J.N. & Wm:..GARRETT 145 ROBERTS, J'v. & Co. J.A. HILL 23 ROBINSON & Co,. Stephen GREER 33 ROBERTS, J.V. & Co. RR SMITH 62 ROBINSON, RS.h Jno. Y.,RANKIN"64. ROBERTS, J'v. J.A. HILL 136 RANDOLPH, W. Hassee BATTLE & I;D.RIN,GTON, 137 REDDING, T.P. Thomas GRIFFIN & Jake 148 TI.NNER ROUTHER (?), H.M. Jno. F. MOORE 148 Feb. 1869 The reverse index lists the,.name CiS Hamblin M. ROUTER STACY, J.J. & H.P. William LOGINS 3 Dec. 1867 SELLERS, J.S. & Co. RR Fl.:ETCHER 16 Feb. 1868 SNODDY, W.E. HILLMOSELEY & Co. 127 Feb. 1869 TAYLOR, W.H.H. J. MOlJroe POLK 148 Feb. 1869 TUCKER, John D. SIMS & NELMS 151 Feb. 1869 WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS Henry,FOLEY' 50 . Apr. 1868 WYATT, M.B. RW:, HARGROVE et al. 58 The reverse index lists a dat"eof June.'1868. WALES,' Bartley M. A. TINNER et al. 62 WHITAKER, J.E. & Co. B.F.,DAVIS 106 WHITED, W.J. BOYETT & JAMES 140 Index entry appears only in the reverse index. ~ . . - ~- - 154 116 Aug. 1868 o Feb. 1869 Feb. 1869 Feb. 1869 Feb. 1869 1868 Feb. 1868 June 1868 June 1868 Feb. 1869 Feb. 1869 Feb. 1868 Apr. 1868 June 1868 'June 1868 Feb. 1869 Feb. 1869 Feb. 1869 o June 1868 Aug. 1868 Feb. 1869 o '"'<<-' 155 0 INDEX OF SURNAME ABBOTT 134, 150 BUCKLEY 150 ADAMS 133, 149, 150 BUCKLY 147 ALLEN 146 BURKE 152 ANDREWS 139-142 BUSH 138':'141, 145, 146 APPLEGATE 137 CALDWELL 123-126 APPLEWHITE 151 CALHOUN 147 ARENDALE 150 CANNATILLO 137 ARNOLD 150 CANTON 147 ASTIN 125 CARR 132, 151 AVERHART 147 CARSON 147 AVERYHART 147 CARTER 151 AYRES 129 CASTLE 151 BALL 152 CASTLES 151 BARKER 128 CAVITT 151 BARNES 138, 142, 145 CAWTHON 151 BARTLETT 150 CHANCE 125 BASENFELDER 127 CHEW 151, 153 BATTE 150, 151, 153, 154 CHRISTIAN 142 BATTLE 154 CHRISTIE 150, 151 BATTS 148 CLARK 129 BAXTER 150 CLARKE 147 BEALL 151, 152 CLAY 147 0 BEAN 150 CLAYTON 152 BEARD 144 CLOUD 153 BELL 145, 150 COBLER 151 BENNETT 140, 145 COCKERELL 151 BERKLEY 130 COCKRAM 149 BERRY 133 COLEMAN 151 BISHOP 150 COLLIE-COOPER 148 BLANC 150 COLLINS 124, 151 BLAZEK 126 COMSTOCK 153 BLEDSOE 150 CONLEE 133 BOEHME 145 CONROY 137 BOWEN 150 CONWAY 137, 141, 142 BOWMAN 150, 152, 153 COURTNEY 151 BOYETT 129, 153, 154 CRAWFORD 138, 140, 146, 150 BOYLE 146 CRENSHAW 151 BOYLES 144, 145 CROOK 131 BRADLEY 153 CRUTCHER 147 BRANDESKY 126 CUNNINGHAM 134, 135 BRANTLEY 153 CURTIS 148 BREEDLOVE 150 CUSTER 133 BRIDGES 150- DALY 151 . BROADDUS 128 DANSBY 132 BROGDON 142 DARDEN 133 BROWN 140, 148-150 DAVIS 128, 151, 154 ~ BROWNING 139, 141-144 DAY 151 0 BRYAN 133, 136, 147, 148 DEAN 149 BUCHANAN 133 DERDEN 139 BUCKES 141 DICKSON 148 156 DIXON 141, 144 DOLCEMOSCOLA 137 DOMINIK 137 DOSIER 142 DOUGLAS 152 DOZIER 143, 145 DROSS 136 DROZDS 136 DUNLAP 151 DURHAM 147, 148 EAVE 151 EAVES 135, 145 EDRINGTON 151, 154 EDWARDS 134 ELBRICH 126 ELLIS 127 ELSTON 128 ENGLISH 125 ENNIS 151 ERWIN 126 EVANS 128, 129, 151, 154 EVERHART 149 EVETTS 127, 128, 143, 144, 146 FACKES 151 FANTINN 149 FARLOW 137 FAULKNER 151, 154 FERGUSON 142 FEURY 137 FLETCHER 147, 154 FLINN 150 FLYNN 151 FOCKE 151, 153 FOLEY 137, 154 FOLK 150 FORD 154 FORSGARD 151 FOSTER 150, 153 FRANKLIN 141, 148 FUERRE 137 FUERY 137 FULKERSON 150-152 GALLOWAY 147, 149 GANAWAY 145 GARDNER 149 GARRETT 154 GEE 151 GLAZE 139, 140, 142-146 GLOWSKI 137 GOGGI N 152 GORDY 151 GORMAN 152 GRANBERRY 143 GRANT 133, 151, 154 GREER 151, 153, 154 GRIFFIN 152, 154 HADEN 151, 152 HAIRSTON 150, 152 HALL 147 HALTOM 139, 140, 142-144 HAMMOND 138, 152 HARDY 128, 129, 150-153 HARGROVE 152, 154 HARPER 141 HARVES 129 HASWELL 125 HAWTHORNE 148 HAYDEN 152 HAYES 151 HAYMAN 148 HENDERSON 147, 154 HENNESSEY 152 HENRY 135, 140-143, 145 HICKMAN 142 HIGGS 135 HILL 152, 154 HINNY 152 HINTON 152 HODGES 151 HOFFMAN 147 HOGAN 152 HOLLIDAY 152, 153 HOLLINGSWORTH 128, 152 HOLTON 138 HOMOLA 126 HOOD 151 HOOPER 132 HOPKINS 140, 142, 143, 146 HOPPEL 152 HORAK 126 HORNAK 126 HOWELL 133, 152 HUBERT 136 HUDSON 128 HUNT 126, 149 HUNTER 124, 149 HUTCHESON 152 HUTCHISON 152 HYATT 152 IGLEHART 151, 152 JACK 152 JACKSON 149 JACOBS 152 JAMES 154 JEFFERSON 148 JOHNSON 148, 149, 151, 152 o . o j. o .~=. 157 0 JONES 133, 135, 153 McMILLAN 153 JOSEY 140, 142 McMILLER 153 JOSIE 139,,141, 146 McNOLAN 149 ';.). KADE 149 MEADS 141-143 KELLEY 145 MILLER 147, 148, 153 KELLY 146 MILLICAN 127, 128, 148, 150, 151, KEMPER 153 154 KENDALL 149 MITCHELL 147, 153, 154 KENDELL 147 MIX 149 KILLOUGH 153 MONTGOMERY 153 KING 141, 143, 145 MOODY 153 KIRK 140, 144 MOON 152, 153 KNEDALS 147 MOORE 137, 154 KNOX 129-131, 147-149, 151, 152 MORRISON 154 LAFERER 140 MOSELEY 151-154 LAFEVRE 142 MYERS 150, 152 LAHUE 147 NASH 154 LANMANN 154 NEELEY 152 LAW 132, 133 NELMS 154 LEATHERS 141 NESCHKE 136 LEE 138, 143, 146 NEWLAND 124 LEONARD 151, 153 NICHOLS 142 LEVINE 154 NORRELL 124 LEWIS 148 NORRIS 128 0 LOGGINS 153 OAKLEY 153 LOGINS 154 OVERSTREET 147, 148 LOUGHRIDGE 151, 153 PAGE 126, 136, 147, 150 LOVE 148 PALMERI 137 MALLOY 137 PANTLlCK 126 MANLEY 138, 145-147 PARKER 150, 152 MAREK 126 PATE 140, 141 MARIK 126 PAYNE 124, 138-145 MARSHALL 148 PEARSON 150, 153 MARTIN 135, 153, 154 PERRY 147, 148, 152, 154 MASON 149 PERRYMAN 154 MATHEWS 153 PIERCE 148 McBURNEY 152 PILLOW 147 McC.AL;LUM 142, 143, 146 PITILLO 154 McCLELLAND 131, 132 POLK 154 "';, t.F;.., .,.- McCLURE 142 PONTLlC 126 McCOLLUM 140 POOLE 151 McCORMICK 153 PRATER 139 McCORQUEDALE 133 PRATT 153 McCULLOUGH 146, 149 PREWITT 152 McGAHAN 154 . PRICE 154 MciNTOSH 129, 136, 153, 154 PURDY 151, 154 MciNTYRE 153 PUTZ 126 McKEEN 153 RANDOLPH 154 McLELLAND 132 RANKIN 152, 154 " McLENDON 150, 151, 153, 154, REDDING 154 0 McLEON 151 REED 127, 128 McMICHAEL 153 REGMUND 126 McMICHAELS 128 REID 125 <l'f.. 158 RIGBY 125 ROBERT 142 ROBERTS 128, 140, 151, 154 ROBINSON 129, 154 ROSO 148 ROUTER 154 ROUTHER 154 SANDERS 151 SAWYER 154 SCAST A 126 SCHOVAJSA 126 SCOTT 148,'151 ; SEALE 138-141, 143-146 SEDESTHA 137 SELLERS 154 SEWEL 142 SEWELL 141 SHAW 150 SHEARD 142 SHELDON 148 SHELTON 148 SHERROD 144, 145 SIKES 138-141, 143, 145, 146 SIMMS 148 SIMS 154 SKUES 137 SMILEY 136 SMITH 136, 147, 154 SMOTHERS 147, 152 SNODDY 154 SPARKS 135 STACY 154 STASNEY 126 STEELE 129, 131, 133 STEEMAN 136 STEPHENS 152 STERNE 147 STETTO 148 STEVENSON 132 STEWART 140, 141, 145, 146 STOCKTON 152, 154 STONE 153 STORY 152 STROTHER 149 STUART 138, 139, 145 SWEENY 124 SYKES 143, 145, 146 TALIAFERRO 133 TALLEY 149 TARANTINO 136 TARVER 128, 129 TAUBER 126 TAYLOR 148, 149, 151, 154 .d 1. TEMPLE 152 TENNANT 151 THOMPSON 140-143, 146, 150, 151, 153 TINNER 154 TREADWAY 137 TUCKER 154 TUR.lCH 126 .rLl~~':':r3 E R 149 1- 'VANHOOK 147-149 \tIEDO 136 WADE 127 WADSWORTH 141 WALDROP 125, .132 WALES 154 WALKER 137, 149 WALTERS 137 WALTON 137 WATSON 148 WEATHERSBY 152, 153 WEAVER 147 WEBB 132, 152, 153 WHARTON 148 WHEAT 151, 153 WHITAKER 154 WHITE 148 WHITED 150, 154 WHITNEY 151, 152 WILBARG 144 WILEY 142 WILKERSON 125 WILKINS 151 WILLIAMS 137, 149, 153, 154 WILSON 140, 141, 145, 146, 149-152 WITT 153 WOLTER 137 WOOD 151, 153 WOOTTON -153, 154 WORSHAM 139 WHEN 145 W'(ATT 154 Wt'SE 123, 125 YEAGER 146 YELVERTON 153 ZAK 126 ZEMANEK 126 o '. o , " 4 o o , o ~ o ~ .-""- -,-,,' " ,.~.- ,_._, ,,"., ~ BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION PUBLICATIONS BY BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION AND MEMBERS Persons interested in the publications of the BGA may order them at the address listed below. For information on publications by members, contact the author at the listed address. Any charge for the publication of members will be between the person interested in the publication and the author. When inquiring please enclose a SASE. Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: ******** "Butchers, Bakers and Candlestick Makers: Notes on Bryan Businesses, 1867-1889" Abstracts on early Bryan Businesses. 45 pages with full name index. Compiler: Bill Page Published by Brazos Genealogical Association, P.O. Box 5493, Bryan, TX 77805. Cost $5.00 plus $2.00 per booklet for shipping. "The Other Pioneers: Notes on Slaves and Slavery in Brazos County" Abstracts from newspapers, Brazos County Commissioners Minutes, Tax rolls, Slave Census, deeds, court cases, etc. 40 pages with full name index. Compiler: Bill Page Published by Brazos Genealogical Association. Cost $5.00 plus $2.00 per booklet for shipping. "Brazos County, Texas; Annotated Adoption Records, 1862-1933." 26 pages identifying 54 deeds listing the adoption of 62 Brazos County children with a full name index. Compiler: Bill Page Published by Brazos Genealogical Association. Cost $5.00 plus $2.00 per booklet for shipping. "Recorded Births in Brazos County, Texas 1850-1910." Recorded births in Brazos County plus some births in Madison and Grimes Counties. Alphabetical by surname plus maiden name index. 328 pages. Author: Nadine Billingsley, 706 Pershing, College Station, TX 77840. "Descendants of Joshua JONES of Alabama and Solomon KING of North Carolina, 1771-1994" Story of Joshua JONES of Alabama and Solomon KING of North Carolina and their descendants, 1771-1994. Over 8000 names, indexed. Author: Nadine Billingsley. Index to Birth, Marriage and Death Records, 1876-1909, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. Indexed, intended to assist the researcher in locating records at this church. 96 pages. Compiler: Joanne Dominik Glowski, 4131 Bethel, Houston, TX 77092. Marriage and Death Records, 1877-1909, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. A complete transcript of these records. Deaths start in 1894, with a few recorded before that date. Includes a list of places of birth. 83 pages. Compiler: Joanne Dominik Glowski. "Italians of Steele's Store, Texas." Historical account of the Italian settlement at Steele's Store, Brazos County, Texas. Author: Rosemary DePasquale Boykin, 1506 Laura Lane, College Station, TX 77840. .,.- -~ .. "':i-- ..- -~ ~----+-r-' . ~- .----, Af'{, ~i1 ~r.- . f' " ~ " \ ~ , \ .,~...-,,=-... - 11:"""""- -' -,-. """ BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 5493 Bryan, TX 77805 Vol. XVII No.4 i( j .~' BOYKIN, Rosemary , 8407 Shadow Oaks , College Station, IX 77845-4603 1 J ~___ ~__,. =c---_-------:::o ~~...--".,:2 .:J. (~1 ri'! :.tJ l.U 1 " o ) if \ , o " . o