HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 MAGI Open HouseWar museum to offer a bit of historical fun ~' By KRISTY GILLENTINE Eagle Staff Writer Brent Mullins said he began collecting and restoring World War II-era vehicles and equipment as a hobby about 25 years ago, but it's grown into an event that attracts hundreds of people to Brazos County every year. Mullins is president of the Museum of the American G.I. - a nonprofit living history museum dedicated to pre- serving the equipment, uni- forms and memories of American soldiers. The museum is sponsoring its eighth annual open house and World War II battle re- '~~ e~ Museum of the American G.I. open house Saturday: ^ Battle re-enactment starts at 1:30 p.m. ^ Events start at 8:30 a.m. and end at 3 p.m. ^ Admission: $3 ^ The site is about one- fourth of a mile south of Santa's Wonderland off Texas 6 lege Station. The public is invited to check out the military vehi- cles and camps on display, as useum as weapon demonstra- and guided tours of a line" battlefield exhibit °ing aid stations, com- posts, gun pits and fox- "Myself and a group of lil ended individuals saw ed for an event like this ~azos County. We've seen credible response from pi because this is the or zce you can go around hE see World War II vehic id equipment up and rt ng," Mullins said. "It's exc g to see how the event 1 own." Last year, the event dr lout 1,000 people. Organizers said the bas -enactment will feats -out 150 actors, runni nks, armored cars and n high-speed tractors w ~tillery fire and pyrotech: :plosions. The equipm~ ~s been collected from ;ross the world. "We see old war veter: zt here on down to lip ids," Mullins said. "It's e ~tional, and people have a ' fun. There' really is soy -ing for everyone." historians, veterans and other patrons are expected to attend. A flea market will be set up for people to buy, sell or trade military items from World War II through Desert Storm. Parking is free, but organiz- ers are encouraging people to arrive early and beat the will be admitted at no .charge. All proceeds will benefit the museum. For more information, call 690-0203. or 255-3675, or visit www.museumofthe americangi.org. ^ Kristy Gillentine's a-mail address is kristy.gillentine@ War museum to offer a bit of historical fun I By KRISTY GILLENTINE Eagle Staff Writer Brent Mullins said he began collecting and restoring World War II-era vehicles and equipment as a hobby about 25 years ago, but it's grown into an event that attracts hundreds of people to Brazos County every year. Mullins is president of the Museum of the American G.I. - a nonprofit living history museum dedicated to pre- serving the equipment, uni- forms and memories of American soldiers. The museum is sponsoring its eighth annual open house and World War II battle re- useum as weapon demonstra- and guided tours of a line" battlefield exhibit °ing aid stations, com- posts, gun pits and fox- "Myself and a group of lik inded individuals saw red for an event like this •azos County. We've seen < credible response from pe e because this is the on ace you can go around he see World War II vehic] id equipment up and ru ng," Mullins said. "It's exc .g to see how the event h •own." Last year, the event drE >out 1,000 people. Organizers said the bat ~-enactment will featu gout 150 actors, runni nks, armored cars and ~n high-speed tractors wi ~tillery fire and pyrotechr plosions. The equipme as been collected from gross the world. "We see old war vetera ut here on down to lit ids," Mullins said. "It's ec ~tional, and people have a F fun. There really is sor. ling for everyone." Museum of the American G.I. open house Saturday: ^ Battle re-enactment starts at 1:30 p.m. ^ Events start at 8:30 a.m. and end at 3 p.m. ^ Admission: $3 ^ The site is about one- fourth of a mile south of Santa's Wonderland off Texas 6 lege Station. The public is invited to check out the military vehi- cles and camps on display, as `' historians, veterans and will be admitted at no charge. other patrons are expected to All proceeds will benefit the attend. A flea market will be museum. set up for people to buy, sell For more information, call or trade military items from 690-0203. or 255-3675, or visit World War II through Desert www.museumofthe Storm. americangi.org. Parking is free, but organiz- ers are encouraging people to arrive early and beat the ^ Kristy Gillentine's a-mail address is kristy.gillentine@