HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Fine Nine Scrapbook ~ 1 , The Ballad ,of ,the Fine Nine They called themselves "The Fine Nine" a long time ago. They spent a lot of years together learning how to grow. They were Alice, Debbie, Susie, Pat, Linda I., and Jane They were Kay,and Linda W., and Diana all by name. They met at slumber parties ~here they whispered silly jokes, And sat in shortie PJ's eating chips and drinking cokes. Saying "Paul did this," and Steve did that," and "Ricky, he's so bad." Giggling 'til th~ morning light "Shut-up you'll wake my Dad." They rode in cars they shouldn't have with all the windows down, While WTAW played "Down-do-be-do-be-down." There was "Johnny Angel," "Solider Boy," and "Big Girls, They Don't Cry" "My Boyfriend's ,Back," "Patches," and "The Night Has a Thousand Eyes" They walked the players off the field, a custom in those days, They rode the bus to all of the games and yelled on all the plays. And if they got lucky, they got asked to go to the Senior Prom, With someone wh<;lthey liked and got approval from their mom. They raced around the Tastee Freeze in cars that were too loud, And went to Prairie Hill and other places not allowed. They broke the hearts of many boys and had theirs broken too, And they cried q-lot 'cause growing up is pretty hard to do. All the passion that they felt in those earlier years, The joy and pain and anguish, the laughter, and the tears. It did something to the girls deep down in every heart, 'Cause they'll grow,old but that's okay, 'cause they'll never grow apart. Wally Williams Commissioned by Linda Harley and dedicated to our mothers at the occasion of the Mother- Daughter 9-atherin9-o!! October 13,1990, Salado, Texas '" * * ,~ K'o.j ~Si~ .. , d.o..ni'-m~ - 9 irls ""I ~ ~ ~lee-z.' ~ \[\'3 i Ol"-'S u.nden~ ." 5i 1iiV\':fm 0. aid.. in 1I1e s/Teef in frDnt- ~~ A-l ic.e.'s in OUI "shartiec;;" ~ rll nn: l ~ ~tross tk. Asg i e gDlt CcLlr$e in. --the n lSh.-t ~ ~ LOJUt~ Goi. ~ o..u->~c.~~O"I"-. \ "\L,, \ I; I \ \ . l , t " ~ { { r I !~ \ 'I L--_._~_ i ) I """ 1 \ ~ <Y- ) , \ . \ ( I \ I I I I \ \ ) \ ( 1- \ \ I I I I I ~.- I I J .r ( I , 'V' P, ~ ?1' ~ e., Gl'rt Sc.ouT ~'mg lrJ. l~ ~rade. DLLnn ~anctc ) tC) 100. "' ,.] <s" l: ~ QJ IV .~ ~'-q -R"" j~ \ ~{ )~ , ,,~~ ~~ c(J~ ~'J; ~~Cl~' ~ r::v~ -; ~'" ~ 0.f.::i.r.. ) "-:::;' .;.. 4.n et:Izt ~ r r; S D7L 'fit l~ fr-~e f?,-<c{J. I Oehbi~ C E'tr ~-t-, er ?r~:;)cu--:"e>..p~r <6-l:h G,r~J~ G r a. tL l1.tJ.-/:i b(l.. ~C{r+S ;. . , Q,\~U\ b~: Oio..nCL,/Omm~ du-tWI' ig h.c L I' f\c*()..; J D u.t:Q. m', ller J ll.f\e I B j) I G,i Il o..m Pol", DCllJi d. ~ Ai ic.~ J S~hen Pr~~c.ett' kl~, Rw.l F~a.n H.e1 d 0:1. me,mb't'1f>1 5+u..d~-t U.n ~I>>v on Te)(.a~ ~m ~s, b % G~~lI r 0,,",- do..n:,,,,; cJ a5.S.es a:f. n'\ Q(I f\irt:j Sih;4./l t pM; o-ff . ~--'~~ :-::-'- .....=.....~::-;~~:.~:~.- ~ ", " " . \0i\\i.4f1\S,1"oJ\f..I C. "l.i ('~ 0 I.... St>() . S~S\~ \J("OU-> J L..~\\ 511.1\1.\ ...~vl(\~ r~-1'Ilf, \\ n~' ~. ~ 'JS.tp, - I \)eh'D1t.- ~-' ~~ '^"t' ~\'lno..ff\. In ~t\-'j Go.ff\<:'C''\:'Mf\sheL () .1-'01 ~o:t ~ We\~' . ~~' ~\i:" l'\~ ..;..o~~, \....'f ('v'\' \\u '{,~l"I~_A ~, s\ \ ,0 M'().J'\c.~.l' ~~ \' \,\\: , . J (J,I""" ~\t..o(. ~er~' b lQno...'S ., f6~ ~ I Ka..~, Y Ir'1inil!l., Oebbi e, R.L ,- ....J _. 711' , (>", "'I,~ f-\-\\Ce.... . / ChoU" -h-; ~5 -tZl {.h.e. ~e +alr h\. Oalla.6. lhe... Fre5~m~ ca-\ r~s. p lCU:1 ~ $ephomOle.- %\Y"'lo. ii€- bo~~ Me. -+h0 ~e[\ ltcu1lers and 4~ dress LLp tn +v-L\ ~,~~ atD' re... ~LU+e.. e.~Cl9'3~ed. ~. .~ No. ~ ~- Upside-Down Upham 15 QB '420 Smack in' Smith 17 Q B 98 Lollypop Lorenz 24 HB .525 Simple Sicilio 23 HB 300 Crazy Rorse Sharp 22 HB. <j:15 Jumpin"Jones . 44" HB . 18 Clodhopper Call1ham 35 I'B 498 Serious Surovik 33 I'll- 41 Pennypecker Becker 81 - E 562 Scar-I'ace Fisher 82 E", . 349 Waltzin' Welch 83 E 150 Gamblin" Garris;n 84 E .21 A1ligator:Ashworth "85 E 49 Tiny Harri~ 71 T' 4 Butt~ RuddElr 72' T 230 'HalryBeiry;'.. .73" T '99 A11-Rurin!t Holt _ ..74:- T. "'_, ,24 Lel)ionSlmmons.' ,.,' - 75 ;.' .:T ~:._'34.o B1ack!n" !lr~wri .... '. '.51 ''-C' _421 'Silly Sutphen' :..-" 52' C' 203 Ping-P9n9, Bell . ,: 6'1 -G' ,-:,'-- .140 'C.1i.shbi', Cooper -, . . .~ 61 ',- G,,' 93. ~~~Y~F!tzg~~ld :.,- ... _' "'-.:~3" :;:,., 'G.1 i, ~88 ~~l1e'::-A,-:M!tnit~'M11lei :: ~". :...: ,.64': >- -..-G ~ -.-:' -13 ~~~f~;;i~t~t~1~\r~ifi{~; )':~:'i:,~~~y;~il)l~~~;\~(.9~~~n.~l!laf:!l ap ,',C,';' _ ':., - /:, ,:~" ..;~ct~ 1. ~p~tDid~,;!'l'i" t,s s~~cttr a_n~ . _ ';., '. . ~:. .,~..> ""a<;c;ld~nt'aIllT-.:very u'ntn(entl,cilla'l.~ ~ :'~:' ,,7:: PoLLXier PcJ+ \="&ot-M \ .. .... . g 0 ~~ ., ~L,^~/lii!fJ:),3 t~y~~.. · c. ll.~,,~) ~ .~~~~ l~~ la~~,-.. _ &> ^,,-~ \ ~ '-:A.J..." C;, t. "-" l....~ lII"t~~';;' 'U~~t...:J,~ .r..") '-<..~,,; -' ~\ Lind.o..- Is b.dl P a=t- Cu..ll j h a. n-. I \-i (Ie! {i;.. l;J a Ii o..fr15 SOPHOMORES No. Player Wt Ht 15 Snuffy Smith 65 5-11 l7 Stupendous Sousares 188 5-9 ZZ HarUm-scarum Holt 93 4-7 2.3 Feeble Fisher 300 5-9 Z4 Soaring Sorensen ZOl 6-4 33 Surly Surulk 180 4-8 34 Barracade Brown Z13 4 35 Overgrowth Owen no 6-6 44 Crinkle Calliham 471 5 45 Mischeifious McMurry 130 5-7 !/Z 46 Cockroach Covington 176 5-10 51 Spunky Sutphen 133 5-Z 5Z Granny Gregory 99 4-4 53 Whirling Williams l50 5-6 61 Battling Becker 46 4-5 6Z Bouncin' Boyldn 63 4-3 63 Wiggle Welch Z10 6-3 64 Culprit Culpepper 77 4-9 65 Miniature Miller 85 4-Z 66 Hippy Harris Z7 4-10 71 Shoving Shafer ZZO 6-Z 74 Swivel Sicilia 35 5-5 75 . Bruiser Berry n 4-11 76 Rubble Rudder 54 6 8Z Upper Upham Z66 4-6 83 Girdle Garrison 187 6 84 Ironic Isbell 140 5-3 l/Z 86 Cautious Cooper 154 6-1 0'" November 2, 196,3 A &M C OOSo lidated P ield L~ Ih~ tsooqo1 Be \\es Or\ \\ T..Q..O-.m 19 ~lo A- oLrK C()V\solldoied \~~'n Sc..hOD\ We ~\')+ 0-- -:SRP r\M~ -hoph :)' i i . 0. +rCLtlL rlde.--+o d..r ill -k.o..m .~ pep 91.1o..d. ~cJt0Q l '\ I'\. Do..Uo.~ ;T@i<Cl5J :5LLmmer D~ lQ{,,5, .. . , rn~ ~llLe~ ~re.w a.- POSt-y ~ -+hoe 'f('~ Se(1lor5. WN1.::f; CLf\ ~ f\ s. 'nee- liThe G~rl\ Lua.~ a. populo...r d.a.t'\c e. I~ t r ,...,. r , i I ...... L r t t t U 1 I We. made- OUf own inv'f ~O(lsJ S'-fo.p/~cJ e!o.spd, and.. mCLI'/.e.J ~em ~ 44. No . S f-cd~ I /lo zlf to de . Merf\ '. f~- .~ ~or~tu ~s - loU.l~ , lo LL'l S ko v e. f\\e. W t+k ~\ Y QUr tt-.eru + fill-) G l'f 1 '" 1 ~. -, J emo,~'ono..1 -ft{Y\,~ I a & We t1l{ meLt€... pla.n5 ~enclin3 u.s ",It.. d i4erenT d.Lr~b-J't'5. 1h~ ~~ Ca.~es, a. bo..ncl. .from Ifus+? fi, pla.!jecl al( (Ol.L( ~vor ~te '$on.SS. Wl~ ~ LVh ~1-e-, t-,---- ~ S l'X. of u.s to rfY\~d 0.. ~ro ~ -thcd- W €- fuLle.d. +h~ KQpaddb (from +he:.. 1st- Ie..mr "In Our nQme~) We- '2LL1\~ Lu'l~ --+h.e.. hlih sChoo I cl-lcllf and o.:t-- c. () nHn u. n i~ e. v e.vd: 5. "B~ln ii;e- B~u..ine....1) was Dn~ "ot DlJ..r SOYl.Cj~' I ~eJ 6elfU} a. Girl CJ.Jas 0;vt.6~' !he cho l (' chreQ:hr) trlU\..k CcuJ+-ef, pLd -fu9~er 0.. aroup tha:t pe({'crmeC( 0-.-+ :-hO i. r -+1m~ems. ll~1 ll~1 )<0. ~ I ctr\d D l a./lCL we re.. 11"\ %of- %r DUf. l,- De6bi e.. k4 ) !:J, . Pq-. I . , s....,~ '; 1.., hct.o... w. 0' , 1lQ-)'Z- ... The Madrigal Group which performed at many special events during the year consists of Linda Williams, Jimmy Bradley, Dave Brusse, Wally Williams, Steve Prescott, Rick Landmann, Kay Fisher, Linda Isbell, Diana Sutphen, Howard Nelson, and seated, Susan Sorenson and Becky Sefcik. I:...---.-- -- E D D I G 5u..s i e., wa.s -h~ ~ she... rnCLrn'~d. Pe:h2.r ~a.n J he.r hi~h s~o()l 5"UJQrl~eo.rt) in rna.r~, /CJIo/b. The:J ele-pd. +0 rne'i-..\LD and kep*- It tl set!fe:t. Th, S piCtuf6 was ~e, o.nI'\DLLnce.YY\en-t J'n th~ (p-peJ) JUr\e1 ICft,b. / Pa1i\da. ~a.n ;5 ~rr\ '~n. I Fe..bru.a.ry) lq 10 7. Ja.n~ IS , i-h~ prcud. 1\ a.unt, II l~&~' Jl. ..... . . , ~ Wi were ~~e.red ou..:t wii+ t'Y\a.rrlOtJes aJlcL ~(le~e. During ~ C!.oUeg~ ~ea.rs ~ an )(.IOUS{~ qat ioge..~ec lUhe.n we LUe('~ it\. College S1zdion., ~e ~ e&lL€eJc- cLurt ttq &UX' fre5h MlUI YeM'. At- ~'5 hDU~ - Debbie.-, ~ ll'ndo.::~ :J~€-, r+l ic~ a..rol t<.a.~f' ~ Ed. ~bk\smlt{ a.ncl f(en I Fi she.r Jo\ne.d w; fur ~is ph oW. - . DEe . 67 ':.00. .. D I'Cl~ malT I'ed B erd-n-n LUo.tse f\ In Me:f'Sta.f,'e-r- llh Ju..(j ;23, 191,b, Po:h\ci..o.Jtl\) hh~} PJ~) DlctM.-, lln~ W.) lu\d..o....:J::. J S\le.llCl. L0o:tsM\ Ja.n lkf't.t, ~ck~ Greo..ve.s TCU'1€- Po...t A1 ~Le. L~ndo..,:r:, ~ vql1 ~ f+\{c.~ rnlU'r'\ t.d-. ~e Po.t- l+emph i U jr\ Decem.bd', I qloq in ~ampo..Sa.S J ~Xa5 Ja.J\t.. dru lie., 0- Mr' WI#. De.hbie... wet L~ I, ~ollolJJecl. lJ,;\~ Pa.-t. TCt.f\e... po..ssed a.. slow +ru..ck. 'I- o...s LL ~ b ~an pa~L'~l th~-tTlJ.d( .shf(tl~ ~l'(\~ 0.. ~ ~ u..o.s in-tron-t of Lt. l((1~ honk.uL bv...t #.~ +n.lcK Ref+- ~ml~ . I-l~ VAS kce.d off +f...e road. I Sl<ldd.(~ Sld..~~~ ft> a. S-hrp ju..S+- b~ a.. rli.lJ 'I r\ e.-. W e.. C&1"\.-n Ii ~ Df\ CU\cl ~~ o.:t- "'- .s ef''l' i c.e So -ht::k ~ -to,.- 9a.S. c1 ~ JO"(\(!.... ro l\eJ i 1\., 2 i1i--ts () l" +U s.a..me. side o-f tk., O:u' weld f\aX. (;J~ JaLL']ked.. "i- lctLL5hed-, De.bDl e... li n.d.o~..;I . S; u ~ , Ko-I' eh C~cl c;.olds0'\'Tl. Kesr';f R sjl er \<o..~ Eel (QUe ~ ~-fa:hc-n G~!I'" c'" [ ,I' -I \.fJ~ f ~'Y . y ~ if li ro:lcu -- Pa:t: f'0(lAr'l~cL. Gu-Ij Colle.tt June. lb, 1'173. P~lj Co.1\inClrY\ kl'ndD.. Tew DW9 Tune.. lq ~o- l\~ -t-olU1cL hex- lI\Q.X\.. ! ~rt~ r\-rt-r l-e j A-\ ~c. e.- t .l- t J. l' 1 ) i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l. I A-pr\ \) \ q g' g I 1 T 1 1 1 1 De.bbl€..> fY\Qrrl-es' ~W AncLri d'( ..;. Ol~, DebbIe,> I . I , b e~em b e.4J 117 g Those- trt Cnll~~ S-\-u:n6n ~ CJt r\.~-trna.5 hiVe' ll..L~~ Lu l-UU h'\01'V\ S. ~ w~ ~e:r-io.~diter eJ- \M:tJ:'5<{f\VI^3 In ~U~e; ~ erJ\.;. :G1. 11 13 e>>erJ&-vl~ . ~ed o:t- ~ thr~ ~ IS fare.n:L::s hcw.s ~ 1l'L Mette ~on. .. .~ 'J0JY\e.. S ~e~ . O~k1-eI Ami .' ~.;ltL ol\ 1lts. " .. ~~ '1' ....... .5 we.a:C bex-b i eS ! Jane.'.s seUntci ~ H11ne..-, CJd-S pa..ss~ a;ou.nd. W~.all -Feel 1 \k~ new Q.ujJ-;-es.. .~ '. I; 'I il I. I I i I I ., ~\,- h 11- .; .L whel\ Ta.ne'.s tlfDUJl(J( +h-e..f"e.' s. aJ..u.;~-? l~ld-..e.r. .sl-e LuCUJ -+he {(~ D+ ~ fAlt4 -alw~s Uf - "eve.r CJrnLp(d1ni~- f\€ lJ~ Sa.J.:J 0.. Qf c$S u..? -un::l. ~ " . I I L I I l QUJntn~ Icr~Lf 'JO:".ne..- was Ve.T:} S"ICJZ w i~ 1 i Ver Cll-n Q.er: t:-1 e.. eLl! ,qaj-herecL a....+ The Ga..11er teL ,-n Oiil~. L0e. drDVe. -b FDrt- Wor~ +0 , 6ee Ta...ne.. Dne (aD- +,rne., -She. d/"eeL I"n. SoR~mb0': LlJ-e.- enjoJ eo.. 1\ ho..pp~ kcur. II ~e-J- . . . \(}\Y~ ~l'i We- +o..Jkeci ~ +oJ~ed., We.. c;;1oppeoL. We..- W Q.J' e.. p a.. tn.p e r e..cl. 'JJ e. C.J'-l e..cL , cd-e.... D-g Cli IL . . '. r J l, i J.. i. t 1. 1 I 1 t 1 1 1 ~ I 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 :l ., r J I r i r n was a Ue/':J b~it.ersuJeet tf\p-. l1..Ie-' , ~e.ri~h€d +h~ -tIme, t-o 3e:the.r. But- ~ere- art' Dn\~ ~ .J1\. a. pidtt.re.- t>>he.('e -+-here sh.ou1d be q. We- l::n e..uJ uk.; WOuld be" 5ee lnq ~a~ ~ D...9a..Ut ~ ~o-trrI . ~. ~ ~ " ,II) .'$ -y " v,' ~ hOWlgirq UW1cl +ztJkl~ /5 S(JC~ ~~ tR~., Summer, IJ~b l'l ~ G, was LfI ~x.as U;-'~ Brad. t. sro ue....J So e.Ue.rjo/\e ~ai ~uJd.J wQ.f\t'+o Ol~(\o. If, hou..se..... l{\ ~eron, .5u..sie... WQS, ~ !)Y.I~ (!) '(\ e.... 't-h CL-t Ul LLlol f\ It moJ!e It, -11,\\ s i, '0'\0 LV e.. @ i ('\c.lu.4~ hu.s bllx"\otS OJ\ol klCl. 5. . '00'0. {- ?eop{ 'a ..CJ. Ros.s , R-\ i c..~ ~ -:s- () e ))o::t- D,~ '\- B~n l' ,~t\- ~rrJ Ko..~ ~ cd.. Dehbi~ I kl~ ~ Par '(< ~u--t a $ . . ~ e. h0.5 ~ ~ Our e.las5 ha.al.' OlJ,.(' I <.t Of-fl'C.lOJ reu...nl'On. tllJ~ The. :Tu.l~ 4- W~Jee-N:i I D-t lqq~- ;)'DjeoJS~ Ol.L~eBWlef was +l. me.. ahd d wetS So rnu~ -ht.n, lL~ G. ~e Cl feu.) o.CUjs eo.r~ WI'+{ he.J' 6 b&js, Wh;/e. i-hQre-; hu.sbtU-.J~hn 'WiuJ her -h +~ he.( · '+W- #-e. bo.b::J -+h€lj wer~ O-Joj:b~ -1n ~+ Uia.s available, t-tQ. -H f.u) -1-0 k'X.a~ w" ('I{, bo.b~ Devna. . P 0* +h (euJ w . b o-b LJ ~ LlJ e..r: I' \. ,I 'j ~l~ mrs. Call inctm.-\ ~o:t- =~~-~ . - "'- I ~fa . . , TM t-h.rri s '.$ ~l'rl S trp~ po.&.k~es. f"hrs. Std-p ~ eJ\.. - Ol~ Susi t. taga.CI. (RtM.\ 's \.U11-e.) (;J.a. bmu e- The heat an d. ~ D -to I ll'nd.cL, G's new hDlLSE:., in ta.rad'ISe., Vcdle~1 AnzonCL, EUff~bDcL:J c.a.me, ~ ~ looked at old fichLres) -mId s-brie-5, ~ wa.fd1eJ a. VI deo on C1fpl~inJ e~e rrYJ.ke-up by Donna mil is. "Da..l/t1.S" was +he Aut- TV Sh~L{). ro--- - 1"'""-- - :5isi~ 5~+ -+h~ a-tLrrYI of-t- one. m'Drn"ln.q eund j Dtt-eJ ev~one.,; o uJ- of- bed., She.- Wd,s ju~t 8bi~ -h . &\ ;,.k a. c. Uf t>~ Ce~e, Q.u;t~ld~ ~ tA.k pr~pa..re.d Som-e 0+ aLl.(' ow/\ rn-ecJiQ, t-htd. a. ~n l tLY"' c.h cd- II Th ~ \ Y'AP -e e c.o...b l~ P\~ I( Ih +M. ~'t'h ~.QYhle ~~.s est- 5~cla..le.., r+ wa..s OJ\ am.-hiu.e. ~ QS we.L\ Cl~ 6.. .- \("es+CJ;vlUd: . ~ ~ [\~ ~ ..\~' . ~\)J c: (5 4.i ~. ~ o:t IY" X ~~ er.e .s - . - _ _ - -. - Dut.\ Q~ Q t> re a/lutUfS Dne nL5Jd: ill \ ~\tJJ -k S:l-a.UJ/QIl t: w~ U) ~~ () ~r yo 3' r6:d- -food 't- (). Sfev .;... I (L b~-ti~ Yt~ 0+ ~eJba.ck me LUA.. hU.fL ~ lUn.d.ov '~ ba..c..k LjOJrd. .. . , -~~., "':''''''''., < _ 1 D ICtno..... stQ~~J our 0{ -The.- Shoes IDn e.J\O~J ~ +n lou~e LuL4 u.~ ne a..+fernoo(\. 1 'i 7 I I I. I, r r r \ -t+t oS V k~(.". \Z 0* '.AD. 'o~ ~ \:P'~\1- \ - -- - -=--. ,~ '- l::l' ~ i-.. ~ ~ c: ~ ~ . . . . . . . the next- ~ea...r I 199K, DIl ~lj J-f Df- lJ.~ (!.D ulc1 cad -/r)(:;e:Mer: tJ).e had anDfAer uJe~t.yle( oJ- Ju%, dav ~ ~. We- sA o-pp..a::J) .:", p ) ~ed brt'oI.sj eJ) tJ.Av;:1 cde W t:rrJder-hJ ~. . . . . /1!CJ- 1m '"ncrecli'h/Lf fun +rip fo SaA'/:la fP. tL-L 5 +n:r~d a:l ~ LV oncler&/. 8eol ~ 8r~~s:i- &-a.-n.:t- Un-n ~ p,n. Dh I Y Li Y1~ II. r!..a uJ.d. n 1-;- 6trme. ~ GDurfYNd- breA-k:rtl$-I:.s ad- &n:u..:t' Lerrne.r .J::/'IY7. ljOlJ- ,~ (r\o.o-a.. .... I{e tu.cs '. !~, I le..rrj 'l- kl'~ ~hn tf- kindA.... fu.rle~ Gura.si c-h :ro~ Pa::t 't- AI;c e.- t\-emp h) l\ Pe:rer 't- 'Sus;e.. r03C1fl SlJ.jY}mif) 111{) - 5U5J'e, 't- p~ 1~"I't-~ ~er'jone ~ ~6.1 hGu.Se- JVL 'f\rJ~eJ FIore.- I New rr~:XICD. Wrar 0- ~~ -h m-e.-'. She. rno...d.e- a... T~JuA- -Ferr GJerl.\.01"Ie, :r::+- LUa.S. a.. ptC::tci.re. of ~'€' h~e..- (,.u'!'1-l a..U o-F u.~ +hue. E"((e.t\ Tc1M.e...,.. l)..JQS dX\ 0-Jv\..9 el t \'\ +he. cJ. ou.J. ' I - Cool Yr\Dr~lrur c.LtfS' of ~e... 8f\. i..e.. p~cJL . - f2~~i~ In. ~ h.ai~. - f='t sh '1 b f\.- C1. I a.ke..-. - &;sk (r\o,n;~, WlLl::s. - ('no lJ.!"'I1lLlI'L. . b 1 ~ l ~ . - Pl~ \ntj br\.cl~. _ ,~h~p\ ~ I~ \ (loS. - f=tmc.c~<; 0', - --"'~-..--.. -- , I ~l'~' == I ,.' - 4tl y"'- '1;." . II it . .. "'__ - IWo <3re:>>t -+r;~S "in. I{)f\~ ~. Tn ~b-er.. 1990 w~ me::!: 'lY\. :s.a.lt1~J-re.~, /hIS ilme..- w~, br~ OlLf rn~. ;. . , .," ~ ar~llJes -in (ei-:! of S /J\.J.e s . . . .,,, Par W~'(e 0lw~S ea:ttra ~ ~J~~' ~ Susl~ "",.1 .. (~~A1"" ">/42 \;;tIdl Salado 3ED . BREAKFAST '!~7' 8200 I r ~ J"f\a.;yna...S - T~~ ~ BrouJJ\ Pen~j ~~~ ::r- aM e.. Wi. lhaA?\ S ;. . , ;;- - --- l.J~ dre.sse:;1. up /in- 6- nice fmd ih eh S w- ft't's t:>d Dehh/~ w,'fh a.. <, ~cl- befo..e We.. all heaol heme. T--t UXl~ Q... wordev-Rd lJJll.a..~QMd . ... ::t. ~,'~.t,. '" '"1'~ 'r'- . ,. >, ;;'~':~; . t.~"i'..; l:.~, ;. . ~i, .S ." -.~ .f. ~ '~,. '';''~ ~' ':.- "' '~ ~ ~\~ ,f ....:'.,i,~:' . :.~ " 0 \J .. /' \ "- ~ "' ~ Pa.+ T ep: Ka.y I rn~. Fi ~ ne..r, L., n~ 6i} l.. I 'nckL tt.) Pa.::t rt\ldd\e.: f'r\rs. Cooper, [),Ctna...., t\'\rs., to...n~ hQ..m &:.~: D.eboLe} ('(\rs. T~beLl, ((\rs. Wi lIlQ.1l'\S, fius, Std-pher\ - rr'l Ochbee, \Q91,we.- . e,oerd i(\a:h~~ l1. qa:f+.e.ri~" I ~, " &.u~e $~ c:tur1'"4 a. ~ (J.)~kJ. -the Calli nall'h'EJ opw...ed eis" "'OUS e in u.G, 1A\,c.e ,Sll~\~ I h., r\c:lD.. b. I Draw Jl.Llle Wrls:'&f) , l<~ l- ~~. D~bbie l.lj~ htttte. K~~ ~ I I . ~ lL.b:k rw..- ba.rb.eq u.ed. ~ G\1Q):~crne. . / " . al We-leem ~ l.. oo~\ ~N QU)Cbm Q..f I ~ \tm-.e. v..h l ,. II..... b ~ BLLl.d e... - p ~ Debb i e.. ""- Te . ~ ~ ~ '> - "- .~ l\: "-.... \) (J') <.:::: c::t:: ~ ~ -........... ~ ~ .::::=; C-. ~ ~ II II ... ,.i... .11 ""iT ~~ r I I . I In TL.L(\e, 1 C{ '13 I L I ~ &;. was in Boer(\e~~J So /).Je.. q of- -tv') ei-A er "n fAAs-r; (l -Rrr d: W Q ~ eJ.ki. ()J.. sh.&p ~J.- a:f-. 'Hu ~~ Av~u.e ~- 'sh1..y ~ d +k. ~;':!.s[,)('\~~ b1'- !bLUt' Lo.k e. . 0_.' ~ _.--1.,.:,...,,. - . 0.,1. ~- ;:." ; ~.~. ,. - '. '. "II. . II': ~" "".0:- {-:; " t ." ~ '~,~~:I ~ " 1f1i ' ~':. -I ~ . .. ~l.,.,.., .. "j;.~ :i"'.I.'~ ",~ ." . ~.1 ~ ~. ~"" .;# ~ ,/... }.~ ~\ (i';':~'I'" ,~ }~ . r; , '!/ .r: .11 it" ". ; ~~ I., ~~:~~.,~,,'lI "t, \, ~ '.. ;.-' . ~It:,,:- ,~'ii1 ~ i~':;~;/",,,,,, . ~ .~ AII'~~\?~~;~.. --~-~,:;~ -----...J b,.,; '~'.! ...".",.~ .." ". I 'JlI!"-,,, ,-.,"'...~. ..n,..;:....' ~1 .' ~ ~"~".'~ --~~~--~"~:",:2L1f:t~->'.' -~ _ 't '. _!~. Ft\ic-e, D~b'le..- I k.a.~ I Ped-, LI~) ':reol>~~ aT zr Dl~Ov} ~~r~~~~~~~ ~ Alice...., {~ter fO,SC\..(), l,ndo-- rt" JChnGura.slc..h} Su.sie..., JC~ Pa::t l-tevnphill, l...1\'lckx-fj,} po:!- W..a- hCLd.. S:o rn LlC.th +u.-n lJ.J'l'i-1A 0 u...r t\\L~ b (Ln cis CL+ Hn'le \ f-ire.- i J'\ '-/-he SU.1Y'Ii'YteJ: W 0 c;l.Q.c La ed -to clo L+ '111 '\-he....- W 'l n.:t- -e.r. .:u- wa~ CL be.a.u+i-hJ ~ Clnd ~e.-.. ~ R i l" g ~s %- r ecer. We. 9 o:tt'\e. r-t biv I ~~I <;k L ~cln~n~. .,;. Qf\ Soi.t..u- dcu.- uJ 0 \t-vU-..I2.cL Sf\oJ'\C\'Db~le ~ CGr',d hau:l Q bt(l~ ~ Q 7)u1de.- -to ol.: LLS. b f\ 0. ':;2- h l).CL( -IT e k. We .fDl\e-uJ~( [r'I \10~ UX'v-t : l w e J &+- -fu tA- t ().X 1 e C ~e..a.r'l 1\., W V\ Bt e- LV e uJex e..,., o.1le +0 rQ~e arollJ)\j, .J}- UJ a. 5 0--- g r ea.f- ~ a-f s Ie I 'I 0J ~ r r'f\OS+ OS? u.<; '. A-l n.d4. H. fel\ l)h +n~ ~t ru.n oj moST cd-'--\-i1~ bo tM:, Y'h, Such bad. l LtC k. ~ he.. OJnd lQrrj . \ eft- Scd-urd(L4 rn~nln~ --t-o ge+ h~, r+ex 1~ was brCl~~, Par I ~ )~ <( lJ1. c.ClJrY\e.. D V' er OJ h 'Il \ and. ~e> .fY- G1,Lt' rudde.r o-t :JDh",ls sn~rY\ob"\~ hll a..... rcd~. t.., rda.... ~.U off ~ OO-ck. S,ne e. -the ne..'Jci- 'S[\~mob'd-e.... WDwd be CBm1iu1 DYer +k h; l\ Soon, l.she J ~rnp-ed lA~ MJ . be-JCU1 r~ i ~ dtJwn 'th h ~ ll. Jon () stopped QM I~~~ ba~ J just it:> see. ~:h.r ~fPlhcJ ~ hi ll. }../ ~ ~ 6c.Ltt1V lU\o\ Pd-er ~e.. 0- ~u.tc k +u.r (\ cw.:.d d wn peel- ~'e of+. I+ l.()CL( ~ry ~ b u:t- UJ e o..Ll L~..lL)~~d.-. OllS'Ie. we:*- \-) er ~QNcb; ,I y: ----. .J' . () ~V'1 ,. ., - .~ I I , j J" l-l~~ ~ Po.:t- ~ - 199:;-- - t, fJeeeynoer weddizq -fzrr JZ..! ('e, WedstJ/( 0/ a no..- 5 cia LL9hf.er fJ. !}ie d eYffl~ e. -h r uS /-J 7. er h Cj e:I-h er-. We.. n osfed Me- bridesmaid S luncheon, " Ka..<j I Debbie.) SUS'I e I D l ~ k I Y\.clA.. G" Ped- J JUI r'e- J k I.(\~ ft. " " " " " " D l~ ha..cL ~e. ~ 0... l at uf ~rk CLM.d l:1: WD-- ~ J- --huL. LU Q.d.di. J . Yho..rdl l 99 ~ O~G~~(cJu dl.uJ{ Ll rvJ.iA.J LHf) -fu &ti e.C{ ~ s+~(j- } clur\ tj ~n~ b-r~ ai.d ~os.e wlo ~ (9.).C.J CQ..N'v\. e.., c1l.bO, ",-..;.:1-'- f' <.e..d. i~ 'tk cluds po::t qets ma.rn ed L1.fTI2.f ~4 'SINj! e./' ljea.A'5. We.- hos-hd ().- ;; I Llrd100f"\ a..nd.-. :; pcrtWr~ ejl hi" I YlJ :: pa.r+y, PeLT- Se.! ec#ed +h-e..- dls kes CUlct ". F'nt Cel9fS .'~' b..nd ever't.j~ne WClS ': -t=ree +0 ruTlt 0; 'thci r 0JJf\ d..e~ lJ (\ , R- hDuswarm'4 5\t+ -STo--fr\ & o~ US. -rh~ -RY\\S~~ proclu.ck h-~dwJ vu:~1J:: Lu-e.. V'r\ -e e- {l Bl Ll wh.tL~ 'ro-\II'n~ I Ol uJ()Ttde1"ftJ oL nner. - " lh-e- ~d.dirt'1. wa.s So mLl~ -tun. lh~. ~r Ul~e(' -fur~0t and ~e atfer 0... ph 0 n -e. ca.1J) ab D u.t ()..(I hCLLr,.~~' 6u:t: e-uUjcm~ prTl-ed. em uJh I l ~ uJo.:lh". W~ 0- Q1eoi: ~~~ A-p rll ) I ~ [ 7 '.:" ~ -"-...,~ -- -- -- ., .", . ii 1- ;. . , f\ specllaJ c.e..[e-bra::b'on S ('nee,. we are- i1.t.rnirl~ (\ The.- 13l9'" I' uea..r: o We -toLuY\d CL h DLL~e> ~ rent fJ1\ #~ .Ihwrne-t) -fie..L.U +0 o QJh.\f ~ ,BKt~d. ~ ~s ~ o..rO'Je; -to \!CLll, ; (._~:c'C ~.:. '_ ';.::!;~~e~f-::}'~ 1998 :.' ".- \ \ ~S& ~/D 6J:c~9 If tl'\ +ko toie-~ SaSs ~p. loLUr'\d" ~ ~ Gnj 8<] l'~ 0. C-uf Dl~:L6~~ ~ ~ CL bcJc.cn~, SlJ-S i e., +c1..u.~ kt- ev QX'L-I&t\-e ~ p\~ II Spifh Q..nd 4ffe...- ware maA'1Gj Ii velj Ja-vhcs, o\~ is CL b-ecLu.+i~ cud dl.€...- br~(d- her SilSS'01"S. Oebbi~ ~ ~ H, ~~t CL ne.u.> eu:i::. , Po:t- bro~ -frozen I, Du~ l'Dr~e." CI\ -+h.~ CllrpLQ4.te.-. She 1l..M..cl ~ G. ~&+--to 'f eul a..hw_.d o.f1 ev er~ erne. ()..).v;J we<.J: +0 &.. ~ ro c. er ..:1 ,_ ~e. -rhe~ lprepar~ du\ner' +hE' -hr~ ~k:t. ;;;;;;;;;:::I 6h So:tLu-~ We.. dnweJ o..bM 40 f'vI\..Lle.s Wp.s+ +c rut.~, Ped I ~;(~) .~ c1Jv.J ll~ Q, I h.J(ed PQJ+ t:>~ ~ ~ LLf +k ~(. 'I-+ ~ II CUJ.QLt. CL s..-h- ~ a.nd" UJa5 I~Lj 6~~1. ~t\e elf ~~ Mr we, lUW- -I-v tL I 0 ccJ p tOJj! ,I+ uJa~ ~ bO-J We l &t- al- IT\+.Q.rm. l' S ( 0 f) . lJJ.< ~d _ ~re.o..::t M~ at ~\Jer Cre~, I l .~ -- .-.J~--( -.J~~ ltN\~~ ~\'J ~'J~ ~~ ~ ~ '. "p Pi na --------......; J a::I:- II e-nS ^-ea-J. .'f :~ -- ---rk€ w~er ho-ol beet> b-ea..u.-k -f;.d LLVt. ~ I +ke. \ as:t" do..3J~ -tr erl roll d I'n.., ~ ~t evo:t ~d CLRd rall\ ' Wh~ we.. drofe.- 'po. J,e -h ~ OJ.'r p&-r-TI e u.xl~ ~ Cf'(\ ~ pQ.~s. '1":+ lLO...S 0. b~-h~ I -::r~ ~, ~~ ~I-e~ 9~cwe ett-eJCf'I\e. 0.- rccle ~ ~e.d- a-~' ~d Dt~ br~~LJ- a- p\~u.e ~ e..v er1June. r tL1t I ~ /999 Pi JlI ~ fJ~ _._ _____ _ _____ ~~-S3'v-~_ .. .-T' ~ - .... ..~~..~.~-1z~~~E~~~~-._~~.. --~, ------..---.----..- -_.._-----~-~------_.- --- ..,...-------~----- -------- -- --- -- -..--. - ._- --- --- .-. =~~-Z::'1:i~~~~~ "---.- . - ----------- _-J~~~~~#~~, J ~ --f- J (k/)~ ~~~) /2.4~ ,/2{~~ ~ ~ -----~---_.__._- - --ddV ~~ d~ --~j2-~-(?k~ - ----J~~.. bdl. ---~~- , o~ ~ =~~~/d~~(L. ,Hd ~ud f~/d~~'~- .--------------- ~~<'~L,,&U~~) ~J~~. _///?/~ bue/L/ ~~~.(J -"-~ /./Uj /~/</rJ~./~7( /ltP~AC) ~ :I~ jfu-.,M-4 . ~ ~11~ =- --- --- ~~_o&i ~~,~~~ do- ,-MA- 1,,_ o~d: . dv'~ .k-Ja,A-J a,,:v:~ J!dtf.u .~--A~~~) w '-11&;t;b; th_ 4-_ u _ .. _uu' _~ __~L<lJt~~dY.~ ~__~ . u_~~ --~--Y1~_4 ~ ~_ ~~ d____'..'_ ---~--~-.i;t~~oL-Lu _~_____ ----~-~~-~-~----.~- - _. _k._~_, _ -----awi_ ____Md__~~-~~. _ _ _~ -rdl.2L____ ----LdDML~CWY--'11'l,!,,"-~~.~ ~_(p-ruy ~ rnu ---~~~-~-~-~--~~ - acv flu__~~~~~~~_~~ ----D-U--~ --~-lfJM____~.ALw.~--=- --------1J1lJlr,~_ ~-I-dnd--~J _~,_ . -- --~--~~-~--~__~. _~_.-IhJ ~ ____ . c;&~' . ____ Vfrl~_~__ __~~_~,~~- _ ,_-_.____._ -- -- 5e_~ ~w___ nJ ~_f).U .. . _ __._____ ----J)~~_r~~~~~~-II ----~---'n..-/UW-'lJ:r---)-- - ._, --_.__.._----_._-_._._-------~~----- ------.----.------- ------------..--------------- .-- . ~~ __~-== _.. _ -~~~-~--c=-~~~--~~~~~_=~==-_.~_~~_=_=-'~~~ -__.=. - -- ..-- -- -- ._----------------%-L'Zi-) q_'1'1_ ___ .__ n . ___ .;, ---- ------.----- --- ------ _'_.N____ _._-- -------.-.------.----.. --.-. -'_._~----- --------.---. -.---.- .- -----___________ ______. 0~::~..:::,; -----.-...---.-.--- .----------.----------.- - ----- ..--. .-----..--.----------.---.------. -- - .._ 'U_ ~_._ _ _.__ _______ ._______________ ((~ 1/1 /JJ . ---- '----. --,--'~.-I-~-&L-~-JtL~.------. _ _'__,. __,._____'__._ ____ _.______.______ It . . lIS. ~ ~ .~ ~ ' -~~. .... .~- Lay{ ~-. ~_u._.. ..-.~. . ......d ... .- :iP.~-t1'1--~~ft>.~_~Me_~~_~/I.-.--.. ~ ----~ --d.-tU4Lj{A(u:md-J-'~_1 ~J.;ft.e-Ji~..___ _~.~__ ~~-~.~/mdL~...~_~ .ad__ -Jf'nU ... ..... . ~-~ ~--2l/-<;-~---- .~ ,.., - -~Fv-~-.~~~-_.iui/t:L;--- /\ ... .J ~ ' J' _A I . . 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