HomeMy WebLinkAboutTornado damage Residents survey damage. By APRIL A VISON eagle Staff Writer . Broken glass, trees and home insulation littered the parking lot. of Doux Chene Apartments in Col- lege Station on Friday afternoon after a tornado swirled through the area, taking off roofs and leav- ing residents wondering what happened. Jeremiah Schmidt and his. friend Virginia Hyer were exercising in the weight room of the apart- ment complex around 3:15 p.m. when they noticed through the window that the wind had picked up A PLACE TO STAY said. Schmidt, 28, who .lives in the complex. A trash bin was bloWIl into the middle of the parking lot, and a tree feU ona truck, cracking the wind- shield, Once 'it. appeared that the wind had died down, the pair 'headed oUtside to make sure Schmidt's apartment was OK. Sever- al residents were ga.th- ered in the parking]()t, sharing stori~s andcolll- miseratingabout 'their soaked property. . "OM guy said they were sitting in the living See TWISTER,Pa~~A6 Management at Doux Chene Apartments is han- dling relocation for those who need a place to stay, Resi- der'\tsof the complex can call 693-1906 to get a hotel. voucher. speed" "[Meteorologist] Bob French was on the news telling us. that there was a tornado warning in' effect," Schmidt said. "We had a front-row seat." The wind spiraled into a dark cloud and touched the gr:ound, blowing debris Past the, windows, Twister ''''"l playing PlayStation when their roof blew off," . Schmidt said. FourbuiIdings in the com- plex had "roofs completely missing," according to Bart Humphreys of the College Sta- tion Fire Department. There were' no major injuries, Humphrey said, adding that damage to build- ings Was. reported along Har- vey Mitchell Parkway, in 'the 2200 block of Texas Avenue . and near the intersection of Texas . and , Southwest Pimk- way.' Schmidt said his apartment appeared to escape mgjor dam- , age, but he said he planned to . check later to make sure there were no leaks. The complex was evacuated late Friday night because Col- lege Station Utilities decided to leave the electricity to the apartments turned off . until workers could more thorough- ~y evaluate the. damage. . About 180' residents were displaced, at least. for the night. Utility . crews' . were expectedtoretJll:n earlySatur. day to cohtinueinspeCting tM :pro:perty. . Management at Dotix Chene is handling' relocation for those who need a place to stay. Residents of. the .complex can call .693-1906 to get a hotel voucher. Nearby busin~sse$ m;ay also have to n1ake some repairs Over the weekend. SevEmil windows were shattered; .and awnings blewojf a Shopping center next to the aparhnent complex. .Jesse . Gordon and Andres DeLaconcha said they watched the tornado unfold from inside The Arsenal Tat- . too and Design. "It started spiralmg, and it got really dark," DeLaconcha . Said. "It started rainrng and there were super hard-core hurricane winds. We W'ent in .the b,athtoom and. stayed there qntil it passed. ''I'm from 'West Te:Xas. I've seen toniaqoes, but I've never s~en anYthing like this." II April Avison's e-mail address is april.aitison@theeagle.com, A tornado struck parts 0 south College Station on , Friday,causinJ damage to businesses, homes and apartments. Storms blew through the . area during mucltof the dilY. Eagle photo Dave McDermand