HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932 Report Card, Ernest Doerge '- .... SUBJECTS Latin Ensrlish ~panish Plane Geometry Algebra Advanced Arith. Solid Geometry Biology Physiology Physics General Seience Domestic Science I Foods' I Home Nursing Clothing I Manual Training , Physical Geog. , I , Bookkeeping -=..c._ Typewriting f Music r Economics ~~ory Civics .Agricultur~ Physical Culture It 6 Weeks Periods Ave. Exami~ Sem. Senil 6 weeks Periods Grade nation Ave. Cred T. j I 2 3 Grad. ! 1 2 Exami. nation Grade Ave. Grade Sem Ave. Sem. Yearly Yearly Total Credits . Grade Credits Credits 13 ~+ C+ rr I l3- C B- 79 7r ---1--- I 74 79 J"_ a.-IBf c S+C I 9.5- 190 '7 7R B C+18- 7,,- 79 --t- ~ Ic-'--t-l,e- 73 73 ~ j .- -- - , I c+ C. B+ Icf ~s (j- C. C-t :is 7g ~l-~- ---- -- -~-l I~ ~ Markinp: I A Excellent I B Good I C hir I D Unsatisfactory 1 F Poor I 70 Is Passing . 9010 100 80 to 90 7t.lo 80 60 10 70 Below 60 Grade . A~ average of 9-0 in a subject, and a general average of 10 in deportment, will exempt a student from semester examination in that subject. ....