HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-65 Scrapbook 1964-65 S"-'!EDULE OF CLASSES' .. "!fi/~ ~~w I . ;::> I' ~ "'('<,1.;;.' '.' " !9:1b - 10:1~ .1U:~J-l'l;:c",.", ......... .1)~'S;'f-lc;Fo 404 EN..G.....!t 404 ENG -4 ,T' ..... .~64.., ."" 302 ENG 3 j 302 '" ....." C:-~"H '1'2:302 NNE . ENG 3 i.".! 11+04 CHofR ,/;. 'Au6 8 .... 203 ENG 2 203 ENG 2 "'.., 203: 7' ......".: .... 01 ENG 1401 ENG 1 ; Ticd; ?+01 Tj.)' '<'0' .! .....,. . 3011- ADV MA"-H,~..3d4IAL.G .1:"":" 394 301, ''ALG 2;; L ,301 i.):' - . '. , 202 REI- MAT,H;,;, 202 Pt. GEO. 2021 · ; i RH'(~fcs '103-_ .,' j;.... 5Gll..I'J ';iTR IG.\x~;103 !Zr. PHY.$C li'EN~E 1Q!,t i BfolV> _ ).1-10&' 8101-, ~10?i-j .:' CHEMISTRY;'; 10t.,'g;'CHwM1ATRY ,101 ':CIHilM1STRY'Li,10).} . 'i,. i,; .'. I AM HI ST' 9.205 ,AM ,HlST <, 205 rAM' HIsT}" 205. AM"Hl ST 205 I. \ WOR LD HI.ST .204'WORI-D Hls'T' 20.1+1 \WORLDrH J ST 204 WORL.O.e'H 1ST i204 L. -. .,.,.," '. ' i'" '. --.-1 .". GEOG A" B 202 Boy'S. P\[. GYM BoY I S P.E...GYM iBoy' 5 P.E. GYM.'. ..". GEOG:" A 0"8, 20c,"ct; .,,!d ( ,I.;"'.. G I R L' S SPTS' GYM G I R L 's P.E. GYM G fR L' s'P.E.: GYM:.'.." :" · '. ,-, >- ,:H,Y.i, r... ,', ..'L i,. 'Ii'" . j' "-', ! ,". GERMAN ;1",Lt01~ GERMAN (1:<40J.,: ,; .", LATIN 1 ...'1401\ 'I ';: L'i I $PA}IS SIi 2> lt03",\ SI1A't-l15H ~1" 407: ,S'f3,AN ISH 1, -~03 ;"~.. 'i, ; i! " ' LAB -{iM MK 1). "LAB HM MK,.3 LAB \-1M MK l' '. L;A81'i/, .'i': /' \: HM MK 2,' f. ..LAB} \-1M" MK,.1 ,", LAB HMMK-'HF,L,;,LAB,/< ('; AG Voc AG''2 .'. AG I VOC, AG 3,c AG.:" ""%""~~'! .: L; , . .. r-,,:. i .....,.,l MECH, DRAW 1 206 MECH DRAW 2 20c MECH"DRAW 1"T2O'b"!'" : iT. ,'......----.... 1 . . ~";, 'in TYPE> -;i,:c. 303 'J" Ty,p(""t 30] TYPE')." 3031' ~ i' : 5 ,,' · '. '. :! : z \ 'i BAND , 3 i ~ ART --:: ARf\Rl". . LIBRARY "." ,,:;; I-I'BRAR'f~' I ',i' LdBR'ARY I . ... , LIEl'RARY" i;i -" ,STUDY HALL '.' STUDY HALL '.' -'0 STUDY' HALL i-ee ST,UDYf;;;HALL .. i", . ! ; I') i j: i w '" ij c 1 I I .~ CONSOLi DATED HIGH SCHOOL ~GE STNF ION. TEXAS,~ , I ! PEl< 100 1 ~ER iRooM I-\R 0:,15" 9:15 I tN'~4b4 .. ENO 4 i ~-'-". 30:> 12~1 k~~G 3 .. I rER ,A ~~EX 9,.,..'1' ''''IENG' I r ~ 11-~ GOVT A " '_ tRS 401 11-1f IFNG 1 ~ y,-' ~T 30Lf 10-<: :AL,G 1 ...' Jio .. I 30'1 12..2 . Pi. GEO I S I 202, . . I . I ~AM ~ 1?b'/\11-'1 \}R J G SOL I !AN 10lt:..-r12.~4, BOT Zc-;;' j ~GER 101 9-2 I Bt OL" 1 b-- 1 !/" " lR yi;2b2-D0~. 3 AM ", H I~:ST':> I LEY)' ..20iJ.J'1':'3 I,JmrLD HI ST I . !'202 I I I I .'-' "'if" ; 40tI ' '9-5'{ 403 9~4 GYM LATIN 1 SPANISH 1 I ! i I k ~ i .~ N'~' . rG ER i iCAN ~ " ~ If"; LAB M LAB AG SL 206 , 9-3 G10-1 HM MK 2 LA B VOCATIONAL AGR CULTURE 1 1'.10...4 SHOR'FHAND ',., 303 ~ '. Ll B ~ '..;C ,~!,' ' LI BRARY" STUDY ~AL.L I I / I ~ I I,' j I '1 'I I 1 -. ....' 304lALG2 j 3011 PL GEO A tou 1 . ,._ ";7"" ",""'''''J_.''''';'_ ..... ~'. ! .6... .... .... I ; -l.=,]p,-;2: 1;.. '}' :20;~,.3~20t;.,.: I ..-:,.. c' ..' ENG 4<; 4-04: h."'" 3PEE:C!i'';3,4.302 ENG 3 .''''''302 :-';" CHoRlIsfi,,,,., Alio ENG ' . A~NEXI;._,...,. )~~~!1~;,::,B"I~g~i ~:: ~., h, _, ~g;~i:~',~.:=,:. .. ,,' ,,' i iAWa...j', , 30LJ-.? .'0:'''''\ I .:.'ti "...:! 1tA1.G&I29"<" ,j.301ALGfi2 .'; 301/~' -\'. i ii,. ; i' :.J';::. .,: 103 PHYS I Cs' ..' 103 PL GEO 'd \,103 , ' ! '1'" '.' ; B I 0 L ' Ii ,:,'.:104 104 , "i~'<> 1QJ ' 16h BIOl. ,. 205 204 . . . , . : -, ~ ,... 401 LAT/ N 2 401 403 SPANISH 2 ,1j.03 .' '. liM MK 3 . " " '~03 BOOKKEEPING 206 . AUD . - .' LIBRARY " ,. STUDY HALL ..'.... !:,l~~:;.\i\.\: ;',;;~;~;~,:: ~~. '~''';f '" " >1 ~ ~,; ..; ,: "; .j J 'i' .. .2, ... I -:' I"'; " . f .,! ..'s . ,," . - A&11t ~et ..~~ SdMt j L r I \ {The Bengel Belles} . 1964';0fJtdate 'P~ ~&lH C:::O~80".DIfl.TB:D T.G-=R~ I I' ~ "8. :'=ORI:8I"P-".RK TKOJ.f&.~~ 15~-, S~ II -, 8':00 .;0. ?It.' - 7~ ";UiU' - 15~ A&M~~N~~1IllHT~ll ~~nmn HI~H ~~H~~1 *1~o4. f~~TBH11 PRn~RHm; A&M CONSOLIDATED TIGERS FOREST PARK TROJANS No. Name POSe Wt. No. Name POSe Wt. 15 Ricky Carlton, WB 145 }, 10 Ken Bailey QB 192 17 Walter Varvel QB 166 11 Russell King QB 157 18 Jimbo Robison QB 13 Gary Musick TB 147 ~' 15 Billy Howell QB 121 22 Fred Davis QB 17 Dennis Blessing WB 158 24 Paul Fagan RB 155 21 John Passmore WB 142 '25 Peter Fagan RB 170 22 Pat O'Rielley TB 127 '36 David Alexander G 165 23 Lee Kee QB 141 137 Mark Riedel T 180 25 Jim Lopez TB 164 '39 Paul Becker FB 170 27 Pat Coffey TB 154 31 Jim Welborn G 163 45 Russ Harvell FB 183 33 Terry Alford FB 170 ,50 Joe White C-G 159 37 Terry Brown FB 176 55 Carl Gough C 170 40 Harold Sisk WB 154 60 John Perry G 165 44 CUf Larson FB 208 .61 Bob Jones G 160 50 John Dennison C 160 62 Stephen Prescott G 170 51 Mike Plake C 182 I 53 Richard Burton C 180 63 David Parsons G 200" 55 Rufus Kilpatrick C 145 74 Bob Holcombe T 180 56 Bob Birdwell C 150 75 James Carter T 203 57 Johnny Burger E 150 76 Dar~ell Gossett G-T "'~iI70 60 Alvin Stahl G 146 77 Larry Godfrey T 190 61 Mike Thompson G 164 85 Timmy Wolters E ";'150 62 Jack Harvard G 149 63 Bill Grosse G 148 86 Eddie Goldsmith E 150 66 Brian Babin G 158 87 Duke Miller E 167 67 David Heatley G 158 88 Terry Logan E 164 70 Mike Steinheimer T 161 71 Roger Burton T 187 Head Coach: Edsel Jones 73 Bill Schroeder T 210 Assistant Coaches: Jack Churchill, Art Bright, 75 George Davenport T 164 and Jerry Franklin 76 Paul Cross T 200 77 Hugh Pankey T 192 Drum Major: Ronnie Holloway. ') 79 Pat Laniier T 161 Twirlers: Margorie ThieBerg, Carrol Whiting, 81 Willis Marburger E 153 Ann Ballinger, and Jane Rudder. 82 Rickey Berry E 156 Cheer Leaders: Sallye Sorenson, Head, Sharon 83 Tommy Burger C 160 Yeager, Debbie Cooper, Cynthia Castle, and 84 John Snyder E 159 ' Daisy Sloan. 85 Stan Fields T 182 Bengel Belles: Margaret Durst, Capt., Susan 88 Andy Lowery E 170 Sorensen, Kay Fisher, Linda Liles, Catherin'e [ 89 Donald Black E 155 Cleland, Karen Berndt, Mary Beth Calhoun, Linda Rudder, Ann A vera, Pat Calliham, e Head Coach: W. B. "Pappy" Drennan Sylvia Price, Linda Isbell, Dianne Bell, Ruth Ass!, Coaches: . Charles Starcke, John Donaho, McGill, and Linda Williams. Don Lockwood, H. "E. Martin, and Gary McKee DE.FEO. nS~"S~.N~.;;'.~o.".".~.O.""'.".. .-H~,':_O~~.~,~... >))..!~... _ .'. "... Q.~ a. 0 ~C-.'r.~~ ~.~.9.;:' ... 0..... ... r~I............."ROC{I~-.'J'.":JU~~.'.....S .r~'.."~.~."'.."....." ~~~ .' ~De~.gomo, 0 '~It ,. ~ ~ I~ {J.' Q, c.rawlIng;PUI~,ngffv W\.O 0, 0 ~ or......__ ' _ _ ' HoIdIftO..., 11Ie1lalforworclpau ," ~ ..... arholpi.gru.... ,'\\ " ' ....." ,... ',' , OIhld. or ~olatio. lIIogai _n, ' ~ ___ ~, " llIoga'_ af . Int.nllonal I..ligi.... ........ ,. ,':. ' " Tauc/lClawn or ,. .' I af f~ ...in ' Illegal shift, ""h ha".,' ,. .' Unsparlsma",",a cOiid"" ".,~.............. 9~u.dlftO, " down hid an paIS. ' 'OUl. SIGNALS ,.1 ~1I1s d..... fI.rd gaal ,'Safot-,'~'_ \::'<:'~' I -~. J . i :1 l I I 9 i }, OF THJ<; 8~ :UI (~O}rS(}I~IIj/,~, ~I'L:]) C;OJ~]JI~G.r~ ,~)trj\rr HIGH SCHOen:, 1) -TI~~.XJ\, ;:) 1)"' ~. .j~L~. ....') Jt:; t. e ,fd t:=\ t; t 1~~l(~E~ do (; p rHO). .t; t ~tll!t L ~~l n. ;; " 1~ 2:11 e l1arn t:: () j~' 1 I3e3:"1.gal I 1,8E1 ,,"), v "Y""'{'" ),;,1. p See 10 Members , 1'1. 0 , ..L ,1 1. I. "n21,~~1' B E3(~ to have l:l:'~g~h t3{Jl1()ol~ I~ep Bq.'~lfid vi:Li.;ll '~"\i 2" r:Cr#3.ns:fer studen "after (JOIn f~or;n1elll ,rli.g1-1 sc11t)()I. ~pe~psq.u,ftd9 oono. conseeuttvf? year in the .J" 3 " ,A,ll members t3hal1 an ci'Te:cal"L [J() vvj~ 11() seUl'es i;er g~cEt.fle sub;]e <, 4e 11 shall be selee f scholarship,;> e:L tiQ~e:rlshi 'Ire,. ness 9 gOCld 'P(:;l""S(JYUJ,":Li. ty'~ rhythmical abi1:L ty c, 50 it'll" :pr~()Sl)eei;1..v"'e n1~!~1'bers,. 81rl~1.'.ll t'1,f;-1'\l6 !"~Jrj. tt;8J1 I?eC enda tion6 fx'onl thE':: pep squad SpOl1f:~O::C a.nd 6 Old meInb~~rs new ap'pl:1c~.xl:t;,.'i mus t sta,nding [:l.ccoru ing to recexlt gI."i,:ules l:Y.l, s:t(t~ij0{?; ~ti:l,:l~) .B .:> f:)prtng' Tryou. ts '\ " C!~",,'i TI"~ +'v'~)'n'i'+S ,,,,.; '1 j l,p hel'c~ ,f".",\~' ') ",,,,"i ,-",,. +lJf;> ",.:,~,.,'t") ,-,'", ~C 0 ~J .~fJ" ,.t.. -e:,. Wl,.J,. ,."f ..... -.,-,1. Vt 'IW. _A.,.l~ .1.. _ _, .l-, ~ .1 L ~-'" .L "~_I..J V'i ~ J..I{:) u_ ". '-.' r:::: _!..... c.. ....' 1.L c._) ,41, of' (Jj:fiee~cs {; 2'0 ,';'1'1 (3,pplication of intent must he file:O. with SpOX.lfjO!' prior to. the de1:-1d l:l.ne dated in whtch \\',i11 'be set each yeaI'" Grades wt.ll 'before prospective -mernbers a:ce al10wfJd to :el1Y t~b.m :1. c 8~ 1 t(~ E~ 't \~. . :3 l:' All prospoo vo member's Bhall be requix't?d to eXG f:> t~j..., '!'ii-'1'-1' '>~C~PJ +:-1 "flP f"ll~ pv-,::"-.,, ,1:(, l"'a. "'''C'h-'I'VI,; <,.A,. \,..a "'.....v ,_, ...1- '.'-" \;..1__....._ ..::.1. L!. ____./"""~..' 'l...1lA., tJ.__. Ji. .J!." /'...... ..J...t.1-... 40 Tbose who ~avB served an the d ., mrLS tgr) through :cegult1.I' charme '1,. " , t;1.1e J:'},f:X't yea:c" 5 ..:. E~rf3:t*:r -;'TI{j:ro't)e:c o.f~ 'th:Ls_ c):egn"n"i~Zf:l. tJ_pn. T[~lJ~~..t COilS~tj,,~tll'l;,~10Jl9.11(1 -b:V 1~~1V?Bc .A~ (:OT)Y. ~,xJill. '!-, ";- Lj ~trie t3,d e a, (j n ~~~~~ / I I ~ '---,,-- ~~ ~ , I 1 ~ I I L I I I 1 I I ( L, ";..' t3er;1;i.OKt A ......Cl ]3", 0;; J)", .~ ,,-W;;;) ~ ~~ LOS~i of.' Me:m,bel:sh:Lp eNJ("....~......, ~_ -~ti:::~~DlW;..D..".l:~!..il:;:.;J;;to / A',.,",. ""'''''''{'"'br->'''' '''''h'''' 4'",,"1 "/, <c\' 'b@'" r"1n1 .'u;,l UJ.ClJ~ ........i!... 11\i" U :'t;,~..i!...J...~i :,~L~,t\\! b::Uf$iS j:cr her ele(~.t:tQjl -the O.ftj.(HH"'S court J:~a.s the a ./Ga~utla:.w.~d,s were b e pl8.cc~cl on pr()l),at:ton l1er :!~E~ :111J~.ta... ';G~a1l1el1~i.:; ~~l, r-'I"oba:tion" d:ue 'to ~{~holastic i~ n', J "'W'~ "1 f3', .. "';'V:ll "i "'" ea~1i' .'" u' _r~_Vl!~..L..,~.~..~~ 1lJ!c<.>V' ,,_~""i'Qu.,' ,J~!~o reqtll-.!:f.3:i11ffXl'ts ~ t~ar~1ie v If at the end o.t: the s x'eq:u.ireme:n"tz! for cl.esu......iJJ.f~ be cliBrJlms;sed fl"Ok':ni.thE~ r.,;'1d' '((In,l <:'''')\''\'1'',1' 'fr,y' ,,"',t~""'d"Yi'~i <:.iM.~," l>J.t~~~~ ~ 1. ;: """"'~J t,.,. '>4,,;/ ~ Ll..?~;:'~ l!.J",.,.(,.. during the spring ~ryouts the 1':.''''. ,r ,.".~:t.'t~'._i - Q 1"" no" <j '<"'" r. [f ,,~ "" ~ 4JS"i} _..;.,........ _- "'oPl<,~ ~Li.A'.~,,,t~ ~;~~'""0 . ~;u g~ any ~year sllall 1)(;.1 ~J.amiesed 'i: ~.. .. <<II prool:b.tJ.O~lV~:r;y~ per~{Hl perl!lJ2tZ1En".rt,1~V :from 10 .~" ,,' ij~',<" \,,\;O'~ ~., -i 01/\\," f', .(1'.t,o,,>,> 1t,/\.g~~;I.J.lI'f.J,.,- .t.k6<1t ~'i:!;,...rA .H:.-J,. ~ "" ....;C< ...y. 0 ""w"'" .p ..~ "1''' ,~, 7'1-'" '",,", '" r~ fI',,'.$.. ." .1: ..... J.. v",_ ;:;-. .t/"','. ~~ ~,h"t .~n"~ f"4,~ ('.,.~" 'b>~ """,,~,,;''''e('' .; v, ~~1l" 17,1''\\'7 th.&. :11>: ~A AM v~ "'".J ~ ~ "-.J'~_,.tkJ.'<>:i :~ .,kl).~.l""" ,..:kJt.....'l".ij H OC~J )3(":ilJ,es" l\.f'ter the 'tWO""W~3H.iHr. perj.o\l!l .be expelled 'or ?C'ead.miJGted.o 1.::(i'.:';l\;" ;i"f"~ "'1 .~.-I,<"",,;~~L~,,Q;>, ~f... (~l'ther '~ :1,:), via-elcso :f: tl1e y'f;ib(:'* x~ 'Vi,i 0 ", ,1)"I'..",(')'bo.,t, 'ion-"" ii~\".~ "1.:0 rli'" ,""..","h~" -1- -1 'Y"'j 0. '1'i,:o;yn"ht;nfO ,~, .,'~ '1 <-1 &;".;\t "" _ ~ __ 4..... .b...J,..."'!.,."",., ...,!....,J'... ~F..~_.\Cj'~c:.\;ta.l.,.;,!.:;.,. ('h M!i5.....11H~~,J". ld J....J",._ I"...... pr'~,Mrti.ces \!I ar1\], [::;\1119 wI 11 W0;ji.:1.:J::' her :eo games'j bu:1; ~he VJ:L1.1 :no'~; e~llowed to fox'm the v:tctory before tihe e;6urH~ or the v:"tctory c:ix'nle end of .. '~he game., I~ .~ () 'If a p;lrl fails to 1naintain the stw'ldard of' CO:llC!:uct; l"squi'i7'ed. .of .l;jJ1e members of .the 'l,(~aml> she shrill be i;:i'ied lJY 'i.;he o.t':f:i..'~el~~ a t10urt ( ~!hich rJade up of the egpta:i.l!& li(,Jllt;eJJ.a:Q:t;~ apor.J.~lol:"l) and pr:l.n.cipal) $f and tf ~he is f01md gu5.1tj]' she. shall 1)13 dism:tssEHl from -the oJ::"gl?',.r1:l.~e,tion.. .,. Go :~TOE."H~mhel' she,ll ill, th~:re i8 E. .. I,. d ..:! fil,r~SEH3 \. (:;;,801. e..... m:tss a per:for.mance u.nless Elice se:J::iously dea;th :Ln. -"i!he farn:i.l,}1' ~ or an '\)Lnl.unl.al C~.U;;i~ by the officer's coutt)o I l- ,.u~~1 ~ -.., '[ I '" '\ --... -'-.., ~ ---- -... " ,";}. Amme ments and Addltiofis to the ConstitutiDn is ~~dition 1s made to Article tioD Do "' 'I'D d 1st ingutsh th,p capta in. l.1fl,if'orm may changecl to than that described ic 110 A with the majority vote of the Dri m and th~ a~~roval of sora ~ This Ammendment is made to Artic 11G tlOn Iu A 10 p1" 0 c' '0'"' e. 'f" '1 '1 "" ~I'@ 1'T'1"\~ ,(;; ~>~, <~'[."a. 'J!ii 1'1::1 'If"" i''' ~""'''''' 'i (;O\ 'J..,iP(~ -+-, -,r:, t' F'r) ,"' P f";' t 1 '" "~,' .!L t::J... \:';'t".. ",,1,,1_'1,1 'C; l'J~v~t>,.<",:;j.;;;J Mi..'! ",..4,., r..~.....,~"C. wC.lllIL....ilJ,..~\..;'" J ~\t..'!...: ~V'v .....";J..... ..<,,"-<":. .'......"\:. ',f "'" "" l' "" i 1"'1 t hi:l<, 'P~::. 0'@""""?'11',D(<" PF.> I~ ::::{'l'H'''~ f'\"P :tH at> 8,r"1,,,,,\,,,.~ }3.) ""jl''I ','1' <:l'V f!.lf..........a......t;:J i\. .p", ~ ~b'vb""J:.'V ~.i'...~~~?l ... v./l ~......\1~'~......~ 't..>..., ..a....L.lt~.;.J "",!JVV......., 0.1,'''''' t".l. \.~.,-'j to Drill TeB~ So A transfer student shall have c 'f,-.r"~ ('0'" <e:ifJ>#'>'ou''l'' -'I' ~,;"" 'l1,(;,;sr"" "in ;, ~, B"i rs}'t Sf''h,t,(,''i "'j,;:;;;;i~, mH'l'l~',-'l W;wU w ~J,~......."'" '""'.~')C; 'lII".;,. ..~ 1.... .,)j .A. .......l:)... ....."".o....v,;...i- }........lfy .Q~v~~;:..J written recommendationso " f.)<:'h~tlon, lIl,~ B 't:.~ ..,.... . d . iole for planning me :t addition is ~ade to Artie h'-ilut<.:'nants 1;.[111 routines for.performanceso 1~5 clition is made to Art XI to ~ear prac,t a c]~othes .'- ~ ' .r.;, ''''t' P""' <'''"j -, ',f'" ~ ...1 i ~'., c~ .~. . ,-,)... Vi. .It:' W~::'l at a pre lee (Includ is ~hI.~~" demeri 0 d:t t:1r}rl S Ila be tns.d e tf.) :te I"" ~ Se~;tic)n D No part of the i Team uniform ca~ be so af er two years of wear wi the ~xceptiDn Df boctso addition sha be made to Artic IT (~.'" ,''O),\~ ~ 1\ s. \rl - ~"- % ,,_>e',~ I; J.,un if) Any second year m~mbeT wi pract ~~ t he purptJs'~ (,if' (Jnl~Jr "t)(~~t\~!eell J~llr1{~ 1 ~ti~Tl~~)rtg;b Monday therea 0 be excused from summer su~mer vacation and camp F~Ugust 159 Dr tl:1€ 'j\"J t. membeTsw111 be required to perform all r s sat torily as judged the officers and SDoneo!" bF.!f't),;~'e S~',' ,~, "ii..:,,, '~niAl~'}""ll e t'n )"";:-,-r'f'()'r'"l'l ~"'(^)nn-r"~l"l""";;: ..... _ ,.,........ J.. .....~t,)\-'.MJi~'t;.: .1"", f..,.1't:;.-,,,,- ....4~L.\ ~l.,_J.."JJ...\....,~~n.... 11 the abovp r 1rements .1 " "I .' ~~. '\;'1 ... ~,,_ fl, tJ t, a, ',re r,n.e t, 0 r'rni t~o Ie All members are ired attend summer pract exce for reasons excus as stated in the (~Drist,j" itJf10 '-.., J...~ ---1 >" "'\ ....... " ,.,. " '" ion. 1,. G'_ -41 tio:n II: ~ I l I I :1 :1 I II~l: AHTICI.lB ~:~~ OFl:'IC~~~IlS~ DtJ:rI3S The off~:t'C~E~Z~~J of b~~ capta:i.n surj~r '" pu'blJ..c:t li;oJ.lowlng the :re memhers :f:r.'om l:earn Scho01 c' .thosE: '-IJ :l.shing to b.01<1 as capta:ln or lieute.:n,an must fol1ovi:Lng I',;~quj.rment8 ~ 1" ch,oreograph. a routtrlf~ ~2 0 perform t t teElJil and 1;."1 pOi.:t~i or take charge of a of a new c ,~jnrrlandfj e:KEJcuted t' Ele etiO:rl2i ~ t:r;;>.k;<~~'1'._-;;':>""":ll'_"'1<:_.cJ_ he '1;,11(~ Drill SE;(;J:.~e 1 th.e ~~ ....;.. c', tn ','.J}::d.r.;h .t and B" :I:hos~} sHek:I.:t}g B.n of:f1ce 11 have XlO UHn"e +h~;"~' """"'i.N"Yl (7) d""rrl''''''''''; .;,.. ~-'J,."o P~"""\-: "1''''''''''''' 'i"7" v.... i;)...,!...;>.,. :>>.,J>,.. F o;;.~.....".. 'io;" . v ..",'1;",,,4, R~~ .h.&.... LJ.J..;.\..'!" ..~ '>..;'I,,,7}1 -01;1' ~~ ;;;:;:;c:.......oL t,~"~", seven (7) x'its :r'ece:t-ved du,ri.ngthe aU.mIllel" previoue to her E~lect;io:no C " Two dayl.'3 follovJing the X'(~turn, from 11 Team Sehool:J the eleetto1:"J. 1vj.l1 beg:Ln", ''f' .1.)0 J\f.i;e~r .i~L~ in th,t'J is e c 1'\:;; '~i; on.3 Ird...tiee1'~ =-i\..~_m"<D"~' . _H_:,;, 1)", BoO Dut 11:iYlg Sectio:n. II it Y' Ea,ch +;-'r,)' (r) )" '~Yli \.. I... ,{,,~ shf.11. J~ .. (),'f ~,~ ", .Li:: Capta:Lw. She s-klall. p:CEjf~id.e Ghe shall be :in (; assj~st;t~d l;Jr t~n.e 11 ea,II pro,ct:ice:3 "~Vlle VIi 1.1g:l.'\1E;': d.enler:1. -ts to I';3 of the DX:'J..l1 w:tth the apprcn,r,stl of the s \v:1. r.e i;11~? coreog;ra.J)'her TeanL 011} D .-t:h.(:: ";",z ,#" :D t.t (;' o :I;(:;8.rn (''l '-~ i;he I.jit~f.ltf::n.a.11.t6: "I .Ao ShJ~ sha~J._l a..8S ca1/tEdrl t the ;2 Co r:/way,-, e shall px"eE.dde Q,bsence (, ' '''''he E'jhBll p x~ (;, 0'41 ]),2~11Y " fl,rl d. } W t:;'< ",,;.> 3 1~ "."",<~r--~ <~ 'I ! ~ , '--- ---- ----- / tLitiot:J. :[yr~ (~ 1, $) ts: 'V~ ~ '! \, 0"" Dilttes of the S13cretar;y',.".TrEH1Sl\!"EH' :t.l) She sllal1 be j..n cha:e€7.() ~)3~ t~tl(1,.rlf~~; m5.nutes at the meettnga" 2", She shull be :1~1 chax'ge of Pi} ne; lj111&~.J e.ft;e!' a1:d;hoz'~.~,~at5.on t:.}lt S;pOtlso:r'" l)i.:t t ~4 e sot: t J:1B PI} ~b 1 i e .1 t:y ~".Il She shall l)S in chorea 2<J ~r 1 r~ A" (J VI 5.~ 11 Be f~ \~~ (j n .~ l'i'1ft Ct (l a ft ~ ~~.. J" ~l {3 07:1.P 'It:.J. ~~~ r~ ',~ ~~) B."Ln .H t1 (1 fl> J~ tTl C1Ii!:.:. e 1'J t:i ~ ~ .:> t~-i:rte l"l,;::;t . ~ ,'. Viii:.:: :t \ t~$ t. ~l txe , \~ir.~, rl . :;E!i .'7r (~lJ ,\ ,f.} {J "]~1 ~} :c' ~) ~:1 () y:~ e.e <~ "iiJ 1.11 '"~} (: t}. e n: f:~ ri _I-~ fSl t 'l 4) t'1 ;'~. ~):r rle D :s iJ f:ll. n~;1 S {} Er n'L) t; (}ec~. (1 l) tl1.(~ dane't 1tlC ~.) not unusual C8s~sv~lce. B !:;';, ~) rtr~ IS 1 {:ttl ~~? 11 1: -4~ J :,' f) }'!" l\"! 0 1"~ ,(; . ,~;.i :1 (;~ tl 'eH,. c t'~ 1" e c: rJ ({; r~----.~ -, -- ~ - -'" II I I ~ '- ~ -~- '\ ..... "'"\' r~ ,,1..<::., " 1<, Q 150 160 Lissi, J':W t1:ractice " uXl.ex(3used "'- 1;...... .:.. ;1 A f'P~-l~~,;:J \l' t> f'.j. (..." 'rrll ..iib 1..1'~r"< 1.":'1. r-'. --i 1"): '\.. ~~- n 0 .,'" GAl:. L, "'-.J ~ C;~ "~.~ &1 0_';:; <;, . d ,,-,<,vl. l",,;. \,l '13 Q 9 after 10 ninuteE1 Djrtv boots n.;.".'t~r 010""''''' "-' .,;"'......J~,J.. '.-:-~l ()''''''''..) VJ \:.-..~, An,r I)'joh""'''' pnp'r 'u.',dI~oor"~~,! :;. ,.,:"r.,v' .~...l.t oJ. ~ {."'__ '\,II ... ~ \. "'_ ~.. _ Ct18Vr:U1G g1J.m VJhlJ8 in unil'orrn or at p:t'ac:tice :3 D:h~!.'espect; for 1111 offic.er 5 Weari.nc; jevlel:c'y in unifo!"'ll1 WeDrin€~ 10l;ld m~,:1.1 P~tlj:sb."~Q;'r 'U;~4i1;~\'Y,re~...;, pe:r'f\u:ne v'lhJ.le u1un:tform '. tl'la'~ 'J'1'.,.'C> +0 r'.." ....."".y 0"'" <:,'nof n,rd' er.' of v .". ,J.... <,,~..b.""" i;,$ \,....L~ ~ .!i.. '" \.>-t. fu,: ~J..J.,J ..... _. ~ _ canst1- tutJ.,Ol1o ]li.:.dlurc to C'lr"'r'V 'r71.,-;:f}l~bg"\(''1'1'''il:,] litip'" . ,-.... . . c;.:.. --'oW .~{""~. -...... ..J~"r1.~""O.. ""'_ I... .1'0 I/'",.,r'n>"nnle+e' 'un'i fCi"''''Il:-''' t 'pe'1'~'rh''''''lIl'l-nce ~ ...1. .~ ",. Lo.... .t' "'. . v ,_.J;. i:.1. \.."'-. . ,_ ...... ....... \.Y'~ ",~ ~'''-~ J. .-T U;11ad;;r,,~like c.onduct ' Hot participating h1. ::rel1s at games 1)~alkiJ.'lg while cettj.ng on (J,nd off :field (;om~tng -to attention. .a.tti tude 't::loJ:".I.a.ly dif.3obeyi.ng aXl o:c'der YErn by ftn o:f':i':l.cer jtI{~:I(JlJ~;XI ..'~~ D~:I::>~ltl'11 ~3YS'iIEl.l Is'" f",," i) .. "",.1 0 4e 60 n !.G (3" ~) ., fJ c' " :;0" of Demerits :5 'Z .J 5 3 ';Z -) :3 '::I; ..,1 ./ ,- :;) 5 2 10 ;; :5 t~ .J 6 suspension (1?\ "o-uc>"O't q,'-, ,....ar..'-"'ir.-;'r;, r' ,'.... beT' 'R .1'c'::'d >, \ --- J O""l ~ 1. J.. ~ 8,. ",,'" e ~ c ,~e.L c u. ~ a. n~~~n " .,,,l,,, p..l-a ,.. h.'" +'1 ('jll a "'1 d e ",!A,~ I' l>e' ~'''l-nIY' ("" <:'.>>"! ,J., 0 .. '" eo'" r"'j r~p,.,,,s. ~ ;.,!t,..t.!!,J ."'~...." '9 t;.I".!, '\J . SA.Lr..:--:"".t._ Oti..-I';Ll!;' ~ ...X.!.'!.;..:",,-../\" t.J ~ i,J.t.J.. . ~" "" ~ ~","..:--.J. vl'l"'j'm1,t.:>r m"li-'h f1T-l-,.,.:;Y\ I") C:)E"'r'Je""~+"" ~"l""'ll hQ> L~~vj..h, ~.)\..r ~\l' ...... -J,....i .- .._...~ v\;; e..L..f" \ J.~:> A. -"" J .....,\....t."J Ii:J M J...!. 0... ~!, ~.,/\"t" from thE? orga.niz,ationo lLR:rJ:CIJ~ J[Il>~Ir8I~I]~I{Ij~' PJ~ljltl~!<Y ~ccumuluting "!;~cl to perfo.rm. mEW 1'10"1.; :it:f' the ill six (6) demari ts in any o.ne v'1eek:will not; Ll~t the ~ SearlS ()il i~kliSl.t .paJ~ct;i(~lllar~ be t-:zrasecL 11 l"emuin on the members ~ mC;HUK)0r at;t:end,f.~ :m.eeting1;] and ShOViS an., ive lt s - gD..rk1(~}; sh.e '\;'1i1.J.. be j?01""111i"t"tt?;cl t;o pe:r}~~~.. thl;?1 :r0\1 t irIG " }\I{T LI~; J{IIIr,,~LI~~J(.I~L" ;:rYi3~~.1~:-: e(~i; (~e .r~f] : \ ..;;.....:... ,. ~ r:L.TiSc. "t; 0 e ()ll.!l ~C8~ C '"C , 5 rn18:ei.'!;s 5 ~ .; d' 2 1 :1 m.e ~G ~pe r ~pac~e "- L .------ / /,( ?~ {....;.~:;.. .) \ \ \ \ j Ij ~ ~ /' ~ \. ........ ...... '-- .. \ \ '- '" .. "-. ART I G LB I V.-UIDJiWillJI Sect:ton l~, ~ The re[;'Ular Itt!.ii'Ol'ill of' "'che B{;:~11gfi3,1 13el1f:8 shall h fj short IDa,ron Oix.ct.llar rayon gaba1:'dine skir<l:;s trim,med w:'i. th th,!'{3e rOW8 2~ white theI' YilE'.:roon .tigh:ts ox' -the S6..ID.(~ l"l::1yon gal),,?/'rdi:.rJ.€~ Ilk?:, ; \lyed maroon. 'undergarments ~ EileeveleW21 '[;h c :p weski t trimmed 'iN:l lea ther fringe it t'flh:i te g.snnl"tlet;~ -1....".h."""l,O:'..;! ""oj t'~#, l~'o -J-:'Vta"" {.'"",..1-", fY'r!>" 'RF"1"i +,,; ~".l':M :,i.,."i:,,",!, l4'.4...~.j"L.tF2.-\~V>;- ij,l,t.ob l.j~ ~~\0'"M~t;.......t .L&.d.....,J!.4b~~ 'i'i.i..L...".,~v f1if~...."~. ....\..... r. "",,"-; 0"'" ... a -I.: "'., ,,,...t 1" 1~ ,; &",; ,,,",,, 1,";'" -l' ... l~ ~1i'lii...~~11 ~ {J"lJ lw~,." 4..~'QVU' oo-t- wlio. "j.&.""I'~1 tll "':~~..L y'..... 1-' A"'",v 0.1." ':ll~" H"'li-il",,~.w,..,'l' i""OY"1~\ 11""''',''' -/. 1.',~(4, h-",r' Pl. C!.,!,,,y t,..L_~.r. ""'.... J. :,)..."'" .,. _~... 8"~,."".~ '~ OJ,,, .ep " ge-ction 13 g J~ll lll!li:forms !Shall nea:t!.r C capi,;aixJ., a11d the lieu:te:rlant8" :inspection at evel"'Y publii~ appe-&rance., Seotion 0:; .No member ahall lend 8.nj' pari; h,er IxQ':!.:fol":m, or be allowed to 'If/ear a:n,y p,.':.'!.I't of the \m:tfo:t"ltl ( in l;"ublio., \ J J.iRTICLl:: 1f=.DUTIES OJ:;' l~ra~ IvIEI~rnE.'lS Section Ag :i:he Bengal Belles tf.llhal1 suppo:r-i.; 1;he tea:ma:~ dU.Z'lll.g games il pep F"&"llies ~ a: nda:t SehCH)l., 1 t in.1~H~ Seot:to:n :a ~ The Bengal Belles :8h~tll take par~t in the preo~f'l,)ot;ball v ., , " ~~' ~ '" 1- g." . -"11 ' ',_ game ceremo;g.y ,Yj'l' IOrm:1ng ..!.e1i ~ers x. ox. ,.10\;11 sJ.u,ee~ 'li'lxi.en "-"'Qqu.J ....ed Wit"!"l +'h~ 1j'!4g""..",,,,.e.+.,,...,,,, +1-., '"" 'B'''.'''~'' "'! B""l'J '''''''''' "",1>,.,..,'" '1 ,J.,.-........ .~.....I\..~\.iQ ,.!..-~ \!J - ..t..r.:i,.'G.!..Ghl~j\;;it;~13 J:O.l..1.C V.!.1,t)a.J.. ~ 't;1;.\..i;;;Q ~A1c.....J,.~ al~o ,form a victory' line. a:t the half 'time", ..l.hey shall danoe if eligible during half time@ Secr't;:i.on Og .A 1; all ,ri(ri;ories 9 all menibers who d.o no 'I; have d.9. tea to walk a player of'f the field will form a victol';lr c:Lrcle 0 Sec~tion Jr~: :I:1.1e :8engal Belles~ alo.ng with the ~l::lgere[3t;8!f shall supply mcd;hors to chaperone bus "t;rips" I' I i i I ARTICLE 'VI 11!1i;ETUms Section A~ Mett:l:ngs ahall be held whenever 1:"eqt:d:t'>ed by the cap ta.. iri OX" spoIleoX' 0 All mmnbers are requix'sd to a t.tend all mee"tinge <> I I I' I I I ! 1 ARTIC!)] VII"".sponSOR Seot.Lon it:: :the sponsor shall be en y :fei11t?!,le high school teaoher to be appointed by the principalo -aRTICLE VIII-9UORUM ' Secd;ion.A: A quorum 8hal1 consi.st of 2/3 of the Benge,1 Belles" Ho 1.iW,tten of any conS€Hlu,e:nce shall be voted upon wj.thou:t the PI'''iE aanc~ of' the spon.Bor" J -_.~ .t--:,:--~ ~ '--- / ~ '\ "" ......,--. ~ ~ ' to " 1.0 '" C 'Q 30 1,,' <> A 'l1endmen ts Art; cle III, Section II A shall be amended to read...-- The captain 1'f!ust have been, a member of the Bengal Belles one year pr-evio'Us to bel'" election!! and must attend dri'll team school the SU'!lmer of her election" The captain and lieuten- ants must rneet the followttng require!'fients: , 1" choreograph a routine 20 perfD~~ it in front of the drill tea~ and sponsor 30 take charge of a ~eeting in \~ich steps of a new routine will be taught and c01'f!mands exeenteo9 A~ttcle III, Section II C Shall be amended to read--- The caotain will be elected no later than two weeks be~ore drtll team school" The lieutenants will be elected followirlg drl11 tea'1l schooL, This addition will 'be 'nade to Artiel.e XIV, Section Ie:: tfhe nu~ber of perfor~ers on stage shall not exceed ten, and shall be chosen according to their abilttyo This aildition wi llcbe 'Y!ade to Article II, Section I B;, The new members will be selected by a panel made up pf a representat~ve from the Tigeratte Pep Sql~d? a senior drill team member, the drill tes!ll sponsor, and 2 \vomer! ,)'f high standing in the commmlity to be selected by the prineipalo -- i r- I I t~ ,J ! ----.--- I t I' I ~ :'~.,J'"" -' " -'" '. - ..~. ~- - ~. .~ "........ .-"""-" \ ~ . .'..7 / ,/ "'- ,.- 4'.i~~..~ ..~. '~ '( I If 1\ '''"' ~ ~ ~ \ ~ --~ ~ ~ ~ ",-, \ ;\.'- ", \ \ " \ '\ .. ~'. ) l..; r... ',~ ct;~,fln '~ lil.:l tl'5E! '11 l~'j+(le tIle: l:n,lfJtn Ot1 Of,"~tfr~iJrl ,catn~;s~j rfl1~)lE~ {; ~';JJ Sf) t f.) r~c~ ttt)~~r1 b'\1 otrxe r~ nh?:{~l rt.~E !Tn,l'~~ t 'v \~ !J€ ,r'~.~ " ) ",,; 'i ',~, ~,' ,',..'. 1'.. ''j>: .~~. ~ . ,<:", r:nh~''''~' ,:,:~'-<;f'J'1 , ..... ic-. J";i ''''', ",", l!"1 ti ", ',~"l $5 :un urn '(;.\'11';; .I:, . .1 ' ;3 C<j f. .;" "'tHI~J j:)',711:l'iI.-,Jt!..:J.L CiA m\lst be given to sponsor or mot~ter chaper Sf;) Ct;!] J~ ~ e. ~.! A t{LIfi iry. )"PO be condl'(;tfj(1 in All 1"", i) ri ~ I~ t"tVli; f'>~j 11 bo (10 tied on a denHJc"$. bo r lowc:d by ;.;),11 memb2i ai,,; ;i: nel f:j (;I1F' )(.)fCC(LT1?T (;r-e G f2: l'kt:1'(jfl.l fl rJt1 e t At) Be, All ,., -I" (";;.'-' a t;tit1~~ ttte 1~111f::S of~ F:'O')cl. B;:POy:.tS111B.t1B .P C:i, nal to football ne Dr in fDnnat1on. ~~~" ~~. :'1 'tl::' e t 11 v~ng t stan.js tln c 1.rl(~ (:~ Ti" ~" , ].1~ n( son. .E~ttt1.ne;' lt~l tl16 fT!!, ttll:) af1c1 1 arca ex(~ t rs of said tir[anlzat1onav r';1 (} ,€t1'otlp, shall be a jCDmpat11ed by Dnl (i :J; ,ti 11 Del ella{:.j;r~le!~Ld.E:;:r',~ ", ~E... IV r'e,;,] (to y H:::t0 ~5~ rp "'~) t;) I"? "~"{,; t1 <;. Set1t101. J~~jlef1~) 'lC .!t.. 0 t~ enr1(}l,lC.t (~ti(1C 1 b{; r:';"-'r)'1~::' e 0 II t~ 't ':t e }] J.. ~l fn f1 (lt~ 11. [J th1E~ n ~ sponsor0 an,] Dei lQ A joct: to SUB ion or d1anJi~aal e 1':1 8 1 ;>.; c " r'! l~C 23 C t; i) t' (2 n ,;~ ~f ".:; c~ ... \ \ "''-'''1;'''' 1.. ,,:' (\ J/j lEi du:r'ing ,'i' ,~_.~ "7'!: / ~ f r ---- I .----- ---------------' I I I r f l I .) j i j ! ,~ 1 \ ;, '\ "j ~ J \ 1~ t.',..",,'.!;;::._ ..,..';';' ~ ( I .'C -"'" '< " ~ \ \\ 1/1\ \\, " ~ ~ .\ '. \ \ ~ -~ ----------- ' ~ "S-.- ~ .....~~ ~ ........... '" ~ ..... .'" \ 0" '\ \, \ '" \ " ~ .,~ I -~ ~ ~-~...--.~ -----/ "--..... ~ ~ ............ " \ "\\ '\ ... " " r'~.,," - ~~ i ~< {-- ~: .~,~&kif ~; -lW ~'l ,--=,',-,-=-- ;i ~ ^^',,"'" "'t ~ l' ~ , " f ill -~1" \.; / ",,""" ~ "~;;:-~.<.. ; ,...... ~ .4,;_' .'''''" ~ ~l?'~~Jr', .in\l\t\ I' ''i''~ ti'~ n l\l"\l\ h-j. l\"1,-,fn"'"i ~~ '; ,.C __q .- :5 J c,~ -~ =. I w- ~:>! t;~f~ --- J. ,,--~~ -, l :"~~ ~ ;:; ;;~~-:L.~;;;;~ \ iiiI' i\'h'h,'ifi\'Y\'i I ~_~~iJI ~:. _~j I \i"i\7\'ii''i'I~I\l\' i alt 11I'" 1 1 ~ '""3 J11' :::-~~~~ ' ;.-1" ~. ~_ .::.1 ~ :P'~1 I ;~ L ~'7i""'" ij. 1. 'Ri J,. ;, (ii f~~ ,~, ~ ~. ij: ,1 ~- \-(, ! '~~~~I_~~-c,~ic~~~+,"~) -,-~ -~-~-._,-~" , ,",_,~~6.~w~{e,d-,,-~-~k~\Pcd~~-"-1.a~-d-~61.:l1~:~le_i!~;;~!liJ~-~'-------~'-'- . .' 1.U~*_b.t..,~4 'fOJ.A...A,J4o{:-w~/$~r:r<;,,,~Jdt~J;~(J~- ]/~_g.e."_Ji:h~~5~~~~~_~~-C-*~(.JM-'I-L78 ,. -*O~O-~-J~," , ,,' ,'.... 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I', ~ By WILLi INE took; the' fir~d up Tigers-'only rying in from,' the ~three.i But , {j', - . ~Ea:gle.IStaff :.,,' eight plays to 'move' onto pay- 'Sharp'defenSive'Pla~nbYYJameSl ' NAVASOTA: ", :.~ A&M Cop- B.irt an~,they, were-n~~ef head- Carter; -I{arfell' Go~set,t, Barf! solidated"of District 10-AA.A ed agam afterwards. .' " Godfrey, and Parsons made'lt :to.~K:'th~ ';pist~!e~:-17~:6~ ~ead '&: Big g~iiiers 'in tHe d~ive 'w~re unn~eessary. ;LinebaeY:~f: q,a1t "F:,!'lda:v,,; -def ng, N~vasota 20:, 15,~lmda18 yard runs by ,'Paul Gough was, aHer~or ~ltb sey- ~'!i~~ tr~ r;p':,~~~eso~i,ng; Fag::ilJ- ~nd ."'varvel;' re'spectiye, eral to~gh U~:1asSIst~d) tackles.'" eg""a.m. ',e,-$0,.,"'" , ''',',',:,''..'.""",,',.,...', ,"",',~,','"\',.,,..' ',1' .,',',',.,','.'"",d',",'.."15,",",. . 'd',', ' ..,.,".,'.'b ""k',',' "The,"','c, on,vers,lOn,',',,,r,,u,, n,io, n~,t,h"e"",', ~: ' ""l!-';;"" , ",r'" -",.,:", ,I' y, 'an -a -yar'pass 00 up ',' . '''a'' '.,. :""<:1 ,:.' " ,.," '-'''''''''''''] f,A,T!i~TI~ers~f.~fo~H~~>~Jf~~el ~.~twee~ ;~et~rE;a'g~IlandrYar" t~~L,!t:p,fC!I!e, . ,\;::;i,,::~"i' ~iiJ!J,;~;~r~1is~~fi:~;io~~~U q~ci~I:~t:,:~~~~,~~tl:~~;~,e~~~ ~/ ~,~~ ~Ul,l<lyf2,.~ted~..,?rtl).e; ~?~;~,;.~and TIgers pul1edthE!;fapeles~pl.ay, i ~2~?,7;~BE, ther,~~a~,oll' ','),>~' ".: oMh~*ight., ,.."A,fr" ,'.....'. , ..Y ~l~~!~i~t~ ~;~~:::~~~i~7;;~t !uated'last<year., '~.., ~"", h '", '~ First DoW;;s' "";",,::..,.:-,,,. 13''','' 10; , ~ ~\.,. ~~ ~~;"~, 'I l' ~ ~; ~ Rushing Yardage~.........; 161 ~ 124 "VARVEL,. HIT ;eighL\0f 12 Passing Yardage ,,,....... 111,~. '60 pasies ,for 111, yards and ~two Passes Attempted "...... ~ 12 :' 11 -h'd ' " F" "" d' ff Passe~ Compl",ted ""'''', 8, " ,4 ~~it~~~'~:~:~i:;~g'O t~;M"in"~~i~i:~;~'. , their fOlirth:loss'infive;g~rii~s, f ~,'r:':;;"""'" 4-20,' ", , 2-10 ',... .~~~i:.;~!tf:~diRe'~~~~~fr~4\~~~ ,q~i~:i~~.'ifif~d).;st~~~~~t~..~.,~p~ !yardS to 'A'&lVI~igh' p'26wIthU'Ill!,,!l:ly,!,j\Yolters/ f()~., the' ~}rst a''''pi.m(retuPl ;ITjid",a~ ins;the' '13engal,score., ..Ptiard .,., , J)a'-;,~<l j fi"'4.r",~.,'".";a,.q.',f,~i,r,,,.,.,.,::~,,,,~f, :t,x,'"o,",.,i.;i,?n,'~.,;.,;a,~f",,:,t, k"e,:,.,~j "'.[~~t",o,',.,..,,r,t,.,.'~,',.," '.':,..,(~, :,l~,e"e""d".I.,., i'.,.,~",'~.,.:~,e"""f,,'..O,ef~E;n.,,~. ',- - 12;{"from::where.t'speedyt'Luc'assolidate-atwitli" 7 :20,remainiug ,-- ~te.~,;.,P'.d"k"":':,'.".".;~:.'~',.:,'"'a..,,,,e".'";~".'I,,.I.d.~ "hS"".t",Oe,~~e,',',~r~u.~.,. 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Varvel ,to Wolters rmgmg the pe,;s or ~:WI ': :remammg 'b' "1'1 "V,'C', "l"h' "f '152' 3"'6' I in~;ii1e first'period,\ ".'i'Ji ;,e, ,:".a~ve, It, }H' ,n !., '., ~''''t~. ;""X,;,B;,i"./,,"i,,'iI''i.;:, /i:.'~' ,'1~; a,nd'iseven,yards~tq""spaF~ "TFlE(iLASTplay, 'Qf th~theidriv~,'th~la,~~~r coming . ,uart~r,~rterr~,.fL6ga?~ i#';j,^,ith!,;;t~o second~,left..r,llrso~w 1.".,.ted;.aiSoli:JnWebb.. pas~ kieked.}tgo()d. !':..,': ' ''-''"1, I on'~pl~a,f~ler,;,',l ::.ap1'~Conso1i~ #c, ,,~ops?lidated,icea\ it with,~ L.~~t~q!i2ll.tq,J.?~tsifIrst,TI?;,;;rt tl}.Ird quarter.,seop~~Varvel cal'~j j r I , I I j I I ! j . I I ! I I I j I I ,1 . ''"' '~";:/~1f~\ '. ,if /1 , ~~~2:~>;i((l" . :~.:~,~l~;f:,~'{r~i' 'X ,"n, "(< II,' ", ~',','".-:",,,'jt},;,,.,,, .,'" ,~ :':,;,"'- , ~:~;.: I , ',- --~ ~.I:. .. ' '" }r' ..), :;~~'\ , '1ft R.4 r, l ~6 / / : I "\ ~ -.., -------- I -'~ /..------------ ~ '- '\ ''"' 'I "~ '\ '\ -~ .~ ." ", '\ \ ~ "'<-< ~ -,~ ----------' ~- ....~ ~ "'.... -'.... " 0\ '\ \ "\ -~ ~~ ~ ~ "\ ro "'f'\::J:. .1 ',I, ARSENIC AND OLD LACE By Joseph kesselring Presented by the Junior Class of A&M Consolidated, with the approval of Dramatists Play Service, Inc. STAGE CREW AND COMMITTEES ;;..: STAGE MANAGER: Ronnie Holloway GREEN-ROOM MANAGER: Meg Huebner CAST (In Order of Appearance) PUBLICITY COMMITTEE Mary Ruth Watkins, Chairman Dorothy Gregory Carole Edwards Candy Upham Shirley Oates Jane Houze LIGHTING COMMITTEE Ronnie Holloway David Brusse ABBY BREWSTER. ............................... Sally Robinson, , '~ Ann Ballinger THE REV. DR. HARPER ...................... Howard Nelson TEDDY BREWSTER ............................. Rick Landmann OFFICER BROPHy.................................. Duke Butler OFFICER KLEIN .............................. Ricky TheBerge Sh 's' MARTHA BREWSTER............................ an lmmons, , Virginia Patterson ELAINE HARPER ................................... Linda Welch, Linda Williams MORTIMER BREWSTER..............'.............. Scott Hervey MR. GIBBS ......................................... John Chadwick JONATHAN BREWSTER ...........................Tommy Clark, Mark Riedel DR. EINSTEIN ................................. Tommy Cartwright OFFICER O'HARA ..................;............. Paul Stuverud LIEUT,ENANT ROONEy..........................:.. Jerry Davis MR. WITHERSPOON .................................. Robin Rice MR. HOSKINS & MR. SPENAbZO .............,... Dick Hervey COSTUME COMMITTEE Susie Brown, Chairman Sandy Miller Ann McMu rray.. Cyndie Castle' Ardis Kimler Jane Rudder Janet Holt Susan Culpepper Carol Whiting SET AND PROPS COMMITTEE Peggy Owen and Sarah Giesenschlag, Chairmen Jon Harri s Kay Moe Loretta Covi ngton Su san Soren son Paul Fagan Steve Prescott Mike Hensarl ing Joe White Ronnie Holloway David Brusse Cyndie Sousares Members of the Advanced Speech Class PROGRAMS Kay Moe Sarah Giesenschlag USHERS Linda Isbell, Chairman Pat Calliham Jon Harri s Kay Fi sher AI i ce Berry Shirley Oates Dorothy Gregory Joe White Paul Fagan SYNOPSIS OF SCENES MAKEUP COMMITTEE Karen Boykin, Chairman Claudia Fisher Dorothy Schaefer Ruth Becker Candy Upham B'arbara Gummult The entire action of the play takes place in the living room of the Brewst~r home in Brooklyn. Time: The 1940's. ACT I An afternoon in September ACT II That same night ACT III Scene 1. Later that night Scene 2. Early the next morning A word of special thanks to Mrs. Sue Cook and Mr. Frank Coulter for their time and outstanding assistance. ~~... ". -, ( ~ ------------~ ~ IN THE NEW ELECTRONIC MIRACLE PROCESS ffLECTRONOVISION-- -"--' ,.",u,." WARNER BRD& W Exactly as presented on the Broadway stage of the Lunt-j:;'ontanne Theatre with the same all star cast. i' " \ :'\" \ '\ \ Futur~ Hom~mak~rs of A.m~rica YEARBOOK A&M CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL Junior and Senior Chapters COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS --_///-~ ~"-~ ~ ~~ . "" ''-., \ 0" '\ " \ 'We dedicate this, the 1964-65 Yearbook to 3 2 , 1li APPRECIATION OFFICERS YOU SHOULD KNOW our advisers, Mrs. John Riggs and Mrs. Mitchell National FHA President. . 0 . Phyllis Christiansen Aitkin 1 Minnesota Phillips. Their sincere attitude, understanding State FHA President , . , , . Nancy Hicks Canyon, Texas I 1 1 I 1 1 '1 t I 11 1 ,j I I I J and friendliness to all, inspire us to greater achievements. President Area VIII FHA . ; 0 . , , . .. Ann Howard Moody, Texas 2nd Vice-President Area VIII FHA , 0 , Yolonda Burkhalter College Station, Texas President District II FHA . , . . . . . Linda Isbell College S~ation, Texas ~ DEGREE CANDIDATES Kay Fisher Janet Gould Linda Isbell Ka'rlene Knebel Sherry Mims Susan Sorensen , I ~ I I I I 1 j J j " "r II ill II 11 ii I I ' I' ! I I I I I I i , ~ , 4 5 1964-65 SENIOR CHAPTER OFFICERS President, . 0 . . . . . . , . . . . ' Karlene Knebel 606 Jersey VI 6-6404 Treasurer. 0 . . . . . . . . . . . , Janet Holt 1110 Ashburn VI 6-6271 1st Vice~President Susan Sorensen Lakeview Acres Highway 6 VI 6~4365 Historian. . . . . , . . . . . . . ~ Jane Houze 1005 Hanington VI 6-4443 Parliamentarian , . . 0 . . ., Julie, Davis 408 Glade VI 6-7595 2nd Vice-President . 0 . Sharon Yeager 606 Montclair VI 6-5244 Reporter . . . . . 0 . . . . . , . Jane Hartin 600 Park Place VI 6-7246 3rd Vice~President Ardis Kemler 1608 Jersey VI 6=7265 4th Vice-President , , , , . . . , . Ann McMurry 905 Winding Road VI 6-4656 Song Leader, , . . 0 . . 0 . 0 , . .' Kay Fisher 1614 Armistead VI 6-6542 Secretary. . . . . . . . . , . . . . Ann Avera 510 Ayrshire VI 6~7258 Musician . . . , . . . . , . , 0 " Sandra Free F & BRoad VI 6~6231 Secretary. . . . . 0 . , 0 . . . . . Jane Bashaw 1208 Ashburn VI 6~6389 7 6 1964-65 JUNIOR CHAPTER OFFICERS ii I d i President, . . , >, , Deborah Schatte 304 Montclair VT 6-8658 Treasuxer , . , ~'. 4:1 .~ .. ,~ IJ. '(I ". e- Mary Bailey 1006 Dexter VI 60.4654 ! 1 Meg Huebner 1010 Walton VI 6-5475 J' J i 1st Vice-President Historian . .. . . . . . , . . . . Penny Hancock 201 Gilchrist VI 6-7164 ' 2nd Vice-President . . . . . . . . . Faye Inglis 201 Montclair VI 6-5502 Parliamentarian. . . . . . . ." . . Janet Calliham 204 Redmond VI 6-4495 3rd Vice-President . . . . . . . .. S,he11y Cooper 1101 Walton VI 6-6433 Reporte.r. . . . . . . . . ., . .. Ann Trail 402 Timber VI 6-4226 4th Vice-President Sandy Cathcart 1200 Marsteller VI 6-4547 Song Leader II! " .. " <J>. ". ..,. .. " 1!1 " fj Phyllis Wolf 1207 Walton VI 6-8633 J .1 7; ,~ I ! I I I 1 I, I I. ~ I II II I' I '1 December 17 - 6:30. . . . . 9 8 SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS 1964-65 PROGRAMS 1964-65 I I II J ,1 I I! 'I I November 7. . . . . . . . . "Now is the Time" District Meeting College Station, Texas I I I ,f. September 22~ "Marriage Calls for Preparation" 2:20 p.m."..,.". Mrs. Alan B. Alter Mother and Dad Pot Luck Supper October 21- Parliamentary Procedure Instruction 1: 15 p.m,......o. by Collegiate FFA Representatives ~~ November l7~ IIWhen I'm Sixteen - Goodbyell 2:20 p.m,.,...... Film for Texas Employment Agency I 'I j."..',' , , ~ i Ii I , ! : II' 1 I '\ February 6. FHA Banquet Ramada Inn December 8~ Christmas Demonstration by the lU 20 a.m."..... Lone Star Gas Company Home Economist May 4 - 7: 30. Installation of Officers for 1965..66 January 19~ Business Meeting ~ Preparation 1: 15 P .m, .. . . , . .. for FHA Sweetheart Banquet February 23- 11: 20 a. m~. . . . . . . " Souvenirs and Paintings From Around the World - Mrs. Joe S. M.ogford March 16- 11:20 a.m.......o "You and Your Values" Rev. Richard H. Thomas April 6- IICitizenship", Dr. A.M. Sorensen 1~ 15 p"mc (> 01 0 ~" ~.." FB"A Election of Officers <jI I II I: ,I i j I I I I I I 1 1i 11 II r I I 10 11 OPENING RITUAL PARLIAMENTARIAN: Our emblem is octagonal in shape. It bears the name of our organization around the top of the plane and around the lower side is the motto. In the center there is a house supported by two hands symbolizing that the future homes of America are in the hands of its youth. I i: l I 1 I: i 11 PRESIDENT, We are the Future Homemakers of , America Our vision is eight~fold and world-wide We ask our Father in heaven To give us the strength and will To fulfill our purposes. PRESIDENT: Future Homemakers, why are we here? ~ ! I II q I OFFICERS IN UNISON, As officers of the. Future Home- makers of America, we are here to guide' and direct the activities which fulfill the ideals, of our organization. MEMBERS IN UNISON: To promote a growing appreciation of the,joys and satisfactions of homemaking. To emphasize the importance of worthy home membership. To encourage democracy in 'home and community' life. To work for good home and family life for all. To promote international good will. To foster the development of creative leadership in home and community life. To provide wholesome individual and group recreation. To further interest in home economics. MEMBERS IN UNISON, As members we are learning to live a more useful and satisfying life through our Future Homemakers activities. PRESIDENT: Vice-President, what is our motto? VICE PRESIDENT: Our motto.. "Tow<:1rd New Horizons," is an infinite challenge and expresses the purposes of our organization, to learn to live better today in order that our lives and those of our fam+lies may be better tomorrow. PRESIDENT: With our purposes clearly in mind, the A&M Consolidated Chapter meeting of the Texas Association of Future Homemakers of America is now in session. CLOSING RITUAL PRESIDEN\l': Secretary, what are the colors of our organization? SECRETARY: Our colors are red and white - red for courage and firm determination to succeed~ white for the purity and integrity of youth. PRESIDENT: Future Homemakers of America, our destiny as homemakers beckons us toward the new horizons that rim the world as we repeat our creed. PRESIDENT: Treasurer, what is the flower of our organization and what does it signify? MEMBERS IN UNISON: We are the Future Homemakers of America. We face the future with warm. courage and high hope. For we have the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious values. For we are the builders of homes, homes for America's future, Homes where living will be the expression of every- thing that is good and fair. Homes where truth and love and security and faith will be realities, not dreams. We are the Future Homemakers of America. We face the future'with warm. courage and high hope. 1 I i TREASURER: The red rose. It is symbolic of vibrant, glowing health- which contributes to happiness and efficiency in home and group life. . i ~ PRESIDENT: Parliamentarian, tell us about our emblem. I I ! t ! j j ,jl II - I I I L,Hf.~ a-.:-',,~' ~~ cP~ ~ 12 PRESIDENT: The A&M Consolidated Chapter meeting of the Texas Association of Future Homemakers of America is now adjourned. Qu. rJ~- / "7 ~ ~- G j"'- r' c- ~'~9~ j I SONGS Ii 1\ r I 'FHA, FHA God in His live enfold thee. - luide thee tendetly, ,And in His wisdom mold thee, Come to our meeting here today, Show us the trQe and perfect way, Our inspiratibn'be, Constantly guidirig, ever abiding Love. SING YOUR WAY HOME Sin~fy6ur way home, " cit: the c lose of the day, Sing your way home, d:Hve the shadows away, " 'Smi le all the while,' and wherever you go, It will lighten your load, It will brighten your road, If you will sing your way-home. fJ-.rcc I [' ill II ! i b ~),~L :::r E)J'J}i ".""~ ;,:,~::) J::' 'J: l' :1 I' I I . j. presents CHRISTMAS VOCAL RECITAL December 13, 1964 3:30 p.m. Woman's Club A~companist - Mrs. Philip Hamman I I I I I I' 1 i'll' .~ THE MYSTIC STAR. .,HAt.mLEN ~ AND THERE 'WERE SHEPHERDS,......,....."..,................................,........ WILSON Mary Beth Calhoun 0, LET US TURN TO BETHLEHEM....................,............................... 0' HARA Shirley Ellis Il ,1 I, i I I IT" S CHRISTMAS TIME AGAIN ....................,.................,........,.... JACKSON " Suellen Ball I,' I , COME TO THE STABLE, ........................................,.......................,.. O'HARA Anita Giesenschlag BIRTHDAY OF A KING..,...................,.........,.......................... Neidlinger John Watson SILVER BELLS ,......................,........................................"..."""" LIVINGSTON Anette Enlow 1 . t ( THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE ....",.................,...,..........................."SCHMIDT Diana Su~phen CHRISTMAS SONG, ......... .......,.......................,............................................ ,TORME John Boyd I I I II ij THERE IS NO CHRISTMAS LIKE A HOME CHRISTMAS,............,ADDY Patty Bailey I ! II I IT'S BEGINNING TO LOOK LIKE CHRISTMAS ,.....,.......... WILLSON Sally Sorenson ':i! HOME FOR THE HOLIDAyS................,.............,......................., ..,.. . ALLEN Nancy Sebesta f r LULLABIES TO LITTLE JESU,.....................................................,....,JONES , Kay Fisher SLUMBER SONG ,...............,.............."...................,........,................,........ REGER Janet Gould Gladys Holick KISS ING BRIDGE ".'.",....."...""...................,..',.'".....,..........,.....,...,.,..,..,.,..ALLEN Michele Melcher ) THE CHRISTMAS STAR, ..,.................................................................,CORYELL Nina McVey CHRISTMAS AND yOU................,.......,..,......................,..............,............" CHANEY Cindy Conway CHRISTMAS LULLABY,... ,.......................................................,......." MICHAELO Judy Bryant CAROL OF THE LITTLE KING ..................................................... CALDWELL Donna Files SLEIGH SONG ...,.,.........,..,..'.............................................................. ANDERSON Melinda Melcher THE STAR OF ORIENT.....,....,..,.....................................................,.SHELLEY Polly Grant WHITE CHRIST~1AS .'............. ....."..,."......,..,............,....................... ,..,..BERLIN Nancy Stephenson ,~ o HOLY NIGHT.. ,.........,..........................,....,.............................................,..ADAMS Sally Wynn ,. I j .1 1 - 1 ~ " ~ " . ,." 1 n,~': Omeconllng ~ ;'.:Qu~en.~-' -~ t,' :;'~'~',~'~_6 _' :~" -';':'~%l'-" . _ ~~ 0i~ ' 'Lo~anmade ,a~'ime' ..;hand ,catchifor "yJli'd~)nA'&M's; pos "'n iOf,;tl1e'second1,. ~"" 'put ""wgelle~~~:Y;i..t~ti'i: ~,t", a" "c". ,~"'""l".",.~,.",,,s,,',.' "",',i"."J,,'.,o,.hM.', ',".',',.'""y."".,.,.",1,", a,.,..",.n,~"",.d""",",.;"i"',.";"J"l,.,~,,"",m"",.."'"",Y,',,",:,',,.,',,,',,'1 Brus~, .\~eI2~;the.c!nv~;JoJ;'~;!;'~rf' ,sop-'s'11~y~r9:'p,Ul}t1o~€orfr,c:le:,~" 21!' Wolters"Gough~a,nd,€arter, " .w'KedNupWe"hOst~'Tigers;l,a:t. ,~ir4o';\'John :srn6e;,putj,tecl35 ~ards,,:andkCohsolidated ''ell't . ":~.w~~~~t;i_~~. ,~.:,:,:';~~'~,~;\1:-.:.i::;:ft~~: ,~,~~ _ \';:.~:~~',:, $ "PAUL 'FAGAN'hroke' Or 3, .~ iardsl)Aacr()~s ,the'i1f'hiidfield , s'tripe;;;io's't'roneon a:1bobbled' ,~,' pitch: oufluJd~th~~Rick Carlton went, il:(motio'ri'Jo i,: . loped"arptx'ild"le'ft ,ze;:o{i in '~ndCai-~t9n~" '.' ,. the:baII'l:around.before,hauling "t in'!q~;ant-yarglgaJn:" ,'fu;,h \"~(il~sOnSjfin,!,,Har-yelli::;\yol"~e~' ,falted,p.unt, for\23yardsj,to pull A~M';otlt'iofJi, !6urthfa~d' ~~':~0Ie'~t~~~1?e:~",38~~VirYeJ ' fhppe~,a slx-yarci~:pass to'I;o- 'gan:and1thendofted a soft-toss toi::Miil~'r" froln ;;~':three~"yards 'away..' ,;, (>re'with'l~:49:re: .'.'lnainil}g. rvelJandLogin,put ~ogethefpass'<piecelil"'( e' conversion",,;' ":W-,1 ,~HundleY:~d":P:arsori* "tIp ;~ ;on,'conroe's :firs.t~plaY:8fter the" i~~~6ff" a,nd""P,alll Becker'\re.; ; coyered:' Miller. arid Carlton '~;agaU1:'<m~de, p.ass"",,;;",'i~c~tching ,'.. magiC; for,24' ., dardsand ;eOl)s()1ida,t ", m';mo~, .~, tion:j;ia>ss 0'., ar dor',the "jpointsconnectedf Wa.s,(: o'ir'ly '.~,e:i~I1J~t:f~J~d~f~.",'~~~~&11ttJ ;1 !unFt!1,~, .cJ6,ck'"out;,;butAiiat l'A;&:M'~c\13; Carter', blasted'1Wat- !, son and ~Miller,; recovennghis ',third~fumble~;lset upfiIfe,Ben';' ':" . ' " '".,':' :,,, "- -'" ' :WjSi,-, _, --,~ _,' ;_. ,...... g~S;t,J~st;~fl~p.3Ch;mceli.that"'did' 1;, ~??~-~W'2F~~;:/.:~,/?i~ ';'~;:i'\ -;~~;j~,~, _~->.'::~~k~'t'.. 'r; -':.:;f~' J . '. I I ~ --- f j l I PROGRAM jl I I I I I ~ Glenn Miears, Master of Ceremonies MENU Invocation Tom Vick , FRIED CHICKEN Dinner BAKED POTATO Crowning of King 'and Queen BLACK EYED PEAS JELLO SALAD Introduction of Southern Belle and Beau Pianist: Ellen Trew Announcer : Jerry Arterburn CHERRY TARTS With Whipped Cream Skit - "Little Black Tom" Tommie Daniel 1 I :1 'I I I :1 ICE TEA and COFFEE '~ Moments of Entertainment and Inspiration Rev. Charles Massagee I j Benediction Terry Arterburn 'I ~:1- 1 \ BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION MUSIC TEACHERS ASSOCIATION SO NATA CONTEST F.NTRANCE FORM /{; Address ;;ZOO ~yYl~ Address " \ , I Name of Entrant L~ uJ~ Age Teacher mw a ~ 7J~d~ . ,- ~r {p (() 'tel ~J../ Group No . Entrane s Performing No. m Selection (Committee retains upper portion) ."'i'M7.;~~.~.=<..."",:,,,~,-~~ ~.~~~,,____-i;,...__=___ _____,__ - _________________-________-_________....u... <:::.. (Lower port i on only to Judge) JUDGEBS RATING SHEET POINTS OF ADJUDICATION Accuracy Comment on overall Performance Jt Tone ) Technic / df/ /1 Rhythm ;}O Phrasing I , I I I I I 1 I 1 'j II I' :LO Pedaling I jj Interpreta t ion /1 , Selection Group No. Entrane ~ Performing No. L~U d/'VL-- r J!Ll- i I :1 ~ " '-. ., \ t~' ',~" 'if' I I 1 1 4 ~ ~,: " ~J ~ ,,: '-ii). ,w.l I,. ~I)i \,'. 1il' ',' if;:( '1f!J ,Clarence Day's SYNOPSIS OF SCEN ES !'!; !b~ with /#allwi The entire action takes pla~e in the morning room of the Day hous'e on Madison Avenue, New York City. The time is spring, late in the 1880's. ACT I Scene 1: Breakfast time. An early summer morning. Scene 2: Tea time. The same day. ACT II Scene 1: Sunday, right after church. A week later. Scene 2: Breakfast time. T wo".days later: ACT III Scene 1: Mid-afternoon. A month later. Scene 2: Breakfast time. The next morning. by Howard Lindsay and Russell' Crouse February 26-27,1965 A&M Consolidated Auditorium PRESENTED BY THE SENIOR CLASS OF A&M CONSOLIDATED WITH THE APPROVAL OF .DRAMATISTS PLAY SERVICE,INC.DIRECTED BY MRS. JAN ALSTON. STAGE CREW AND COMMITTEES . STUDENTREHEARSAb ASSISTANT -Sharon Yeager PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS.-:CSue Cook, Frank Coulter ,CAST ~A THER......................... ....................... >J erry' Holbert VINNIE ...........;......~....................,.......... Donna Files CL1\RENCE ..........;............................... David Maddox JOHN ......................;.......................;...... Fred McNiel WHITN EY ................................................. Sc ott Ho It HARLAN ................................................. Phil Butler CORA ................................................ Carolyn Hooper MARY SKINNER .................................... Linda Bloom REVEREND DR. LLOYD .......................:.. Russ Harvell DR. HUMPHREYS .......;............................ Peter Fagan DR. SO~M~RS.................. ................. ....... John Perry MARGARET........... h.... ............................ Ruth:McGill ANNIE ............................................... Sallye Sorenson . , Daisy Sloan , DELIA:. ...;.... .. .. .. .. .. ..; .... ....... .. ....;.... ... . Kim' Alexander NORA... ................. ."............................... . 'Ann Avera MAGGIE ................................................. Janet Gould J ackieHunt , STAGE MANAGER David Holmgreen PROPERTI ES Katherine Edwards Linda Liles ,Sharon Yeager Barbara Statne Diane Leipper Chri s Schroeder Kathy Sperry Betty Stelly STAGE CREW Jim Amyx Billie Jo Henry Carl Gough Kathy Sperry Betty Stelly Ri cky Carl ton Jimmy Beamer COSTUMES Ann Avera Janet Gould Chri s Schroeder Jana Shaffer Sharon Yeager Barbara Staten Betty Stelly Sallye Sorenson USHERS, Carl Gough Ricky Carl ton Shar'on Yeager Kathy Lewi s' Charlene Ogle I sabel Gramatges Janet Dayton Li nda Rudder Bob Bi shop PUBLICITY Dai sy Sloan Linda Rudder Jana Shaffer Chri s Schroeder Sharon Yeager Linda Liles Janet Dayton Kathy Lewi s 1 sabel Gramatges Charlene Ogle Ricky Carlton MAKEUP Sharon Yeager Linda Liles Linda Rudder Carlyn Gough Susan Lee -~ ~ ------------------- " ~.~ "'- \ ..... " \ ~.~ ..>: '-. "1 ~~',- J:n?J: '-- \) 1 p,&~ 1964 ?~ ~a"e~ * CALL TO ORDER ROBERT H. SCHLEIDER, JR. President, Bengal Boosters SCHOOL SONG CHEERLEADERS Daisy Sloan, Sallye Sorenson, Sharon Yeager Debbie Cooper, Cynthia Castle = "" A&M CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL "TIGER" Varsity Football Roster Edsel Jones _ Head Coach Jack Churchill - Asst. Coach No. Name Class Position Experience Special A wards 55 Carl Gough Senior Center Three letters Tri-Capt. AII-Dist, 45 Russ Harvell Senior F. B. Two letters Tri-Capt. 76 Darrell 'Gossett Senior Tackle Three letters Tri-Capt, 63 David Parsons Senior Guard Four letters AII-Dist. 75 James' Carter Senior Guard Two letters AII-Dist. Hon, Men, 17 Walter Varvel Senior Q, B. Three letters 85 Timmy Wolters Senior End Two letters 25 Peter Fagan Senior R. B. Two letters 15 Ricky Carlton Senior W,B. Two letters 77 Larry Godfrey Senior Tackle Two letters 60 John Perry Senior Guard One letter 61 Bob Jones Senior Guard One letter 87 Duke Miller Junior End Two letters AII-Dist, 24 Paul Fagan Junior W. B. Two letters 62 Stephen Prescott Junior Guard One letter 50 JO€ White Junior Center One letter 74 Bob Holcomb Junior Tackle - Varsity squad 39 Paul Becker Soph. F, B. One letter 88 Terry Logan Soph. End One letter 36 David Alexander Soph, Guard One letter 22 Fred Davis Soph. Q. B. One letter " Jimbo Robison Junior Q. B. One letter Student Managers: Van Culpepper, Bruce Jones, Toby Harvell. " Not in picture INVOCATION DR. O. C. COOPER BUFFET MASTER OF CEREMONIES Recognition of Guests Introduction of Speaker A. W. DAVIS SPEAKER GENE STALLINGS Head Football Coach Texas A&M University INTRODUCTION OF TEAMS Varsity Team Head Coach, Edsel Jones (Asst., Jack Churchill) Coach Jerry Franklin Coach Art Bright Junior Varsity , Freshman Team PRESENTATION OF AWARDS: Outstanding Back Outstanding Lineman Most Valuable Player Freddie Wolters J. O. Alexander H. E. Burgess DANCING 9 :00 to 11 :30 Music by "THE CITATIONS" Fugate-Davidson Printers Student Co-Op Bryan. Automatic Gas Co. Stacy Furniture Co. Charlie's Grocery Godfrey's Restaurant Don's Barber Shop Aggieland Flower Shop Loupot's A&M Photo Shop . Ellison Pharmacy Varner Jewelry Cooley's Conoco Station CULPEPPER _ MANNING INSURA,NCE AGENCY BANKS O'F BRAZOS, COUNTY CLEARING HOUSE ASS,OC. COLLEGE STATION LIONS, CLUB UNIVERSITY NATIONAlBANK. MARION PUGH LUMB,ER CO':! AGGIELAND S,TUDIOS, BURGESS _ CAS,HION ":'HADDOX INS,URANCE COMMUNITY SAVINGS AND LOIAN .:J ,If 'Country. Kitchen Restaurant A. M. Waldrop & Co. Ben Franklin ; Variety Stol1e McCall's Enco Station . Tastee- Freeze Southside Food Market Pruitt's Fabric Shop Jim's Barber Shop Sanitary Farm Dairies ~The Bootery Woodson Lumber Co. Carroll's Texaco Station Cade Motor Co. University Mobil Service Bryco, Inc. Aggieland Barber Shop Bank of Commerce Orr's Minimax Conway & Co. Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. The Rao Drive-In Brookshire Bros. Supermarket Madeley's Pharmacy Varsity Barber Shop II \ '-. '....-.t...-.... '.... ~. ,.,. ."i ~ .:'t ~ I. ! ~ ',- I .. -:-'- IilIl \ "0 '/'i.' I !I ~'?i III ~ ill .;~ L I j f.; i I,;, ~ [~ ~~ 1\\' 1 I I I ~ ) \ I / / \ I ~/j "',!., ~lye ~llen ~ilitar\l' ~radem\l requests tlye pleasure of \lour presenre at tlye ~oll\l ~anre ~utfd ~tudent ([enter ~erember 12, 1964 Jtformal Spm to 11pm "1111\ \ \ , \ ---; -i ~---, - ~~=,"..H'"""~\>;~' 4 ~~,.. .'-', ~:,,"";-.;: ~<;;l;'~ '~",,~p~ I ~/i~tO~udI ~ 0 tJ tp' ~S:t~ o.e~S~ t, "~ ~~c~ ,),,; \, ~ ~. / .- I ) '-....... - \, '[ I , I 1 l. j 1 I FALL CONFERENCE Central Texas , Student Council Association '-, FREEDOM-RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY Hearne High School I I ~ HEARNE, TEXAS NOVEMBER 21, 1964 ! ~ ,,1 t I ~ I "" ~ CENTRAL TEXAS STUDENT COUNCIL ASSOCIA'fION DISTRICT OFFICER SCHOOLS Program President._____,_,_____'_,_'' _,__,,______MEXIA HIGH SCHOOL Mexia, Texas 9 :00 REGISTHATION _______ ______,._ ,-..._---_________..Gym 9 :30 GENERAL ASSEMBLY --________-_____Auditorium Presiding______ __ _, ------____________,_________Bill Birdwell Pledge of Allegiance ,______ __.______ Tommy Mooney - Invocation_______."._ --,-------_________John Mathis My Country Tis of Thee Welcome.,__ _____,_____ __________M1'. L. A. Stephenson High School Principal Introduction of Speaker ________. _______Bill Birdwell Address..__________,__________________ Warden Jack Kyle Department of Corrections, Midway, Texas Vice-President________,___________HEARNE HIGH SCHOOL Hearne, Texas Second Vice-President __,____ ,_____KILLEEN HIGH SCHOOL Killeen, Texas Secretary ______.._ _.._________ ______,_______MEXIA HIGH SCHOOL lVIexia, Texas I i II I I , Parliamentarian___,,___,_,__,., _.___ _ McGREGOR HIGH RCHOOL McGregor, Texas . . . 10 :15 MIXER --____________...____ --,---_----.._________Gym 10 :45 GROUP MEETINGS Room 1 ) 3 ) School Cornpietitive Activities Room 4 ) School Organizations 5 ) Room 7 ) 8 ) Social Activities Room 10) 11 ) In The Classroom Room 21) 'I' t t' 22) ranspor a IOn Room 23) 24 ) Administration '- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE One Year Member, Chairman.._______,_____-MR. CLAY DAVIS , '\Vaco, Texas Two Year Member ...:______ _ _______,__ ___ Miss Charlsie Allison Marlin, Texas Room Band Hall ) Auditorium ) Assemblies 11 :00 FACULTY MEETING _ _____________ ______,_______Gym 12 :00 LUNCH __ _ _____________ _____ _________.______Stadium 12 :40 ENTERTAINMENT ___,___ _________ .________ Auditorium 1 :15 GROUP MEETINGS 2 :00 BUSINESS SESSION________.__________Auditorium Mexia High School-President Three Year Member_______________________Mrs. Jeffaline Stuver Mexia, Texas PrincipaL________________,____.________, Mr. L. A. Stephenson Hearne, Texas ,j I cl ! 'I I ,I I 1 TALENT SHaN II 'l'hl:! Best, of Broa.dway Ii i .I.t) 3engal Belles ') _0 ~raekie Sledge SUS,!:1n Cartwright & Andy DeStfi 4" Rie;c Landma.nn & Compat1Y ~;" HEx'" '1t'i:tf'in & Arabian Group I' t:, Gha,pe.rrd,ls '1 ! ~) Be.1g8~1 Be lIes ~. ~1 B,,~ I!:t~nest, Lee )', & \ia11y ltiilliam,s ':-,0" Lindg Bloom c, Bm"beJ'shop QUiEU"tet, lL ,)indy 'l'homafwuj 01:Lvia 11anl'iqu(~z.9 & Jon Sharon 12" LarrJt Godf're;), & .Jon Sh'1.rOtl I 'l j 'J 1 ! ' I J II I I ~ "- '''-., ~"--- " **************************************************** SPRING R E C I TAL Presented by Linda Williams Mrs.' Leonard Williams Mrs. C. K. Hancock May 23, 1965 **************************************************** I I I ~ ~ I I :' ]: 1 ~1 ' ,I ' ' .: - "'~- ;.; _~, '0'0: '0. ".'."' . . ,~ ,.,~~._'-' -~",^>, S P R I N G R E C I TAL Teacher: Linda Williams Fifteen Men on a Pirate Boat Mark Logan Bag Pipes and Drums . . . . Mark Logan Burnam Etwin Dream Land . . . Aaron Gina Miller I I i' I I i II I I 1 The Elf and the Fairy Anne Adkins March of the Wee Folk Lisa Sutphen Bentley Gaynor Nocturne . . . Chopin Linda Garrett Down in the Valley . . . . . . Susan Hepburn Schaum Teacher: Mrs. Leonard Williams Wooden Shoe Dance . Wright Nancy Huebner Dance of the Rosebuds Keats Nancy Huebner The Juggler Kern Carol Nowak An American in Venice Nevin Carol Nowak Porn-Porn Scott-Cholfant Trio: Carol Nowak, Nancy Huebner, Janet Clark Holiday in Lisbon . . . . . . Becky Hancock Steiner Gypsy Moon . . Hirschberg Fred Williams Turkish March Beethoven Janet Clark 1 ~ ~ ~ Minuet . . . . . . . Blue Tango . William Tell . . . Tea cher : Minuet . . . Blue Danube Waltz Sonatina . The Holy City By Candelight Sonatina . . . . . Sonatina . . . . . Avalanche Jolly Fingers Birthday Waltz . Duet: Janet Clark Meg Huebner Fred Williams . . . . Padarewski . . . . Anderson . . . . . . . Rossini Mrs. C. K. Hancock Mimi Sici lio Mimi Sici lio Patricia Blackhu~st Barbie Hood Jill Sanders Ann Williamson Polly Trant Polly Trant Lisa Hargrove . Bach . . . . Strauss Camidge \ Adams Arr. Schaum Arr. ~~. , ~~ . . . . . . . Beethoven Lynes . . . . Heller . . . .. .. Nevin Ice Ba llet . . . Lisa Hargrove, Polly Trant ' Shortening Bread . . Sonatina . . . . . . L / Debra Webb Torn Sanders Lynn Hood ~ '- . Arr. . Nevin '- Folk Song . . . . . . . . Clementi '., \ \ \ ~ j i: rf i' t' ~:t Iii,-."",,,,,.. -~ - ,--.;.."" _ioo<"'__ i= .-<, Minuet . . . . . . . . . . . Mark Sicilio March Militaire Mark Sicilio Duets Country Gardens and Shepherds Hey The Flower Waltz . . . . . . . Bach . Schubert '/ Patricia Blackhurst Barbie Hood Debbie Webb Polly Trant Sonata Contest Participants Carol Nowak Nancy Huebner Janet Clark - Second Place Mark Sicilio - Finalist Polly Trant - Finalist AWARDS National Piano Playing Auditions Janet Clark Lynn Hood Patricia Blackhurst Barbara Hood Mark Sicilia Mimi Sici lio Polly Trant (Critic's Circle) .'-'. r "',> ~t "- '\ '<. --------- " P10 "Piano-playing is an ideal, all-weather, lifetime hobby or a profitable profession." - onaf @) IOll$ NATIONAL MEMBER PREPARATORY CLASS, 19 10, -5, SECTION lelJ . c= ) ar~i~ <!ftrUftt$ GL~a : !/ ~ II I ~ I. I '1 '1 : i : 4 : ) ) ) ) ) ) I) ] ~ , ) r i l 'l i j l I 1 having. palued lhe ReCjuired :leJl iJ declared a r/alional Winner, preparalor'J /or Collegiale ClaJJ, in lhe national piano AuditionJ, and iJ enwled 10 receive lhiJcerlificale /rom lher/ational (luild 0/ piano :leacherJ, UniledSlaleJ o/America, and memter6hip in lhe national :Jralernit'J 0/ Sludenl mUJicianJ and, piano JJoU'Ji61J o/lhe World /~r One Year. :lhiJ Awal.d JignifieJ /ulfilmenl 0/ req-uiremenlJ in Applied mUJic /or a maximum 0/ :lwo UnitJ 0/ JJigh School credit t'J recog.nizeJ6tandardizing. ag.encie6. . ... fJ:." Years in National Auditions ~ Years on National Roll A. M., Mus. D. COPYRIGHT BY NATIONAL GUILD" OF PIANO TEACHERS JUDGE if \ \ \ , :\ \ " ~ '~ V I. ! "'- --/ .,....... I ~ --~- ..... \ "' , " '" Pupil N o.________________of Teacher's Group Analysis of Pupil's Performance <:), .~ tIl 0", .<1<:) U'" tIl'~ PUPIL'S PROGRAIU tIl'tl . Judge, write below . Judge, write below ~il; "'.... .~" I ~: JUDGE, CHECK RATINGS C's Nos, of Pcs, in A's Nos. of Pcs, in 0.0 ON PHASES: " Titles of Pieces p:;~ which C's occur: which A's occur: il; Composer , INoaart Sonata 2nd NovementJ v ACCURACY: Time Values V I 2Beethoven IPathetinue 2nd 1-1. y Correct Notes V ,/ i.. 3Bach lPrelude #-3 ,,",' Rests It" 4Debussv GolliwoQ"s Cake 1>1a" kV Tempo Indications ,,/ t}- 5Ee,cb.. ''l'allRO Triste 7" Marks of Expression 6 Kaba.levskv PreludA #1 c:; TONE QUALITY: Warmth V 7Debussv Dr. Gradus ad Parn,< ss 1m Vitality 8Snal,As 11 Legato-Blending V I 9....~. V Singing Tone 10 fA ,..",,,,,,.,.,,.~..... Sensitivity 11 TECHNIQUE: Clean-Cn t Ii 12 I Arm and Wrist Ease 13 I Fingering V' 1,4 I Fluency V" 15 Velocity 16 Command of Touches V 17 RHYTHM: Accent V 18 Steadiness of Beat V 19 Continuity-Momentum ;..../ V ~ 20 I Flexibility , PHRASING: Slurs Ke-,~ rro Judge's Checks Phuses: Proper Grouping V on Line Rise & Fall-Me!. C-Special Commendation Range of Shading A~Attention To Finesse in Endings V DYNAMICS: Contrast Unchecked Phases -Satisfactory for Ability. PEDAL: well-timed Ii Age, and Time Studied, Legato Connection If Judge signs the Attached Certificate, the A voidance of Biurs Pupil has passed. JUDGE'S ADDED COMMENT: , I Add'l Pedal Effects Use of Soft Pedal ".: ~ fA- ~ e.1MV . fI",a:T ~. INTERPRETATION: Style V- 8f- ..fJ-v\..C- " 1:...----" ^ I Balance-Me!. & Acc, V ~~~::d.t ..~-w:~ It! Structural Design " t. . 7~ r Clearness of Voices V- i ~u..~. .'" ,'I', I Nuances ~"fEo~/1 Climaxes Feeling-Imagination REPERTOIRE: Classic ;/ Romantic & Modern I/v' ~ ,,' d~~12t~_1fLL1J~;J:__ IMMT Added Phases V Judge's -Signature TOTAL NO, of C's <<),g TOTAL NO. of A's r Copyright by National Guild of Piano Teachers , Judge: Please write clearly TOTAL NO, OF C & A CHECKS IN Spaces Above & Also' on Pupil's Record Above_____________ ~41_~______________ REPORT CARD I 'I 11 11 11 jl i! il Ii 'I Ii I ,I I I j I' I j 'I Ii I I j " ~, ,"-- 2 <: ( ~ ~ 0:, c' ~~ " c, ( ;, '. r.,. ~Oll$ c, 2, c " 2 LJ <i ~ freparatorg /01' '!e thi:J certificate ~ ~ memter:Jhip in forti !~,. One rlor a maximum :b A. M., Mus. D. Q' ~ \ In JUDGE \ \ /// ~ -\1 \ ~ " '-. \ ~ ~'~. ..:-----"\ "-.. ~ '..... ." \ ''\ '\ ", '\ '" '"', \ i \' ;i:"D' ih>.~ .. '" ~.;.. hilii' · 'M"~mlJersl: !~:"~:~)~~~~\~~~dp :,'a~~tilI~S , i)~Bryan~Cqll~ge;,St.~ti?n~cl:1qi~ D~hl>ie<;:C::ooper, ,pianpa \Sut~ ings}ip.Cl~ssJII" division, solos pie~b~r~!$8iliIJ,~teg.!9t~fl;t~lit~P.I1~P~ik1iy Fisher, ;jJ~ir~~ "Y{il- byz1~rtafon~Skri>;anek, Stephen ratlpgs" 'lp.;lltl1e?!;lJw>;erSl~y,~ Ip~ IHlm~,i Sapdr:ClFre~, Bllhe'iJean Erescqtt," "J.' Ro bert..H?lcomb . ! terscholasticf:'I:ieagu" I' ~lQi.arld Greer;'0 :kim,)Aleximder, i:tvIary. Mary:; Beth' Call1~un, >Ev'~ly~,i enOs~'tnble,t. contest\!' ,BaYlbt Beth& d:Uloun,1I5i.ivici Bt~sSe; L()gaIi,D~bbi.~tc (fr~, and U niversit~~ f)atur. ,., ,..cringing David Maqciox" J er:riHolbrook I;[~tvey'"m.ytop; ,,' .' h()1J1e", 41. ~tip~fiOl:fi;;;~U,~~~" ;'} %p.dl:~r~3~:tyr~N~Jl.'~it '( '. "'i" ~i;()l}.e\,:br?r.;~~'..., ; {y"asI, 'Ther ..re', 70,;:'A&l,YI~poB-;!; I ;}~evep.>s~lver'I~$qCl~~.;v~re ,Cl\\Tarcl~d. fori,~uperil .' .e.:-for,m- sqEdat~~ pn.c.E!rtCl~,cl;~mi~E!dbrOught;l;J.ask f.2.li',s1Jpe~!or':r:at- an~e;,m\~,Cla~s ,I:g: J!lvlslOn to i----- phoir 6':m,ember:s ;cornp~tl,ng, , , ' ~ ,Phl,lhsyJ'91t,. '..','f.\ (, alonK~v\Tith{if!vept~pfien"'F. 1 ;;AsilY)~~ !ijeaal was aw~rded AJstilr"choir"member;v/a't:'t~~ : for perior,.performl1-nce in cliniC:' ,"":;;~J;H""'\ i'1(~ ,i CI. I."idivision 'to. ," Polly A&M~qonsoii' I Gr, ",..cqnd,'divisionhonors bY";~fte,~'9rid()n9, " a!s9..,:.nt';~fO'~),CindY ,S:;,oinva:y. , :Ei9hf'ii;part~dpa cJ ())iIl"2I,Yl1,~son,.AnpetteEnlow g,?ld:~;riiedals<for'~. ~,' ~'"'' "--/ ,ai\~}g~tt~l.~ai!~~,~tePhEm(;lF~ bigs t~ltIi lass "f~,diyi~~oIi] ~, '1!~S!.lIl':~h61r,m~W:Rers. ',. "" ~ TOlIllIl:YP.;,., q:a:Yle<Parr()qh;___~l" ;l!;rl1-pk~Coulter IS the A&i;M DOhnaj,%,FileSifiT anet":; Gp'!ild, . t ~6nsoli4?~l:!~ "choir ~,director. :aow'l:!-rd,'N el~Qn, !-'iT a:c~iE!'l'1~rr~~ i ;rhe ."St~p!i~n'F.Au~tin' .,cho,ir man;'Dick.,Pewth'er's'randi;Alleii: i m'embersi;are",stildents of lYIrs.; *~~~~~fyi;~~ <~i~'~~~al~l~~~ J ~~?!j~,t7~IlJI;~#':C:':"F ""f~':~ supenPl.'..rati<';tl1e' 'di'\Tisio~~for' ,se~ble aw'ardedvto;,the'~MadHga, mgc ~rs!\'..€,afolyn..,HooI>er1~'D()nna i Files, J an~t, Gotild,:Linda~Rud;;: der,~;Dais~. ,Sl?an;-LiIl~a~;Wil~1 lian1:;;" Dayidf'B~ussE!,..Rus~'lIarc.; vell,~t ~~~?rd:N elSoB;f,,:p~v~,d i Parso,ns,"]')-lckI-'e:vthers,xRobm \ Ric'e ;<alsO,:'tq.trio,j\,rontestants ~ I->atric,iii9a!li~'i\'w,",~in,~i'Js b~ll~ ~ "-- \" j~'; ,JWi."...... ':,~<~;g,~. oS)', ~~~ ."J:;.:C~ ..,~ l I 1 ,j 1 i j I- I , J I i I ~1 I '------'" -------.J /~ / '-, -, "', "- , '\ 1 & I f ! II ~ ~ '----- " " " ~ ;4. I I I 11 'I' - \ I I ~ ~ ~-~ ,~; "~]~rtiR8m,~B",, a':lt';"WIN;:N,E'HS iIstwpIa", ~inh~rs'irixgt'91ipt~1:tthroil'gh,'4" of~'t~~~r~cenii's~J:lBacon~st{~pcm-' ' '~, ,..., ',' orecbby,;tne"Br.y;an;C611ege"Station,DistriCt"lY.hisiC, {r~ac~ers~,';'~ssoc~aHoJ;l /~is-' r {';;'pl~y~;t,pei~;112&aq,!es~(fe9~iy~~;;~t<Y4~ ban9-u~~'fiel1!~~~!j~ightlaY~EiFrcr(:!sV".~P.H~tb"1!. -E iJ,,;,CJub~,;;~ FrOl:.n;,:;I~ft;to;rlglJ.t;fl.l'~I' $a.mrp$. C.renshaw".son of Ml'"and l\1;rs;~SaITl1J.~l,:p /,' f\;,\\'"..J':,e, ",I,.e" I1s~aW;,.~~t~~':~~ind, g;~i~,:{id~.~g~fe, r,',)b~, 'M," r,'; ",a~d,%,Mrs,.,~qn~l,cl':,.~,Ai",_,fm,',,'in'~'g, u".'I'"...i,~!;~;. I i.n;aura'}']rant,,;~daughter;of\Mr--, and..,Mrs; . Emmett" Trant"iTr.;"c1,J;ld',; Maryii:,Joy l !~,;; 'I),~vj~eJ:lI:~,aught~k'f~J;lVIr .?and;~~~:~;fYfh'ard; ';:iDavisi6m,".t ,,,:~;2~2;j ';"!;;!'-[, ..,....~;;~l' f1;~,1 11 it ..,. ~ 10 tn' . y;- ~d l~9 t' w- I ay l 4h- ~, t,\ i,e~~ i}irl t"~, " j.~~~ , ,,/'t:WA1 ,air~ ","" f1n.,g jmr:, amp~ 1 23, ,plore [~tch Mart, h'30; ~plan: ,ivaTTR"'1\iIOR .~IC'TQR'S, 'c,' ",,~} ffi,li 2 "'J:',';~.U,:.J ,.~ '. JeT' , . '21,'; 1.:. ' ," ,,~ , '., ~ ~, ~ ... ~t~. ,> -' iilWP:. ~,.;Four;.mo.r~~~ic't~'r:s)~,>th~ sonata conteSt are~show~. above. E,~~~ Ie. Hgp.t, ~~~Y".j~,gr.PBP~Wl;'p:l}.~H.i)~t~;G.ar9I.e Troma~? d.aug~te;, of ~r. a.n~':lV!!s,'<T~',,~~, ''':r:ho~~s;. ~C?~t ~"~.L1J;laal;W1l1rams;;~augh ttlr,;of("Mr . and Mrs.+ r.;eonard . Wllllarn:3;1\clrIeI:me~:Pt'lOl' \,,~P, 1t'!'\P~~" " ' f:~_a~d;1:ty.rt,~~'~ C,arsmF3p", ry,..or,~and;n;,itixil',I',',',e';,126ti~.!fq;'; 8,~ygli:1~r6'f ily(r~,.l ~~i~~:~. ' rS'f;,~:,:~t?':~~:Jt}~~5se,:~~~t~,~by:~~epe,~p~s :";~'~)l~:():';,l:~~~ .~.. .,~/ ' "- ~ I I ~~ / / '-... , ), /P // --------------- ~ ~~ .~ ..-- ~ --------- ) \ \ ~ If II I ,,<,-~,~..tr:...... '-. ~ ~ " / } .~ ~ "- '--. " \\ " \ \ " " Natinual O)uil~ OOf 'iaun wrarqrfa lIlut.trll ~tatr.a of Amrrira 1Ell'mrntttty ~ttrmnny (1ll'rtifirtttl' UJ4ia rertifies t4at has creditably passed the tificate . xamination iJl.ended thi~, the Day 'of Member in good Achieve~ this 1 ' 5;y ding of this organization. ~ Signed Founder-President The Examination Compiled by John Mokrejs, Dean of Rules & Regulations: d 1. Recite and play the SHARPS in order, one to seven. Recite and play the FLATS in order, one to seven. Be able to tell the signatures of all major scales. 2. Be able to play the eight notes from C to C' up and down with one to five flat signatures,. One to seven flats ad li~. 'Likewise the notes F to F. Be able to play the notes from B to B with one to five sharp signatures, One to seven ad lib. Likewise play from E to E. i 3. Be able to sing the notes, points, of the C major triad. From Cas, C-E, C-G, C-C' From E as, E,C, E-G, E-C' , From Gas, G-C, G-E, G-C From Cas, GC,C-E, C-G, C. 4. Be able ,to sing the C major triad notes with the connecting Passing Notes forming the C scale. Ascending-121, 123, 343, 345, 565, 5678. Descending-878, 8765, 545, 543, 323, 321. 5, Beable to sing the upper and lower appoggiaturas to the C chord points. An upper appoggiatura is the next diatonic note above the point. A lower appoggiatura is the next chromatic note below the point. Say AND on all the appoggiaturas, and numbers, letters or syllables on the points, as 1-3-5-8, or C-E-G-C, or Do-Mi-Sol-Do. Ascending with upper appoggiaturas; and-I, and-3, a.nd-5, and-8. Descending with lower appoggiaturas; and-8, and-5, and-3, and-I. I ), 6. Be able to hear: (1) anyone tone of the C major chord when played. Also any two or three tones played in succession. (2) Hear any two points of the chord connected by Passing Notes, played ascending or descending. (3), Hear any point of the chord preceded by its upper or lower appoggiatura, or by both upper and lower appoggiaturas. (4) Hear any two points with appoggiaturas, (5) Be able to sing a simple melody at sight. ' 7. Be able to tell by ear Whole, Dotted Half, Half, Quarter, Eighth and Sixteenth notes when played repeatedly with a given steady pulse. 8. Be able to improvise simple songs on a simple rhyme, as Jack and Jill, in each of the four ways: (1) With tonic chord points only. (2) With points and passing notes. (3) With points and appoggiaturas. (4) With a free use of points, passing notes and appoggia- turas, all on the tonic chord over a drone bass. (1-5), ,'.."j, 9. Recite' the seven triads-CEG, DFA, etc., fluently and be able to play these with signatures of one to five flats, and one to five sharps. Recite the seven seventh chords-CEGB, DFAC, etc., fluently. . 10. ,Play the Great Harmonic Law Of Chord Progression in several easy keys. Triads with roots descending by a third-C*A*F*D*B*G* . E*C, and with threl1 notes in the right hand, keeping notes common to two chords in the same voices. 11. Be able to play all Major, Minor, Diminshed and Augmented triads, each in three positions. Ascend chromatically. 12. Play the C minor sCllle--::natural, harmonic, and melodic. 'Grade: /S. ~~.J Gu Member % EX'mi"'~ed ~ Signed: . I I. 1 1 , ~ f Date 19_ COPYRIGHT 1955 BY NATIONAL GUILD OF PIANO TEACHERS I f I ::~~ / I I ~ '---- " '--- , REPLY IF DECLINING 846-7972 822-8475 i J ~~ . ~. ~)7/~ ' \.f"oC) -/ /c Lr;t- ~ . / ~ ':.J "Oc1 ~~~ <~...it;' ~,. ~"., -------- MRS. JOHN MILTON GORDON HONORING HER GRANDDAUGHTER MISS RUTH GORDON McGILL DAN~ING TO THE MUSI~ OF THE ~HAMl?AGNE BROTHERS FROM EIGHT UNTIL TWEL VE BRmR~REST ~OUNTRY ~LUB SATURDAY, THE FIRST OF MAY FORMAL - ""l You Are Invited To ........ .... .......~:..... ........ .................. For 9~....V..fj~;.............. Place ./IQ.p..:?.... ~4!.?-:!!.~~............... Date ~..cf;... ../9...(;e.5.:...................... ....'..,. TimeJ:~..S:..... 0' clock By~:.~:f.:iJ/~ . , y::J~~ 6-4'- ~#q.o/-3 ~ d~ . e9-/f(P -{, ~g-'~ ~ ~~ --- I~ / l'he J. 1I1lior 4 sSel1tbl of th Y If/. e refill ol1tQ , ests 11 s Cz the PI lib eQSll re of 1'1Iesd Qt Q , YOllr c Qy, the t. DQllce OI1tPQlly toe Ilt :Y-s l:h eco e /fo 'I1d of D I1tQll's C eCel1tb 'lib er I INVITATION I ADMITS YOU OR YOU AN D YOUR DA Tl: I / I '---"'~'-"""",~~ "01<4 4i, ~~ ~~~------- -~ 8:00 . '<:00 ----------........- ~-~ ~~-------- I~~ -~ .~ ~~' ~ ~~. '....... ~-........ .~. -.~ '7 ~ &~~~ A&M Consolidated -Senior High School College Station, Texas j 1 j 'I ' I ! k Sunda}; Evening, Ma}; 23, 1965 Thursda}; Evening, Ma}; 27, 1965 Eight o'clock ~ '1 i i I I, ._J "- '\, '<... -~ ~ , I I i r ! 'Baccalaureate Sermon A & M CONSOLIDATED AUDITORIUM Sunday Evening, May 23, 1965 Eight O'Clock Commencement Progranz.-, A & M CONSOLIDATED STADIUM "'. j Thursday Evening, May 27, 1965 Eight O'Clock "....~ ! Organ Prelude Organ Meditation Processional-Two Trumpet Tunes and Air ............. Henry Purcell Invocation Rev. Lloyd Elder Invocation .................................. . Walter L. McPherson Pastor, A&M Methodist Church You'll Never Walle Alone........................ Rodgers-Hunter' Concert Choir - Charles Castle, Accompanist Processional .................................... Theodore' Dubois The Last Words of David Randall Thompson Introduction of Speaker ..........................,... W. T. Riedel Superintendent, A&M Consolidated Schools Concert Choir Hymn, "God of Our Fathers" .............................. Warren Choir and Audience Address ................................... "0".................................. 0"......... Earl Rudder President, Texas A&M University Sermon ........................................ Rev. Lloyd Elder Pastor, First Baptist Church, College Station Awarding of Scholarships ............................ E. P. Ozment Principal, A&M Consolidated Senior High School Presentation of Graduates ............................ W. T. Riedel Benediction ..................................... Rev. Lloyd Elder, Presentation of Diplomas .......................... John B. Longley President, A&M Consolidated School Board Postlude-J esu meine Freude Flor Peeters "C. H. S." ( No Recessional ) Seniors and Audience Munnerlyn ...................... ._........... eo'".................. 0'........................ Benediction Walter L. McPherson GOD OF OUR FATHERS Recessional--March Miniature ............ ~ . . . . . . . .. Henry Vibbard God of Our Fathers Whose Almighty hand Leads forth in beauty all the starry band Of shining worlds' in splendor through the skies, Our grateful songs before Thy throne arise. Thy love 'divine hath led us in the past In this free land by Thee our lot is cast; , Be Thou our Ruler, Guardian, Guide and Stay, Thy word our law, Thy paths Our chosen way. C. H. S. Voices ring out to thee Hail C. H. S. Hearts filled with loyalty To C. H. S. Ever so faithfully Ever we bless Each happy memory Of C. H. S. Organist and Director ............................ Frank C. Coulter Organist and Director Frank C. Coulter I: [ I I ,J I i i Sare Kimmel Alexander James William Amyx III Alexa Ann Avera J ames Michael Beamer Thomas Dan Beauchamp Karen Ann Berndt Robert Gayle Bishop Linda Lee Bloom Susan Elaine Boswell Janet Elaine Botner Darrell Ronald Brown Yolonda Jean Burkhalter J ames Craig Butler Philip Charles Butler Paul Kenneth Calaway Jr. Mary Elizabeth Calhoun Earl Franklin Carls Richard Lee Carlton Rex Travis Carroll J ames Lee Carter Larry Harold Carter Charles Jacob Castle Cathryn Cleland Charles Ray Courim Jean Anne Davis Janet Gayle Dayton Margaret Rose Deason Donald Charles DeLucia Tom Charles Denton Michael F. Doran Kay Vasser Douglas John Thomas Duncan Margaret Nell Durst Katherine Anne Edwa~ds Claire Beth Elkins Donna Jean Files Peter Gail Fagan Sandra Carol Free , "",. I I . CLASS ROLL William Charles Gilmore John William Gladden ,Larry Lynn Godfrey Christelle Marie Gooding Claude Darrell Gossett Carl Merl Gough Jr. Carlyne May Gough Janet Florence Gould Isabel C. Gramatges Billie Jean Greer Virginia pregory William Birch Harris III Russ Parker Harvell Georgia Ann Heritage Jerry Edward Holbert David Nilsen Holmgreen Scott Allen Holt Carolyn Kay Hooper, Patricia Lynn Hornsey Patricia Lee Hotchkiss Sylvia Ailese Houston Martha Jane Houze .r acquelyn Kay Hunt Johanna Karen Johnson James Robert Jones Carolyn Dianne Kemmer Karlene Knebel Bernice Margaret Krenek Susan Elizabeth Layman Susan Carol Lee Diane Louise Leipper Kathleen Elizabeth Lewis - Linda Louise Liles Michael Irving Linger Bruce Lolmaugh Harold Glenn Luedecke Claudia Radle Luedke Sharon Ann Lynch David Thomas Maddox Sylvia Ann Mansfield Jane Emily Martin Ruth Gordon McGill Fred Richter McNeil Linda Louise Meiller Tommy Owen Meinecke Sherry Lynn Mims RoJ;lert Lee Morris Frank Rowl Morrison III David Wayne Murphy Dora Charlene Ogle David Leroy Parson Virginia Ann Patterson John Vivian Perry III Dick Harris Pewthers Sylvia Kay Price Robert John Reid Randolph G. Richardson Deborah Lynn Rose Sally Diane Ross, Linda Lynn ;Rudder Jonathan Sharon Christine Louise Schroeder J ana Shaffer Rosemary Sharp Daisy Mary Sloan Sallye Jane Sorenson Kathleen Jane Sperry Barbara Sue Staten Elizabeth Ann Stelly Walter Andrew Varvel Daniel Truett Whitt Jr. Alice Putz Van Winkle Timothy Mark Wolters Fred Willard Worley Gail Dianne Venuti Sharon Ann Yeager ,jJll\~ -i \ t I ~,- 1- r- - 1 I I I I I 1 'I I 'I I y ,/' "\. '\ - ) I II I I II I \ t I \ I I" ~ - I I ," ,) , I I .1 L- ,:Ui ,~ ',. - t- .t. ,;" J}._' ',C; L1C outst,md L-:lg Class of 10G5 being ~or ~nc fir~t ~:rld 1, a~~ t: -[:1;10 ill ,) s 2c ",rd :c,unc iJood o.n(~ cl total1~{ :fect(~d st~_ Le in 11 nd for the ;)(o"uc",cllinq of c1,:) !lcccby t:::c -[:"j(; u::;;u,,,l :)(::1 r~1.1cil ,. ~0-'c"'11 '''lo~~' Y'\"'C- "'-c 1"'" ')""'1 lOp, (;'ur' ,'o<:.',~n,"'-S :" ,',", f-'or' 'Je,- (:~.l..'l ...;X C '.JC. iJ.(j~~_:~""~ u...) 1" u'~v~ ~ Gel _"_ . _......>-- .......~.r \ fou:: yc"r:s to the mem1)cr:::; of the unsus')ccl:in9 Junior L: 'l,.s t: (: 1 ~l ~ .iC;- ():f 1~:;0;~ this 10th dcy of "pr'il L"1 the YC"T ISleS.. i) <":1 ,,ro ~" : Ie) 1 i':1;.~t"'eell 1 0 ;,::vC:S 11.i s' ) l~_i<; C: C)~-l t :'1t~ ~)js.! :\:; t-]:-;21 J. t,~ 0.;'11 .t~J )J l:Lk:( _~ I3 tl-(~ 1 c: .::,,~ 'i, r~ C;{-'ll:--~t()rl .Le-i}VC~~ s"ecol1d bu.sc~ .~F'ld ~-1is :31Lcl.i..'1~~~ s:1ort:s -to ~~ \J lZ (};:'.L [; () 1"1 e D.-':;'"\lJ.cl ~~'L.V.'S()(lS Ie,., \/c~s 'l:LS cli[}CL1S <:trlci tiC:3 '~o ~'l(lC _lolc .~~":1b; il11d h ~;.',lo-i Jut to ,-,,,,t Callihai',l.. B" ;Y" i 2nry lc:.::..ve t11C ir attenduncc record c:; to r:o.ry i'{uth ,,; c:tkL1S ~Co'xny Clark:.~ II 1, thy S;Y:rry le_.'1cs her 1:1ot1'1c1.' 1:0 thc; ,Juniors.. J :L GiL,:ore TLves ;-1r.. '3i.rcham to Chi~)rlcs i-Iollund., :.) '/1 (,1 i,'ICl:ns~f l.cld leavc:s ~O~ . J11i tc. s CustIe lc~v~s his sc:ndals to David 8russe. DeLl :'~a.~:l(Jox l(:cLv~:~s ~li.S .tl~:.:~i sc:"rvLc:e to t'~.1C~ ToP. to 0u.vi.::-~ :~oor(:;. L,'c:c:r' F\" . n l<:avcs "0 11t"V'11" r<<'n!r-c,-,; ""0 J' ., D; '.v'", J 0 _ " c;;;;'-c,,,~ \--..1-, l.- crry,,~. .,.. :Ij ,ndD. Bloom Ie;'~,v s the riDS sic~e o!: thc~ road to ~<:C, I Fisher ~ 'ab ho j CLi1d Linck i.ud Ocr Ic",vc; t:loir dou;)lc (1 t::s to .:;tevc rc~.cott and Lindu ,illiCc::-ns" ~;US2!1.': L,ee lc~uves her lay rOr;1QnC(~ 1.:0 Susic1ro\Jn", Gut1:, ;~cGil1 10.::..v:,<.; the den;:, in her cur to,nne ;jac;;urray" !<:e Jor0.n Ie'. ves his ho.ir cut 0.;1('1 sc;'.-C ,rs to ":::;h;y;!l'~ ~"tler.. [,11.Jr1.-C iJ'n lei.;,v.::s his ..(:' -, 1.... ~, .J.. C.l~..... 1..D.. to To:-n:lj C,:xblri;lL:.. f~C)rl ~~~\r'r.)~~'\lr'\ lcztvcs fir:s. l1Qrtitl -~ f0.t Ii)" " -,. i. ].~il .-ju,t,l r lC'-O.\TcS 'li~~ stc:;)l~:c1.(P:t~r t:() .l'iro '~J1Jrch(l:..i9 eO) ",o,rT,~s leavE:s his s"::QtebOi.l.t'cl to Lo.\Jl~cnco ;':C:,10C.. V 1.i1Ll Gree-lory lc:~vcs 11 ,):', '.:;litc )~_:ont S:lOC~j to DOl:'oi::iY ::3re'''f:lt'I'' f)clI"I .1 (;c)sse ~:t lc,"~"lJC~:-; -C11 c.o Lr \;l j'hc Ti(Jcrl.2nd Turnt,J.:Jle st:~-,2 1::.1J :.. ,:::'1irlySll,y'cr her oun rc~- UC~:3t J:) >..) x ~ \fic--JL1L: L".J.l:tc~rSo;1 lc;;v:s her c~ccont to .--"nnc)ul ~,n~rer.. C;,;,'olyn .l,::>o:Jcr Ie> ',7,-:::; llcr ::n'Jin,; to C':1]:."ol.h1tintj.. ,J ,i11etJotn;::r l:'~,vcs hc,r mc,:::::n:::";s to :velyn LO':.Jn., J.J..J..S'I ::; 10 un 1.0 "V' " LOj,~..;).1'LJ: o._JJ.cJ,;".iL-C'\ "'- ~~ t.".", i~:~-'. "1 I I~ \ \ ~, \ '\ \ ~ ~ ',- '-- '- ------ "'" '\ '"\ ,I / V Co.thr'.rn CI0Li!1(1 lo,vc's her '-- , so:ft 11i~iir to JC:l.l1ct :Io1t., J' amc: s C::xt:er lea'fc:s ;1is 1953 limousine to !:ike Coo:)cr,,, ".,., "'7~.'~ } Chris Good inc] lCL1ves her peti-tc;l1cCi S to O'ah Ilarr is.. Carlyn GCJl!911 l:iJ.vCS her voice to C.i~J.dy~ous;,;:,rcs.. 'I'r,,~vis CLrroll lc"vc;s l1is al::::;rtn,:.:::::;s to "r:3is Kernler.. r Jim,-.v i3cc::;:rcr and ..J ilckie Ilunt leave their L,l\'Jl1 chair 0.11c1 stool to ;rm'Jc.l~d .lJc:lson and Linc\c.i Isbell.. i~l"i'~o ]:'l'rl'!,,>S l"""'v c :l'"'r "r,~clrct" to "-1j,.", IIe11<""rll'~1c~ ,,-C.~.L\__.~.J~"~),." "'~ '-L_......JA~_ Ui'\a "A..J..,.'-,- .-'.)L~ _J._~,f) tl~~~..~.t/j /\ r~(~ /\ ;./ t~"'T-' L.~tS /~; ~.) C::. 7-/'-/ G I /( j!~f:{ .P/r(,~li0- /!)::..)tJ t." e. ..~~ /-~" ,-7,.1.j E) ~?:>1 SusClnBos\!cll lcavE:;:3 :Jonnic Sh'-lr0 hcr'~Lf:e-up kit.. Don D,,;"L'ucia h.is romuntic \Ji.,l'/S to Do.vid I,lor ley.. a \ ~ :;'iJ.r;ji~Ta :,::t,c.cten lci.iv:'~"; h::r curl~:; tO~'(~0CJY Olden.. Donna 1"5. s leilvc:s her voice to LilliiJ.n Surov"L:(.. Dill jE;c,n Greer i.md i..ary ::;c'ch Calhoun leilvc their )wr::ing S ",ot in 2ront. of ['lender sO,n :Tall to ,\1 ice "jerry., , j Jo~ Jones le~vcs his hi.l~dkerchief to.illic ~d~onds0 , ' Ki:n Sici1 or and Georcio. .1oriJc.clc leave slu:n1)er p,:\rties to :3cc1cy 01ann.o;; F(css lE:ilves 11 r dou!Jle dJtc to Cynt;11a Custle", J"im leaves lei::; one t::>ne to ;(ic]:: J.JanCb1iJ.n.. I ! C c.r 1 1" i_eves ;"lis teLl and s,::::;ct rolls to D~lkc Miller.. Jerry dCllbert ,~]ivcs his driver's 1icense to Rich Runkles.. ,John Dilnny ,:l1lt t leaves all of his ,)(b]ccr u InnLl':s to John 3aldauf '" Ie" ves t:1e c};J"r]c room to Scott dervey" Fred, orl(",)' :!.c,-'\ic~s his ",;L.;ybo:,!s to David Creech.. T :Lmmy__ oll:c'c.cs \1 i ves l1is boots 1 sunqL::tss,-s, and CO',:D,')y hilt to Geor:;e Crc,J.(Jor c, I II I' j1USf.i ibJ.:"lo11 H::aves :118 \;Jh:Lr,l')ool to ::~d GoL~srn' t"h" Ci.lroly~ ~emmcr lc~vcs her hair-dos' to Loretta Covin :t,)n. J un.:::. ,11,-\,":(::: c:r lcc:vs her s,IL:;:,iii1q S '-lit to i<ilrcn !3oyJ:in.. Sal:J,ye Sccenson lc:.cv( s her cll '"cken)ox to SUSi".n Culcp;)er" Jc,net Gau15 lc~ _'ves the b,__se,),~ll 9':::1"12S to Sherr] :,; .i~:l:qa,ls.. 3]'Lron Year]':,c 100.\10::; her i1-iLl' culori!li) [:0 lJec\:y ,';c.~:l:c:L':.. JOiJnna ,J,:)hnsoi1 le..;ves her ~radc~; to Sally f\ob.ison" Lo.rr-:{ Curter lc:~"vc:s his -:127 flu,"s to John S:cribune':.. , ali:e)~ VClJ.:'vel lcc-.vcs a ;:JLJ,c',: Lii:d:--\: 'Y1 ,:r.. :-"ricJ.::.. Yolon '0, Burkh,J.lter l' ,..v's her hO::1cJ,':in ::Jsitions to Junc. llou",c:" Ii' ;hc;:rv "",L-,L1S ,--"-.ld Oo.vi':' .~ur ')y lCcl'/~: t:lc:Lr m I,S810ns td l30cky :--;ic:Llio II ~nd, CanJy 0pho.mo I ,\nd", " " "'" the 50:: i_or cl(l8 s Ie ves ,l.rs" i'0rti;'1 .II t_...... _ "-'- ~ '-" ~-"-'-'-__ , \ \ ~~~W~D~l>'3""" ~ \, I ;r--- J ~--------- .~ I --~~ , ~- -.. i-~. ,,~ I I ~ / "i~(;it'l~ yi I l ,.,,', ,J' J' OfL "~ ~Ai; ,J and' ~g.' ceive j, H iJ ~,. .'sso- m ;6 as le- "ad 'tat '10 1 f } it ,.on Kil- ~~, .ern k.IA fa~~ r'" ,"" ,J ,'~ , ; , " \ "; ?" did , ~~ ~" a. ".;' ? 1::' \; -~ ., If _( 'III!",:p';',"i11 -l:>'~~-"--~'~~lBIII'--~'_"""","iii"_ &"j_, , , , """--~ '.... ,,~', ~i"~-~ I'~''"'" l'{ M> t.~ 1f ~ ~:-' ^ .~ ~ :,;, \ i. ':?: 'R ~ .J ,~, ;.r; ,;;- " , r " ", ,> ',~to~,el:y' ." "'"' ,/ ,,,,,";;, ~i\ 1~" , ~ o.i' i\< .~ ,\~, c ,:'f@a:~VI; .;i~ " "~, ""~" ~, ~ J ',:, ,," ,.' , By NI'nA NEWBERRY 'Wbmeh'siEdUtr" , " '~,' . ,1'~ . ~, ~ ;{~~ ' Had afavor..backfIre lately?, "" y'ou"kl!ow"wh~t' P mean, it's liKe - ~wli~n 'you>;: get .up in, the morning ,feeling :yvqp~;nERFUb !,;11: and go out into the world with"tl1.c::,,: III be good", today at~titude"'a.lfd ,the first per~ol1, you-do a favor for' slaps,you across the face wItr a cold 'towel;" .. "'"~ <:>,^ . . '. :::;:;= "" Can~t,wi:h'eih all everyday, bwut' it ,does look, tlike:one~' gflY'woU1d"b~ ~yc"~ay to, come9ut of' some silly situation smellmg lIke a'1rose ~ ev~ry- !"! one else seems to. ~,' ~' 1t Don't get me wrong. N: ever, ever hav,e Ir given ",upo,n the. .hum.a~ i.ace: ~~w? r~al!t. r:r.here'~ g?od, in ev\:ry 'Joe, It,S Ju~t th,a~ ~t ~s so lia.rd. to tmd: , ']hink I'll;start carryurg around a magmfymg glass "or' something to" he!p~ine fipa the good,1hough;::i: Might'help: ' "~:, " '.. ." Oh well as the man"woman"or,smart kId saId (what .differ~nc~ dges it; make who! ~aid it" any-' ~hov/?), cheer llP, things will get worse. All II want to 'know,is: how and why,me? Shades of .Alfred ~,';~ ,Newmf-n, I do declare,. :" ! : " ::::r::.....:,::) ~:i:i~~:i::~;::~~;r:~:Zi~ :i:;~r.~1~ if>. I ~ ! : I 'if/I,( "" l'S'<:,' , , PHONE TA'2~3707 FQR CLJ\SSIFIED" ADS, ~ \1" 'i' " ','~ I' ,I "" ~~ , <i ,i ~ -:,,' ~;,. \ f ~ " .y ",~ ~.iIIiI"-~ iI!I ~ " ;,\ .. 1"iJII<;- ,~ :flI ,,~ '1I<lI...... ~ '" "f. ;,.,;t: "'~~':l:1Ji,./, !~ ,,;.!. $ " f. ~ l^ ~ ~ 'i!\! ~f: " ~, ' ~i ' ~, '" I!! '" ,j' ~ t~ ?if -i}o/: -\', j,t? ~'t ~ 'rr' 1;:,10-\' irf ~ <hi \',:i'; .' l' 1{' i:l~ , " oj;, 'W :~~ "*: ill ;t. t' .r~ <.\! ~1 ~_; ~, ,#",,,~~~~.,~; )' i ;: I \, ----... ,.",Yo u r SOCIAL S~CURITY" . ACCOUNT CARD '" ~~ =~ ,=c:: Ii ~i\ ,<, ;;; .... I ,. en ,., [1 ~ \::1 \... I,~ l'i~ f.." , )!~- , "'CO {~ ~\. If\' !\, Z 1:\ WHAT it is ~ ....m gN ;;: ~'I l!J ~ro :1~ ". 8 I cm ~ ~w '" ~(.D o O(\)~ OOH ~oZ: ~ 0 Cl>8tI> oq 1-'- cP S ~ c'l?:I encPtI> cT Ii ' ill ~ cT H 1-'- ~ o t-l ::s H ~ 8 en ,Cl> '}<: ill {J) tWHAT you do wit, it .... C> ... e; ,., z: -t ' ::;:; <=; ".. , -t _u,~ & WHY "'~\ ) 1 ~ ?-// ::-- .) ~-- ) :t<; .~\ r ~---------------- ~/ / t--\ ~-~- ~\ " ft;'; ~",~JJ . . . -.. -:.. "'~~ YOUR CARD shows the number of your social ~;~ security account. It is necessary to identify the account as belonging to you. Your number is also used by the Internal Revenue Service as a taxpayer ,I,',:"f,,', identification number to be shown on tax returns and t shown upon request to banks, employers, and others where you receive dividends, wages, interest, or other income. The social security card should not be used for cashins checks and similar purposes. 'IT :v MOST WORKERS now come under Federal old- age, survivors, and disability insurance. This group includes members of the Armed Forces and most self-employed people. Also included, by agree- JII ment, are employees" of nonprofit institutions, of State and local governments, and of full subsidiaries"" of United States business firms. The same provisions apply to workers and self-employed persons in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa. WHEN YOU WORK on CI job that is under 'I . social security, show your card to your employer. f' M,ake sure ! your emploY-II,! I er takes down " your name I and social · security num- I ~e;ye~r~~~~:~;; on your card. ,/! t ,,\ '1\ ,~ ~ i I j IF YOU ARE self-employed, show your 'name and number (uactl~ as on your card) on the social security report you ile with your annual income tax return . ji' m, YOUR CARD is in two parts-the upper part, which is the card itself, and a stub. ~., ~"f ~~~ ,\ :r.[o ~ _, ':~~l!'~~: " ~''':,':'.)~, ..;# . P, . ,'...:- ,." :~: ",.. . o#'~ ,..,,,,~,,""" SIGN YOUR NAME on both parts, on the line marked "Signature. II KEEP THE CARD itself in a card holder, or CI tough envelope of some sort. Carry your card with you when you are looking for a job so you will be sure to have it to show to your new employer. When you Clre not carrying the card with you, keep it in a safe place with your other valuable possessions. LEA VE THE STUB at- tached to this folder and put them away for safe- keeping. 'If you should lose the card, the stub will help you to get a duplicate. In case of your death it may be useful to your family in filing claim for survivors' insurance benefits. Tell / your family about your social security card and let them know where you have put it. ]r~ 'III /~ \ \ \ \ // 'lh {ll'i i1i.1 lHl .~f IF YOU LOSE YOUR CARD show or mail the stub to the nearest social security district 1\ office a"nd ask for a duplicate. You can get a ; '" duplicate without the stub but not as quickly. IF YOU CHANGE YOUR NAME- ~. by marriage or divorce, for example-write or visit t,,, the neprest social security district office and ask to I have the records changed. You will get a new card i with your new name and your old number. I I DON;T ask for more than one number no matter I where you work. If you should get it, your earnings would be credited to more than one account, and both you and your family might have trouble getting all the benefits that might be due. If you already have more than one account number, get in touch with the nearest social security district office and find out which number to use. Turn in the other card. '\ YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY ACCOUNT is used to record any earnings you receive that count toward old-age, survivors, and disability insurance benefits. The size of benefits will depend upon the amount of earnings credited to your account. J, I MONTHLY BENEFITS may be paid to men and ~omen at retirement age and to certain disabled workers. Also, the following family members may qualify for benefits: The wife or dependent husband if that person has reached retirement age, Children under age 18, and Disabled children, regardless of age if disabled before 1 8 and the Wife (any age) caring for such children. IF THE WORKER DIES benefits may be paid to the widow or to the dependent widower at retire- ment age. Benefits may also be payable to children ' under 18, or disabled children regardless of age if disabled before 1,8, and to their mother, regardless of her age. Benefits may be paid to the dependent parent of a worker if the parent has reached retire- ment age. In addition, when an insured worker dies, a lump- ~um payment may be made to the widow (or widower) or, if there is no eligible widow or widower, toward the cost of the funeral expenses. I 1 I' ~ I I F f 1- f For more inFormation 1 r j ASK ANY social security district office. If you don't know where to find a district office, ask your post office or look in the telephone directory. Any district office will- 1.-help you to, check up on your social security account. 2.-explain your rights and 'duties, and the insurance benefits you and your family may receive. 3.-help you or your survivors to file claim for . benefits when the time comes. 4.-help you protect your benefit rights if you become severely disabled and expect to be un- able to work for a long period of time. Do not notify the Social Security Administration when you change your address unlesS' 'you are re- ceiving old-age, survivors and disability insurance benefits. SOCIAL SECURITY IS FAMILY PROTECTION Form OAAN-7()(l(; (3-03) GPO: 1963-0-680011 \il~ N , Your SOCIAL S~CURITY . ACCOUNT CARD ) ,,,<II I - I ,G'l I ....z ~~ en", gill' }E" (/, .... I~,II ,t~ l, -c::I :--.;'-., J,.~:,. f' ~~ ~~,; I" ~ 2:, I :;:1 C> ;;0 r' ~.~~, ~I Pl ~,;m :1~ :.;. ,...".... 8. I c: ,,~m Z ~.iIJ "'- ~ ~ WHAT it is Ol\.lt-J OOH 1-'02; I-' V <1l1-3~ O'l 1--" <1l S t-J . o't>:I ~ <1l'~ <+'i >u :E; <+ H 1--" t-J o t-J ;:s H ~ ~ ,1-3 ~ ,<1l ,:>< }Il m WHAT you do with it '" ~ ~' "iI;, , ~,. --- ~.." l' ~' " (" I & WHY I , I I i f ';' I ~ ! J 'I "----. ~ 'j i- I I I I ~ . J . '\ '~'<' '"'::,''' 6 SOLO AND ENSEMBLE BAND, ORCHESTRA AND VOCAL UNIVERSITY INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE ENTRY BLANK AND COMMENT SHEET INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out one of these blanks for each solo and each ensemble entering a Regional Competition-Festival. Mail to Regional contest chairman with fee attached. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED AT LEAST TWENTY-ONE DAYS BEFORE THE DATE OF THE CONTEST. Piano Solo T 1 TYPE OF ENSEMBLE OR SOLO_______________n____n_____'_______________________________________________'________________________________________________________________________________________________n___CLASS (T. L or III) 'n__'____________________________ SCHOOL REPRESENTED,_______________________________A___~____M__.J;;.QJJ.,~~_.Ql_j,_~,Q_!;g__~____________________________________.____________________CITY_.."". Co t1!~ge ."'8 t gt.ion-,------T-e-x . TITLE OF SELECTION_____________________________________C..hil_dr_en__!__s_____Gorne_:t:_----=---,-D.e-Bu-s-sy-----------------------------------------------------------------______________________,________________________..._______ NAME (or names) OF PARTICIPANT: (Each contestant must be a bona fide member of a currently competing band. orchestra or choir. No duets permitted in any event.) , 1. __________________n____________1'lill.i_am,$.__)_____1_;b,~~_~______________,___________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ( No Duets) _____,_______________________________________________________,________________________________________________,____________________ 6. __,______________n_____________________________________________________________________________________________n_____________,________ 3. nmm'nn_______nnnn'_____nn___________________,__________________________________h________________n_________"c____________=-______:-,::_____, 7. -,______,__________________________________c___________________n_____________n__'C___h________c_______,_______________________________, 4. ____m_n_n_______n__n_____________________________'______'n'______________________________________________________________________________________ 8. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________n__________________________ I I G INSTRUCTION TO JUDGE: Listed below are some of the factors which should receive your attention as this soloist or group performs. Make no attempt to grade each factor objectively. Your written comments will indicate both strength and weakness. TONE: Quality Intonation Control Naturalness INTERPRETATION: Dynamics Tempo Phrasing Quantity Blend Balance Style Accompaniment Rhythm SELECTION: Suitability to capacity of performer GENERAL EFFECT: Stage Presence Memorization Artistry Posture TECHNIC: Attack Rhythm Accuracy Pitch Accuracy Smoothness Fingering Embrochure Bowing Diction Release Breathing Tonguing Pedal- Articulation SUGGESTIONS TO STUDENTS: u J I ' I ~jJC-~~'~' tJYj Ph?~&-fj~ $':L, () A~~,""iA~e,.., Ib~ /~ -ft, .a~(-t;;;:"'/-,,A.q.,',' (' J.,4i/t,Pt' tk- , J ~ j) ~~(f 'f-~J ~J.J~' , c..(" -/J,-",. ,)), '..4't~ / ~"14..Q /~~t.-YI-~~ ~ ""v:~ #i') ~=.t- it} "} tJ II (/ ~ :;::(~ pI44,",~tf.,A';v--t:.~-e1J.-,J,<t...-#V , f -IJ.- ~~ /U&>~. ~ ~~_ d~A} ~ ~ IExenl's $ ~ O;;~..A..' ~'<"'1- .. " ~ ,,...- 1~~~~ t .~ [(0-/ ~ RECOMMENDED RATING: (Circle One. Do NOT add minus or plus.) 6?_/II III IV V /1'1 ~ 1/ .''/ 61- ---------------------- --~---~--':~""""'----- , (Signature of OIl,lcial) , ----------- <~~ .:J- ''''..... '- f-~~ j " ) ! , SOLO AND ENSEMBLE BAND, ORCHESTRA AND VOCAL UNIVERSITY INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE, 'ENTRY BLANK AND COMMENT SHEET ',:> INSTRUCTIONS: Complete one copy of this form for -..h 1010 or etl...mble enterlnll" a Regional Competltlon.Festlval. Each contestant must be a member of .'cur. rently competlnlt organization. Mail all entries with attaehed fee to tile Regional Executive Chairman. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED AT LEAST THIRTY (30) DAYS BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF THE CONTEST. (All forms must be typed or printed.) , ' . -. . TYPE OF ENSEMBLE OR SOLo..___.Q.l..ELs.....s.MP~ L __.CLASS (I, norm).. J 1 SCHOOL REPRESENTED........._._.__.........._.____.......__._._._.........:..............._.........;........__.0lTY..._.._ TIn.E OF SELECTION..............IIRl.I.QMB.l.i....c /J,VI S NAME (or nam...) OF PARTICIPANT:, (Eaeh contestant must be a bona fide member of a currently competing band, orchestra or choir. No dueta permitted lD any event.) , 1. ..............P.J..AN-WA-..~q;.p....H,;gW.....................~........_................_.........-.......-. KAY FiSHER 2. (No Dueta) ........._........._.._........_........................_.___...._.............__............ 5. ..................._........._._....._.... 8. .................~..._... 8. ...............Ll.l':UHLJJ.U.LL.I..Af!.~S..._........................................................................... '1...........__......... .. .......m.................._......._.........................__.....................'--__..___.......__....... 8. .........................._.... INSTRUCTION TO JUDGE: Listed below are some of the faetora which should receive your attention as this sololat or.rroup performs. Make nO attempt to grade . each factor objectively. Your ~tten comments will Indicate both strength and weakn..... TONE: Quality Intonation Control Naturalness Style Accompaniment, Rhythm . TECHNIC: Attack Rhythm Accuracy Pitch Accuracy Smoothness Fingering Embrochure Bowing INTERPRETATION: Dynamics Tempo Phrasing SELECTION: Suitability to capaeity of performer GENERAL EFFECT: Stage Presence Memorlzatll,)n , Quantity I Blend Balance 1:' r RECOMMENDED RATING: (Circle One. ~ NOT add minus or plus.) CD '. II , HI IV ,'V . Write in Recommended Rating Here ,~_....."...::;:u.;':., "- -~~'-'- I" I ~,,~~>_"l,,~~ .~__. -t .. ~ " "'- '\ ~--,~~ f~.r~,,~ r:s.~~~~~ I c ~~lt~1CtI.t ;:.,; '-:;':::~::~~~~~=" ...'. for lj~' ; KAMp. I I I ! I 1 WINTER ADDRESS C. G. "SPIKE" & DARNELL WHITE 702 THOMAS LANE COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS __",.... ..~> . _'. _..._,_~_.~____,"...~...:.~ ......:..:_.~:;,-_.."' ~~__ '.,...~ ,._.. _.'. C~_--,~._ ..,..__~_-.__--""",,"~'__ _-,-",.._,,...-._,...,,....~~"""",._.~__ '..--....T....-.,.....-..,.....'---~.~--"iY.4~. .-""~:~ i ;j, 5 n " ~~~' C-o~~ c;:ZOD ~-~ &--e~ ~v ~ ._7~J ',Jii':li''' , ~llAKO~ ~. () SUMMER ADDRESS BRANSON. MISSOURI Jl :i , .,1 !i' 'I 11 . I for , Girls ~r -t.' ~ " J; IN TH E HEART OF THE OIA RKS ON LAKE T ANEYCOMO ~-- -.\ -' I11I \ \ /' ) ~, ~, ----------- ",:::::1 I" ~,'/. /"'{, / ~qLu L/~~ / .~ J~i, ''h i ~t DID YOU 11 I J' -: HILL ION" ~t! .!. I;ILL T'ELL YOU !.:. E:AI;~Y Il~LE hO';<7 ccops sto..rted: 1l0NCE UPON ~ TINE there ! ';i. 't;' wns c king end c. queen who lived in 0. lcr8~ ccstle cnc1 hcd Ctll", the; sood thinss ! f_ .. \ )~~~~ C~;;~_~r~~~~;r ~:g_~~~;:~~,~;2~~; ~~~~~o:~~~~~;t~~;:h;~~:~;sW~':;o~~~\P': , , - --ONLY-Cn"., Hci';-' nnd, , sh~' dreve---l1er7royc.17^'po.rcnts""'to,,--.-1 ',k:Lng':rl:!:zeIlO'd:Ls trc.c t:t;:'.,n! .,0~~",.- 1 Illi1hnt shell I de todo.y?ll WGS her constc.nt refrc:Ln. "I've got,nethl.ng 'te de 'areund hereoll , j}j":'>::~'~ The rdrl ~<Jcsa 1'ec1 bchc.vior prebleL1~ She ~vcndered?-bout the cccst1e " ;,::--,.", ,<<' '2\ cinlessly:' ge~tin'in coek I S'l wny ,in, t;h.e;:'.:pc,ntry,,~.'.nes;p,ing.::,tlp ;'th~ '~reycl, ,bc~ls':;""" ~:::.~,~:.) ~<;,:;'~~Y:r) '1..0 ",. lY,il1,'~ 'C',.r,,~und enth,e,' 0,' cfter ~h~ rj~ids ~eft eccch ~,eeD';", ne??'li~g." in the tl~r.' ";~:0,:::h~\' Queen I s DC] estJ.cDc.ke'~up~ DenepehzJ.ng .the ],nter-ceD syster:: se ne .one could,~" ~ rJP get in. lie ~vordll) sc.eC';reel' up the wells .of thc"'vc,st 'dininG reeD ,\.,i~h her 1'.1.0,-, seic sct,cnd stayed up lC',te listening tethe' LATE"LATE ~ o:f'th~' court jesters. Finc..lly, nfter censul ting ~"i th the Chie,f Sercerer, the Kind end Queen cC'.ee te e decisien: "He Ive get "te>get. the kid eutbf the cl1s,t1c;-:" Se they celled iril,the, leeder .of a gypsybcnd livinG in the ferestneo.rby c.I1i:F ncde(~,n offer: 'llTc.ke' the princess for c., few '(-leeks ,teach h0r to sing,' to p1cy" to 1eu:gh;tec.ch her, the lere .of the forest, to fish, te knOVl the sengs' .of ,the birds;. ,,::\nd the languo.ge .of the bensts; instruct her in the cr~fts .of yeur people. Fer this we 8ho.11 re\vC\rd yeu ccuply. II The lender .of the band" cgreed te the terns,,' And this is hew the first kid 'Vlenteff te S ill~l>1E R ,g!:r:1P Ji" AND TO'THIS DAY THE CUSTOHLIS: ALIVE AND DECDHll'!G HORESO EACH SELSON. It i,struc ; ',[,1ere th.~:-,ilFIVE EILLION yeung' folks ~vill be' in sur.:f.1er ccr::ps .-~.this~'-yen r,;~~AImi'P'I'-Y0U"'GLA~"'yeu"-Q.EE. ~enrel'l ed~and "'rendy" te 112? ~ . I II I I ! AND THE TUmTO' GQ TO CMI}? in' JUSt II00reuncl the cerner"!! Here .':'.t .our heus-e to;e are excited and plcmning C'.nd pc.ckin2; c.lrec.dy! The lllecnl"' . co..npers end ...'stccff r.1CE1bers ccre lltcclking 'it Upll~ n.nd"everyone is' Ilrnrin"1 to go.l ~1 '~ DR. AND 1';:,9' CO~rnnd ~cox dr6p~;ed in this ."leek just,. to to.lk IIco.rJp" 0 KAY is c,' pert .of the cnnunl Dl\NCE REVUE this Friday night ,cnef this is G DIG OCCASJ:ON for the BrYl1n"CQlleee Staion peol1~"::. }LNE LEE is 11the'I'dnnce teechel' in, these pc.rts, nnd KAY hGS ",orked fer JANE LEE fer .one yec,rnm<J... 0 0 He nr~ ,preud .of f.LY end kne,,' sh~ '.;.;i11 hQve ser,ie sood idecw far you cc"lpers this sur.1L1er. DONNA PiJJ';l,TT, LYNDA,VJELCH, Dnd LINDA ~JILLI1.ivlS cre 0.11 eo.2;er,. tee! DONNA arid LINDA will' be in the Kccnnkuk .office, c.nd, .of course, LYNDA vlELCH Hill be n Jr. Co.unse1er Lit Ko..no.ker.1o... ~ 0 He all o16n te drive te cgr::.pte2;ether C:b~ut Jupelst! \Ale ere so cnxieus' , thnt 'VlC 'i:r'e'let;.vii1g c:s 8eenns scheoLis. out! ~"~""""""',' -': . ~:':.;:;.:..~>~i{:~:,: , :'",,' 0'.'."','. "'":/<'.~- . ... :~...:>")~ ;~; OUR POSTHAN ClJAINS, there ,.'. is ,Dare HAIL this sprinG 'thc1.D"t:-ny spring 'befere! And' I" n\,:J inclined te ngree! Th'GLETTERS yeu hcve written Gre dC'~r.1in8! .:I",~;;nt~, to repect cc11 yeu wret(j te everyone'to reO:d..~...~....... 'IF YOU NElJ CAHi?ERS ONLY KNE\-! HOld ALL OF US LOOK FOR\-Jli.RD teneeting yeuecnd being your neH fi'iends; yeu ,,,euIcin It ~,cve cny,quC:~!:1~CLt 0.11, ab,o~~, Cc.op c.nd':i:ts s,.trc:.ngeness. ~ hANAKONOK/"hi:' 1.S such 11 ,fr~endly. pl.:1.ce; o.n< everyene .., he.s everybedy1s ~OVE o.nd ATTENTICN! I preoise yeu! . yeu wen't wccnt te leave cnnptege hel~e nfter five' -. t'\ toleeks!' TELL HE' IF' I 'n \!I~ONG r:.nd I'LL EAT BY NEH CMiT ir.:3\iJ - -- -- ~ --"~-'''''-- - ------ - - CINDY LAIR is c.n interesting letter-writer! She eve hc.s interesting wcys te sign her letters: "~ KIOWA ~ ",ith ccnp fever".F C 0 ,..;f.iJ.nd you'd"better believe she "t:7'" ho,n CL,lP fever!-Hcr btters just g1eH ~\7ith leve fpr "CCL1p::rjc,tes',sl?,e,'-':5i':Ltcp C\Del visi tS{1ncl r~c.er,1bersfreD . - :.. . -... ...,...... ,--::. _.- . . ... lc.styec~r. 8h,e, sc~ys~ nl"kilP~:"tl:rere Hill be SO'DC1:Y., , cere NEVI nnd vlOnc1erfuL fric~nc1G 'this sUi:-;rJCr, too. n III '-. , ~ -~ Hl,VE YOU Pj~CKE;) YOUR - :E..I';.~- _'._"__,-,__ Ct..NOE OR ~'--...........-:-:--'. ~lOUI~~ FO(;1'L .,CY~E.~<. YEJ~ ~l ------..--~-.----......_~----- .--T ~~!UiillE'G"Cf, 3RA lJ:Nliy-'\d_D it' ,0,.1 ~r'-4Cissin"l(il1'l (the Bc"rney Hc1ches) here in College St.:,tion recently, but we nissed her ~G we were gone. She vn:otc us .0- j)recious lett.er It'.ter (,nel brctlght us up tc d':ete on "her life" since lC:Gt '(dO trt'.ded IlSDt'.ll-tnlkll... .r~lJECCl\ told us nbout n Spelling Dec" she entered [~nd; Dissed "tvlOsiuple words: (:.entifrice c.nd c'-:lntcnnic.l. II --14EDECCA wrote ,HDontifricc) as you know" DCc.nS toothpGste, ~nd,! SURE ~'lrSH thc.t r,hc.d ,been Given tho' {JOrc~" 'toothpr.stef instec.cl!'~<, ?EDECC!, enjoys Getting the lCi3CH";UP becc.use she', li,k:S9 to' heor c-.bout good ,friends ct CC.Dp. 1"'-.:' '.. . .: , ' I ~_. ." Ni':_RY EDtN.is, ~q~nking ,p.Dytit Ko.no.koLo" too, o.nc1.shc~ lets her uinc1 ~vDnc1ert9, the,kitchen, too.. ...Ni\I:Y. 'oJan~s to, know the recipe for vJl\LSIE RII.Y' S good COFFEE Ct.KE served eyery ,sJndc.ynornins 'C:t C[er.:p! . DercH 'J-s, I-,i(.iI\Y~ in .your own envclope~ Hopo you try" it':;J I ter.~ebcr c~bout' tht::ce ye0rslcgq [::'Ko.~(,,-kuker~,'rote ['.nel C\sked the recipe for that liood ltC~n, ;'~r,-'-:'n' to',ct'll r.l/'LCTTi' "'~"es ' T th-ink t'~c' c~nn~'-'nn to""'t it;- en,fl-1'-'r t,^' ""ke, I J.......C~.i,.:_4U... L~t:). V'..l~.(}_.)..J ...l~~t\... .....e- .,J.,1. 1.1.... J..L l...:'4.L-.;' L..i:) ....-.J ...,........L;....... '.......'l..f_~... ,,-., "LOVE FROlIdk;: OF :lOUR,EAGEREST, NEW K!:.I1?ERS...... II is the viC:Y JANET TI'..YLOR ends, hcr lc::t't';r;:-. ;:::And she bes' the clo.'ys ~ountcd! Jt.NET writes, " "Pc D'Jl r90cly ,to ,pc.ck.,',' I::~vfst; ~,<::ould lecvb now. I J:1o.vc never stc,yed Co, tern, nt Ko.nc.kooo, but, I h.::vevisited it t~'~ic.e. r feel o.s,thoush live, bec;m'Goins there n11 oy li\Te;''-~,~.. h.tell [lll cy sir'1 friends ['.bout Kc.nc.koL1o, .:md,J:hey 0.11 t.v-ish "." ", '.". ',.' -. ".''''- ..,. .. -- tl},ey COuld,go." ~ 1'- C, L '~.i '_. . :: 1" . LYNN HOUiAN looks fO!-",c!f.rd"tc.'JJ::"ktn[; NE'v! FRIEHDS Dnc~,. beir-G ct KnmkoDo Jpr the first .:) tine, t;)o. "'~i' .She c.skesl.'~or nc.nesc:~d ;..ddressec1of.s.o!".1G ()th8r sixth.' grc.ders to, write. LYNN, I e.G' enclosing these.f.-,;r.you. 'Hope' you hc.ve fun Ylith. your PEN PALS! -.' ;.,,,.,1,', .'- . "'-', _,_, ,_. __ Lc.st .ye.c~r iJECKYJIITCHc,nd GIJT~I'I'.\-)H'ITE diclth.::7t (they' dic1n' t .kno~oJ ..ec:.ch p'!:l:c}:" but ~ ..----trc..ded letters;, thon j::he~(hc.J ce, Hbk,st" eeUing ncque.intecl ~he :fir~t do.y of. CGrJp.) 'i. . .:: ... " . 1,\ ""r. '(.. DECKY SCHi:"NTZ~ho.s onJy cissed cne sunDer since K/,i~liKOEO Kf,fvlP v}['.8: founded!.' She D[',dec. trip to !\.nchorc.ce, lilc~skc. lo.st suncer, rut now she is n;~uining; DECKY is ,prcccticing HiGh JmJpinr,. .'. . . ,'lo.nts . tOj Brenk the RECOI:D! .. . ,,-BECKY is "sYD.:fhrol1izinf,lf c.t,.::-~ ,PooF.:0couple Oftl00S' c::~~~eek, tpo. SHE'S READY! . -', .','~ . ' , . -',- . '. . ,. ... ," . TALK L8Qur ~ lID/:LL 'o~ :?IREII~.;;. .LYNN'HCOmJLRD gets the TOP PRIZE! ~ loves ev".:ry tickine r:-:inute of Clveryclccy c.ncl night (ct night she is ":.lreG[Jing" of the 'dc.ys r)~ ~.. Her kst ,;nthusicts,ti_c' l~.;tter Dc,cle us fC<:'"i vie, hocl-, be~n, ~"ith ,her on theve.ce;'tipn to.. t:lcir fnrD (?). '()~l,c'o~{~t'ry pbce....~ ..KAY \1.1<1:8 hct1c f:J;'on fjock:.clo.y~ c.nd they co.nocd-,-' bobbed rend prc,c:tic'ec1 Ci.',lioe strokes icndeven "sVlc.r.1ped the cc.noe" (',nr.1 e1ived off it! Sun-bGthed,' fished, c'.ne: sun-lx.thcd... . ,'::\nd oue::! tOD r:uch sunbc~thing!, It l_G just 0. IrrQ) 'f'!ONDEi\.FUL) \;JlIJE..LHAKE, FUN, ,FUN, HOi"'.L:u for 'L YI'iN. )'(EI'1EI,lGEfzOE \jRCII'E''';;[iBOUT'T;:EGUIDE:'I~~,S ~ 'GURiHNG? GAIL rvrotc, :thc ,,;cst bcc:utiful k:ttcr"lo,ter.."pepp10 h.:-.VC) been<so S~'J,.et nnd thOUGhtful. ;,You ~ .~, ..~;t: . "', "", "', ' " '. ho.ve nev("r seen L1ore,'tG~nc:r03ity inc.1L,ypu lifp,., ~'lc,tlrG 1;'ec.Hy blessed: :Eor sevcro.l rccson'.... j,tnost e'{erythir18 "sent FIT sonGonc, .since, }l~ vo.ry so in sizes. You n,c.lly, shouJ.c1. try it sCE.1etiDo':.,it f s,i:\ terrific ,'ley, to get Cc ne~oJ "mrdrobc! The 'Girls c:t school Ju'st 'i\'ait to see t'lhc,t we c"ro gsing , t ;,"'- thn nv.... ,.1", '='o',c,I-,,,,,, e "'rn .-,11 "nrJ'rl 'T," t.hr' "hh1'ls '''''nel "00"8:' o ,oJC<.-.1:" ~ n>-.I.!., ,,,,,,,.y. oJ r:,,-,~_u,. Vl ,__ <0 W~.:,_L~1 0 .,own .." ,. , " <.-. ,_' :", ' " one sc-.ys, 'Gee,c1o,;;sn't ny pL:'.id skittlook,[;ooc1 on"her!'",'Thelnoteiri':,," the IG\TCE-Ul' \.1[',[; tl~odphtful; '!.Ye hCeve boen tre,:J,tc,c1 ,like ~ight que~ns! '..." Kcllv tD yours trti'lYbpnk ;.Jnt~o little po~ch.~., }.-le hnve5,honpitql rdl':' o.vlC.Y beds lined yp Wc.ll to,.jccll. liQ ONE RObLS.QQ[,Of. 13ED--YOD;.;JUST'~ INTO SOHEOHE ELSE 'S! " " ~' , ;~~.~>...~ --'-"'-- ~-~~.,- ~~~-~~e-:-+=~::,_:' ':'-'i~:,.",';':_-~;~" _ ';"~:~"""~'~~;~'.'.-}i-7fO>='!0~;~~ ~ .'~, GAIL GUIDER took c, SOod o,nel trc[(ic_,cyenl:' 9.n:d 'foHn.d,~llc.nkftiYpess':-o.I1(l htppine~,s of the hc.rdship and 108s of e:vcry~hine ,sh,c:o.n:::1 h~X:ltS8Vgl1 :sistersnnc~ l?rother ." ~t-rnt~ h~"l Tnst""'r' of ll"t' -i 1 J l.,cepl.;'nc. sorry f'~r, l-"'r"'elf" she. "pr' e':d~' .t~c...~ r.:.; ..:> L>....!. _ '8 . ., ... . fJ . ,,- eL,.J. v -I;-~'" _ ", ,~.... 7,..A.. (.J "-'.l ,......1 'f ~e "'J . ,. ' _~":J _ ,....'-:. ,;:) c;"";'" :~~+.. .~"- }~:~ in ,spite [~nd .. JOY!;:' 0" ,. if. '.. '. ~ r;,OBIN I',,::,y is r~nother NEH cc:c;?er ''lho counts. ,offthB dcys until ce:op stc.rts'L'.hd cccn tell yeu the. correct nUD.b0r. Shbis'loo,1<ing, ~ot~v,::'.rcl to Jf:.NE Ll:d-r0! .C~ ., TEANK YOU /iLL FOR T~IE KIN]) AND LOVING. LETTERS 1QQ HAVEWR ITTEN, /iLL ,YEAR';.'''' 'T'h-y' r'~"e t"h" lI...-inell "'0 au~c"1'7 ll""ti1 '-'oot" 'her'" cur'~""'r roll"'u1, :"'A-'unr1,,"i"e: ...." .l...,,; l.!L...L1 .1:.:; .....1->.,..- ~J' ... .L. l\..-o-.J l~ __ (~. .1' ,. ~ _u.~"''--._ ,l",;' ~.~i-!....1 '.. '-i..~.lJ , [~pprCCic.t8 your cnthuoic,sr:: to RE.TUJlN to"theOzc.rks... ..'this is iJ.,short ne~"s letter in order to send out the ::ms, INFO:ij-'l!~l~ton, HEi,LTH 'FGF:.d, c. nd ... (1: other info:crx~tion for your pcrents. Hh6n Y()l} cet ,to Kt,i'!!dWHO ~,. ,plc,:-,se GI;,IIifG YOUR 2!l;'-:'EHl'S DO~,JH TO TI-m Ki\NLKUK OFFiCE 80 I c::-.n hc.vc the ooportuni ty. \- "" to hue yeu o.nd~'Jelc')[Je you! ",""" 14--;',,' " , , /J Il '.', '- '.' LXJ~~?, ". ,_. ,J, " <' ,SIGNED: EAGEREST ONE QK ALL! ,1'Y-1E HIPORTAUT T.I-IEY ::'71L1. -- . . .. NC'l'ICE: DO NOT :..mrUG IvJ:t,DliLS CLOI'I'D.'-:S TO eLK;? TO DE 2m IN TEE tLf~UNDhY lJECIWSE F,\DE LIJD 1WIN GTnEl'. CLOTHES...~ .ALSO,NO DIKINIS ALLO\/ED.! THO.;,l?lECE 'SUITS -,., "'''JT 'w"'l 0,(1' e,"y '-'ivI"'Tro " "Dl'~ ; 1"' I.t ,"',' l' .1\/ ,., __ "JlJ ~.::" I-.U: U._,'. 1':,_0.. .'.. on '- S(~V ~ (,J,,011 , V1C.~~ VOU." l':.IlE FINE, .:'f ,r '_ ~'7 n 1: ""\ '~ ------ ~/ 1 I ~-~ ,------ - . _.- ---, ~~ KANAl(lJK~J -... . ecill --- /',1/ '. / I', ~ ,-, ~ IT-WON'T-DE~LONG-NQli' ISSUE Volume 31 N~nber 6 I .1 .0 -- ,,-- j "GOD GAVE YOU A I30bY THAT IS STURDY AND STRONG: He ncve you your choice; do riGht or do t>lrong; You cen rJeke, you Cnn breck, cherish or kill; Dc brute Den or true DCn, it is ns you will. ~~~:;'t~*GbIJ'i;fGP;VJ!: 'YdUci~;j'Rt:"'tN~ifTlf D04ITS"~'Pi\RTf,' ~f+:':~; ,'i"'::70 Let is leed e nntion or drew c cert; Fill it with gens or stuff it with sliDe, It. r::ey live for c. dny,,-H f.uy live for n11 tine.1I ;;"';:'-~9 ~,,'~,,",' ~ ~ , , ~, GOD GAVE, US ~,;::;ODY l.ND~ i~r,AIN, nnd it is the only one we wilt ever h'o.Ve". But, in d.ddition, he geve UG plnces likeKANAKUK KAH? to inprovepn ~I?~ b1.l,ild1;,lith the sturt He, gnve us....... I' ALHOST TOl'-10RROVJ \'le will, all be tosethcrup on thet benutiful hill. '[lnp every thing J. [',nd eve'rybody is there for one purpooe--to inprove I : what w!" h.:we nnd c.re"'-Dnd I;1GveFUN, !:!ill, fill:!. doing it! " 1 AND AREN'T ~m ALL LUCKY....to be Goong those present nt'Knnnkuk Keop! IJ We neet DOZENS ofboY$ ~cch year wQo would give cnything to be ct ccop. but their fc.dilies just ccn1t efford ,it, c.nd, too, 1;'le hnve c. LONG I HAlTING LIST of boys HHO vJANf TO GO TO KANAKUK THIS SUi',1i'lER... 7:"::You ' should b;;;very'grc.tufUlt-;yQu;:- pct:e;;ts for -Qck;ng tMs opportlm;ty to go to em.1p ~., YOU! And we "tc.ke off our hnts" to grc.ndpc.rents, too! I Lot os gro.ndpcre'nf:s give "ceDp" nG pres-ents to their grdn';,-kidsl....... :' ,._s.~8-~Yet' ~ought . c.~()ll~~~~l;~i rJ!c.L1i3 ~~~,<:;.:1];g~~~~R~~,;~.r.,,~"'~$P'7~h0:J;RL ~th.ey~; , reclly nre "GRl:.ND-:-pcrents"!!! 'I .'~ ,en!) C, /'/j,//h"d'\,~' '. ~'! I .:,,~"'~-'~~,.,;~""" "'cj 'i!; ,~ BESIDES COllING RIGHT ouT AND SAYING "TI-}ANKYOU" to your perents for this privilege, you cGn resolve TODAY thet you will lecrn everything you cen o.t cc.r.,p this suoner: SvJIH, DIVE, SKI, end !'.-,k"!l-X every sport botter, get strong, 1~ c.~bour-God's' wonderful. lvorl'd outdoors cnd thee fine, good people in it! ~nf20RTANT OF ALL,' lecern that you co.nbe strong, tough, uncooplaiDing;' nnd still live e Christ-like Life by being honest,,:;clec.n, cnd unselfish" IT IS JUST THAT SILiPLE, at ccop, beccuse there c.t KAI-1AKUK.. nLIFE 1:3 IDEAL: hD.ppy, hec.lthy, cnd fun! L ARE YOU HONDERING ~-JfJl:.T CADIN YOU \-11LL l3E IN? Ifut" Wttilyou crri;;-:;t Cc.cpilll you kno;:- YOUR "_; , .,\-. - 'l' " - - - _ ....- COUNSELOR'C.ncl JUNIOR COUNSELOR Hill be t-lniting there to'shc.kc your hend [',nd l'lelcone you to your ccbi!l~,:"nnd,.. AFTER ~,FIP,ST !lili NINUTES, 1.Q!! ~ ~ '1!1!,~OHEII...... TO ALL YOU NET? Ci\iJ?ERS: If this is your first tir.1e [1.t Kc~~kuk I~np,'you ~c.n rely on this......you ocy think you ~von It know .3nyone end be left, on the "sidc", nur '{QL ~LllJ:JiAVE Lars OF BUDDIES AND dFRIENDS FROE THE Tli'.lE you crri;e-until you, lec.ve'! All the STAFF ,HEH'D'ERS- nre looking forward to giving.you the rbyel welcone, end the 1101d" CGD)?erS don't ecsily forget thntthey ':vere "~ cc,opera" pnce, too! ''\" " "'-" START ,LOADING u:t' THE OLE' FOar LOCKER AND ',PREPARE YOURSELF F01( !l TER:~IFIC SUMi\1ER! \ t fI ,XQIlli. CADIN 't'lill be'tLccording to your birth clc.te, cnd this is good. u ~ becnusc you 't:,pr'be 't'lith boys Just your owp'c.ge. HERE ARE TIm LNSHERS TO .SOlIE THINGS you "\ H/-{VE ASKED""'ABOur :(se~n~ anec... .:;:-) . 4'\~\ _____ '... Tr~CAH~:: CI,.~HING (H you ordered ::-.ny) ,till NOT be sent to you at your hone nur ISSUED , to \{ou ;~~"'\~l.NAKUK KJj,i'lI:' the secona dc-yo Your~ne liill be r:lO.rked on theo for--y7;u then. ",-.";',,.~_-___O~'-'" ._.4.~~~ '\ " ..~~ ~'::> o ri l'q~e t",o -_ 'iJ ~~--....- YOU 1mST H1\VE 1" J;uUNCOAT, NESS KIT, CUTLERY 1.cc.np store ",ill sell Dess kits end cut- lery>:JjEDROLL-; ~ or TENT for the~. XQQ HILL Nor DE il.'LLOHED !Q ~ORROU! THIS INCLUDES COUNSELORS end STAFF! Cone prcpcred! J SEND THE HEALTH BLANK AFT:::R YOUR DOCTOr~ FILLS IT OUT. SEND IT !Q KNNAKUK I{f~1?, )Jrc.~, }'iissouri before you co;;to cer~p. ~ DC. REQUlr:.E !::. HEALTH.E..Qilli! If you . need SPECL\L ALLERGY SHOTS, you NUST supply your m-m nedicine, c.nddisposc.ble synnges end needles, end so on......If you hc.ve HLY FEVER, bring yoU]: own prescription for the nurse, too, becc.use CM.fF INSURA~~CE DOES" Nar I'lW FOR HAY, FEVER OR SINU~ INFECTIONS. INCIDENTALLY, you wi 11 LOVE the cc.np nurses! H\RGE UNDERWOOD "Ji 11 be bc.ck this year for the FIRST TER!\l; c~nd .uLillX RITCHEY (MIKE's c.nd GEORGE'S nother.. ~ .end Dr. Ritchey's wife!) will be there the ,second tern! The only trouble wJ.th these wonderful wooen is' that you b'oyn,.will wc.nt to be sick c.nd visit in the hospital e lot in order to be eround iIvif.RGE end, I-1ARY! ~ '''- CAi:lP STORE \-Jill sell onvelopes', StC.r.1pS, fleshliGhts, toothpaste, ~c.n oil, flo.shlight bo.tteties, filr.:, c.nd so on~oo.. ' ".:;r \~. ";~~ . BIG YEAR FOR GEORGE SI'lITH, 'rOO. d.. ..whnt"'w:i.thALL sports end then finish.. ing up es"T;;en President of the Okleh~~e Flying Femers!PREXY SI'iITH will go to Omnho. to rep~esent e'll the Oklc.hof'.1c'Teen Flying FerHcrs ~...... :.,:.. -, , GEORGE clwecys cOf,1es through with, FLYING CCLORS!... .'... ' . ' -~\ ". KIN BUSH is REi\DY ,foJ;' Cnnp~ toO{,.c-nd""shgBld be! He 1fves.on 0. nountain top end prectice$. bc..sketbnll) bCl13 ebrt 11 ,. weight lifting, end ':rcick.~. .... !f!! is "up und downll thet nountein chc.$ing balls c,ndell'c.round tlutt mountein running, .1:.1::o,ok! 'He ~<Jill' be in "nountecin shepe" for 'thS Oznt:k hills come sut:'.merL,~,JSmiGTlilES I:JHYDOH IT YOU GET KIN TO TELL YOU. ABOUl' "'. ,.... . ";j_.,~,-i- .' _ _ __. __ his Q.!Q jvlOUNTAIN DOG?... .I'm not kindding; this fcbulous dogoriginc.ted fron the Pyro.nees Nounteins of Spcin, cmd he guc,rds KIN's tlountein ell night (never sleepsJ,xmdr dozes 'duringj:he dc;yJ Hish ~le hndhim ct CAppI r, r 1"\1' '" r, -j' l I j j 1 i , JOE."JONES ,Q!Q IT' AGAIN! There; 'hefs OHIT'HE .FRONT PAGE of, the ATHLETIC TRA1NE~, c. l':lC:.g.. ezine.... .JOE received thi.s ,pubHci:i.ty' cs' the Athletic Trrdnorof O~'B. U.Do.sketbc,ll. Teen t"hich~ plc~yed five ge,nes in 'fi'Ye, :cby's'r:t, theNAIA Nntioru,l Heet in Kc.nsns Ca'ty - - \- nnd t<Jon them c.ll--c.lf.1ost! They were J~ATI..:NAL Runner-Up, but JOE JONES is NATIONAL, CHb.j'..u.:ION--TRAINER (it sc.ys here!).. - ,'II, 'i i. ~ DROHN hc.s been "cc.singll the Enl:'~Y ,.Spr,ing Floc.ting down the Jen~s River end on ['.7 Foot Flood crest...HQuite needles to say, it ~ves THRILLING! Get.!21.9S. to tell you c.bout h01iJ it feels to go over e wnterfc,ll" end then be.ck under the sc,ne ~'JC:.terfc.ll! "HHAT...A-FALLl" DICK predicts grect flQ').ting thtp,sumr.1~r~ o. .~orm ON~.!ll, T~TERi"S'FINEI , q ~ ALVlAYS GET ~ Q1Q KICK ~ TIHE OF.~ YJ.':AR' out ()fe. different kind of HONOR CABIN-..the cnbins thc.t hc.ve the l:lost; rG:tu:pyi.ng CC.IJ:j~rs1!-',TheSecond Tert..lresult,s., shovJ c 1l!Q,~ bett"een Cc.bin T-\:"o, Cnbin Three, Ccbin Five, c.nd CcbinEfgH't'.. ti... LACKING ~~ ONE CAp~ER OF. BEING 100%1 Congrntuletions to you Coun~e1ors end, Jr. ~",~"*,,,~f::QB.!Lsqlors ;ogi~t.l1Cl.se.."c,p..orns"""'Deccuse#-you",,hed%i greet'-'- 'ii;n'Huence~on-+such c;'htgh " "," , ;, return of cer:lpers! BRUCE DRm'.lijOND-GEQR~Ed ROLAND: ROCKY' ROCKHOLD-RALPH 'YOUNG:'~ BILLY RLSCO-JUJl"jY LUTHER; nnd LAHNY ENLtJ;Cm:.t..;Lf.iRRYC1~L1?13ELL. .' "" _"I " >"L"',: "'.~ -, _ ,:':: :r>:' _ AND HERE IS GOOD NEWS, TOO! IN CABiN SEVENTEEN-second term-every boy will be bnck~.-EXCEPT ONE! TODDPAR:'N'EEi."is the exception, b'lit hel-lih' be "clo;e by und visiting often"....!QQQ w:Ul'ba working in hi's fc.tl:wr's bo.nk in Drenson [',.1'1'" sur.~r.~er. ' ~ I ~ ,~ ~ CABINS EACH TERri m.JLY LACKED T:JO ~ OF,DEING !.Q.Q! RETURNU!G;.T,HAT I? FlNE,!.QQ. HE GET LOI'S OF, TELE:fHONE CALLS PROf'} FRANTIC PARENr.rs vJho t.JISH THEY F.AD signed up, their cnmpers before FJ\Ni\KUI(' (2rid'KANAI<OHO) fi'i:l';d"so ec.rly. On the strength of ,this, probebly'nore cc.Dins ~:,6uid'be lOO%\returns! ~!2Q FIRST TERi1ERS in just FIVE ~ WEEKS.c..oDG sure to ~ the INFOill'~~ !Mill SHEET with your po.rents.....Send the Hec.1thForD beck soon, clnd letus" kno'w DEFINITELY if you hc,ven 't c.lrco.dy:':onesOi,'o.bout the ~ if you pInn to ~e / " , 0. pcssengerJ..u.Don1t ~'mit too long, for )lou cey be left out! . ""l . HO?E YO~ Q2\'JELL.Ql!TI-JE FINALS! . " .,' , ""';.~~,,,c,., ~~''''- ~'M'~'"'-'l: .,-"'--',;;,,"'.'. 1 MILEAG We recomtt.end all caves of the 0"" Z Missouri Cave' Association .. BLUFF DWELLER'S BRIDAL CIlY5TAL FAIRY ,FANTASTIC HONEY" BRANCH INCA INDIAN _ INDIAN BURIAL TO VINITA TICC_C.~'T.V~... =,"""..;; - ill JACOB'S MARK ",TWAIN MERAMEC OLD SPANISH O_t:'ONDAGA OZARK OZARK WONDER STARK TRUlnS . I HOME OF c'TRE 19f2 WORLD"'S FAMILY 'FISHING RODEO AND THE :j,-' ~;;: - ,." SPRINGFIELD .... ST. LOUIS .".,., KANSAS CITY ... TULSA .......... DALLAS ......." LITTLE ~OCK .... MEMPHIS ....... CHICAGO ,.,... DES MOINES ,... 3000 ""ILE SHOREL TO KANSAS CITY PENNSBORO A VILLA PHELPS McELHANY BETH PAGE \ \ ./ ~ ''!. ~;J;. ~- 4 ~ / / If / - , / // ( / , ) ~ ,J / ,/ I " / I " \ \ '\'" tit' ,'" .,'" 2 , .'\~ \"' TO TULSA ~rT'~ I i I I j, I i I I I , I ! 1 \\~- ~ - ~ \ \ . ~..........t.'''-'-.' r. . ,.... ._~-- MYSTIC CAVE I .At l,,,, lid I I A DIAMON' ill CAVE GREAT I" .,.....d ,.;.. >h, """'00"'" O"'~ H..~".,,~.. ".": D.,,:, C'" J..f... fO ~()\S:.'N~~" ~.~~~~I:ANE TO LITTLE .~: CAVE, AM E R. C A'-sf -,...'. R D L,ARG; 'I' ' ' l' ~tARREDI~ ~~, J~, l\;1 TO MUSKOGEE . TO FORT SMITH' TO BOSTONMTNS. TO DALLAS,~ ~ , ~'. . l'~ I ; I HOME OF I, I,,,,: MARVEL iii, EiJt~:~~'-"~<"ll":;;;"'f>'~' 'cO '-'~" _~ l~ " ~'",~<~-;'i1 c': ~ " -~.- -(J ,~,"~C;;;, ~- ,'.... ~/', \ \ \ ~ '- " / / // / ./ ~~ / I 1"""---" ~ // / / .;// ~ / / u / / I / I / I I I ! '~ / , r \ \ \ \1--__... \ \ \ If / "' 'j~~ / / / :/ / \ \ , \ '-. / ( '\ "-, /~ I " ~ : /')V" I ~,.H;., )~:;jJ'J ,&ll: .""'" "', ., ,:;. -"""'-"".....--AllIlIII;_~_~_ .:...:J (for translation of smoke sigllals,see inside) , ~'~~, ,j II -, \ I "r / "-c '" I ~// -~C~ / '" \- 'I I ""'~i(j '0>:\ " ,"--(,0-./.__ _, &~~ Lj.... i .., I // I " /_/r.../-t.t.~,vv--". ,4 '-', U' , ~ . .' 'iJ'/l7 .' /"',~ /l. / /; t&,V.?1.,,,....- / 7\ Jt-t/ i/pt_ / . '. <./ " , , I 'I..' Ii I I l 1 '." I : I 'I \.-O\lE:. ,{ fY'\AKE~ T~i'" LuOR,",O <30 ... . Rou~t) . ~ ~ . ~ y " 1 I \ "- 'I I ~- '", ;/ " "" ~... I ~- . --------- I I j I! ... J. r , / /~ II A & M CONSOLIDATED CHAPTER FUTURE HOMEMAKERS OF AMERICA SWEETHEART BANQUET AND DANCE "Love Makes The World Go 'Round" (Theme from Carnival) Ramada Inn Ballroom February 6, 1965 Buffet 6:30 p.m. , l I \ ) \'.,,~ ---------------------- II I \ " ~~ ~ ~ ~" .J...__ ~"-'-~~-~'~I I I I I i t. . '. s:;j" ;.!> .~ ,a .,' . '.:, ,/ ':;'1 ii,.;>; '" "'; ('~ 'i"~ . { : " ., ,. -';:n ~; 'I, . " PROGRAM Invocation .............. Deborah Schatte Welcome.................. Karlene Knebel Presentation of Sweetheart Special Music...... .';. e ..Donna Files Dick PewtheJ1$ Introduction,of Speaker.. Linda Isbell Address....~..~..~.~..... Benny Mays FHA Prayer Song- ......... Kay Fisher I I 1 1 I!,' Dance: Husic by The Avantis '-. ------------------- ~~ I I [. " .." - ',:- :1 . l~~ - I , , I . '" '. r":';, J_' i- ... --~~---- --:------======---==~ ~----==ll --------------------- ~;.~; ~r' 1 t;" .' . .' . . J . ~ . - . .' . . .. . ~. , fl' " II! _. "\ L '~:,:,J "<..t},,,. r::' . , . .,.: ~ f .. . ~. .", r' . ,"\- 'e' .'.' .. c.:,'';, "; .. .~' .',1. .. j'\: .;Ji. .. . ':\/" " . . ,-, . ~\~./' .~:~-:. . . .~,. (l. t" ,. .' r.!\.~' . I '-," t~f .~ " .~ ~. -~~~. '{., ) ~ - FHA PRAYER SONG FHA ~ FHA. God in His love enfold thee, Guide thee tenderly And in His wisdom mold thee. Come to our meeting here Today, Show us the true and perfect way, Our inspiration be Constantly gUiding, Ever abiding Love. I J I' \'...~ I ! / -------------- II I -\ \\ " ~~-------- -------- -~~ 'I -=: c~~: c~:~.-~~~~~~ ~~ c-~c~-,-=,~ = Cc~ :c'l~ / ,\ !, ,J 1 ".', I '/ I I 1 I 't . ~ >1 ': ,i ;~. Ii i I I I , LOVE MAKES THE ViORLD GO 'ROUND 1 i Love makes the world go 'round; Love makes the worJd go tround~ Somebody soon will love you, if ,no J~8 love s you now. High in some silent sky, love sings cSL silver song, Making the earth whirl softly.:; Love'makes the world go 'roundn II ! ~\ \\ --'- -----~ ------------ u ., --... ...._~-- (---~---~'" -,. .. "FOR LO, JHE HINTER IS PAST, THE RAIN IS .QVER. AND GONE: the flm.,ers appear on the earth;,the time of the sing- ing of b,irds is some~ and the. ,voice of the turtle is heard in \:,uJ:'" land~ I! Solomon 11: 11) 12" , SF!:.ING HAS ~NG .'0, ~ .~O. Il~".?a:nd the v()ice_ of the,eturtleis heard in our . , c'~land;":'7 ...Tl1'e 'f rlilt"'''"f;;:e~s;ta.'st~ri1.~~iri~:'=hbheys'u~kl~~ vl'~~.ltzaf~s';'''''~~ksc~~~'''=''''~~'~'' redbud trees, dogwoods..". .E;YERY 'f.:":':3JH1NG BUSH and ~ and FLOVJER, a glorious vision to behold! 1]2 .lli.ili.. CAHPERS X_OR TH.!:.Q. ~J!t:1HER are ~SF~CIALI"YgLAQ SPRING is here! VICKYE FERRIER and ~ANDY~ sLofml write from their homes in COLORADO and NORTH,DAKOTA, Y.'~spectively, t.hatthey are rather. weary of the snow~ ,SANDYlf, tells ,,,us ~hat there ~'Jas Bonly one ~IG ~L~?~RD ,this year, but 'things are beginning to :.: thaw out nO'(o1;.1l 0 .. ,y:~ en- joys the snow skiing ,an9: pintor csports, but she is READY ,for sum.. mer to cone and 1l.9.QQ.~ g1 s, ~Al!fS! II .... KATHY KEAR~~X gets credit for naming this newsletter: This will be caned. "A,~SPOON-FULL-OF..,SUGAR-HELPS..THE-NEDICINE- .~ --_._~~-_._--- GO-,Qilllli" r-!'~ICH-.Yf",~" ON "Getting brmm in the sun these 'Vlam afternoonsarla gOing svJimning in Hay, getting in shape and losing SOf.le of that extra t\7eight~.. "will be our "spoon full of sugaro" 0" .11 and help to pasG the time a little better UNTIL WE CAN"b-~L f:ETTO .KANP .'l<ANAKOHOFOR SONE FUN, EUN, f!:lli! ;" , \lJE ARE PROUD OF KATHK~not: s.:J.rp,,-~~s~d'=';~ceyer) ~!:>~=~auseshe mgy-~>>~t_t.p OklahomaG.i:.ty just, in time for school to ::;tart (last September>, and she was very popu18:r at school:. made ,'. the ?eppetter Pep Club (this one is the BEST CLUB) and was noninated for one of officers for her school. KATH~, didn't ED..:!" but she was honored cnd rightfully should have been.n. Hn~~RE I~ AUJAYS. NEX! YEA~! ~ IS SORIt:.,i YlIjAT ttIE HAV~ ~EENl3AYING TQ ;CQNSOLE HAl'1Y CAHPERS who didn't enroll for camp this sunrJer, and nm.j they can't get in!.... n THE GI?-L~ i LCi-i}:!P, BOTH SESSIONS? FILLED EARLY, and the Haiting List'> is HOPINGl and PRf.YING! "'.,, "He can see that every year, nm-l,"'IQ\NAKOEO and'KANAKUIC VIi'll be filled earlier and earlier now that the TWO SESSIO~~ have been established! THERE'S ALl-JAYS NEX"f YEAR, BUr. nON '1. HAlT LOO LOI'IQ., PLEASE. !l! ~lil1 miss, everyone of you who 'VlOn't be theren.....Don't forget us,~! \10 love you all and.alvlays want to keep in touch~ ONE MORE THING THAT' KATHY KEARNEY \;JROI'E: 1I~,Jhenever I tell oy friel)ds about Kanakono, I tryand tellit aH, but, of cour~ ~~a:~:r:m~~:s~;~:r~:~~~:e a~~~~e t~: ~~_v~~;h e~~n~~~l~~;;;r;OV. when ~ve \'lont down the escalator and lit the candles.. 0 .an un. fcii8~{tab1::~ si~.;ht! II ~ FRAZIER:.beHeves in thines comi118 in pairsu..,,,She will receive her 'degree this SUmf.ler and she also plans to~ get her M-R-S." just about the sane tin~e." 0" eJune 11 she t- "become l1rs. Arburn TindalL fOHGFJ~T~LATIONS on both coun ~ ~ ~ ISH 'T ~ KANAK01,IO Klil-IPER L OBVIOUSLY.. BUT IT is FUN I ' 1 saw this cart on about tNO teen.;.age girls talking~ [' _ one girl~ays' to the .other, 'ilvJAGGIE is egotistical, se. castic.. moody" and hnrd to get aione with~ but I suppo we'll have to invite her., ITiS HER BIRTHDAY PARTYl" LIKE lSA~, KanakoDo girls are pweet, unselfish, good sp.or,tG and all those eood things 1 Living at r:=l camp for five weeks really does WONDERS for char~ ect2r~btlilding G..ndpcr.sonG.l:i.ty.~pointers! I don It know ebout y 'cell, but 1';:1 gettii:1g a li ttlo RUSTY and need to BRUSH UP .QN ';;,!;iAInN.g, !~!iJ?. SERVI,NG L ~~ ~~ ..==..-! .F<Il<"::'" :":'>)>~~:<;.;;->:: ::~", . ". :..'~.. ,'-':. : '." ....... ~ . .:. .. .". ......; . . :".~ '." '.'". . :~( f"~~:-:, ~:,:~'::~~N\;,;'.\/~'.:' . . ,',.,",". .-..-:.",;.,:- ", - ,. "..,. .,' :." .-..... "....,. .. ; ~ n: ......._. :," . ~ '. - ,,:.',,: ~-.; . '.' . .......... : . . . ~.>"::" i::.' " :'f;' ~ l-- ...::.::~~ /~ I --I ~- ~..~ '-.......~ ) I l ,\, '~ .......... " '" PAGE TVJO THE VANCES--HANLEY, LEI'li'lA, VICKY. VALERIE, AND KAREN--AL~ wen,t to Colorado skiing! VICKY wrote a derline letter cnd :lcuught un Upll un ,,,hut D.ll they heve beendoing! ~ is doing her pr.::.octic teuching O-nd tile youngsters roo.lly LOVE her.. ..~VtCKY h,!',s her work cut out for hGr for n vvhi1eo" ooshe is Co,~Chuirmnn of the PROH,o.nd we all know whnt thc.t Lleans! 0.0 "It is so rewnrding to have jobs to perform -I'orschool and church functions: nakes you feels about TEN ]:gET :rALL vlhen you've PRODUCED! , I j . 1 I. 1 I I I j , 1 1 l j GAIL and JUDY G~fQER and their fanily had B~Q LUC~!o,..THEIR HOUSE BURNED nnd everything was'destroyedlo.o,",No one was in the housent the tine it burned, so this is 'n BL~S";;ING! Cnn you just close' )Tour eyes 'and think, of c,ll the t>IA,NY luxories yqU possess thD:t would be burned if your hnouse were ravaged with fire?,., "Besides clothe' end furniture, there vIould be those precious SC~_I.:!2.QgE2.' .:i9YVIg'lI~~" .:(ICTUE~2' 1.If5:!ELR'f, :I.:llOI)I-IIE&, nnd on c.nd,onl' Hakes ne posi Lively .g:b \v'her~ I think of thei?:' oisfortune". o. .,doesn 't it you? Houldn't i. t be fun to nend then sOfJeth:tng? Books, j ";cy, hair rollers, pictures, just nnythir:ge e c" e1E'1~'?_:~LL _QIVE -I_liEN A KANfJ<ONO SEONER!' Just naH your gift to thet::,. sar:1e address; 1L:-3L, t4iste:d.o. Dri.ve, Vicksburg, i"iississippi". end the postr.1.:m w~il,deJiver it., , , ".' , . ...., '-'.,,'-'. THE NEHS ON TEE GOQD SIDE conos frorJ VickGburr;, too, ~ 0 0 "LIB ACKERNAN writes thet .e!ill. ;?O~ITIVELY, :;JEJ:. BE ~~gl~ I.Q f{~tlJZ Jt[ ]jl"9.~o She is cOLlpelled to riis;sthis sULlner" but she vIill return~, P~lSE BEl '.1',1 '.:~ .~ '<! . l ~ 1 "~'. ON NARCFl THE THIRTlZEI\lTH (pr tl~erec. bouts) ~J?.Q!sX 9CI,Jj:.m:?~ seni: us Co big, bold postcard! t:h=itten end in colors were these ~vords: ifFI:ASHi!! .GN[.,YJ39 DAYS'TIL CAE2 S'l'ARTS!." '1.':'\. OKI~fI0f4A is'.. f!.' Kl~"t!f:iK-gl~ end !9:iJ')i~.r~i',lQ KLH~ I.<2iJN! JILL LOCKETT that she knows of FIV~ QIRL~ fron Fei;:':"..'nx ,,,ho are cooing to th:i.s SUDDer (not countinr; the boys, of course), c.nd es JILL think thnt ic pretty good for c.. li tUe tmm like Fairfax." FAIRFl.lX, tells us Kanc.kono snys~ III " ~, "'I PAM SMIT~, nnother rE~IRF~XER~ sheres newsy iteDs with,us~ too....Or her Dother does, vnlich is just as goodoPhM is Glee Club President nnd Cheer lender rit her schoo1.4...... . '''.., ", ;\,' ~, SALLY, cnd~"g:i.~X BigcEIl, get c/'LCf.t out of LIFE.., oThey study hard andpluy hurd! ADELE has studied ,i.n Europe and nmJ !?~iJ=..LY is to.k~_ng her turn in Peris tl;:is sunner. H. .jvlL\RY ~ like her sisters have done, vJi1,l tnke'o, SUOE,er cqurse at Newr.lllU, ~ ,",;... - 3'<:hool in~ New O:1:'lec.n3o 0 H o~Bur ADELE HAS THAT BEHIND HER fiND HILL BE BACK AT K1:.,NP TO TF,ACH ART TIH~, Slli)LE~J ' {:~i;;e-";;bout ADELE. in the '~EOUNS~,LOR LINEMUP!~ - ~ .~'\, 'Ct ~! You gids nre ell so sweet end thour;htful and v"ell-rJnnnered! Your' nothers heve donE: c.. T!lOnderful job "tro.ining youl! on the'niceties........ ~ ~1PLg,: i'-1nny of you v,rite end thank us for the birthday cerd! JANE vJELCH does 0. good job, of keeping up TIJithyour Mrthduys, D.ndshe epp~- utes the letterG you''/lri'tenboL,t this courtesy. 0 0 o DONNA .CREEKMORE, tvho nissed canp lust SUE1Der \oJrote';' l~I didnlt. r'ealize hm! Dueh I f.1issed car.1p Bnd hOll nuch fun I ho.d. ^" 0 I lec.rned tL1ings that 1 ~ve put into pro.ctice, like, '.~iI THIRJ?'oo,o\:Jell,:., I ~IT,I prc.ct:icing'tho.rl; {.~nY'i111Yo" DONNA wented to know tvnnt trtbe '-laD lest SUf.1L,er. faY: the scco,ld tel:Tl~ Anybody know? i' ~ ,~. ~t,~ .;.., COLBY OSBORN mov?d to Del L;s ~Texi.ts ~[1.fid she tb:L":k:::; D1\'LL/\; :fit! COLBY sent us en c,rtist's c"",vIi.ng'of her neu hOrJG~ rmci I>on't forget how to sin3~ ~Ot,B~! He ~vnnt to heer you this ~enrly forgote 0" elIi!:.W( 1QQ;FOR"rr-m 'E'ICTJ.T~; 'you heve grm'm just great. _ ~'She loves-' it's OB. SO l3ElJJI'IFULI':' 'v' 8unr.lerago.in! .. .And I'" < '" up so pret~y! ; _:... . SPIKE L\ND I Mm VERY' HAPPY' AND, THi\WKFUL FOR A LOIJEL Y DL UGHTER. . . 0 Our oldest;' son, BOB, ;Ln-;'i.e~j-l;stKSntu~-a;y-';iP.;ht-;'t'-p-~'r'i~i;;:S-Ct;~p~l on the Southern I'1eth- ~_Qctist~$Q.PRt!.s.~in DnUc.sco:~i"-ntIi~,!3:XdEV.Eb~I-1~t!ERRI.;:TICois--,the,~girL~tha t",SPIKE ~wns {~, '~ telling nbout (vritn0tlt..nentioning her neDe) at one of the Church services;~..~~ He hed her picture [lad sho';o7ed it while telling nbout heT career in college. ,d' Ht:JI.Y EVELYN is a reonr1cnble young lr'.dy I" ,nnd vle ,c.re V~ E~ROUR. of our FIRST GIRL! She grc.dueted trOD Texes University ID.st ~-1ny, ~;'2.S president of Chi ODegl:!. Soror.. i ty ",here she -;,TE,S p17esented (for' the ffr,s.t and only tine to enyone!) G trophy'! " for "INSPIRi\TIQNl~b .!~~b~R.ER~gL'S:Ji, r.leDber of Horter Bouxd, end lots of honors I" TI:ill. ~mDDING }i{~~. ,!?}Y..;..I~T~FUL, nnd ~and !"jARY EVELYN DD.de nn il:1pressive sight! ,0' They are in f,eo.pulco, f'1c2::tCO for their h~neYI:1oon! 000 .Sure D.c.kes SPIKE end ne snug to be able to breg about our' dn~ght.!g;. c. 0 ~" CALLI~ !:fAijIi&}~ sc.ys she'.! thinks about Co.Dp ,::-,11 the tine. fALLIE ho.s c.lready '.:,) boue;ht her IXltnins suits, ,,?nd shein l'Qrinlj to go! ~O ~\'RE YoJE, CALLIE! CilLLIE is cc-acin" t~g !~.liDE~(.~, '~vdnted to ccr.1e to Kenc:kono the first tern end be with s.;~\..LL.J.~, but the t terD W(',g filled ",hen she sent her C,plJ1ice- tionoe..o].~~~:~> who is fron Norganfield;, Kentucky, didn't let thct bother, her, too r,mch; ahe get n sood friend:, .SU?~{~tr Y-.f:1, X1sllU1ItRAY froD Kentucky, too; to sign up for the !E:f~9J2Q. T;~Rjl (just in i:ir:1(~ Dofcre th~lt tern closed). ; .' CALLIE and feiEG cc.n ho.'!8 " kits:i..n i cO;lcin ,'euzlion bet,'Jeen terns I ~.,~ I ~ :,; '" ~.., I ' :, , " .1: . f..,..=-~. ~-,---- ~ I - 'I ' ~ ,; "\ "----- , f CLROLYrIEERKEY i'..HD EL ..:':..BETH 3ERKEYL:c.e..-f,poKi.ng forW<2:i."d..:o this suCJLler"".........~.. They both wr6t~ tha.ttl~ey loved the Doviesc-f,ld."the r.1enories the pictures brought to ther.1~ 0 t": 0.12 :' .~.,,~ 1~ ~"LOCKHAR'f. is mcc~ted r,b6ut cnop, o.nd she s:igr)s,her letters, ,"EAGER CAHPER" She even has ne~v cnnpers ,:-VIRGINIA BOST, AND' NANCY RAPLEY, "eager,", too..... ~. e. , .~ -OJ. . - SUZANNE nnd, ''JANNll. ~~fIITE;. are I.'.o.king their l-lcns to start packing soon, too. Their oother'isC,:11ovely hostess, end ~"e loved vis{ting in their big, big, old cnd lovely hone. ~" ", I 1 t I _ I j I I GATHY SPENCE:R,is breo.king her reco:rd! She c.hJo.Ys ,COL1es tocar.,p.for: 'two terns, but she"is, gains out He,nt nfter scnppl and visit asi~t:pr, th~~ be in caDp' tnc SECQ~ERll OllJ.Y 0 ~Jon It seeD right }'I7~thout CATHY i,n June. : ;;: .;.. DIANNA'BENNE~T' is good c.boutcorresponding_ She has been busy wit?cpiano festivals and Guild, 0" "DILNNll reports thc.t LYNN nnd CHERI BOWSTEEL, heve, too. ~l like~y~~~' p:i:ctU1::e~I:ilNN:<\;thank"'youcfor ~inG~it. c;~~. ~ ". ,"" .."" ,.:-. ~..._.'- ~ -- I VIRGINIA YOUN~, f~Or.1 Stn Joseph~ Hissouri, doesn It fe,elthat par.1p' will be "new" 'or ':'Gtrc:hse" to herbecGusc; JANET, her sistc::;r, hGS told" her ", "-"'-;~..', ", ~:"..- '. " " so r.1uch o.bout :Lto And even' if, you 'don It hc.vc 0. biS s:i_ster, to te"ll you "". .",. _' ,_." - .. 'C.." ',~ - ".. Qbou~ cnnp, IT' IS iJEVER NE1:.J .211' .?TR[:~ilIGE QI:!fll YOU HIT THE f'Lt.CE! BECKY HITCH D~F~ves in bringing friends ~.]ith her to Kennkor::o,.. . JULIE ADANS~!3' ", all lined up to.cor::e 'VJit1;,BECKY (fron Pr";;ceton, Indienc., too),. And 5.0 Is' BECKY's brother corJine to, Ko.nnkul(' Ki:~r,ip~.,.BEf:KY seys shG is rs::o.dy for en9Fher FLBULOUS f19t.:!. ~:}, . ",j .' ; ~ DEBBIE VEALE has, ~.h interesting pen; j~,t writGs about three or four" colors at one. tine..o .r'.lnkes a rc.iribo\J~lookins letter! o. .DEE.~IE IS pc-rents own "the fJUjor portion of the RED RIVERSISl L~, so she sets to ski OFTEN...A ski'bur.1? VALERIE VANCE~ yo~ OtoJe DEBBIE e letter" rer.19ober? ,Better, got on the bell! ~ i MELISSA Tof:lLINSOIi:is fro!:l Tyler , Texes nnd she"1s n little doll! Hroteus the cutest letter: ';; III ,,]QuId like ,to I1Gvethe bottor:1 bunk because I uould not like to fall out 'of 'the to; one. I {Jould like 'to ,~ho:~e the top bunk because the scar.. pions cnnribtget u'pthereo;'",.'" NELISSA,you 'VJQnlt be hard to pleese! Anyway, no scorpions! . , =~:..:'~"'._~_-,o--_~~""""""~.-==--7_.,,"-'-""--~=--"'----"-~~~ ""..~ '<...~-~~- =-"~~ ."'-=--~-'~.~.-;.'"""":"'= NEVA SUNDVi:..HL }:-ic.s Co probleD: suciner~~hool Gnd ccnpl She ony days of CDi:.p'if she 80es to, sUr.:Jr.:e~ schoof" but she ~Jill t;e,t it NEVA is "excited o.bont bringins t~JO neH Birls to Kanekoop, too, ~ ,.'. '"' fOt.. out. '" niss c worked " this surs,;er. ''''~t..- . tiliQ NOH FOR THE' COUNSEL_9B& :d:.qO ARE LINED m FOR TI-lI~ SULliER: (Not in nny speciel order, here i?e little, descriptipn'of end} on~.) ~<-' -,,- .:!ill?1 B.OarHu 0< ::lueet, pretty ~ lovo. ble, tdentqcl JUDY'! ?hetoJill, be beck c:::.rrying out c. fine ART 2LCGl\n.l. TIe ere plec.sed ::!.Q..Q1 v.ill be in KLNbKOi"lO o,sc.in. She no.k8s you ,feel so good' n~9 wc.rD~cnd 'secure~~just pessing her each dny! ~"\ \ )4 ,.' NIP-A VAN -- PATT?N"". Hivilt~. hGS been holdins clown the recponsib,le 'posi tion c;f Physic;:,l Education instructor G t University of Arkmisc;s. She t<lill fill LUlL~. plnf;,e this suc:-.1er Gnd 'stc.y in the Office. limA is en OLD HLND Q,t KGnekorJo~ nnd ~.]e 'Vlelcone her back! vJith HIFA c,t the helL1 to coordinete the Dro::Yren '(;lith HANLEY" -....._...._.. . ,/,; ,-.0 and LE~mA ,the knr,lp tvill go 'V!ell. :J , . , ~O~ " 1- ~ 0 ~,~~" X\t (pl). ~ I; ~ HiU'JTHOR.!1~" ': 0,' :lOAN CODes bc,clc brineine her wonderful snile cnd cheer- ful and, willing dispositiono Everyone loves ~, nnd we ere lucky to have her ~'Jith us ngnin., JOAN will be in,.the St-JIf1 of things nt the Pool, end you C,'1n count on 0 good and : fun~run SwiD::dng progrmJ t'l7it11 JOAN IS co.pGble supervisi'3n., \ \ /ltpN' · ~'f:;:' I ::J' ?VO :.J , .-" .\'" , SYLVIA'HOOD~;, ;',0 SYLVIA' is the sister ,of CECIL (HOLLY)VJOOD, and she is just cw gocd..looking [J.S CECIL~ only pretty in n sirl-way! She is \ 0 l'hy smdunte of North Te~ws Stnto University, o.nd she hes, , loes pf;tc.lcnts: played bc,sketbnl1 fori 6 yec.rs and, He,s nlli>o ' cfi'strict 3 years Dnd c.ll-stnte for 1 yenr; ET.esident. of Drone. Clab, nbi3t'/:.ctress 1 yeD.r [md ell stnr c~st for 2 yrs. in district" Add to tbet: Footbnll Queen, Senior Fe,vorite" Iksketbo.l1 Queen, , . Cheerlecder, nnd Honor srndueteo And NORE and ~! l.vJ ,.J..{S \. ;) L~OtL ~0 :.;; .l~\, t, \ N ...J Nl\.NCY RYDN,L\J:-I, ~ ;::'l'l!~I'!.~l cttended Ohio StLcte Universitydc.nd Texc.s University;., ,.I'''~ I. I' "qf'.-'.!:ntl""'r <,...,......, c;:c"p cl"'roctor fo'- 6 yo"'rco "no! she under...+-...~.' ('J\.;I .l.._;;~:-~-!--~:. L~,.. dC...0 C. L!...~.~ _";:,, ~ J.. ~L... 0 c~ . ."~,...,.~,....",-::>::; JH Iv I J G. DPfl: 10'1(23 CALfS! She h[-.5 hed lots of exper:ience SAILING! Also} ~ I ,,\\ t t!"(1Dpo?:ine, co.noei.nz, cenpins~out, ScubE'Diving, Gnd you no.ne it! ~,\(. .1'J!~X~CY'. hD~ . bean ~~::pt~d in tho ,f:J?U;g COItPS~ but she is v!c,i~in8 to go unc11 n 12~~;,n later on~O~Qnog '" .1' :~,_, ~~ ";" ~ec<~;o Four NANCY VAN NORSTRAND.,.......,."NANCYhclJ.s froD Tul~a, Oklahooc'o.lthough she''l1nsn't;t,1ived )( \ ,,,,~\f' there..'~too'nnnyyc.:rs" NANC'f isf'(or ~'lill be) [1 senior ~.t Southern ,~(J '0Q.'.,., Nethodist University tlnd is the PRESIDENT o#, !m1ilii DELTl. DELTA'" t,W c,.c \ So::;' ,--i;:y.This is a reel, hO,nor, as you ere p,vlc.re, qnd ,spenks"we,l1 ).,O~ 't " -1 ~";'o.fM~~r ,~Ijj.NCY 0 NANCY. ~uft. ~lc"\d~: the MORTAR BOARD [:t S..~;l. U. She , S'" f-i.,:/, \'), 1 ,c:VGS one ,of only fourteen g~rls chosen! 'How nbout thnt? Her 1\<<>\ f ~o ......,. ,$~Jecio.lty fields n~e tc~ni..s 'loci vOll,eybnll elthough she worked , ":;;l" e8 )(!) nodal end'consul tent for collose fo.chions on 0. colleee- boc..rd . in .{;.,' depcrtoent store in'Tul'sco (She didn It c.ttend hiGh s<::ho01 in TuIse as her fnDily Doved there efter hiSh school Graduation.)' SANDRL Si'.[ITH....;;. ~Sf:rmr"~. 'is.. physico,l 'e,ducc,tion D.njor c,t the UNIVERSITY OF ARkA~ISAS. r "\!Je,l~l~ed Si.NDRA IS 'c.pp~icntio~ for sbff er.:ployoe~t beca~eshe ' ,y,,, "told:uGshe 11ke8 cnnp <:'.toosphere o.nd cc,np surroundings. She Ekes' to ,,;,6r.k ,vUh nnd hplp you,nS people~ She~ too, is quite in-" tere'sted'in TENNIS" Tile' ou'eht'to hnv,e 6. fine 'instruction course '~ih TENli!.~'this ~i:. TO. s:ive "o.n insight on SANDRA's persono.1ity, ,~ 'lethe quote fror., h8r letter '\vhen SPIIg; sent her n contrc.ct to' be c. counselor: II,I wes pleo.snnt1y Gurprised to open tho ,1ette,r . frOG you end find 0.' positive 'conclusion! , You know I,wo.s' just' , >thi'nkine~tr':k.".nlsHfe".t drily reflects ,Jhnt he thinks cbout. ... --';. - -, .',' - '" \', " . I:" '.' 'J'thibielf btlt \oJhntqthersc' thin,k ebout' hit1" Sonethine insid,e r;ie is c.twr~ys stirred to nction'{lnc:;n, soneone 'believes' I cen -do c. job."j k \ \ , I , I I I ~,. [., (f\ \ ~\~ -." \" I~ /\ . ~ . ,- . ~ CONNOn..~~ u~.E.EGGY;c'ocesto us fron porto.ies) Ne'!,'? He~ico~ ~ .E:n.r;,'. U. "".,here '-'s!:'e,:iso. PhysicclEducctior'li:L."\jorvlith c, '.1if.t~rirtDrcDQ nnd,;, reUg'ion'; /c._ _?EGGY is little in size '(FIVE FEET TALL cndweighs :99 'pounds dripping wet!), but she is BIG in quo.1ificntions! " Agre[tt'l1ttle tuobler end swirJoerf' She loves the little girls!, THANK HEAVENS FOR LITTLE GIRLS! ' ~ \L,":,;:"....,,-,; '.. '? "'; .\.,. .j ~I I"~ , ' i} \ .J\\'" ,/. S ~' .{\:- /k ~,. /' ~ \/'(, f/' ~ L.-- ~ ('}- ~ \~ J1\N LLSTONo.....;. ~JAN is the'Drnr.1C. cnd En~lish teC\cherhcre .ct f~&fl ConJ:;;lidct~d:' ..-...- -- \--- \l..l>-.N\~ '" . HiGh School wbcre LYNDA HELCH,cnd JOE JiilTE }cn.d...o,thcr ceDpers) ~d') / '." Jl.'." c;t,:'College Stction, Texc,s~..?;JOE nnd LYHDAthink3AN is ~;" l,\\'- ,~"~\~ nnd hi.\sc_ lot to offer for cell you girls this surJL1or....There ~-J'(i' ~j., ~ir' .,,: ',!should' be lots of good stunts with I~_ directiono. .She loves . ~', t~\ 'the: ;outdoors cnd cc,npirig"nndriflery a.ncl sports of c,ll kinds! V ~..; '~."",' 1"" *f ~.~ :IAN TEOLEN.......~.J1\N ...'" .'J1ROL BLOYD's friend iron reS.T.C. nt, EDpCric., K::;;nsGs. " f-.-o '. ( \:: She has . blentS in "fJnny fields :~on'g leo.der, for h;3rsorpi~ty,- ~G. \~ :">~G ~~ ~rood' tunbler nnd;SY[1nc:s~" loves drnr:ul~ 'Good c.rti~t, 'if); .plny'"1 ",1 ,,~v, ,.it..:(?~ ; (:(roundLc\ircctor ell SUDner for ELmOric. Recrec.tion Cori-:fssion$ . ',J 'v ",\./'.""u '-...... .. p::; \\,<":I ~~':.: {\'-'"" AND ~I-:),E ~Jl;S RED Hi:~T;.R! ,'j f..l :. <.:;I.H.. ':: ,.\.~.'..I!l,EY VANCE....,. "The LCiJlE of 0.11 CQUNSELOLS. ,.THE EPITOHE.. jtm~! Your cnnp E'iliJ:lA end .Pi,lA, _' end they cr;-;o c1~v,?ted ~~d~oYC.~f to C.::m you innzine hevine ccnp 'Jithout then? ...,......'-" , ~ ' YOU.' j,". ",. end LENNA "I 1 1 I 1--' , , ,FLORINE CECIL... ~".GOOD'OL I CECIL! If you were there 1ns1: sur.1ner'the second tero, you hnd ngobcl' friend in the HospitGl, t:.nd th<::t tvns CECIL, your resistered nurseo She took pert in the whole cnop proq~GD end ':nGver Dissed..the Evenine Shm'Js 'unless SOL1eone wC's in the cnr::p.... ,;'I:Iospitc,L.~;eCECIL does c;' fine job keeping Sirl~ l?-edt,1:i:y a~q happy.. ,She;'vlill be in. ctr:p thi's yccr the FIRST ~C~ruvI. ", '" I ": , ,$ I f-.$; e. . Ju ~ \" , \<f-J ."".Cr, r'Y.H.GARET PRl:..TT .,; . "Hi\RGARET is the nother of DONN,A J:RATT (t; lot of ygu""ri;;:L12Dber DONNA)., This s~veet lady ,Jill be lookingc:ftcr the'ECOND'TERI-IERS, cnd you ,;Till love her! " She is c resistered nurse; her hUl~,1?nnd i.s 9, Dentist h'ere in ,I}rY0i}) T(;~_c&) ....:.iJ.9We ,116,e kno,tr1h~1:end ~n!1ted ..her' 't6 g6 'to CClDp,;ith-tlG severe1 yenrso.~.ofvJARGARET'is look:i;ne fOIwcrdto be.. ins "at Ko.nnkoDO with you. ,,J . ":C.>>' ,{J.,<>C " ..I .l '. 4f~~~ 8'0_ I THE JUNIOr: COUNSELOR STAFF is C' GRE!:!~T end DAla,J'NG' QROUP. The EXCITING ~lEHS ADOur 0.11 but two of then is THEY HAVE BEEN HITn US DEFORE AS JR. COUNSELORS, nnd SEVEN of then w'cre Kl'.NAKOHO KAiTI?ERS! Cc.nwe sey thnt they c,re 1I~!-iNP~GROVJNII?! ; ..2 \\~ ~\ ~ '. _r i,; , HE ARE PROUD TO HELCQf']E: CAROL DLOYD,' CAROLE LUTT:mLL, LYNDA \;JELCE , KAY 'COX, 'B"RTHHUGHES;VICKI VANCJ~.. (Vicki wl11 be''-:t'dnc';;;ss of KioWL1s the First T.ern then beCOfJe Jr..Counselor tl.:, Second.Tern), ADELE. BAKER, L'Q,)N lifILSON, o.nd two ~ nnd ,C!-.PLBLE girls} i'lELINDA REICK and t~~RSHA NILLEE,. '1 ~"f; ~'i ' ." SOf:.RY THERE 13N IT, R..OQi/j TO GIVE YOU THULB~NAn. SKETCIIES Au'OUT TnE JR. COUNSELORS, but Deyoe next KATCH-UP He ceD dev~te spece --for this purpose" I do knqw you wiH be fond 'of e[~ch one of then"end went'to i;row" up c.ndbe like thqn...:;,..;. " , i-11m KNOT:JS? - SOHEDAY YOU. Tnr>1 i"j[V'f'F t_, JUHIOR COV, NSELfJR AT r..AN/,.ICOUO!!! .. -,~~,'. -=..=. ~ - . 1l HOlE SOl _.- ,. " ~,...,.. .:<." ~"";,. , ,','; ,.'~ ,';,':j"} "", , ~~ " ONLYAB9U"f~YIF1:1.::.~IGr'lT~pAYS YllT1.LlJ.?:?I~TERH I(Jj,P STARTS! ~ .~. I I "" ~, '--- ,-, VOLUf1E 31 NmmER 5 ~" ~ ~ SPRING-l!i-FINl~J-.Y-!i~RE-ISSl!!2.. 00'." Yes, SPRING IS finally here.... .and if it hasn 't'lIhit," your town, yet, tGke our word for it, IT IS r'IEADIN~ YOUR HAY! WE ARE'SO LUC~Y because we set to enjoy SPRING eech year in South Texas ,with.nllthe f~znlecs, Histeric, Bluebonnets, and "'~~~"3"'I'~,i""",.Jmdian;i;'2a'int""D,rush;,,;,,~,,.then""T(lCWi:;.:. ee' t o<"d o""c.x'DOUGhE T AKEof '" Spring'at Kao12 with the \-lEd Violets, Do;::;~:mod, Redbud, 3n-' ponien, tind 'nIl the' be<1utiful shrubsLl1d trees that UNCLE DOn plcnted and nurtured at Ka~po'o.ocYES, every bit of Spring lve III be present ns nhmys nt Kanp except UNCLE BOB, but the results of his work and love will always be thEre, and that is a true meesure of success~ ~.~f' "HE Hi\.S ACHIEVED SUCCESS' '[-JEO HAS GAINED THE RES!:'ECT -- ,..,............-.--- - of thinkine p~ople nnd the love of little children..... who has filled.,his niche <:cnd hns left the vmrld better thnn he found it,," AND UNCLE DOB SURELY, DID ALL THAT--AND HaRE! HE'LL HISS HIN. ,r(lj ~ ~ , Q]! SPRING 1& !::. 'iL-OQK.ING':"FOR\'!LR:i2-Tur:'!~!::. TIflE OF. NEH nEGINNINGS ~ the world .::mc1 fm:' ec.ch of. us in it~... . Ei\.STER conine in the early Spring is so fittin'g b,ecause as JESUS put it,""..o. netv life is given to eGeh of us,,;'~o. chnnce to be 'born again 1'1 iI~ AND I(AI~f.l? IS THAT \H~!2 TOO--Q, ~ ~wi th Dcny ne\\' friends "-#~ io;oc:", new~tvbrlcb;"j;-\,,'>;'And"'\vJ:1o.t'~trw(jnJ:lGrfli:tgneifworl1::T....is. is "'with nothing (but EVERYTHINGJ ) to do~-nothfng but nnke friends, , build nuscles~ float rivers, sail boats, paddle cc.noes, shoot rifles, pIny at Ti,RZAN LiU-iD, swin, CCr.1p, dive, ski, run, jUDP, thrm'7, cc.tch~ uhittle, clinb, and ~ FUN, FUN, FUl'-l!.!!!! ..~ ~~.;~,;,:~ .""~1"',","i",": ~ ~,.--... .- / BOTH TERllS. DF' Ba:::'H, CLUES AP.E ALL FULL and HI. VE BEEN FOR //weeks so you r<:Nmt t.,~-hc.d Fin! Inst SUf.1Deroooo.Leeding the FUN THEN end NOH is the tir;-rec.testll steff YET! -- - ..\...JI'. _ ~..... ~ ~\\W) ~.r': ' . ~ ~l:t~;~V 2.QX!i ~ DIRECTOR DAI~NEY UELCg is physically Gnd Dentally READY for ~ TO .FrART." ,_ .D1\LNEY takes his lllurlch hour" .to play BflDliUITJli, }i?,NDDLLL, or you naDe it,".he1s Ql! THE BALL.....,And t"ho nLl I to tell you'ED;] HUCH BARNEY LIKES TO PLAy?..... Around Kanp a.ny evening or IIwhile weiting for . the "S0UPEY,' YOU ALL! n, you vJill find BARNEY playinz HASHERS, JIORSESHOE9.' or :nr'lt"; PONG liJith the cccpers! ~ CEf~LLENGE ;}},.RNEY TO !::. ~l AND IF :YOU UAlI1I' TGLOSE \'JEIGHT c,nd ENJOY DOING IT, ------ -- - sit at BARNEY's tetle vhen'meo.ltiDe rolls around. It's BARNEY ~Jho s1.):8 E.nd encourages you end "does ~vithout,i,the stc!rches end m.;rects vJITH YOU to help you o.ccocplish this gonl! QALNEY IS GR~iT! A feller's friend! IIROCKY" ROCKHOLD is e good COUNSELOR, too. This will be ROC~Y'S el~venth YCGr &t rG~N- ~, (',nd his' son, NEAL, Hill bc a S.C.' n!;cin. ~ E;rev7 up' in CQr.1p ,nnd was ,CHIEF nnd HONOR CAi'.G?ER.... 0 "ROCKY will guide nt least half the FLOAT ThI?S 0.80.in, nnd it is lucky that he re.[llly ~. TEOSE RIVERS.. ooROCKY just re[ld .:6. ,bookc:.bout THE CURRENT RIVER that .lQill! nnd' SDSrg:. 111L'~TER~ geve us ~ Gnd ROCKY, is nmV' ~lbtJND U'i end REi\.DY TO I'IEf..D FOR TIlE OZARKS. ie. .... -.- . ~_~"__ _ _ _ _,'. DRUCE DRUHLiOND HILL DE PA~~~;. TOO, AND THIS KEEPS KAll]? ON the ri,:;ht f'tri,ck" 0 . .c".IJRlJg':, te:Lches cnr.1pers "UrSTJ\.Nr ~ RUmHNG"... , JUNPINq EIGEEIl~" $I:'GLE VA'JLTInG :L;ETTER! "'\ ~ ~~ .-........ "~ ~~ ...~ ;;'i',GE nm BRUCE DRUNNOND is considered-one of the :rilE. .mnVE1\.SITY TRACK COL\CHES of the United Stc,tes C,[] evidenced by the fnct tk,t the A.l~" U. chose hiD froD <ill the COll-eY-IES in the U" So to teJw nn h'Jericnn Tenn on Tour of Europe........ mmCE Ilgrew up" in Ko,nnkuk;. too~ hut his record goes so fcr bnck we are not at all sure just hmV' onny yenrs.,-oan nnel boy-cnDper-=he hes been et enDp! (HO\'l nbout nn {lns~.]er; Q~UC.2?)"'''.HAnd this yenr) DRUCE will stnrt one of his own two sons GS n Cnr.1per in !9\Nl\.Kl!.~! I t" r I "._ ': DRUCE cm.le by the Kannkuk Hinter offi2~~{C61lege Stntion) on one of his nnny lone trnck.:tenD trips, and, he renlly ir.1pressed the l[ldies (~ HELCE nnd Di,R~~!I?g} ",ith his' good looks inhis"AAU Dlnzer, ;~rc.y slncks,. white shirt and sharp, shccrptie nnd trnck shoe tie clip! Gf,RNEY suggested th,,:,.t !JRUG;i wenr these togs around KnIUlkuk this subr~er. (Did we ever tell JOLl !?.B:UCE wns HONOR CL\lvlPER long tine c.go c.tKANAKUK?) OUR ADhIRAL OF THE HATERFRONT (THE LA-1(E), JOE JONES hns hc,de SUCCESSFUL SENIOR"", _---1 yeer......He-helps"licwchll Dfi.SKRTDALL .:cnd t::.isO.2.,B=U.:;.. 'tem.1 cGne out SECOND in ,'","", the NAIl, FINi\J",Sct KGnsD.s;CitYQQ,.,.,,'Reoeuber JIN HAGAN? He\ves on thnt teIlD," too. JOE JONES iff Q '"zreo.t TEI~!in~"' pL2yer on the yjiSITY -TEAI,j ,-,nd we wish hin luck this seeson....c,~T~J.NAKUK, JO~,is likeBARNEY--loves to pley ~lith the kids! ANOTHER OLD TINE~ on :::hestnff c.gein is Q~CK }:?flTTON who besides SVlU1HING is MAKING GOOD ~~^'DE~ nt U.l<!> (c,bout the t:;u:-;hest eccclenic school in the USA! )..oooThis wil11.Je DICK PATTON'S ELEVENTH Y5i,R nt cnmp--r:ulO nnd boy! III - =--~~ LANNY EN:!JI€OTI hhs had n 'good yenr ct SoH.,S, ns c. dorneounselor nnd 0. bnsebel1 pl'cyer:~:> <p-,. (J l^!e hc..ven't hel~~rd llny bc~sebcvl1 "results" (nODDY. .~:...~~.: v,JRIGHT will cone through soon ,vith nn ccccount!), but \ole hope'L/;NNY hits the oeD i.nstecdof thebnll hittinghin~.'.cs wcs the ense in the FR~,AKbc.tt;tng' cc.chine D.ccident 'liist yeer nt his College....... IF YOU' ~\RE READING THIS, b:fJ{!lJy, here{s n SCOOP: I3ARNEY lins p.:::,id you the ul,tiniJ.te conplinerit of suggesting that you be CADIN ONE COUNSELOR this'~:~'uq~er.'." ,KEr~NIT HOLDERivIiJ.N ho.s cllready "put in" for CeMn :/I:l:;!.f. nnd HE 1.s I" Ni\TUr;),;.L"," oJIH HELen set d HIGH and Hi\RD EXAI''lPLETO LIVE UP ....;z,~__ .. __ ~ ___ Tq, nnd young [Jen like f,ANNYend, KERHITenn fill the bill! RIGHT, mi? ~- , ' , . .. ~ jvlIKE RITCHEY ,viU ',be uceleb'fc.ting"'his' s;ventb yec.r c.t)Cc:m'J.kuk. ..~. !Sc.y -'~c~h~,brc.;, i'~~t:in.~""'becnuse-- eveJ..~ d2y, ofeveryyeccr "is 8 CELJ.':DRATloN "'for ivlIKE,~ nnd evcrybody~ - - . ,... . - . "- Ground hin knows it nnd' feels the SPIRIT J ".. ~oHe, is the oririnel "HAFEY ::;OY" c.nd . -. " ,':' ".- -' - recruiter for KA.t.f1'i:iCUK :StAFF., H.l'HKE LOVES THISCREAT f?IG HIDE, HONDERFUL \'JORLD! "" f. X. .. - , .,/; DILL RASCO, .ROL,IE'GOr{I'H:SH, DLVlD VAN GIESEN, JOHN KIHi3ROUGB, AND GEORGE ROLAND c.re the other Ilreturninell 9.ounselors, nnd we nre SO El.::.'ld! !l TlmHENDOUS GROUE! BILL RASCO nnd his ne\J vlifevisited us recently, nnel we, ho.d lots cif' lcU;;hs,..... (,Ie surely nre glc,d 1?:lP-, !:Sf~r.gHOIi got the wife he dicl--for ,-"-'1ny. rec.'sons--nnd i, one of then is she is "1ettingl1 hiD coce to cc,r.1ppo o. ~ o ROLL IE fin'ishecl tip his bnsketbnll eli[-'.ibility "lith 12 points ,~go:irist TexDs, Univorsity") Dnd \;10 are '" PROUD for hin! 00 '. 0 ,., o3?j~\YII~ is running t,r[',ck o.8c,in[1t Hendrix Collo;:.:e besides <- urunning" all over the country on chorel tdpSH P o JOHB KIHDROUGH hc:speen slilitched (he'd rc.ther fight thetn s~litch!) to t:;ckle c.t S ,f,i. U. nryd"'doing wel~! A friend on the footbc,l1 teo.r.-: visited us this week, nnd he tells us.:!Q!!!! is ROUGH in the line and shovJing up grec,t in the chc,nee! <.. . o GEORGE IWLid~D is out for footbc.ll c:t So U, too,. e,nd the plnyer..reports we cet is thnt ne, is TGUGR-pound for pound'~'~ns HOST Llnd HOlm thnn HOST OF 'Ell GN THETEAH! ' __-",_.. _... ___L''- __. _ "~, _ _ _ Ue ere 100kin[; fonvnrd to sone C'cd stories: "';:;;'~')GE this sunDer...... He is n SPELL-BINDER on the ~TJ~~! i<~, THE NEIl] COUNSELORS ARE ALL ,TOPS IN THEIR ,'FIELD /iND~TO:2 PEOr'LE; TOO! uY91J,~U,"s.eeJ :~,., 'ALLEN :rlYERS lettered D,t S .H:Uo three yenis (',S n diver c,nd everyone of those yec.rs Southern l"lethodis'University won the Conference Chc.Dpionship, nnd ALLEN wns, nh~eys B.!Q!! in the diving<.. .~J-,LEU sldis .!?AREFOOT c.nd on c. cc,noe pnddle and even skiis on skiis) too, good enough to conpete successful1y on slnlotl cnd in jUDping! This guy is TRICKY! ,"..0 'don it he, [end .DENNY ELLIS l:nke n shotoJ! RMZE P/;IRl 0"'\ ,-,.... RICHI-dm QUICK ceptnined the SoNoq. Corrfe'rence Chc.cp'ionship Swio TeeD end lettered three yec':rs) 'too..... \1e hnve wanted RICHARD on the Knnekuk Stcff for 8nny ycc.'rs becnuse he is not only n Stnte Chccr.1pion, Conference Chcnpion,'[,ndi::lOc-tinc' NCAA record- hold8r~- but G QLE"'~ LEADER AND TEACHER AND ALL-AROUND C0l1'PETITOIU He will be the S~11it:1 COGch eet Highlnnd Pnrk High ,School rre~ct yec;r! ,J KEEPING ur' THE TEY,AS jiGGlE DEL~'~ATION on the'stcff ~.]ill be DAN \'JESTERFIELD' ---_.._..,-~--, --' [md KENNETH LALKHI (o.ke" HIKE RITCI'lEy1)"oon,DAN 'is 0. Junior(Sent.'6SL' . _"" "'__ " L Fullbeck nnd the coc.ches h.'1.ve hin figured ns."c:'STAi.';.TER... . KENNETH will ' be e Junior, too, next SepteDber) cmd he hc,s"beensto.rting et Center 0.11 through the Sprins., '" .30th 1.Joys pIc,yed ~L:L sports in high school [tnd Both ncde NATIONAL .HONOR SOC]i,)J;TY ~ c c ",DRAINS c,,'.d DRAUN do go together--sonetines! ",..,.- .cd J , I[ ~ '''~ ...... / .!..t'.~IilCht'ee I-JELCOHEDACK,,)JOD COX!~,AA...,,,]JOD \dll:'-bec~returni:ng~toJ<ANl\KUK,. .o.nd we are pleased! llim. WGO "~~.1p~;- for ;~ver,::tT-yccrs cnd [', good one! BOD nnd h"iG twin, CH1\D, 1"ere outstanding athletes in high school-~since then BOD hes specinlized in 3yencstics nt North TexGs ..Stnte..., . GOOD JO"Hli.VE DOD ON ,TIill. STAFF! DAVID JOOTH nnd TON 1~NDE~ bothnre cooing to Kaep on the very strong recoooendctions of foroer counselors!....DLVID's wife, ~ (Art Coun- selor ct I<.:;NLK01\;O, n reccl doll!) sold us on DAVIJ;\ Gnd she WGS right! Heh[~s tGught Swir:ll~inG 2,nd \vei3'i1t-t,rni~ing f~o.ny yeo.rs nnd ,'lill work with riflery nnd sports~...~TOM LINDERcnoe to our attention through DILL STARR~ one of the linll,.tine" grent, grent counselors nt Knnakuk. ..... and when DILL recon~ends soneone I listen with Barn EA~S! ~ LINDER is a wrestler end weir>ht lifter... nAND HiS HON THE TITLE OF:" "HR. INDIAN1:,.1l cnd "MR. OHIO'VAVLEY" '" "'-'" "cf7~'''i '''i\;\'' THE JUNIOR COUNSELGr(S fec,ture n ,,,ide vnrlety of TALENTS and interesting person- alities! To eive you c. llquickie" run".do~m, they c.re: -" ... KERI'1IT HOLDERI'JjAN--in his eleventh yec.r nt KD,nnkuk--wiU be bnck to repent his [;rec.t job in CGbin #10", ~KERHIT will be (It Ok1nhocc. Stnte next yenr Gnd out for footbnll there! I , 1 r 1 HENRY EDDINS is finishing up his chreer C.t Tulsn Edison but NOT AT V,ANAKUK! It is his SEVENTH yec.r Dt Keu:Jp, "and ~'le like hewing this boy nround! HENR'y will eo toOklo.hOLlD. St.::cte this fall ,too, and STUDY and D;~OAD ~"-nnd he does both ~. ___-~ ROCKHOLD, like KERMITnnd DICK PATTON, will be in his ELEVEIITH ~ at --- Kanakuk Km:lp......~ hns hed 0. ,3ood yeer, aco.decicc.lly, at Texc.s 1'.&1'1 Univ. I !---";-;~~.~ I l DOBBY t^!RIGHT ho.s been nrdund C[l[Jp so long vJe o.re not reclly sure when he be.:::an! It wo.s the yeer 1960 DOBDY was first c. caoper nnd wnlked ewny with he HONOR CAMPER TROPHY, too!..~.DOJ3TJy' hc.s he,d .::,.FINE yeo.r nt S.H.S., tnking tiDe out to visit onny of the cCf.1pers. nnd fanilies IroD Sprin~:field... . Dom::,y is 0. fine public relations r:u:m nnd should be C'.. fore iSh diplor;atl' He naken FRIENDS every\vhere he goes! BODBY . ~:i..ll~hecd"ikup,thp""Len the:r~Crcft.-"progrnD,cnt" KCll:1P [ls'cJIH ,HRIGHT"'fhesy;RarC=,~.c;..c;:,;.;"" 0.11 sunner. U!e \vill niss JIM.) MURr~Y RICHEY,~s c.liobing the lGdder, too; froo cncper, to work boy, to junior counselor is Dn interesting evolution! ishing Tulsa Edison, too, c.nd gain;:: t'o O. U. ct Inst report~ HURRAY help out in the vJrestling proSrc.r.l! HONGl;, CAi.f2ER to HURRLW is fin- Glc.d to hnve All lest yecr1s cc~pcrs know DENNIE ELLIS, the SKIIER, LAR~Y CAMPBELL, the diver, LEE hT:fUTE,' the s,<lifJuer, and J,u'llW LUTHEI~, the o.l1-sporter! They will 0.11 be bnck nnd this is QQQQ. NEHS Tq ALL .QE: ~! """ "'" ~~- DRINGU!G ~p LARRY CAI'{f'DELL'S NANE brin.}s up SAD, SAD ~. LAR~Y's Dnddied nboutn nonth ngo nnd very suddenly! We are NEVER reedy for dec.th of c. loved one, end it is espec- ially shocking when it CODes suddenly cnd t~one'so'happi- ly useful end ener[~etic C's L\RR'I IS DAD. The Q:2.QQ LORD surely gives ::ood people st1"ensth 'fllhen they need j.t Dost, nnd LARRY nnd his Nother <<:~nd, of course, the ,,;ho10 fcni- ly) hnve risen to the chc,l1ense ':'cOc1 hnve c, '\<londerful c~tti- tude c.bout God is \Jill nnd His Plen for ec,ch of us. vIe 0.11 shere their sorrow c.nd nt the sane tiDe becooe Gore cppre- cictive of OUR LOVED ONESn ' Ll~TE FLASH: .J ,j~. HAr;.lUNGTON Hill be bnck, on the stc'.ff, ('Iso. J.L. "ill ettencl St[~nford University fl8Xt fnll .::cnd pIc)' foctucll (tcckle position!). D!:.VID ViDE is c:nothcr cc:[:per "7ho hns "no.c1e the gro.de" os f:, Jr. Counselor for this yr-:,cr" DA~IQ :~WU.1 for -:;:'hor:lc'sJJcfferson H"S< in DDllc& ond I.;ill be t:. big help ct the pool end ct the loke. i\.~ Ei~KEr.{ sure [1C:.d~9 ,n BIG- SrLi~SH C;.S ~ fresh8c:.n ~)eGket~x.~llcr f',:Ot to the Finc.ls in the I-l/\IL niC.tionGF'bcslwtbc:l1 t()urnc;r.1ent~ right, "JOE }ON~~! TEU,l" ('.nc1. ~ is" c. JOE ~JONES eOy! in h~lpin8 O.D.U. YeD, thc.t's , C'~RL GOUGH cnd pi\riPY )}.E,gE~:! Gre; the cnly o,thc,r nCvJJr.Counsolors 2nd GOfi'I clort;:, Brent r1iS11 schGol "c.tb.letesc ,_".;J ...Cl~Rh\,-]ill pIny footbc~ll '~_-'.t TtJ.~r.c~s A&l'l next yeo.r [~nd plc.ycc0vcrything ire high school. DLNlrl [",O;!N did, too, ,'~"..nd tvill be c~t J.:~,r;.Dt rI'ex.~,s .Stc.tc r;czt YCi1r cnd \~,7ill h::vc either G fine c'"'rnor "'in {-r~'ck cr ~~~'~'r;k()~~l-""""1 "or ~"Tr:rrHf GPT?I,1~ /",}}i.JITIONS TC "fBE n't'1l\ FTi' I ,.... '.... '" L.. l...~_'" " - ..,-';~ ....I__~.JC...... ~~_. 1:,..... O',f; r'_'~ =-.::!.. _ u~J:.a. .L - .---- ~ ,,~'~" ----~----- I f<'::'" I .'"" ~'''.-~, I \ ... '~ ~ "',,-- / ".. ) , '\ 1?c..ge Four ____,--'..-HERE IS fl GOOD QUESTION~ Il1f C',,",!'1C.nilr, ~~~-f.or'--every"~_'" .., """ , word y"'ou" ev~r spoke ebout people end collect five cents for every UNKIND wgrdt ,\>JQULD XQ!lJ3E nCB OR POOR 7" vJE ARE EXPECTING GREAT THINGS 'FRaN SO NANY ,OF YOU K1'..NAKUKERS IN THE FUTURE! Jus~n;; you're zoin~ to be FAMOUS sonedeyT:.....And weccn DPiliG,toFOLKS, "OB, yes, he is one of our c;:mpersl"....RICHARD,TRACY is elrcc.dy cchieving FANE tvith his ARTvJORK. Thi;:;;ounG,Eeri'i13 ~c;xhib.iting in Perry ton, Texes during ~ Donth of April (be sure to 80 his is EXHr~IT TONY 'I'J-\GSDI,LE, !.2!i HONROE, ~ ALLEN) ..--:thcn in his HOHETmJN in Mcy. HOlViETmJN DaY lYlhKES GOOD! RIel-JARD, we vlish t-le cou1(~ see sone of your works; CONGI~TULATIONS! "GETTING R&\DY FO;:;' CAHpllis the topic of conversation acHy nt JD1 ANEND'S house; especio.lly v1hc;t;"is good, fric:nd'~ ROCKY CEASE c90es nround.... 1'he89 two nre renl rivels QS they plny on opposite tec,ns (different schools). but they ere rennrk.. c.bly ;}ooc1 friends afte:rthe gene13 end! KANAKUK KIN..FOLKS! nOUDLE TROUDLE: The .sTRUDY TWII~~S",were cnroll~d for KAHi?, Sut'" due to a change in business for their fe,ther, ,tl1ey hed to pospone SUl:Jf.1Cr plans! ~ ~ they will be back for DOU2LE FLEASURE! Sl'EVEloJRIGHT is cs fine a correspondent ,es his, brother"BOI3DY...I.Ji:: enjoy hee,ring frOD STEVE; his letters ere nost interesting. Qnc1~crested in n11 KANAKUKERS..;..STEVE is countins the d.::;.ys until ~ nEGINS! He ~...ill be c Hork l~:,oy..!. .".Heve ':l Good cretv ,~nthis depc\rtncnt, tao: RALr:HDURNS, DANNY TOf:lLINSON, STEVE illaOFF, DICK DROHN, c.nd JOE CECIL. , OUR OLDEST SON, 13013 \fl1ITE, Got narried April 10th in Dellas, and we ere night' proud of our FIRST DAUGHTER, ~~RY EVELYN....This wes c. becutiful occesion, nnd we were so pleo..sod toheye UNCLE DILL cnd HARLE LANTZ, JAHEY SAUNDERS, BARNEY nnd JANE HELCH D.r:lon1} other eoodf~iends therot:litl1 us... ..RAY SCHOENKE cnd his eood-lookine wife. NANCY, wcr'e there, nnel so wes JOI4N DAILEY ..lith his parents! RICHARD QUICK ~ves an Usher, nnd DILL HElTE tves" BEST NAN... . JOE HHITE wes Usher, too. 9:~~" , JOD LADDwrote c fine lotter of CONDOLENCE to usl It wes like thin: Eispc,rents ho.vo {'- c~t\nc1 priv;:t1=c", BOX of tklcir own at the'NEVJ ASTROUOl'-lE, end they graciously invited lib Gnd the vJELCHES do';vn for th0 OPENING. llouJclnt~t YOtl know w9 qp,i<::'. "'pressing enge.Genent;, m;-td couldn't eccept!! I (The ~ledd ing ~.,r.:.s the SQDO tvoek-end!) so we 0,11 took eRA INCHECK (H\2 hope I ) DOD U1.DD expressed his regrets vle couldn t t cone to see the Yc.nkees piny c,ncJ. ndded."ltConsmtulnti.-ons, nnywny! You're Going to be n:"F!~TEER-IN..U.H!" THINGS i._~:.RE i\LVJAYS, f-Im:TI'IING AT TilE HUiVl11ELS: STEVE HULlillL h...'1.S done woll for . '---- hir,1self <?,t school this yec.r....,thc kind cf h.onors ,he's r8ceiVec nrc the kin(.l tl:,.., t ::~[J~es (~ P0rent: proud! \.Je c rc pr()uc.'~ (yf .::.11 ~lOU CC:.Ll.?:~ers, L;~nc~ ~"le \'Ji31}:t!\.Jc kne\;,v'f 1:1(.(..., '.:_~\~I'_ ::"b.(~ r9,fit of )10U~..~Guc<~$ 't~7~,:ltl l(;c~rn.~.r ~1our c~c. periunccG c:.ndsliCCCSGes"'thi.s sur:r::.or eJ:, cC~:-Ji~;.. ...t~ncl' just oeccusc: you ~thinl<. nbthing ;~;I;=; ':::T1d ILEOI~T/iNT h(~s hc.p,"<)ned to you "ilO c,re prOL'G o~ \411a t you ~' do! There is ~~lt'i::'.Ys NO\rJ t_:.nd tI1G FtiTDIJ.;t ..:lnd YOll cC:.n \~:.1~"[~Y3 bc;S,~p. ~! KEHI' CLLYl:'GOl~ ~Jri tcs froLl Ct;:.nfc:,:;:,"'::J., Connccd.c:.utt w~,~rG he ,:lnd LiIKE axe nm/living! Sorry t11G CLl~YI?C)OLS ~:rc so f(';.r E['~st :~G, s'lC: \v1.IL J:1iss thL~J thi-G' ZUDr"':ler ~~t ~[:P...... Thcnks for vlri t:Ln2~, KENT.... .I(EjZP I;.'! TOUCHl GOR.DOi,I GraFE'IN atc.ys ACTIVE! Dc-?ketb:,l1, cTT.'C},ck nnd even \fUmING ~ lli.ili ' HISTOrrf It~'![~F~D fOT' ~rr1~ting th.c i?'i_nnin_::; ic.SS['~Ylt ~..:. ..I-lis SUbJ.3Ct ''ilnS on the l:Goodnisht-Lovin=; Tr~:illi, 2. su:,jc;r;t th.",t intrii:u8s De, c.nei 1 ~\lould like t() his c.ccount. reed \~ -~'if;;:;"~2fBjt"";~-" ~ ~'~v.;;':~~: ;,";i4't;.~i ~S~ ~~ ~ te,,,L~ won Chc.opion- Stnte r;t OklcJloDC. C:ity, but we 6.hb ~ Q!IT., Ghi\HT? he,veri't roc-son in Tulsa....Went to hecrc~ t;c:c out-come. l!Q;i QlQ YOU PAT I'ATH'IELL is t:,nother K::-:nakuker Hho likes TRACK :;.n<:: is cGopetin[; this Spring. ~ 113 c\d(Hng~,nothcr yer'.r to r:1[',ny qthers o.ttending Kc,11[lkuk r3.':;ul:^.rly c::'.ch su;:Jr::er......TODD I'LIU~ELL will \vork inhis fether's benk this 8uL1Lcr, ~ut he wiH CO;::;8 visit us, ';'18 hope;! !' , , ' i ,c~mCK YOUNG::nclhis Dl,D ilr~ ~;rcnt IALS r;ncl dr;, [~ lot of SKEI.'T SHOmING to:,:;cthcrencl r:Jnke:, the HEL'TS around the country......hecently, they Hore in TulsQ, end JOHN GOLlEl.L nnc1 CHUCK YOUNG "'ot to;-:ether o.nd hrid FUN! "J _,. _ i " "1Jj '-J'Y: Ti-u':.NKS r.9 L"LL OF ~ FOi:.,TEE ~ LL'r~'Ei'~S! I know it is c1iGc.ppo!ntin:: t() YPll if you: rc try:i.n:3 to set in &mdcuk for thi.s. GU:lfx::r Gnd c,ra .on the :JAITUIC LIST ~ It looks lik~ Knn(lkuk (<,nel K::"nnkof".D .C,L'C filling up f~;ster ,::',nc~ enrlier c,:',ch yc;c.r! ~'!e 1;vill ciss YCJu boys vJho nrcnit there. The rest ,of uSi'lill heve FUN for You! KEEL' m~.ITINGnnd STiiKf GETTING YOURGELR REhDY FOr::. THE GOO-I)'''' OLP t C'-U'j :""'-;;-;':-",-;;'7'\""1 , , - - - - - -..:=: ~,,"c.~~,"'- ~';~~. 2 ,'''-', " 7~L( *h .~ ! I ~~- / '[ I ~ ~, ~ " " ~ ';" .~. !.: VOLUivlE 32 NUM?J?R 2 li> IIFor evc~ything the17G is c, sectSon, ond ,~, tir:1C for cvery r::<'lt;tcr undorhocven." ~Ecclc8instcs 3:1 ... ~. . . . . .AND, THIS IS THE ,THANKSGIVHJG SEASON !! 1 ! '\ EVERY ATHLETE IN TEE COUNTRY FROI-{ KIDS. INC. tr) thEt NLL3ER ONE TEAi~ -~""~in~trre'iii;Nc:tf-l:m''''hen-rs"t.dver''''cm'd'''"DVerbo.g",.fnT,,",IIWe~7i:'3:-~Fl<: y"'e~'<D.c tl y. Tc S,'P$=',*~~~'-"" , we prc,ctice." ......A teLL; that hos 0. ,we,,,k of shc,rp, tough, nlert workouts will play just thc,t ,.wy on Sc.turdcty Dr 'Friday 0r Thursdny This isthc'wc.y the I!b['~ll bounces "..-be it footbO.ll, bccskctbnll, S,"licr:ting, tro.ck, Gheckers" "spittin' o:t c. line"--oT be it GIVING THANKSl.....yes, thrt is so: HE I.lUST i.:PLCTICE, TCO~ AT GIVING THANKS. And this shoUld be the caciest thing \ole do, for ~'7e hr.',ve so I-1UCH to gi.-"Q .thc.nks for! ~ n REl,iEi'ifER THE STORY ABOUT JESUS, on HIS, \JAY TO JERUS/:..LEl'.;? As He cel:le to ,-:; srJL~ll vill;).gc;) ten rien wholv.d leprosy begGed ,Hin to rx',ke the1:1 well. Jesus healed theo) then asked of the one leper who thcnkcd hir.!) "Here ndtJt:en 'cleans<::;d? Hhere nre the nine?".... .Folles took things fo~ grc.nted in those deys) too. ... ,rT)7. .~ I 1 I I I .~ \' PERf1\1?S ON'E OF THE REil-SONS ~ol2 do not feel genuinely D.pprecic.- tive tm-lexd God is because we do not practice expresing'thanks to" one L\nother.... .In a way we GIVE- ,THANKS- t,) God by GIVING IQ CJrI-lE;ZS. In' the p1(ocess weccl.llti \Tete Q spirit of Tr-Ili.NKSGIVUTG towcrd the GIVER O:'? E\JERY,::OOD ,AND :PERFECT GIFT. (The Upp(;r Roon) , I ~~""'.PEE,o.-~illT"'0J?=THA'I,fKS6-I-VfNG -IS-c-BNE""'0F~HE"*'r46S':F+IHeORTANT+"SKI-hLS"'A~'"","~;,;,;, "" · hur.:.m being cc.n devel.:Jp. Very closely re1o..ted to THt"g:':SGIVING ia the crt of c,pprecio..tion... .'. .And if HE:. develop the ability' to cp?r~ciD.te, we elso develop our cap~city to be thankful. ,'IE CAl.j, NEVER REi:'AY GOD i\LL .HE .mE HIl-I.....nor our Pl\REiITS--nor our FiUEI-lDS..'....BUTHE Ci\N GIVE TI-IMIKS! end ~ OUR A~.I:'RECIATIONl ;:~:~_~.;~~::~i",...,~ ~~ ~~'~''''''';''' .~ TilE ICi\i'ill. 1'<[11 IL IJ/~,S .BEEN HE1~ VY (r,le hc.c1 to buy [l nevI) D IGGEE LY.:,ilbox! )~.....Th8re nr~ <SQ EANY l'iO?E: A:::'r-LIC.c,TIOI'!S CODing in this -Y2DX the,!) L~,st Y8C't" [It this SQ.;:::e tice.... .Too, everyone is ',,,rUing NE'GJS for the ~;Pt:CIAL. \112 still hr'ven't becrd froLl a lot of yeu... I'JBiS IS TEE GeeD ';iOR;J? J. 3.I-I,\R?INGTON, .89nt JAW: ~JELCH c.nd DAPJ;ELL the' reddest, S~ve[;t 3t~irts.' with.STi\r!FOI~D UJ:T~JIERSITY on tt18 front.... ,Bet ;'~ lot of KANldCUKERS nndI(,\NAKO;;ITES 'Vlill' envy then nc:;ct GUc1:".1Cr,,'....J .3. is consid8ting working O~.lt ,:"ith the CFZJ n.t STANFORD.. ~ .To stay in shc.pe he is running up o.ncl down the Etc,diuL1....(hold::; 90)00.0, so it,is quite: c, trot to the top!') fIe s[';.ystho 'viork is rough! E"ybe 30B DILU:AN nnd KENYON RUPNIK [lre lost in th~it studies, too) becc,use \ve.hdven't hcerofrofl either..;.. THE Ci\l'::r ~":OVIES AIm SOGGOD Xill!. ;:01'1 IT BEL lEV::!: 1.!... The footb.:,.ll tCilw,.of j\.&l'l Consolid~"tsd Hieh School (JOE'WHITEI;::; i::'.f1':~ FAUL Fl\GAfPS teen) vves here for supper lnst ~7Cek, and they sm,.? the firG.t shmving of the cn::]p fJovics....Those boys ~ ~,liGhec1 they could attend such D c'-'-r.~p. They COULDN'T 3ELIEVE tHe siZe ,md Dhc.peDf TOil LINDER. ' The p~'.rt of the ",civics show'ing tho BEACH PARTY \-;rith LINDER nnd J.B.J-k\RRU!GTON (I'.!.~. ST RaNG 11 ) WiJ.S co funny......Weight-lifting is going to be reDl pacpubr r:1;ound here now.:thc,t footbcd.l seClSon is over! ",v.<; Pl\UL Fi:..GAN Doved to Grimd 'Preirie) TexDs where hie .DF-d iG Golf:;l'ro D.t n ne\ol Cend bec,ut'iful Golf Course. .'.. ~,The school: geve his co. prtrty bfter the 1.:::.ot footbc.H gr.,ne.. .t~Dhe of .tho Pn,rty: Pl\uL ~ Q!;LGO !... .Precented hin ~lith c~ lovely coat! ,New 'address: 805 Danish, Grend Fri:1irie, Td1(ns.., Ji.e. ''''._-'-'~ ~.""', """."'--.'.-.., '" -~ J ~I'.'.f ,:,1,' t'.:-~?~ ,';0:3 JONES,suggested to SPIKE that he take IHKE RITCFEY "lith hir:1 vloen" the i'leVIES nr,2 shmm on the yniTER }'Rl\IL.... . Hi-we ~ ClCcoC1pany the noviesby playing the guitar end singing in the bcckground! Hoc" do Y'JU think thc.t t-Jould ~"ork?.. .~, th, first showing for any tmvn is December 1st in ~, your honctmvn; bring your guitar nnd sprc,y your tonsils--~"e 111 try out ~ suggestions! Audition! ~ ALLEN'S [1oth;'"r Vlrote her th.:mks to KEN U\I1KIN for inpressing upon J.vli\RK ,the inport.::ncc of Clp~)lying, hi,:1self ::nd studying hClrd in Gehoo!.... I'!hen ';ve told JSE:l! nbout this letter o.nd p'tECisct .!9'lli r,"spondcd Hith, "I,do hc.vc 'cone peopLe; foolGd, I guoso--';"ish il\RK ALLgN ,1C~11.d w7.'ite c.rid ;:011 '0&. thc: i;}y::or.. tc:nce of r.W grodes.H,..nKEN hES quite a nrUBLICFOLLO~jHiG!IJ...~Q ::nd l'L",F.K, COl'-ILI:E, E'/,UL PRi\TT, ,:',nd bt~; of YOUl1G b(;.ys re.::lly like to go t~C111Jrch. every Sundc.Y--LJDinly Dcct'.uce K~~l<ILAi'iKIH c,nd his 'roo~::UC.t2, JI\CKJ?Y:i:>tLN, ere i2b1{:YS there (Dorning Dnd night!) Di'.1'1 ~)ESTERFIELD hCcdl~:c~ 6:nk16: bone bicken in the "'irb:nccs 'p',JL:e iind''''hc.~) "bdOj1 h[':ving ","' "'.' ,- ;' '. w. . i . ~ . . c, roueh t:i.a::: vlith his cnist ,ahddsipg crutchcs!....Tht.t FINE YOUNG L1i\Nis .:1 greet cODpe'titor c.nd \\lC,S l'\\01pin.g1lis temJ G lot before he .eot inj!.lrcd,,::mi it is ~ to ~,~1~-. c)n tt,.., ",'d,l" "<:,',,, d' i'l~"'l',i~l ,"''''\C;~" :7'\1 Triyr:,;:;, ",r:;'TDT-j"G' ""Pi<' '['];'1:"</ Th,. {.\ -rtnnc'.:, f ~-', ,e "').'. e 10C" ,.n ~::.::: ~"~',~ :. ....':"". '_..'.uJ. _ ,}.__", ~.. .... . e ,,..E\')u c.. ",,-, 0 r."::'.k:i.ng 8'Jod grades c,nel bel.og ::,> ge:od: nchl"tC} 1S cleC',rly c: strong be 1 H':.f, of DAN'S, t()o, for he u:J.kes"A's" ond liB's:' in CollQC/e....'."c\nc1 in CIVIL !~I~GnJE;~ING',::,.t'thc.t!" ~. ..."..__0..., _ .. t CHi\.llLSS ,~;CEUDERT is nnother boy \)lho Ilfoll.:):.1S" IC~;N <c.nd D/,r'I... .He werit to the TexDs Tech 1I.8Gr.1e D.8c,inst AMi... .hR. SCHUGERT is fror.: Textts Univorsity. cmd he thinks so highly of our i.\&j;l, Counsc:torsttJC'ct ho ~v{',sfooting for T';Xi\S i:..&H, too, long Hith ctJi\RL:i:~S~.. .\'lhich is hi.ghly irrrcgu'~.:::r! JOHn KUiB~\.OUGH hc:d n trenendous 'gc.thc.r.i'ng of lCdJAKUKERS :end KANAKGJ:lITES outside the dressing rOOD [l.fter the SOUTHEIW !vJETDODIST 'yIHVE';ZSITY versus TEXt-.S A&H 8nr.:e. DR. ond NilS. PRt.TT, JUKE RITCHEY, JOE ;l1:lITE, l<.l;\NDY liISEHAI'J!spc,rents, nnd s~yc;r;:\l~ counselors fror: IC<~nckor;,o KoZop .. plus car.lpc,rs fror::: KC\ncJzuk. KC'.cp!...~' ';oms chc,nged to the: position of To.cklo this yot',r (h0 \IDS rc;isc~d P., br.ck-fi.eJ.d no.n!!~. ,;:,pd there (,\re rour Don with Dore experi.e.~<:.e,at TD.cklc"~,,,,,,-,,,,,, in, front or hin! :IQ.ill! t-lill, be pbying C, l,')t, however~' tl.'0_.'lje,~~tj:\;;O YC[lrs! HE, IS, STAYING hi'TLERZ GIVING ALL! .rEi \.JELCn is 0njo)ifng his n,;~J Church nssi8nOC,ot ill Syrncuse, NeH Yorl:.".. He is very bus)'" but n9t;,~,~,Q"''\{r:;J:.~~tQobusy to'-s(;ndgr,-,et'ings"'~~.nd-6ci-s';;;-'" r.:gCS-t0US; -Eve-n-h;d~a::~Ii~'i)IY I-l;\LLU;-JEE}J cc.rd! K118Uing JUU1(:; is pmying c:dvJ::'Ys, too, for all rzi'-.IiAKUl(ERS'! He is n trcf.1cndous FJliLCr~'J! ANa:r:;ER TilEi,jillNDOUS lI"]]) EJ:CITIlJG HAN IS .Ui':1CU~:' BILL UiUTZ..... e .He ~.1c',nc.ges to fj,t:.:y. , busy goini.; fishing often L'.n,dstc'ys '.:,ctive(thoue;h rcti'rGd) ~eeping up \vith thc; Trc.ck ilc(:ts tht:t CO;j(Y OGL:c~:SB'~ inherited frr::n hin ,:.t CEi{CRLL ~ ~LHOOL Clt TuIs.:>... .e~-:;O ry:ny cf you \-"rite us tl:v':.t tbe nI'N TIHRDH C'.nd llFOU~ SQUf:"RE" SERI,jiOI'IS {,r such inspirc:C-. tions to you and ones you (:hn:ys rer,ierJber during the school yec.r... .WE ~ ~ THE 1:,~'~STER OF THESE T~\LKS, UNCLE BILL Li',NTZ. t-JiIl. be cbIe to c~);~~C to KANl\KUK next SUi.~r:er ':,;'ld show you Gone Sundcy ~'lh.:,t I :leD..n! He is' the on2 'whose chc\r[:cter i:md tr!J,ditions KAI-JAKUK I(.\I"lI: ~"'D.S founded upon! I I .J I DAVID HIGH 'S uother wr:)te US that she >'louldcnjoy hosting the Kf~LP l~OVIE.S~ in their ho:,~e... .DLVID hud n wcmdorful tiLlec,!:, Ki'd'!AKDK" his L10ther SD.yS~ He, is going t,::; Q.B.D.. for c. speech tcurnD!lont C'.nd HUl see BRUCE DRUq.o.ND, c,nd JOE JOiIES..... REi"lEIvlBER EO\-) Tm~ LINDER ALi:!/.\YS \vorm i\ SEIRT t:o keep froL1shmoJine off his big L1Uscles in his c,rhs r.:nd bnck?e...Well, he is just :":,8 ~Jodest ('.pout his footb, 11 progrc~ss. He hcve:~sked hiLl hOH be iydQi l}g~, u[lIlst"",fi}}Q.JJ,Y~Q.~rJ"pD:J:t=c~ QLl@D,,,,,f,rGl~1,,,his"""fricnd-'\!'r:nd"-durs : ""., ~=-"~ ~-~";--'BI1::17"ST::\RR (;::rl'oth~r Ki'.i'.!AKUK CO'JNSELO:l Hho wns Clnd, is 0. great PflY:3ICAL SPECIUt,N ,:::nd c. ::r;;~EEENDCUS CHRISTIAN 'cnd LE"\DER of '-lon!}: "I've selen TOH LInDER quite c. fmv tiDes J;floICL\NLICUKcertc.,inly [';r,vehiD an oppor.. tunity to ock: 80De big decisions,. I believe h0. hc:d the gre.:::test tiu!2 of his life. TOE just can't ~'J.:::\i:t, 'bo start for Brnnson ,::g.::in. His football is going renl uell.1I He uQ,de up his :::ind e:.t .!<ANAKUK to plDycollcge footb:lll Dl though he Ilcw.cr pIe.yed, in hi,gh school ct'c.ll. TON stcrted cut r.\S niddle gucrd (Sh/,RT COACH!) c.nrJ \iJ,:",::; third string nt first...-but vlOrkcd up to pU:ying full f~L1e 011 the tj:r.~;~~! -.:;.~.:;; ~~ ::t: J P/iT LliNBE is e:.ttcnding S.H.S College at ~;pringfL-:;ld \\lherc Ll\.~'il'lY :2NI)IGOTT .:wd llim. VRIGHT 8)..... She is GppIying herself rmd doing fine.... .L:\NNY sees her often and $,GYs l.'AT is studying hc.rd L,nd likes her 0ork, esp0ciC\lly in the; Hone .:EconoC1ics Dcpt~ \ (~LEf!N Ci\RLSm:r' s pClrents c.re n:Lghty plec.sed t\lith his devclopnent derived ct K:-,,'}p.. f-1rs.,::N::'LSON \oJrites: "It w'.,s [l bJg deGl for hid [':$ 'he hC'.d never beq~,m1':::y fron' hODe beforeu.to go thD.t fc,r end not know c.nyonc; etc., but heci.'.rx: tb,ru,5v:it1:l1 flYin;:; colors c,nd th:::.t LITTLE K D8.:::ns: s(')';;1Uch to all of us b.ecnuGc he ?E!lLLY., ~vorkcd for the:.t!".....It i3 true l\le '-ill q)precio.te rC\-Jr.::rds 'v-lC d'u:;erve o.nd work for~ O~~~~ ..~~~~ . ~ '::; ::~ ( , 1 , ~ " '-~> Pecgc tl}rec I I , I j ALL THE CATALOGS (ANtlUALS}at'c in themhiL, nnd by this time you should nc.ve :rc/;;' . ceived yours o. f.,. If you' hqve not sent in yournpplication, 'p:l-easel,lSethe ooe';'in" thb ANNUAL so you can seic.ft ;,the T~RN YQLl,Vlis~tq'attend..~..T~e THINK THE ,NmJ .l\NNUALSFdrf{ really Qi3o.utiful o.nd ,a'lotp'f" ,FUN to Ibgk:rc.t'o:'nd think about! THEY DO BRING BACKd , HEHORIESl.. .~.Useth9;j postc~rd we sent',plense, for nm.1es nnd addresses of people you wc.ntto'tecei venn AIU'iUAI.., too... .. .We 11 be hnppy ,to send thC"fl to yourfricnds who are, !I1terested 'iI') Kt\NL~KUKL1I)d,~\NAKONO'I0~HPf?... ..CAN YOU;; FIND' YOUR 3?ICTURE?.... .l\nd oJ lyou YOUNGERCAHPERS" wht~t'dOY9U think [',bout the qiIE:[S I p:i,ctcures? They stc,rtcd. out pretty puny wi't,:h NOl'1USCLES: cquldn1t. cl~L1b, ropes, chH'l or do "p1;1sh~:, upsll__B.UT LOOK AT THEht N()~J! Youc[!rf "peveLpp the sone' way by keepinl?; physiCn-lly fif! ~ 1 I ~1 UNCLE, TOE i-JHITE jjJst'cnDc back to College Stnt:i.on froo driving 3400 Diles up to,,\'lnshinGton, IJ~ C."tovisit hi's other sQn".LEE1S daddyl.....UNCLE' TOFl is <1 gteht oneto write letters, [In(L:h~ het:rsfroP<<1 nuober of YQuboys. If you h(wc tine t,a let'hir.1 heo.r fron you' (he is interested in your school c.ctlvities) 2, line ot: 214 Pcrghing Sto Gollege StCltion~TexD.s %UNCLE TOE'S ~,~~~~~ 'i.fi;~;i~>r;~~ ~. 'S~ rfir ~~ &~'?'f,~'~**l it~ ~t~,:c~l\ ,~~ , , PAT PARNELL'ho.s \Vorked out 13very dGys~ncQ the Diddle. of Scpternber onthS basket.. bcvll courtsGlld nO\<J sp€nds nt lec.st thr~e hours every cby in teaD pro.ctice! He:. is pUDhing6 ft,., aiid~leighs 150 pounds... Hnlld is Hi\.RD AS L\ ,ROCK! Stay with fer.1,Pi'.T I ".';'./ ",,' "~ ""'\.: .. ':". . 4 , . . I FRED DEAL IS:AN INTERESTING LETTER..ih1IUTE;R! He wnntstoknow hO\'1 we got: the title or TARZli,N~LAND for one thiqg.... ..FREp enjoys riding horses on their fnrn out froh Fuyet"evil1e. ;FRED is one of the Duny K.;:'\N.\KUKERS who tlJ.lked t,o BAR.I'JEY ~'JELCH after BARNEYof.Hciated in theARIQ\.NSAS Univ. IIiiI ".~": '<','.' :::'".,'.. ,'.. .. - .. .. .. .. ..... ~:;.,.. .... :""" ." '.. .'.. .. .. ... versus TEXAS .,UNIVERSITYfootb':'.ll gc'-r1e~.. .FR,EDend~ his tetter with" lII) hope to COl:Je to KANAKUKeyery' year" until, lilDo counselO-r;. I hop~to be a Good cunper nnd' nthlepe every yoar fron now on and e;rotv up' to be a <goO(T' Christian "Gnd n goo~,..n(m. IlTHL\.T'tS~; DEi\L, FRED DEAL! ...;/ ,FRON COl;OFJ~DO our,pews'i.h9I1nd hcl?'hi~ ear to the ground and sends, this .' ne8snge: "ZACK FERRIER is going totovlD on both tq.ckle and "flo.gll football. He ,is pretty "". " .'. '. , ' , " .-':;_' ",N.', ' ':, ' ,','!" ,:' ,', ','. """~.. -, shifty o.s a runner 0:0.<;1 the sto.r quo.rter-bnck ane:! punter on his tean. scarl is 0180 quarterback anp safety on the' 9th grade v~r~ity'." , , ,,,,. 11! !l ~Nm:TSPAI'ER\this' itefJ\of infonntion\vG.s printc.d: , ,,;,"ALANLEE e.thl:"€'w 70 :nnd" 75~ardtouc9doi4n strikc;G In the 2nd ""'?~~~+'~qua'i:'t:e';r~o'*-t6't'rreve.{1ii(f~v~'ret,;d"'1)y~ltei-!7Kni'Ithts';:-"'TInd~.tfie~Cbfts'''!:i'''~':~- led th~ rest af"the wayf"to win 1=heirthirc:l gmie of four.1I ive feel certain there <:lre ~,'OF YOU KL(NAKUKERS whofuwe been in th,e f<;)Qth.'111 gaLles ull over tho,fountry these'pnst Se\Ter~1,,l \voeks, sirice scho.ol sta'rteq,.'... .~; If youwereo~'t plnyiI}g football, you probc:blY were pltcying in the Rend! At le;,st YOll weren't just spectating"... .Hq,[\resorry we don't knownbout the rest of you h... .ANDNOW BASKETBAI?L wil;;l t(ikc over, dm:1 there nreY;~'iOF XQ1l ,;'ho will SRUm IN THAT SPORT! Let us knoi.., nleo.se! HE ARE PROUD OFYOtfALLl - - --;-- . . L,' ,\,' ..--. - '<_ ~!i'- -'- . ,',' >J " ,iI,,~ _ _ ," _ r'. '.& " _ ::r:" _ _ " G,RAf.G VANDIVE~ is doing well in i3FhOol..-loves the Snx[~phonc. in Bind nndis to.kiri8' picno"[lnd,' L\rt. leSsc)DS on Seturdey. ,.Hec,nd; his,elc,d nre plnpning tOI to.ke, , o,cnnoetrip" over '~,he Thnnksgivin'g Holidnys\ol,ith "three other fnthc,Fscnd sons--down part of thO' Rio Grcnde' ;R$vcr! CRAIG :i.scmothor CClrJper ~v,ho [:ttended"thc Texas Tech..A&H '~al:1e;,nnd; ,;veht in' t:heqr~ssing rp,pn nftonv'7rds to qcc Dt,l'lHESTERFIELD and .KEN U,fvlPKIN~ . .' - - , . r~}.iLIECOItNISHis thq'freshonnco[(ch of Basketball at Te1.ms;ChristienUniy,er8~'t:y:' nnd he is busy! "Howe~er,;;DIf.week-endq, he takes tiL1e out f'or:ifriendly,visits'o,nd recreation.' .~He vldtes: "I hnve, been enjoying HIKE RITCHEY IS visits to:four, cmJpuGduriI1g,;thesepastfew wee~s"" This \VeE~k..end he nnd JOHN OLIVER nre<:[lDping~ ini6urrooo~ Sure is fun't':'11king 0ver old ::i:iDe.8..1I, . ~; J ~; ,SHI] (\naI.B,.MALTZ ,:.:re bOt:hplayingf.Q.,tl.E.2Qtbnlt nnel stydying hqrd" too. They CCiP&ldy..):w:.ve t]:lCirf1p"UCtLtions.;,iq, G9d are 100~ing\forvlL1.rd to, '66.. '~ INFL\CT, THERE l\.H.E 1'>. Lar MORE ,.\I'J:'l.ICi\TIONS IN,TI1\N EVER BEFORE is THIS T'IIviE 1;; preVious'ye(iFs.o '7 .DON 'T BE Ll,TE'.,in getti~8 yours in for next ---;;uor.1er!- :,'i:.. BOB. B.ULEY,.nissed cn.'i'.1p last sUDner becc.use of nn operntion' on hiGkck. " R~covery hns',geeri rou'gh on ':1 felloVl like BOB'bec(cUse he just n:.:tumlly likes Gthledcs nnd wC.nts .to be nctive! He i~ $till hcving n difficult, tlDc ndjtlsting to his United ,:~cti vi ty. .....:.ftcr, 9hristD(1S h.e;cpn,pl,lY gqlf Clnd ),tennis ,butstH Ino pl1shi,f!g Clnd shov~ng which gets hin dO\vn!.:~ oBOBR\ILEY could be n GREi:.T GOLFER, 'nnd I be:(~eve he \i1in (~O' sor;iE;th,ing ~['"bout,it!.,.. .,.JOHN BAILEY just now ks recover~d fror.1 c\ broken o.rn, 80 he pissed ,fe,otball, too, but hk fs bc'.ck in P .E. ['.nd ACTIVE cs usuc,l! '1,_ '.'. ....." ," ." "', <. .. " -'. .. .. ._, '_":~____'.'"",__ GHAR~~~~"~,f)",~d'i;h;f(I"lOEhei 'kt~,l'~\KUKER who is r,e,";dy.t.c; gcF ,back,nc2Cts~Dtl~rT~'" He is 0. f~~W boy~,i'thp~(1nty ;of'"~,qIent [',..nf:l w~ firoly believe .~~In~,b~y is giving out~ith good:sc,l1'oqr..wofrk 'as well a,sc"fter-school o.ct~V1.tl.es. !Ii ~. "<_.__,if!- .-...." ""'~~i~'.. ~ '~ '. <l:\ (; "r"-. 1!i~ !f. , '~~ ~ ~~., '" 'i" ".c ij~ ,,' Pt;,g(:; 'J.Qur . ~ ~~i'i,~ "i~ " ,. ',.-,__-J1'< _;, . ~)i Di"NNY. BRO'tv1\lis o.Or1~"Of~he neny wtlO:,hi1s j,n::ittepe;.pout get'ting eKtiMPBIR.'i'BDL\y )G\RD V. '..'~ J[,.NE, OELCH {s,. HonJ:tp-e . b:il'J!' ~,;0rid,ke0ps .,UP vliJ:h ClIJ Y O\ir'bi rt h clay s-c..: ' npd,,~~ries;'tO:'l;~t,;YGUik'~~,~&d:WiSh;;r\JU",e"Hi:PPY BI,RTHDi,Yl ...,/~If yoprs, i.s'over;, tqot~ed~:~leds'E/'iGt.;us 'knotl "i,e \'1e~~nidd"YcSuir neL'!e on the list! .L. ~DfiNNY,"' keeBs;,\b~~y ~7or,~ing ~d.lt':f.Pf bc.sketb.'1:1 'T-nd'iistudying, too~ V!J*, D~W1X; 13o&rB~'lndJUDY B6arHrcf~t<t<~, ,the[]sEilve~~'~lb' ~1eE1bers'of the' C. hIt. U , .~ ",:. j ":~', ": ~~~~_.., ~~',~' '!T '," _,' .:' '; ",:" :..' " . , '," . , _~ _ _ 'n(i[};d~iunrters" (CAIv1Pll'ITE1Ll'jENCE~ l{GENTS). n o\-1e., 8.skecLtqeD ,tyC0l1 'upoJ): . c.; new,#ib1'ly il},Colutlbici"Nisspuri;''''i\ndQ.\VIQiIDfJ,JUDJ dressed up iJl" thefp !G\l\'IPtogs,;:'1ncl' t18nt c.1 ~['~ 11 ingj'l',!e 2.doi're Dl,VlDeimdJUpy : they . s0~ed,their..r.1ol),ey by skinpi,~g,jr:cpd' b61.'ng cor:servnfive c,ll L-;is,t ,yC(lr so theyc;Q,fJld f:Jf'pc,ge':to, rf-'~Llrn 't6theUni:VGrs:i.ty of' l'lissouri to db grnd... .tl\\t~'~v5r1-<. "ii~~~:';,.J.:f~;:iS '~:T.m ENGUGH ~~:r'TGh',h~! F'OR,,~ lvlEhBER OF ~,,'NR.-clnd...' ,fiRSl~TEi\N);!rO 'ST.i':Y HJ SCHOOL,' BU~::;iVHEN .TUG i\ilE ENf.:.OLLSD~)I...' .111"18 SGi'lE-. ~ - -,~-~~ --,~ .--- -- '<-;!);.- ~ -. TmNQ/ELSEl · .' ' ' ,,. ,Ii , . , " ,.1 "'.'".,'," \ill ,1:", "~""; it .~'-,; :;, . L "'"', ',I ' .':i! '. 3lh1~ :fli ,"',. \~ ""THE,...FOUR~"L~T)DS.~:~rviR~ .and HRS::,'L;:DD,ancl DOB~ o..nd Bll;U uWm...::::'iH,l poved t;d~ 0.' 'new,:,'sect:iBn qfth6'count:(;ifter Ct,np Cfl~pE1"Bollston ,''.BexetS: toKLlnSaS City,\ " \OJ . ",_'" '. ,_', '.fI, . /;''', >'_ . .,' _~ ',' _, _ _:",., ~ ' ~i:rssourD, "c:nd'rigf~, a~w;xy; the!',:boYf~'foul'l[l c_boY'in.' the;i.r,sc11oQl ,who hGd ~be",rio tl'tH.Kt\NiiI<UK' the~ir'Gt~,t:erD__Cthi.:q;,!1YSTEF~Y 'G~t'lF:JJ;~' hc.s s i~ce;~sv(:!dto ChieF-go; nnd' l:1RS.,~,:k;\PD didi11 t~. 'lmo;;,v nAne" to "pc,ss PD' tel ,~s. . . . .HYSTERYCil.i.ifER, vJILJ.:.TYOU SIGN1N, PLEASE'iJ ~ H.;,BOB encLBILL,~'iDD'~njoy, Scr~1Jt' ~<7oik an,d,\vork hc,rdc.t it...~'il~,!?lLL' isbusy:fintshi-ngJ.1p,his ,,' scout::vloik' t?w:tftps,EAGLE~'",' ,N' Inayfr,iendo~.qur.s::ori'ces,ni"'d~ :!IIJ,drDthEcr ,D['.rry~c.n, E0g1e"ScOlitthit'n '!2, Ph.p.o.nY::(:lfl)dH:~i,..,~'BEC01\HNG AN Ei.,GLE.8COur IS iiGRE:.i\T /~CRIEVELiENT! ' ,; ,\ ~,',~,,': ' . .." '.:- . ; '" ,:' "F _, " , 7di;;"; " ,'" "" ' TONY'RAGSD1~LE is D:;lrenl"nentn~'guy! ~Could: it be'becnus;eI liked to ,r he,s.r the thihgsi,h4s,:i'ys ?... n He wr:Ctes;:l}Lll'I, kno~7 is;i;;'b' reo.l,ly glap"'the Sl.:NFORDS: tol'd.us"<\boll.t ;thc.t vwnderfu:i.Kl,NP' because I really love IG:\N/&UK nnd ct,nh t'lC'.ittil1 i1ext 'sur.1r"'lerlii:. ~ .f:ftercaop kst ".'~.t;IE1DerFmTONY joir~ed the, Perry!=on~ Tex['.s S~io' Cl~b ~c.nd wOD. 0. t:t;;ophy.. !Q!fl i? mdpin8 fipe i2n :Schodl ['..nd is tc..king guitGr lessons on the .. ~s:1.ge-,,~.}':r.~e 9<'lYS hb:,llnsf;'gdi,tL1:~-fevefP'nr}d he thinks ,he gotg,Jt frofJ JOE!:r:JONES, and' ROCKY CH,iSE! ,,'" ," ' " ):: 'd' \\, ,:lit; ~,......... 1!~ I I I ~ i t , .l 1 ~. ,;~~ .i~ ~ .- J';'; . !.~'.~ . ;:..' 'j.~ ,1-J ,- ,j}~ \",.- _, f~ , _, ~ :~ _ /~__r~, 'J ,.-'"~ ;.~~,:.. _ t1 . w__ ,'_ '_;~ "~ DfJ.NNY TO~lLINSONhcs o..,,:nE,tw,[),,<tdr~li(sr; 4L.,?51.Eilst 57thPlo.ce;; ...j~e a~s?;:i$,c:tteriq:i,ng a,.,;differen~ihigh!!,s~ho9,(whi,s:h h.,e l:i:kd~,.v<f'1:Y: f.1ush,t1cl:lorinJ.,'!1igl), SchoQl }:n ,Tuts.?. ~~~:Dr.NNY' is: in ,wre~,li~>ng 'r;nd~,)t.rb.c.!<:-~Y~~,~ QI{nowi:'ng~Di;;.,NNY he' Wil1~ 'perf0ro ,we,ll irr:,.-,{l-l);-'....,,;jf .WJt.'J! "~>N,_ '-. '. )7, L:f,r, ' ~'i ~: 11 " ".,;;,; ',f;., ~ DICK 'h~\Cy:'t;nd ERNESl\,~HLHETHg~.t tog;,;ther'ru1d t9v'lk'about K\N{lXUK cncl the' Ugoq;<:l6,le'I~"nB0SIIr.." ,;,~.!q\ is,4,:.Hn~~:"o.r~i9!-"(exc~pH'Qnn( talent!') nnd' hp' ~U:s,~s'h~s C',ft(;r~schbot 'hours; pii:inting,f~:OrAR1"Sr,IOHSJ' ".' ," . ,:<\:- .~ ',...,-, ,', ;. ~~J!"-'(' ',' :. ?'. i J<-_j-' ~ ' < }-, c.:' " BROI'JN."PENPV1I.ON 81:q,tcs,;~h:r8,~lexpericncep:' yl)."th his . ;E~oL1if~{ by.t;~!tlipg . ,"tP~D;:eng~"5~C.Yc:l!' ~,oy;;eth{ng din 1;:, h,;:::'1?penedvJhi,.~~;'l1~:,'1c,s~the;fe .t,h~t" ,,;:'pl.easOd hi6~:~:~'''oNlt~gEi\1~LE'f2E be.liqves BRO~JN"N,l,~ DL1de friehds.he,'" ,,,'VI keep'rcnd"enjoy kl)O\ving /~(~LpE HIS LIE~E:"~ n,~ .This ~s TRUE. ,,f He,,9ft:en "'he'a; ;"BIG ,GROHN '. j\lE.t1:( v1nO attended Kl',:Ni\I(~K [\8 o.bqXi)/.;;~9-X: thatI(l\WiKUK' K:H.lP is botter t:hen d1Y fratr-nrity:: they Clro 'al'~)z.;;ys':~:," '--"'-'-' ,;neqif~ii1g "q~dKDnaklik'i,1?~ddiqs S?/:th~i;r Y01.1thGI1d the reuniQrl.:is' l{l<Q, ,"" nothing,(iIs6~;,:.w{wb, ,close friendB-o' :,',' w, \!.~ \', -~;;, Cf;; . ~~ ~ :'l ~J; ,l.] ").!r ..:~, '" '~ I ' fiEi'<INIE 'Jtt.J3IS tvr:i.te'~ 'f,or FUN end ;;'lrH:ef3 for HONEY:; ~." .DENNIE is' Editor 'of,t~';6:'X ~.. ---,-",_. - _~ c, -. , Tyler Junior College pnper, Qnd'~'he ge,ts u gr8t'.t cle.::;.l of practice HRITli\lG!' g,"q ~ Nc d9r::~:t~',b6~s' iike BEmiIE, becs-use he tc.kes pLlrt in extrc-currieukr ,activiti9s'" "'Emd :,c,~tltricbu,tps nu~h. ~o the CLCG1flll,f3,.. c He Dc-de 0.. t2..1k rec<?nt'ly" on ~ thc",i'1(wlcy , _ ,,' ml;'Foundationtoj,;\"grpup:,o,f.,ldgb:.:,;J~hpQi'/si~dents" II Vl, bot ,the; ifudiGnce,l:is~,~ "" " t'c~'ning <to' BENN'IE' ELLI~S'~~-Ju:;' iopr~sse~lwith .such. [\ GOOD-LOO!ZING ~ CLE.'\N':'Cur ~ ' ' ., ~ ~-,.~:.LL-L\b:lERICAN.:.c~Y;J?E~Y:()UNG~-M..1'N!~' ?..,.~BENN]E~.s -['~'vei'si:tti-b3~rellow!-~ -~:" ~ ;,~ ",,' '~7?;rr.,;:;.,,;;;;;' l~_ ~~. ,~:', ~-- jt~' '._ ,'.",' ';'Pi!\~ .;..., 't:f.'~~*:-, :!.:' . 1(~ ,.,-, . 't _ NJ; ~"THE CHIUS'rIAN LTHLETEcO[le9the~~. nine: steps for GETTING LHE:,D: ,,,Like your ~;;iqrk--led'rh;;t'O'1ike tt H nc,eeSSGry.^ Take pride in tl-i'e"qua1i tyrmdc!uGI1tityof your, "output./ , "':,-;3';1' ;ner.'t,~':b/~';jqJr"'1id",~t6 do nor,~tho.hYl)u..Clr~"o.skee.to'lqO""""q " If;',~''t,\.:i!;ltO.:;GdcoopUsh.'ci leo',st lO/{/be:tter .,work,tH.h.n.,011yonC;,;'-ef'.set; 5'. '/'1'8k for nnd unde-rtc.ke'stiff cElssignoents. . 6.:, co;;.~pefhtJ; ~6thHith).yblF supervisors ~lld cq~JVlOr~'er~s.'h ;fJ.~ :id<", 9 p'ph'Y<3 icelly,fit,-; ,.." ,,",' ' ,~' 8.' Hp..~~('ct:mfidenr::e~,i\njY9urse'1:{;Onc1,your b.bi-lity. /If ,9'~ Culitw:.tewiIlI to 'i~in. m " , ',' ," . l'~ '. '. ,_ w ~ . i-i<' .t'!- ..' '1. I ' 2. ~ ,til n: J1'fl ~';.i,+, "':""... ~'tl :'" "';",' ...' ';l ,iO'l ;,~~,~ ':-',: " _', ,," i-;!.i ';~-;. ,'~ ","'t>.., B;:RNEY\'JELCH . w(l.nts<",tp tho.nkyou611for',loq};log hin upntt:h.c -f~otbnU riu1;1es ;" he offts.iLlFes'"a H' 9ver the ~ountrY ','... . Her<pG lly, enj oys,sc'dnE;, "'{ :,yo\.1 "':rnditelJ~ ,:u"G?fthcs&: visi,ts aft,,"i:;:,0,~QrY4,,~.eek..~nd;! B:~RNEY nnd ~' ;,:hci(r:,::"~qf]d6'i:ful ;:vlsit riljl":thc ~1ooe of JOE..H/iLL rin P,-:yctt'cvi.l1e, :0,r.d ~hey 'net torS6ndL0rS ofL(L~L\KU~g;RS" o.Vth-;t go.ne! ISN IT IT FUNTO' BE J.r ," IG.\NiiKUKER?, I I,m sure' glcd'YOU l\RE ~ c,ncl I REALLY/iN TBi\NKFUL ;" I ~" ';~;:;-:~, ~ ':-: .~'oi '"', lX ;'t,: 'a' }~- ffJ~'i 1;\0, ,f;' ~': ~1'-,'1 !iIi .ff :'i' d ~~ v ",il," }:."';' ;'il ~ {~~ ~F.<:~ ii!: ~, \~-;'~ ~!i< ~~ ~ ~ ~ tl~ "'\ ,-; ~-~~ ~, ~t iP .".; ,,,-, VOLUflE 32 NUNBER 4 Ei> THE MID- '-!INTER SPECIAL IT HAS BEEN' A LONG, LONG TINE. since the lEist SPECIAL.~.. .or c:.t ,least it seeQS so because ,so ouch hc:.$ hUPl?eried! 0'.. ....THE HINTER TRl...IL ~ began right after the 'CHRISTE/iS HOLIDAYS! UNCLE TOH helped get it off to, l'~"-C~grS~~~il~~~g~~~j. ,~-J~~~~DE~~~S~~?,;XgO~~~;'I:JiitJ1J",1"4'~" *,,~"-1~'. ~ "0',, "'~;;,,~_ R CC3_,. \ , ' , THE HINTER TRAIL IS KINDA I LIKE BEING AT KAr'.IJ?!.... .Every day brings sooething NEWnnd FU~!....Just wish we had aL-o-n~g GREY BUS and f::ould gather up everybody in eGch tOvJn c,ndtake then ~to th~ next town nnd so on and on~.o..and end up at Kl:,NAKUK all ready tor another t'lOnderful sumoer with "id1 hands pre~~~t 'end accounted for, sir! 1\ \-IE SfiQ1;-lED THE Kl.HP :t-'1OVIES IN ABOiJT 'FORTY-FIVE DIFFERENT TO~jNS enrl'CIT'lES ;to cro~Jds of froD 25.to 300 in hooes, churches, ba'nk~ clubs )YOti' naoe it, vJe I'Ve shovJn 'there! ~.,. .Eech plo.ce is diffe,r- ent in Qany ways, but every place end Show hes that ,KANAKUK enthusiasoand excitenent that is nlweys present at ~--or wben e KANAKUK KRo~m gets together.....~o , 'rrnij , Cf ///.i/AYI'\.\Ot ""',';'~ AND IT COULDN IT BE DONE l-JlTHOUT YOUR t-lONDERFUL HarHERS o.nd DADS! Tl-JANKS, THANKS, THANKS for their hospitality, help end telephoning! ,~ ':1 i .THE HIGH SCHOOL 'll'HUDDLE" of THE FELLOv.!SHIl? OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES held CcDeeting here lest, ,Heek end showed nn inspiring filQ in \oJhich BOB RICHARDS, WHOyoi:J ,I(NO,W AS ATvJO..TIN~OL Y~lPIC . GOLD~IED~,~ .vJlNNERinthe ,DECATHLON'~$~i(4~:"",~",.j0;~.. ~"" 9' ;,-",~~IIThe'''''hig~'thnf!f-i''n=l.:rFE isn6t"""so nticlCwliere~you were as where you o.'re, 1\0111,\f-' '," .... :::.B0B RII1HP.RDS goes on to say, HEach of us has to start with the body. the' 'r:lind~ and the .~epo.bi1it,~e~ that GOD gave us, and these we can do .. .. . .~~ nothing abol1t EXCEPT DEVELOP! end BUILD ONl..... .He went on to so.y he he.d spent over ~ .~_,_, 1 hours in developing hir.lself as e deco.thlon! At 10,000 hours~~emecns that he spent nt lecst three hours every do.y--SUl'!DAY" HONDAY; TUESDAY ~ vJEDNESDAY, TW'-:'SDAY, FRIDAY, und SATURDAY of every week, of every year for over TENYE!.,RS.... It is easy to' see what eech of us could do with' our own li,ves ;if we set 0. gocl High enough nnd then spend three hours c. day) every dny, seven dc,ys c. Heek, twelve, Donths c, :"ear for the next ten years--illY~LIZING T&\T GOAL--BE IT PHYSICAL, jYlENTAL, SPIRITUAL (or better STILL! . .~LL THREE! ) .~....THE WINTER t~\IL IS SO MUCH FUN BECAUSE I get to see, how'the seeds thnt were sown 9uring Kamp ere continuing to gerI:linnte end develop during the winter: how onny boys who lost weight 2t Knnp hnvelstillkept tho.t weight off......how qnny boys who sterted r;. lIweightll prograo at kimplest sunner are stilt working out on the weights o.nd getting BIG~RUGGED, nnd TOUGH.......Perents tell oe frequently hm.J their sons who begnn to get nn interest in ethletics nt I<Cop nnd had continued in footbnll or basketball or in track o.fter : getting back hooe~..~~WE ARE ALL SO PROUD OF EACH OF \tHE BOYS HHO 14ERE AT Kl-"NP LAST SUp~R end the things theyacconplished!-- .. . .. .BUT', HORE SO of the things they are continuing ns the \;linter prpgresaes! ' ENROLLNENt .FOR, THE BOYS I KAHE' THIS., YEAR is cbouta HONTE o,nd n' HALF A..H-E.-A..D of entloiln<:int'this tiDe lest yec,r.." 9 .T:E FIRST TERH ho.s ebout eight oore (thatls now while this is being ~'Jrittcn, of'cpurse!) pleces left, end THE SECOND TERH IS FULL with cbout 14on'the WAITING LIST! ' Incidentel1y'~ the GIRLS I KA1'1t' bect the BOYS '&ANI' in' the Enrol1ocnt, Derby this yeGr: BarH TERl-IS of the GIRLS ',I<l'..HP hc.s been !Qbh for n '6onth or oore with over c. dozen on each tern's WAITING LIST. , """-:4 ~ ~ ...... ."'~ , ......... "T~ : ~ :t'cgc two ~l !i r L "'OVER ThlO-THJ~RDS of tiie OIJ:: Kl\l~lr.r~RS (-Hold II DCC..-ns Hnot l!c\.r;;' (-.TILL 3E Bl..CI( iI-iIS ~fI~':i-..i{, and it looks like Gech TRIBE '\-Jill be VERY STRONG end VERY I!:QUAL in the conpetition. STAFF-HISE, too, JG\Ni\KUK I(,">l'n? COULD OPEi'J(TOi-lORRO\rJ! All the COOKS....~ the NURSES." 0 oALL the gals in the office will be back, and that is very consoling to know this enrly in the winterl Those ~"ocen do a great job euch BUDner in k2cping us hc,ppy, well, ccnd orgcnized.." ,and SO vJELL-FED! DIRECTOR BARNEY HELCH 'plays, Hp.ndbc.ll regul..-:,rly (has a Tourno.nent cOl:1ing up next week) D.nd keeps in sho.pe Se> he co.n be reo.dy to Ilshopi2. Upll the ~ HHEN THEY ARRIVE to give you 011 lIanother greD.t SUDDer like; 1965! II iI. BRUCE DRUHHOND, "B-OCK'fIl, LANNY ENDICOTT',' KEN LAHKIN, DANvJESTERFIELD, MIKE RITCHEY. U1RRYCAMPBELL, JOE JONES, DAVID BOOTH, ROLLIECORNISH, BENNIE ELLIS, NlLAL' ,ROCKEQ~; 'T01'I' LINDER, A~LEN El:.KBR, 30B.COX, and" , BOB3Y '>JRIGHT will Ql:rbe'bc.d( this'stic['iQr'a~~CouhsC:lorD~,."..JOE vIHITE, BRUCE CONNER, JACK \!lril5ISn, HENRY EDDINS" BOS DILLIvil\N. CLi.Y JOHNSTOH,' Ci:.RL GOUCH, ..::.rid NURFuW RITCHIE will be beck 0.8 Junior Counselors.. .~':.. NOH.... ..how c.bout IIthc;oll c.pples! Isn ~ t. thc.t a g~r','e-D-t line-up? - ,"';", - . This hns GOT to be the' best 'si.lrJr'18r ,-YET! ' - ..........-... ',' .~ 'J" / AN OLD, OLD (froD "point of service", thee t is ) "COUNSELOR who tvi'll also be bnck D.t KGn~kuk, th~s stc6ct--c.nd willgkden the heL1rts of n11 the "old, old point-of-servicell S1;c,ff NenberG is BRUCE TBOdPSON., BRUCE was a Junior <bunsc10r Dnd Counselor scver~:I ycc;rs t,go.',. .~Be was nn OUrSTANDING Student..::md Trc.ck rJ[',n o.t RICE UNIVERSITY--then Dissed Kanp 0. couple, of'yenrs'o.J? 8,0 'to do grodunte 'V:1ork at STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Appnrently, his frequent' encounters Hith J.B,IIARF.INGTON~ r.;OB DILLlvll\N,',.', and KENYON RUPihKotit at STI\NFORD Uni v ~ have Hhetted his c.ppetite for IG'\NldZUK KAHP o.gein.'....:.:'and ~ve .ere soglc.dBRUCETHOLfESON VILLBE BACK! BRUCE THOHPSON v:o.s {{i",OYS thG "MGdicine Ivl..'1nIs Hedicino i'1cJiu' et Kc.op; eVGryone said his cooptol:1eter-like nind' W1S good 'for' I:'Lny conpotitiorl points " ,I ! I " 1 I 1 , ,'."'. '. " i 'j AMONG THE NEvJ COUNSELORS TInS YEAR is' DI:.VID \-!ILLI1\.HS (0'"18 ofBOB1-JI-IITE's clns~~ . Dates in Denthl Gollege"7the seoe school ALLEN MEYERS o.ttcnds.l ). 0,. .DAVID plnyed footb['.l1 et"BA:{I"OR UNIVERSITY!. '..;. .ANOTHER footbcTI prc,yer~,CounseJor ';1i 11 be> '" JERRY CAH~;:~,<i..;t412b~9i te of KEN ,L1\.rfIKIl'JI s ",nd, DhN lJESTERFIELD IS; t Texo.s AM1~ , ,.." , ,'.' ~l..",),..., ;h .": . . c. . .. - " ' ,_ . . ..: . ." :' .JERRY I:1q:cii~,l.:3,:~~c.;:tdrg',:in' ~1~gh School..-footbc,H ;b['.~ke~,bo.l1, bQs~bc.l1t -trock) ,;;., end tcnniG'~~,".'.;.CI[',sG 'President two ycclrs' end' vJon just [',bout everything else.~... (His highs-chaol \vres, b',; the wo.y, quite [':Jbit lergerthan KEN'S ntEi:\,RLY, TEXc-;.S'., , . .........Thetls ",1"1 right, ,KEN" "Detter EARLY ',than bATE,II) AH0I'HER NEH FACE (AND BODY! Y.IHLL DE nUD Il!d(ER~ e Junior High sc~~oi Coo.ch e,nd Ehysicd Educc.Hori'TcD,cher thc.t Ui'ICLE ,BILLL\NTZ foundfbr us in TUl'BiC. .i~. ;BUD, o.long with 'being e fihe coo.ch imd t2('cher~' is C\. ercc.t o.thletc, i." pc.rc.chute jhbpei-, end ,:\ Forest FireFighter.. Co ~He worked sever[',l SUr:l:-.1ers out" Fest o.s' c 8r.1oke Judper ,":.nd~ s110uld ho.Ve ce!lY, [uny interest;,pg stories tc5'tell us' ,:'.1:: KcT:P, ,.> .rIe is nY'o.terj" skiiGr, boct driver, [tnd floet tripper.., .He will berlright r.t hoeoll:' THEN T:-lERE IS OZZIE ['U~KE, a Co1'1eg6Strction Hi;:;h.sch,?ol [;rnduC'.te.) now 0.. Junior ct Texes LM1, who ~vil1 jointh.e ST1'.FF.,.. .OZZIE' tJes one of A&M'Connolidcted H.S. IS GREAT o.thlctes<..ploycd end_ lettered in everythinG, won all the o.wc.rds, tmd .,is one of, thi}:5:Jtr~nge.s'tyoung;' Den POUND FOR POUND th.::t ~vc knmv!...~He will be c. treoendous''t'cssct. " ~. " . ~ . . . Ai'lONG THE NE~,J JUNIott COUNSELOR PROSPECTS'ilEO ARE Nar' YET SIGl-1ED is, [t 225 pound linebacker atthc UNIV]~RSITY . OF LRKANSAS, c. '125' PC:JUnd ~JrestlingChC'.r:Jpion, c,t the 2"_c~""'*UNIVEf(S ITY""'OF"'P&I"'J.\.+I6HL\';- 2.nd7c:n~.t-rs tvvhH.e Kt,:l'L..KUKER""who, i s,,"~.n~cxpo):'J:....ciri~~hcjleW" .~' . sport of "drown-proofing'l -- CLAY JOHNSTON of Ft. SMith)A:i:k0nna's--"~":-t1;"~~6'f ~""<"""'~..,--~-,- ROLLIE CORNISH IS froshoen basketkll plc:yers, c.nd d' 205 pound tc;.ck1e fronEc.st.errl Nev" Nexico. ' , , . . .' ,. .', . ONE0F THE REALLY, REALLY DIG THRILLS THIS ULNTER T:JllSSmnNG sope of the old alunni....A vGry surprised c.lunni reunion CC,DO {:.bout in Kc.nS,'13 City t)ecC!.use of the lecid story in LOOK HhGAZU!E, few \vecks r.:.go.~"\~ ~Perhc.ps ybusmv the story: it concerned the prc.ctice in the K.;.. NSJ-, s. STATE MEDICAL CENfER Of ter.\chine young to-be DOCTORS. to 'lIccre,I...o.TON SCHANTZ, Kc,nc,kuk's ovJt1 C:1DpCr (HONOR CM':PER), ltJorkboy, C'..nd Junior. CounselOr fre'[1 Hichitc.,-'!<at'iSi::S,"" sever{~l yee:.rs C,[;O wqs the principle figure in'the storycnd DeJe c:. grec.t oppe['.r.:::nce in the LOOK Ut:,Gi,ZHn~:; <lots of pictures (,nd soon, of TOl1).,....... TOHis c, freshDDn oedicc,l studCht Qt one {(['.nGes City fkd~'Ct:.lSchoo~' w~ti1e , . in :.::.nother l'!Iedicel Schc)ol in K..-:.nsns,.City is ridthcr KC'.n~.j(~ke,r: DICKDALDHlf-l, ccnper for severn} ye.:\rs, C;:i:BF. of'E}herokces, hold'3r of lots, Of records cX 'I, his tine, ,,,';H-J tf~q e:rt;iclc in LOOK, end he p1cn contected TON SCH1.l'rrZ~' The'" t\<lO young1,cleo,4pid' not :knO'.'1 oCthc. other's wheroc.boutG until; :tl1c.tiss~eof, LOOK. The TOf'CSGHANT.zcs 1.:.rid: DICK ,BALPUINs surprisod co by Joining the' KAN1J<:UIC l"iOVIES c.t BILL' 6.ho son lfd5D..'s' :110\1812 v;/hen we showed the.re in Ke.llSc.s Cityl....; ~ .!,~!" " .: '1 .- ;,~~ Ii I " -~"- ~ i:', \':\ ,ANOrHER\'JRESTLER" is 'JOHN SIUJAN..... .He 'ho.o won cleven out of t\::1qlvc ?~11,~8, ~.Jrestl'inr-l'jo.t~h2S .,:Ue is i'n~',i c'ente~ of greq,t wrc,ost U~~,li.:-,,,,,,_,,,_ ,,',',", "',"", ,.,' ~N~i;.~,a'f:;=Dk~hcm1&1wfl~",'onC's-~"+ 0B~;";'vver;'''tmwD't.:'''Yrr-:!tlt~nd-'''''''\'''---"""",''~- ""....'.,.,~, '';;'In' the' "S2D~:.t6;'111 toJAiJES CECIL,"~\~tl "'9~ he;2r(rhe'-'vJC,SVli~l!4inG 2, couple ' ~~ _", -,,""1,': _.' "',_ ,', ',~",:, "- ''---', "" - ,_' ~II" "~ ," : of 'bout.s, c\ngi' corAng'right C', lonG'.. .'; .'\:Jc, :,'re' ~onvinced th(;t, Jh.i'IES 'CEC!k is." like: "c, ~}16t c,f .the- ,to,s.t of. you _,(~'nd cc.n rJIN nnd DO, -~.'lELL'~~in"-~iJnny' ~'I Gports if hc.!';I':1.:,C'TICES~. . .~ . ("tau r~rJCMbcr ""he, tDOLi P,7..CU,',)rDS so.id!> ,:<-; .'1\'i ~ "''ll IV' f'c.ge three " ~ i;t AN01'r-lER ALUHNI'i"tho.t we have just'he.o.rd troD' -. ljlhich Dckes "our pr~dcriqe' .!i. isChDET GEI:ALD ,LEE CCCI<r\ELL, junior c. t' the United' St.:-,tcsAir 'Fdr:ce 'Acbdeny onl:X:ih{;s. d;;'yeGr~o GC De~or,s~~.hb {Jill ,be cc;pnissioneg1-n' the, Ai~ Fo~ee..... L ,GERI:;.Y' w:J,s:"'in Ci:Tlp clnost:bn hi~, SUDDG,r life 0.8C1 cemptq:, Chi'cf'j c.nd junj,or: cb,!ln8elot;t;!~. .beJorcgoingto th0 Air ~'\ca?eny;, he pl9-nsto 8Ft bc.ck up to "IS'lnp "sop;~ti[1ethi8,'bue,oc;r;.~', .;.'~ERRY 'pJt.yqd , footbc.ll' the fi rst two yec. rsin the Acc.a:.?ny :_:I}cLip't;lO"l the, ~cdd-iIV~ hieh hurdlerq,t The Air Fqrce /cCldeoy. . "T \'" , :-",...,~ '\II ;t ,', ," :<', {~ ,"" '_"'. ~r~t-; :~,f , " .,'-, , r~, _ "" " ,(,"_ ,1-'\ "'OREIl'!' NEvJS FRON TIiE QilIGlNl'AL, STilONG MAN OF KANt..KUK. . . .I3ILL STARR!' ,DILL STARR,,,~\l[\S' fE!nl1ythcr nC'.n--c~torig'~-Jith, 130B" vJHITE-- ,,,fiostc,rted), and Get up,"th6W9iShj; tr:?ininG progrcrJ fit ;,t<':-Lncktik, ,built the VJcight, t"bOD [\Dd 'b'cgc'm, to "gi'vc{ l'':'\NAKUK its Greet trc.ditibn'bf body~h~,ilding.' DILL ~$th9 r.;~n ~vho dcvc1~pcd':'TOivl LINDER mid sent hioto K6'rihk'~ld ,', RILL STi\.RR lie,? j'tlSt beennc.i.1G? the'il.ssocic.t9 'Sd it or, of the a::,g<:z~n6' "STRBNGTH nrid HE.:~L'rEII.~.. .As his first D.cf be:i.'ng ASGocfateEdi:torhe " , hc.s c:.lroC'.cly,cor:JDiss:i:onodTOi'l :LINDER to dS c,n o.r1;;icle on!lvJcight Trc.ining , ,,'. ".ct KbnckukKu,tp, ,Cnd,TtlC wil1rrH beeo,(jc1j to sceing;,t~opic~urc~ of the ~~:,:<>~~~:t,~'(;~~'~~r"~~se~i~rS~~~h~i'Rro~rm~t::rtl':~ ,_. -"..,"~/ -.~ ., 1'8H Pll~Ll~ ;i..ppush:tng (c.nd ~f rOiYlpus'hes,vJhc co.n bcethr,,::'p' JOE. JONES for the,' St~"ff Lot;:cr-writil1g chciJpfonship this ycc,r. 0 "~/" (Cl letter c,Y'c.rd, r,jtlybc?).. We , doenJ;.:'y, 1qf~inG 't;!s19ttcr9"bccpuse in ~8(~~hs)nc he tcllsUG of "things th~iti' ~c~vc. ho.ppenedTt~Yiicp, grcw,'lIoq,t: Of hip c,sGocic.p,<)n\YJitJ~ the greo.t'st0ff o,t KGI:~p.....;:.. ~Je"hc.~~,.,t(:"~,~g~",theseith~pgs .out or TOM, butwc.d;id.1.bc.rn,thct lW9Ggen HRESTLING' i iOL1cdic,tel-y "~_ftet" f;:)btb[',ll wr'.t3ovcr, <<:nd in hisfiri3t.four nects ,he Dct the "::':",'^" Confcrepcc""Chct,mi'8; twice cind pinnbd,hin DefITl TU1ES. . . . . .Lse- 1'.1c.st,er .of Under.." stc,tecieh'~l' H}liCl1 TOf'L LINER" i~,whcn he';is t~JJ~int; c.bout hineelf ,he s.:\ys, "This~ .:J: ";:', ' "", "';, , _ -. ',: . , '~," _, :'tw ~, of cQut'se,hc,13 been el7lcouraging. u..! II ~, ''; J' -. .' - " :j: .. - -', ,. J' 1 ~t i~ :!,'i :~ ~" GOING' FRON DIG TCH'LINDER TO'LlTTLE GEO~hZ HARr'1L\CK..-buf stillJ, in thb' fit.:ld ofHrestlin0--;ie So.w'(l,picture Of GEORGE VJAIHJ,.-:-CK in the Ft'. Sfitith ~'- _'" ._'.:"'\ ,,- '--.: _' ~:>, \':_'< _,:" ,__ .... '<', ,', " , c': -., .:" , ,;;, nCvJSpc.Rcrbhowinr:; h~L1'qiCh.'.:qup~' for the,,, Days Club IvreGt,Ting.. . .r;{e sc.;~ GEORG~ this windr, 'Cenci he h4d vlO1;C"Cp'uplc of bouts! ...(.fter seeinG bis little brothers tvC knO\l novj';Jhy GEORGE is.. soruGged;- ::wtivc, .:end cc,p2bfs, of boking cfter hi:ryw1:f }_n thL~t~"rqsflin3. ' , ,-, "", ". ,~' ", '.. \. ./ >;:,~ ~r:;;~4~.;M"7:"- ;r;::';,\ ."'" ! ''Q :1\:' . , '_ , ' ,'- .. ,,I', IG.\Nl':.:KUKW;;UNTOi'lS POP UE. UNEXPECTEDLY IN STRL\NGEAND F:,R-i\iJty l'1f;CESJ ,~'," This one h::::pp6ncd iil :Sobtqn,: t.Jr..s so.chuset ~:s., recently; , .LeE. \mlTE H<1S ',',. ~w..' f ,'r-<~7'1~'1\~""""'ll"'-"""'r' 'd"-'" d' ,,-">'-.. ;fr"'l "'. h"-"'~.l" 'd f . s:1J,;::;t;}~ng , o~J '....lOl;F:;:Jti.wL,l'.....,-:'cn. turn(; up.1'no" ,[',ne np;t"I}' onEL s:':- ,8..0 DICK".PATTON./;mvibn:i:n';r for ' l'li',SSt.cr:U3E.1.'TS INSTITUTE OFTECHNOLdGY:.... w ' ,1' '." , d--.'6 ..,;"" '-]-,., ',:., : ~'h ',,' ,,'...\ ~ .....', f.,,' 'h. r~'-h:' .' b;; 'r, '~ ' i ,1'}~ "J'" ," , e,_ uHL,lr..,t"na ,....,.t ne~t. er V,-,o ...;k.LC 9 to..,f.- .er ,,~~nL,L,tW:t{l(j; r,,?et.~ , Fb!?~.:/i:.t'Tt!e' 8, '. ,iq, notdipcillOSG,whe' HON.THE ,~RI,CE.. . ol'.Suppose they ;~tiststb~;pcd8WiElr:1i '3 t:,hd shookh;~.nds m~d"';,ilabuddi.ed" c.nd' forgot tc.~ " ~, "O,'~ ~.,-:. " . ~,!,.' ;f,;_ '-, _ -"" .i\c' ..' _ ",,).. :"1' , ',< I - . \, ."to kcc;pion"S'''~DDl'nG It?" ,1" den 't th::.nk, e~ tncr! .-.-:.:.:n 'Ii. .:;., I! I I 1! ~,; ;,::"" d:TTE[(SiFRoi':l K/;..Nl,KUKERS~'2.~e' esour~e ctf r)leo.~ure! Sooct:tt::c we even getnicturcs!...';~r..FEmD DEAL,~S;bt u~~Ln';'Bi~tut6,/,ibf 'hir:isc!f' Cin'Krm:,lkor::o i" '1ightspiitJ,.<i;y:~J8 s::M' n:{UL,:j??J\TT w~c.rini3 'hiD ", kst niGht, tco, M,i~l:iqe:-tcllY}. FRFD, ~t~~:1'd,:, ~~'l i~ his lc~tt(~r~, t,hht ~he~ nnd, his-~:'rldd,~~; but :ft.. e Do,rtofc:.il ~ freD :-onc',~,~. ," .>, bigtr.;S "td+ c:~'othctli'n,;,th~'ir";(Y':l"r~'c,nd'p~t o."IIKc.n;;kuk To~Cl:i! ",to .~ih by. '" " p2kil,1G,~t~cVQ.i 1::'. bl~i;ionly,by' c,l inbiris,. cJ lonG rope J, ;, ,'~, 1!~,: ~ 'f ;:., 1\" r. ~~L,~;,"'" ....'-" /' .'"",,". __ i:.';-.- _.:', :~, ,-;>." ,-" -' "'_ '.._ _' viEr-JA.'h. hE~l'! 1!'h;.hNEDII' tho.tr,1E,ny,of vougot' gu~tc,rs for CJ11ji~tt:,:;~s! , :'I(~H"DUSlr:J,nd( FItED,'1!'UEAI;;p'lo.n2on bx:ihs:i,nS\iithcirs tD C~;Dp.~1. ..HiKE RITCHEY" ',:, (d1B ROCKY CHL3E~Vnl bchn,vins lots of cOEpcny next'st,l:J:::er!" Oh, YC2p, "t~tld, JOE JONES~';';" "A;' ' " . _, ~ ' ('\.. ~ 'f, " ".1 ,~ 3THEillGBLI&r-rt ,;O:F\7HE'I<J.\iiP):'Yo'(r,!J<:s, I 3E:LIEVE~ IS"'TL?~ZiiNLi:-.Nb!'~.: . .Everyone) likes th~"t pc;r,t~ .. .~;'~y.:::;ry. ni;;ht"I Gbc:~-J6d tl}c:i>lovicD ,Ithcu::;ht of the Chw:lp:ifon' "~ing, S~"ln8erll D,t..NNY~'TijllLH!s6r{, ,,\-Jho:i~u d:ytcr,"8:'Jb,{~rf1C\de /!:,g rin,;s on"thc Th~ZiiN4.:iNDF~li'lq s\rt~G~ D.:NNYv!i11 bebc:ck;~,fhissur-,nor ~:$ 'h {C{\.E1per /:",nd Gh.?U~d h[',v:; np tr()tiblF~-Jrfs~lin3,' 0.5 he h"S':"'conp,S,p-:;;d* 21.H't:his tli111:9,F iri'hiSh, schod~11Ur9 in Tul'sc.. < ,;;; ~7l;~ Rl J- !1l> . ';, _ :I~?'~~"_'--;;:_ "0'. ;,,,~ :it' -HUr'lTlfTC't},& SE/tS_ON ~\.}1I) ,E;Ci?ERIJifI~j,:E'S i~':~\rD, ~s:r.ctf.ES hGVC bc-ci:'h ":shc'~-rcd ....'with us .-, ';" '-h"" l'~'-~'" ;:. ""f'c~,-.~" ';;;;; "'>~1 "e, -.0,' "'c".,,,-,,';. ," ''-b'" t th' b"., ,'-':...."'t ,~n":~!:,.:c~' '- "_:-~-.:t'l,.;\_p-,:-:,,. r."~'{lf''-~'' c\..jWn.~_ 'S-1:;p c~na '_"l,_";~........~r~"r". ~;;..t-_ OU.'" ' ..~:~ '.,~Gw,~u thrill cfthc hun.Hm"$cc.s::m vl."'8 thcbcgginr; (if C.;1 hbotibc,d' Sheep ~~,JOHN'('mINE;'.Y;,nPrS:i-<,dc.d inthc ?,~loDU~,~,Gnnycnne8~L~ieril10'.,"' JOmJr.S1;c:l~edthc'bi,: .shbcn,fc;r"four, :~n~ ::: y'h;:lfho" rs overtne 'ruGtied, tert;Si~~ 'w.11,ich i:1r\~es\,-upthdt;nny6n '~n~~i killed' bnc ~f' tJ;~c n',rbcnt " 'f thc,f? hc;o''''cw2r becn 1:C~l(1)~1 inthcct p:.:i~'()f~th;-cGu,ntrYe":" " ~ ~ '..~ r, .. r {f! .:t.', f~ r" fi 'fJ., " ,1.' :i; ~,"" i , ,;; ~t: '.<: 'Il . ~, .r- ~~ --~ , ~'.-' ,::.> ~ '-- \~\' . ,~~ 3. ,[ / ~ ~ " '\ K..:\Nlll(UK IG:\HP FOR noys Ki\NAKONO IQ\NP Fan. GIRLS To LINDA WILLIAMS: 81',\1"1" PERFOR!Vl.td'ifCE EVi,LUL1'ION t"":::'-4-. '1';" ".,_ The effectiveness of the Do.nncr in ,vhich you perforned your duties GS c, L1eiJber of the KmJp St.:.'.ff lo.st SUDner ho.s been evo.luc,ted throuGh the Stc.ff RctinG Sheets t interviews with Directors Clnd GSGoci"tes, Gnd inforr,Y1-tion :Eroo pc-rents Gnd CC.L1p- erG. The results follow: 1. He hope you ,Jill be 0, DCDber of tho stc,ff next sur,ner cw c "Girl Fri<ilay" at G so.iary of $ 250000 . A ccntrccct "Jill be sont in the spring. Plec,se return the enclosed post.. card NOVJ indication of your plc.ns Ior tho next ,,<' C...oJ an s urJ.:JC r . 2.., rJ~ think it best for 0.11 concerned if '''-. '--., . for t1:lC"'~ sur.:oer (perhc',pG you hc',ve This does n~~L't enploynent ::"t ''--- to you indefinitely but""d'Q..es Dean that "'-... >,.,r" ..., /'" :--,.--- onture or lenrn ne,,' skills \voul(;)f,'1(~kt.: you c better Knop St"c,ff .,;,.,.~.,,.,,, "''''~'' oenber. It is quite like).-y/t'hct you did'-~.t;,.~oocl job in one Groa ;"/ '-....., / , but were weak in 2De"C'hcr. Sonc; cere stroou o.cti Vf-is--y, counselors ,,/""'. .J ..........,"" ",./ , ,., but not adc:p.t:Gd for nin co.binll ,,1Ork or vice v(crsc. lit (lny.....,"- " .../ ,/ rnt?,.-<-ie deepl V o.pprecio.te yeur efforts lest SUDner aod hope ,.-""" to keep contQct with you clwayn. I, , you find 0. job elsc"JhC;P6 ,/' / clrcady planne~/tO do this)q ./"" KCL1p is pefessarily closed ....- /" /" ye' feel th.:J,t c, ycccr to Dear Linda: 1111 miss the football games if for no other reason than not getting to see you. I couldn't for the life or me tell you 110H many girls 8ire 'on the BENGAL BELLES? I just kno,q that at the right end is the cutest, prettiest gal or the bunch$ and that's the one I keep my eyes on the whole time y'all perform! I miss seeing those pretty legs and that SHeet smile. Let I s.,de:rget,\ together during the Hal idays and KNITl Come see me! LOVE~ O~ O.K.? ----~ II I " '\ "~ ~ '. \'lou.ldn It:' this otd\vorld be'bettcr Houldn't lif,e be lots Dore Mppy Ifiilifolks ~e qeet~jouid;il3o.'Y~ If the. sooG.thct'~ in uEl ell, 1 knowsoped-li.nD,<igdbdcboi:d:, you, Uere tpeonly thinsh d.boutus And,then"treo.t us jtistthc.f"7t'..y? l'h~,tfolks bothered to reco.ll? ;;;,.,...".tf~;:;ii;';~~:::,i\Lc~~"~~.,.,;f)'i.~llb~i..,"ci'1~~~~-;~"'::;;:;;~~".;?;,.~,;,;"i~~f~~~~~~'1il;~,:".' ~.;cf,;;7~~'''';~~;i'~~~k'i.;,''. ,~ "Houidn't it ge~fin~~:;~~1 ~n.ociy' ".., \{oulcln It life ,pc lots r.lorehc.ppy , ., If eo.ch h0nclc1nsJ1,~ fond;eind true If,v~ prc;isccL the good '-'7e see, Cc.rried \vith,. it tl~i[l ;,o.ssurnnse, ,~. Forthere"s.suchc, lot ofc"odncss "i know S0r.1ethin3~~ooc1 c.bout yoU^I~ In the ')-JOist pi you [',.oct no,. .J!' .."- . >. ~%1 . S -~:oi:' ~.~' ",'/\ ~Ii i~! , V~9):l+;:1I1/~iF~it"~qe,.n~,ee to prnctice Thl:;~t; f~ne'fNo.y (jf..tl1inki,!1G ~ to,q) . , ',' l\l-l~l'~ if."\' '.. t:, ...ttJ;. "i;',';;':- ~~: ~'Il _~ - ,~ ",. You"kriOWepor1etn~'pr3 good nb,mt ;:le; I kno,.;r"G'()r,1ethincG'oocL D bout,you! ~ ',. 4 .' "i! ,.," ",~.,\" '., ' , ,~' ~ YCU'Cf~N TELL" l'f'tV'hen ',you off the buri','Or T;J,01k :'ih.thcgp. tc c.t, iK.'~NAKUK.'. '.... , ,," ':~ _, _ ,~j ',4t ' '~:' "'- "',: ,_'" i',;~ , ,,'-', ',' DnG YPU"1~)>t :Eeeri):'\iGl1 $pr.1r.1Eir~ tQiarl':k,celfi DIFFERErlTl Ev~ryb6dy t~ look- ,ri~3for the 'GC;:JD..,'i; C;ccI:l' other" All you Leet: c.::o irite~ested in it~\e gre0,test develC!PL'8nt,~,in:',ec.d:'l,y.(;i"6'ur' Gqd':; 3ive~~to.1Ci~ts F, '~ ~ r, .."" "" ~!~ ~'. ,:,~i 1,;' '1"-'" ., J" ';o;;.,.i "'.~' ~;f.,: - ~iX; '. ~(i~ :\: ~Ii:. ;1'1' ~, 'ro \\,' ." .! ~'~,' Y"/(,, ~ t, id;: ~ "ii,''',. ,';~ ',,:"j~ , II' " ';~,:3 K ~"k;." , ' . ''', lI' " '. III ./ , 's.', :'Iii! Wz' ~'J;\*1 j.W:: , jh" ,''i I'~ ~!i'!JE'D~nNG~OOD,tlABDUT YOU ~ r.;i I , 111,; :'t<i ,i!1 1,; ~~ $,~ '" " t;", ~Pi 32 6 .1J "'i>'.,",,"",' >i)-:;:' ',; ;;~ ,,\1:. "" ~:;, !1! \I~ .&'0; :w I,; ~f :t" 'i~ .c~ 4't ~ ~~ ~ ji:r.JD IT ?Jd{,~T ':f.E. tONG, W)v.l! l,j?~ttH will soon be1upon thet bec.u~," _ ~:r"!,"", ,~",-~"~- ~- _:', :.:~, ~". " ' "" "::' , tiful151~ff ~ [',ncl, everythinZ ~c!ld" eV8r~~ocly is therQ, for ope , , ' . , , " .t' 1" "" ~ "..1 ntur:; FUN' '-bUN' FUN- purpose': t::> ,",l.DprOVe ~vnc..~oJe lCi,~e c.nc [',Ti3 Dnc. nt~ v.c. " , s..-, '.:.:..-" .AKEN'T vJE LI.,L, LUCKYp,to1;5e ~L16ns thQp&"prescnt mid q,ccounted'for'll nt ~ .' ~ ';'::~~-1N~*Yi@~Ki~~MP~~~~~~~e~e~;~ozll~~~~~~bEl~s;S;t:h1-l~pn~thd~4'J~J..'tlNG",Lt~j~.~~'<4~;;1A;"';;i'~'~~~ii~ eq:;cr to get 1n, .::\n(1 t;nere ~Qt'e Just,c.s 'nnny" boys eECn, YC.:!'!', t-lha wo~I,(! "~ givennyth':qg to,b~;jptcnr::i?, ';btit;~ the~);fc.dilie,G just ~.::mtt c.ffordc617p. Yot;. sh::>Uld be' '(cry St'r.teful t;~" ~our pc,ren~s for Dc-king this op}ortunity to go to cc.L1p FO~ YD~ j'ooo ", Ill." ""c ,','" ~. . ,_~ ;. Ili ~E;;' ,~,itf- ;: ~t.j ~!,tll)~~_'" """ ~""t; " 2'\\\ . "BESIDES COi!~ING.,RIGI'IT;€:UT ;ANDSAYING., IiTllANK"yc.mil to your po:rent;s fortH'isp~~V~l~giJ'~"yqn.(:cc.nr0-s'01v:~" TCDAY thDt"yoll vlill leann eVeryt~i,ri{Y61J'cen.,de'ci;~:1~ th5:'sdhoL1:;;;:SUUi, DIVE, SKlnnd: ;Eli' ",PLAY 'b\l;~r:y sport;,bi'tt'br ~;.,"8.~L s~~r,ohs~ 1.Gcrn aJl".o.b::::ut God's ~' \vond~rful ,Jo]:?rlclou,~d'()rs ,.(m~l", the:Eine }"'S~oc} p~op le1n it! 'f/jDST' 1J.ll?8RTl\NT DF" ALL: "~ieO:rp\i1! th::,l y()~'cE:nil'be ttrong, touf;h, 'uncol:lplninin8'i o.rid ;:;1:fllliye'c,christ.:l:.ikc life by being honest, clenh~ c,rkt:~h$elfislv;''''jlt'''IS JUST T:Jl:,T SHIT:l,E nt C&.1p,' ,!?~Pfus~;.the~i.,!JiFE' .IS l;)~/,L-:,':'lJ['''PPji,~. neG It,hy, · fun! ,.,"; ir , ': ff'M' ;r{~~ .. _. J!.r', :g ;, :'-' _ '. _~i' ,: ,;"~,, "T.Q,'l{L1..YOU. NEvlCi\i\::~~F,-S; l.,I,f'H~iS' ,~s YPU,F 'first t:lr.1ci.[',t Kan0kuK,,,"Kaop~' you cri'1)'I;'~,ly'"on ,ihis,; ,you ne'y tl~.nk , , ".' ' ," " _ '-': ~~~ ' ,"'_' " lli;,' '. ' ;: :~J;.,..., '~& '_' rl ,; " YOU(' ~18nr t,knC:Nl!~ o.V~R,~~, ,.0 no, b~,!e,tt :',t).J:1;~tt\e.iW3 ide II iD UT Y'JUFi1!LL HAVE'. LC.TSt;F'~DUDDIES LNiY"'FRIENDS FIr:H THE ,START';-:,f'r;ootp.e tice you1;'xr:i;.ye uritil"ybu le~,veL 'i L>l.~thc\l;STli'FF#(lum.1BERS ,r-rew 19r?lsz.nj fonIc-reI to giv.." 'inf~ '~o~ thefoY{l,Xlelq"oi,~?,~ ~:nci"tl}~t;,'.'21d II 'C[~L1l~erS "don't IjtJ.sily for3~t.thQt they ~l7e,re~;lIneV1'I, C~tL:pcrs' 'once",.,'..,. t,."',, o!" ""'.'\t'i,'t;~~';~," '" 'i,re'i' ,-II, ,r ~~'?,'1>i .d1,; \6~ " ,':' ,>.':' '. _ ,A'_:: ~~ '::~ :~'_ " 'n~':":1 '_~'! START' LeADING YCUR'FGI1TL0CKER ArlD PREPL\,LE 'l>~ YCURSELF,FOf('!. TERIUFIt:SUNFiERJ .i~;;4 ',> ,; ~i >1', ,,>,i;f..', i"--' YOUR c1~DIN wJU b~cl a.cGorc~in8t6yciur ;f~ ,; :;,;/ ",,'i'/:; '.':.y ? t\ -.) . -"!' J"-' '!i\1 birthclQteJl,.~n,(l' ,Fhj{p" is ~g6~?r,b~,FC'l.ls~~. Y91:1:;, </Jill he. iH:tn :3oys just:. 'yO\Ir}()"Jn'~G:" .':';':' :~.': -,-",: - '.,,~, :", ;;)I:"J", , ,'_ _ N,- '-', 'j ,'~,' ,,:' ,: ,~i-_ ;~", ?';( .J1j~:>;", ' _ ~'':, -;~. ,<.~-~ 11\ ii,:r'HE CL.Nl' , CLCTHI~ '{":f:;1i,~.yotl"or9~i:-ed :,6..oy) 'fiw:j],ll NeT be sent~to'you o.t your"'Ji:oneJiUT Jssm:m tq'lYOU at ~ ";. the "secbnd day 1" Your n0ne \oJ~Jr lie r.lDrkt.,d 'an then foryou~then. " " ' 1" inf ~!>'\'\~~ ;.." ' .".. .!~," _. ' ',''- "\~,,, ;(:'<~";" ,<If; " YOU l1UST fJf::VE A'RAINCOh':l?lY:t:.BED1.'tSJ TARP& or. TEl\lT' f'~r' thee; trips! YOU t-JlLL NCJfDE. .l\.LLOHED i:;CRRCU,. This' inc~udes COUNSELOR.S and':~~l;:J.7~I ~ 'Ii' ,;. *~ " r~lillr ~;~ <,~:-~ 'po' ~ ~ ,:l't l!il '~ ~ I 'I '. ~ "' ';"" ~,~ .;;: '" ...., -~::. if .... 'IllI 'iIIIl',~ !:4~;f. ~ l:!~ t':. ,..;~(r< :~'i l;'; , r~! '" 1.~ ,~i! ;;( I \ ~\: l', .~ ,1;' ~; \.,! j'/i"" I~ i:.~ !"1:l:;L; i/j ,~ J~( :,' ~. ."3 ~ : ,\" '" ,. 0 > ~,;!;i " \ . ~}j{-; SEND TI~E r'IEALTH E;jRkAFr):!:R'Yt)Ull' nOCTOR FI.LLS JT 6UT :,,' SEND IT' T0 RL\l'll.KUK KAl.:!?, ,,"~ ;r.::.n4'on~c:I':!issouri before"!lDU -cor.:lc tc, C~L~Do" -\jE;-aoiREQUI.RE k,., HEi\LT.E ,pemi. IfyoJ. '" "~!i: . "i~1 .. ; n'2e~; S:2gCI!~L f.LLEi;.GY' 2llQ' -\. yoP HUST .8.ur~r~ly 'your 9t,m,.nedicinc, disposc.b~e.. syr?;nSC$ ~n9,; noec:198 t .',no "'so -:)n.~ "If you \hnve '1k.y Fe'vcr, or' sinus troub~e tpr~nz:: your o~~ri:; prcsc::ription i1clJ;-fJ.cdi~ine,. for the nurse, too~w,.'~ ,,"'. },~,~ ,~ h'"." ," : ii..,.'. ,'. '.~ jf! '"'~ ~ '" . ,;, .. INCIDENTALLY, 'youv}H'l !:C:VES:our'cc,q~'" mll~ses, r-.lI.RGE .mibER1!CODf'lvil1 qe b:-:ck thi's yco.r for FIRST, TERH; c,ndEII-RY, ;r:I1'QHEY c~n(} her~l1,ssistt:ht,Jtl.NELEE, }.Ji"ll ,\';, .., .;pc p:.:.ci< ti)e ,.SECGNDTEm<..". .The only1;i"'6Ltplc 'pC.ViflG thc;sc 'Y'on(\~rfyl ':worJen is ~'\'" thit' YOUi, Loys will \vC.I1t to "DC sick c~rl'cl 'vii.sit in;the hospit::01 c;.' lot, 1%1'1 drc1er to bec..r'~llnd"r'i:~P"4':;E ,.,encl i'J1~RY i'~'ND JANE( ,{, w" ll" ';, ',; ,.' , ",', 11>1 "\'0',.m.. ,'fe Ii.' ~""it ~ ~" Jf )~ ':;:' ~;>'~~ ":~;~; ~< ,~) i,:t\i !illt,~: ''':: . .' IS' _ ~ ,.;'lCUR,CANP STORE vlill be ,oScr:-,t8cl' r'/Tcfn bX, DONNA PP.Jj;TT end LINDl; \'JI;LLlhHS! 'I ~t;!~:ti()no.ry, stCLlPS.~c:, t;~-:;q~hb:tishe(q,~9 J't'2.C!~hpC'.Gtc ,"fl."',Ghi i~[3hts,b::; ttdries~t ~'-.~ ".' ~~ '. '~~:'-'~)" "Wi""'; . '. '~. '1'. It- "ffi rEi-In; neS$ kits";' suntcn lQtiou"uonchos:, ~_nc~ soon 'w:,UJ bei:rjlcLthcrc. " g;::;,;r ~ "'#.0; \ ""q::,,,: ,- f;" ::-,'.,", Wii: ",. ~ -., ~"_." . "..,.&..:- ",'C'ffl'~"".,"'^ 1~ ....;,#, '~'P ^,'.. ~ft-"".'''''''_''-~-.;;;'J~ ""~~_~"",,,-..,,~ ;;4 ~ '" ~Everycne lovc(qLINDL;~nnd DONIWI., 'i:md' the "st,ore" isc pooukr pn~cc!" <'\\ " .' ";,H '~ ~t /;' ;,~,-",-, ~)j- '.' '~""!-' ;[1 f"i, " d "'i.~ ,).. ,r .. ,~~ ""!.1 .. . ' "'.' '.. i., ,ll'l> f , . f;1' ,.~ ' )t- ~', '~* 'I'CH. LINDEr..' n.1L:H;IINISTERi'n-:D;..STi~T-ESil"c.l ks I~HR. INDIA1>J.:-rll r~ l:ir:(S'" Hi'lR:'." DInG" " '!Ii ~\rlc1"r.,os t,.'" reccllt'(y ~iiNR.' JUST '''rilL.\ERiEi5I~!l\vx:i,t'ep ~ 1i\'Jell', i t '~v::m It Be ';1 ODe nOl'';~ .i(c"ouplc r.:o1!G oonths ,,(rcs~b'thccI1,:) c.n(l th"o bU13C{S< vlill:(,'rrivei:~'}it11 the bc;YS.i'~i ". } , Then ,ve 1ft be13t~.'.rttnf~ 'ccnoth8r grEU\t ,sun:;G'tI\{'.... .'i~TCfi c.nc1 VICKI LINDER 'sr:'ontc ~~e;k...;encl "in-t)!i"i-;;-'N n6t. io~; ';,c.;;-;oo'& TeAl 0Cwe' VICKI thc; "50~, Tcur" " ,:;,hcl includecl,'Silvcr D~;{~,rCityt Th~ JJC'~-"Fish Ihtchc'~Yt [{odktwcY~..l:/~c':" ~c~c.:, ~t pourSe) Ki.~!.'..KUK ;10';1-1:2. Theyc. te ,C~inncr wf. th'LANNYEr~lCCi}7T;" 1"'1.', .~.~- ~ I ' ,~ .~ ~. '~ ~(;; :-.~ , , ~ ~ ~. ~i.'\ /Ji ........- (w .. , ..:;.~ ~'~ ,~;. "'1 '~J :;:. \Iii ~l; 1 ....-/ ~ {: "Ili J!(l.~ '-'<!"- I, ~ :>,; .....'. :;r;:"" ,,"" r.li liih., 0.. ~ ~~;C(, a.; 'i, " ~ i ~ :f.::-' " LANNY Hel :2:rr;C~u.':'ct. ~~l '<1,..- fn~l., -if I,~ 'l' i ~ I 1 ;ti 1t1i ~}ds"';;;clect~h ?resiGent/~' (:;: ",:,'f: ?~: . ,<'" ,p~~":,; , ~: ';~.""tl 1 ~~ " ,i ',. '~ '. ::~ ;&t<" ~": :~;\ /,[ ~ I ~'~li ;'" 'l! . ,..;, .~ ~!l! ~ .!j!i , ~>{ ,j~~ , "'.., ~)tt .. 11'; ,;t N :,] i~~' -.;::; -;-:.: 1, .~:~~ TllE'RECEtU" DEi:.TE, 'i,l, Jil. .'i; '" ;;,ji.'.' <<!:t sf; >!~,ri ~ ", ~\: ,.>j';-- '" ''J,' ;.~ ~t, >.~ '~ J/ }'~ cd l ~Hc is pl\-nI1,inG fbr1l~he 91yr:;pJc; in nexico"; gnu' is Dckinr;' "rcservDtiC::n tiC-\-] so 'wc cnn c.11 [:;'6:" ;UNCLE ,EILL end itlh.RIE nevdf'l-'i,:w0' ~::h I.. ~'t ~"~t " - ~ . - ", . .': '~", . :m; . r,1~-'E1ent.'.. . Theyr fish c, lot, ::,nc: ,co l;-ot!~ '\-Je'1;l,.ook fonl['.rd,'tq' the:i;r~',Y~~i!{ in. <M il);' ~, "~ '';'. ~ ';'if' 'J.ii !,<, ;o.! ;% ~ ~ ~. , ,pe~l Job stnrtinc ir:,,,,S~pt'eDber 8~ ,C';,;i~ysicc.l' Oklnf(or:1n.'" .the boya tvil1 like JCE" ct,,'Levlton!" 11 ' " '-'1" t ~ ~ - " /" ..~ .) 'M: 'i: '.~) I ~' "'~i '.; ~~ - if' .\~ "'f:: ~"& ~,<, " ,~I ~.;..:jj :':? w 4", """ ,,'" \~ " KL\NAKUK Kiilll:'! TIdE! l' ;6' :;(~ ,,-"1; ~w '~ ,;t :f- ~ m 1-.__ 'j,~ THIS IS FCJi<.'A lZi',TCH-UI::.o. ..1'ICTHER'S D1:.."(! L\8 'old CI1ch r;i:.'o'\m o.s I ~.r-;, It fe~~ "~ounc" c,nc1 ,,;isty-eyed just thinkinD d: ,,:y Honderful rluTHl!.R;.... >.8he loves De cnd is C.hIC,YS theTe when I need her nnd turn to her! ...e.. .And I('l1[',y~. been, b1.essed.r"y,.>~e,i~:~,(1lv1OTHEKto thte;a ,boyscncL nmv..tuo-c.pr:cc l.O'J.3~ clc,u8hter:s~~~lm'l .:,.~,.;."....d,!dc,' so. Y.c:j~,_ -',''-'--' IT t s DEFINITEL~:l1;';BETTEI{",;,,~5~~~~~, i'J1Er:1I:ER GB.THE .Fi:.IRER~Sl~X end 0.8 tbo song goes , 111 E;~::!,.;L~~N 'pEINe; /,' GIRL.!! ThO th . h '1'T"17 '1'0 ~'1fI'''( '1-,...) '.r'~H""TJ "T~LL <'DR U"'" "UC" y~U ~S, 1 cn.~ l.S~ t _8 .::.,_~!~,::..=:',_!J~-=~::-~~;,-,li~J~h" ene. .J:.,' .', .rlJ~ ~i~:,,'hl 111 . rl. U [:'p~'recic.te'the r.:c,ny,~ncny thouChtful creec~s she c1oes:for 'yati every c1r,y. And then ,:1 on 1 t" stO'i::,>cfter HGTr'mR IS DAY. .: " . KEEl' ON SflC:1T.NG YCUR LOVE ... -.---' -- -- the rest of ,the yeer! '. ....Don It bc'soLCish r'.lY~ cler.)rmJing; be sweet' . I end thoLl~htfulo.. .,RcL;inc!s ce .ofthis story: ., .. scoutms~~er ;c.fter\'lo.tr.:b.i,nc sev(:rclncw., SCOL\tS 0. t their I:'. ttenpts ect outdoor coob_n~~, o.skec ,"u:w cre you r:c,nc[3ing.? HC.ve you forsotten cny essentio.l eqLli~:r.10nt?" i . I j "Yes, I hcvc,lI "Gh, \'lhi2 f?" II !.vi} iiCTIlER! ,~ ,if _!,~ t 'l't- c.nswerecl brie of the'[)couts. ~i DAVID O. i'lcIQ\Y ruts i tncc.tly' this wcy: "If I 'i'lere csked to nu,e " the world's crec.te::;'t nc::ec~) I should sc,.y.....UISE .HGTI-:ERS c.nd the ~-~ r, 'r.~'i'" '-7\~_ "'""'t .J~.~-'" ,y.'vE:~/'"PL1';\ ......[i""-I ':;'\'t-~:!:j'R_c' 11 iJ\.;.:;;.c._n,.." .L!..o,-> eoJ~:; .:-1,1'.. 1.1.... ',I.. ..... h_,.,' ...lJ..J..... ,..:.>.. . =....~ >,~_~,-,=_;,;,--,_~~"::-~~--===:",,-",-=.~~_,"S'~-=><""_;;,,..,:._,..,~ ""...,.~~---;.=- ~.""~",,,,",,,,,"-=-,:~,,,"",, ~___-=:,....~---.,..... ~"'-""""'~<-~'_~~_""""-------=-_-'--___'_'--'~' '.""';'","""' <.=.,- "'-~ -.'----~= I-IL\VE 1 Hf.."DE HY :2GINT? .~.D.QTHERS ARE TI'lEGREi>TEST! LET'S TELL tEE SOl' '! "" ~J 'ND Y U C"\--D~Rn 'RE,rpr~T'Tylm1?nr'.,.'~~c' 'T-'-' - 't h 1 t loll O. i~l!!~~ "~ L);A, ~'-,". f\~_~:-:...2:~~'i\.l~ =~'l., ,.: _.' U,~. ,. .'r~:1.:-~ .C~ t..c' coo ,cn letters ,froD c: lot of you:~ .:12 Lt)l]E ,.~ R;:;,AD ~'~ EVSRY DLY. For inst::mce ~ in toc~C,) \ Gi' r::r:':::i).,\-lcrc' t~~o letters: one fron IHYL PAUL end o..notLer f:r'.-:u K.'/I'EY KELRNEYl Both '3ir1s cre e:Kcitc.;c1 ,.o..nct o.n~{iot~.'s"{:r~)'3Cf- t::; K;~~;::-["~c;~in! I<L-\T~IY'" \vrites very often, c.nc:, I C.D lod:" ct her letters~ 'Jithout see-. in';' the lr-!S't pc_r~e \-lhc!"e' h,.::!" "sic-;n(~ tare' ,is . (',hi:1 know who 0..-1 T."--,... ...,.... _ it :'.s froD! TH/iHKS Fd, ~;RITHiG! .',::,ffli''<!L':,,:... ,',' '"... ...., ",' ' ':;,/'+':::::;i;1':i;.;~' . :.". .' ,". ',."'. 1t'l!:- .'"",,",--..--,..- ':} . " ~ i'j-,:,.r'-GIE.".RliIQ~~, he,s 'been L1L',ki,:1~; (knittinG) bc,booskc,G,' ['.nd I 'i-lOuL~ C'.'IX8cic,te it if she vonle} sen:} the pc ti:Cl'1,1 to"rx' 0 I hC'eve D. lot: of "1eft-over" yc~rn thc,t I coutc1 knit into hGC'.c!-scnrvdS" 0 < 0" .,.Sc:c.rt ~~irls, the RIl,tGERS1... oCd:'i1t v!['.it to seo theD ,~. t KANAK Gr'lO . '8';''''..,., -'. ::':.:;:'.<.~.:';::..:: :. ",'/:'f::.,. . :',,< '.. ' ..~ l -i VISITED IN Di\LLl.S Ll:..STHEEK END nnd HA1\.7 EVELYN HEITE let ,,18 cttend c. "ryc,eling"clcss "lith ..her. i'U\;lY EVELYN h:-:'8 r:.l1 kinds oflltricks" un hcr sleeve to nc.ke you slicldenly nHur:li1S' c:n~1 lovely! r HE I'lIS: ALL Y'JU GLLS \-]i-Ie) STLY I-LJi'iE, nnc1 it is fun to neve you' "returnilecfter ,::i'ssing--likc' HISSY ~'JLTSJ~J., I~E~i!LP1~.:n;~)~'!iLggJ~'; [md,~~:,n.GIE RUlGER, I'EYL PLUJ=., c,nel PATTI I:LL~L ni:e .f:lJ..l.:!9if BERRY! ~," ~ v..'EDDING r~ELLS for..,~.vINNIERElCK the" niddleof. August..... The new:,y r:o,rriec1s ~'lill enter Arizonc. Stc. te fer "hiL;;~L to ~;e.t his 8 rc.cluc te ,N'ork cnd~: ' "h8r" t? tec,ch..,.Cur,best ,'Jishon to VINNIE c.nd !-lIKE. ~ ~ ~~ JUDY end DINID I:CiJ1'.!i \'lore in 'i'lC::v,!I'lexico over the sjrin;,;ho1:Vk--.yc cc:ncl ho.d c. [joo::" t5.L~G...... Gh, won't itb9'E.Y:~ to see everyone!....!:'Cf:"N'T , ".,. :i-EGe;y JAlm LREAZEiALLE ~'lri tes the. t she <::('.n I t \vc.i tto see everyone cend il:YE~ i;l!:~!,ll c:hd lWG'EVERY:;:NE.{ccx::; critters!) '~l I I I ...,j ~~ I ,! "\ ~ '-...., , --LEAH DAVIS--lmsJlpussy~c;tl-\_-stc..ti.onc.ry...... It (s s-De~l-th!(c,nC: tho co.t is holdine c. rose in his uhiskered r:outh!) LEAH sr,yS her Dother is cetting tired of her c.sk.. ine, IlHhen cO.n I stnrt p('.ckinG711.~ DCH'T,KNU'J~,X1illlj'lorHEK;S LNST-JETI. IS, LEAH Dill CC,HSTO HY H:::USE, 1'1'1 PACKING NOm.... I fieure I'll be reedy \-]hon tho ----- ---.. -.- tiLle conos c.od \VOD't ho.ve to wc.it to peck! ......... . LEAH loves the TOKc.s L\CCios) Gnd I know nhe Hill hcvo nn i\GGIE SVlEt,TSHIRT Te: \-lEAR i,T KAH?! SHARI KEH.R sc.ys 1',.-; lInll nixed Up"--v-1hich I believe! In tho first rL'.cc, she is NeT in KATHY KEARNEY's do.nce clc,ss,c.nd clso I spolled her DC.ce .:,ron!' i;-the bst nowslettC'r...... I NUST TRt,DE CFF THIS TyeE\:J1U'FER--it's u - __ __ o.lwo.ys rJ[Jdng r.Jist('J<cs!. .::~SHi\Ia iscnotl~EF.e~ccitecl c.nd nnxious .cc..r.,per: she cen' t \Jci t for the trucktrJp"t:hcflo.-i.;t:ti'ips, .-;;nd nost of ell ,tosee Gl'-.IL GUI:JER, our l'lississippiMiss G....!..... :2HYL PAUL is looking ..fqn}c.r(j to tl)e ,~:r:,,<\1;:t floc.t, tripo, too, ~Jith' ~:ho best of c.11 :>uides,) ilANLEYl ..: ~ . .i,iANLEY hecs his, O\-Jn c,ssist,,:nt ....--' . ---. "....., ,- '.~ this yenr--NIKE Ji~:ENSCNn... .HIKE wil1~'lorkwi th W~NLEY <'.11 sur.:.r::cr, nnc help hin on the tri-i)S"f61Z..ke cccrc of 'you,2;irls! NL\.NLEY'S "~ FRIDAY! II .r ;-,.;..j;"_. KRISTI HESSER ;is':~proj:)C,1?ly go.;Ln;.:; to ,bc,. secre.tc:.ry sor,ec1c.y... ..She writ9s on shorthc.ndnotebc:okp::,per! e, KRIST},'; you 9-ro just like ne: I LDVE Te. \'JRI'rE (;N SE..:ItJ.:'}Il:.}l~f"I'1.C~.cEt;'CCJ(Srl.:-.. ~ ~':I$-I(F~lS'I'l c..sks. nbout ?EGGY Jl::.NE (ItSny, IEEY ",) .-:lnd .::J.:;GGY CCNI-!GR (llPEE:iEg!:) nnd. EVEf,Y;)NE ~~LSE! I" I'LL HAGEL TIlE BUSES HILL l\E }};XCITHlG "JIIEN TIlEY CLCSE T.EE D::,Or(8 ~:.rm 87/.1".T TC\.,.]ARD 1(1'.1.1:2 the Suncley Ct',r1:? opens! I ,,-,,lnost wish l1;J('.:re cor:~_n;:; Dn the bus, tool -:I . SAY, RHO))l, ':-!EfTfSCII, L;?E'yCU llA:?f.l'}:S"?....A cL.".'.rlin[:; letter cc..r.:e signed, "A~,~pleslt, c.w~ ~ve cc-..n't q.llite ficure out who.itiBfron! I know the ,Jriter livGS on en i\ir Force bc.sc:, o,nd her fcthe.r, i?,. prouc,bly D.n officer, but IlL: not sure lI~vho".... .11YSTERY!' , ';; ,.\ I 1 I Cl..TI-IY CDCiN hc.s C!. ".l(;tter c1cc_or~ tqcl letter is L:~i;]JED ~nTH! QUESTL.:NS! (/j.nswe r: Yes)... ft e . Hfj.l""(E' .f'EGGY' 'Jl~'NE \Jith pretty flmlcrs she ('rew c.nc.~ the Lik9, "Is l'1.',}:_Y TED LIICEY cor,1in:j to Cc..,.lp?" cne} PEGGY C.cooinr; bcck?1I (ensi:Jcr: YES) v ' ,_ NURSE ,IICECII/' l~es h[\(l. surcery:on" botheyes nnr.: will not be at CGOp this sul:'ii:~cr:::-;~y..Je.'i:J:rsh he:f'GS1")ee(~y ';,i1cl successLl <rccovcty., CECIL is c. cheerfyl =)crs:n C\I,1d will pro[;ressfc.Lloucly beceusq of her hqipy s)irit! . ALICE CECIL wili . be'it cc."p, hotJever} ,g.ncF'die c(~n vn"ite ho;::e so heF'i,lotJier;, vJO,ritt ":-.:issti out entirely, .;.~ FE,AHC:S GDUGE (nt'onouhced like, 'llCCFR\t) \Jf 11 be the C~',L1p nurse the FIJlST TEici'.l. ... "~~<""-"", FRLNCES hns rc,ised THINS (boy,qpc1 i:3lX'l), ccnei she. ,-Jill knot., hO\-7 to "et clone., ,. end to.ke cccre of ell you CC.:--:)ers'c"t KnncJwDo~... ~ YC)U >-Jill like the nm,] nurse!' ... .-." .;. ", .". '. . .'01." " Her son (the boy t\'Jin) is ,':" Junior Counselor c.t Ki';.NLl(uK; nc.ybe G(,::i1:)q .of Y.OU~i, recer.1bcr hin: CARL GOUGE! Pc o.re i3l['.d you'll bo ,,,,ith us, FRLNCES~ .'~......... lmd, of course, NL\ilGf"KET :'-'Ri\TT, DIDDlE's Llotller, ~'.Jill be ,there SEC::HD TERf'l. ;. .f CLilC>LE LUTTRELL h,,:,,s her ole' DOUNCE;. lx.ck c,fter 8urzery c!urinc the Enster I-I~;lid['..YG It. l' o ,,-She [':.:)pr<:;cic.tocl ~.11: th.c:., c['.rds' ('.ne: GG:JdicB tl~.:~t '~" \lere sent tc her ~ She) is brIck nt DN~LC:I,: UNIVERSI?Y ~,ncl I bdieve ;}, she beG c, good hospit,2l story 'to shere tvitll us D,t c''''"'j) this sUDce:r-.,:, scr.,ethin[j cbout tDlkin::; ~"bout Kld'lL\KC;'j::; K.t.ilI: while she \vc.s ~nthe 91jcir; c.ti.nr:; to-ble under o.nll€lstheticso... .DCH'T FURGET T:: l:-.SK HER f.DCUr IT! ~ . t i/...1' _~,,~+,,--,-CAr.01YN EEr:KEY"wgs :?n tl:1€~ \:kcitinc~List;..,f~~F_0 ,X!llil~; . nOt-J...~he t\Trites: ' , , IlHA2?INESS is GOin;; frOLl fou:-th on the fio.iti Of; L:i:stto IN". ." ReDIN 1'1':..Y he.s dc.y-drccx"'.s believe v'le c,11 hc,ve cc:~) herder then ever to heIr: ~f' ! .... ..; , (Jjout ' r;ettin[;; tc:- C'["DP <s:.'>in, too.... I fever;:,L,She s;~ys l111e ic soine] to ;try the K1 CKlt2C.'~;'S~ 1HN! J!l' ,'", ", . >-'~> " L:'\.Uw\ EETE c,nd CINDY Hi:J':f cOL1c.-f:rpr.,;{., b'~'JY ,oj:; ,busy ~.isterG: STl\CY is enrollecl in Adult I~ed Cross l.quetic School t~nc~ ['lens t:) Get her Sr. life St'.v:i.ncs c,nd t,::cke tbe \'J.S.lo ..... .i1eneober ,r.')w ,cute LAm;j~ BETH <Cncl c,11 the Cc,bin Cnere) "lCr~;;,~Jhen she s:\n8) DKY DOlES?, I hope she hc;sn1t chc~nGecl one iotc! H. ;AND CL-lDYCLi'lREi\LL'.: THILL! L LET l'lE REHHfD YC;U.o....You will be In the,cc_bin eccor&inc to your birth (~ete! If you c,renit in the cc.bin with coco best friend f~::'r,1 ycur h()r.~etot"n, don'.t b~ upset......MAYDE you ~Jill be in the s~'}:'.le tribe i'Jith hcr...,..,::~T,UWTJ\TE"yoli vi 11 rX.ke NEU FRIENDS c. t CC,C) ; ('.f,ld it', ~1C;:)l~J ~., n-:.ke Dueh difference to YOI.l .r~~tcr you set there .':'.nd [jet [."loved {ii"'~"nd L18et -the netv Girls! YC:UILL JUST L:::''VE ALL Y'=,Ul". CI,DINHATES! Stc..rt in the ,first .slcy by r:1ck.in[; .friends ~',n(' bcir:L; c,'Geed" '" < d t -" 1" I ." - , ~ ~ ..,... C . 'j~'-' ~ 1 1 1 1 .., .. " spon (',nr ~o cor;plc~mn2; c,nc.) GPp~n~:. ~:_ ~~. ~,;:;..jj _ i,~.;:J~~\. c>n~:_:yo~~::lL L)(;,yery )/1 " populr'.:l:' c,nCl loved by everyone! I LOJ'..;Y- .t:,.I~\'!Ld,j) T...' S.;~E111G Yl..:U T"Li1,LlE!c6)6Vt.1~ Natinual ~uiTh OOf'iaun WtarqtfS lIlnUeb t;tates of Amerira IDqiB rerlifieB 14al has creditably passed the ~ate is aw de a. Achievement this 19~6by Signed The Examination Compiled by John Mokrejs, Dean of Rules & Regulations: 1 , I 1 I' 1. Play the Great Harmonic Law Of Chord Progression in all major keys. Triads descending by a third with roots in the bass _ ~ C*A*F*D*B*G*E*C, and three notes in the right hand, keeping notes common to two chords in the same voices. 2. Recite the signatures of aU Minor Scales and tell the raised 7th in each scale: as -C minor, three flats, B natural; C sharp, four sharps, B sharp, ete. Play the 'c, A, D, and E minor scales Natural, Harmonic, and Melodic. 3. Sing the points of the inverted F major chord - C-F-A-C~ From C: C-F, C-A. C-Co From F: F-C, F-A, F-e:. From A: A-C, A-F, A-C~ From C: C.C, C-F, C-A, C- 4. Sing the inverted chord of F major - C-F-A-C: with points and passing notes. Use numbers, letters, or syllables. Ascending, 5-6-5, 5-6-7-1; 1,2-1, 1-2-3; 3-4-3, 3-4-5. Descending, 5-4-5, 5-4-3; 3-2-3, 3-2-1; 1-7-1, 1-7-6-5. 5. Sing the inverted F major points with appoggiaturas. Ascending with upper appoggiaturas; and-5, and-l, and-3, and-5. Descending with lower appogiaturas; and-5, and-3, and-l, and,S. 6. Recite the names of the scale degrees: Tonic, Supertonic, ete. Play the tonic triads in three positions through the circle of keys:- C, F,B flat, E flat, A flat, D flat, G flat; F sharp, B, E, A, D, G, C. Likewise play the supertonic triad through the circle of keys. Likewise play the sub dominant triad through the circle of keys. Likewise play the dominant triad through the circle of keys. Likewise play the leading tone triad through the circle of keys. 7. Be able to tell by ear each of the following pulse rhythms when each is played up and down five fingers repeatedly with a given stea dy beat. 1JfJJ1J ill n n. ffl n m J \Y 8. Be able to improvise simple songs or piano pieces in each of the following four ways: (Play only the root of each chord in the bass; or all over a drone bas I-V). 1. On chord 'tones only of two or more chords. 2. On chord tones and passing notes of two or more chords. 3. On chord tones and appoggiaturas of two or more chords. 4. With a mixture of the above three ways. 9. Be able to play' the 17 II 7' III7 IV 7 V 7 VI7 VII 7 chords in several easy keys, each chord in four positions, 10. FORM. What is a Figure? Motive? Phrase? Period? 11. MOTION. Tell the notes that go in Parallel Motion to the first three tones of any major or minor scale. Example: CDE? DEF? EF sharp G? FGA? Tell the notes that go in Contrary Motion. (In major and minor chords, the parallel notes of 1-2-3, are 3-4-5, and vice versa. The contrary notes of 1-2-3 are 3-2-1, and vice versa.) NOTE: Fpr clarification see the author's "The Right Way To Hear And Think Music", Lessons in Harmony and Natural Counter- point, or other books on the subject of harmony. Grade: % h,mi"'~'OO ~ /E ~. . SIgned: U. /eJ. ~4J ' ,uild Member Date 19_ COPYRIGHT 1955 BY NATIONAL GUILD OF PIANO TEACHERS ,-' -=--~ ~" 'Ip ! ,. L,.~. c USING THE' BOOK COIJLECflON As was said in the Introdunion. if you learn how It} me the card Gllalng, YOll ha\'t~ lhe key w eHecti'\\"t: i,hrary use. SUP!}iliC that you are a Civil \Var fan am! have le;;n;ed that a book hy John F. C. Fuller discum~s Gnm's <Juaiitit,~ as a general. 'lOll decide that if Cwhing has Fulkr\ book, you'd like l(~ cnar!{c it out and rcad it. J!()~', To Cfuzllr{fe Out a &ok ~--:!'crt"s how to ch'I'1{t.' out a book from our -library: Look up the book. in the card catalog- (on the second flo-or) under the author\. name. the title. or the subjen. ;.:-, Fill out a "Linrar)' Requl'st Slip" (~r:mT<illy known as a "ntll slip''). Ir,ivin/o{ rail !lumber ,ill!' gmup of nlllnl)('rs ill the \lpp{~r !eflhalld (onWI' 01 th.. cllal(lg card), <illthur\ nil me, title (If lhe book., and your name <llld addre~s. (Supplies nf ('all~!ips are found on vadous tOl hks throughoul llH~ library.) j. Takt. the slip in lhe Circulation desk (aho 'l!1 li.t' sl'(f)wl 1'1001') and hand il 10 an as- ';-;1<1111, who will hrillg you tll(' book hom dw , ;H'ks. 4. ~.\~n and rt;)turn to (he Clssistant the (.'ard~ in.. ~i Ie the IroOI ('mer of the book. On the slip in. ide ,h{: from ('(wcr the aSf>istant wi!h.t<!IllP Ih,- dine the book is due and give you lhe volume. Books hml tilt, Browsing- Collec~tion of fiction and books hom t1w displ:IY cases on the first and sewnd floors do not n~l!uire a {'all slip. Just take them 10 I he lI:':Ul'st Circulation !ksk on the first or second floor. md I !targe. them (>Lit by !ligning the cards and h;ld'1g- the hoob stamped 'with ,he date dlle iI a hook \011 wall! is ('hargcd out to mmebmly dse. YOll ilia\' a..k 10 ht' lIotil'it"(1 when it rotT!t's in. You will lx' asle,l !o fill 1)111 the post nml given It) Y"U 0I1Il! pay the l\oslagc for the card. YOl! may (ha..~(: out all the hooks )UU need, within l'(:a~on. A honk i, dlarg~d our t" )UU lor two w<::cks; yuu may I'cn<-w it lor <lm.ther t wo-w('{'k period if Jlobod" ds~ W,lllh it. You Way r('lH'W a hex)k by hrillRin~ if bad:. 10 tOe lihrary. wlwre it will be stamped for two w('('ks from : he day you renew il. Then' is a line of tl:n cents for each day if hc)uk j, OVl'I due. )1 YOll 'liSt' a hook, ,:ou will ht' ('harged hs re- plan::m('fH ((.sl plus a sm,aH h<fIHUinR lee. 4 The book~ and maln!al, in' Ih(' uni..enin' lihr,,!'v arc the prop<-rty of Ihe Si:att. of Texas; marking in them or tearillg' 0111 P"~('s wi!l,unj(.{t you 10 prost"nI. 'lion for ddacing Slate propnt). (l )OU ;lccidcntaHy damag-I\' il book. please replJrt such damage to the main Cin-u!;Hion desk, \\'!l{'n fhe library is not opl'n. books may he no'turned hy plluil1K them in [he book chute ;1( tiw left of .he main emranrc 10 the buildill({. TJu,? CtJ/r<1i C~fJ/JllBiog Sine:: the card GU;tIog is an index to eve!")' book in our libra;'y, !.}{'(<)!nin~ CXPtTt in its U;i(:' i~ a skill ever)' t;{~rious s!mh.'nt must ilHj!lire. If you karll to use the nil'll C':llalog skillfull). you can put the ('!Hil'(.' hook co!h'nio!l of Cushing Lihrary at ymlr disposaL Fir~t of all. (',)('11 hook i~ ll~t1all) lislCd 011 at (('asl lhl'('(.' carch---.li1 aillhm' (an! (t,r s('\'('!al ilmhor clnh if a be,nk ha~ mon' than Oil(' author). a tilk -ranI. and one or more 'UbjN'1 (':11'&., ,\H these canis are filed in IlK' (',lta!llg ill OIl(: hi~ alphabet; that is, ,lwre is no separate c<ltaJ(lR for antllOl'S, another for titles, and ~ third lor ~uhjt'ns Ikl'(.' is a ';;lJ/!ph- aUlhfli' ianl: -~ ,2d ~'l 1lI00i:llinr<. I :I'l ~1iL lallll 'W"" I I N1!!r. John Fre4erid; Cwku, 1878- 1'h~ t!~nern15hil' of r1;.".... S"Gl'lInt. I,,", IndilUln Unj".rsity 1'1'>>'" r lP48, :rn1, .n Po Pl'rt.. ""'l'l (tmrt (.I~" !\1fti'll!, ~tfmehd iiiI1rJw) .1llbllo;;rIli>b11'3l fcoll><ot.".. , , ~ 1. Gr~lIl. 111_ Sl""_ft. '''''''' V. fl.. 11/Z:!-I!I85, :to U. ~-!ll'I,-' ~ "~w~-o~~ en,. -. I L-_ --l This cud i~ fikd .tnlong t!w mher cards in all(' F's ill strict alphabetic orller, fir". ac('(mlin~ 10 the lOp lint.., awl, W!l('ll more !hall mH' 'Work 01 the ,HUlinI' is-reprt'~('llwd in ,he ('atalnlf,. hy I he seumd line. S;II1ilple file: FullawClY. David Timmins Fuller. Blair Full!.!'. John DOlIglal> Pill.. Fuller. John Fn'dri<-k {;klrl('s Dt"cj.;j Vc ha I tlt.s. Fuller. John Fn'l:lrick Charl('" TIlt: I{('n(:ra!ship ()f tlly~')clo S. GrilH Fuller. Ro:" Fulmer, John Leonard, etc. " "--.... '\, , ~-j- '~~ ~ 'I}> I I II r l ~, In If1/' upper ,kll It;lnd corner is l:ped th,,' ,'all Hu::uiPer oi the' bpok (ex:JLdnt'd h~ter-) 7 \'\"hich yOU nUb! cupy ;,(n\r;~lct'!v on your (';di ;;lip. On the I"in! Jine of tht' l)rlnred pc"rf~on pf t.'he {'jtr<I r.iHl1t,1' lb.e n~{rn~ of Ill<" ,pulli>!' ;lnd hi:, \1;;11", 'hhcn known (here onl" lhe d;J!~.' III his hir:h) , The ril!e of the ,.,.,;,.!.; lFl'giJl~ nil lht''it'cond lint'; lldli(( !lnt ;1 catalog, ,'ant c'Ipi- [tdi/es ordy dH- nr:H \\.'ord of ;~ tiiic, in' ,tnnUr6tst llt.a the uSUi,lway "f capiwii/ing lille~, Fllll{)win~ the title ;we the edition lllllnbcf. the pLlc1C: of puhlicHion, and printing or copyright date. -rlle edi.. lion st,ltenwm h especially important. tor )'0\.1 usually w;w\ W get lhe mo..l n,:n:111 \'t'nwn of a book. From ;h!..' line following the lit!e st;Hemen, and printing date you karn dwt the main portion of Fulkr's IX/ok has -i II pal{es, '.,'hidl ~m' pn:n:ded by ~~6 p;tge!; (the rom:Ui lHlme{ab) of in'lodm.tory malte!'. Fmthcr, lnore~ the bo.ok has 4' pOJ'!raic plans~ and nl~~p'l;~ lnd r:i ~?1 abdut H~<~ ,JH~'he~J high~"~ou ~~J.~?d lea'H th:ndw hook h on,.' of a series, (:alkd h~ "Civil \Vat Cemennial Series." Ol\ the line bdl\N, )'OU arc, aj~o told ~,hat d1C t-z;(!{)~. has footnot~.:,s ref'f." the reader to 0111\'1 "'ur1;.; CBihjio~raphiGd fOH. n[)H"~.') . ~rh(: lines 'near the l)ouJ.)Hl of our ~:Hnplt canl aYt~ very important. though otten ovt'rlookcd by I.hl' ,;rudenL They !ell you rhat this I.)1'JOk. i.s repTe;\;ent(~( by three other Clllis ill mn Gdalog-onc v'ntk~r GrJ.nt ;!D{)tner under the subject "United SI:Hcs-l'l\story:' ,md a t.hinl under tilt. lith:, Thi% record of ilH the (,ud'! in ,h,: ";d" i;; calkd tbe "tracing," KiHywing hmv 1.0 m,lk\' ~to{..d us... or (hI(: tracing is often ,he St:(H't (0- ~unbsful Wi(: of tht' card (',!taing. ......-.---.........--------.-.--.~""~',.._....,'...,.__.._-'....-----._-_.....---'~'''''''''I 'f.twi ~'6i:'M:~r'lll.lttifJ Q_'!': mY~!!ri"".!t s. J;'.tt\nt" ~1),:1J li'.r J<;b. F,,,,,"rid; C.....!!:!!.J8'1"!- rst..tic;~-..-:..J...."-'----_.--- ---.-'.------...-.-------, . ! '~lIin, tllcX"..s1lS SDl!'~, l'mn~i 1),S., I !1~~.::~ __~~!.~.:!~M~~~.~~~!..f!"!!::_._~_2:~:.:~It__>>>,_LY'Oeo_ ''''''',.... ! 11.$. - ruw;cr. Cl'fn!l""~ . t.:lll-w.ur.!m ~..!lI) I 1"'rs .."'1j f'nfkr. J~!!ft F\'~~ridt Ch.uil'$.. 16il- ?.~ms. Y9(:i)gl Th-e ~\.H"'h::hjp vf Cl~ S. (J"!1.~... ,~W.l r'$kw;"flG.~' h'l'. hl,tiiorij. i-ll'\'~itljIY P!elil"1IW5-ij~ u~l 4l.! i'. ~1.. Il)~$i~ ~,/IV't tt\~~..} PI!';:r&. :m a. {{1.HU ~tl) ~~n>;'ltl.u.li-,~) , , ! i L__ Hlt>;I~1P1il.;'tk..i ~......~ L__...._ \. Q:'>'\llt, t1f'l'!Y'lol ~h::l:~'tl."A.. h""" V.i. re., f,et. i~. t. u. n...~NIffl.~- (iw v.'s.r_Cl'i~t~ a~~ lMtkJ 1. 1\{l;6.. ,~) (\ \.,......./\~ 'l\'~'~'-HHif' {'a~d ~ c~iU~~ :f;,Y8.d !"~~,tt~}-...~.Jb.,h~t: f..~:(clt:. '>" Tlw body of;.!!! title and ,ubject c:m.L, i:> (he same as ilia l of lht' ;ltl!hor I art!; I h<: '\el" (()nsbt~ of "unit" caid~. ~rh~ ditT<:T{'fH'\~ i~\ th<H ih~: Libr:lry has ~ypt:d tht.~ ~ide ~;Lttt:nH:nt ~H <.,uhjet:r !H";H!ing aho\'c ti~t Iint~ h :n~! tT\ rr:liHt. ;tnd be (:~nh, ~~re .n~: t ide of :\ ~h~.~'\t' hr'ad.ing;-,. "fhu:? if './ou . ~ ~V\. the auU'I,oj', 00",;. )'~'tl W;uit (II n':"d i),,, "/"1)' ' . ".. ,.", ., ( \ '. I ' you c-'!,n find the bO;l,k under ,; ;Jllt: ,r 11, l(l'..mg n';~d F'Il!I'''', b(,rk' ", \(.,.<1 '111)(,1 bnuk~. ;d;.rHlt ~-- -", 'i'"l..I'. ~ j'OU '~VhP (-'r"I!I' ')'('.1,.-, . . ,";" ;md h;llde5 of the Civil ~ j ~ ~. .1~...:'>.jUl:. !ne carn~' )- \\".\" "0\' "'\" ,"".,,_ ,t ,an OIH bv nn.inf" lilt' sub,i,cn. ,.. "t.."'~ ..t il ,"U~.<11..([1 ~ M ne.admg', ,ls,ig-rll.'d " .In addi-;,:Jf1 to alHhof, titie"~ ;~nd t can..h~~ the Cci!aJ. f: cont~~in~~ rnan); f~ft're-nce "See'" ..der<,',c'l:' fiilnh Ctfr. used to din:ct yml fro:rn 3 -<;;,1,;;;,11 heading- which may have o(T\lrred ((, you to tlw one under which lh,~ books areiisted, For t:xamph.', i!' YO~l ~ave to wrile " pa,p;=: for Ph :,c~iGd t:;lw:;a.tEon on IllJIFW$ from spnrh. loo1i.m~' tllHkr Ihat nC.:l.dmg you INm find: ' r-..-'".-'-">'--".-----'---"-.-.---.-.-,.--.~-,."'"'------1 I I ,m.:ttitlES lril~! SPalT$ :!J{l'~ SMrrrs ..,. ,t..re:nn~Jrs MHl Iif..nJRIES , ./ "'..-......... l ) 1 \....... i ._"_,_'....__..-...............,,,.......~...........''''~._,,.,...'____.......,_,.-...~............'''''''~......_..............,..""'u..........."........f Tj.lming to SPOIlTS - ACUDEr-';TS i\l'm lNJU- R IE':;, YOt! wHi l'iml the canh I is! illg all ',KIT boo.ks on the su b((:ct, , "See abo" refercll(::e; are !l"eil 1.0 .!irf.:u )'01..\ to headings when' add.ition;jl or <lHied informatioll Ill<1Y be r,mm!. AI lhe t'Bel of ,ht: !ilrl{~ RfOHp 01 cln.h l.wd;:r AGIUCULTlIRAL EXTEf\.:S!ON ",VOR-K you wjll find: AG.l'?l,Ctl1,TU'R.U. U!\1'liS1G"toi l,10!\K S0~ a..J.;.H) liJ,ltTCU).l'mt~l, ruvc!nc:g t.ooll1', AGi'JC\J!.:TL"ll.H. N:.MS ['A."HERSI mS'ITrllJ'f;S TE!_Z.J510N .~ ~CP1CG1~~ ..~.......... C) i \ , L,.___.._,.__~__,____._.._...__,.,______.,___,_.__,_".,,-___.,__._.___, i\.f.t.u~y '~5te abo" ~'ards fiit~ld t.H','hind ~~, tong fii'e of t. c;..Lcd~l- ~~rc ~\_ )' (,,<I " (1; 5 ~~-'-~"""""'" " f Yon '-'nil liml rdt>reflce cards aIsu u&ed in ('Im- nei:tion with :1UdlOfS, orgaHitations" places, eH:. I I- I I j r-..--.'-..''-'-----'----..,-----...,---, , 'l't'llVfll"ttf l'kt~r'"tp p-Vl2\.\do ~Q.s VoolJ",>" Jo.'t>, !}l'~..:tdm~, 1'lO:l- ~~'.. P..:t~l"'~\lI.n'!; I'HZ4.'.l .vJ,.'1ii"~ t.,...._~^_ () L..._,_,..___~M""""_.._______....___........,____.._...__.__...,___..._"_,.~,~ Now some remark-:. [j,bo!lt a!rhabeti:dng, a sui). jcct which is (.xw:mdy (ompli.cated, especially ,.hn you have ;j Ilmnber of ~imilar emrks; L Jll il title bcgillnin!{ with A" All. iI, Tht' their efJlIlyaklHs ill fOfeig-o lang-uagf.."$, like Un a:'lG Le), th~ A, An. or 1'11(' i5 igTwred ami the card i:; Wed under the next wonl. I ! '1 2, The fXbir arrangement (>l' l.he c",ta!u~ h \'ifr.m\ by w'\n.l~ :llpbabeti/t'd letter hy kiter to the em! oj thc word. (Bool; World fi/.t.:, L.efore Hoof_binding; and the sequence is .VeIL' 'York, New Zfdlllld, and then Nr:wald and j\"'U'<1rk) :s, 'hlili<JL ('Orne hero\'(; words l,wginning with the ~amc Ie!!c). ("J;'-iST llljrJdulJfJk files before Aahhi.'-\', .7~Jleod{)re .) -1. /\bhreyi;Hinl1S file as if ~pd!e\l nut in fulL (Dr. as Donor, Sr. ;1\ SainL i.f,S, as l'nlJcd St.likS, and Me as f\fac.) 5, Personal names umll.' Defore HlIe~ beginning with the same won!. (That is. Adam, James, and ..\dam, \Vilii:nn. COllW heron: the Ilovd Adam tmd Euc hy John k~rskiile.) :\Ol{' rlUI 1ill~IY lon~ file, ul gt'll{-ra! subjn I lwad. info;' :Ill';m;mgcd hy filing rllt.' IleweSl bonks fir~t and (hen alphabt'ticdly by author for books published , the sallie ycar. If >ou get ilHO diffiC!ilty ming the catalog, aSK a librarian to help yuu. .!:.ha j in!, try to work it uut on j'nur OWlY: NOK'>Cr. 'jollr~df ;! probkm or two in looking up buoks in ihe GJt;Jlog. lhough you don\ have \0 read them. tit'n"s IlliC prohlem: ..\ m.lO nartK'1! Sir Don, ;dd Fr;,nK;~ T"\T~. ...:ro\(' a numher 01' ho-oks un mll:>ic. nJ~~.nv ~ H!t'1~ r~rd'\-CY do \,~f.~.,' h\~\'{<? tlo'tv rn;,tnv b ~, volumes of boob? Hut TITrey i, also ,he SUbjcCl of a biogTaphy caBed nmwld FlY/u(js Tog,,)'; !.l Biof-{- raph)' linsed 1m Ll'ttas. '\\'11.0 is the <Author of ,hi.. hiography? !~ there an alilho!' <arlit Are lher(~ hoth t~de <md suhject Gl.nb lor the bookt Thi! J.J'mc1!'lY !~J}jdmal SJ'idem If tht~ more than 1!lO,iiOO boob in the Ub.-ary WCl'e shdncu <It random. all of them would be ttl(i'l, to use, because noho,dy could find a panicular one. So libraries eruplD)' various ~}'slems !.(, keq) trade of their hooks, Our Jil:Kill-Y uses the newey Derinnl S)'su:rl1, in which ever)' work is pU! into one of r.eIi g{'m~raj fields, and e,H:11 ridd 1<; :J.s'\igned a blo.ck of 100 numbers. I-h'H' ;jre the fields and their rmm!ycl'S in the Dewey Dt"dmal Syslezn: {} l O-Og!l JOO,199 Gl~llera! works PhiJo;>ophy Relibrlon Sodal sdences Language 500-599 fi00-699 ]'00-799 ~mO,HY9 90(l.!)99 Pure sdence T eCf; llology The aHs Literature History 200-299 300..399 400.499 To pinpoint n.:mks mort:' pn:dsely, the numbers within cadl hlod, of 100 are lilled in. and !lumbers may also be addt't:l .after ;l dedmal point. On the catalog card. you nmt'd th..t the first line of the call number for Fuller's book Thr Gennalship of Ulysses s. nnmt is 973.73. Bookf. concerning the history" Nonh Amerinl have been assigned in the 970'5, -, It}, 973 !!;iven over to rh,e United States'l!> a naticJr', 97?\.7 to the Civil \Val', and 973,73 to parllcula\' ('~mp:Jigm and baHks in tn.;;t war. TIH~ second Ii ne of the call !1,Hll lY.';' of Fuller's book-F9f;\ig:!,-,may he (ailed the act!lOf 'lUmh/:r. .Each :wt/wr rqm.::;enH'd in our liJnry hilS lx'en ;j',- sigHed an amhor iH!i11lher, which (;f.\l:sis!s of the initial kUer of tiit' ,wlhor's surn:unt' ;tn,' .1 series of numhe,r;, (usually llire.:) th~t "how'\ WIH"C hi, name "lands in th~' alphabet in rdation tl) nt'l<I::f %'riters '(-\'hnse la~.t n;mws slart with the same '{'wn (Field, !or example. has !-X;'t,'n assigned F153, F;elding F45:1, and Fyfe F99Ti. Finally, the author number for any panicular book will emt' with a. small k~Her that IS the ',ame ,lh :.lW fil~t letwr of the bt'g-im,illl!; word (not an artiek) ~\l the tide 01 thill, l}/}olc "-!It: g alln Pllil; on Fuikr\ b:'pl\ ,tamb; 1(>1' (;c:/(Tn!,l ill (not (;lIw/) alld lhe ::' sig.,.ifies th;~ second editii;!1 of the work. C Ollr libr"ry has mnlified the Dewey sy\tcm :n its hlIwllinf.i of fiction. (or which the call unmber is simp>:, F (for licdfHl.l Idlnwed on the serond line by the nmlt' of the author, Murder mYs1.('ries are lellen~d lid ml'! science fiction S. For these dasse~ of book~ it is H'ry important illal you put the title 011 'the call slip, Individilal hiogrJphy i, ,-Iho sirnp!iiied: the top lim: of th,' call iJ,!!nber is ju"t it (lor biography) v,:ith the second lilH' tHa~k or till' initial 01 lht~ " tJct'\{)n l..ic'?"ll.li:n. ~\~)~HL1, ~_H~ , ,."''' 1#'" j) , i I , i II I, l ~~ ~ ~ -~ ff ~ r- I \\. \/ "', the ;Jlplulwl. and lillall;, d ,mall letter for tll(~ int!i:d of ll.e aU:!l11r. For e.;ampk H i, the nlil l1umix;r for U. S. Grrmi Ci!):k.l 11m] I fl<' A !/InjuHI .\1: 111m}' Tmdit irm, a biography of GI";WI by Bruce Calton, '1'1H.~ Call SUp These (let,lih al.xmt how ix)ou are classified have heel! given hI you lor a purpose: Because our $tacv..s are tTowded, undergraduate stuuents are not ,,!lowed to go irlln dwm; hcnc(':, since the <:aH namber is the kt~Y to wht:re ;l bnok is !m:alcd in the 5tack3, it i!; necessary for you 10 ropy ,he call numher accurl:udy on the oil I slip. or you're likely to ,vas;:!:' time and steps for both YOli ami the library assi:;t;.mt. At the rig-hI i~ a call ~hp fiUed out for FuBer's Till' (;e;wYt/[sluP of l.' ,,",us S. Grat/t. A" ha~ !l<,,:ell s,lid lx'fore. ;;.ftl'r you have l:mnded thi~i sIif) in al lilt' (;inubtion de~k. an a~s::ililm will lorate the hook ill the st,ll'ks and brin~ it to you. Gradtute ~Hl"h-lltil and fatully tnemix~n; have aC{cs~, 10 the stacks (Iud rnay ah;o rtserv(~ on a seme5ter h;sis the air-('OilditioHi-'d..wdy carrels on the sixth. ~('vellth and t:ighth it'';('b; and in lhe ha"'!lH'nt. rh." Circulation l)l'panmeni ,H Ill... s<.'fom! Hoot' desk j, ft'sp<m!>ible fftr ?;i-ring stark pt;nlli.~sion ;wd a~slg!lmK carrels. " '-. -..-------------'..-\ ll~l":'iil>RA.RV ~nE8T f!ilt.JlP ~..i!ALi:_rrrr;iliiiD~~t~~ Nf4;;" '11J.13 ">I"' if" L, ,,2. ,..~~_~~~~~_~l_j_.____._____. A~~<< ;,1l'.J ~o'N\llit.m. ~ ~tMem i,1~~.MWI ~ !':.l,rr~- :t~ . _J::J,Ij~lt!! ~1_~'f:.-L:,-'"..- "..' 'fli.\;< , ~rk~__J,:t~~,~&l~"iff,L .. , f' \1'.. ^""'~, 1 . __.o...'1:"_,_,""",l_~-",,,,-~__.M,""'" ,.,-"-,,, I_..G.';!' ~~t..._,______.._--,,___ Na.II\1" ,.~~~'lt:"_~it~~QU..- M~il "tt"nlYj; 1\-'i:).....~~..iJ:_CL-__- {:o..<~ .M: ./'~ ~n, t~ih:~'StatOO"fI~ W-~dt..v WM~$* ____._~--a.=uo ,_.._---------,------,--,.,__.__1 'iJ ~S-'IN.G ~. " , . ~ i '- ,-- "..... -...... TilE IU)R1F.ODiC fH ,; lili~l. . 11 J}UJ C!\ f f '~"~f[{11 '~N" ltJILJ.lll! L l i lh Cushing Library ,llone :mbsnibes to :umo or so periodicals. and the five branch lihraries to about t~,500 more. ("Periodical" is tilt: specific narne for a rnagazine, bt'Gwse such ~1 pub!iGHion appears at ddi- nit\; periods-- wl','kh. m(illlhly. elL) Current ami unhnund issues of aIm"..! aU lhe magalines in Cushing ! .ibrary are imllld .1\ O,K 01 fi\'c Illations. Gt.:ncral :md popuLn m,lg-.lfinn, like Ihe Atlantic, the Nr'w f' orker, and SjJOi!.l ill (/~lf!lil:d, are plan:d in protective ((wen, in a mag-niul:' rack ill the first floor lobby.' A kw magalincs,-J .iff'. ],ook, N~'l;!:!1J.'eek, the Sa turday r~lI('ning f'i!sl and (i.S. XeH'S and "j,t'01'ld. i~epori--nW5l: he cht:fk.ed Ollt from tll<' Reserve Desk. In the Rt$erve Room. at !II(' rear, may i){~ found the educational and psydwiogy periodicals. 'The fourth station, also on the first flo'llr, i~ dw S,,..ia,l S,ieno,"- and Humanities Periodical RO<llll. On lhe thinl floor is the Periodical Koom for PUll' and ,\ppli{;d Science:>. In tit.;' 'Educ<'l- tion Reading Room the pu'indica!:; are shdw:d :llpha- belically around thew.db, when:;;.'> t.he llt:riodic..b in the Snrial SciJ,:nct's and t'f.llllunitks and in lIw Purt;': and ADplkd ,o..;cienp:s Ri.:atl,in(-~ Rooms arc shdv('d a!phab~:licdh withill dH'ir lid('b--aslronomy. hiology. (:Ionmnil's. li{i'!'awn:, l'hy~,ih, ell. In "n these rnoms, the STudent -tiH.'n:Jy ldck", up the (Opy of the Hl.tg~~liu!.: lw wi~llC' to 1<';;1,1. i;\;,!:'; il to ,\ ,;lb\(;. allli bq.;in, H'iHI- fU" d{\'--t':,;r~'l .f,t nut. ~o On:asionaHy '1, student has to rf':id am! take notes on arlidt.~, in bound back files of mag;,uine;, eilpedal!y when Kw'is writing a term papeL How To Chru"/J€ Ouff a Periodit'a.l, Ht're are the S{t'ps In take in dlarging out ;\ back issue of a pt~riodk:il. 1. t.lsinR the Rt'!ulers' Guide (in the Gener;!.l Reference Room) or some other periodical index. find intO title nf tilt: anid,t.' you want. Mak(' a note of the name of tlw ma~alinc it"" .in. amI the volume and date nf the m~r.nine. Z. Get tne call nm:nl'Cl' nf ,tit' magaline fl'mn the folder whkh list, the HOtllH:!i ami call numb('r~ of the pniodiral" indexed in Headers' (;fiirl<' and suhH'rilx:d to by our library, (Thi>; folder is. on the sbelf with tit<: (;rlidr.) 3, Fill out a call slip, ~;iving the call number, tide 01 the magaline, volume number, ami ,bIt', Put, your l"wme ami :Hldre';s on the ,al! sHp. 'I. (~iv(: liw nil! ~l.ip to .m :ls~jstam at the CiruJ1" l<ll ion link, whll will hring 711U the bound volume from lilt:' "tad(~< 'f I. 'j :,kl. lL. '. dllrtH' :0 ,q~~, tC~HLng rLOn~ ~~nd n....". il tht'!;.. !ltllininp ;\ II; tit{> (:jrcHi~dion dc~k. WIlt'li :,)\! ;\H' lhroug~l wilh it. l'lt-a:\t' he I (';p;"n;l hit' ;11)0\1'. I he IwmlxT of h(,Hnd ",!it;l!., you i.'qU",1 ;n "pc limc--llnl more !h;;n \ ;'vo of;.hrec. You can ;dv\';\ys (;'0 b~u'k to the desk fot 1nOor(' ('opies ;lfl~T )ou\'t lU_;~H:d in the Ont~:i you\c u:(lng, Periodicals. vdH'ther bound or l,\nlxl-uml. may nN be charged out for me outside the l;l)fary by limb;. graduale~, ;dd1OUgh fa(uhy members ;1Jnd ~raduat: "-lmlenl~ ma)' char~:; nUl hound ':OpiClii 1.'ln not sin@;k copie?j, of back i','lIes. 11 you un OUI a picture, a page, ':f Ii "",tolc ..mkle, you're ruining thaI mai{a..dllc jor whoo:'.'cr ds.e wants w read the "nide, Beside, that, you ;;,re violating ;; Slat<: law ,llld art' !illhje~'t to pros.::eUl:.iOh Periodical lmiexrf!s Suppose that for a course in American ti~w'ry you.ve been assignni a term paper and h;!vc de<.id~:! to di~cu% some of the lJier50nal narrativt'S '\i\Tit1en 'ahout the Civil War. (It.s not the purpose of ,1\ I!; h~11llIJx)ok to teE you whether you'n: pic'kcd a f{lXF! subjett or to show yon how to narrow it to something definite,) Although you should not neglen ~oinR to tlw canl Gl!;dog to see whether the library has auy t';ooks on your subjeu., most telm pape,,, ;)Ire br.:ised on magal.inc ;lrtidc:i. , Sometimes, hm-1l(~ve:r, students over. (n.ok such mailTial t",>cHl5e they don't k.now hu,!,! W go "bout 1(,'{;1ti!lj{ it. Lilllarics prc~u \t' back j,.>u"s of pc:rimlkals. Gita. hAing'" bim!inh' a,nd shdving them as ca,dully as dwy do books l:>\h bound paiodical our library ~i!lb~nib(:s to i'l )<h"1! it~ appropriate call number in lilt: Dewey "YSU'Ill, (Amniu/li Heritage, a mag,llilll' Ill;,l d~:ab with .\rnt.ric;!l! hi~wf!, c2rries the call lluml:x~r 97~.Ofj-J\l1d JUS! as the (ard r;ttalog is an A,!)';~ index to lh(~ :'){lok~; m a libnry, :;u there :H't' ind('xe~ thaI will hel}" you locale ;trtide, in mag,llines, in your first yt'(J/' in colleg-e yon oug-ht to hecome thor- Dug-hly hm.H~\r with an index you've prohably already used ill hi(!,h hehe-oJ-rhe Readus' Guide to Periodical {,itaallli't. uSll;dly c;d!edjlh! the R('adcl'.\' Gllid(" RNdns' (;II/di',which IOmes nut in 'imall papel' hound ,.>weo.; nd" ;1 month rniBl September through lUll'.' !lIi! onct' ;t month during the summer, iis~s ;',,:\g;l in!' arii{+es by i"pil and b; author, and O{'GJ.' simdJy by ,idl:-,in on/' ,\lphabt,{, just as the (2rd GI""ug doe" 1'0 mah' the (;lIirl~- t=asier to use, every cLvple 01 rn(tOdl'i the qn~~n \'o1urncs art~ It(cuoH.darcdH:,. !f,.~! i" lilt" s\'mi'inontldy or monthly is,,tlf:'~ ;tn: re. \,r::ini1f.'d ;lIld put illlo (,IH' aiph;,ry~t :md Tmhlished ~und j~",ti;e \.:hich Ljke~~ the p~a{-e of the J !,l'( \'lUll' "~H~'", I "lie ,; :('.[1 Ill<' I"'l"'l lJ"llnd ,tUllll' Lit he i'~\le" art' 1(',-"",1('\1 Hil" "lit' .dph;d:wt ,wd !Jlil.;. lislwl! in ,me h;Il'd,bHmd ;\\IW, ;Hld I,", e1: H\C \!.'i' 111(' <l.llmuJ i'SIH'S an'daubill('d. In vmrbng 011 d pmbkm "dtll H,'ad"n' (;uidl'. dOll'!. ~lnp Wilh rOH:llldnK jml om: of tiw bound volumes of lhe Cllid!', hut look through lhe nxcnt paper.hound h;liue~.,hH suppo~;(:' that for your term paper on penona! 'l<1n"dves of the Civil \oVa; yo!.! happened to be usinX the volume for M,ll'ch, ! 055, hI february, 1957, and \"vc looked under [he headinR "CIVIL war"; here ou are wid to set' "Unile~l Atatt's--Hilito:ry--Civil 1'ilr." Turnin@; to "UN1TH) STATES" you will fin: ~~ large mlinlwr of pages Ihl,o ill)!; ilIrlidC'!l conn:ming the United Sralt'$, Bu! what, help you is that thert are subheads. like "(:lim~tI:." "E(u,w,nllic Cnmli~i'HI~; "r-.farine Curps," etc. <AI'. r;Hlil;eu alphiibt.tindly, ,.;. main head h primed in full c,\pi,al!> ;md set flu,.) with lhe leflhand m~rKil1. wlwreas subheads are cCH.e:n:d ami are not in lull ('apit:~b.) y..~t ev~n urn,'\" "UNn'ED ST.-\TES- History" there are three P'\\i:~ of anIde$, ~o ;) {uniteI' bre;lkdov;'!1 15 employed, w:" ilaiidzt'l headings hh "Co{.mia! period," arrange! in oruer of dnH:: ami then: is even <it specific headil'{ under "Cl"il'0/;;r" for your tnpk: "Ci"il wa1,-P""I'flal '!{UTIli/vt;::." .Bdow hi dw list of emri(:s under !.is subhead: VN S Tf:n STATf.S"- Ii \~O<Y -- co:n,irm.N ~ ~;ivi.l ~;V0" ....." P'-1"fi'$()fUJ ~iarrt'fI[t;""~$ ~Jl!r;d 'l1f M:aY.'Yl::'s U",igbtJl, C B, Gooh'i.d;. ii C3,Oll<:1 41; 1 !ii "~ Ja '57 t.:gend {l.f dw Sm.ll.h. C. B, U~l)v." il Am Heritage 7:r,2.~ + }r. .',1; Major ~illph~1 ], Mo~~ ~I' (;~"'gi..; t.:knI01!S from iJ!~ ;wluhio!\,J?pky, C~lnHi)frHa1!j: 19:~}2Zw40 Jt.. ".~l:> Three p::.tn ...i!,h t;r:hl!; e",{.,trp'.~, t~l. 1>.,. B. 1', Tho!!!;.!, '\, Cad.vallder. il Am 1:[erilliRt 5:M,93 () ....:;; r:i!\c.u'.',ion. 7; 100, II ,It~ 't;6 Hnw can ytm be~iil to .iudl~e hon ,beM' bare lis/- ings ,....hich 3l:'ddes might be 'WHrt'l l'M>king int(.~? Let's investiFf<w: the information K;.'{'!l for the hut item: Ihree 'ie;us with Grant = tlw tide of 'he ~rlick e;(!:,rpl\. nL hy n. P. '1'hmna'i ::;:c a :>'t,enion of writing'!; cdiLed, or (ho:;1.:1I by I.h, T1Hftl,1;15 S. Cadwallader ("ho~;en the aUlhol of the ~,';ertiom 11 :::,:; i!Jmtratcd Am. H:t'lit;!ge :::::: Ameliuw f1,&'itll.l~:e, ihe n"m,: of tht: mai:~al.;IlC i}:fi:)~~l~; =:.:: the \IOh!HH~ nurntct ani.( the- p~~~,e ~HHnf}(:rs.< (H.f~~rH::r:<d)t~L the \'Oh(Yh~~ t'h~tf'JYt:t (.d ~.hc . :~. - ---' '.)>, "oJ' I I I II II I II I I I I I L I i ' I! ! I 4 1 : i i j mag-.li7.inc l:!Jme3 lx,fon;' the ,~olnn.a,nd !ht paiIiC fw.mber after.) {} '55 = October" }955. the daH.:\ot the m.a~lim~ Digcu$$\on. 7:lOfi.1\ A~ '56 ::-:: a disn..lss~ofl of the aHide will lw found Oil IMj{t~S 106-11 01 volurre 7 for Au~U:;l, lY5fi. (This laM hit of inl'mmatkn n~ay be ~1 due w till: value of the piece for YOIII' p:1per.) This ,u.;t!ide also ha!i an :!iIudwf' -entry, und.er dr~!:' C'lI: CAD~' AU..h.n~fi(., ~,h$!liI3 ThR'e 'fr;,u,> with Glr.IlIt; ~J:tcerpl1.. cd. \,., l!1. 1'. Tnom;:MI. AI" B~fita~e ft:~.9'5 0 5~ Und.;:r Thom;Al., the etlitor. there is an entry wHng you to ":>ee Cadwallaikr." Bii! !V>ure to chccFl; the from of tbe' I\101'o.l1:l\l$ of }{eader.$' Guide" $0 that you'l! nooentaoo ;h(', ab- brevi"l.ions du: Guide UM.'t.. And when 'Y(f~ work with lonk headhlg5, it'~ important h') foUOWlUP C.0$5 .t . or ) i J;t do ~..J p~lerelll~et\, ("!>pt:daHy h you are to." to aee'" . From the Readt"Tj' Guide you must rap! ,)In a Cii.l.U dip certain essendal information: ~al~e ~ :n:gwzin,e. volume, and date. (For your own mwn1',"lt~).} ~u, d better .nake a note of {hit author (,f d:w ~rllde, title, i<lnd pages.) Then from th~ folder "r:n~rro near ~hc G.~ide, you must J;et. (fie call mlmhe1't.lt .he maW!1.lne :.md copy it on your call ~lip. ' --......., -_...........~...-----_.....'" ~ umu!!tw :!lt~~,n !1!Uil' I cAi:i::-:"luMBiil'f'&&t~1 "lJ.O"fi itS 1 ~l____ --_......-~~Ift.t/JI!IIkl~....~~ A~rU~t t: ' t\ --..Y-Jil Lk.tJ.~dh.be.rtl-'-rl l'ltl ;_ tA~~'U~.~~~~1 . , ; )>i;;;~_.--:-------- ""0) oJ.. ~ -,~'t...k._.l'::i: :M&l!l ~I'-'~.a-:(. ~__ ~~:'II".J~ F"-""'Itw &><d_~ I "''''''''"'''''''----j "-..~----_..__. -rake to-t: call slip to the 1ibr.u-y aliilistam at the Ci!'cuhnion desk. The assistant will bring yoo. '" brJw~d voh.ll11c. but \)(,C'd!iional!y you may be told th..." ;1 panin.a~a=- issue i:l flot ~!\'ai!ab!e OecaufOe it's $It )-;1!:: bindery. "'... ."l_~' - ~., .:... """-,..~~~,_..&~_o.':!'Io....~_.:.n.;.~._~. "::','-:.. .-:-:?~'::'""" , . The "'&,r.'<ln~ed student. howcvtt. ne(.-tl5 to know about many more indt~l(inp;' resource!! trtan {h~ Read. ers' Guide. For the Guid~, vahw,bie as it is in imlex- ing about one hundred and u:-n pedodkaJs, confines ineH to the mote popular, or gener.,)l magazines, like 1.ite, Ti1rH', and Hllrpn'J. For profcssionai articles in fields such as awkuhure lI,nd eng.-irwerin!1;, you will have to consult work.$ like the !f,~l.icultumJ b:de-x, the Engi1let7rin~ Indt:;'(, BUJiness Period-inlls Imiex, ApPlied Sciet;a and Tulmolugy Inde....'. :md the Ed.u.. cation Index. ('TIle veterinary studmt. will, Hfld necessary both the Index MediC/is ;md (he Inde~ p~g. erinilrius, ",hid, are in the Veter1nary Lihr,ary.) Ami the lnteniotio$\ll Irldex, de\'mw chi~ny to the hUe manitic1\ and tile sciences. pwvidt:s an inde:IC. to a ~eJt~cted H~t of }ocriodkah p.,lbHshf..-d ih.oughout the world, in :tnglis;~ and in other languages. B;'iskaUy these indexes an org--.mized like the .Readers' Guide, though they din,!" in important uel.aih. SQ if you learn how w !laHUe the Rt'(l,ders' Guid,: whh t~a.$t\ you'll be much hewer prepal'td to deal with the spt.'eial iudexe$ ,in your fie,\l. lira ul;inR ttie-~ \pedai indexeiiyt)u win also find it neo:euary to con1i~ it the c~rd C,Ha~()g for peri>Odk:a.l~ (more formally c:<lll~d the "Perkl(lka~ holding' Kist") . This file. lo<:ated I'le:u' the Reaar.-f"$' Cui~~ in t~ Rde:rencc Room, hIts every periodk~l taklffl by our Hbrary. in comra~t '0 the folder in the Reference Room, whkh gives an number:; orlly fOf magaliM~ indexed in the Guu~,. The hohHng lis:. made up or Gu"d$, the ~me $ilt~ ;$ those an the general ~tdl{Y6' provide y{',.u not (,nl: whh the caB number of die periodical yoo ~u.e iloldng fOf, bat aho tells yo~ what our "hG~dinl;8" are; that is. it tdh you whether any ....oJumel or l,art:. ~re mi~ing. Rt~iow ill the card for Arru~ricGYe 1f..:rita/f,"S: 'j I ,1 , t " 1,._ J '\ ~ '" ~ oj I it :; ~ .~ J '..' ..I 'Ii 'j{ :~ . ~ I - ..----...------...---......._.~~. 4''''' ......._ .------, 97'.00 J..512 .~1.'~ !:llw11A,1'!', l"l j01.ll'l:l&\1 of' Ctll!UIMltQ hbt.ory. ". 1- JIll'l. l~~~ ~ !l!.iuil'ilZ* ", ".1.17,,1\. v.2.f${1(<lItt) o '-.._----_.~-_..----- Like the general l:ataHCJ.'i) for boolu, the holdings libt :.!bo conta.im refe.nenL"e ca.ro!(. t~!ling you to "$C~~." Everyone adive in the field in which a goven,. mE1H, depairtmt"nt or bureau (e.g., the Departmem of .J\gricuhure ('fl' the National Bureau of Standl.lrd~) it d()ing work, should familiarize him~df with the Mm,thly Catalog. V. S. (;wnnmcnt Publications, .,nd its iB'\'ahmble annual index. Ancl l)of c{)ur~. for 9 . .:; r!~:"i:.;',~' ~-'-. 1:'- 1---' , t~, ~~,- -- ~ -> '~":~3'" ' "... .'. .."~"';:.:";"..:::':~~---~-,~ ,.. :....;.~ .;..'~~-~- ' ','. ".. l 1 I I I ! ! j 1 \........... ~ p.inp<jliming what has gone on in the world, there is the New York Tim('s index, in yearly and mouthly illSl.lt.'S, which nuefuUy indexes every i!i$ue of the New York Time.,. Factual questions. particularly the problem, of establishing' specific d.u~, ar~ often answered hy the Times index h:JcH. These indexes! are shelved in the Reference RO'.>m. In addition to the special indexe5 there also exist a munbe. of ab~tract series, like Biologicl'tl A bstrar.t.s. Chemical Abstracts, and Science Abstract.~, wMch be. sides merely listing artides and boolr.5 give brief and valuable summarie-.: of fhch' fOntents. lkcofne b. mHiar with thrn;ein yom- field. for these books arc primary tools in iibrary rc~ardl Finany fam.iliari:l:c yourself 'vith tbe periodicals in your neld. Learn what they jook tike and how often the llHH'C promineflt Ol1t~ art published. VVhkh ~re the mare prominent Otlelit flow does the t:;haractcr of t~e advertising give YOll a due to the standing of the ),:lurnal? How thoroughly A!l t~:.tch one illd('ll:ed? Que~tiom like U1e;J.e make you aware of the brood r-.mgl~ of literature :in you.!' profeli5io:J, lJSING REFERENC~ BOOU Reference books, which b:riillg t~'t':cller ~scu. from a number of sources and arr.m~~ L'l,em for co,~venient U$€, are intended 1.0 be consulted for ddinit.e bits of 1nronnadon l-:::ther than for being rcad dear through. TheJ,c fact b1MllB-::.'i include general works like ~he Ency. clopedia Britarrmicli and year books such a1\ the Britan. nica Book of the X'ear and the World! .",lm~n(!(, whicb bring ill,: clJlcydopedia" up W date, Then th{.'.l(t':' ;;are ref{-,rence works like tlu: E1!c")!dofredia of Reli1;rifm <<i'1a Ethic.,>. G~nv,::,'e> ,Dictionary of Music <'&na Mu,1icitms" and the dght-volume The Scientt of PetrfJleum, whkb restrict their fact'!. to p.arl:kular fields. 1lki,'l'aphkal volumes Bike Who'.\' Who and tht: Dictionary of Amer- im?! Biography tell ;about In\poriant p:."Opie, Agahl, thert~ are specialized biogl!'a.phkal wot'b. !lite tni?' Diyect;;;ry 6;f American Scholars; Who'!! ~Vho in EJlgi- neering, ;And Amrrinli'! .\!f'n of Sciem:e. Another u~e., itl! type of reference book is the kind that prm'idet, tH!I'!$ua! ucts. like famous First R~'!cis ;in&: Americ.a~ Nil,;knameJ. An.d of cr:mne the h]dexe", and al)il;tr;lhc~s mentioned in the previous section should be included among the ref(~rence books; they're a kind that do nm give the fans direct.ly, hut t<:II you where to go 10 look fOl. them. Dictionaries, t<.."\<:). are found in the rden~r;.;:;e roGm: indeed, they form", prominept p,nt of the collection. In additi.on to the unabridged dictionatk"S p"ac~d on the study tahles, you win see on the W:r.dAlt the gneat 1.lew English DiaioTlal'Y, in ,'weniy-one large parts. at; weB as its four-volume American counterp~ll..t, the Dictionary at, American English. Ik-sides thee, ~here are foreign language dictionaries, $ome of ,,;!hid~ are lip(~dali:l:ed, like the Gemwo-EngHsh dicdonaries for sdentHic terms. and then ofcour~e )'OU can find slang dkliolllaries like Herrey and Van den Bark's thn.eric.fm 1.'!u:SfJlU'l)S of Slang. Bv means of its bu!,;im:'lis direuories lilnd ~t5 col- lectiol:; of tdepiione directories the Rderci1(:t; Room can, help you find the names and add)l"~ of the oHicer$ or va rio,,,, companies. A.m.!. WhClll'yotl need ~n apt quotation for 3. speech or are puzzled hy a Et~:n.r}' allusion then: are aids like Bar! leu's Familial' QUO&{~" lions ;md the Oxford. Comj.nmionJ, Oine for EngH$h w - i ~;> _-J --'^~.", }iter.mAre ::inn one for A,YM':.'i"iQI1. On :nt behind ~hit' Rden::il<:e desk in what h aHd Ii """.rtical me" i~ :it large (\}nectkt.'l of tmcat.alo~rl ma e'rid. chiefly pamphleu, .m waraow rmbjCCtll lite diHehl1.t vr..catiOH$, reo<eation. e'c. Very nften wherl YCiU ha\\~ \::xhau;~{(''11 the ultual reftrence r!CSO'M~Ct'>l Oil'/: of lhe Hq~lt!'!:ii.ns Gin help you with & n:<<er~r~oe l,wbiem by ~ing to ~his vertical me. In the Rcl\~tenc.e Room the OQok$ fW: plao;:d around the walh 'm open t'hdvtli. acwrdil1r to the Dewey Dedn~( System, though oertl'Jin Ulquemly consult~.J boob a:,~ llhdved behind lheW,'ar.ian's des.k., Look over dE reiett'nc:e collection, 1.0 S'~ wh..lt books are in it. The:e volmneJ, whkh are al. !i!l.led in !,!1e card catalog, wit'.~ the elll numher prcce1eQ by an R (for Refcrem,e), ,10 nO! go Olll for horn use; however. if the {~,I_"log il\dirates thai the libral'i has :.;, sen)na or an ollkr cOl'" of ;~ bool", du!. copy:nay he charged ou~.- . L'f,,!nling to USf: r.he Rdere'(e R.oom cHi.ciemly;:; larg;dy Ii ma.tter of practiCt~. As 1.\~ bt:e!i i>aid befon fi;-st of aU look over dw shelves. J-hw many genera, encyclopedias do we ha"'~ he!tidt"5 \he ihitamlica? Are there any other sped;lJized ,"Tho'! V\!h, b{Joks b(>5ide~ r4"ho'$ Who in Engineering? Tr,~n tr.y , few simple problerns,; How m.auy honorary !jq~rec1i .let ij.,!crben H'oovcr have? (See Who's ~Vho, first loo\!,L... U') (hebo!)k in the c;ml catallC,4J, to get the caB numb.., ~ .What w.t~ t..~e auendance a.t the last World\ Selfie:.., (Look. in the Wrn-ld Alnum(lc., latest edition,) At firsi you'll probably call en the reierence librarians for a lot of help, but g-raduaBy ,,:s you gain confidence, you'll do almost :111 of your tcler<ence work yourself. Liberal Arts 1H 1. a one-credit-hour course that meers for two labvrawi"Y periods :l week. pl..c~ em- phasis on specialized rd("l'cncf, tool~. TIle course b desig-{led to develop in lIwdent5 skills in [he use of la>r<uy resOlH'CCS at the upper level. Prerequisitoes atle junior dassiGcat.ir..m and cmnplelion of the ~.oplwmM'" English p,wgr::l,m in one's (;urriculilm. ~r:.<b' ,_.,~~~; ~~ .,y 'f'" , ''tjf,Y'::~~ .' ~:?. ,~J~t .ti~', .j1;:;~i.' ",,,,I., .;.,: :>t.H ....';.fr.:.:,....~ ,.1~ <. 6' "of'. e ~.,.,-...._,~-;;:;;.,-..;...';.:~.,._'- t.~ ,i~ '~1 >..!!i r.:~ r I"" ~~~ ~ ~!: j:. l~l tr;~~ '-:.' ~,; <!'~ l: ~~_#: ~ ~::: 1 ".; h ~.:. f~ ~"\ ,~. "" '~'l!,~':"" .' '.itj \t -,;'.,0 4< 1 f' If, ~ II,',,',.,,'; '~~...; '~ . " 1'.:\1 .' ...., ?;;- :,'''''; ,',','~"',ifj, ;w..~ ~,,',','",,::,; ~" ' 'lit" \.';;'.'. : , 1 ~'," ~-'-'- (,.; '\ * 1-, ~~ ~ , ',. ~"{ I, I i I ! I ~ '~ 'J'.f~{rJ'; i'l ~I~\l ;; 4. ~ \i;_''t P~A}!C.r ;-.1[' l:b.~a:fY 1 he ',\" hc~h: ~,d'}r~.t ry if} 'iN(-.~r'k ft,)!, the ~:~"eic:"}"'nte }( C~--U2'n wh~.':n /t bH)}' ;" ~.~ ,,_'~Ut~c{~un t}-{ ~~i.~tho't's\. ~;(d~TH:>~';' a (t.('; ~",;.~ 1, ~ !J;~:,t." i:'/i ~Jl i ,t1H:;:h p'-:.::r~ i,'~H'nr ~Jai~L {~$ t~f,,'uk'~~ \~":rd'i,.'{(..-i., ~~nd ~~dh[:r. ltCiJ S-g.}tr:ri;d l~n a '?:'\lU v-~'~H ;~;'t\"f' n-:~c'U (}-t ~) y:d:f'n~~~",'~~r Y;C~\l h:p.'i,~' tH~<"~~, ;~ : {:frn :!H.'r.ne (Yl !\,,-~,~'~'ir'(, q1,"" ;n:t: t-,t:~;~ir,}~ ~t~H' ,;'in ,~" tl;!t5.H Of di,~~;~_'..'r.a{~nn. -f, },~).' nn>.i hib1 ;~1,t di;.!~ 'ld ~,l{ ti rk~ t.' ~ r~'(z:' S.t~Ul'('\"~ Et.-o,::: ~,v~lif.'h }'('~t! n.a~/...:' d~"~J.~""' n \'H~;'r !,~ jy,('u:.;:..;io~'i ~i nd ;.;.:i ~hqti': ~I{)\;' '+<~t~ ;1:lY,{' ~._~h'cr(,:d :..hor~ n~~.':~' ., 1,:"d~n ~'jo'jth thz: n:h'r"' erH'f:~ ,t... ~,.:f~'~PCL : I d.f~~ '!hYtV~,;t r.:J t~1' ! Or: 'V~1i:f~;J~.ty i;:; -..'C>;~ rf'fnark~. nl th is Sx'.cd, ~~1 1.1: {h C' I-LnH.lh~...:)~;,: htj<y~,;~"vf."r! ~.J~': ~Ar(' C::,H;f\:rn~::.ntt~,'i~f~ vi.~h;'1t 1'~ rr?~~_Jtlt.~:':r~:y t';?l~(-~~ ~hl,; ;'ritu..~:?'V 'Or !".rUtf-~,-1"Jg f)!b.l th::. ~tg,~ o~ rU~:~';f:r::~'ds \.\;:h;~'h \fOU ~"""L': t'~I~H.t, .(~r t''tni..W:: ~(} t'~::Jd~ ;;,nd G-d"c n.,'Ju~';~ ('~(~. S~~cL d ~\dd~ti'~~"fdph).. L.. d:.:~ ~~{~;t\!t qf ~~ : ,;~.''t~ruL ~~i."~:l:r(h f'or nl;!~;{:ri:_d; :~u'~~ ~hnuld n{:..t ~tI\C'~,},1.I':~~. tl~~,' ':0..' , . ,.,'" . ~n ~n ;.~ ~:i~;,~nf'!~t7..~,,\ ~;,!,~jn~~l.n. in this S1:~c'..i.:}u y(~U ~~{nn g~\'~'.n ;t>-I\ H:C, ah.'-\tH nO~d Ui ISu ~d;""i.}~A~. n~;-i.y.,; th-:' :,,~:<dch" ;;od <,f{'.!l.)f;cL :,'lb.out ,ho1fl/ ;"~ t'c(ord ~'IiC iodiYli JJc;ns---1:;.iu:n ('<l~h~d rjlf?!;o~!:," '-,{)P,f:t y~;u' ~~::$.\-j::: rpuHd rh(~tn, ....,. H, -yo~.~ in the fiel~l Ol ij you; :~tr;~n.gt. to }()~tt '~nu ~hfruId .' rr, \;./i~h F;r..~rit'r;d 'il~t' d~'Cnitton, :n>,.~ar the ht'~l~t L,:i ~.,;4ds ~.,,\.'ction '~~tY.~, n~~H ,_~ ~)th~ }.:, a cC,d~e('{!OH . ~ "' Uf'H::_U.:.~t'i~d nn, .f, ...p?~~' ,lft.( ~, I-hi~nr,,~ ~;~'~i!l_~ Li.~:~f'C .d;OH~ a i!:jt:d~! ~~',q~ he uf ;:d~Y ";/ah;~t.tJ,ntii j/OU kno\~.1 e~clc%l~) -h'h.;~ \rHH r~. ,~y;; ~~~ }o.-t(, ::.l.{~: ~,~.:: {:'n LUU:.~i~~f Vt'i.d; ~h y(~U \<'i"i~h (.: ~, ){?H ~;hotdd ft.'(.~.~ (c:nl , " :-i L"'.(HI t n ~~.~ a ,. . ~J, U1. nr~_tCt'; UP ~~~:-(.tH'~~ b; ::H ;Jr{' ei.!d of an ;:? h,:w cit:,;_ij(H't~:\ or ~ht' .\"U F("\T a geni';r~d topicf }jk{~' unr; :1; 'o, LLr.r~~'~'~H ('\',~nt.$ dT 1n is \:~J.~~ ~i~'1n.t,l I t'.~ ~,~:1::.~. ""rlIr' S{('!il,'i;~.t,i {/UH"', .;''\fCH.' If!;{.~,trfiif'd j'.''?b'Y: ~-;i i.','i'('/'lt'(:'il ~r'f'~.-',Jl 01 S(l~"H~'r ~'pul ~te(/:jf,!"C(i! nf~(.f (f',:(:'.'l;'!~'( j' t,;n ri.1(~'f117Ji-:;; f'rLfru{t i'l /!~, 'v.g.li nf::\.:\ nL.~'d:'. U.{, ~f \,()V art' '.in ;'Jdi..:Li'r;;':Z.~d ~f.H~ol.i'~;,i \\-,:~rl'-inf.~ Sl~ :t ~l\:-("{.j~,~tif~:"'! tl~,:l~i, YOHT ~t,.~~~~;,r '-:!'n:'~1))('( IE"7"t p:~E)"d.~~ --;', r~~~,'iH,"~~)~~ ('~;,H.' ""~ du' ~~'t~H}{'i ~{~ r--']f.'K fJ} {.~"(1: i,f J)jl~~~.: ,:,{\ il t,~ 1i ft}i ~;j...... 1\ Itl \-;,,~!1i p: ,~~f' ;~. .~ ,:.~ ~u~ii ~f \"t J;~, f ,~;,.~ Ji!l...~. in ';'Hl.H fi.~hC "~1/~:i(h \\ld g,~\'~': YiY,; fu.n i~'~ft'}rUl,Hion un hn7." ~n ~ef~" :,tnd ~~"~'~1jU;.\t;;~ ~H,:Hf'~ i ;d~, a~) ;1'~iric~~1~ ,...0.,..1 '1""~' ,..'~.~~.,.....~,. ~,.. t. '1'" .. f._., ,.~' :~,""" \~:\... Ht.'i ~t~ tJ'UU,.;.'i.Io..'.~~hlh,",., ~"d':\";">~f! I:~ ~~ !~:H ,,"'( j....':;;'-'- !;::>1TH: of dH'fU. ~i !1.\;t hi::rc fe~; ~ iC'H:d ;0 !ht:, ~~('h:~H(e~!' .-.hCdJf::h d){~rt: ~r.;' ~itn..~la-r gUkde'~ fut the htHn:~nitf1c~: .tJ'{H ti.;) C;r.;:;dif' j:}t" ~. hf: Chf'J/1 i'.d: f; iiid:' tu ih,~ I,;: !t'Tet- tvrc {:);r~t!l1','i?y} {.i;~:,;.'r!l:r!:fr' C;;;'jidt:. tit Sht~ [.itr::\11'Mf,," l-Jf /ij{;ihclllarics and [)h..~'J'ir:'i; (;h'ide ;,:'1} f;~'~(dug~\..: J.jte-....tr! {;~..i'~,: (; 'i-;;'d{l fn (he Liiern lure ,;)1 ~h<' ,St~'''';'1f.'er (;;~l~.t!' }.\~:.~~[u? fur 2t;~'.H'ultr.}re ..-inu 1h~ h(H~in;C~l' ,~,~:ii..'Hr(':~). f<.ef{:tf?nce J!bfaZ'L~x~:s h,a'~,t~ l~'("'rk:1 i~~"e ih{I__:S-(~ ~]I~li,i:~,~r .~~I ~.t.~('~~ . . and LaB 'l.aYt~ YC't~ {}~~HjY !"!Hn~,,,Ht~S fH h~s~; l'fdIEn~~. i.i:.fr-f,t,JfHT H1 an efforr, I.u .t:.('~ ~t;lri{:d, .~j~) ;f.~..J~ the 1:.!~"rf"4h:i.' hhr~n;~n d:gid av'~',:\v ~L; ~J~{'q~: 'Yo't~ \.t.iHe of ,!hc ~n }fH,;r nt+l.1. In d tf1t.: i.:H:H;,nn.:~ iht-=~i:;.t-"i"...T:;;~ )'O';j ':.-lin: nf (Pur~w' U:<i,C the ~(4:r'~ :.n.-HJ the 'l~<'~rtl..~H;;' inde:Si__':'~ and ab:~tr:~ft ~~.'rjc~t H~( tho%' r0c!\~U'Dtd. ~n ;.,K~'('dnn~ of thi~ }--LnH.1hDok~ "rt~,(. n~ft\rt'nct' (2n t;H~d(: yo~,~ \(~:t la.rg~' }Jjyn'U}) (;( rf~tri(.tr~.d ;(H.l~~JU~~';' -'- 1.~kc if{:'.:: .;'''/t'fl/01}O! X....Ff~.{~lt.I.,~."$ l;~:bili)gr!lt"l~:r: J?ibli- ~:gvf~J)h.\\ of Sr)'i! Sr:'it:>nt:."", J;"~"tf.l'li1.J'fj: and (;i'i'1r:raf . _L:ibho{fnpl:.:'1 :)ll{~n'(7t r.,i!Jid l~t"i.~nnlny ond LJ1Ud (,hJfne-rsh. 'aHli ni'6lJ'f~g)'.flt)h'ot' 0/ ihl' .{,~'~i.fJoraf'{,.lr{; on thr ~'%tr'fjUr l:~;e)nf;'~i.f I,Phi '.rluiZ~~ l";rl:uu)V; .{oF'''l{~n! and .J~Hntr.~i }~>l~urri,iu('; -- v!I<hich ;~'~ln f.a~;e .~o.u .fontddcr... ahi;~ ~'ir;n.fi.", for th-t~n )'ou \,\'iH lH)f .i~;n.t' l't} sear~.'h the n.'HH(: gt:n(~r~i biLiit,'gx'..!ph~e-'\ iitcthr iNd",'";'.( {)r :.be ,,;J.g(i(l.dt1~~"rl11nde:-:. '.':.'X!"f'}H tu nCl! tou~'hi~(\ h, the' !'f'::t~;d(~ed ind1;~:u~S,. Jt. h;~.?:n'~ L't~cn :J~,e ~ rf thi."1 7~e( ;,j~}n ;:.:~ 'dn~ t~ r:oHH,df.,tc iht p~ :1U dH~ i~~t\~~'x :;!:;P:.i~-:<":~:: :~nd , , ~.~bs~r.~~ct:S iu ,,:;l:,h f1;:id ur ',;.~ ft.'U )'na ;n d~..L,d~ V~/ht'l~..' ru Und rn;,,;[tr.l..:d in ,;tuy ~!\'('n r!tlt.l. ["ut tu n1':J.k.e \"CHl ;f~\aft' of the ("~]'it:,-in{e 01 ~i""n }tJfXl".... <\.) (,~." vPp l'ind the ly,;:\u-ri:d ;",d :\<.;\1"( ',:;7':1:(' ;:~~(:'~:'f;:l"~~ :\:;:~. t{~fn.lAtic ~.;(';'i rch. :"l~nr i~\ j t thl.' z,orpn'\f,: t;t' 1 h);~r :it,,:tiun t;.J {h~:'icrtt~ id~ :th.:: difh'r(,"~H ';lJ~lc~n:\ ;~n~; n')('~hO':"1"J fu~ r{:fTn-ding f.j~.;jtiO~F:: ~.'(Hf.'-ph\!e tfi~~(H:,~l~Jn:;, ~'~.~n' be r;)\'~n.j tn h,r'fclks l.ik(' t-!'...;r~'~', ,r:. ond r;t)Ofnoi'f'J; /1 ,";t\'lp /:j"an7tl~/ ftlt an,(t. l/niu~";-Sg~1 St:ur:\:'Hl:c HiU, th.p.?c ~'Ire. i\."n..,;un SC:TI.f.T:d '~'n~~ \'an nD'serv(" ~\.,rh.i li1\,\di.'l:-;; j'l)tt can toikYv,:. ln, '{he {lrsl" ~d);\.::-tY5 te.\Ufl.\ t.'1Li-U.iOO~;. !,q;r your v.rul"k!ng ~;.dsli\;grdt>h} on (anL, .., r~.~)t lno.r~~ th,:~n ~)?H' GH ?~ <"Hu,L Mndon ca~'d'; nf tbe ~~arnE "~,i1.e (."1:~5'~ art' lnfht fre'qUf.~~)fi~~ f:rnF,i~}y\~::.j). ()f (P,;,~;'stt icn'pr~" rarify -:f:tu rn;~i)' put !it',Ui::; d.-rn~:~) f~n f.! \h~~t't Of pap{:rt ju!~L H'; the :ordt}' Y':'H.l. h;f.ppt':n,~'d U;"\';'~ {h;.:~Il; but aii. ~..O{H\ ;.T~ Fd(i~~bic PUi C.h...i\\.: ,,'i:.,~H~,qL~ dt1 c~~.rd~;, i,\)t a ':H~.~c.k of c;.u...~ts C'lin be~n;'HlipuL~.u:.d; \'011 {'~H1 ~H~d ~O. if, ~u t}n'.~l('l. fru.ln ~t. ~.l.n;,j r~';n'J"")'.f.~g.o;:' ~t. t'~;,.nd on f.dt'r S\l~'h :. ':;!L,rk~n~,: bi~)riif \ ~H~ grfyt\! OVZ:f th{~ Y~"',~t\.._ r:~i~t.t::t,'~"1Y; \'o:~.'r conlil~';.J~:d in!{~ff'"~l{ tU ~he \;1 J. ,~ '-.. 1--.. ~,..~ ~ ") 'ht~ : <l~~n! h;~ [C('f>~;',d rlt-~. tUYp,,~ t}t(t:~n n~~.!kt~:'l ~, '~;nt: 11 ~ ren't!~fi~b<t.~'~_ ;"'~ \tU1,.iC'flt~." -T'f1_C ~,5 U1J.!. thrrt~ i~,i no ::.~;ch dt 4~i. ,,:a ~~3,{;\_!ard LHTH: f1if do ~\id d:;.~_:' d>~f~ .'::l.~nn.!,~ f{;-nr; h:q ~'H_:;.UU'ns d~\ h')~~inf'.~L.:. -fhr ~~",'.',~1 L"; t ~} ;:11:;' !dl;n ;Hl~~ h{' t'n;!~~5f1.:n( ~n it,,? :iE.{". f hr"~ fDi'-n; I, 'I( t-.\ff.;",t ~{ S~n(':, i1CVF, eVl~r, thf ]"'H~,rnab~ in YO~Jr ~D3 fi(~l~1. f~,:t1iJ.r f}{.rj! iihr_!'(} ~;~xp~r '~,,;,'iil ,~)foh:lh!y t}], t.~ i~;tn{"y. (~rf{~ oi d'v~: t;_'~r~ns '~n thcr;~1'" ~ti;'ld.,; \"l,tU b,e ~~el.fTib,td h:f.rf: ht: ~/~/!:"i [f ~-~n fCd '1' : :t' <__~ t i ,;', :', t U~(~<~. ~ forrn th;d }':i :.* }~~d{: {;~t;~L1t,hi<H1Ct~ ;~;nd 1 b~rh~ n~nr(: {'L~1::}Pr.l;i{: th;~~:'1 1hu~;r.: ljs'~:'d ~i~ t.hc_ ~jenr(~:,: Hie> dt:THanV the on-( f~'.:{'{~~rnnc.ndcd ;r; '~'ii~rt\ htJ.;;'$i: $rj;("U- Li.{}[\t.d ~dY.J\c'. '\A;"~ih H15n.dt n\i~{~Hi-{' ~n it"tU~ fortn ;t. di,,~'dn-f'df)n j~ r;n';.H.!e t-.~~~vb:er~ ~h~: r~:i,dnne~' (;of ft:pr-~'v~'ndng !~ h(;.,u'k ~~hd ~r't~~: -:''}~ ~dJ ;n-'rp:..-1~.~: in ,:1 jUt..:rnaL dqJf* ~Jf ;? or .::d ;,'~ :i~;.dicii.(~d (in }n;lin~s~'_'r~.pu, ~~{rH__h~fHn~~..j)j ;i-;;'h', rz~,~;~ UH,~ ~ itlt.: t./ :~ ~<:h;i.P{tT ;0. ;:t LX;I.Jk~ (Xt c~j an ;!J'~.H'k~ JC~ ,_~ ;~l ~s p~H in l!~H)C~lio.n n~..:\(k:~, ,3~.hd tHtH~t\:\,or.(~<' ;~Ul;:~r {('.~~_." in. i.idt::~,.)n . ;:~he nr'q \tl( of :.t ~,~tk: ;:~ i:;:;pj~.;);Etcd n")~.;n.~~U'.er \\'J~;O< ;~ i,,\> /ii1d 3U n~bcr 't.A!~tp,b :.+t.c Kht~ \ :1.1.rtlc!.t'.,--,; ~:lni'~l(.,:n'S 'r:~,',:('pt \ , ,< t:'Ji/~ ~ ~'if--C,rtUfJ:;; ,.. "~ .....'" {/ u ~ J iu:d ~h.qr~ l (' U. e K~~!, .Df i~>'\4'i'::.) ~ , JH the ciradffn rOt .~~ b'CJlDk, yu~) ne{~d of ;'nJornJar1on.- L ~hc n r[;~. t{>~ IC~l1<"<:d by in }Oltf '.)~)ur~~t:;, _::., tid1: t~':. r.}'LH t i v:'.: li t (~n1~ nf~n:~.~ f)f f!~.,t) ;; u: r }l;_:-l~ ~~:<iSt ~J~~fnt it~~ (nl~:~ or t as ":rl dO",Vii o_~ fJijO~'" td,dt.'r! in~;.~d, i'-; nd {..:l~ 4li> }~'; oLunb~~r, if ir'c~, r~ot ~h.e fh,~;t,. thi,-~ U;f;H';n;H.ion is loHC'\'l,"i:;f.J tn, th{ n;:in~.\;~ uJ: ~,h,~' \,-di~~;':jr {";;.d, i r tht, ~v"-1~^k h~~~. t~.{:'tj' {:~Ht~.:.d ~ ijn~~~ the ~n:r;!~.',~t~i" qf \'~~!utne~;, 11 th.ert' ~'i 1710~"(: than (Jr'!t..:: ~~, pia<."c ~'~i JHdllk'a~i., in~, 'L .narne of ~t ~:.~r'h a'l !.hat ,)f fl1!-~" r'i,'~(',..1j!~~l: t--,:~n. gt'i;.-~t;( i\:iSf~(i~'ii,~i~~~, ~)lfnir rl;J,''':' .~nf(:,r-fl!J ~~.~~d 5~, d~}te -~J1 pu h1 l(;d, fqlL (V'-IU lnig'ht .;~1'~n un .~ h~ i ~,~ rU l:tn:: C.,i 1 J U I! Hi L.(:,t' and p.e fh~~ ~;~;' :; ~~(~~h::T~} h',r~:d iloL{~ u;);s ;'ifJ"UUl ~hr bn~}k ':, 'i:;duc for Y~H.n' But In n.;)1 1:ry to cd.;,t 'V'it,.,~r~..:.ing :\oi:t:.... un i.J bd}i~.{>~f,r.iiphy card.\ g~:'lq'Y.:<,r .is ~~ (';~rd for FnHe(;.;. hn,c,k n,n (~r;Jnt:' _...~..~ ",.. n <_~, ,_ __....~"..~_~, _. _".. "~~_ ,.~,~-~" ,. -'.-.,..,- --- --, . , /J )t-:"t:...r:\~,,"'.<t':I ./ ,,:l ,-:'j.""!J""'" 4 \2 ~. ;\:(:~i(~i ~h~i.t thh f~'~,;!d~'ltl ~ht, !.:H'?ln~~ f.-,;:~rd, '\,~h~,~~h ~.>t.:;Taph, ;;',;~ t t nf~~rrn;1i ~(n.~~ (';'f1d i\- 'f;.HH h !,':. i ,Ii r: y !; i rf! pJ~.T bibti.. '-rht(A ~j ~,,;!di'lr~ ('~! fi.~. 1!..)[ .tin aru<:h~ ,',:" ". '1..';',\ ,... h :.J;~hi1r {rHlr\~. e~~~~}l'j)J.t(,_ ~~~tJZ \{}~J It'-:iH i'eC!.)r{~ ~qX N~("niS: dl.f.;:;10;' It ~~. eidt: . ., n: ~O"'~ ;,"t~; (Hi ;;,;Ji.Tii:<; ~'}unl.:H!(;~ rn~;rk~J' Hn(:d) ~ (L -~.t~.1\;n'~~" ,~" n;~nh' cf pi,rj.odic;d ~~~n(icr- .~:"lJrnt:f.-''.r qf ~'l(~ri(.,di/,.td~ :j~ .'d;1U.: ; ~{nd C tht tH'f~t~ on l~t ~rH~/ ;.~ ih~. ('if.;.Hj{}ti,! {}f pcr:(1dgc~d V~'r"i.ifh ~h~: a 1 t i(h~ L''.r r~}U nd, f{j-!'ff:-:n i{}f' d.\t~ ftf";t ;1 ri ~(~f in dH,~ .\,~unp'L> rofun,\~~ \rO~H }~r,'lld,.:.'.'!s' (;Hid~' ~h(.:Vln ,..in p:.tr~;t: ~O. (YOt~ {'~:i~) dA(': ;Hlthc,r.:i hr~~ n~L'nr;: f{o{"~ ilH:: ;.nH~:.~)r l:iHJ'''y in b\'1,:dr-'!'J~ (', " ..~~~~~t&..,/~";,j.t:9l l~;}~~:~~ ~~.:e1~ L..' '-":!"'\ '~4 t..... , ,I" .'-f-' ; " 1'/./ --)~~ .a..-,,~;'d. . .~~L;J.", .~:'f~:,t't<<~{.rJ.~~t.l'~:, .0; .' ,/ '? ~:f ")') i~.:r .~t:: ~- ",,1': .,' P<~rh;~i"'tS ~.he ~ ndf'J. {::t ? h*~.:';_~("~ 'd';V~1~'"{': i~~ In.~::~~u.: )'fJ:nr ~'if;:~{,inr..::f: thi) i:(~fu(mai;.n'f'~ 1!\1, ,~~ ih[rt-~. (~~H o.rd.c'I' or lo;Tn~ and .r,.tTL~inly i~ ~~'Ln ~2~!-e j\t~.~bn~\';~~" non:;. t~~:t~,'f.:-( rHJ~ {h~' 1i(L1U:fi:d in ~~'h~' tn d~'I:;. !i::,u~d ;~ bov,t and i.h~.:' :J,biii~re'..iaJ_;nI1~;.. Fre-{pJ~r;ndy ynu ;l.,;,n run ;h~rf1.S';'~ ;~ t;"H_~{non L}~ \"l'hjth no ".1tHh.or ~.\ , In ~h:u. cafY'.:' y{~~~ :~~n\p;y ~,L;iJ"~ Y"HJY n:~{'otd 'vyid! (h~:~ r;f:J l,~/nrd of dlf' ti:.h:-~ ('(n~J i1);llph;:bel' \Gll :iny i~,rii('it'f {.,.f {.o-c~r~c) ,." 1, l.H'~1. Vh)t~~ U'"t:":.n trH'- ~~\ i~' .~~ ~-'~:t~:l tl}{" ;Au(b(,r.~ n:uf.7t': '1.1. ~ .r _ ,oJ C!,.. (1. :v ~$11~~~t~ ,f ,,(~'-l'''''~~:~ .-/;.::J {);l1 ........'J" t/'" ._~~>t.~~_~:?~#4,-1(i-l.";t~ :' s;;~,~::t'~::#.j",~:;;>$&~~ti; ; (~,.t}.1:,.c:~.~~..~t~9'~"" .t!; /".{r.>I4,~;.) 1.;"'tJ<<;l '''''.~-r: , I f l_.__.._~."_,~..,,,~__~,~....,_" . -rh.f a.b.....!.~\'5." \t\;~)t~Id ~H.' rntd unlit:,}'" t.h(: (/s. Jf 11 rH~'~\;~)n h~"ii;'i tt~/a (H' thrrt'~{/ :.Hi..H.tlO'''''L n:~~"J)r:r~~ lhcrn ;~U7 In U'<(:' {l'!ncr tho:':ii' fL~nh":!;. ;d"e t!1:('i'C is ~t,tt nt'r.d iu. i;t-lt:;(t 1h~,' ~'~~.~.nH<''S {1<.f ~}~-" i~a~~}t)r~~, "- '-. i. - J-' ~'~'c lilonogr;~ph in ;t ~,('ries. ~1 gn\'t.'rnHH.~nt doeurnt~nt~ or ;HI ;Ji1\ck in ;\ volume like one of the Agl'h'Il1tunil " ", l"niThuoks (cadl Olll' of whid! has its OWll special tide) , pm sholdd COlh\l1t a handbook sllch as Hurt's. Now to repeal a r,.\,' of I h(' g-clleral 5u~gl'Stions, lor 'when swdelits i"norc \ hem t!wy often get tht:m. "dves into tall1{les, KU'jl your rlt;HioHS on (:ards, one to a <'anI. DOll'! <lulU,:r up a I ani ".-ith not!.'s"':' take YOU!' ilotes on spl'ci;d IIO!!: canis an<t dearly indicate the sources - dW\l1!,h \'ou\! helll'r record the caB numhCl' Oil the card. Put down the d;11a an::ur.ttdy, ~o that YOIl won'! ha\'{' 10 g-o hack <llid look up the information ;,gain. \\'lwn YOll get into your own sph'ialilnl lidd. nnplny ,he citation forms ~landanl for that lield: dH:;"lI bt, ffllltlifi( atium of the olles gi\Cll Iw1'('. ,\nd a final reminder: Gill '10 one of the rdcrcnn' lihr.lfian, for hdp. , r";nw sHppose ;0\1 h<IVI' sd\'Cl('d your topic made :1 ,';orking- hihlipgraph~. dOl1e )OIn rl'adin~ and taken your noles, and fin,!!ly h;lV(' writtel\ your paper. u~ing- fooUlnH" or rdcn~l1c(,s to specil ic !MSsa~es in your reading to document \'our assertions. AI. the end of FORMS .FOll JOS\ as the bibliol!:raph~ r('pn~sent5 the brc;uhh of dt". reading yot! lw\'e done on your subjcct. so the rootnott:~ pinpoilll YOllr imkbtednt'ss for' particular Lins' and judgmellts which yon h;I\'c o<)rrowcd from yoU! SOUf{'/;,S ,II1d iJ\curpO! awd i nw your lCXL An\l a~;tin, just as lor biblio~laplli,al 6t<ltill!lS, there.is no Ollt: s(andanl !onH for foollwtc.. (Sometimes you'll he,l!' tearhers alv,uin~ about tlw "('<,rl'CCl" form. Hm 'U( h ;In argument UQwl1y lill:;tllS thilt one tC;lcht'r h;ld gone to "bon[ ill Calilornia, another in Tex&I!\, and the third in '\;1'\" .feN,'\'.) Each lield is likely to han' ib Ilwn ill ,I< Ij, C', ;lIld in linh' yO\! will karn to fl.li"w lh(> 1":I"tilCS 01 ~..ur li.-ld. .\kanwhile. hf:rc is ;.; simple SjSIl'lll that ..!loult! plIlH~ a('(cptahl<: for term i,apcl' :lllll rq}OI'h. LiILT.dl:' ;1 loolll"lt' j, a noll' ;It Ill<' fool of a p;'I$!:('. BUl in ,hur; I";qll'l' rill' ''""" might ;"ell ;IPPCill' a\ tlll"..t',.! ..I (f\(' t,',1. Ifl ,\ ,(', '1"1: hC;(llcd .'l{cklenrl'....' ir!iloedia!dy p~('n:dlIlJ.; lilt' bibliogral,ll'Y. Thu_ you may num!w!' ,your tWin ('Illl'il:( uthd'f thrnughoul the wholl' papel', ;lnd ~ou ;11,0 will not ,wed to worry' abollt wiwthtT \'011 OJ your \) pist has left ('11oul';h room at !h~ bO!lfllll of the paf!:c. (:-':olhing need be ,aid heft' a!'''ut lilt' oid.bshiollcd way uf plarinl( footnote, ill -,ht.: bod)' (It the le"-I, tor that }nac:tke ~'.,.""."",.."""", . j ~ (;a{. ,^.fLIadt~r. ;.;ytva,nus. .~ nrt).c 71"... , Exn:rpts. edited by B. f'. Th,:,n;a1i, Amrr;cfl.rI H eri fa,iV', fi (Onobej' ,19!Hi) fiS.!13, C;!UOll, Bruce. "(,cltyshwg-; Vi:;tas," NC1V Ylil"~ Tim/',I' 11, !!}5fl, 9.11. Place: of Limitless Maga::.irw, December Catton, Bruce. "Re;.Hling-. Writinl{ ami History," AmainJlj Hl'ritage, 7 (June. I 951i) 92.7. Goolrkk, Chester!t. "AnRt:l 01 Milrye\ Heights," Coronet, tl (January. 1957) 154.5. " Holme-s, Oliver "'f.'oddL "[uur!t"d ',(,ilh Fire: Civil War 1,('III'r.~ mid J)/ary o.f (}fil'f'f 1l'I'IIddl Holmf'.'i, .fl.. P\fil.IHfH. Ediled 101 ~lark lk \Voile Howe. Camhrid!~c, t larvaI'd Uni\{'r~ity l're~~,. !!l4fi. 'slOllt'. Kall~. Rrokf.'1!IIW11; Th(, JO/lnllll of A'at(' Slu/li:, H\fll.19HH, Edii\'d hy Jolm Q. :\nderson. Baton Rouge, Louj,jana Slate Ullinnil}' Press, 1955. "Yank ;lllJ Reb Grs ~H1J Generals," Amaicll, 96 (Ikf:ember N, 195~;) 302,5. F001'NOlES wa~ only failin~ in with the pn:\!.'nn: that the pap'er was bein~ prepar>!.,(l for the Prllltct'.) in the It'Xl a fontnoh~ is an Arabic superiur numht:r pla,ed al the cmt of the pass<l./{e lor whilh you arc indt!hted. and oUlside- allY plllll'walion, thus,1 (Rememi)l:T that you JTlWit ;{cknmdedgc bOlTnwed rmlferial whether you l!UOI{' (lir('( dy or IIOC Some ~Ulden's arc under the mhappr\"heosion !hat all they fll{'l'd tn (\oounel1t ;1\ dill:ct quolation, and henn: often lean: themscln:'i O!l{.'!l 10 ;t dlarW: of plagiari.:.m.) On thl: rdcrCIl(T pag-e itself the iOll!nnH.: numbers m i~ht well bt.: placed 111\ ..he ~:mH: lines as the notes, The notes themsdv('s <Irc ~llknt{'d ill !he tlorm<ll way and .trc single-span'd, with dll\lbk spacin~ hetween them. III the "~~tl'm ~Ilg-g\'s!~'d ill rhi!<. Handhook, Iht' f"nllllll<' for .! rl'fn\'iH \. /" a ho. ,k i!<. I;t irh SilllPt..: I, J\!fhm\ IUllH', fin! l\.l!llt' iiI"!: :.:, title. \:ndl'l lined), f()llown! h) nlilor', Ha!ll(.'. fllllllhl'l of th.. l'Ilition. aml , volume lHtmht'r, if ,host: itellu; an' needed; and :}. number of the p<lp;e or pages, pr('lcIlt'd hy a "p." for a sinv;le pa~t' or hy "pp," [01' more ~han ow: paKe. (Ob- serve that (1;1' tht: footnote )'OU m'"..,h,'t say anything about dty. puhli~lH'r. or datI',) C"mnla~ ~eparate Ihe ilelll~ within lh<: Ilotl', whirh c!1"es with :I< period. 13 ~-~ -:''''Y PLACE OF :~r.:i Church ~, "\', Central \1,)\ City , Linda Williams Bryan Name of Individual 17 Age ]] !QI ~i':1 Years of Study \,-..-.a; ~. HYMN PLAYING ADJUDIGATION PIANO AND ORGAN First Baptist Church Church Bryan ~~ \~ .. \ '\ ,... .. '"1 \'- City i~ l' Creath-Brazos I Association l , , DATE.Of_fESTIVAL .-...,,, """ '...,.. ..",:::=-- -25-65 JUDGES: Please use the following markings as a gu}de. Write out detailed comments with specific examples and suggesti~ns. + indicates exceptional work; - indicates noticeable weakness; no check indicates acceptable work. III SELECTION I IISweet Hour of Prayer" A---'S (Wf:.r-,.tf /??kS/C) -ofrt,--;Q..~704j INTERPRETATION D Tradition D Phrasing D Proportion D Unity D Tempo ACCURACY D Note Values D Rest Values D Steadiness D Dynamics D Rhythm Flow D Introduction D Attacks D Releases D Repeated Notes (Organ only) TONE D Quality D Quantity D Freedom D Balance I ( f;r /~0' 1" IiPtp" ..,~ '-' y.Y / ../" B~V ~ GENERAL EFFECTS o Pedal D Mood o Legato D Ornamentation D Follow Director D Choice of Registration (Organ only) D Clarity of Registration (Organ only) APPEARANCE D Stage Deportment D Posture D Freedom Judge: Please circle the exact number rating' you recommend, 1IIIIILlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII nnnnn~~U"M~"~"~~~n"~"%U""~ I Good II Excellent II Superior I / Erwi,n C. Johnson ChGrch Music Director Richard H. poss Pastor SELECTION II IICome Thou Fount" ;" INTERPRETATION D Tradition .jj;J; Phrasing D Proportion ~ ~;~;o d./ 1 J,.. / ACCURACY ,v~ fE Note Values ~1 / o Rest Values ,#rN ,?"K: . o Steadine~ ~ ~~' ~ - EEl Dynamics 1"~ 1 .If .. ,// ,~ Rhythm Flow f. ..-<pl--"'. D Introduction [,yi/ IE Attacks <.;l IE Releases #"'" 9 Repeated Notes (Organ only) Ul:- TONE ~/'\ EH Quality / o Quantity ffi Freedom [iJ Balance GENERAL EFFECTS D Pedal -E' Mood ill" Legato D Ornamentation D Follow Director D Choice of Registration (Organ only) D Clarity of Registration (Organ only) APPEARANCE -Ei- Stage Deporiment 'HI- Posture El Freedom ,>' ~I! II 'Iff C:,- ~ ~ - SELECTION IIV..'. ,,- / ~ ,. :.l, INTERPRETATION III Tradition ~ Phrasing I!I Propo,'rtion IB Unity: e Tempo ACCURACY EB Note Values D Rest Values i:!I Steadiness rn Dyndinics D RhytHm Flow ill Introduction ill Attacks qJ, ReleaSes D Repeated Notes (Organ only) TONElF .g} Quality 0- Quantity 111- Freedom ill Balance !)l GENERAL EFFECTS D Peda[1 ill Mood IE Legato D Ornamentation ID Follow Director D Choice of Registration (Organ only) D Clarity of Registration (Organ only) APPEARANCE 6l- Stage "Deportment Q}" Posture .ijd' Freedom .r-I "'i ~ as-" ~1I; 'i /~.,~, cX-JL 4 " - I ~~-,--) . ~~~ f ( ~/- ~ ~, O@__@~.--7~JQ Signature of Judge /' \ \ ,~ / [ - I ~ --I / .. 0( > j: '" III ... ... o tA \0 . tt') 'N: f ' N III t- o( Cl I~ p. I' I, j.",'.' ;t ! I l I H '1" l e - I- < (J. - c~ :::;)" z -,c( o C, DC <Co 0 Q Z "c( Z o. II .,'>- ~ · i: 11 ,,'~; z. :E,. . ~: :1$\1 I ~, ~ I, I ~. ~~ t#L $.! ....-I' I!r.t ,;3; 0',' /i?-',._ ,XcI ."'?:,:,',~> .t1) ~ ij~a 'lJ ItS :~ .,., 1? roo( ~ '0; -Ii '" :s: ~ ,<<I Z ''0 >s:: ..rot ,J-ZI fIJ, fO "C o += Q. , ~r X <Ll VI <Ll +- fO U ;0 C . "* Z. tU~- "~~ '"0 C fO D VI <Ll Cl. '''-' E fO X <Ll U" ...... U <Ll Q. VI * +J s:: ::1 o ;I!r.t g ,is m o "U ~ u :; ~ U VI +- C ,<Ll i'E E o U -0 <Ll fO 4).SL. -0 (; ~ ~ co ,"c >- +- ::> o <Ll <Ll ..n :!= .2 3 "2- U <Ll ~ -0 ~VI ::> <Ll OliO fO .~ VI ,,-0 fO "C .. ~ ~", V' U' C 4<Ll' .:g" '"5; Eg ... ,~ li!t~ o i:' o III oil III tIl OJ ;'" C VI <Ll C ~' fO <Ll ~ ~ o o ~ ~,-; z ~ o ~ c - c O().- ~ "_. s::c;~-... . ~ <( :E';;~C ...."'1:>. ti ~ ~ %.'.:: E ::~~~S~ IIIl: ~ooooo z ~ ;: C ~'~ oS ~ ~ --=, ~ t5 ~ tl.. "':: ~ 1;3 ~ <u.~ 1:: l:l '" ~ <u ;:"';:,...5 1::~~ ~ ~~d "~~ t~'i;;"gi1!~~~~~.: ~~~~S~~~~~ ~OO\OO~OOO \ .... J ,J ~ 1p} ~'" . s*~ i~\,j, .' ' J X --- '~~ ~ 1,.".,',.\~~...,.'...~" '" '~'''" ~ - ' . ... ~,' '.,~.,. ~\ ~ \:~~ ~ z ~ o ~ C - C O().- ~..;:::.5 1::: c :!:;;jd~bc:.. ..... 1;3 ... C '-. 1:: :: ~"'~, ~ S~\ <u, IIIl: ~ ~ O~O 0 ~ '" <u '" '" ~ ~' C <u <U, - C ,~ ~;:S~tl~';:: ~ 1;3 ~ <U'_ 1:: l:l '" ~ <u ;:,.. ;:,...5 1:: ~ ~ ~ '" ~ >-<u...~I;3...c~~<u u_~'::::st::~,~_~ ~~~~S~~~~~ ::::>> ' \ ~OO'iTOOOOOO <( ,...., ~ ~ C ~ 1;3 ~ C '--' ....b1::<u '."':_,.';::: C t.,)-.. ~ ~~ ~ ~~~-S! ClCl~~ ....., ' ZOOOO o ... ,...., ~ ~ C ~ ~ C '--' bli:~ .....- C (.) ~~":S ;:: ~~~-S! ClCl~~ ..... zSElOO o ... ,...., ~ ~ ~ ~ C '--' bli:~ .....- 0 (.) ~i::~ s;: ~~~~ Cl, Cl$-o~ "Q:l ~b 're- o.. ... ... ,....,,...., .c..a ~~ o C ~ ~ 1;3 1;3 ~~ CC '--' '--' ~~ 00 .:::-,;:: l:! l:! i! ~5.'5.'5 o;u o to()O() .s '" 0_ ':U OJ o;u , ... ~ .!:: a:: a:: 0 ~ i! l::l C-C- ~ Ii: It C E-~-~ii'~ ~~~t8 ~- c 1&1 - ~ ..... t::S c.~.,:::: Z ~ :s ~ ....{jg~E~~6 <(~'i;;~ ~'~~~>4C~~O ~\~~~ ~ DO DO 0 ~\F=l.o 0 ..... ' a.r C!) <C ~~ .~.~ ... ... 1;31;3 ... ... =: 5.S.S VI .~ ~ ~ ~ ... ~ .!:: a:: a:: U "'l::l-- ~ ~ 00 I&. oE;:~"" ....._~~ ~ 1;3 o.~.'.:: ....~ 0 O()E~~.s ~~ ~C~~~ ~I!I 00000 ..... C!) ~ ~ .,g .g l:! l:! s: 5.S.S VI .~ ~ ~ ~ ti ~ .!:: a:: a:: ..... i::!l::lc-c- I&. ~ l:i_~~Ii:;:~b \:S (;:) t::S t::S..9"-"i:: ...~ 0 ~Ec~-S! a~~>4C~~~ zO DODD ..... C!) ,....,,...., ..Q.Q ~~ 00 ~ ~ 1;3 1;3 ~~ CC '--' '--' i! ~ Ii: ~ ~ .....l::l~~ U ... 0 Z ~;:s~ <( 0() t; ~ ~~~~ ~OOO a. <C ,....,,...., .a.Q ~~ 00 ~ ~ 1;3 1;3 ~~ CC '--' '--' i! ~ Ii: ~ c:.. ..... ~ Ii: ul::l~o z ~;:s~ <C O()'" ~ a!!J:!C5~ <c(;:JQ..~ ~OtJO a. <c '~ 0 "ti :;! c ... " ... E ... E ... 0 ... u ... ~ ... ... :> ... 0 ... >- :: m ... .!: ... N f ... 0: .. ,0 " V .D = E :> ... c - ... u ... a ... l( ... .. ... .. ... ... .; ... ... .. ... 'E N ... 'u ;; !I 0 a ... .. 0- ii: ... ... ... ;; ... m ... ." ... :> ... ... ... ... '" Cl 'l:l :> ... .... o ~ .2 co c Cl in .. .! .. II. .. III ~~ '" <u ;: C z ~ ~ ~ oS ~. ~ O~ ,0 ~;:s~"'~.;:: ~ i= .~ ~'t: 0 ~ ~ ~.~ Ii: l:l J;1' ~ ~ :! ~.~ ~ b c:.. >- ~ ... :;;j 1;3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..... O;:S'" 0'- Ii: u c ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ::~~~S~ ~~a::~l::la::.;;~a::a:: - """"=DOOOIJ( i300DO[gDOOO ~ \~ C ..!! ~ ~ III j "\ '-.~- -------- J II I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH RIOHARD H. POSS, Pastor P. O. Box 1089 Bryan, Texas // Marc.:h 2, 1965 "- ',\ Dear Choir Member: Justa note to give yg\1:~ome information about our choir trip to Waco, March :j.2t.h. 1 . 2 . 3 . 4. I 5 . I ,! 6 . , 7. I :'i Sunday, March 7th":,, Deadline for making reservations. Wednesday, March 10th) Deadline for pay- irig $3.00 for motel~ Bus will leave chuf9Q qt. 2:00 p.m., Friday, March 12th. Choir will return a!=- approximately, 3 :00 p:~m., Saturday, March 13th. Choir will be stayin~?t. the Houston Mbtel, Marlin, Texas.. ' You will need money for meals. Choir members. ""il+ "l:.>~ expected to attend all sessions of the clinic.' \,' . Be sure you beat the deadlines listed above. Make ieservationswith my offic~~I ~m lo6king forward to a wonderful.trip with each of you." , ~tncerely, , ~ .~. C. a~WL EJ!'Wifl c. J lnSbri ('; Or ~~: "-, ~~~ ~ ~G9 ~ ~~ ~ /" ,.~"- /,.. ~_/ .-/ , ......J -'\ " II I ~Cf200[ of dl1.u~ic DANIEL STERNBERG, Dean !Bay[o'l- 'Uniue'l-~ity Waco, Texas '" presents f3hE- 'J'lE-1funan ell- CappElla Choi'l- EUELL PORTER, Conductor .sp'1.inf} Clow7- March 26-28, 1965 I I :[ SECTION I Hasanna -- --_____ - ------__ __ ________ __ ___ ____ _____ _ _____ __Leinbach Panis Angelicus ________ _________ ___ ____________ __________ _Palestrina Lift Up Yaur Heads, Ye Mighty Gates--__:o.___________________Leisring Psalm 100 -----------------------------------________________Schutz Gaad Is It to Thank Jehavah------__________~_______________Schubert SECTION' II Send Farth Thy Spirit -------------------------------------Schu.etky Bless the Lard, 0 My SouL----------------___________________Gessler Holy Lard Gad -------------------------------_________________Cain Hail, Gladdening Light ---~----------------------,---____~______W ood -' SECTION III Lave Divine -- -------- -_____ ____ _______ _____ _______ ________Prichard Hymn Medley ---------------------~~-------------------arr. Burford o Thau in Whase Presence ------------------------____________Forest Creatian --- - ------ - ---- - -- ----_ _ ___ __ _ _____ _ ___ ---____________5 cott Ain'-a That Gaad News------------__________________________Dawson SECTION IV Charal Selectians-Hella, Dally_____________-'______________arr. Herman Accampanist : Carroll Miller,' THE CHOIR i I I 1 The Freshman A Cappe,lla Chair, Baylar's newest charal arganization, was farmed in 1960 by Dr. Parter. The chair is apen anly to. freshmen. In 1964 the Freshman Chair taured the Eastern states and was an afficial representative af the State af Texas at the, Warld's Fair in New Yark City. This year the chair will sing at the Baptist Warld Alliance to. be held in June in Miami, Flarida. ABOUT THE CONDUCTOR Dr. Euell Parter, canductar af the Freshman A Cappella Chair, has recently received an hanarable charter membership in the Charal Canductar's Guild "in recagnitian af autstanding wark in the general field af charal music." Dr. Parter rece,ived natificatian af the hanar fram Ray Andersan af New Yark, secretary af the Charal Canductar's Guild. The engraved citatian was awarded far "serving the creative, educatianal and per- farmance aspe,cts af charal music, who. has by his actians praven. himself warthy af such distinctian." The citation cantinued, "The bearer has been duly cited far autstanding wark in the field af charal music, and far exceptianal cantributians to. the advancement af 'charal art." THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC I I l i The Schaal af Music af Baylar University, Waco., Texas, is the aldest Texas member af the Natianal Assaciatian af Schaals af Music, a charter member af the Texas Assaciatian af Music Schaals and o.ffers caurses leading to. the degrees af Bachelar af Arts, Bachelar af Music, Master af Arts, and Master af Music, with majars and minars in all recagnized fields af music endeavar. The Dean af the Schaal af Music is Daniel Sternberg, an hanar grad- uate af the Vienna State Academy af Music. He was farmerly canductar af aperas and symphany archestras in Vienna, Leningrad, Tiflis, and ather European cities. ~ "'-., '" ~/ '~ \ \ " '- "