HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-2907 - Ordinance - 06/22/2006 ORDINANCE NO. 2907 AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING THE NORTHGATE DISTRICT IN COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, AS REINVESTMENT ZONE NO. 16, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, ENUMERATING THE QUALIFYING CRITERIA, ADOPTING A PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AND FINANCING PLAN, ESTABLISHING A BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR SUCH ZONE, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND AN OPEN MEETINGS CLAUSE. WHEREAS, on November 4, 1997, the voters of the City of College Station passed a referendum authorizing the City of College Station to proceed with the construction of a conference center; WHEREAS, on January 12, 2006, the College Station City Council directed staff to meet with designated representatives from Brazos County and the College Station Independent School District and this meeting took place to discuss the implementation of Reinvestment Zone No. 16; WHEREAS, on January 13, 2006 the City of College Station sent notice to the governing bodies of the Brazos County taxing unit and of the College Station Independent School District of its intent to consider the implementation of a tax increment financing district and a reinvestment zone in the area of the Northgate District; and requested that the sixty (60) days notice requirement be waived; WHEREAS, on January 24, 2006 the County Commissioners approved the request to waive the sixty (60) days notice requirement; WHEREAS, on January 17, 2006 the College Station Independent School District Board of Trustees approved the request to waive the sixty (60) days notice requirement; WHEREAS, on May 25, 2006, the City of College Station City Council requested the public hearing be held on June 22, 2006 to establish Reinvestment Zone No. 16; WHEREAS, on June 6, 2006, City staff made a formal presentation to the Brazos County Commissioners Court and on January 17, 2006 City staff made a formal presentation to the College Station Independent School District concerning the reinvestment zone. The presentation included a description of the proposed boundaries of the zone, the tentative plans for the development or redevelopment of the zone, and an estimate of the general impact of the proposed zone on property values and tax revenues; WHEREAS, on June 12th, 2006, notice of a public hearing to be held on June 22, 2006 was published in the Bryan-College Station Eagle, a copy of the notice is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the College Station City Council on the 22nd day of June, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. at the regular meeting of the Council; WHEREAS, upon such public hearing being convened, there was presented proof and evidence that notice of such hearing had been published and had been mailed as described above; WHEREAS, the City Council at such hearing invited any interested person to appear and contend for or against the creation of the reinvestment zone, the boundaries of the proposed reinvestment zone, whether all or part of the territory, which is described by boundary survey attached hereto as Exhibit Ordinance No. 2907 page 2 "B" and depicted in the diagram attached hereto as Exhibit "C", should be included in such proposed reinvestment zone, the concept of tax increment financing; WHEREAS, all owners of property located within the proposed reinvestment zone and all other taxing units and other interested persons were given the opportunity at such public hearing to protest the creation of the proposed reinvestment zone or the inclusion of their property in such reinvestment zone; WHEREAS, the City staff presented the preliminary financing and development plans for the proposed reinvestment zone attached hereto as Exhibit "D"; and WHEREAS, the proponents of the reinvestment zone offered evidence, both oral and documentary, in favor of the foregoing matters related to the creation of the reinvestment zone; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, that: The facts and recitations contained in the preamble of this ordinance are hereby found and declared to be true and correct. II. The City, after conducting such hearing and having heard such evidence and testimony and considering the preliminary project and financing plan, has made the following findings and determination based upon the evidence and testimony presented to it: A. That the public hearing on adoption of the reinvestment zone has been properly called, held and conducted, and that notice of such hearing has been published as required by law and mailed to all taxing units overlapping the territory inside the proposed reinvestment zone. B. That the City has jurisdiction to hold and conduct this public hearing on the creation of the proposed reinvestment zone pursuant to the TAX INCREMENT FINANCING ACT. C. That creation of the proposed zone with boundaries as described in Exhibits "B" and "C" will result in benefits to the City, its residents and property owners, and to the property, residents and property owners in the reinvestment zone. D. That the reinvestment zone as described in Exhibit "B" and "C" meets the criteria for the creation of a reinvestment zone as set forth in the TAX INCREMENT FINANCING ACT (V.T.C.A. TAX CODE ~3ll.005 [VERNON 2002 AND VERNON SUPP. 2005]) in that: (I) It is a contiguous geographic area located wholly within the corporate limits of the City. (2) That the area is predominantly underproductive and underdeveloped and substantially impairs or arrests the sound growth of the municipality. (3) That development of the area would not occur in the foreseeable future solely through private investment. (4) The total appraised value of all taxable real property in the zone according to the most recent appraisal rolls of the City, together with the total appraised value of the taxable real property and all other taxing existing reinvestment zones within the City, according Ordinance No. 2907 page 3 to the most recent appraisal rolls of the City, does not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the current total appraised value of the taxable real property in the City. (5) Improvements in the reinvestment zone will enhance significantly the value of all taxable real property in the reinvestment zone. (6) That a preliminary project plan and a financing plan have been developed and are attached hereto as Exhibit "D". Such preliminary project and financing plans will be the basis for the master plan for the final financing and development plans for the reinvestment zone and shall assist the staff and board of directors in implementing a successful reinvestment zone. (7) In October through December, 2005 various property owners petitioned the City Council of College Station that the area described in Exhibits "B" and "C" be designated as a reinvestment zone. A copy of the petitions are attached hereto as Exhibit "E" and incorporated herein for all purposes. Such property owners represent more than fifty percent (50%) of the appraised value of the property in the proposed reinvestment zone. Therefore, Reinvestment Zone No. 16 is hereby established by owner petition pursuant to SECTION 311.005 (A) (5) OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING ACT. (8) That the following Council Members were present and considered the ordinance on June 22, 2006. Ron Silvia John Happ Ben White Ron Gay Lynn McIlhaney Chris Scotti David Ruesink That the City hereby creates a reinvestment zone over the area described by the boundary survey in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and such reinvestment zone shall be based on the preliminary project and financing plans. This zone shall hereafter be identified as Reinvestment Zone No. 16, City of College Station, Texas (the "Zone"). IV. The Board of Directors for the Zone shall consist of nine (9) member directors. The City Council of the City of College Station shall appoint six (6) members who shall meet the eligibility requirements as set forth in the Act to serve on the Board of Directors. The Brazos County Commissioners Court shall each appoint one (I) member who shall meet the eligibility requirements as set forth in the Act to serve as a member of the Board of Directors. The member of the state Senate in whose district the zone is located or his designee is also a member of the board. The member of the state House of representatives in whose district the zone is located or his designee is also a member of the board. The Brazos County Commissioners Court member, the member of the state senate or his designee, the member of the state house of representatives or his designee, and three (3) members appointed by the City of College Station, shall serve an initial two (2) year term while the other three (3) appointed by the City of College Station shall serve initial one (I) year terms. All subsequent appointments will be made for two (2) staggered terms or until a successor director may be appointed thereafter. The City Council shall I~------- Ordinance No. 2907 page 4 designate one (I) member to serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors for the year ending December 31,2007, and each year thereafter, and authorizes the Board to elect from its members a Vice-Chairman and other officers as it sees fit. The Board shall retain all powers provided it in the Act. The Board of Directors shall make recommendations to the City Council concerning the administration of the Zone and shall prepare and cause to be prepared and adopt a Project Plan based upon the preliminary Financing and Project Plans for the Zone and must submit such plans to the City Council for its review and approval. The City hereby delegates to the Board of Directors all powers necessary to prepare and implement such Project Plan, subject to approval by the City Council, including the power to direct the staff and employ consultants to assist in the preparation of the Project Plan and in the issuance of certificates of obligations. V. That operation of the Zone shall commence immediately following the passage of this ordinance, and that termination of the operation of the Zone shall occur upon the collection of the levies of September, 2037 (due in FY 2037-2038), or at a time designated by subsequent ordinance or at such time subsequent to the issuance of certificates of obligation as all project costs and certificates of obligation, and the interest thereon, have been paid in full. VI. That the tax increment base for the Zone is the total appraised value of all taxable real property in the reinvestment zone as of January I, 2006. VII. That there is hereby created and established a Tax Increment Fund for the Zone which may be divided into such sub-accounts as may be authorized by subsequent ordinances into which all tax increments are to be deposited. The Tax Increment Fund and any sub-accounts are to be maintained at the depository bank of the City and shall be secured in the manner prescribed by law for Texas cities. The tax increments shall equal the amount of property taxes levied for a year on the captured and appraised value, that is, the amount by which the current appraised value of all taxable real property located in the Zone exceeds its tax increment base less any other funds which are to be allocated from the tax increments pursuant to the Act. All revenues from the sale of any tax increment finance bonds and notes hereafter issued by the City may be deposited into such fund or sub-account from which money will be disbursed to pay project costs for the Zone or to satisfy the claims of holders of tax increment bonds or notes issued for the Zone. , Ordinance No. 2907 page 5 VIII. That if any section, paragraph, clause, or provision of this ordinance shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this ordinance. IX. That it is hereby found, determined and declared that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of the meeting of the City Council of the City of College Station at which this ordinance was adopted was posted at a place convenient and readily accessible at all times to the general public at the City Hall of the City of College Station for the time required by law preceding this meeting, as required by the Open Meetings Act, and that this meeting has been open to the public as required by law, at all times during which this ordinance and the subject matter hereon has been presented, discussed, considered and finally acted upon. The City Council of the City of College Station further ratifies, approves and confirms such written notice and the contents and posting thereof. x. That the contents of the notice of public hearing, which hearing was held before the City Council ofthe City of College Station on June 22, 2006, and the publication of said notice, is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED on this the 22nd day of June, 2006. A Connie Hooks, Cil'j Secretary APPROVED: CCD!.~~dl City Attorney EXHIBIT "A" NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LEGAL NOTICE DATE TO BE PUBLISHED: June 12, 2006 ONLY BILL TO: A TTN: MR. JEFF KERSTEN P.O. BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION, TX 77842 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an ordinance designating approximately 141 acres respectively in the J .E. Scott League, College Station, Brazos County, Texas; and generally known as the Northgate District bounded by Wellborn Road, University Drive, South College Avenue, and the northern city limits of College Station, as Reinvestment Zone Number Sixteen (16), City of College Station, Texas, for a Tax Increment Financing District as provided in the Tax Increment Financing Act. The purpose of this Zone is to promote redevelopment and to fund a publicly owned convention center and associated improvements. This public hearing will discuss the creation and purpose of the zone, its benefits to the municipality and other taxing entities, the boundaries of the zone, and other matters related thereto. At the hearing any interested person may speak for or against the creation of the zone, the inclusion of their property in the zone, its boundaries, purpose, or the concept of tax increment financing. The hearing will be held in the City Council Chamber at College Station City Hall, located at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 22, 2006. Any request for sign interpretative services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3547 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. For additional information, please call Jeff Kersten, Director of Budget and Finance, City of College Station Department of Economic Development, at (979) 764-3745. EXHIBIT "B" METES AND BOUNDS EXHIBIT "B" . ., Joe On, Iae.. ~"B..,cum 2167 Post Oak CIrcle . College station, Texas 7'1845 (409) 690-3378 , North Gate Tn Increment Finance District J.B. Scott lM.gue CoUego station, 1;exaa August 26, 2005 All that certain tnIct Or pU'Cel of laud. lyiDg mJ. beiog 8Ituatod in tho J.D. Scott Lea$Ue In Collego Station, Brazos CouDly, Texas, boiDg all of tho w.e. Boyett SubdiYiaion 8IlCOldlD& ,to pllt of ~ in Volume 100, Page 440 oftbe Doed Records of,BnZo8 County, Tex... III oftb.o Taubcr:Ad4ition iwoordi1Ig to plat of ROOl'd in Y0111010 ,133, PI/Pl 182 ~ tbe DceIi Reco~ of Bnzos Co~" 'lWda, all of tho Socond RoviIiOD of Oak Temeo AcIdl.tion acooi-ding to plat ofniooid iIi 'Vo1iune 152, p. 237 of tho Dood P.occmls of Brazos County, T-. all of Tbo bjopana addition IIIlOOIlliDaIo plat of ~ in Vo1111Do 477. Page ,145 of tho Doed,Records ofBnioI Co1lDly, t-, III of~ lnl:t .~ In "BIddblt B", "BI:b111it C" and "BxbibIt D" in clood to John Cocil CuIpopper m l'eCOl'd'ecI in VollllllO U90, Pap 466 of the 0fli0Ia1 ReoordI of~ County, Texu,lbat tnct.conveyed to Fnnddeo Realty Inta'ltate Cotp. ~4eed rccorcIe4 in Volume 318, Pip'S31of~ Deo\i'~ of Brazos Couoty, Texas, that tnct ooaY~ to Don D. Dabbl by cIood ~'in vO\uIiie'464, Page 395 of tho Deed ll.ocolda ofBnzoa Collllty, TcxlS, that tract ~~ 10 MB DevelopmeDt CclnpIll1)' bydeedl1lC01'dedin Volume 1~. Pap 4 o~,tho Oftl.eillRlleorcla ofBtaz08 Coun.ty, Texas, tbltt<eet con~Cl)'Ill.\ 1p ~:$a'liD8i lll'd I,om NsoeIalion byc1o.i>d~rdcd ~ Vol~ 198, P~Sl(l'of tho Dcod Records ofBnzOs CoUnty, Texas, that trlctconvcyed to College Staton.Stsle Bank'by deed =ori;;a in VCilllDio 189. Pap 403 of the Dood Records of B= County; Taas, 'm1lhal tnct convoyed to M.L. Casmon by ~ rccorilod. in V' olume:202. page 323 of the DoM~,jk ofBmzos C01Itl1y, TCX88. 8lld being moro particularly ~ccl as lb~: . . , " B~ at the most wcstel"ly _ of tho Aid W.e. Bol'l',tt Subdivision in tho 1lOI1h~ ~ of Wollbonl R.oa4 (PM 21$4), wbich point is on the Xlorthweet city 1lmitsllne of tho City qf Co.llege Stalion,Toxas.' . , thenCeN 43'13' 29"B-1373~6 f60talong1ho~llneoftheW.e. Bbyett~:l'Isioil.llncl ~ mimhwC&lllity linU18 line of'tho City of Co1lo$C Stalion, III 248.70 teet p&88 a 1" i1'on bI!' in COIla'Ite found at tho north ClIId M PInt 9troel, to tiut Il108t llOIlther1y corner of tho aid W.e. Boyett Subdiylsion; , 'l'h~N 4()0 47' 35":B ~ 546.89 tbo\ COII1hwlDgaloDg lhcnoIthwost oity limits nD, of the City of College Station to a %" Uoil rod found at the IIlO8t north/lrly oomer of tho said Tauber Additioa in tho acutlXwest Un.o ofNaale Sll:cIet;' , I~___n__ __ I I , , North Oate BoundAxy Pag. 2 on Tbonco S 460 05' 21" B - 59.79 foct along the southwest line of Nagle Steel which is the line botwoOD. tho City of College Station and the City ofBryBD., to an extension oCtile centerline oCliIlow Boqlevard; , Thence along the eenterl,ine of Inlow Boulevard, which Is the line betWeen tho CIty of College Station and the City of Bryan, as follows: N 360 59' 20" E. 185.51 feet; N 280 06' 20" E - 672.34' teet: N 20' 30' OS" E - 374,89 foot to thenortheut \inooflho said Oak Temce Addition which Is the southwll8l rlght-of-wayline of CoUego Avenue (HIghway 308); , -, Thence S 48' 01' 45" B - 2OS3.18'foct along theS01lfhweei lino of College AVIlllU8, at 1154.94' pass II 5/8" Iron rod. follll4 III the lllOst easterly corneE of Oak T_ Addition wIlich Is tbe molt norIhcdy cOmer of tho said Culpepper 4.96 acre tract, to the northwfl8l right-of-way line of University Drive (PM 60); , Thllllce slong the norlhweat right-of-way line ofUDivenity Drive U folio"",,: , S S' OS' 42" W - 100.00 feet; S 17" 19' 29" E - 47.38 teet; S 42013' 35" W .1051.99 foot. to the IIlOIt southerly comer of Block 7 of the said Tauber AddItion in tho IIOI'tbout line ofNaglo,StI:ccll; :' S 24022' OS" W - 52.53 fect across Nagl,o Sll:oet; 8 410 25' 18" W - 544.59 feet to the most easterly comer of the Said w.e. Boyett Subdivision; S 410 45' 21" W - 801.80 teet; N 430 54' 14" W - 11.00 feet; 841045' 21"W . 38U)6 feet; S 51' 23' 2.1" W .71.32 feet; S 67"29' 04"W -37.68 feet to a~tisI!-t-of-way~lbuod; N 88' 59' IS" W - 189.54 feet to a OODCrete.t!gbt-of-waymOllum= ibund; N 40' 33' 2S"W -18.92 foot to aooiu:c:oterlght-of-way~tfound; S.,.,. 01' 00" W - 50.36 fect to a oonctelo 1igbWlf.waymnn""'''Dtfound; N 880 34' 24" W - 178.31 foot to a ~" iron tIld 1buad be8ide a 0ClIlCl'ete rlgbl-of-way ll1IJker at the Wtb.$et.llon of the University Drive' north right-of-way and the norfh~.rlght-of.way 1ino of WellbOm Road; . , . Tb.ence N 40. 21' 34" W - 1587.92 fect along the northeut rlgb!-of-wllY line of wllIl1iom Road to' the Point ofBeglnning and Cl)tllAlnn,g 14.1.94wes ofllllldmoro or lOS8 .', Bearings ~ TllXas State Plane, Can1ra1 Zcmo, NAJ).83 clatwn, 18 dotefmined by GPS o'oselvalioDS 1lsiDg CIty of College Station GPS monUIllont 110. 110 and USC&GS tnoIl\mlllllt Texas A&M 1935 from aground aumymadebi 1996. r EXHIBIT "C" TIF BOUNDARY MAP I I "C s:: Q) C) Q) ..J r-- --:- .... :'-' Q) E "E o ....J ((l z.. LL .- () I- DO /.,,-r (/) Q) "C C'O "'C C ::J o co - iI ~ 'lil ,. ,ei6 Ii!. +-' () "C +-' (/) "- o u. - I- -' \ ., II I--~~l I - Wh=''')!!.': .:;::: ':cEs'Zl'~~ =~.-,-- fff~~ WI8=J =l'lr~n~fi'i<f ~!=n I .~[, ~l TIt ~~~ -L ~;=. :,- .. .^J;;,~j >11-e Tn '1 c ~;U~tSt \llt Ie ::l ~ 1 I 0::- h ,~ ,; ..,... ,tl c.-- 'I ll.tn HL ... !I - Q)- o 0 'I - o ..J L- - l!.i :E --' I I 0 -x, I :::::\]/,I::: [ , ~I .~ ' W r-rlf 9liiN- 10::-:' - ~ I II1I 11,1 '-~1 IIOc~ 1;1 u..i I .;, _I \(T1T'1T1! 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'/'~' 'f(' I, . ,~Ji /" ~ I p~,.,{w OUOJ6\f, EXHIBIT "D" PROJECT AND FINANCIAL PLAN Attachment 2 TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE #16 Northgate District PRELIMINARY PROJECT PLAN PRELIMINARY FINANCE PLAN January 13, 2006 Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 1 Contents Page Section 1: Objectives: A Convention Center and Redevelopment of Northgate 5 Section 1: Project Description 5 Section 2: What Is Tax Increment Financing? 6 Section 3: Reinvestment Zone Description 7 Section 4: Development with Tax Increment Financing 8 Section 5: Paying for Public Improvements in the Zone 10 Section 6: Revenue Benefits for Taxing Units 13 Exhibits Exhibit A: Real Property Tax Flow with Tax Increment Financing Exhibit B: N orthgate TIF Zone Exhibit C:' Existing Uses and Conditions Exhibit D: Proposed Improvements/ Anticipated Key Development Site Map Exhibit E: Convention Center Development Concept Exhibit F: Aerial of TIF Zone and Existing Conditions Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 2 Schedule 1: Schedule 2: Schedule 3: Schedule 4-City: Schedule 4-County: Schedule 4-ISD: Schedule 5: Schedule 6: Schedule 7: Schedule 8: Schedule 9-City: Schedule 9-County: Schedule 9-ISD: Schedules Certified 2005 Brazos Appraisal District Real Property Appraisals in the Proposed Northgate TIF Zone Estimated Annual Expenditures ofTIF Project Cost Principal Anticipated Development in Northgate TIF Zone, 20 Years Estimated Annual Appraisals and City Real Property Tax from the TIF Zone Estimated Annual Appraisals and Brazos County Real Property Tax from the TIF Zone Estimated Annual Appraisals and College Station ISD Real Property Tax from the TIF Zone TIF Fund Sources and Uses of Cash (Debt Service Schedule) Estimated City Hotel Occupancy Tax Estimated Business Personal Property Tax from New Development in the TIF Zone Estimated Sales Tax from New Development in the TIF Zone Summary of Estimated City Taxes from Northgate TIF Zone, 30 Years Summary of Estimated County Taxes from Northgate TIF Zone, 30 Years Summary of Estimated School Taxes from Northgate TIF Zone, 30 Years Page 3 Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Disclaimer Neither this report nor its conclusion may be referred to or included in any product or part of any offering made in connection with private syndication of equity, sales of bonds, sales of securities or sale of participation interests to the public without express written consent of Stein Planning and Management. This Preliminary Finance and Project Plan is subject to revision until final adoption by Ordinance by the City Council of the City of College Station. Preliminary Financing Plan lor Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 4 Section 1: Objectives: A Convention Center and Redevelopment of Northgate The proposed Northgate tax increment financing reinvestment zone is a tool to facilitate development of a convention center in the Northgate area of College Station, The convention center is a stimulus to development of hotels, retail stores and services, offices, condominiums and apartments in its vicinity. These new developments will add value and tax revenue to College Station, Brazos County and the College Station ISO, Northgate will become a more desirable neighborhood. To accomplish these objectives, the City of College Station proposes designation of a tax increment reinvestment zone, subject to the Tax Increment Financing Act, Chapter 311 of the Texas Property Tax Code, The zone will be formed pursuant to a voluntary petition by property owners in accord with Tax Code Section 311,005(a)(5), The legal name of the zone is to be "Reinvestment Zone Number Sixteen (#16), City of College Station." In this plan document, the zone is referred to as the "Northgate TIF zone" or simply the "TIF zone," Project Description The public improvements will include a convention center with the following: . Approximately 43,000 s,f, of gross leasable area including a 12,750 s.f. grand ballroom, a 20,000 s,f, exhibit hall, a 5,500 s,f. junior ballroom, and 5,000 s.f. of divisible meeting space. . Shared space and back of the house space including kitchen, employee areas, administrative offices, laundry room, housekeeping, mechanical room, lobby, outdoor reception area, employee area, restrooms, parking garage, site hardscape, site landscape, signage, and utilities. Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 5 ,~ Section 2: What is Tax Increment Financing? College Station and Brazos County are not strangers to tax increment financing, Tax increment financing ("TIF") is a tool local governments of Texas have used since 1986 to finance public improvements within defined areas that have unique challenges and opportunities for economic development. Municipal authority to designate a TIF zone comes from Chapter 311 of the Texas Property Tax Code, A municipality makes public improvements in an area eligible for TIF by designating a reinvestment zone. Tax dollars generated by increased real property appraisals, new development and/or sales tax within the zone flow to a tax increment fund ("TIF fund") for all or part of a term specified by the municipal governing body, Cash flow to the TIF fund is then disbursed according to a TIF project and financing plan approved by a TIF Board and the City Council, as prescribed by statute and the ordinance designating the TIF zone. With few exceptions, the TIF fund may be used only for public improvements within the TIF zone, Exhibit A shows how tax from designated sources in a TIF zone flows to a taxing jurisdiction and to a TIF fund, Exhibit A assumes that tax generation in the zone increases soon after the TIF zone has been designated, Exhibit A: Real Property Tax Flow with Tax Increment Financing Tax $ Base year Fund dissolves Inclusion of property in a TIF zone does not change any tax rate for the property. Tax rates in the zone are the same as tax rates outside the zone, given a common set of taxing jurisdictions, Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 6 Section 3: Reinvestment Zone Description Exhibit B is a map of the Northgate TIF zone. The zone is immediately north of Texas A & M University's main campus in College Station, Boundaries are University Drive, Wellborn Road, the Bryan city limit and South College Avenue. Zone boundaries that follow public streets or highways shall be construed to include all such public rights-of-way, There are 83,12 taxable acres in the proposed zone, excluding right-of-way, Including fully-exempt accounts, but not rights-of way, the zone contains 115,55 acres. The total acreage in the Zone 141,94 acres. Schedule 1 is an attempt to identify real property accounts within the proposed zone boundaries, according to current Brazos Appraisal District records isolated by Stein Planning and Management. Inclusion of property within the zone boundaries, not inclusion in Schedule 1, shall determine properties in the zone. The 2005 appraised value of taxable accounts in Schedule 1 is $70,815,864, After allowances for various exemptions or abatements, values of the real property accounts in the zone liable for taxation in 2005 are, according to the Brazos Appraisal District: City of College Station: Brazos County: College Station ISO: $70,701,743 $70,672,233 $70,551,743 These values differ slightly because different taxing units may have different exemption policies and different tax abatements, These amounts liable for taxation are the bases for estimating 2006 "base values" of real property in the zone, Actual base values will be the values of real property on the certified tax roll for 2006 and liable for taxation by respective taxing units. Exhibit C maps existing uses and conditions in the zone. The zone contains a mix of apartment, condominium, institutional, retail and residential uses and vacant land, Exhibit F provides an aerial map of the zone, Much of the area is substantially deteriorated. The site of the planned hotel and convention center is currently a vacant lot and a deteriorated shopping center that contains significant vacant space. Most properties in the zone are also in deteriorated condition. Terrain in this area is generally flat. One regulatory floodplain exists in the area, Conditions in the zone substantially impair the sound growth of the city and retard the provision of housing and other development. The proposed zone thus meets this statutory test for designation of a reinvestment zone, Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 7 Section 4: Development with Tax Increment Financing Exhibit D is a map locating key development sites anticipated in the zone within immediate years, given the stimulus of a tax increment financing program, Identity of these sites is not intended to preclude or discourage redevelopment at additional sites in the zone, The public improvement to be accomplished with tax increment financing is the convention center on part of site 3, Exhibit D, This will be a facility with approximately 43,000 gross leasable square feet of floor area, conveniently accessible to a full-service hotel also to be built on site 3 and a second hotel to be built on site 4, A conceptual Site is shown in Exhibit E. The convention center is not expected to be a taxable property, but the adjacent hotels and other anticipated developments will be fully taxable, Schedule 2 is a cost estimate for the convention center, It allocates expenditures to years in which dollars are likely to be spent. The TIF fund is created to pay these project costs for convention center construction, Cost components will be detailed and adjusted after designation of the TIF zone, but total project costs before finance charges are expected to remain at approximately $25,000,000, The key development sites are quantified as to site size, estimated floor area, estimated appraised value and estimated completion year by Schedule 3, Schedule 3 includes redevelopment in the Northgate zone at other sites not specifically identified on Exhibit D, Over a twenty-year period, Schedule 3 anticipates 1,513,000 gross square feet of new floor area construction, an average of 75,650 square feet annually. If constructed and absorbed today, the new development would have an estimated appraisal value for tax purposes of $141 million, including land. Net new appraisal value would be roughly $130 million. Actual construction costs and sale prices will probably exceed appraisals, The Schedule 4 series (4-City, 4-County and 4-ISD) adds a time dimension to the appraisal assumptions of Schedule 3, These schedules estimate annual taxable real property values for the Northgate TIF zone through 2035, Each schedule also estimates annual "captured appraised values" (taxable appraised value growth since base year 2006) in the Northgate zone. Annual taxable appraisals and captured appraised values will be slightly different for each taxing unit because each taxing unit may have different policies for exemptions and tax abatements, Each Schedule 4 also estimates annual real property tax increments from the Northgate zone and annual reinvestments in the TIF fund. Note that the City of College Station reinvests tax increments generated by the Northgate zone for Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 8 twenty-one years (fiscal year 2008 through fiscal year 2028). Brazos County is asked to reinvest the O&M (Operations and Maintenance) portion of its tax increments generated by the Northgate zone for twenty years (fiscal year 2009 through fiscal year 2028). The College Station ISO is not asked to participate in the TIF fund because the Texas formula for funding education treats reinvestments in TIF funds as local funds available for education, thereby reducing State aid for education, even though the investments in the TIF fund would not remain available to the ISO. The improvements recommended in this plan are compatible with the uses reflected in the Comprehensive Plan for the City of College Station, The Comprehensive Plan was originally adopted in 1997. A subsequent area study, the "Northgate Redevelopment Implementation Plan," called for an "east-end anchor" for Northgate near the site identified for the full-service hotel and convention center, The plan also called for dense mixed-use development. The plan was reviewed and approved by the College Station City Council in 2003. No zoning changes are necessary for implementation of Schedule 3 development. Existing zoning calls for dense mixed-use development. The planning and zoning concept for Northgate includes office, commercial, retail, restaurant and multi-family uses, both condominium and rental. No residents will be displaced by the convention center or related hotels in Northgate, If and when any residents are required to relocate due to private development in Northgate, the landowner or developer will be responsible for due respect of the rights of tenants. Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 9 Section 5: Paying for Public Improvements in the Zone College Station proposes four streams of revenue to ultimately pay for the convention center at Northgate: (1) Real property tax increments from the City; (2) Real property tax increments from the County; (3) Cash contributions from the City; (4) Hotel occupancy tax from hotels in the Northgate zone and parts of the hotel occupancy tax from outside the zone, Each of these cash sources is represented by a separate line on Schedule 5, "TIF Fund Sources and Uses of Cash (Debt Service Schedule)." No City or County property taxes on the value of the Northgate zone for 2006 are ever directed to the TIF fund, Real property taxes related to added value pay for the convention center. The Schedule 5 City tax increments are imported from Schedule 4-City, which assumes City participation with 100% of real property tax increments from Northgate for twenty-one specified years, Brazos County tax increments are imported from Schedule 4-County, County participation is assumed with 100% of onlv the O&M (ooerations and maintenance) Dart of the Countv tax rate for a term of twenty specified years, Tax rates for the City and County are subject to change and the contributions pledged by the City and County to the Fund shall change as the tax rates change; however, the City shall always commit 100% of its tax rate and the County shall always commit 100% of its O&M tax rate, Cash contributions from the City are identified in Schedule 5. These contributions are separate from the real property tax increments. The principal amount of these contributions may be recovered by the City after all other financial obligations of the TIF fund have been satisfied, Recovery shall be subordinate to all other debt service payments, Hotel occupancy tax for convention center construction is primarily the incremental hotel tax generated by new hotels in the Northgate TIF zone, These amounts are estimated in Schedule 6, Hotel occupancy tax for convention center construction shall also include hotel occupancy tax from outside the zone that is due to increased room sales stimulated by the convention center, These figures shall be the fixed annual dollar amounts from Schedule 6, estimated for College Station by a previous and independent study, A third stream of hotel occupancy tax for convention center construction shall be the payments from Schedule 5 in FY 2008-2009 and FY 2009-2010 from the balance of hotel occupancy tax revenue, Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 10 1------ i If cash contributions from the City or hotel occupancy tax revenue may not be blended with cash in the TIF fund for any reason, cash from these sources may be held in separate funds until applied to payments for the convention center. For simplicity, this plan treats all cash to pay for the convention center as flowing to and from the Northgate TIF fund, The convention center may experience annual operating cost deficits. In 1997, Coopers and Lybrand conducted a feasibility analysis for the marketability of a convention center in this area, The conclusion indicated a market for a multi- purpose meeting facility, This original analysis estimated that the facility would carry an operating deficit of approximately $57,000 in year one decreasing to $37,000 by year five, In March 2000, PriceWaterhouseCoopers updated the feasibility analysis, The PWC review and findings indicated, "We have no reason to believe that the estimates of financial operations would vary materially from the estimates presented in the 1997 report." The City retained C. H, Johnson and Associates to perform an additional feasibility and operational evaluation. Johnson concluded that the initial year's operating deficit would be $413,000, year 2 deficit would be $352,000, and subsequent annual deficits would level out at around $220,000, Any potential annual operating deficits of the convention center should be covered by existing revenue from hotel occupancy tax in College Station, currently expected to be $1,000,000 to $1,300,000 annually. Total hotel occupancy tax revenue is likely to be sufficient to cover potential operating deficits and the Schedule 5 anticipated payments for convention center construction in FY 2008-2009 and FY 2009-2010, Cash flow to the TIF fund depends on early construction of the convention center itself to stimulate development and tax generation, Consequently, the City will issue certificates of obligation, borrowing money at a municipal interest rate in exchange for a debt to be repaid by the TIF fund, including all identified sources from Schedule 5, In the event cash flow to the TIF fund is insufficient to make timely debt service payments, hotel occupancy tax and the City general fund will serve as back-up cash sources for certificate debt service, in that order. Unscheduled payments by the City general fund and hotel occupancy tax fund shall be reimbursed by the TIF fund as early as possible and shall be senior to all other obligations of the TIF fund except scheduled payments for debt service on certificates of obligation, Schedule 5 shows proceeds of $25,000,000 from the issue of municipal certificates in FY 2006-2007, Proceeds will be invested until drawn for hard and soft costs of convention center site acquisition and construction or to pay debt service on related certificates of obligation, This plan anticipates that the reinvestment zone will be designated by the City Council in calendar year 2006, thus making appraised values as of January 1, 2006 the base values for the zone. (Base values may differ slightly for each taxing unit.) The term of the TIF zone and TIF fund will end with collection of the levies of September, 2036 (due in FY 2036-2037). That term may be ended at Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 11 an earlier date, at the discretion of the City Council, if all TIF fund obligations have been satisfied by such earlier date. Note that although the term of the zone is thirty years, commitments of City tax increments are for only twenty-one specified years; County tax increments for twenty specified years, The tax increment fund may have a residual balance of cash after all its financial obligations have been met. A residual cash balance is indicated in FY 2027- 2028 in Schedule 5, Any residual balance after all TIF fund financial obligations have been fully satisfied will be refunded to participating taxing jurisdictions on a pro rata basis, Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 12 Section 6: Revenue Benefits for Taxing Units All real property tax revenue on the 2006 base value of the Northgate zone, all business personal property tax (including growth increments) and all local sales tax (including growth increments) will be earned and retained for normal uses by the City and Brazos County, Real property taxes on value added since 2006 will flow to general funds after FY 2026-2027, Schedule 7 estimates annual business personal property taxes from Northgate, Schedule 8 estimates City and County sales taxes from Northgate. Although 2005 legislation permits sales tax increments to flow to a TIF zone, this plan does not propose any sales tax for the TIF zone. Municipal hotel tax generated by hotels in the zone and other hotel occupancy tax will become available for purposes other than convention center construction after FY 2026-2027. The final schedules in this plan (Schedules 9-City, 9-County and 9-ISO) summarize and compare estimated annual taxes from the Northgate TIF zone that respective taxing units will reinvest in the TIF fund and retain for other uses over the analysis period of thirty years, Tax revenues from Northgate and taxes retained from Northgate for general purposes will never drop below 2006 levels unless appraised values and sales drop below 2006 levels. The estimated taxes retained for general uses exceed the reinvestments of estimated new taxes in the convention center in every year. Redevelopment of Northgate will bring qualitative benefits of a new, revitalized mixed-use neighborhood according to the City's comprehensive plan, It will also bring jobs during and after the construction phases. Preliminary Financing Pian for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 13 Exhibit A Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 14 ~ Exhibit B Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 15 Exhibit B' Northgate 11 F Zone Exhibit C Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 16 Exhibit c: Existing Uses and Conditions D Residential Iii!!iiJ MJti-family D Vocanl _ Tax-exempt institutional _ Corrrnercial _ Utilities NTlFzone bounday Exhibit D Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 17 Lege << Exhibit D: Anticipated Development Map .c- ~ Q) > 'c ::> ~ ~ <( en co >< Q) I- t':' l'(l "C C ::l o IX! N 0:: i= F9 ag ffiE ICJLl l[gua 1...........;I.~"i...1 "" rn06Id .fR I vvellborn '< " Q .. ,.. .. ~ 7JQ ,~ I--'~-~-- I Exhibit E: Convention Center Development Concept Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 18 1----- ! ; ! i r ... ~ :~ ~!l fi! 't .' II t , . , ' , 'I I. IK I . Ii' '1l. ~ ... _ ~ ~ lal1 r. .. . . .~' ii":1 )" "ad{!l ~I)i ~- ~tt 1 4 .. .j '\~~ ~~~ ~., ~ -....::7 , Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 19 Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 20 Exhibit F: Site Plan for Early Development Project in Northgate Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 21 1------ I , Exhibit F Northgate TI F Aerial & Existing Conditions Preliminary Financing Plan for Northgate TIF Zone, January 13, 2006 Page 22 Schedule 1; Certified 2005 Brazos Appraisal District Real Property Appraisals in the Proposed Northgate TIF Zone Accounts are arranged by ID number, taxable sites first.. Some sites are grouped according to possible redevelopment sites. Property ID Record Owner Land Improvements Total land SF Land/LSF Impr. SF Impr.JISF R18594 COLLEGE STATION, CITY OF $484,400 $110,080 $574,480 54,000 $8,60 5,062 $22 R 1 8595 SZABUNIEWJCZ, CHARLES H $52,500 $52,500 6,750 $7.78 R 18596 SZABUNIEWICZ, MICHAEL $54,000 $150 $54,150 6,750 $8,00 R18597 SZABUNIEWICZ, IZABELLA M $54,000 $190 $54,190 6,750 $8.00 R 18598 DP UNLIMITED INC $54,000 $54,000 6,750 $8.00 R18599 GOBS. JAY B & CATHY E $54,000 $630 $54,630 6,750 $8.00 R18600 SOBHANI, DAVID & MITRA $54,000 $4,480 $58,480 8,750 $8.00 R18601 SOBHANI, DAVID & MITRA $54,000 $4,480 $58,480 6,750 $8.00 R18602 SOBHANI, DAVID & MITRA $54,000 $54,000 6,750 $8.00 R18603 BIG DOG TRUST $54,000 $54,000 6,750 $8,00 R18604 GAllEGOS, AOALBERTO M $54,000 $3,450 $57,450 6,750 $8,00 R85400 City of College Station exempt for 2005 27.000 Site 1 $1,002,900 $123,460 $1,126,360 148,500 R38611 CULPEPPER FAMilY LP. $1,328.140 $1,328,140 132,814 $10.00 Site 3 $1,328,140 $0 $1,328,140 132,814 R18606 BENNING, RICHARD B $65,070 $1,400 $66,470 8,134 $8.00 R18607 THOMAS, GLENN 0 $40,850 $2,040 $42,890 5,106 $8.00 R18808 BENNING, RICHARD B $57,360 $3,290 $60,650 7,170 $8,00 R18609 BENNING, RICHARD B $58,580 $3,190 $59,750 8,970 $8,11 R18610 SZABUNIEWICZ, IZABELLA M $S5,780 $360 $58,120 8,950 $8,02 R18611 SZABUNIEWICZ, CHARLES H $54,980 $330 $55,290 6,870 $8.00 R18612 SZABUNIEW1CZ, CHARLES H $54,160 $410 $54,570 6,770 $8,00 R18613 VESSALI, PARVIZ & CHANTAL $53,380 $31,150 $84,510 6,670 $8.00 3,420 $9 R18614 VESSALl. PARVIZ & CHANTAL $78,540 $3,000 $81,540 9,818 $8,00 R18615 VESSAll, PARVIZ & CHANTAL $77,340 $75,600 $152,940 9,888 $8.00 5,000 $15 R18616 VIGILANT ENTERPRISES LLC $210,240 $9,020 $219,280 26,280 $8,00 R18617 SAHARA REALTY GROUP l TD $54,160 $54,160 6,770 $8.00 R18618 SAHARA REALTY GROUP L TO $54,980 $54,960 6,870 $8,00 R18619 NELSON RENTAlS lNC $55,780 $2,410 $58,170 6,970 $8.00 R18820 BIG DOG TRUST $56,560 $58,580 7,070 $8.00 R18621 MITCHELL, NORMA SUE BOYETT $56,960 $37,820 $94,580 7,170 $7,94 3,640 $10 R18622 DIXIE CHICKEN INC $160.490 $287,560 $448,050 14.590 $11.00 2,915 $99 SileS $1,243,090 $457,380 $1,700,470 149,846 R 1 3576 CULPEPPER, JOHN C, III $132,420 $59,200 $191,620 13,939 $9.50 6,390 $9 R13578 CULPEPPER FAMILY L.P. $53,870 $21,530 $75,400 5,670 $9,50 425 $51 R13579 CULPEPPER FAMILY L.P. $873,150 $102,260 $975,410 91,911 $9,50 22,500 $5 R13580 CULPEPPER FAMILY L.P. $1,121,450 $113,030 $1,234.480 119,047 $9,42 28,548 $4 R13581 CULPEPPER, JOHN C, III $1,972,390 $134,580 $2,106,950 207,620 $9,50 49,032 $3 R13588 CULPEPPER, JOHN C, HI $138,160 $69,970 $208,130 14,543 $9,50 2,785 $25 R13589 CULPEPPER, JOHN C. III $138,180 $21,530 $159,690 14,543 $9,50 2,900 $7 R13591 CULPEPPER FAMILY L.P. $32,120 $43,750 $75,870 3,386 $9.49 284 $186 Sita6 $4,461,720 $565,830 $5,027,550 470,859 R 13582 CITICORP NORTH AMERICA INC $209,520 $144,440 $353,960 16,117 $13.00 4,479 $32 R 13583 FIRST AMERICAN BANK SSB $16,990 $16,990 1,307 $13,00 R 13584 FIRST AMERICAN BANK SSB $822,810 $899,730 $1,722,540 63,293 $13,00 12,864 $70 R13585 GUARANTY FEDERAl BANK FSB $644 430 5330 570 5975 000 4?AA? S1!'i no ~nn1 l11n R13586 AUSTACO II REAL ESTATE $404,550 $300,580 $705,130 22,475 $18,00 3,200 $94 R13587 MCOONALD'S CORP (420109) $694,440 $570,130 $1,284,570 38,580 $18,00 4,708 $121 R13590 KALLlSON RANCH OF VIRGINIA L1MITI $337,640 $276,575 $614,215 18,480 $18,27 1,850 $150 R18481 LOUPQT'S TOO L,P, $60,750 $246,650 $307,400 4,050 $15,00 7,344 $34 R18482 CJB PROPERTIES INC $33,750 $155,830 $189,560 2,250 $15.00 3,536 $44 R18483 MITCHELL, WILLIAM TURNER & RALPI $25,040 $55,700 $80,740 2,087 $12,00 1,775 $31 R18484 MITCHELL, WILLIAM T & R HOWARD $25,040 $63,780 $88,820 2,087 $12.00 2,100 $30 R18485 MITCHELL, WILLIAM TURNER & RALPI $25,040 $59,550 $84,590 2,087 $12,00 1,775 $34 R18486 RANEY, JOHN N & ELIZABETH H $25,040 $96,590 $121,830 2,087 $12,00 3,550 $27 R18487 VANCE, LOUISE B $219,880 $324,080 $543,960 16,914 $13.00 7,788 $42 R18488 VANCE, LOUISE B $22,090 $57,560 $79,650 1,841 $12,00 1,430 $40 R18489 MITCHELL, NORMA SUE BOYETT $32,200 $75,780 $107,960 4,025 $8.00 2,048 $37 R18490 BOYETT, DEBRA L $71,760 $110,790 $182,550 5,520 $13.00 3,675 $30 Page1of7 Schedule 1: Certified 2005 Brazos Appraisal District Real Property Appraisals in the Proposed Northgate TIF Zone Accounts are arranged by lD number, taxable sites first.. Some sites are grouped according to possible redevelopment sites. Prooertv to Record Owner Land Improvements Total Land SF LandlLSF Impr.SF Jmpr.llSF R18491 BOYETT, WilLIAM C, Sr. $54,600 $97,460 $152,060 4,200 $13,00 3,264 $30 R18492 BOYETT, WILLIAM C, Sr. $59,150 $101,570 $160,720 4,550 $13.00 3,380 $30 R18493 DP UNLIMITED INC $17,440 $17,440 2,180 $6,00 R18494 LINDLEY, DORIS JE1\N $17,490 $36,100 $53,590 2,186 $8,00 1,300 $28 R18495 BOYETT, BANKSTON PARTNERSHIP $227,500 $357,930 $585,430 17,500 $13.00 6,626 $54 R18496 RIG RUNNER'S INC $156,610 $226,260 $382,870 10,454 $14.98 2,632 $86 R18497 RIG RUNNER'S INC $176,180 $176,180 11,745 $15.00 R18505 BWB2 LP $67,080 $303,580 $370,660 5,590 $12,00 3,150 $96 R18515 SHELTON FAMILY PARTNERSHIP L Te $101,810 $383,490 $485,300 6,787 $15,00 7,700 $50 R18516 HORNAK, BRUCE DOUGLAS $30,600 $120,170 $150,770 2,550 $12.00 1,590 $76 R'\8517 HOLICK, JOHNNIE $19,200 $96,860 $115,060 1,600 $12.00 2,920 $33 R18518 NICHOLS. JOE W MARITAL TRUST $52,200 $131,590 $183,790 4,350 $12.00 3,834 $34 R18519 400 UNIVERSITY DRIVE, LLC $268,500 $410,050 $678,550 17,900 $15,00 7,238 $57 R18526 CROSS STREET I L,P, $447,000 $2,811,130 $3,258,130 37,250 $12.00 66,604 $42 R18528 WESTERHEIM, DANIEL $49,000 $5,510 $54,510 6,125 $6,00 R 18529 BIG DOG 7RUST $47,000 $47,000 5,875 $8,00 R18532 PARULIAN, OSCAR & SWANY W $49,200 $2,540 551,740 6,150 $8,00 R18533 NELSON, HOWARD C $101,200 $3,040 $104,240 12,650 $8.00 R18534 MIZE, DALE E & KAREN H $46,000 $1,870 $47,870 5,750 $8,00 R18535 COOLEY, Bill J & FRANCES $92,000 $76,890 $166,690 11,500 $8,00 3,360 $23 R18539 PITNER, H M $39,600 $2,720 $42,320 4,950 $8,00 R18540 PITNER, H M $39,600 $2,720 $42,320 4,950 $8.00 R18541 PITNER, H M $37,600 $2,720 $40,320 4,700 $8.00 R16542 ROMAIN, PIERRE-YVES & KATE $60,000 $2,270 $62,270 7,500 $8,00 R18543 ROMAIN, PIERRE-YVES & KATE $60,400 $3,660 $64,260 7,550 $6.00 R18544 ROMAIN, PIERRE-YVES & KATE $61,260 $3,680 $65,160 7,660 $8.00 R18545 NELSON RENTALS INC $61.260 $5,480 $66,760 7,660 $8.00 R18546 NELSON RENTALS INC $60,400 $6,660 $67,060 7,550 $8.00 R16547 RADAKOR LLC $60,000 $5.450 $65,450 7,500 $6.00 R18549 OPERSTENY, MICHAEL J $59,200 $59,200 7,400 $6.00 R18550 PITNER, MARJORIE N $59,000 $1,900 $60,900 7,375 $6.00 R18555 301 CHURCH AVENUE L.P, $1,681,070 $14,248,090 $15,929,160 140,089 $12,00 301,163 $47 R18556 BENNING, RICHARD B & ENERGY ALe $173,030 $268,640 $441,670 14,419 $12,00 4,480 $60 R 16567 FORREST, ROBERT J $75,540 $117,640 $193,160 6,295 $12,00 2,985 $39 R 18568 FORREST, ROBERT $97,500 $514,290 $611,790 8,125 $12,00 5,450 $94 R18569 DDBV L TD $114,560 $202,800 $317,360 6,612 $13.00 4,500 $45 R18571 SCHWAB, JOHN $26,220 $69,210 $95,430 2,017 $13,00 1,500 $45 R18572 HARPER, MOREY MITCHELL $23,080 $7,500 $30,580 1,775 $13.00 R18573 HARPER, MOREY MITCHELL $13,780 $18,030 $31,610 1,080 $13.00 400 $45 R18574 DIXIE CHICKEN INC $84,000 $279,020 $363,020 5.600 $15.00 5,600 $50 R18575 BOYETT, WJLLlAM C, Sr. $45,920 $110,700 $156,620 3,532 $13.00 1,705 $65 R18577 BOYETT, GEORGE H $73,210 $326,260 $399,470 6,101 $12.00 5,880 $55 R18578 BOYETT, GEORGE H $24,540 $24,540 3,068 $8,00 R18581 M MOORE PROPERTIES L TO $275,240 $176,600 $454,040 21,172 $13,00 2,700 $66 R18582 BIG DOG TRUST $3,180 $3,180 2,787 $1,14 R18583 BOYETT, GEORGE H $1,430 $1,430 1,785 $0,80 R18585 DIXIE CHICKEN INC $263,520 $263,520 21,960 $12,00 R18586 MITCHELL, NORMA SUE BOYETT $58,400 $100,620 $159,220 7,300 $8,00 4,700 $21 R18588 DP UNLIMITED INC $31,500 $31,500 4,922 $6.40 R1858Q WORTHAM C F !I:'~AAn !t1n1.41n !t1?.40Ql1 ? OAA fRnn 1 <IAn If'i!Q R18590 JUA~IJO INVESlMENTS L TO $37,630 $29,490 $67,120 3,136 $12,00 792 $37 R18591 WORTHAM, C E $54,000 $36,810 $90,810 6,750 $8,00 3,420 $11 R18592 DP UNLIMITED INC $54,000 $54,000 6,750 $6,00 R18S93 DP UNLIMITED INC $54,000 $1,400 $55,400 6,750 $8.00 696 $2 R18624 DUlANEY, CHRISTINE J $54,000 $54,000 6,750 $6.00 R18625 DULANEY, CHRISTINE J $54,000 $4,650 $58,650 6,750 $6,00 2,500 $2 R18626 DULANEY, CHRISTINE J $54,000 $5,860 $59,860 6,750 $6,00 Rl8627 DULANEY, CHRISTINE J $54,000 $4,930 $56,930 6,750 $8.00 Rl8B28 DULANEY, CHRISTINE J $54,000 $4,930 $58,930 6,750 $8.00 R18629 MOORE, WilLIAM TYLER JR TTEE $54,000 $54,000 6,750 $6.00 R18630 M MOORE PROPERTIES l TO $54,000 $12,150 $66,150 6,750 $6,00 2,856 $4 R18631 M MOORE PROPERTIES L TO $54,000 $4,340 $58,340 6,750 $8.00 R18632 M MOORE PROPERTIES l TO $54,000 $3,990 $57,990 6,750 $8.00 Page 2 of 7 Schedule 1 : Certified 2005 Brazos Appraisal District Real Property Appraisals in the Proposed Northgate TIF Zone Accounts are arranged by 10 number, laxable sites first.. Some sItes are grouped according to possible redevelopment sites. Prooertv ID Record Owner land Improvements Total Land SF LandlLSF Imor.SF Impr.llSF R18633 M MOORE PROPERTlE6 l TO $54,000 $3,990 $57,990 5,750 $8.00 R18634 M MOORE PROPERTlE6 lrD $54,000 $4,340 $58,340 6,750 $8,00 R18635 M MOORE PROPERTIES l TO $54,000 $4,340 $56,340 6,750 $8,00 R18636 BOYETT, GEORGE H $54,000 $3,160 $57,160 6,750 $8,00 R18637 BOYETT, GEORGE H $54,000 $3,160 $57,160 6,750 $8.00 R18638 BRADFORD, JAME6 C & JUDITH $51,200 $15,140 $66,340 6,400 $8,00 2,530 $6 R18639 BRADFORD, JAME6 C & JUDITH $50,820 $14,930 $65,750 6,353 $8,00 2,530 $8 R18640 BOYETT, GEORGE H $50,060 $36,810 $86,870 6,558 $7.63 3.420 $11 R18641 BOYETT, GEORGE H $49,300 $38,080 $87,380 6,162 $8.00 3,700 $10 R18642 BOYETT, GEORGE H $47,760 $37,620 $85,380 5,970 $8,00 3,640 $10 R18643 BOYETT, GEORGE H $47,760 $37,620 $85,380 5,970 $8,00 3,640 $10 R18644 OLSHEWSKY, STEVEN J $46,990 $43,030 $90,020 5,874 $8.00 2.475 $17 R18645 BOYETT, WilLIAM C, Sr. $46,220 $37,620 $83,840 5,778 $8,00 3,640 $10 R18646 BOYETT, WilLIAM C, Sr. $46,180 $37,620 $83,800 5,773 $8.00 3,640 $10 R18647 MASUD, 6HARIF M & 6HAHNAZ $46,870 $36,910 $83,780 5,859 $8,00 3,450 $11 R18648 KAKWAN, IMRAN J $47,560 $37,620 $85,180 5,945 $8,00 3,640 $10 R18649 MASUD, SHARIF M & SHAHNAZ $46,250 $3,720 $51,970 6,031 $8,00 1,560 $2 R18650 MITCHELL, NORMA SUE BOYETT $46,940 $37,620 $86,560 6,117 $8,00 3,640 $10 R18651 DP UNLIMITED INC $37,920 $32,950 $70,870 6,320 $6,00 2,860 $12 R18652 SPRUCE 6TREET PROPERTIES l TO $36,000 $36.410 $72,410 6,000 $6,00 3,300 $11 R18653 MITCHEll, NORMA 6UE BOYETT $36,000 $31,670 $67,670 6,000 $6,00 2,672 $12 R18654 SPRUCE STREET PROPERTIES L TD $37,920 $36,410 $74,330 6,320 $6,00 3,300 $11 R 18655 ISLO.M-FARIDI, M NURUL & AFSANA $48,940 $40,510 $89,450 6.147 $7,96 3,640 $11 R 18656 POSTON, GLADYS BOYETT $48,250 $37,620 $85,870 6,031 $8.00 3,640 $10 R18657 BOYETT, QRAN $47,500 $37,620 $85,120 5,945 $7.99 3,640 510 R18658 MOTT, KAREN RENE $46,870 $3,670 $50,540 5,859 $8.00 R18659 BOYETT, WILLIAM C, Sr. $46,180 $37,620 $83,800 5.773 $8,00 3,640 $10 R 18660 BOYETT, WILLIAM C. Sr. $46,270 $37,620 $83,890 5,778 $8,01 3,640 $10 R18661 BOYETT, GRAN PARKER $118,920 $83,410 $202,330 14.865 $8,00 6.432 $13 R18662 BOYETT, GRAN PARKER $123,720 $78,610 $202,330 15,465 $8.00 6,432 $12 R18663 NELSON, HOWARD C 5102,400 $59,520 $161,920 12,800 $8,00 2,576 $23 R 1 8664 HENDERSON LUCY $67,500 $176,500 $244,000 8,437 $8,00 4,532 $39 R 18665 HENDER60N lUCY $53,230 $176,500 $229,730 6.654 $8.00 4,532 $39 R 18666 HENDER60N lUCY $51,830 $176,500 $228,330 6,479 $8.00 4,532 $39 R 18667 MOORE, SANDRA l $50,500 $4,930 $55,430 6,312 $8.00 R18668 O'NEill, PAUL & JENNIFER $49,100 $30,810 $79,910 6,138 $8,00 3,300 $9 R18669 VALENTA, SUE ANN HODGSON $76,990 $46,303 $125,293 9,624 $8,00 4,880 $10 R18670 DP UNLIMITED INC $134,340 565,000 $199,340 22,390 $6,00 2,812 $23 R18671 6 I R DESIGN & CON6TRUCTION INC $133,360 $133,350 22,226 $6.00 R18612 NELSON, HOWARD C ETAl $75,270 $6,210 $81,480 9,409 $8,00 R18673 SZABUNIEWICZ, C H INDV & A6 TRU6 $49,100 $130 $49,230 6,137 $8,00 R18674 SZABUNIEWICZ, C H INDV & AS TRUS $50,SOO $130 $50,630 6,313 $8,00 R18615 HENDERSON LUCY $51,830 $176,500 $228,330 6.419 $8.00 4,532 $39 R18676 HENDERSON LUCY $53,230 $176,500 $229,730 6,654 $8.00 R18677 HENDERSON lUCY $67,500 $176,500 $244,000 8,436 $8.00 R18676 MITCHEll, NORMA SUE BOYETT $45,000 $93,060 $138,060 7,500 $6.00 4,700 $20 R18679 ABDULLAH, JAHANGIR & HIROMI NAG $90,000 $39,950 $129,950 15,000 $6.00 825 $46 R18680 SPRUCE STREET PROPERTIES L TO $27,000 $36,410 $63,410 4,500 $6,00 3,300 $11 R1868l 6PRUCE 6TREET PROPERTIE6 l TO $41,400 $36,410 $77,810 6,900 $6,00 3,300 $11 R18682 SPRUCE STREET PROPERTIF~ I TD !:Yl RRn S:~R41n t7$l. ?on R RA'1 tAnrl 1,]00 111 R18683 6PRUCE 6TREET PROPERTIE6 l TO $30,240 $36.410 $86,650 5,040 $6.00 3,300 $11 R18684 HARPER, WILLIAM P & PEGGY $53,820 $5,040 $58,860 8,970 $6,00 R18685 POSTON, GLADYS BOYETT $78,240 $116,120 $194,360 13.040 $8,00 4,100 $28 R 18686 TAMPlEN, BRIAN & ADDIE SPICER $32,270 $10,320 $42,590 5,378 $6,00 2,036 $5 R18687 MCCASLIN, PATRICK D & JEANETTE $23,730 $10,270 $34,000 3,955 $6,00 2,036 $5 R18688 FOSS 1984 TRUST $22,470 $10,320 $32,790 3,745 $6,00 2,036 $5 R18689 FERRELL, STUART DOUGLAS $21,210 $10,320 $31,530 3,535 $6,00 2,036 $5 R18690 CHONG. MONG-HWA C $20,390 $10,320 $30,710 3,398 $6,00 2,036 $5 R18691 FU, HONG & ZHEN TAO FENG $93,480 $5,320 $98,800 15,580 $6.00 R18692 BOYETT, DEBRA L $53,760 $58,760 $112,520 11,200 $4,80 2,270 $26 R18693 MASUD, SHARIF M & SHAHNAZ $58,800 $3,420 $62,220 9,800 $6,00 R18695 HE. LlNGYU & QIANG "JOHN" FU $55,350 $55,350 9,225 $6,00 R18696 FU, JOHN QIANG & L1NGYU HE $36,000 $36,000 6,000 $6.00 Page3of7 Schedule 1: Certified 2005 Brazos Appraisal District Real Property Appraisals in the Proposed Northgate TIF Zone Accounts are arranged by 10 number, taxable sites first.. Some siles are grouped according to possible redevelopment sites. F'ropertyJD Record Owner land Imorovements Tolal land SF LandlLSF Imot.SF Impr.llSF R18697 JOHNSON, CLARENCE B, 111 $158,200 $6,360 $164,560 32,500 $4.87 R18699 CARGILL, JANIE $39,150 $39,150 8,700 $4,50 R1870Q CARGILL. JANIE A & THOMAS H $64,130 $5,640 $69,770 14.250 $4,50 Ri8l01 CARGILL, JANIE A & THOMAS H $33,870 $33,870 11,290 $3,00 R18702 NEELLEY, A GESTATE $70,240 $3,670 $73,910 8,803 $7.98 R18703 BONO, MRS RJ ESTATE $71,690 $71,890 8,961 $8,00 R18704 PITNER, MARJORIE N $100,270 $100,270 12,534 $8,00 R18705 LEE, HELEN $67,070 $4,110 $71,160 8.384 $8,00 Ri8706 lEE, HELEN $117,020 $3,140 $120,160 14,627 $8,00 RiSl0? NELSON RENTALS INC $55,980 $2,030 $56,010 6,998 $8,00 R18706 FU, JOHN QIANG & L1NGYU HE $170,310 $400,290 $570,800 21,289 $8.00 6,998 $44 Ri8l11 HARRIS, CHARLES E, Jr. $164,760 $9,650 $174,410 20,595 $8.00 R18714 RICHARDSON, ROBERT M $78,780 $2,000 $60,780 9,847 $8,00 R18716 SZABUNIEWICZ, CHARLES H $42,000 $320 $42,320 5,250 $8,00 R18717 SZABUNIEWICZ, CHARLES H $42,000 $210 $42,210 5,250 $8,00 R18718 RASMUSSEN, GLEN L $21,020 $2,740 $23,750 2,627 $8,00 R18719 FRATILA, NICOLAE $38,000 $89,940 $127,940 4,750 $8,00 2,880 $31 R18720 WILCOX, ROBERT H $42,000 $4,500 $46,500 5,250 $6.00 R18722 NELSON RENTALS INC $46,000 $26,640 $72,640 5,750 $8.00 2,420 $11 R18723 NELSON RENTALS INC $104,000 $11,140 $115,140 13,000 $6,00 2,518 $4 R18724 PARUUAN, OSCAR & SWANY W $95,360 $16,370 $111,T3O 11,920 $8,00 3,186 $5 R18725 PARUUAN, OSCAR & SWANY W $83,550 $83,550 7,944 $8,00 R18726 PARUUAN, OSCAR & SWANY W $78,980 $76,980 10,969 $7,20 R18127 MASUO, SHARIF M & SHAHNAZ $47,300 $3,840 551,140 5,913 $8,00 R18128 MICHIE, OOUGLAS CHARLES $22,650 $22,650 5,663 $4.00 R18729 VESSAU, PARVIZ & CHANTAL $153,380 $2,370 $155,750 19,178 $8,00 R16730 MARTIN, ALFRED A $115,340 $11,180 $126,520 14,417 $8,00 2,316 $5 R18731 OKONSKI, CHARLENE $63,180 $2,740 $65,900 7,895 $8,00 R18732 MIZE, DALE E & KAREN H $49,400 $3,300 $52,700 6,175 $8,00 R18733 HE, UNGYU & OIANG ftJOHN" FU $91,370 591,370 38,071 $2.40 R23936 PIERING, DAVID A. Jr. $6,000 $29,540 $35,540 2,850 $2.11 884 $33 R23937 OSBORNE, JENNY L $6,000 $29,640 $35,540 2,850 $2.11 884 $33 R23938 OSBORNE, JENNY L $8,000 $29,640 $35,540 2,850 $2.11 884 $33 R23939 PIERING, DAVID A, Jr. $8,000 $29,540 $35,540 2,850 $2.11 884 $33 R33923 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10,00 R33924 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10,00 R33925 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 54,130 $34,380 3.025 $10.00 R33926 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10,00 R33927 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10,00 R33928 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10,00 R33929 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10.00 R33930 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10,00 R33931 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 54.130 $34,380 3.025 $10.00 R33932 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10.00 R33933 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10.00 R33934 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10.00 R33935 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10.00 R33936 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10.00 R33937 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10.00 1=l~~Q~R A~~II= 1"ltI.I~ I Tn f'lln ?-5(1 fA.~'JQ $11,~i9 J,Q25 $19.90 R33939 PUBLIC ENTERPRISE $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10.00 R33940 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10.00 R33941 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10.00 R33942 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 54,130 $34,380 3,025 $10.00 R33943 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10.00 R33944 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10.00 R33945 AGGIE INNS L TO $30,250 $4,130 $34,360 3,025 $10.00 R33946 AGGIE INNS LTD $30,250 $4,130 $34,380 3,025 $10,00 R33947 AGGIE INNS L TO $42,820 $5,490 $48,310 4,282 $10,00 R33948 AGGIE INNS L TO $42,820 $5,490 $48,310 4,282 $10,00 R33949 AGGIE INNS L TO $42,820 $5,490 $48,310 4,282 $10.00 R33950 MOORE, CANDICE DOLLISON $42,820 $5,490 $48,310 4,282 $10.00 R34106 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMA Al $12,720 $12,720 $25,440 1,060 $12.00 952 $13 Page4of7 Schedule 1: Certified 2005 Brazos Appraisal District Real Property Appraisals in the Proposed Northgate TIF Zone Accounts are arranged by ID number. taxable sites first.. Some sites are grouped according to possIble redevelopment sites. Property ID Record Owner Land Imorovements Total Land SF LandlLSF Impf.SF Impr.llSF R34101 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $12,720 $12,720 $25,440 1,060 $12,00 952 $13 R341 08 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R341 09 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMA Al $8,480 S9,800 $18,280 707 $11,99 R34110 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMA Al $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34111 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMA Al $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11,99 R34112 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMA Al $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34113 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34114 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11,99 R34115 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11,99 R34116 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34117 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34118 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAL $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34119 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8.480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34120 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 59,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34121 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 511.99 R34122 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34123 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34124 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34125 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 511,99 R34126 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $12,720 $12,720 $25,440 1,080 $12,00 952 $13 R34127 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $12,720 $12,720 $25,440 1,080 $12,00 952 $13 R34128 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 511,99 R34129 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9.800 $18,280 707 $11,99 R34130 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34131 KALKAN. FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl 58,480 $9,800 $16,280 707 $11,99 R34132 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34133 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34134 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMA Al $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34135 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAt $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11,99 R34136 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34137 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMA Al $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34138 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18.280 707 $11,99 R34139 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FA TMA Al $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34140 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FA TMA Al $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34141 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 511.99 R34142 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8.480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34143 URSO, STEVEN P & OLGA E $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34144 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34145 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMA At $8,480 $9,800 $18,280 707 $11.99 R34146 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMA Al $12,720 $12,720 $25.440 1,080 $12.00 952 $13 R34147 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMA Al $12,720 $12,720 $25,440 1,080 $12,00 952 $13 R34148 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMA Al $12,720 $12,720 $25,440 1,060 $12.00 952 $13 R34149 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMA Al $12,720 $12,720 $25,440 1,060 $12.00 952 $13 R34150 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $12,720 $12,720 $25,440 1,060 $12.00 952 $13 R34151 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMA Al $12,720 $12,720 $25,440 1,060 $12.00 952 $13 R34152 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $12,720 $12,720 $25,440 1,060 $12.00 952 $13 R34153 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $12,720 $12,720 $25,440 1,080 $12,00 952 $13 R34154 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $12,720 $12,720 $25,440 1,060 $12.00 952 $13 R34155 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $12,720 $12,720 $25,440 1,080 $12,00 952 $13 C~d1.r:;,:: 1(1111(^~I, FER(,^N e~!GI~1 r F^n~^ ^L 51J,7Je 512,130 $26.110 1,960 $12,90 962 l12 R34157 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $12,720 $12,720 $25,440 1,080 $12,00 952 $13 R34158 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $12,720 $12,720 $25,440 ',060 $12,00 952 $13 R34159 KALKAN, FERCAN ENGIN & FATMAAl $12,720 $12,720 $25,440 1,080 $12,00 952 $13 R35655 HARRIS, JUNE B $87,080 $2,770 $69,850 11,180 $6,00 R35856 BRAVO CINCO L,L,C, $54,750 $3,810 $58,560 9,125 $6,00 R35657 WYSS, SUE BURSEY $53,040 $3,720 $56,760 8,840 $6,00 R35658 GREGG, LEILA MOEHLMAN $54,850 $4,880 $59,510 9,lDB $6,00 R35659 CULPEPPER FAMILY L.P. $57,120 $2,560 $59,680 9.520 $6,00 R35660 LELAND, WILLIAM P & lWYlA R $81,890 $5,650 $67,540 10,315 $8,00 R35661 CULPEPPER FAMILY L.P. $51,DBO $3,020 $54,100 8,514 $6,00 R35862 CULPEPPER FAMILY L.P. $49,140 $2,740 $51,880 8,190 $8,00 R35663 DUYKA, ANN A $49,140 $4,420 $53,560 8,190 $6,00 R35664 VITULLI, JAMES SR & BARBARA $49,140 $4,760 $53,900 8,190 56,00 Page 5 of7 Schedule 1: Certified 2005 Brazos Appraisal District Real Property Appraisals in the Proposed Northgate TIF Zone Accounts are arranged by ID number, taxable sites first.. Some siles are grouped according to possible redevelopment sites. Prooertv 10 Record Owner Land Imorovements Tolal Land SF LandllSF Imot.SF Imor./lSF R35665 S1'ERLE, MARK EDWARD $50,940 $4,080 $55,020 8.490 $6,00 R35666 ER1' AS, A 1'ILA $49,180 $4,120 $53,300 8,190 $6,00 R35661 PRAYTOR, LINDA $52,280 $4,700 $56,960 8,710 $6,00 R3566B CULPEPPER FAMILY L.P. 549,140 $2,550 $51,690 8,190 $6.00 R35669 CULPEPPER FAMilY L.P. $49,140 $2,810 $51,950 8,190 $6.00 R35870 CULPEPPER FAMILY L.P, $49,140 $2,770 $51,910 8.190 $6.00 R3S671 ALTENHOF, JEANETTE $49,140 $4,190 $53,330 8,190 $6.00 R35672 SIMPSON, RUSSELL B $82,240 $9,300 $91,540 14,040 $5.86 R35673 CULPEPPER FAMILY LP. $57,120 $2,450 $59,570 9,520 $6.00 R35674 CULPEPPER FAMILY LP. $46,960 $2,110 $51,070 8,160 $6,00 R35675 CULPEPPER FAMILY L.P. $60,000 $2,750 $62,750 10,000 $6.00 R35676 CULPEPPER FAMILY L,P, $52,500 $2,710 $55,210 8,750 $8,00 R35677 CULPEPPER FAMILY L.P. $49,200 $2,110 $51,310 8,200 $6,00 R35678 CULPEPPER FAMILY LP. $61,240 $2,380 $63,620 12.008 $5,10 R35679 CULPEPPER FAMILY L.P, $58,320 $2,450 $60,770 9,720 $8,00 R35660 CULPEPPER FAMILY L.P. $71,840 $1,300 $73,140 14,087 $5.10 R38614 HEIMAN, MARK $25,710 $55,026 $80,736 3,214 $8.00 1.788 $31 R38615 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $8,620 $18,313 $22,933 827 $8.00 456 $36 R3B616 MCHARGUE, MELISSA K & JEFF R $6,620 $22,683 $29,303 827 $8,00 456 $50 R3B617 ANDERSON, THOMAS L $14,420 $44,556 $56,976 1,803 $8.00 1,023 $44 R38618 SCHLOSSER, ERIK KAVANAUGH $14,420 $44,556 $58,976 1,803 $8,00 1,023 $44 R38619 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $6,620 $16,313 $22,933 627 $8,00 456 $36 R38620 STEVENS, GEORGE ROBERT $6,620 $27,663 $34,303 827 $8,00 456 $51 R38621 ENAX, MICHAEL W & MARSHA C $14,420 $44,556 $56,976 1,803 $B,OO 1,023 $44 R3B622 FOGLE, JOHNNIE & DEBORAH $14,420 $44,556 $56,976 1,803 $8,00 1,023 $44 R38623 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $6,620 $18,313 $22,933 827 $8,00 456 $36 R38624 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $6,620 $16,313 $22,933 827 $8,00 466 $36 R38625 DENSON, AL H & BARBARA B $14,420 $44,558 $56,976 1,803 $8.00 1,023 $44 R38626 PEDROTTI FAMILY PROPERTIES L TO $14,420 $44,556 $58,976 1,803 $8.00 1,023 $44 R38627 BOYETT, GEORGE H & THE GEORGE $25,710 $55,026 $80,736 3,214 $8.00 1,788 $31 R38628 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $25,500 $55,026 $80,526 3,188 $8.00 1,788 $31 R38529 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $6,620 $16,313 $22,933 827 $8.00 456 $36 R38630 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $6,620 $16,313 $22,933 827 $8.00 456 $36 R38631 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $14,420 $31,346 $45,756 1,803 $8.00 1,023 $31 R38632 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $14,420 $31,346 $45,766 1,803 $8.00 1,023 $31 R38633 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $6,620 $16,313 $22,933 827 $8.00 456 $36 R38634 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $6,620 $16,313 $22,933 827 $8,00 456 $36 R38635 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $14,420 $31,346 $45,766 1,803 $8.00 1,023 $31 R38636 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $14,420 $31,346 $45,766 1,803 $8.00 1,023 $31 R38637 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $25,500 $55,026 $80,526 3,188 $8,00 1,788 $31 R3B638 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $15,740 $29,576 $45,316 1,968 $8.00 1,081 $27 R38639 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $15,740 $29,576 $45,316 1,968 $8.00 1,081 $27 R38640 HEIMAN, MARK 5 & JANET $16,020 $30,208 $46,228 2,003 $8.00 1,102 $27 R38541 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $16,020 $30,208 $46,228 2,003 $8,00 1,102 $27 R38642 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $16,020 $30,208 $46,228 2,003 $8,00 1,102 $27 R38643 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $16,020 $30,208 $46,226 2,003 $8,00 1,102 $27 R38644 MCHARGUE. MELISSA K & JEFF R $10,030 $30,840 $40,670 1,254 $8,00 728 $42 R38845 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $10,030 $22,080 $32,110 1,254 $8,00 728 $30 R38646 BOYETT, WILLIAM C, Jr. $10,030 $30,640 $40,670 1,254 $8,00 728 $42 ~~~RA7 pn~TnM r.:l.1 .6nvc:. 90vE"TT 110,030 $10,6'9 .'9,679 1,2€1 $8,90 niB $42 R38648 DALE, LUCIA K $10,030 $30,640 $40,670 1,254 $8,00 728 $42 R38649 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $10,030 $22,080 $32,110 1,254 $8,00 728 $30 R38660 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $10,030 $22,080 $32,110 1,254 $8,00 728 $30 R38651 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $10,030 $22,080 $32,110 1,254 $8.00 728 $30 R38652 HEIMAN, MARK 5 & JANET $10,030 $22,080 $32,110 1,254 $8.00 728 $30 R38653 MCHARGUE, MELISSA K & JEFF R $10,030 $30,540 $40,670 1,254 $8,00 728 $42 R38654 TONNER, BARRY & BECKY $10,030 $30,640 $40,870 1,254 $8.00 728 $42 R38655 MCHARGUE, MELISSA K & JEFF R $10,030 $30,540 $40,670 1,254 $8,00 728 $42 R38656 JUMP, WILLIAM JAMES & MARGARET $17,630 $45,320 $62,950 2,204 $8.00 1,167 $39 R3B557 FOGLE, JOHNNIE & DEBORAH $17,630 $45,320 $62,950 2,204 $8,00 1,167 $39 R38658 ROSE, ROBERT ANDREW $18,120 $45,675 $63,795 2,265 $8.00 1,202 $38 R38659 MUNSON, RICHARD EARL & DIANE Sf $18,120 $45,675 $63,795 2,265 $8.00 1,202 $38 R38660 S1'EWART, ROBERT & S1'EPHANIE $18,120 $45,675 $63,795 2,255 $8.00 1,202 $38 Page 6 of 7 1 Schedule 1: Certified 2005 Brazos Appraisal District Real Property Appraisals in the Proposed Northgate TIF Zone Accounts are arranged by 10 number, taxable sites first.. Some sites are grouped according to possible redevelopment sites. prooertv tD Record Owner land Improvements Total Land SF landlLSF Imor.SF Imor.llSF R38661 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $16,120 $32,966 $51,105 2,265 $8,00 1,202 $27 R36662 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $10,030 $22,060 $32,110 1,254 $6,00 726 $30 R38663 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $10,030 $22,060 $32,110 1,254 $8,00 726 $30 R36664 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $10,030 $22,080 $32,110 1,254 $6,00 726 $30 R38665 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $10,030 $22,060 $32,110 1,254 $8,00 728 $30 R38666 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $10,030 $22,080 $32,110 1,254 $8,00 728 $30 R38667 HEIMAN, MARK S & JANET $10,030 $22,080 $32,110 1.254 $8,00 728 $30 R44943 KOB LLC $82,200 $8,120 $90,320 20,550 $4,00 R44944 COOLEY, BILL J & FRANCES $52,800 $75,030 $127,830 6,600 $8.00 3,132 $24 R44945 AGGIE INNS II L TO $705,000 $500,410 $1.205,410 58,750 $12.00 34,276 $15 R44946 AYMOND, GREGORY M REV $248,930 $184,080 $433,010 24.893 $10,00 3,942 $47 R44947 AGGIE INNS II L TO $907,200 $690,670 $1,597,870 75,600 $12,00 46,552 $15 R44948 SZABUNIEWICZ, MICHAEL & IZABELU $60,000 $110 $60,110 7,500 $8,00 R44949 SZABUNIEWICZ, CHARLES H $58,800 $230 $59,030 7,350 $8.00 R44950 SZABUNIEWICZ, CHARLES H $72,100 $350 $72,450 9,013 $8.00 R44951 SZABUNIEWICZ. CHARLES H $72,420 $300 $72,720 9,053 $8,00 R44954 NORTH AMERICAN ISLAMIC TRUST $80,960 $4,420 $65,380 7,620 $8,00 R44955 RIVERA, HECTOR $30,480 $2,300 $32.780 7,620 $4,00 R44958 WHITT, DAVID & PAUL $60.980 $47,700 $108,660 7,620 $8,00 2,464 $19 R44957 AGGIE INNS L TO $1,085,950 $557,280 $1,643,210 10S,595 $10,00 55,988 $10 R44959 FRENCH aUARTER APARTMENTS LLt $913,720 $221,080 $1,134,800 76,143 $12,00 24,440 $9 R44961 WHITT, DAVID & PAUL $396,000 $188,340 $584,340 33,000 $12,00 13,464 $14 R44962 NELSON, HOWARD C ETAL $146,280 $4,380 $150,660 12,190 $12,00 R44963 NELSON FAMILY TRUST BARDIN H & J $228,960 $23,340 $252,300 19,080 $12,00 9,680 $2 R44964 WYATT, TED N $31,680 $26,140 $57,820 2,640 $12,00 1,904 $14 R44965 WYATT, TED N $6,250 $6,250 1,828 $3,64 R44966 GREATER TEXAS FEDERAL $55,980 $295,270 $351,250 3,732 $15.00 3,732 $79 R44987 COOLEY, BILL J & FRANCES $324,000 $238,340 $562,340 21,600 $15,00 4,023 $59 R44970 SKIBELL PROPERTIES, Le, $210,800 $256,840 $467,440 14,040 $15,00 3,160 $81 R44972 BICS PROPERTIES INC $180,000 $143,980 $323,980 12,000 $15.00 2,701 $53 R44973 POSTON, GLADYS ETAL $145,200 $53,770 $198,970 9,680 $15,00 1,050 $51 R44974 VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS, INC $192,500 $305,010 $497,510 19,250 $10,00 9,132 $33 R87069 WALSTON, JIMMIE $30,290 $108,030 $138,320 2,330 $13,00 2,250 $48 R93959 BOYETT SR, W C $148,500 $148,500 $297,000 9,900 $15,00 3,240 $48 A1llaxable accounts $34,026,300 $36,789,564 $70,815,864 3,620,851 $9,40 1,000,274 $37 or 83.12 acres Fully-exepmpl accounts: R18498 COLLEGE STATION, CITY OF $0 70,235 R18504 BAPTIST GENERAL CONVENTIONfTEXAS $0 21,838 R18520 A&M UNITED METHODIST CHURCH $0 43,566 R16521 A&M UNITED METHODIST CHURCH $0 31,325 R16522 A&M UNITED METHODIST CHURCH $0 30,877 R18523 A&M UNITED METHODIST CHURCH $0 57,400 R18524 A&M UNITED METHODIST CHURCH $0 11,500 R16525 A&M UNITEO METHODIST CHURCH $0 5,750 R18530 TEXAS A&M ASSOCIATION OF $0 11,000 R18551 UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHURCH $0 46,494 R 1 8558 COLLEGE STATION, CITY OF $0 73,886 R16587 CHRISTIAN"SCIENCE SOCIETY $0 14,640 R35R14 TF)('A~ A,Il,M I INIV ~V.C::;TI::M nu= fO ,c:"9.'54" R35691 ST MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH $0 59,450 R38612 ST MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH $0 138,737 R44942 A&M UNITED METHODIST CHURCH $0 13,200 R44952 NORTH AMERICAN ISLAMIC TRUST $0 14,995 R44958 ST MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH $0 87,330 R44968 TEXAS ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED $0 43,557 R44969 TEXAS ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED $0 9,520 R44971 ST MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH $0 54,825 R854Q0 COLLEGE STATION, CITY OF $0 2,700 R107885 COLLEGE STATION, CITY OF $0 40,293 1,412,664 or 32.43 acres Page 7 of 7 a a a 8 8 a a 8 8 8 8 8 a 8 8 a a a 0 0 E 6 a. ~ g g 6 6 ~ g g ~ fil 8 0 0 ~ fil o. 0 '" '" oJ' oJ' 6 ri i;i i;i on ..; '" '" ;;; '" ;;; ;;; ~ c .2 L1. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ (ij ;:: N '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" c. ~ ;; = N CJ >- .c ' r:: .. 0 0 a 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 "~ ~j~ '" '" '" '" '" '" '" a. ~ 0 ~ .cco 0 N - ,S '0 111 I!!lij 0 C5it 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 0 '" '" '" '" '" '" '" (.) :2'0.91 60 l!~e "'~ 1:) ~a ~aJco .2lN CI) ",,15':;' E I/) ..... 2 $ "0' ~ Co.. 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 .&~c: ~'" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ... ~.a <<I a. 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City receives 1.5% tax on beverages (10.7143% of 14% State tax.) Sales tax rates are constant. (a) (b) c d (e) (n (g) (h) Retail and Restaurants, Exee t Hotel Average Annual Plus Taxable Hotel Taxable Sales Food and Beverage Sales Tax Cumulative SF $175 Revenue from New Davalo ment Fiscal Year in New per SF, Plus 40% Total $0,0150 $0,0050 Program Ended Development Annual Acfustment of Full-5ervice Taxable per $1.00 Year Sa tember 30 Since 2005 3.00% Hotel Room Revenue Sales Coun ~t~ -'iW 2005 .;<'~~~ /" ~..<t; ""'" ~,~.'., Base 2006 $0 $0 1 2007 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 2008 60,000 $11,473,634 $0 $11,473,634 $172,105 $57,368 3 2009 80,000 $15,757,123 $1,962,331 $17,719,455 $265,792 $88,597 4 2010 200,000 $40,574,593 $2,183,682 $42,758,275 $641,374 $213,791 5 2011 200,000 $41,791,830 $2,430,002 $44,221,832 $663.327 $221,109 6 2012 200,000 $43,045,585 $2,704,106 $45,749,691 $686,245 $228,748 7 2013 200,000 $44,336,953 $2,921,736 $47,258,689 $708,880 $236,293 8 2014 200,000 $45,667,081 $2,980,171 $48,647,233 $729,706 $243,236 9 2015 200,000 $47,037.073 $3,039,775 $50,076,848 $751,153 $250,384 10 2018 200,000 $48,448,185 $3,100,570 $51,548,755 $773,231 $257,744 11 2017 200,000 $49,901,631 $3,162,581 $53,064,212 $795,963 $265,321 12 2018 200,000 $51,398,680 $3,225,833 $54,624.513 $819,368 $273,123 13 2019 200,000 $52,840,640 $3,290,350 $56,230.990 $843,465 $281,155 14 2020 200,000 $54,528,860 $3,356,157 $57,885,016 $868,275 $289,425 15 2021 200,000 $56,164,725 $3,423,280 $59,588,005 $893,820 $297,940 16 2022 200,000 $57,849,667 $3,491,745 $61,341,413 $920,121 $306,707 17 2023 200,000 $59,585,157 $3,561,580 $63,146,737 $947,201 $315,734 16 2024 200,000 $61,372,712 $3,632,812 $65,005,524 $975,083 $325,028 19 2025 200,000 $63,213,893 $3,705,468 $88,919,361 $1,003,790 $334,597 20 2026 200,000 $65,110,310 $3,779,578 $68,889,888 $1,033,348 $344.449 21 2027 200,000 $67,063,619 $3,855,169 $70,918,788 $1,063,782 $354,594 22 2028 200,000 $69,075,528 $3,932,272 $73,007,800 $1,095,117 $365,039 23 2029 200,000 $71,147,794 $4,010,918 $75,158.712 $1.127,381 $375,794 24 2030 200,000 $73,282,228 $4,091,136 $77 ,373,364 $1,160,600 $386,867 25 2031 200,000 $75,480,694 $4,172,959 $79,653,653 $1,194,805 $398,268 26 2032 200,000 $77,745,115 $4,256,418 $82,001,533 $1,230,023 $410,008 27 2033 200.000 $80,077,469 $4,341,547 $84,419,015 $1,266,285 $422,095 28 2034 200,000 $82,479,793 $4,428,377 $86,908,170 $1,303,623 $434,541 20 2035 200,000 $84,954,180 $4,S16,945 $89,471,132 $1,342,067 $447,3:;6 Total 5,340,000 $1,591,504,740 $03,557,499 $1,885,062,239 $25,275,934 $8,425,311 III Gl >< l'lI Gl I- c ~o .- N .. 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"'w 0 ~ ~ ~ ~. :g'~ ~ 5 E ~ 0) ""t(Q. -. ~ Gl ~ M ;;; "'- :ll ~ ;;; '" .. f a. .E 0 ... ~ a.. uj ~ ~ 0> E 0 (Ij (Ij ~ 'iij ~ .,; ~ '" z ~ 0> Gl . ~ 0> ~ 0 0:: ~ ~ ~ :g 1ij ~ ~ ,~ x ~ Gl 0 ~ ~ c. :J .... ~ :c !i ~ <; "" 'C 0 ~ lU .'" w 11 ... 1ij . a. 0 E ~ ~ ~ 0 E ~ () ~ ~ z 0 ~ C .Q E ~ ~ ~ E ~ ~ ]j ~ al' a ~ 0 ,g c?5 15 ::;; s () "' 0 0> ~ R '5 0 0 'ii Ol ~ '5 J!2J: '" ~ :c 1------ , I I I EXHIBIT "E" VOLUNTARY PETITION I .- A PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR THE DESIGNATION OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER SIXTEEN, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS UNDER CHAPTER 311, TAX CODE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311, of the Texas Tax Code as amended (the "Code"), the undersigned Petitioners hereby request the City Council ofthe City of College Station, Texas (the "City"), to cstablish within the City a reinvestment zone (the "Zone") over an area of land described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" and shown as Exhibit "B" (the "College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area"). Petitioners are the owners of property constituting at least 50 percent of the appraised value ofthe property in the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area according to most recent certified appraisal roll for the County of Brazos, Texas. Petitioners represent to the City Council that: I, The area proposed to be included in the Zone is entirely within the corporate limits of the City, The area proposed to be included in the Zone in its present condition substantially impairs the city's growth. 2. The Area substantially impairs the city's growth because of a substantial number of substandard or deteriorating structures. 3, Unless the zone is created as requested by Petitioners, the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area will be impeded because the area is predominantly underdeveloped, unproductive, open, and other factors. The Petitioners would respectfully request the City Council as follows: I, To create the proposed Zone pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code and name it the "Reinvestment Zone Number 16, City of College Station, Texas." 2, To provide that the Zone contain the area described by metes and bounds in "Exhibit A" and as shown hereto as "Exhibit B", both of which are incorporated herein for all purposes. 3, To provide that the Zone have all the powers of a reinvestment zone created pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code. I 4. To appoint a Board of Directors for the Zone to exercise the authority granted by Chapter 311 for administration, management, and operation of the Zone and implementation of the Zone project plan and Zone financing plan. 5, To provide such other action and assistance as the City Council may deem necessary and appropriate to assist in the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area, Respectfully submitted to the City Council of the City of College Station by and through its City Secretary this Vi day of oU', 2005, by the undersigned Petitioners, PETITIONERS: John N. & Elizabeth H, Raney BY~~ BY:~#P.._ Elizabeth H. Raney ~ (1) Address of property: 113-115 College Main Boyett, Block I, Lot 6 Rl8486 $121,630 App Dist Prop ID# T otaI Assessed Value By executing this Petition, the foregoing persons represent and warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Petition on behalf of the respective entity named above. 2 ! A PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR THE DESIGNATION OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER SIXTEEN, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS UNDER CHAPTER 311, TAX CODE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311, of the Texas Tax &de aS~ended (the "Code"), the undersigned Petitioners hereby request the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas (the "City"), to establish within the City a reinvestment zone (the "Zone") over an area of land described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" and shown as Exhibit "B" (the "College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area"). Petitioners are the owners of property constituting at least 50 percent of the appraised value of the property in the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area according to most recent certified appraisal roll for the County of Brazos, Texas. Petitioners represent to the City Council that: 1. The area proposed to be included in the Zone is entirely within the corporate limits of the City. The area proposed to be included in the Zone in its present condition substantially impairs the city's growth. 2, The Area substantially impairs the city's growth because of a substantial number of substandard or deteriorating structures. 3. Unless the zone is created as requested by Petitioners, the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area will be impeded because the area is predominantly underdeveloped, unproductive, open, and other factors. The Petitioners would respectfully request the City Council as follows: 1. To create the proposed Zone pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 ofthe Code and name it the "Reinvestment Zone Number 16, City of College Station, Texas'," 2. To provide that the Zone contain the area described by metes and bounds in "Exhibit A" and as shown hereto as "Exhibit B", both of which are incorporated herein for all purposes. 3. To provide that the Zone have all the powers of a reinvestment zone created pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code. ,.-- 4. To appoint a Board of Directors for the Zone to exercise the authority granted by Chapter 311 for administration, management, and operation of the Zone and implementation of the Zone project plan and Zone financing plan. 5. To provide such other action and assistance as the City Council may deem necessary and appropriate to assist in the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area. Respectfully submitted to JMCity Council of the City of College Station by and through its City Secretary this ~~ay of~: 2005, by the undersigned Petitioners. PETITIONERS: Charles H. Szabuniewicz By ~,J-~,,-- C:l Charles H. Szabunie (1) Address of property: 321 First St.. Boyett, Block II, Lot 12 App Dist Prop ID# RI8595 Total Assessed Value $52,000 (2) Address of property: 310 First St. Boyett, Block 12, Lot 6 App Dist Prop ID# Rl861l Total Assessed Value $55,290 (3) Address of property: 312 First St. Boyett, Block 12, Lot 7 App Dist Prop 10# R18612 Total Assessed Value $54,570 (4) Address of property: 403 Second Boyett, Block 20, Lot 7 App Dist Prop 10# R18716 Total Assessed Value $42,320 (5) Address of property: 401 Second Boyett, Block 20, Lot 8 App Dist Prop ID# R18717 Total Assessed Value $42,190 2 ,- (6) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# Total Assessed Value (7) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# Total Assessed Value (8) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# Total Assessed Value PETITIONERS: 416-418 Tauber Tauber, Block 2, Lot 7 R44949 $59,030 420-424 Tauber Tauber, Block 2, Lot 8 & Pt. of9 R44950 $72,450 500 Cherry St. Tauber, Block 2, Lot 10 &Pt.of9 R4495 I $72,720 C. H. Szabuniewicz Individual & as Trustee of M. A Szabuniewicz By: 0:1./. ~ ~ c~ (1) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# Total Assessed Value (2) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# Total Assessed Value PETITIONERS: 509 First St. Boyett, Block 15, Lot 16 R18673 $49,230 507 First St. Boyett, Block 15, Lot 17 RI8674 $50,630 I_.M.~ BY:~' C. H~ niewicz (1) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# Total Assessed Value 3 308 First St. Boyett, Block 12, Lot 05 R186l0 $56,120 r- (2) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# Total Assessed Value PETITIONERS: 317 First St. Boyett, Block II, Lot 14 Rl8597 $54,190 MJ,hool s~ By: 0~~. ~~ C. H. iewicz (1) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# Total Assessed Value PETITIONERS: 319 First St. Boyett, Block II, Lot 13 RI8596 $54,150 Michael and Izabella M. Szabuniewicz BY:~~~ (I) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# Total Assessed Value 414 Tauber Tauber, Block 2, Lot 6 R44948 $60,110 By executing this Petition, the foregoing persons represent and warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Petition on behalf of the respective entity named above, 4 r-~---~---- - __u_ r [ Exhibit A Joe Orr, Inc. Surveyors &: Engtneel's 2167 Post Oak Circle College Station, Texas 77845 (409) 690-3378 North Gate Tax Increment Finance District J ,E. Scott League College Station, Texas August 26, 2005 All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the J,E, Scott League in College Station, Brazos County, Texas, being all of the W.e. Boyett Subdivision according to plat of record in Volume 100, Page 440 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texl\!>, all of the Tauber Addition according to plat of record in Volume 133, Page 182 of the Deed Records of Bra.zos County, Texas, all of the Second Revision of Oak Terrace Addition according to plat of record in Volume 152, Page 237 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, all of The Rmnparts addition according to plat of record in Volume 477, Page 145 of the Deed. Records of Braios County, Texas, all oOhat tract 'described in "Exhibit B", "Exhibit C" and "Exhibit D" in deed to John Cecil Culpepper ill recorded in Volume 1190, Page 466 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, that tract conveyed to Franchise Realty Interstate Corp. QY deed recorded in Volume 318, Page 531 of the DoedRecotds of Brazos County, Texas, that tract conveyed to Don D. Dabbs by deed recoi'ded'in Volunie464, Page 395 of the Deed R.ecords of Brazos County, Texas, that tract conveyed to ME Development Company by deed recorded in Volume 1302, Page 4 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, that tract conveyed to ComrnunitySavingS and Loan Association by deed recorded in Volume 198, Page 54.1 of the Deed Rewrds of Brazos Colinty, Texas, that tract conveyed to College Staton State Bank by deed recorded in Volume 189, Page 403 of the Deed Records of Brazos County; Texas,and that tract conveyed to M,L. Casbion by deed recorded in Volume 202, Page 323 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being more pamcularly described as follows: Beginning at the most westerly corner of the said W.C. Boyett Subdivision in the northeast line of Wellbofll Road (pM 21$4), which point is on the ljorl1:!west City limits line of the City of College Station, Texas, Thence N 43' 13' 29" E - 1373.36 feet along the northwest line of the W.C. Boyett Subdivision llnd the northwest city limits line of the City of College Station, at 248.70 feet pass a 1" non bar in concrete f01md at the north end Of First Street, to the most northerly comer of the said W.C, Boyett Subdivision; Thence N 400 47' 35" E ' 546.89 feet continuing along the northwest city limits line of the City of College Station to a \1," iron rod found at the most northerly comer of the said Tauber Addition in the southwest Ime of Nagle Street; r- City of B Iyan Texas A&M University Exhibit B Norlhgete Proposed TIF Reinvestment Zone r i ' 1 i I I ~ f J i Ei Exhibit A t; " ". _ ti I ~ 74~ll . ::- -;U ;,;- [~,r:~:.:~= ' - -:-'---- _:a i:~r" ! ~_J ~_" rJorJO U.. [) r! WI/'-' I rtll n ;_- ~ , i!~~--\ I"-~~- .---.." _ ,,~J, U IJ L J: .Y..l~O.Jh n-- I i) ~ l:'; ii' ~ 0000 ao~;lr [0 i7iJtIO"D~-;O"":D'--D-~O~l-~) ~~ 8 i L.r;' I 0' Q. 0 DO ,J, _IJ S!lj~_u.. 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"..._'-...._--".....--- .., ._ _ ".,-- ~ " l ~ r ,-- ,-- A PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR TIlE DESIGNATION OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER SIXTEEN, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS UNDER CHAPTER 311, TAX CODE TO TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311, of the Texas Tax Code as amended (the "Code"), the undersigned Petitioners hereby request the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas (the "City"), to establish within the City a reinvestment zone (the "Zone") over an area ofland described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" and shown as Exhibit "B" (the "College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area"). Petitioners are the owners of property constituting at least 50 percent of the appraised value of the property in the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area according to most recent certified appraisal roll for the County of Brazos, Texas. Petitioners represent to the City Council that: 1. The area proposed to be included in the Zone is entirely within the corporate limits of the City. The area proposed to be included in the Zone in its present condition substantially impairs the city's growth. 2. The Area substantially impairs the city's growth because of a substantial number of substandard or deteriorating structures. 3. Unless the zone is created as requested by Petitioners, the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area will be impeded because the area is predominantly underdeveloped, unproductive, open, and other factors. The Petitioners would respectfully request the City Council as foIlows: 1. To create the proposed Zone pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code and name it the "Reinvestment Zone Number 16, City of College Station, Texas." 2. To provide that the Zone contain the area described by metes and bounds in ":J'::xhibit A" and as shown hereto as "Exhibit B", both of which are incorporated herein for all purposes. 3. To provide that the Zone have all the powers of a reinvestment zone created pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code. .- A PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR THE DESIGN A TION OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER SIXTEEN, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS UNDER CHAPTER 311, TAX CODE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311, of the Texas Tax Code as amended (the "Code"), the undersigned Petitioners hereby request the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas (the "City"), to establish within the City a reinvestment zone (the "Zone") over an area ofland described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" and shown as Exhibit "B" (the "College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area"), Petitioners are the owners of property constituting at least 50 percent of the appraised value of the property in the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area according to most recent certified appraisal roll for the County of Brazos, Texas, Petitioners represent to the City Council that: I, The area proposed to be included in the Zone is entirely within the corporate limits of the City. The area proposed to be included in the Zone in its present condition substantially impairs the city's growth. 2. The Area substantially impairs the city's growth because of a substantial number of substandard or deteriorating structures. 3. Unless the zone is created as requested by Petitioners, the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area will be impeded because the area is predominantly underdeveloped, unproductive, open, and other factors. The Petitioners would respectfully request the City Council as follows: I. To create the proposed Zone pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code and name it the "Reinvestment Zone Number 16, City of College Station, Texas." 2. To provide that the Zone contain the area described by metes and bounds in "Exhibit A" and as shown hereto as "Exhibit B", both of which are incorporated herein for all purposes. 3. To provide that the Zone have all the powers of a reinvestment zone created pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code. I 4. To appoint a Board of Directors for the Zone to exercise the authority granted by Chapter 311 for administration, management, and operation of the Zone and implementation of the Zone project plan and Zone financing plan. 5. To provide such other action and assistance as the City Council may deem necessary and appropriate to assist in the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area. Respectfully submitted to the City Council of the City of College Station by and through its City Secretary this -1f... day of o. t , 2005, by the undersigned Petitioners. PETITIONERS: RObertJ.~ -1 ' B'~ / ~/ ert J. F OITest (1) Address of property: 301 College Main Boyett, Block 6,7 Lot 27 R18568 $611,790 App Dist Prop ID# Total Assessed Value (2) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# Total Assessed Value 303 College Main Boyett, Block 6,7 Lot 26 R18567 $193,180 By executing this Petition, the foregoing persons represent and warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Petition on behalf of the respective entity named above. 2 , A PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR THE DESIGNATION OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER SIXTEEN, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS UNDER CHAPTER 311, TAX CODE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311, of the Texas Tax Code as amended (the "Code"), the undersigned Petitioners hereby request the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas (the "City"), to establish within the City a reinvestment zone (the "Zone") over an area ofland described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" and shown as Exhibit "B" (the "College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area"). Petitioners are the owners of property constituting at least 50 percent of the appraised value of the property in the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area according to most recent certified appraisal roll for the County of Brazos, Texas, Petitioners represent to the City Council that: 1, The area proposed to be included in the Zone is entirely within the corporate limits of the City, The area proposed to be included in the Zone in its present condition substantially impairs the city's growth. 2, The Area substantially impairs the city's growth because of a substantial number of substandard or deteriorating structures. 3. Unless the zone is created as requested by Petitioners, the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area will be impeded because the area is predominantly underdeveloped, unproductive, open, and other factors, The Petitioners would respectfully request the City Council as follows: 1. To create the proposed Zone pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code and name it the "Reinvestment Zone Number 16, City of College Station, Texas." 2, To provide that the Zone contain the area described by metes and bounds in "Exhibit A" and as shown hereto as "Exhibit B", both of which are incorporated herein for all purposes. 3. To provide that the Zone have all the powers of a reinvestment zone created pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code. r-- 4. To appoint a Board of Directors for the Zone to exercise the authority granted by Chapter 311 for administration, management, and operation of the Zone and implementation of the Zone project plan and Zone financing plan. 5, To provide such other action and assistance as the City Council may deem necessary and appropriate to assist in the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area, Respectfully submitted to the City Council of the City of College Station by and through its City Secretary this1ll!'.!tJay of Qd:,. 2005, by the undersigned Petitioners. PETITIONERS: Culpepper Family LP, By: 1i?fc4~ olin Culpepper R38611 711 Church RAMPARTS, LOT 1 R, ACRES 3,049 $1,328,140 A005001 J ESCOTT (ICL), TRACT 100.4, R13580 311-315 S. Colleg Ave ACRES 2,71, "PT OF UNIVERSITY SQUARE $1,234,480 lAGGIELAND TO LAZER AREA)" A005001 J ESCOTT (ICL), TRACT 100,3, R13579 303-309 S, College Ave ACRES 2,11, "PT OF UNIVERSITY SQUARE $975,410 (ROTHER'S & HANCOCK'S SECTION)" R13591 817 University Dr, A005001 J ESCOTT (ICL), TRACT 900, "PT OF $75,920 UNIVERSITY SQUARE lATM BLDG)' R13578 317 S, College Ave A005001 J ESCOTT (ICL), TRACT 100,2, "PT $75,400 OF UNIVERSITY SQUARE(ALlCIA'S BLDG)" R35680 701 Cherry OAK TERRACE (CS), BLOCK 11, LOT 26 $73,140 R35680 701 Cherry OAK TERRACE (CS), BLOCK 11, LOT 26 $73,140 R35678 705 Cherry OAK TERRACE (CS), BLOCK 11, LOT 24 $63,620 R35675 704 Cherry OAK TERRACE (CS), BLOCK 11, LOT 21 $62,750 R35679 703 Cherry OAK TERRACE (CS), BLOCK 11, LOT 25 $60,770 R35659 708 Inlow Blvd OAK TERRACE (CS), BLOCK 11, LOT 5 $59,680 R35673 700 Cherry OAK TERRACE (CS), BLOCK 11, LOT 19 $59,570 R35676 706 Cherry OAK TERRACE (CS), BLOCK 11, LOT 22 $55,210 R35661 507 Dogwood OAK TERRACE (CS), BLOCK 11, LOT 7 $54,100 R35669 707 Cross OAK TERRACE (CS), BLOCK 11, LOT 15 $51,950 R35670 705 Cross OAK TERRACE (CS), BLOCK 11, LOT 16 $51,910 R35662 505 Dogwood OAK TERRACE (CS), BLOCK 11, LOT 8 $51,880 R35668 709 Cross OAK TERRACE (CS), BLOCK 11, LOT 14 $51,690 R35677 707 Cherry OAK TERRACE (CS), BLOCK 11, LOT 23 $51,310 R35674 702 Cherry OAK TERRACE (CS), BLOCK 11, LOT 20 $51,070 2 PETITIONERS: John C. Culpepper III BY:~~ John C. Culpepper III 1301 S, College Ave A005001 J ESCOTT (ICl), TRACT 100.5, R13581 ACRES 4,7663, "PT OF UNIVERSITY $2,106,950 SQUARE (GROCERY STORE SECTION)" A005001 J ESCOTT (ICl), TRACT 700, "PT R13588 , 107 S, College Ave OF UNIVERSITY SQUARE (SCHlOTZSKY $208,130 , SLOG)" A005001 J ESCOTT (ICl), TRACT 100, "PT R13576 725 University Dr, OF UNIVERSITY SQUARE (SMAll STRIP $191,620 SLOG)" A005001 J ESCOTT (ICl), TRACT 700,1, R13589 103 S. College Ave "PT OF UNIVERSITY SQUARE (I HOP $159,690 SLOG)" By executing this Petition, the foregoing persons represent and warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Petition on behalf ofthe respective entity named above. 3 ,-- uct ;!c Ub U'I:b'lp Ihom8S Kirkland ;!l'l l:l~U-l::Jbb p.l ., A PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCR. OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR THE DESIGNATION OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER SIXTEEN, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS UNDER CHAPTER 311, TAX CODE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311, of the Texas Tax Code as amended (the "Code"), the undersigned Petitioners hereby request the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas (the "City"), to establish within the City a reinvestment zone (the "Zone") over an area ofland described by metes and bounds in Exhibit" A" and shown as Exhibit "B" (the "College Station Reinvestment Zone Nwnber 16 Area"). Petitioners are the oWners of property constituting at least SO percent of the appraised value of the property in the College Station Reinves1ment Zone Number 16 Area according to most recent certified appraisal roll for the County of BI1IZOS, Texas. Petitioners represent to the City Council that: I. The area proposed to be included in the Zone is entirely within the corporate limits of the City. The area proposed to be included in the Zone in its present condition substantially impairs the city's growth. 2. The Area substantially impaixs the city's growth because ofa substantial number of substandard or deteriorating structures, 3. Unless the zone is created 118 requested by Petitioners, the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area will be impeded because the area is predominantly underdeveloped, unproductive, open, and other filctors, The Petitioners would respectfully request the City Council as follows: 1. To create the proposed Zone pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code and name it the "Reinvestment Zone Number 16, City of College Station, Texas." 2. To provide that the Zone contain the area described by metes and bounds in "Exhibit A" and as shown hereto as "Exhibit B", both ofwbich are incorporated herein for all purposes. 3 . To provide that the Zone have all the powers of a reinvestment zone created pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code. , uo~ CD UO U~;O~p I"omas ....lrKJ.ana .e:::J'" t:I::tU-l.300 p..: " 4. To appoint a Board of Directors for the Zone to eKereise the authority granted by Chapter 311 for administration, management, and operation of the Zone and implementation of the Zone project plan and Zone financing plan. 5. To provide such other action and assistance as the City Council may deem necessary and appropriate 10 assist in the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area. Respectfully submitted to the City ~~~il of the City of College Station by and through its City Secretary this YLH.cJ.ay of '2005, by the undersigned Petitioners. PETInONERS: 301 Church Avenue, LP B~~C7 mas IIOd (I) Address of property: App Dist Prop lD# Total Assessed Value 30 I Church Ave. Boyett, Block 6,7 Lot I Replat R18555 S15,929,160 PETInONERS: Vigilant Enterprises, LLC R. By~M Thomas irkland App Dist Prop ID# Total Assessed Value 31 5 Boyett Boyett, Block 12, Lot 12 thru 15 R18616 $220,760 (2) Address of property: By execuliDg this Petition, the foregoing persons ~t lI1ld WIIIT8IIl that they ate duly audlotized It> execute this Pelition on behalf of the ....pectin entity nemed above. 2 Uct ~o U~ U4:~4p Ihomes Klr~land ~14 ll~U-U:l~~ p." () ~ o - tXJ ~ "U a '0 g <l> Co -I =nzUl ;u 0 ::J' <l>~= _.~v ;)10 '* <l!l.lD <l>Ql !1l. 3 ~ ~ ~ CD x III VI )> Qo ~ C ::J ~' VI .z N o :J Ql r A PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR THE DESIGNATION OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER SIXTEEN, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS UNDER CHAPTER 311, TAX CODE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311, of the Texas Tax Code as amended (the "Code"), the undersigned Petitioners hereby request the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas (the "City"), to establish within the City a reinvestment zone (the "Zone") over an area of land described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" and shown as Exhibit "B" (the "College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area"), Petitioners are the owners of property constituting at least 50 percent ofthe appraised value of the property in the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area according to most recent certified appraisal roll for the County of Brazos, Texas. Petitioners represent to the City Council that: I. The area proposed to be included in the Zone is entirely within the corporate limits of the City. The area proposed to be included in the Zone in its present condition substantially impairs the city's growth. 2, The Area substantially impairs the city's growth because of a substantial number of substandard or deteriorating structures. 3. Unless the zone is created as requested by Petitioners, the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area will be impeded because the area is predominantly underdeveloped, unproductive, open, and other factors. The Petitioners would respectfully request the City Council as follows: 1. To create the proposed Zone pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code and name it the "Reinvestment Zone Number 16, City of College Station, Texas." 2. To provide that the Zone contain the area described by metes and bounds in "Exhibit A" and as shown hereto as "Exhibit B", both of which are incorporated herein for all purposes. 3. To provide that the Zone have all the powers of a reinvestment zone created pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code, ,.----- 4. To appoint a Board of Directors for the Zone to exercise the authority granted by Chapter 311 for administration, management, and operation of the Zone and implementation of the Zone project plan and Zone financing plan. 5. To provide such other action and assistance as the City Council may deem necessary and appropriate to assist in the development ofthe College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area, Respectfully submitted to the City ~ of the City of College Station by and through its City Secretary this!J!l day of 005, by the undersigned Petitioners. PETITIONERS: AGGIE INNS LTD By: (1) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# (2) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# (3) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# (4)Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# 2 501 Nagle Street, Ste. #1 Normandy Square Condos, Bldg A, Unit 1 R33923 501 Nagle Street, Ste. #2 Normandy Square Condos, Bldg A, Unit 2 R33924 nla Normandy Square Condos, Bldg A, Unit 3 R33925 nla Normandy Square Condos, Bldg A, Unit 4 R33926 r- (5) Address of property: n/a Normandy Square Condos, Bldg B, Unit 5 App Dist Prop ID# R33927 (6) Address of property: n/a Normandy Square Condos, Bldg B, Unit 6 App Dist Prop 10# R33928 (7) Address of property: n/a Normandy Square Condos, Bldg B, Unit 7 App Dist Prop 10# R33929 (8) Address of property: 503 Nagle Street, Ste. #3 Normandy Square Condos, Bldg B, Unit 8 App Dist Prop ID# R33930 (9) Address of property: n/a Normandy Square Condos, Bldg C, Unit 9 App Dist Prop 10# R33931 (10) Address of property: n/a Normandy Square Condos, Bldg C, Unit 10 App Dist Prop 10# R33932 (11) Address of property: n/a Normandy Square Condos, Bldg C, Unit 11 App Dist Prop ID# R33933 (12) Address of property: n/a Normandy Square Condos, Bldg C, Unit 12 App Dist Prop 10# R33934 3 ,..- (13) Address of property: n/a Normandy Square Condos, Bldg D, Unit 13 App Dist Prop ID# R33935 (14) Address of property: n/a Normandy Square Condos, Bldg D, Unit 14 App Dist Prop ID# R33936 (15) Address of property: n/a Normandy Square Condos, Bldg D, Unit 15 App Dist Prop ID# R33937 (16) Address of property: n/a Normandy Square Condos, Bldg D, Unit 16 App Dist Prop ID# R33938 (17) Address of property: n/a Normandy Square Condos, Bldg E, Unit 18 App Dist Prop ID# R33940 (18) Address of property: n/a Normandy Square Condos, Bldg E, Unit 19 App Dist Prop ID# R3394l (19) Address of property: n/a Normandy Square Condos, Bldg E, Unit 20 App Dist Prop ID# R33942 (20) Address of property: n/a Normandy Square Condos, Bldg F, Unit 21 App Dist Prop ID# R33943 4 I (21) Address of property: nla Normandy Square Condos, B1dg F, Unit 22 App Dist Prop ID# R33944 (22) Address of property: nla Normandy Square Condos, Bldg F, Unit 23 App Dist Prop ID# R33945 (23) Address of property: nla Normandy Square Condos, Bldg F, Unit 24 App Dist Prop ID# R33946 (24) Address of property: nla Normandy Square Condos, Bldg G, Unit 25 App Dist Prop ID# R33947 (25) Address of property: nla Normandy Square Condos, Bldg G, Unit 26 App Dist Prop ID# R33948 (26) Address of property: nla Normandy Square Condos, B1dg G, Unit 27 App Dist Prop ID# R33949 (27) Address of property: 503 Cherry Street Tauber, Block C & D, Acres 2.493 App Dist Prop ID# R44957 5 I , , , AGGIE INNS II LID B~L/I~ 1\ggie Inns II LTD Jim McCullough App Dist Prop 10# 311 Stasney Street Tauber, Block I, Lot 4 Thru 9, Pt. of Casa Del Sol Apts. (Ph#2) R44945 (1) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# 401 Stasney Street Tauber, Block 2, Lot 1 Thru 5 & 16 Thru 20, Pt. of Cas a Del Sol Apts, (Ph#1) R44947 (2) Address of property: By executing this Petition, the foregoing persons represent and warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Petition on behalf of the respective entity named above. 6 I I A PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR THE DESIGNATION OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER SIXTEEN, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS UNDER CHAPTER 311, TAX CODE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311, of the Texas Tax Code as amended (the "Code"), the undersigned Petitioners hereby request the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas (the "City"), to establish within the City a reinvestment zone (the "Zone") over an area of land described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" and shown as Exhibit "B" (the "College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area"), Petitioners are the ownerS of property constituting at least 50 percent of the appraised value ofthe property in the~College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area according to most recent certified appraisal roll for the County of Brazos, Texas. . . Petitioners represent to the City Council that: I. The area proposed to be included in the Zone is entirely within the corporate limits of the City, The area proposed to be included in the Zone in 'its ,present condition substantially impairs the city's growth. 2. The Area substantially impairs the city's growth because of a substantial number of substandard or deteriorating structures. 3. Unless the zone is created as requested by Petitioners, the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area will be impeded because the area is predominantly underdeveloped, unproductive, open, and other factors, The Petitioners would respectfully request the City Council as follows: 1. To create the proposed Zone pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code and name it the "Reinvestment Zon,e N.umber 16, City of College Station, Texas," 2. To provide that the Zone contain the area described by metes and bounds in "Exhibit A" and as shown hereto as "Exhibit B", both of which are incorporated herein for all purposes, 3. To provide that the Zone have all the powers ofa reinvestment zone created pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code. r--'--"- -~..__...._,... NOV-03-2005 THU 11:40 AM 78383 . .. FAX NO, 7857763805 p, 03 A PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCll., OF THE CITY OF COLLlilGE STATION FOR THE DESIGNATION OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER SIXTEEN, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS UNDERCHAPTl~R311, TAX CODE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OFTRE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Pursuant to tbeprovisions of Chapter 311, of the Texas Tax Code as amended . ;.'/., (tlle "Code"), the undersigned Petitioners hereby request the City Council of the City of ;"~{;.~'i:" College Station, Texas (the "City"), to establish withJn the City a reinvestment ZOlIe (thii~i,~!f;~' "Zone") over an area of land described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" and shown /iii' ,...,,,. Exhibit "B" (the "Collego Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area"). PetitionClll arc the owners of properly constituting at least SO percent of the appraised value of the properly in the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area lICOording to most " .:,' ,.' recent certified appraisal roll for the County of Brazos, Texas. Petitioners represent to the City COuncil. that: 1. The area proposed to be included In the Zone is entirely within the corporate limits of the City. The area proposed to be inQluded in the Zone in its present condition SUbstlWtial1y impairs the city's growth. 2. The Area substantially impairs the city's growth because of:a substantial number of substandard or deteriorating structures. 3. Unless the zone is created as requested by Petitioners, the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area will be impeded because the aroa is predomlnilntly underdeveloped, unproductive, open. and other factors. The PetltionClll would respectfully nllluest the City Council as follows: 1. To create the proposed Zone pJU'lluant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code and name it the "Reinvestment Zone Number 16, City of College Station, Texas." ' . 2. To provide that the Zone contain the area described by metes and bounds in "Exhibit A" and as shown hereto as "ExhibitB", both of which are incorporated herein for all purposes. ' 3. To provide that the Zone have all the powers of a rcinvcstmCIII zone created pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code, r NOV-03-2005 THU \\:41 AM 78383 . . FAX NO. 7857763805 p, 04 4. To appoint a Board of'Direcl<lfs for the Zone to exercise the authority granted by Chapter 311 for adminis1ratioD. management, and operation of the Zone and im.plementatlon of the Zone project plan and Zone financing plan. 5. To provide such otber action and assistance as the City Council may deell1 necessary and appropriate to assist in the development of the College Station ReinveslInent Zone Nwnber 16 Area. .:.".., '. Resp~tfully submitt~ to the City C~uny!! of the City of Coll~ge Statio~ by and'!! \.'i. .... through its City Secretary this ~ day of ~005, by the undersIgned Petitioners. "":~' :": ._ . '!"; I '.~ .'" PETITIONERS: AGGIE INNS. LTD ... . "..1 ., 't. ~.. .:. By: ~~~}}9 ~~fJ-""1~ gie Inns LTD im. McCullough (1) AdW-ess of property: App Dist Prop ID# (2) Add!ess of property: App Dist Prop ID# (3) Address of' property: App Dist Prop IDII (4 )Address of property: App Dist Prop IDII 2 501 Nagle Street, Ste. #1 Nonnandy Square Condos, Bldg A, Unit 1 R33923 501 Nagle Street, Ste. #2 Non:nandy Square Condos, . Bldg A, Unit 2 R33924 nla Nonna.ndy Square Condos, Bldg A, Unit 3 R3392S nla Nonnandy Square Condos, Bldg A, Unit 4 R33926 r NOV-03-2005 THU 11:41 AM 78383 (5) Address of property: App Dist Pro:p ID# (6) Address o.fproperty: App Dist Prop ID# (7) Address o.fproPerty: App Dist Prep ID# . (8) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# (9) Address eofproperty: App Dist Prep ID# (10) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# (11) Address ofpropcrty: App Dist Prep ID# (12) Address ofpreperty: App Dist Pro,p ID# 3 FAX NO, 7857763805 nla Normandy Square Condos, B1dg B, Unit S R33927 nla Nonnandy Square Condos, BldgB, Unit 6 R33928 nla Nonnandy Squat'll Condos, B1dgB, Unit 7 .. "if R33929 503 Nagle Street, Ste. #3 . . Normandy Squarc Condos, Bldg B, Unit 8 R33930 nla Normandy Square Condos, Bldg C, Unit 9 R33931 nla . . Normandy Square Condos, 8ldS C, Unit 10 R33932 nla . Normandy Square Condos, B1dg C, Unit 11 R33933 n/a' Normandy Square Condos, BldS C, Unit 12 R33934 p, 05 . I'"~ .,;"" . ''', "".' , ;,;:::'f.;i;,'(,::~,~': .... -,'.. ....... ,',' "",.,', , NOV-03-2005 THU 11:42 AM 78383 FAX NO, 7857763805 p, 06 (13) Adllress of property: nla Normandy Square Condos, Bldg D, Unit 13 App Dist Prop ID# R33935 (14) Address 'Jfproperty: nla Nonnandy Square Condos, Bldg D, Unit 14 App Dist PrOI' ID# :R33936 ..~ ". , . ...' '..: -' . ,),:\( ~, . (15) Adllress of property: nla Normandy Square Condos, '. ,', Bldg D, Unit 15 App Dist Prop ID# R33937 (16) Address ,of property: nla Normandy SqUare Condos, Bldg D, Unit 16 App Dist Prop ID# R33938 (17) Address of property: nla Normandy Square Condos, Bldg E, Unit 18. App Dist Prop ID# R33940 (18) Address of property: Dla Nonnandy Square Condos, Bldg E, Unit 19 App Dist Prop ID# R33941 (19) Address of property: Dla Normandy Square Condos, Bldg E, Unit 20 App Dis! Prop ID# R33942 (20) Address of property: nla Normandy Square Condos, BldgF, Unit 21 App Dis! PtoJP ID# 103943 4 , NO~-03~2005 THU 11:42 AM 78383 FAX NO, 7857763805 P. 07 (21) Address I)f property: nla Nonnandy Square Condos, Bldg F, Unit 22 App Dist Prot:I 10# R33944 (22) Addrcss of property: nla Normandy Square Condos, Bldg F, Unit 23 App Dist Prop ID# . R33945 '. .;'~. ' . . "''', . . . ' ......,1.,., .' (23) Address of~perty: :, " ., ,,' nla Normandy Square Condos, .' App Din Prop rri# BldgF, Unit 24 R33946 (24) Address of property: nla Nonnandy Square Condos, Bldg G, Unit 25 App Dist Prop ID# R33947 (25) Address c)f property: nla Normandy Square Condos, Bldg G, Unit 26 App Dist Prop ID# R33948 . (26) Address l)f property: nla Nonnmdy Square Condos, B1dg G, Unit 27 App Dist Prop ID# R33949 (27) Address of property: 503 Cherry Street Tauber, Block C & 0, Acres 2.493 , App Dist Prop ID# R44957 5 . I------~--- NOY-03-2005 THU 11:43 AM 78383 , . FAX NO, 7857763805 AGGIB INNS II LTD BY:~~~~"~ yl ~ Inns ITLTD Jim McCullough . (1) Address cfproperty: 311 Stasney Street Tauber, Block 1, Lot 4 Thru 9, Pt.' of.Casa Dol Sol Apts, (Ph#2) . , R44945 App Dlsl Projp ID# (2) Adcltess of property: 'J r. 40 I Stasney Street Tauber, Block 2, Lot 1 Thru 5 & 16 Thru 20, Pl of Cas a Del Sol A.pts. '(Ph#1) R44947 App Dist Prop ID# By """"ulinK thi& Petition, tho fimlgoing persOIlll reprooenl. and warrant that they are duly authorUed to execu\l! this Petition on behalf of tho respoctive elllity ll.8med above. 6 p, DB A PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR THE DESIGNATION OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER SIXTEEN, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS UNDER CHAPTER 311, TAX CODE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311, of the Texas Tax Code as amended (the "Code"), the undersigned Petitioners hereby request the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas (the "City"), to establish within the City a reinvestment zone (the "Zone") over an area ofland described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" and shown as Exhibit "B" (the "College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area"). Petitioners are the owners of property constituting at least 50 percent of the appraised value of the property in the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area according to most recent certified appraisal roll for the County of Brazos, Texas. Petitioners represent to the City Council that: 1. The area proposed to be included in the Zone is entirely within the corporate limits of the City. The area proposed to be included in the Zone in its present condition substantially impairs the city's growth. 2. The Area substantially impairs the city's growth because of a substantial number of substandard or deteriorating structures. 3. Unless the zone is created as requested by Petitioners, the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area will be impeded because the area is predominantly underdeveloped, unproductive, open, and other factors. The Petitioners would respectfully request the City Council as follows: 1. To create the proposed Zone pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code and name it the "Reinvestment Zone Number 16, City of College Station, Texas." 2. To provide that the Zone contain the area described by metes and bounds in "Exhibit A" and as shown hereto as "Exhibit B", both of which are incorporated herein for all purposes, 3. To provide that the Zone have all the powers of a reinvestment zone created pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code. r 4. To appoint a Board of Directors for the Zone to exercise the authority granted by Chapter 311 for administration, management, and operation of the Zone and implementation of the Zone project plan and Zone financing plan. 5. To provide such other action and assistance as the City Council may deem necessary and appropriate to assist in the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area, Respectfully submitted to the City Council of the City of College Station by and through its City Secretary this ~K day of ~ c.r: 2005, by the undersigned Petitioners, PETITIONERS: By: . App Dist Prop ID# 405 Cross Street. Boyett, Block 4, Lot 1-3 & 14-16 R18526 Address of property: ~ By: App Dist Prop ID# 405 College Main Boyett, Block 5, Lot 8 R18547 Address of property: By executing this Petition, the foregoing persons represent and warrant that they are duiy authorized to execute this Petition on behalf of the respective entity named above, 2 ,- A PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR THE DESIGNATION OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER SIXTEEN, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS UNDER CHAPTER 311, TAX CODE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311, of the Texas Tax Code as amended (the "Code"), the undersigned Petitioners hereby request the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas (the "City"), to establish within the City a reinvestment zone (the "Zone") over an area of land described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" and shown as Exhibit "B" (the "College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area"). Petitioners are the owners of property constituting at least 50 percent of the appraised value of the property in the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area according to most recent certified appraisal roll for the County of Brazos, Texas. Petitioners represent to the City Council that: I. The area proposed to be included in the Zone is entirely within the corporate limits of the City. The area proposed to be included in the Zone in its present condition substantially impairs the city's growth. 2. The Area substantially impairs the city's growth because of a substantial number of substandard or deteriorating structures. 3. Unless the zone is created as requested by Petitioners, the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area will be impeded because the area is predominantly underdeveloped, unproductive, open, and other factors. The Petitioners would respectfully request the City Council as follows: 1. To create the proposed Zone pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code and name it the "Reinvestment Zone Number 16, City of College Station, Texas." 2. To provide that the Zone contain the area described by metes and bounds in "Exhibit A" and as shown hereto as "Exhibit B", both of which are incorporated herein for all purposes. 3. To provide that the Zone have all the powers of a reinvestment zone created pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code. , 4. To appoint a Board of Directors for the Zone to exercise the authority granted by Chapter 311 for administration, management, and operation of the Zone and implementation of the Zone project plan and Zone financing plan. 5. To provide such other action and assistance as the City Council may deem necessary and appropriate to assist in the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Number 16 Area, Respectfully submitted tg the City Council of the City of College Station by and through its City Secretary this iZ...1!.ay offbr'., 2005, by the undersigned Petitioners. PETITIONER: By: (1) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# (2) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# (3) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# (4) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# (5) Address of property: 2 107-113 Boyett St. Boyett, Block 8, Lot 9,10,11 Rl8577 Behind Campus Theater Boyett, Block 8, Lot 12,13,14 RI8578 40 I First St. Boyett, Block 13, Lot 13, 14 (East Half ofBoth) RI8636 105 Louise Ave. Boyett, Block 13, Lot 13,14 (West Half of Both) RI8637 404 First St. Boyett, Block 14, Lot 3 I App Dist Prop ID# (6) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# (7) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# (8) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# (9) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# R18640 406 First St. Boyett, Block 14, Lot 4 Rl864l 408 First St. Boyett, Block 14, Lot 5 R18642 410 First St. Boyett, Block 14, Lot 6 R18643 400 Nagle St. Unit # 113 North Ramparts Condos, Bldg. A, Unit 113 R38627 By executing this Petition, the foregoing persons represent and warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Petition on behalf of the respective entity named above. 3 , '. A PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR THE DESIGNATION OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER SIXTEEN, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS UNDER CHAPTER 311, TAX CODE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311, of the Texas Tax Code as amended (the "Code"), the undersigned Petitioners hereby request the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas (the "City"), to establish within the City a reinvestment zone (the "Zone") over an area of land described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" and shown as Exhibit "B" (the "College Station Reinvestment Zone Nwnber 16 Area"). Petitioners are the owners of property constituting at least 50 percent of the appraised value of the property in the College Station Reinvestment Zone Nwnber 16 Area according to most recent certified appraisal roll for the County of Brazos, Texas. Petitioners represent to the City Council that: 1. The area proposed to be included in the Zone is entirely within the corporate limits of the City. The area proposed to be included in the Zone in its present condition substantially impairs the city's growth. 2. The Area substantially impairs the city's growth because of a substantial nwnber of substandard or deteriorating structures. 3. Unless the zone is created as requested by Petitioners, the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Nwnber 16 Area will be impeded because the area is predominantly underdeveloped, unproductive, open, and other factors. The Petitioners would respectfully request the City Council as follows: 1. To create the proposed Zone pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code and name it the "Reinvestment Zone Nwnber 16, City of College Station, Texas." 2. To provide that the Zone contain the area described by metes and bounds in "Exhibit A" and as shown hereto as "Exhibit B", both of which are incorporated herein for all purposes. 3. To provide that the Zone have all the powers of a reinvestment zone created pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code. , 4. To appoint a Board of Directors for the Zone to exercise the authority granted by Chapter 311 for administration, management, and operation of the Zone and implementation of the Zone project plan and Zone financing plan. 5. To provide such other action and assistance as the City Council may deem necessary and appropriate to assist in the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Nwnber 16 Area. Respectfully submitted to t.OO City COllJlcil of the City of College Station by and through its City Secretary this J?L'day of Oct-; 2005, by the undersigned Petitioners. PETITIONERS: BILL J. AND FRANCES COOLEY , By: l)....d-(. C c:r-1 . Bill J. Co'5fey 409 Tauber St. . Boyett, Block 4, Lot 12 & 13 R18535 (I) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# (2) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# 304 Tauber St. Tauber, Block I, Lot 3 R44944 App Dist Prop ID# 509 University Dr. Tauber, Block 5, Lot 2 R44967 (3)Address of property: By executing this Petition, the foregoing persons represent and warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Petition on behalf of the respective entity named above. 2 r A PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR THE DESIGNATION OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER SIXTEEN, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS UNDER CHAPTER 311, TAX CODE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311, of the Texas Tax Code as amended (the "Code"), the undersigned Petitioners hereby request the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas (the "City"), to establish within the City a reinvestment zone (the "Zone") over an area ofland described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" and shown as Exhibit "B" (the "College Station Reinvestment Zone Nwnber 16 Area"). Petitioners are the owners of property constituting at least 50 percent of the appraised value of the property in the College Station Reinvestment Zone Nwnber 16 Area according to most recent certified appraisal roll for the County of Brazos, Texas. Petitioners represent to the City Council that: 1. The area proposed to be included in the Zone is entirely within the corporate limits of the City. The area proposed to be included in the Zone in its present condition substantially impairs the city's growth. 2. The Area substantially impairs the city's growth because of a substantial nwnber of substandard or deteriorating structures. 3. Unless the zone is created as requested by Petitioners, the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Nwnber 16 Area will be impeded because the area is predominantly IIl1derdeveloped, unproductive, open, and other factors. ,. The Petitioners would respectfully request the City Council as follows: I. To create the proposed Zone pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code and name it the "Reinvestment Zone Nwnber 16, City of College Station, Texas." 2. To provide that the Zone contain the area described by metes and bounds in "Exhibit A" and as shown hereto as "Exhibit B", both of which are incorporated herein for all purposes. 3. To provide that the Zone have all the powers of a reinvestment zone created pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code. 4. To appoint a Board of Directors for the Zone to exercise the authority granted by Chapter 311 for administration, management, and operation of the Zone and implementation of the Zone project plan and Zone financing plan. 5. To provide such other action and assistance as the City Council may deem necessary and appropriate to assist in the development of the College Station Reinvestment Zone Nwnber 16 Area. Respectfully submitted to the City If1~il of the City of College Station by and through its City Secretary this ~day of . 2005, by the undersigned Petitioners. PETITIONERS: 301 Church Avenue, LP BC6~c? App Dist Prop ID# Total Assessed Value 301 Church Ave. Boyett, Block 6,7 Lot 1 Replat R18555 $15,929,160 (1) Address of property: PETITIONERS: Vigilant Enterprises, LLC (2) Address of property: App Dist Prop ID# Total Assessed Value 315 Boyett Boyett, Block 12, Lot 12 thru 15 R18616 $220,760 By executing this Petition, the foregoing persons represent and warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Petition on behalf of the respective entity named above. 2 r () ~ o ..... D:I ~ ::l ~Cb lite,. -0 a "0 o '" <l> a. -i 9izUJ ;1J~::T 5!!.::T er :i1 <0 "" <l>~(D ",<l> 3' <l> :l M" N o :l <l> ~ >< Dl III ~ $: c ::s ~. .., III .:i .> & "J)&)~ ~ ---~---~ CERTIFICATE FOR ORDINANCE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS CI1Y OF COLLEGE STATION We, the undersigned officers of said City, hereby certify as follows: 1. The City Council of said City convened in REGULAR MEETING ON THE 22ND DAY OF JUNE, 2006, at the designated meeting place, and the roll was called of the duly constituted officers and members of said City Council, to wit: Ron Silvia, John Happ, Ben White, Ron Gay, Chris Scotti, Dave Ruesink, Lynn McIlhaney, Mayor Mayor Pro-Tem Councilmembers, Connie L. Hooks, City Secretary and all of said persons were present, except the following absentees: . thus constituting a quorum. Whereupon, among other business, the following was transacted at said Meeting: a written ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $7,375,000 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2006; AND ORDAINING OTHER MATIERS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT, INCLUDING IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVENESS was duly introduced for the consideration of said City Council and read in full. It was then duly moved and seconded that said Ordinance be passed; and, after due discussion, said motion prevailed and carried by the following vote: AYES: ~ NOES: .JL ABSTAINED: 2. That a true, full and correct copy of the aforesaid Ordinance described in the above and foregoing paragraph is attached to and follows this Certificate; that said Ordinance has been duly recorded in said City Council's minutes of said Meeting; that the above and foregoing paragraph is a true, full and correct excerpt from said City Council's minutes of said Meeting pertaining to the passage of said Ordinance; that the persons named in the above and foregoing paragraph are the duly chosen, qualified and acting officers and members of said City Council as indicated therein; that each of the officers and members of said City Council was duly and sufficiently notified officially and personally, in advance, of the tIme, place and purpose of the aforesaId Meeting, and that said Ordinance would be introduced and considered at said Meeting, and each of said officers and members consented, in advance, to the holding of said Meeting for such purpose, and that said Meeting was open to the public and public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given, all as required by Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. C:::';::[HIS1HEn~ g:~= CIty Secretary Mayo / (SEAL) f I .. , I ~ ~ ~ I I r .--- ..... .....-- "-. ti '5 ,., I~'D ~ ::"'OO-~U~O:J~OiO~DI-:r~]OI ~ ~_ \In - _.-=--. U Jl.Y:l ~ a r JIJ Il'~ ~ ~ \'[foo~~1 [~~]orJDo-o""O" 00 oU~~J) h~~ 8:~ if L.r1i.1 10. 0 0 - !'DBD 1 I (~l[}>OI DO 0 DC] [][J [J 00000000,1 Pi '8 r;['[Jf;~W\~o]~[j-l : 4.., I\~ L lJ...-_ · ...~--~<'> \ ,.r \\t:f! .;'1 ~ 1\ 000" DO 0 JJ!10n0"~~D \ ~, IF . I ~ "b LJ .,. '? \ \ 0 \ Cl \; '../ ~ ! 'lJ 0lI oij:l Jg"~ )L )~_ > ~ ~ I ~ c;l -32-~' qq-:j1;;- ~\ . 0 -- . 1\ R ~ liJ r" U .. .. (1 ~ ~! \ ..11 x Do ~. "F;1 D . /(-: I: J n...- II - I c--v-:_ ~.~u\J~ [7..,'0 ~." "~ cd a I u:: n..r-1 W-~ .~~. ;:.:; ;}:oOC] fl \ fll'--n"ftl. ;:... ti ~ ~1 I o~ I. /}~". i I. " -u ~ .! --,j f! :!l I , 8 r -2 I -=,,_.rl!J~]r"J 'lhL...,; =, .J',,_!~ n . 5 : .. -~ --..1\"'-"'''' . 1._____ :' . , . u " , "-C. ...,"e'_L-___.. t::J ! W (1. liD h~ rc-'~- '~:~~~~.~ t~ i ijl~dir=J I I-~rl )~~). 'l"!g %~g Q~\\~;! 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