HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/25/2004 - Regular Minutes - Design Review Board Minutes Design Review Board June 25, 2004 11:00AM Board Members Present: Alan King, Scott Shafter, Dr. Tabb & Bill Trainor Board Members Absent: Stanton Ware, George McLean & Richard Benning Staff Present: Staff Assistant Deborah Grace, Staff Planner's Jennifer Reeves & Jennifer Prochazka, Planning Intern Crissy Perez Others Present: AGENDA ITEM NO.1 Call to order. Mr. Shafter called the meeting to order. AGENDA ITEM NO.2: Consider absence requests. - George McLean - Stanton Ware - Richard Benning Mr. King made the motion to approve the absence requests. Dr. Tabb seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (4-0). AGENDA ITEM NO.3: Consideration, discussion and possible action to approve meeting minutes from June 11, 2004 Dr. Tabb made the motion to approve the minutes. Mr. King seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (4-0). AGENDA ITEM NO.4: Discussion of changes to the Northgate Ordinance. Kim Foutz discussed what changes are being considered. She stated that the N orthgate Ordinance will be taken separately to DRB and to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Ms. Foutz asked the Board to give her feedback on NG-2. DRB Minutes June 25, 2005 Page 1 of3 Mr. King stated there is a significant outcry and need from the Northgate users for public restroom facilities. Ms. Foutz replied that they have and will continue to ask Council for funding. She has also encouraged them to contact the Parks Board. Mr. King stated that in the past the dissemination of information to the N orthgate Merchants has not been as good as hoped. Ms. Foutz stated that they would be sure to pass along the information once everything is finished. AGENDA ITEM NO.5: Consideration, discussion and possible action on fa~ade changes to Wells Fargo Cyber Banklocated at 321 University Drive in Northgate. (04-126). Crissy Perez, Planning Intern, presented the staff report and told the Board that the applicant is proposing the following changes to the building: ~ move storefront out to sidewalk ~ the door and exterior walls will be same as existing material The existing door of the building is currently recessed from the majority of the fas;ade and the surrounding building. The applicant is proposing to extend the door so that the storefront is uniformly aligned. The proposed changes are in accordance with the Northgate Design Guidelines. The applicant is not proposing any changes to existing signage. The Board discussed the site plan and proposed fas;ade changes. Mr. Shafer stated that he understood the project is small, but he did not feel that the applicant provided very good information about what they wanted to do. Ms. Perez stated that they did contact the applicant asking for a picture and the drawing is what they sent. Mr. Trainor made the motion to approve the fa~ade changes as presented. Mr. King seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (4-0). AGENDA ITEM NO 6: Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Design Review Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement for specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. No items were discussed. DRB Minutes June 25, 2004 Page 2 of3 AGENDA ITEM NO.6: Adjourn. Mr. King made the motion to adjourn. Dr. Tabb seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (4-0). ~~~ Mo' ~:..:.. .......-- ~ Deborah Grace, Staff Assistant DRB Minutes June 25,2004 Page 3 of3 HIGHLIGHTS NORTHGATE ORDINANCE CHANGES Previous UDO changes: • Commercial now allowed in all three districts • Maximum setback • Minimum of two story development with 1:1 FAR ratio • Dimensional table • Holding status - all other changes were reserved to be handled by future revision DRB Feedback: • Need DRB feedback on proposed provisions • Need DRB feedback on how far we want to go with making NG -2 fit the overall district philosophy. Currently permissive, but not required. Uses: No changes except NG -2 may develop under NG -1 standards (encourage TND) DRB Review Projects conforming to all the requirements do not go to DRB - predictability. Projects that do not conform 100% must go to DRB for specific variances. Examples: • reduction in the floor to area ratio • increase or decrease of setback requirements. • increase in distance requirement for shared and/or off -site parking. • decrease in residential parking requirements • alternatives to landscape /streetscape standards for existing structure(s) • alternatives to building design standards • relief from sign requirements • increase in the square footage allowed for a single retail establishment • reduction in the number of dwelling units required per acre • increase in the % of nonresidential square footage allowed in NG -3 • interpretations on building materials and colors • waiver in parking lot dimension requirements • allow office as a first floor, ground level use (on Church Ave) Additional Use Standards NG -1: • Buildings fronting on Church, University, and College Main (from University to Church), must be designed to accommodate 100% of its primary facade as ground level retail/restaurants. Office allowed with DRB approval. • On all other streets, a minimum of 50% of the ground floor shall be nonresidential. • Free standing retail is prohibited. • Maximum allowable area of a single retail establishment is 5,000 square feet. NG -2: • Minimum number of dwelling units /acre: 26 • May be reduced by DRB to 18 units /acre if includes nonresidential uses that occupy 30% of the total square footage NG -3 Residential • nonresidential use(s) permitted to occupy all or part of square footage of the ground floor if remaining s.f is residential, but no more than 34% of total s.f of building • maximum of 5,000 s.f single retail establishment • Free standing retail is prohibited Parking: • Located at side or rear of building only • Screened - wall, opaque fence, berm, landscaping options • Non - residential: No minimum spaces for NG -1 and NG -3 • Residential - 75% of spaces under regular requirements for NG -1 & NG -3 • Reductions in spaces - DRB review, parking study, limit on reduction • No interior islands in NG -1 & NG -3 • In NG -2, must meet all regular code requirements unless building under NG -1 use and standards • Bicycle parking standards, design, and number Landscaping • None required in NG -1 and N - ...streetscape and street trees required • Landscaping and streetscaping r quired in NG -2 unless developed under NG -1 standards Streetscape • Benches - design standards (color, design) and number required • Street lights - design standards (color, height, illumination) and spacing required • Street trees - tree wells or masonry above ground planters, spacing 25', 3" caliper, maintenance, irrigation, City approved species list Signs • No proposed changes, with intention of addressing in future • Currently, attached only signs are allowed in NG -1 & NG -3 • Currently, NG -2 is attached signs only but can be C -1 sign standards Sidewalks: • Required along both sides of all right -of -ways. • Stamped, colored concrete • may be located in the public right -of -way. MI In the event that sidewalks exist prior to development or redevelopment, the sidewalk must be upgraded to meet all standards. • 10' in width on University Drive and Church Avenue • 8' in width on First Street, Boyett, College Main, and Nagle streets • 6' width on all other streets • located directly adjacent to the back of curb Building Design • In lieu of, not in addition to Non - Residential Architectural Standards in Section 7.9 • Nonresidential structures - 60% transparent on the ground floor fronting a public right -of -way (between 3' -8 "). Building Facades: • All visible facades include features similar/ complementary to the front facade • Facade Articulation/Architectural Relief: Maximum of 20' of horizontal and/or vertical distance of exterior wall shall be permitted without facade articulation/architectural relief for any facade facing a street, sidewalk, or public area. • Minimum of two design elements: canopies, projections or indentations, vertical expression of structural bays, pilasters, columns, bay windows, balconies that extend from the building, recessed entries, stoops, porches, arcades, awnings, boxed windows, �`. • Reflective glass & metal not permitted, except metal awnings and roofs. • Wood and metal are permitted for building accents not to exceed 10% of facade s.f. • Continuous "ribbon" window systems and glazed curtain walls not permitted. Glass shall be clear or tinted, not reflective. • Exterior building colors other than earth -tone shall be permitted on accent details only. No neons and florescents. Earth -tone colors include browns, natural greens, creams, and dark reds. • Roof colors shall be earth -tone. • Building materials: fired brick, poured -in -place concrete (specifically excluding concrete block that is visible to the eye), split face concrete, Exterior Insulated Finishing System (EIFS), stone, stucco. No aggregate concrete materials, . ', or unfinished concrete block are specifically prohibited. At least fifty (50 %) percent of the exterior cladding, excluding door and window openings, of all exterior walls fronting, or visible from public streets shall be brick or natural stone construction. • Canopies /Awnings: Colors - earth -toned in color. Bright neon or fluorescent colors shall not be permitted except on lettering. Materials - Canopies /awnings shall consist of cloth, canvas, or standing seam metal material. • The primary facade of all buildings shall front a public street unless the primary facade fronts a plaza, green, or courtyard. All buildings that have right of way frontage on Church Avenue shall orient its primary entrance facade toward Church Avenue. All buildings that have right of way frontage on University Drive shall orient its primary entrance facade toward University Drive. • Parking structures fronting the public right -of -ways of Church Avenue and College Main (from University Drive to Cross Street) shall be designed to accommodate ground level retail. This ground level floor may also be used for office or civic uses. Maximum frontage of parking structures along any one block face shall be 200' • Steel parking garages and steel guard cables on garage facades are prohibited. Outside storage /Outside sales: Design standards; made of same material as building; size limitations Buffering: Not applicable Dimensional standards • Increase maximum setback to 12 -15' • Only allow single story with certain conditions & approval of DRB Design Districts NG -1 . NG -3 WPC Minimum Lot Area None None 2,400 SF Minimum Lot Width None None 24' Minimum Lot Depth None n` None 100' Minimum Front Setback None None 25' Minimum Side Setback None None None (A) Minimum Side Street Setback None ° ° None 15' Minimum Rear Setback None None 15' Maximum Setback from a Right-of-Way (B) 1 a_' None Maximum Height None None None Minimum Height 2 Stories (D) 2 Stories (D) None Minimum Floor to Area Ratio (FAR) 1 (E) 1 ( E) None Deborah Grace - dr. appt Page 1 From: Stanton Ware < stanton @stantonware.com> To: <DGRACE @cstx.gov> Date: 6/18/2004 9:56:19 AM Subject: dr. appt I had to make a Dr. appt in Houston on the 25th. Is there a quorum without me? If not I think I can reschedule but it was hard to get in. Thanks stanton Stanton K. Ware http://www.stantonware.com stanton @stantonware.com Deborah Grace - Re: June 25 DRB Page 1 From: "GEORGE F. MCLEAN" <gmclean @csisd.org> To: "Deborah Grace" <DGRACE @cstx.gov> Date: 6/15/2004 3:50:33 PM Subject: Re: June 25 DRB Deborah I have a doctors appointment in Houston . Sorry I could not get a better day as the doctor is going on vacation . George mcLean Deborah Grace - Re: June 25 DRB Page 1 From: "The Bennings" <benning4 @cox - internet.com> To: "Deborah Grace" <DGRACE @cstx.gov> Date: 6/16/2004 8:02:43 AM Subject: Re: June 25 DRB I cannot attend - -will be out of the country.Richard Original Message From: "Deborah Grace" <DGRACE @cstx.gov> To: <debbief @archone.tamu.edu >; <alank @cox- internet.com >; <benning4 @cox- internet.com >; <gmclean @csisd.org >; <sshafer @rpts.tamu.edu >; <stanton @stantonware.com >; <trainor @tca.net> Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 10:14 AM Subject: June 25 DRB > Please let me know if you can attend this meeting. Thanks! > "No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a > dog makes you rich." — Louis Sabin > Deborah Grace > <> > Staff Assistant > City of College Station > Development Services > 1101 Texas Avenue > College Station, Texas 77840 > 979 - 764 -3570 Main > 979 - 764 -3784 Desk > 979 - 764 -3496 Fax > dgrace @cstx.gov > www.cstx.gov > College Station. Embracing the past, Exploring the future.