HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/23/2004 - Regular Minutes - Design Review Board Minutes Design Review Board April 23, 2004 11:00AM Board Members Present: Scott Shafer, Alan King, Richard Benning & Stanton Ware. Board Members Absent: Dr. Phil Tabb, Bill Trainor & George McLean. Staff Present: Staff Assistant Deborah Grace, Staff Planner's Jennifer Prochazka, Molly Hitchcock & Jennifer Reeves, Others Present: Joe Schultz, Wallace Phillips & Jessica Jimmerson. AGENDA ITEM NO.1 Call to order. Mr. Shafer called the meeting to order. AGENDA ITEM NO.2: Consider absence requests. ~ Dr. Tabb ~ George McLean Mr. Benning made the motion to approve the absence requests. Mr. King seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (4-0). I Mr. Trainor was absent and did not submit an absent request form. The Board did not consider his absence. AGENDA ITEM NO.3: Consideration, discussion and possible .action to approve meeting minutes from March 12, 2004 Mr. King made the motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Ware seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (4-0). AGENDA ITEM NO.4: Discussion, consideration and possible action on a concept plan for Castlegate Section 6 located on the North side of Greens Prairie Road, just west of Castlegate Drive. (04-49) Staff Planner Jennifer Reeves presented the staff and told the Board that the developer wishes to continue the development as if was originaVY ~nvisioned and implemented in the previous Sections 1-5 of the Castlegate sUb9J'v'tsiOn. The Planned Development ,~ District is the only available district that provides for the meritorious modifications of the regulations. Mr. Benning made the motion to approve as submitted. Mr. King seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (4-0). AGENDA ITEM NO.5: Discussion, consideration and possible action on the rehabilitation of front fa.;ade changes to Antonio's Pizza by the Slice located at 108 College Main located inNorthgate. (04-21) Staff Planner Molly Hitchcock presented the staff report and told the Board that the proposal is to change the black tile on the building and paint the trim around the windows and doors to match the signage and/or interior colors. The property is considered Medium Priority by the Northgate Historic Resources Study. The UDO requires properties with such designation to be treated using methods and materials in accordance with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. The tile at the entry is considered distinctive, character-defining feature of the building. Depending on the age of the tile and previous finishes for the fayade, removing and replacing the tile is not in keeping with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. Jessica Jimmerson spoke representing the owner and stated that they would like to refurbish the building with tile to match the color of the trim. The color proposed for the trim would be green, red or maroon. Mr. Shafer asked what is the time line for installing the sign that DRB approved in September of 2003. Ms. Jimmerson replied that they are waiting for the approval of all other fayade changes before installing the sign. Ms. Hitchcock told the Board that two flood lights have been installed on the canopy to shine on the sign and they have not been approved by the Board. She suggested that they address the issue. Mr. Benning stated that he thought it looked great. There were continued discussions concerning the tile. Mr. Shafer stated that he is in favor of leaving the building as it is. This building has historic character and the more you change it the more you loose the character. The tile is an integrated part of the building. Mr. Ware added that there is so much opportunity to put graphics in the window and even cleaning the bricks would be a great improvement. Ms. Jimmerson asked the Board if they would be open to the tile being resurfaced in some way that would not damage the tile and later could then be returned to the original state. The Board was not in favor of that idea. Mr. King listed items that the Board would like the owner to consider. ~ consideration of paint color for the trim ~ no change to tile color ~ clean the brick ~ work with the windows to lighten the look ~ consider signage within the windows space Ms. Jimmerson asked if they would consider neon signage in the window. Mr. Benning replied that he sure would. The remaining members also agreed. The Board discussed pedestrian level signage that hangs from awnings. Ms. Jimmerson asked if they could have one at each door. The Board felt one would be sufficient. Mr. Shafer encouraged the owner to do a clean treatment of the windows at the top so it is consistent across the front. Mr. Shafter asked that the Aggie Buck banner be removed. Mr. King made the motion to table the item and allow the owner to consider the requests of the Board. Mr. Ware seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (4-0). AGENDA ITEM NO.6: Discussion and action to appoint a Board Member to serve as Acting Chairman for the meetings of May 14, May 28 & June 11. Mr. King offered to serve. Mr. Shafer said he would have a Planning & Zoning Commissioner also attend in his absence. AGENDA ITEM NO.7: Discussion and possible action on future agenda items- A Design Review Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement for specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Mr. Benning asked to add an item to discuss the public staging/restrooms in Northgate Mr. Ware asked to add an item to discuss pedestrian signs in Northgate. AGENDA ITEM NO.8: Adjourn. Mr. Benning made the motion to adjourn. Mr. King seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (4-0). (Y~ Scott Shafer, Chairman ~