HomeMy WebLinkAboutTigerland 1976 --., :) r ':!' - -- ~ ,.. .,. .::-. ~ .. .;...~ .., -'. -. i. ~7.'\!'-_\' " ~f. '!~ ~ '" E' , L0C-VYldt~ r(YI (Au3 2 \ I j<=1i1 ) I \ ! ~ f; ~c;p~ ~i1G,~... r. ,,\ 41. 1~~~;;;r9," !W~~ ~" ~ ;) ~ C ~.xu?I~~ !iv~ih~", 11m ~ crr:r..J;}u ....coD ",' .. ~\nflm.]11- ' gm ~ !"'l ",,~_.C>I!J. r'-';;5:~ ~4 Fish Experience True Meaning of Seniority On October 11, freshmen and sen- iors met at Hensal Park to carryon the tradition of freshman initiation. A merry time was had by all. Me. Fish of the Year"( 12 Gee. I feel so tall! " Pep Rallies ~~ Caskey a la Cool Whip! Throughout the school year the cheerleaders sponsored pep rallies containing various skits, routines, musical arrangements, speeches. and miscellaneous activities to encourage Tiger Spirit. Guys enthralled by pep rally? , i. .......- . ..' ....._~.~.;;..!:.::... Another award-winning cheerleader perform- ance. Sherri and Debe lead crowds on. 13 Homecoming Highlights Football Season The Annual Homecoming Week proved to be one of immense excitement and various activities. Festivities included the Tiger Football Game, the lighting of ..the bon- fire, a snake walk, a Jr. -Sr. Class sponsored coffehouse, and a Homecoming dance. This year's queen was Cindy Feagan who was crowned by Student Body President, Gary Moody. Dancing with Sweetbriar. The Cheerleaders head the "crawling" snake walk. 14 The Mighty Tiger Bonfire! Another Queen is crowned! Ql'udent Council Sponsors Various Assemblies --~ A hair raising experiment demon- strates atomic energy. Tiger Football Banquet Honors Players t The annual Football Banquet, sponsored by the Tiger Club, was held on November 22, in the South Knoll Cafeteria. The emcee was W. N. "Flop" Colson, and an inspiring speech was delivered by Olympic gold-medal winner, Randy Matson. A dance was also held after- wards. I .. - M-m-m Good! 1975 Tiger Football Award Winners: (l-r) Kieth Kuttler, Tiger A ward; Brad Smith, Outstanding Back, Most Valuable Player; and Ashraf Ayoub, Outstanding Lineman. t ~ ....,' t: 16 I I /, I- I I I I , J I I I c Not now, Arnold! Winter Dances Brighten Holidays Winter season activities began with the Christmas Ball, held at the Middle School cafeteria, and ended with the Valentine Dance, held at the High School cafeteria. Marian boogies down! The Valentine Dance Band getting it on! 17 Cross Country Banquet Honors State Champs On January 17, the Cross Country Team was honored with a banquet sponsored by the tracksters' parents. The speaker was Jeff Wells, Southwest Conference Cross Country Champ. Watch the birdie, Lester. .Don't tease him; he's shy. ., ! Marty knows what's in there! 18 i ~ I t t Terri seems to have her hands full! I I '1 ... I . .. .. " ~ . Dm shows singing ability. ~ Robbie dances away the evening. Paul Nimblefingers at the key- board. j J Talent Show Entertains Many The 3rd annual Talent Show, sponsored by the Morning Lions Club, in cooperation with the Music Department, displayed the various talent found in our school. Held on Feb. 6 in the High School Auditorium, it proved once again to be a total success. In club competition, first prize of $100 went to Black Awareness, second prize of $75 to the Key Club, and third prize of $50 to the Photography Club. Lesa and a friend. INDIVIDUAL WINNERS 9th AND 10th VOCAL Diana pfannstiel 11th AND 12th VOCAL Paul Whitt INSTRUMENT AL Pris Files VARIETY Teri Richardson BEST OVERALL Terri Richardson J nl Award winners are standing (l-r): Bill Landy, Mark Dixon, Hamp Keahey, Paul Whitt, Bruce Woods, Johnny Townsend, and Vincient Kapchinski. SITTING: Pris Files, Terri Richardson, and Diana pfannst- iel. 19 Basketball Banquet Held The 1976 Tiger Basketball Banquet was held on Feb. 23 in the High School Cafeteria. Both the girls and boys bas- ketball teams were honored. Award winners were: Debe McCandless and Philip Steen - Sportsmanship A wards; Philip Steen and Sherrie Williams - Most Valuable Player Awards. ~ i Debe McCandless received Sportsmanship A ward. Dr. and Mrs. Crawford presented Coach Bright with a padded clipboard. 20 f I ... ~ The "Fonz" with his newest fling. 1 "Slicker Bob" and "Betty Lou." Happy Days Were Here Again In April students and teachers "bopped" to school in their saddle oxfords, bobby soxs, tight sweaters, leather j acke ts, and Vi talis hair. The excitement was all a pan of the 2nd annual Student Council sponsored fifties day. Debbie and Cathy show off the latest fashions. 21 Drama "Plays" Around A MAN COULD GET KILLED, THE MOON.IS BLUE, and CYRANO DE BERGERAC were this year's drama productions. The drama teacher was James Dennis, and the plays were staged by the Drama Club and the Thespians. Cast rehearsal for A MAN COULD GET KILLED. Blow in my ear and I'll follow you anywhere. 22 He ain't heavy; he's my brother. A scene from THE MOON IS BLUE. A MAN COULD GET KILLED, written by Mr. James Dennis, drama teacher, and THE MOON IS BLUE were two of the plays produced by the Drama Depan- memo My girdle is killing me! But it's only 200 proof. "Windex makes it shine." 23 The UIL One-Act Play, CYRANO DE BERGERAC placed 3rd in Zone competition on Aprill. Scott Saunders was named Best Actor, and Virginia Koppa was selected as an All Star Cast member. The play was also presented at Hensel Park on April 25. .'.~--- $. I wish he used Scope! Four muskateers? 24 ~ I . . . and not only that, when you lie! r I iii l Student Council Participates in Turnabout Day ~ i I 'I A 't ~ ~ 11 u ! u rill :f 11, I u IlII During Turnabout Day, Ronnie Morgan, Damon Buffington, and Gena McMullen take over the jobs of Mr. Caskey - Prin., Mr. Foreman - Vice-Prin., and Mrs. Browning - Sec. u u " I u " l ~ " ., ~ I -~ t u i -1 .J Mr. Wiese and Mrs. Goodwin (alias Martha Lambert and Lauren Stacell) plan next year's schedule. During the month of May vari- ous Student Council members participated in Turnabout Day, taking over the responsibilities of the faculty and administration. Amy Plapp replaces Mrs. Raska-, the attendance clerk. Bring the paddle, Jim! 25 Election Day Ends With Class Races Although the new Student Body President and Vice-President ran unopposed and were automatically elected, the elections for cheerleaders and school mascot were extremely close. These were not decided until the last few votes. It I.. lI.._ lL Helen Marquis delivers campaign speech for Student Coun- cil. Debbie Yeager runs for Jr. Cheerleader. .. Martha tI<ldes kittens for votes. Damon Buffington lays aside track shoes to run for Student Council Vice-Pres. 28 ." David Walker campaigns for Tiger. t , '\ \ '- r j ;y... 1; J I ~ t t f ) t . t , 1 I I Musclemen? Checking out the string bikinis? Senior Day Split for Mustang Island and Somerville 1976 Senior Day was held in two places. Mus- tang Island and Somerville. Barbecue and cold drinks were provided at both sites by the Senior Class. Two fisted Frisbee throwers? " The Mustang Island Seniors! 29 Athletes Honored at Spring Sports Banquet Hensel Park was the sight for the annual Tiger Club sponsored Spring Steak Fry. Mem- bers of the swimming, baseball, tennis, track, golf, and volleyball teams were recognized. An info~mal softball game was also enjoyed by several "full" athletes. Polly on the mound. Coach Schaffer recognizes the tennis team. 30 Cattle at the trough! ! Girls track takes a bow. I I f I , I t I I I .~ \ \ I I ~t f What goes up, must come down, right? ; f I ; I f 1 I Shooting from the rear? ~ ~ J Students Compete in Intramurals Intramural competition was introduced at CHS with basketball and volleyball. Intramu- rals between clubs and athletes drew crowds and interest. Winners in basketball and volley- ball were the Black Awareness Club and the Nonames respectively. Nonames vs Cross Country. Students cheer their favorite clubs. 31 Junior Senior Prom and E This year, after a lot of hard work, the juniors honored the seniors with a sensational prom. Held in the new Middle School Gym, its theme was "An Evening in Paris." Not only was there an Eif- fel Tower, but a sidewalk cafe serving pastries and drinks, ice cream wagons, a duck pond and a balcony overlooking the floor. Winchester from Houston played for this festive occasion. Winchester plays on. No cut-ins on this one! 32 A heany meal after a long dance. Har .__._._"--~..~ and Breakfast I 1 ..." The Bobsy Twins? A sidewalk cafe. Hang it, Chris! After the prom a breakfast was held in the home of Gena McMullan. Hamburgers, watermelon, and delicious kolaches were served as part of the feast. Chowing down on terrific hamburgers. 33 Graduation Ends 9chool Year . . . Commencement for the graduating class of 1976 was held on May 21 and took place in the High School auditorium. Seniors viewed Graduation with emotions ranging from sadness and a few tears to pure joy. Gowns came in two styles: too shott and too long. 34 r Is the world ready for This? Seniors check each other for straight caps! Commencement speaker was Dr. Charles McCandless. . and Brings Mixed Emotions . . This is worse than 0 Hall! Hidden mirrors sure come in handy! 3S Seniors Receive Top Honors Valedictorian Sara Feldman gal utatorian Kathy Beck Honor Graduates ~!.. \,w' Honor Graduates: (l-r) BACK ROW: Sara Feldman, David Comstock, ROW: Kathy Beck, Donna Phariss, and Kara O'Conner. 36 ~ ,. " , 'fA , . ~ ~~ , . , , \~ " .......... I J I' \ . . , : A l' . Student Council The Student Council Members are, BACK ROW: Garry Moody, Laurel Keese, Arnold Ashburn, Phillip Steen, Scott Shafer, Brad Lancaster, Alphonso Gentry, Eric Pearson, Jeff Hutchison, Ronnie Morgan. MIDDLE ROW: Mrs. Oneida Hensley (Sponsor), Lauren Stacell, Ann Bryant, Ann Ferris, Doug Chester, Linda Preston, Debe McCandless, Janeen Holland, Jana Anderson, Kim Loveless, Gina McMullan, Martha Lamben, Amy Plapp. FRONT ROW: Jay Hughey, Joyce Calhoun, Jane Miller, Mary Jane Lay, Chenea Thomas, Mike Thomas, Terry Jones, Steve Monroe. Student Council sponsors Rummage Sale. Hamp Keahey is the salesman here. 48 Officers are: President of Student Body, Garry Moody; Vice-President, Phillip Steen; Ann Bryant. Arnold Ashburn, Debe McCandless. ".' '''':1 , e y You've got the beat, Garry. STUDENT COUNCIL ACTIVITIES FOR 1975-76 SPONSORED Rummage Sale; SPONSORED A Barbecue Sup- per; CONDUCTED Poll for Homecoming Queen; SPON- SORED Homecoming Coffeehouse; CONDUCTED Reunion for Class of '31; ORGANIZED Painting of the school walls; DEVELOPED the President's Council; INITIATED building of school store; CONDUCTED Annual Turkey Raffle; DEC- ORA TED teachers' lounge for Christmas; SPONSORED Maroon and White Day; SENT birthday cards to all teach- ers; OBTAINED pool tables and juke box for student lounge; HELD money contributions contest for Muscular Dystrophy. Student Council sponsors Turkey Raffle. ry t, Joyce Thomas, Helen Marquis, Mary Jane Lay, and Sara Feldman are salesmen here. 49 Cheerleaders The Varsity Cheerleaders were: Sherri Williams, Terry Niles, Julia Crawford, Debe McCandless (Head Cheerleader), PeggyKapchinski, and Honeybee Hewitt. David Bagnall was the Tiger Mascot. were: Lori Byrd, Julie 50 DA VID BAGNALL, Senior ,- DEBE ) ~ HONE JULI I' _ --- - - -':'->'~--'lI/"'.. 1 I . I l' 1 ~ if, ~ I t i I 1 i ( , I I I , j \ I I { "'\~i "'. DEBE McCANDLESS, Senior TERRY NILES, Senior PEGGY KAPCHINSKI, Junior HONEYBEE HEWITT, Junior JULIA CRAWFORD, Junior ANNETT A HARVEL, Sophomore JULIE LEWIS, Sophomore LORI BYRD, Freshman JILL TEER, Freshman 51 Industrial Arts ~c t- 00 ~ D. Buffington placed 2nd in Regional Arch. Drafting; M. Lofgren placed 3rd in Tech. Illustration; G. Stroud placed 3rd in on-sight drafting. P. Bassett and R. Phariss rest at Rummage Sale. Mem 52 , . '_"'''-''-_ -",..r::r\o ~"'I~ Black Awareness Club =c,~ ~~ -I~ ~-~---!i~ l~:-~ ~ ~.".- .,,- - -~ ~ T ~- :..-..,.... .......: - . f \~: ~.:::,.~....:..~"..:::..::' ~ - .- -" 1'1tl. .. '.. ;-Si--" -~ C ~ - >'- . ""1 _- r r I \ ! ! j Black Awareness Members (l-r) are: Joyce Thomas, Larry Williams, Larry Johnson, Annette Eaton, Robbie Smith, Merdie May Hollie, Starla Steen, Lynn Boone, and Pat Boone. Miss Marsha Tiggs and Mrs. Sperry sponsor the club. Hey, brother, got a square? . Members supponed the Rummage Sale. Officers are: Larry Johnson - pres., Larry Wil- liams - vice-pres., Annette Eaton - sec,., Robbie Smith - treas. , and Joyce Thomas - rep6rter. SPECIAL THANKS go to Sammy Jones, Brad Smith, Tommy Merchant, David walk~~, Reggie Carr, Randall Johnson, Calvin Heard, Maynard Tucker, Terry Smith, Milton Waller, Jackie Thompson, Brenda Dove, A Hon Williams\, Darryl Heard, Mr. Dennis and Mr. Ponus. 53 Drama Club Club panicipated in Rummage Sale. Jaqui Freund - club president; Christy Clay camp - Outstanding Drama Club Member. J. Lamkin - Lions Club Academic A ward in Drama; S. Saunders - Stage Center Drama A ward. mama Club Members are: Joe Hall, Missy Robinson, Christy Claycamp, Karen Dunkin, Jack Lamkin, J. Craw- ford, Randy Ray, Patrice Calven, Donald Blavier, Scott Saunders, Virginia Koppa, Amy Plapp, Jacqui Freund, Peter Shorn, Kathy Beck, Becca Callaway, Julie Scott, Lisa Stephens, Cindy Beck, Kristin Smith, Bill Fore- hand, Craig Forenand, Mr. James Dennis was the sponsor. 54 '':'- .... !~ i. ~p . The Th€ Freund, Kathy B way, an Ja I J. Hal Award "-~-,---'.I- { ~ ; The Thespians are: Virginia Koppa, Karen Dunkin, Joel Hall, Julie Scott, Jack Lamkin, Cindy Beck, Jaqui Freund, Kris Smathers, Lisa Stephens, Christy Claycamp, Helen Marquis, Harold Horn, Terri Richardson, Kathy Beck, Keith Merrifield, Amy Plapp, Donald Blavier, Patrice Calven, Scott Saunders, Becca Calla- way, and Carla Whittaker. Mr. James Dennis was the sponsor. j l ==: :~:~ / ~ Jaqui Freund - Outstanding Thespian A ward \:~.7 t L J . Hall-Dramatics Award S. Saunders - UIL Best Actor ,,'t 55 Speech Club Speech Club Members are: Bill Forehand, Craig Forehand, Missy Robinson, Scott Saunders, Lisa Stephens, Terri Harrison, Cindy Beck, Patrice Calvert, Kathy Beck, Peter Shorn, Julia Crawford, Becca Callaway, Karen Duncan, Kenneth Lancaster, Jaqui Freund, Jack Lamkin, Christy Claycamp, Joel Hall, Karen Sackett, Amy Plapp, Donald Blavier, and Kristin Smith. Mrs. Barbara Ward sponsored the group. Becca Callaway - Speech Club A ward Members of the Speech Club attended and panicipated in two speech tournaments this year. They also hosted the Second Annual Jun- ior !iigh Speech Tournament, rais- ing enough money to send the presi- dent to a summer workshop and to help pay for more out of town tour- naments next year. 56 Officers: (l-r): S. Saunders, pres.; K. Beck, sec.; Bill Forehand, vice-pres. 'r I i " f i I ;. II H NHS Mer I Pope, G. Smathers t Beck, M Morgan, mons, P. Marquis , j i I I 1 g ill ~. . Officers ~ sors the So R D .- f 'II I!II II II t Kieth Kt .L ._____ - - . - --.""'~I. ; '" ~ III ~ i i NHS Members are: D. Comstock, K. Kuttler, P. Steen, D. Bagnall, R. Parsons, R. Ray, J. Crawford, S. Pope, G. McMullan, M. Adams, P. Kapchinski, S. Treybig, M. Wythe, L. StaceU, M. Lamben, K. Smathers, T. Pledger, 1. Davis, G. Gates, D. Phariss, T. Berry, K. O'Conner, S. Feldman, K. Copp, K. Beck, M. Ault, J. Longbrake, K. Smathers, S. Bergum, C. Benton, J. Nance, A. Kunze, J. Carlton, R. Morgan, D. Buffington, M. Dixon, J. Vastano, D. Hamilton, K. Klatt, M. Martin, D. Mason, J. Sim- mons, P. Fredrickson, T. Stoddard, R. Cox, D. Chester, M. Bury, C. Kay, L. Keese, M. Koldus, H. Marquis, and A. Plapp. 1, r -'J. 1 >J K :~ u Officers are: Sara Feldman, Kieth Kuttler, Margaret Adams, and David Comstock. Mrs. Judith Comstock spon- sors the society. { The NHS is composed of juniors and seniors selec\ed by the ~aculty. These outstanding students are judged upon their leadership, sJholarship, character, and service. One df its projects was to collect \ pa per to be recy,c1ed. \ '''; National Honor -) ~ociety i " H n , ., ~ Kieth Kuttler presents corsage to Mrs. Comstock at Installation Ceremony. 57 Fellowship of Christian Athletes The FCA Members are: Polly Wiese, Kenny Davidson, Dean Spannagel, Tim Lyda, Doug Chester, Olen Daughtery, Margaret Wythe, Kyle Cunningham, Keith Wade, Peggy Kapchinski, Doug Hutchinson, Mike Brasewell, Cheryl Wetherbee, Coach Rusty Armstrong, Martha Lamben, Laurel Keese, Karen Mallett, Carla Wiese, and Vicki Lewis. ,~ ;:: - -- - ~ Club Officers are: Polly Wiese, Vice-President; Peggy Kanchinski, President; and Martha Lambert, Sec. - Treas. Club Officers are: Dean Spannagel, Sec. - Treas. ; Doug Chester, President; and Keith Wade, Vice- President . 58 t ! f I { I 1 ! .""",. e<;ig~ Dc j >, 1 I } L - .--,- - >,j , I t 4 f , I t 1 I , Doug Chester speaks at FCA breakfast. ... ,; t r .. " 'WI FCA ACTIVITIES FOR 1975-76 FCA Breakfast Oct. 9 FCA Media Basketball Tournament Feb. 26-28 Spring Picnic ; C. H. S, Hi!;r = Guest speaker Ted Koy spoke at FCA breakfast. ! ~ --rr,- ." ~ ~~~ ~ ~ FCA Members enjoy a heany breakfast. S9 ~,:; z:-;:: ,~ /' Band C ler, Ti Distribution Education Members are: Rick Garrison, Billy Cochrane, Mark Bollier, Anne Seaback, Brenda Jeske, Wanda Luedke, Margarita Ault, Robert Pratt, Renea Koehler, Steve Boyd, Karen Eimann, Donna Day- hoff, Debbie Botsford, Michelle Burns, and Brenda Honeycutt. Mr. Files sponsors the club. Distributive Ed ucation Distributive Education is a vocational work study program, sponsored by Mr. Vernon Files. Students gained practical experi- ence from working in the com- munity at various jobs. Donna Dayhoff working at Skaggs. 60 Wanda Luedke working. w Robert Pratt at work. Melissa Poner - Vice-President Tim J John PI I' I I f I I 11 Michelle Burns won DE A ward. Paul] A ward L __,_ .,-. ::- ~.t; ~~t~'"':1-.1. J, t t t- , , I t Band Council: Terry Jones, Karen Sackett, Amy Plapp, Paul Frederickson, Phil Goug- ler, Tim Jones, and Mia Zwolinski. ! , , i' Tim Jones - Drum Major and John Philip Sousa A ward Mia Zwolinski - Assistant Drum Major. f .J Band Secretaries: Jaqui Freund, Hernandez, Ton~ Castar and Zalobney. 1 Paul Frederickson - All State Orchestra and Rotary A ward for Instrumental Music. Amy Plapp - All State Band 61 Concen Band: Karla Konzen, Susan Vastano, Susan Glover, DIU Robbins, Jean Person, Penny VonRoeder, Wally Harwood. Suzanne Waters. Missy Robinson, Susan Parris, Gladys Coleman, Joyce Calhoun, Katy Rollins, Sharon Feldman. Alice Villareal, Diana Zalobny, Julie Lewis, Vicki Lewis. James Storrs, Karen Anderson, Tim Widdison, Beverly Brown. Sylvia Medina, Lydia Hernandez, Erika Eikins, Anne Ferris. Terry Niles, Rita Villareal. Peggy Kapchinski. Necia Watson. Elizabeth Holrngreen, Allan Robinson, Donna Denmark, Cunis Spradling. David Brown. John Fossum, Ricky Watson, Ross Naugle. Mark Storey, Dave Hazen, John Hennigan, Robert Gougler. Drew Dunlap, Vincent Kapchinski, John Lewis, Lisa Patterson. Carlton Powell. David Fleeger, Don Mason, Chip Willis, Craig Hanks, Jill Teer, Holli Harper, Robin Bowman, David Pettit, Dennis Chevalier. Henry Harwood, David Lawson, Dick Simmons, Bill Sloan, Jennifer Seeger, Allan Frederickson, Daniel Straw. Jim Beard, Kurt Mardecz. Mike Saul, Jerry Chevalier, Jack Lampkin, Pat Martinez, Bill Boswell. Walter Boone, and Kim Han. Symphonic Band: Pris Files. Julie Straw, Cindy Benton. Glenda Gates, Kris Smathers, Jaqui Freund, Janeen Holland. Virginia Koppa, Tonie Castanon, Greg Hostetler. Amy Plapp. Kathy Beck, Mary Scott, Nanette Gofonh, Cathy Morgan, Liz Boles, Diana Forstner, Many McGraw, Meg Bury, Karen Griffith, Tina Dodd, James Stancil. Joel Hall. Lisa Stavens. Alen Datshkovsky, Paul Haugen. Debby Zalob- ney, Tim Lyda, Brenda Froebel. Mark Junek, Tim Jones, Steve Benrand, David Comstock, Terry Stover, Lorena Stancil, Brian Casey, Ken Stover. Rodney Zalobney. Sara Feldman, Mia Zwolinski, Sandy Sandstedt, Kieth Merrifield, Paul Frederickson, Walter Scott, John Vastano, Tom Wilkes, Wesley Wayland, Kevin Jacobs, Steve Smith, Donna Dunlap, Cun Lard. Phil Gougler, Martin Haas, August Wenck, T. J. Wainerdi, Kenneth Lancaster, Terry Jones, Mark Painter, and Chuck Hays. ( !) ---- -I I. I I ,~ Stage Band: Rodney Zalobney. David Comstock. Sharla Wallace. Glen Richards, Larry Lisenbee. Tim Jones, Kevin Jacobs, and Steve Smith. 62 Outst Davie ":7-'--'::- - .~. --- '.::"'-..:'-~:;;:;:; ~_~_~~\,.J"""..._ ~ _, I r f , ~ 1- --- - I Kathy Beck Outstanding Girl Bandsman Mary Scott Lion's Club Instrumental Award ~ ) . ~ , I J David Comstock - Band Beau and Mia Zwolinski - Band Sweethean. Phil Gougler Outstanding Boy Bandsman I ~ ......-.-, - Sara Feldman received ' the Arion Instrumental A ward , f Who's Who in Music of American High School Students. 63 1st Division Ensemble Winners in Solo and Ensemble Contest. 1st Division Ensemble Winners in Solo and Ensemble Contest. 64 Sandy Sandstedt Sara Feldman 66 Twirlers Twirlers are standing (l-r): Tina Dodd (Alternate), Sandy Sandstedt, Silvia Medina (Alternate). KNEELING: Cindy Feagan, Brenda Williams (Feature Twirler), and Sara Feldman (Head Twirler). Brenda Williams Cindy Feagan r B~ District' Wesley' Stover, : son, Bre: nez, Pat SITTINC Plapp, 1< Eaton. Band me Jacobs, ' Hall, Pa Sackett , _ -= ,:~~- ~..-<~y.,;;":\~~~..,~....'t -::."" .....- _ J j I I \ ~ Band Members Earn District and Region Chairs I A& . District Band Members are standing (l-r): Walter Scott, John Vastano, Steve Smith, Bill Sloan, Kevin Jacobs, Wesley Wayland, Jerry Chavelier, Martin Haas, Phil Gougler, Tim Wilkes, Ross'Naugle, Tim Lyda, Terry Stover, Steve Bertrand, Tim Jones, Greg Hostetler, August Wenck. MIDDLE ROW: Missy Robinson, Necia Wat- son, Brenda Froebel, Joel Hall, Brian Casey, Alan Frederickson, Terry Jones, Kenneth Lancaster, Pat Marti- nez, Paul Frederickson, James Stancill, Sara Feldman, Glenda Gates, Meg Bury, Karen Griffith, Mary Scott. SITTING: Julie Straw, Pris Files, Lb-. Boles, Nanette Goforth, Karen Sackett, Kathy Beck, Jacqui Freund, Amy Plapp, Karen Anderson, Donna Dunup, Holli Harper, Kathy Morgan, Julie Lewis, Diana Zalobney, and Cindy Eaton. I 1 l Band qIembers who received Regional Band membership are: Walter Scott, John Vastano, Steye Smith, Kevin Jacobs, Wesley Wayland, Phil Gougler, Terry Stover, Tim Jones, August Wenck, Julie Straw', Pris Files, Joel Hall, Pat Martinez, Kenneth Lancaster, Paul Fredrickson, James Stancill, Meg Bury, Karen Griffith, Karen Sackett, Kathy Beck, Amy Plapp, Mary Scott, Donna Dunlap, and Sara Feldman. 67 Company A, STANDING: Kim Caldwell, Anne Stoner, Kathy Hancock. KNEELING: Rita Villareal, Kathy Smathers. SITTING: Sharron Mobley, Lt. Debbie Hamilton, Sheree Nesch. Anne Stoner smiles mischievously before she gives a big push! Company B: (I-r): Debbie Davidson, Rebecca Covington, Annette Eaton, Lt. t I ~: Pat Th Thomp: Belles ..flIJ!/I: -~ Company C: STANDING: Lesa Colson, Nancy Pedulla, Leah Hardcastle. KNEELING: Debbie Harmel, Jana Anderson. SITTING: Anne Ferris, Lt. Mala Farmer, Teri Richardson. j ~. Pat Thompson, Andria Keahey, Linda Thompson, Colette Osaba, Carla Price. -, The Belles return to the stands after forming a victory line for the 1975 Tiger Homecoming Michelle Barco, Teri Barnes, Cindy Beck, Lt. Rosemary Behrens, Sharon Blavier, Teri Boatwright, Sally Canto, Betty Castanon, Kim Chem- lar, ChristyClaycamp, nt. Jane Cluck, Lt. Marta Coleman, Bina Davis, Lt. Karen Dunkin, Sheral Dunn, Kathy Eppes, Ann Greene, Kim Hart, Raenell Hogan, Lou Ann Jacobs, Beth Jennings, Holly John- son, Cindy Koldus, Mary Jane Lay, Jackie Luther, Janet Manning, Laura McConnell, Susan McDaniel, Pat McIe, Theresa Medina, Jane Miller, Randa Moore, Michelle Neeley, Carol Phillips, Melissa Ray, Elyse Robeck, Debbie Robert- son, Melissa Rowland, Susan San- del, Carla Sandstedt, Secy. Belinda Scott, Lisa Shankles, Lisa Shin- pawgh, Robbie Smith, Kathryn Steen, Chene a Thomas, Joyce Thomas, Jackie Thompson, Sharron Thompson, Anna Torres, Pam Vin- zant, Rose Waldon, Sandra Waldon, Beverly Walker, Linda Watkins, Lisa Wetherbee, Alice Whtley. Tigerettes The Tigerettes sing the school song at a football pep rally. Before half-time the members sit in the stands and cheer on the team. The girls are all smiles as they march on the field. 'I +. 74 Chests out; Stomachs in; SMILE! Hig~ , , ........ ..: Debbie Belles. .< A disc :::.,{ ",.... ~-i--:~ .~ j Highsteppers Ball Debbie reflects the past year in Belles. Joyce recalls the good times in Tigerettes. , 1 .&'; .!.'l. A disco dance followed the banquet with music by D. J. Richard Moore. . ~ . t WEENIE QUEEN! ! . I f Congratulations, Silver Belles! ! . and some Scott tissues The annual Highsteppers Ball was held on March 12, in the high school cafete- ria. Awards were given to both Belles and Tigerettes as follows: BEST BELLE: Co. A - Debbie Hamilton Co. B - Carla Price Co. C - Mala Farmer BEST OVERALL BELLE: Pat Thompson SILVER BELLE AWARD: Anne Ferris, Sherety Nesch BEST TIGERETTE: Co. A - Chery I Dunn Co. B - Bina Davis, Jackie Thompson Co. C - Pam Vinzant Co. D - Debbie Robertson BEST OVERALL TIGER- ETTE: Jane Cluck SPECIAL A WARD: Melanie Sieland Jane accepts her award. Pat's face expresses both sadness and happiness. 75 Scenes From "The Music Man" r I I l , . I } -t~ J j. t l I ~ -J r. r I , , } I I t The Choral Department, in conjunction with the Art, Drama, and Music Departments, presented the musical, "The Music Man, " on February 26, 27, and 28. The cast and crew worked diligently to make the presentation successful. For the second consecutive year, the Choir has made a profit from its musical production. 79 Mr. James Landy. Mal Anne Stone: issa Rowlan. Choir Brings Honors to CHS Mr. James Matheny, Choir Director, with the Choir Officers: Bill Landy, Mala Farmer, Sara Feldman, Helen Marquis, Curt Lard, Anne Stoner, Paul Whitt, Lee Ann Hoover, Jane Cluck, and Mil- issa Rowland. Mrs. Fernihoe and Mrs. Borman assisted the Choir throughout the year. Nanette Gofonh, Karen Griffith, and Beth Jennings accompanied the Choir. The Quartet: Greg Hostetler, Doug Small, Curt Lard, and Paul Whitt at Fine Arts Festival. 81 .S II Freshman Girls Choir: Deb- bie Alexander, Dawn Azbil, Barbara Benton, Sharon Feldman, Susan Glover, Nanette Goforth, Raenell Hogan, Lee Ann Hoover, Beth Jennings, Virginia Keown, Mary Jane Lay, Pam Mace, Mordie Mae, Angie Martin, Hoang Hguyen, Jennifer Noe, Katy Rollins, Melissa Row- land. Linda Watkins, and Darcie Symons. The MadrlgaiJ Mana Colem Small, Paul \I Honor Choir: Kathy Beck. Rosemary Behrens. William Carr. Mana Coleman. Olen Daughtery, Mark Davis. Kenny Dean. Sally Donaldson. Karen Dunkin. Mala Farmer. Sara Feldman, Craig Forehand, Jean Glover. Karen Griffith. Joel Hall. Kathy Hancock. Lawrence Heads. Harold Horne, Greg Hostetler. Dana Hottel, Jennie Huchinson. Kent Gent. Margaret Johnson. Bill Landy. Cun Lard. Helen Marquis. Law- rence Martinez, Pat Martinez. Chris McBride, Sharon Mobley. Ronnie Morgan. Patti Noel. Dia,na Pfannstiel. Scott Saunders, Julie Scott. Doug Small. Robbie Smith. Anne Stoner. Bobby Suawn. Joyce Thomas. Scott VanCleave. Pam Vinzant. and Paul Whitt. Honor Girls Choir: Bonni~ Bates. Laura Burnett. Kim Caldwell. Sarah Copp. Jane Cluck. Debbie Davidson. Leah Hardcastle. Karie Jensen. Jeanne Longbrake, Emmy Mqrrison. Kim Priesmeyer. Terri Richardson. Dm Robins. Belinda Scott and Sharla Wallace. Brazos: Sa: Kathy Han The Madrigals: Lynn Johnson. Scott Saunders. Karen Griffith. Cun Lard. Diana Pfannstiei. Mana Coleman, Helen Marquis. Sally Donaldson. Karen Dunkin, Pam Vinzant. Doug Small, Paul Whitt, Greg Hostetler, and Lawrence Maninez. Doug Small brought honors to the Choir by being selected to the All-State Choir. Disuict Choir Members t. I Regional Choir Members n, Brazos: Sara Feldman, Harold Home, Kent Gent, Mala Farmer, Kathy Hancock, and Bill Landy. Mala Farmer and Doug Small qualified for Area. 83 Members are R. Alvarez, K. Anderson, E. Auot, B. Bagnall, D. Bagnall, B. Baldwin, M. Bevers, D. Blavier, S. Blavier, S. Boatright, K. Boatwright, L. Boles, B. Bowen, R. Bowman, M. Burns, M. Bury, B. Casey, C. Churchill, T. Cooper, K. Copp, S. Copp, A. Da tshkovsky, S. Da vils, B. Davis, M. Davis, D. Dotson, P. Elliot, M. Farmer, A. Ferris, J. Freund, D. Forstner, P. Frederickson, B. Froebel, G. Gates, T. Gross, H. Harper, K. Hart, H. Harwood, W. Harwood, W. Hawkins, D. Hazen, K. Jensen, J. Jimenez, M. Johnson, K. Klatt, V. Koppa, M. Lambert, K. Lewis, C. Mace, H. Marquis, E. Matous, M. Maxwell, M. McGraw, S. Medina, T. Medina, S. Monroe, D. pfannstiell, D. Phariss, J. Phillips, C. Pierce, S. Pomenta, S. Pope, R. Ra y, D. Richardson, B. Roe, C. Ruesink, G. Schmidt, W. Scott, D. Simmons, J. Simmons, J. Slowey, K. Smathers, L. Stancil, M. Storey, L. Sweet, C. Tenorio, D. Thomas, M. Thomas, C. Thompson, J. Vastano, S. Vasta no , A. Villareal, L. Watkins, R. Watson, D. Weihs, C. Whitten, T. Widdison, J. Wilborn. Mrs. Mary Worley and Mr. James Barber were the sponsors. c E I a s t Officers (l-r) are W. Harwood, sec.; J. Vastano, 3rd vice-pres.; Randy Ray, pres.; C. Thompson, 1st vice-pres.; D. Phariss, tIeas.; D. Richardson, and M. Maxwell, 2nd vice-pres. C I e II I u b a n o 84 ?f!j '.$T~ ..,~ . . -..;. ~ .-~ ~ ~ t J ~ ,,0 .. . . ... \ . "":i.~' 1'. Oh, Dale, you make me sick! ~ ~. .,. , l n ~. Ie.:" . \. ::.........~ .~. ~....".,...... CLUB ACTIVITES Student Council Rummage Sale People's Festival UNICEF Collection Dia de los Muertos District Meeting Las Posadas Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe Christmas Carols Dia de los Reyes San Antonio Convention Actively involved in intramural sports Randy Ray - State Pan American Student Forum President Debra Thomas - Outstanding Club Member I :! -;lfi"""~.~.. ~ /t ;f'J ','",. 4l!- r' ~. ~y r;' " . _I' '\ -...J Randy Ray - PASF President The Spanish Club enjoyed celebrating Las Posadas on December 8. 85 German Club Members are: Jane Cluck, Mike Davis, Richard Parsons, Manin Haas, Sarah Treybig, Fa Fares, Lola Fares, Tim McGee, Craig Hanks, Jack L~mkin, Lois Clark, Betty Cochrane, Mike Kramer, and Steve Kramer. Mrs. Rita Dunnam is the sponsor. German Club The German Club, "Die Edel- weissgesellschaft, .. entenained several German-speaking visitors this year and enjoyed preparing and eating a smorgasbord of Ger- man foods. The group was well represented in the intramural sports and looks forward each year to the trip to the Wurstfest at New Braunfels. Richard Parsons was named Outstanding German Student. 86 " I Officers are: Manin Haas, president; Richard Parsons, vice-pres.; Lola Fares, sec.; Jack Lampkin, treas.; and Tim McGee, reponer. (. The iii r I .1 I The French Club was invited for donuts. . It's finger lickin' good! Trying to catch flies? The club participated in the rummage sale. a Students learn conversational German in language lab. 87 French Club French Club Members are: Millie Landy, Jay Hughy, Travis Hughy, Virginia Koppa, Kieth Merrifield, Liz Boles, Chris Gehring, Lydia Hernandez, Donald Blavier, and Melissa Ray. Mrs. Linda Whitworth and Mrs. Betty Rivers were the sponsors. Melissa Ray daydreaming about Paris. Officers are: Chris Gehring - pres. , Keith Merrifield - vice-pres.; Virginia Koppa - sec.. and Millie Landy - treas. 88 ~ The Jun Barbara Vivian I ; and Line ! ~ B. D i I Junior FHA Club I R n n .. III " 1 ~ The Junior FHA Members are: Kevier Luedecke, Patricia McIe, Trudie Brown, Barbara Ford, Linda Thompson, Camillia Payton, Philip Steen, Annette Eaton, Vivian Fredericks, Debra Boren, Debra Jorden, Debra Thomas, Teri Boatwright, and Linda Dove. Mrs. Fay Owens is the sponsor. t u u n I~ u , I ~. t B. Duane and Mrs. Owens help with rummage sale. Pies were made for Fine Arts Festival. ~ a . i " " D 'I d l e The gang joins in to make baby's formula. 89 Senior FHA Club ~!IIII- Senior FHA Members are: Rhonda Steen, Betty Allen, Cheryl Wetherbee, Sandra Waldon, Laquitta Ford, and Beverly Brown. Mrs. Rowena Reed is the sponsor. Rosa Waldon exhibits sewing talent. Sandra Walson learns an imponant skill. 90 Betty FHJ I 1 , . Give a big smile for Santa. 1 Debra Jordan displays her Christmas cake. f Betty Allen, Debra Thomas, and Cindy Mahoney were awarded the honor of Outstanding FHA Members. FHA waits patiently at the rummage sale. FHA ACTIVITIES Pot Luck Supper for parents Trip to State Fair of Texas Halloween Party for Sweetbriar Nursing Home FHA Christmas Party Valentine Sale District VIII FHA meeting in Waco April 4-10 National, State, and Local FHA Week Made macrame hanging baskets for dept. Observed Red and White Day Booth in Bicentennial Fine Arts Festival End of Year Party and Bee Creek Park Collected postage stamps for Tubfrm Repaired toys and made clothing for Child Development Center in College Station. 91 at- L~M Members of the Home and Family Living FHA Chapter are: Charli Black, Linda Daily, Dennis Meade, Starla Steen, Brett Whitten, Tom Smith, Necia Watson, Jerri Henzen, Debbi Quitta, Polly Wiese, Karen Lyda, Brenda Dove, Marty McGraw, Donny Simpson, and Yvonne Cotes. Home and Family Living FHA Chapter .J · J . ~.........." I J J jfjI I ~ '~~ ~ ~ ",....... '" 4" .- Other Members include: Kathreen Smith, Ricky Johnson, Milton Waller, Debbie Carr, Beverly Walker, Karen Anselmi, Ann Kluszczynski, Charles Daily, Derrick Ford, Darryl Heard, and Verdice Welborn. Mrs. Pam Gil- more was the sponsor. 92 " BridE 1 Bridesmaid - Polly Wiese The Nuptial Kiss Mock Wedding Father of the Bride - Bret Whitten Bride and Groom - M any and . Harold The Getaway! The Bridal Party 93 Future Teachers of America FT A Officers (l-r) are: Jana Anderson - president; Helen Marquis - sec.; Lanette Buffington - treas.; Sara Feldman - vice-pres.; and Kathy Beck - hist. FJ'A Members are: B. Bates, C. Osoba, J. Anderson, S. Feldman, D. King, K. Beck, B. Davis, K. Han, A. Stoner, D. Hoover, B. Scott, K. Chmelar, C. Warlick, T. Morgan, M. Rowland, L. Buffington, K. Macken- non, B. Brown, K. Morgan, J. Holland, D. Warden, S. Feldman, J. Cluck, M. Petty, L. Watkins, L. McConnell, D. Harmel, P. Garrison, D. Denmark, M. J. Lay, L. Hoover, M. Ray, I. Davis, A. Datsch- kovsky, C. Beck, D. Robertson, D. Hottel, M. Nance, H. Marquis, R. Behrens, M. Wythe, M. Landy, M. Lamben, K. Mallett, T. Gresham, M. Pierce, J. Person, L. Shankles, L. Keese, E. Gerlow, D. Scott, and P. Kapchinski; Sponsor - Mrs. Oneida Hensley. 94 Senior S ent of tb The FT. ~~- Marg, Senior Sara Feldman, four-year FTA member, was the recipi- ent of the Outstanding FT A Member A ward. The FT A Officers for next year were recognized at the Banquet. till WIT _" I -_ ~" Margaret, Sharon, Jane, and Karen enjoy the FTA Banquet. Sara Feldman, District VI secretary, and Jane Anderson,: local pres., discuss the year's activities. Is it good, Ann?? 9S Future Farmers of America Chapter Officers (l-r) are: Fay Arnold, FFA Sweethean; Mike Dooley, Reponer; Lynell Divin, President; Mike Divin, Sentinel; and Wesley Hecox, Student Advisor. Mr. Bob Kruse is the advisor. FRONT ROW: (l-r) KNEELING: Steve Lewis, Kent Gent, Steve Benranq, Greg Cowan, Bobby Perkins, Luther Orden, Terry Smalley, Mike Dooley, David Cole, Tim McCullough, Leverne Smith, Randy Broxton. SECOND ROW: William Bouse, Joe Schoppe, Billy Pratt, Sandy Noey, Veronica Beasley, Nancy Redman, Lynell Divin, Debra Boyett, Annetta Harvell, Sherry Wade, Fay Arnold, Mark Williams. THIRD ROW: Mike Sayers, Billy Junek, Todd Mller, Mark Rodgers, Scott Elliott, Sonny Lusk, Phil Sikes, Rocky Harmell, Mark McCullough, Wesley Hecox, Mike Divin, Wayne Crenshaw, Mark Griffin. r i FF A Swee1 Member, Ran " FFA Sweethean, Fay Arnold; Rodeo Queen and Outstanding FFA Member, Lynell Divin. Judging Team placed 11th in Area III. Randy Broxton, Lynell Divin, Mike Divin. Randy Broxton received Star Greenhand. J Mike Divin - Star Chapter Farmer. .. .~ '* Students and parents enjoy 1976 FFA Banquet with awards presented to members. 97 Debra Boyett receiving award. Unidentified Bull Rider. Keith Wade in Bull Riding. Paula Dooley also Pole Bending. 98 Scott Elliott receiving award. Tommy Wade in Breakaway Roping. Mark Williams in Pole Bending. Ed Elliott riding a bareback bronc. I",' , - . - .......__1,~_._ ( Art Club J I ~ I . I I j I ~ I. I I r An Club Members are: Roben Smith, John Fry, Chris Saul, Lucero Cervera, Diana Phillips, Sandy Dechiro, Lynn Johnson, and Missy Robinson. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Perry sponsored the club. One of the club's projects. was to decorate the garbage cans. Roben Smith was named Outstanding An Club Student. ~IIII~ ij~",_ .~I .~ I t I I <<: , . - i tI I ~ J Raben Smith assists other members in the refresh- ment booth at the Fine Arts Festival. Officers are: John Fry, vice-pres., Becca Callaway, sec. - treas. , and Roben Smith, pres. 99 HERO HERO Members are: Terry Morgan, Irene Davis, Cindy Mahoney, Donna Lenz, Carol Warlick, Marri Lentschke, Sandi Broxton, Teresa Monk, Pam Wade, and Beverly Janac. Mrs. Janie Harris is the sponsor. Pam Wade displays her bicentennial cake. 100 Photo Fools! Cindy Mahoney - Outstanding HERO Student. i I II 1, ~ Neci~:! '.€a ':f__~! Necia Watson and Cindy Mahoney lead the singing at the HERO Banquet held at Ken Martin's Steak House. Caught you stealing the HERO cookies! J ~ L.....- _ __ Members enjoyed a trip to the State Fair. . During the rummage sale, Mrs. Harris eavesdrops on Pam Wade and Cindy Mahoney. 101 Gymnastics Club Gymnastics Club Members (l-r) are: Linda Andrews - student teacher, Debbie Bray, Debbie Alexander, Bridget Duane, Debbie Warden - sec. treasurer, Linda Minnow, Mary Plazzo, Lynn Johnson - president, and Mrs. Charlotte Potter - sponsor. ' ' Lois Clark displays the swan pose. Debbie Warden received the Gymnastic Club Award. . Debbie Alexander demonstrates the splits. '. t , Lyn Lynn Johnson does a one handed canwheel. Mary Plazzo shows how to end a stunt. Linda Minnox and Lynn Johnson help Miss Andrews at the P. E. field day. 103 The Library Club Members are: Phillip Fann, Rosemary Behrens, Anne Stoner, David Fleeger, Jane Cluck, Belinda Scott, Bonnie Bates, Karen Mackinnon, !-<>is Clark, Lydia Hernandez, and Mrs. Mary Haney, sponsor. '" Library Club The Library Club was a newly formed organization this year. The students involved helped to repair books and to assist Mrs. Haney and Mrs. Luscombe in fil- ing. . Officers are: Jane Cluck, Belinda Scott, Anne Stoner, and Lydia Her- nandez. 104 I If , j ~ '" ! j I Tigerlan tain; Pei tured is I 1, l .. ~ t t Group 1 Walter I f, i ~ ;I,- ~ n I II o ! ..q- ~ "" Tigerland Turntable Members for Group I are: Margaret Adams, cap- tain: Peggy Kapchinski, Garry Moody, and Virginia Koppa. Not pic- III tured is David Bagnall. .i4. ~ A ti Tigerland Turntable ....- Two groups of Consolidated stu- dents hosted the KT AM Tigerland Turntable. Each Wednesday night from 8:00-9:00, dedications and requests were taken as top tunes were played. ~ . Group II Members are: Jana Anderson, Julia Crawford, Harold Horne, and Manha Lamben. Not pictured is Walter Boone. 105 Photography Club Photography Club Members are: Mark Story, Mike Hedrick, Peter Hoeve, Randy Phariss, Steve Smith, Vincent Kapchinski, Paul Bassett, Peter Elliot, and Mr. George Hamilton, sponsor. ""'" I . I Comes of!. in. The water's fine! Why do th~.y call you Squirrel? 106 1 t I i I , l I t > Mike HI white pi ~ i ! t I I , l , Vincen ! won thi I I I J ! ~ I t Mike Hedrick received the award for best black and white photography. ~ I f . t ~ f Steve Smith received the award for best color pho- tography and Vincent Kapchinski was named Out- standing Photography Student. Vincent Kapchinski, Randy Phariss, Steve Smith, and Mark Story display the club's photography project that won third place in the talent show. . f . You've got the cutest little baby face. On a brownie high? 107 ,..,.----..~ Key Club I ~ The Key Club Members are: BACK ROW: Mr. Barry Wilkerson (sponsor), Hamp Keahey, Bill Landy, Jim Nance, Keith Kuttler. FRONT ROW: Paul Gardner, Harold Horne, Donald Blavier, Mark Dixon, Tim Bowman, Kenny Davidson, Ernie Landy, Bruce Woods. NOT SHOWN: Dean Spannagel, Garry Moody, Tim Lyda, Daniel Straw. Bill Landy accepts Club of the Year Award. Dr. N. A. McNeil, President of the Brazos County Kiwanis Club presents a scholarship check to Morey Bevers so that he can attend the Instituto Cultural International of Parras de la FueJ:lte. Mark Dixon president of the Key Club of A&M Cons. pre- sented a 2nd award to assist with the Parras - Guanajuato study- trip. 108 Club Officers are: Hamp Keahey, Secretary: Bill Landy, President; Jim Nance, Vice-President: Keith Kuttler, Treasurer. . Paper 1 Jay Car Loveles Philips, son, Ed away - Morey wrote his biography letters in Spanish and in English. pc ~ 4 t ~ I t Paper Tiger Staff: Cindy Benton, Walter Scott, Vicki McMillan, Sandy Jones, Candy Jones, Mark Pantel, Jay Carlton, Bruce Woods, Sandy Sandstedt, Chris Ramsey, Susan Eppers, Tim Jones, Teri Richardson, Kim Loveless, Stuan Echols, Lucero Cervera, Pris Files, Karen Kunkin, Keith Merrifield, Mark Junek, Lauralee Philips, Scott Saunders, Paul Haugen, Joel Cowan, Virginia Koppa, Amy Plapp, David Heyde, Ricky Wat- son, Erika Elkins, Patrice Calven, Chris Gehring, Tammy Berry, Donald Blavier, Jaqui Freund, Becca Call- away - Editor, and Miss Celeste Moore - advisor. 1 , .. -t I Growing from a staff of 12 to one of 35 and earning an Award of Merit at the ILPC State Convention made 1975-76 a year of reward for the Paper Tiger. Amy Plapp added merit to the staff winning second place in District UIL Newswriting com~ petition. Extra effon was put into a fashion supplement and concession stand to raise money to send staffers to summer workshop. Paper Tiger Lucero Cervera - Paper Tiger Award. 109 - -'~. NN. STATE f:n 11 PfY'F: StR t: i 1)11 j ryfPYB R SCHOOL 5 PAGE HAS BE~EN POOFREAD~AND CHECKED Y THIS SPACE fe). .~ ~~~ NED . "" ADVISOR YEAR 107t:; JOB NO. ()'!01 II .; . .... . -. ~6 4544434241 4039383736 3534333231 30292827262524232221 2019 18 171615 14 13 12 11 10 9 .-.. ,'.----.- v ".:,"'9: Special thanks to Helen Marquis, Marty McGraw, and Mia Zwolinski for volunteering many hours of typ- ing to the yearbook staff . Barbara Cox works herself into a corner. 110 LEFT PAGE NUMBER ! .. EVEN 11 () I~ ,,",YI" 1''tilN-'IiOi~*1 , 74 ^ I v 72. TOWN. STATE Col1e&."e St8~tion. Texas SCHOOl THIS PAGE HASiB8E .. OOF~A AND C ECKED BY THIS SPACE '0lI ~ ... ~ TAylOR US{ ONlY SIGNED Ii' ~ ADVISOR 10"'7r JOB NO, ()1Q1.t1 345678 9 101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 1978, Tigerland Staff ODD ~~/ cI a..aL 4.-UUU ~ ~~J~ kf'p ~ tl~ ~- 15~ ~ ~ p7U ccP , J ~~ J~ c;U'-) ~ ~ P4 7 fJ'~ ,I (/2 ~ ~ . J ~~~~ ~jl~. ~. 0,~ 7 Yt'U /mLJ. cXJ?1 ~----~ 117? t, 1-11/)(13. B, A!TT ~.YoJ ~ Mrs. Ward prepares for another long day. If you're going to blow your nose, do it away from my pic- tures. 111 Quill and Scroll r Quill and Scroll Members from the Newspaper Staff are Becca Callaway, Joel Hall, Chris Gehring, Tammy _ Berry, Patrice Calven, Amy Plapp, Lucero Cervera, Debe McCandless, Pam Wade, and Cindy Feagan, Miss C. Moore and Mrs. B. Ward are the sponsors. '- Quill and Scroll Members from the Yearbook Staff are Polly Wiese, Many McGraw, Lambert, Jay Ward, Debbie Hamilton, Karen Mallett, Jim Nance, and Patti Noel. 112 Tigers Place 4th r t ! I I I I r f I I , . In District Play Tiger coaches this year include back row (l-r): Tommy Goodwin, Mac Anderson, Head Coach Robert Mcleroy, Dickie Williams, Fred Warhol, Bubba Pullen, Rusty Armstrong, and Larry Linder (not pictured). The Varsity squad includes back row (l-r): Paul Gardner, Mark Pantel, Hamp Keahey, Keith Kunler, May- nard Tucker, Scott Van Cleave, Bruce Woods, Steve Boatright, and Ashraf Ayoub. MIDDLE ROW: Dale Cox, Kenny Davidson, Bobby Gardner, Mark Dixon, Tollie Thompson, Richark Cox, Harold Eaton, Reggie Carr, Brad Smith, and Calvin Heard. FRONT ROW: Tim Lyda, David Hyde, Colin Ward, Mike Watkins, Dean Spaimegal, Keith Wade, Garry Moody, Mark Williams, and Kyle Cunningham. A 11- District Carr ~ 2nd Kuttler - 21 1st team ofj and Outstan All-District members include back row (l-r): Kenny Davidson - 2nd team guard, Reggie Carr - 2nd team offensive back, Ashraf Ayoub - 2nd team offensive tackle, and Keith Kuttler - 2nd team deL end and recipient of Tiger A ward. FRONT ROW: Richard Cox - 1st team offensive tackle, Brad Smith, 1st team deL cornerback, Most Valuable Player, and Outstanding Back. ' Another Tiger touchdown! . I \~....'.,.. . F .. This year's managers include back row (l-r): Mark Griffin, Brad Lancaster, and Billy Junek. FRONT ROW (l-r): Donald Blavier, Ricky Waggoner and John Lewis. 115 Paul, I didn't know you could high kick! 116 Speaks for itself! Dean ( Reggis Carr finds a hole in the tough Brenham defense. Dean on his way home with a loaf of bread. ,r Brad makes a cut while Roger watches. . Reggie Carr explodes for the first touchdown of the year, a 57 yard fun against Whanon. 117 J.V. Football Has Promising Season This year's 1. V. Football team includes, top row, l-r: Scott Sutphen, Claude Brusse, Kenny Dean, Wayne Crenshaw, and Randy Miller. MIDDLE ROW, l-r: Chris Bryant, Dale Jacobs, Robert Phillips, Charles Jones, Thomas Coleman, Walter Boone and Mark Stoddard. FRONT ROW, l-r: Roy Brown, Chet Churchill, Mike Har- ville, Mike Sayers, Dennis Mobley, Scott Stewart. NOT PICTURED: Jim Bowman, John Cooper, Ron Conklin. Darel Elliot, and Larry Shoemake. William Carr puts the move on a Taylor defender. 118 . Kenny Dean lets one fly while Mike Harville adds some protection. I promise halfti:me. ~ J " r J Freshman Football Team Shows Potential t I e I promise you < ~an go to the bathroom at halftime. Phil Sikes carries the ball during the Brenham game. Freshmen fighting hard to win. TOP ROW (l-r):. Chuck Morgan, Rocky Harmel, Phil Sikes, Billy Baldwin, Scott Elliott, Jerry Chevalier, Travis Williams, Jeff Calvert, Dwight Cobb. MIDDLE ROW (l-r): Randy Broxton, Coy Mayfield, Mike Kunz, Nader AyoulJ, Bobby Searcy. Jackie Jones. Andrew Daily, Mark Hill. FRONT ROW (l..,r): Alton Williams, Charles Kunze, -Dwayne';Kavanaugh, Terry Nesch, Tim McGee, Daniel Straw, Jim Beard, and Tim McCullen. . 119 Varsity Basketball Has Tough Season This year's basketball awards for Most Valuable Player and Good Sportsmanship were given to Phillip Steen. At right, Phillip goes up for a jumpball in varsity basketball action. 120 Pat's cor through IT 'i ~ -/ ... ...~ -- Scott qui, in from b, ,t) ~ . III IllI IfI -~ ~ H Pat's concentration and smooth playing led the team through many tough games. ~ - '. '1 .. "Spitz" goes up for another two points for the Tiger cause. H -,.. :f . .~ III II " II .. Scott quickly looks for a pass as his opponent closes in from behind. Get it on, Phillip! 121 Jerry Dayton gets around an opponent. George Hilton stays on his man. 122 ............. "Bo-hog" moves down the coun. ~ """"- -- - Paul Waldon watches anxiously. R. Cia FOIWaJ J. Waine FOlwal {. , 4 J. Dayt GuaI( T. Thorn FOlwa' J.V. Roundballers Have Even Season JUNIOR VARSITY SEASON RECORD A&M OPPONENT A&M OPPONENT 53 Snook 46 42 Tomball 45 R. Clark 63 Hearne 29 56 L.B.J. 72 K. Dean Forward 58 Kendelton 53 68 Richards 19 Guard 39 Snook 49 41 Rockdale 58 30 Hearne 33 40 Tomball 43 60 Madisonville 46 69 New Caney 57 37 Normangee 39 58 Huntsville 53 51 Hearne 47 48 Brenham 39 34 Coldspring 29 38 Navasota 50 35 Snook 34 37 Tomball 55 51 Huntsville 47 61 New Caney 53 J. Wainerdi 48 Temple 40 42 Huntsville 50 R. Ondrasek Forward Guard 46 Madisonville 40 34 Brenham 38 43 Rockdale 52 54 Navasota 48 42 Tomball 67 1 " J. Dayton Guard T. Thompson Forward R. Naugle Post B. Smith Post P. Hoeve Post K. Cunningham Post ]. Hoyle Forward K. Blanchard Forward 123 Freshmen Gain Experience This year's fighting Freshman Basketball team was composed of seventeen members. This large group was divided up into an A Team and a B Team. Coaching the teams this year was Coach Danny Hayes. T. McGee Forward R. Guajardo Forward T. Williams Post E. Landy Post M. Hill Guard J. Hutchinson Forward N. Ayoub Post A. Williams Forward SEASON RECORD 5 - 15 T.Gross Guard S. Smathers Guard D. Heard Forward R. Benton Forward B. Searcy Post B. Lancaster Post E. Williams Post D. Straw Post V. Wilborn Guard 124 Varsity Brown. ~ Donna D' ~~-+4 P'uU u 1 Varsity (STANDING): Mary Whiteley, Linda Preston, and Denise Brown. Sitting are Many McGraw, Karen Lyda, Debbie Quitta, and Donna Dunlap. 1 , .,.1 ... i 1fT = ..~ Denise Brown 1st Team All-District Girls Volleyball Has Action Packed Season The Varsity Volleyball team closed its season with 7 wins - 11 losses record and a district 3-3. The Jr. Varsity completed the season with 4 wins and 8 losses. The girls were coached by Mrs. Sue Ken- nedy, a new addition to the coach- ing staff . LV. (STANDING): Laurie Clark, Pat Garrison, Sherry Wade, and Betty Cochrane. Kneeling are Susan Parris, Joyce Thomas, Lola Fares, Fa Fares, Karen Boriski. Sitting are Kevier Luedecke, Janet Coonrod, Penny VanRoeder, and Linda Minnox. 125 ~ ~ J - Karen Lyda - 2nd Team All-District Janet Coonrod waits intensely for the serve. 126 Debbie Quitta - 2nd Team All-District Coach Kennedy fires up the team! Team effort helps team~spirit. The tear Lamben, McCandl '\ "\ \ 1 l Coach j Fem Cagers Turn in Successful Season The team members this year were: (l-r) Debbie Scott, Manager, Mary Whitely, Debbie Quitta, Martha Lambert, Susan Pope, Julia Crawford, Peggy Kapchinski, Sherri Williams, Julie Dieckert, Debe McCandless, and Manager Tammy Grosham. \ \ l ~ l, Coach Art Bright gives advice as the pressure is on. MOST VALUABLE PLAYER - Sherri Williams I ~ '" GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP - Debe McCandless 127 J.V. and Freshmen Find the Going Rough 1 The Girls Junior Varsity Basketball Team members are (l-r): Faith Kuvlesky, Faye Arnold, Jennifer Johnson, Pat Garrison, Robbie Smith, Laurel Keese, Margaret Wythe, Bina Davis, Annetta Harvel, Linda Preston, Deb- bie Harmel, and Kevier Luedecke. The Girls Freshman Basketball Team members are (l-r): Alice Whitley, Cathy Morgan, Joyce Calhoun, Carla Sanstedt, Diana Garner, Linda Watkins, Susanne Rodgers, Carla Wiese, Vicki Lewis, Lori Byrd, Jill Teer, and Sandra Waldon. -, 128 r Sher Margaret pressure. . Julia Crawford lays one in from the Sherri Williams and Debbie Quitta fight for a rebound. outside. Margaret Wythe takes a shot under pressure. Victory, how sweet it is! Debbie Quitta puts one up from the free-throw line. 129 Golfers Swing Into Action The Golf Team Members are: BACK ROW (l-r): K. Lancaster. C. Brusse. P. Gougler, R. Miller, Tim Jones and D. Hutchinson. FRONT ROW: J. Beard. Mary Whiteley. M. Thomas. 1. Holland. 1. Hughey, C. Ruesink, and Terry Jones. ALSO: A. Wenck, S. Donaldson, and J. Seeger. The boys placed 2nd in zone and 4th in disuict. Senior - TIM JONES 130 Senior - PHILLIP GOUGLER "...-- Pictured ~ right are S '" Pictured with their trophies from the Bastrop Invitational are members of the Girls' Golf Team. Left to right are Sally Donaldson, Janeen Holland, Mary Whiteley, and Jennifer Seeger. '" .-J1 .. .> , ,. MARY WHITELEY - Senior Golfer The Girls' Golf Team, only in its second year, showed outstanding accomplishment at the Bastrop Invitational this year. The girls won second at the tournament which gave them each a trophy to bring home. The girls also placed 3rd in zone pia y . Pictured at left is Mary Whiteley, the top girl golfer for 1976. A new addition to the coaching staff, Coach Mac Anderson, led the teams in a successful season. 131 Boy's X-Country Retains State Title Once again, the Tiger X-Country Team retained its Region and State titles. The Tigers are only the second team to capture back to back State Championships. (l-r): Louis Castanon, Doug Chester, Joe Wilborn, Raben Ondrasek, Mark Schneider, Allan Kunze, Jay Carlton, Cris Ramsey, Brett Whitten, Chris Powell, Damon Buff- ington, Nelson Surovik, and Dwayne Parsons. Chris Powell stretches before State meet. , Top Ten Times in Cross Country YEAR 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1969 TIME 9:43 9:46 9:53 9:58 10:03 10:05 10:06 10:07 10:18 10:18 NAME Joe Wilborn Jay Carlton Chris Powell Nelson Surovik Louis Castanon Biett Whitten Damon Buffington Dwayne Parsons Allan Kunze Cris Dale 132 I wonder if anyone, as such, has a toothpick? r-=- Checkin' , tion. T Jay, please! Tiger thinclads wait for results at State meet. Checkirr' out the competi- tion. . . And they're off! Cris Ramsey and Roben Ondrasek come in 4th and 5th to round up the perfect JV score of 15 at the Canso!. Cross Country meet. 133 Girls X-Country Wins Region Place 3rd in State In the first year of UIL competition, the girls Cross Country team captured the regional title and went on to place third in State. They are: BACK ROW: (l-rR): Betty Cochrane, Andria Keahey, Kim Loveless, Nancy Pedulla, Coach Giese. FRONT ROW: Polly Wiese, Marty McGraw and Manha Lambert. Andria and Nancy discuss race while Martha checks out the guys. 134 , ~ .1- ~ - Boobie Bear on the move! Oxygen, quick! I I District ( Kunze, ~ T. WilkE Shoemak ROW: M. C. Jones, Sprint Re Steen, al in region Mile ReI: H. Eaton help win ~. T k. District Champs: 4th ROW: S. Jones, R. Carr, B. Smith, K. Davidson, R. Cox, R. Ray, D. Parsons, A. Kunze, S. Sutphen. 3rd ROW: L. Johnson, H. Eaton, N. Survick, B. Whitten, D. Chester, R. Ondrasek, T. Wilkes, C. Powell, K. Cunningham, K. Watkins. 2nd ROW: B. Juliff, P. Waldon, K. Stroud, H. Shoemake, B. Garner, K. Dean, R. Phillips, 1. Wainerdi, S. Sterwan, D. Buffington, 1. Carlton. 1st ROW: M. Schneider, P. Steen, R. Brown, C. Ward, M. Sayers, T. Thompson, 1. Bowman, C. Ramsey, C. Jones, L. Castanon, and Paul Bassett Mgr. Sprint Relay Team of Larry Johnson, Reggie Carr, Philip Steen, and Harold Eaton ran a 42.2 which placed them 3rd in regionals and also set a new school record. ~ I Mile Relay Team of L. Johson, D. Chester, P. Steen and H. Eaton ran a 3:25.0 in dist. which was good enough to help win the dist. crown and qualify them for regionals. Philip Steen leaps to a new school record of 22.9 inches long jump in the district meet. 135 Freshman Track Team Members are: 4th ROW (l-r): S. Elliott, D. Chevalier, L. Shoemake. 3rd ROW: 1. Jones, B. Cochrane, M. Hedrick, T. Schaffer, B. Baldwin, and T. Williams. 2nd ROW: R. Harmel, C. Mayfield, D. Cobb, E. Bowerman, M. Kunae, and M. Hill. 1st ROW: R. Guajardo, N. Ayoub, R. John- son, D. Smith, A. Williams, S. Stribling, and D. Straw. EVENT NAME DATE TIME AND DISTANCE Mile Relay Carlton. Johnson 1976 3:21. 2 Chester. Eaton Track Court: Peggy Kapchinski, Kim Loveless, 440 Relay Car. Johson 1976 42.2 Sherri Williams, Polly Wiese, and Pat Thomp- Ea ton. Steen 2 Mile Relay Wilborn. Chester 1976 7:56 son. Ramsey. Carlton 4 Mile Relay Whitten. Powell 1976 18:39.7 . Carlton. Wilborn 880 Yd. Dash Jim Brannen 1974 1:54.8 120 High Hurdles Larry Holcomb 1971 14.1 , 100 Yd. Dash Philip Steen 1976 9.7 440 Yd. Dash Harold Ea ton 1976 49.2 I 330 Int. Hurdles Mike Dettaven 1972 40.2 ~ 220 Yd. Dash Philip Steen 1976 22.4 Mile Run Chris Powell 1976 4.23.4 880 Yd. Relay Jones. Steen 1976 1:29.6 " Johnson. Thompson U High Jump Mike Sayers 1976 6 ft. 3\4 in. Discus -, Steve Parsons 1961 183 ft. Pole Vault Mike Litterist 1969 12 ft. 6 in. Long Jump Philip Steen 1976 22 ft. 9 in. Harold Eaton sets a new school record of 49.2 . Shot Put W. T. Gilben 1975 54 ft. 2 in. in the 440 yd. dash at district. Distance Medley Carlton. Powell 1976 10:37.1 Eaton. Wilborn 136 Jay Carlton runs a lifetime best of 1:58.4 which places him 4th in regionals. r ~ r " B . t . District liams, I Julia Cr: Sandra 1 Arnold. . , 1\ < - i ~ Mile Re! ski, She Can ~ \l t H ~ n ~ ~ .I. District Champs (l-r): Karen Lewis, Mgr., Kim Loveless, Debbie Quitta, Betty Cochrane, Sherri Wil- liams, Diane Garner, Pat Thompson, Bina Davis, Jackie Thompson, Annetta Harvell, Robbie Smith, Julia Crawford, and Linda Thompson, Mgr. FRONT (l-r): Coach Bright, Joyce Calhoun, Carla Wiese, Sandra Waldon, Peggy Kapchinski, Cam Payton, Many McGraw, Polly Wiese, Cheryl Dunn and Fay Arnold. r ~ 1 t( ~ II Mile Relay qualifies for State - Julia Crawford, Peggy Kapchin- ski, Sherri Williams, Fay Arnold, and Polly Wiese. ~ .. 1 4 Cam Payton fights strong in the 100 yd. dash. l!......." ~"<; LJ-_- Robbie Smith attacks hurdles in B - CS Relays. Annetta Harvell gives 220 yd. dash all she's got. 137 Tankers Make l I ., This Year's Swimmers are: BACK ROW (l-r): Chris Stephenson, Bill Harper, Steve Barry, Tom McGraw, Steve Kramer, Mike Kramer, Mia Zwolinski, Mark Robeck, David Comstock, and Bill Leland. FRONT ROW: Coach James Bassett, Elyse Robeck, Emmy Morrison, Diana Dotson, Kitty Elissalde, Darcy Symons, Holli Harper, Kathy Smathers, and Nancy Weiner. '<(f ~ ... ~, "V ...... ~~~ - --""'"" ""'- .... .~ ~ The boys' swim team placed 5th at the State Water Polo Championships and 2nd at the state 3-A swim meet. ' MEETS LaMarque Alamo Heights A&M Fish "B" Chapparal Sports Midland Jr. College A&M Fish "A" St. Marks McAllen Clear Lake Humble 138 CHS 5 9 16 10 12 3 5 10 3 10 T Big , 4.. . " t David ( ~ ~ OPPONENTS 3 4 1 4 2 10 9 3 5 6 Bill Harper looks for the open man. ""J t .! Chris ~ r Big Splash ~J;~ "., ~ I -'If!' , ~ .~ I I' ~ - David Comstock receives some heat. Chris Stephenson puts "the stick" on the opponent. , ~:. Bill Leland shows his backhand form. I.... W: iJ .. "'. ",'" .... .;#' ill ~. Steve Kramer swims the breastroke. I Mark Robeck swims the ball down for a goal. 139 Tigers End With .500 Beason Tiger Baseballers posted a winning season this year with a 12-12 mark. Team Members are: BOTTOM ROW (1- r): Walter Boone, Ronnie Morgan, Colin Ward, Kenny Dean, Eddie Velasco, Gary Moody, Jerry Dayton, and William Bouse - manager. TOP ROW (l-r): Coach Fred Warhol, Jay Ward, Kyle Cunningham, Steve Mann, Bruce Woods, Mark Pantel, Tim Lyda, Ashraf Ayoub, Jerry Anderson, Tommy Merchant, and Coach Charles Pullen. Walter Boone was selected Most Valuable Player. 140 Tim Lyda was chosen for the Wayne Smith A ward. r ,) - - - ....... ...... 8 l~ ,1"'1 I. ,"; ~,~ I Tiger ski, 1 ROW: and Ril I 1 u t. ..~ ,J Tiger Bat Girls were: TOP ROW (l-r): Peggy Kapchin- ski, Anne Ferris, and Debbie Hamilton. BOTTOM ROW: Sherrie Nesch, Sharon Mobley, Kathy Smathers, and Rita Villarreal. I Jay Ward waits for his pitch. Kenny, you're supposed to slide in feet first! Ronnie Morgan attempts a suicide squeeze bunt. The Tiger Bench. 141 J.V. Holds Its Own; Ends With 5-5-1 Season Steve Mann throws one of his deadly curves. Steve Waters attempts to score another run. Leo Fernandez steals third. The J . V. had a fine season this year. Above is the bench and do they look interested! 142 r r I The Tern Coonrod, Gena Me: Tommy ~ ring. Co~ ---- .......... ~ ,j.:... ...... .' Cissy Gel team. Tennis Team Ties for District The Tennis Team Members are: BOTTOM ROW (l-r): Robbie Benton, Helen Marquis, Cissy Gerlow, Janet Coonrod, Roger Schink, Mark Tollison, Allen Fredrickson. MIDDLE ROW: Jane Miller, Lee Ann Hoover, Gena McMullan, Margaret Wythe, Manha Lambert, Lola Fares, and Fa Fares. TOP ROW: John Vastano, Tommy Schaffer, Mark Davis, Richard Hoover, Jim Nance, Bob Randall, Peter Hoeve, and Chris Geh- ring. Coach Horace Schaffer coached the team. Cissy Gerlow was voted Most Valuable Player by the team. Lee Ann Hoover and Margaret Wythe captured the District Doubles Championship. 143 Getting some advice from the coach. Jim Nance and Mark Davis prepare to play. t--~__ Cissy Gerlow gets ready to let one fly. 144 Gena McMullen won district singles. .. -- Jane Miller waits for Fa Fares to serve. Competition Strong in First P.E. Field Day This year the boys and girls p. e. classes participated in the Bicentennial Field Day. Mrs. Potter and Coach Anderson, with the help of the student teachers, were instru- mental in organizing the day's activities. Top Winners - Randy Broxton and Nancy Wiener Students gather for Bicentennial Field Day. Tough competition in 100 yard dash. Top winners in each event pictured with medals. 146 Anne Green competes in broad jump. 220 lbs. of TOUGH! RICARDO AL VEREZE MARGARITA AULT DAVID BAGNALL ARNOLD ASHBURN ASHRAF AYOUB RANDY BARNES MARY BEA TRAND Pool Shark? 149 CHARLEE BLACK STEVE BOYD PATRICE CALVERT KA THY BECK MARIELLA BLASINI JAMES BROWN MIKE CARR SHARON BERGUM JEFF BORISKI SANDRA BROXTON REGGIE CARR I say it's a comma fault. 150 r U] l ~ DOUC DAVr i l Up your nose with a rubber hose! ., DOUG CHESTER DA VID COMSTOCK CLYDE CLARK KAREN COPP PAT CARTWRIGHT LUCERO CERVERA SHERRlE COBB YVONNE COTE ANTONIA CAST ANON JAMES CHAMBERS BILLY COCHRANE RICHARD COX 151 LINDA DAILY L YNELL DIVIN KAREN EIMANN ANNE FERRIS IRENE DAVIS MIKE orVIN MALA FARMER BRENDA FORD SANDY DECHIRO PAULA DOUGLAS CINDY FEAGAN PAUL FREDERICKSON JULIE DIECKERT KAREN DUNKIN SARA FELDMAN JOHN GARDNER 154 f " ~ i GLE] KEN CLA JOEI l Mia and T. J. head for KBTX~TV where Mia appeared weekly on Town Talk to report the latest happenings from CHS. ~ I 1 ! r . ~ GLENDA GATES KENT GENT CLA Y GLAISYER JOEL HALL KEITH GENT. ELIZABETH GERLOW PHIL GOUGLER DEBBIE HAMIL TON MARTIN HAAS BILL HARPER ROBERT HAENSL Y CHUCK HAYES J I 155 R( The last time. . . LA WRENCE HEAD HAROLD HORNE KEVIN JACOBS BRENDA JESKE STEVE HENSEL BRENDA HONEYCUTT BEVERLY JANAC KAREN JOHNSON LARRY JOHNSON RANDALL JOHNSON KEI 156 J . . ever I saw your face. KEITH KUTTLER LISA KUVLESKY TIM JONES HAMP KEAHEY RENEA KOEHLER BILL LANDY MARK JUNEK KEITH KLA TT ALLEN KUNZE CURTIS LARD I . 157 BILL LELAND WANDA LUEDCKE CHRIS McBRIDE CRAIG MEADE MARI LENTSCHKE KAREN LYDA DEBE McCANDLESS DENNIS MEADE DONNA LENZ KEVIN MANNING MARTY McGRAW BRENDA MITCHELL LARRY'LISENBE MINETTE MARTIN VICKI McMILLAN SHARON MOBLEY J 158 TI EL P.A GARY MOODY SHEREE NESCH KARA O'CONNOR Ready for the flood? TERRY MORGAN KEITH NICHOLS MARK PAINTER ERIC PEARSON . 159 JENNIFER PHILLIPS CHRIS POWELL BOB RANDALL TOBI PLEDGER ROBERT PRATT LARRY RAWLS SUSAN POPE DEBBIE QmTT A JOHN REID MELISSA PORTER MIKE RAMSEY CHRIS SAUL Stage Band performs during pep rally. 160 JC JC BI Cc DANNY SCHULTZ DONNY SIMPSON TOM SMITH Couldn't I please have my pen back? & ANN SEABACK LESLIE SLUDER GEORGE SPAIN CAROLYN STEEN SCOTT SCHAFER KRlS SMATHERS LORENA STANCIL PHILLIP STEEN 161 We've got to stop meeting like this! PAT THOMPSON JOHNNIE TOWNSEND OTHA VAUGHN BECKY TIPPITT MARTY TUCKER PAM WADE 162 JAMES STORRS NELSON SUROVIK KEN STOVER MARGARET THOMPSON ---- I I -\ Birdie and the Beast. T.]. CARl PAUl SHEF ( 1 l ~' T. J. WAINERDI CAROL WARLICK PAUL WHITT SHERR! WILLIAMS CA THLEEN WALDON MIKE WATKINS BRETT WHITTEN BRUCE WOODS MILTON WALLER TIM WEINER BRENDA WILLIAMS RODNEY ZALOBNEY r I & .~~~. 163 Karen Abenh Danny Alexander Jerry Anderson Becky Bagnall Bonnie Bates Cindy Benton Terry Benton Patty Bergum Steve Bertrand Karl Blanchard Chris Boatwright Steve Boatwright _ Mark Boller Patricia Boone Walter Boone Debra Boren Bill Boswell Debbie Botsford James Bowman Bruce Brenton 165 Denise Brown Damon Buffington Michelle Burns Meg Bury Towana Calhoun Rebecca Callaway Jay Carlton Louis Castanon Dennis Chester Betty Cochran David Cole Charlotte Cooper John Cooper Teresa Cooper Dale Cox Julia Crawford 166 ,---:--- I' . .'-~I=O Might as well make a funny face! f Nancy Creagor Katy Daily Ruth Daron Kris Das Kenny Davidson Susan Davila Mark Davis Mike Davis Donna Dayhoff Kenny Dean John Deloech Mark Dixon Tina Dodd Mike Dooley Dianna Dotson Mike Douglass Linda Dove Donna Dunlap Mike Earl Harold Eaton 167 Ann Echols Roben Elkins Ed Elliot Pris Files Vivian Fredricks Agnes Flowers Bill Forehand Jaqui Freund Brenda Froebel John Fry Greg Gammon 168 - ~ 'i ~ D " ~. ~ .- ~ Ii u '~ :1 .. I!' 4 (' U H I " i Paul Gardner Rick Garrison Chris Gehring Jean Glover Bill Green Mark Griffin Tom Haensly Wall y Harwood Dale Hayes Calvin Heard Wes Hecox 169 HoneyBee Hewitt Lydia Hernandez Eddie Hill Lea Hill George Hilton Elizabeth Holmgreen Kate Holt Charlotte Hopson Dana Hottel Debbie Hudson Susan Honeycutt Richard Ilcken Jeri Hanzen Karie Jensen Johnny Jimenez Bill Johnson Cheri Johnson Michal Johnson Candy Jones Britt Juliff 170 ) '. ~ ~ J Cir t 1 J 1 I -1 ~ ~ i t t I I Cindy Mahoney Mark McCulloch Well, hello, handsome! Peggy Kapchinski Cynthia Kay Laurel Keese Melissa Koldus Virginia Koppa Mike Kramer Steve Kramer Martha Lambert Millie Landy Elizabeth Lawhon Karen Lewis Steve Lewis Manha Lofgren Julie Longbrake Russell Luedke Tim Lyda 171 Robbie MacGrady Gena McMullan Karen Mallett Helen Marquis Kim Mayo Marian Maxwell Sylvia Medina Keith Merrifield Sandy Mohr Ronnie Morgan Roben Morgan Kevin Mollett Stephen Monroe 172 Who, me? I just can't make it to the showers. I'm a weirdo! . and then SHE said . Linda Mullens Karen Olree Vincent Plazzo Dwayne Parsons Kathy Pettit Mark Pantel Cindy Pierce Diana Phillips Amy Plapp Mike Posey Treny Ramirez Randy Ray John Redman Desi Richardson 173 Becky Roe Susan Rogers Mark Sandel Sandy Sandstedt Scott Saunders Tommy Schaffer Gail Schmidt Mark Schneider Julia Scott Walter Scott Silvia Sims Bill Sloan ~ Doug Small Kathy Smathers Bobby Smith Brad Smith 174 So you think you're funny, huh? .-- ) ) ) I I'll ~ I s I Rememl McDona: r t , t I'll be glad when this is over. .. Remember Old McDonald? Dale Smith Gala Smith Robbie Smith Dean Spannegal Lauren Stacill Starla Steen Lisa Stephens Julia Sua w Bobby Sua wn Mark Symons Debra Thomas Craig Thompson 175 Linda Thompson Tolly Thompson Tcherlindra Townsend Sarah Treybig Maynard Tucker Scott VanCleave John Vastano Eddie Velasco Rita Villareal Keith Wade Tommy Wade Ricky Wagner Kathy Waldon Deborah Wal:ershied Necia Watson Wesley Wayland Cheryl Wetherbee Don Weihs Carla Whittaker Polly Wiese 176 r .. ",.. ~ oil" ,J,' Deborc1 Joe Wilborn Buddy Wilson Regina Worsham Margaret Wythe Deborah Zalobney They say that the best pan of an argument is making up! Were you whistling at me? Is it true that all redheads have tempers? ~ I'm a dark! 177 Robin Da vid Tammy Alexander Jana Anderson Karen Anderson Paul Arbuckle Georgia Arhopulos Faye Arnold Paul Bassett Cindy Beck Rosemary Behrens Morey Bevers Donald Blavier Liz Boles Kelly Boughton William Bouse Shawn Bovey Robin Bowman David Brown What are you doing tonight, Mr. Hamilton? 179 Randall Brown Trudie Brown Claude Brusse Chris Bryant Lanette Buffington Laura Burnett I juggle and do card tricks, too! Kim Caldwell Donny Calvert William Carr Jo Ann Chambers Kim.Chmelar Chet Churchill Laurie Clark Richard Clark Pat Clarke Jane Cluck Mana Coleman Thomas Coleman Lesa Colson Ron Conklin Janet Coonrad 180 Ricky Cooper Sarah Copp Barbara Cox Tina Cox Becky Covington y.~ Dirk Crawford Wayne Crenshaw Kyle Cunningham Alexandra Datshkousky Olen Daugherty Rhonda Dawson Deborah Davidson Bina Davis Jerry Dayton Sally Donaldson Paula Dooley Sheryl Dunn Annette Eaton Tammy Earhan Roben Earle Photographic memory? 181 Kitty Elissalde Darryl Elliott Peter Elliott Phillip Fann Lola Fares Peggy Featherston Barbara Ford Derrick Ford Craig Forehand Diana Forstner John Fossum Mary Fredricks Betty Freeman Glen Fryxell Bob Garner Pat Garrison Roben Gougler Tamara Gresham Karen Griffith ~<athy Hall 182 Skoal Brothers? ~;; .- , IfII' fill" '; ~ , r ,... I f -r t' ~ I r-- Autographs with a cast attached? Kathy Hancock Holli Harper Kim Hart Mike Harville Ella Heads Leah Hardcastle Terri Harris Robena Hartman Paul Haugen John Hennigan Debbie Harmel David Han Annetta Harvell Brenda Hays Jimmy Hirsch 183 I I Peter Hoeve Janeen Holland u A Dana Hoover I Greg Hostetler Travis Hughey ,1.1 .c(' , a Robert Hunter I Doug Hutchinson .. Cale Jacobs Lynn Johnson II Margaret Johnson ) .. Reginald Johnson Charles Jones Deborah Jordan Billy Junek , Vincent Kapchinski !l ~ 111 ill II Andria Keahey A Chip Keeley . Debbie King ~ Leslie King .. Janice Kluszczynski .. I Faith Kuvlesky Jack Lamkin Bobby Leeth Julie Lewis Geanne Longbrake 184 , .. ~ r I H A t '!I -~---- .t t H Kim Loveless I Kevier Luedecke A Sandra Luedke Susan McDaniel I Will McGill ~ '0/ I II .- ~ U Tom McGraw Patricia McIe Cindy Mace D Karen Mackinnon J Steve Mann tor La wrence Martinez Elizabeth Matous Kent Metzen J Randy Miller Dennis Mobley r u I Shoalah Moghaddam Lisa Moore ~ Mike Moore Emmy Morrison ... Ross Naugle 0 II n Thu Hong Nguyen Robert Ondrasek \ Colette Osoba tt Mary Palazzo ,. Mike Parker ill H n oJ 185 Camillia Payton Jean Peteete Diana Pf annstiel Mindy Pierce Billy Pratt Nancy Pedulla David Pettit Randy Pharris Susan Po menta Linda Preston Larry Peterson Menielle Petty Robert Phillips Carlton Powell Carla Price Vincent Kapchinski "soups up" his micro- scope. r:-~ I wanna go home! ~ Kim Pri Mark R( Belinda Linda S James S 186 t t l i f I 7 'J { 4 ,,",' / ~ Kim Priesmeyer Mark Robeck Belinda"Scott Linda Smethers James Stancil Carolyn Pritchard Mark Rodgers Debbie Scott Levern Smith Bruce Steen Teri Richardson Peter Schorn Terry Smalley Eddie Stafford Mark Stoddard Chris Ramsey Jeff Rowe Tim Scott Steve Smith Hugh Stearns Glenn Richards Mike Sayers Derrik Shyrock Terry Smith Scott Stewan Nancy Redman Karen Sackett Howard Shoemake Sue Smith Chris Stephenson 187 I . ! . . I ~. ..........- Average well-mannered sophomores at CHS! Anne Stoner Connie Tenorio Laura Torres Terry Stover Billy Thayer Bill Toth Kevin Stroud Joyce Thomas Derrick Townsend Scott Sutphen Mike Thomas Pam Vinzant Lisa Sweet Rudy Tobias Sherry Wade 188 ~ J j Colin Tom F t . 1 ! , ~ .~ Caught in the act! . ~ \ Colin Ward Tom Wilkes Steve Waters Mark Williams Kenny Watkins Chip Willis ':t Debbie Wagner Paul Waldon Debbie Warden Nancy Weiner Debbie Yeager James Wainerdi David Walker Sr..arla Wallace August Wenck Diana Zalobny 189 Chris Alclair Debbie Alexander Terry Alexander. Betty Allen Karen Anselmi Nader Ayoub Da wn Azbile Billy Baldwin Michelle Barco Teri Barnes Steve Barry Jim Beard Veronica Beasley Dan Beltrand Barbara Benton Ronnie Benton Alex Bilinski William Billot Sharon Blavier Teri Boatwright Karen Boriski Mark Bouma Earl Bowerman Debbie Boyett Thomas Boykin Beverly Brown Randy Broxton William Burkhalter Lori Byrd Joyce Calhoun 191 Jeff Calver Martha Campbell Sally Canto Debbie Carr Brian Casey Betty Castanon Dennis Chavalier Jerry Chevalier Da vid Clark Keith Clark Lois Clark Christy Claycamp Dwight Cobb Robert Cockrane Tommy Cochrane 0, Kenny Cole Gladys Colemon Randy Cooper Andrew Daily Charles Daily Duane Daily 192 I Say, huh? Alphonsl John Glo Alphonso Genty John Glover Take THA T, and THAT, and THAT! Leslie Daron David Dawson Toni Dawson Tricie Dayhoff Donna Denmark Bridget Duane Drew Dunlap Stewart Echols Daniel Elisalde Erika Elkins Scott Elliot , Kathy Eppes . Terri Etheridge Fa Fares Sharon Feldman David Fleeger Laquitta Ford Nettie Franko Allan Frederickson Diane Garner 193 Susan Glover Nannette Goforth Ann Greene Paul Groot Ted Gross Roben Guajardo Craig Hanks Rocky Harmel Scot Harris Henry Harwood Walter Hawkins Da ve Hazen Mike Hedrick Mark Hill Dale Hodges Raenell Hogan Merdie Hollie Tony Hollie LeeAnn Hoover Richard Hoover Lori Hottel 194 r ~I So there really is something under all that hair! --- l t ( ~ . , Jay Hughey. Jeff Hutchinson LouAnn Jacobs Beth Jennings Brad Johnson Holly Johnson Jill Johnson Ricky Johnson Jackie Jones Terry Jones Dwayne Kavanaugh Beth Kay Virginia Keown Ann Kluszczynski Cindy Koldus Karla Konzan Mike Kunz Charles Kunze Brad Lancaster Kenneth Lancaster Ernest Landy David Lawson Mary Jane Lay Mark Lenz John Lewis Vicki Lewis Ann Logan Sonny Lusk Jackie Luther Tuan Anh Luu 195 Pam Mace Gary Manning Janet Manning Kurt Marbecz Angie Martin Pat Martinez Coy Mayfield Tim McCollogh Laura McConnel Robert Mead Teresa Medina Tommy Merchant Jane Miller Todd Miller Linda Minnix Lori Mohr Randa Moore Chuck Morgan Kathy Morgan John Moss Michelle Neeley Terry Nesch Hoang Oahn Nguyen Jennifer Noe Sandy Noey Luther Olden Tommy Parker Susan Parris Rocky Path Lisa Patterson .J I'm supp minutes? i I'm supposed to play Billy Jean King in 30 minutes? Ted Paxton Bobby Perkins Sheila Perryman Jean Person Carol Phillips Becky Pledger David Putz Brett Ramsey Melissa Ray Andrea Reed David Roberts Debbie Robertson Allan Robinson Marion Robinson Missy Robinson Susanna Rodgers Katy Rollins Melissa Rowland Elyse Roebeck Chuck Ruesink Susan Sandel 197 Carla Sandstedt Mike Saul Todd Shafer Roger Schink Ellen Schorn Debbie Scoggens Beth Scott Brad Scott Mary Scott Jennifer Seeger Lisa Shankles Susan Shankles Larry Shoemake Melanie Sieland Phil Sikes Dick Simmons James Slowey Darren Smith Katherine Smith Kriste Smith Matt Smith William Smith 198 Two is company, three is a crowd! !'l l' David R< ketball g .; 11111' t'illlW~J ~ David Roberts watches first Intramural Bas- t ketball game. ) Curtis Spradling Kathy Steen Rhonda Steen Mark Story Steve Stribling Greg Stroud Darcie Symons Jill Teer Brian Thatcher Chenea Thomas Jackie Thompson Sharon Thompson Mark Tollison Anna Torres John Turner Susan Vastano Alice Villareal Penny Von Roeder 199 Rosa Waldon Sandra Waldon Beverley Walker Suzanne Waters Linda Watkins Ricky Watson Lisa Wetherbee Alice Whitley Cody Whitten Timothy Widdison Carla Wiese David Williams Doris Williams Mike Williams Travis Williams Robin Wilson Ronnie Wilson Rebecca Winstead Renny Winstead Kelly Wyatt 200 ALL IN THE FAMILY! Administration Fred Hopson Superintendent of Schools ... -..........-.... - \ "~, H. R. Burnett Director of Curriculum Peggy Crittenden Public Info. Officer " "'" .J. Olie Grauke Director of Finance . The Members of the Board of Education are: SEATED (l-r): Mr. Lambert Wilkes, secretary: Mrs. W. E. Donald- son, president; Mr. William Lancaster, vice-president. STANDING (l-r): Mr. Charles Hensarling, Dr. Jon Botsford, Dr. Bruce Roebeck, and Dr. Joseph Natowitz. 202 Robert ( Principl 1 Jim FOIl Asst. PI Agnes E Recepti J ... 'f ~ Robert Caskey Principal " ~ Jim Foreman Asst. Principal ~ t Agnes Baker Rece ptionist i Allen Denton Counselor ~ Teresa Browning Secretary. " II Who's the birdbrain? Referrals take it all out of you. Joe Wiese Counselor Robin Raska Secretary ..._-~~ - .............. Valeria Goodwin Coun., Psychology Viola Westbrook Registrar .. All we have to do is peel the potatoes. 203 Athletics lIP dlJ Mrs. Goodwin you know you can't out eat him. James Giese Track, W. Geo. Sorry, the number you dia- led has been disconnected. Sue Kennedy, Volleyball, W. Geo., Physical Science Charles Pullen Track, Math Robert Mcleroy Athletic Director Larry Linder, Basketball. Eco. Am. History Dicky Williams Football W. His. --- Mac Anderson Golf, Boys P.E. Rhonda ( English ) Charlotte Potter Girls P.E. Etta Con English ~ .-- Wayne Wylie Health, Boys P.E. 204 No problem, I've only lost trnee fingers. 1 . ~ Pick on somebody your own size, Coach. He] F f I English ~ f But Mr. Bassett, I'm gonna be discovered. Rhonda Cavender English Judith Comstock English . ) ~ -.-1 Etta Connell English Marsha McCord English James Dennis English, Drama Patty Parker English 5 .J Sandra Parker English 11 I .... -~ 1 ' Betty Rivers English .fi f$. I) Hey FOOL, you're going the wrong way. If my mommy were here, she'd show me how. 205 Home Economics Foreign language Photo Journalism Pam Gilmore, Child Dev., Home and Family Life Rita Dunnam German George Hamilton Photography Thay Owens Home Econ. I and II '_iio. Linda Whitworth French, Spanish Celeste Moore Journ. I and II, Eng. .. .: Rowena Reed Home Econ. I Kitty Worley Spanish Barbara Ward, Journ. III, Eng., Speech You don't say? 206 I know the basket is around here somewhere. r 1 J An Brig Basketb, Elan. , , ~ ,J ,.....:1 _"l- . '" Grace K AIgb. II , ~ J Helen PI An J J r ~ ~ An Bright, Girls Basketball, Algb. , Elan. Mary Hirsch Algebra I and II ~ f r ~ Grace Kieffer Algb. II, Trig. Mary Leland Geometry Art i J t I j I Helen Perry An Jo Nell Thomas Art The straw and George. Math Pat Jones Physics, Algebra \:': I'm teaching Ag. and she's teaching boys P. E. ? The faculty meeting is that bad, huh? 207 Science Mike Barber Biology Did you turn it in? I won't tell. Business J ~ I Marsha Tiggs, Typing I, Accounting Dixie Woodell, Typing I and II, Shorthand 208 Not all coaches are susceptible to pocket-itis. ~ ~ Ca therine L/LD Penny Pat Services, James Bassett P,hy. Sci. , Algb. \,," Ken Morgan Zoo., Bot., Bio. Diane Schwede Bio., Eng. Barry Wilkerson Chern. , Phy. Sci. Checking out the Christmas decorations? ~ Catherine Foley L/LD Penny Pattee, Special Services, Ma t~ Mary Haney Librarian Carolyn Whitten VAC Do you have any last requests? Ural Olcheltree Special Servi?es Rosemary Luscombe Asst. Librarian Special Services Is this a stare-out contest? Music James Matheny Choir Charles Maxwell Band Mrs. Parker practicing Transcendental Medita- tion. 209 Vocational Louis Bond Woodshop Ooh - Don't you dare! Social Studies Ben Delamater History 210 Harriet Sperry History Oneida Hensley Government Have a nice day. Vernon Files Dist. Education Richard Johnson Drafting Robert Kruse Ag., Ag. Coop. Janie Harris HECE .. --,' ... Next year I'm going to give two question tests. -- -J C ~ Mr. Morgan leaves his cage! Senior Index ADAMS, MARGARET FRANCES 1. Choir, Powder Puff, Track, Pep Squad, FCA, Tennis, Jr. Division District Doubles Champ 2. Choir, Powder Puff, Track, FCA, Track Duchess at C.S Relays, Tigerland Turntable 3. FA C, FHA Pres. , Class Sec., NHS, Tigerland Turntable 4. Class Sec., NHS Sec., Who's Who Among Amer- ican High School Students, Tigerland Turntable Capt. ALLEN, BRENDA JOYCE 2. FHA 3. Black Awareness ASHBURN, ARNOLD MAX 1.. Football, Track, Industrial Arts 2. Track, Industrial Arts 3. Student Council, Industrial Arts Pres. 4. Student Council Parliamentarian, Industrial Arts Pres., Bank of A & M Scholarship, Who's Who Among America.p High School Studenp; A UL T, EMMA MARGARIT A 2. Spanish ClUb 3. Spanish Club See ...,.Student Council, NHS 4. Spanish Club, NHS, Kiwanis Essay Award 4th Place, Honor, A. ward Sweater- AYOUB, ASHRAF A EL-KADER 1. Track, Industrial Arts 2. F ball, Industrial Arts District~ Most Valuable tter, Industrial Arts Capt., All-District, trial Arts . .. track, 1st GhaU:Percussion I, 1st G . nt, Powder Pu~rler. 2. CrdSs COu?tpr,Track, Powderftlff Queen Nomi- 3 .~~~ss~"cOJl;try/~tterfi;S *$a:p'- ish Club 4. Tiger Mas Club, NH America of the Mo. , BA~~~c,e ~DY BASSETT, PETEE ANDREW BEA THARD , CLYDE BEATHARD, .MARY JANE BECK, KATHLEEN ANN 1. Band, Honor Roll, Honor Choir, FT A, Dram Speech 2. Band, District and Region, Honor Roll, Hono Choir ch B , Solo and Ense and and Typing ontest, Honor NHS o and Ensemble aduate, D , Drama n" Speec 4. Band, Medals, Ho Scholarship, Hon Play, Musical "The .See., NHS, Salutatorian BENTON, CATHERINE A. BERGUM, PATRICIA ELLEN 1: Band, Quill and Scroll 2. Band, Quill and Scroll, French Club 212 4. French Club, Quill and Scroll, Who's Who Among American High School Students, French Award, Three Year Graduate BERGUM, SHARON ELIZABETH 1. Spanish Club, Art Club, Tennis, Honor Roll 2. Spanish Club, Art Club, Tennis, Honor Roll 3. Spanish Club, Art Club, Tennis, Honor Roll, NHS, Who's Who Among American High School Students 4. Spanish Club, Art Club, Tennis, Honor Roll, NHS BERRY, TAMARA SUE 1. CIC High School, Ya leader, Stud6nt' Staff, Spani "Wizard ,2 2. CICHi ' NHS,( Lad SIl t' MAHONEY, CIN 4. FHA, HERO Graduate MANNING, KEV 1. Industrial Art 2. Spanish Club Favorite 3. Spanish Club, MARTIN, MINE 1. Tennis, Pep 2. Basketball, T Puff 3. FCA, Basket American Hi ., ... , J ... rack, Band, Basketball, Industrial A.Jts and, Cheerlead ltib... J der, Band"~ ICIA ANN d Place in Baylor Science Fair igerland Staff, Three year Graduate NNA , KARA ANN h Club, Lion's Biology Award h,~,NHS, Who's Who Among American Scliool Students , Honor Graduate R, JOHN MARK -City Orchel a, All-City Band, Band ge Band, B ll-City Orc1W a nd, District , Region TER, ON ndustr lub, Drafting RSON, E YNN Football, Track, Student Council Track, Student Council RKINS, JACK EDWARD HARISS, DONNA KAY Band FTA S~a 4. D.r~tna Club,,'A1IIMan C "\:I~~OHN LESLIEC BELL ~ ~r. Basketball "t:h :-1't'rlfting.~J. V. Bask 3. DrMtinB , ... " V. Ddtbhng " ~CKETT, K'AREN ", ~ 'Id, ~ol!, French -Club, ~Debate Society, ecn @lub, Drarya Club, Photography Club, L De&l'e and memdQraneous Speaking, All- stricVBa'nd, All- Regm'n BSd 2.. dent Coun cii' ,B, and, De.batl's...ociety, Speech C , Band Cou il ' ll-Distric~ Band, All- R n Band, Fr c ub, Enrichrnent Program, rational T sp 1St Division UlL Ensem- ~ ~Tryo SA U tl.E~CH R SCH SEPH,F 1. F, nhandlll'A~ 2~ FFA, ter Farm 3. FF A Chapter Farme 4. FFA Chapter Farmer SCHULTZ, DANIAL CLAY 1. FF A, Band, Honor Roll . Band, Honor Roll DE . DE SEA BACK , ANN MARIE 1. Westchester High School, FH 2. FHA 3. DE 4. DE-Sec. SHAFER, CARL SCOT DARLA SHRYOCK SIMMONS, JOSEPH MI 3. Spanish Club 4. Spa' SIMP 1. 2. 'lled, .. Thes- At BASKIN-ROBBINS We Make People HAPPY! 2500 Texas COURTE'A Sebring ,,~.. ;'~..i~ .' ~ Phone: 823-7217 3808 Old College Rd. 220 ,-- I 'f111J[!)JlJ1]J!n <<~" "Your Fashionable Specialty Shop for Todays Woman" , BOUTIQUE Fashions in Sizes 3-20 Adidas Complete ..... ". " * Cardeum ops ...... < @ T (713) 8~ Everything for Indoor or Outdoor Gardening. . . from . Plants to Accessories. See Our Large Selection of Gifts! I HARDY IJ GARDEN:~.:< .~ ~~....)\~.r 1127 Villa Maria - Bryan - 846-8319 2301 S. Texas - College Station - 693-0913 , The Dandylion - Manor East Mall - 822-1822 MARTIN LEISSNER, JR., '54 O~NER To the Super Seniors of 1976 Compliments of BRYAN ORTHODONTIC LAB, I Ne. 2400 Broadmoor WYATT'S SPORTING GOODS C~~-ijeJu .s~ 505 University Dr. - Phone 846-6715 College Station, Texas 77840 .c~ (k~.or-~ M?S..~-\k ~ ~ IndiviclUa~!t ~ ~;Mr~:DseRsOOM Adidas Shoes Converse Shoes Tiger Shoes Puma Shoes @ MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY Town & Country Center. 3731 E. 29th (713) 846-4708 Bryan, Texas In the Brazos Valley 9~(~l(, GWings ~ _ Bg~~~ GIFT - la6hionJ For Women and Children 205 SULPHUR SPRINGS ROAD BRY AN, \EXAS 77B01 Means oCe~le,. j Callawa'J - Jone" FUNERAL DIRECTORS Downtown Villa Maria (713) 822-3717 3001 S. College Ave. 221 ~T~m~u~~e:~~;l;~:N II Pier 11mporlS BJ =-- [....1 ~ ._!J ;; ~ GIFT SHOP I Associa te The decorator idea store. Suite 404 - Fed Mart Shopping Center ~ Fed Mart ~ Phone: 404 Fed Mart I 713-846-7877 College Station Texas A venue - Custom Boot Makers I - Complete Shoe Repair Service A&M Since 1891 3725 E. 29th 846-1148 Town & Country Center Porto-Pep and Portage Shoes Men and "Big Boys" (Sizes to 14 Available At the Manor East Mall JUSTIN BOOTS LEA THER GOODS HOLICK'S BOOT SHOP Nonh Gate College Station 846-6721 WELLBORN GROCERY AND FEED Skate at POOH'S PARK Windland's Farm Products Purina Chows Shooting Gallery Golf Bumper Cars Groups and Parties Wellborn, Texas 693-6669 Skate at 4:30 Micheal and Elaine Hensarling 222 Congratulations to the Class of 1976 REDMOND TERRACE PHARMACY 1402 Texas A venue South 223 ,...-- ) Op Arthur' Barber Allen Kunze, Tobi Pledger, Arnold Ashburn Recognition A ward Recipients Courtesy of ~ BANK OF A & M ) Compliments of TOM'S . PANT SHOP 823-8213 To The Seniors of '76 With The Spirit of "76" 800 Villa Maria Bryan - College Station Fashion leader BROWN'S SHOE FIT COMPANY LONE STAR GAS .W~ 822-1239 Downtown Bryan 224 Phone 846-8130 (Appointment If Desired) ..?' ~ Hi MOOH I 4 &.i NC DONAL REDMOND TERRACE BARBER AND STYLING SHOP U Open Tues. Thru Sat. 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Arthur Vinzant Barber 1408 Hwy. 6 South College Station, Texas Since 1947 "Your Station" lUilDl[l~~0 We do it all for You! I II I I 846-8920 801 University A Friend of A & M Consolidated WH EEL Quality Bikes and Repair Service WORLD SCHWINN@ 225 Recovering Repairing Styling Fabrics and Vinyls ~ , LOUIS KAPCHINSKI UPHOLSTERY Free Estimates THE A P. O. II 2202 Texas Avenue S. College Station, Texas 77840 Phone: 693-7073 NEWS, OFFICE SUPPLY NORTH- GATE Complete line of School, Office and Architectural supplies SPIN-IN ( 226 1802 Welch Mr. & Mrs. G. E. Manning 502 H. W. 30 Mr. & Mrs. C. Stewart Pickup and Delivery MADELEY'S PHARMACY liT 334 Jersey; Southside ~4c J\&2IDl ~nitca 2IDlctqnbist Jarisq 417 UNIVERSITY DRIVE COLLEGE STATION. TEiXAS 77840 THE A & M UNITED METHODIST CHURCH P. O. Drawer BE - Phone 846-8731 THE A & M UNITED METHODIST WESLEY FOUNDATION P.O. Drawer K - Phone 846-6014 Bob E. Waters, Minister - Director Larry J. Grubbs, Campus Minister - Program Director Roy B. Shilling, Minister of Evangelism ~- I - liThe Church At The Heart of College Station With All of College Station at Heart" 227 , .' ~ ,.;> ,~ Expert Raquet Restringing 415 University Drive College Station, Texas Bulova and Seiko Watches 846-5816 Watch and Jewelry Repair HOOVER'S TENNIS SHOP EMBREY'S JEWELRY 332 Jersey Phone: 846-9733 Southside Shopping Center Keepsake~ Traditional Wedding Rings 717 University Drive College Station, Tex. 77840 Phone (713) 846-7714 IftPOI\TS'" ~AN5~ !rctTrK.4 ]pen '~i7rzc!.aij"'5attl.rdtzJ /0:00 -7:oC 140'!J lLn/ver6d'j f}r ~-02'23 COMMUNITY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSN. Would Like to Wish the Seniors of "76" Good Luck SUZY'S At the Mall MANOR EAST MALL Phone: 822-5477 Open 228 ..- \..- , '\. . v~~ "', .. ,A.,.,~..__ - IX' j See Us for Your Tuxedo .Rentals for the PROM! G~ntleman's Quarter Formals Open..Mon. -Sat. 9:00-6:00 846-1021 or 846-1706 229 1!{uth's l~ashions 3616 E. 29th "Where Fashion Begins" Compliments of BANKS OF BRAZOS COUNTY CLEARI NG HOUSE ASSOCIA TION BANKOFA& M 411 Highway 6 South 846-5721 v.- -.V! I 0"4 f CITY NATIONAL BANK FIRST BANK & TRUST "'''''''' ij .,:-t t' . . 301 South Texas A venue 823-5402 101 North Texas Avenue 823-8031 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 120 North Main 823-5471 UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK 711 University Drive 846-8751 SAK-N-PAK VILLAGE CASUALS , 208 Jersey 846-3404 Get the clothes for the life you lead at VILLAGE CASUALS Owners: Johnnie and Charline Junek Bl Manor East Mall 230 Congratulations to the Seniors of 1976 THE BOSWELL COMPANY ~ I~- _~I ~ BOSWELL Bryan, Texas 77801, U. S. A. Telephone (713) 846-3781 Post Office Box 4047 1720 Barak Lane General Contractors 231 ,~J S. Congratulations to the Class of 1976 340C t U II ,. 1800 S Hw , In! U 8 n II UNIVERSITY NATIONAL , BANK f; ~I I "On the Side of the Tigers" ill n ~ ~ 232 .... 1 ~ ~ t ~ M H ,0 n H ,II H It p .) STAR II FURNnuRE 3400 EAST 29TH 0 BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 I ~ Open 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. Sat. till 6:00 p.m. ,I 'il 1 ~ 1..(~1 '4..~1 '1~" I ~ Je .. " .. ( I .. H ~ '4- ~LOWERS 919 TEXAS AVENUE BRYAN, TEXAS PHONE 822.14S8 822.2631 DAIRY PALACE Thanks; ~ 1800 S. Texas Ave. Hwy. 6 & 30 Intersection ~ 846-4701 Patrice, Minette Charlotte, Julia Lauren, Susan P. Laurel, Sherrie Ann, Susan H. Bootie, John Debbie .. MIKE MISTOVICH", r BUSINESS MACHINES ... .a[!Ja.~.~rJD~. rn(JDfJm..ODf3fJD ....fJD[:][!JO... '. fJ 0 ~ a [:] il f) a [;) [!] [!] [!] " U II J To the Seniors Compliments of MORGAN CAMPER SALES 2717 South Texas Ave. C.S. '76 . . . .a great year and a great class in "T1GERLAND" Good luck and best wishes to the graduating class. The EA OLE The exciting newspaper serving Bryan/College Station and the Brazos Valley. Since 1946 $INC~~46a:1IA (j)~ i/- COLLEGE STATION Southside and Redmond Terrace The Greatest Name In Do-Nuts Coffee 3310 S. College 233 Congratulations to Our Seniors Thanks Advertisers Dean Barton Richard Cox Susan Doerge Mala Farmer Anne Ferris Joel Hall Harold Horne Tim Jones Curtis Land, Jr. Karen Lyda Michael Ramsey Lynn Scoggins Scott Shafer Carol Ann Warlick The TIGERLAND Staff, the students, and fac- ulty, extend our very sincere thanks and appreci- ation to you as an advertiser in the 1975-76 year- book. It is our hope that you, as advertising patrons of ours, will reap a harvest of increased business and better profits as a reward for being a friend to all of us at A & M Consolidated High School. We would like to remind parents and other school patrons that our advertisers make it possi- ble for you or your child to HAVE a yearbook. We can return this favor by trading with them. Advertisers, again we. wish to thank you! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of College Station TIGERLAND ST AFF , Winners of the Kiwanis Monthly Citizen Award 234 ) ~ We Celebrate the Past in the spirit of seventy-six There was an enormous force which strengthened the colonies, which exists today, and which has carried America through its great history. That force is known to us all to be the ~~Spirit of '76. " What was that spirit - and indeed what is that spirit? .. ........... .. -- - - ..-.. -. , . ....... - , It is a SPIRIT OF LIBERTY and the knowl- edge that one man's freedom is more important than anything else on earth. ------ - >; It is the SPIRIT OF OPTI- MISM of knowing that we can always make things better - of working only for the best, and expecting, only the best. y ';-11'<:::"".':.': .. < ,"',. .. ~"I'>-' ~~~ '.JI"""'~.-J '~., ~. .~r: .,~.JI, .,. !i"""",A ',.' ,J"" ..... ll:'-;:l-~ 'j ~!,,,p.;',, A- I'~~ I~",":~f&- .,,'-..1 ,..;. ~ ....-., ./'". .- ~.,-A , Iii" __ i- ., _4''''''. ...... ;,t..,r - f-:.t~ 2:':: ~......~ ;:,.::r::.;' J; ._iJJ ~ ...... , n_'" _91 ...-.:,,' ~ I' <;)~~~ ~'Y f ~ ~ . ~ ~oo~ .r~ ~~.;a "-'" ~~ +0 ...~ ",,' ". _~ ""',..~ ~,v '" ~ _"'"v .....,+, ..,...' 0..::0. .,......"'< .+.' " ~.~ .......",:."'. .~ ...", ~,.. c'~~ ,.' :+-"',~~;t.,J" r5 .",,,:,,,,,. ~~' . ~.~'\,;~ fi ....,.... ,.,;'" ~~ ",\ .;;,' ...... ~~. ,.,...\.\....... 1'" .J,;. .d~ ..?i ~t I:':/-:fl-"-' ./I..".;. #If' ,.....-1'; A~ ". {.-" '" .;Ii. .;;--7 f' , ...., j ".._ ;(;_~. -r. .;t>. - l' .n... ,~, '-, ---'"iJ . __~h _-" .... Hi......; .,.- ,^" ....~;;! i.~ ....:.- E';"~.I." .~,. "i-"f!" .....v ..--' ... ? 1'::J,..J.....I.........2 -:'.,1..- .-' ... . U""~ .", ..._Ai /iii.")' ... .......-.- "7'/4 ...~ r" .- .-J ~ .,.. ~ ,../.,....~.-.. -~,.~..:-.#. .'~ .~.., .J--Ez:.~.~ - ~ 1:__ ~~J&:' /"J-..t -#1 #... ~'" .- - -J - ~;;::..~7~~, ~:-.w ~:M''''-'1' ~:t: '-:-E - ~:_lf.. ,. ./"'~ -' ~,_, '~~.L..,j .,..- '''''.'7;- .- .;;4 ....-j; t ; k,.... IJ,..-"-" Jl. ::1/;" ~~-J ...,:......;,,"'r... ... ..II- ~ .,.,I--....I/lh..,,..- -:-',t.JI.~~~-"'I-~'~ J.....-.~"'" of . ____ _ '....... .. ..//1- - ~.: ~_..u . :!l-~. ., ,..,-!;;:;r.kt-r ' .... 'l'"P,.,..r J,.........H-....J.lI,w.:t ~.~ "~r- ,-._ <I...~ ~.-'... I -" -1':;". '...:..rr-.".- ~ .J.JI_M '.-.I..:p:::;~" ~,~;;!..; ."" -'~.~&;t-lll ~...c.""'I" . It:'<--.~ . .. .....1t;:'.,I.I~..:; "... ~ I .. 't I . - r --- -~- Ii! ! I iflli .,. if It is the SPIRIT OF DIf41B ~~."' fiI# 1 of;wall~wi:rig ev~ryn\lin hisowri view a:u.d his dtstibctive ~ays and ~f tqlerating Ih~, differences ill '., &I of the society. · " ""~Q* ;),01\ . .",~ . . ~ i - .' ftl' , '\" \ ' \. '.~ - . :"":\~~: ~tu~1l , \ t- i\. . ,,".. laM \ !{b;i. :"' ,l ~ '.'~ . .1 ,_'':~ '-.., .. .{\~ '. 'jB'''''i~ ':d Ii! \. George Washington John Adams Benjamin Franklin Alex Thomas Jefferson Alexander Hamilton J ames Madison John Hancock \' ( It is the SPIRIT OF INDIVIDUALISM - acknowledging a birthright of opportunity and freedom drawn from the strength of our fathers. It'-~~~""" ~~~t ,n., 1"" . ? 1. :; ".'e ~ -.. ... .... :,if.~ I . i t , J I I t I \ I I ! ~ , Indeed the ~~SPIRIT OF '76" was, and is, many things, each of which has been a building block of our national greatness. Our country grew on that spirit and prospered on that spirit. W hen all else fails it is that spirit that will be there to guide us and keep us strong. :, .: Autographs .l~ \ I 1r t I I I -ll' I ~ I I t I '., r ~ 't 'I ,I.<, . i ~ ~ 4' ". .,' II 'i ""~ " ,~ -'- I , .i ,~, I I , I I I I ~ I .' . I . . . 1 ' ! 9.. . . .. - ~ .. T., .~ ',I. , .- I".' , G'- . ;-' E ~.i.. ,.",,-,. . ~. R ;~'. ,.;' . L.,' A~. ., ,N.:' '. .~, " D~ r ,., . .:~ t;-~" , 'vo: ~ ,., " , 3,'